Page 1 of 5Financial Regulaon Fraud, The, Forgery, and Convicons Reporng Form 07/2023
This Reporting Form has been issued by the Commissioner of Financial Regulation pursuant to COMAR The full text of COMAR is printed on the last page of this Reporting Form;
please review it carefully.
This Reporting Form may be used by regulated persons reporting pursuant to COMAR; it
may also be used by persons not regulated by the Commissioner to report alleged acts, or suspected
acts, of fraud, theft, or forgery, or convictions, of persons regulated by the Commissioner.
Instruc tio ns:
This is a fillable PDF form which means you may complete and sign this form electronically. If you decide to
complete the form manually, please print the form, print your information clearly and sign your name.
This is NOT an online form; you must submit your report by one of the means listed below. Be sure to
sign (electronically or manually) and date your report.
Deliver your completed report form and relating documents by one of the following methods:
Attention: Enforcement Unit
Office of Financial Regulation
1100 North Eutaw Street, Suite 611
Baltimore, Maryland 21201
Appointments are available to hand-deliver documents or for virtual
meetings with Financial Regulation staff. To schedule an appointment
online, please visit the Office’s online scheduling system.
Use the following fax number 410-333-0475
(Please mark your fax to the attention of the Enforcement Unit).
Page 2 of 5Financial Regulaon Fraud, The, Forgery, and Convicons Reporng Form 07/2023
Part I. Information Regarding Individual Filing Report (“Reporting Individual”)
Financial Regulation
Fraud, Theft, Forgery, & Convictions Reporting Form
Your Name
Mr. Ms.
Home Phone # Cell Phone # Work Phone # Fax #
Street Address City State Zip
Name of Regulated Business (if applicable):
Address of Regulated Business (if applicable) City State Zip
Before you submit or mail your form:
Proofread the information you have provided and make sure it is correct. Enclose copies (NOT ORIGINALS) of
documents that relate to your report. Please make sure to sign and date the form.
Part II. Suspected Acts of Fraud, Theft, or Forgery
The Reporting Individual shall provide the information requested below relating to the Reporting Individual’s
discovery that a suspected act of fraud, theft, or forgery has been committed by a regulated person, or any owner,
director, officer, member, partner, employee, or agent of a regulated person (including the Reporting Individual),
or has reason to believe that such an act been committed.
Identify the regulated person, or owner, director, officer, member, partner, employee, individual, or agent of the
regulated person who committed, or is believed to have committed, a suspected act of fraud, theft or forgery:
Date of Report
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Descripon or nature of the suspected act of fraud, the or forgery: (Aach addional pages or documentaon if necessary)
Name Title
Address/Locaon City State Zip
Date on or about the regulated person, or owner, director, ocer, member,
partner, employee, individual, or agent of the regulated person, commied, or is
believed to have commied, the suspected act of fraud, the, or forgery:
Date of the Reporng Individual’s discovery of
the suspected act of fraud, the, or forgery:
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Descripon or nature of the convicon: (Aach addional pages or documentaon if necessary)
Signature of Reporng Individual Date
Part IV. Signature
This Reporng Form is led pursuant to COMAR The Reporng Individual reasonably believes that the informaon
contained herein is true and correct and the Reporng Individual took reasonable steps to verify its truth and accuracy.
Part III. Report of Convictions
Name Title
Idenfy the regulated person, or owner, director, ocer, member, partner, employee, individual, or agent
of the regulated person, who was convicted of any felony, or of a misdemeanor involving fraud, the, or forgery:
Address/Locaon City State Zip
Date that Reporng Individual
received knowledge of convicon
Date of convicon
Descripon of sentence/nes/restuon
Court which rendered verdict Case name and number
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Part V. Text of Regulation
A. Duty to Report.
1. Except as provided in §E of this regulaon, a regulated person shall submit a report to the Commissioner within 30
business days aer the person discovers that an act, or has reason to believe that an act, of fraud, the, or forgery
has been commied by a regulated person, including the person, or any owner, director, ocer, member, partner,
employee, or agent of a regulated person.
2. Except as provided in §E of this regulaon, a regulated person that is, or that has an owner, director, ocer, member,
partner, employee, or agent that is, convicted of any felony, or of a misdemeanor involving fraud, the, or forgery,
shall submit a report to the Commissioner informing the Commissioner of the convicon within 5 business days from
the date on which the regulated person receives knowledge of the convicon.
B. Contents of Report.
1. A regulated person subming a report pursuant to this regulaon shall ulize the reporng form prescribed by
the Commissioner.
2. If it is determined aer the submission of a report that informaon contained in the report is false or otherwise
inaccurate, the regulated person that submied the report shall be considered to be in compliance with the reporng
requirements of this regulaon if the regulated person reasonably believed that the informaon was true and
accurate at the me the report was submied and the regulated person took reasonable steps to verify its truth and
C. Nondisclosure of Report. A regulated person subming a report to the Commissioner pursuant to this regulaon
may not disclose to any person that is a subject of the report the existence of the report or that the report has been
submied to the Commissioner.
D. Reports to Law Enforcement Authories. Except as provided in §E of this regulaon, a regulated person that
discovers that an act, or suspected act, of fraud, the, or forgery required to be reported pursuant to this regulaon
has been commied, the regulated person shall report the details of the incident to the appropriate law enforcement
E. Excepons. The provisions of this regulaon do not apply to a bank, savings bank, trust company, or credit union
having a branch that accepts deposits in this State.
“Regulated person” means an individual, corporaon, business trust, nancial instuon, estate, trust, partnership,
associaon, two or more persons having a joint or common interest, or any other legal or commercial enty that is
subject to the regulatory authority of the Commissioner pursuant to Financial Instuons Arcle, or Commercial Law
Arcle, Annotated Code of Maryland. COMAR
COMAR 09.03.10 .02 Reporng Fraud, Other Violaons of Law, and Convicons.