Included in this guide:
• Native Flower Fractions worksheet
• The Native Flower Garden coordinated grid
worksheet and map
• Blank garden map coordinate grid
Additional Ideas:
• Create bar, line, or pie graphs from information
in the booklet, such as by color or size
• The fractions worksheet can instead be done for
• Draw a garden given a set area or perimeter.
How many ways can it be done?
• “Create your own story problem” in groups or
individually, trade and solve.
Included in this guide:
• Choose 3 plants for pioneer garden prompt
• Design Your Own Native Flower worksheet/
writing prompt
Additional Ideas:
Go on a nature walk to look for native owers
• Go on a sensory scavenger hunt. For example,
“nd a plant that feels soft”.
“Dissect” a ower to talk about the parts of a
• Keep a plant journal - sketch the plant they see
and write down what, where, and when they
saw it.
• Use crayons to make rubbings of leaves
Native Flowers of Indiana
Resources, Ideas, and Teaching Suggestions
Thank you for your interest in the Common Native Flowers of Indiana booklet. The booklet was designed
with grades 3-5 in mind, but will be found enjoyable by readers of all ages! This guide is intended to be used
in conjunction with the booklet and contains web links to additional resources, ideas that can be imple-
mented in and out of the classroom, and lesson ideas for ELA, Math, and STEM. Please feel free to share all
materials with anyone you think might enjoy them. Further free materials and booklets can be found on my
website at Enjoy!
Included in this guide:
• Writing a Native Flower Cinquain
• Comparing Native Flowers venn diagram
• Design Your Own Native Flower worksheet/
writing prompt
• Two blank writing prompt worksheets
Comprehension Worksheet
Vocabulary Worksheet
• Vocabulary Quiz
Writing Prompt Ideas:
Imagine if all owers were 20 feet tall. Describe
what life would be like.
Write about your favorite native ower.
Imagine you were a ower for a day. Describe
what the day would be like.
Write a poem titled, “If I were a ower...
• Write a letter to your local parks department to
persuade them of the importance and need to
plant more native owers in your local parks.
• Write a story titled, “The Special Flower”
Additional Literature Connections:
• The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
• Trees Leaves, Flowers and Seeds: A Visual
Encyclopedia of the Plant Kingdom by DK,
Smithsonian; isbn: 9781465482426
• From Seed to Plant by Gail Gibbons; isbn:
• Harlem Grown: How One Big Idea Transformed
a Neighborhood by Tony Hillery; isbn:
Additional Teaching Resources
Contact your local county Purdue Extension ofce to see about having a master gardener come talk to
your class.
• The Indiana Native Plant Society has an informative website as well as sponsors “Letha’s Youth Out-
doors Fund”, which provides nancial support for educational trips to experience nature for school and
non-prot youth groups.
• Don’t print the cover and instead buy “seed paper” and have the students create their
own cover for the book. When done, they can plant the cover and it will grow owers!
Native Flower Cinquain
A cinquain is a poem that follows a ve-line pattern. Choose a ower from your Common Flowers of
Indiana booklet and use what you learned to write a cinquain about that ower.
Choose a Flower
Write a Cinquain About Your Flower
1. What ower did you pick? ______________________________________________
2. What are some adjectives that describe the ower? ______________________________
3. What are some things the ower does? _____________________________________
4. What makes this ower special? __________________________________________
5. What do you like best about this ower? _____________________________________
6. What are some synonyms or words that relate to owers? _________________________
(ower’s name)
(two adjectives describing the ower)
(three action words)
(four-word phrase about the ower)
(synonym or related word)
Native Flower Cinquain
Comparing Native Flowers
(ower 1)
(ower 2)
Design Your Own Native Flower
A native ower is important to the environment because it can provide food or shelter
for birds, animals and insects. Design your own native ower in the box below, then
describe your ower and what makes it an important part of the environment.
Design Your Flower:
Describe Your Flower:
Name: _____________________
1. Which ower looks like it is bleeding when you cut its stem or a leaf? _______________
2. Which ower can be used to treat pimples? _______________
3. Which ower will gold nches perch on to eat its seeds in late summer? _______________
4. Which ower is used to make insect repellent? _______________
5. Leaf-eating insects and animals don’t like the smell of what? _______________
6. Some plants have sticky hairs growing on their stems. Why? ________________________
7. Some plants have hairs inside their owers. Why? _______________________________
8. Why are the leaves of some plants splotchy instead of a solid color? ___________________
9. Before it was a state, Indiana was covered in plants. Why is it not anymore? ______________
10. Why are native plants important to the environment? _____________________________
Native Flowers of Indiana
Comprehension Worksheet
Native Flowers of Indiana
Vocabulary Worksheet
1. ____ An underground stem that grows outwards
from the parent plant and grows new roots
and new plants.
2. ____ The female part of a ower that traps pollen. It
is usually hairy or sticky.
3. ____ A leaf that has several different parts
connected to a single stem.
4. ____ A thick, sticky substance that some plants
make. It is much thicker than normal sap.
5. ____ A group of tiny owers and their rays that
appear to be a single ower when looked at
from a distance.
6. ____ Plants that are naturally found in an area.
7. ____ A swollen part of the stem formed underground
by some plants to store nutrients for the winter.
8. ____ The parts of a compound leaf.
9. ____ The male part of the ower that makes pollen.
10. ____ A kind of ower that looks like a ower petal.
A. compound leaf
B. corm
C. ower head
D. native plants
E. leaets
F. pistil
G. ray
H. resin
I. rhizome
J. stamen
Match the denition to the vocabulary word.
Native Flowers of Indiana
Vocabulary Quiz
Name: _____________________
1. The parts of a compound leaf:
A) leaets
B) corm
C) ray
D) stamen
2. A group of tiny owers and their rays that appear to be a single ower:
A) rhizome
B) native plants
C) compound leaf
D) ower head
3. A kind of ower that looks like a ower petal:
A) ray
B) stamen
C) corm
D) ower head
4. A leaf that has several different parts connected to a single stem:
A) compound leaf
B) resin
C) leaets
D) pistil
5. The female part of a ower that traps pollen. It is usually hairy or sticky:
A) stamen
B) pistil
C) corm
D) ray
6. A thick, sticky substance that some plants make, thicker than normal sap:
A) ray
B) stamen
C) rhizome
D) resin
7. The male part of the ower that makes pollen:
A) pistil
B) rhizome
C) resin
D) stamen
8. A swollen part of the stem formed underground by some plants:
A) compound leaf
B) rhizome
C) corm
D) stamen
9. An underground stem that grows outwards to grow new roots and new plants:
A) pistil
B) rhizome
C) ray
D) resin
10. Plants that are naturally found in an area:
A) native plants
B) ower head
C) stamen
D) leaets
Native Flower Fractions
1. What fraction of the owers in the Common Flowers of Indiana
booklet are purple?
2. What fraction of the owers attract butteries?
3. What fraction of the owers can grow over 3 feet tall?
4. What fraction of the owers like to grow in the shade?
5. You nd a dozen black-eyed susans growing in a garden. What num-
ber is 1/4 of the owers?
6. While walking in the city park, you nd a crimson-eyed rose mallow
plant that has 15 blooms on it. What number is 1/3 of them?
7. You notice 9 swamp milkweed plants growing in a ditch by the side of
the road. What number is 2/3 of them?
8. You visit a orist to buy owers for your mom. The orist has a dozen
purple coneowers. You ask to buy 3/4 of them. How many did you
9. A farmer has goldenrod growing in his eld. He gives you 12 of them.
You give 3 of them to your teacher and then give 1/3 of them to your
mom. How many owers do you have left?
10. Create your own fraction problem.
1 5
Fire Pink
Blue False
The Native Flower Garden
The Native Flower Garden
1. Aster __________
2. Bloodroot __________
3. Blue False Indigo __________
4. Fire Pink __________
5. Goldenrod __________
6. Plant a Black-Eyed Susan at (8, 4). Label it BES.
7. Plant a Purple Coneower at (4, 3). Label it PC.
8. Plant a Buttery Weed at (1, 2). Label it BW.
9. Plant a Mountain Mint at (9, 7). Label it MM.
10. Plant a Foxglove Beardtongue at (3, 8). Label it FB.
You have decided to plant a native ower garden to attract and provide food for bees
and butteries throughout the seasons. You have already planted some owers, but
would like to plant more. To assist you with your design, you have created a map of
your garden. List the ordered pairs for each existing plant, and plot the points on the
coordinate plan for each ower you will plant.
List the ordered pair for each ower below:
Plot and label the following points:
1 5
The Native Flower Garden
Imagine you are a pioneer in the land that will one day become the United States of
America. You live in the wilderness in a log cabin. You are going to plant a garden, but
can only afford three types of owers. What native owers do you choose, and why?
Native Flowers of Indiana
Answer Key
Comprehension Worksheet
1. Bloodroot
2. Wild Bergamot
3. Purple Coneower
4. Dense Blazing Star
5. Mint
6. To keep crawling insects from eating it.
7. The hairs gets caught on the hair of an insect, causing the stamens to bend and stick their pollen onto
the insect.
8. The splotches help hide the plants in the dead leaves of the forest oor from hungry, color-blind animals.
9. Growing cities have had to clear land so we can have places to live, and farmers have had to clear even
more land so they can plant food for us to eat.
10. Native plants are good food and shelter to wildlife. They are also used to the weather, so we don’t have
to water or fertilize them very much.
Vocabulary Worksheet
1. I
2. F
3. A
4. H
5. C
6. D
7. B
8. E
9. J
10. G
Native Flower Fractions
1. 8/20 (2/5)
2. 16/20 (4/5)
3. 13/20
4. 4/20 (1/5)
5. 3
6. 5
7. 6
8. 9
9. 6
10. Answers will vary.
Native Flower Garden
1. (6,2)
2. (5,6)
3. (7,8)
4. (2,6)
5. (1,7)
6. see map
7. see map
8. see map
9. see map
10. see map
Vocabulary Quiz
1. A
2. D
3. A
4. A
5. B
6. D
7. D
8. C
9. B
10. A
1 5
Fire Pink
False Indigo