2014 Oce of Early Learning VPK Learning Center Acvies: Alphabet Knowledge
AK1: Leer Arc (Adaptaon of P.003)
Alphabet Knowledge
AK1 Leer Names
Leer Arc Benchmarks: F.3b
The child will gain speed and accuracy in leer recognion.
Uppercase Leer Arc (Acvity Master) - Copy of cardstock (enlarge 200 percent) and laminate.
Set of uppercase leers (e.g., plasc for foam)
Extension: Uppercase Paral Leer Arc (Acvity Master), Lowercase Leer Arc (Acvity Master), Lowercase
Paral Leer Arc (Acvity Master), Set of lowercase leers (e.g., plasc or foam)
Aer teacher introducon, children match leers of the alphabet to the leer arc.
1. Place the Leer Arc and set of leers on a at surface.
2. The child chooses a leer, names it (e.g., “P”), and places it on the corresponding leer on the Leer Arc.
3. Take turns repeang the acvity aempng to match all leers.
4. Self-check.
Adaptaons and Extensions
Start with a few leers that have been learned. Work up to the full alphabet.
Complete the other arcs (uppercase paral and lowercase arcs).
Match lowercase leers to the uppercase arcs and uppercase leers to the lowercase arcs.