Tracking Number Requ ester Received Dat e Due Date Status Exempt ions Us ed Final Dispos ition Clos ed D ate Original Description
Michael Ravnitzky 11/7/2022 ########## Closed Partial G rant/Part ial Deni al 1/18/2023 A copy of the records indicating the Estimated Completion Date for FOIA request DOI-ASIA-2019-000216.
Ms. Mariah Thompson 4/6/2023 5/8/2023 Clos ed No Records 5/31/2023 In this FOIA request— "Documentâ€
means any records, letters, emails, correspondence, noti ces, reports, papers, documents, or other written materials of any kind and in any format (hard copy, electronic, or otherwise); “UKBâ€ means the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma; the UKB Corporate Board; the United Keetoowah Band Gaming Commission or any other United Keetoowah gaming-related enti ty; and/or any agent, attorney, or other person or entity acting on behalf of either the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma or the United Keetoowah Corporate Board or the United Keetoowah Band Gaming Commission or any other United Keetoowah gaming-related entity, or acting on behalf of all or any of them; and “ASIAâ€ means the Office of the Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs, United States Department of the Interior. Requested Documents: Reques
Ms. Mariah Thompson 6/8/2023 ########## Clos ed No Records 6/14/2023 In this FOIA request— "Documentâ€
means any records, letters, emails, correspondence, noti ces, reports, papers, documents, or other written materials of any kind and in any format (hard copy, electronic, or otherwise); “UKBâ€ means the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma; the UKB Corporate Board; the United Keetoowah Band Gaming Commission or any other United Keetoowah gaming-related enti ty; and/or any agent, attorney, employee, or other person or enti ty acting on behalf of either the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma or the United Keetoowah Corporate Board or the United Keetoowah Band Gaming Commission or any other United Keetoowah gaming-related entity, or acting on behalf of all or any of them; and “ASIAâ€ means the Office of the Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs, United States Department of the Interior. Requested Document
Mariah Thompson 1/26/2023 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 2/21/2023 In this FOIA request— "Documentâ€
means any records, letters, emails, correspondence, noti ces, reports, papers, documents, or other written materials of any kind and in any format (hard copy, electronic, or otherwise); “UKBâ€ means the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma; the United Keetoowah Corporate Board; the United Keetoowah Band Gaming Commission or any other United Keetoowah gaming-related entity; and/or any agent, attorney, or other person or entity acting on behalf of either the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma or the United Keetoowah Corporate Board or the United Keetoowah Band Gaming Commission or any other United Keetoowah gaming-related entity, or acti ng on behalf of all or any of them; and “ASIAâ€ means the Office of the Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs, United States Department of the Interior. Requested Document
Mr. Russ ell Fertitta 6/7/2023 Clos ed Fee-Rela ted Rea son 7/17/2023 Goo d morning – I would like to request the J&A for the sub ject line award. Some more information about the award: Agency ID: 1436 Award ID: 140E01 23F00 77 Solicitation D ate: 04/11/2023 PoP Start: 05/04/20 23 Best regards, Russ ell Fertitta
Mr. Zac hary Z iegler 1/19/2023 ########## Ass ign ment D etermi natio n “I am seeking further information on the Federal Indian Boarding School Initiative ( I would like further details about former school locations within Arizona than are given in the 'Official List and School Summary Profiles' or the 'School Maps' links on the above-mentioned webpage. Address, GPS coordinates or parcel #s would work fine. Please contact me if the data is in another format. Digital transmission via email is preferred over physical mail. This request was originally filed with the Bureau of Indian Education (FOIA case number DOI-BIE 2023-001665), and a denial reply referred me to the Office of the Assistant Secretary – Indian Affairs.
Murphy Woodhouse 5/5/2023 6/7/2023 Clos ed Other 6/1/2023 Goo d afternoon! I am writing to request any spreadsheets or similar docu ments maintained by the DOI's Indian Arts and C rafts Board or other DOI bod ies that detail complaints about su spected or alleged violations of the Indian Arts and Crafts Act - as well as any enforcement or other actions taken in respon se to such co mplaints - from 20 18 throu gh the most recent month available. It is my strong preference that any responsive spreadsheets, tables etc. be provided in a .csv or other similar format. Many thanks ! Sincerely, Murphy Woodhou se
Dani elle N M ont ague Bey 7/7/2023 8/7/2023 Clos ed Full Grant 7/14/2023 Needing a copy of th e letter dated April 25th 2023, from the director of the office of federal Acknowledgement to Chief of Staff/ Head of HR Danielle Montague Bey. I understand it's 3 pages.
Amber Va ska 5/9/2023 6/9/2023 Clo sed Full Grant 7/10/2023 Can I get a copy of th e FY 2021 Tribal Enrollment Collection, which is referred to in the May 5, 20 23 Dear Tribal Leaders letter regarding Small Tribe Supplement. Quyana, Amber Vaska
Gary DiP iazz a 3/2/2023 4/5/2023 Ass ignmen t D etermin atio n I would like to request all the enrollment files that were submitted from 199 4 till 2023 on behalf of Petitioner #146 also known as the Grand River Band also would like to Request any scrapboo ks or notebooks submitted by Prisc illa Kelsey DiPiazza
Cully Williams 2/8/2023 ########## C los ed No Records 4/3/2023
To Whom It May Concern: Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request the following records: I'm looking for any docu ments that pertain to the management of the award money from United States v Sioux Nation of Indians. Just abo ut one year ago, I submitted this request via DOI-ASIA-2022 -001 908 and th at request was incorrectly closed. While I hold that the former request was denied incorrectly and I still have standin g for litigation, I would like to provide BIA the opportunity to han dle my request without further escalation. The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes. In th e event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not. Thank
Ben Fen ner 6/12/2023 ########## C los ed No Records 6/13/2023 As more fully described in attached, this request seeks a pdf document entitled FY2010 Health and Human Services Subcontractor Exclusion. Also as noted in attached, this reques t was previously submitted to Health and Human Services and the Interior Business Center. Neither agency provided any responsive documents. Instead, we were instructed to submit our request to the DOI.
Brend a Lewis 10/3/2022 ########## R esearc h Rec ord s Any and all documentation associated with the acquisition of the Bureau of Indian Affairs or Bureau of Indian Education Dormitory located in Ramah New Mexico. Documentation should include, but is not limited to Civil Action 4164. Additionally, any correspondence between the defendants Marvin and Joan Lewis and the D OI, BIA, BIA Branch of Plan Design and Construction, BIE, or Local Dormitory officials between 1952 and 1990.
Emily Schwing 4/28/2023 ########## Initial Evaluation I am requesting information regarding the itinerary, travel schedule, passenger manifest and complete line-item budget and how it was paid, for AS-IA staff travel to Alaska in April, 2023. This request should include but is not limited to costs associated with the following personnel: Bryan Newland, Wizipan Garriott, Maria Wiseman, Rose Petoskey, Jennifer Robinette and Raina Thiele
Sarah Murray 6/7/2023 ########## Cl osed Ex. 4 Par tial Gran t/Partial Denial 7/12/2023 We request all fee-to-trust applications and requests for two-part determination pursuant to 25 CFR Part 292 for gaming submitted s ince April 1, 2023 in the State of Wisconsin, as well as any documents submitted supporting such application and/or request for two-part determination pursuant to 25 CFR Part 292 in possession of the AS-IA office or the Office of Indian Gaming.
Emmerson Donnell 4/3/2023 Cl osed Improper FOIA Request for Other Reasons 4/4/2023 Any copy of any communication circa March 31, 2023 from the United Nations (including but not limited to any Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing or on the rights of Indigenous peoples) to the United States State Department (including but not limited to the Permanent Mission of the United States to the United Nations and Other International Organizations in Geneva) regarding Nooksack Tribal affordable, low income, or tax credit housing issues or related international human rights concerns.
Mr. Emmerson Donnell 4/19/2023 ########## Cl osed Ex. 6 Par tial Gran t/Partial Denial 5/9/2023 Any copy of any communication circa March 31, 2023 from the United Nations (including but not limited to any Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing or on the rights of Indigenous peoples) to the United States State Department (including but not limited to the Permanent Mission of the United States to the United Nations and Other International Organizations in Geneva) regarding Nooksack Tribal affordable, low income, or tax credit housing issues or related international human rights concerns.
Kevin Bogardus 1/6/2023 2/6/2023 Clo sed Oth er 1/10/2023 I request the following records from Dec. 1, 2022 to Jan. 1, 2023: 3. I request all records concerning Freedom of Information Act request logs maintained by your bureau/office. The FOIA logs should detail the request’s control number, the date it was received, who made the request, what company or organization they were from and the request’s subject. Please consider each numbered bullet point a separate FOIA request, with each requiring its own control number and response.
Kevin Bogardus 1/6/2023 2/6/2023 Clo sed No Records 1/10/2023 I request the follo wing records from Dec. 1, 202 2 to Jan. 1, 20 23: 4. I request a list of “s pecial government employees†(SGEs) employed by your bureau/office. A SGE is an agency employee that performs temporary duti es, with or without compensati on, for not more than 130 days during any period of 365 consecuti ve days, as defined in 18 U.S.C § 2 02. Please consider each numbered bullet point a separate FOIA request, with each requiring its own control number and response.
Kevin Bogardus 2/3/2023 3/7/2023 Clo sed Oth er 2/7/2023 I request the following records from Jan. 1 to Feb. 1, 2023: 3. I request all records concerning Freedom of Information Act request logs maintained by your bureau/office. The FOIA logs should detail the request’s control number, the date it was received, who made the request, what company or organization they were from and the request’s subject. Please consider each numbered bullet point a separate FOIA request, with each requiring its own control number and response.
Kevin Bogardus 2/3/2023 3/7/2023 Clo sed No Records 2/7/2023 I request th e following records from Jan. 1 to Feb. 1, 20 23: 4. I request a list of “ special government employees†(SGEs) employed by your bureau/office. A SGE is an agency employee that performs temporary duti es, with or without compensati on, for not more than 130 days during any period of 365 consecutive days, as defined in 18 U.S.C § 202. Please consider each numbered bullet point a separate FOIA request, with each requiring its own control number and response.
Kevin Bogardus 3/3/2023 4/3/2023 Clo sed Oth er 3/7/2023 I request the following records from Feb. 1 to March 1, 2023: 3. I request all records concerning Freedom of Information Act request logs maintained by your bureau/office. The FOIA logs should detail the request’s control number, the date it was received, who made the request, what company or organization they were from and the request’s subject. Please consider each numbered bullet point a separate FOIA request, with each requiring its own control number and response.
Kevin Bogardus 3/3/2023 4/3/2023 Clo sed No Records 3/7/2023 I request th e following records from Feb. 1 to March 1 , 2023: 4. I request a list of “special government employees†(SGEs) employed by your bureau/offi ce. A SGE is an agency employee that performs temporary duti es, with or without compensati on, for not more than 130 days during any period of 365 consecuti ve days, as defined in 18 U.S.C § 202. Please consider each numbered bullet point a separate FOIA request, with each requiring its own control number and response.
Kevin Bogardus 4/10/2023 5/8/2023 Clos ed Other 4/12/2023 I request the following records from March 1 to April 1, 2023: 3. I request all records concerning Freedom of Information Act request logs maintained by your bureau/office. The FOIA logs should detail the request’s control number, the date it was received, who made the request, what company or organization they were from and the request’s subject. Please consider each numbered bullet point a separate FOIA request, with each requiring its own control number and response.
Kevin Bogardus 4/10/2023 5/8/2023 Clos ed No Records 4/12/2023 I request the following records f rom March 1 to April 1, 20 23: 4. I request a list of “ special government employees†(SGEs) employed by your bureau/office. A SGE is an agency employee that performs temporary duties, with or without compensati on, for not more than 130 days during any period of 365 consecutive days, as defined in 18 U.S.C § 202. Please consider each numbered bullet point a separate FOIA request, with each requiring its own control number and response.
Kevin Bogardus 5/5/2023 6/6/2023 Clo sed Oth er 5/9/2023 I request the following records from April 1 to May 1, 2023: 3. I request all records concerning Freedom of Information Act request logs maintained by your bureau/office. The FOIA logs should detail the request’s control number, the date it was received, who made the request, what company or organization they were from and the request’s subject. Please consider each numbered bullet point a separate FOIA request, with each requiring its own control number and response.
Kevin Bogardus 5/5/2023 6/6/2023 Clo sed No Records 5/9/2023 I request th e following records from April 1 to May 1 , 2023: 4. I request a list of “special government employees†(SGEs) employed by your bureau/offi ce. A SGE is an agency employee that performs temporary duti es, with or without compensati on, for not more than 130 days during any period of 365 consecuti ve days, as defined in 18 U.S.C § 202. Please consider each numbered bullet point a separate FOIA request, with each requiring its own control number and response.
Kevin Bogardus 6/2/2023 7/6/2023 Clo sed Oth er 6/7/2023 I request the following records from May 1 to June 1, 2023: 3. I request all records concerning Freedom of Information Act request logs maintained by your bureau/office. The FOIA logs should detail the request’s control number, the date it was received, who made the request, what company or organization they were from and the request’s subject. Please consider each numbered bullet point a separate FOIA request, with each requiring its own control number and response.
Kevin Bogardus 6/2/2023 7/6/2023 Clo sed No Records 6/7/2023 I request th e following records from May 1 to Ju ne 1, 2023 : 4. I request a list of “special government employees†(SGEs) employed by your bureau/office. A SGE is an agency employee that performs temporary duties, with or without compensation, for not more than 130 days during any period of 365 consecutive days, as defined in 18 U.S.C § 202. Please consider each numbered bullet point a separate FOIA request, with each requiring its own control number and response.
Kevin Bogardus 7/7/2023 8/7/2023 Clo sed Oth er 7/13/2023 I request the following records from June 1 to July 1, 2023: 3. I request all records concerning Freedom of Information Act request logs maintained by your bureau/office. The FOIA logs should detail the request’s control number, the date it was received, who made the request, what company or organization they were from and the request’s subject. Please consider each numbered bullet point a separate FOIA request, with each requiring its own control number and response.
Kevin Bogardus 7/7/2023 8/7/2023 Clo sed No Records 7/13/2023 I request the follo wing records from June 1 to Ju ly 1, 2023 : 4. I request a list of “special government employees†(SGEs) employed by your bureau/office. A SGE is an agency employee that performs temporary duties, with or without compensation, for not more than 130 days during any period of 365 consecutive days, as defined in 18 U.S.C § 202. Please consider each numbered bullet point a separate FOIA request, with each requiring its own control number and response.
Anthony Broadman 7/5/2023 8/2/2023 Ass ign ment D etermin atio n
July 5, 2023 . Please send this request to: OFFICE OF INDIAN GAMING ( OIG) 1849 C Street, NW MS-3657- MIB Washington, DC 20240 fax: 202.27 3.3153 phone: 202.2 19.406 6 and to: Sage Wagner Acting FOIA Coordinator Bureau of Indian Affairs North west Regional Office Division of L and Titles and Records 91 1 NE 11th Ave, Portland, OR 9 7232 s [email protected]ov Ph. 503- 231-6 754 Sub ject Matters: • The Coquille Indian Tribe’s request (the “Fee to Trust Requestâ€
) that the United States accept title to approximately 2.42 acres of land and improvements (the “Subject Propertyâ€) located in the City of Medford, Oregon, adjacent to the northeastern boundary of Highway 99, between Charlotte Ann Lane and Lowry Lane. • The Coquille Indian Tribe’s request to the Office of Indian Gaming (“OIGâ€) for an opinion that, or OIG’s consideration of whether, the Subject Property qualifi
Keegan B ord eaux 7/18/2023 ########## Initial Evaluation I’m trying to obtain a copy of two different records in your office’s possession. Both records were mentioned within the “Proposed Finding Against Acknowledgment of the Grand River Bands of Ottawa Indians†published by the AS-IA’s office on February 22, 20 23. The two records I’m looking for were referred to as “Grand River Bands of Ottawa Indians: Certification o f 2022 Membership Listâ€ and “BIA Enrollment List1â€ at footnote 50 on page 7 and page 81. The requestor is a federally recognized tribe named the Little River Band of Ottawa Indians.
Shannon Banks 11/9/2022 ########## Clo sed No Records ########### I am a journalist reporting on the ethical standards of handling human remains and cultural artifacts in archeological studies and development projects. I request the following records: â— Any and all written submissions from indigenous people received during consultation on amendments to regulation under the Native American Graves Protecti on and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), as described in this pres s release (see attached document). I am a freelance reporter and a student journalist at the University of California, Santa Cruz. This request is made for the purpose of gathering news, not for a commercial use. If this reques t should be addres sed to any other component of the DOI, please let me know. Please provide these records in electronic format, such as PDF files.
Kevin Bogardus 1/6/2023 2/6/2023 Clo sed Ex. 6 Parti al Grant /Partial D enial 1/20/2023
I request the following records from Dec. 1, 2022 to Jan. 1, 2023: 1. I request all records concerning all logs of correspondence that record letters from members of Congress to your bureau/office. The logs should detail the correspondence’s control number, the date it was received, what congressional office sent it and its subject. Please redact constituents’ names and other personal information detailed in these logs in order to expedite this request. 2. I request all documents related to your bureau/office’s employees' ethics waivers in resolving financial conflicts of interest. These documents are maintained by federal agencies and are released to the public upon request under 18 U.S.C. 208. 3. I request all records concerning Freedom of Information Act request logs maintained by your bureau/office. The FOIA logs should detail the request’s control number, the date it was received, who mad
Kevin Bogardus 2/3/2023 3/7/2023 Clo sed Full Grant 2/7/2023
I request the following records from Jan. 1 to Feb. 1, 2023: 1. I request all records concerning all logs of corres pondence that record letters from members of Congress to your bureau/office. The logs should detail the correspondence’s control number, the date it was received, what congressional office sent it and its subject. Please redact constituents’ names and other personal information detailed in these logs in order to expedite this request. 2. I request all documents related to your bureau/office’s employees' ethics waivers in resolving financial conflicts of interes t. These documents are maintained by federal agencies and are released to the public upon request under 18 U.S.C. 208. 3. I request all records concerning Freedom of Information Act request logs maintained by your bureau/office. The FOIA logs should detail the request’s control number, the date it was received, who made the re
Kevin Bogardus 3/3/2023 4/3/2023 Clo sed Full Grant 3/7/2023
I request the following records from Feb. 1 to March 1, 2023: 1. I request all records concerning all logs of correspondence that record letters from members of Congress to your bureau/office. The logs should detail the correspondence’s control number, the date it was received, what congres sional office sent it and its subject. Please redact constituents’ names and other personal information detailed in these logs in order to expedite this request. 2. I request all documents related to your bureau/office’s employees ' ethics waivers in resolving financial conflicts of interest. These documents are maintained by federal agencies and are released to the public upon request under 18 U.S.C. 208. 3. I request all records concerning Freedom of Information Act request logs maintained by your bureau/office. The FOIA logs should detail the request’s control number, the date it was received, who made the
Kevin Bogardus 4/10/2023 5/8/2023 Clos ed Full Grant 4/12/2023
I request the following records from March 1 to April 1, 2023: 1. I request all records concerning all logs of correspondence that record letters from members of Congress to your bureau/office. The logs should detail the correspondence’s control number, the date it was received, what congressional office sent it and its subject. Please redact constituents’ names and other personal information detailed in these logs in order to expedite this request. 2. I request all documents related to your bureau/office’s employees ' ethics waivers in resolving financial conflicts of interest. These documents are maintained by federal agencies and are released to the public upon request under 18 U.S.C. 208. 3. I request all records concerning Freedom of Information Act request logs maintained by your bureau/office. The FOIA logs should detail the request’s control number, the date it was received, who made th
Kevin Bogardus 5/5/2023 6/6/2023 Clo sed Full Grant 5/9/2023
I request the following records from April 1 to May 1, 2023: 1. I request all records concerning all logs of correspondence that record letters from members of Congress to your bureau/office. The logs should detail the correspondence’s control number, the date it was received, what congressional office sent it and its subject. Please redact constituents’ names and other personal information detailed in these logs in order to expedite this request. 2. I request all documents related to your bureau/office’s employees' ethics waivers in resolving financial conflicts of interest. These documents are maintained by federal agencies and are released to the public upon request under 18 U.S.C. 208. 3. I request all records concerning Freedom of Information Act request logs maintained by your bureau/office. The FOIA logs should detail the request’s control number, the date it was received, who made the r
Kevin Bogardus 6/2/2023 7/6/2023 Clo sed Full Grant 6/7/2023
I request the following records from May 1 to June 1, 2023: 1. I request all records concerning all logs of correspondence that record letters from members of Congress to your bureau/office. The logs should detail the correspondence’s control number, the date it was received, what congressional office sent it and its subject. Please redact constituents’ names and other personal information detailed in these logs in order to expedite this request. 2. I request all documents related to your bureau/office’s employees' ethics waivers in resolving financial conflicts of interest. These documents are maintained by federal agencies and are released to the public upon request under 18 U.S.C. 208. 3. I request all records concerning Freedom of Information Act request logs maintained by your bureau/office. The FOIA logs should detail the request’s control number, the date it was received, who made the r
Kevin Bogardus 7/7/2023 8/7/2023 Clo sed Full Grant 7/13/2023
I request the following records from June 1 to July 1, 2023: 1. I request all records concerning all logs of correspondence that record letters from members of Congress to your bureau/office. The logs should detail the correspondence’s control number, the date it was received, what congressional office sent it and its subject. Please redact constituents’ names and other personal information detailed in thes e logs in order to expedite this request. 2. I request all documents related to your bureau/office’s employees' ethics waivers in res olving financial conflicts of interest. These documents are maintained by federal agencies and are released to the public upon request under 18 U.S.C. 208. 3. I request all records concerning Freedom of Information Act request logs maintained by your bureau/office. The FOIA logs should detail the request’s control number, the date it was received, who made the r
Michael Ravnitzky 5/10/2023 6/8/2023 Clos ed All Rec ord s Ref erred t o An oth er Agenc y 5/11/2023
Body worn camera footage from Ranger Melissa Hulls, Visitor and Resource Protection Supervisor at Arches National Park, Moab, Utah on August 12, 2021 from 4:30 pm to 6:05 pm. Hulls and multiple Moab Police Department officers responded to reports of domestic violence between Gabby Petito and Brian Laundrie, who were pulled over by a Moab police Department officer outside of Arches National Park. The incident was handled primarily by Moab PD (case #2021-001108), however Ranger Hulls responded and dealt primarily with Ms. Petito. I understand that these records have been previous provided in a FOIA appeal determination of a request DOI-NPS-2021-006107 submitted by Kyle Dunphey of Deseret News, and adjudicated as an administrative appeal by the Office of the Solicitor following his September 28, 2021 FOIA Appeal. This request should not be burdensome because the records w
Mr. Mark C ustal ow 1/12/2023 ########## Cl osed Fee- Related Reas on 4/11/2023 Please produce all records related to the “Petition for Federal Acknowledgement of the Mattaponi Indian Tribe of the Commonwealth of Virginia,â€
submitted to the Office of Federal Acknowledgement by Lionel Custalow on January 5, 2023. These records include, but are not limited to: 1.The written application by Lionel Custalow; 2.Any supporting documents for the application, including photographs, historical documents, maps, transcribed testimonies, surveys, census reports, or bibliographic material; 3.Correspondence and meeting requests from Lionel Custalow, calendars for meeti ngs with Lionel Custalow, meeting sign-in sheets or rosters, notes or minutes from meetings with Lionel Custalow, and internal agency correspondence regarding the peti tion; 4.Any of the above categories as they pertain to associates or representatives of Lionel Custalow. The foregoing request includes records of any ty
Gary DiP iazz a 3/27/2023 Clo sed Oth er 4/25/2023
I need to request the last Enrollment file from Petitioner #146 that's dated 202 2 that the Grand River Band of Ottawa Indians o r Formerly Grand River Band Ottawa Council Submitted to the Interior for federal recognition. I'm an Elected Official for the Little River band of Ottawa Indians. My enrollment has been called into question d ue to the Dual and enrolled elsewhere , listed in the interiors report dated 02-22- 2023 M y Mother Priscilla ( Kelsey ) DiP iazza on page 41 gave testimony with her Scrapbooks. My B other Gilbert " Chip" D iPiazza was Vice Chairman for Grand River Band of Ottawa Indians p age 107 Due to My Moth er and Bother both being part of Grand River Band of Ottawa Indians Back in 200 0 sometime. My enrollment is being called into question along with being an Elected Official for th e Little River band of Ottawa Indians. I need to clear this up as soon as possible. This is of Great importan
Emmerson Donnell 4/19/2023 Closed Duplicate Request 4/20/2023 Any copy of any communication circa March 31, 2023 from the United Nations (including but not limited to any Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing or on the rights of Indigenous peoples) to the United States State Department (including but not limited to the Permanent Mission of the United States to the United Nations and Other International Organizations in Geneva) regarding Nooksack Tribal affordable, low income, or tax credit housing issues or related international human rights concerns.
Tristan Ahtone 3/1/2023 Clos ed Request Withdrawn 3/2/2023 All application materials filed to the U.S. Department of Treasury by tribes for CARES Act Aid to Tribal Government (ATG) Funding and Welfare Assistance (WA) Funding. This request is for all information solicited by Indian Affairs listed here in its April 14, 2020 guidance found here: The materials were received by the Treasury through this portal: This request includes all completed Tribal Government Certification Forms, completed RECIPIENT INFORMATION pages, RECIPIENT TYPE pages, FINANCIAL INSTITUTION pages, and CERTIFICATION pages. Treasury has confirmed that it doesn’t maintain the records requested (See FOIA Case Number 2023-FOIA-00205 for reference).
Mr. St efan T M edvet z 5/2/2023 6/1/2023 C los ed No Records 5/30/2023 Pl ease s ee attac hed F OIA req uest
Mr. Ch ris top her D Weaver 1/30/2023 ########## Clos ed 2/15/2023
I am requesting copies of investigative records concerning Stanley Patrick Weber. Responsive records will include but not be limited to: - Any case file(s) concerning Weber - Opening, closing and interim memoranda produced during the investigation - Witness statements created in the course of any inves tigation(s), either transcribed or in audio recordings - Records of other agencies obtained as evidence in the course of any investigation(s) - Correspondence created or received by OIG personnel in the course of any investigations(s) - Any other records created or received by OIG personnel in the course of any investigation(s) In order to assist you in identifying potentially responsive records, I am providing the additional information about Weber and known OIG investigations into his conduct. Weber is a former pediatrician and Public Health Service Commissioned Corps officer billeted at Indian Health Servic
Mr. John Greenewald, Jr. 4/24/2023 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 4/26/2023 To whom it may concern, This is a no n-commercial request made under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 5 U.S.C. S 552 . My FOIA requester status as a "representative of the news media." I am a freelance television producer often working on doc umentaries related to my FOIA requests, my work is commonly featured through out major news organizations, and I freelance writer for news sites as well. Examples can be given, if needed. I prefer electronic delivery of the requested material either via email to [email protected] or via CD-ROM or DVD via pos tal mail. Please contact me should this FOIA request sho uld incur a charge. I respectfully request a copy of ALL R ecords Management Self-Assessment (RMSA) reports submitted to NARA fo r the past 5 years. Thank you so much f or your time, and I am very much looking forward to your respons e.
Mr. Ben jamin Berke 10/4/2022 ########## C los ed Full Grant 4/10/2023 I'm reques ting copies of any notices of intent to apply for federal tribal recognition that have been filed by the Pocasset tribe of Massachusetts.
Kevin Bogardus 10/7/2022 ########## Clos ed Full Grant ###########
I request the following records from Sept. 1 to Oct. 1, 2022: 1. I request all records concerning all logs of correspondence that record letters from members of Congress to your bureau/office. The logs should detail the correspondence’s control number, the date it was received, what congressional office sent it and its subject. Please redact constituents’ names and other personal information detailed in these logs in order to expedite this request. 2. I request all documents related to your bureau/office’s employees' ethics waivers in resolving financial conflicts of interest. These documents are maintained by federal agencies and are released to the public upon request under 18 U.S.C. 208. 3. I request all records concerning Freedom of Information Act request logs maintained by your bureau/office. The FOIA logs should detail the request’s control number, the date it was received, wh o made the r
Ms. Mariah Thompson 10/7/2022 Clo sed Duplicate Request ########### I.Defined Terms. For purposes of the Reques ts for Documents set forth below, the term— “Departmentâ€
means the United States Department of the Interior and any person employed by or stati oned within the D epartment; and "Document" means any "record" as that term is defi ned in 5 U.S.C. 552(f)(2); Also, in the Reques ts for Documents below, the word "or" is used both in its disjuncti ve and conjuncti ve senses, and, unless the context clear indicates otherwise, any word (including a Defined Term) used in the singular includes the plural and if used in the plural the word includes the s ingular. II.Requests for Documents. Please provide copies of the following Documents: (1)All Documents relati ng to the Memorandum of Agreement between the Delaware Tribe of Indians and the Cherokee Nati on executed October 24, 2008, including but not limited to Documents between 2004 and 2018 addres
Ms. Mariah Thompson 10/7/2022 ########## C los ed No Records 2/2/2023
I.Defined Terms. For purposes of the Requests for Documents set forth below, the term— “Departmentâ€
means the United States Department of the Interior and any person employed by or stati oned within the D epartment; and "Document" means any "record" as that term is defi ned in 5 U.S.C. 552(f)(2); Also, in the Reques ts for Documents below, the word "or" is used both in its disjuncti ve and conjuncti ve senses, and, unless the context clear indicates otherwise, any word (including a Defined Term) used in the singular includes the plural and if used in the plural the word includes the s ingular. II.Requests for Documents. Please provide copies of the following Documents: (1)All Documents relati ng to the Memorandum of Agreement between the Delaware Tribe of Indians and the Cherokee Nati on executed October 24, 2008, including but not limited to Documents between 2004 and 2018 address
Michael Ravnitzky 10/7/2022 ########## Clos ed No Records ########### A copy of each database/dataset that identifies the treaty obligations of the United States to the tribes. I prefer to receive these database outputs in flat file (Excel file or CSV file) form.
Mr. Chadd Everone 10/7/2022 ########## Cl osed Ex. 6 P artial Gran t/Partial Denial 5/25/2023 All records in the Office of th e Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs (BIA) regarding dealings with the California Valley Miwok Tribe, a Federally Recognized Indian Tribe between January 1, 2011 to December 31, 20 11 (12 months)
Mr. Michael Ravnitzky 10/11/2022 ########## C los ed No Records ########### A copy of all letter (or emailed letter) correspondence between the Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs and the Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian, during the time period January 1, 2018 and the present.
Kevin Bogardus 10/7/2022 ########## Clos ed Other ########### I request the following records from Sept. 1 to Oct. 1, 2022: 3. I request all records concerning Freedom of Information Act request logs maintained by your bureau/office. The FOIA logs should detail the request’s control number, the date it was received, who made the request, what company or organization they were from and the request’s subject. Please consider each numbered bullet point a separate FOIA request, with each requiring its own control number and response.
Kevin Bogardus 10/7/2022 ########## Clos ed No Records ########### I request the following records from Sept. 1 to Oct. 1, 2 022: 4. I request a list of “ special government employees†(SGEs) employed by your bureau/offi ce. A SGE is an agency employee that performs temporary duties, with or without compensation, for not more than 130 days during any period of 365 consecuti ve days, as defined in 18 U.S.C § 202. Please consider each numbered bullet point a separate FOIA request, with each requiring its own control number and response.
Emilio Reyes 10/20/2022 ########## Clo sed No Records ########### All records showing the 1972 California Indian Roll prepared under the Act of September 21, 1968, is final and closed, and all records showing no amendments could be made to the 1972 Roll.
Emilio Reyes 10/24/2022 ########## Clo sed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial G rant/Par tial Den ial 1/13/2023 The Office of Federal Acknowledgment Memo dated September 2, 2009, regarding the five criteria which are fundamental in BIA genealogical investigation.
Emilio Reyes 10/26/2022 ########## Clo sed No Records ########### The Memorandum and related communications from the Office of the Assistant Secretary with the Office of Indian Services, Office of Regulatory Affairs and Collaborative Action (RACA), the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the Pacific Regional Office of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and sub-agencies, approving the Application for Verification of California Census and/or Payment Roll Number and/or Verification of Indian Descent of the Northern California Agency.
Emilio Reyes 10/31/2022 ########## Clo sed No Records ########### The Proposed Rule and Final Rule published on the Federal Register rescinding the Certificate of Degree of Indian or Alaska Native Blood (CDIB) with Native Americans affiliated with non-federally recognized Indian tribes and Native Americans unenrolled and disenrolled.
Emmerson Donnell 11/1/2022 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 12/9/2022
The Annual Funding Agreement between the Tulalip Tribes and the Bureau of Indian Affairs pursuant to the Indian Self Determination and Education Assistance Act of 1975 for the provision of law enforcement services on the Tulalip Indian Reservation and any amendment in effect as of January 1 through December 31 2020
Emilio Reyes 11/2/2022 ########## C los ed No Records 1/13/2023 Circular No. 3366, titled: Adoption, issued by Assistant Commissioner William Zimmerman, Jr. on August 17, 1940, and all amendments.
Mr. Trenton Osborne 11/2/2022 ########## Clos ed Other 2/14/2023 I would like to request copies of the co mments that were submitted for Petition #401 Schaghtico ke Indian Tribe (SIT), CT. The docu ments are: 1)CONSORITAUM of CONNECTICUT AG OFFICE/KENT SCHOOLS/TOWN OF KENT 2)STN 3) ROBIN COG SWELL – DECENEDENTS OF THE FAMILY Thank you, Trenton
Kevin Bogardus 11/4/2022 ########## Clos ed Full Grant ###########
I request the following records from Oct. 1 to Nov. 1, 2022: 1. I request all records concerning all logs of correspondence that record letters from members of Congress to your bureau/office. The logs should detail the correspondence’s control number, the date it was received, what congressional office sent it and its subject. Please redact constituents’ names and other personal information detailed in these logs in order to expedite this request. 2. I request all documents related to your bureau/office’s employees' ethics waivers in resolving financial conflicts of interest. These documents are maintained by federal agencies and are released to the public upon request under 18 U.S.C. 208. 3. I request all records concerning Freedom of Information Act request logs maintained by your bureau/office. The FOIA logs should detail the request’s control number, the date it was received, who made the r
Emilio Reyes 11/4/2022 ########## C los ed No Records 3/30/2023 The Memorandum regarding the Office of Federal Acknowledgment's re-petition ban of 2015.
Emilio Reyes 11/4/2022 Cl osed Duplicate Request 11/8/2022 The Memorandum regarding the Office of Federal Acknowledgment's re-petition ban of 2015.
Emilio Reyes 11/4/2022 ########## C los ed No Records 4/10/2023 All documents in possession of the Office of Federal Acknowledgement supporting that Capitan Grande Indian Reservation was intended for the Indians of Capitan Grande, Los Conejos and the Mission San Diego Band (or Diegueno (San Diego Tribe).)
Peter B ooth 11/4/2022 ########## Clos ed No Records 1/6/2023 Friday, November 4, 2022 Attn: Public Records Request Bureau Of Indian Affairs FOIA Officer Marietta ShortBull 505-563-3012 To Whom It May Concern, The following request is being made in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. § 552). I am requesting copies of the following records. I: Requested Records I am requesting incoming-and-outgoing email correspondence between the Office Of Governor Kristi Noem and the Department Of Interior – Bureau Of Indian Affairs which should be narrowed to incoming and outgoing mail from email accounts ending in the domain “â€
or “@sd.govâ€, from 01/01/2020 to 11/1/202 2. Please limit searches using keywords inclu ding "Rush moreâ€ and “fireworksâ€. I realize that certain costs may be applicable to this request. Please con tact me when you can provide a payment amount for m
Emilio Reyes 11/7/2022 ########## C los ed No Records ########### The public comments in regard to the rescission of the CD IB policy on February 20, 2015, with Native Americans affiliated with non-federally recognized tribes, and Native Americans unenrolled and disenrolled.
Emilio Reyes 11/7/2022 ########## C los ed Other 12/1/2022 The Bureau of Indian Affairs policy and guidelines describing the acceptable Bureau rolls when issuing a Certificate of Degree of Indian or Alaska Native Blood (CDIB).
Emilio Reyes 11/7/2022 ########## C los ed Other ########### The Bureau of Indian Affairs policy and guidelines describing the acceptable Bureau rolls when issuing a verification/statement of Indian descent.
Emilio Reyes 11/9/2022 ########## C los ed No Records ########### The list of the authoritative books on the California Mission Indians.
ANGEL A WAHWEO TTEN 11/10/2022 ########## C los ed No Records ########### I am requesting a copy of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Gaming Commission Charter
Ms. Sarah Murray 11/10/2022 ########## Clo sed Ex. 5 Partial Grant/P artial D enial ###########
We request all records from the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs Office between the dates of October 1, 2021 and November 10, 2022 of or relating to: Communications with the Menominee Tribe or its representatives related to placing land into trust or an Indian Lands Opinion in Kenosha, Wisconsin Communications with the Seminole Tribe of Florida or its representatives related to placing land into trust for the Menominee Tribe or an Indian Lands Opinion in Kenosha, Wisconsin Meetings, in person, or by phone or other device, with any representative of AS-IA by the Menominee Tribe or its representatives related to placing land into trust or an Indian Lands Opinion in Kenosha, Wisconsin Meetings, in person, or by phone or other device, with the Seminole Tribe of Florida or its representatives related to placing land into trust for the Menominee Tribe or an Indian Lands Opinion in Kenosha, Wisconsi
Kevin Bogardus 11/4/2022 ########## Clos ed Other ########### I request the following records from Oct. 1 to Nov. 1, 2022: 3. I request all records concerning Freedom of Information Act request logs maintained by your bureau/office. The FOIA logs should detail the request’s control number, the date it was received, who made the request, what company or organization they were from and the request’s subject. Please consider each numbered bullet point a separate FOIA request, with each requiring its own control number and response.
Kevin Bogardus 11/4/2022 ########## Clos ed No Records ########### I request the following records from Oct. 1 to N ov. 1, 2022 : 4. I request a list of “special government employees†(SGEs) employed by your bureau/office. A SGE is an agency employee that performs temporary duties, with or without compensation, for not more than 130 days during any period of 365 consecuti ve days, as defined in 18 U.S.C § 202. Please consider each numbered bullet point a separate FOIA request, with each requiring its own control number and response.
Katie Brossy 11/16/2022 ########## Cl osed Ex. 5 Par tial Gran t/Partial Denial 3/20/2023 All agency records, including but not limited to, documents, memoranda, emails, letters, notes, transcripts, reports, maps, discussion, work papers, or other communications relating to: (i) S. 3308, the Colorado River Indian Tribes Water Resiliency Act (117th Congress (2021-2022)); and (ii) Title IV of H.R. 5118, the Wildfire Response and Drought Resiliency Act (117th Congress (2021-2022)).
Emilio Reyes 11/21/2022 ########## Clo sed Ex. 5 Part ial Grant /Partial D enial 1/3/2023 The letter of Mark Macarro of the Pechanga Indian Reservation to Secretary Ken Salazar dated February 1, 2013, regarding its opposition to the federal recognition of the Gabrielino-Tongva, and the response from the Assistant Secretary Kevin K. Washburn and related records.
William P Lyshak 11/10/2022 ########## Clos ed Request Withdrawn ########### We are following up on correspondence we sent on September 19, 2022 (copy enclosed) concerning the referenced matter. To date, we have not received a response. We appreciate your attention to this matter. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Jennifer Williams 11/28/2022 Clos ed Improper FOIA Request for Other Reasons ########### P ayroll information.
Jennifer Williams 11/28/2022 Clos ed Duplicate Request ########### P ayroll information.
George Forman 11/28/2022 ########## Clo sed No Records ###########
All written correspondence, including electronically transmitted correspondence, and all memorializations of oral communications between the Secretary of the Interior and/or the Assistant Secretary -- Indian Affairs on the one hand, and California Governor Gavin Newsom and/or Nathan Voegeli or any other representative of the State of California on the other hand, concerning review and/or approval of class III gaming compacts between the State of California and, respectively, the Santa Rosa (Tachi) Indian Community and the Tejon Indian Tribe, but EXCLUDING copies of draft compacts. The requested information will be directly relevant and of critical importance to the efforts of five California Tribes suing the State of California for failing to negotiate in good faith for new compacts to replace those expiring on December 31, 2022, as well as to other California Tribes with existing compacts that were "conside
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed Full Grant ########### Please provide all comments received in response to the Department's draft revisions to 25 CFR Part 151 (Land Acquisition). The draft revisions were noticed and comments solicited at and in a March 28, 2022 Dear Tribal Leaders Letter (attached).
Kevin Bogardus 12/2/2022 1/4/2023 Clos ed Full Grant 12/5/2022
I request the following records from Nov. 1 to Dec. 1, 2022: 1. I request all records concerning all logs of correspondence that record letters from members of Congress to your bureau/office. The logs should detail the correspondence’s control number, the date it was received, what congressional office sent it and its subject. Please redact constituents’ names and other personal information detailed in these logs in order to expedite this request. 2. I request all documents related to your bureau/office’s employees' ethics waivers in resolving financial conflicts of interest. These documents are maintained by federal agencies and are released to the public upon request under 18 U.S.C. 208. 3. I reques t all records concerning Freedom of Information Act request logs maintained by your bureau/office. The FOIA logs should detail the request’s control number, the date it was received, who made the r
Kevin Bogardus 12/2/2022 1/4/2023 Clos ed Other 12/5/2022 I request the following records from Nov. 1 to Dec. 1, 2022: 3. I request all records concerning Freedom of Information Act request logs maintained by your bureau/office. The FOIA logs should detail the request’s control number, the date it was received, who made the request, what company or organization they were from and the request’s subject. Please consider each numbered bullet point a separate FOIA request, with each requiring its own control number and response.
Kevin Bogardus 12/2/2022 1/4/2023 Clos ed No Records 12/6/2022 I request the following records f rom Nov. 1 to Dec. 1, 20 22: 4. I request a list of “ special government employees†(SGEs) employed by your bureau/office. A SGE is an agency employee that performs temporary duti es, with or without compensati on, for not more than 130 days during any period of 365 consecuti ve days, as defined in 18 U.S.C § 202. Please consider each numbered bullet point a separate FOIA request, with each requiring its own control number and response.
Kevin Johnston 12/5/2022 1/5/2023 Clos ed Ex. 6 Partial Gr ant/Part ial Denial 3/8/2023 This is a Freedom of Information Act request for the following: All applications, resumes, staff notes, interview notes, decision, letters, and related documents for the hiring of employment position: Announcement number DH-22-11491834-CAWX-TB Control number 653157100 Interdisciplinary General Engineer/Physical Scientist DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs Western Regional Office
kevin johnston 12/6/2022 Clo sed Duplicate Request 12/6/2022 This is a Freedom of Information Act request for the following: All applications, resumes, staff notes, interview notes, decision, letters, and related documents for the hiring of employment position: Announcement number DH-22-11491834-CAWX-TB Control number 653157100 Interdisciplinary General Engineer/Physical Scientist DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs Western Regional Office
Mr. Emmerson Donnell 12/13/2022 ########## Clos ed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 P artial G rant/Part ial Deni al 1/10/2023 Any email or other communication exchanged in December 2022 between any Department of Treasury official or employee (including without limitation Fatima Abbas) and any Department of Interior Indian Affairs official or employee (including without limitation Assistant Secretary Bryan Newland) regarding Nooksack housing, property rights, or eviction issues.
Ms. Pamela Levinson 12/15/2022 ########## Cl os ed Full Grant 1/3/2023 P lease provide copies of all compacts, co ntracts, fundin g agreements, joint venture agreements, grants, pilot projects, and scopes o f work between the Department of the Interior and the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma (or the "Ch erokee Nation" as it is sometimes referred), regardless of year entered or whether the program is an initial agreement or a renewal of a previous agreement or program, for all agreements and programs currently operative or to become operative before January 2024 related to the Cherokee Nation Tribal Courts.
John Cruce 12/15/2022 Clo sed Improper FOIA Reques t for Other Reasons 1/18/2023 I submitted this request on 4/15 /2020. And , have sent 10 follow-ups . No replies - in 3 years.
Mr. Mitchel C Ray 12/19/2022 ########## C los ed Fee-Relat ed Reas on 2/16/2023 Requesting a copy of petition #113 Paucatuck Eastern Pequot Indian Tribal Nation
Katharin e Havlu 12/19/2022 ########## Clo sed Fee-R elated R easo n 2/15/2023 All third party comments and reports against Juaneno Band of Mission Indians 84A/84B federal recognition
Mr. George Forman 12/20/2022 ########## C los ed Ex. 5 Partial Gr ant/Parti al Denial 4/3/2023
All calendars, schedules, meeting appointments and other records subsequent to July 22, 2022 pertaining to class III gaming compacts between the State of California and the Santa Rosa Indian Community and the State of California and the Tejon Indian Tribe that were approved on or about November 17, 2022, including: 1) contacts, including telephone calls and/or meetings (whether virtual or in-person), between the Assistant Secretary – Indian Affairs or any staff member of the Office of the Assistant Secretary – Indian Affairs, on the one hand, and California Governor Gavin Newsom or any representative of Governor Newsom, on the other hand; 2) contacts, including telephone calls and/or meetings (whether virtual or in-person), between the Assistant Secretary – Indian Affairs or any staff member of the Office of the Secretary, on the one hand, and any Member of Congress or a staff member of an
raymond asanji 12/27/2022 Clos ed Improper FOIA Request for Other Reasons ########### Direct Deposit Information Non payment National Interest Waiver Alien Number 216625601 UN Loss and damage fund 9/11. Death Notification NATO intragovernmental tax code DA - xxxxxx608 SWEDEN So Help me with overhead load in the administrative bottleneck process. This burden of Sweaty Diabetes trouble bowels cancer is labour in vain without your help. Los Angeles. Not an Agency Record. We have reviewed your request and have determined that you have not adequately identified the records you are requesting in order for us to perform a search. Office of Work Relations Veterans Benefits Administration Department of Veterans Affairs FOIAOnline Invoice
Natha niel H egyi 1/9/2023 Clos ed Other 1/19/2023 Pursuant to the federal Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552, I request, as a reporter for New Hampshire Public Radio, a copy of each Standard Form 95 submitted to the Bureau of Ind ian Affairs from 01/01 /2018 to present as well as the BIA's response to thos e claims. I'm specifically looking to see whether they were granted or denied. I would like to receive the information as PDFs . I agree to pay reasonable fees for the processin g of this request up to $50. Please notify me before incurring any expenses in excess of that amount.
Natha niel H egyi 1/10/2023 ########## Cl osed Full G rant 1/20/2023 Pursuant to the federal Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552, I request, as a reporter for New Hampshire Public Radio , a copy of each quarterly report submitted to the Divis ion of Safety and Risk Management indicating the number of to rt claims processed from 0 1/01/201 4 to the present. I would like to receive the information as PDFs. I agree to pay reasonable fees for the processing of this request up to $5 0. Please notify me before incurring any expenses in excess of that amount.
Kyle P eters on 1/11/2023 ########## Clo sed No Records 2/1/2023
Good afternoon, In June 2021, President Biden signed an executive order directing federal agencies to "increase the availability and use of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility training programs for employees, managers, and leadership." Under the Freedom of Information Act, I am requesting copies of any training materials presented to employees, managers or leadership on the topic of diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility. Please begin the search on Jan. 1, 2022, and end the search on the date that the request is fulfilled. Please include trainings regardless of whether they preexisted President Biden's executive order mentioned above. To the extent that participation in such trainings is statistically tracked, please provide that data as well. I am also requesting any vendor contracts, agreements or proposals related to the creation and/or presentation of those training materials. Please consider w
Emilio Reyes 1/17/2023 ########## C los ed Ex. 5 Partial G rant/Part ial Deni al 4/10/2023 Memorandum from Alycon T. Pierce to R. Lee Fleming regarding San Pasqual Band of Mission Indians vs. Bureau of Indian Affairs.
Emilio Reyes 1/23/2023 ########## C los ed Full Grant 2/3/2023
The Final Decision dated January 28 2011 issued by Mr Larry Echo Hawk in regard to the Marcus Alto descendants of the San Pasqual Band of Mission Indians
Emilio Reyes 1/23/2023 ########## Initial Evaluation All records showing the Assis tant Secretary's interpretation of "no issue" as described in the 192 8 applications u nder the Act of May 24, 19 28.
Emilio Reyes 1/23/2023 Cl osed Rec ord s No t Reas on ably D esc ribed 2/24/2023 The Memorandum dated September 2, 2009, from R. Lee Fleming to Attorney-Advisor James W. Porter of the Office of th e Solicitor.
Mike B elens ki 1/23/2023 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 2/8/2023 I am requesting the most recent Compact of Self-Governance between the Quinault Indian Nation and the Department of the Interior.
Emilio Reyes 1/23/2023 ########## C los ed Full Grant 4/25/2023 The April 10, 1995, final decision from the Assistant Secretary affirming the Pacific Regional Director's finding from January 31, 1994, that Marcus Alto, Sr. was full-blooded Diegueño Indian, upholding the enrollment of Marcus Alto, Sr. and his descendants, and finding that they are eligible for inclusion on the Band's distribution roll.
Molly Young 1/25/2023 ########## C los ed Full Grant 4/6/2023 Good afternoon, I am writing to request the following public records: *electronic copies of any records, including letters, emails and memos, submitted to the Department of the Interior in response to the Dear Tribal Leader Letter dated June 7 , 2022 on Funding for Public Safety Changes. *electronic copies of any work product, such as a summary report, documenting the comments received during the July 19, 2022 consultation sessions led by Assistant Secretary Newland on public safety funding. Please provide the public records as they become available. Please also let me know if you have questions regarding any portion of this request. Thank you for your help and time.
Joshua Lewis 1/26/2023 Clo sed Not an Agen cy Rec ord 1/27/2023 I am requesting my pending security packet and all associated documents attached for my adjudication from the office of BIA - Division of Personnel Security.
Molly Young 1/26/2023 ########## C los ed No Records 1/26/2023 Good morn ing, I am writing to request the following public records: *electronic copies of the 17 written comments received by the Department in response to the August 29 , 2022 D ear Tribal Leader letter regarding the Castro-Huerta Supreme Court decision. Please provide the records as they become available and contact me with any questions regarding this request. Thank you for yo ur help and time.
Michael Anderson 1/30/2023 3/1/2023 Clo sed Full Grant 1/31/2023 Letter from Oregon Senator Ron Wyden to Interior Secretary Haaland dated 11/02/2022 reqarding the Coquille Indian tribe casino and the Coquille tribe response to Sec. Haaland dated 11/12/22
Emilio Reyes 1/31/2023 3/2/2023 Clo sed Ex. 5 Full Denial Based on Exemptions 4/28/2023 All Memorandums regarding the re-petitioning ban of 2015.
Emilio Reyes 2/6/2023 3/7/2023 Clo sed No Records 2/10/2023 The 1907 San Pasqual Indian Census.
Emilio Reyes 2/6/2023 Clos ed Improper FOIA Request for Other Reasons 3/8/2023 The 1928 Applications of Frances Cook, Appl. No. 11022; Jose Ortiz, Appl. No. 1171; Linda Manriquez, Appl. No. 11015; and Robert Addington, Appl. No. 11248.
Emilio Reyes 2/6/2023 3/7/2023 Clo sed No Records 4/10/2023 All doc uments submitted to th e Office of Federal Acknowledgment by Lorraine Escobar on or about August 4 , 2010, in regard to Marcus Robert Alto.
Emilio Reyes 2/6/2023 Clos ed Improper FOIA Request for Other Reasons 3/8/2023 (1) All communications sent/received to/from St. Francis de Sales Church in regard to Marcus Robert Alto, a San Pasqual Indian; (2) all communications sent/received to/from St. Joseph's Catholic Church; (3) the 1907 San Pasqual Indian Censuses; (4) the 1910 letters of Frank Alto; (5) the 1960 San Pasqual Enrollment Instructions, Title 25, Part 48, and all amendments thereto; (6) the September 2, 2009, Memorandum of R. Lee Fleming to James W. Porter; and (7) the communications titled "2009 OFA Research Suggestions."
Emilio Reyes 2/6/2023 3/7/2023 Clo sed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial G rant/Part ial Deni al 2/27/2023 The Affidavit of Florence C. Shipek, dated February 16, 1994, concerning San Pasqual Band Enrollment Committee actions and research and work for the Band; and Exhibit 58, titled "1950s 1960s Shipek," part of the administrative record in the disenrollment of the Alto descendants.
CAESAR WILSON 2/6/2023 Clo sed Reco rds Not Reas onab ly D escr ibed 3/6/2023 Any and all records, files, and information as pertains to: CAESAR MUNIR WILSON; WILSON CAESAR MUNIR; CAESAR M WILSON; WILSON, CAESAR M; MUNIR AIBN ISMAEL EL WILSON; EL WILSON MUNIR AIBN ISMAEL; WILSON MUNIR A. All names reference the same man born near chicago illinois o n August 5 19 88.
Odin Smith 2/6/2023 3/8/2023 Assi gnmen t Deter minat ion Please provide copies of all correspondence between the Historical Eastern Pequot Tribe (“Tribeâ€) federal acknowledgment petitioner group and the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs, including but not limited to the Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs and the Office of Federal Acknowledgment, from January 12, 2017, unti l the present, relating to the proposed acknowledgment of the Tribe as a federally-recognized Indian tribe.
Emilio Reyes 2/8/2023 3/9/2023 Clo sed No Records 2/28/2023 The Final Rule governing the issuanc e of CDIBs, following the Prop osed Rule publis hed in the Federal Register as 65 FR 20775 , on April 18, 20 00.
Emilio Reyes 2/8/2023 3/9/2023 Clo sed Ex. 6 Parti al Grant /Partial D enial 3/3/2023 The letter of Frank Alto sent to Frank R. Amos on January 7, 1910, with the attached list of 19 San Pasqu al Indians.
Emilio Reyes 2/8/2023 Clos ed Duplicate Request 2/8/2023 The letter of Frank Alto sent to Frank R. Amos on January 7, 19 10, with the attached list of 19 San Pasqual Indians .
Matth ew Wein stein 2/9/2023 ########## Clo sed Oth er 2/16/2023 I request that a copy of the following documents be provided to me: Any and all written comments (a) about the March 2022 consultation draft of proposed revisions to 29 CFR Part 293 posted on the Office of Indian Gaming’s website (; or (b) in response to the “Dear Tribal Leadersâ€ letter dated March 28, 2022 regarding such consultation draft of proposed revisions.
Wayne K Gor en 10/24/2022 Clos ed Duplicate Request 2/13/2023 Crow Creek police department roster, first and last names, along with salaries and complaint records.
Beau Arc her 2/13/2023 ########## Clos ed No Records 2/16/2023 I would like to have sent to me the student case files fo r Lillian Groves, a Chickasaw, born 191 8, and Juanita Groves, a chickasaw, born 1 916. They attended the Chilocco Indian School in 1 932 and 1 933. NAID: 28 40781 19 and 2 84078 118 Lo cal ID: 75-CH7 3 Record Grou p 75: Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Series: Student Case Files I would also like to have sent to me the Probate Case File on Juanita Groves. NAID: 968 237 Record G roup 75: Records of the Bureau of Indian Aff airs Series: Case Files on Individual Indians
Emilio Reyes 2/13/2023 ########## C los ed Fee-Relat ed Reas on 3/16/2023 All written and electronic correspondence sent to the Office and Management and Budget in regard to the Certificate of Degree of Indian or Alaska Native Blood (CDIB), Form: OMB Control #10 76-01 53, Expiration date: 10/31/20 14.
Emilio Reyes 2/16/2023 ########## C los ed Fee-Relat ed Reas on 3/31/2023 The January 5, 1917, decision letter (I.O. 127316-16) of the Assistant Commissioner E. B. Meritt, and related correspondence, declaring Frank Trask a San Pasqual Indian, and changing the tribal affiliation of the Trask family (or Leonora La Chappa Trask) from Mesa Grande to San Pasqual.
Emilio Reyes 2/21/2023 ########## C los ed No Records 2/21/2023 The "Training Paper" prepared by Erma H. Walz from the Office of Tribal Operations dated January 11, 1965, in regard to Membership Rolls, with the Memorandum issued in response to the Training Paper by the Associate Commissioner James E. Officer, dated July 26, 1965, titled: "Determining degree of Indian Blood," and all other related documents.
Mr. Ethan Jones 2/21/2023 ########## Cl osed Full G rant 3/27/2023
This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act (“FOIAâ
). The Yakama Nation requests that the Bureau of Indian Affairs (“BIAâ€) provide all information, letters, documents, and records (electronic or otherwise, including, without limitation, any emails or attachments to s uch emails and any text or SMS messages) which are or have been held by, compiled by, created by, received by, sent by, reviewed by, or stored by the BIA or any BIA field office, or the Department of the Interior (“Interiorâ€), which relate to the following: The Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation's (“C olvilleâ€) September 30, 2021 letter to Secretary Deb Haaland, Assistant Secretary Bryan Newland, and Regional Director Brian Mercier, which represents an initial application for the BIA to (1) take a 160-acre parcel in Pasco , WA into trust on behalf of Colville, and (2) make a two-part determination to enable Colville to
Mr. Ethan Jones 2/21/2023 ########## Cl osed No Records 2/22/2023
This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act (“FOIAâ
). The Yakama Nation requests that the Bureau of Indian Affairs (“BIAâ€) provide all information, letters, documents, and records (electronic or otherwise, including, without limitation, any emails or attachments to s uch emails and any text or SMS messages) which are or have been held by, compiled by, created by, received by, sent by, reviewed by, or stored by the BIA or any BIA field office or the Department of the Interior (“Interiorâ€) which relate to the following: All records demonstrating or related in any way to the United States' outreach to the Yakama Nati on, or any other federally recognized Indian tribe, related in any way to Colville's September 30, 2021 letter to Secretary Deb Haaland, Assistant Secretary Bryan Newland, and Regional Director Brian Mercier, which represents an initial application for the BIA to (1 ) take a 160-acre parc
Mr. Ethan Jones 2/21/2023 ########## Cl osed No Records 2/22/2023
This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act (“FOIAâ
). The Yakama Nation requests that the Bureau of Indian Affairs (“BIAâ€) provide all information, letters, documents, and records (electronic or otherwise, including, without limitati on, any emails or attachments to such emails and any text or SMS messages) which are or have been held by, compiled by, created by, received by, sent by, reviewed by, or stored by the BIA or any BIA field offi ce or the Department of the Interior (“Interiorâ€) which relate to the following: All records related in any way to the Yakama Nati on's June 8, 2021 letter requesting government to government consultati on with Secretary Deb Haaland concerning Colville's threat to develop a casino within the Yakama Nation's territory. The term “recordsâ€ should be given the broadest possible interpretati on and includes, but is not limited to, correspondence, memoranda
Tim Kilcullen 2/21/2023 ########## C los ed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 P artial G rant/Part ial Deni al 3/15/2023 CNS News requests the following documents. Documents include correspondence, memoranda, documents, reports, records, statements, audits, lists of names, applications, diskettes, letters, expense logs and receipts, calendar or diary logs, facsimile logs, telephone records, call sheets, tape recordings, video/movie recordings, notes, examinations, opinions, folders, files, books, manuals, pamphlets, forms, drawings, charts, photographs, and email. 1. All documents created between September 24, 2022, and October 27, 2022, pertaining to the grant for “Tribal Tourism Grant Program (TTGP)â€ given by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. The grant is recorded at under the opportunity number “BIA-TTGP-2022-OIEDâ€ and is said to have been closed on October 24, 2022. The grant is currently listed at
Emilio Reyes 2/22/2023 ########## C los ed No Records 2/22/2023 The Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood or Alaska Native Blood (CD IB) form with an expiration date of: (1) November 30 , 2007; (2 ) July 31, 20 11; (3) Augu st 31, 20 11, (4) and all other similar forms with an expiration date prior to November 30, 200 7.
Emilio Reyes 2/23/2023 ########## C los ed Fee-Relat ed Reas on 4/3/2023 All records showing the Agency's interpretation of "no issue" as described in the 1928 applications under the Act of May 24, 1928.
Emilio Reyes 2/24/2023 ########## C los ed Duplicate Request 2/28/2023
The Memorandum from OFA Director R Lee Fleming to Attorney Advisor James W Porter of the Office of th e Solicitor dated September 2 20 09 su bmitted in the matter of Albert P Alto et al v S M R Jewell et al SD Cal Case No 3 :11 cv 02276 BAS (BLM) in regard to Marcus Robert Alto from the San Pasqual Band o f Mission Indians
Emilio Reyes 2/27/2023 ########## C los ed Other 3/2/2023 The Supporting Statement from the Bureau of Indian Affairs to th e Office of Managment and Budget regarding the renewal of the Certificate of Degree of Indian or Alaska Native Blood ("CD IB") form: OMB Con trol #1076-0 153, expiration d ates: August 31, 201 1, and October 31 , 2014.
Emilio Reyes 2/27/2023 ########## C los ed Fee-Relat ed Reas on 4/20/2023 The Supporting Statement from the Bureau of Indian Affairs to the Office of Managment and Budget regarding the renewal of the Certificate of Degree of Indian or Alaska Native Blood ("CD IB") form: OMB Con trol #1076- 0153, expiration d ates: August 31, 201 1, and October 31 , 2014, in th e possessio n of the Office of Regulatory Affairs and Collaborative Action - Indian Affairs.
Emilio Reyes 2/27/2023 ########## C los ed Fee-Relat ed Reas on 4/19/2023 The Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood or Alaska Native Blood (CD IB) form with an expiration date of: (1) No vember 30, 2007; (2 ) July 31, 20 11; (3) Au gust 31, 20 11, (4) and all other similar forms with an expiration date prior to November 30, 20 07, in the poss ession of the Office of Regulatory Affairs and Collabo rative Action - Indian Affairs.
Emilio Reyes 2/27/2023 ########## C los ed Other 3/3/2023 The Notice publish ed in the Federal Register regarding the Certificate of Degree of Indian or Alaska Native Blood Instructions (C DIB) form OMB Co ntrol # 1076 -0153 , expiration date 10/31/ 201 4.
Emilio Reyes 2/27/2023 ########## C los ed Fee-Relat ed Reas on 3/30/2023 The Notice publish ed in the Federal Register regarding the Certificate of Degree of Indian or Alaska Native Blood Instructions ( CDIB) form OMB Co ntrol # 1076 -0153 , expiration date 10/31/ 201 4, in the poss ession of th e Office of Regulatory Affairs and Collaborative Action - Ind ian Affairs.
Emilio Reyes 2/27/2023 ########## C los ed Fee-Relat ed Reas on 3/31/2023 All records of As sistant Secretary - Indian Affairs Carl J. Artman in regard to the notice of submis sion from the Bureau of Ind ian Affairs in regard to the information collected und er OMB Control No. 10 76-01 53 on February 6, 20 08.
Emilio Reyes 2/27/2023 ########## C los ed Other 3/3/2023 The 30-day and 6 0-day Notice pub lished in the Federal Register regarding the Certificate of Degree of Indian or Alaska Native Blood Instructions (CDIB) fo rm OMB Control # 107 6-015 3, expiration date 10/31/ 20 14.
Emilio Reyes 2/27/2023 ########## C los ed Fee-Relat ed Reas on 3/31/2023 The 30-day and 6 0-day Notice pub lished in the Federal Register regarding the Certificate of Degree of Indian or Alaska Native Blood Instructions (CDIB) fo rm OMB Control # 107 6-015 3, expiration date 10/31/ 20 14, in the pos session o f the Office of Regulatory Affairs and Co llaborative Action - Indian Affairs.
Emilio Reyes 2/27/2023 ########## C los ed No Records 3/3/2023 Chapter 1 - Tribal Government Services, from Part 73 o f the Indian Affairs Manual.
Emilio Reyes 2/27/2023 ########## C los ed Fee-Relat ed Reas on 3/31/2023 The 1977 Memorandum from the Muskogee Area Director to the Superintendents of the agencies serving the Five Tribes regarding blood quantum determinations.
Emilio Reyes 2/27/2023 Cl osed Duplicate Request 2/28/2023 The Final Rule governing the issu ance of CDIBs, follo wing the Proposed Rule publis hed in the Federal Register as 65 FR 20775 , on April 18, 20 00.
Emilio Reyes 2/27/2023 Cl osed Ot her 3/6/2023 All communic ations with the Office of Regulatory Affairs and Collaborative Action - Indian Affairs regarding the CDIB po licy.
Emilio Reyes 2/27/2023 Cl osed Rec ord s No t Reas on ably D esc ribed 3/30/2023 All communication s with the Office of Regulatory Affairs and Collaborative Action - Ind ian Affairs regarding the CDIB polic y.
Emilio Reyes 2/27/2023 ########## C los ed No Records 3/3/2023 A copy of the appeal procedures as described in the Request fo r Certificate of Degree of Indian or Alaska Native Blood (CDIB) und er Notice of Appeal Rights.
Emilio Reyes 2/27/2023 ########## C los ed Fee-Relat ed Reas on 3/27/2023 All communications of Manager and Program Analyst Amanda Begay with the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs in regard to the CDIB po licy, OMB Control #107 6-01 53.
Emilio Reyes 2/27/2023 ########## C los ed Fee-Relat ed Reas on 3/27/2023 All communications of Elizabeth Appel from the Office of R egulatory Affairs & Regulatory Action with the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs in regard to the CDIB policy, form OMB Con trol #1076-0 153.
Emilio Reyes 2/27/2023 ########## C los ed Fee-Relat ed Reas on 3/27/2023 All communications with Elizabeth Appel from the Office of Regulatory Affairs & Regulatory Action in regard to the CDIB po licy, form OMB Control #10 76-0 153.
Emilio Reyes 2/27/2023 ########## C los ed No Records 3/3/2023 All final rules published in the federal register in 2008 and 2011 stating that the degree of Indian blood on a CDIB request is computed from lineal ancestors instead of collateral ancestors.
Emilio Reyes 2/27/2023 ########## C los ed Fee-Relat ed Reas on 3/29/2023 All final rules published in the federal register in 2008 and 2011 stating that a CDIB requestor must prove direct lineage to a federally-recognized Indian tribe in order to obtain a CDIB.
Byron Tau 2/28/2023 ########## Clos ed Ex . 6 Par tial Gran t/Partial Denial 4/11/2023 Please provide the contract with PIID #140A1619P0702 between the Department of Interior's Bureau of Indian Affairs and Bureau of Indian Education and Tundra Federal LLC. Please include all change orders and modifications.
Byron Tau 2/28/2023 ########## Clos ed Ex. 4, Ex. 6 Partial Grant/P artial D enial 4/11/2023 Please provide the contract with PIID #140A1620P0060 between the Department of Interior's Bureau of Indian Affairs and Bureau of Indian Education and Tundra Federal LLC. Please include all change orders and modifications.
Byron Tau 2/28/2023 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 4/3/2023 Please provide the contract with PIID #INA16PX01633 between the Department of Interior's Bureau of Indian Affairs and Bureau of Indian Education and RAVENTEK SOLUTION PARTNERS, LLC. Please include all change orders and modifications.
Emilio Reyes 2/28/2023 Cl osed Duplicate Request 3/1/2023 Pages CXCXIV, 8, and 11 8-14 5 of The Annual Report of th e Commissioner of Indian Aff airs for the Year 1885, describing the Anaheim Boarding Scho ol in Anaheim, Los Angeles County.
Emilio Reyes 2/28/2023 ########## C los ed Fee-Relat ed Reas on 3/28/2023 Pages CXCX IV, 8, and 118-1 45 of The Annual Report of the Commissioner of Ind ian Affairs for the Year 1885, describ ing the Anaheim Boarding School in Anaheim, Los Angeles Coun ty.
Emilio Reyes 2/28/2023 Cl osed Duplicate Request 3/3/2023 Pages CXCXIV, 8, and 11 8-14 5 of The Annual Report of th e Commissioner of Indian Aff airs for the Year 1885, describing the Anaheim Boarding Scho ol in Anaheim, Los Angeles County.
Emilio Reyes 3/2/2023 ########## C los ed Fee-Relat ed Reas on 3/31/2023
All communications of Acting Chief Information OfficerIndian Affairs Alvin Foster with the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs in regard to the CDIB policy form OMB Control #1076 015 3
Emilio Reyes 3/2/2023 ########## C los ed Fee-Relat ed Reas on 3/31/2023 A copy of 76 FR 30961 (May 27, 2011) and 76 FR 45291 (July 28, 2011) containing the following language: "Currently, the BIA certifies an individual's degree of Indian or Alaska Native blood if the individual can provide sufficient information to prove his or her identity and prove his or her descent from an Indian ancestor(s) listed on historic documents approved by the Secretary of the Interior that includes blood degree information," and "One minor non-substantive change is being made to the CD IB application form, to clarify where the applicant should submit the form."
Lorena Mundrick 3/6/2023 4/3/2023 Clo sed Full Grant 3/16/2023 I am requesting court do cument's for the Californ ia Valley Miwok Tribe. The case is in the United States District Cou rt of Columbia. Case No. 22 -cv-174 0.
Mr. Rich Stanto n 3/7/2023 Clo sed Request Withdrawn 4/12/2023 All records pertaining to the "Bush Road Parcel" Seneca Nation has identified as seeking to place in restricted fee status. The County is seeking to identify what property or parcels are included in the Seneca Nation request , and whether the request includes Bush Rd. itself. The land is currently believed to be within Town of Collins, within Erie County NY, but cannot be further identified by Notice provided
Emilio Reyes 3/7/2023 4/5/2023 Clo sed No Records 3/8/2023 All communications exchanged between the FOIA Coordinator from the Office of th e Assistant Secretary with the FOIA Coordinator of the Pacific Regional Offic e of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and all related memorandums regarding Emilio Reyes' fee category under FOIA.
Tracie B ell 3/8/2023 4/5/2023 Cl osed Ex. 5 Part ial Gran t/Partial D enial 4/10/2023
Dear FOIA Officer: The records I request can be described as follows: Subject: List of Pu rchase Card Managers and/or Approving Officials . Preferred timeframe: 1-2 weeks. Date Range for Record Search: personnel currently active or personnel active in past year. We are requesting a list of all current purchase card managers and purchas e card approving officials in yo ur agency, with the following fields of information: First name, last name, email address, phone number, mailing address, and title. If all fields of information cannot be provided, please provide as many fields of information as pos sible. .xlsx and .csv file types are preferred. I am affiliated with a private corporation and seeking information f or use in the company's b usiness. I am willing to pay $0 fo r my request. Company: Lighthouse for the Blind . Contact Information: Ms. Tracie Bell 555 E 6th Street San Angelo, Texas 76903 P: 844-4 96-33 67 sup
Rober t Dei chert 3/10/2023 ########## Cl osed Ot her 6/27/2023 Please see the request uploaded below as additional documentation, which contains the required brief and clear description of the information being requested. It you have any questions or need any clarification please contact me as soon as possible. Thank you.
Rober t Dei chert 3/10/2023 Clos ed Duplicate Request 3/14/2023
Re: Schaghticoke Indian Tribe, Peti tion #401 I hope all is well. I represent the State of Connecticut (“the Stateâ€
). Pursuant to the Freedom of Informati on Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552, the related regulations including—but not limited to—those at 43 C.F.R. Part 2, the related Executive Orders, and the Department of the Interior’s Freedom of Information Act Handbook, I respectfully request that the Offi ce of Federal Acknowledgement (“the OFAâ€) or any other individual or body with res ponsive records (collecti vely “Respondentâ€) provide the following records as expeditiously as possible: 1.Full copies of any and all responses the OFA has received to any and all comments and evidence supporting or opposing the request for acknowledgement by the Schaghticoke Indian Tribe, which the OFA has assigned Peti tioner Number 401. Pursuant to 43 C.F.R. § 2.5, and in order to assist in expediting this respon
Mr. Theodore J. Gris wold 3/13/2023 ########## Cl os ed Ex. 4, Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Parti al Grant/P artial D enial 6/7/2023
I am writing to you on behalf of the Karuk Tribe ("Karuk" or "Tribe") to submit a request pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552 et seq., ("FOIA") and its implementing regulations. I respectfully request that the U.S. Department of the Interior- Indian Affairs (the "Department") provide us with a copy of any and all documents, facsimiles, analyses, correspondence, electronic information, emails (including any attachments thereto), letters, memoranda, notes, telephone notes, reports, transcripts, writings, video tapes, audio tapes and other forms of recorded information in the electronic or paper files of the Department ("Documents") discussing, referring to or related to: (1 ) the Department's decision to withdraw and remand the Department's denial of the Coquille Indian Tribe's application to transfer land into trust in Medford, Oregon, dated May 27, 2020, and (2) the Department's dec
Shelly Schwein 3/17/2023 ########## As sig nment Deter minat ion Requesting calendar information fo r the employee Melody Amor Armstrong from 01/01/23 to 04/30/23. I request the follo wing information regarding the calendar events: Date/Time of event Title of event Description of the event Attendees of the event (invited and accepted as well) Any file attachments to calendar event (if permissible per FOIA)
Mr. Chris Stan ley 3/17/2023 5/9/2023 Clo sed No Records 4/21/2023
FGI requests from the Bureau of Indian Affairs all records from January 20 2021 to the date the search begins meeti ng the following criteria: •All records of communications with any employee or representative of Laguna Development Corporation a former employer of both the Secretary and her husband •All records of communicati ons from Skip Sayre the Secretary’s husband and former employee of Laguna Development Corporation Custodians: •Bryan Newland Assistant Secretary Indian Affairs •Darryl LaCounte Director Bureau of Indian Affairs •Any politi cal appointees at the Bureau of Indian Affairs “Political appointeesâ€ includes any Presidential Appointee with Senate Confirmati on (PAS) any Presidential Appointee (PA) any Non career SES employees any Schedule C employees or any person hired under Temporary Noncareer SES Appointments Limited Term SES Appointmen
Emilio Reyes 3/20/2023 ########## C los ed Fee-Relat ed Reas on 4/19/2023 The March 9, 200 0, Memorandum from the Chief, Divis ion of Tribal Government Services to the Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs, D eputy Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs, Deputy C ommissioner of Indian Af fairs, through the Director of th e Office of Tribal Services, with subject: "Proposed Ru le - 25 CFR 70 - Certificate of Degree of Indian or Alaska Native Blood," and all related records.
Emilio Reyes 3/21/2023 Cl osed Duplicate Request 3/22/2023 All Memorandums regarding the re-petitioning ban of 2015.
Emilio Reyes 3/21/2023 Cl osed Duplicate Request 3/21/2023 All Memorandums regarding the re-petitioning ban of 2015.
WAILALEOLANISAR CEDO Co r 3/23/2023 C los ed Improper FOIA Request for Other Reasons 4/20/2023 Indian all records documents list or other documentation relating to the Native American tribes or groups under Federal supervision Federal recognition Federal oversight or federal management of their lands trust or restricted property at the time of the passage of the Indian recognition Act
Rikki Burns-Riley 3/28/2023 ########## C los ed Fee-Relat ed Reas on 6/6/2023 Letter of Intent to Petition for federal recognition from 1993 for Salinan Tribe of Monterey & San Luis Obispo Counties, Petition(s) for federal recognition for Salinan Tribe of Monterey & San Luis Obispo Counties filed any year, any other correspondence with the Salinan Tribe of Monterey & San Luis Obispo Counties regarding any application federal recognition from 1993 to present, and any other documentation regarding the Salinan Tribe of Monterey & San Luis Obispo Counties' petition for federal recognition from 1993 to present.
Jack Poulson 3/31/2023 5/3/2023 C los ed Ex. 4, Ex. 6 Partial Grant/P artial Den ial 6/9/2023 Pursuan t to the Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request the following records: A copy of the con tract -- including any mod ifications and s tatements of work -- between Cobwebs America, Inc. and the Bureau of Indian Affairs with PIID 140 A1623C 0002. Furth er, I am requesting copies of all emails with representatives of Cobwebs relating to this award.
Emilio Reyes 4/5/2023 5/3/2023 Clo sed Oth er 4/5/2023 All Memorandums regarding the re-petitioning ban of 2015.
Donna C Old Elk 4/5/2023 Clo sed Improper FOIA Request for Other Reasons 4/28/2023 a copy of my fath er's Daniel C Old Elk Sr.'s IIM Account from Octo ber 1, 2019 to Present.
Ms. Rachel Thompson 4/7/2023 5/5/2023 Clo sed Full Gran t 5/4/2023 I wish to request copies, preferable electronic, of all documents from 1999 through the present time that mention the Santa Fe Indian School at 1501 Cerrillos Road, Santa Fe 87505. Within the Department of the Interior, please focus specifically on documents, including records of all electronic communications, of the Southwest Division of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, but also of the Bureau of Indian Education and the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs. Congress conveyed this property to 19 northern New Mexico pueblos in 2000 through passage of the Santa Fe Indian School Act. The research I am doing concerns limitations placed on uses of this land by the Act, and any possible modifications to those limitations. Thank you.
Emilio Reyes 4/10/2023 Cl osed No Records 4/11/2023 The 2015 Memorandum filed in the Administrative Record in the matter of Chinook Indian Nation v. Bernhardt, Case No. 3:17-cv-05668-RBL, W.D. Wash, decided 10 January 2020 and Burt Lake Band of Ottawa & Chippewa Indians v. Bernhardt, Case No. 17-0038 (ABJ), D.D.C, decided 25 March 2020.
Emilio Reyes 4/10/2023 Cl osed Duplicate Request 4/25/2023 The Desc riptive Statements of Pupils at Perris Indian Scho ol (Ledger No. 1) for sc hool years 1893 -189 5 for: Helen Macaro, Roll #71, pages 10-1 1; Helena Macara, Roll #3, pages 21-23; Helena Macara, Roll #27, pages 34-3 5.
Emilio Reyes 4/10/2023 5/9/2023 Clo sed Fee-R elated Reaso n 5/10/2023 The Descriptive Statements of Pupils at Perris Indian School (Ledger No. 1) f or school years 18 93-1 895 fo r: Helen Macaro, Roll #71, pages 10-11; Helena Macara, Roll #3, pages 21-2 3; Helena Macara, Roll #27, pages 34-35.
Mr. Bryan Shade 4/10/2023 ########## Ass ign ment D etermi nati on On behalf of the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma, a federally recognized Indian tribe, we submit this request pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552, as amended. This request seeks all “agency records,â€
as that term is defined in 43 C.F.R. Subtitle A, Part 2, as follows: 1. All agency records related to, or concerning, correspondence and submissions from the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma to the Secretary of the Interior or to any office, bureau, or branch thereunder regarding the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma’s application to the Secretary to acquire 2.63 acres of land located in Tahlequah, OK in trust for the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma for gaming purposes; and 2. Any other agency records related to, or concerning, correspondences and submissions from the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma to the Sec
Jaso n D . Broec ker 2/13/2023 ########## Estimate Costs This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. §'552). I am reques ting copies of public records, dated 1995 or later, related to Talimali Band the Apalachee Indians of Louisiana ("Talimali Band"), including without limitation (1) any letters, petitions, or otherwise requests for Federal acknowledgment of Talimali Band as an Indian Tribe; (2) any documents supplementing such requests; and (3) any documents objecting to such requests.
Patrick Bergin 4/14/2023 ########## Clo sed Ex . 5 P artial Gran t/Parti al Denial 5/31/2023
We represent Scotts Valley Band of Pomo Indians, a federally recognized Indian tribe. On behalf of the Tribe, we make this request for records pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (“FOIAâ€
), 5 U.S.C. § 552, et seq. and 43 C FR Part 2, Subpart B. The Tribe requests the following records : 1.All records from October 1, 20 22 to Octo ber 31, 2022 relating to Scotts Valley Band of Pomo Indians’ request fo r an Indian lands opin ion (also known as a restored lands opinion) . 2.All records from Octob er 1, 2022 to Oc tober 31, 202 2 relating to the litigation in the U.S. District Court fo r the District of Co lumbia, styled as Scotts Valley Band of Pomo Indians v. Department of the Interior, Case No. 1:19-cv-15 44. We seek records of any kind. Our request als o includes any letters, telephone messages, facsimiles, voice mail messages, e-mail, Outlook calendar entries, daily briefing books, transcripts, not es, and m
Emilio Reyes 4/14/2023 ########## C los ed Full Grant 5/24/2023 The 2014 Proposed Rule regarding the Office of Federal Acknowledgment's re-petitioning ban.
Emilio Reyes 4/14/2023 Cl osed Duplicate Request 4/17/2023 The 2014 Proposed Rule regarding the Office of Federal Acknowledgment's re-petitioning ban.
Emilio Reyes 4/17/2023 ########## C los ed Full Grant 5/24/2023 All communications and memorandums in regard to the establishment of the Federal Acknowledgment Project, 25 CFR Part 54, of the Branch of Acknowledgement and Research (BAR) in the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
Emilio Reyes 4/17/2023 ########## C los ed Other 4/20/2023 The Testimony of R. Lee Fleming, Director, Office of Federal Acknowledgment For the Hearing Before the Committe on Indian Affairs, U.S. Senate on May 11, 2005.
Emilio Reyes 4/17/2023 ########## C los ed Full Grant 5/24/2023 The November 2001, General Accounting Office (GAO) report titled, "Indian Issues: Improvements Needed in the Federal Recognition Process."
Troy Wiipongwii 4/17/2023 ########## Res earch Reco rds I am requesting the complete petition for federal acknowledgment from petitioner #323, The Pamunkey Indian Tribe of VA. I am requesting that the documents be sent electronically or via thumb-drive
Emilio Reyes 4/17/2023 Cl osed Fee- Related Reas on 5/15/2023 The June 23, 19 61, letter from Acting Assistant C ommissioner A.O. Allen to Hon. Bob Wils on of the Hou se of Representatives, stating the following language: "The lands of the Mesa Grande Indian Reservation were set aside by various Executive Orders "for the permanent use and occu pancy of the Indians in Lower California."
Ms. Sarah A Murray 5/4/2023 6/5/2023 Ass ign ment D etermin atio n
We request all records from the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs Office, including the Office of Indian Gaming, the Bureau of Indian Affairs Central Office, and the Bureau of Indian Affairs Midwest Regional Office between the dates of October 1, 2021 and the date of this request of or relating to: Communications with the Menominee Tribe or its representatives, including outside counsel, advocates, or other individuals on behalf of the Tribe related to placing land into trust or an Indian Lands Opinion in Kenosha, Wisconsin; Communications with the Seminole Tribe of Florida or its representatives, including representatives of Hard Rock International, Hard Rock Digital, or other affiliated entities, and including outside counsel, advocates, or other individuals on behalf of the Seminole Tribe or its affiliates related to placing land into trust for the Menominee Tribe or an Indian Lands Opinion in Kenosha, Wiscon
Gene R osen 5/15/2023 Clos ed Improper FOIA Request for Other Reasons 7/14/2023 See At tach ed
Emilio Reyes 5/25/2023 7/6/2023 Clo sed Fee-R elated Reaso n 7/6/2023 The 33 Statements of Degree of Indian Blood issued by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, submitted to the Office of Federal Acknowledgement by Petitioner Juaneño Band of Mission Indians - 84B.
Colin Aamot 5/30/2023 ########## Clos ed Other 5/31/2023
This is a request for records u nder the Freedom of Information Act (“FOIAâ€
), 5 U.S.C. § 552 and the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552 a. This request should b e considered under both s tatutes to maximize the release of records. Requester Information Name: Colin Aamot Position: Freelance Investigative Journalist Address: 116 0 1st Street NE, #203, Washington, D C 2000 2 Email: [email protected] Phone: 910 3020 165 Record s Sought I request disclo sure on the following records: All FOIA Logs, 20 00 - present. If respon sive records are found please includ e the all documents, all attachments, and all pertinent records regardless of format. I request all responsive documents via delivered electronically, via email. Under 5 U.S.C(a)(4)( iii), “Docu ments shall be furnish ed without charge…if disclosu re of the information is in the pub lic interest because it is likely to contribute signifi cantly to public u
Greg Gutman 6/1/2023 ########## As si gnmen t Det ermina tion looking for information on company tikras technology solutions and contract number (FBMS PRISM 140A1619P0799) as it relates to current and past contact performance and contract details.
Ms. Wei Lu 6/5/2023 ########## Clo sed No Records 6/27/2023 D ear Director, I am researching the benefits that the exciting Opportunity Zone program might bring to participating tracts, especially to distressed communities heavily populated with indigenous populations. According to the BIA's Opportunity Zones primer (, 362, out of the 8,762 designated OZs, "overlap with Indian tribal lands, including state and federally recognized American Indian and Alaska Native reservations and trust lands, Alaska Native villages, and tribal areas in Oklahoma". Is it possible to send me the list of these 362 census tracts? I have not been able to locate this list of 362 in any official publication. Thank you so much. Sincerely, Wei
Anna East 6/9/2023 ########## Clo sed Ex . 6 P artial Gran t/Parti al Denial 7/17/2023 Under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), I would like to request a copy of the winning grant application detailed below: Grant Program Title: Native American Business Development Insti tute (NABDI): Economic Development Feasibility Study Funding Agency: U.S. Department of Interior Assistance Listing Number: 15.133 Fiscal Year: 2022 Applicant: Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians Award Amount: $75,000
Tyler Samu el 6/15/2023 Assi gnmen t Det ermin ation Could you send documents, directories, or databases that have or include anyone that has relation to construction, infrastructure, design, building, project/ program managers, or capital projects.
Katharin e Havlu 6/16/2023 ########## As si gnmen t Det ermina tion I would like all negative comments made for Juaneno Band of Mission Indians 84A recognition pursuits.
Mr. Jo hn Greenewa ld 3/20/2023 C los ed Duplicate Request 6/21/2023 This is a non- commercial request made under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 5 U.S.C. S 552. My FOIA requester status as a "representative of the news media." I am a freelance television producer often working on documentaries related to my FOIA requests, my work is commonly featured throughou t major news organizations, and I freelance writer for news sites as well. Examples can be given, if needed. I prefer electronic delivery of the requested material either via email to or via CD-ROM or D VD via postal mail. Please contact me should th is FOIA request should incur a charge. I respectfully request a copy of ALL Records Management Self-Assessment (RMSA) reports s ubmitted to NARA for the past 5 years.
Anna East 6/26/2023 ########## As si gnmen t Det ermina tion Under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), I would like to request a copy of the winning grant application detailed below: Grant Program Title: National Tribal Broadband Grant (NTBG) Agency: U.S. Department of Interior Funding Opportunity Number (FON): BIA-NTBG-2022-OIED Assistance Listing Number: 15.032 Applicant: Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas Award Amount: $175,000
Emilio Reyes 7/5/2023 8/2/2023 Ass ign ment D etermi nati on Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment in the matter of Chinook Indian Nation v. Bernhardt, Case No. 3:17-cv-05668-RBL, W.D. Wash, decided January 10, 2020.
Emilio Reyes 7/5/2023 Res earch Reco rds Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment in the matter of Chippewa Indians v. Bernhardt, Case No. 17-0038 (ABJ), D.D.C, decided 25 March 2020.
Mike An drews 7/10/2023 8/7/2023 Ass ign ment D etermi natio n 1) Any and all documents and correspondence pertaining to and including a copy of the petition for federal recognition of the Gabrieleno/Diegueno Band of Mission Indians that was filed in reference to the Federal Register Petition filed and received by BIA in March 18th, 1997. 2) Any and all documents pertaining to the Coastal Gabrieleno/Diegueno Band of Mission Indians petition for federal acknowledgement
Elise Blasingame 7/11/2023 As sign ment Determ inat ion This is for an academic research project. I am looking for the following data for th ese years: January 1, 1999 - December 30, 20 22 (calendar): (1) Total employees within BIA, per year; (2) Within BIA, per year, the # political appointees versus the # of other staff; (3) Within BIA, per year, the # of all staff* who identify as Native American, Alaska Native, or Native Hawaiian** versus the # of non-Native staff; (*this sho uld be combined across all appointees/staff) (**fine to combine these categories into on e for Native or list them separately); Goal: I should be able to use the total employees as a baseline to create percentages for how many identify as Native and/or Political Appoin tees. If this can be provided in bod y of email or excel format, I would be greatly appreciative.
Emilio Reyes 7/13/2023 ########## Final Preparation of Response No Records The 2009 draft memorandum presented to Larry Echo H awk regarding the request to reaffirm the Tejon Tribe, and the related final memorandum to Larry Echo Hawk titled "Poss ible Alternatives to Part 83 for Establish ing Tribal Status," issued on August 9, 201 0.
Jacob Lass iat 7/13/2023 As si gnmen t Det ermina tion Could you provide the agency records (names and contact information) of people in your agency that deal with construction, facilities or project managers. Attached is a template document that was received from another agency in how they provided this information. In addition, if there is no database of these individuals, could you provide building/construction records for you agency.
Mike An drews 7/13/2023 ########## As si gnmen t Det ermina tion I request a copy of th e letter of intent for federal recognition from the March 21st, 19 94 petition f rom the Gabrielino/Tongva Nation of California.
Emilio Reyes 7/14/2023 ########## C los ed No Records 7/18/2023 Memorandum from Solicito r Hillary Tompkins to Secretary Sally Jewell, M-3702 9, dated March 12, 2 014, titled "The Meaning of 'Un der Federal Jurisdiction' For Purpos es of the Indian Reorganization Act."
Mr. Ben jamin Berke 4/11/2023 ########## C los ed 4/10/2023
Kevin Bogardus 10/11/2022 ########## Clo sed ###########
Ms. Mariah Thompson 10/11/2022 ########## Clo sed ###########
Ms. Mariah Thompson 2/2/2023 2/2/2023 Clos ed 2/2/2023
Michael Ravnitzky 10/25/2022 ########## C los ed ###########
Mr. Chadd Everone 5/25/2023 ########## Cl osed Ex. 6 5/25/2023
Mr. Michael Ravnitzky 10/26/2022 ########## C los ed ###########
Kevin Bogardus 10/11/2022 ########## Clo sed ###########
Kevin Bogardus 10/11/2022 ########## Clo sed ###########
Emilio Reyes 10/26/2022 ########## Clo sed ###########
Emilio Reyes 4/4/2023 4/4/2023 Clo sed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 1/13/2023
Emilio Reyes 12/22/2022 ########## Clo sed ###########
Emilio Reyes 12/15/2022 ########## Clo sed ###########
Emmerson Donnell 12/9/2022 ########## Clos ed 12/9/2022
Emilio Reyes 1/13/2023 ########## C los ed 1/13/2023
Mr. Trenton Osborne 11/2/2022 ########## Clos ed ###########
Mr. Trenton Osborne 2/14/2023 ########## Clos ed 2/14/2023
Kevin Bogardus 11/23/2022 ########## Clo sed ###########
Emilio Reyes 3/30/2023 ########## C los ed 3/30/2023
Emilio Reyes 11/9/2022 ########## C los ed 11/8/2022
Emilio Reyes 4/11/2023 ########## C los ed 4/10/2023
Peter B ooth 1/9/2023 1/9/2023 Clos ed 1/6/2023
Emilio Reyes 11/21/2022 ########## Clo sed ###########
Emilio Reyes 12/1/2022 ########## C los ed 12/1/2022
Emilio Reyes 11/29/2022 ########## Clo sed ###########
Michael Ravnitzky 1/19/2023 ########## Clos ed 1/18/2023
Emilio Reyes 11/15/2022 ########## Clo sed ###########
Shannon Banks 11/16/2022 ########## C los ed ###########
Shannon Banks 11/9/2022 ########## Clo sed ###########
ANGEL A WAHWEO TTEN 11/30/2022 ########## C los ed ###########
Ms. Sarah Murray 12/14/2022 ########## Clo sed Ex . 5 ###########
Kevin Bogardus 11/29/2022 ########## Clo sed ###########
Kevin Bogardus 11/29/2022 ########## Clo sed ###########
Katie Brossy 4/4/2023 4/4/2023 Clo sed Ex . 5 3/20/2023
Emilio Reyes 1/3/2023 1/3/2023 Clo sed Ex. 5 1/3/2023
William P Lyshak 12/16/2022 ########## Clos ed ###########
Jennifer Williams 11/28/2022 ########## Clo sed ###########
Jennifer Williams 12/23/2022 ########## Clo sed ###########
Jennifer Williams 11/28/2022 ########## Clo sed ###########
Jennifer Williams 11/28/2022 ########## Clo sed ###########
George Forman 11/28/2022 ########## Clo sed ###########
George Forman 12/13/2022 ########## Clo sed ###########
Sheri Pais 12/14/2022 ########## Clos ed ###########
Kevin Bogardus 12/6/2022 ########## Clos ed 12/5/2022
Kevin Bogardus 12/6/2022 ########## Clos ed 12/5/2022
Kevin Bogardus 12/7/2022 ########## Clos ed 12/6/2022
Kevin Johnston 3/8/2023 3/8/2023 Cl osed Ex. 6 3/8/2023
kevin johnston 12/6/2022 ########## Cl osed 12/6/2022
Mr. Emmerson Donnell 1/10/2023 ########## Cl osed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 1/10/2023
Ms. Pamela Levinson 12/15/2022 ########## Cl os ed ###########
Ms. Pamela Levinson 1/3/2023 1/3/2023 Clos ed 1/3/2023
John Cruce 1/18/2023 ########## C los ed 1/18/2023
Mr. Mitchel C Ray 1/19/2023 ########## Clo sed 2/21/2023
Mr. Mitchel C Ray 2/21/2023 ########## Clo sed 2/16/2023
Katharin e Havlu 12/19/2022 ########## Clo sed ###########
Katharin e Havlu 2/15/2023 ########## C los ed 2/15/2023
Katharin e Havlu 1/19/2023 ########## C los ed 2/15/2023
Mr. George Forman 4/3/2023 4/3/2023 C los ed Ex . 5 4/3/2023
raymond asanji 4/4/2023 4/4/2023 Clo sed ###########
Kevin Bogardus 1/24/2023 ########## Clos ed Ex . 6 1/20/2023
Kevin Bogardus 1/11/2023 ########## Clos ed 1/10/2023
Kevin Bogardus 1/11/2023 ########## Clos ed 1/10/2023
Natha niel H egyi 1/9/2023 1/9/2023 Clo sed 1/19/2023
Natha niel H egyi 1/19/2023 ########## Cl osed 1/19/2023
Natha niel H egyi 1/10/2023 ########## Cl osed 1/12/2023
Natha niel H egyi 1/20/2023 ########## Cl osed 1/20/2023
Kyle P eters on 1/11/2023 ########## Clo sed 1/12/2023
Kyle P eters on 2/1/2023 2/1/2023 Cl osed 2/1/2023
Mr. Mark C ustal ow 3/14/2023 ########## Cl osed 4/11/2023
Mr. Mark C ustal ow 1/12/2023 ########## Cl osed 3/2/2023
Mr. Mark C ustal ow 4/11/2023 ########## Cl osed 4/11/2023
Emilio Reyes 4/11/2023 ########## C los ed Ex. 5 4/10/2023
Mr. Zac hary Z iegler 1/19/2023 ########## Clo sed 1/20/2023
Emilio Reyes 2/3/2023 2/3/2023 Clo sed 2/3/2023
Emilio Reyes 2/24/2023 ########## C los ed 2/24/2023
Mike B elens ki 2/8/2023 2/8/2023 Clo sed 2/8/2023
Emilio Reyes 4/25/2023 ########## C los ed 4/25/2023
Molly Young 1/25/2023 ########## C los ed 4/4/2023
Molly Young 4/6/2023 4/6/2023 Clo sed 4/6/2023
Joshua Lewis 1/27/2023 ########## Cl osed 1/27/2023
Molly Young 1/26/2023 ########## C los ed 1/26/2023
Molly Young 1/26/2023 ########## C los ed 1/26/2023
Mariah Thompson 2/21/2023 ########## Clos ed 2/21/2023
Michael Anderson 1/31/2023 ########## Clos ed 1/31/2023
Emilio Reyes 4/28/2023 ########## C los ed Ex. 5 4/28/2023
Kevin Bogardus 2/7/2023 2/7/2023 Clo sed 2/7/2023
Emilio Reyes 2/10/2023 ########## C los ed 2/10/2023
Emilio Reyes 3/8/2023 3/8/2023 Clo sed 3/8/2023
Emilio Reyes 4/11/2023 ########## C los ed 4/10/2023
Emilio Reyes 3/8/2023 3/8/2023 Clo sed 3/8/2023
Emilio Reyes 2/27/2023 ########## C los ed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 2/27/2023
CAESAR WILSON 3/6/2023 3/6/2023 Clo sed 3/6/2023
Kevin Bogardus 2/7/2023 2/7/2023 Clo sed 2/7/2023
Kevin Bogardus 2/7/2023 2/7/2023 Clo sed 2/7/2023
Emilio Reyes 4/4/2023 4/4/2023 Clo sed 2/28/2023
Emilio Reyes 3/3/2023 3/3/2023 Clo sed Ex. 6 3/3/2023
Emilio Reyes 2/8/2023 2/8/2023 Clo sed 2/8/2023
Cully Williams 4/3/2023 4/3/2023 Clo sed 4/3/2023
Matth ew Wein stein 2/9/2023 ########## Clo sed 2/16/2023
Matth ew Wein stein 2/16/2023 ########## C los ed 2/16/2023
Wayne K Gor en 2/13/2023 ########## C los ed 2/13/2023
Beau Arc her 3/28/2023 ########## Clos ed 2/16/2023
Emilio Reyes 2/15/2023 ########## C los ed 2/16/2023
Emilio Reyes 2/16/2023 ########## C los ed 3/16/2023
Emilio Reyes 3/16/2023 ########## C los ed 3/16/2023
Emilio Reyes 3/6/2023 3/6/2023 Clo sed 3/31/2023
Emilio Reyes 3/31/2023 ########## C los ed 3/31/2023
Emilio Reyes 2/21/2023 ########## C los ed 2/21/2023
Mr. Ethan Jones 3/27/2023 ########## Cl osed 3/27/2023
Mr. Ethan Jones 2/22/2023 ########## Cl osed 2/22/2023
Mr. Ethan Jones 2/22/2023 ########## Cl osed 2/22/2023
Tim Kilcullen 2/21/2023 ########## C los ed 2/22/2023
Tim Kilcullen 3/15/2023 ########## C los ed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 3/15/2023
Emilio Reyes 2/22/2023 ########## C los ed 2/22/2023
Emilio Reyes 4/3/2023 4/3/2023 Clo sed 4/3/2023
Emilio Reyes 2/28/2023 ########## C los ed 2/28/2023
Emilio Reyes 3/2/2023 3/2/2023 Clo sed 3/2/2023
Emilio Reyes 4/20/2023 ########## C los ed 4/20/2023
Emilio Reyes 4/19/2023 ########## C los ed 4/19/2023
Emilio Reyes 3/3/2023 3/3/2023 Clo sed 3/3/2023
Emilio Reyes 3/7/2023 3/7/2023 Clo sed 4/19/2023
Emilio Reyes 4/19/2023 ########## C los ed 3/30/2023
Emilio Reyes 3/31/2023 ########## C los ed 3/31/2023
Emilio Reyes 3/7/2023 3/7/2023 Clo sed 3/3/2023
Emilio Reyes 3/31/2023 ########## C los ed 3/31/2023
Emilio Reyes 3/7/2023 3/7/2023 Clo sed 3/3/2023
Emilio Reyes 3/31/2023 ########## C los ed 3/31/2023
Emilio Reyes 2/28/2023 ########## C los ed 2/28/2023
Emilio Reyes 3/6/2023 3/6/2023 Clo sed 3/6/2023
Emilio Reyes 4/19/2023 ########## C los ed 3/30/2023
Emilio Reyes 3/7/2023 3/7/2023 Clo sed 3/3/2023
Emilio Reyes 3/27/2023 ########## C los ed 3/27/2023
Emilio Reyes 3/27/2023 ########## C los ed 3/27/2023
Emilio Reyes 3/27/2023 ########## C los ed 3/27/2023
Emilio Reyes 3/7/2023 3/7/2023 Clo sed 3/3/2023
Emilio Reyes 3/29/2023 ########## C los ed 3/29/2023
Byron Tau 4/11/2023 ########## Clos ed Ex . 6 4/11/2023
Byron Tau 2/28/2023 ########## Clos ed 3/1/2023
Byron Tau 2/28/2023 ########## Clos ed 3/1/2023
Byron Tau 4/11/2023 ########## Clos ed Ex. 4, Ex. 6 4/11/2023
Byron Tau 2/28/2023 ########## Clos ed 3/1/2023
Byron Tau 4/3/2023 4/3/2023 Clos ed 4/3/2023
Emilio Reyes 3/1/2023 3/1/2023 Clo sed 3/1/2023
Emilio Reyes 3/28/2023 ########## C los ed 3/28/2023
Emilio Reyes 3/3/2023 3/3/2023 Clo sed 3/3/2023
Tristan Ahtone 3/1/2023 3/1/2023 Clo sed 3/2/2023
Tristan Ahtone 3/2/2023 3/2/2023 Clo sed 3/2/2023
Emilio Reyes 3/31/2023 ########## C los ed 3/31/2023
Emilio Reyes 3/31/2023 ########## C los ed 3/31/2023
Kevin Bogardus 3/7/2023 3/7/2023 Clo sed 3/7/2023
Lorena Mundrick 3/16/2023 ########## Clo sed 3/16/2023
Kevin Bogardus 3/7/2023 3/7/2023 Clo sed 3/7/2023
Kevin Bogardus 3/7/2023 3/7/2023 Clo sed 3/7/2023
Mr. Rich Stanto n 3/7/2023 3/7/2023 Clo sed 4/12/2023
Mr. Rich Stanto n 4/12/2023 ########## Clos ed 4/12/2023
Emilio Reyes 3/8/2023 3/8/2023 Clo sed 3/8/2023
Tracie B ell 4/10/2023 ########## Cl osed Ex. 5 4/10/2023
Rober t Dei chert 6/28/2023 ########## Cl osed 6/27/2023
Rober t Dei chert 3/10/2023 ########## Cl osed 3/20/2023
Rober t Dei chert 3/10/2023 ########## Cl osed 3/14/2023
Rober t Dei chert 3/14/2023 ########## Cl osed 3/14/2023
Mr. Theodore J. Gris wold 6/7/2023 6/7/2023 Clo sed Ex. 4, Ex. 5, Ex. 6 6/7/2023
Mr. Chris Stan ley 3/17/2023 ########## Cl osed 4/4/2023
Mr. Chris Stan ley 3/17/2023 ########## Cl osed 4/4/2023
Mr. Chris Stan ley 4/21/2023 ########## Cl osed 4/21/2023
Emilio Reyes 4/19/2023 ########## C los ed 4/19/2023
Emilio Reyes 3/22/2023 ########## C los ed 3/22/2023
Emilio Reyes 3/21/2023 ########## C los ed 3/21/2023
WAILALEOLANISAR CEDO Co r 3/23/2023 4/2/2023 Clos ed 3/23/2023
WAILALEOLANISAR CEDO Co r 4/20/2023 ########## Clos ed 4/20/2023
Gary DiP iazz a 4/25/2023 ########## C los ed 4/25/2023
Gary DiP iazz a 3/27/2023 4/6/2023 Clo sed 4/25/2023
Rikki Burns-Riley 5/4/2023 5/4/2023 Clos ed 6/6/2023
Rikki Burns-Riley 6/6/2023 6/6/2023 Clos ed 6/6/2023
Rikki Burns-Riley 3/28/2023 ########## C los ed 6/6/2023
Jack Poulson 6/9/2023 6/9/2023 Clo sed Ex. 4, Ex. 6 6/9/2023
Jack Poulson 3/31/2023 ########## Clos ed 4/5/2023
Emmerson Donnell 4/4/2023 4/4/2023 Clo sed 4/4/2023
Emilio Reyes 4/5/2023 4/5/2023 Clo sed 4/5/2023
Donna C Old Elk 4/28/2023 ########## Clos ed 4/28/2023
Ms. Mariah Thompson 5/31/2023 ########## C los ed 5/31/2023
Ms. Rachel Thompson 4/7/2023 4/7/2023 Clo sed 5/4/2023
Ms. Rachel Thompson 5/4/2023 5/4/2023 Clo sed 5/4/2023
Kevin Bogardus 4/12/2023 ########## Clos ed 4/12/2023
Emilio Reyes 4/11/2023 ########## C los ed 4/11/2023
Emilio Reyes 4/25/2023 ########## C los ed 4/25/2023
Emilio Reyes 4/12/2023 ########## C los ed 5/10/2023
Emilio Reyes 5/10/2023 ########## C los ed 5/10/2023
Kevin Bogardus 4/12/2023 ########## Clos ed 4/12/2023
Kevin Bogardus 4/12/2023 ########## Clos ed 4/12/2023
Jaso n D . Broec ker 4/14/2023 ########## Cl osed 4/20/2023
Patrick Bergin 5/31/2023 ########## Clo sed Ex . 5 5/31/2023
Emilio Reyes 5/24/2023 ########## C los ed 5/24/2023
Emilio Reyes 4/17/2023 ########## C los ed 4/17/2023
Emilio Reyes 5/24/2023 ########## C los ed 5/24/2023
Emilio Reyes 4/20/2023 ########## C los ed 4/20/2023
Emilio Reyes 5/24/2023 ########## C los ed 5/24/2023
Troy Wiipongwii 4/17/2023 ########## Cl osed 4/18/2023
Troy Wiipongwii 4/28/2023 ########## Cl osed 5/25/2023
Emilio Reyes 4/18/2023 ########## C los ed 5/10/2023
Emilio Reyes 5/15/2023 ########## C los ed 5/15/2023
Emmerson Donnell 4/20/2023 ########## Clos ed 4/20/2023
Mr. Emmerson Donnell 5/9/2023 5/9/2023 Clo sed Ex. 6 5/9/2023
Mr. John Greenewald, Jr. 4/26/2023 ########## Clos ed 4/26/2023
Emily Schwing 4/28/2023 ########## Clos ed 5/15/2023
Mr. St efan T M edvet z 5/30/2023 ########## Clos ed 5/30/2023
Ms. Sarah A Murray 5/4/2023 5/4/2023 Clo sed 5/5/2023
Murphy Woodhouse 6/1/2023 6/1/2023 Clos ed 6/1/2023
Murphy Woodhouse 5/5/2023 5/5/2023 Clos ed 6/1/2023
Kevin Bogardus 5/9/2023 5/9/2023 Clo sed 5/9/2023
Kevin Bogardus 5/9/2023 5/9/2023 Clo sed 5/9/2023
Kevin Bogardus 5/9/2023 5/9/2023 Clo sed 5/9/2023
Amber Va ska 7/10/2023 ########## C los ed 7/10/2023
Michael Ravnitzky 5/11/2023 ########## Clos ed 5/11/2023
Gene R osen 7/14/2023 ########## Clo sed 7/14/2023
Emilio Reyes 7/6/2023 7/6/2023 Clo sed 7/6/2023
Emilio Reyes 6/7/2023 6/7/2023 Clo sed 7/6/2023
Colin Aamot 5/30/2023 ########## Clos ed 5/31/2023
Colin Aamot 5/31/2023 ########## Clos ed 5/31/2023
Kevin Bogardus 6/7/2023 6/7/2023 Clo sed 6/7/2023
Ms. Wei Lu 6/27/2023 ########## C los ed 6/27/2023
Kevin Bogardus 6/7/2023 6/7/2023 Clo sed 6/7/2023
Kevin Bogardus 6/7/2023 6/7/2023 Clo sed 6/7/2023
Mr. Russ ell Fertitta 7/17/2023 ########## C los ed 7/17/2023
Sarah Murray 7/12/2023 ########## Cl osed Ex. 4 7/12/2023
Ms. Mariah Thompson 6/14/2023 ########## C los ed 6/14/2023
Anna East 7/17/2023 ########## C los ed Ex. 6 7/17/2023
Ben Fen ner 6/14/2023 ########## C los ed 6/13/2023
Mr. Jo hn Greenewa ld 6/21/2023 ########## Clos ed 6/21/2023
Dani elle N M ont ague Bey 7/17/2023 ########## Cl osed 7/14/2023
Kevin Bogardus 7/13/2023 ########## Clos ed 7/13/2023
Kevin Bogardus 7/13/2023 ########## Clos ed 7/13/2023
Kevin Bogardus 7/13/2023 ########## Clos ed 7/13/2023
Emilio Reyes 7/18/2023 ########## Sub mitted
Emilio Reyes 7/18/2023 ########## C los ed 7/18/2023
Keegan B ord eaux 7/18/2023 ########## Submitted
Mr. Ben jamin Berke 10/4/2022 ########## C los ed
Mr. Chadd Everone 10/7/2022 ########## Cl osed
Emilio Reyes 10/20/2022 ########## Clo sed
Emilio Reyes 10/24/2022 ########## Clo sed
Emmerson Donnell 11/1/2022 ########## Clos ed
Emmerson Donnell 11/1/2022 ########## Clos ed
Ms. Sarah Murray 11/10/2022 ########## Clo sed
Katie Brossy 11/16/2022 ########## Cl osed
Emilio Reyes 11/21/2022 ########## Clo sed
Emilio Reyes 11/21/2022 ########## Clo sed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
DOI-ASIA-2023-001114 Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Cl osed
DOI-ASIA-2023-001114 Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Cl osed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
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Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Sheri Pais 11/30/2022 ########## Clos ed
Kevin Johnston 12/5/2022 1/5/2023 Clos ed
Mr. Emmerson Donnell 12/13/2022 ########## Clos ed
Ms. Pamela Levinson 12/15/2022 ########## Cl os ed
Ms. Pamela Levinson 12/15/2022 ########## Cl os ed
Ms. Pamela Levinson 12/15/2022 ########## Cl os ed
Ms. Pamela Levinson 12/15/2022 ########## Cl os ed
Ms. Pamela Levinson 12/15/2022 ########## Cl os ed
Ms. Pamela Levinson 12/15/2022 ########## Cl os ed
Ms. Pamela Levinson 12/15/2022 ########## Cl os ed
Ms. Pamela Levinson 12/15/2022 ########## Cl os ed
Ms. Pamela Levinson 12/15/2022 ########## Cl os ed
Ms. Pamela Levinson 12/15/2022 ########## Cl os ed
Ms. Pamela Levinson 12/15/2022 ########## Cl os ed
Ms. Pamela Levinson 12/15/2022 ########## Cl os ed
Ms. Pamela Levinson 12/15/2022 ########## Cl os ed
Ms. Pamela Levinson 12/15/2022 ########## Cl os ed
Ms. Pamela Levinson 12/15/2022 ########## Cl os ed
Ms. Pamela Levinson 12/15/2022 ########## Cl os ed
Ms. Pamela Levinson 12/15/2022 ########## Cl os ed
Ms. Pamela Levinson 12/15/2022 ########## Cl os ed
Ms. Pamela Levinson 12/15/2022 ########## Cl os ed
Ms. Pamela Levinson 12/15/2022 ########## Cl os ed
Ms. Pamela Levinson 12/15/2022 ########## Cl os ed
Ms. Pamela Levinson 12/15/2022 ########## Cl os ed
Ms. Pamela Levinson 12/15/2022 ########## Cl os ed
Ms. Pamela Levinson 12/15/2022 ########## Cl os ed
Ms. Pamela Levinson 12/15/2022 ########## Cl os ed
Ms. Pamela Levinson 12/15/2022 ########## Cl os ed
Ms. Pamela Levinson 12/15/2022 ########## Cl os ed
Ms. Pamela Levinson 12/15/2022 ########## Cl os ed
Ms. Pamela Levinson 12/15/2022 ########## Cl os ed
Ms. Pamela Levinson 12/15/2022 ########## Cl os ed
Ms. Pamela Levinson 12/15/2022 ########## Cl os ed
Ms. Pamela Levinson 12/15/2022 ########## Cl os ed
Ms. Pamela Levinson 12/15/2022 ########## Cl os ed
Ms. Pamela Levinson 12/15/2022 ########## Cl os ed
Ms. Pamela Levinson 12/15/2022 ########## Cl os ed
Mr. George Forman 12/20/2022 ########## C los ed
Kevin Bogardus 1/6/2023 2/6/2023 Clo sed
Emilio Reyes 1/17/2023 ########## C los ed
Emilio Reyes 1/23/2023 ########## C los ed
Mike B elens ki 1/23/2023 ########## Clos ed
Mike B elens ki 1/23/2023 ########## Clos ed
Mike B elens ki 1/23/2023 ########## Clos ed
Emilio Reyes 1/23/2023 ########## C los ed
Molly Young 1/25/2023 ########## C los ed
Mariah Thompson 1/26/2023 ########## Clos ed
Mr. Ch ris top her D Weaver 1/30/2023 ########## Clos ed
Michael Anderson 1/30/2023 3/1/2023 Clo sed
Michael Anderson 1/30/2023 3/1/2023 Clo sed
Emilio Reyes 1/31/2023 3/2/2023 Clo sed
Emilio Reyes 1/31/2023 3/2/2023 Clo sed
Emilio Reyes 2/6/2023 3/7/2023 Clo sed
Emilio Reyes 2/6/2023 3/7/2023 Clo sed
Emilio Reyes 2/6/2023 3/7/2023 Clo sed
Emilio Reyes 2/8/2023 3/9/2023 Clo sed
Mr. Ethan Jones 2/21/2023 ########## Cl osed
Tim Kilcullen 2/21/2023 ########## C los ed
Byron Tau 2/28/2023 ########## Clos ed
Byron Tau 2/28/2023 ########## Clos ed
Byron Tau 2/28/2023 ########## Clos ed
Lorena Mundrick 3/6/2023 4/3/2023 Clo sed
Tracie B ell 3/8/2023 4/5/2023 Cl osed
Rober t Dei chert 3/10/2023 ########## Cl osed
Mr. Theodore J. Gris wold 3/13/2023 ########## Cl os ed
Mr. Theodore J. Gris wold 3/13/2023 ########## Cl os ed
Mr. Theodore J. Gris wold 3/13/2023 ########## Cl os ed
Mr. Theodore J. Gris wold 3/13/2023 ########## Cl os ed
Mr. Theodore J. Gris wold 3/13/2023 ########## Cl os ed
Mr. Theodore J. Gris wold 3/13/2023 ########## Cl os ed
Mr. Theodore J. Gris wold 3/13/2023 ########## Cl os ed
Mr. Theodore J. Gris wold 3/13/2023 ########## Cl os ed
Mr. Theodore J. Gris wold 3/13/2023 ########## Cl os ed
Jack Poulson 3/31/2023 5/3/2023 C los ed
Ms. Rachel Thompson 4/7/2023 5/5/2023 Clo sed
Kevin Bogardus 4/10/2023 5/8/2023 Clos ed
Kevin Bogardus 4/10/2023 5/8/2023 Clos ed
Kevin Bogardus 4/10/2023 5/8/2023 Clos ed
Patrick Bergin 4/14/2023 ########## Clo sed
Emilio Reyes 4/14/2023 ########## C los ed
Emilio Reyes 4/17/2023 ########## C los ed
Emilio Reyes 4/17/2023 ########## C los ed
Mr. Emmerson Donnell 4/19/2023 ########## Cl osed
Mr. John Greenewald, Jr. 4/24/2023 ########## Clos ed
Mr. John Greenewald, Jr. 4/24/2023 ########## Clos ed
Mr. John Greenewald, Jr. 4/24/2023 ########## Clos ed
Mr. John Greenewald, Jr. 4/24/2023 ########## Clos ed
Kevin Bogardus 5/5/2023 6/6/2023 Clo sed
Amber Va ska 5/9/2023 6/9/2023 Clo sed
Kevin Bogardus 6/2/2023 7/6/2023 Clo sed
Sarah Murray 6/7/2023 ########## Cl osed
Anna East 6/9/2023 ########## Clo sed
Dani elle N M ont ague Bey 7/7/2023 8/7/2023 Clos ed
Kevin Bogardus 7/7/2023 8/7/2023 Clo sed
Mr. John Bryce Kenny 1/14/2021 ########## Clos ed No Records 1/21/2021 The Initial Submitter Communication Notifications sent to the Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria pursuant to 43 CFR Sec.'s 2.27, .28 and .31 connected with previous FOIA Requests DOI-ASIA-2020-001492 and DOI-ASIA-2021-000966, and any documents received from them in response.
Mr. Nate Carlisle 3/27/2023 ########## Cl osed No Records 3/29/2023 I reques t all reco rds released und er DO I-N PS-2 02 3- 001 88 1. If no recor ds h ave been releas ed yet, pleas e pro vide me t he reco rds when DOI- NPS -20 23 -0 018 81 is c los ed.
John Theiss 2/17/2023 5/1/2023 Ass ignmen t Det ermin atio n Non-Compliance with FOIA Request Tracking No. DOI-NPS-2023-001658
Mr. John B. Kenny 12/1/2020 1/5/2021 Clo sed No Records ########### All records concerning a loan guarantee to build a hotel on trust land of the Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria received or created subsequent to June 15, 2020. This request is supplemental to case control number DOI-ASIA-2020-001492.
Mr. Jonathan Bradford Ratner 1/27/2023 ########## Cl osed Par tial Gran t/Partial Denial 2/24/2023 See attac hed m ulti -st ate requ est . ID P roces sed und er DO I-BL M- 202 3- 00 165 4
Sherri Fortun 5/2/2023 ########## Res earch R ecor ds Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C) Associated with control number DOI-NPS-2023-001447, we are requesting a copy of the video that is being held as evidence to/of the accident.
Wesley Griffith 1/19/2023 ########## Clo sed Full Grant 1/20/2023 All commu nications related to answering FOIA DOI-NPS- 2023 -0018 81, inclu ding, without limitation, emails with Richard D elappe.
Michael Ravnitzky 2/16/2021 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 3/3/2021 I request a copy of the request letter, and each response letter, but not the res ponsive records, for each of these FOIA requests: DOI-ASIA-2021-001282. This is a noncommercial individual reques t that should be placed into the "all other requesters" fee category. I swear under penalty of perjury that this request is not for any commercial purpose.
Rober t Dewi tz 5/30/2023 ########## Initial Evaluation For the period of 1/1/20 23 to 5/29 /2023: all emails, correspondenc e, letters, meeting agendas, meeting minutes, meeting summaries (virtual or in-person) b etween the Hawaii State Department of Health and the National Park Service that discuss the iss ue of public access to Kalaupapa National Histo rical Park and/or re-opening of the park to the public of all of its facilities, includin g trails. For the period of 5/15/202 3 to 5/29/20 23: All emails between Hawaii State Dept. of Health employees and the National Park Service that discuss respo nses to inqu iries by Robert (Bob) D ewitz regarding public access to Kalaupapa National His torical Park.
William Follis 6/6/2023 ########## Initial Evaluation
This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act requesting to obtain email correspondence and text messages between Jessica Reid (jessica reid@npsgov) and Marc Blackburn (marc blackburn@npsgov) The subject matter is any communication regarding the Tulelake Municipal Airport O81 located in Newell California The time frame for communications sought is January 1 2020 to June 6 2 023
Panagio ta Hyde 8/31/2021 ########## As sig nment Deter minat ion Please see attached resubmission of FOIA request DOI-ASIA-2021- 0036 06. My FOIA request from 4/15/20 21 was "clo sed" according to yo ur website; however, I was not provided the estimated cost for s earch, review, and/or duplication. Please provide the anticipated fees asso ciated with my FOIA request. Thank you.
Dr. Joseph A Hampel 11/16/2022 ########## Clos ed Ex . 6 Duplicate Request ########### Requestin g the report for Parked car collision case #202 20000 0155 (Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, Officer Rick Pruett, 07/28 /2022). I need this to complete a claim with the insurance company. Note that two previous FOIA requests were made to obtain this report: 1. DOI-NPS-2 022- 00622 1 (09 /19/2022) 2. DOI-NPS-2 023-0 0052 9 (10/29 /2022) I didn't realize there was a paper form I needed to submit within 10 days, so I am submitting th e current request so that I can do that. Also, the date of the incident is incorrect for the DOI-NP S-2023 -0005 29 descript ion field. I apologize for any inconvenience.
Meini Tang 11/18/2022 Clo sed Duplicate Request ########### To Whom It May Concern, I would love to request a cop y of police report for case nu mber 202211 11-0 35. Attached is my signed form 1 0-945 . I am the person involved in this car accident. I actually submitted a request a few days ago, but realized I didn't uplo ad the form 10-94 5. The previous request is un der the tracking number DOI-NPS-202 3-00 0845. Als o, I would love to release this report to my insurance claim representative, Ms. Amanda Clark, as you will see in the form 10-945. Thank you s o much for you r help. Best, Meini Tang Nov 18, 2022
mr Brett Kenn ey 12/6/2019 C los ed Record s N ot R eason ably Des crib ed 2/20/2020 AS-IA-Immediate Office:I request the following records regarding the Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Indians (�Cow Creek�) for the time period January 1, 2018 to present: A. Requests to meet with the Assistant Secretary of Indian Affairs (�ASIA�) or ASIA staff; B. Briefing papers submitted by o r on behalf of the Cow Creek to the ASIA or ASIA staff; and C. Correspondence, includin g but not limited to emails, letters and text messages, between the Cow Creek (or its representatives)...
Steph en W D emps ey 2/21/2023 ########## C los ed No Records 3/8/2023 Request all additional correspondence since that provided earlier as a result of FOIA DOI-FWS-2023-000890 and FOIA DOI-FWS-2023-002553. Request all correspondence between USFWS and NextEra Energy, La Casa Wind LLC, West Environmental & Statistical Consultants, Texas Parks & Wildlife Dept, Department of the Interior, plus maps, plans and drawings that have been provided and meeting agendas, summaries and minutes of all video conferences, meetings, etc. Copies of maps showing turbine locations would be particularly useful if furnished.
Mr. Adriano K Tsinigine 12/27/2022 ########## C los ed Full Grant 4/12/2023 In addition to requ est: DOI-BIA-2023 -0013 69 I would also like a copy o f the allottees for Indian Allotment with tract numbers 243 062, 24 8279 , & 24828 0. These allotments are are in the Hogback Region of T30N R16W Sec. 1 & 2.
Lori Tuttle 4/5/2023 5/4/2023 Clo sed Oth er 4/18/2023 I forgot to also in clude in my original request (DOI-NP S-2023 -0037 62) the request for any reports and files completed by Ms. April S. Hartman, Investigative Analyst, Intake Management Unit, OIG from April 2021 and any reports and files completed by Mr. David G. Davies, Workplace Investigator, National Park Service, Washington Office from Ju ne 2021 to an unknown clos e date.
Ronald Gabel 5/3/2023 6/1/2023 C los ed No Records 5/10/2023 Please send me copies (via email attachment) of all correspondence between (to or from) Matt Sullivan (FWS FOIA Intake) and any representative of Ducks Unlimited (including but not limited to legal counsel) regarding FOIA request DOI-FWS-2023-002156.
Rich Vandelay 4/20/2021 6/2/2021 Clo sed Ex. 6 Part ial Gran t/Partial D enial 7/13/2021 Description of the following FOIA request: DOI-OS-2021-003026 DOI-OS-2021-003240 DOI-OS-2021-003173 DOI-OS-2021-003174 DOI-OS-2021-003171 DOI-OS-2021-003172 DOI-OS-2021-003239 DOI-OS-2021-003160 DOI-OS-2021-003130 DOI-OS-2021-003030 DOI-OS-2021-002832 DOI-OS-2021-002789 DOI-OS-2021-002736 DOI-OS-2021-002698 DOI-OS-2021-002604 DOI-OS-2021-002213
Rich Vandelay 8/31/2021 ########## Clo sed Request Withdrawn 9/1/2021 Full descriptions of the following FOIA requests: DOI-SOL-2021-004538 DOI-SOL-2021-001784 DOI-SOL-2021-005389 DOI-SOL-2021-001838 DOI-SOL-2021-005021 DOI-SOL-2021-004780 DOI-SOL-2021-004499 DOI-SOL-2021-004202 DOI-SOL-2021-004013 DOI-SOL-2021-001963 DOI-SOL-2021-004014 DOI-SOL-2021-004016 DOI-SOL-2021-004015 DOI-SOL-2021-001782 DOI-SOL-2021-003687 DOI-SOL-2021-002688
Rich Vandelay 8/31/2021 ########## Res earch Reco rds Ex. 6 Full descriptions of the following FOIA requests: DOI-SOL-2021-004538 DOI-SOL-2021-001784 DOI-SOL-2021-005389 DOI-SOL-2021-001838 DOI-SOL-2021-005021 DOI-SOL-2021-004780 DOI-SOL-2021-004499 DOI-SOL-2021-004202 DOI-SOL-2021-004013 DOI-SOL-2021-001963 DOI-SOL-2021-004014 DOI-SOL-2021-004016 DOI-SOL-2021-004015 DOI-SOL-2021-001782 DOI-SOL-2021-003687 DOI-SOL-2021-002688
Ms. K athl een Cas ey 1/19/2021 ########## C los ed No Records 1/20/2021 I am requesting responsive documents produced by your agency to the following FOIA requests: DOI-NPS-2021-001729 DOI-NPS-2021-001730 DOI-NPS-2021-001698 DOI-NPS-2021-001699 DOI-NPS-2021-001700 DOI-NPS-2021-001701 DOI-NPS-2021-001702 DOI-NPS-2021-001703 DOI-NPS-2021-001704 DOI-NPS-2021-001705 DOI-NPS-2021-001712 DOI-NPS-2021-001713 DOI-NPS-2021-001719
Morgan Yar dis 7/14/2023 ########## Initial Evaluation This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552, as amended (FOIA), from the Protect the Public’s Trust (PPT), a nonpartisan organization dedicated to promoting ethics in government and restoring the public’s trust in government officials. Records Requested PPT requests the following records from the Department of Interior (DOI): 1. From January 1, 2023, through the date this request is processed, records of communications between Tanya Trujillo, DOI Assistant Secretary for Water and Science, and the following DOI officials: See attached for list.
William Follis 6/6/2023 Cl osed Ot her 6/13/2023 This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act, requesting to obtain email correspondence and text messages between Chris Mengel (chris_menge[email protected]) and Jessica Reid (jessica_r[email protected]ov) or Marc Blackburn ( The subject matter is any communication regarding the Tulelake Municipal Airport O81 located in Newell, California. The time frame for communications sought is January 1, 2020 to June 6, 2023.
William Follis 6/6/2023 Cl osed Ot her 6/13/2023 This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act, requesting to obtain email correspondence and text messages between Jes sica Reid ( and Douglas Pomeroy ( or Camille Garibaldi ( The subject matter is any communication regarding the Tulelake Municipal Airport O81 located in Newell, California. The time frame for communications sought is January 1, 2020 to June 6, 2023.
William Follis 6/6/2023 Cl osed Ot her 6/13/2023
This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act requesting to obtain email correspondence and text messages between Marc Blackburn (marc blackburn@npsgov) and Douglas Pomeroy (douglaspomeroy@faagov) or Camille Garibaldi (camillegaribaldi@faagov) The subject matter is any communication regarding the Tulelake Municipal Airport O81 located in Newell California The time frame for communications sought is January 1 2 020 to June 6 2023
William Follis 6/6/2023 Cl osed Ot her 6/13/2023 This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act, requesting to obtain email correspondence and text messages between Chris Mengel (chris_menge[email protected]) and Douglas Pomeroy ( or Camille Garibaldi ( The subject matter is any communication regarding the Tulelake Municipal Airport O81 located in Newell, California. The time frame for communications sought is January 1, 2020 to June 6, 2023.
Car Key s 8/29/2022 ########## Cl osed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C) P artial Gran t/Parti al Denial ########### ADIR-FOIA: Copy of incoming request and response to DOI-NPS-2022-001256; DOI-NPS-2022-001258, DOI-NPS-2022-001539; DOI-NPS-2022-001556; and DOI-NPS-2022-0002340.
William Follis 6/6/2023 Cl osed Ot her 6/13/2023 This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act, requesting to obtain email correspondence and text messages between Jes sica Reid ( and Julianne Polanco (, Tristan Tozer ( or ( The subject matter is any communication regarding the Tulelake Municipal Airport O81 located in Newell, California. The time frame for communications sought is January 1, 2020 to June 6, 2023.
William Follis 6/6/2023 Cl osed Ot her 6/13/2023 This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act, requesting to obtain email correspondence and text messages between Marc Blackburn (marc_black[email protected])and Julianne P olanco (, Tristan Tozer (, or ( The subject matter is any communication regarding the Tulelake Municipal Airport O81 located in Newell, California. The time frame for communications sought is January 1, 2020 to June 6, 2023.
William Follis 6/6/2023 Cl osed Ot her 6/13/2023 This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act, requesting to obtain email correspondence and text messages between Chris Mengel (chris_menge[email protected]) and Julianne Polanco (, Tristan Tozer (, or ( The subject matter is any communication regarding the Tulelake Municipal Airport O81 located in Newell, California. The time frame for communications sought is January 1, 2020 to June 6, 2023.
William Follis 6/6/2023 Cl osed Ot her 6/13/2023 This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act, requesting to obtain email correspondence and text messages between Marc Blackburn (marc_black[email protected]) and Barbara Takei ( or Hiroshi Shimizu ( or The subject matter is any communication regarding the Tulelake Municipal Airport O81 located in Newell, California. The time frame for communications sought is January 1, 2020 to June 6, 2023.
William Follis 6/6/2023 Cl osed Ot her 6/13/2023 This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act, requesting to obtain email correspondence and text messages between Jes sica Reid ( and Barbara Takei ( or Hiroshi Shimizu ( or The subject matter is any communication regarding the Tulelake Municipal Airport O81 located in Newell, California. The time frame for communications sought is January 1, 2020 to June 6, 2023.
William Follis 6/6/2023 Cl osed Ot her 6/13/2023 This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act, requesting to obtain email correspondence and text messages between Chris Mengel (chris_menge[email protected]) and Barbara Takei ( or Hiroshi Shimizu ( or The subject matter is any communication regarding the Tulelake Municipal Airport O81 located in Newell, California. The time frame for communications sought is January 1, 2020 to June 6, 2023.
Emmerson Donnell 10/28/2021 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 11/8/2021 Any respons e letter from the Nooksack Tribe to ASIA Bryan Newland or Principal Deputy Solicitor Ann Marie Bledsoe Downes s ince October 5, 202 1. Reference is made ASIA Newland's October 5, 20 21 letter to Nooksack Tribal Chairman Ros s Cline, Jr.
Mr. Emmerson Donnell 10/28/2021 ########## Clos ed Request Withdrawn 11/9/2021 Any response letter from the Nooksack Tribe to ASIA Bryan Newland or Principal Deputy Solicito r Ann Marie Bledsoe Downes since Octob er 5, 2021. Reference is made ASIA Newland's October 5, 2021 letter to Nooksack Tribal Chairman Ross Clin e, Jr.
Rich Vandelay 9/25/2020 ########## Clo sed Ex. 6 Part ial Grant /Partial D enial 8/24/2021 Copies of the following requests submitted to the Office of the Secretary: DOI-OS-2020-002248 DOI-OS-2020-002432 DOI-OS-2020-002552 DOI-OS-2020-005857 DOI-OS-2020-005858 DOI-OS-2020-001886 DOI-OS-2020-002038 DOI-OS-2020-002145 Pleas e note, several of these had requests attachmented in FOIAonline that I was unable to view.
Michael J Ravnitzky 12/6/2021 1/5/2022 Clo sed Full Grant 12/6/2021 A copy of the letter of reques t only for each of the following request letters: DOI-OS-2017-000236, DOI-OS-2018-000265, DOI-OS-2018-000498, DOI-OS-2018-000586, and DOI-OS-2018-000797.
Car Key s 6/29/2022 ########## Cl osed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C) P artial Gran t/Parti al Denial 7/8/2022 ADIR-FOIA: Printed copies of FOIAs and responses for: DOI-NPS-2020-005924, DOI-NPS-2020-002374, and DOI-NPS-2020-002280.
Emilio Reyes 2/16/2023 ########## C los ed Fee-Relat ed Reas on 6/23/2023 The 1928 Enrollment Application of Jim Garcia, Appl. No. 65, and all documents attached thereto.
Ed Winkley 2/22/2023 Clo sed Reco rds Not Reaso nab ly D escr ibed 3/31/2023 I s erved as a Landscape Architect for the Pacific West Region for th e National Park Service from 8/29/2022 to 2 /22/2023 . I was just terminated for no reason whatsoever. I am requesting all emails with my name in it and my calendar from the time I was hired to the date I was terminated.
Car Key s 10/11/2022 ########## C los ed Ex. 6 Partial G rant/Part ial Deni al ########### ADIR-FOIA: Copies of incoming request and response for FOIA requests DOI-NPS-2021-001572, DOI-NPS-2021-000932, DOI-NPS-2021-000163, and DOI-NPS-2021-000164
Robin Bravender 8/19/2022 ########## Cl osed Ex. 5, Ex. 6, Ex. 7(F) Partial G rant/P artial Den ial 9/20/2022 I am seeking all documents previously released under the following completed FOIA requests: DOI-OS-2021-003274 DOI-OS-2021-003671 DOI-OS-2021-004614 DOI-OS-2021-003447
Alison Garner 7/5/2023 8/2/2023 Ass ign ment D etermin atio n Please provide these documents related to the A1 Lithium Inc. Mineral Exploration Project, DOI- BLM-UT-Y010 -2021 -006 8-EA: 1) a request dated approximately January 20, 202 3, from the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance for U tah State Director Review of the A1 Lithium Inc. Mineral Exploration Project and Decision R ecord; 2) a document dated April 202 3, from the BLM Utah State Director deciding to s et aside and remand the A1 Lithium Inc. Mineral Exploration Project Decisio n Record for furth er analysis.
Emilio Reyes 5/15/2023 ########## C los ed Duplicate Request 5/16/2023 Historic American Engineering Record; Colorado Street Bridge, HAER No. CA-58, P.2, Part I: Historical Info rmation, Section A. DOI; National Park Service, Slaton Deborah (Dec. 1988).
Car Key s 1/3/2023 2/6/2023 Clos ed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C) , Ex. 7(E) Partial G rant/Part ial Deni al 1/6/2023 IR-FOIA: Copies of incoming request and response to DOI-NPS-2018-000267, DOI-NPS-2018-000388, DOI-NPS-2018-000866 and accident report NP19016847.
Michael Ravnitzky 4/14/2023 C los ed Request Withdrawn 4/14/2023
A copy of the administrative tracking/processing files and records associated with the proces sing of request DOI NPS 2023 003856 in cluding any emails relating to the request I agree that a search would best be performed in the NPS FOIA Offices in volved in processing this request I agree to limit the scope of this request to records d uring the dates October 1 20 22 to the present
amy Kemp er 2/22/2023 Clos ed Other 3/8/2023 requesting all recorded audio information, calls , radio, email and dispatch communication f rom Lake Mead Dispatch in Nevada, that involves communicatio n between Glen Canyon Parks Dispatch as well as with Las vegas BLM in regards to missing person and NPS employee Matt Kemper missing on 1/5/202 3- Recorded calls of Lake Mead contacting Glen Canyon off ering search assistance would have occurred on or after 1/6/2023.
Mr. Tom Buchele 9/6/2022 ########## Ass ignm ent D etermin atio n YOSE: Litigation relating to DOI-NPS-2022-003685 and DOI-NPS-2022-005115.
Mr. Car Keys 2/1/2023 3/2/2023 Clo sed Ex. 6, Ex. 7( C) P artial G rant/Part ial Deni al 6/2/2023 PLEASE NOTE: I do not have internet access or access to a virtual FOIA reading room. I REQUEST a printed paper copy of the following published FOIAs and the Agency response to this FOIA: 1.DOI-NPS-2020-001781 2.DOI-NPS-2020-001762 3.DOI-NPS-2021-000177 4.DOI-NPS-2021-000849
Brett Duxbury 6/1/2023 7/6/2023 Clo sed Duplicate Request 6/6/2023 All non-privileged digital/digitized communications (e.g., email, email chains, email attachments, letters, notes, reports, spreadsheets) in NPS possession dated between July 2020 and the present that include ANY of the following words/phrases (not including quotations): "Kern River No. 3" "KR3" "Kern 3" "Kern River 3" "P-2290" "P2290" "Fairview Dam" "Kernville" **This request is to clarify our original request (DOI-NPS-2023-004763) to provide that we request documents containing ANY of the listed words/phrases.
Amy Kemp er 2/22/2023 4/6/2023 Clo sed Ex. 5, Ex. 7(F) P artial Gr ant/Parti al Denial 3/31/2023 All information on Case for Missing Employee Matthew Kemper 1/5/2023. All recorded dispatch calls incoming and outgoing , all radio email and written communication and notes regarding Matt Kempers Case.
David Emmick 6/30/2023 ########## Clo sed Request Withdrawn 7/17/2023 Queets River Road Plans and drawings
Michael Ravnitzky 10/16/2020 ########## C los ed Full Grant 3/30/2023 A copy of the letter of request, the interim letters of response, and the internal administrative process ing/tracking/handling notes and emails in the Dept of the Interior Office of th e Secretary (DOI OS) FOIA Office associated with the request, for these FOIA requests at the Dept of Interior Office of the Secretary: DOI-OS-2017 -8020 2, DOI-OS-20 17-0 00404 , DOI-OS-201 7-00 0428, and D OI-OS-201 8-000 133. This is an individual non commercial request. I swear under penalty of perjury that this request is not for any commercial purpos e whatsoever.
Richard F Davis 6/30/2023 8/3/2023 Ass ignmen t D etermin atio n Requesting accident report for April 24 2023 processed on June 29, 2023
Mr. MANETIRO NY CLERVR AIN 10/4/2021 C los ed Improper FOIA Request for Other Reasons 12/6/2021 DOI-BIE-2021-001960
Mr. MANETIRO NY CLERVR AIN 10/4/2021 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 10/6/2021 DOI-BSEE-2021-001961
Mr. MANETIRO NY CLERVR AIN 10/4/2021 C los ed Improper FOIA Request for Other Reasons 10/5/2021 DOI-OS-2021-001962
Bruc e Pend ery 9/21/2017 ########## C los ed Request Withdrawn 8/16/2022 From 07/06/17 to date search begins: Requests copies of all correspondence and memoranda, including but not limited to electronic mail, hard copy mail, and telephone records, between BLM and DOI, between BLM and DOI employees, between BLM and DOI and other Executive Branch employees, and between BLM and DOI employees and non-federal entities related to the development and provision of the 45-Day Reports.
Michael Ravnitzky 2/16/2021 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 3/2/2021 I request a copy of the request letter, and each response letter, but not the respons ive records, for each of these FOIA requests: DOI-OS-20 17-0 00654 , DOI-OS-201 8-00 6241, D OI-OS-202 1-001 280, and D OI-OS-2021 -0020 65. This is a no ncommercial individual request that sho uld be placed into the "all other requesters" fee category. I swear under penalty of perjury that this request is not fo r any commercial purpose.
Timothy Malone 7/7/2023 ########## Ass ignmen t D etermin atio n
Rober t Hen neke 11/7/2019 ########## Clos ed No Records 3/28/2022 Records that identify any current pending enforcement proceeding brought by any agency within DOI against an individual or individuals alleging violation of any DOI agency administrative rules or statute within DOI purview to administer and enforce, specifically including a charging instrument or notice of violation.
May Yang 2/6/2023 Clos ed Duplicate Request 2/6/2023 Transaction/Reference #: 196901581 5Not H igh Monitored: FARMERS INSURANCE FTP Report Type:Other Report/Case Number:PP2 2109 521 D ate of Occurrence:11/25/20 22 12:0 0:00AM Location of Loss :MD 29 5, BALTIMORE-WASHINGTON PKWY Cross Street: City:LAN DOVERCoun ty:PRINCE G EORGState:MD Insuranc e Company: FARMERS INSURANCE FTP Insured Driver:MayaDo dson D river 2: Driver 3: Last Note: No Association Performed. Sent To Print By Iserv (iserv) 2/3/202 31:02:4 6PM TAG #: VIN #: 5TDGZRBH8NS5780 24
Emmerson Donnell 12/13/2021 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 1/11/2022 Any text messages between Senator Patty Murray's office and ASIA Bryan Newland regarding the Nooksack Tribe and housing evictions, which were s ent on or around December 10, 2021.
Joan Seelman 3/16/2021 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 3/18/2021 I would like copies of the following FOIA requests that have been answered and the attachments to same: DOI-BOEM-2021 -0012 88 and D OI-BOEM-202 1-001 290.
Ed Winkley 2/22/2023 Clo sed Oth er 3/3/2023
I am requesting all of my Word files from my Laptop in which I utiliz ed at the Pacific Region for the National Park Service for 8/29/202 2 to 2/22/20 23
Mr. Car Keys 7/12/2022 8/9/2022 Clo sed Full Grant 7/20/2022 I do not have interned access or access to a virtual FOIA reading room. I request a printed paper copy of the following published FOIAs and the Agency response to the following: 1. DOI-BSEE-2020-001558; 2. DOI-BSEE-2020-002276; 3. BSEE-2019-00073 (FOIAonline Tracking Number: DOI-BSEE-2019-003358); and 4. BSEE-2019-0055 (FOIAonline Tracking Number: DOI-BSEE-2019-002945)
raymond asanji 12/27/2022 Clos ed Duplicate Request 1/4/2023 Direct Deposit Information Non payment National Interest Waiver Alien Number 216625601 UN Loss and damage fund 9/11. Death Notification NATO intragovernmental tax code DA - xxxxxx608 SWEDEN So Help me with overhead load in the administrative bottleneck process. This burden of Sweaty Diabetes trouble bowels cancer is labour in vain without your help. Los Angeles. Not an Agency Record. We have reviewed your request and have determined that you have not adequately identified the records you are requesting in order for us to perform a search. Office of Work Relations Veterans Benefits Administration Department of Veterans Affairs FOIAOnline Invoice
Emilio Reyes 4/25/2023 ########## C los ed Duplicate Request 4/26/2023 Report titled: "Historic American Engineering Record; Colorado Street Bridge; Haer No. CA-58," prepared by Deborah Slaton, Architect/Historian, in D ecember 1988, and the National Register of Histo ric Places, Section 8, Page 14, of the Pegfair Estates Histo ric District describ ing Linda Vista, a section in Pas adena, California.
Mrs. BO NNIE BLESSIN G 5/19/2023 ########## Clo sed Request Withdrawn 5/26/2023 Hi Could I receive the 2023 monitoring report for the The Preserve Century Annual Report 2023 Its a mitigation bank for pocket gophers and includes spotted frogs) in Thurston County Washington State.
Landon Newell 7/7/2023 ########## Initial Evaluation •All records related to the Wildcat Loadout Facility ROW Amendment (DOI-BLM-UT-GO20-20 23-0013-EA) and federal right-of-way UTU-48027, including but not limited: oAll records exchanged with, or received from, project proponents; oAll records exchanged with, or received from, Carbon County elected officials, agents, and representati ves; oAll records exchanged with, or received from, Utah Division of Oil, Gas and Mining (“DOGMâ€) .
Rich Vandelay 8/31/2021 ########## Ass ign ment D etermi natio n As set out in a respons e to me from the Office of the Secretary, I request the following: Some of the records you have requested (DOI-OS-2021 -0031 30, 20 21-00 3030 , DOI-OS-202 1- 002 832, DOI-O S-2021 -0027 89, DOI-OS-2 021-0 0269 8, and DOI-OS-2 021-0 0260 4) would likely be maintained by the Office of the Solicitor. As s uch, we recommend that you submit this reques t to that agency’s FOIA office at the following address: DOI Offic e of the Solicitor FOIA Office, Attn: Lance Purvis; MS-65 40, MIB; 1849 C Street, NW; Washington, DC 202 40, website:, email: [email protected] In my initial request, I asked for desc riptions of th e listed FOIAs. Please send me descriptions of th e foia requests listed.
Mr. Car Keys 5/24/2023 ########## Initial Evaluation PL EASE NOTE: I do not have internet access or access to a virtual FOIA reading room. I REQUEST a printed paper copy of the following pub lished FOIAs and the Agency response to th is FOIA: 1.DOI-NPS-2 022-0 0097 0 2.DOI-NP S-2022 -000 615 3.D OI-NPS-20 22-00 0486 4.DOI-NPS- 2022 -0004 31 In the event the fee waiver is denied, I would request the first two hou rs research time & first 100 pages provided f or free. I do not want to pay any fees at all. Also Note, If the time period to respond exceeds the 20 days your agency has to respond, the 100 page, 2 hr limit is WAIVED and you must provid e copies of ALL doc uments related to this request, (see FOIA Regulations 5 §522 ( 4) (a) even (viii)(II) If it exceeds the 100 -page limit.
Mr. Car Keys 5/24/2023 ########## Initial Evaluation PL EASE NOTE: I do not have internet access or access to a virtual FOIA reading room. I REQUEST a printed paper copy of the following pub lished FOIAs and the Agency response to th is FOIA: 1.DOI-NPS-2 022-0 0043 0 2.DOI-NP S-2022 -000 384 3.D OI-NPS-20 22-00 0160 4.DOI-NPS- 2021 -0062 27 In the event the fee waiver is denied, I would request the first two hou rs research time & first 100 pages provided f or free. I do not want to pay any fees at all. Also Note, If the time period to respond exceeds the 20 days your agency has to respond, the 100 page, 2 hr limit is WAIVED and you must provid e copies of ALL doc uments related to this request, (see FOIA Regulations 5 §522 ( 4) (a) even (viii)(II) If it exceeds the 100 -page limit.
Dou glas Lemp 10/6/2020 ########## Processing Tasks Requesting a copy of the Department of the Interior, Office of the Secretary, Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) cases; case numbers DOI-OS-18-0001 and DOI-OS-19-0215. Thank you
Mr. Gabriel O Gigena 2/23/2021 ########## Clo sed No Records 3/9/2021
In order to forward the response of the Ass istant Secretary- Indian Affairs, they have advised me to submit to the Office of Federal Acknowledgement this request after being redirected to their agency by the Secretary of Interior. I have requested a certified copy of the Secretary's Disapproval of The Kingdom of Hayah Hawah's Co nstitution c ertified mailed on April 9, 2020. Title 25 section 5123 the Secretary had 45 days to approve or disappro ve the Constitution or h is approval is as given. An amendment was certified mailed November 9, 2020. Title 25 section 51 23 the Secretary had 45 days to app rove or disapprove of the Con stitution or his approval is as given. Both have no record of a dis approval. I am requesting from the Office of Federal Acknowledgement a certified copy of the Secretary's disapproval of the Kingdom of Hayah H awah's Constitution certified mailed on April 9, 2020. Title 25 s ection 5123 th
Ryan C B radel 5/19/2020 ########## Processing Tasks 1. Any and all documents referring or relating to the DOI's decision to prohibit DOI subagencies and bureau's from placing orders against the BPA. 2 Any and all documents, referring or relating to the D OI' s decision to require all DOI subagencies, bureaus, offices, and other activities to use OPM' s USA Staffing integrated talent acquisition system in lieu of MGS's integrated talent acquisition system which certain DOI subagencies, bureaus, and offices had been using (continued below)
American Oversight 10/30/2020 Clos ed Recor ds N ot R easo nabl y Des crib ed 2/8/2021 Please see attached (DOI-BIE-20-2691).
Graha m Brewer 1/5/2022 ########## Initial Evaluation Referral of records from DOI-BIA-2022-001422
Adrian Heafford 8/31/2022 ########## As sign ment Determ inati on
I would like the Geophysical completion reports (blank example attached) for the following seismic surveys in Wyoming. NEPA # Lease/serial/casefile no Project Name BLM Case DOI-BLM-WY-P070-2017-0067-CXWYW184971Adon Road 3D Seismic C-8298857 DOI-BLM-WY-P070-2014-0370-CXWYW168466Apache 3D Seismic Project DOI-BLM-WY-P070-2017-0066-CXWYW184970Candy Draw 3D Seismic C-8298856 DOI-BLM-WY-P070-2018-0091-CXWYW184994Elk Creek 3D Seismic C-8307223 DOI-BLM-WY-P070-2019-0099-CXWYW188532Elk Creek East 3D Seismic C-8319272 DOI-BLM-WY-P070-2014-0341-CXWYW168472Greater Belle Fourche 3D Seismic Project DOI-BLM-WY-P070-2014-0315-CXWYW168465Jager 3D Seismic Project DOI-BLM-WY-P070-2015-0257-CXWYW168500Leviathan 3D Seismic Project DOI-BLM-WY-P070-2015-0256-CXWYW
Dimple Kumar 10/11/2022 Clo sed Duplicate Request ########### Hi team, We would like to know the following under the FOIA: For FY22: -a list of orders made via the SEWP V contract to [CONTRACT HOLD ER] -a copy of the each of th e accompanying Purchase Orders
cindy nguyen 2/22/2019 ########## A ssi gnmen t Det ermin ation ONRR HR Investigation DOI-18-HCI-065-ONRR
American Oversight 11/23/2020 ########## Clo sed Ex. 6 Parti al Grant /Partial D enial 2/16/2021 P leas e see att ached FOIA req ues t (D OI-2 0- 28 26 )
Rich Vandelay 8/31/2021 ########## Clo sed Ex. 6 Part ial Grant /Partial D enial ########### Copy of the supporting file referenced in DOI-SOL-2021-001949.
Michael Ravnitzky 3/9/2021 4/7/2021 Clo sed Ex. 6 Partial Grant/P artial D enial 9/22/2021 A copy of the letter of request, each interim letter of res ponse, and the contents of the administrative processing file (including notes , memos, emails discussing the request (whether inside or outside the administrative processing file), and similar records associated with the processing of the request) for each of the following FOIA requests (DOI-OS-2017-000202, DOI-OS-2017-000256, and DOI-OS-2017-000404). You may limit your search to the DOI OS FOIA Office. This is a noncommercial individual request. I swear under penalty of perjury that this request is not for any commercial purpose.
Patrick McKay 1/10/2022 2/9/2022 Clos ed Ex. 3, Ex. 5 P artial G rant/Part ial Deni al 2/25/2022 I request all public comments and all supporting documents attached to those comments (ie. referenced documents, photographs, maps, GIS data files, etc.) received by the BLM during the scoping period (which ended January 7, 2022) for the following NEPA projects, which are the RMP amendments to implement Public Law 116-9, the John D. Dingell, Jr. Conservation, Management, and Recreation Act: 1. DOI-BLM-UT-G000-2019-0002-OTHER_NEPA 2. DOI-BLM-UT-G020-2021-0044-RMP-EA 3. DOI-BLM-UT-G020-2021-0014-RMP-EA 4. DOI-BLM-UT-G020-2021-0043-RMP-EA 5. DOI-BLM-UT-G010-2021-0096-RMP-EA 6. DOI-BLM-UT-G020-2021-0045-RMP-EA 7. DOI-BLM-UT-G010-2021-0095-RMP-EA I request that all files be provided digitally, grouped by project number.
Loren e M. G rant 2/1/2023 3/7/2023 Clo sed Ex . 6 P artial Gran t/Parti al Denial 3/9/2023
Requesting a copy of the police report from 1/1/2023 and the recovery report on 1/18/2023 for my 2019 Can Am Maverick Sport 1000R
Mr. Carlos J Anchondo 4/25/2023 6/7/2023 Init ial Evaluation
I request a copy of any emails sent from the account o f Melissa Schwartz that mention any of th e following terms --- "Mou ntain Valley pipeline," "Mountain Valley pipeline project," "FERC," and " Equitrans" --- b etween April 1, 2023, and April 25, 20 23. I request a copy of any emails sent f rom the account of Tyler Cherry that mention any of the following terms --- "Mountain Valley pipeline" "Mo untain Valley pipeline project" and "Equitrans" " --- between April 1, 2023 , and April 25, 202 3. I request a copy of any emails sent from the accou nt of Rachael Taylor that mention any of the following terms --- " Mountain Valley pipeline" "Mo untain Valley pipeline project" and "Equitrans" --- between April 1, 2023, and April 2 5, 2023 . I request a copy of any emails sent from the account o f Shannon Estenoz that mention any of the following terms --- "Mountain Valley pipeline" "Mo untain Valley pipeline project" and
Adam Fed erman 7/28/2021 9/9/2021 Clo sed All R ecor ds R eferred to A not her Agen cy 9/30/2021 In April DOI appoin ted Raina Thiele DOI Senior Advisor for Alaska Affairs. This is a request for Ms . Thiele's financial disclosu re forms as well as any correspondence or communic ation with the department's ethic's office regarding potential conflic ts of interest.
Alden Woods 8/26/2020 ########## C los ed Full Grant 3/31/2021 All BIE weekly reports sent to the Offic e of the Secretary of the Interior between July 1, 2020 , and the date this request is fulfilled.
Mr. Michael Ravnitzky 8/26/2022 ########## Clos ed Ex . 6 Par tial Gran t/Partial Denial 9/7/2022 “A copy of each EXHIBIT associated with DOI OIG Investigation which prod uced DOI OIG Report 18 -0890 .â€
Mr. Car Keys 9/6/2022 ########## Cl os ed Full Grant 10/7/2022 No access to virtual FOIA reading room/internet. Requesting a paper copy of published FOIAs and the Agency response to the following: 1. BSEE-2019-00089 (FOIAonline Tracking Number DOI-BSEE-2019-003666); 2. BSEE-2019-00115 (FOIAonline Tracking Number DOI-BSEE-2019-004041); and 3. BSEE-2019-00135 (FOIAonline Tracking Number: DOI-BSEE-2019-004404).
Michael Ravnitzky 3/27/2023 5/9/2023 Initial Evaluation A copy of all Dept of Interior Departmental guidance for DOI FOIA Staff on " Estimated Completion Dates". Please include memos, directives, guidance, instruc tions, legal direction, policies, etc. You may limit this to DOI departmental and/or Office of the Solicitor records . You may limit this to DOI records no t published o n the department's public website. You may limit this to records s ince January 1, 2018 .
Michelle Winston 2/10/2021 Clo sed Duplicate Request 2/10/2021 I am following up on FOIA request #DOI-NPS-2021-000779.
Emilio Reyes 6/5/2023 ########## C los ed 6/6/2023
Jennifer Yachnin 7/12/2023 ########## Initial Evaluation I request all records con cerning Interior Assistant Secretary of Interior for Water and Science Tanya Trujillo’s schedule from January 1, 202 3 to June 30 , 2023.
Will Evans 10/13/2022 ########## Ass ignm ent D etermin atio n This is a request for copies o f the Certificates of Transfer, Attestation Forms and related invoices received by DOI for RECs (renewable energy certificates), from May 16, 2022 to the present. These records should be located within DOI's Office of Acq uisition and P roperty Management.
Pasindu Sooriarachchi 4/11/2023 Clos ed Recor ds N ot R easo nabl y Des cri bed 6/15/2023 DOI-FWS-2023-002600 Request Details
jeffr ey ward 1/11/2023 3/6/2023 Cl osed Ex. 6 Par tial Gran t/Partial Denial 2/27/2023 I am requesting all training records for myself, Jeffrey Ward, from the Indian Police Academy, BIA OJS Standing Rock Agency, DOI Learn, DOI Talent and DOI University. I am a former employee and was not able to get a complete listing of training records from personn el records prior to leaving service in January 2022 . If there is a charge for the processing, please contact me for payment information.
Kevin Miller 8/24/2022 ########## C los ed Full Grant 8/25/2022 A list of all DOI BOEM politic al appointees as of August 2 4, 2022 .
Ted Mann 9/21/2017 ########## Ass ignmen t D etermin atio n Ethical waivers gran ted to DOI emplo yees s inc e 1/1/1 7.
Rich Vandelay 8/31/2021 ########## Clo sed Ex. 6 Part ial Grant /Partial D enial ########### Copy of the supporting file referenced in FOIA DOI-SOL-2021-001573
Mr. Justin Lenoir 2/23/2021 ########## C los ed No Records 3/4/2021 My name is Jus tin Lenoir, I was recently employed as a BIA Police Officer for the Turtle Mountain Law Enforcement Agency. I am requesting my complete personnel records/file as well as any investigations Internal Affairs has completed/initiated against me.
Mr. Alonzo Coker 3/30/2023 ########## Clos ed Partial G rant/Part ial Deni al 7/12/2023 We respectfully request all emails to and from for from February 11, 2023 through March 30, 2023 that have either of the following words (140A2322Q0463 &/or 140A2323Q0078).
Ana Faoro 1/26/2021 ########## Cl os ed No Records 3/5/2021 Any Interlocal Agreements between the Stillaguamish Tribe of Indians (Washington State) and Snohomish County, WA submitted to the DOI for approval. If one was submitted, I’m also requesting any documents showing whether the Interlocal Agreement was approved or denied by the DOI.
Michael Ravnitzky 12/1/2020 ########## Clos ed Ex . 6 Par tial Gran t/Partial Denial 5/5/2021 A copy of the proc essing notes, emails, memos and other records retrievable in the DOI Office of the Secretary FOIA Office concerning the following FOIA request: DOI-OS-20 17-00 0236 . I do not request the records located in respo nse to the 0002 36 request.
Kelly A Campbell 2/13/2023 ########## Cl osed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C) P artial Gr ant/Parti al Denial 2/15/2023 Police Report NP23024403 1/29/2023
Joshua Smith 7/2/2018 ########## Cl osed Oth er 9/28/2020 Records of the following type in the possession, custody, or control of the U.S. Department of Interior (DOI) for the time period starting from January 20, 2017 up through and including the date that you conduct your search for documents: All emails, text messages, faxes, voice mails, and other forms of communications from, or to the following individuals in the Office of the Secretary (hereinafter DOI Personnel) with any person outside of DOI: (contd below)
Jeann e BROD SKY 6/22/2023 ########## Cl os ed Ex. 6 Partial G rant/Part ial Deni al 6/30/2023 Cynomys ludovicianus Exp orted out of the United States all ports o f exports starting date March 01 , 2023 endin g date June 20, 2023 declared value Thank you
Miriam Raffel-Smith 3/3/2022 ########## Initial Evaluation
The 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (“IIJAâ€
) directs the Secretary of the Department of Interior (“DOIâ€) to establish programs to fund state efforts to plug orphaned oil and gas wells. (Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. HR 3684. November 15, 2021. Division D, Section 40601. Orphaned Well Site P lugging, Remediati on, and Restoration). On December 17, 2021, the DOI released initial guidance to states to apply for funding under this program. (See DOI’s guidance specified that states should submit a Noti ce of Intent (“NOIâ€) for formula grants under the orphaned well program “no later than December 30, 2021 if they intend to apply for a Formula Grant at a later date.â€ On January 5th, 2022, DOI announced that there had been “overwhelming interestâ€ in the program, with NOI sub
Ryan Bavett a 5/8/2023 6/9/2023 Clo sed Full Grant 7/3/2023 Copies of request, response, and documents associated with FOIA No: DOI-BOR-2021-005103
Ms. M organ Yard is 8/8/2022 9/7/2022 Clo sed Full Gran t 8/11/2022 A lis t of all DOI Office of the Secretary political appointees as of Augu st 8, 202 2.
Lawrenc e Jack son 1/21/2021 ########## Cl osed Full G rant 8/10/2021 1. I request an official DOI reproduc ed up to date "Fort Bridger Treaty of 1868" 2 . I request an official DOI offic e of Indian Affairs "Con stitution and B ylaws for the Shoshon e-Bannock Tribes of Fort Hall Reservation Idaho" up to date.
Kevin G Brown 5/11/2020 6/8/2020 Clo sed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C) Part ial Grant /Partial D enial 8/23/2021 Copy of the docu ments containing the following inf ormation be provided to me. Copies of all email correspondenc es of all veterans that also qualified for Schedule A Hiring Autho rity that contacted the DOI Veteran Employment Program email address for the years of 2013,20 14, 201 5,and 201 6. Emails sent to this email address for th e years mentioned but also requesting copies of all email responses of DOI resulting from a veteran that also qualified for Sch edule A Hiring Authority that emailed DOI.
Emma Freire 4/17/2023 ########## A ss ignmen t Det ermin ation Please send me electronic copies of the most recent sexual harassment training required annually for DOI employees. Also please send me copies of the most recent version of any gender identity and expression (also called SOGIE) training required annually for DOI employees.
Sandra M LaRocque 2/21/2023 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 3/15/2023 Police report for auto mobile accident on February 13, 20 23.
Ms. Crystal D Howard 6/21/2023 ########## C los ed Full Grant 6/26/2023 I am requesting a copy of the BLM's response to a Petition for Stay dated May 16 , 2023 written by Bowman Con struction in resp onse to a BLM Case# CACA-59 999, 37 15P LL CAD050 0 dated April 13, 202 3. The BLM sent a letter to Bowman Construction ordering the removal of equipment within 60 days. Bowman Con struction respo nded on May 16, 2 023 requestin g more time. The 60 days ended June 12, 2023 . We are requesting a copy of BLMs respons e to Bowman Constructio n to understand if an extension of time was granted.
Peter B ooth 10/7/2022 Clos ed Duplicate Request 10/7/2022 Friday, October 7, 202 2 Attn: Public Record s Request Denise Ratajczak National Park Service 100 Alabama Street, SW 1924 Buildin g Atlanta, GA 30303 4 70-70 7-33 96 To Whom It May Conc ern, The following request is being made in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. § 552). I am requesting copies o f the following records. I: Requested Records I am requesting incoming-an d-outgoing email correspondenc e between Senator Rick Scott’s Office and the Department Of Interior National Parks Service Southeast Region which should b e narrowed to incoming and outgoing mail from email accounts endin g in the domain “@ricksco tt.senate.govâ€
, from 09/21/20 22 to Present. Please limit searches usin g keywords including "Hu rricane Ianâ€, “Tropical Storm Ianâ€, “ Hurricaneâ€, “Stormâ€, “ Tropical Depressionâ€, and “Tropical Depression Nine". I realize that certai
Callen Clark 12/1/2022 C los ed Duplicate Request ########### I am requesting a copy of the incident report from when I was rear-ended on the Blue Ridge Parkway near the Linn Cove Viaduct heading southbound on 10/7/22. The case number is NP22312969.
James M eyer 5/23/2022 Clo sed Improper FOIA Request for Other Reasons 7/1/2022 Request status of O I-HQ-22-0 551- R sent to BIA by DOI IG
Nick Ballas 12/20/2021 2/4/2022 Processing Tasks All documents, communic ations, and records related to PIID 14 0D04 21F074 0 awarded by DOI to LDSS Inc.
Nick Ballas 12/20/2021 ########## Cl osed Duplicate Reques t ########### All d ocuments, communication s, and records related to PIID 140 D042 1F074 0 awarded by DOI to LDSS Inc.
Mr. Jaso n Isaac 11/14/2022 ########## Cl osed No Records ########### U .S. Departmen t of Int erior (“ DOI†) Obligati ons Under Executive Orders (see attached letter).
May Yang 1/25/2023 3/2/2023 A ss ignmen t Det ermin ation Respo nding Agency: B RYCE CANYON NAT'L PARK RAR MANILA (I NTE Agency ID: 48.098 Transaction/Reference #: 202353 4462 Not High Mo nitored: SEDGWICK FTP Report Type:Auto Accident Report/Case Number: Date of Occurrence:12 /28/2022 12:00:00 AM Location of L oss:LF, FB NATIONWIDE APPRAISALS NET $16542.0 Cro ss Street: City:BR YCE CANYONCounty:GARFIELDState:UT Insurance Co mpany: SEDGWICK FTP Insured Driver:SeungHun H am Driver 2: Driver 3: Last Note: No Association P erformed. Sent To Print By Iserv (iserv) 1/19/20239 :09:08AM TAG #: 86BGPU VIN #: 5FNYF6H55 LB038 012
Jim Adams 2/17/2021 ########## C los ed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 P artial G rant/Part ial Deni al 7/5/2023
We understand that Cook Inlet Regional Incorporated (CIRI) has communicated with the D epartment of Interior (DOI) seeking to define DOI and the National Park Service’s (NPS) role in approving a potential road and port from CIRI’s Johnson Tract inholding in Lake Clark National Park. NPCA therefore requests copies of all records of communications between DOI personnel and CIRI concerning development of a mine on CIRI’s Johnson Tract inholding in Lake Clark National Park and/or development of a transportation corridor and port related to the mine as well as all records generated, modified, or acquired by DOI concerning development of a mine on CIRI’s Johnson Tract inholding in Lake Clark National Park and/or development of a transportation corridor and port related to the mine. Please note that NPCA has separately FOIA’d the Alaska Region for similar communications and documen
Mr. Knox Nunnally 6/27/2022 ########## A ssi gnmen t Det ermin ation I am requesting a report drafted by the OIG of DOI: Report Number: 20- 0545 This report is referenced in the attached report summary generated by OIG DOI. It appears to have been provided to the Directors of the Bureau of Land Management and the Office of Natural Resou rces Revenue and the Office of the Solicitor.
Mr. Knox Nunnally 6/27/2022 ########## C los ed All Rec ords Ref erred t o Ano ther Agenc y 8/8/2022 I am requesting a report drafted by the OIG of DOI: Report Number: 20-05 45 This report is referenced in the attached report summary generated by OIG DOI. It appears to have been provided to the Directors of the Bureau of Land Management and the Office of Natural Resources Revenue and the Office of the Solicitor.
Mr. Knox Nunnally 4/20/2022 ########## C los ed No Records 6/30/2022 I am requesting a report drafted by the OIG of DOI: Report Number: 20-0 545 This report is referenced in the attached report summary generated by OIG DOI. It appears to have been provided to the Directors of the Bureau of Land Management and the Office of Natural Resources R evenue and the Office of the Solicitor.
Mr. Ro ger G S chweit zer 11/18/2020 ########## Clos ed Request Withdrawn 2/8/2021 Request s tatus of DOI OIG Co mplaint (HD 13 934) referred to National Park Service for action.
Mr. Car Keys 3/28/2023 ########## C los ed Ex. 5, Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C), Ex. 7(E), Ex. 7(F) Partial Grant/P artial D enial 5/24/2023 PL EASE NOTE: I do not have internet access or access to a virtual FOIA reading room. I REQUEST a printed paper copy of the following pub lished FOIAs and the Agency respons e to this FOIA: 1.DOI-NPS-2 022-0 0239 2 2.DOI-N PS-2022 -002 374 3.DOI-NPS-202 2-002 644 4 .DOI-NPS-2 022-0 0287 4 I REQUEST a fee waiver as this information is needed to an education al research project involving your agency and this request has n o commercial value. The Act permits your agency to waive fees when the release of the information con cerns the “operations/activities of th e government,â€
and is likely to contribute to an u nderstanding of the government operations/activities, will contribute to th e public at large & is “significantâ€ to society at large & meets the requirements of Title 6 C.F.R., Chapter 1, Part 5 § 5.11(k) (1, 2, 3, 4) In the event the fee waiver is denied, I would request the first two hours research
Mr. Car Keys 6/28/2023 ########## As si gnmen t Det erminat ion PLEASE NOTE: I do not have internet access or access to a virtual FOIA reading room. I REQUEST a printed paper copy of the following publish ed FOIAs and the Agency response to this FOIA: 1.D OI-NPS-202 2-00 3880 2 .DOI-NPS-2 022- 00326 4 3.DOI-N PS-202 2-003 834 4 .DOI-NPS-20 21-0 03056 I REQUEST a fee waiver as this information is needed to an education al research project involving your agency and this request has no commercial value. The Act permits your agency to waive fees when the release of the information con cerns the “operations/activities of th e government,â€
and is likely to contribute to an u nderstanding of the government operations/activities, will contribute to th e public at large & is “significantâ€ to society at large & meets the requirements of Title 6 C.F.R., Chapter 1, Part 5 § 5.11(k) (1, 2, 3, 4) In the event the fee waiver is denied, I would request the first two hours research
Chery l Jon es 6/5/2018 7/2/2018 Clo sed Full Denial Based on Exemptions 9/7/2021 Request a copy of the FWS Agency respons e to the Department of the Interior's (DOI) Office of Inspector General (OIG) Case #PI-16- 0251 . To my understanding Mr. Jim Kurth, Deputy D irector FWS provided an Agency response to Case #PI-02 51 on/abou t February 8, 2018. Request a cop y of the response that was provided f rom the Agency to the DOI OIG. (2) Copy o f the FWS Agency Supplemental/Second Response to the DOI OIG regarding Case #PI-16-0 251.
Ben Ber wick 2/15/2018 ########## Ass ignmen t Det ermin ation 1. All records reflecting or related to any propos als to change any policies, practices, rules, st andards, regulations or laws governing the removal of, reassignment of, or other adverse actions taken with respect to federal employees 2. All records related to communications between DOI and other agencies, Doi and Con gress, and/or DOI and EOP regarding any proposals to change any policies, practices, (... see above) 3. Records describin g the processing of th is request 1/1/201 8 to search
Mr. Zachary Griffin 5/2/2023 6/2/2023 C los ed Full Grant 5/11/2023 On behalf of the owner of the Jinama NFC property, Forestar (USA) Real Estate Group Inc., I am requesting a copy via email of all correspondence between the Florida Ecological Services Office and the Miami Blue Chapter of the North American Butterfly Association between the dates of January 1st, 20 23 and May 1s t, 2023. Thank you .
M.Scott Montgomery 5/8/2023 6/9/2023 Clos ed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C) Partial G rant/Part ial Deni al 6/21/2023 Any complaints involving horses from January 2023 to present.
Tina Klein 5/10/2023 6/8/2023 Clos ed Duplicate Request 6/26/2023 Case # 2304-00559 Date of incident: 04-16-2023
Mr. Alex and er J Bret tmann 8/23/2022 C los ed Improper FOIA Request for Other Reasons 8/29/2022 I reques t who has been entrusted to investigate DOI OIG complaint: OI-HQ-22-0832-R.
Megan Dickinson 2/24/2023 ########## C los ed Other 6/8/2023 Any and all information, documentation, photographs, transcripts, etc. On case no. 22-5970. Specifics to include Any notations from Coroner Investigator Kristen Peter's Photos of decedent at the marina Jet ski owners info/insurance information Tests performed by coroner
Ms. K athl een Cas ey 2/15/2023 ########## C los ed Other 4/3/2023 Co ngres sio nal C orres po nden ce Lo gs: I a m requ estin g co pies of al l Co ngres sio nal C orres po nden ce Lo gs mai ntai ned f or th e Con gres sio nal memb ers ( lis ted b elow) by th e U.S. D epart ment o f th e Inter ior. C ong ress ion al Memb ers: A lexand er Mo oney (1/1 /20 15 -Pr esent ) Bry an St iel (1 /3/2 02 3-P resen t) R yan Zi nke (1 /3/2 02 3- Pres ent) Peter M eijer ( 1/3/2 02 1- 1/3 /202 3) Matt hew Ro send ale (1 /1/2 02 1-P res ent) J oh n James (1 /3/2 023 -P resen t) M ike Gal lagher (1/3 /20 17 -Pr esent )
Oliver Milman 3/27/2023 5/9/2023 Initial Evaluation Please send all communications f rom the office of Deb Haaland, inclu ding from Ms H aaland herself, in relation to the approval of the Willow oil drilling project in Alaska, from January 1 20 23 to March 2 7 2023 .
Mr. Jeff Rigsby 5/22/2023 ########## Cl os ed No Records 6/15/2023 I am requesting copies of all communication s between USGS and Michael Silver, who as of May 2023 is the CEO of American Elements. This search request covers the period from 20 Janu ary 2017 to 2 0 May 202 3.
Laura Orr 10/6/2022 ########## Cl osed Full G rant 10/7/2022 All records, files, information released in respons e to FOIA request: DOI-BOEM-2022 -0036 42
Jacob Ferguso n 7/6/2021 8/6/2021 Clo sed Request Withdrawn ########### NAMA: Litigation for DOI-NPS-2021-004094, which sought 3 years of permit records.
Nick Ballas 12/20/2021 2/4/2022 Clos ed Other 1/18/2022 All do cuments, communication s, and records related to PIID 140 P142 1C000 9 awarded by DOI to The AR Group LLC.
Mr. Car Keys 9/20/2022 ########## C los ed Full Grant 10/7/2022
PLEASE NOTE: I do not have internet access or access to a virtual FOIA reading room I REQUEST a printed paper copy of the follo wing published FOIAs and th e Agency response to this FOIA: 1 DOI B SEE 2021 004552 2 DOI BSEE 2021 004 604 Thank you !
Jeremy N icho ls 11/15/2018 ########## Clos ed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial Grant/P artial Den ial 9/22/2021 Any and all agency records, including communications between or among appointed officials, employees, staff members, or consultants of the Department of the Interior (�DOI�), produced since November 1, 2015, regarding the DOI�s environmental justice policy, including implementation of that policy and any recent changes to that policy.
Rober t Dewi tz 6/9/2023 Clo sed Oth er 6/23/2023
Please provide the below requested information: 1.A. Total number of Full-Time Equivalent National Park Service (“NPSâ€
) whose primary job duties are associated with Kalaupapa Nati onal Historical Park (“KNHPâ€) as well as the total fully burdened salary + benefits costs for these employees. B. A listing, by position description, of every NPS employee whose primary job duties are associated with KNHP. This would include but is not limited to: oversight, management, accounting, procurement, operati ons, maintenance, healthcare, public relations, utility support. For each position listed provide the fully burdened salary and benefit cost of that position (ie salary + benefits+ pension+ vacati on + sick days +etc). Indicate which positi ons are actually located at Kalaupapa. 2.A current organization chart showing the oversight, management, and operational structure of KNHP. Organization chart should ac
Alex H ardee 4/16/2018 ########## Clo sed Full Denial Based on Exemptions 4/28/2020 AZ-18 -020 - All records in the poss ession or co ntrol of the Department of the Interior (DOI), the DOI Of fice of the Solicitor, the BLM, and the Department of Jus tice Environment and Natural Resources Divis ion (�the Agencies�) that comprise or relate to settlement discuss ions, or propo sals to settle, federal reserved water rights asserted for SPRNCA in th e Gila River Adjudication.
Will Evans 5/16/2022 ########## Processing Tasks This is a request for copies of the Certificates of Transfer and Attestation Forms received by DOI in 2 021 and 2 022 fo r RECs (renewable energy certificates) purchased by the agency. These records should be located within DOI's Office of Acquis ition and Property Management. I am requesting these records by email, if possible. Thank you for your attention to this request.
Bobbi Shongutsie 1/25/2023 ########## Clo sed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C) P artial Gran t/Partial Denial 6/14/2023 Seeing police reports regarding the incident that occurred on January 6, 2023.
Jennifer Leigh Townsend 1/26/2023 ########## Cl osed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C) P artial Gr ant/Parti al Denial 2/2/2023 Report NP23005037 occurring 1/16/2023 Natchez Trace Parkway
Peter B ooth 11/14/2022 ########## Clo sed Duplicate Request ########### I am requesting incoming-and-outgoing email correspondence between Senator Rick Scott's Office and the Department Of Interior National Parks Service Southeast Region which should be narrowed to incoming and outgoing mail from email accounts ending in the domain “@rickscott.senate.govâ€, from 09/21/2022 to Present. Please limit searches using keywords including "Hurricane Ianâ€, “Tropical Storm Ianâ€, “Hurricaneâ€, “Stormâ€, “Tropical Depressionâ€, and “Tropical Depression Nine".
Glenn Allen Sweat 10/8/2021 ########## Cl osed Ex. 7(A ) Full Denial Based on Exemptions ########### ARCH: US Park ranger body cam video of G abriel Pettieo (DOI OIG Referral F000441)
Alexan der Br ettman n 9/9/2022 Clos ed Record s N ot R easo nabl y Des crib ed 10/7/2022 Who has been entrusted to investigate DOI OIG complaint: OI-HQ-22-0832-R.
Charl es D enowh 8/30/2021 ########## Processing Tasks Correspondence between and with DOI staff regarding reintroduction of bison on the Charles M. Russell wildlife refuge in Montana.
Nick Ballas 12/20/2021 2/4/2022 Processing Tasks All documents, communications, and records related to PIID 140D0421C0031 awarded by DOI to Chickasaw Business Solutions LLC.
Nick Ballas 12/20/2021 ########## Cl osed Duplicate Reques t ########### All documents, communications, and records related to PIID 140D0421C0031 awarded by DOI to Chickasaw Business Solutions LLC.
Nick Ballas 12/20/2021 ########## Cl osed Duplicate Reques t ########### All documents, communications, and records related to PIID 140D0421C0031 awarded by DOI to Chickasaw Business Solutions LLC.
Kerry Addica 5/23/2022 ########## C los ed Ex. 5, Ex. 6, Ex. 7(A), Ex. 7(C), Ex. 7(E) P artial Gr ant/Part ial Denial 6/7/2022
I would like to submit a FOIA request for information relating to a DOI OIG review, referral complaint number OI-HQ-22-037 1-R. I was advised by the DOI OIG investigator via email to submit a FOIA request. I am requesting all records relating to the Department of the Interior Office of Inspector General (DOI OIG) co mplaint referral number/case number OI-HQ-22-037 1-R. I was advised by Michael Smith, investigator with DOI OIG, to make a FOIA request regarding this complaint. I would like all information regarding this complaint includ ing the review by the DOI OIG. The DOI OIG case relates to a mishandling of a 16 E complaint at Yosemite National Park, case number 1449, and a su bsequent reopening of the case by NP S headquarters, case number 1538. I would like the investigative report for case number 144 9 and any information f rom case number 1538 . This case is also being investigated by the Oversight c
Edwin Ross 2/5/2018 3/5/2018 Clo sed Oth er 3/6/2023 Documents related to the security protection for DOI Secretary Ryan Zinke for fiscal year 2017 and 2018 to include, memoranda, emails, compensation records, travel cost for s ecurity detail records, cost of DO I's spending on s ecurity detail, agreements, contracts, security ass essments, and any other respon sive documents related to the protection of Zinke.
Priya Ho sur 12/23/2022 2/3/2023 Clos ed Full Grant 1/5/2023 Could you please provide us with the previous RFP documents for the below-mentioned opportun ity? RFQ ID: RFQ15980 86 Title: DOI - Support Services Agency: Department of Interior Office: National Park Service Awardee Intel- Awardee Name: Coreonyx Government Solutions, LLC Contract Number: 140P 2120 F0049 Start and End D ate: May 25, 2020 - May 24, 202 3
Don Stryker 7/31/2018 ########## Clo sed Ex. 5, Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C) Partial Grant /Partial D enial 9/14/2022 ASIA-BIE For the time period commencing on 11-01-17 and ending on 07-09-18, all email mes sages which originated from or were received by the following email accounts:
Dr. Carole Woodall 3/24/2023 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 6/26/2023 I request a copy of active depredation permits and contracts for a lethal round -up of Canada geese pertaining to Denver Parks and Recreation lakes as well as Cherry Creek and South Platte River for the following dates, from 1 March 202 3 to 31 Au gust 202 3.
Russell Fertitta 6/22/2023 ########## Clo sed No Records 6/29/2023 H ello - I would like the J&A for an award to Alankok LLC. Agency ID: 1436/Award ID: 140E01 23F007 7 Solicitation Date: 4/11/20 23 PoP Start: 5/4/2023 Thank you in advanc e. Best, Russell Fertitta
Byrony Forbes 5/16/2022 ########## Clo sed Full Grant 5/17/2022 Please provide me with the following information: 1. Ho w many employee COVID Cases have been documented within the DOI and also the NPS specifically 2. Of those employee cases in both the DOI and th e NPS, in how many of the cases was the COVID pos itive individual vaccinated (broken down fo r both DOI as a whole and NPS s pecifically)? In how many cases was the COVID pos itive individual unvaccinated (also bro ken down for both D OI as a whole and NPS specifically)? Please provide numbers and not percentages. Thank you!
Marc Reh mann 10/12/2018 ########## C los ed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial Grant/Par tial Den ial 3/30/2023 All records relating to DOI employees who have signed the ethics pledge in Trump�s Executive Order no. 137 70, Ethics Co mmitments by Executive Branch Appointees (January 20 17). I am seeking all records relating to DOI employees who have sought waivers from Executive Order no. 13770.
Mrs. Emily F Tuttle 4/25/2023 ########## Cl os ed Full Grant 5/22/2023 I am inquiring about the report for my accident that occurred April 9th, 2023.
ARIEL PARISIEN 2/6/2023 4/7/2023 Clo sed Request Withdrawn 3/20/2023 copy of accid ent report 02/06/202 3, other party LOUANNA DAVIS.
Ms. Mariah Thompson 7/11/2022 8/8/2022 Clo sed Ex. 6 Parti al Grant /Partial D enial 8/19/2022 I. Defined Terms. For purpo ses of the Requests for Documents s et forth below, the term— “Documentâ€
means any “recordâ€ as that term is defined in 5 U.S.C. 552(f)(2); “Offi ce of the ASIAâ€ means the Office of the Assistant Secretary – Indian Affairs in Washington, DC, and any person employed by or stationed in the Office of the Assistant Secretary; and “UKBâ€ means the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma, its corporation known as the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma Corporati on, and any official, employee, or representative of, or attorney for, the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma or that corporation. Also, in the Requests for Documents below the word “orâ€ is used both in its disjunctive and conjunctive senses, and, unless the context clear indicates otherwise, any word (including a Defined Term) used in
Jenn ifer B axter 5/24/2021 ########## Clo sed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C) Par tial Gran t/Partial Denial 1/14/2022 Documents pertaining to DOI OIG Complaint # OI-HQ-21-0350-R. Electronic copies fine/preferred.
Ms. Nancy Silverman 3/30/2021 ########## Processing Tasks Copies of the following contracts between the DOI and McKinsey & Co.: INM10PD00472 IND12PA00294 IND11PD40244 IND11PD40441 IND12PD00366 INL16PX01269 IND11PD40452
Kevin Bogardus 1/5/2023 ########## Processing Tasks
I request all records related to the employment history at the Department of the Interior of DOI's political appointees who started in their positions at DOI during the time period of Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2022. These records include but are not limited to all copies of their Standard Form 50 and Standard Form 52, notifications of personnel actions, records of duty stations and/or requests to change duty stations, records of employee adverse actions, records of retirement, termination and/or separation from DOI, letters of resignation and/or protest regarding termination and/or separation from DOI as well as temporary details and/or reassignments, resumes , statements of work, salary, job titles and position descriptions. ​Political appointees are either classified as Schedule C; Non-career Senior Executive Service; Presidential Appointment without Senate Confirmation; or Presidential Appointment with Senate C
Kevin Kent 6/12/2023 ########## Initial Evaluation Hello, I would please like to request a copy of any and all accident reports from April 28 to May 15, 202 3 from Guadalupe National Park. Specifically I am interested in reports surrou nding a rock climbing accident on April 29, 202 3. Thank you.
Russell Fertitta 6/13/2023 ########## Clo sed No Records 6/22/2023 G ood morning – I would like to request the J&A for the subject line award. It was awarded to Alankok LLC. Some more information about the award: Agency ID: 1436 Award ID: 140 E0123F0 077 Solicitation Date: 04/11/2023 PoP Start: 05/04/20 23 Thank you in advanc e! I am happy to jump on a call and discus s further, if needed. Best, Russell
Ryan C B radel 10/2/2020 ########## Processing Tasks Blanket Purchase Agreement No. D17PA00063 (the “BPAâ
) between Monster and the Department of Interior (“DOIâ€)2 Business Center (the “IBCâ€). 1. Any and all documents exchanged between the Department of Interior (“DOI) and Office of Personnel Management (“OPMâ€) regarding the BPA and related call orders;2. Any and all documents, created within the last twelve months exchanged between the DOI and OPM constituting, regarding or referencing any contract or interagency agreement between DOI and OPM for the use of USA Staffing; 3. Any and all documents created within the last twelve months exchanged between the DOI and OPM related DOI’s use of USA Staffing including but not limited to any literature referencing the benefits of USA Staffing and any documents refl ecting pricing offered to DOI; 4. Any and all documents held by OPM, showing, discussing, or mention
Glenn Klaus 4/5/2022 5/3/2022 Clo sed Full Grant 6/7/2022
REFERRAL from OIG: three pages referred re: DOI OIG complaint number OI H Q 21 0927 R
Mr. Adam Carroll 7/26/2021 ########## Resea rch R ecor ds I am requesting all information pertaining to DOI NPS co mplaint OI-HQ-21- 0329 -R
David Emmick 3/21/2023 ########## Clo sed Full Grant 4/4/2023 Olympic National Park photos and documentation of Ashenbrenner's Pioneer Camp on Highway 101 near Kalaloch. This resort was dismantled by the Park in the 1950s. As part of the dismantling, photographs and documentation are usually produced and filed in the archives in relation to park curation. Please send electronically if possible.
Michael Ravnitzky 2/16/2021 ########## Ass ignmen t D etermin atio n I request a copy of the request letter, and each response letter, but not the responsive records, for each of these FOIA requests: DOI-BLM-2017-002826 and DOI-BLM-2020-003227. This is a noncommercial individual request that should be placed into the "all other requesters" fee category. I swear under penalty of perjury that this request is not for any commercial purpose.
Joe Bushyhead 6/29/2017 ########## Cl osed Ex. 5 Ot her 7/1/2021 Records in the pos session or control of D OI (including but not limited to the Office of the Secretary, the Office of the Solicitor, the Office of the Regional Solicitor, Salt Lake City, and the BLM collectively referred to herein as DOI) and DOJ regarding settlement discuss ions with plaintiffs in Utah�s statewide R.S.2477 litigation, whether relating to all or any of the individual cases. Cont below.
STEVEN K M ITCHEL L 2/10/2023 ########## Ass ignmen t Det ermin ation MVA Report # NP23033039 The accident occurred on February 8, 2023
Mrs. Mon ica D Sikes 11/9/2022 ########## Clo sed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C) Par tial Gran t/Partial Denial 2/21/2023 All records related to closed investigation PB1 801-Sikes- DOI-21-C HI-137- FWS, except I do not request records that I already have access to; e.g., I do not request the Notification of Initiation Letter, PB1801-Sikes-D OI-21-H CI-137- FWS (dated October 8, 202 1), the Notification of Closure Letter, PB1801 -Sikes-DOI-21 -CHI-13 7-FWS(dated September 12, 202 2), the declaration and supp orting information I provided to th e investigator in October 2021 , or documents related to the investigation that I have signed, that I have provided to others, or thos e that have already been provided to me by the Agency.
marlin vivier 5/19/2023 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 6/8/2023 Requesting information on the accident I was in on May 17, 2023. Need information for insurance purposes.
Jonathan Ratner 6/2/2021 7/1/2021 C los ed Other 7/1/2021 IMR: Litigation relating to NPS-2019-00057, NPS-2019-00394, NPS-2019-00408, NPS-2019-00409, NPS-2020-00199, NPS-2020-00750, NPS-2020-00835, DOI-NPS-2021-000622, and DOI-NPS-2021-001449 for records relating to grazing at CARE, BLCA, GLCA, and DINO
Neil Smith 3/29/2023 ########## Cl osed Full G rant 4/17/2023
Hi I am seeking all records related to DOI IG case OIH Q 22 0745 R
Cheryl Williams 8/11/2016 9/8/2016 Clo sed Ex. 5 Parti al Grant /Partial D enial 10/5/2022 Documents related to the Gabrieleno, whether the actual tribe or another group purporting to be such, within the possession, custody or control of SOL of the DOI.
Dawn K eller 5/19/2023 ########## Clo sed Ex. 6 Part ial Gran t/Partial D enial 5/31/2023
I submitted this previous request in March 202 3 Tracking Number: DOI BIA 2 023 003443 Requester Name: Dawn M Keller Date Submitted: 03/20/2023 Request Status: Submitted Description: I represent the Estate of Lyle Wayne Conway DOB: 01/31/19 37 DOD : 02/17/202 2 I wish to obtain the prob ate file of the Decedent's mother Alice (Cross) Bu ber D OB: 12/14/191 4 DOD: 11 /22/1992 The proper distribution of the Decedent's Estate depends on h ow Mrs Buber's Estate was distributed That is u nfortunately unknown to the current living heirs or both these Estates Thank you fo r your assistance This request was f ulfilled but the information I need for the dis tribution of my client's estate was redacted in the documents provided I had multiple conversations with Cherisse Tiger regarding this disclosure I am seeking greater access to the records withheld under Exemption 6 I have prov
Ryan C B radel 10/2/2020 ########## Clos ed 3/4/2021 Ref erence i s mad e to Bl anket Purc has e Agreemen t No. D17 PA0 00 63 (th e “ BPAâ€
) between Monster and the Department of Interior (“DOIâ€)2 Business Center (the “IBCâ€).1. Any and all documents exchanged between the Department of Interior (“DOI) and Offi ce of Personnel Management (“OPMâ€) regarding the BPA and related call orders;2. Any and all documents, created within the last twelve months exchanged between the DOI and OPM constituting, regarding or referencing any contract or interagency agreement between DOI and OPM for the us e of USA Staffi ng;3. Any and all documents created within the last twelve months exchanged between the DOI and OPM related DOI’s use of USA Staffing including but not limited to any literature referencing the benefits of USA Staffi ng and any documents reflecting pricing offered to DOI;4. Any and all documents held by OPM, showing, disc
Bruc e JAMES 9/2/2021 ########## C los ed Ex. 2, Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Parti al Grant /Partial D enial 2/14/2022 Report of Investigation prepared by DOI's Chief Investigator, Richard Larabee (Employee and Labor Relations, Washington Support Office), in response to 16E Alleged Harassing Conduct complaint submitted by me in April, 2021.
SHAQU ETTE COOP ER 1/11/2023 Clo sed Reco rds No t Reas onab ly D esc ribed 2/21/2023 I RECEIVED A TICKET ON 01/07/2023 I AM REQUESTING A COPY OF THE POLICE REPORT .
Charmagne L awrence 1/11/2023 ########## Clo sed Full Grant 1/12/2023 I would like to receive the James Creek Marina contract for 2022 -2023 year.
Dr. Michelle Reilly 5/3/2023 6/6/2023 Ass ignm ent D etermin atio n I file a complaint of sexual harassment and then retaliation due to reporting the sexual harassment to th e DOI IOG. They stated, "Based upon the issu es identified in your complaint, ou r team determined your complaint would be best addressed by the US Fish and Wild life Service (FWS)." DOI OIG Complaint OI-HQ-23 -038 6-R I have questions p ertaining to the status of my complaint. P rior to reporting the retaliation to OIG, I reported it to FWS and was told to contact OIG, OSC, or EEOC. Everyone I contact tells me to contact someone else.
Brett K enney 7/13/2023 Initial Evaluation Communications and other records relating to properties located in Wood Village, Oregon, including but not limited to any actual or prospective fee to trust application, gaming matter, and any related items. This request applies to records in your possession between February 11, 2023 and July 13, 2023.
Jeanne Brodsky 7/18/2023 ########## As si gnmen t Deter minat ion I would like the following information fo r species: Prairie Dog, Cynomys ludovic ianus. Exports from all US Po rts. Start date 4/01/2023. End d ate. 7/01/2023. Quantity of species . Export Port. Declared value of species. Thank you
William Scherman 2/16/2018 ########## As si gnmen t Deter minat ion Any records between the US Dept of Army, the White House, DOJ and DOI related to the following: - Joint Statements from DOJ, DOA and D OI re: Standing Rock Sioux Tribe v. USACE issued on 9/9/201 6 and 10 /10/16 - Letter from Jo-Ellen Darcy, Asst Sec of Army to Hon Dave Archambault II - Memos from J Darcy and D OI SOL dated 12/4/16 - DOA decision to d elay issuance of easement to Dakota Pipeline LLC - DOA decis ion to iss ue a notice of intent to prepare EIS in 1/17.
Mich ael Sh eehan 10/18/2018 ########## Clos ed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial Grant/P artial Den ial 5/17/2023 1. All drafts of Memo 3-70 50 (MBTA Do es Not Prohibit Inc idental Take) created by DOI employees to final issuance in 12/201 7. 2. All written and electronic communications b etween 1/20/17 and 12/22/17 , that mention M-37 050 between any employee of DOI and any employee of any other fed'l govt dept, agency bureau, or office 3. All communications b etween 1/20/17 and 12/22/2 017 that mention M -3705 0 between any DOI employee and private sector individual or organization.
Jordan E Hartney 2/6/2023 3/7/2023 Clo sed Full Gran t 4/21/2023 A motor vehicle accident report. CAD number: YP20230129-011 Case number: NP23024592 Date: 01/29/2023
Steph anie R egenol d 7/30/2021 ########## Clo sed Ex. 3, Ex. 6 Partial G rant/Part ial Deni al 8/31/2022 I request copies of the public comments submitted to BLM concerning the Sandy Valley Exploration Project (Phase 3), DOI-BLM-AZ-C010-2021-0029-EA. I separately request all correspondence and documents related to BLM's review of the Sandy Valley Exploration Project (Phase 3), DOI-BLM-AZ-C010-2021-0029-EA.
mr Joseph King 7/24/2019 ########## Cl os ed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 P artial Gr ant/Parti al Denial 5/3/2021 Requester seeks Any communication in relation to the 19x tract discussed between DOI employees (and/or between DOI employees and outside/third parties); Any notes, emails, documentation, or any and all correspondence with these vendors/service providers; Any and all copies of any notice, communications, and/or other document containing information related to the above-mentioned property, etc.
Michael Ravnitzky 10/16/2020 ########## C los ed Full Grant 3/3/2022 A copy of the letter of request, the interim letters of response, and the internal administrative processing/tracking/handling notes and emails in the Interior Dept Off ice of the Solicitor FOIA Office associated with the request, for this FOIA request at DOI Office of the Solicitor: DOI-SOL-2 019- 00097 9. This is an ind ividual noncommercial request. I swear under penalty of perjury that this request is no t for any commercial purpose whatsoever.
Michael Ravnitzky 5/10/2023 ########## Initial Evaluation A copy of the letter of FOIA APPEAL dated October 14, 20 21, the APPEAL determination, and any records provid ed as a result of the APPEAL, regarding the APPEAL submitted by Lewis B. Jones of King & Spaulding, regarding the two underlying FOIA requests DOI-FWS-202 1-002 503 and DOI-FWS-202 1-005 268. The records I seek I believe are in the Office of the Solicitor.
Mr. Ro bert o A Rey na 3/10/2023 ########## C los ed Ex. 7 (A) Full Denial Based on Exemptions 4/12/2023 Im requesting a copy of the report for a accident I have on the 02/27/2023
Frank Klein 5/8/2020 6/5/2020 Clos ed Full Grant 8/7/2020 WI:Policy documents that govern NPS employees hours of duty. Including DOI departmental manual 370 Chapter 610: Hours of Duty
mr Byron Taylor 6/22/2020 Clos ed Fee-Rela ted Rea son 8/7/2020 YELL: Research permits issued by and studies undertaken by DOI/NPS/YELL for 100 Springs Plain, Norris GB, 2015-2020
Kevin Bogardus 11/1/2019 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 9/14/2020 all respons es to Questions f or the Record provided to Con gress from the Department of the Interior (DOI) from Oct. 1 to Nov. 1, 201 9.
Maraya Co rnell 3/2/2020 ########## Processing Tasks All emails sent from Danielle Preston and copied by Harry Humbert in or around September 2014 with the keywords "IMARS" or " DOI-10" .
Mr. Hudson Munoz 7/6/2021 ########## Cl osed Ex. 6 P artial Gran t/Partial Denial 7/15/2022 Requesting records as described by Morgan Yardis in FOIA request DOI-OS-2021-004545 as modified to include records of the Department of the Interior.
Mr. Hudson Munoz 7/6/2021 8/3/2021 Clos ed Other 7/6/2021 Requesting records as described by Morgan Yardis in FOIA request DOI-SOL-2021-004544 as modified to include records of the Department of the Interior.
Mr. Hudson Munoz 7/6/2021 ########## Cl osed Ex. 6 P artial Gran t/Partial Denial 8/30/2021
Requesting records as describ ed by Kevin Bogardus in FOIA request DOI OS20 21 004164 Related to direct messages at twitter accounts
Mr. Hudson Munoz 7/6/2021 8/3/2021 Clos ed No Records 7/6/2021 Requesting records as described by Kevin Bogardus in FOIA request DOI-OS-2021-004020 Related to the communications regarding the 25th Amendment.
Mr. Hudson Munoz 7/6/2021 ########## Cl osed Ex. 6 P artial Gran t/Partial Denial 8/19/2021 Requesting records as described by Kevin Bogardus in FOIA request DOI-OS-2021-004032 Related to the D epartment’s unlisted YouTube videos.
Mr. Hudson Munoz 7/6/2021 ########## Cl osed Ex. 6 P artial Gran t/Partial Denial 8/23/2021 Requesting all records as describ ed by Jimmy Tobias in FOIA request DOI-OS-20 21-00 4700 Related to records of Tommy Beaudreau.
Kevin Bogardus 1/24/2022 3/9/2022 Resear ch R ecord s
I request all records related to the employment history at the Department of the Interior of DOI's political appointees who started in their positions at DOI during the time period of Jan. 20, 2021 to the date the search for responsive records to this request is conducted. These records include but are not limited to all copies of their Standard Form 50 and Standard Form 52, notifications of personnel actions, records of duty stations and/or requests to change duty stations, records of employee adverse actions, records of retirement, termination and/or separation from DOI, letters of resignation and/or protes t regarding termination and/or separation from DOI as well as temporary details and/or reassignments, resumes, statements of work, salary, job titles and position descriptions. ​Political appointees are either classified as Schedule C; Non-career Senior Executive Service; Pres idential Appointment withou
Mr. JAM ES POW ERS 1/4/2023 2/3/2023 Clo sed Ex. 6 Parti al Grant /Partial D enial 4/26/2023
1) Would like the copy of all Citation issued on Fire Island N ational Seashore from 1/1/2022 to 1/1/2023 Would like date of each Citation and violation number 2 ) List of all comp anies issued Temporary Vehicle Sand permits for the Year 2023
Spenc er Gal l 6/10/2020 7/8/2020 Processing Tasks Request for records submitted by the Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC) pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. � 552. SELC requests the following documents or other public records from the Department of the Interior (DOI): 1. All documents or other records related to the following meetings: a. the March 14, 2017 meeting between DOI personnel, including continue below...
Philip Pendergrass 4/11/2023 5/9/2023 C los ed Request Withdrawn 5/25/2023 A copy of the accident report regarding case no: NP23073409 on 3/25/2023
Mr. Car Keys 9/20/2022 ########## C los ed Full Grant ########### PLEASE NOTE: I do not have internet access or access to a virtual FOIA reading room. I REQUEST a printed paper copy of the following pub lished FOIAs and the Agency respons e to this FOIA: A copy of the last 3 newsletters if one was publis hed by DOI or BSEE. Thank you!
Mr. D rew Kream er 5/2/2023 6/2/2023 Clo sed No Records 5/11/2023
I am requesting a copy of the report #SHEN202300001157 occurring on 4/24/2023 at Shenandoah National Park
Ms. Rac hel Fraz in 3/17/2023 5/1/2023 Processing Tasks I request a copy of any emails sent between anyone with an email address ending with “eop.govâ€
and any of the following DOI officials: Deb Haaland, Tommy Beaudreau, Laura Daniel-Davis, Rachael Taylor, Maggie Thompson, Amber Gaither, Chelsey Cartwright, Elizabeth Klein That contain any of the following words of phrases: Willow, Conoco, Drilling, ConocoPhillips, WP, Alaska, North Slope, Independent, Oil, climate Email addresses ending in should include, but not be limited to, those that end in “@who.eop.govâ€ “,â€ “cea.eop.govâ€ “cpo.eop.govâ€ “nec.eop.govâ€ “Sent betweenâ€ should include emails in which relevant officials are the sender and/or recipient, or are carbon copied (cc’d) or blind carbon copied (bcc’d) Please limit the date range of this search to be between Jan. 1, 2023 and March 17, 2023 Please provide electronic copies of th
Mr. Kohl H arrington 8/22/2022 ########## C los ed Other 8/23/2022 I am requesting the original request for FOIA request (tracking #) DOI-OS-2022-003954. Additionally, I am requesting records of communication between DOI and the requestor limiting the scope of the request at hand.
Daniel S. L. Rubin 7/6/2023 Initial Evaluation Communications b etween the NPS or its agents or employees and the Delaware River Basin Commission, or any of its members, agents or employees, regarding the Camp FIMFO project in the Town of Highland, sent or received between January 1, 2021 and the present.
James H ALV ERSON 5/2/2022 Cl osed Request Withdrawn 5/5/2022 Purs uant to FOIA, request is made for the agency’s production of all documents, writings and evidence which refer to or sh ow a) who classified the April 18, 20 22 FOIA Request DOI-B IA-2022- 00321 8 as Simple, and b) how the agency determined, on April 19, 202 2, to deem it necessary to seek “clarification†as to multiple Requests in DOI-BIA-2022-003218 including Request 13.
Michael Ravnitzky 2/16/2021 ########## Clos ed Ex . 5 Par tial Gran t/Partial Denial 4/15/2021 I request a copy of the request letter, and each response letter, and the responsive records, and a copy of the administrative processing notes/emails, for each of these FOIA requests: DOI-SOL-2017-002223 and DOI-SOL-2017-002761. This is a noncommercial individual request that should be placed into the "all other requesters" fee category. I swear under penalty of perjury that this request is not for any commercial purpose.
Mrs. Heather L Brown 2/22/2023 Cl osed Duplicate Request 2/22/2023 req inf o for other party ins. please expedite was told wrong way to file a month ago. accident happened on the parkway. 16 ram truck.
Magyn Phelps 3/9/2023 ########## Ass ignmen t Det ermin ation I would like a report on my loved ones fatal accident. Amber Dunc an on February 13th 20 23 #NP23 0380 55
Ann Devlin 4/18/2023 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 5/10/2023 I need a copy of an accident report from 7/7/2023 Case #2051
Ron G raham 2/16/2022 ########## C los ed Full Grant 2/22/2022 Requesting a certified copy of th e complete letter from US DOI, Office of the Secretary, dated March 29, 19 71 to Mr. Virgil Harrington.
Mr. Hudson Munoz 7/6/2021 ########## Cl osed Ex. 5, Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C) Partial Gr ant/Parti al Denial 4/19/2022 Requesting records as described by Morgan Yardis in FOIA request DOI-OS-2 021- 00406 3 Related to records of Secretary Haaland’s travel and meetings.
Adam Fed erman 8/27/2021 ########## Processing Tasks This is a request fo r the calendars of DOI senior adviso r for Alaska Affairs Raina Thiele from the date of her appointment on April 12, 20 21 to the present.
Peter B yrne 9/26/2022 ########## Processing Tasks All correspondence between Congressman Jared Huffman (CA) and Sec. Haaland and/or the Office of the DOI Secretary from January 1, 2021 to the pres ent.
Ms. M organ Yard is 5/7/2021 6/7/2021 Processing Tasks Hello, Please see the attached FOIA request regarding: Communications Related to DOI-SOL-202 1-003 887 Thank you , Morgan Yardis
Mr. Eric J Pelletier 8/10/2021 ########## Clos ed No Records 10/1/2021 I want an answer on my DOI IG complaint regarding my Formal Desk Audit that was passed do wn to USGS for further proc essing.
Vaness a Cacch ioli 2/23/2023 ########## C los ed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C) Partial G rant/Part ial Deni al 4/12/2023 We are requesting report CAD#2023- 0000 1571 o n behalf of our client Reymundo De Pena and Luz Hu ertas for their accident on 2/19/23 .
Cecilia Kane 6/6/2023 ########## Clo sed No Records 6/14/2023 The Department of the Interior's response to the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability's letter, dated May 18, 2023, requesting documents and information on the agency's level of telework, how the agency has tracked its impact on performance, and what that impact has been. The agency's res ponse was requested no later than June 1, 2023.
Ms. Alesia M. Garlock 4/4/2023 5/3/2023 Ass ign ment D etermi natio n FWS Depredation Permit with April 2023 start date iss ued to USDA's Wildlif e Services/Aphis Texas -as contractor for the City of San Anton io, Bexar County, TX-Parks and Recreation or Any COSA employee.
Mr. Chadd Everone 4/12/2022 ########## Cl osed Duplicate Request 4/28/2022
This Request is for any written communication s with the office of the Ass istant Secretary Indian Affairs (AS IA) with respect to the Federally Recognized Indian Tribe which is known as the "California Valley Miwok Tribe" originally known as "Sheep Ranch Ran cheria of Me wuk Indians" The request is for the specific time period of J anuary 1 2022 to the present (I have as standing request (DOI ASIA20 22 0 0298 3) for a much b roader scope and for a longer time period That has been classified as "C omplex" tracking and could take a long period of time That was judged to not q ualify for "expedited" proces sing; but I can leave that to take its own course ) This new request narrows both the sc ope and time such that a classif ication of "Simple" might qu alify The issue involves a sudden and unexplained "pause" b y the AS IA at the very last minute in a Secretarial Election of the Tribe's authority (a matter wh
PETER J B YRNE 6/4/2021 Clos ed Other 6/11/2021 Please add this request to my outstanding DOI-NPS-2021-004419. All Johnes disease testing (both fecal and necropsy generated) reports for Tule elk at Point Reyes National Seashore from 2012 to the present.
Henrietta Johnson 4/17/2023 ########## C los ed Request Withdrawn 5/25/2023 Accident report on 05-15-2023. Happened on HWY 25 near Cumberland Gap Tunnel.
Zak Cass el 2/24/2022 As si gnmen t Det ermina tion Please see the attached for my full request. I have additionally attached a copy of a letter providing a justification f or the public interest and lack of co mmercial interest standards with request DOI-BIA-202 2-002 005, which also applies to this request. Also , please feel welcome to fold this request in with DOI-BIA-202 2-002 005, as thes e entities reside within the same geographic area as the subject of that request.
Mich ael My ers 2/4/2019 3/4/2019 C los ed Other ########### All records, such as emails, documents, analyses and other communications exchanged between OMB and DOI, as well as all information and analysis on these communications exchanged within DOI, regarding how the cost of 'deregulatory actions' as that term is used in: Guidance Implementing EO 13771 (M-17-21) was calculated for FY 2017, FY 2018 and FY 2019 to comply with Executive Orders 13771, including, but not limited to:
Mr. Dean L Whitman 4/17/2023 ########## As sign ment Determ inati on Requesting the accident report pertaining to case number NP2308 1035. I believe this happened on 3-31-2023 or 4-1-2023. The accident involved a car which my wife and I own. My daughter used the car at college and was a passenger in the car, not the driver when the accident occurred. We would like to know what the details of the accident are.
May Yang 1/3/2023 2/1/2023 Clo sed Duplicate Request 1/3/2023 Transaction/Reference #: 199807 4263 Not High Mon itored: USAA Report Type:Auto Acc ident Report/Case Number:NP223 79672 Date of Occurrence:12/20 /2022 1 2:00:00AM L ocation of Lo ss: Cross Street: City:KENNESAWCoun ty:COBBState:GA Insurance Company: USAA Insured D river:Abby R Evans Driver 2:Unknown Driver 3: Last Note: No Ass ociation Performed. Sent To Print By Iserv (iserv) 12/29/20 229 :06:11AM TAG #: UNKNOWN VIN #:
Mr. Alex and er J Bret tmann 8/23/2022 C los ed Improper FOIA Request for Other Reasons 8/29/2022 I am filing a FOIA request to find the results of DOI OIG complaint :OI-HQ-22-0423-R. I request all information collected during the investigation and any subsequent punishments for the violations of regulatory policy.
Mr. Amos Johnson 3/4/2022 5/2/2022 Clo sed Full Grant 4/15/2022 D OI-OIG Complaint Info rmation Complaint Numb er: OI-HQ-22-0 263-R C omplaint Title: Alleged Tribal Mismanagement, BIA, AZ
Samuel B iers 2/10/2022 ########## Clo sed Full Grant 3/24/2022 C opy of th e DO I-BIA W ester n Regi on J udic ial Ser vices Con trac t Settl ement A greement entered Septem ber 2 021 Cas e No. I SDA 2 01 7-0 1/AD R
Zak Cass el 2/24/2022 As si gnmen t Det ermina tion Please see the attached for my full request and justification for a complete fee waiver, submitted under the related request DOI-BIA-2022-002005.
Bruc e Pend ery 9/14/2017 ########## C los ed Request Withdrawn 8/16/2022 No date range: Requests copies of the September 9 plans(s) produced by the BLM and if applicable the DOI pursuant to Section 2(a) of Executive Order 13781.
Mr. Hudson Munoz 7/6/2021 ########## Cl osed Ex. 5, Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C), Ex. 7(E) Request Withdrawn ########### Requesting records as described by Morgan Yardis in FOIA request DOI-OS-2021-004067 related to records of Tommy Beaudreau from the Obama Administration.
Mr. Jaso n Isaac 11/28/2022 ########## Initial Evaluation U.S. D epartment o f Interio r (“ DOIâ€) Obligations Under Executi ve Orders (see attached letter).
Dominic Giambra 4/21/2023 Clos ed Recor ds N ot R easo nabl y Des cri bed 6/8/2023 I am looking fo r all emails and contacts sent and received by Colin L M cCormick in the years 2022 and 2023 .
Mr. Carlos J Anchondo 4/13/2023 ########## Initial Evaluation I request a copy of any and all emails between Interior Secretary Deb Haaland and members of the leadership in the office of the Interior Secretary --- including Rachael Taylor, Mili Gosar, Kate Kelly, Melissa Schwartz and Maggie Thompson --- that discu ss or mention the Mo untain Valley pipeline project, often abbreviated as MVP, between February 13, 2023 and April 13 , 2023. I request a copy of any and all emails between members of the leadership in the office of th e Interior Secretary --- including Rachael Taylor, Mili Gosar, Kate Kelly, Melissa Schwartz and Maggie Thompson --- that dis cuss the Mo untain Valley pipeline project, often abbreviated as MVP, between February 13, 2023 and April 13 , 2023. I am a journalist with E&E News/POLITICO.
Peri B uck 11/14/2022 Clo sed Not an Agen cy R ecord 2/6/2023 This is the expedited processing request for our request filed on October 25, 2022. Tracking Number: DOI-FWS-2023-000447
Greg Flory 5/22/2023 C los ed Request Withdrawn 5/23/2023 P lease cancel request number DOI-BLM-20 23-00 4528 as I have received the information from the National Archives.
Simone Griffin 5/19/2023 ########## As si gnmen t Deter minat ion Project file, all documents, correspondence, emails, applications and permits with Wilderness Volunteers and Grand Staircase Escalante Partners from May 2022-Current regarding a service project along Hole in the Rock road April 16, 2023-April 22, 2023. GPS coordinates of where the project occurred and site remedies happened.
Billy Arnold 5/18/2023 ########## As sign ment Determ inati on
I am writing to request a copy of Yellowstone National Park law enforcement's incident report from the accident that occurred May 13 2023 on Craig Pass The accident in qu estion was the subject of a press release the park sent out two days later on May 15 2023 For further specificity th e accident involved Catheryn Danyelle Griffin 38 who d ied
Reid Clark 4/7/2022 C los ed Request Withdrawn 4/8/2022 I request all available documentation and information regarding the DOI OIG inves tigation into Superintendent Ed Clark regarding activities at Gettysburg National Military Park. Report Number 16-0879
American Oversight 10/29/2020 ########## Clo sed Ex. 5 Parti al Grant /Partial D enial 8/8/2022 Please see attached (DOI-20-2682).
Michelle White 5/3/2018 ########## Cl osed Ot her 9/30/2020 Record s in the poss ession or con trol of the Department of the Interior Office of the Secretary (DOI) regarding the administrative recognition of Revised Statute (R.S.) 247 7 rights of way using no n-bindin g determinations, recordable disclaimers of interest, or any other framework or mechanism. SUWA requests all records created, modified, or acquired from January 20, 20 17 to the date the DOI commences its s earch for records respons ive to this FOIA request.
Kerry Addica 5/23/2022 ########## C los ed Ex. 7 (A) Full Denial Based on Exemptions 6/1/2022 I am requesting all records relating to the Department of the Interior Office of Inspector General (DOI OIG) c omplaint referral number/case number OI-HQ-22-03 71-R. I was advised by Mich ael Smith, investigator with DOI OIG, to make a FOIA request regarding this complaint. I would like all information regarding this complaint inclu ding the review by the DOI OIG. The DOI OIG case relates to a mishandling of a 16 E complaint at Yosemite National Park, case number 1449, and a su bsequent reopening of the case by NP S headquarters, case number 1538 . I would like the investigative report for case number 1449 and any info rmation from case number 1538 . This case is also being investigated by the Oversight committee in the Hous e of Representatives.
Stephanie Pagones 3/9/2023 4/6/2023 Clo sed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(A), Ex. 7(C), Ex. 7(E) Part ial Grant /Partial D enial 5/18/2023 This is a public records request pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act. My name is Stephanie Pagones, I am a reporter for the New York Post. I am seeking a list of the names and details related to all individuals reported missing fro m within U.S. National Parks grounds, broken d own by year, from Jan. 1, 2018 thro ugh Dec. 31, 20 22. For 202 3, please provide the aforementioned information for Jan. 1, 2 023 throu gh March 1, 202 3. Information sho uld include, but n ot be limited to, the following details for each person: name, age, date last seen, date reported missing, location last s een, name of National Park; Please indicate whether each individual has been located and, if applicable, please provide date of recovery, location of recovery, and physic al condition up on recovery. Please provide information electronically, via email to [email protected].
Mrs. Dana A Hedgpeth 8/19/2022 ########## Ass ignmen t D etermin atio n Under the FOIA act, I'm requesting any and all materials related to the Haliwa Saponi Indian Tribe of NC at the Office of Federal Acknowledgement under DOI.
Marc Reh mann 7/3/2019 ########## C los ed Other 5/31/2022 D IR: Communications to /from DOI Secretary that make reference to "Salute to America: July 4th Celebration from February 1, 2018-July 3, 2 019
DOI-NPS-2023-003854 Fel ecia Up sh aw 4/10/2023 5/8/2023 Clos ed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C) Partial G rant/Par tial Den ial 5/9/2023 Natchez trace parkway Looking for accident report that occu rred on April 7, 2023 , please provide image and report for Montavis Upshaw
DOI-NPS-2023-003874 Mr . Ronald James C larke 4/10/2023 5/9/2023 Clo sed Full Grant 4/19/2023 Was in a Motorcycle accident on 04 /05/2023 inside Josh ua Tree National Park. I would like a copy of the accident report.
Cort ella CJ Jon es 5/2/2023 6/2/2023 Clos ed Full Grant 6/6/2023 Hi, I had an accident on March 3 0 202 3, and I am requesting the report for the insurance company claim .
Kohl Belgarde 1/3/2023 4/7/2023 Clo sed Full Grant 3/14/2023 Co py of police report for vehicle accident involvin g myself (Kohl Belgarde) and Steve Azure Jr. on 01/01/20 23
Jess e Trott ier 4/20/2023 ########## Clo sed Full Grant 4/25/2023 Requestin g a copy of the police report for 4/17 /2023 fo r the accident involving my vehicle. Keith Enno Jr. was the driver.
Daniel R aymor 2/23/2023 ########## C los ed Other 3/7/2023 Vehicle accident report dated 02/21/2023 in Manassas National Battlefield Park, report case number: NP23045364
Hudson T Munoz 11/15/2018 ########## Cl os ed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 P artial Gr ant/Parti al Denial ########### ASIA: Requesting copies of Tara Sweeny's daily activities including her calendar and daily agendas. For reference, please note that the DOI OS FOIA office has released copies of calendar records as well as copies of the daily agendas that the Secretary receives.
Nich olas Deren e 4/29/2022 ########## Processing Tasks All policies, directives, manuals, Directors Orders, laws, regulations, or advice from DO I and NPS on use of involuntary employee Administrative Leave. Also, all policies, directives, manuals, Directors Orders, laws, regulations, or advice from DOI and NPS on use of Commission Su spensions and Revocations fo r Law Enforcement employees. This includes, but is not limited to park, regional, agency, and Department level documents and communications related to the use of these tools.
Clifton Gray 3/29/2023 Clo sed Improper FOIA Reques t for Other Reasons 4/7/2023 Requesting Park Polic e Incident Report #PP2302 9366 regarding theft of equipment on 23 M ar 2023 at Spring Creek Park, Queens, NY
Adam Fed erman 6/4/2021 ########## Cl osed No Records 7/13/2022
On January 6 of this year DOI held an oil and gas lease sale in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Accord ing to FOIA documents released by the Department of Justice the antitrust review for the leases was completed on January 8 This is a request for any and all correspond ence or communication between DOI and DOJ regarding the antitrust review D ate range for the request is November 17 2020 to January 9 2021 Records search should inclu de former Interior Secretary David Bernhardt; deputy solicitor Daniel Jorjani; DOI regional solicitor Michael Gieryic; BLM AK state director Chad Padgett; and anyone else in the solicito r's office or at BLM who may have been involved in coo rdinating the antitrust review
Paul No lan 1/19/2023 3/3/2023 Clo sed Full Grant 3/2/2023 Requesting an updated MORA 2023 Position Labor Cost Excel spreadsheet with most updated pay period included
Devin Harshbarger 5/24/2023 ########## As sign ment Determ inati on Requesting to know what companies and organizations received commercial use authorizations for the summer of 2023 in Glacier National Park.
Steven N elso n 5/4/2023 6/2/2023 Ass ign ment D etermin atio n I'm writing to request a copy of the police report for the fatal crash on M arch 15, 202 3, on Rock Creek Parkway in Washington, DC.
Bradley W Scott 1/27/2023 ########## Clo sed Full Gran t 2/10/2023 This request is for the vehicle accident, case incident report from the National Park Service (Volcano National Park), sp ecifically NP 230 18641 with the date of 01/22/20 23. emma_tunison@nps .gov was the reporting officer.
Vaness a Ray-H odge 7/24/2018 ########## Ass ign ment D etermi natio n All documents in draft or fin al, and/or communications related to DOI's " Dear Tribal Leader Letter" from John Tahsu da, Principal Deputy AS-IA, dated 7/2/2018 regarding tribal consultation on DOI's review of M-Op 370 43 dated between 1/20/17 to present; all communic ations related to SOL M-Op 37 053 dated 6/29 /2018 " Withdrawal of Solicitor M-Op 3 7043 ."
Jolie McLaughlin 2/3/2020 3/2/2020 Clos ed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial Grant/P artial D enial 8/16/2022 All external communications, between (DOI) and any person or entity not employed by or a part of DOI (including but not limited to any person or entity outside the Department of Justice and within the Executive Branch of the federal government), that took place between August 15, 2017 and January 8, 2020, that concerns a potential rulemaking or proposed rulemaking by the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) to revise its National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulations.
Jacki e Powel l 7/10/2023 Clos ed Improper FOIA Request for Other Reasons 7/11/2023 Medical records fo r incident on Jun e 26, 2023 when transported by YELL Emergency Medical Services to Bozeman Health Emergency Room. These records are for myself, Jackie W. Powell, Date of Birth 02-26 -1942 .
Lori Tuttle 4/5/2023 ########## C los ed Ex. 2, Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Parti al Grant /Partial D enial 6/21/2023 Requesting records pertaining to myself retained by the NPS either at Regional Offices and/or at Lake Mead NRA, to include the Chief Rangers Office, subordinate offices and the Superintendent's office, specifically all records related to the AR Group investigation from approximately June to November 2020 and closed on an unknown date by the Agency, including the original complaint, all witness interviews/reports, and the Agency notes and determination, and additionally requesting the report of investigation completed by Mr. Richard Larrabee, Chief Investigator, Employee and Labor Relations, U.S. Department of the Interior and submitted to Lake Mead from November 2020 to March 2021.
Hannah Brown 12/14/2021 ########## Cl osed Ex. 6 Par tial Gran t/Partial Denial 2/9/2022
Records referred fro m BOEM regarding FOIA request DO I BOEM 2022 0 004 60
Michael Moffett 6/14/2023 ########## Clo sed Full Grant 6/20/2023 I was a NPS employee until February 11, 202 3. I am requesting copies of all emails between Jenny Hill and myself between December 1, 2022 and February 11, 20 23. I was an employee of NPS, Denver Service Center at this time and my email address would have been [email protected] and [email protected] m.
Tami Hes s 2/6/2023 ########## Ass ignm ent D etermin atio n I am requesting a report and body cam from the arrest of Dana Marie Cain who was arrested at the Grand Canyon in AZ on 2/4/202 3
Mr. Joshua J Wagner 9/8/2021 ########## Cl osed Ex. 6 P artial Gran t/Partial Denial 2/15/2022 Looking for an Inc ident Report for a DOI 10/4/20 20-10 /5/2020. The person in volved is a Justin Otto and it happened at or near The Grand River Casino and Resort.
Mr. ROBIN C MAYES 1/24/2023 3/8/2023 Clo sed Full Grant 2/7/2023 I would like to see the documentation verifying that the DOI Secretary approved the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma constitution and revisions to the CNO constitution last approved by the Secretary in 1976.
Kevin Bogardus 3/25/2019 5/3/2019 Clos ed No Records 6/23/2021 From 1/20/17-4/8/19: all records memorializing the Department of the Interior's (DOI) ratifications of unauthorized commitments, otherwise known as "ratification memos,"
Kevin Bogardus 5/3/2019 ########## C los ed No Records 6/23/2021 Fro m 4/1 /19- 5/1 /19 : all do cu ments related to t he Dep artmen t of the In terio r (D OI) emp loy ees' eth ics waiver s in reso lving fin anci al con fli cts of i nteres t
Andr ea Roger s 12/27/2021 ########## Clo sed Ex. 6 Part ial Grant /Partial D enial 5/24/2022 All investigative records pertaining to an incident involving Helmerich & Payne (rig): Company: Helmerich & Payne / DOI: 8/30/2010 / LOI: See Attached Report
Andr ea Roger s 1/18/2022 ########## Initial Evaluation Any/all BSEE investigative records/notes pertaining to the accident o f 8/29/20 21 involvin g Noble Globetrotter. The full report for DOI- BSEE-2021- 0058 77.
Mr. Hudson Munoz 7/6/2021 ########## Cl osed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial Grant/P artial D enial ########### Requesting records as described by Morgan Yardis in FOIA request DOI-OS-2021-004059 related to records of “External Meeting, Communications and Phone Records of Elizabeth Klein."
Ms. M organ Yard is 8/11/2022 9/9/2022 Cl osed Full Gran t 8/20/2022 Any document or documents that identify names and titles of all political appointees in DOI as of August 11, 2022. We believe this document is held by the White House Liaison.
Krystal Rivera 3/7/2023 4/6/2023 Ass ign ment D etermi natio n FOIA-DOI-NPS-20 22-00 3783 Hello, I am trying to locate a ticket disposition for the attached accident. We represent Yesha Flanagan
Stefan dav is 1/23/2023 ########## Initial Evaluation Requesting a copy of a vehicle accident report that occurred on Carlsbad caverns grounds. Incident occurred on January 15, 2023 Report case number NP23012494
Mr. Rachid Bajbouji 2/22/2023 ########## Clo sed Oth er 3/7/2023 On 2/22/20 23, I was in a car accident involving 3 cars and I need the accident report related to this accident.
Daniel Ferris 3/10/2023 5/5/2023 Clo sed Partial Grant/P artial D enial 4/7/2023 List of all Federally Recognized Tribes from 2011 to 20 23. Any and all records regarding the Natchez Nation o f Gore, Oklahoma.
Tristan B aurick 2/24/2023 ########## Cl osed No Records 2/27/2023 A log of FOIA requests, including requester name and request description, submitted from Jan. 1, 2022 to Feb. 20, 2023.
DOIOSMRE 2023 004497
Duan e Feagley 5/11/2023 ########## Cl osed Full G rant 5/24/2023 I am requesting information with regard to coal sales and AML fees paid in Penns ylvania for the 1st Quarter of 20 23. Thank you.
Mr. M icha el C. St eele 4/24/2023 ########## Cl osed Full G rant 5/17/2023 I am requesting a copy of accident report Case # 2023 -307 5 on behalf of my client, Ryan Taylor, whom I have been hired to represent in a claim for personal injuries which stem from an accident that occ urred on the Natchez Trace Parkway around French camp, Mississ ippi, on April 6, 20 23. I have attached executed copies of the cons ent form provided to my client by the investigating offic er as well as a copy of an authorization for th e release of the report to me. You may contact my office with question s at 662- 289-1 127.
Mr. Carlos J Anchondo 3/3/2023 4/3/2023 Processing Tasks
This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act I request a copy of all written communications, including but not limited to emails, between Cindy Schulz ( and James Martin at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ( that discuss the Mountain Valley pipeline project, a biological opinion issued on February 28, 2023, for the Mountain Valley pipeline and/or submissions from the petitioners related to the Mountain Valley pipeline project and the February 2023 biological opinion. The time window for my request is between January 3, 2023, and March 3, 2023. I request a copy of all written communications, including but not limited to emails, between Cindy Schulz ( and Amanda Mardiney at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission that discuss the Mountain Valley pipeline project, a biological opinion issued on February 28, 2
Ms. Jessica Dominguez 2/1/2023 3/3/2023 Clos ed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C) Partial G rant/Par tial Den ial 2/27/2023 Date of incident: 1/30/2023 CAD Number: GRTE202300000405 Specific location: Lower Gros Ventre Rd and S Mormon Rd
DANIL EZEKIEL F AUST 3/6/2023 4/6/2023 As sign ment D eterm inati on Please provide any reports regarding the arrest of DANIL EZEKIEL FAUST on 15 February 2023 in McPherson Sq uare, including camera footage.
Michael Ravnitzky 1/19/2021 3/3/2021 Clos ed Ex . 6 Par tial Gran t/Partial Denial 2/2/2021 I request the following records: a copy of th e request letter, the acknowledgement letter and any emails or notes associated with or regarding the processing of FOIA request designated as DOI-BIA-2 021-0 0174 1. I agree to limit the search to the applicable BIA FOIA Office. I also request a copy of the same records requested in D OI-BIA-2021 -0017 41. This is a no ncommercial individual request. I swear under penalty of perjury that this request is no t for any commercial purposes.
Adam Fed erman 1/25/2021 ########## Clo sed Full Grant 7/30/2021 This is a request for any and all correspon dence or communication between FWS Alaska director Greg Siekaniec and former DOI Senior Advisor for Alaska Affairs Steve Wackowski between June 1, 2017 and September 15, 2020 . In addition I am requesting any and all correspondenc e or communication between Mr. Siekaniec and former DOI Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management Joe Balash between December 1, 2017 and September 1, 2019 .
Joe Bushyhead 1/3/2018 2/1/2018 Clo sed Oth er 7/13/2019 Records in the possess ion of the Department of the Interior Office of the Secretary (DOI OS) regarding settlement discuss ions with plaintiff s in Utah's s tatewide R.S. 2477 litigation, whether relating to all or any of the individual cases or claims alleged therein. First, records relating to any such communications with attorneys or representatives of the plaintiffs in th e statewide R.S. 2477 litigation; from the date the DOI OS commenced its search for FOIA request OS-201 7-01 323 (co nt. below)
Krista Hughes 1/17/2017 ########## Clos ed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial Grant/P artial D enial 7/17/2023 1 . Docs regarding communications between SOL and any party regarding the need for DOI to revise the regulations at 25 CFR P art 140 regarding trade with Indians from 6/9/201 5 - 12/9 /2016. 2. Do cs regarding communications b etween SOL and any party related to the need for the DOI to preempt state and local taxation of prop erty and activities on Indian lands from 7 /15/2013 -12/9/201 6.
Katie Brossy 6/4/2018 ########## Cl osed Request Withdrawn 5/5/2023 1. All agency records related to drafting and developing the letter from Timothy Petty, Asst Sec for Water and Science, DOI to the Board of Dir and General Mgr of the Central Arizona Project dated 6/1/20 18 regarding sources of power for the Central Arizona Project and the application of th e Colorado River Basin Project Act of 1 968. 2. Corresp ondence from the Central Arizona Project to DO I in response to the 6/1/20 18 letter above.
Mr. Jon athan G leason 6/28/2023 ########## Cl os ed No Records 7/6/2023 Looking for s ecurity camera footage from the exterior of the Old Faithful Visitor Center in Yellowstone National Park on May 16, 20 23.
Chloe Fross 6/2/2023 7/3/2023 Initial Evaluation Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (“FOIAâ
), 5 U.S.C. § 552 et seq., and its implementi ng regulations, 43 C.F.R. Part 2, Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) hereby requests copies of all public written comments submitted to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in response to the agencies’ notice of “inten[t] to prepare a draft monument management plan for the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monumentâ€ submitted between the dates of January 27, 2023 and January 31, 2023. (87 Fed. Reg. 79,901 (Dec. 28, 2022).) This request is directed to the Northeast Region Headquarters of FWS, Greater Atlanti c Regional Office of NOAA Fisheries , the Greater Atlanti c Regional Offi ce Sustainable Fisheries Division, or FWS and NOAA Headquarters, as necessary. Specifically, we seek: 1) All public written comme
Kelly Sheridan 6/6/2023 Clo sed Oth er 6/29/2023 1. All documents related to seasonal installation and removal of the Weaver Point dock from January 1, 2 020 to th e present. 2. All documents related to dredging around the Weaver Point dock from January 1, 20 20 to the present. 3. All doc uments related to an injury that occurred at Weaver Point campground on Su nday August 29, 2 021 or M onday, August 30 , 2021.
Kevin C Bogardus 12/6/2019 1/6/2020 Clos ed No Records 6/24/2021 From 11/1- 12/1/19: all docu ments related to the Department of the Interior (DOI) employees' ethics waivers in resolving financial conflicts of interest from the BLM
Mr. Hudson Munoz 7/6/2021 ########## Cl osed Ot her 1/10/2022 Requesting all records as described by Kevin Bogardus in FOIA request DOI-OS-2021-004044 Related to correspondence, ethics, FOIA logs, schedules , SGE’s, and other records.
Morgan Yar dis 7/14/2023 ########## Initial Evaluation This is a request under the Freedom of Informati on Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552, as amended (FOIA), from the Protect the Public’s Trust (PPT), a nonpartisan organization dedicated to promoting ethics in government and restoring the public’s trust in government officials. Records Requested PPT requests the following records from the Department of Interior (DOI) from January 6, 2023, through the date this request is processed: 1. Records of the names and titles of political appointees tasked with ‘oversight’ or with handling external oversight, or who have been assigned to a unit or team for oversight within the Department of the Interior. For example, Zaheer Tajani was recently appointed as Senior Advisor for Oversight,1 2. Resumes, SF-50s, and recusal statements for the appointees identified in (1), including Zaheer Tajani.
Mr. Charles K. McCotter 5/30/2023 ########## Ass ign ment D etermi natio n
Under the Freedom of Information Act I request to obtain cop ies of all public records within the United Stated Fish & Wildlife pertaining to FY 2023 BIG Tier 2 Funded Applications Bo ating Infrastructure Grant Program FY 2023 pertaining to the application of T J ’s Transient Boat H arbor and Marina Belhaven N orth Carolina and the NC Environmental Quality’s plans to partner with TJ ’s Transient Boat Harbor & Marina See attached FY 2023 BIG Tier 2 Funded Applications page 3 The scope of this request is limited to the time period from February 4 2 022 to the present
Marie Logan 5/5/2020 6/2/2020 Res earch Reco rds Records related to the DOI's d eterminations under Public Law No. 11 4-322 , � 4007( i) of the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act regarding the enlargement of Shasta Dam and Reservoir as well as all records related to the DOI's analysis of the propos ed raising of Shasta Dam under the National Environmental Policy Act, th e Endangered Species Act, and the Clean Water Act. Time period of this request is August 1 , 2018 th rough the date of response to th is request. Cont below
Donna Holdiness 6/8/2023 ########## As sign ment Determ inati on Law enforcement encounters of motor vehicle crashes f rom 2012- 2023 . I am looking for MVC's broken down as f ollows: MV to MV, MV to bic ycle, MV to unknown/other.
LESLIE M ATTHEWS 4/18/2023 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 4/19/2023 I am requesting an accident report for our insured, Debra Vondal. The date of accident is 1/06/2023 and happened in Belcourt, ND.
Daniel BigMan 4/21/2023 Clos ed Improper FOIA Request for Other Reasons 4/28/2023 Vehicle accident police report from Lame Deer Bureau of Indian Affairs Law Enforcement Agency from January 29, 202 3.
Michael Ravnitzky 5/15/2023 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 6/2/2023 A copy of the Drought Guidebook, produced for BIA (and BIE) by Hidden Water, Inc., Owasso, Oklahoma, in 2022 and 2023, under contract action 140A0422P0042.
Mr. Kevin Thomas 1/12/2023 ########## C los ed Full Grant 1/27/2023 Report regarding suicide incident involving SGT Cristian Diaz-Trejo that occurred on 1 January 2023 at Red Rock Canyon, Nevada.
Ann Snider 5/8/2023 6/7/2023 Clo sed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial G rant/Par tial Den ial 6/26/2023 I request all records con cerning Bureau of Reclamation Commission er Camille Touton’s schedule from February 8,202 3 - May 8, 20 23.
Daniel Garcia 3/17/2023 ########## C los ed All Reco rds Refer red to Ano ther Ag ency 6/6/2023 Ou r client was involved in an accident on 03 /15/2023 at 1 :40 AM on Roc kcreek Parkway in Washington, D.C. The case number is 23026 097.
Mr. Sean D unagan 1/13/2023 ########## Ass ignmen t D etermin atio n All records regarding the National Park Service’s denial of the State of South Dakota’s app lication for a special use permit for an event at Mount Ru shmore National Memorial between June 26, 2023 and July 7, 202 3. This request includ es, but is not limited to, the following: All records reviewed, referenced, or relied upon during the NPS’ consideration of the application All related records of communic ation between any official or employee of the NPS and any other official or employee of the Department of the Interior. All related records of co mmunication between any official or employee of the NPS and any official or employee of the Executive Office of the President.
Noah T W icks 5/17/2023 7/5/2023 Initial Evaluation I request all emails sent to or from Tommy Beaudreau between April 20, 2023, and April 23, 2023. This request includes the entire email chain in which Tommy Beaudreau is a sender or recipient (including a “ccâ€
or “bccâ€) of one or more emails in the chain. This request also includes any attachments. This request also includes emails sent or received by Tommy Beaudreau using any alias. This request also includes official communications sent or received by Tommy Beaudreau using any non-USDA email account. REASONABLY FORSEEABLE HARM. The FOIA Improvement Act of 2016 amended the FOIA as follows (5 USC 552 (a)(8)) (A) An agency shall-- (i) withhold informati on under this secti on only if-- (I) the agency reasonably foresees that disclosure would harm an interest protected by an exemption described in subsecti on (b); or (II) disclosure is prohibited by law; and (ii)(I) consider whether parti
Mr. Hamed Yaz arloo 2/24/2023 C los ed Improper FOIA Request for Other Reasons 7/5/2023 Dear Sir or Madam, I would like to request a copy of a police report for an inc ident that happened on 2/11 /2023. Name: Hamed Yazarloo Phone Number: 518- 423-9 652 Cas e Number: CAD# 021123 -79 Involvement: Victim Date: 2/11/2023 ; Time: 15:49 Location: Washington, D C in front of the Lincoln Memorial Name of Officer: Stewart badge #675
Mr. Michael Ayele (aka) W 10/19/2020 Clo sed Duplicate Request ###########
What I am requesting for prompt disclos ure are (1) formal and informal ties existing between the DHS, the UMD, Michigan State University and Jo hn Jay College, City University of New York; (2) all balance sheets within the posses sion of the Un iversity of Maryland detailing sources of revenues and expenses of START since January 01s t 2011; (3 ) details of formal and inf ormal ties existing between the DHS, the DOI, the DOJ and the DC.Gov; (4) all your co mmunications in th e form of e-mails and postal corresp ondence with employees and legal representatives of the DHS, the DOI, the DOJ and the DC.Gov pertaining to the numerous incidents that have transpired at Lafayette Park following the tragic death of George Floyd; (5) all your communic ations in the form of e-mails and postal correspon dence with employees and legal representatives of the DHS, the DOI, the DOJ and th e DC.Gov about bann ing the use o
Ann Brown 7/3/2023 8/1/2023 Clo sed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial Grant/P artial D enial 7/10/2023 The Cent er requests from th e U.S. Fish & Wildlif e Service (“FWSâ€): From June 1, 2023 the date FWS conducts this search, Mr. Frazer’s schedules, including but not limited to travel and/or meeting schedules.
Timothy Fitzgerald 2/9/2022 ########## As si gnmen t Deter minat ion
This is a *tenth* request for data to update an existing dataset provided by the Nevada State Office (Bea Wade, before she retired). I have made several FOIA requests for the same information and have not received a response. Ryan Witt, the national FOIA officer, has not responded to my repeated requests for more information. My previous relevant FOIA request numbers include: DOI-BLM-2022-001898 02/02/2022 (Response received 02/07/2022--redirect to BLM HQ) DOI-BLM-2022-001438 01/06/2022 DOI-BLM-2022-001267 12/21/2021 DOI-BLM-2022-000725 11/16/2021 DOI-BLM-2022-000401 10/26/2021 DOI-BLM-2021-006263 9/26/2021 DOI-BLM-2021-005685 8/24/2021 DOI-BLM-2021-005067 7/15/2021 (Notice of response on 12/7/2021) DOI-BLM-2021-004503 6/20/2021 In February 2021, I was directed to Meredith Kueck in Oklahoma, but she has not replied since March 202
Joe Bushyhead 9/20/2017 ########## Cl osed Oth er 11/2/2017 Records in the poss ession or con trol of DOI (inclu ding but not limited to the Off ice of the Secretary, the Office of the Solicitor, the Office of the Regional Solicitor � Salt Lake City, and BLM�collectively referred to herein as DOI) and DOJ regarding discuss ions with plaintiffs in Kane County, Utah (1 ) v. United States,Case Nos. 2:08 -cv-003 15-CW (D . Utah) & 13-4 108 ( 10th Cir.) abou t settlement, or about resolution of legal matters at issue in the case. Cont below.
Mr. Patrick Youn g 1/30/2023 3/7/2023 Ass ignmen t Det ermin ation I am requesting a list of all applications for permits to conduct a demonstration or special event in park areas in the National Mall and Memorial Parks for 2023.
May Yang 2/10/2023 ########## Clos ed Request Withdrawn 4/3/2023 Transaction/Reference #: 2047165212Not High Monitored: USAA Report Type:Vandalism Report/Case Number:2301-3865 Date of Occurrence:1/12/2023 12:00:00AM Location of Loss: Cross Street: City:ATLANTACounty:FULTONState:GA Insurance Company: USAA Insured Driver:ElizabethDegnanRichman Driver 2: Driver 3: Las t Note: No Associati on Performed. Sent To Print By Iserv (iserv) 2/9/2023 4:53:26PM TAG #: AIX6813 VIN #:
Mr. Donald C Mitc hell 8/31/2020 ########## C los ed Full Grant 2/22/2021
In Native Village of Eklutna v. U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), U.S. District Cou rt for the District of Columbia No. 1:19- cv-0238 8, DOI admitted in the answer it filed to the plaintiff's c omplaint that "on or abo ut April 4, 2018 , representatives of the Alaska Delegation and state political officials met within Mr. Cason [As sociate Deputy Secretary of the Interior James Cason] without any representative of the Tribe present." Pursuant to th e FOIA, I would like to obtain a copy of all notes and other docu ments that relate in any way to the April 4, 2018 meeting above-described and that are in the possess ion of, or und er the control of, the Department of the Interior. The DOI agencies in which documents respo nsive to this FOIA request may be located are: Office of the Secretary of the Interior, Office of the Solicitor of the Department of the Interior, Office of the Assis tant Secretary of the Interior for Indian Affair
Ms. Amanda Clements 2/27/2023 ########## C los ed Full Grant 3/20/2023 1.Livestoc k Grazing Permit scheduled renewal dates and date of last NEPA for grazing allotments in Colorado BLM 's Southwest Dis trict 2.Grazing Program final bud get figures and FTE for FY 2018 through FY 2023 for C olorado BLM's Southwest District 3 .Grazing Program reported accomplishments f or FY 2018 thro ugh FY 2023 f or Colorado BLM 's Southwest Dis trict
Michael Ravnitzky 10/27/2020 ########## C los ed Request Withdrawn 1/20/2022 A copy of each letter and each email and all notes (such as processing/handling notes) associated with the processing/handling of FOIA request DOI-BLM-2017-000032. This is a noncommercial individual request.
Dr. Kevin D Reynolds 8/21/2020 ########## C los ed Full Grant 9/17/2020 a copy of th e report provided to the USFWS by the DOI OIG in August 2 020 titled, "Alleged fraud and con flicts of in terest at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Gulf Restoration Office" (or a title similar to that).
Mr. Jason Leopold 3/4/2021 4/1/2021 Clo sed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C), Ex. 7(E), Ex. 7(F) P artial G rant/Part ial Deni al 7/14/2022 DIR & NCR: Six categories of records from specified individu als relating to January 6, 2021 , events on the National Mall and the US Capitol. (Litigation For DO I-NPS-202 1-001 753)
Alexan der Br ettman n 9/9/2022 ########## Resea rch R ecor ds The results of DOI OIG complaint OI-HQ-22-0423-R. I request all information collected during the investigation and any subsequent punishments for the violations of regulatory policy.
nick Allen 8/24/2020 ########## C los ed Full Grant 9/29/2020 From the DOI, Interior Business C enter HR/Payroll provider, I would like the number of pay cap lifts for the environmental protection agency from 20 15 - 20 19 by race
Michael Ravnitzky 10/27/2020 ########## C los ed Full Grant 4/16/2021 A copy of each letter and each email and all notes (such as processing/handling notes) associated with the processing/handling of this FOIA request: DOI-OS-2018-000055. This is a noncommercial individual request.
Mr. Hudson Munoz 7/6/2021 8/3/2021 Clos ed Other 7/6/2021 Requesting records as described by Morgan Yardis in FOIA request DOI-SOL-2021-004252 for “Records relating to use of encrypted communications by Department of Interior employees to conduct government business.â€
Martha M orales 7/18/2017 ########## Clo sed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial G rant/Part ial Deni al 3/8/2023 All documents related to communications to, from, or concerning Cayuga Nation leadership between March 2015 and the date of this request, held or controlled in any format by DOI and/or any of its agencies.
Mr. Kevin Bogardus 8/7/2020 9/4/2020 Clos ed No Records 8/13/2020 (Director/DOI Ethics ) All documents related to your bureau/offic e’s employees' ethics waivers in resolving financial conflicts of interest from July 1 to Aug. 1, 2 020.
Mr. Dillon Williams 2/6/2023 ########## Cl osed Ex. 6 P artial Gran t/Parti al Denial 4/3/2023 A copy of all emails, including all attachments sent To, CC'd or BCC'd to sent from email addresses ending in dated between January 1, 2020 and February 4, 2023 and a copy of all emails, including all attachments sent from sent To, CC'd or BCC'd to email addresses ending in dated between January 1, 2020 and February 4, 2023.
Ann Brown 5/10/2023 ########## R esearc h Rec ord s The Center requests from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (“FWSâ€) Region 2 from April 20, 2023 to the date FWS conducts this search, all records menti oning, including, and/or generated in connecti on to the SpaceX Starship Super Heavy launch from Boca Chica, Texas on April 20, 2023 (“SpaceX launchâ€), including but not limited to: any analysis(es) of the launch, the explosion of the rocket and/or the destruction of the launch pad; any communications within FWS documenting the agency’s response; and any communicati ons with federal agencies such as the Federal Aviation Administrati on (“FAAâ€) regarding the same.[FN2] [FN2] See generally, Lora Kolodny, “SpaceX Starship explosion spread parti culate matter for miles,â€ CNBC, (last visited May 9, 2023).
Jacob Taichman-Bernstein 3/20/2023 ########## Cl os ed Full Grant 3/24/2023 I would like to receive the incident report which was to-be created after an incident that occurred the night of February 17th, 2023 at Rodeo Beach, Marin Headlands, California.
Gerardo Alvarez 3/3/2023 4/3/2023 Clo sed Full Grant 3/27/2023 I am owner of Universal Taxi LLC , My name is Gerardo Alvarez. I am trying to obtain a copy of the accident report that Occ urred on FEB 18 20 23 taken by Officer : William Byrd. Report # NP2304 7191
Gerardo Alvarez 3/6/2023 Clos ed Duplicate Request 3/7/2023 I am owner of Universal Taxi LLC , My name is Gerardo Alvarez. I am trying to obtain a copy of the accident report that Occurred on FEB 1 8 2023 taken by Officer : William Byrd. Report # NP23047 191
Gerardo Alvarez 3/6/2023 Clos ed Duplicate Request 3/7/2023 I am owner of Universal Taxi LLC , My name is Gerardo Alvarez. I am trying to obtain a copy of the accident report that Occurred on FEB 1 8 2023 taken by Officer : William Byrd. Report # NP23047 191
Dr. Donald Stryker 1/12/2022 ########## C los ed Ex. 6 Partial G rant/Par tial Den ial ########### Background information: Dr. Tonya Knight (AKA Tonya Sturgess) was employed by the DOI/ BIE and has worked as a principal at Lake Valley Navajo School and Many Farms High School. Records requested: Resignation letters that Dr. Tonya Knight submitted while employed by the DOI/ BIE. Also requested are any and all detail letters / reassignments that Tonya Knight (Sturgess) received during her tenure as DOI/BIE employee. This request for records also includes any and all settlement agreements that Dr. Tonya Knight entered into with the Department of the Interior/ Bureau of Indian Education. The timeframe of this request extends from October 31, 2018 to January 12, 2022. These records are in the possession of the BIE HR Officer, Mr. Jackie Shamblin, who works in the BIE Albuquerque office.
Ms. D ian e Akerman 5/18/2023 7/3/2023 Clos ed Ex . 4 Full Denial Based on Exemptions 7/19/2023 Annual Financial Reports fro m Aviator Sports/ ARKLOW-FBF for the years 201 7 - 202 3 relating to the concessio ner contract for Floyd Bennett Field.
Ms. Tansy Woods 4/28/2023 ########## Cl osed Full Gran t 7/14/2023 All incident and investigative reports, photos and other supporting documents related to the Williams Wildfire that started on April 3, 2023 near Hereford, Arizona.
Aspen Durand 6/1/2023 ########## Initial Evaluation Copies of all Endangered Species Act import or export permits issued fo r threatened species from March 1, 202 3 to the time this request is proc essed.
Pat Raglan d 3/10/2023 4/7/2023 Clos ed No Records 3/14/2023 Ms . Pat Ragland’s February 17, 2023 communication “ RE: THE U.S. GEOLOCIAL SURVEY’S INPUT IS ESSENTIAL FOR THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT (NEPA) PROCESS FOR THE PROPOSED RING ROAD (K Y 3005) EXTENSION IN HARDIN COUNTY, KENTUCKY ITEM NO. 4-198 .00â€
to Pete Cinotto (Kentuc ky Deputy Director, U.S. Geological Survey Kentucky Water Science Center) was delivered by email at [email protected] on February 23, 2 023. Ms . Pat Ragland’s February 17, 2023 communication was also d elivered on February 24, 2023 to U .S. Geological Survey, 9818 Bluegrass Parkway, Jeffersontown, KY 40299 by United Parcel Service tracking number 1ZV911V60 1647 41974 . Ms. Pat Ragland’s February 22, 20 23 commun ication “RE: THE U.S. GEOLOCIAL SURVEY’S INPUT IS ESSENTIAL FOR THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT (NEPA) PROCESS FOR THE PROPOSED RING
Michael Ravnitzky 10/27/2020 ########## As si gnmen t Det erminat ion A copy of each letter and each email and all notes (such as proces sing/handling notes) associated with the processing/handling of FOIA request DOI-NPS-2016-00028. This is a noncommercial individual request.
Wesley Gant 7/14/2023 ########## Initial Evaluation I would like the park to provide aa transcript or audio recording made by chief law enforcement officer conducted on May 24, 2023 with participants; Park Guide Wesley Gant, Sheriff Deputy Martin Gant, Chief Ranger Anthony Vela, Park Ranger Daniel Crabb I also request the park produce the the resignation letters of Park Guide Nicole Bonner submitted around May 6, 2023.
Benjamin Cassidy 7/5/2023 Initial Evaluation As a writer at Seattle Met magazine, I am writing to request any and all communications related to the fire that burned down Hu rricane Ridge Day Lodge on May 7, 2023 . Specifically, I am seeking any emails, memos, letters, reports, recordings, or other written, spoken, or electronic correspondence that mention o r discuss the fire at Hurricane Ridge from May 7, 2023 th rough today's date (July 5 , 2023) , including but no t limited to: communications between staff members at Olympic National Park regarding the fire; communications between Olympic National Park staff and oth er federal or state agencies regarding the fire; any internal reports or assessments related to the fire at Hurricane Ridge. Thank you.
Dr. Sarah McCoy 10/12/2021 ########## Clo sed No Records 1/19/2022 Tribes s eeking to make per-capita payments must submit a revenue allocation plan (RAP) to the Department of the Interior for approval. I seek to obtain a list of all tribes that have submitted a RAP to DOI. I would also like details from the individu al RAPs on how dis putes are resolved, how much money is disbu rsed to members, donations to charity, details on tribal court sys tems, etc. I will accept a subset of this data (e.g., the list of tribes submitting a RAP to D OI).
Ellen Richmond 2/14/2018 ########## C los ed Other 9/28/2020 Records from 1/23 /17 through th e present related to Daniel Jorjani, Principal Deputy Solicitor for DOI: 1. All emails, text msgs, faxes, voice mails and other forms of communication fo rm or to Mr. Jorjani with any person outs ide of DOI. 2. All calendars 3. All sign-in s heets or other records memorializing attendance at any meetings with Mr. Jorjani 4. All emails, faxes, voicemails, texts that have been deleted, but remain recoverable.
American Oversight 10/30/2020 ########## Clo sed Ex. 5 Parti al Grant /Partial D enial 7/9/2021 Please see attached (DOI-BIE-20-2690).
Lexis Nexi s 2/22/2023 ########## Clo sed Request Withdrawn 4/3/2023 Transaction/Reference #: 2060613312High Monitored:ALLSTATE INSURANCE Report Type:Auto Accident Report/Case Number:NP23037343 Date of Occurrence:2/13/2023 12:00:00AM Locati on of Loss:SILVER BOW LN Cross Street: City:KENNESAWCounty:COBBState:GA Insurance Company: ALLSTATE INSURANCE Insured Driver:CesarR Valerio Driver 2: Driver 3: Last Note: No Associati on Performed. Sent To Print By Iserv (iserv) 2/21/20237:20:40AM TAG #: VIN #: 5TDZA3EH9DS033165
Christina H orton 5/15/2023 ########## Clo sed Request Withdrawn 7/17/2023 Hello! I am requesting the video footage of my accident that occurred on April 14, 2023 around 430 in the Cumberland Gap National Tunnel. Thank you!
Mr. Zachary A King 5/11/2023 6/9/2023 Ass ign ment D etermi natio n
Freedom of Information Act Request Dear Agency Representatives: This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act. I request that a copy of all non- exempt information/ documents con cerning my 2023 reques t for reasonable accommodation. The Reasonable Accommodation was s ubmitted through the Maintenance Divis ion supervisory c hain at the C&O Canal National Historical Park initially in March 2 023, but my Sup ervisory chain was unaware an email or verbal request sufficed IAW current po licy. I submitted that original request again via email in April 2023. I would like to have copies of all docu ments/ information from March 2 023 to present. To help to d etermine my status to assess fees, you sh ould know that I am requesting documents /information of myself for perso nal use and not for a commercial use. I am willing to pay fees for this request up to a maximum of $200 . If you estimate that
Ann Snider 2/7/2023 ########## C los ed Other 2/17/2023 For the dates of June 1, 20 22 through February 7, 2 023, I request all records con cerning logs of correspo ndence that record letters from members of Congress to th e Bureau of Reclamation and/or the Assistant Secretary of Interior for Water and Science.
Ms. P aula J Hal upa 1/18/2022 ########## Clo sed Full Gran t 4/19/2022 copy of DOI OIG’s referral package to FWS for complaint number OI-HQ-2 1-040 2-R
Mr. Kevin Bogardus 8/7/2020 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 12/9/2020 ASIA-ESIA:I request all records concerning all logs of correspondence that record letters from members of Congress to your bureau/office from July 1 to Aug. 1, 2020. The logs should detail the correspondence’s control number, the date it was received, what congressional office sent it and its subject. Please redact constituents’ names and other personal information detailed in these logs in order to expedite this request.
Edward Fitch 3/30/2020 ########## Cl osed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial G rant/P artial Den ial 4/29/2021 OR-2020-046: Requests the complete ROW file for Teaters Road located at T16S, R21E, Sec 30 near Prineville, OR. (DOI-BLM-ORWA-P000-2020-0024-EA)
Steiner Richard 7/22/2020 ########## Clo sed Partial Grant/P artial D enial ########### All records discussing potential exchanges of lands, interests in lands, and subsurface estate between the Chugach Alaska Corporation (CAC), the U.S. Department of Interior (DOI), and/or the U.S. Forest Service (USFS).
Mr. Sterling Pollard 9/30/2020 ########## Clo sed No Records 10/6/2020 An y resp on sive r ecord s c onc ernin g him self in D OI's SORN 's s ys tems r eferenc ed BS EE-01 , Inv esti gatio n Cas e Man agement Syst em (CM S) an d In terio r/MMS -12 , Les see/O perato r Train ing F iles.
Mr. Joseph O Minott 7/14/2022 ########## C los ed Ex. 3, Ex. 4, Ex. 5, Ex. 6, Ex. 7(F) Partial G rant/P artial Den ial ########### Litigation for DOI-NPS-2022-000051 INDE (Records related to installing fossil fuel burning boilers to heat buildings in Center City Philadelphia. See attached Request for full details.)
Mr. Hudson Munoz 8/27/2021 ########## Clos ed Request Withdrawn ########### Under the FOIA, I am requesting copies of Tommy Beaudreau's schedule entries and and emails related to the DOI leasing report, leasing pause, and leasing schedule from June 23 to the present.
Matth ew Mo rris sey 1/24/2018 ########## Cl osed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial G rant/P artial Den ial 9/9/2022 All correspond ence generated and/or received by DOI SOL or BLM sinc e 11/1/2016, related to the preparation and iss uance of M-37 049 and Twin Metals MN Leases MNES-0135 2 and 01 353.
Emma McCap es 10/26/2021 ########## C los ed Not an Agenc y Reco rd ########### The Animal Legal Defense Fund submits this FOIA Request to th e Department of Interior for records relating to DOI's soc ial media accounts. Please see attached request for more details. Thank you!
Ann Brown 5/15/2023 8/2/2023 Initial Evaluation The Center requests the following from the Bureau of Land Management (“BLMâ€) Arizona State Office: 1. From January 1, 2022 to the date BLM conducts this search, the records documenting the status of the SPRNCA boundary fencing. (It is the Center’s understanding that a report was completed in in 2022 or 2023); 2. From January 1, 2023 to the date BLM conducts this search, the records documenting the status of repairs to the boundary fencing in the SPRNCA.
Robin Bravender 3/23/2023 5/5/2023 Processing Tasks I am requesting all electronic communications from Interior Department employee Melissa Schwartz that mention any of the follo wing terms: "Avi Kwa Ame," "Spirit Mountain," "Willow," "Cortez Mas to," "Rosen," "Titus," "Mu rkowski," "Sullivan" or "P eltola" dated from March 1, 20 23 until March 21, 202 3. Please exclude news clippings from you r search unless they are accompanied by additional co mmentary.
Shala Barn ey 7/10/2023 ########## Cl osed Full Denial Based on Exemptions 7/19/2023 On March 18 , 2023 in Washington, DC, Dalaneo Martin was killed by a United States Park Polic e Officer. A. Clarke Law, PLLC represents the Estate of Dalaneo Martin and in ord er to adequately represent the Estate A. Clarke Law is requesting United States' Park Police Officer's name and any additional information regarding the investigation of th e March 18, 202 3, shootin g of Mr. Marin
Robert J Haupt 11/22/2022 ########## Clo sed No Records 1/24/2023 Request the disposition and any resolution or outcomes documents pertaining to DOI OIG complaint referral number 23-0061 regarding the National Park Service Fort Pulaski National Monument Superintendent fraud, waste, and abuse actions.
Lexis Nexi s 2/21/2023 ########## Clo sed Full Grant 7/7/2023 Transacti on/Reference #: 2058113711Not High Monitored: GEICO Report Type:Auto Theft Report/Case Number:02152325 Date of Occurrence:2/15/2023 12:00:00AM Location of Loss:ARLINGTON Cross Street: City:ARLINGTONCounty:ARLINGTONState:VA Insurance Company: GEICO Insured Driver:MebrahtuYohannes Driver 2: Driver 3: Last Note: No Associati on Performed. Sent To Print By Iserv (iserv) 2/17/20232:12:08PM TAG #: VIN #:1HGCR2F37HA057593
Ms. Ruth H Everhart 4/19/2023 ########## Cl osed Full G rant 4/28/2023 "I am requesting a copy of the Hightop Parking Vandalism/tire slashing report SHEN2023 0000 0928 occurring on April 11 , 2023 at Skyline Drive milepost 66 - Hightop P arking Area.â€
Kels ey Furm an 6/30/2023 8/2/2023 Ass ignm ent D etermin atio n Consistent with its miss ions, KS Wild s eeks copies of the following records , from the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (“BLMâ€): 1.all notes, correspondence, emails, or other documents regarding the Klamath Falls Field Office “Swiss Cheese timber saleâ€ DOI-BLM-ORWA-L040-2023-0008-DNA This request defines “recordsâ€ broadly to include all documents, books, papers, maps, photographs, machine readable materials, or other documentary materials, regardless of physical form or characteristics. “Documents,â€ as used herein, refers to paper documents and/or electronically stored information, including writings, correspondence, emails, records of phone conversati ons, notes, meeting minutes, drawings, graphs, charts, photographs, sound recordings, images, and other data or data compilations, stored in any medium.
Mr. Cody M. P erry 7/6/2023 8/3/2023 Initial Evaluation I request a copy of email communications, written communications, letters and planning documents between BLM staff at the Utah Vernal Field Office regarding the Playa Sand Project (DOI-BLM-UT-G0l0-2021-0056- EA). My request is for all related emails, letters or official communications between the BLM field office manager and/or staff and the project applicant, Uinta Basin Sand LLC between the dates of September 1st, 2022 and June 30th, 2023. Specifically communications regarding the uncommon-common determination by a CME (Certified Mineral Examiner). Further, I request a copy of the BLM response to a letter from the project applicant dated 9-1-2022 regarding the determination process and project samples sent to the BLM Laboratory in Worland Wyoming.
PETER J B YRNE 6/4/2021 Clos ed Other 6/11/2021 This can be correlated with my previous request of today, DOI-NPS-2021-004419 I request the "necropsy protocol" document by Dr. Woods, as referenced in the PRNS necropsies I have already received under FOIA.
Laverna Bo wman 5/3/2023 6/2/2023 Clo sed Full Grant 5/22/2023 I need a copy of an accident report that I was involved in that occurred on April 9, 2023. It happened on the Cumberland Gap National Park property on the Kentucky side of the tunnel.
Mr. Matthew G Murphy 2/3/2023 3/7/2023 Clos ed Full Grant 3/8/2023 Copy of a Vehicle Theft report on 1/28 /2023 in B elcourt N.D. 5831 6 Officer Michael Slater was the reporting officer. Blake Lavallie Jr. was the suspect
Scott Stevens 3/24/2023 ########## Clo sed No Records 5/1/2023 Any and all documents relating to James Schock Southern Plains Regional Director employment in that position from January 5 2023 until today's date.
Junou Cheng 5/26/2023 ########## As si gnmen t Deter minat ion I need all research records from 2000 to 202 3 of Giant Pand a Meixiang, TianTian and Xiaoqiji from Washington DC Smiths onian National Zoo.
Lexis Nexi s 2/28/2023 ########## Ass ignm ent D etermin atio n Transaction/Reference #: 2066701361Not High Monitored: USAA - PRTCC Report Type:Vandalism Report/Case Number:022523-72 Date of Occurrence:2/25/2023 12:00:00AM Location of Loss:PEMBROOK DR Cross Street: City:BETHESDACounty:FAIRFAXState:VA Insurance Company: USAA - PRTCC Insured Driver:PaulMPerrin Driver 2: Driver 3: Last Note: No Association Performed. Sent To Print By Iserv (iserv) 2/27/20239:02:11AM TAG #: VIN #:1HGCP2F77AA165324
Mr. Donald Bruce Wils on 5/11/2023 ########## As si gnmen t Det ermin ation I need all of my past import/export permits asso ciated with my FWS License #A10067 please. Starting with 2017 to 2023 . Please feel free to reach out to me of you need any addition al information. Thank you, Bruce Wilson
Lexis Nexi s 2/22/2023 ########## Clo sed Request Withdrawn 4/3/2023 Transaction/Reference #: 20584 91912 Not High M onitored: STATE FARM CLAIMS COMPASS Report Type:Au to Accident Report/Case Number: Date of Occurrence:2/17/20 23 12 :00:00AM Loc ation of Loss :GLIBERT RD Cross Street: City:KENNESAWCou nty:COBBState:GA Insurance Company: STATE FARM CLAIMS COMPASS Insured Driver:George W Stickel Driver 2: Driver 3: Last Note: No Association Performed. Sent To Print By Iserv (iserv) 2/21/202 3 11:14 :15AM TAG #: VIN #: JTDKN3DU 9A0193 260
Mrs. Crystal Ann Cavalier 3/23/2021 5/4/2021 Clo sed Oth er 7/1/2021 Please send all and any emails, texts, faxes, all correspondence between mthompson@jbrp (Office of the Secretary at DOI) and Senior Human Resources Specialist, Erica J. Williams. all/any emails, texts, faxes.
Eric N Peders en 1/4/2023 2/3/2023 Cl osed Full Gran t 3/9/2023 Requesting a copy of Ranger's auto incident report (case numb er Y2023010 1-02 5) that occurred on 01-01 -2023 on 120 W in Yosemite National Park; estimated time is between 1:00 and 2:00 pm.
Mr. Reuban E Thier 3/1/2023 4/3/2023 Ass ignmen t Det ermin ation I am requesting the first 10 emails sent, and the first 10 emails received starting on February 24, 20 23 from su per intendant Eric J Brunnemann.
Mr. St even D avies 5/12/2023 Clos ed Improper FOIA Request for Other Reasons 5/17/2023 Case Number 20230000-0677 for Property Crime that occurred between May 10-11, 2023 at Olympic National Park in Port Angeles, Washington.
Ms. C harl ene J Ra mirez 3/29/2021 ########## Clo sed No Records 9/16/2022 Please refer this to DOI. It was not on the menu for this webpage . I need the total oil, and gas extraction records for allotment 1798 /1789 fo r all oil and gas activity since oil and gas activity was initiated.
Jessica Kutz 6/4/2019 7/1/2019 Ass ignm ent D etermin atio n VRP/IMR: Copies o f "DOI Sup port Plan " "Intermoun tain Region Bord er Surge Briefings" " NPS Border Surge Briefin gs" "N PS Border Surge Cos t Estimates" and "NPS Bo rder Surge Statistics"
Ms. Rac hel Fraz in 12/8/2020 1/8/2021 Clo sed Full Gran t 7/13/2021 I request a copy of all transition documents and briefings that DOI has prepared for the incoming Biden administration. I also request any other documents being used as part of or to facilitate the the transition.
Andres Lopez 2/13/2023 Clo sed Duplicate Request 2/14/2023 Estoy so licitando una cop ia del informe asociado con CAD 0490 d el Great Smoky Parque Nacional de las Montañas.
Colin George 6/6/2023 ########## Ass ign ment D etermi natio n 1. All documents related to dredging in Lake Chelan National Recreation Area from 2016 to the present. 2. All docu ments relating to safety hazards or potential safety hazards around the Weaver Point dock from 20 16 to the present, inclu ding but not limited to ins pection reports, maintenance reports, and hazard analyses. 3 . Documents sh owing the names and titles of all employees stationed in Lake Chelan National Recreation Area in the summer of 2021. 4. All incid ent reports relating to injuries in Lake Chelan National Recreation Area from 2016 to the present. 5. Operating budgets fo r Lake Chelan National Recreation Area from 2016 to the present. 6. Documents showing maintenance costs for the Weaver Point dock and the Weaver Point campground from 2 016 to th e present.
Mr. Carlos J Anchondo 4/13/2023 ########## Processing Tasks I request a copy of any emails sent between any of the following individuals -- Melissa Schwartz, Darin Schroeder, Cindy Schulz, Laury Marshall, Karen Armstrong, Barbara Wainman, and Keith Shannon -- that discuss a "60-Day Notice of Intent to file citizen suit under the Endangered Species Act" filed on April 5, 2023, and posted on the FERC e-library system on April 12, 2023. The April 5, 2023, notice of intent is addressed to Interior Secretary Haaland and the FERC commissioners. Those emails are, darin_schroede[email protected].gov,, laury_marshal[email protected]ov,, barbara_wainm[email protected]ov, and keith_[email protected]ov. I am a journalist with E&E News/POLITICO.
Daniel S. L. Rubin 7/6/2023 Initial Evaluation
Communications between the DOI/NPS or its agents or employees and the Upper Delaware Council or any of its members agents or employees regarding any substantial conformance review made by the DOI/NPS with respect to any significant project special use permit variance or similar application made in any New York municipality sent or received between January 1 2 000 and the present Relevant municipalities include the Town of Hancock in Delaware County and Towns of Fremont Delaware Cochecton Tusten Highland and Lumberland in Sullivan County and the Town of Deerpark in Orange County Information about "substantial conformance" reviews can be found at https://upperdelawarecouncilorg/projectreviewworkbook/
Julie Balovich 2/8/2023 3/9/2023 Ass ignm ent D etermin atio n All email communications between any individuals employed by the National Park Service and any individuals employed by Sul Ross State University for the period of January 1, 2022, through February 8, 2023, that reference David Keller. All email communications between January 1, 2022, and February 8, 2023, that reference NPS permits BIBE-2022-SCI-0026 and BIBE-2022-SCI-0027.
Mr. Dillon Williams 2/10/2023 ########## Clos ed Ex . 5 Par tial Gran t/Partial Denial 2/28/2023 A copy of all emails, including all attachments sent To, CC'd or BCC'd to Greg Sheehan sent from email addresses ending in @u dated between August 2, 2020 and February 8, 2 023 and a cop y of all emails, including all attachments sent from Greg Sheehan sent To, CC'd or BCC 'd to email addresses ending in dated between August 2, 202 0 and February 8, 202 3.
Mr. Brian M Szant o 2/15/2023 ########## Initial Evaluation Any complaints against me, reports filed on me, reports on me, or any paperwork or information at all on me between the dates of December 1, 2019 and February 15, 202 3. The name on my 2023 LTVA paper permit application is in correct. It shows “Byran Szanto â€ instead of Brian Sz anto. Please include results for bo th Byran Szanto and Brian Szanto . Fee class: all others. Thank you!
Carlos Anchondo 7/11/2023 8/9/2023 Assi gnmen t Deter minat ion I request a copy of any emails sent fro m the accounts of M artha Williams, Kyla Hastie, Scott Kahan, Sharon Marino, Colleen Sculley, Pam Toschik and Rick Jaco bson that mention any and /or all of the following terms: "MVP," "Mo untain Valley," "Mountain Valley pipeline," "Equitrans," "4th Circuit," "Fourth Circuit," "order," and "stay." The time window for my request is between July 5, 202 3, and July 11 , 2023.
Mr. Dillon Williams 2/10/2023 ########## Clos ed Other 3/22/2023 A copy of all emails, including all attachments sent To, CC'd or BCC'd to derek_carte[email protected] sent from email addresses ending in dated between June 7, 2020 and February 8, 2023 and a copy of all emails, including all attachments sent from derek_carte[email protected]ov sent To, CC'd or BCC'd to email addresses ending in dated between June 7, 2020 and February 3, 2023.
Mr. Dillon Williams 2/21/2023 ########## Ass ignmen t D etermin atio n A copy of all emails, including all attachments sent To, CC'd or BCC'd to Robert Krumenaker sent from email addresses ending in dated between September 17, 2018 and February 16, 2023 and a copy of all emails, including all attachments sent from Robert Krumenaker sent To, CC'd or BCC'd to email addresses ending in dated between September 17, 2018 and February 16, 2023.
Mr. Dillon Williams 2/1/2023 ########## Cl osed All Reco rds Refer red to Ano ther Ag ency 2/24/2023 A copy of all emails, including all attachments sent To, CC'd or BCC'd to sent from email addresses ending in dated between January 1, 2021 and January 31, 2023 and a copy of all emails, including all attachments sent from sent To, CC'd or BCC'd to email addresses ending in dated between January 1, 2021 and January 31, 2023.
Dennis J Willis 6/7/2021 Clo sed Duplicate Request 6/7/2021 DINO: Records relating to grazing permit of Dawn Nottingham and Zenobia allotment. (Originally DOI-BLM-2021-001132)
Keara Emanuele 1/31/2023 ########## Cl osed Ex. 6 P artial Gran t/Parti al Denial 3/16/2023 Police Report for Ernestine Jamerson, accident in So uth Dakota on 01 /09/2023 . If sending by mail, please include claim number 01-00 5-65 2241 f or reference.
Ms. D eird re Bur sin ger 5/22/2023 ########## Clo sed Ex. 6 Part ial Grant /Partial D enial 6/8/2023 May 21 20 23, Deirdre Bursinger, Michael Demery, 911 call, Window break broke. Requesting copy of police report. Destiny Wilkie, police officer.
Emilio Reyes 6/20/2023 ########## A ssi gnmen t Det ermin ation The 2-page letter dated May 18, 2023, regarding the tribal affiliation and degree of Indian blood correction of Jack Roan, affiliated with the Pohoneechee and Chukchansi tribes.
Ms. S tacey M itc hell 6/5/2023 8/7/2023 Res earch Reco rds I work for Rental Claims Services, we handle liability claims involving Enterprise Rent-A-Car (EAN Holdings) vehicles. Tanner Jones was d riving an Enterprise vehicle at the time of an accident that occured on or around 05 /11/2023 . We are requesting the police report filed as a result of this accident. Accident on or around 05/11/20 23 occu red in Natchez Trace Parkway, Mississippi near MM 20 9. Enterprise vehicle: 2021 Do dge Challenger; VIN 2C3CDZAG5MH5 51709 ; License Plate: JHN476 ( OK).
Donald Stryker 5/29/2020 ########## Clo sed Full Grant 2/17/2022 BIE -A cop y of the grievance policy for non-employees. A copy of the grievance policy that covers the grievance option that Edie Morris included in her November 1, 20 19 Decisio n to Remove letter, which I received on November 12, 201 9. Copies of ANY and ALL BIE/DOI grievance policies for non-employees.Copies of ANY and ALL BIE/DOI grievance policies that cover the grievance option that Edie Morris inclu ded in her November 1, 2019 D ecision to Remove letter, which I received on November 12, 2019.
Adam Fed erman 3/25/2021 ########## Clo sed Oth er 3/29/2021 This is a request for any and all correspondence or communication, including text messages, emails, or notes to/from acting Interior Secretary Scott de la Vega referencing the nomination of Elizabeth Klein as DOI deputy secretary nominee or the preparations for the confirmation process for the deputy secretary position. Search should also include any references to Tommy Beaudreau whose name has been floated as someone DOI is vetting for the deputy secretary position. Date range for the request is January 1, 2021 to the present (March 25, 2021).
Jaco b Res neck 1/28/2019 ########## Clos ed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial Grant/P artial D enial ########### All documents including but not limited to, memo, ltrs, plans, exhibits, and/or communications, including but not limited to, e-facsimiles, e-mails and ltr (herein after collectively referred to as "All Communications"), related to DOI's "Dear Tribal Leader Letter" from John Tahsuda, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs, dated July 2, 2018, regarding tribal consultation on DOI's review ofM-Opinion 37043 (Sol. Op. M-37043), dated any time between January 20, 2017 to the present.
Jeffr ey Du bner 2/1/2019 ########## Ass ignm ent D etermin atio n Comm. between SOL and (OMB)...and (BLM), DOI's Of fice of the Secretary, and/or DOI's Office of Budget related to comm. w/ OMB, BLM's contingency p lan, and/or the allocation of BLM fu nds during a gov. shu tdown...and Margaret Schneider and Denise Flanagan 12/3/18 - 1/25 /19. Docs related to oil and gas lease auctions sched. for Feb. or March 20 19, includ ing documents related to any environmental or cultural assess ments related to any leases to be offered in those auctions . 12/21/18 - 1/25/19
Tiffany Engel 3/20/2023 ########## Cl osed Ex. 7( A) Full Denial Based on Exemptions 4/12/2023 Andreea Sas was a passenger in a vehicle that had a crash in Sevier County, Tennesssee on 2/27/20 23. We are looking to get a crash report. Roberto Reyna was the driver of the vehicle that Ms. Sas was in. Thanks!
Stephanie Capaldo 7/25/2022 C los ed Duplicate Request 7/29/2022 This is a follo w up to my first FOIA request (DOI-NP S-2022 -0009 22) which is now closed; however, we never received the police report, 911 calls, body cam foo tage, etc. in response to our request in connectio n with 7/9/21 loss . The US Park police report number is 21-0 4729 5.
John Lawler 3/31/2023 ########## Clo sed Ex. 4 Partial Grant/P artial D enial 5/15/2023
“In March 202 2, I requested and received Concession C ontract No. CC-GOG A001-1 9 between Golden gate national Recreation Area and Alcatraz Cruises, LLC. Within that document, on page 50 in Exhibit B, mentions that the conces sionaire must develop a Third-Party Ticket Sales Program and Monitoring Plan and u pdate it upon request by the National Park Service. On August 10 , 2022, I su bmitted a second request to the FOIA portal -- requesting co pies of that original Third-Party Ticket Sales Monitoring Plan as sociated with the Concess ion Contract No. CC -GOGA001 -19 and any u pdates thereto. On August 19, 2 022, I received an email reply (9.C. (PW-PC) DOI-NP S-2022 -0055 17) fro m Charles Strickfaden (Chief, Communications , External Affairs, and Special Park Uses at GGNRA). I failed to respond in time and by default that file closed. With this new request (March 3 1, 202 3) I am again asking for co
Susan P Ernisse 1/3/2023 2/1/2023 Clos ed Full Grant 1/16/2023 At approximately 11:00 a, January 1, 2023, on e of our Ford Transit vans was sid eswiped by a red, 2005, Ford F 25 0 pickup on the Moose Wilson Rd. I am requesting the accident report the Ranger wrote from that accident. CAD number: CFS 0007
Maya Kane 8/9/2021 9/7/2021 Ass ignm ent D etermin atio n
1. All records relating to communications between representatives of Energy Fuels Inc. and the Biden administration regarding the Bears Ears National Monument, including internal communications of DOI and its employees about any such communications with Energy Fuels Inc.; 2. All records relating to congressional inquiries made to the Biden administration either on behalf of Energy Fuels Inc. or about Energy Fuels Inc. and pertaining to the Bears Ears National Monument, including internal communications of DOI about any such congressional inquirie; and 3. All records relating to communications between representatives of the either the Stateof Utah, San Juan County, Utah, or Utah’s School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration (SITLA), and the Biden administration regarding the companies Energy Fuels Inc. or International Consolidated Uranium and pertaining to the Bears Ears National Monu
Maya Kane 7/30/2021 ########## Cl osed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial G rant/P artial Den ial 3/3/2022
1.All records relating to communications between representatives of Energy Fuels Inc. and the Biden administration regarding the Bears Ears National Monument, including internal communications of DOI and its employees about any such communicati ons with Energy Fuels Inc. 2.All records relating to congressional inquiries made to the Biden administration either on behalf of Energy Fuels Inc. or about Energy Fuels Inc. and pertaining to the Bears Ears National Monument, including internal communications of DOI about any such congressional inquiries. 3.All records relating to communications between representati ves of the either the State of Utah, San Juan County, Utah, or Utah’s School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration (SITLA), and the Biden administration regarding the companies Energy Fuels Inc. or International Consolidated Uranium and pertaining to the Bears Ears National Monume
Michael Garrity 5/10/2022 ########## As sign ment Determ inati on I would like an electronic copy of the project file for the BLM 's Scratchgravel Hills Recreation Area Management Plan, dated March 9, 2022 (DOI-B LM-MT-B07 0- 201 8-00 7-EA)
Andr ea Roger s 4/26/2021 ########## Cl osed No Records 6/9/2021 Any records pertaining to an accident invo lving: Michael Kovacs / Helix Energy Q5000 semi-su bmersible (vessel) / Helix Well Ops, Inc / DOI: 12/3/202 0 / TOI: approximately 1 am
Rebecc a Fis cher 2/4/2019 3/5/2019 Clo sed Oth er ########### Any and all records related to or concerning the Carlsbad Resource Management Plan for the Carlsbad Field Office which have been created, received, and/or transmitted by the DOI Office of the Secretary since January 1, 2011.
Ryan McQuighan 12/2/2020 1/4/2021 Clos ed Ex. 7 (C) P artial Gr ant/Parti al Denial 6/30/2022
DOI OIG referred a complaint to SOL for action I would like all records related to OIG Complaint Referral OI HQ 20 0258 R including emails paper/electronic files
Dr. Sheldon B Lyke 6/16/2021 ########## Cl osed Full G rant 6/16/2021 I am seeking a detailed description of FOIA request: DOI-USGS- 2021 -0045 63. Particularly I am seeking the "attached request dated June 14, 202 1 from Karen D. Walker".
Lexis Nexi s 3/30/2023 ########## Clo sed Request Withdrawn 5/17/2023 Transaction/Reference #: 2047165213Not High Monitored: USAA Report Type:Vandalism Report/Case Number:2301-3865 Date of Occurrence:1/12/2023 12:00:00AM Location of Loss: Cross Street: City:ATLANTACounty:FULTONState:GA Insurance Company: USAA Insured Driver:ElizabethDegnanRichman Driver 2: Driver 3: Last Note: No Association Performed. Sent To Print By Iserv (iserv) 3/27/2023 12:34:09PM TAG #: AIX6813 VIN #:
Daniel S. L. Rubin 7/6/2023 Initial Evaluation Communications between the DOI/NPS or its agents or employees and Andy Boyar regarding the Camp FIMFO project in the Town of Highland, New York sent or received between January 1, 2021 and the present
Debra Sau erman 7/10/2023 ########## Ass ign ment D etermi natio n I am requesting the unofficial bid result figures/ bid tabu lation for the following project to be emailed to me, please. 140P422 3Q001 1 / Cyclic Exterior Painting at Independence National Historical Park 4/12 /2023 Thank you very much
Lana Utt er 4/10/2023 5/9/2023 Clo sed Ex . 6 P artial Gran t/Parti al Denial 4/13/2023 We had an attempted break in at our school on 0 3-1-2 023. The BIE police from Fort Yates ND arrested the person involved. Can we get the report that was submitted? He return a few days later and attempted again. He was arrested that day also. Damage was done to the window at a cost of $ 1,400.
Mr. Dillon Williams 2/6/2023 ########## Cl osed Ot her 3/2/2023 A copy of all emails, including all attachments sent To, CC'd or BCC'd to sent from email addresses ending in dated between January 1, 2020 and February 4, 2023 and a copy of all emails, including all attachments sent from sent To, CC'd or BCC'd to email addresses ending in dated between January 1, 2020 and February 4, 2023.
Solomon Freimuth 7/14/2023 ########## As sign ment Determ inati on 1. Please provide a list of all Captive Bred Wildlife Registration (U.S. Endangered Species Act) permits issued to app licants in the State of Texas from January 1, 201 3 through Ju ly 14, 202 3. 2. Please provide a list of all Take (Cull, Lethal Harvest) of a Live Animal under a valid CBW (ESA) issued to applic ants in the State of Texas from January 1, 2013 through July 1 4, 2023 .
Ms. Meral Jacks on 4/3/2023 5/3/2023 C los ed Ex . 6 Part ial Gran t/Partial D enial 5/24/2023
I request that a copy of the following documents containing the following information be provided to me: Merchant Mariner Endorsements and qualifications for crew members hired by Isle Royale National Park for calendar year 2023 (to date)
Allison Cubillo s 6/26/2023 ########## As si gnmen t Deter minat ion We would like to request the incident report relating to a shark bite incident that occurred on Friday, June 23, 2023 at Everglades National Park in South Fl. The incident number is: NP23177489
Danielle Damico 4/10/2023 5/8/2023 Clos ed Request Withdrawn 5/24/2023 Requesting Police Report for an accid ent involving our insu red. Date of Loss 04 /09/2023 . Report can be emailed to [email protected] with our claim number only in the subject line. Our claim # is 42-47Z6- 58R Offic er was Andrew Dellett LE Park Ranger took the report. 606-24 6 1086 [email protected]
Dennis Garrison III 5/15/2023 ########## C los ed Ex. 7(A) Full Denial Based on Exemptions 5/24/2023 Pursu ant to FOIA, I request any records/documents relating to the incident and/or arrest of Chad Fo reman at the New River Gorge National Park on May 13, 202 3.
Faith M S tead 4/17/2023 ########## C los ed Ex . 7(A) Full Denial Based on Exemptions 4/27/2023 I am requesting an incident/accident report from 04/09/2023. Location is Cliff Park Golf Course Miford Pa 18337. A speeding car drove into the building I was in causing damage to the building and myself.
Fred Storer 1/19/2023 ########## C los ed Full Grant 2/15/2023 Documentation and supporting analysis related to the Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis prepared by the BIA for regulations replacing 25 CFR 226 published in the Federal Register January 13, 2023.
Trissy A Kennemur 2/9/2023 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 2/10/2023 There has been correspondence between the Regional Office of US Fish and Wildlife in Albuquerque and Scott Deatherage in January 2023. It was via email. I am requesting a copy of that corrspondence.
Ben Lef ebvr e 3/24/2023 5/5/2023 Ass ignm ent D etermin atio n A copy of each of each Weekly Report to the Secretary submitted between January 1, 2021, and March 24 , 2023. You may omit pages that are reproductions of media articles.
Ann Brown 1/13/2020 ########## C los ed Request Withdrawn ########### Requesting Interior Office of the Secretary records generated in connection with the the following statements in the Press release:1)Reduced fuel loads on more than 1.4 million acres of DOI administered lands, covering nearly two times more acres than required under Exec Order, 2)Protected water quality on more than 1.4 million acres of DOI administers lands, nearly three times the acres required Cont below
Daniel S. L. Rubin 7/6/2023 Initial Evaluation Communications b etween the NPS or its agents or employees and the Upper Delaware Council, or any of its members, agents or employees, regarding the Camp FIMFO project in the Town of Highland, sent or received between January 1, 2021 and the present. A Copy of one piece of correspo ndence which would be respons ive to the above request is attached for your reference.
Lesli e Jon es 5/28/2020 ########## Clo sed No Records 2/11/2021 A copy of the investigation report and the background investigation on Leslie Eron Jones conducted by the PSB/PSB Adjudications and OPM on behalf of the DOI. A copy of the certificate listing referred applicants for the Government Information Specialist GS-12 and GS-13 positions showing Leslie Eron Jones as being referred and the date the certificate was created.
Timothy Fitzgerald 2/2/2022 3/3/2022 Clo sed Full Grant 2/9/2022
This is a *ninth* request for data to update an existing dataset provided by the Nevada State Office (Bea Wade, before she retired). I have made several FOIA requests for the same information and have not received a response. Ryan Witt, the national FOIA officer, has not responded to my repeated requests for more information. My previous relevant FOIA request numbers include: DOI-BLM-2022-001438 01/06/2022 DOI-BLM-2022-001267 12/21/2021 DOI-BLM-2022-000725 11/16/2021 DOI-BLM-2022-000401 10/26/2021 DOI-BLM-2021-006263 9/26/2021 DOI-BLM-2021-005685 8/24/2021 DOI-BLM-2021-005067 7/15/2021 (Notice of response on 12/7/2021) DOI-BLM-2021-004503 6/20/2021 In February 2021, I was directed to Meredith Kueck in Oklahoma, but she has not replied since March 2021. In July 2021, Tiffany Wilhelm in the Nevada State Office assured me that tracking on my FO
Connie Kaltenbach 6/2/2023 7/6/2023 Clos ed Ex . 6 P artial Gran t/Partial Denial 6/21/2023 Hello, I am the Superintendent of Schools f or Oglala Lakota County. On May 15th, 2 023, our high school, Lakota Tech High Scho ol went on a field trip to the Badlands Nation al Park. I am requesting a report of an accident on May 15, 2023 , at the Badlands National Park involving a Lakota Tech High Schoo l Student, Michael Yellow Horse. The student fell while on the Notch trail hike. Thank you.
Ethan Schwartz 5/4/2020 6/1/2020 Clo sed No Records 1/25/2021 AS-IA-Immediate Office: Under the Freedom of Information Act, I am requesting copies of ethics documents related to Tara Sweeney since she became Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs in 2018. This includes ethics documents filed by Sweeney with the Interior Department, personal financial disclosures for all available years, records of recusals, and communications of ethics counseling regarding compliance between Sweeney�s actions as ASIA and the terms of her ethics agreements.
Daniel S. L. Rubin 7/6/2023 Initial Evaluation Communications between the DOI/NPS or its agents or employees and the Upper Delaware Council, or any of its members, agents or employees, regarding settlement agreement(s) or consent decree(s) between or among the DOI/NPS, the Town of Highland, New York, and/or the Upper Delaware Council related to NPS’ substantial conformance review of the Town of Highland's laws, plans and ordinances, sent or received between January 1, 2000 and the present. Information about the "substantial conformance" review for a town's laws, plans and ordinances can be in the Delaware River Management Plan at p. 26, a copy of which is available at:
Lexis Nexi s 3/17/2023 ########## Clo sed All Rec ord s Ref erred to An oth er Agenc y 6/6/2023 Transacti on/Reference #: 2082564863High Monitored:PROGRESSIVE INSURANCE Report Type:Other Report/Case Number: Date of Occurrence:2/20/2023 12:00:00AM Location of Loss:GREAT FALLS PARK Cross Street: City:County:FAIRFAXState:VA Insurance Company: PROGRESSIVE INSURANCE Insured Driver:BrianKBank Driver 2: Driver 3: Last Note: No Association Performed. Sent To Print By Iserv (iserv) 3/16/20237:53:16AM TAG #: CM51757 VIN #: 5SFPB312XKE413492
Lexis Nexi s 3/17/2023 ########## Clo sed Request Withdrawn 4/17/2023 Transaction/Reference #: 2086634262High Monitored:ALLSTATE INSURANCE Report Type:Auto Accident Report/Case Number:NP23062906 Date of Occurrence:3/14/2023 12:00:00AM Locati on of Loss:BURNT HICKORY ROAD Cross Street: City:MARIETTACounty:COBBState:GA Insurance Company: ALLSTATE INSURANCE Insured Driver:Barbara A Fronk Driver 2:AbisolaDahunsi Driver 3: Last Note: No Association Performed. Sent To Print By Iserv (iserv) 3/16/20237:28:27AM TAG #: VIN #: 5FRYD4H22GB028008
Lindsey Tenhunfeld 7/6/2023 8/7/2023 Clos ed Request Withdrawn 7/12/2023 Requesting copy of report #20 2300 00451 7 for the incident at Liz ard Creek Campground on 7/2/202 3. We were instructed to request the report via this form by Erin Martin of Teton Interagency Dispatch C enter. We need to provide this report to our Workers Comp/Claims Adjuster.
ms Reb ecca Fisc her 5/22/2018 ########## Cl osed Ex. 3, Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial Gran t/Parti al Denial 9/22/2021 CO-18 -056 Any and all records created, received, and/or transmitted by the BLM regarding the North Fork Mancos Master Development Plan, NEPA # DOI-BLM-CO- N040- 2017- 0050 -EA.1
Susan Strawn 3/22/2022 ########## C los ed Full Grant 4/15/2022 All records concerning the Brackenridge Park, San Antonio, TX, River Retaining Wall Rehabilitation financed in part by an urban park and recreation recovery program grant from the DOI NPS, estimated completion in 1984.
Hajar Hammad o 3/25/2020 ########## Clos ed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial Grant/P artial Den ial 2/17/2022 Seeks copies of all records of communications the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has sent to the Department of Interior (DOI) regarding potential or actual failures to create, preserve, or maintain records since January 2017.
Raymundo Pacheco 8/2/2018 ########## Clos ed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial Grant/P artial Den ial 2/10/2023 Any and all materials including minu tes, agendas, materials disseminated, recordings, any noes from any employee of the US DOI related to a meeting held on Thursday, July 6, 2017 with reps of "No Mo re Deaths."
Emilio Reyes 5/15/2023 ########## C los ed Other 5/17/2023 Historic American Engineering Record; Colorado Street Bridge, HAER No. CA-58, P.2, Part I: Historical Information, Section A. DO I; National Park Service, Slaton Deborah (Dec. 1988).
Daniel S. L. Rubin 7/6/2023 Initial Evaluation Communications between the DOI/NPS or its agents or employees and members of the general public regarding the Camp FIMFO project in the Town of Highland, New York sent or received between January 1, 2021 and the present
Stephen J Bolin 6/15/2021 8/6/2021 Processing Tasks
All emails between Secretary of the Interior David L Bernhardt and the fo llowing people/email addresses during the dates of Ju ly 1, 2020 and July 14 , 2020: Zerzan, Gregory P <[email protected]>; Jorjani, Daniel H <[email protected]>; MacGregor , Katharine S <katharine_macgregor©> ; Renkes, Gregg D <gregg_renkes©ios .doi .gov>; Rojewski, Cole J <cole_rojewski©ios .doi .gov>; Eisenman, Theresa M <theresa_eisenman©ios.doi .gov>; Tahsuda, John <john_tahs uda©> ; Weaver, Kiel P <kiel_weaver©ios.doi .gov> ; Cason, James E <james_cason©ios .doi .gov> ; Willens, Todd D <todd_willens©io>; Bockmier, John M <john _bockmier©ios.doi .gov> ; Williams, Timothy G <timothy_williams©ios>; Goodwin, Nicholas R <nicholas_goodwin© ios .doi .gov>; Small, Jeffrey D <jeffrey_small©> ; Vander Voort, Faith C <[email protected]
May Yang 2/6/2023 3/8/2023 Clo sed All R ecord s R eferred to An oth er Agen cy 6/6/2023 Transaction/Reference #: 2035868714Not High Monitored: STATE FARM CLAIMS COMPASS Report Type:Other Report/Case Number:01282351 Date of Occurrence:1/28/2023 12:00:00AM Location of Loss:BWI PARKWAY Cross Street: City:JESSUPCounty:ANNE ARUNDELState:MD Insurance Company: STATE FARM CLAIMS COMPASS Insured Driver:RexRRiday Driver 2: Driver 3: Last Note: No Association Performed. Sent To Print By Iserv (iserv) 2/4/2023 12:17:08PM TAG #: VIN #:2G11Y5S36K9127421
Dawn H emmerle 6/22/2023 ########## Assi gnmen t Det ermin ation Gary Rowe ( violated The Administrative Dispute Resolution Act of 1996 (Pub. Law 104-320). I am requesting Gary Rowe's emails and Teams chats between Selene Hernandez Ruiz ( and Cherie Miller (, his subordinates, from May 23, 2023 to Jun 22, 2023 referencing any and all of the following terms: "CoLabs," "contracts," "Dawn," "Hemmerle," "PD," "position description," "EPAP," "mediation."
Mr. Daniel J Haley 9/7/2021 Clo sed Duplicate Request 9/8/2021 This FOIA request in in regards to a previous FOIA request that has not yet been processed. The previous request is : DOI-NPS-20 21-00 4932 regarding a request for the accident report for an incident in the Grand Canyon National Park that I was involved in. The incident report is: NP210 3845 7. The accident happened on April 26, 2 021. I am submitting a separate request rather than an appeal because the web site would not enable me to enter the "Agency" name. i.e., there is a weirdness with the web page. My original request was submitted 60 days ago and no progress has been made in this regard. Can you please tell me when the request will be processed and records released, or whom to contact to learn more about this request. Respectfu lly, Daniel J. Haley
Lexis Nexi s 3/1/2023 ########## C los ed No Records 4/3/2023 Respond ing Agency: U .S . PARK PDRAR MANILA (I NTE Agency ID: 10.002D ays Out: Transaction/Reference #: 20683 8596 2High Mon itored:PROGRESSIVE INSURANCE Report Type:Auto Theft Recovery Report/Case Number: Date of Occurrence:1 /16/2023 12:00:00 AM Location of Loss: Cros s Street: City:WASHINGTON D CCounty:C OLUMBIAState:DC Insurance Comp any: PROGRESSIVE INSURANCE Insured Driver:CarmaWigfall Driver 2: Driver 3: Last Note: No Association Performed. Sent To Print By Iserv (iserv) 2/28/20 238:4 5:55AM TAG #: 2EB4226 VIN #: 5NPD8 4LF5LH 52536 8
Daniel S. L. Rubin 7/6/2023 Initial Evaluation Communications between the DOI/NPS or its agents or employees and the Town of Highland, New York or any of its boards, officials, agents or employees, regarding any settlement agreement(s) or consent decree(s) between or among the DOI/NPS, the Town of Highland, New York, and/or the Upper Delaware Council related to NPS’ substantial conformance review of the Town of Highland's laws, plans and ordinances, sent or received between January 1, 2000 and the present. Information about the "substantial conformance" review for a town's laws, plans and ordinances can be in the Delaware River Management Plan at p. 26, a copy of which is available at:
Emmerson Donnell 2/1/2023 3/2/2023 Clo sed Oth er 3/16/2023 Transcripts of the December 15, 2022 and January 31, 2023 public hearings for the BIA's Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Coquille Indian Tribe Fee-To-Trust and Gaming Facility Project.
Mr. Dan T O'Donnell 4/12/2023 ########## Clo sed Full Grant 4/26/2023
Swinomish Tribal Community Need to know the total assessed valuation of Shelter Bay and Pull & Be Damned for tax year 2023 Swinomish tax authority says they cannot release that information
Michael C Doyle 7/7/2023 8/7/2023 Ass ignm ent D etermin atio n Access to and copies of public co mments received between March 1 and May 2, 20 23 by the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Office in respons e to “Draft Oregon Spotted Frog Recovery Plan."
Lexis Nexi s 4/20/2023 ########## Clo sed Request Withdrawn 6/6/2023
Responding Agency:S MO KEY MTN PARK PD           RAR MANILA ( I NTE Agency ID: 46.2601                                                        Days Out: Transaction/Reference#: 21226 27662                          Not High Monitored: ENTERPRISE RENT A CAR Report Type:                 Auto Accident Report/Case Number:  23-165 6 Date of Occurrence:     2/21/2023 12:00:00 AM Location of Lo ss: Cross Street: City:                                                         County:    SEVIER              State:  TN Insurance Company: ENTERPRISE RENT A CAR Insured Driver:           Antonio     Pereira Driver 2: Driver 3: Last Note: No Association Performed. Sent To Print By Iserv (is er
Lexis Nexi s 4/28/2023 ########## Clo sed Request Withdrawn 6/29/2023 Responding Agency:S MO KEY MTN PARK PDR AR MANILA (I NTE Agency ID: 46.2601Days Out: Transaction/Reference #: 212638 0162 Not High Mo nitored: FLORIDA FARM BUREAU Report Type:Auto Accident Report/Case Number: Date of Occurrence:2/14/20 23 12:00 :00AM Location of Loss :NEW FOUND GAP ROAD Cross Street: City:GATLINBURGCounty:SEVIERState:TN Insurance Company: FLORIDA FARM BUREAU Insured Driver:ShawnBHill D river 2: Driver 3: Last Note: No Association P erformed. Sent To Print By Iserv (iserv) 4/20/20 239 :59:59AM TAG #: VIN #:1FTER4EH8K LA04512
Grego ry LeD onn e 6/14/2023 ########## As sig nment Deter minat ion
Pursuant to the FOIA, I request that a copy of the following documents covering the BLM Jarbidge Field Office, be provided to WWP: 1.Copies of all communications, including emails, telephone logs, letters, and electronic communicati ons of any kind, between the BLM Jarbidge Field Office and livestock grazing permittees within the Jarbidge Field Office, from January 1, 2022, unti l today (June 14, 2023). 2.Copies of all 2022 and 2023 livestock grazing allotment reports, plans, assessments, and monitoring documents—whether published or unpublished, completed or uncompleted—including but not limited to Rangeland Health Assessments and Evaluati ons, Land Health Determinati ons and Assessments, Determinations of Causal Factors, Allotment Management Plans (AMPs), End of Year Reports (EYRs), field reports, riparian and wetland assessments and monitoring data, emails, telephone logs, date she
Landon Newell 4/14/2022 ########## Cl osed Ex. 5 P artial Gran t/Parti al Denial 5/31/2022 •All records exchanged between Twin Bridges Resources LLC and/or Pure Helium LLC, including their representatives, agents, employees, and subcontractors and the Utah Bureau of Land Management related to the reclamation of the Twin Bridges Bowknot Helium Project (DOI-BLM-UT-G020-0033-EA). •All records exchanged between representatives of Emery County, Utah, including the Emery County Commission and Emery County Public Lands Council and the Utah Bureau of Land Management related to the reclamation of the Twin Bridges Bowknot Helium Project (DOI-BLM-UT-G020-0033-EA).
Adam Fed erman 7/19/2022 ########## Processing Tasks On December 8, 2021 DOI deputy secretary Tommy Beaudreau had a meeting with White House Climate Policy advisor Arianna Menzelos to discuss the Willow project on Alaska's North Slope. This is according to calendars posted on the DOI FOIA website. I am requesting any and all correspondence or communication between Mr. Beaudreau and Arianna Menzelos regarding the Willow project. In addition I am requesting any other communication between Mr. Beaudreau and the White House on the Willow project. Date range for the request is December 1, 2021 to the present.
Mr. Reagan E Br adford 6/25/2021 ########## Clo sed Ex. 4, Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial Grant /Partial D enial 5/6/2022 Memoranda, advice, or opinions prepared by Eric R. Krause of Applied Economics, Applied Economics, or any other personnel at Applied Economics, within the last 5 years, at least one of which was possessed by Leslie Vincent (Asst. Regional Solicitor (Federal & Indian Royalties), Rocky Mountain Regional Solicitor's Office). Communications between DOI or ONRR personnel and Eric R. Krause or any other Applied Economics personnel. Engagement agreements between DOI or ONRR and Eric R. Krause, Applied Economics, or any other Applied Economics personnel.
Mr. Glenn Klaus 4/4/2022 C los ed Duplicate Request 4/8/2022 I am looking for the outco me of a DOI-OIG complaint number OI-HQ- 21-09 27-R as well as any records gathered in order to determine the outcome of this complaint. Date range: April 17, 2021 to D ecember 1, 2021
Lexis Nexi s 3/21/2023 ########## Clo sed All Rec ord s Ref erred to An oth er Agenc y 6/6/2023 Transaction/Reference #: 208636211 3Not H igh Monitored: STATE FARM CLAIMS COMPASS Report Type:Other Report/Case Number:03122 376 D ate of Occurrence:3/12/202 3 12:00 :00AM Location o f Loss:G ALVESTON ST SW Cross Street: City:G REENBELTCo unty:PRINCE G EORGState:MD Ins urance Company: STATE FARM CLAIMS COMPASS Insured Driver:Robert A Baldwin Driver 2: Driver 3: Last Note: No Asso ciation Performed. Sent To Print By Iserv (iserv) 3/18/2023 12:28:10 PM TAG #: VIN #:1GKDT1 3S9421 6721 1
Adam Fed erman 1/25/2021 ########## Clo sed Ex. 5 Part ial Grant /Partial D enial 5/19/2021 This is a request for any and all correspon dence or communication between BLM Alaska State Director Chad Padgett and former DOI Senior Advisor f or Alaska Affairs Steve Wackowski between February 1, 2019 and September 15, 2020.
Michael Ravnitzky 1/28/2021 ########## Ass ignmen t D etermin atio n A copy of the contents of the administrative tracking/processing file including not es and emails, associated with the processing of FOIA request DOI BLM FOIA 20_005 923. You may limit your search to th e BLM FOIA office that handled this request.
Hillary Davis 6/10/2021 ########## Clo sed Full Grant 7/29/2021 Please provide, in an electronic format, all public comment received regarding the draft environmental assessment for the Lake Mead Complex Wild Horse and Burro Gather Plan (DOI-BLM-NV-S010-2020-0086-EA)
Ryan Shapiro 7/15/2022 ########## Clo sed Full Grant 8/19/2022 We request disclosure of all records being provided to Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) in connection with their request DOIS-OS-2022-000764. For additional information, please see the attached records request. Thank you.
Nina Robertson 8/29/2018 ########## C los ed Ex. 5 Partial G rant/P artial Den ial 6/29/2023 Records related to the US DOI's and the BOR's discussions and/or agreements with any potential or confirmed non-federal cost share partners regarding the enlargement of the Shasta Dam and Reservoir from July 1, 2015 through the date of the response.
May Yang 3/23/2022 ########## Clos ed Duplicate Request 3/23/2022 Transaction/Reference #: 1492856 062 Not High Mo nitored Report Type: Auto Accident Report/Case Number: Date of Occurrence: 9/11/2021 1 2:00:00AM Location of Lo ss: KENNESAW MOUNTAIN DRIVE Cross Street: City: ATLANTA County: FULTON State: GA Insurance Company: STATE FARM CLAIMS COMPASS Insured D river: Nakita L Robinson Driver 2: Driver 3: Last Note: Tracking Number: Doi-Nps-2 022-0 0268 3 (hos ksa01) 3/18 /2022 1 2:12:18P M TAG #: VIN #: 4A3AB36F99E0277 72
Mr. Linden Houston 10/4/2022 ########## C los ed Other 10/5/2022
This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act for informati on. According to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), DOI currently and historically has employed individuals in the Transportati on Specialist series (GS-2101, as defined by OPM). I am currently undertaking a cross-secti onal analysis of the Transportation Specialist series within the federal government and require information to complete the current study. As such, I request that a copy of documents which contain the following information: 1.The Position Descripti on and affiliated Position Classifi cation Standards for all Transportati on Specialists, Grade 14 (GS-2101-14) currently employed by DOI-regardless of the specific title; 2.The Position Description and affiliated Position Classification Standards for an Transportation Specialists, Grade 15 (GS-2101-15) currently employed by DOI-regardless of the specific title. The Position Cla
Mr. Dillon Williams 2/1/2023 ########## As sig nment Deter minat ion A copy of all emails, includin g all attachments sent To, CC'd or BCC'd to C urtis McCasland sent from email addresses ending in dated between January 1, 2022 and January 31, 20 23 and a copy o f all emails, including all attachments sent from Curtis M cCasland sent To, CC'd or BCC'd to email addresses ending in @u dated between January 1, 2022 and January 31 , 2023.
Bolin Stephen 9/24/2021 ########## Cl osed No Records 9/27/2021 On page 69 of the BOEM ESP Studies Development Plan 2022-2023 , it states as one of the objectives: "Disseminate BOEM collected human subjects survey information for BOEM policymaking, while protecting the privacy of communities and participants that make up the BOEM survey." I request a copy of the survey and the survey information that is planned on, or that already has been, disseminated related to this objective. Thank you.
Carlos Anchondo 7/11/2023 8/9/2023 Assi gnmen t Deter minat ion I request a copy of any emails sent from the accounts of Laury Marshall (, Karen Armstrong (, David Eisenhauer (david_eisenhaue[email protected]), Keith Shannon (keith_sha[email protected]), and Barbara Wainman ( that mention any and/or all of the following terms: "MVP," "Mountain Valley," "Mountain Valley pipeline," "Equitrans," "4th Circuit," "Fourth Circuit," "order," and "stay." The time window for my request is between July 5, 2023, and July 11, 2023.
Lexis Nexi s 3/3/2023 4/4/2023 Ass ignm ent D etermin atio n Responding Agency: U .S . PARK PDRAR MANILA ( I NTE Agency ID: 10.002 Days Out: Transaction/Reference #: 2066453 613No t High Monitored: STATE FARM C LAIMS COMPASS Report Type:Oth er Report/Case Number: Date of Occurrence:2 /26/2023 12:00:00 AM Location of L oss:OAK RIDG E DR Cross Street: City:WASHINGTONCou nty:COLUMBIAState:DC Ins urance Company: STATE FARM CLAIMS COMPASS Insured Driver:JoanMSargies Driver 2: Driver 3: Last Note: No Ass ociation Performed. Sent To Print By Iserv (iserv) 3/2/2023 6:28:50 PM TAG #: VIN #: KNDMG4C73E658 6761
Lexis Nexi s 5/8/2023 6/6/2023 Clo sed Request Withdrawn 6/12/2023 Respondin g Agency:S MO KEY MTN PARK PDRAR MANILA (I NTE Agency ID: 46.2601 Days Out: Transaction/Reference #: 21376162 12High M onitored:ALLSTATE INSURANCE Report Type:Au to Accident Report/Case Number:NT2305 4724 Date of Occurrence:3/5/202 3 12:00 :00AM Location o f Loss: Cros s Street: City:G ATLINBURGCounty:SEVIERState:TN Ins urance Company: ALLSTATE INSURANCE Insured Driver:AdamJFinley Driver 2:JenniferKeyes Driver 3: Last Note: No Asso ciation Performed. Sent To Print By Iserv (iserv) 4/28/2023 5:21:09 AM TAG #: VIN #: 2T1BURHE7EC195 660
American Oversight 10/19/2020 ########## Clo sed Request Withdrawn 3/20/2023 Pleas e see at tach ed FOI A Requ est ( DOI -20 -2 54 7)
Daniel Denning 4/27/2023 6/1/2023 Ass ign ment D etermi natio n
Has the Superintendent received any specific or general legal advice, in person or in written or electronic correspondence or over the phone, from lawyers or administrators or other government officials in the National Park Service, the Department of the Interior, or the Council on Environmental Quality that the use of a Categorical Exclusion for Rocky Mountain National Park's Timed Entry Pilot Programs (2021-2023) does not explicitly violate or come into conflict with Executive Order 12898 (specifically the language that directs federal agencies to identify and address whether proposed actions have a 'disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects of their actions on minority and low-income populations.' Please produce copies of the requests for that legal advice and the advice itself, and who at NPS, DOI, or CEQ determined Timed Entry Pilots could/can legitimately be granted a
Anna East 6/9/2023 ########## Ass ignm ent D etermin atio n Under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), I would like to request a copy of the winning grant application detailed below: Grant Program Title: 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) Agency: U.S. Department of Interior Funding Opportunity Number (FON): G23AS00052 Assistance Listing Number: 15.817 Fiscal Year: 2023 Applicant: 2023 California North Coast Ranges Lidar
Daniel S. L. Rubin 7/6/2023 Initial Evaluation Communications between the DOI/NPS or its agents or employees and the Delaware Riverkeeper Network ( or any of its reporters, agents or employees, regarding Kittatinny Canoes or its camp located in the Town of Barryville, New York (in the village of Narrowsburg)(, between January 1, 2000 and the present.
Adam Fed erman 5/26/2023 ########## Initial Evaluation
Riana Thiele is DOI Senior Advisor for Alaska Affairs. According to her financial disclosure forms, she did consulting work for NANA Management Services before she joined the department. NANA Management Services is 51 percent owned by Sivu, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of NANA Regional Corporation. As DOI Senior Advisor Ms. Thiele has met with NANA Regional Corporation, including in April 2022 during the Secretary's trip to Alaska. Because of the close relationship between NANA Regional Corp and Nana Management Services, I'd like to request any correspondence addressing ethics considerations related to Ms. Thiele's meetings with NANA Regional Corporation. This should include any correspondence to/from Ms. Thiele, the DOI Ethics Office, and if applicable anyone else in the Office of the Secretary regarding Ms. Thiele's past work for NANA and any ethics guidance or determinations made by
Dani el Hes ter 5/4/2023 8/8/2023 Ass ign ment D etermin atio n Fee to trust application filed by the Colville Tribe for the 184 acre parcel in Pasco, Washington, and all associated exhibits and attachments. I understand the fee to trust application was filed in April 2023.
Ann Snider 2/7/2023 ########## C los ed Other 4/3/2023 For the dates of Jun e 1, 2022 thro ugh February 7, 2023 , I request all records concerning logs of c orrespondence that record letters from members of Congress to the Interior Secretary's office.
Mrs. Lina Dimova 4/27/2023 ########## Cl osed Full G rant 6/15/2023 I need to get a copy of an incident report that happened on April 22 , 2023 in M iddlesboro KY I work for RL L ogistics Inc and o ne of our drivers - Latonya Foo tman shifted the truck she was driving on I2 5 in KY Truck info is 2021 Freightliner Cascadia, VIN: 3AKJHH DR5NSNA9 701 Trailer info: 2019 Utility VIN: 1UYVS2537 L7716 650 Thank you !
Lexis Nexi s 3/3/2023 4/5/2023 Clo sed No Records 3/8/2023 Transaction/Reference #: 2063973512Insurance Company: TREXIS INS CORPORATION Report Type:Auto Accident Report/Case Number:23-003899 Date of Occurrence:2/1/2023 12:00:00AM Locati on of Loss:200 LAKELAND DR Cross Street: City: HOT SPRINGS NATIONAL PARK County: GARLANDState:AR Insured Driver:KeidyArgueta-Solano Driver 2: Driver 3: Last Note:No Association Performed. Sent To Print By Huttja01 (huttja01) 2/25/20239:54:20AM TAG #: VIN #:1N4AL3AP9EC320972
Mark Walh imer 12/6/2021 1/7/2022 Clos ed No Records 3/7/2022 I am researching previous STEM / STEAM projects. I would like to receive the winning proposal from M useum Management Consultants, Inc. - 4 XW86 fo r the Pacific West Region (DOI - NP S) Contract INPP8 5200 9004 3 "Preparing A Strategic Plan To Apply New Inte1-pretlve Technologies."
Heidi McIntosh 5/8/2017 6/5/2017 Clo sed Oth er 7/23/2021 Records provided to the White House in connection with President�s Obama�s decision to designate the Bears Ears National Monument; and records provided to, or created by, DOI in connection with Secretary Zinke�s review of the Bears Ears National Monument
Lauren Dillon 12/6/2017 1/5/2018 Clo sed Ex. 6 Parti al Grant /Partial D enial 7/26/2022 Emails, inclu ding attachments, sent or received by DOI Press Secretary Heather Swift which reference Patagonia, Inc., or which otherwise contain the term �Patagonia.� The timeframe of my request is December 4, 2017 to December 6, 2017.
Jimmy Tobias 12/21/2018 ########## Cl osed Oth er 6/10/2020 Any written or electronic communications, including attachments, between DOI officials Todd Wynn, Timothy Williams and/or Benjamin Cassidy and any agent, representative, official or employee of the Pacific Legal Foundation, a California-based legal organization. (cont)
Rebecc a Heil weil 1/6/2020 2/3/2020 Clo sed Ex. 4, Ex. 6 Partial G rant/P artial Den ial 3/13/2023 Correspondence, contracts, and documents related to definitive contract 140D0419C0029. This is between D OI and Thresher Ventures. Documents between 10/1/2018 and 1/3/2020. Here is the relevant USA Spending Link:
Eric L VanDussen 1/20/2023 ########## Ass ignmen t D etermin atio n
I am requesting under the authority of the FOIA the following public records: 1. All documentation and communications related to all pending or approved applications for Commercial Use Authorizations that pertain to the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. (This request is limited to the years of 2020 through 2023) 2. All documentation and communications related to all pending or approved applications for concession contracts within the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. (This request is limited to the years of 2020 through 2023) 3. All documentation and communications related to the collecting, depositing, accounting, tracking, expending and reporting of Commercial Use Authorization (CUA) funds and concession contract funds pertaining to the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. (This request is limited to the years of 2020 through 2023) Thanks, Eric L. VanDussen Videograph
Makayla Vau ghns 8/3/2022 ########## Clo sed Duplicate Request 9/12/2022 We are reques ting any TAC related to case PP22042665 and PP22042191 or through US Park Police Report 502208127; CCN 220-66045. There is already a request submitted for radio runs that is related to the case, request number DOI-NPS-2022-004978 is the other request submitted.
Renee Cl ont s 4/26/2023 ########## Ass ignm ent D etermin atio n A complete, certified copy of all reports and documentation regarding an incident on April 13, 2023 at Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park where victim David Vaughn was attacked and bitten by a dog owned by Chris Dowell.
Nadia Ban ks 4/11/2023 ########## Ass ign ment D etermi natio n Please provide any and all incident reports relating to the drowning of Lily Kris tine Hatcher on 06/29 /2022 at Lake Mead. National Park Service reference number is NP221775 57.
May Yang 1/9/2023 2/7/2023 Clo sed No Records 1/10/2023 Transaction/Reference #: 2011404 362Not High Monitored: FARMERS INSURANCE Report Type:Auto Accident Report/Case Number:23-0 0013 D ate of Occurrence:1/2/2023 12:00:00 AM Location of Loss:VAND EGRIFT BLVD AND COMMISARY WAY Cross Street: City:OCEANSIDECoun ty:SAN DIEGOState:C A Insurance Company: FARMERS INSURANCE FTP Insured Driver:JuanluisValentinVillalobos D river 2: Driver 3: Last Note: No Association Perfo rmed. Sent To Print By Iserv (iserv) 1/6/202 35:45 :17AM TAG #: 8RYG724 VIN #: 5YFEPMAE1MP148 642
Lexis Nexi s 3/23/2023 Clos ed Improper FOIA Request for Other Reasons 5/3/2023 Transacti on/Reference #: 2092203512High Monitored: PROGRESSIVE INSURANCE Report Type:Auto Theft Recovery Report/Case Number:PP23-023921 Date of Occurrence:3/9/2023 12:00:00AM Locati on of Loss:SOUTH BEND BALTIMORE WASHINGTON PARKWAY RAMP TO 495 Cross Street: City:County:PRINCE GEORGState:MD Insurance Company: PROGRESSIVE INSURANCE Insured Driver:CijiHouse Driver 2: Driver 3: Last Note: No Association Performed. Sent To Print By Iserv (iserv) 3/22/20239:14:23AM TAG #: JB4018 VIN #:1HGCV1F13MA052065
Jacob Taichman-Bernstein 3/24/2023 ########## Cl os ed Full Grant 4/6/2023 I would like the Body Worn Camera footage from incident number NP230 4130 5, which took place on th e evening of February 17th, 2023, at aprox. 20 :50. Thank you very much!
Lesli e Alber tso n 4/27/2023 ########## Clo sed Full Grant 5/4/2023 I am requesting the footage recorded by the body camera worn by the Officer/Ranger Seyfried from the incident on April 23rd,20 23 in Wind C ave Park, SD detailed in case #NP231003 89. If poss ible, a file of the footage could be emailed to me at the email address I provided. Thank You
Mr. Carlos J Anchondo 3/3/2023 4/3/2023 Clos ed Ex . 5 P artial Gran t/Partial Denial 3/30/2023
This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act I request a copy of all written communications, including but not limited to emails, between Cindy Schulz ( and Karen Armstrong ( that discuss the Mountain Valley pipeline project and a biological opinion issued on February 28, 2023, for the Mountain Valley pipeline project. The time window for my request is between February 17, 2023, and March 3, 2023. I request a copy of all written communications, including but not limited to emails, between Cindy Schulz (cindy_[email protected]ov) and Karen Armstrong ( that discuss the emails received from Carlos Anchondo (, a reporter E&E News/POLITICO. The time window for my request is between February 17, 2023, and March 3, 2023. I am filing this FOIA request as a “representative of the news med
Ms. Elizabeth Fo rsyth 4/27/2021 ########## Initial Evaluation
Earthjustice requests all records created, stored, or received concerning the BLM Bakersfield Field Office’s Clean Air Act conformity determinations for the follo wing approvals of applications for permits to drill: -DOI-B LM-CA-C0 60-20 21-00 10-EA, Chevron; 9 APD ’s in Midway Sunset -D OI-BLM-CA-C0 60-2 021-0 011-EA, CRPC ; 10 APDs in M ount Pos o -DOI-BL M-CA-C06 0-202 1-00 49-EA, CRC; 6 APDs in Buna Vista Hills -DOI-BLM- CA-C060 -2020 -007 0-EA, Aera; 9 APDs in Lost Hills -DOI-BLM -CA-C060 -202 0-012 4-EA, 12 Holmes Western APD ’s This request includ es, but is not limited to, the follo wing categories of records: 1.All underlying information s upporting BLM†™s determination that estimated criteria emissions for the above referenced projects are within the EPA-determined de minimis emissions levels, includin g but not limited to: underlying data, calculations, worksh eets, assumed emiss
Mr. Michael Ayele (aka) W 5/6/2021 Clo sed Fee-R elated Reaso n 6/1/2021
The basis for this records request are (1) the criminal complaint filed by the Department of Justice (DOJ) against Christian Alexander Secor, {a 22 year old man associated with the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA),} in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia and (2) the complaint of employment discrimination filed by the United States Women National Soccer Team (USWNT) against the United States Soccer Federation (USSF) in the United States District Court Central District of California Western Division. (...) What I am requesting for prompt disclosure are all documents detailing (1) your formal and informal and informal ties with the National Museum of the American Indian, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, the Department of Education (DoED), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Department of
Mr. Michael Ayele (aka) W 5/6/2021 Clo sed Fee-R elated Reaso n 6/1/2021
The basis for this records request are (1) the criminal complaint filed by the Department of Justice (DOJ) against Christian Alexander Secor, {a 22 year old man associated with the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA),} in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia and (2) the complaint of employment discrimination filed by the United States Women National Soccer Team (USWNT) against the United States Soccer Federation (USSF) in the United States District Court Central District of California Western Division. (...) What I am requesting for prompt disclosure are all documents detailing (1) your formal and informal and informal ties with the National Museum of the American Indian, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, the Department of Education (DoED), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Department of
Mr. Michael Ayele (aka) W 5/6/2021 Clo sed Fee-R elated Reaso n 6/1/2021
The basis for this records request are (1) the criminal complaint filed by the Department of Justice (DOJ) against Christian Alexander Secor, {a 22 year old man associated with the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA),} in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia and (2) the complaint of employment discrimination filed by the United States Women National Soccer Team (USWNT) against the United States Soccer Federation (USSF) in the United States District Court Central District of California Western Division. (...) What I am requesting for prompt disclosure are all documents detailing (1) your formal and informal and informal ties with the National Museum of the American Indian, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, the Department of Education (DoED), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Department of
Mr. Michael Ayele (aka) W 5/6/2021 Clo sed Fee-R elated Reaso n 6/1/2021
The basis for this records request are (1) the criminal complaint filed by the Department of Justice (DOJ) against Christian Alexander Secor, {a 22 year old man associated with the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA),} in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia and (2) the complaint of employment discrimination filed by the United States Women National Soccer Team (USWNT) against the United States Soccer Federation (USSF) in the United States District Court Central District of California Western Division. (...) What I am requesting for prompt disclosure are all documents detailing (1) your formal and informal and informal ties with the National Museum of the American Indian, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, the Department of Education (DoED), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Department of
Mr. Michael Ayele (aka) W 5/6/2021 Clo sed Fee-R elated Reaso n 6/1/2021
The basis for this records request are (1) the criminal complaint filed by the Department of Justice (DOJ) against Christian Alexander Secor, {a 22 year old man associated with the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA),} in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia and (2) the complaint of employment discrimination filed by the United States Women National Soccer Team (USWNT) against the United States Soccer Federation (USSF) in the United States District Court Central District of California Western Division. (...) What I am requesting for prompt disclosure are all documents detailing (1) your formal and informal and informal ties with the National Museum of the American Indian, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, the Department of Education (DoED), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Department of
May Yang 2/6/2023 ########## Clo sed All R ecord s R eferred to An oth er Agenc y 6/6/2023
Transaction/Reference #: 2041079612Not High Monitored: NATIONWIDE INSURANCE Report Type:Auto Theft Recovery Report/Case Number:2300 0160 Date of Occurrence:1/23/2023 12:00:00AM Location of Loss:11508 MONTGOMERY RD Cross Street: City:B ELTSVI LLECounty:PRINCE G EORGState:MD Insurance Company: NATIONWIDE INSURANCE Insured Driver:DoloresCruz Estrada Driver 2: Driver 3: Last Note: No Association Performed Sent To Print By Iserv (iserv) 2/4/20238:46:08AM TAG #: 7ER5131 VIN #: JN8AZ1MW6BW164288
Ms. Ellie Rushing 8/3/2021 Clo sed Oth er 8/3/2021 I am requesting all records released under FOIA request DOI-NPS-2021-002373, which was submitted on 02/10/2021 by Michael S. Warren. Please provide all records and documents that were released.
Mikayla Alex ander 5/3/2023 6/7/2023 Clo sed Full Grant 5/9/2023 I am requesting a police report and/or an incident report from Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area. Case number: NP23086241 from an accident/incident that happened 4/9/20 23 at Cliff P ark Golf Course, Milford PA 1833 7.
Mr. Andrew R Wulf 9/29/2020 ########## C los ed Full Grant 2/15/2022 1) all docu ments related to or regarding the following sections of land, sp ecifically Township 31N Range 83W 6th PM Section s 3-5, 8 -10, 15- 17, 20- 21. 2) all docu ments related to or regarding lease number GR6743 3) all doc uments related to or regarding lease number GR6015 4) all do cuments related to or regarding Final Decision DOI-BLM- WY-P060- 2019 -0003 -CX 5) all do cuments related to or regarding properties subject to Final Decision D OI-BLM-WY-P0 60-20 19-0 003-C X
Gary Tho mas 1/17/2023 4/7/2023 Clo sed Ex . 6 P artial Gran t/Parti al Denial 3/20/2023 Copy of p olice report from the car accident on 1/14/20 23. Gary Thomas dob 7/7/46 and Savanna Malaterre were the drivers of the vehicles and Trenton Gunville was the respond ing officer.
Anya Schultz 4/4/2023 ########## Clos ed Full Denial Based on Exemptions 7/12/2023 I'm requesting all emails sent or received by staff of the Bureau of Ind ian Affairs' Office of Jus tice Services with the phrase "Ella Mae Begay" between June 15, 2021 to April 4, 202 3.
Michelle Morales 5/22/2023 Clos ed Improper FOIA Request for Other Reasons 6/7/2023 Police report from May 19 , 2023 Case # bo23141 485 I had my vehicle vandalized and I'm making a claim on my insurance. My ins urance is requesting a copy of p olice report.
Francis co D e La Paz 6/6/2023 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 6/29/2023 Police Report related to accident occu rring on 6/5/202 3 between Franciso De La Paz and an unkno wn female at Approx 12:15 PM on Hwy 57 in Fort Totten, ND.
Paul Loutzenhiser 6/26/2023 ########## As si gnmen t Det erminat ion I am requesting a copy of any and all info rmation in regards to the investigation of linear travel of Middle fork creek by Luke Shuman of Hazard Fab Wo rx in 2023 . Including but not limited to th e resolution of the investigation.
VICTORIA TRAXL ER 3/9/2023 4/6/2023 Clo sed Oth er 4/4/2023 I am seeking any and all records relating to the hazardous errors or iss ues regarding nuclear waste disposal in the state of New Mexico between Jan. 1 2021 and Jan. 1, 2023 .
Ann Brown 2/3/2023 3/8/2023 Clo sed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial Grant/P artial D enial 2/16/2023 The Cent er requests from th e U.S. Fish & Wildlif e Service (“FWSâ€): From January 3, 2023 the date FWS conducts this search, Mr. Frazer’s schedules, including but not limited to travel and/or meeting schedules.
Ann Brown 2/28/2023 ########## C los ed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 P artial G rant/Part ial Deni al 3/15/2023 The Center requests from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (“ FWSâ€): From February 3, 2023 the date FWS conducts this search, Mr. Frazer’s schedules, including but not limited to travel and/or meeting schedules.
Ann Brown 5/1/2023 6/1/2023 Clo sed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial Grant/P artial D enial 5/22/2023 The Cent er requests from th e U.S. Fish & Wildlif e Service (“FWSâ€): From March 29, 2023 the date FWS conducts this search, Mr. Frazer’s schedules, including but not limited to travel and/or meeting schedules.
Ann Brown 6/1/2023 7/3/2023 Clo sed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial Grant/P artial D enial 6/27/2023 The Cent er requests from th e U.S. Fish & Wildlif e Service (“FWSâ€): From May 1, 2023 the date FWS conducts this search, Mr. Frazer’s schedules, including but not limited to travel and/or meeting schedules.
Joshua Conway 4/18/2023 ########## Clo sed Full Grant 5/5/2023 I am requesting the accident report completed by Robert Dickins on, US Park Ranger, for the accident that happened in Williamsburg, VA on April 16 , 2023 at approximately 9:25 am on Route 65. I need this fo r my insurance claim. CAD202 30000 1498
Mr. Dillon Williams 2/14/2023 ########## Ass ignmen t D etermin atio n
1. A copy of all Import of Live Animals und er CITES/ESA permits dated between March 1, 2016 and February 12 , 2023 is sued to the Plum Island An imal Disease Center in Orient, NY 11957 or Orient Poin t, NY 11957 . 2. A copy of all Import of Live Animals und er CITES/ESA permits dated between March 1, 2016 and February 12, 2 023 iss ued to USDA, APHIS, VS, FADDL ( NVSL Foreign Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory) in Greenport, NY 11944 . 3. A copy of all Import of Biolo gical Specimens (CITES/ESA) for Scientific Research permits dated between March 1, 2016 and February 12, 20 23 iss ued to the Plum Island Animal Dis ease Center in Orient, NY 11957 or Orient Point, NY 11 957. 4. A cop y of all Import of Biological Specimens (CITES/ESA) for Scientific Research permits dated between March 1, 2016 and February 12, 202 3 issued to USDA, APHIS, VS, FADDL (NVSL Foreign Animal Disease Diagnos tic Laborato
Mr. Dewayne O Edwards 7/14/2022 ########## Clo sed Ex. 6 Part ial Grant /Partial D enial 7/5/2023 I need the Report of Investigation (ROI), unredacted as much as possible, submitted for my 16E Case #1199. This document is needed for preparation of my case being heard by the EEOC Federal Appellate Judge Buthman. In addition, I need the Sisto ROI, Case #DOI-20-HCI-091-NPS, unredacted as much as possible, also needed for the preparation of my appeal before the EEOC Federal Appellate Judge Buthman. I will also need all documents produced in any in-house inves tigations against me, whether or not such investigations resulted in actual charges and/or actions against me.
mr Craig Pi ttman 6/20/2017 ########## C los ed Other 7/19/2023 Requester seeks any and all communications, whether written or electronic, between the Jacksonville and Atlanta offices of the FWS and between those offices and FWS and DOI offices in Washington, regarding the downlisting of the West Indian manatee, from Jan to Mar 30.
Nicole Zampieri 4/29/2021 ########## Cl os ed Ex. 7 (A) Full Denial Based on Exemptions 5/13/2021 Last year I was the complainant in an investigation into miscon duct of a DOI employee Scott Allen Davis (D OB 9/7/1984 ). The investigation was conducted by the PR U (Personal Respon sibility Unit). I would like a copy of the final report from this investigation.
Bruc e Pend ery 7/27/2017 ########## C los ed Other 10/7/2020 [C]opy of any report, plan, or written statement produced pursuant to section 2(d) of the EO that discusses or mentions the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) or the Department of the Interior (DOI) (referred to in that request as the �July 26 Product�). CONTINUED BELOW....
Adam Fed erman 6/7/2021 7/8/2021 Clos ed All Rec ord s Ref erred to An oth er Agenc y 6/9/2021 In April DOI appointed Raina Thiele Senior Advisor for Alaska Affairs. This is a request for Ms. Thiele's financial dis closure forms (O GE Form 278) as well as any guidance from the department's ethics o ffice regarding potential conflicts of interest.
Allyson Beasley 12/23/2019 ########## Clo sed No Records 5/10/2022 Communications related to or concerning DOI-BLM-NM-F010-2020-0017-OTHER_NEPA (Farmington Field Office Environmental Assessment Addendum and FONSI for December 6, 2019 to January 6, 2020 Comment Period, and all individual subject EAs
Lexis Nexi s 3/21/2023 ########## Clo sed All Rec ord s Ref erred to An oth er Agenc y 6/6/2023 Transaction/Reference #: 207327696 4Not H igh Monitored: STATE FARM CLAIMS COMPASS Report Type:Other Report/Case Number:CAD 0211 23-1 09 Date of Occu rrence:2 /12/2023 12:00:00 AM Location of L oss:SUITLAND P KWY Cross Street: City:UPPER MARLBOROCounty:PRINCE G EORGState:MD Insu rance Company: STATE FARM CLAIMS COMPASS Insured Driver:SelitaTLee Driver 2: Driver 3: Last Note: No Association Performed. Sent To Print By Iserv (iserv) 3/18/202 31:03 :09PM TAG #: NA VIN #: 3FA6P0CD2 KR233 987
Daniel S. L. Rubin 7/6/2023 8/3/2023 Initial Evaluation Copies of any and all Freedom of Information Act requests sent to D OI/NPS, and any response thereto, regarding the Camp FIMFO project in the Town of Highland, New York sent or received between January 1, 2021 and the present.
Mr. Jacob R Lohmann 4/19/2023 ########## C los ed Ex. 7 (A) Full Denial Based on Exemptions 5/22/2023 Please forward a copy of the incident report pertaining to CAD 3879. This involved a vehicular accident on US 441 in the Great Smoky Mountain National park on April 15, 2023, occurring approximately 10:30pm. I am requesting this as I was the passenger in the vehicle and sustained serious injuries
Chris Liu 2/21/2023 Clos ed Record s N ot R easo nabl y Des crib ed 3/24/2023 I am requesting documents related to sexual harassment and processes to help mitigate the harm related to sexual harassment in the workplace at Olympic National Park. I am requesting documents from 2018-2023.
Karen A cevedo 4/24/2023 ########## Clos ed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C) Partial Grant/P artial D enial 5/4/2023 Case-23 0-398 -29 this was on April 19 20 23 around 4-6pm I was assaulted and I need this information because I was sent in an ambulance too th e hospital no one gave me no paper work the address on my license is not th e right one my address is 622 n Howard st apt 20 1 Alexandria va 22304
Lauren C learman 3/24/2023 ########## As sig nmen t Deter minat ion
I am looking for an accident report from the evening of March 13th 20 23 The incident involved two cars and a deer off of Stilesboro Road in K ennesaw I am the driver of one of the cars and was to ld this was the way to get said accident report
Lexis Nexi s 3/22/2023 ########## Clo sed Request Withdrawn 5/10/2023 Responding Agency: NATIONAL PARK SERVICES P RAR MANILA (I NTE Agency ID: 12.943Days Out: Transaction/Reference #: 2060613 313H igh Monitored:ALLSTATE INSURANCE Report Type:Auto Accident Report/Case Number:NP23 0373 43 Date of Occu rrence:2 /13/2023 12:00:00 AM Location of L oss:SILVER BOW LN Cross Street: City:KENNESAWCoun ty:COBBState:GA Insurance Company: ALLSTATE INSURANCE Insured Driver:CesarR Valerio Driver 2: Driver 3: Last Note: No Association Performed. Sent To Print By Iserv (iserv) 3/21/20 239:13 :11AM TAG #: VIN #: 5TDZA3EH9DS03316 5
Debra Sau erman 7/10/2023 ########## Ass ign ment D etermi natio n I am requesting the unofficial bid result figures/ bid tabu lation and the award results (only if available) for the following pro ject to be emailed to me, please? 140P20 23R00 02 / 245 589 _ Rehabilitate Interior & Exterior of First Bank at Independence National Historical Park; bid on 4 /12/2023
Logan R. Bi g Eagle 6/15/2023 ########## Clo sed Request Withdrawn 6/27/2023 I am requesting the history of communications taking place between BIA Pacific Regional Office and the following parties: David Denhert (Attorney), Nika Dondero, and Rita Long on the issue of determining the degree of Indian blood for one Jack Roan or Jack "Roane". These communications date back to at least December 30, 2021 (possibly earlier) and continued through May 18, 2023 with significant communication about evidence of descendance occurring in April 2023. The names and further context for this request can be found in the letter attached below.
Ann Brown 5/24/2023 ########## C los ed Full Grant 5/31/2023 As background, on January 10, 2023 the Bureau of Land Management (“BLMâ) sent an email to staff at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ( “NOAAâ€) st ating: The BLM’s evaluation and findings are summarized in the attached Memorandum to th e File. In review of this Memorandum, the BLM respectfu lly requests your input o n the appropriateness of the s cope of our ESA Section 7 Con sultation in respect to G HG emissions from the Willow MDP project. Specifically, the Center requests from the BLM Alaska State Office the memorandum referenced in the aforementioned January 10, 202 3 email.
Lexis Nexi s 3/22/2023 ########## Clo sed Request Withdrawn 5/10/2023 Responding Agency: NATIONAL PARK SERVICES P RAR MANILA ( I NTE Agency ID: 12.943Days Out:0 Transaction/Reference #: 20584 91913 Not High Mo nitored: STATE FARM CLAIMS COMPASS Report Type:Au to Accident Report/Case Number: Date of Occurrence:2/17/20 23 12 :00:00AM Loc ation of Loss :GLIBERT RD Cross Street: City:KENNESAWCou nty:COBBState:GA Insurance Company: STATE FARM CLAIMS COMPASS Insured Driver:George W Stickel Driver 2: Driver 3: Last Note: No Association Performed. Sent To Print By Iserv (iserv) 3/21/202 39:13 :20AM TAG #: VIN #: JTDKN3DU9 A0193 260
Michael C Doyle 1/26/2023 ########## Initial Evaluation I request access to and copies of all briefing documents, memoranda and e-mails concerning meetings and interviews between the Secretary and members of the media between Jan. 21, 2017 and Jan. 25, 2023.
Fred Storer 2/27/2023 ########## C los ed Full Grant 3/8/2023 Please furnish the spreadsheet data used to construct Figure B-1 of the Regulatory Impacts Analysis – Appendix B of the proposed revisions to 25 CFR 226 as published in the Federal Register January 13, 2023.
Dawn Cart er-McD onald 3/28/2023 5/5/2023 Clo sed Ex . 7(A ) Full Denial Based on Exemptions 6/14/2023 Requesting accid ent report for: Rudoloph K elly Date of Loss: 03 /01/2023 L ocation of Lo ss: N George Street/Medicine Crow Loop Report # BO23060 919 P olicy # 92230 2639 Insurance purpos es only
Sonja Gourd 4/25/2023 ########## Clo sed No Records 5/15/2023 I am requesting a copy of Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma's Corporate Charter. This Charter may have been enacted during the time frame of 1970 -2023 . Your response is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Brittany Turner 5/19/2023 7/3/2023 Clos ed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C) Partial G rant/Part ial Deni al 6/6/2023 I am looking for a police report for an arrest that was made this morning, 5/19/20 23 around 7 :00am in Miami, Oklahoma. The individual's name is Alex Riley Sharbutt and he was arrested on a DUI charge.
Mr. D aniel T ormey 6/2/2021 7/1/2021 Clos ed Ex. 4 Partial G rant/P artial Den ial 8/24/2021 We are requesting the winning technical and cost proposal to Proposal for Solicitation No. 140R2021Q0035 - ROC 2023 ESA/NEPA Technical Support with the Bureau of Reclamation. If possible, an electronic copy is preferred over a photocopied hard copy.
Ann Brown 3/29/2023 ########## C los ed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 P artial G rant/Part ial Deni al 4/21/2023 The Center requests from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (“ FWSâ€) Headquarters: From February 28, 2023 the date FWS conducts this search, Mr. Frazer’s schedules, including but not limited to travel and/or meeting schedules.
Mr. Gerald Gray 6/8/2022 ########## Cl osed Ex. 6 P artial Gran t/Partial Denial 7/8/2022 I am requesting information on any FOIA requests s ubmitted to the DOI or the BIA Blackfeet Agency regarding my, Gerald Gray, familial chart or family records and lineage. The request also covers that of my uncles Harold Gray and D arryl Gray.
Kevin Bogardus 10/18/2018 ########## Ass ign ment D etermi natio n All emails sent to and from any email addresses containing the domain "h" resulting from an electronic automated search of the email accounts associated with Daniel Jorjani at the DOI's O ffice of the Solicitor from 12 /1/2017 to the date that this request is process ed.
Michael Ravnitzky 5/10/2023 ########## Initial Evaluation A copy of the FOIA appeal letter, the appeal determination, and all records provided under the FOIA appeal submitted by Bo Erickso n of CBS News by electronic mail on Octo ber 12, 2021 , relating to underlying FOIA Case DOI-BIA-2021- 0056 12.
Daniel S. L. Rubin 7/6/2023 Initial Evaluation Communications b etween the DOI/NPS or its agents or employees and Senator Charles Schumer, or any of his agents or employees, regarding the Camp FIMFO project in the Town of Highland, New York sent or received between January 1, 2021 and the present.
Daniel S. L. Rubin 7/6/2023 Initial Evaluation
Communications b etween the DOI/NPS or its agents or employees and and the Town of Highland or any of its b oards officials agents o r employees regarding the Camp FIMFO project in the Town of Highland sent or received between January 1 2 021 and the present
Mr. Terry R. Marston 7/14/2021 ########## Clos ed Partial G rant/Par tial Den ial 8/26/2021
In response to a previous FOIA request seeking copies of “all contracts and contract modificationsâ€
related to certain fence constructi on work, I was provided with copies of two SF 1442 forms, one was for contract number DOI 140L3918P0165 and the other was for contract number DOI 140L3919P0030. I now request copies of the following supplemental documents (or documents containing the following informati on): A.For contract DOI 140L3918P0165 (SF 1442), please provide: 1.The Statement of Work for the contract (identified as “SOWâ€ in line 00010 of the SF 1442 continuation sheet (p. 3)); 2.Any documentati on pertaining to a termination, rescission, or other conclusion of this contract short of full performance of the work described within the SF1442 and its Statement of Work; and 3.All written communications (including, without limitation, emails) between representati ves of the
Ms. Anna O Wang 11/30/2021 ########## Processing Tasks
I am requesting in .pdf format: 1.The entirety of the final 2021 Department of the Interior (DOI) Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Civil Rights (ODICR) climate assessment. 2.Any of the following documents which exist as part of the final 2021 Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Civil Rights (ODICR) climate assessment, including: a.Executive summary(ies); b.Evidence file(s); c.Attachment(s); d.Transmittal cover letter(s) and/or email(s). To assist you in identifying the relevant records, I believe the climate assessment at issue is a document or multiple documents describing the working conditi ons and employee complaints and engagement within ODICR. The climate assessment was conducted in or around September of 2021 by Alison Mangels, Rosa Franco, Tiffany Hale, and possibly other individuals associated with the Art of Resolution, a private contractor employed by DOI for this purpose. I also believe this cli
Mr. Pierre Seners 1/10/2023 2/8/2023 Researc h Rec ord s Dear Madam, Dear Sir, I had a car accident in Grand Canyon National Park on 01/03 /2023, and a accident report was made by the local National Park ranger: case# 22-008 2 Could yo u please send me this report ? I need it for my insurance claim. Kind regards, Pierre Seners
Lexis Nexi s 4/24/2023 ########## Clo sed Request Withdrawn 6/6/2023 Responding Agency:S MO KEY MTN PARK PDR AR MANILA (I NTE Agency ID: 46.2601Days Out: Transaction/Reference #: 212393 4462 Not High Mo nitored: USAA - PRTCC Report Type:Auto Accident Report/Case Number:343 3 Date of Occu rrence:4 /7/2023 12 :00:00AM Lo cation of Los s:UNDEFINEDLITTLE RIVER GORGE ROAD Cros s Street: City:GATLINBURGCo unty:SEVIERState:TN Insu rance Company: USAA - PRTCC Insured Driver:MichaelD Kusek Driver 2: Driver 3: Last Note: No Ass ociation Performed. Sent To Print By Iserv (iserv) 4/18/2023 1:14:13 PM TAG #: VIN #:1FT7W2BT0H EE56272
Ms. Eva Lynne Budzinski 10/17/2022 ########## Clos ed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C ) P artial Gr ant/Parti al Denial ########### Date of Incid ent: between 0930 on 3 August 2 022 and 1530 o n 5 August 2 022 CAD # NP# : NP22310 017 (n ot a duplicate request, I just entered the number incorrect on previous report) Sp ecific Location: Leeks Marina Parking Lot
Lexis Nexi s 3/9/2023 ########## C los ed Request Withdrawn 4/17/2023 Resp onding Agency: NATIONAL PARK SERVICES P RAR MANILA (I NTE Agency ID: 12.943Days Out: Transaction/Reference #: 207531 4662 High Monito red:AUTO OWNERS PRTCC Report Type:Auto Accident Report/Case Number:NP23 04886 7 Date of Occu rrence:2 /26/2023 1 2:00:00AM Location of Lo ss:ROCK FORD PASS SW Cross Street: City:K ENNESAWCounty:COBBState:GA Insuranc e Company: AUTO OWNERS PRTCC Insured Driver:SeanMDitz el Driver 2:M arcelFlorez Driver 3: Last Note: No Association Performed. Sent To Print By Iserv (iserv) 3/8/20239:0 6:14AM TAG #: CHT1872 VIN #: 5FRYD3H4 8FB008 422
Lexis Nexi s 4/11/2023 5/9/2023 Clo sed Request Withdrawn 5/25/2023 Respondin g Agency: NATIONAL PARK SERVICES P RAR MANILA (I NTE Agency ID: 12.943Days Ou t: Transaction/Reference #: 2111592 412Not High Monitored: STATE FARM CLAIMS COMPASS Report Type:Auto Accident Report/Case Number:NP2 3082 417 D ate of Occurrence:4/5/2023 12:00:00 AM Location of L oss:BRAIDWOOD LN NW Cross Street: City:KENNESAWCou nty:COBBState:GA Insurance Company: STATE FARM CLAIMS COMPASS Insured Driver:AngelicaMarieC rowe Driver 2: Driver 3: Last Note: No Association Performed. Sent To Print By Iserv (iserv) 4/10/20 238:38 :19AM TAG #: VIN #: JTMRFREV0FD115293
Patrick McKay 8/5/2021 9/2/2021 Clo sed Partial Grant/P artial D enial 8/31/2021
I request copies of the following documents, preferably in electronic format: 1. All public comments submitted during the scoping comment period for the Labyrinth Rims/Gemini Bridges Travel Management Area EA (NEPA #: DOI-BLM-UT-Y010-2020-0097-EA) by representatives of the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance, the Wilderness Society, and Great Old Broads for Wilderness. 2. All public comments submitted during the scoping comment period for the San Rafael Swell Travel Management Plan EA (NEPA #: DOI-BLM-UT-G020-2019-0019-EA) by representatives of the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance, the Wilderness Society, and Great Old Broads for Wildernes s. 3. Route inventory shapefiles for the Labyrinth Rims/Gemini Bridges Travel Management Area EA (NEPA #: DOI-BLM-UT-Y010-2020-0097-EA), used to create the following map:
Jennifer Zanoni 9/27/2021 ########## Clos ed No Records ########### From: Shuggars, Theresa W. (Fed) <[email protected]> Sent: Monday, September 27, 2021 8:39 AM To: ZANONI, JENNIFER M NH-03 USAF HAF AF/USSF <[email protected]> Cc: Doss, Kate (Fed) <katherine.doss@nis>; Eckstine, Amy O. (Fed) <amy.eckstin [email protected]> Subject: [Non-DoD Source] RE: : Employ,ment Importance: High Jennifer, We transferred to DOI on 09 /05/2017 , so we do not have your eOPF. Check with the DOI (Department of Interior). PO ID Gaining Agency Request Type Activity Activity Date 1703 DOI FOLDER ACKNOWL EDGEMENT RECEIVED 9/5/2017 9 :36:50 AM Terry Theresa Wares Shuggars Human Resources Assistant Operations and Strategic Programs Division Office of Human Reso urces Management DoC/National Institutes of Standards & Technology 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 17 20 Gaithersbu rg, MD 2089 9-172 0 [email protected]
Elizabeth Himschoo t 7/5/2023 8/7/2023 As sign ment Determ inati on In an excel format if possible, a list of NPS Ranger incident reports between January, 2007 and May, 2023 including date, park alpha code, and indication of injury to NPS Ranger or civilian/visitor.
David A OLSON 6/17/2022 ########## C los ed No Records 9/2/2022
Any road or bridge constructio n contracts/agreements between DOI or BLM and Blackfoot Fo rest Protective Association in M issoula Cou nty MT Sections 25 2 6 27 28 33 34 35 and 36 between 1925 1 965
molly conger 7/5/2023 8/7/2023 Ass ign ment D etermi natio n
To Whom It May Concern: Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I hereby reques t the following records: All applications for Cabin Camp rentals at Prince William Forest Park in Virginia received for the 2023 rental season. (form: The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes. In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not. Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 20 business days, as the statute requires. Sincerely, molly conger Upload documents directly: https:/
Mr. John Holloway 8/27/2020 ########## C los ed Full Grant 2/11/2021 Is it poss ible to locate/provide the DOI's annual procu rement/contract forecasts from Fiscal year 2015 th rough 201 8? If this request is acc epted could the DOI provide inclu de the following information: - Solicitation nu mber and or contract id - Estimated solicitation date (year and fiscal quarter) - Estimated award date (year and fiscal quarter) - Sub agency name or awarding office - Whether the procurement was a re-compete or a new contract - Name of incumbent if re-compete - Contracting / procurement offic ers POC (name , email, title) - Set aside / procurement method - Awarded on a Contract vehicle or federal supply sch edule - Title or brief description of the award
Michael Ravnitzky 8/9/2022 9/9/2022 Clo sed Request Withdrawn 8/12/2022 A copy of the entire administrative processing file/folder associated with FOIA request OS-2019-00730. I also request any emails located by a search of the DOI OS FOIA Office that mention this request number. You may omit any correspondence to and from the requester. You may omit any emails that simply mention this request number as part of a list of overdue requests. The reason I am submitting this request is that the response letter for the abovementioned request was not up to the DOI usual high standards and did not bother to explain how the result of a contract involving the expenditure of public funds had disappeared entirely.
Robin Bravender 8/18/2022 ########## Cl osed Ot her 8/19/2022 I am seeking correspond ence sent to Interior from Sen. John Barrasso on 01/25/202 2 regarding "Follow-up to D ecember 7, 2021, letter regarding DOI's network security." I am also seeking Interior's response. The DCN for this correspondence is ESB46 -005 798, accordin g to the congressional corresp ondence logs. I am also seeking correspondence from Barrass o on 1/21/22 regarding "Follow-up request for inf o regarding DOI employees that attended COP26." I am also seeking Interior's response. The DCN fo r this correspon dence is ESB46-00 5778 , according to the congressio nal correspondence logs.
Frank Ongaro 12/12/2018 ########## C los ed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 P artial Gr ant/Part ial Denial 7/14/2022 Mining Min n resp req that DOI prod the foll p urs to its ob ls under the FOIA: Cop of prior FOIA req sub b y any party from Jan 1, 2012 to the pres req. recs re to the foll topics a. Minin g in the Sup Natl Forest in Minn D ept. of the Int Ofc of the Sol. Memo Opin M -3704 9... Twin Metals Minn LLC Fedl Pref right leases MNES-01 352 and M NES-01353 or The US For Ser app. 243,328 acres of Natl For Sys lands within th e Rny Rir Wat on the Sup. Nat'l For and the sub rev and proc of that app recd prov by DO I
Lexis Nexi s 3/14/2023 ########## Clo sed All Rec ord s Ref erred to An oth er Agenc y 6/6/2023 Respond ing Agency: U .S . PARK PDRAR MANILA (I NTE Agency ID: 10.002D ays Out: Transaction/Reference #: 20767 0506 3Not High M onitored: USAA - PRTCC Report Type:Other Report/Case Number:0224 23-15 4 Date of Occurrence:2/24 /2023 1 2:00:00AM L ocation of Los s:GEORGE WASHINGTON MEMOR IAL PKWY Cross Street: City:ALEXANDRIACoun ty:ALEXANDRIAState:VA Insurance Company: USAA - PRTCC Insured D river:Mic haelEGrossman Driver 2: Driver 3: Last Note: No Ass ociation Performed. Sent To Print By Iserv (iserv) 3/13/202 39:55 :37AM TAG #: VIN #:JTEBU5JRXJ5 53021 1
Mrs. Willow s Harjochee 3/13/2023 ########## Clos ed Ex . 6 Par tial Gran t/Partial Denial 3/13/2023 Requesting police report for a vehicle accident involving my 20 16 chevy impala license plate 519CWF and Dawn Ironhawk her vehicle jeep Grand Cherokee on March 4 2023 at 9:07 Am
Brandy D avis 4/12/2023 ########## As sign ment Determ inati on I am requesting a police report that happened on April 8 20 23. Andrew Sarri was the officer. The other party involved was a man by the name "Dino" Martin I am unsure of what his real name is.
Mike N eas 10/27/2021 ########## Final Preparation of Response Full Grant
Please provide access to or copies o f BLM grazing permits that were issued between 2018 to d ate and awarded to the following brand holders and/or brands These permits would b e located in the Taos Field office jurisdiction and on and around th e Rio Chama WSA and surrounding areas includ ing the Rio Chama Wild River section    1 Rivera Leondro 83A CR 8 4GSanta Fe NM 875 06 LR brand N M Master No : 7805 4Expiration: 07/01 /2023 Brand L ocation: LRC RHH 2 Boone Dennis EP O Box 111 0 Jenks OK 74 037 NM Master No : 5466 0 Expiration: 07/01/20 23 Brand Lo cation: RHC RHH  3 Sebastian Andrew or Elizabeth PO Box 7 06 Abiquiu NM 8751 0 EB brand NM Mas ter No : 4 2941 Expiration : 07/01/2023 Brand Location: LHC LHH  4 HIBNER CH ARLES PO BOX 300 CEBOLLA NM 87 518 NM Master No : 53313 Expiration: 07/01/202 3 Brand Location : RHC RHH   I am willing to p
Timothy Fitzgerald 1/6/2022 2/4/2022 Ass ign ment D etermin atio n
This is a request for data to update an existing dataset provided by the Nevada State Office (Bea Wade, before she retired). I have made several FOIA requests for the same information and have not received a response. Ryan Witt, the national FOIA officer, has not responded to my repeated requests for more information. My previous relevant FOIA request numbers include: DOI-BLM-2022-001267 12/21/2021 DOI-BLM-2022-000725 11/16/2021 DOI-BLM-2022-000401 10/26/2021 DOI-BLM-2021-006263 9/26/2021 DOI-BLM-2021-005685 8/24/2021 DOI-BLM-2021-005067 7/15/2021 (Notice of response on 12/7/2021) DOI-BLM-2021-004503 6/20/2021 In February 2021, I was directed to Meredith Kueck in Oklahoma, but she has not replied since March 2021. In July 2021, Tiffany Wilhelm in the Nevada State Office assured me that tracking on my FOIA request would be provided shortly. I have s
Michael Ravnitzky 1/28/2021 ########## Ass ignmen t D etermin atio n A copy of the records previously pro cessed and authoriz ed for release in BLM FOIA request DOI BLM FOIA 20_005 923. I have not been able to retrieve these records from the unhelpful and apparently broken BASS sys tem, despite diligent attempts over a period of time.
Mr. Scott Heathcoat 8/10/2021 ########## Clo sed Ex. 7(A) Full Denial Based on Exemptions 12/5/2022 I would like to submit a FOIA (as recommended by DOI OIG) f or information regarding case number OI-HQ-21 -074 1-R. I do not kno w to whom their referral to FWS went to after the OIG team referred the inquiry back to FWS.
William Marshall 5/17/2021 ########## Clo sed Ex. 5, Ex. 6, Ex. 7(A), Ex. 7(C), Ex. 7(E) Partial G rant/Part ial Deni al 11/3/2021 USPP: Litigation 2 1-cv-13 02 relating to DOI-NP S-2021 -0030 80, which so ught five categories of records relating to January 6, 202 1, events at the US Capitol Building for the period o f December 1, 2020, thro ugh January 31, 20 21.
Lisa Christian 7/16/2021 ########## Ass ignmen t Det ermin atio n DINO: Three categories of records sin ce January 1, 2020, that co ncern TransWest Express LLC, the TransWest Express Transmission P roject, TWE Project, or its potential transmission easement(s) acros s Deerlodge Road. (Litigation for D OI-NPS-202 1-00 4078)
Jimmy Tobias 2/5/2018 3/5/2018 Clos ed Ex . 5 Ot her 10/7/2020 All written or electronic correspondence, including attachments, between Deputy Chief of Staff Downey Magallanes ( and DOI FOIA Program Analyst Justin Davis. This request pertains to records produced between July 15, 2017 and the date this request is processed.
Daniel S. L. Rubin 7/6/2023 Initial Evaluation Communications between the DOI/NPS or its agents or employees and the River Reporter ( or any of its members, agents or employees, regarding the Camp FIMFO project in the Town of Highland, sent or received between January 1, 2021 and the pres ent.
Daniel S. L. Rubin 7/6/2023 Initial Evaluation Communications b etween the DOI/NPS or its agents or employees and any news or media outlet or any of its reporters, agents or employees, regarding the Camp FIMFO project in the Town of Highland, sent or received between January 1, 2021 and the present.
Mike H owell 2/11/2022 4/6/2022 Processing Tasks February 11, 2022 Dear DOI FOIA office, On November 4, 2021 a Notice by the Department of the Interior (DOI) was posted on the Federal Register that: “The DOI Office of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) is establishing a new Department-wide system of records, INTERIOR/DOI-92, Public Health Emergency Response Records. This system will help DOI manage records related to DOI's res ponse to the COVID-19 public health emergency and future high consequence public health threats, support emergency or medically related decisions affecting DOI personnel, and ensure the health and safety of the various categories of personnel, contractors, grantees, detailees, volunteers, interns, long-term trainees, and visitors at DOI owned, operated, leased or managed facilities or properties.â
The notice can be located at
Neal McAliley 6/20/2023 ########## Initial Evaluation
1. The record related to the NPS Southeast Regional Director's decisions dated January 17, 202 3 and June 14 , 2023 regarding wetland mitigation for Burnett Oil Co., Inc.'s No bles Grade 3D Seismic Survey in the Big Cypress Nation al Preserve. The record consis ts of all docu ments and records con sidered by the NPS related to the decisions. 36 CFR 9.192 (c). NPS regulations provid e that "The Regional Director will make a copy of the record available to you upon request." 2. Documents showing and/or calculating any temporal losses o f wetland function du ring the Nobles Grade 3D s eismic survey in the Big Cypress National Preserve that have been identified and/or documented by the NPS. 3. Do cuments discu ssing or related to the effectiveness of reclamation activities for the Nobles Grade 3D Seismic Survey in the Big Cypress National Preserve. 4. Documents related to wetland mitigation activities that w
Mr. Evan B. Koslof 3/20/2023 ########## Cl osed Oth er 5/25/2023
03/19/202 3 Department of Interior - US Park Police Re: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request Bo dy Camera Video, Police-involved shooting of Dalaneo Martin Incident Date -- 03/1 8/2023 D ear FOIA Officer: This is a request for records under the Freedom of Information Act [o r Privacy Act]. I am requesting the body camera video for any USPP officers who were responding to th e incident on 3/18/20 23, which resulted in the death of 1 7-year-old Dalaneo Martin. Preliminary information ind icates that two Park Police officers were on the scene, and one was trapped inside the vehicle, while the other was dragged. We'd like to see the release of both of those offic ers' body camera videos, in the name of transparency. We believe that it is crucial that this video is released, so that community members can have trust in the investigation. For the purp oses of determining what, if any, fees may be assessed in
Mr. Thomas D Johns on 7/5/2023 8/7/2023 A ss ignmen t D etermin atio n On June 27, 2023, I submitted a written complaint to the Office of Professional Responsibility of the National Park Service. The complaint for conduct unbecoming is directed to a park law enforcement ranger Tim Standridge stationed at the Buffalo National River. I am requesting all documents, interviews , and other related reports concerning this matter as to be informed of the procedure and decisions made concerning this matter.
Lexis Nexi s 3/22/2023 ########## Clo sed Request Withdrawn 5/10/2023 Responding Agency: NATIONAL PARK SERVICES P RAR MANILA (I NTE Agency ID: 12.943Days Out: Transaction/Reference #: 2089861 312N ot High Monito red: STATE FARM CLAIMS COMPASS Report Type:Auto Accident Report/Case Number:NP230 5595 1 Date of Occurrence:3/6/20 23 12 :00:00AM Loc ation of Loss :OLD 41 HWY & KENNASAW AVE Cross Street: City:MARR IETTACounty:COBBState:GA Insu rance Company: STATE FARM CLAIMS COMPASS Insured Driver:Abdul A Muhammad Driver 2: Driver 3: Last Note: No Ass ociation Performed. Sent To Print By Iserv (iserv) 3/21/202 31:46 :18PM TAG #: VIN #:5FNRL1 8073 B0635 15
Matthew P Buchannan 3/13/2023 ########## Clo sed Full Grant 3/21/2023 Follow-up to non-responsive requests NPS-2023-002286 and NPS-2023-002938. Excel spreadsheet (or PDF) of listing of all NPS employees with the job title or position title that includes "Superintendent," "Park Manager" or "Site Manager." Include name, pay grade, unit assignment, date position was assumed, and position number. All other data can be withheld. Please provide the attached PDF (from a 2017 request) as an example of the expected result to the person who'll be performing the data extraction to ensure that all relevant job title entries are captured this time.
Benjamin Cassidy 7/7/2023 ########## Ass ign ment D etermi nati on As a writer at Seattle Met magazine, I am writing to request all "Bear Monitoring/ Observation Form – North Cas cades NPS Complex" s ubmission s with any mention of the word "grizz ly" from January 1, 199 6 to July 6, 2 023. Thank you.
Lexis Nexi s 4/7/2023 ########## R esearc h Rec ords
Responding Agency: U S PARK PDRAR MAN ILA ( I NTE Agency ID: 100 02Days Out:0 Transaction/Reference #: 20900165 63Not H igh Monitored: STATE FARM CLAIMS COMPASS Report Type:Other Report/Case Number: Date of Occurrence:3/15/202 3 12:00 :00AM Location o f Loss:R OCK CREEK PKWY NW WASHINGTON DC UNITED ST Cross Street: City:WASHINGTONC ounty:METROState:DC Insuranc e Company: STATE FARM CLAIMS COMPASS Insured Driver:MohamedIKamara Driver 2: Driver 3: Last Note: No Association Performed Sent To Print By Iserv (iserv) 4/6/20 23 11 :10:07AM TAG #: 2FE8275 VIN #:1HGC V1F10KA1 00859
Ben Fen ner 5/11/2020 7/8/2020 Clo sed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial G rant/Part ial Deni al 5/18/2021 AS-IA-Immediate office:1) Communications with the U.S. Department of the Treasury related to the decision to include Alaska Native regional corporations and village corporations ( �ANC�) in the amount set aside for dis tribution to Tribal governments purs uant to Title V of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, Pub . L. 116-1 36, 134 Stat. 281 (20 20) (�CARES Act�). 2) A meeting on or abou t April 13, 202 0 between ASIA, Tara Sweeney and ANC�s related to funding un der the CARES Act.
Kevin Bogardus 2/5/2021 3/9/2021 Clo sed No Records 2/8/2021 I request the following records from Jan. 1 to Feb. 1, 2021: ASIA-FOIA: 3. I request all records concerning Freedom of Information Act request logs maintained by your bureau/office. The FOIA logs should detail the request’s control number, the date it was received, who made the request, what company or organization they were from and the request’s subject. Please consider each numbered bullet point a separate FOIA request, with each requiring its own control number and response.
Kevin Bogardus 2/5/2021 3/9/2021 Clo sed No Records 2/11/2021 I request the follo wing records from Jan. 1 to Feb. 1, 20 21: ASIA Immediate Office: 4. I request a list of “s pecial government employees†(SGEs) employed by your bureau/office. A SGE is an agency employee that performs temporary duti es, with or without compensati on, for not more than 130 days during any period of 365 consecuti ve days, as defined in 18 U.S.C § 2 02. Please consider each numbered bullet point a separate FOIA request, with each requiring its own control number and response.
Gabriel G alanda 3/10/2022 4/8/2022 Clo sed Full Grant 3/31/2022 Any circa February 3, 20 22 formal statement by ASIA Bryan Newland that is believed to read: "Although the Interior Department has found that the Nooks ack Tribe appears to have followed its internal administrative processes, we implore the tribe’s leaders to stop their planned evictions. While we respect and commit to upho ld tribal sovereignty, we do not support th e manner in which these actions are being carried out. There is still time for the Nooksack Tribe to treat its community members with dignity and respect, and it is our ho pe that it will."
Paul Benson 7/7/2023 Cl osed Duplicate Request 7/14/2023
I would like to know how many applications were received for a 10-year lease on the Fearing Dune Shack during the RFP application period for Dun e Shack leases that the Cape Cod National Seashore / Region 1 Leasing Office ran from May 1 20 23 to July 3 2023. In add ition to the total number of application s, I would like to know the "rent offered" on each of th ose applications. P lease note that the fact that applications can vary in terms of how much rent is offered has been the subject of n ews articles from several organizations, complaints from the select boards of Provincetown and Truro, s mall protests outsid e the dunes in Provincetown, and meetings between local legislators and the leadership of the NPS. There is significant n ews value to the rent being offered on these dune shacks, and if ind ividual contractor propo sals are not identified by name, home city, or any other detail, then it is fair to argue th
Mr. Thomas Marti n 1/18/2023 ########## Res earc h Rec ords
Please consider this letter as a request made pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) regarding any accommodations Grand Canyon National Park has made to the Grand Canyon National Park river concessionaires operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic and resultant closure of the Colorado River in the Park. River Runners For Wilderness (RRFW) is a project of the non-profit, public interest, conservation organization Living Rivers, with more than 2,000 members and over 20,000 online activists dedicated to the protection of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon and to advocate for do-it-yourself river runners and the general public in the fulfillment of the educational goals of our organization. This FOIA request is necessary to allow RRFW and other interested members of the public to review and understand the operations of our government. On April 30, 2020, RRFW submitted a FOIA regardi
Ken L Davis 6/20/2023 8/3/2023 Clo sed Full Grant 7/6/2023 Requesting police report/records, prosecution/tribal court/restitution records for the damages done to my car by individual Kennedy Laducer for the following vehicle 2020 Chevy Equinox LT incident occurred on June 7, 2023
Jeffr ey Camp isi 7/17/2023 ########## Initial Evaluation All import/export activities for M ACACA FASCICULARIS, pertaining to Orient Bioresource Center, Envigo Global Services, Inc., Inotiv, Inc. or Covance Research Products Inc . Timeframe Jan 1, 2017 – June 30 , 2023.
Julianna Ferguson 6/22/2023 ########## Initial Evaluation Please produce the 911 call audio from a call placed on Jun e 17, 2023 at approximately 2:36 pm from Lake Mead in Swallow Bay near Battleship. The incident involved a man in a Mastercraft boat threatening the lives of a group of people on a pontoon boat.
Monic a Kraft 6/26/2023 ########## As sig nment Determ inat ion I want the report written by Chris Anderson, Officer No. 24 63, regarding Violation Notice No. 93 38909 , issued to Rob ert M. Weinstein, on 06/20/20 23, alleging Vandalism on Dyers Hollo w Road, Truro, MA. Included I want the name and address of the alleged victim.
Daniel S. L. Rubin 7/6/2023 Initial Evaluation Commu nic atio ns b etween t he DO I/NPS or it s agen ts o r empl oyees and t he Del aware Riv erkeeper N etwor k (ht tps ://www.del awareriver keeper.o rg/) o r any of it s memb ers, agents or emp loy ees, regar din g the C amp FIM FO p rojec t in t he Town of H igh land , sen t or rec eived b etween J anu ary 1, 202 1 an d th e pres ent.
Lynn Moller 5/5/2023 6/7/2023 Clos ed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C) Partial G rant/Par tial Den ial 6/7/2023 On May 2, 2023 at Mount Rushmore National Memorial, NPS Rangers responded to a request for assistance concerning an injury at the Carver's Cafe in the concessions building. The incident involved a minor head injury to a guest at the Memorial when a movable room divider fell on her. This occurred at about 9:57 AM. We are requesting any report filed by the responding ranger, Steve Wollman, about this incident .
Dylan Schell 4/10/2023 5/8/2023 Clos ed Duplicate Request 4/11/2023 I am requesting management plans for the different species that are being monitored throughout Yellowstone National Park. The s pecific plans that I am looking for are the Bison, Wolf and Bear management plans that are currently in place.
Mr. St ephen T Bear 1/10/2023 2/8/2023 C los ed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C) Partial Grant/P artial D enial 3/23/2023 On Tuesd ay, January 3, 2023, I was assaulted n ear the Washington Monument at approximately 101 5 hours. I am a Customs & Border Protection Officer, and was off d uty at the time, but I was carrying concealed. After fending off the attacker, i was able to draw my weapon in which the attacker took off running but was later taken into custo dy by U.S. Park Police.
Mr. Brian C Kenner 8/21/2020 ########## Clos ed No Records 8/25/2020 I found a copy of the memo by the OIG Deputy Ass istant IG for Investigations to the Special Agent in Charge, Office of Professional Respo nsibility, NPS for D OI OIG Case File No. OI-HQ-10-0 616-R that referred the complaint to the Office of Profess ional Responsib ility regarding the above OIG case involving Eric Brunnemann, Supt. Pinnacles NM, and an accu sation that he misused NP S employees and funds to build a clock tower at a school attended by his children and where his wife taught. I would like to know the disposition of the case by your off ice (OPR, NPS) and co pies of any report(s) pertaining to this case. Note the memo is dated July 28, 20 10.
Hannah Jiaco letti 3/17/2023 ########## As si gnmen t Deter minat ion I am looking for a police report that was done by the Park Rangers in Carlsb ad Caverns on January 15, 20 23 around 12:00-1 2:30 PM . The driver of one of the vehicles involved is Dominick D avis, the passengers name is Alanna O'Neal. The vehicles involved were a Toyota truck (driven by Kim Junhwan), a Do dge Ram truck, and a Hyundai Tuscon( driven by Dominick Davis ). A citation was issued by the Park Rangers to the driver of the Do dge Ram Truck
Katie Strong 4/20/2021 5/7/2021 Clos ed 8/6/2021
Ann Brown 5/15/2023 ########## C los ed Ex. 6 Partial G rant/Par tial Den ial 6/8/2023 The Center requests the following from the Bureau of Land Management (“BLMâ€
) Arizona State Office: 1. The records that document the status of all cattle removed April 15-1 6, 2023 from the San Pedro Riparian National Cons ervation Area (“SPRNCAâ€) includ ing: a. The records that document the dispos ition of the cattle and the owners of the cattle; b. All records documenting the aforementioned removal in Item #1 above from the Arizona Department of Agriculture (“ADAâ€) . 2. From February 1, 2023 to th e date BLM conducts this search: a. The records, including reports, that do cument the removal of the cattle not gathered by the April 15-16, 202 3 removal from SPRNCA, includin g the records that document the dis position of the cattle and the owners of the cattle of the aforementioned removal in Item #2 above, including all documentation from ADA. b. The records documenting BLM ’s m
Dr. Abigail R Heiniger 4/10/2023 5/8/2023 Clo sed Full Grant 6/6/2023 I would like the incident report for the car accident by th e Middlesboro entrance to Cumberland Gap N ational Park on 9 April 202 3 around 1 1am. I was rear-ended by another vehicle. At least three cars were involved. The officer was Andrew Dellett, LE Park Ranger, National Park Service, Cumberland Gap NHP. My license plate number is a TN plate: BBR 5730.
Lexis Nexi s 2/15/2023 Clos ed Duplicate Request 2/16/2023 Transaction/Reference #: 1743214713High Monitored:PROGRESSIVE INSURANCE Report Type:Auto Theft Recovery Report/Case Number: Date of Occurrence:2/21/2022 12:00:00AM Location of Loss: Cross Street: City:WASHINGTONCounty:METROState:DC Insurance Company: PROGRESSIVE INSURANCE Insured Driver:AntenehFantaye Driver 2: Driver 3: Last Note: No Associati on Performed. Sent To Print By Iserv (iserv) 2/10/20238:42:26AM TAG #: 59526B VIN #:1LNHL9FT2DG607266
Emilio Reyes 5/25/2023 7/5/2023 Clo sed No Records 6/13/2023 All communications with the Pacific Regional Office of the Bureau of Indian Affairs in regard to the 2022-2023 consultation, determining there is no provision preventing the Bureau from reviewing new evidence and issuing a determination on the Indian blood degree and tribal affiliation of an individual.
Mr. Sacha Ortega 4/28/2023 ########## Assi gnmen t Det ermin ation Police report fo r the death of Ethan Boyes in San Francisco P residio April 7, 202 3. The police report for the death of Ethan Boyes on April 7 ,2023 in San Francisco in the Presidio, part of Golden Gate National Rec Area, which is under jurisdiction of the U.S. Park Police.
Dr. Alison B rown 5/17/2022 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 6/3/2022 Public Comments submitted for Hard Rock Main Pit – Expansion and Road Realignment. Applicant: Hard Rock Paving & Redi-Mix, Inc NEPA Document Number: DOI-BLM-CO-F020-2018-0042 EA Lease/Casefile/Project Number: COC-080188
Tijuana D evaul 8/25/2022 ########## Cl os ed Full Grant 9/13/2022 I'm requesting the 1997 document submitted by the BOEM declaring that previous lessees/ operators are now responsible for abandonment liabilities if the current owner forfeits. This document comes with comments. Please ensure that the comments are included. I requested this information previously, and that request # is DOI-BOEM-2022-004986.
Margaret Towns end 5/3/2017 ########## Cl os ed Other 9/28/2020 Records from the U.S. DOI from January 20, 2017 to the date of this search: 1. All records of correspondence and any attachments and/or records referenced in the correspondence mentioning, including or referencing the rescission of Instructional Memoranda IM 122-2014 and IM 2011-038; Cont below.
James Ban ks 7/20/2017 ########## C los ed Other 7/22/2021 a. All records relating to commun ications involving Secretary Zinke and/or other DOI personnel with state and local interests, and oth er stakeholder groups, condu cted formally or informally, as part of the Bears Ears Interim Report review process and development of the Bears Ears interim Report CONTINUED BELOW....
Kevin Bogardus 5/6/2021 ########## C los ed Ex. 6 Partial G rant/P artial Den ial 8/19/2021 I request the listing of videos on the Department of the Interior's YouTube channel marked as "unlisted" and/or "private." This listing showing videos marked unlisted or private is on the YouTube Creator’s page for the channel. Please click on this link for more detail on DOI's YouTube channel (
Mr. Ro bert Dewitz 6/15/2023 Clos ed Other 6/23/2023 Provide an electronic copy (PDF) of the land lease(s) between NPS and the State of Hawaii/Department of Hawaiian Homeland for the land encompassing Kalaupapa Peninsula and Kalaupapa settlement - ie. Kalauapa National Historical Park
David Emmick 7/5/2023 Clo sed Oth er 7/7/2023 1999 survey of Queets homesteads conducted by park archeologists Dave Conca, Kirstie Haertel, and Marie Birnbaum of the Donaldson, Kittredge, Killea-Kelly, Gwin, Cowan, and Anderson homesteads along the Queets River.
Aaron Stone 7/18/2023 Clos ed Improper FOIA Request for Other Reasons 7/20/2023 I am requesting the phone recording from the emergency call on the George Washington Memorial Parkway between 15:15 and 15 :30 on 7/17 /2023 abou t a passenger of a vehicle not getting back in the vehicle after an accident.
Daniel S. L. Rubin 7/6/2023 Initial Evaluation Communications b etween the DOI/NPS or its agents or employees and the Town of State of New York or any of its agencies, departments, boards, officials, agents or employees, regarding the Camp FIMFO project in the Town of Highland, sent or received between January 1, 2021 and the present.
Filed Anonymously 3/3/2023 ########## Ass ignm ent D etermin atio n
Re: Director, NPS National Capital Region, Special Use Permit Application or Adjudication Sub ject: Denied application FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT in 2022 and 2023 NPS – Logan Circle park Dis trict of Columbia Applican t: Stonewall Bocce of Washington, Distric t of Columbia Und er the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. subsection 5 52, I am requesting information inclu ding a log and full or redacted release of all complaints, petitions, both electronic or hardcopy messages received by the bureau in oppos ition to or requesting the bureau deny a Special Use Permit for Logan Circle park in the Dis trict of Columbia to Sto newall Bocce in the calendar year 2022 and in the calendar year 2023. Doc uments that show how the bu reau confirmed legal standing and a valid and in proximity street address for all filed protests to Stonewall’s Bocce 202 2 and 202 3 special use permit applications . In order to help you d
May Yang 1/12/2023 ########## Clos ed No Records 1/18/2023 Transaction/Reference #: 20173042 61Not H igh Monitored: FARMERS INSURANCE FTP Report Type:Auto Accident Report/Case Number: Date of Occurrence:1/10/202 3 12:00 :00AM Location of Loss :INSURED BACKED INTO CLAIMANT IN PARKING LOT Cross Street: City:Coun ty:SAN DIEGOState:CA Insurance Company: FARMERS INSURANCE FTP Insured Driver:JerryChaffee Driver 2:NathanP ayne Driver 3: Last Note: No Association P erformed. Sent To Print By Iserv (iserv) 1/11/20 231 :10:36PM TAG #: VIN #: 5TEGM92N41Z77 5676
Morgan Yar dis 6/16/2023 8/7/2023 Initial Evaluation 1. From November 1, 2022, throu gh the date this request is process ed, records of commun ications involving the listed o fficials and the search terms in ‘list a’. 2. From November 15, 202 2, through the date this request is processed, records of communications in volving the listed officials and the search terms in ‘list a’. 3. From April 25 , 2023, thro ugh the date this request is process ed, records of commun ications involving the listed o fficials and the search terms in ‘list b’. 4. From May 24, 2 023, throu gh the date this request is process ed, records of communic ations involving the listed officials and the search terms in ‘list c’.
Godfrey Louie 1/31/2023 3/2/2023 Ass ignmen t D etermin atio n Fee Category - All other requester On Jan 12, 202 3, ~11AM, at the Bryce Canyon Visitor's Center Parking area, I backed into a parked black Subaru, NH license 422 2235 - causing rear passenger damages to my rental car and scratches on the black Subaru. The respondin g Park Ranger name is Austin Harding, badge 976. The case number is NP23 0097 03.
May Yang 1/25/2023 ########## Clos ed All Rec ord s Ref erred t o Ano ther Agenc y 6/6/2023 Respondin g Agency: U .S . PARK PDRAR M ANILA ( I NTE Agency ID: 10.002Days Out: Transaction/Reference #: 202981 2812 High Mon itored:ERIE INSURANCE Report Type:Auto Theft Report/Case Number:01 2223 8 Date of Occurrence:1/21/20 23 12 :00:00AM Lo cation of Los s:ON 295 NORTH, JUST AFTER RT 202 EXIT (LANOVER RD) Cros s Street: City:H YATTSVIL LECoun ty:PRINCE G EORGState:MD Insuranc e Company: ERIE INSURANCE Insured Driver:NjenwiehOnya-C lovis Driver 2: Driver 3: Last Note: No Asso ciation Performed. Sent To Print By Iserv (iserv) 1/24/2023 5:26:12 AM TAG #: VIN #:1 HGFA16816 L1016 64
Mike K obey 12/19/2022 ########## Cl osed Request Withdrawn 1/11/2023 1. Applicant withdraws FOIA request DOI-BOR-2023-001373. 2. Provide all 2022 Employee Performance Appraisal Plans for Nebraska-Kansas Area Office Water Management & Development Group. Omit any personally identifiable information.
Katie Clark son 2/16/2023 ########## Cl osed Full G rant 3/9/2023 I am requesting the full report from an auto accident my husband (Francisco Ortega Espinosa) and I (Katie Clarkson) were involved in within Yosemite National Park on 2/5/2023. This is for my auto insurance company. The National Park Service case incident number is 20230205-034. I have included the signed form below. Please let me know if you need anything additional to process this reques t. If possible, I would like to receive the records by email ( to help expedite this process. Otherwise, mail will work.
Shelli e A Pats ch eck 7/12/2023 ########## As sign ment Determ inati on Any and all reports, photos , notes, citations, doc uments, and records related to the death of Darrick Ray George (Date of Birth: 04/01 /1987) on 05/12/20 23 at the Bullfrog Main R amp, Bullfrog, Utah; while employed by iina ba, Inc.
Mr. Chris Wo ith 4/7/2023 5/5/2023 Ass ignm ent D etermin atio n Needing to request and obtain copies of Belcourt Police Department report number B022 17372 3 or DOI-BIA 20 22-00 6136 involving Fern Decoteau who was driving the involved 202 0 ford Explorer and an unkn own motorcycle rider. The loss occurred on H wy 5 EB near Belcourt, ND.
Yixin Zou 6/27/2022 ########## Clo sed Duplicate Request 7/22/2022 This is a duplicate of DOI-NP S-2022 -0045 0. Just fo und I need to submit fo rm 10-94 5 as well to retrieve report from NPS. Cannot upload to the old request. So attaching here. Description : YOSE: Requests report 202203 13-01 5, March 13, 2 022.
Jimmy Tobias 10/15/2019 ########## Cl osed Ex. 6 Par tial Gran t/Partial Denial 12/6/2019 Any and all written or electronic communication, including email attachments, between former DOI official Benjamin Cassidy and any employee, agent, official, lobbyist or representative of Safari Club International, or SCI. This request seeks records during Cassidy's time in office under the Trump administration.
Jimmy Tobias 10/15/2019 ########## Cl osed Ex. 6 Par tial Gran t/Partial Denial 9/29/2020 Any and all written or electronic communications, including email attachments, between former DOI official and any agent, representative, lobbyist, employee or official of the oil firm BP, or any of its subsidiaries. This reques t seeks records during Magallanes time in office under the Trump administration.
Jimmy Tobias 4/14/2020 ########## Clos ed Other 6/10/2020 request the following records: 1) Any and all daily and/or weekly internal situation reports produced by DOI concerning the COVID-19 pandemic. 2) Any and all communication plans and talking points produced by the Office of the Secretary concerning the COVID-19 outbreak and pandemic. continue below....
CRYSTAL A CAVALIER 3/23/2021 ########## Cl osed Ot her 3/23/2021 All and any emails, texts, faxes, all correspond ence between [email protected] (Office of th e Secretary at DOI) and Senior Human Resources Specialist, Erica J. Williams, erica.willia[email protected] all/any emails, texts, faxes, concerning my employment and negotiations, and salary Crystal Cavalier.
CRYSTAL A CAVALIER 3/23/2021 ########## Cl osed Ot her 3/23/2021 All and any emails, texts, faxes, all correspond ence between [email protected]ov (Office of the Secretary at DOI) and Senior Human Resources Specialist, Erica J. Williams, erica.w[email protected] all/any emails, texts, faxes, concerning my employment and negotiations, and s alary Crystal Cavalier.
Patrick Williams 2/21/2023 ########## Clos ed Request Withdrawn 2/23/2023 Please provide me with all email, memos and letters pertaining to " Flamingo Villas Lake Wales Ridge NWR, Susan Torkey ([email protected]), Justin P . Dewey ( [email protected]) betweenJanuary 1, 2014 till February 1, 2023.
LINDA L POITRA 1/4/2023 4/7/2023 Clo sed Full Grant 3/20/2023 I need a copy of my th eft report for my medication that was stolen from my home. I need the report to take to IHS to get all my medication refilled. The incident happen on 1/1 or 1 /2 of 202 3
Anya Schultz 4/4/2023 ########## Processing Tasks
I'm requesting all emails sent and received by Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland as well as emails sent and received by the staff of Secretary Haaland's office with the phrase "Ella Mae Begay" between June 15 20 21 to April 4 2 023
Cecilia Kane 6/5/2023 ########## Initial Evaluation A copy of the Department of the Interior's updated Work Environment Plan in response to OMB memo M-23-15 ("Measuring, Monitoring, and Improving Organizational Health and Organizational Performance in the Context of Evolving Agency Work Environments"), issued April 13, 2023.
Manuela Huso 5/9/2023 6/7/2023 Initial Evaluation
I respectfully request all email correspondence word documents and pdf's produced by Todd Katzner (tkatzner@usgsgov) between the dates of 6/1/2020 5/9/2023 that contain the words "huso" "mcclure" or "identiflight" regardless of capitalization
Bill Gabbert 1/26/2021 ########## C los ed Full Grant 1/11/2022
--How many Department of the Interior personnel whose primary duties are fire-related, or were assigned to a fire since the COVID-19 outbreak, have tested positive for COVID-1 9? --How many were hospitalized? --How many are still hos pitalized? --How many died after testing positive? --Ho w many are still experiencing significant symptoms and can't at this time return to full duty? --Among the four land management agencies (BLM, FWS, BIA, NPS), are there now, or will there be, any REQUIREMENTS that wildfire personnel get vaccinated for COVID-19? Or if they refuse, will they be restricted from being mobilized to an incident? --If a person working in fire contracts COVID-1 9, will the government pay their medical expenses and continue their pay? --How many DOI personnel who are subject to b eing assigned to a fire have been tested for COVID-19? What percent of this group has been tested? --
David Emmick 3/21/2023 Clos ed Other 4/4/2023 Olympic National Park photos and documentation of Delamater's [Delameter's] Kalalock Cabins on Highway 101 near Kalaloch. This res ort was dismantled by the Park in the 1950s. As part of the dismantling, photographs and documentation are usually produced and filed in the archives in relation to park curation. prefer electronic digital response.
David Emmick 3/21/2023 Clos ed Other 4/4/2023 Olympic National Park photos and documentation of the resort at Lake Ozette. This resort was dismantled by the Park st an unknown date. As part of the dismantling, photographs and documentation are usually produced and filed in the archives in relation to park curation. prefer electronic digital response.
Beatriz Porras 3/1/2023 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 3/27/2023 Our off ice represents Mr. Jose Sanchez for the bod ily injuries that he suffered as a result of the auto wreck occu rred on 02/18/20 23 on Kenn esaw Drive and Old Hwy 41. Officer Byrd from National Park Services investigated the scene and iss ued the case No. NP230 4719 1. We request to obtain a copy of th e police report issued by the off icer along with any notes, photos or any o ther documentation that is part of th is investigation.
C Blu 11/30/2022 ########## Cl os ed Fee-Related Reas on 1/6/2023 Regarding NPS LE interaction within the geographical boundaries of Olympic National Park, near the Madison Falls Trailhead, on November 3rd. Dispatch reports, calls, notes and any other records pertaining to a law enforcement interaction(s) on November 3rd, 2022. Also, and notes, incident reports, narratives, alerts, emails, text, calls, and body worn camera audio/video footage made, produced, filed, and/or submitted by Kevin Buckley and/or Duane Grego; regarding the law enforcement interaction(s) on the morning of 11/03/22 involving or otherwise pertaining to Mister C Blu. This information and records request should include any records of any report, alert, memo, narrative, discussion, or meeting that took place or was otherwise produced subsequent to the aforementioned 11/03/22 le interaction.
Amanda Vald ez 11/17/2021 1/5/2022 Ass ignm ent D etermin atio n Good afternoon, I have submitted two FOIA request and the tracking numbers are listed below. DOI- BLM-2 022-0 0022 1 The date I request was approximately on 10-15- 21 DOI-BLM -2022 -000 404 The date I request was approximately on 10-2 6-21 I am requesting information o n the HR employee. His wife was assigned both of th e FIOA request and I was directed to notify the FOIA office to raise your objection to the ass ignment. Could you please provide any updates abou t these request? I am asking for a fee waiver because this information will help the pub lic. By bringing this to attention it will help managers and HR und erstand that we all have to follow policy.
John Satira 9/19/2022 ########## Clo sed Duplicate Request ########### Please provide a copy of the FOIA request(s) s ubmitted to BLM on o r about October 21, 2 020 by any or all of the following entities or individuals: Niskanen Center, Inc., Ronald C. Sch aaf, Deb Evans, Bill Gow, Evans Schaaf Family LLC, Stacey McLaughlin, Will McKinley, James Dahlman, Joan Dahlman, Pamela Ordway, Clarence Adams, Greater Good Oregon, Landowners United, and/or Oregon Women’s Land Trust. I understand th at these may have been assigned the tracking numbers DOI-BLM-20 21-00 0331 and DOI-BLM-2 021- 00195 0. Please also provide a copy of any and all records publicly released to the FOIA requesters in respons e to these requests.
John M Satira 10/25/2022 ########## Cl osed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C), Ex. 7(E), Ex. 7(F) Partial G rant/Par tial Den ial 11/7/2022 Please provide a copy of the FOIA request(s) submitted to BLM on or about October 21, 2020 by any or all of the following entities or individuals: Niskanen Center, Inc., Ronald C. Schaaf, Deb Evans, Bill Gow, Evans Schaaf Family LLC, Stacey McLaughlin, Will McKinley, James Dahlman, Joan Dahlman, Pamela Ordway, Clarence Adams, Greater Good Oregon, Landowners United, and/or Oregon Women’s Land Trust. I understand that these may have been assigned the tracking numbers DOI-BLM-2021-000331 and DOI-BLM-2021-001950. Please also provide a copy of any and all records publicly released to the FOIA requesters in response to these requests.
Angelo Mat hay 6/15/2023 ########## Initial Evaluation
Dear FOIA Officer, I am writing to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. § 552, to obtain info rmation related to my Department of the Interior (DOI), Interior Business Center (IBC) accou nt and any access by ano ther agency or individual. I am currently an employee of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, but D OI IBC manages EEOC's time and attendance system. I recently received a letter from the DOI IBC indicating that someone from another federal HR system accessed my DOI IBC accoun t. In order to understand the circums tances surround ing this incident, I kindly request th e following information: 1. The name of the agency or individual that accessed my DOI IBC accou nt from another federal HR system. 2. The date(s) and time(s) when the access occurred. 3. Any available logs or records docu menting the access, including IP address es or any other ident
Michael Ravnitzky 2/16/2021 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 2/17/2021 I request a copy of the request letter, and each response letter, but not the responsive records, for this FOIA request: DOI-BIA-2018-007349. This is a noncommercial individual request that should be placed into the "all other requesters" fee category. I swear under penalty of perjury that this request is not for any commercial purpose.
Michael Ravnitzky 2/16/2021 ########## Clos ed No Records 9/16/2021 I request a copy of the request letter, and each response letter, but not the responsive records, for this FOIA request: DOI-BIE-2021-001283. This is a noncommercial individual request that should be placed into the "all other requesters" fee category. I swear under penalty of perjury that this request is not for any commercial purpose.
Ms. Max ine Ko rman 9/4/2020 ########## Clo sed Oth er 9/14/2020 Copy o f the DOI-BLM-WO- WO2000 -2019 -000 1-EIS (Propos ed Grazing Regulation Revision (43 CFR Part 4100 , exclusive of Alaska)) comments s ubmitted by Ron and M axine Korman on or about February 20, 2 020, along with all of its attached d ocuments as on f ile with your office.
Melissa Cain 10/28/2021 ########## Cl osed Ex. 5 P artial Gran t/Partial Denial ########### All comments and prot ests, as well as all attachments to comments and protests, s ubmitted to the Bureau of Land M anagement as part of the BLM CO Gunnis on Field Office project DOI-BLM -CO-S060 -201 4-000 1-EIS Gunniso n Field Office Domestic Sheep Grazing Permit Renewals EIS
Bruc e Pend ery 7/27/2017 ########## C los ed Other 10/7/2020 [C]opies of the products of this report and any recommendations, including but not limited to plans, reports, or written statements that discuss or mention the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) or the Department of the Interior (DOI) (hereinafter referred to as the �July 26 Product�) that are produced pursuant to section 2(d) of EO 13,783. CONTINUED BELOW....
Kevin Bogardus 11/12/2019 ########## Processing Tasks All requests for tickets provided by the Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts to the Department of the Interior made to the Wolf Trap Ticket Coordinator at All final decisions of the DOI Office of the Secretary and records provided identifying the statutorily authorized purpose for which the tickets were disbursed. Cont...
Jimmy Tobias 4/17/2020 ########## Clos ed Ex . 6 Part ial Gran t/Partial D enial ###########
Request the following records: Any and all written or electronic communications including email attachments and text messages between lobbyist Marc Himmelstein and any of the following DOI officials: Aurelia Skipwith Todd Willens and James Cason This request seeks records produced since January 1 2018
Ted Zukoski 1/29/2018 ########## Clos ed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial Grant/P artial Den ial 4/21/2023 Records since 4/1/201 6 relating to the Enefit American Oil Company Utility Corridor Project, identified by BLM as DOI-BLM-U T-G010-2 014- 0007- EIS, for which BLM issu ed a notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS) on 7/1/2013.
Michael Ravnitzky 2/16/2021 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 2/18/2021 I request a copy of the request letter, and each response letter, but not the responsive records, for this FOIA request: DOI-USGS-2017-002931. This is a noncommercial individual request that should be placed into the "all other requesters" fee category. I swear under penalty of perjury that this request is not for any commercial purpose.
Al Jon es 5/2/2022 6/6/2022 Clo sed Partial G rant/P artial Den ial 5/26/2022 Requestin g data on payments made by USGS (or by DOI as the parent agency to USGS) to c omplainants as a result of EEO, harassment, or workplace complaints. States of in terest are Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, South D akota, and Iowa. Not requesting personal information of any kind . Dates, organization name, amounts, case type is requested.
Daniel S. L. Rubin 7/6/2023 Initial Evaluation Communications between the DOI/NPS or its agents or employees and Andy Boyar regarding Kittatinny Canoes or its camp located in the Town of Barryville, New York (in the village of Narrowsburg)(, sent or received between January 1, 2000 and the present.
Brenden Mandzuk 4/7/2023 5/8/2023 Assi gnmen t Deter minat ion Copy of fatal accident report. Decedent: Sunday A. Okoro (passenger, DOB: 12/12/19 54) D ate of Accident: 01/31/202 3 Time of Accident: 2:41pm Lo cation of Accident: Suitland Pkwy eastbou nd, east of Meadowview Dr., Suitland MD 207 46 We're administering Mr. Okoro's Life Ins urance and Accidental Death claim and require a copy of the report in order to con duct our claims investigation. Thank you .
Ms. Christina Anderson 3/28/2023 ########## C los ed Ex. 6 Partial G rant/Par tial Den ial 3/29/2023 I need a copy of the po lice report for an accident that occurred on H WY 57, Fort Totten ND on 0 3-28- 2023 in volving Ken Hill and Gloria Redroad. Ken Hill was drivin g a 2007 MCI bu s and rear ended Gloria Redroad.
Mr. David Ross 5/22/2023 ########## Ass ign ment D etermi natio n We are a media outlet seeking any information relating to an application by the Pauma tribe of San Diego County to put land into trust. We seek any records including written and email records and communcations between January 2021-April 2023.
Mr. Chris Ward 9/20/2022 ########## Clo sed Full Grant ###########
FOIA request regarding 2022/2023 Gulf of Maine Floating OWF Digital Aerial Survey work for US Wind Inc I believe this to be referenced as OCS A 049 0 (please feel free to contact me to clarify if this doesn't s eem correct)
Timothy Fitzgerald 12/21/2021 2/7/2022 A ss ignmen t Det ermin ation
This is a request for data to upd ate an existing dataset provided by the Nevada State Office (Bea Wade, before she retired). I have made several FOIA requests for the same information and have not received a response. Ryan Witt, the national FOIA officer, has not respon ded to my repeated requests for more information. My previous relevant FOIA request numbers includ e: DOI-BLM-202 2-000 725 1 1/16/202 1 DOI-BLM- 2022- 0004 01 10/26 /2021 D OI-BLM-20 21-0 06263 9/26/202 1 DOI-BLM -2021 -0056 85 8/24 /2021 D OI-BLM-20 21-00 5067 7/15/202 1 (Notice of respo nse on 12/7/2 021) D OI-BLM-20 21-00 4503 6/20/202 1 In February 2021, I was directed to Meredith Kueck in Oklaho ma, but she has not replied sinc e March 2021. In Ju ly 2021, Tiffany Wilh elm in the Nevada State Office assured me that tracking on my FOIA request would be provided shortly. I have spoken with staff (Lynette) at the natio
Mr. Michael Ayele (aka) W 3/23/2021 ########## Clo sed No Records 3/29/2021
The basis for this records request are two press releases issued by the White House to educate members of the general public and that of the media about the executive branch of the government of the United States. (...) What I am requesting for prompt disclosure are all documents detailing (1) formal and informal ties existing between the White House, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Department of Commerce (DOC), the Department of Defense (DOD), the Department of Education (DoED), the Department of Energy (DOE), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Department of the Interior (DOI), the Department of Justice (DOJ), the Department of Labor (DOL), the Department o
Mr. Michael Ayele (aka) W 3/23/2021 Clos ed Duplicate Request 3/29/2021
The basis for this records request are two press releases issued by the White House to educate members of the general public and that of the media about the executive branch of the government of the United States. (...) What I am requesting for prompt disclosure are all documents detailing (1) formal and informal ties existing between the White House, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Department of Commerce (DOC), the Department of Defense (DOD), the Department of Education (DoED), the Department of Energy (DOE), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Department of the Interior (DOI), the Department of Justice (DOJ), the Department of Labor (DOL), the Department o
Mr. Michael Ayele (aka) W 3/23/2021 Clos ed Duplicate Request 3/29/2021
The basis for this records request are two press releases issued by the White House to educate members of the general public and that of the media about the executive branch of the government of the United States. (...) What I am requesting for prompt disclosure are all documents detailing (1) formal and informal ties existing between the White House, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Department of Commerce (DOC), the Department of Defense (DOD), the Department of Education (DoED), the Department of Energy (DOE), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Department of the Interior (DOI), the Department of Justice (DOJ), the Department of Labor (DOL), the Department o
Mr. Michael Ayele (aka) W 3/23/2021 Clos ed Duplicate Request 3/29/2021
The basis for this records request are two press releases issued by the White House to educate members of the general public and that of the media about the executive branch of the government of the United States. (...) What I am requesting for prompt disclosure are all documents detailing (1) formal and informal ties existing between the White House, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Department of Commerce (DOC), the Department of Defense (DOD), the Department of Education (DoED), the Department of Energy (DOE), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Department of the Interior (DOI), the Department of Justice (DOJ), the Department of Labor (DOL), the Department o
Mr. Michael Ayele (aka) W 3/23/2021 Clos ed Duplicate Request 3/29/2021
The basis for this records request are two press releases issued by the White House to educate members of the general public and that of the media about the executive branch of the government of the United States. (...) What I am requesting for prompt disclosure are all documents detailing (1) formal and informal ties existing between the White House, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Department of Commerce (D OC), the Department of Defense (DOD), the Department of Education (DoED), the Department of Energy (DOE), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Department of the Interior (DOI), the Department of Justice (D OJ), the Department of Labor (DOL), the Department o
Mr. Michael Ayele (aka) W 3/23/2021 Clos ed Duplicate Request 3/29/2021
The basis for this records request are two press releases issued by the White House to educate members of the general public and that of the media about the executive branch of the government of the United States. (...) What I am requesting for prompt disclosure are all documents detailing (1) formal and informal ties existing between the White House, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Department of Commerce (D OC), the Department of Defense (DOD), the Department of Education (DoED), the Department of Energy (DOE), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Department of the Interior (DOI), the Department of Justice (D OJ), the Department of Labor (DOL), the Department o
Mr. Michael Ayele (aka) W 3/23/2021 Clos ed Duplicate Request 3/29/2021
The basis for this records request are two press releases issued by the White House to educate members of the general public and that of the media about the executive branch of the government of the United States. (...) What I am requesting for prompt disclosure are all documents detailing (1) formal and informal ties existing between the White House, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Department of Commerce (D OC), the Department of Defense (DOD), the Department of Education (DoED), the Department of Energy (DOE), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Department of the Interior (DOI), the Department of Justice (D OJ), the Department of Labor (DOL), the Department o
Mr. Michael Ayele (aka) W 3/23/2021 Clos ed Duplicate Request 3/29/2021
The basis for this records request are two press releases issued by the White House to educate members of the general public and that of the media about the executive branch of the government of the United States. (...) What I am requesting for prompt disclosure are all documents detailing (1) formal and informal ties existing between the White House, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Department of Commerce (DOC), the Department of Defense (DOD), the Department of Education (DoED), the Department of Energy (DOE), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Department of the Interior (DOI), the Department of Justice (DOJ), the Department of Labor (DOL), the Department o
Mr. Michael Ayele (aka) W 3/23/2021 Clos ed Duplicate Request 3/29/2021
The basis for this records request are two press releases issued by the White House to educate members of the general public and that of the media about the executive branch of the government of the United States. (...) What I am requesting for prompt disclosure are all documents detailing (1) formal and informal ties existing between the White House, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Department of Commerce (D OC), the Department of Defense (DOD), the Department of Education (DoED), the Department of Energy (DOE), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Department of the Interior (DOI), the Department of Justice (D OJ), the Department of Labor (DOL), the Department o
Mr. Michael Ayele (aka) W 3/23/2021 Clos ed Duplicate Request 3/29/2021
The basis for this records request are two press releases issued by the White House to educate members of the general public and that of the media about the executive branch of the government of the United States. (...) What I am requesting for prompt disclosure are all documents detailing (1) formal and informal ties existing between the White House, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Department of Commerce (D OC), the Department of Defense (DOD), the Department of Education (DoED), the Department of Energy (DOE), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Department of the Interior (DOI), the Department of Justice (D OJ), the Department of Labor (DOL), the Department o
Mr. Michael Ayele (aka) W 3/23/2021 Clos ed Duplicate Request 3/29/2021
The basis for this records request are two press releases issued by the White House to educate members of the general public and that of the media about the executive branch of the government of the United States. (...) What I am requesting for prompt disclosure are all documents detailing (1) formal and informal ties existing between the White House, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Department of Commerce (D OC), the Department of Defense (DOD), the Department of Education (DoED), the Department of Energy (DOE), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Department of the Interior (DOI), the Department of Justice (D OJ), the Department of Labor (DOL), the Department o
Mr. Michael Ayele (aka) W 3/23/2021 Clos ed Duplicate Request 3/29/2021
The basis for this records request are two press releases issued by the White House to educate members of the general public and that of the media about the executive branch of the government of the United States. (...) What I am requesting for prompt disclosure are all documents detailing (1) formal and informal ties existing between the White House, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Department of Commerce (D OC), the Department of Defense (DOD), the Department of Education (DoED), the Department of Energy (DOE), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Department of the Interior (DOI), the Department of Justice (D OJ), the Department of Labor (DOL), the Department o
C Blu 11/30/2022 Clo sed Oth er 12/7/2022
Requesting any and all information and records pertaining to any law enforcement alerts pertaining to Mister C Blu, or Casey Strege from 02/01/20 through to the Present Date. Also, Any information and records pertaining to any investigation of Mister ‘C Blu’ or ‘Casey Strege’ from 02/01/20 thru to Present Date. Including yet certainly not limited to the date(s) any such investigation was initiated , and the date(s) any such investigation was ended. Additionally, i hereby request any records of Warning(s) and Citation(s) given to ‘C Blu’, be they written or verbal, from 02/01/20 thru to the Present Date. Additionally, i hereby request any and all records pertaining to any surveillance of Mister C Blu, Casey Strege, obtained, secured, recorded, produced, or otherwise attained by National Lark Service Personal pertaining to this latter part of this request should include any audio or video recordin
Adaora Mu ya 3/29/2023 Clo sed Duplicate Request 3/30/2023 A potho le repair that was on 295 towards Baltimore, RIGHT as you are getting onto the 1-95 N/1-495 N Baltimore/College Park ramp between 4/16/22 and 4/29/22 . I wrote a letter to both the State of Maryland and the National Park Service last year, but both denied that they are responsible for this road and refused to reimburse me for my tire damage. There is proof on th e National Park Service website that it is their road and I provided them with the screenshot, but they still denied it. If you are able to provide me with the record as to who repaired this pot hole, I will be able to peruse further this case by holding them accoun table for my reimbursement. I know that the pothole was repaired shortly after my car fell into it on 4/16/22, but I want to still provid e additional days just in cas e. I also have pictures of the exact location of the poth ole if needed for further clarity.
Evelyn Li 3/20/2023 5/8/2023 Clo sed Full Grant 4/21/2023 The record should be about Giant Panda, Yaya and Lele’s export paperwork submitted by the Memphis Zoo to the US Fisheries and Wildlife. It is a paperwork that is submitted in 2023, the FWS said they received the paperwork, and they directed me to FOIA if I want to get updates on the progress.
Arul Ku mar Raja Nataraj 2/21/2023 ########## Clo sed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C) Par tial Gran t/Partial Denial 6/13/2023 RE: CAD # 0490 - Inc ident Dated: 01/14/202 3 - Multi Car Collis ion Relevant Park/Refuge/Site/Other Location: Great Smoky Mountains Nation al Park Dear Officer, I am requesting a copy of the report associated with CAD # 0490 for the incident dated 01/14 /2023 f rom the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. I was directly involved in this inc ident - hit / rear ended by another SUV in a multi-car collision. I have sent a fax earlier requesting this report based on the form NPS-1 0-33 9 provided by the off icer attended the incident. However I have not received any response. So kindly help me with providing a copy of this report via my personal email or send a hard copy of th e report via postal mail to the mailing address provided. I sincerely appreciate your help on this. Thanks, Arul
Lexis Nexi s 4/10/2023 5/8/2023 Clo sed Request Withdrawn 5/24/2023 Transacti on/Reference #: 2108961212Not High Monitored: SENTRY INSURANCE FTP Report Type:Auto Accident Report/Case Number:202300002855 Date of Occurrence:3/24/2023 12:00:00AM Location of Loss:FOOTHILLS PARKWAY Cross Street: City:MARYVILLECounty:BLOUNTState:TN Insurance Company: SENTRY INSURANCE FTP Insured Driver:TuckerScates Driver 2: Driver 3: Last Note: TAG #: VIN #:ML5EXER11PDA89118
Nelva C ervant es 3/9/2023 ########## C los ed Partial Gran t/Parti al Denial 5/5/2023 I request any and all documents and /or records relating to the Fort Sill Apache Tribe's ("Fort Sill's") request to game on Fort Sill's land at Akela Flats (near Deming, New Mexico) or anywhere in the State of New Mexico from December 7, 2022 to the date of this request (March 9, 20 23). In addition , I request any and all documents and/or records pertaining to Fort Sill's applications and/or attempts to game or develop or expand Fort Sill's trus t land at Akela Flats (near Deming, New Mexico) or anywhere in the State of New Mexico from December 7, 2022 to th e date of this request (March 9, 2 023).
Evan J Herman 3/21/2023 ########## Clo sed Full Grant 4/17/2023
I am requesting the police report and video footage from Friday February 24 20 23 The incident occu rred at Hi5 Bar in the parking lot at approximately 1:30 a m I was a victim of a hit and run I walked out of the bar and was hit by a vehicle driven by Darah Lenoir s he didn't stop when she hit me s he just proceeded to leave the accident I filed a polic e report with Officer Austin Jeanotte on Friday February 24 202 3 I also went to emergency services at IHS in Belcourt that day I su ffered a bruised hip a knee injury a concuss ion and back pain
Savannah Jhee 1/9/2023 ########## As sign ment Determ inati on I am requesting to inspect the following: - Any public records involving communications (email, etc) between a certain individual and the Southwestern Region USFWS office. The individual's name is "Stephanie Lindsell". - I am interes ted in records as described above dating from January, 1, 2020, to the present (today is January 7, 2023)
Mr. James D Scott 3/20/2023 ########## As si gnmen t Deter minat ion Requesting the bod y camera video from a USPP involved shooting that oc curred on March 18 th, 2023 , in the 300 blo ck of 36th St N E, Washington, DC. Looking fo r video showing the events leading up the the shootin g, the shooting itself, and at least 10 minu tes after the shooting from 3 b ody cameras in total (the two officers and on e sergeant involved in this.) Fee Category: News Media
Mares a Jens on 8/13/2019 ########## C los ed Ex. 5 Partial G rant/Par tial Den ial 1/27/2020 All communications and records from April 18, 2018 related to the timing of, and deadlines for, all agency, cooperating agency, contractor, and subcontractor work on the draft and final Coastal Plain Oil and Gas Leasing Environmental Impact Statement DOI-BLM-AK-0000-2018-0002-EIS (leasing EIS).
Michael Ravnitzky 2/16/2021 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 2/18/2021 I request a copy of the request letter, and each response letter, but not the responsive records, for each of these FOIA requests: DOI-BOEM-2017-000955. This is a noncommercial individual request that should be placed into the "all other requesters" fee category. I swear under penalty of perjury that this request is not for any commercial purpose.
Andr ea Roger s 7/11/2022 ########## Cl osed No Records 10/7/2022 All available records pertaining to the below incident: DOI: 1/1/2021 LOI: Gulf of Mexico Parties: Oceaneering International Inc / Transocean Offshore Deepwater Drilling / Chevron USA Inc / Deepwater Conqueror / Shanon Santee Incident: Employee injury while aboard Transocean's drilling ship
Adam Fed erman 8/26/2021 ########## Processing Tasks
On January 6 202 1 DOI held an oil and gas lease sale in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge One of the primary bidders was the Alaska Investment Development and Export Authority or AIDEA This is a request for any and all correspondence or co mmunication between the Office of the Secretary and AIDEA between November 1 2 020 and the present
Adam Fed erman 5/19/2023 7/6/2023 Initial Evaluation This is a request fo r any correspondence to/from DOI Senior Advis or for Alaska Affairs Raina Thiele and NANA corporation or NANA corp oration representatives. Date range is April 2021 to the present. In addition, I'm requesting any corresp ondence to/from Ms. Thiele referring to the Ambler Road project or Ambler Access Project.
Daniel S. L. Rubin 7/6/2023 Initial Evaluation Communications between the DOI/NPS or its agents or employees and members of the general public regarding Kittatinny Canoes or its camp located in the Town of Barryville, New York (in the village of Narrowsburg)(, sent or received between January 1, 2000 and the present.
Emilio Reyes 6/5/2023 ########## C los ed 6/6/2023
Emilio Reyes 6/5/2023 ########## C los ed 6/6/2023
Robin Shaw Jr 1/17/2023 4/7/2023 Clo sed No Records 4/3/2023 Need a transcript o r recording of radio communication with BIA Dispatch, known as " 8-Zero" and an EMS Rig, call sign "63 32" on the morning of January 7, 20 23 at approximately 0400 . I received a complaint of some unprofessio nal talk on the radio by one of our s taff.
MARY JAMERSON 1/7/2021 ########## Clos ed 1/21/2021
Kevin O'Nea l 1/6/2023 2/6/2023 Clo sed Full Grant 3/9/2023 Requesting motor vehicle accident report fo r case # 202301 01-03 3. Rear-end accident/hit-and-run occurred on 01 /01/2023 on Hwy 120 n ear Buck Meadows, CA in Yosemite National Park. Tim Knaus was the responding US Park Ranger. My vehicle is a silver Toyota RAV4; the other vehicle involved was a white Toyota FJ Cruiser. Please see attached Form 10-945 .
Dr. RONALD A. GABEL 4/20/2023 ########## As sig nmen t Deter minat ion Please send me (via email attachment) copies of all agendas, meeting notes , and minutes for the meetings of the Herring River Technical Team (HRTT) from July 2019 through April 2023. This request includes all records documenting or reporting on HRTT deliberations or decisions, starting with the meetings on July 24, August 15, and September 4. 2019, and including all subsequent HRRT meetings to the present.
Gene L . Earley 6/15/2023 ########## Cl osed Full G rant 6/23/2023 Request the DOI NPS "Proposed Boundary Plan, Proposed Gulf Islands National Seashore," numbered NS-GI-7100J, and dated December 1970â€. PUBLIC LAW 91-660-JAN. 8, 1971, H. R. 10874, established the Gulf Islands National Seashore as depicted in the "Proposed Boundary Plan, Proposed Gulf Islands Nati onal Seashore," numbered NS-GI-7100J, and dated December 1970â€. There were multi ple boundary plans proposed during the Congressional Process and NS-GI-7100J was the Congressional Act approved DOI NPS GINS federal boundary. If there is an electronic link to this document, please provide. Thanks very much.
Ms. Elizabeth Byrne 1/25/2021 ########## C los ed Full Grant ########### This law firm represents Sanare Energy Partners, L LC (“San areâ€) in connection with its appeal of a November 16, 2020 DEMAND for Payment and related invoice (the “Demandâ€) issued by the Offi ce of Natural Resources Revenue (“ONRRâ€). A copy of the Demand is attached hereto as Exhibit “A.â€ Pursuant to the Freedom of Informati on Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552, and the provisions of 43 C.F.R. Part 2, we request copies of the documents described in the document attached hereto. We previously made an identical request, assigned tracking number DOI-OS-2021-002033, but we believe the request did not include the above referenced Exhibit A. Therefore, we submit this request in place of DOI-OS-2021-002033. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.
Mr. Gary K Oldehoff 10/18/2022 ########## Evaluation of Records Complete Record of Consu ltation by the U.S. DOI Fish and Wildlif e Service, Service Code No. 04EF200 0-201 6-F-05 91 Vero Beach, FL November 2015 - The Fish and Wildlife Service’s complete record of the consultation related to file 04EF2000-2 016- F-0591 , including, but not limited to, all doc uments (electronic or paper), all correspond ence (electronic or paper) sent or received, all records of monitoring or enforcement, all phone records ( electronic or paper), and drafts and no tes (electronic or paper), and all records referred to at the bottom of page 1 of the Service’s letter in the file dated April 4, 2017, from Rox anna Hinzman to Jaso n A. Kirk, Colonel, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, containing the Service’s Biological Opinion .
Matthew G ray 7/13/2023 ########## As si gnmen t Det ermina tion
This correspondence serves to request the following documentation: 1) For the years 2015 through July 10, 2023 inclusive the quantity of special use permits requested by private sector persons at Yosemite National Park for the purposes of operating any unmanned aircraft as defined by the June 19, 2014 Policy Memorandum 14-05. 2) For the years 2015 through July 10, 2023 inclusive the quantity of the number of special use permits issued or written authorization granted by the Superintendent of Yosemite National Park to private sector persons (non-government and non-research) at Yosemite National Park for the purposes of operating any unmanned aircraft as defined by the June 19, 2014 Policy Memorandum 14-05. 3) In the nine (9) years since the Memorandum was published, any findings which have been completed and published by NPS or Yosemite National Park to "determine whether spec
Breadcrumb Watcher 3/15/2023 Clos ed Other 3/16/2023 P lease provide copies of the following reports in the National Park Service's (NPS) IMARS: NP19 03091 1 NPS NP1 9043 884 NP S
Adam Fed erman 3/24/2021 5/5/2021 Clo sed Ex. 6 Part ial Gran t/Partial D enial 9/27/2021 On January 18, the Biden administration announced that Elizabeth Klein would be nominated as DOI's deputy secretary. On March 22, it was reported that Klein's nomination had been withdrawn. This is a request for any and all correspondence to/from Ms. Klein referring to her nomination, preparation for her senate confirmation hearing, or any other materials concerning her nomination as deputy secretary. Date range for the request is January 1 to March 24.
Menglong Zhu 4/17/2023 ########## Cl osed Full Gran t 5/11/2023 Dear Officer, I was the driver of the vehicle in the accident that happened at the parking lot of Death Valley Furnace Creek Visitor Center on Feb 24, 2023 . I self-collided with a pillar in the parking lot. The vehicle was a grey Mazda CX-5. I was wondering if I could have a copy of the police report as I am dealing with the insurance company and rental company fo r the repair costs. Please let me know if you need any information from my end.
Rebecc a Fis cher 3/11/2019 4/5/2019 Clo sed Ex. 3, Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial Grant /Partial D enial ########### CO-19- 020 Requestin g any and all records created, received, and/or transmitted by the BLM since January 1, 2018 regarding the Mallard Exploration LLC Wigeon Blue Teal Shoveler Green TealPintail Cinnamon Teal APDs Project, NEPA # DOI-BLM-CO- F020-2 019-0 004 EA.
Andr ea Roger s 11/4/2021 ########## Cl osed No Records ########### I am requesting any/all USCG information p ertaining to the following incident: Incident Information: DOI: 1 0/29/201 8 / Parties Involved: Louis Perry / Mike Hooks D redging LLC/  LOI:Pascagoula Shippin g Channel; Pascagoula, MS / Type of Incident: Injury while working onboard a barge /
Elizab eth R ash eed 7/1/2021 ########## C los ed Duplicate Request 11/2/2021 Please see the attached FOIA request for records related to red-cockaded woodpeckers in North Carolina. This request was previously submitted on March 19, 2021 and assigned tracking number DOI-FWS-2021-003115. Because I have received no confirmation or response to this request, I am re-submitting it here.
Dr. D aniel Kramer 2/8/2023 Clos ed Recor ds N ot R easo nabl y Des crib ed 3/17/2023 I am seeking three types of information related to DOI's management of endangered species for the past 10 years. 1. Listing petitions 2. FOIA requests related to endangered species (listing, decisions, rules etc.) 3. Public comment data related to endangered s pecies (rules, listings etc.)
Jimmy Tobias 3/20/2020 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 1/19/2021 Any written or electronic communications, including email attachments and text messages, sent or received by DOI Senior Adviser Jeff Small concerning the February 27, 2020 briefing call on the modernization the National Environmental Policy Act that the White House and other senior administration officials held with stakeh olders. continue below.....
Jimmy Tobias 4/17/2020 ########## Clos ed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial Grant/P artial Den ial 9/25/2020 Any and all written or electronic communications, including email attachments and text messages, between Ann Loomis, Vice President of Federal Affairs at Dominion Energy, and any of the following DOI officials: Aurelia Skipwith, Todd Willens, and James Cason. This request seeks records produced since January 1, 2018.
Mares a Jens on 5/21/2020 ########## Processing Tasks Since December 20, 2017, any records related to the development, implementation, and execution (including the compilations and production of responsive records) of any unique or separate processes and formal or informal procedures to review FOIA requests made to the D epartment of the Interior (DOI) and any of the Bureaus or Offices within for requests related to the Arctic Refuge.
PETER J B YRNE 10/26/2020 ########## Clo sed Full Gran t ########### Contract between NPS/DOI and WSP/Louis Berger for the EIS for Point Reyes National Seashore Golden Gate District General Management Plan Amendment EIS, released Sept. 2020: Here is the link to the EIS site:
Lois Steven s 11/1/2022 ########## Clo sed Fee-R elated Reas on ###########
I Lo is Stevens (Personal Representative for the Estate of Dominic Orin Stevens Sr's attached as a copy with this doc ument) am requesting copies of ALL leases fro m "2016 2023" Leases pertaining to th e Estate of Dominic Orin Stevens Sr (Enrollment # 202 U0 0793 7)
McK enzi e Herz 2/21/2023 Cl osed Improper FOIA Request for Other Reasons 4/12/2023 We're needing a copy of the police report from an accid ent on 2/18/202 3 at the Sky Dancer Casino and Reso rt around 838 am. Report number is: B0230 49472 . Parties involved are Louie Arcenas. Other party was driving a silver poniac with turtle mountain plates AAJ266.
Harvey Ross Jr 3/27/2023 ########## Cl osed Full G rant 6/12/2023 Request any correspondence, letter, email notification to the Kickapoo Tribe in KS dealing with the subject of funding being withheld due to non-compliance with the requirement to have the financial audits completed within the last three years. The notice likely is dated in February or March 2023.
Mr. Patrick R Kelly 2/10/2023 ########## Cl os ed Full Grant 5/25/2023 1) All “D eterminatio n of Caus al Factors †documents and associated monitoring reports for the Succor Creek Allotment (#0511) for the period 01/01/1997 to 02/10/2023. [Note: these reports are triggered when rangeland health standards are not being met, which is the case with this allotment]
Mr. Christopher D Findlay 3/21/2023 5/2/2023 Clo sed Full Grant 4/3/2023 I request a copy of the Position Description (PD) for the recently advertised position of: Industrial Hygiene and Safety Manager GS 15 Series 0690. Announcement number OS-6048-23-AW 077(MP), Control number 709929100. Closed on 3/15/2023.
Lexis Nexi s 2/17/2023 Clos ed Duplicate Request 2/21/2023 Transaction/Reference #: 2032800963High Monitored:ALLSTATE INSURANCE Report Type:Auto Accident Report/Case Number:22-073741 0 Date of Occurrence:8/10/2022 12:00:00AM Location of Loss:SUITLAND PARKWAY Cross Street: City:FORESTVILLECounty:PRINCE G EORGState:MD Insurance Company: ALLSTATE INSURANCE Insured Driver:TalikBarber Driver 2:RyanMurphy Driver 3: Last Note: No Associati on Performed. Sent To Print By Iserv (iserv) 2/16/2023 10:33:12AM TAG #: VIN #: 2G1WM15K969232960
Mrs. Bonnie J Bless ing 2/28/2023 ########## Clo sed Full Grant 3/22/2023 C ould I get a electronic copy of three documents: 1) In cidental Take Permit for Century Community The Preserve Incidental Take Permit for mitigation bank, (USFWS Lacey WA) 2) Biological Opinion for Century Community The Preserve for mitigation bank (USFWS Lacey WA) 3) M onitoring reports for th e years 2021, 202 2 and 20 23 (when available) of Century Community The Preserve Mitigation Bank (USFWS Lacey WA)
David Donehue 4/28/2023 6/6/2023 As sign ment D etermi nati on
I would like access to data related to overall national park visits (ie specific data on every single national park in the country over the past 10-15 years [2008-2023]). I want to see just generally the number of people that have visited the parks and when people are visiting the parks. On top of this I would like datasets of incident reports from the Incident Management Analysis and Reporting System (IMARS) related to search and rescue operations that have occurred throughout the national parks over the last 10-15 years [2008-2023]. I would like to see just general datasets that are available for visitation, and I would like to see data related to search and rescue operations. If that data could include what kinds of operations were performed, the outcome of the operation, and resources required if available that would be extremely helpful. Numbers of patients involved, patient disposition (de-identified), and out
Allan Blutstein 12/15/2020 ########## Clo sed Ex. 6 Parti al Grant /Partial D enial 3/3/2021 Correspondence received from Congresswoman Deb Haaland since 2019.
Rose Santos 12/21/2020 ########## C los ed Full Grant 4/7/2021 [FGI FOIA Ref # 20-71269 G] Relevant to GS00Q17 NSD300 9 Task Order 140A1 620F00 13, we seek copies of the following agency records: (1) Task order title page (1st page only) and (2) the Task Order’s CURR ENT Statement of Work/Performance Work Statement (SOW/PWS) [WE DO NOT SEEK ANY PRICING or EXEMPT INFORMATION; CLEALY RELEASABLE IS ACCEPTABLE] If you have any questions contact me.
James Still 7/26/2021 ########## Cl osed Fee- Related Reas on 8/31/2021
-> The 1979 Tunica-Biloxi Petition for Acknowledgment (and any supplements). -> Unofficial tribal roll of Chitimacha Indians, dated June 1959. The Petition is the subject of the BIA's formal response ( which resulted in the tribe's acknowledgment in 1981. The Petition is referenced throughout the Response and is a compilation of important ethnographic reports, genealogical information and the membership rolls. This was the first petition under modern regulations approved by the Office of Federal Acknowledgment. It is relevant as a model application, evidence of OFA's early regulatory interpretation, of the Tunica tribe's eligibility for acknowledgment, and as cross-reference material for individuals and other petitioning tribes. The Chitimaca Roll was reviewed by the Office of Acknowledgment to verify Tunica-Biloxi m
Mr. Hiawath a North ingto n 4/19/2023 ########## Clo sed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C) P artial Gran t/Partial Denial 7/17/2023 Requesting any investigative reports (including photographs) regarding a single vehicle fatality occurring on April 7, 2023 near Mile Marker 66 on the Natchez Trace (near Edwards, Mississippi). I represent the company that owns the vehicle involved in the accident, Fluid Truck, with a VIN of 1FTBR3X86NKA54989. The individual driving the vehicle was Montavious Upshaw, and our understanding is that he hit a downed tree on the Trace, which caused the cargo in the vehicle to move forward into the cab and fatally injury him.
Emilio Reyes 6/5/2023 ########## C los ed 6/6/2023
Emilio Reyes 6/5/2023 ########## C los ed 6/6/2023
Emilio Reyes 6/5/2023 ########## C los ed 6/6/2023
DOI-BLM-2022-000725 Timoth y Fitzgerald 11/16/2021 ########## As si gnmen t Det ermina tion This is a request fo r data to update an existing dataset provided by the Nevada State Office (Bea Wade, before she retired). I have made several FOIA requests for the same information and h ave not received a response. Ryan Witt, the national FOIA officer, has not responded to my repeated requests for more information. My p revious relevant FOIA request numbers include: DOI-BLM-2 022-0 0040 1 10/26 /2021 DO I-BLM-20 21-00 6263 9/26/2021 DOI-BLM-2 021- 00568 5 8/24/20 21 DOI-B LM-202 1-005 067 7 /15/2021 DOI-BLM-2 021-0 0450 3 6/20/20 21 In February 2021 , I was directed to Meredith Kueck in Oklahoma, but she has no t replied since March 2021 . In July 2021 , Tiffany Wilhelm in the Nevada State Office assured me that tracking on my FOIA request would be provided shortly. I have spoken with staff (L ynette) at the national headquarters, and they have assured me that Ryan Witt from the nation
DOI-OS-2023-005700 K yle Cam pbell 7/6/2023 8/3/2023 Initial Evaluation DOI IBC administrated a GSA EBuy Solicitation o n behalf of Department of Health and Hu man Services (HHS) Administration for Children and Families (ACF); Titled: Child Welfare Reviews Project (CWRP) – Suppo rt for the Child and Family Services Reviews and State Team Training GWAC Contract used: GSA Delivery Order Number: 47QRAA18D0 0AE – 140 D0420 F0536 , Awardee: JBS International, Inc Date Range Jan 1, 2020 – June 20, 202 3 Under the provisio ns of the Freedom of Information Act , I am requesting access to the following: 1. Copy of th e request for proposal (RFP ), Statement of Work (SOW) and other documents used for the solicitation under the GSA solicitation. 2. Co py of the original contract and any mod ifications 3. Co py of the most recent annual report 4. Cop y of the three most recent monthly reports.
Ryan Bavett a 5/8/2023 6/6/2023 Ass ign ment D etermi natio n Copies of request, respon se, and documents related to FOIA NOs: NPS-20 17-0 0884, NP Sâ€201 8â€00 481, Addition ally, the following FOIA NO is marked as status Disposition : OTHER. If the response or documents are currently available, please return them. In not, please process without this. DOI-NP S-2023 -003 489
Paul Flatley 4/3/2023 5/1/2023 Clos ed Full Grant 4/24/2023 Seeking all email correspondence by Angela Wadman and Matt Janowiak at the Utah State BLM office with any other BLM or DOI office between January 1st 20 21 and December 5th 2 022 con taining the following words: nonco mpetitive "Morning Gun Exploration " UTU956 79 UTU 95 679 UTU0 919-0 21 UTU09 19 m
Jimmy Tobias 4/19/2018 ########## Clos ed Other ########### Written or electronic communications, including attachments, sent or received by DOI Energy Counselor Vincent DeVito that contains one or more of the following� words or phrases: 'Texas hornshell', 'TX horns hell', 'hornshell listing', and/or 'hornshell'. This request seeks records produced between July 11 1 2017 and August 18, 2017.
Mr. Al Jones 8/8/2022 9/6/2022 C los ed Full Grant 9/6/2022 Data on payments made by USGS (or by D OI as the parent agency to USGS) to complainants as a result of EEO, harassment, or workplace complaints. All states and territories. Not requesting personal info rmation of any kind; dates, organization name, amounts, case type are requested. Requesting for the calendar years of 201 8, 2019 , 2020, 20 21 and 2 022 (ytd ).
Daniel S. L. Rubin 7/6/2023 Initial Evaluation
Communications between the DOI/NPS or its agents or employees and any news or media outlets or their reporters agents or employees regarding Kittatinny Canoes or its camp located in the Town of Barryville New York (in the village of Narrowsburg)(https://kittatinnycom/camping/kcamp campground/) between January 1 2000 and the present
Rylee G . Mun so n 12/13/2022 ########## Initial Evaluation
Pursuant to the Freedom of Info rmation Act (FOIA), I hereby request any and all information in the form of notes, ph otos, research, documents, video, recordings , and other collected materials: 1) Related to any right-of-way or easement that exists now or formerly in the form of a gravel driveway running over Foothills Parkway, Section 8 to Grassy Branch Road in Sevierville, TN (please see supporting file for more specific location information) ; 2) Related to the conveyance of the real property described as Tract 13 conveyed from the State of Tennessee in connection with Project 78075 -260 5-04 f or Foothills Parkway, Section 8C; 3) Related to con tact or correspondence between the DOI's Office of th e Solicitor or the National Park Service and Jason Peixoto; 4) Related to con tact or correspondence between the DOI's Office of th e Solicitor or the National Park Service and Sherry Copeland; 5) Related to contact o
Joanna Zhang 7/18/2023 8/4/2023 Clo sed 7/19/2023
Aspen Durand 4/3/2023 5/3/2023 Ass ignm ent D etermin atio n
April 3, 2023 Via on line submissio n form Pursu ant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. § 552, and the accomp anying Department of the Interior (Department) Regulations, 43 C.F.R. §§ 2.1-2.41, and on behalf of PETA, I am requesting copies of the follo wing records: ï
´Any and all records related to PETA’s February 3, 2023 request to investigate Marcus Cook, Lisa Lopez, Genesis Shur-Path, Inc., and Universal Fairs. (Forwarded to Acti ng Regional Director Oetker). If records which are responsive to this request are located in other FWS offices, please forward this request to all appropriate offices. The term “recordsâ€ includes, but is not limited to, responses to USFWS reques ts, internal agency discussions, reports, studies, correspondence, memoranda, permit application materials, meeting notes and minutes, drafts and working papers, notes and summaries of conversati ons and interv
Ann Brown 3/3/2023 ########## Cl osed No Records 5/30/2023
The Cen ter requ est s fr om th e U.S. D epart ment o f th e Interi or ( “I nteri orâ€
), Offi ce of the Secretary (“OSâ€): From February 1, 2023 to the date OS conducts this search, the White House visitor log or calendars or calendar invitati ons that document the meetings held among OS and/or the Bureau of Land management (“BLMâ€) and/or the White House personnel with representatives of any environmental organization regarding the Record of Decision on the ConocoPhillips Willow Project (“Willow projectâ€) in February and/or March as generally described by multi ple news sources including the Washington Post, Bloomberg, and E&E News.2 Please note: The Center does not request any other records relating to the contents of such meeti ngs, only the date and participants of such meetings. The Center does not request any other records here regarding any deliberations regarding the Record of De
Mr. Lawrence H Hobbs 1/3/2023 2/6/2023 Clo sed Duplicate Request 1/6/2023
ATTn: J Barbara Eggers Assistant Director, Office of Business Management and Administration 1849 C Street NW Washington, DC 20240 Phone: 202-208-5442 Fax: 202-208-5964 Email: begge[email protected] Attn: Joseph Mendez Business Center Director (Acting) BLM Accounts Receivable Section Bldg. 50 PO Box 25047 Denver Colorado 80225 Phone: 303-236-8857 Fax: 303-236-6450 Attn: Nena Munoz Ref: 1375 (LLOC6210000) (303) 236-6338 43 CFR 2.60 NOTIFICATION: The undersigned, Requestor, Lawrence H Hobbs an individual hereby, through this letter, is an individual requesting notification of the existence of any and all records on himself addressed to the appropriate bureau/office System Manager as identified herein above. This request is in writing, signed by the requester, and meets the content requirements of 43 CFR 2.60.; and Notice of disputed debt pursuant to DOI-BLM false claims o
Mr. Hudson Munoz 4/26/2021 6/8/2021 Clos ed Full Grant ###########
This is a request for copies o f records under the Freedom of Information Act. This request is for records fro m a meeting in 2017 and a meeting in 2018. On J uly 21, 201 7, American Stewards of Liberty executive director Margaret Byfield met with DOI senior officials in cluding Todd Willens, Katharine MacGregor, and Kathleen Benedetto about a "D raft Coordination EO." On Ju ne 27, 201 8, DOI senior off icials including Timothy Williams, Todd Wyn n, Greg Sheehan, and Aurelia Skipwith met with American Stewards of Liberty executive director Margaret Byfield, Atlas Sand president Bud Brigham, COO Hunt er Wallace, and general counsel Rich Fletcher, Noss aman Counsel Alan Glen and SWCA senior bio logist Amanda Aurora. For each of these meetings I am requesting the following records: the meeting request form, any materials received by the named officials related to the meeting, notes taken during the meeti
Kevin Gard en 3/30/2023 ########## As sign ment Determ inat ion
A copy of the following analyses which were referenced by Regional Director Foust in a letter to Kevin Garden dated March 22, 2023: [a] Analysis of how operations at Powers Island and Paces Mill (CRNRA) aligned with NPS laws, regulations and policy, and CHAT specific planning documents, contracts, and CUAs; [b] Analysis of how CHAT determined that limiting CUA operating locations at Johnson Ferry North, Powers Island, and Paces Mill units is consistent with its existing commercial services strategy, management guidance, and applicable laws and regulations; [c] Analysis of how limiting the above-referenced operations will provide the best experience to CHAT visitors; [d] Analysis of issues with visitor safety and experience occurring in CHAT related to the above-referenced operations; [e] Analysis of the difficulty of CHAT responding to incidents, emergencies, and visitor inquiries related to the above-ref
Vincent Marcellino 4/4/2023 5/2/2023 Clo sed Ex. 5, Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C), Ex. 7(E) Part ial Gran t/Partial D enial 5/3/2023 I, Vincent Marcellino, formally request all information, not limited to reports, filing documents, documentation, and email correspondence involving a BIA Internal Affairs incident involving myself and another. The IA would have been filed between Feb 15th and March 15th, of 2023.
Leeta Mi ller 2/14/2023 ########## C los ed Full Grant 4/25/2023 Please email copies of Grazing Schedule Form 4130-1 and Actual Use form 4130-5 for East and West Mill Springs allotment and Indian George allotment for 2018 through 2023. These allotments are in the Ely district in Nevada. Also any lease information for these allotments.
PAUL LOUTZEN HISER 5/24/2023 ########## C los ed Full Grant 6/1/2023 I am requesting a copy of any and all citations is sue by the Coeur d'Alene District in 2 023. To includ e any and all citations issue by ( but not limited to) Off icer Timothy L Nicoulin, Officer Greg Meuth, Ray Pease, Jake H. Bachtel, and Trent T Brown
Dude Bartolillo 3/28/2023 ########## Clo sed No Records 4/5/2023 I wish to obtain copes of any and all information pertaining to: Dude Bartolillo. All documentary investigations by state law enforce and entities including but not limited too documents, records, audio, pictures, and complete names of all involved there to. January through March to date of 2023
Breadcrumb Watcher 3/6/2023 ########## Clos ed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C ), Ex. 7(E), Ex. 7(F) Partial G rant/Par tial Den ial 5/2/2023 Record Requested: Please provide a list of all PCSO calls or incidents related to NIBRS codes 1 20, 220 , 240, 290 , 23F, 23G , 23H, 26B, o r 26F, as well as any suspicio n persons, vehicles, or incid ents, at all National Park Service (NPS) locations in Wash ington state. Please indicate date and time of incident start, location of inc ident, type of crime(s) committed, disp osition, and case/incident report nu mber. Date Range: 06/17/2022 to present
C Blu 11/30/2022 Clo sed Oth er 12/7/2022 1) Regarding NPS LE activity within the geographical boundaries of Olympic National Park, near the Peabody Creek Trailhead and the Visitors Center, between the hours of 7pm on 11/10/22 and 4pm on 11/12/22; the following information and records are hereby requested: a.Dispatch reports, calls, notes and any other records pertaining to a law enforcement ranger Kevin Buckley. Also, and notes, incident reports, narratives, alerts, emails, text, calls, communications, warning (written or otherwise), and body worn camera audio/video footage made, produced, filed, and/or submitted by Kevin Buckley. b. GPS records for the government vehicle that was assigned to ranger Kevin Buckley for his shift which began on 11/10/22 and ended on 1 1/11/22.
Brendan Harris 1/30/2023 3/7/2023 Ass ignm ent D etermin atio n I am requesting communications from June 1 , 2022 to January 29, 2023 about the rehabilitation of the lower level of Meridian Hill Park in Washington, DC. Specifically, I want to see any emails or memos that discuss why the project's completion has been continuously delayed, and why the public is not being informed about the delays. Lastly, I want to see any communication about the Tweet posted on 11/17/22 by @RockCreekNPS on Twitter about the anticipated opening date.
Alison Cordo va 10/21/2021 ########## Clo sed Ex . 6 P artial Gran t/Parti al Denial 8/25/2022 All records relating to the following project: Beta Offshore's Cathodic Protection Installation Platform Elly to Shore 16-Inch Oil Pipeline -- Segment Number 2610300. For your reference, I have attached a US DOI letter concerning the project. In the letter, US DOI says, "within 30 days of project completion, Beta must submit, to the Office of Field Operations, a detailed report containing the following information: - A description of the actual CP installation procedures and any deviations from the proposed procedures. - The results of any inspections or tests conducted." Please include all records submitted by BETA, including but not limited to, the aforementioned detailed report. As well as any and all records relating to this project, including communications between the department and Beta Offshore, all inspection results, maps, surveys, etc.
Kels ey Furm an 12/14/2022 ########## Ass ign ment D etermi natio n Consistent with its mission, KS Wild s eeks copies of the following records , from the U.S. Department of Interior (“DOIâ€):  1.That present, des cribe or implement any DOI policy, practi ce or guidance — either formal or informal — regarding a refusal to accept or process administrative appeals of anything other than a final FOIA decision. This request defines “recordsâ€ broadly to include all documents, books, papers, maps, photographs, machine readable materials, or other documentary materials, regardless of physical form or characteristi cs. “Documents,â€ as used herein, refers to paper documents and/or electronically stored information, including writi ngs, correspondence, emails, records of phone conversations, notes, meeting minutes, drawings, graphs, charts, photographs, sound recordings, images, and other data or data compilations, stored in any medium.
Daniel S. L. Rubin 7/6/2023 Ass ignmen t Det ermin atio n Communications between the DOI/NPS or its agents or employees and the Rocky Mou ntain Conservancy and its agents or employees regarding the use, installation or donation of Park Mo del RVs as part of a pilot program at the Rocky Mou ntain National Park, sent or received between January 1, 2015 and the present. Copies of news articles related to the pilot program are attached for your reference
Mr. Freeman A Jackson 8/31/2021 ########## C los ed Ex. 3, Ex. 4, Ex. 6 Full Denial Based on Exemptions 11/9/2021 I would like a copy of 140 A1621 D0008 an Order Dependent (IDV only) Federal Contract IDV Award, and a copy of th e proposal by the prime. It was awarded to CGI Federal Inc. on May 1, 2021. The indefinite delivery contract is fund ed by the Central Office (DOI - BIA). The NAICS Category for the award is 541511 - Custom Co mputer Programming Services.
Paul Spitler 5/23/2017 ########## C los ed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 O ther 10/7/2020 Correspondence Regarding Review of Departmental Actions that Potentially Burden Energy Development Under Executive Order 13783 and Secretarial Order 3349.Copies of all correspondence and memorandums, including but not limited to electronic mail, hard copy mail, and telephone records, between Department of the Interior employees (including employees of agencies of the DOI, Cont below
Mary K onc el 1/30/2018 ########## Cl os ed Ex. 6 Other 9/1/2020
Request is directed at obtaining an electronic copy generated from the Department of the Interior (DOI) of: All records and correspondence (including emails letters faxes text messages memoranda and notes of telephone calls) related to the "meeting with animal rights advocates" referenced in Secretary Zinke's October 30 2017 Facebook post (attached) (contd below)
Mares a Jens on 5/21/2020 ########## C los ed Ex. 5 Partial G rant/Par tial Den ial 7/23/2021 Since December 20, 2017, any records related to the development, implementation, and execution (including the compilations and production of responsive records) of any unique or separate processes and formal or informal procedures to review FOIA requests made to the Department of the Interior (DOI) and any of the Bureaus or Offices within for requests related to the Arctic Refuge. continue below.....
Sharona Brickey 2/23/2023 Clos ed Improper FOIA Request for Other Reasons 6/28/2023 Loss Date02/08/20 23, 10:02 PM ET Location BALTIMORE WASHINGTON PARKWAY IN HYATTSVI MD USA US Park Police Case # 23013 908 / MP O Hatch responded Ou r party Karsha White in 2021 Chevy Malibu with Vin 1G1 ZD5ST2MF00 6376 and Tag TUH1642 / VA plate. -White left on ambulance with injury. She was not given a crash exchange with the other parties information. Need all reports/calls/records/video/pictures etc of this los s. Also need any information o n passengers in the vehicles. Progressive claim # is 23- 4160 819.
LESLIE M ATTHEWS 1/10/2023 C los ed Improper FOIA Request for Other Reasons 4/7/2023 I am requesting a copy of an accident report or c all for service for an incident our ins ured, Debra Vondal, was involved in. Date of accident 1/6/202 3 location- p arking lot of 1 Express Ln , Belcourt, ND 583 16. Debra was driving a 2014 Ford Edge 2FMDK4JC 3EBB390 52.
Fred Storer 1/20/2023 ########## C los ed No Records 2/15/2023 Regarding proposed 25 CFR 226 regulations published January 13, 2023, please furnish the forecast change in the costs and staff that would occur at the Osage Agency in Pawhuska resulting from the implementation of the ONRR electronic reporting system. Please advise if no forecast has been made.
RAYMOND G RANDB OIS 2/7/2023 4/7/2023 Clo sed Full Gran t 3/10/2023 I am requesting a copy o f the accident report completed 1/28/20 23 by the Tribal Police, Belcourt ND 5 8316 . A vehicle damaged the left front bumper of my 20 17 Chrys ler 300C and I need a copy of th e report for insurance purpos es. My name is Raymond Grandbo is
LIND SAY WALTER S 6/21/2023 8/3/2023 Ass ignm ent D etermin atio n Claim 318689 I am looking for the accident report regarding the following information: OUR INSURED: LANCE JAY OTHER DRIVER: WHITNEY BELGARDE OTHER DRIVER PLATE #: 704CEV DATE OF LOSS: 6/6/2023 LOC ATION: COMMODITY WAREHOUSE PARKING LOT TIME: 2PM
Jennifer Yachnin 7/12/2023 ########## Initial Evaluation I request the resignation letter, otherwise known as a letter of resignation, submitted by the following individuals at Interior: Tanya Trujillo. This individual served as Assistant Secretary for Water and Science in the Interior Department (See link: but is scheduled to leave the administration on July 17, 2023.
David Emmick 7/5/2023 Clo sed Oth er 7/7/2023 Electronic copy of 1 0 maps (current as o f 1975 and historical) fo r five homesteads: Higley (Donaldson ), Gwin, Barrington, Streater, Kelly from the Olympic Park document “A Survey of Abandoned Homestead Clearings in the Queets River Valley" authored by Sallie Williams in 1975 .
Daniel S. L. Rubin 7/6/2023 Initial Evaluation Communications between the DOI/NPS or its agents or employees and Senator Charles Schumer, or any of his agents or employees, regarding Kittatinny Canoes or its camp located in the Town of Barryville, New York (in the village of Narrowsburg)(, sent or received between January 1, 2000 and the present.
Mr. Mikel A. Towe 3/6/2023 4/4/2023 C los ed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C) Partial Grant/P artial D enial 5/11/2023
I am requesting a copy of the report associated with CAD# 23 1 571X from the Great Smoky Mountains National Park This is a request for the accident photographs measurements witness statements bo dy cam video and/or cruiser cam video from the motor vehicle accident that occurred on February 19 20 23 Attorney Mikel A Towe of Lewis Thomason PC represents Ricky Trent with respect to this incident The incident occurred near Westgate Resorts located at 915 Westgate Resorts Rd Gatlinb urg Tennessee 37738 The CAD # is 23 1 571 I have attached NPS Form 10 945
Lexis Nexi s 4/6/2023 5/4/2023 Clo sed Request Withdrawn 5/24/2023 Respondin g Agency:S MO KEY MTN PARK PDRAR MANILA (I NTE Agency ID: 46.2601 Days Out: Transaction/Reference #: 20603153 14Not H igh Monitored: LIBERTY MUTUAL Report Type:Auto Accident Report/Case Number:NP2 30286 50 Date of Occ urrence:2/3/2023 1 2:00:00AM L ocation of Lo ss:NEWFOUNDL AND GAP Cros s Street: City:GATLINBURGCo unty:SEVIERState:TN Insu rance Company: LIBERTY MUTUAL Insured Driver:TerryLCockrell Driver 2: Driver 3: Last Note: TAG #: VIN #: 1FTEW1CGXJKF0 0482
michel schneider 4/21/2023 ########## Initial Evaluation On Wednesday, March 8, 2023, my friend Julie Crimmins and I were hiking northbound on Kings Mountain Park Road. Several hundred yards north of Dellingham Branch Creek we were attcked by a loose dog. Ms Crimmins sustained serious injuries. I am requesting NPS incident report NP23062994 and any additional relevant report generatted by EMT or police who were at the site.
Sabrina P arker 3/29/2023 5/2/2023 Clos ed Full Grant 5/17/2023 Accident or incident report prepared by National Park Service, Carlsbad Caverns National Park, on 1/23/2023 for a motor vehicle accident involving our client Dominick Andrew Davis, Aurelia Au Perez, Kim Junhwan, and unknown husband/wife stopped in middle of road to photograph goats (the husband received a citation). The first vehicle was a Dodge Ram. Our client was driving a Hyundai Tucson. And Perez/Junhwan were driving a Toyota Tacoma. We would like copies of any report, a copy of the citation, and any diagrams prepared by the National Park agent or ranger. The accident happened on New Mexico Highway 7.
Lexis Nexi s 4/3/2023 5/2/2023 Clo sed Request Withdrawn 5/24/2023 Respondin g Agency:S MO KEY MTN PARK PDRAR MANILA (I NTE Agency ID: 46.2601 Days Out: Transaction/Reference #: 20609569 14Not H igh Monitored: STATE FARM CLAIMS COMPASS Report Type:Auto Accident Report/Case Number:23 -1592 Date of Occurrence:2/20/20 23 12 :00:00AM Loc ation of Los s:WESTGATE SMOKY MOUNTAIN Cross Street: City:GATLINBURGCounty:SEVIERState:TN Insurance Company: STATE FARM CLAIMS COMPASS Insured Driver:Ricky A Gaspard D river 2: Driver 3: Last Note: TAG #: VIN #: 5FNYF5H67NB020 035
Emilio Reyes 6/5/2023 ########## C los ed 6/6/2023
Marc Warren 5/7/2020 6/5/2020 Clo sed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial G rant/P artial Den ial 2/28/2023 All documents, in whatever form or media, including email correspondence, between the U.S. Department of Interior (DOI) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in particular the EPA Office of Groundwater and Drinking Water and the EPA continue below.....
Benjam in Sieg el 7/11/2023 8/9/2023 Initial Evaluation Pictures or video from cameras at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC on March 1, 2023 between 9:00 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. showing the requestor and the group the reques tor was with at the Lincoln Memorial, specifically including any views looking from the Lincoln statue outwards.
Jared Pettinato 3/17/2023 ########## Cl osed Ex. 5, Ex. 6, Ex. 7(A), Ex. 7(C) Partial Grant/P artial D enial 5/1/2023 Dear Sir or Madam, Under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. § 552, and on behalf of Yellowstone Voices, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity, I am requesting the National Park Service to send copies of the following materials. 1.All documents related to the bullet striking Jackson Wak Wak on or about January 17, 2023, or any other bullets hitting any other people. We seek the investigatory files and emails. The investigation is over by now, and no charges have been filed. It was national news, and the victim posed for pictures. Therefore, no documents can reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, or otherwise qualify under FOIA exempti on 7. 2.All emails related to the bison carcass removal undertaken in March 2013. 3.All documents by which the agency considered or approved tribes to participate in the 2022-2023 bison “hunt,â€
or any earlier “hunt.â
Mrs. Suzanne Prather 4/19/2023 Clos ed Improper FOIA Request for Other Reasons 5/23/2023 Previous FOIA request DOI-BIA-2022-003841 was denied due to pending criminal investigation. This investigation is now resolved. Please release the crash report and all investigative files regarding the motor vehicle accident on 4/15/2022 near Dunseith, North Dakota, involving my insured, Jesse Counts and claimant Eugene Parisian.
Suzet te Ras mus sen 8/29/2022 ########## Clos ed Ex . 6 Par tial Gran t/Partial Denial 9/29/2022 NEPA Number: DOI-BLM-UT-Y0 10-20 22-00 52-EA Project Name: Redesignating Hours fo r Motorized Use of H ells Revenge, Fins and Things, Porcupine Rim, Slickrock and Steelbender trails I am requesting all records by or between Grand County (Utah ) commission members and/or staff, elected officials, and the BLM related to this project.
Mr. Barrett Jenkins 5/18/2021 ########## Cl osed Full G rant 7/16/2021 I filed a complaint with DOI OIG that was subs equently sent to Kathy Garrity at USFWS for review, the reference number I was given is: OI-HQ-21-01 51-R. I am requesting information related to USFWS process ing of that complaint. The complaint was regarding unreported liabilities at WAFWA's CCAA for the lesser prairie chicken as relates to USFWS permit
Mark Saut er 8/25/2017 ########## Initial Evaluation
All records concerning "Antifa" and DOI/NPS investigations and analysis of groups falling under this category to include but not limited to groups creating disturbances during the January 20 2017 Inauguration of Donald Trump "NYV Antifa" "Rose City Antifa" "Direct Action Alliance" " AntiFascist Action Sacramento" and the publication "Its Going Down"
jimmy tobias 1/24/2019 ########## C los ed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 O ther 9/9/2019 Any written or electronic comms (inclu d. memos, powerpoint, email/attachments, exts) sent or reeived by Bernhardt that contain one or more of the following words/phrases: "FOIa". "Freedom of inf ormation act", "43 C FR 2", "43 CFR part 2", and/or "DOI-2 018- 0017" . Dates: August 1, 201 8 through date request is p rocessed.
Jimmy Tobias 10/15/2019 ########## Cl osed Oth er 9/30/2020 Any and all written communications, including email attachments, between former DOI official Joe Balash and any agent, employee, lobbyist, official or representative of Oil Search, an oil firm that operates arounds the world including in Alaska. This request seeks records during Mr. Balash's entire time in office during the Trump administration.
Laura Strickler 9/3/2020 ########## C los ed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 P artial G rant/Par tial Den ial 9/24/2020 Any and all background material, reports, spreadsheets or Excel files used to come up with the totals in this report: Where's the Money? DOI Use of CARES Act Funds as of April 28, 2020. In particular, any documents, files or detailed expend iture reports that support this conclusion: CARES Act expenditures by charge card have totaled $2,409, 399.
Donald C. Mitch ell 7/15/2021 ########## Clo sed Ex. 6 Parti al Grant /Partial D enial 9/17/2021 C opy of all memoranda, writings, documents, and other records in the possess ion of, or und er the control of, the Office of the Secretary of the Department of the Interior, the Office of the Solicitor of th e Department of the Interior, the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Indian Affairs, and all other offic es and agencies of the Department of the Interior that involve, are related to, or are in any way relevant to DOI Inspector General Complaint list ed in request.
Chri s Saeger 3/10/2017 4/6/2017 Clo sed Oth er 9/28/2020 Records p ertaining to former DOI employee David L. Bernhardt from January 1, 2004 to the present, specifically: Access to and co pies of all records, correspo ndence reports, and other docs concerning Taylor Energy or the Taylor Energy Oil Discharge at MC-20 Site that involved David L. Bernhardt or SOL during this time period.
MONA TROJC AK 4/29/2021 5/9/2021 Clo sed 4/30/2021
MONA TROJC AK 4/29/2021 ########## Clo sed 4/30/2021
Daniel S. L. Rubin 7/6/2023 Initial Evaluation Communications between the DOI/NPS or its agents or employees and the Upper Delaware Council, or any of its members, agents or employees, regarding Kittatinny Canoes or its camp located in the Town of Barryville, New York (in the village of Narrowsburg)(, between January 1, 2000 and the present.
Daniel S. L. Rubin 7/6/2023 Initial Evaluation Communications between the DOI/NPS or its agents or employees and the Town of Highland or any of its boards, officials, agents or employees, regarding Kittatinny Canoes or its camp located in the Town of Barryville, New York (in the village of Narrowsburg)(, between January 1, 2000 and the present.
Mich ael Pea rso n 5/30/2023 ########## Cl osed Full G rant 7/19/2023 Any and all inspections or reports on the Scorpion Bay Marina (also known as Scorpion Bay Holdings, LLC) locayed at Lake Pleasant, Arizona or Maricopa County Arizona pursuant to the Recreational Management Agreemen t between the United States Department of the Interior and Maricopa County, Arizona ("RMA") (Contract No. 9-07-30-L0298 Number C-30-06-012-1-00) The last known inspection report was in early 2023. There was a joint inspection completed by the Bureau of Reclamation and Maricopa County of the "Concessionaire" Scorpion Bay Holdings, L.L.C. at the Scorpion Bay Marina located at Lake Pleasant Arizona in eaarly 2023. Please provide any and all inspection reports during the 2015 through current periods.
American Oversight 1/19/2021 3/4/2021 Clo sed Full Grant 5/6/2022 Pl ease s ee the at tach ed FOIA reques t (D OI- 21 -00 72 ).
Mr. Ro bert Dewitz 6/16/2023 Clos ed Other 6/23/2023 There was a "virtual" meeting between Kalapupapa National Park Superintendant and State of Hawaii Dept. of Health on this date. Request all info associated with this meeting: video copies of meeting, agenda, post-meeting and notes, and associated correspondence through 6/20/21, and any associated documen ts, attachments, and information .
Darrah Shuff ield 5/10/2023 Cl osed Improper FOIA Request for Other Reasons 5/16/2023 I called officer Glen G f rom the Anadarko BIA on Tuesday 05/09/20 23. He came out to do a report on a guy named Chase Burn s who came and hit our drive thru window. I am requesting a copy of that po lice report please
Michael Eshleman 4/20/2023 8/7/2023 Ass ignm ent D etermin atio n I request a copy of the map entitled “Placitas, New Mexico Area Map†dated November 13, 2019 that is referred to in S. 534, introduced in the U.S. Senate on February 27, 2023. The bill can be found here:
Ashl ey Geo rge 12/22/2021 ########## C los ed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C) Partial G rant/Part ial Deni al 1/13/2022 I am requesting any and all National Park Service documentation and records ( specifically, Mount Rainier National Park) relating to the search of mis sing hiker Sam Dubal from October 9, 20 20 to December 22, 2 021, that have not already been produced in the preceding FOIA request, #DOI NPS 20 21-00 2447 . Sam Dubal went missing in Mount Rain ier National Park on or around October 10 , 2020. I am the attorney representing the Dubal family. I have attached a Letter of Representation.
Daniel S. L. Rubin 7/6/2023 ########## Initial Evaluation Copies of any settlement agreement(s) or consent decree(s) between or among the DOI/NPS, the Town of Highland, New York, and/or the Upper Delaware Council related to NPS’ substantial conformance review of the Town of Highland's laws, plans and ordinances. Information about the "substantial conformance" review for a town's laws, plans and ordinances can be in the Delaware River Management Plan at p. 26, a copy of which is available at:
Daniel S. L. Rubin 7/6/2023 Initial Evaluation Communications between the DOI/NPS or its agents or employees and the Delaware River Basin Commission, or any of its members, agents or employees, regarding Kittatiny Canoes or its camp located in the Town of Barryville, New York (in the village of Narrowsburg)(, between January 1, 2000 and the present.
Mr. Mark W alker 11/3/2020 1/4/2021 Clos ed Ex. 6 Partial G rant/Part ial Deni al 4/21/2021 A copy of the FOIA log from 2010 through the date of the search for responsive records
Mr. Robert Rigon an 9/9/2020 ########## C los ed Request Withdrawn 2/8/2021 On June 4, 2020, President Donald Trump issued Executive Order 13927 (hereinafter “EO 13927â€
), which requires the Department of the Interior (DOI) to submit status reports to the OMB Director, the Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, and the Chairman of CEQ every 30 days. The first deadline for submitti ng a status report was August 3, 2020 and the s econd deadline was September 2, 2020. Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. §552-552a, The Wilderness Society (TWS) reques ts: • All DOI “status reportsâ€ and all subsequent status report sent “every 30 days for the duration of the national emergency,â€ as required under EO 13927 sec. 5(d), 6(c), 7(c), and 9(c); and • All DOI combined reports as allowed under EO 13927 sec. 5(d), 6(c), 7(c), and 9(c). We request that you use a timeframe for the search of August 3, 2020, and up through and includin
Kris ten Sel lers 3/13/2023 ########## Initial Evaluation
Dear DOI Interior Business Center (IBC), Acqu isition Services Directorate (AQD-Herndon ), Under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C .§ 552, I request that a copy o f the following documents b e provided to me for this Task Order: DOI Contract Vehicle: Foundation Clo ud Hostin g Services ((FCHS), IND13 PC000 21 Task Order Title: USDA Cloud Operational Services Task Order Number: 140D04 19F035 7 Awardee: CGI Federal Contracting Office: DOI Interior Business Center (IBC), Acquisitio n Services Directorate (AQD-Herndon) I am requesting copies of the following information from the record detailed above: All Task Order Solicitation documents inc luding Attachments. All Task Order Contract Award documents inclu ding Attachments. All Task Order Contract Modification s includin g Attachments. Source Selection/Decision Docu ments Debrief I am willing to pay the appropriate fees for this
josh ua dragan 7/5/2022 ########## Initial Evaluation I would like any and all information related to the demolition of approximately 20 non historical structures located in the Town of Thurmond or the New River National Park and Preserve that is to be demolished using federal funds including but not limited to the Great American Outdoors Act under the budget for fiscal year 2023.
Michael Ravnitzky 3/29/2022 ########## Clos ed Other 6/1/2022 A copy of all communications and p hotos at the United States Park Polic e related to the Salute to America event on July 4, 2019 f rom June 27, 20 19 to July 5 , 2019. I und erstand that these same records were requested by another requester and processed by the United States Park Police in case DOI-NP S-2019 -001 094.
Daniel S. L. Rubin 7/6/2023 ########## Ass ign ment D etermi natio n Communications between the DOI/NPS or its agents or employees and the Recreational Vehicle Industry Association (RVIA) ( regarding a park model RV pilot program at the Rocky Mountain National Park, sent or received between January 1, 2015 and the present. Copies of news articles related to the pilot program are attached for your reference.
Mr. Jeff Lowder 7/22/2022 ########## Cl osed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C) P artial Gr ant/Parti al Denial 8/23/2022
This is a follow-up to DOI-NPS-20 22-0 04123 but I cons ider this a new request. Thank you again for the outstanding service you provid ed in response to that request, in terms of p romptness, the extremely helpful explanation you provided in yo ur response, and the respon sive record itself! I represent a group of hikers investigating property crimes at trailheads in Washington state; I am attempting to gather statistics on th ese crimes at all US Dept of Interior lands, including NP S, BLM, FWS, etc.) in the state. Search parameters are as follows: System: IMARS Date range: 1/1/2015 to present Relevant NIBRS / UCR offense codes: 120 , 220, 24 0, 290, 23 F, 23G, 23 H, 26B, 26 F. Location: All DOI sites within Washington state, including NPS, BLM, USFWS, etc. Desired format: - date and time of incident s tart (if available; if not, incident report date and time is an acceptable alternative but please indicate if that is wha
David Emmick 7/5/2023 Clo sed Oth er 7/7/2023 Taylor, 1996 co rrespondence at the Jeferson Coun ty Historical Society: Taylor, Paul B.,1996. Letter to Olympic National Park. April 18 , 1996. Green folder, Queets Histo ry Files, OLYM-CRM. Olympic National Park curatorial facility. Port Angeles, WA
Geony Provido 2/14/2023 ########## Cl os ed Duplicate Request 2/23/2023 Requesting police report for an incident on January 3, 2023 between 5-5:30pm for case # 1711-010323-50 in order to claim car repair from our insurance company. Our van was on a hit-and-run with the suspect, driving a stolen white Kia Forte car, who was being chased by the Park Police at Suitland Parkway towards the intersection with Pennsylvania Avenue (MD4). The suspect was apprehended by the park police. The stolen car has license plate # 6DW1181. Park police took my driver's license and gave us a police report number. Until now, we have not gotten a copy of the report (more than a month) though we filed it on this website.
Ike Allen 4/5/2022 C los ed Other 4/14/2022 I am requesting access to and copies of all documentation of housing inspections conducted by Point Reyes National Seashore officials at A Ranch between 01/01/2017 and 04/01/2022.
Heidi MnIntosh 3/30/2017 ########## Clos ed No Records ########### All records dated or created after January 20, 2017 that relate to the Bears Ears National Monument. The requested records include, communications (and references thereto) between the Department of Interior (DOI) and/or the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), including any member of the transition, landing or �beachhead� teams, and: 1. Members of the House of Representatives and their staff or agents; -Full Request attached-
Steve Stu ebn er 5/5/2021 6/3/2021 Clo sed Full Gran t 5/25/2021 Hello - I am filing a FOIA request to discover the name and identity of any groups that have appealed a Record of Decision f or a BLM propos ed action in the Shosh one District in Idaho. The title of the Environmental Assess ment is as follows: DOI-BL M-ID-T030 -202 0-001 5-EA. BLM Record of D ecision was announ ced in March 202 1. Thank you. Best, Steve Stuebner
Angela Darveau 9/27/2022 ########## Res earch Reco rds IMR: Seeking data regarding turtle nesting and hatching at National Parks and Seashores located in Texas. I am looking for data from 201 0-202 2 with the following information - dates of nest disc overy - dates of nest hatching - c lutch size - weather for these dates - tide information f or these dates - time of day (See also DOI-NPS-20 22-0 06333 )
Nate Hunt 5/16/2017 ########## Cl osed Ot her 8/5/2021
all records relating to any communications between DOI and any state agency staff and/or elected officials or industry representatives regarding enforcement of the methane waste rule or any state obtaining a variance under CFR 3179 401 all records relating to any communications created modified or acquired since january 21 20 17 through the date of this foia request
Chri s Saeger 2/5/2018 3/6/2018 Clo sed Oth er 10/7/2020
Access to and cop ies of all records and all correspon dence including but n ot limited to letters texts emails and faxes to or from th e following list of offic ials since June 5 20 17 relating to DOI process es for employees appointees contractors and/or vendors selected to categorize and/or analyze the public comments received in response to Secretarial Order 3353 pos ted October 11 20 17 (con td below)
Jimmy Tobias 5/17/2018 ########## Clos ed Other ########### Any and all written or electronic communications, including attachments, sent or received by DOI appointee Katharine MacGregor and/or her immediate executive staff, including Michael Anderson, that include one or more of the following words or phrases 'Mountain Valley Pipeline', 'Mountain Valley' and/or 'MVP'. This request seeks documents produced between May 1, 2017 and the date this request is processed.
Nicholas Erickso n 9/9/2021 ########## Processing Tasks All records, emails, attachments, data, training manuals, and presentations that were sent to or received from DOI that mention the terms: "Wyss," "Climate Power", "Molly Mcus ic", "Berger", "Brenda Mallory", "Laura Daniel-Davis ", "Nature Conservancy", " Swiss," "Fund Fo r A Better Future", and "Resources Legacy Fund." The timeline for this request is f rom 3/16/21 to p resent.
Kevin Bogardus 1/6/2023 ########## C los ed Full Grant 3/15/2023
I request the listing of videos on the Department of the Interior's YouTube channel marked as "unlisted" and/or "private" for videos uploaded during the time period of Jan 1 to Dec 31 2022 This listing showing videos marked unlisted or private is on the YouTube Creator’s page for the channel Please click on this link for more detail on DOI's YouTube channel (https://wwwyoutubecom/@USInterior)
Daniel S. L. Rubin 7/6/2023 Initial Evaluation Communications between the DOI/NPS or its agents or employees and the Delaware Riverkeeper Network ( or any of its members, agents or employees, regarding Kittatinny Canoes or its camp located in the Town of Barryville, New York (in the village of Narrowsburg)(, between January 1, 2000 and the present.
Shari L. Dirksen 6/9/2023 ########## A ss ignmen t Det ermin ation Information concerning June 2, 2023, Fire at Wahweap Marina located on Lake Powell near Paige Arizona-Fire first started on houseboat docked near Latitude Restaurant & spread. Please provide any public information regarding reports, investigations, photos, notes or summaries et al.
Timothy Fitzgerald 10/26/2021 2/7/2022 A ss ignmen t Det ermin ation
This is a request for data to upd ate an existing dataset provided by the Nevada State Office (Bea Wade, before she retired). I have made a handful of FOIA requests for the same information and have not received a response. The relevant FOIA request numbers include: DOI-BLM-20 21-00 6263 9/26/202 1 DOI-BLM- 2021- 0056 85 8/24/2 021 DOI-B LM-202 1-00 5067 7 /15/2021 DOI-BLM-2 021-0 0450 3 6/20/20 21 I am seeking to update a dataset provided to me without a FOIA request by the BLM. Those data were provided to me in 2012, and pro vided a comprehensive documentation of gathers and p lacements of wild horses and bu rros. The contact at that time was Bea Wade in the Nevada State Office, but she has sin ce retired. In February 2021, I was directed to Meredith Kueck in Oklahoma, but she has not replied sin ce March 2021 . In July 2021 , Tiffany Wilhelm in the Nevada State Office assured me that tra
Julie Dvorak 6/7/2023 ########## Clo sed Full Grant 7/6/2023 ATTN. Standing Rock, Ft. Yates, ND We are seeking the police reports and records for the following addres s: 12484 SD Hwy 1806, Wakpala, SD 57658, for the date of 2 /3/2023 and 2/4/2023. We believe potential people involved include Ohiyesa Locke, Samantha Locke, Ohitka Lewis and Woksape (Ojanjan) Lewis. Young children may have been at the premise too. Substance-influenced fueled domes tic violence involving an out of control male with a deadly weapon. The incident started in the house, but escalated to the driveway and culminated with an individual locking themselves inside a vehicle while making suicidal threats. Police were required to de-escalate the facility. Please email these documents to
Mr. Patrick R Kelly 2/15/2023 ########## Cl os ed Ex. 6 Partial G rant/Part ial Deni al 6/1/2023 1) Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Wes tern Watersheds Project (WWP) requests copies of all communicati ons, including emails, telephone logs, letters or electronic communicati ons of any kind, between the BLM Challis Field Office and livestock grazing permittees on your Field Offi ce from January 1, 2022 until today (February 15, 2023). 2) Copies of all 2022 livestock grazing allotment monitoring documents including but not limited to field reports, emails, telephone logs, date sheets, end-of-year summaries, photographs or any other documents that address or describe 2022 livestock grazing impacts for the BLM Challis Field Office (date range: January 1, 2022 to February 15, 2023).
Dr. Geony Pro vido 1/30/2023 3/1/2023 Clo sed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C) Par tial Gran t/Partial Denial 3/15/2023 Requesting a police report that we can submit to our car insurance to claim for repair. Case # 010323-50 related to a police car chase incident involving suspect/s driving a stolen white Kia Forte car (pictures attached) that led to a hit-and-run of our van and damaged our right rear part (picture attached). Place of incident: Suitland Parkway, Maryland near the junction with MD4 (Pennsylvania Avenue on Jan. 3, 2023 between 5-6PM. Suspects were apprehended by the park police.
Lexis Nexi s 4/6/2023 5/4/2023 Clo sed Request Withdrawn 5/24/2023 Respondin g Agency:S MO KEY MTN PARK PDRAR MANILA (I NTE Agency ID: 46.2601 Days Out: Transaction/Reference #: 20846836 64Not H igh Monitored: STATE FARM CLAIMS COMPASS Report Type:Auto Accident Report/Case Number:CAD2 241 D ate of Occurrence:3/10/202 3 12:00 :00AM Location o f Loss:N JACKSON ST Cross Street: City:SEVERVILLEC ounty:SEVIERState:TN Ins urance Company: STATE FARM CLAIMS COMPASS Insured Driver:ElisaMMarggraf Driver 2: Driver 3: Last Note: TAG #: VIN #: 5NMS3DA1 0PH00 0377
American Oversight 8/19/2021 ########## Processing Tasks Pleas e see t he atta ched FOIA req ues t (D OI-2 1- 11 80) .
Lexis Nexi s 4/3/2023 5/2/2023 Clo sed Request Withdrawn 5/24/2023 Respondin g Agency:S MO KEY MTN PARK PDRAR MANILA (I NTE Agency ID: 46.2601 Days Out: Transaction/Reference #: 20707736 63Not H igh Monitored: LIBERTY MUTUAL Report Type:Auto Accident Report/Case Number:23 -1565 Date of Occurrence:2/19/20 23 12:0 0:00AM Location of Loss :US ROUTE 321, Cros s Street: City:GATLINBURGC ounty:SEVIERState:TN Insu rance Company: LIBERTY MUTUAL Insured Driver:Jonathan A Schafer Driver 2: Driver 3: Last Note: TAG #: 843BCDH VIN #:1J4FY29 S8SP230 652 ***If insufficient info f or search, use this macro: CONTROL + N
Lexis Nexi s 4/6/2023 5/4/2023 Clo sed Request Withdrawn 5/24/2023 Respondin g Agency:S MO KEY MTN PARK PDRAR MANILA ( I NTE Agency ID: 46.2601 Days Out: Transaction/Reference #: 20885715 63Not H igh Monitored: STATE FARM CLAIMS COMPASS Report Type:Auto Accident Report/Case Number:25 00 Date of Occu rrence:3 /16/2023 12:00:00 AM Location of L oss:I-32 1 Cross Street: City:GATLINBURGCou nty:SEVIERState:TN Insurance Co mpany: STATE FARM CLAIMS COMPASS Insured Driver:Kylie A Good Driver 2: Driver 3: Last No te: TAG #: VIN #: 2C4RDGEGXJR33 6868 ***If insufficient info for search, use this macro: CONTROL + N
Mr. David Ross 5/22/2023 ########## Ass ign ment D etermi natio n I am requesting any information, communication, whether letter or email, relating to an application by the San Pasqu al Tribe of San Diego County to put land in to trust. The request is for the period fro m January 1, 2021 to April 30, 202 3. We are a news media that serves the area covered within the request.
Ms. Mariah Thompson 6/8/2023 ########## Clos ed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C) Partial Grant/P artial D enial 7/6/2023 I request copies of all documents sent by th e BIA-Office of Justice Services to the United Keetoowah Band of In dians in Oklahoma ("UK B"), or to any agent, attorney, or employee of the UKB, at any time on or after May 1, 2023, relating to Special Law Enforcement Commission designation s or credentials for UKB Lighthorse officers.
Ms. Elizabeth E. Allen 7/26/2021 C los ed Duplicate Request 8/5/2021
Referencing case # DOI-NPS-2021-005088: Requesting Information on the following: Log of Evidence (10/8/1976-11/1/1976) All evidence/clues found in 10 mile radius search of Clingman's Dome, Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Fingerprints/DNA detected and filed. Any matches. Unredacted Supplementary Case/Incident Report from N.P.S. (10/8/1976-6/15/1993) case/incident# 762590. Unredacted Interviews of Bearden High School students/teachers/staff and friends of Trenny Gibson (10/13/1976) conducted by Special Agent Harold Swanson of Knoxville, Tennessee. Any conclusions/theories noted from agents/law enforcement regarding classmates and Trenny's disappearance. Interviews conducted specifically of Kelvin (or Calvin) Bowman (10/8/76-1980). Conclusions/theories noted. Interviews conducted specifically of Robert Simpson (10/8/76-1980) Conclusions/theories noted. Any reports of his lent
Adam Fed erman 10/29/2020 ########## C los ed ########### Any and all correspondence or communication between Alaska Department of Fish and Game Commissioner Doug Vincent-L ang and Gregg Renkes, DOI director of the Office of Polic y Analysis. Date range of the request is September 1, 2018 to th e present.
Ms. M araya Corn ell 11/30/2022 1/4/2023 Clo sed Full Grant 3/10/2023 Dear FOIA Officer: Under the Freedom of Information Act (“ FOIAâ€
), 5 U.S.C. § 552, I hereby request the following records: A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), signed in or around August of 2007, between the Department of the Interior (DOI) and the Department of Justice, allowing DOI law enforcement to investigate allegati ons of violations of the Indian Arts and Crafts Act. Relevant information in the requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes. As a freelance journalist, I expect to be placed in your news media category. As evidence of my publicati on record, here are links to a few of my stories: https://www.nationalgeogr
Mr. Davi d I Do nato 2/7/2022 3/9/2022 Clo sed Ex. 6 Partial Grant/P artial D enial 2/28/2022 I request documents sufficient to provide the following information: (a) The identifier and jurisdiction for each law license held by Pegah Gorman of the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) Office of the Solicitor at any time during the period January 1, 2020, through December 31, 2021. For example, a document might name the jurisdiction as the Commonwealth of Virginia and include a Virginia State Bar (VSB) identifying number. (b) The name, telephone number, email address, and law-license identifiers and jurisdictions of each person who was the direct supervisor of Pegah Gorman in the DOI Office of the Solicitor at any time during the period January 1, 2020, through December 31, 2021. (c) The name and dates of tenure of each person who was the Solicitor or the Acting Solicitor of the United States Department of the Interior at any time during the period January 1, 2020, through February 7, 2022.
Ms. M organ Yard is 2/3/2022 ########## Ass ign ment D etermi natio n Original Tracking number: DOI-USGS-2022 -0019 13 The following is a descrip tion of the request from the attached docu ment referenced above: For the USGS National Wildlife Health Center: 1) from 1/1/16 to search, all records containing any of 23 search terms 2) fro m 1/1/14 to search, instru ments seeking or providing fund ing/resources to a named organization or named individual 3 ) records regarding letter between National Park Service and NWHC around 5/21 /2020 4 ) from 1/1/16 to s earch, final reports of stud ies involving Big Brown Bats 5) f rom 1/1/16 to search, cop ies of all signed authorization s for expenditure of approp riated funds 6) from 8/18/202 1 to search, all records relating to FOIA DOI-USGS-2 021-0 0574 1.
Morgan Yar dis 7/14/2023 Initial Evaluation This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552, as amended (FOIA), from the Protect th e Public’s Trust (P PT), a nonpartisan organization dedicated to promoting ethics in government and restorin g the public’s trust in government officials. Records Requested P PT requests the following records fro m the Department of Interior (DOI): 1. From January 1, 202 3, through the date this request is p rocessed, records of communications to or from the listed officials regarding Tanya Trujillo, DOI Assistant Secretary for Water and Science; 2. From January 1, 2023 , through the date this request is proc essed, records of co mmunications between the listed officials and th e following officials in th e Department of the Interior’s Office of the Solicitor: all political appointees, Heather Gottry, Departmental Ethics Office Director and D AEO.
Nathan H ollman 3/29/2023 ########## Clos ed Request Withdrawn 5/18/2023 I would like to request the full report filed by US Park Rangers regarding Jan Lyall Watson, who was discovered decesased in his car on January 8, 202 3, at the Garrison Creek rest stop on th e Natchez Trace. I was a close friend of the deceased, and am acting on behalf of his widow, Malaina Watson. If available in electronic format (PDF, Word, etc), that would be the preferred format. If not available, a physical copy mailed to my address is OK as well. Thank you, Nathan Hollman n [email protected] 61 5-870 -933 9
Lexis Nexi s 4/6/2023 5/4/2023 Clo sed Request Withdrawn 5/24/2023 Respondin g Agency:S MO KEY MTN PARK PDRAR MANILA (I NTE Agency ID: 46.2601 Days Out: Transaction/Reference #: 20622226 14High M onitored:AUTO OWNERS PRTCC Report Type:Auto Accident Report/Case Numb er:NP 23C44 399 D ate of Occurrence:2/21/202 3 12:00 :00AM Location o f Loss: Cros s Street: City:C ounty:SEVIERState:TN Insu rance Company: AUTO OWNERS PRTCC Insured Driver:RandyLas setter Driver 2: Driver 3: Last Note: TAG #: VIN #:
Lane Williams 6/23/2023 Initial Evaluation I seek a table or list n .pdf, .xlsx or .csv of h uman-animal interaction indicents in Yellowsone and G rand Teton National Park. I seek not for full incident reports b ut a listing of summaries of th ese incidents from the year 2000 to 2023 – similar to police incident blo tter. I ask for date, location, and brief narrative of each incident – not includ ing names of people involved. Thank you.
Mares a Jens en 10/28/2020 ########## Clos ed Ex . 5 Part ial Gran t/Partial D enial 1/26/2021
All records of formal contracts, formal agreements, grants, and any other legal instrument between the Department of Interior (DOI), Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the State of Alaska regarding: the Arctic Refuge oil and gas leasing program DOI-BLMAK- 0000-2018-0002-EIS (leasing EIS); seismic exploration, including the SAExploration Inc. Seismic Application DOI-BLM-AK-R000-2018-0040- EA (Seismic Application); and aerial geophysical surveys, including proposals from CGG Canada Services Ltd., ABI Holdings Ltd./Austin Bridgeporth, GeoTeck Alaska, Ground Truth Exploration, and Bell Geospace. All records of formal contracts, formal agreements, grants, and any other legal instrument between DOI, BLM, and FWS and any non-federal, nontribe, cooperating agencies1 regarding: the leasing EIS; seismic exploration, including the Seismic Application; and aerial geoph
Daniel S. L. Rubin 7/6/2023 Initial Evaluation Communications between the DOI/NPS or its agents or employees and the State of New York or any of its agencies, departments, boards, officials, agents or employees, regarding Kittatinny Canoes or its camp located in the Town of Barryville, New York (in the village of Narrowsburg)(, sent or received between January 1, 2000 and the present.
Ms. Mariah Thompson 6/6/2022 7/7/2022 Clos ed Other 6/22/2022
I. Defined Terms. For purposes of the Requests for Documents set forth below, the term— “BIAâ€
means Bureau of Indian Affairs, United States Department of the Interior; “BIA Eastern Oklahoma Regional Officeâ€ means the Eastern Oklahoma Regional Office of the Bureau of Indian Affairs located in Musko gee, Oklahoma, and any person employed by or stationed in that Office; “BIA Central Officeâ€ means the Central or Headquarters Office of the Bureau of Ind ian Affairs located in Washington, DC, and any perso n employed by or stationed in that Office; “Doc umentâ€ means any “recordâ€ as th at term is defined in 5 U.S.C. 552( f)(2); “Office of th e ASIAâ€ means the Office of the Ass istant Secretary – Indian Affairs in Washington, DC, and any perso n employed by or stationed in the Office of the Assis tant Secretary; “Tulsa Field Office of the Solicitorâ€ means the Field Office in the Sout
Ms. Mariah Thompson 6/6/2022 ########## Clos ed Partial G rant/Par tial Den ial 6/27/2022
I. Defined Terms. For purposes of the Requests for Documents set forth below, the term— “BIAâ€
means Bureau of Indian Affairs, United States Department of the Interior; “BIA Eastern Oklahoma Regional Officeâ€ means the Eastern Oklahoma Regional Office of the Bureau of Indian Affairs located in Musko gee, Oklahoma, and any person employed by or stationed in that Office; “BIA Central Officeâ€ means the Central or Headquarters Office of the Bureau of Ind ian Affairs located in Washington, DC, and any perso n employed by or stationed in that Office; “Doc umentâ€ means any “recordâ€ as th at term is defined in 5 U.S.C. 552( f)(2); “Office of th e ASIAâ€ means the Office of the Ass istant Secretary – Indian Affairs in Washington, DC, and any perso n employed by or stationed in the Office of the Assis tant Secretary; “Tulsa Field Office of the Solicitorâ€ means the Field Office in the Sout
Ms. Mariah Thompson 6/6/2022 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 10/6/2022
I. Defined Terms. For purposes of the Requests for Documents set forth below, the term— “BIAâ€
means Bureau of Indian Affairs, United States Department of the Interior; “BIA Eastern Oklahoma Regional Officeâ€ means the Eastern Oklahoma Regional Office of the Bureau of Indian Affairs located in Musko gee, Oklahoma, and any person employed by or stationed in that Office; “BIA Central Officeâ€ means the Central or Headquarters Office of the Bureau of Ind ian Affairs located in Washington, DC, and any perso n employed by or stationed in that Office; “Doc umentâ€ means any “recordâ€ as th at term is defined in 5 U.S.C. 552( f)(2); “Office of th e ASIAâ€ means the Office of the Ass istant Secretary – Indian Affairs in Washington, DC, and any perso n employed by or stationed in the Office of the Assis tant Secretary; “Tulsa Field Office of the Solicitorâ€ means the Field Office in the Sout
Hudson T Munoz 11/15/2018 ########## Cl os ed Ex. 5 Partial G rant/Part ial Deni al 3/26/2019 ASIA: Requesting copies of records showing purchases made on government credit cards issued to the following individuals: Tara Sweeney
Lexis Nexi s 4/12/2023 ########## Ass ignm ent D etermin atio n
Responding Agency:S MO KEY MTN PARK PD Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â RAR MANILA ( I NTE Agency ID:Â 46.2601 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Days Out:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 1 Transaction/Reference #:Â 211590 0462Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â High Monitored:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ALLSTATE INSURANCE Report Type:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Auto Accident Report/Case Number:Â Â 3386 Date of Occurrence:Â Â Â Â 4/6/2023 1 2:00:00AM Location of Lo ss:Â Â Â Â Â 1417 PARK WAYÂ Cross Street: City:Â Â Â Â Â GATLINBURGÂ Â Â Â Â Â
Emma McCap es 10/27/2021 ########## C los ed Full Grant 8/25/2022 Attached, please find Animal Legal Defense Fund’s FOIA request regarding the U.S. Department of Interior's social media accounts. Please refer to the attached request for more details. Thank you!
Elena Kadvan y 3/24/2023 5/8/2023 Clos ed Full Grant 5/8/2023 This is a request und er the Freedom of Information Act. I request that a copy of the following docu ments be provided to me: any communications th at mention Taco Bell from Sept. 1, 2022, through today's date, March 24, 20 23. In order to help to determine my status to ass ess fees, you sho uld know that I am a journalist at the San Francisco Chron icle and this request is made as part of news gathering and not f or a commercial use. I request a waiver of all fees for this request. Dis closure of the requested info rmation to me is in the public interest because it is likely to con tribute significantly to pu blic understandin g of the operations or activities of th e government and is not primarily in my commercial interest. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Sincerely, Elena Kadvany
James Mars hall 8/5/2021 ########## C los ed Partial G rant/Part ial Deni al ###########
Greetings, This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act. I request copies of the following documents: all communication s at DOI and BLM regarding requests fo r royalty reductions for co al leases COC 0672 32, COC 00 1362 , COC 0564 47, COD 0 04456 9, and WYW 0034 46. These leases are for coal at Arch Resources’ West Elk mine in Colorado and C oal Creek mine in Wyoming. Please include internal communications involving DOI and BLM officials b ased out of off ices in Washington, D .C., Grand Junction and state offices in Colo rado and Wyoming. Please also include commun ications federal officials had with C olorado government, Wyoming government, Arch Resources Inc., Mountain C oal Co. LLC, Ark Land LLC, Thund er Basin Coal, and other parties who communicated with DOI and B LM about the requests fo r royalty relief. Records could include in-p erson, virtual or telephonic meeting no
Dona K rahler 6/26/2023 8/3/2023 Initial Evaluation I am an insurance adjuster requesting a copy of a motor vehicle accident report involving Linda Blue whose address is PO Box 10 16, Belcourt, ND 5 8316 . It was a 2 vehicle accident that occurred on 6/12/20 23. The name of the 2nd driver is unkno wn. It happened in Belcourt, ND and was respond ed to by the Belcourt Agency.
Ms. Francesca Quintana 4/20/2023 ########## C los ed Full Grant 7/7/2023 1. Full and complete financial reconciliation of US D epartment of Interior Bill for Collection#1801 1398 73 in the amount o f $271 ,320.02 . 2. Clarification on how the bill was generated. 3. History of payments by th e City of Lindsay to the Bureau from Janu ary 01, 2002 through April 20, 2 023 and c onfirmation on where those payments were allocated.
Daniel S. L. Rubin 7/6/2023 ########## Ass ign ment D etermi natio n Communications b etween the DOI/NPS or its agents or employees and the Larimer County Conservation Corps ( LCCC) of Fo rt Collins, Colorado and its agents or employees regarding the use, installation or donation of Park Model RVs as part of a pilot p rogram at the Rocky Mountain National Park, sent or received between January 1, 2015 and the present. Cop ies of news articles related to the pilot program are attached for your reference
Mr. Isaac J . Avilucea 6/29/2023 8/2/2023 Clos ed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C) Partial G rant/Par tial Den ial 7/18/2023 Police reports, incident reports, computer-aided dispatch reports and supplemental reports for the period of Jan. 1, 2017 to June 20, 2023 concerning calls for service to Carpenters' Hall, located at 320 Chestnut Street in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Please provide the above records for all documented crimes, disturbances and other instances when National Park Police was dispatched to Carpenters' Hall for the above-mentioned period.
Daniel S. L. Rubin 7/6/2023 Initial Evaluation Communications between the DOI/NPS or its agents or employees and the Town of Highland or any of its boards, officials, agents or employees, regarding a substantial conformance review of the Town of Highland's laws, plans and ordinances, sent or received between January 1, 1978 and the pres ent. Information about the "substantial conformance" review for a town's laws, plans and ordinances can be in the Delaware River Management Plan at p. 26, a copy of which is available at:
mr Donald Stryker 5/31/2019 ########## Clo sed Ex . 6 P artial Gran t/Parti al Denial ########### AS-IA-BIE: All documentation obtained during the course of the investigation of harassment allegations filed against me on or about 12/11/18. This request includes all documents obtained during the course of Ms. Alexandria Lee's initial investigation into the complaint as well as all documents shared with and generated by investigator Robert Paiva in the course of Case#: DOI-19-HCI-022-BIE.
Brend a Lewis 10/3/2022 ########## C los ed No Records ########### Any and all documentation associated with the acquisition of the Bureau of Indian Affairs or Bureau of Indian Education Dormitory located in Ramah New Mexico. Documentation should include, but is not limited to Civil Action 4164. Additionally, any correspondence between the defendants Marvin and Joan Lewis and the DOI, BIA, BIA Branch of Plan Design and Construction, BIE, or Local Dormitory officials between 1952 and 1990.
Ann Brown 8/8/2022 9/7/2022 Clo sed Ex. 3, Ex. 6 Partial Grant/P artial D enial ########### The Center requests from the Bureau of Land Management (“BLMâ), Utah State Office: From January 1, 2020 to the date BLM cond ucts this s earch, the records of communication s between BLM and Uinta Basin Sand LL C. [Please note: National Environmental Policy Act2 (“ NEPAâ€) Number: DOI-BLM-UT-G010 -202 1-005 6-EA, and Case file number: UTU9517 3].
Nich olas Deren e 4/29/2022 ########## Clo sed No Records 7/25/2022 List of all complaints filed by Madison Keyshea, before, during or after being an employee or volunteer of the National Park Service, including the date, case number, nature of complaint, names of accused and witnesses, dispositions, and disciplinary actions proposed and taken. This should include complaints filed with or investigated by OPR, ISB, HR, EEO, 16E or any other entity under DOI.
Nich olas Deren e 4/29/2022 ########## Clo sed No Records 7/25/2022 List of all complaints filed by Rachel Weinstein, before, during or after being an employee or volunteer of the National Park Service, including the date, case number, nature of complaint, names of accused and witnesses, dispositions, and disciplinary actions proposed and taken. This should include complaints filed with or investigated by OPR, ISB, HR, EEO, 16E or any other entity under DOI.
Heidi McIntosh 3/31/2017 ########## Clos ed Other 7/23/2021 All records dated or created after Jan. 20, 2017 that relate to the Bears Ears National Monument. The requested records include, but are not limited to, communications (and references thereto) between DOI and/or BLM, including any member of the transition, landing or �beachhead� teams, and: 1. Members of the House of Representatives and their staff or agents; 2. Members of the U.S. Senate and their staff or agents; (Continued below...)
Ralph Giesler 8/12/2021 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 9/16/2021 EPAP ratings for the FY2020 performance period (e.g. 10/1/2019-9/30/2020) for GS-14 employees assigned to DOI Interior Business Center's Human Resources Directorate. No personal information is requested. Just a breakdown of the number of HRD GS-14s who received a rating of Outstanding, the number of Exceeds Expectations, the number of Fully Successful, and the number of Unacceptable.
Lawrenc e Ko gan 3/30/2020 ########## Initial Evaluation All public records that have been sent, dispatched and otherwise transmitted from, and/or exchanged by, any one or more the offices of the U.S. Department of Interior (DOI), Office of the Solicitor (SOL), by its officials, employees and/or representatives, from January 1, 2015 through March 19, 2020: regarding congressional legislation, including, the prior �National Bison Range Restoration Act.
Rose Santos 12/17/2021 ########## C los ed Not an Agenc y Reco rd 1/5/2022 [Reference FGI#21-76 254] Relevant to the DOI-Solic itor's office and West P ublishing/Thomps on Reuters for legal research services and/or online research services all contracts awarded between 2016 to present, whereby we seek copies of the following (1) Cop y of the contract with SOW/PWS and (2 ) copy of all Task / Purchase Order’s with Statement of Work, Terms and Condition s
Vanessa Murphy 4/26/2023 6/9/2023 Ass ign ment D etermi natio n
I am requesting all reports documents photos videos and body cam footage from the investigation into the disappearance of Claude Russell Pensinger on July 14 19 98 This would include information from the initial report that he was missing and all documentation regarding the investigation as well as documentation from when remains were identified as his in 2023 Thank you
Ben Fen ner 6/13/2023 ########## Initial Evaluation As more fully described in attached, this request seeks a pdf document entitled FY2010 Health and Human Services Subcontractor Exclusion. Also as noted in attached, this request was previously submitted to Health and Human Services and the Interior Business Center. Neither agency provided any responsive documents. Instead, we were instructed to submit our request to the DOI. We then were instructed by the AS-IA FOIA Office that the records we are asking for likely belong to the Department of Interior (DOI) Office of the Secretary which is the reason behind this request to your office at this time. Attached is the Final FOIA DOI Request as well as the receipt of request submitted to the AS-IA FOIA Office yesterday June 12, 2023.
Adam Long 1/26/2023 3/2/2023 Initial Evaluation Documentation regarding the applications for spring hiking permits for Angels Landing in Zion National Park. The information provided may be narrowed to the dates of April 7 & 8, 2023. Provide details on the number of applications received, how the lottery was conducted, who conducted it, and all individuals and/or entities receiving permits for those days.
Mr. lawrence hobbs 12/29/2022 2/6/2023 Clo sed Full Grant 1/6/2023
RE: Notice of disputed debt pu rsuant to DOI-BL M false claims of debts o wed (Ref: 1375 (LL OC6210 000) ; Debt ID Number: 08507 7197 4, Collection #202 20080 13). Request f or all Records in existence within the systems o f records known to the DO I-BLM as SYSTEM NAME: Interior, DOI-86, "Accoun ts Receivable: FBMSâ€
. A) The alleged Debt referenced as: (Ref: 1375 (LLOC6210000); Debt ID Number: 9085077 1974, Collection #2022008013) by this letter is hereby formally disputed, as alleged said debt was levied by the US Department of the Interior DOI and/or the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM), only for the purposes of on-going retaliation harassment, discrimination and tortious interference; and B) 43 CFR 2.60 NOTIFICATION: The undersigned, Requestor, Lawrence H Hobbs an individual hereby, through this letter, is an individual requesti ng notificati on of the existence of any and all records on
Lexis Nexi s 3/3/2023 Clo sed Duplicate Request 3/7/2023 Responding Agency: U .S . PARK PDRAR MANILA (I NTE Agency ID: 10.002 Days Out: Transaction/Reference #: 15622156 65No t High Monitored: LIBERTY MUTUAL Report Type:Other Report/Case Number:21-94 852 D ate of Occurrence:11/12/20 21 12:0 0:00AM Location of Loss :SOIL CONSERVATION RD Cross Street: City:G LENN DALECoun ty:PRINCE G EORGState:MD Insurance Comp any: LIBERTY MUTUAL Insured Driver:Sh arahMSwilling Driver 2: Driver 3: Last Note: No Association Performed. Sent To Print By Iserv (iserv) 3/2/20239 :24:46AM TAG #: VIN #: 4T1BF3EKXAU04339 6
Janice Williams 7/17/2023 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 7/19/2023 NPS Form 10 -900, OM B No. 1024 -0018 , National Register of Historic P laces Registration Form showing signature and date under "Signature of the Keeper" and "D ate of Action" related to the Texas, Gillespie County - Klein Frankreich Rural Histo ric District listed on the National Register of Historic Places 6 /30/2023 .
Mr. Emmerson Donnell 4/18/2023 ########## As sign ment Determ inati on Any information received or generated by the offices of the Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs, BIA Northwest Regional Office, or Fort Hall Agency since January 31, 2023 (the date of our last FOIA request), regarding the Shoshone Bannock’s desire to have land taken into trust in or around Mountain Home, Idaho for gaming purposes.
Anastas ia Lenn on 1/3/2023 Clo sed Not an Agen cy R ecord 1/8/2023 P leas e see req ues t attac hed a s PD F.
Daniel S. L. Rubin 7/6/2023 Clos ed Duplicate Request 7/19/2023
Communications between the DOI/NPS or its agents or employees and any person or entity which is a member of the Upper Delaware Council or any of its/their officials, agents or employees, regarding the Camp FIMFO project in the Town of Highland, New York sent or received between January 1, 2021 and the present. The Council membership operates under a long-term, renewable Cooperative Agreement with the National Park Service. Voting members are the two states (New York and Pennsylvania) and presently 13 out of the 15 local governments which border on the Upper Delaware River. In New York, these include the Town of Hancock in Delaware County, and Towns of Fremont, Delaware, Cochecton, Tusten, Highland, and Lumberland in Sullivan County, and the Town of D eerpark in Orange County. In Pennsylvania, members are the Townships of Berlin and Damascus in Wayne County, and Townships
Daniel S. L. Rubin 7/6/2023 Clos ed Duplicate Request 7/19/2023 Communications between the DOI/NPS or its agents or employees and any person or entity which is a member of the Upper Delaware Council or any of its/their officials, agents or employees, regarding Kittatinny Canoes or its camp located in the Town of Barryville, New York (in the village of Narrowsburg)(, sent or received between January 1, 2000 and the present.
Derrick Taylor 4/14/2023 ########## C los ed Request Withdrawn 6/13/2023 I am requesting the Accident Report o f an accident in my (Ford Edge) and a Audi SUV on April 7, 2023 at 1 4:11 with the location co de of NG3 near Old Mou ntain Rd. and Burnt H ickory Rd. in the Kennesaw Mountain M ountain National Battlefield Park in Kennesaw, GA. The officer in charge was Jasmin Jones Offic er No. 953 and with this particular case Case No. NP230 8433 5. In addition, the the Violation Number was 09 89340 4. The tag number of my grey Ford Edge DVN460 with the state being GA.
Daniel S. L. Rubin 7/6/2023 ########## Ass ign ment D etermi natio n Communications b etween the DOI/NPS or its agents or employees and Forrest River RVs ( and its agents and employees (includ ing, but not limited to Darla Sidles and/or Rick May) related to the use, installation or d onation of park model RVs as part of a pilot program at the Rocky Mountain Nation al Park between January 1, 2015 and the present. Copies of news articles related to the pilot program are attached for your reference.
May Yang 9/14/2022 C los ed Duplicate Request 9/15/2022 Transaction/Reference #: 18180 8036 2Not High M onitored Report Type:Auto Accident Report/Case Number:071 0223 3 Date of Occurrence:7/10 /2022 1 2:00:00AM Lo cation of Los s:BALTIMORE WASHINGTON PKWY Cross Street: City:HYATTSVIL LECounty:PRINCE G EORGState:MD Ins urance Company: NATIONAL GENERAL HOLDINGS Insured D river:Nelso nMolina Guz man Driver 2:ReinaMolina Driver 3:KaylaMolin a Last Note: TAG #: VIN #:1C 4NJRCB2C D564 184
Paul No lan 12/19/2022 ########## Clo sed Full Grant 1/3/2023
Seeking Mt Rainier National Park Budget for FY 2020 202 1 202 2 and 202 3 (planned) Also seeking an itemized list of all active employees each year including full and parttime and a list of employees on leaves who are still receiving pay and or benefits I do no t care about names just positio ns and total compens ation for each positio n
Ciara Arriaga 3/13/2023 ########## Cl osed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C) P artial Gran t/Parti al Denial 4/4/2023 Kindly requesting any report completed on an incident that happened at Lucky Star Casino Watonga, OK location on March 9, 2023 at 1:37am related to Russel Lee. The report is and will only be used for investigative purposes for the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes Gaming Commission. Ciara Arriaga Gaming Commission- Compliance Manager
Harlee H awk 4/26/2023 ########## Clo sed Full Grant 4/28/2023 I am requesting a copy of the police report from when my vehicle was stolen. I gave my statement to the Fort Thompson Po lice Department on 03/30/202 3. The vehicle stolen was a Grey 2014 Nis san Sentra and was stolen on the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe reservation. I need a copy of this report for my insuranc e claim.
Kevin Allard 3/10/2023 ########## As si gnmen t Deter minat ion I would like the following information for all Bureau of Land Management employees operating in the state of Arizona as of today, March 10, 2023. First and Last Name Year hired Professional title Position of employment Job description Yearly salary including bonuses and tips Bureau employee phone number Bureau employee email address
Tonya Mar shall 6/22/2023 8/1/2023 Res earch Reco rds I am requesting an incident report for an accident th at happened on May 25, 20 23 in Zion Nation al Park. We are Zion Guru, an e-bike rental company in Springdale, UT. We rented an e-bike to Beth Gant on May 24th, sh e kept the bike overnight and had a crash the next morning. The crash happened near Watchman campground in Zion N P. Park enforcement were called and Beth was transported for medical attention. The law enforcement officer later came into our store to tell us about the incident, told u s that Beth was not wearing the helmet that we gave to her, that the helmet was in the basket on the back of the bike. He told us where the bike was located so we could go pick it u p. We have received paperwork from an attorney stating that Beth is suing us . This is the reason we need an incident report.
Landon Newell 6/23/2017 ########## Cl osed Request Withdrawn 3/21/2022 Any and all records relating to maps of recommended new boundaries for Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. This includes, but is not limited to, any records shared by or with the State of Utah and its counties, including Kane County, and officials or employees thereof, state or federal legislators (including their staff), state and federal agencies (such as DOI, the Bureau of Land Management, or Utah�s Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office)
Adam Fed erman 8/26/2021 ########## Clo sed No Records 9/1/2021 On January 6, 2021 DOI held an oil and gas lease sale in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. One of the primary bidders was the Alaska Investment Development and Export Authority or AIDEA. This is a request for any and all correspondence or communication between the USFWS and AIDEA between November 1, 2020 and the present. Please include any corres pondence or communication between the Arctic Refuge staff and or FWS staff in Alaska.
Michael Ravnitzky 7/10/2017 8/4/2017 Resear ch R ecord s Copy of email since March 1, 2017 in the DOI, specifically within the Office of Congressional and Legislative Affairs and Office of Intergovernmental and External Affairs, that contains any of these words: autocrat, autocratic, blowhard, bombastic, buffoon, crazy, dangerous, egomaniac, egotistical, immature, Infantile, insane, irresponsible, laughingstock, lunatic, misogynist, narcissism, narcissist, narcissistic, opportunist, sociopath, sociopathic, unbefitting, undignified, Cont below.
Karimah Schoehut 9/24/2018 ########## Clos ed Other 3/22/2019
Records of expenditures f or all travel to or within Alaska by Assistant Secretary of Interior for Land and Minerals Management Joseph Balash as well as any DOI staff that accompanied Assis tant Secretary Balash from D ecember 7 20 17 throu gh the date that the search for records is con ducted The request includes travel vouchers or any oth er records of travel expenditures that are not included in travel vouchers fo r the period in question (c ont below)
Michael Ravnitzky 3/2/2021 ########## Cl os ed No Records 3/4/2021
All emails exchanged between Deputy Secretary Michael Connor and Kenneth (“Kenâ€) Salazar between August 1 2016 and October 12 2 016 These records have already been identified as part of a previous FOIA request to DOI Office of the Secretary by a different requester and designated as OS 20 17 00 015 For that reason any s earch or review for this request would be minimal This is a noncommercial individual request
Adam Fed erman 7/19/2022 ########## Processing Tasks On December 21, 2021 DOI deputy secretary Tommy Beaudreau had a meeting with the chiefs of staff of the Alaska delegation: Kaleb Froehlich (Murkowski), Larry Burton (Sullivan), and Alex Ortiz (Young). This is a request for any and all correspondence or communication, including text messages, notes, and emails, between deputy secretary Beaudreau and these three individuals. Date range for the request is November 1, 2021 to the present.
DOIOSMRE 2021 004486
Trey Bu ssey 6/9/2021 7/9/2021 Clo sed No Records 6/25/2021 All documents related to the Triple H Application that OSMRE has created or received subsequent to OSMRE’s search for records pursuant to SELC’s FOIA request DOIOSMRE- 2021-02266, filed on January 5, 2021. 2. All documents added to the correspondence file associated with the Triple H Application subsequent to OSMRE’s search pursuant to SELC’s FOIA request DOI-OSMRE-2021- 02266.
Edward B Zukoski 3/3/2017 ########## Clo sed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial G rant/Part ial Deni al 8/16/2022 All records ... generated, modified, or acquired by the US DOI, Ofc of the Solicitor, HQ, co ncerning or relating to any of the following since Jan 2 0, 2017 : 1. The "Pause on the Issuance of New Federal Coal Leases for Thermal (Steam) Coal" enacted as Section 5 of Interior Secretarial Order No. 3338, Jan. 15 2 016 2 . Any proposal or decisio n to rescind, amend, or otherwise modify that paus e.
Itai Vardi 3/11/2019 4/5/2019 Clo sed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial G rant/Par tial Den ial 9/23/2022 Any and all emails to and from ( and CC's/BCC's ) DOI's Alaska Regional Solicitor Jos hua (Josh) Kindred from 6.1.2 018 to 3 .1.2019 relating to each the following topics: 1) Coas tal Plain leasing/ANWR area 1002, 2) Regional Mitigation Strategy for NPR-A, 3) fis h habitat and/or salmon, and 4 ) polar bears. Any such respo nsive emails must include all attachments.
Austin Evers 7/19/2019 ########## Clos ed Request Withdrawn 4/15/2021 All records reflecting communications between (a) political appointees* in DOI Office of Congressional and Legislative Affairs, Office of the Solicitor, or Interior Leadership Offices and (b) any of the White House Counsel staff listed below regarding congressional oversight of the executive branch�including both specific congressional oversight of specific matters and general policies, concerns, and considerations related to congressional oversight of the executive branch.
Lawrenc e Ko gan 3/23/2020 ########## Initial Evaluation All communications by, any one or more the offices of the U.S. Department of Interior (DOI), Office of the Solicitor (SOL), by its officials, employees and/or representatives , from January 1, 2015 through March 19, 2020: Regarding congressional legislation, including, but not limited to, S.3019 (the Montana Water Rights Protection Act), to facilitate the potential conveyance (transfer) to the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes (CSKT)
Mr. K evin L emus 11/24/2020 ########## Cl osed No Records ########### 1. Internal Complaint referenced in the ROI that was completed on 4/20 /2020. It was Con ducted by Richard Norc ross, EEO Contract Investigator. EEO contact phone nu mber is 803-9 96-93 70 and the address is listed below. 710 Vin tage Lane Columbia SC 29210- 5109 . 2. OIG Complaint. Internal complaint is case # DOI-19 -HCI-13 8-USGS for Mr. Nathan B eberdick.
Mr. Patrick A McKay 9/9/2021 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 11/9/2021
I request the following documents: 1. All files included as attachments to the comments submitted by representatives of the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance during the scoping comment period for the Labyrinth Rims/Gemini Bridges Travel Management Area EA (NEPA#: DOI-BLM-UT-Y0l0-2020-0097-EA). I have already received their main comment letter in response to a previous FOIA request. I now request all additional attached files submitted with those comments, including documents, photographs, maps, and GIS data. 2. All files included as attachments to the comments submitted by representatives of the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance during the scoping comment period for the San Rafael Swell Travel Management Plan EA (NEPA#: DOI-BLM- UT-G020-2019-0019-EA). I have already received their main comment letter in response to a previous FOIA request. I now request all additional attached fi
Tim Hen ness y 5/1/2019 ########## Clos ed Ex . 4 Part ial Gran t/Partial D enial 8/21/2019 PACIFIC - all documents regarding the decision by the ASIA to acquire in trust for the United Auburn Indian Community a parcel of land of approx. 50 acres.
Lexis Nexi s 4/6/2023 5/4/2023 Clo sed Request Withdrawn 5/24/2023 Respondin g Agency:S MO KEY MTN PARK PDRAR MANILA ( I NTE Agency ID: 46.2601 Days Out:1 Transaction/Reference #: 207452 5513High Monitored:AUTO OWNERS PRTCC Report Type:Auto Accident Report/Case Numb er:CAD 1957 Date of Occurrence:3/4/202 3 12:00:0 0AM Location of Loss:CAD ES COVE WAY Cross Street: City:GATLINBURGCounty:SEVIERState:TN Insurance Company: AUTO OWNERS PRTCC Insu red Driver:Timothy FRay Driver 2:KyleUn derwood Driver 3: Last Note: TAG #: CJH5383 VIN #: 3TYCZ5AN5MT011 156
Dr. Devin C Bent 1/20/2023 ########## R esearc h Rec ord s
Any information or document or communication concerning an early January 2023 meeting andor tour re the Pojoaque Basin Regional Water System (PBRWS) including but not limited to purpose, list of invitees, list of attendees. agenda, slides presented, handouts, discussion, minutes and follow-up, and justification for not inviting those citizens who will be impacted by the project. Any information or documen t or communication justifying, criticizing or discussing the decision to provide flood protection for the 100 year flood (and no more) for the PBRWS pipelines including the compatibility with any relevant Presidential Executive Order. Any information, discussion, or communication concerning the PBRWS water treatment facility's ability to test for and treat any PFAS compound. Any information, discussion or communication concerning the secrecy surrounding the construction of the Pojoaque Basin
Caitlin Byrd 4/6/2023 5/4/2023 Ass ignmen t D etermin atio n
April 6, 2023 To who m it may concern, This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act. I hereby request the following records: All applications for commercial filming made to Fort Sumter and Fort Moultrie National Historical Park for M arch 31, 202 3 in Charleston, Sou th Carolina on Sullivan's Island . In order to help you determine my status for the purpo se of assessin g fees, you should kn ow that I am a representative of the news media affiliated with The Post and Courier newspaper. This request is being made as part of news gathering and is not fo r a commercial use. In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inf orm me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not. I request a waiver of all fees for this request. Disclosu re of the requested information to me is in the pub lic
Joseph King 11/9/2022 ########## Initial Evaluation Please refer to FOIA request DOI-FWS-202 2-00 5859 f or specific request details. It is my und erstanding that request is directed to USFWS and they may only release information that has been sh ared with them by the US DOI Office of the Secretary. I am hereby submitting this separate (identical) request s o that the US DOI Office of the Secretary may release information to satisfy my request that may not otherwise be released by USFWS.
Mr. Matthew B Whittaker 1/4/2023 2/9/2023 Clo sed Ex . 3 P artial Gran t/Parti al Denial 3/2/2023 Please send me a copy of the follo wing reports: Tetra Tech, Inc, 2016 . A Cultural Resource Inventory for Canyon Fuel Comp any, LLC’s Sufco M ine South Fork Lease, Sevier County, Utah. September 9, Salt Lake City, Utah: Tetra Tech, Inc. associated with the South Fork EA (South Fork Federal Coal Lease Modification / Environmental Assessment DOI-BL M-UT-G02 0-201 7-00 53-EA). Zier, C. 1979, An Archaeological Survey of a Coal Mine Expansio n (for U.S. Coal Lease C-22 67 and Ass ociated Areas) for Energy Fuels Corporation in Rou tt County, Colorado. Report p repared by Powers Elevation, Inc., Eagle, Colorado for the Bureau of Land Management, Little Snake Resource Area, Craig, Colorado associated with the EA for the Peabody Twentymile Coal, LLC COC54608 Lease Modification (D OI-BLM-CO-N 010-2 014-0 044-EA).
Lauree V alverd e 8/27/2021 ########## Processing Tasks
On 02/15/20 19, NET ESOLUTIONS CORPORATION was awarded contract 140D 0419 F0075 f or NIAID OCICB Application D evelopment Support Services off the CIO-SP3 SB co ntract vehicle HHSN316 2012 0016 0W. For contract140 D041 9F007 5, I am making a FOIA request for a copy of th e base contract including all section s, any SOW documents and associated appendices or s upplemental documents. I would also like all contract mod ification documents . I also request copies of any and all ass ociated solicitation do cuments includin g appendices, attachments, amendments and Q&A documents. Attached is th e FPDS base award record showing DOI as the contracts office. The contracting people associated with the base award are below. Please double check your records as there is a contract that DOI awarded & contact the contractin g personnel below. Timothy Gerhart [email protected] (703
Walter Berry 7/6/2023 As sign ment Determ inati on We are trying to get the name and hometown of a 57-year-old woman who d ied while hiking at Grand Canyon National Park on July 2 , 2023. The park's pub lic relations department won't give us that information nor will the Coco nino Coun ty Medical Examiner's Office. Park officials will only say the woman was on an 8-mile hike when she died of a heat-related illness. The county coro ner would not provide a cause of death ho wever. Attached is the park's service press release announcing the death but not providing the victim's n ame or hometown. Just her age. We are a news agency and want to get that info.
Mr. James B abb 7/5/2023 8/3/2023 Initial Evaluation am requesting records related to Acadia National Park, specifically the Cadillac Summit Road checkpoint. Please provide the car counts by month, on the Cadillac Summit Rd. for 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023. How many employees are currently assigned to the checkpoint? What is the total annual cost to staff and maintain the checkpoint? Please provide all environmental and community impact studies conducted on the checkpoint.
Marcia S. Sad dler 1/11/2023 ########## Clo sed No Records 2/24/2023 I am requesting emails from Lisa Branum's DOI computer. Look between the dates of 1/201 6-3/30/20 19. Please look for th ese specific wording. Marcia or "SHE" is a prob lem and we are/will handling her globally. I will pay for the 1st 50 pages. If you find more than 5 0 pages I will pay for them.
Leah Jurss 4/23/2021 ########## C los ed 4/23/2021
Mrs. Charlotte N Wetselline 6/1/2021 ########## C los ed 6/10/2021
Lesli e Snid er 10/26/2021 ########## Clos ed ###########
Emily Downer 1/7/2022 ########## C los ed 2/3/2022
Mrs. Dawn M Doran 5/22/2023 ########## As sign ment Determ inati on Requesting to have (electronic) cop ies of emails from my National Park Service work account which were archived and also placed on a litigation hold. Dates of the emails are all those between August 1, 2018 and April 5, 202 3. My work email address was: [email protected] I am requesting all personal and work related correspondences with Lake Mead management, supervisors, Regional HR, EEO staff and Ombudsman as th ey will contain evidence important to pending EEO litigation.
Angelica L Ritter 2/27/2023 ########## Cl os ed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C) Partial G rant/Part ial Deni al 3/14/2023 I would like the police report and 911 call I made to Mescalero Apache dispatch while an officer unlawfully detained me, stole my property, threatened to take me to jail and tow my car. Date was Friday February 24, 2023 my initial call to 911 dispatch was at 4:51 pm and was about 31 minu tes long
Pauline J Blue 2/28/2023 4/7/2023 Clo sed Full Grant 3/16/2023 requesting copy of accident (my vehicle was parked) Date 02/26/2023 Reported by Robert Hunt of Cheap Shotz Bar in Dunseith,ND Officer Trenton Gunville, Andrew Saari Vehicle owned by Jason and Pauline Blue My vehicle was parked and was hit and witness came into bar to let us know the vehicle was hit and Lenny Scroeder backed into it.
Roy A Nugent 7/7/2023 8/4/2023 Ass ign ment D etermin atio n I am submitting this request for electronic records under The Freedom of Information Act. I am requesting a list of all CITES Master File Holders for Fauna along with the available contact details. Please indicate that what Fauna species are associated with each CITES Master File. This requested information is for 01 /01/2021 to 07/04/20 23
Roy A Nugent 7/7/2023 8/4/2023 Initial Evaluation I am submitting this request fo r electronic records under The Freedom of Information Act. I am requesting a list of all CITES Master File Holders for Flora along with the available contact details. Please indicate that what Flora species are associated with each CITES Master File. This requested information is for 0 1/01/2021 to 07/04 /2023
DOIOSMRE 2023 005331
Juan Solorzano 7/3/2023 ########## Ass ignmen t Det ermin ation I am requesting all records created in the planning and execution of the training workshop that occurred in support of CELEBRATING LGBTQI+ PRIDE MONTH 2023 entitled “Respectful Interactions: Inclusive Language in the Workplaceâ€, including the final slide deck that was used during the pres entation, a copy of the interactive chat activity that occurred during the presentati on, and a copy of the live video and audio recording of the presentation.
Rose Santos 4/27/2021 ########## Clo sed No Records 5/17/2021 [Reference FGI# 21-7 1268G ] Relevant to DOI / BIA W91QUZ06D0 014 Task Order 00 04, we seek CLEARLY RELEASABLE copies of the following: (1) Task order title page (1st page only) and (2 ) the Task Order’s CURRENT Statement of Work/Performance Work Statement (SOW/PWS) [WE DO NOT SEEK PRICING] (this FOIA request sho uld be placed in the “simple†agency FOIA processing queue)
Mares a Jens on 3/8/2019 4/4/2019 Initial Evaluation All communications and records from April 15, 2018, related to SAExploration Inc. Seismic Application DOI-BLM-AK-R000-2018-0040-EA (Seismic Application); all versions and drafts of the Permit Application; communications and records used to assess and determine the standards for adequate snow cover for the Coastal Plain of the Arctic Refuge, including all data sets and published or unpublished scientific reports or studies relied on.
Ann Brown 2/2/2022 3/3/2022 Clo sed Ex. 3, Ex. 5, Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C) P artial Gran t/Parti al Denial 4/18/2022 The Center requests from the Bureau of Land Management (“BLMâ€), Moab Field Office: From January 1, 2021 to the date BLM conducts this search, all records menti oning, including, and/or generated in connection to the “Rebuilding the Mill Canyon Dinosaur Tracksite Trailâ€ Environmental Assessment (DOI-BLM-UT-Y010-2021-0092-EA), and all other records about the Mill Canyon Dinosaur Tracksite.2
Nich olas Deren e 4/29/2022 6/1/2022 Ass ign ment D etermi natio n List of all discrimination or harassment complaints as defined and governed by DOI policy 16E that have been or currently are being managed by Michelle Kerns as an Anti-Harassment Point of Contact (HPOC). This list should include date, case number, nature of complaint, names of complainant, names of accused and witnesses, initial actions taken (e.g. placing employee on administrative leave), dispositions, and disciplinary actions proposed and taken.
Nicholas Fro mherz 7/26/2018 ########## Clo sed Oth er 7/9/2021 1. All records relating to the DOI�s consultation and/or review, whether completed or ongoing, regarding the Pacific Marine National Monuments pursuant to Executive Order 13792 (entitled �Review of Designations Under the Antiquities Act�).1This request includes records relating to cost-benefit analysis, environmental considerations, legal analysis, communications with other federal agencies and state, tribal, and local governments, ...(contd below)
Jimmy Tobias 8/17/2018 ########## Clos ed Other ########### All written or electronic communications, including attachments, between DOI appointee Vincent DeVito, and any agent, representative, lobbyist or executive affiliated with the Independent Petroleum Association of America, or IPAA. This request also seeks any communications, including attachments, between Mr. DeVito and any email address that ends in This request seeks documents produced between February 1, 2017 and the date this request is processed.
Kevin Bogardus 1/16/2020 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 8/19/2021 Emails sent to and fro m the following individuals at the Department of the Interior�s Offic e of the Secretary related to the preparation, creation, release and reaction to the Jan. 14, 20 20 DOI press release titled �CORRECT THE RECORD: New York Times Continues False Attacks Against Trump Administration� fro m Jan. 10 to Jan. 15, 2 020: David Bernhardt, Katharine MacGregor, Todd Willens , Nicholas Good win, Carol Danko.
Sahir Dosh i 7/20/2018 ########## Clo sed Full Grant 4/20/2021 All records relating to the official personal schedule of Daniel Jorjani, the current Principal Deputy Solicitor of DOI since he took office in 2017. And, all documents related to Mr. Jorjani's calendar of work-related meetings and engagements since he took office, including documentation of any and all meetings he has held with representatives of American corporations, lobbying groups or political advocacy groups.
Mr. Tristan K Harp er 6/15/2021 ########## Clo sed Full Grant ########### I am requesting all raw and processed sonar data for USGS Field Activity 2019-326-FA. I understand that the processed XYZ file for the project is available online. I am looking for higher resolution data including all raw and processed sonar data for this project. More information about the field activity is available here:
Cyndi Tuell 4/27/2023 ########## Cl os ed Full Grant 6/15/2023 Dear Mr. Davis, I am writi ng today to request records related to the livestock grazing within the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area (SPRNCA) on April 15, 202 3. We are seeking bills for actual use on four allotments fo r the past 10 years. On behalf of Western Watersheds Project and pursuant to the Act (5 U.S.C. § 522), I am requesting: •Bills for actual us e (for livestock grazing) by any and all permittees using the follo wing allotments from 2013 through 202 3: oThree Brothers oLucky H ills oBrunc kow Hills oBaboco mari I am interested in these documents because I have an interest in whether or not the agency has complied with federal regulations in managing federally protected public lands and I am currently reviewing the agency’s decision related to livestock grazing on th ese four allotments within the SPRNCA.
Rick V Ad ams 2/21/2023 ########## C los ed Record s N ot Reas on ably Des crib ed 3/31/2023
To Whom It May Concern: Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request the following records: 1. Any record (including maps and correspondence) of the Department of the Interior or its subcomponents (e.g. The National Park Service) documenting the pres ence of potential buried treasure or concealed, hidden treasures in the course of DOI subcomponents performance of their duties between January 1, 2000 and the present. One example of records potentially responsive to this request would be all records created, reviewed, or received in response to this event: tone/ 2. A copy of any form or other record DOI personnel use to record potential buried treasure to responsible investigative agencies within the federal government. The requested documents will be made available to th
Timothy Fitzgerald 9/27/2021 ########## As si gnmen t Det ermina tion
This is a request for data to upd ate an existing dataset provided by the Nevada State Office (Bea Wade, before she retired). I have made a handful of FOIA requests for the same information and have not received a response. The relevant FOIA request numbers include: DOI-BLM-20 21-00 5685 8/24/202 1 DOI-BLM- 2021- 0050 67 7/15/2 021 DOI-B LM-202 1-00 4503 6 /20/2021 I am seeking to update a dataset provided to me without a FOIA request by the BLM. Those data were provided to me in 2012, and provided a comprehensive doc umentation of gathers and placements of wild ho rses and burros . The contact at that time was Bea Wade in the Nevada State Office, but she has since retired. In February 2021, I was directed to Meredith Kueck in Oklahoma, but sh e has not replied since March 20 21. In July 20 21, Tiffany Wilhelm in the Nevada State Office assured me that tracking on my FOIA request would be p
Rober t Wald eck 5/17/2023 ########## Initial Evaluation I seek the application for a permit to hold the Rage Against the War Machine Rally held on the National Mall near the Lincoln Memorial and Reflecting Pool on February 19, 20 23. I also seek the correspond ence between the rally organizers and the National Park Service, including, but not limited to th e Agency's approval of the permit. This is a Media Request and I seek expedited processing. We are working on a timely story regarding the funding of the rally. Thank you, Rob Waldeck
Kevin Bogardus 2/5/2021 3/9/2021 Clo sed No Records 2/8/2021 I request the following records from Jan. 1 to Feb. 1, 2021: ASIA-ES-IA: 5. I request all communications records concerning communications that mention "Trump," "Ivanka," "Kushner" and/or "Observer" in the to/from field of your bureau/office’s correspondence log. Please consider any emails, letters, memorandums, text messages, voice and video recordings as well as other documented forms of communication found in your bureau/office’s correspondence log that mention one or more of these terms as responsive records to my request. Please consider Personally Identifiable Information as not responsive to my request. Please consider each numbered bullet point a separate FOIA request, with each requiring its own control number and response.
Deby Dixon 2/7/2023 3/8/2023 Clo sed Full Grant 2/27/2023
Pursuant to the Freedom of Info rmation Act, 5 USC 552 , et seq., I, Deborah (Deby) Dixon, hereby request copies of all agency records in the possess ion or contro l of the Department of Interior (DOI), National Park Service (NPS), Intermountain Region, Yellowstone National Park headquarters, or any of its offices, storage facilities or other locations , or in the posses sion or con trol of any of its co ntractors, agents or affiliated organizations , to include, but not be limited to, all paper and electronic writings and records, do cuments, statements, notes, calendars, photo graphs, emails, text messages, audio and video recordings, inter- and intra- off ice memos, and any other form of paper or electronic record, howsoever described, for the period co vering the years 2021 to the present, hereinafter collectively referred to as records for purposes o f this request, and related in any manner to, and including, the follo wing:
Carol Lowe 9/17/2021 ########## C los ed No Records ########### Any communications of any sort sent or received between February 21, 2020 and the present from or to any officer, agent, employee, or representative of the Redding Rancheria concerning or related to any application by the Redding Rancheria for the taking of land into trust for gaming purposes. I’m choosing February 21, 2020 because it is the date of the attached letter, which apparently triggered DOI’s stay of the environmental review process and all correspondence after that is of interest.
Dr. David S Koss ack 8/2/2021 ########## As si gnmen t Deter minat ion Any and all Protests submitted in response to Cotoni-Coast Dairies California Coastal National Monument Proposed Resource Management Plan Amendment and Environmental Assessment (NEPA#: DOI-BLM-CA-C090-2019-0015-RMP-EA) including but not limited to, those listed in the attached Protest Party Index from the Cotoni-Coast Dairies NM PRMPA and EA Protest Resolution Report (June 1 7, 2021).pdf (attached).
Ann Brown 11/1/2021 ########## C los ed Ex. 3 Partial G rant/Par tial Den ial 1/6/2023 The Center requests from the Bureau of Land Management (“BLMâ€), Ely District Office: From January 1, 2021 to the date BLM conducts this search, all records generated in connection to the White Pine Pumped Storage project, including records about exploration acti vities or preliminary studies that have been or may be conducted by the project applicant. (DOI-BLM-NV-L060-2021-0033-EA, an Environmental Assessment for an exploration project).
Mr. Jef frey B urges s 9/22/2020 ########## Clo sed Full Grant 10/9/2020 On September 10th I submitted FOIA request #DOI-FWS-2020-002506 requesting payment information about the USFWS Partners for Fish & Wildlife Program in Arizona. Today I received the attached spreadsheet in response to that request and realized that I'd failed to also request that the payments be broken down into annual amounts for each ranch. Please provide the years, along with the amounts, for all of these monies the ranches received from this program.
Peter J enkin s 4/11/2019 5/8/2019 Clo sed Oth er 10/7/2020 Copies of any and all documents and communications received, or generated, in the Department of the Interior (DOI) Office of the Secretary since August 2, 2018, regarding the Memorandum dated August 2, 2018, from Gregory Sheehan, then the Fish and Wildlife Service�s Principal Deputy-Director, titled: Withdrawal of Memorandum Titled, �Use of Agricultural Practices in Wildlife Management in the National Wildlife Refuge System� (July 17, 2014), Cont Below
Michael Ravnitzky 11/16/2020 ########## C los ed Other ########### Copy of the same records that were req uested in another person's FOIA request: DOI-OS-2020-002443. Specifically these records: A copy of the "Memorandum for the President" sent from Ryan K. Zinke under the subject "Final Report Summarizing Findings of the Review of Designations Under the Antiques (sic) [Antiquities] Act." This document was transmitted by email from Downey Magallanes to the Staff Secretary on August 23, 2017 with the subject line "Draft Report."
Mr. Hudson Munoz 7/6/2021 ########## Cl osed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial Grant/P artial D enial 9/29/2021 Requesting all records as described by Jimmy Tobias in FOIA request DOI-OS-2021-003489 Related to written communications, including email attachments, sent or received by Shannon Estenoz that contain one or more of the following words or phrase: "grouse", "panther", "red wolf", "rusty patched", "smelt" and/or "Key deer". This request seeks records from January 21, 2021 to present. This request does not seek news reports or aggregations.
Claudia Marquez 3/29/2023 Clo sed Improper FOIA Request for Other Reasons 4/3/2023
Re: Freedom of Information Act Request Our Client: Keith Thorne Jr. Date of Incident: 3/19/202 3 Location o f Incident: Baltimore Washington Parkway NB, Greenville, MD Accident Case #: 031923 71 Dear Sir or Madam: Our firm represents Keith Thorne Jr. for injuries received in an accident which occ urred on 3/19/20 23 at Baltimore Washington Parkway NB, Greenville, MD. It is my understanding that Nation al Park Service responded to the scene and generated a Case #03192371. We kindly request u nder the Freedom of Information Act that a copy of the follo wing documents and/or media be provided to our o ffice electronically: ANY AND ALL RECORDS – OMITTING NOTHING – pertaining to the above incident involving our client, inclu ding but not limited to: 1. off icial finalized copy of th e police accident or incident report (or the latest draft if no t yet finalized), exchange of information form, fire/ems repor
Justin Mcneal 6/7/2023 ########## Cl osed Ex. 6 P artial Gran t/Partial Denial 6/9/2023 Transaction/Reference #: 2099995 652 Repo rt Type: Auto Accident Report/Case Number: Date of Occurrence: 02/27/2023 Location of L oss: 380 3 70th Ave Ne Cross St.: NA City: County: State: Oberon: Benson: ND Insured name: Wade A Longie Driver 2: Wanda M Chaske JR Driver 3: NA VIN #: NA
Ms. K athl een Cas ey 2/9/2023 ########## Clos ed Other 4/6/2023
Congressional Correspondence Logs: I am requesting copies of all Congres sional Correspondence Logs maintained for the Congressional members listed below by the US Department of the Interior from January 1 2023 through the present date of this request Congressional Members: Brian Fitzpatrick David Valadao Ashley Hinson David Schweikert Young Kim Juan Ciscomani Anthony D’Esposito George Santos
Robert E O'Connor 8/10/2016 ########## C los ed Ex. 3, Ex. 6 P artial G rant/Part ial Deni al ########### -All docs leading up to app raisal of Minnechaduz a LLC IVIS14144 , Case No. 0006 4062 . -Communications b etween Steve Hughes and DoI OES. -Job d escription of apprais ers and supervisors at DoI, OES at Lakewood, CO. -Any bonus plans f or employees at DoI, FWS, OES at Lakewood, CO. -Table of organization for D oI, OES at Lakewood, CO. -All communications by Do I, OES and Steve Hicks.
Ann Brown 1/9/2023 ########## Cl osed Request Withdrawn 3/24/2023 The Center requests from the U.S. Fish and Wild life Service (“FWSâ€) Southwest: Region 2, Mountain Prairie: Region 6, and Pacific Southwest: Region 8: From January 1, 2023 to the date FWS conducts this search, the biological opinions and letters of concurrence from FWS providing compliance with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act2 for Bureau of Land Management’s (“BLMâ€) decisions authorizing the sale and issuance of active (producing and non-producing) federal oil and gas leases within BLM’s Carlsbad, Oklahoma, Roswell, and Royal Gorge Field Offices.
Ann Brown 10/5/2021 ########## C los ed Full Denial Based on Exemptions ###########
By way of background the attached September 23 2001 Hereford Natural Resource Conservation District Board of Supervisors draft regular meeting minutes say: Mr Feldhausen continued to provide information on the Border issues and looking into impacts from the finished and unfinished work on the Border wall There is a lot of erosion and he has reviewed these issues with Chair Ladd A report with recommendations was submitted to DOI on these impacts The wall structure has caused the base load to back upstream on the San Pedro River (River) and all washes across the Bureau’s land including the Guadalupe Canyon (with new roads) and Baker Flat Wilderness Area This will eventually change the flow of the River He has requested funds for repairs Attachment A (September 23 2001 Hereford Natural Resource Conservation District Board of Supervisors) Specifically the Center requests from th
Aneela Mirchandani-Brister 5/12/2023 ########## Clo sed Full Gran t 5/19/2023
Dear Freedom of Information Officers, Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. § 5 52, and the implemen ting regulations of the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), 43 C.F.R. Part 2, I make the following request for records. Requested Records: I request that DOI produce the following records within 20 business days: All electronic communications (including email messages, complete email chains, email attachments, calendar invitations, calendar invitation attachments, and text messages) sent or received by… Counselor/Deputy Solicitor Hubbel Relat, Solicitor Daniel Jorjani, …that include any of the following terms: “Pipeline Advisorsâ€
, “Metric Mediaâ€, “Pipeline Mediaâ€, “Tim Du nnâ€, “Timothy D unnâ€, “C rownQuestâ€, “Brian Timponeâ€, “ Bradley Cameronâ€, “Christoph er Marstonâ€, “Chris Marstonâ€ P lease provide all responsive rec
Johnathan E Hettinger 11/30/2022 1/5/2023 Clo sed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(A), Ex. 7(C) P artial Gr ant/Part ial Deni al 1/31/2023 Hello, I would like to request: 1.) Records s ufficient to s how the number of sexual assaults investigated at Yellowstone National Park from Jan. 1, 2010, to th e present. 2.) records suff icient to show the annual number of p eople served by a sexual assault victim advocate at Yellowstone National Park each year from 2010 to the present. This is an up date of DOI-NPS-2 021-0 0381 1.
Sean Mc Clo skey 12/7/2018 1/8/2019 C los ed No Records ########### all electronic messages, telephone and email, or otherwise, that were assigned, and/or directed, by any manager or supervisor of th e doi & eeoc, to or from doi & eeoc hr personnel, DOI -COLL ECTIONS (cont below)
Adam Mars hall 7/15/2022 ########## Clo sed Full Gran t 7/19/2022
To Whom It May Concern: This letter constitutes a request und er the federal Freedom of Information Act 5 U S C § 552 ( “FOIAâ€) and is submitted on behalf of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press (“Reporters Committeeâ€ or “RCFPâ€) to the US Department of the Interior Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs (“ASIAâ€) The Reporters Committee is a nonprofi t association dedicated to protecting First Amendment freedoms and the newsgathering rights of journalists I Requested Documents Pursuant to the FOIA I on behalf of the Reporters Committee request access to and copies of ASIA’s FOIA handbooks operati ng manuals standard operating procedures and all other records concerning its procedures and guidance for processing of FOIA requests Such records could be referred to as any of the following (and to the extent they exist the Reporters Committee speci
Landon Newell 10/27/2022 ########## Clo sed Ex. 3, Ex. 4, Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Par tial Gran t/Partial Denial ###########
•All records exchanged between the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Emery County Coal Resources, Inc. including their representatives, agents, employees, and subcontractors related to the coal mine fi re that started on or around September 20, 2022, in the Lila Canyon Mine [herein, “Coal Mine Fireâ€
]. This includes, but is not limited to, the Emergency Boreholes for Mine Atmosphere Evaluation and Monitoring (DOI-BLM-UT-G020-2022-0029-DNA) [herein, “Emergency Boreholes DNAâ€] and accompanying Decision Record (DR), and the Lila Canyon Coal Fire Emergency Response (DOI-BLM-UT-G 020-2023-0001-EA) [herein, “Emergency Response EAâ€] and accompanying DR and Finding of No Significant Impact. •All records exchanged between the BLM and the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) related to the Coal Mine Fire. This includes, but is not limited to, records r
Amaris Sweezy 7/12/2022 ########## Clos ed 7/14/2022
Suh Gerard 12/23/2022 1/2/2023 Clo sed ###########
Rober t Hen neke 5/8/2017 6/5/2017 Clo sed No Records 6/30/2017 Request copies of all documents within the possession or control of the DOI which lists every lawsuit filed against the DOI, agencies within DOI, or officials within DOI and its subagencies since 1/20/17, including identification of the style, cause number, and court for each lawsuit.
Krista Hughes 1/17/2017 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 5/18/2017 AS-IA (Immediate Office) - (1) All documents regarding any communications between the ASIA office and nay party regarding the need for the Department of the Interior to revise the regulations at 25 C.F.R. Part 140 regarding trade with Indians from June 9, 2015 to December 9, 2016; and (2) All documents regarding any communications between the ASIA office and any party related to the need for the Department of the Interior to preempt state and local taxation of...
Ann Brown 1/9/2023 ########## Cl osed Request Withdrawn 3/24/2023 The Center requests from the U.S. Fish and Wild life Service (“FWSâ€) Southwest: Region 2, Mountain Prairie: Region 6, and Pacific Southwest: Region 8: From January 1, 2023 to the date FWS conducts this search, the biological opinions and letters of concurrence from FWS providing compliance with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act2 for Bureau of Land Management’s (“BLMâ€) decisions authorizing the sale and issuance of active (producing and non-producing) federal oil and gas leases within BLM’s Carlsbad, Oklahoma, Roswell, and Royal Gorge Field Offices.
John French 10/17/2022 Clo sed Duplicate Request 11/1/2022 We are requesting all documents, forms, certifications and anything submitted by Travis Barningham to obtain a commercial use authorization permit to do guided commercial kayak tours in the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore for the year 2022. This is to include any and all relevant information submitted in the year 2021 or 2022 that pertains to obtaining or operating guided commercial kayak tours in the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore.
Philip McCarthy 3/5/2015 4/1/2015 Clos ed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 P artial G rant/Part ial Deni al 6/8/2018 ASIA Immediate Office- Any hand-written or typed notes, dictation, or recordings created by Secretary Washburn on either of these two topics ; Any intra-agency emails, letters . . .
Theodore J. Griswold 8/15/2022 Clo sed Duplicate Request 8/23/2022
I am writing to you on behalf of the Cocopah Indian Tribe (“Cocopahâ€
or “Tribeâ€) to submit a request pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552 et seq., (“FOIAâ€) and its implementing regulati ons. We respectfully request that the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (“BORâ€) provide us with a copy of any and all documents, facsimiles, analyses, correspondence, electronic informati on, emails (including any attachments thereto), letters, memoranda, notes, telephone notes, reports, transcripts, writings, video tapes, audio tapes and other forms of recorded information in the electronic or paper fi les of the BOR discussing, referring to or related to the construction of a southern border wall by the Governor of Arizona, Arizona Department of Homeland Security, Arizona Department of Emergency Management, and any other Arizona agency, offi cial, or employee (collectively, “Arizon
Mr. Robert Rigon an 12/16/2020 C los ed Duplicate Request ########### The Wilderness Society submits the attached Freedom of Information Act request regarding the Mountain Valley Pipeline Project.
Mr. Robert Rigon an 12/16/2020 C los ed Duplicate Request ########### The Wilderness Society submits the attached Freedom of Information Act request regarding the Mountain Valley Pipeline Project.
Mr. Robert Rigon an 12/16/2020 C los ed Duplicate Request ########### The Wilderness Society submits the attached FOIA request for National Park Service comments on the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the Mountain Valley Pipeline Project.
Mr. Robert Rigon an 12/16/2020 C los ed Duplicate Request ########### The Wilderness Society submits the attached FOIA request for National Park Service comments on the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the Mountain Valley Pipeline Project.
Mr. Michael Ayele (aka) W 3/5/2021 Clo sed Duplicate Request 3/9/2021
The basis for this records request is my previous employment with the Missouri Department of Mental Health (DMH) located 600 East 5th Street, Fulton, Missouri (65251) also known as (aka) Fulton State Hospital (FSH). Specifically, this records request concerns documents I recently obtained from the Missouri State Employee Retirement System (MOSERS) following a Sunshine request for records. (...) What I am requesting for prompt disclosure are documents detailing (1) your formal and informal ties with the MOSERS; (2) your communications in the form of e-mails and postal correspondence about presently corrected information indicating that I had not been dismissed from my previous employment with the DMH on November 20th 2013 but instead on December 20th 2013; (3) your communications in the form of e-mails and postal correspondence about the letter signed by then FSH Chief Operat
Mr. Michael Ayele (aka) W 3/5/2021 Clo sed Duplicate Request 3/9/2021
The basis for this records request is my previous employment with the Missouri Department of Mental Health (DMH) located 600 East 5th Street, Fulton, Missouri (65251) also known as (aka) Fulton State Hospital (FSH). Specifically, this records request concerns documents I recently obtained from the Missouri State Employee Retirement System (MOSERS) following a Sunshine request for records. (...) What I am requesting for prompt disclosure are documents detailing (1) your formal and informal ties with the MOSERS; (2) your communications in the form of e-mails and postal correspondence about presently corrected information indicating that I had not been dismissed from my previous employment with the DMH on November 20th 2013 but instead on December 20th 2013; (3) your communications in the form of e-mails and postal correspondence about the letter signed by then FSH Chief Operat
Mr. Michael Ayele (aka) W 3/5/2021 Clo sed Duplicate Request 3/9/2021
The basis for this records request is my previous employment with the Missouri Department of Mental Health (DMH) located 600 East 5th Street, Fulton, Missouri (65251) also known as (aka) Fulton State Hospital (FSH). Specifically, this records request concerns documents I recently obtained from the Missouri State Employee Retirement System (MOSERS) following a Sunshine request for records. (...) What I am requesting for prompt disclosure are documents detailing (1) your formal and informal ties with the MOSERS; (2) your communications in the form of e-mails and postal correspondence about presently corrected information indicating that I had not been dismissed from my previous employment with the DMH on November 20th 2013 but instead on December 20th 2013; (3) your communications in the form of e-mails and postal correspondence about the letter signed by then FSH Chief Operat
Mr. Michael Ayele (aka) W 3/5/2021 Clo sed Duplicate Request 3/9/2021
The basis for this records request is my previous employment with the Missouri Department of Mental Health (DMH) located 600 East 5th Street, Fulton, Missouri (65251) also known as (aka) Fulton State Hospital (FSH). Specifically, this records request concerns documents I recently obtained from the Missouri State Employee Retirement System (MOSERS) following a Sunshine request for records. (...) What I am requesting for prompt disclosure are documents detailing (1) your formal and informal ties with the MOSERS; (2) your communications in the form of e-mails and postal correspondence about presently corrected information indicating that I had not been dismissed from my previous employment with the DMH on November 20th 2013 but instead on December 20th 2013; (3) your communications in the form of e-mails and postal correspondence about the letter signed by then FSH Chief Operat
Mr. Ameer X Flippin 3/24/2021 Clos ed Improper FOIA Request for Other Reasons 3/25/2021
Dear Custodian of Record s and FOIA Officer for US Parks P olice of the Department of Interior, Under the US Freedom of Information Act (“FOIAâ€
)., I am requesting a verification of “whether an Officer D. Steele is employed in any capacity with the US Parks Police Departmentâ€ and if s o: Please reply with a) Yes, ___________________ (name) is a USPP Officer or b) No. If there are any fees for searching or copying these records, I would like to request a waiver of all fees in that the disclosu re of the requested information is in the pub lic interest and will contribute significantly to the public’s un derstanding of Pandemic Un employment Assistance. The US Freedom of Information Act requires a response within 1 5 to 30 bu siness days . If access to the records I am requesting will take longer, please contact me with information about when I might expect copies or the ability to ins pect the requested record
Georganna Cushing 4/27/2021 Clo sed Duplicate Request 4/29/2021
All documents and materials of any kind whatsoever, including, but not limited to, notes, correspondence, electronic-mail, voicemail, memoranda, report, photographs, videography, contracts, and /or memoranda of understanding (MOUs) related to the relationship and/or affiliation between the United States Department of the Interior and/or National Park Service and The Nature Conservancy, The Ranchlands Trust of Kansas, Kansas Livestock Association, Kansas Land Trust, Land Trust Alliance, Sunflower Land Trust, Kansas Association of Conservation Districts, Kansas Wildlife Parks and Tourism, Flint Hills Regional Council, Fort Riley's Military Installation Unit Command, Bank of Oklahoma, Freedom's Frontier National Heritage Area, Willa Cather Foundation, University of Nebraska, and/or any and all other for profit and nonprofit private organizations, public organizations, non governmental organizations, a
Derek M artin 9/14/2021 Clo sed Duplicate Request 9/14/2021 Permits: I am requesting copies of all demonstration permits issued (including permit applications, notes, and any attached s upplementary materials) for all events scheduled to take place between September 16, 2021, and September 18, 2021, in the Capitol Hill area and National Mall in Washington, D.C. Please note that the term “all permitsâ includes demons tration permits and special event in park areas permits. FOIA Requests: I am requesting copies of all FOIA requests submitted to you r agency which directly reference the following items (listed below) from August 3, to September 14, 202 1. •Look Ahead America •Witold Chrabaszcz •Matt Braynard
Aidan Cahill 10/15/2021 C los ed Duplicate Request ########### Any records relating to arrests made by United States Park Police in or around Gettysburg Nation al Military on July 4, 202 0
Vinay Bo se 12/14/2021 ########## Clos ed Duplicate Request 1/12/2022 I would like to get a Certified Copies of two maps/brochures: 1. Bowmans Island Park, which is part of the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Recreation Area in the State of Georgia. It can be found on the following link: 2. Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area Map/Brochure in the State of Georgia.
Rendell Smith 2/16/2022 Clo sed Duplicate Request 2/16/2022
I hereby request the following records: Any and all information/documentation related to investigation(s) into Wasshington DC area police/fire chaplains Rutherford Joseph Dooley, a/k/a Rev. Msgr. R. Joseph Dooley and James Joseph Powderly, a/k/a Rev. James J. Powderly from 1968 to present. This is to include but not be limited to any and all tips and/or complaints submitted to your agency. According to a bio of Father Dooley in the October 1971 issue of FBI Law Enforcement Bulletein, Dooley began acting as Catholic chaplain to the United States Park Police in 1968. The deaths of both Dooley and Powderly have been widely reported by the press. Accordingly, no substantial privacy interests are implicated. While I do not believe that any of the requested information is exempt from disclosure as a result of an unwarranted invasion of privacy, to the extent that any of this information is considered privat
Rendell Smith 2/16/2022 Clo sed Duplicate Request 2/16/2022
I hereby request the following records: Any and all information/documentation related to investigation(s) into Wasshington DC area police/fire chaplains Rutherford Joseph Dooley, a/k/a Rev. Msgr. R. Joseph Dooley and James Joseph Powderly, a/k/a Rev. James J. Powderly from 1968 to present. This is to include but not be limited to any and all tips and/or complaints submitted to your agency. According to a bio of Father Dooley in the October 1971 issue of FBI Law Enforcement Bulletein, Dooley began acting as Catholic chaplain to the United States Park Police in 1968. The deaths of both Dooley and Powderly have been widely reported by the press. Accordingly, no substantial privacy interests are implicated. While I do not believe that any of the requested information is exempt from disclosure as a result of an unwarranted invasion of privacy, to the extent that any of this information is considered privat
Mr. Omar Ch avez 3/16/2022 C los ed Duplicate Request 3/16/2022
I am requesting copies of every email sent from [email protected] to [email protected] or from [email protected] to [email protected] between January 1, 2015 to December 31, 201 8. I am requesting copies of every email sent from [email protected] to [email protected] or from [email protected] to [email protected] between January 1, 2015 to December 31, 201 8. I am requesting copies of every email sent from [email protected] to [email protected] or from [email protected] to Omar_Chavez@nps .gov between January 1, 2015 to December 31, 20 18. I am requesting copies of every email sent from [email protected] to [email protected] or from [email protected] to [email protected] between January 1, 2015 to December 31, 201 8. I am requesting copies of every email sent from oacha
Ms. EIL EEN BAN ZACA 4/7/2022 Clos ed Duplicate Request 4/7/2022 SINGL E CAR ACCIDENT THAT TOOK MY DAUGHTERS LIFE ON 02/02/202 2 HALEY MCCORMICK Hwy 64 grand canyon AZ
Miss Gabrielle K Chris tie 4/18/2022 Clo sed Duplicate Request 4/18/2022 Pu rsuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request the following info rmation regarding the group cited for removing a foal from Shackleford Banks at Cape Lookout N ational Seashore March 26,202 2. I request the names of the individuals th at were cited as well as what they were officially cited for. I would like information on whether they were charged with a crime and/or arrested. I would like any emails or written reports from the park staff and law enforcement that reference this incident.
Mr. Tom Bates 8/1/2022 Clos ed Duplicate Request 8/1/2022
Hi I am a amateur historian of water and wastewater systems, and I am requesting these drawings for my personal research into the unique system at the grand canyon. I would like to request scans of the engineering drawings for the grand canyon national park. The water system is currently slated for replacement with a new pumping station, pipeline and treatment plant of which drawings and specifications are posted publicly online. The replacement drawings all show the existing pipeline and pump houses current conditions. Therefore these plans showing the current and historic condition of the s ystem should fall under the category of full release due to the other drawings showing the full system being publicly available. I am requesting scans of these drawings of the Grand canyon national park. #1 Transcanyon Water Line # 3608 , #2 Transcanyon Water Transmission System Improvements-
Joseph Maranzani 8/17/2022 Clos ed Duplicate Request 8/22/2022 My 201 9 Jeep Grand Cherokee, license plate T36PTL, was hit in the parking lot of Gateway National Park Sandy Hook Beach (Lot D ) in Middletown, NJ on Monday, August 1 5th. The officer on the scene said to o btain a copy of the polic e report filed here.
May Yang 10/13/2022 Clos ed Duplicate Request ########### Transaction/Reference #: 1624943 613N ot High Monito red: ESURANCE FTP ACCOUNT Report Type:Auto Theft Recovery Report/Case Number: Date of Occurrence:1/8/20 22 12 :00:00AM Loc ation of Loss :1929 19TH ST NW Cross Street: City:WASHINGTONC ounty:METROState:DC Insuranc e Company: ESURANCE FTP ACCOUNT Insured Driver:ZiaIslam Driver 2: Driver 3: Last Note: No Association P erformed. Sent To Print By Iserv (iserv) 10/12/2022 7:24:06P M TAG #: VIN #:1HGCV3F1 1LA008 446
rachel hagam an 6/8/2022 ########## Clos ed Ex . 6 Par tial Gran t/Partial Denial 7/11/2022 This request is originating from request : DOI-B IA-2022- 00302 6. This request is fo r further understanding of history of the land parcel that was originally owned by Minerva Ulmer,- Original Allottee, Tract Number - 158, Land Area 108- 9.3 9 acres. Based on the Re-redacted Tract History report received by E-Mail. This request is for the following do cuments: The Probate Order Image # 109-P0150L 979 fo r Nora Barker. Tract Deed exchange # 109-42 00274 089.
Ms. J enni fer Ba rnes 12/20/2018 ########## C los ed Full Grant 7/7/2021 all documents held by the U.S. DOI, including the BLM relating to wild horses that were removed from the Little Book Cliffs Herd Management Area in Colorado and were adopted and sold in 2018, including but not limited to: all documents related to the sales process, all applications to purchase or adopt horses, all bills of sale, all health records for horses held for adoption or sale, all correspondence regarding the adoption or sale of these wild horses
Mr. Ri ck St einer 2/22/2021 ########## Cl osed Full G rant 3/26/2021 I request a copy of any and all records that do cument consid eration by BLM Alaska office of my comp laint filed with DOI OIG in December 2020, re: eligibility of AIDEA to bid on BL M’s Arctic Refuge lease sale, the OIG complaint is OI-HQ-21 -0226 -R, and was remanded to BLM Alaska by OIG on Jan 1 4 202 1 “for any action deemed appropriate.†Thus any/all records discussing this complaint are hereby requested
Mr. John W Cielnicky 12/27/2021 2/4/2022 Ass ign ment D etermi natio n I'm seeking any and all records during my employment with DOI National Park Service 2001-20 06, 200 7-201 3 and Bureau of Land Management 2006-20 07. I am primarily seeking records during employment at BLM when a sexual harassment complaint was made against me. No action was taken against me but it has still affected my employment and continues to affect my career. Thank you for your help!
Patrici a Snyder 9/9/2021 ########## Clos ed Other 8/3/2022 DOI-BOR-2021-006192 Any and all information, documentation, memoranda, maps and other documents, and correspondence by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, and/or between Reclamation and the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District (MRGCD), the New Mexico State Historic Preservation Division, Congress, or any other person, agency, or entity, regarding title transfer of Middle Rio Grande Project facilities from the United States to the MRGCD during the past 5 years.
Austin Evers 3/12/2018 4/6/2018 Clo sed Oth er ########### 1. All records reflecting communication s (includ ing emails, email attachments, text messages, telephone call logs, calendar invitations/entries, meeting notices, meeting agendas, informational material, draft legislation, talking points, or other materials) regarding offs hore drilling generally or the �2019-2 024 N ational Outer Continental Shelf Oil and G as Leasing Draft Prop osed Program� specific ally between DOI and any of the following: continu e below....
Mares a Jens on 2/26/2019 ########## C los ed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 O ther ########### Requests co pies of the following do cuments on behalf of Alaska Wilderness League, Defenders of Wildlife, and The Wilderness Society pertaining to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: All communications and records from December 1, 2018 to the date of the search related to work on the Coastal Plain Oil and Gas Leasing D raft Environmental Impact Statement DOI-BLM-AK-000 0-201 8-000 2-EIS (leasing DEIS) during the December 21, 201 8 to January 25 , 2019...
Dr. Steve Cicala 9/28/2020 ########## Cl osed Full G rant ########### To Whom It May Concern: I am seeking an electronic copy of th e April 18, 2003 decision of th e Associate Director for Policy and Management Improvement, MMS regarding DECKER COAL. I have been unable to find it on the DOI Of fice of Hearing and Appeals website. Please let me know if there is any way I may assist your search. Thank you for you r time. Steve Cicala Assistant Prof essor Tufts Un iversity
Lynn Jones 10/1/2020 ########## Clos ed No Records 4/13/2021 From the DOI Interior Busines s Center Current Number of EPA SES employees by race, gender Current Number of EPA SL employees by race,gender Current Number of EPA SLT employees by race , gender Current Number of EPA SES employees by race, gender, Office or region Current Number of EPA SL employees by race, gender, Office or region Current Number of EPA SLT employees by race , gender, Office or region
Marie Logan 5/5/2020 6/2/2020 Ass ign ment D etermi natio n Seek records related to DOI's determinations under Public Law No. 11 4-322 , � 4007( i) of the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act regarding the enlargement of Shasta Dam and Reservoir and all records related to the U.S. Department of Interior�s analysis of the propos ed raising of Shasta Dam under the National Environmental Policy Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the Clean Water Act. Time period of this request is August 1, 2 018 thro ugh present.
Kevin Bogardus 5/5/2023 6/6/2023 Clo sed Full Grant 5/24/2023
I request the following records from April 1 to May 1, 2023: 1. I request all records concerning all logs of correspondence that record letters from members of Congress to your bureau/office. The logs should detail the correspondence’s control number, the date it was received, what congressional office sent it and its subject. Please redact constituents’ names and other personal information detailed in these logs in order to expedite this request. 2. I request all documents related to your bureau/office’s employees' ethics waivers in resolving financial conflicts of interest. These documents are maintained by federal agencies and are released to the public upon request under 18 U.S.C. 208. 3. I request all records concerning Freedom of Information Act request logs maintained by your bureau/office. The FOIA logs should detail the request’s control number, the date it was received, who made the r
Mr. Arlyn Vivier 5/30/2023 ########## Cl osed Full G rant 6/8/2023 Charles Gladue backed into my wife's car at 9941 BIA Rd 7, Belcourt, ND , 58316 , on 05/23 /2023 appro ximately 2:30pm. Police officer was called and came out to accident sc ene. Need a copy of the report for insurance purpos es. Turtle Mountain Law Enforcement Police Officer came out.
Mr. Cas e A Dam 8/5/2021 ########## Cl osed No Records 9/22/2021
Good Morning, I am requesting any and all records or documents that mention, reference or relate to Valley Engineers, Inc.'s contract with the DOI-Bureau of Reclamation and Valley Engineers, Inc.'s work in 1964 installing approximately 30 miles worth of water, irrigation, and/or sewer pipe and the pumping and storage facilities located in or around Redding, California. My request for records include without limitation: engineering drawings, blueprints or design specifications related to this project; maps of the area identifying the project; contracts with Valley Engineers, Inc. for this project; any documents identifying or describing the type, manufacturers, suppliers or vendors of the pipe installed during this project; any and all correspondence between Valley Engineers, Inc. and the DOI mentioning, referencing or related to this project; documents identifying the names of any other contractors who were hired o
Ulisses Vicun a 1/13/2023 ########## C los ed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(A), Ex. 7(C), Ex. 7( E) Parti al Grant /Partial D enial 1/27/2023
The reason for the request is on January 2nd 2023 10pm-12pm I Ulisses Vicuna along with a friend of mine were mugged, assaulted, and left for dead in the desert. We were rear ended then blocked in by 5 car and 1 Suv and I'm trying to get the video camera footage from that night along with the police report made by US Park Ranger Stuenkel (phone number (702) 274-5677) police report (case number 23-0032). I was punched and knocked down on the ground where I fell unconscious. I woke up with nothing left black eye, fractured skull, and blood in my eye. My friend was punched more times than me and was left with a bruised up jaw and mouth. I need help looking for any information and the use of the camera footage from the gates to help me find these people who did this to us and to press charges for the my missing phone, wallet, headphones, keys along with the emotional damage, and the medic
Sarah Joy 1/17/2023 Clo sed Improper FOIA Request for Other Reasons 2/4/2023 Requesting copies o f law enforcement reports for Cases BO23 01093 2 and BO23 0109 30 related to Motor Vehicle Accidents Involvin g drivers Sarah Hawk and Aleigha Spottedhorse on 1/11/2022 . Hawk was driving a 2020 Chevy Silverado at the time of her motor accident and Spottedho rse was driving a 2023 Kia Niro s hortly after. Can you please email me the records at [email protected]. Thank you!
Mr. Carlos J Anchondo 4/13/2023 ########## Processing Tasks I request a copy of any and all emails between Melissa Schwartz ( and any other press officers/spokesperson with the Department of the Interior about a press inquiry made by Carlos Anchondo ( on April 13, 2023, about a 60-day notice of intent to file suit by Appalachian Mountain Advocates. I am a journalist with E&E News/POLITICO.
Mr. St even Cr ews 6/5/2023 7/5/2023 As sign ment Determ inati on
1. All available data and information used pursuant to P aragraph 1 of the letter dated April 13, 2023 co ncerning Permit Application Number 15 034D. 2 . All emails and communications, in any form, which in any way involves Bon tebok Application 15 034D. 3 . Copies of all correspond ence or communications with any part of South Africa requesting any information relevant to the bontebok p opulation. 4. A list of all rules, regulations, guidelines, criteria and cons ideration which were used by United States Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service in the denial of Bontebok Permit Request 15 034D from the time the original permit application was received on November 7, 2018 until the denial letter of April 13, 20 23. 5. A copy of all commun ications, in any form, with either Adam Bernard, Spitskop Safaris or 4Aces Ou tfitters. 6. Copy of all public c omments received pursuant
Mr. Ethan Jones 2/21/2023 ########## Cl osed Ot her 3/10/2023
This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act (“FOIAâ
). The Yakama Nation requests that the Bureau of Indian Affairs (“BIAâ€) provide all information, letters, documents, and records (electronic or otherwise, including, without limitation, any emails or attachments to s uch emails and any text or SMS messages) which are or have been held by, compiled by, created by, received by, sent by, reviewed by, or stored by the BIA or any BIA field office or the Department of the Interior (“Interiorâ€) which relate to the following: All records demonstrating or related in any way to the United States' outreach to the Yakama Nati on, or any other federally recognized Indian tribe, related in any way to Colville's September 30, 2021 letter to Secretary Deb Haaland, Assistant Secretary Bryan Newland, and Regional Director Brian Mercier, which represents an initial application for the BIA to (1 ) take a 160-acre parc
Mr. Ethan Jones 2/21/2023 ########## Cl osed Ot her 3/10/2023
This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act (“FOIAâ
). The Yakama Nation requests that the Bureau of Indian Affairs (“BIAâ€) provide all information, letters, documents, and records (electronic or otherwise, including, without limitation, any emails or attachments to such emails and any text or SMS messages) which are or have been held by, compiled by, created by, received by, sent by, reviewed by, or stored by the BIA or any BIA field offi ce or the Department of the Interior (“Interiorâ€) which relate to the following: All records related in any way to the Yakama Nation's June 8, 2021 letter reques ting government to government consultation with Secretary Deb Haaland concerning Colville's threat to develop a casino within the Yakama Nation's territory. The term “recordsâ€ should be given the broadest possible interpretation and includes, but is not limited to, correspondence, memoranda
Ms. Lauren E. Kubiak 8/16/2022 ########## Clos ed Ex . 5 P artial Gran t/Partial Denial 9/28/2022
Dear FOIA Officer: I write on behalf of the Natural Resources Defense Coun cil (NRDC) to request disclos ure of records purs uant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. § 552, and app licable Department of Interior regulations at 43 C.F.R. § 2.1-2.290. I.Requested Records and Disclos ure Method Please produ ce the following records in the poss ession, cus tody or contro l of the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM). All records related to the BOEM 10-year production forecast, as do cumented in OCS Report BOEM 20 22-02 2 (“U.S. Outer Contin ental Shelf Gulf of Mexico Region: Oil and Gas Production Forecast 2022- 2031 ,â€
July 2022, hereafter “2022-2031 Production Forecastâ€) that specifically deal with assumptions behind the forecast and results that are described in the report but not disclosed. This request pertains to both the “base-caseâ€ and the “No Future
Crystal Howard 5/30/2023 ########## Clo sed Full Grant 6/21/2023 I would like to receive copies of any letters the California Ridgecrest Field Office has received in respons e to the CACA-5999 9; 3715 (P); LLCADO5 00 (attached) This letter was dated April 13, 2023 and was address ed to Bowman Construc tion. This request is asking fo r any letters the BLM has received in response to this referenced letter from Mr. Ron Bowman and or Bowman Cons truction. Addition ally, if the BLM has sent any additional letters to Mr. Bowman and or Bo wman Construction related to CACA-5 9999, th ese letters are also requested. Thus, we are requesting any letters the BLM has received from Mr. Bowman and or Bowman Construction in response to CACA-5 9999 . Plus we are requesting any letters the BLM has sent to Mr. Bowman or Bowman Constru ction after the CACA-5999 9 letter dated April 13, 2023 was sent. Copies of letter can be scanned and email to [email protected].
Theodore Wilson 6/25/2020 ########## Processing Tasks requesting any and all documents considered to be official agency operating policy pertaining to the DOI�s existing continuity of operations (COOP), continuity of government (COG), and enduring constitutional government (ECG) protocols, processes, and procedures generated pursuant to PPD-40. Item #2: In addition, I am hereby requesting any summary revisions to these operating policies that have been proposed since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S. (since the start of 2020).
Anthony Pare 7/6/2023 ########## As sig nment Deter minat ion I would like the title, salary, copy of any disciplinary records , and complaints files against of ficer J. Jones Badge #943, as well as any body camera footage available from 7/6/2023 from 6:4 5PM - 8:00 PM. Please include contact in formation for direct su perior, I would like to receive these documents via email. Thank you.
Jimmy Tobias 9/21/2021 ########## Clos ed Ex . 6 Part ial Gran t/Partial D enial 5/10/2022
To Whom It May Concern: Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request the following records: Any and all documents, interviews, reports or emails stemming from OIG Complaint #OI-HQ- 21-04 02-R, which was referred by DOI OIG to the Fish and Wildlife Service for internal investigation. I am a reporter for The Guardian and other outlets. The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not b eing made for commercial purposes. In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fu lfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if no t. Thank you in advance for your anticipated coo peration in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 20 bus iness days, as the st atute requires. Sincerely, Jimmy Tobias
Dr. Darl ene Schan fald 1/30/2023 ########## As si gnmen t Deter minat ion This is a request for all documents between the USFWS and the Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe (JST) related to the Dungeness National Wildlife Refuge be sent electronically. This should include all communications during 2022 through today, January 29, 2023: emails, land-mailed documents, tweets, texts, phone calls, meeting agendas and minutes, and any other communications. The information will be in USFWS national headquarters, the regional office, and the local Refuge office. Remitting the information electronically will save the agency money not having to print, stamp and mail. Thank you.
Jess e Col eman 11/26/2018 ########## Cl osed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial Grant/P artial Den ial 2/12/2019 ASIA Immediate: Seeking CV (resume), full calendar and briefing books for Tara Maclean Sweeney. Please search your records from 6/28/18 to the current date.
John French 10/17/2022 Clo sed Duplicate Request 11/1/2022 We are requesting all documents, forms, certifications and anything submitted by "Meyers Beach Kayaking, LLC" to obtain a commercial use authorization permit to do guided commercial kayak tours in the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore for the year 2022. This is to include any and all relevant information submitted in the year 2021 or 2022 that pertains to obtaining or operating guided commercial kayak tours in the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore.
Robert E Hopkins 7/26/2021 Clos ed Duplicate Request 8/5/2021 I respectfully request the phon e records/billing statements that show all incoming/outgoin g texts and call. I am not requesting the actual text wording just when they were sent and received. This is for my work phone 80 1-62 3-782 5. I am requesting the records from November 2019 . I am requesting them for personal reason and are not related to my work. My supervisor knows of this request and he also approves this request. I am willing to pay for the billing statements which I understand from Verizon Bu siness lines is $5 per month requested. I respectfully ask th at you comply with this request as I have gone thru all the channels I have been informed to do for the last 20 month s. If there is any additional information I can s upply please let me know. There is no third person involved in wanting to obtain th ese records and as I have stated they are needed for a personal not work related issue. Thank you
Mis s Ky temiq ue L Fr eeman 11/24/2020 Clos ed Duplicate Request ########### I would like any and all reports and pictures from an automobile accident on 10/11/2020 Case#20064975
Mr. Michael Ayele (aka) W 3/5/2021 Clo sed Duplicate Request 3/9/2021
The basis for this records request is my previous employment with the Missouri Department of Mental Health (DMH) located 600 East 5th Street, Fulton, Missouri (65251) also known as (aka) Fulton State Hospital (FSH). Specifically, this records request concerns documents I recently obtained from the Missouri State Employee Retirement System (MOSERS) following a Sunshine request for records. (...) What I am requesting for prompt disclosure are documents detailing (1) your formal and informal ties with the MOSERS; (2) your communications in the form of e-mails and postal correspondence about presently corrected information indicating that I had not been dismissed from my previous employment with the DMH on November 20th 2013 but instead on December 20th 2013; (3) your communications in the form of e-mails and postal correspondence about the letter signed by then FSH Chief Operat
Mr. Daniel K Denning 6/1/2021 Clo sed Duplicate Request 6/1/2021 Would like a copy of the propos al submitted by the Superintendent of Ro cky Mountain Nation al Park for a timed-entry reservation system for 2021, inc luding when it was submitted for regional approval, when that was received, when it was submitted for national approval, and when that was received. Would also like to se e-mail records at RMNP related to the decision to purs ue a timed-entry reservation system for 2021, esp ecially any surveys (formal or informal) of Park Rangers, employees, or volunteers, regarding feedback on the 2020 system.
Mr. KEITH G CHALMERS 9/21/2021 Cl osed Duplicate Request 9/21/2021 I would like to request th e body cam footage of the interaction between Gabby Petito and Ranger Melissa Hulls o n Aug 12 at Arches National Park. We believe the public has a right to see the interaction, because Gabby was a short time later an apparent victim of a crime that resulted in her death. The interaction between Ranger Hulls and Gabby was du e to a call to Moab PD as a result of an app arent domestic dispute between Gabby and Brian Laund rie, who is a person of interest in the death of Gabby.
May Yang 9/21/2021 C los ed Duplicate Request 9/21/2021 Transaction/Reference #: 14981 0361 2Not High M onitored Report Type:Auto Accident Report/Case Number:21 -1359  Date of Occu rrence:9 /16/2021 12:00:00 AM Location o f Loss:G OLD DUST CT Cros s Street: City:BRYCECo unty: GARFIELDState: UT Insurance Company:STATE FARM CLAIMS COMPASS Insured D river:Eldon D Dickinso n Driver 2: Driver 3: Las t Note: No Association P erformed. Sent To Print By Iserv (iserv) 9/20/20211 :35:12PM TAG #: VIN #:1 GC2KXC G2BZ365 511
Rendell Smith 2/16/2022 Clo sed Duplicate Request 2/16/2022
I hereby request the following records: Any and all information/documentation related to investigation(s) into Wasshington DC area police/fire chaplains Rutherford Joseph Dooley, a/k/a Rev. Msgr. R. Joseph Dooley and James Joseph Powderly, a/k/a Rev. James J. Powderly from 1968 to present. This is to include but not be limited to any and all tips and/or complaints submitted to your agency. According to a bio of Father Dooley in the October 1971 issue of FBI Law Enforcement Bulletein, Dooley began acting as Catholic chaplain to the United States Park Police in 1968. The deaths of both Dooley and Powderly have been widely reported by the press. Accordingly, no substantial privacy interests are implicated. While I do not believe that any of the requested information is exempt from disclosure as a result of an unwarranted invasion of privacy, to the extent that any of this information is considered priva
Rendell Smith 2/16/2022 Clo sed Duplicate Request 2/16/2022
I hereby request the following records: Any and all information/documentation related to investigation(s) into Wasshington DC area police/fire chaplains Rutherford Joseph Dooley, a/k/a Rev. Msgr. R. Joseph Dooley and James Joseph Powderly, a/k/a Rev. James J. Powderly from 1968 to present. This is to include but not be limited to any and all tips and/or complaints submitted to your agency. According to a bio of Father Dooley in the October 1971 issue of FBI Law Enforcement Bulletein, Dooley began acting as Catholic chaplain to the United States Park Police in 1968. The deaths of both Dooley and Powderly have been widely reported by the press. Accordingly, no substantial privacy interests are implicated. While I do not believe that any of the requested information is exempt from disclosure as a result of an unwarranted invasion of privacy, to the extent that any of this information is considered priva
Courtney Tanner 1/10/2022 2/8/2022 Ass ign ment D etermi natio n I am seeking any and all records from the several Indigenous boarding schools that operated in Utah from the 1800s to current. These include locations in: Panguitch, Aneth, Uintah/Ouray (Ute tribal land), Intermountain in Brigham City, St. George, Richfield, Navajo Mountain and Blanding. I am also requesting any current communications from DOI officials about the federal efforts to look into these schools as part of a nationwide reconciliation over the troubled history.
Nada Cu lver 4/28/2017 ########## Cl osed Oth er 10/7/2020 On March 29, 2017, Secretary Zinke signed Secretarial Order (SO) No. 3349, requiring each bureau and office head to submit, within 14 days, a report (the 14-Day Reports) to the Dep Sec of the DOI, through appropriate Assistant Secretary, that identifies 'all Department Actions they have adopted or are in the process of developing relating to (1) the Presidential Memorandum dated November 3, 2015, �Mitigating Impacts on Natural Resources from Development and Encouraging Cont below.
Chri s Saeger 5/28/2019 ########## Clo sed Ex. 5, Ex. 6, Ex. 7(A) Ot her ########### Access to and c opies of all correspon dence sent since May 1, 20 18, by any political appoin tee in the Office of the Secretary related to any FOIA submitted by Western Values Project or its Executive Director Chris Saeger. This includes, bu t not limited to, all correspondence sent by s aid political appointees to all permanent and temporary employees who worked in the OS FOIA office as well as all correspondence sent to all FOIA offices at DOI's as sociated bureaus, Cont b elow
Ms. Su san I Eas tman 4/20/2021 6/8/2021 Processing Tasks This FOIA request for the Navajo Nation s eeks copies of records f rom 2018 to 2021 in the possess ion, custod y, or control of the Interior Bus iness Center (“IBCâ€) concerning any analysis, assistance, audit, evaluation, inspection, investigation, oversight, report, or other review (collectively, “auditâ€) performed by or under contract with or for the U.S. Department of the Interior (“DOIâ€) regarding records or recordkeeping of or income, revenue, expenditures, finances , or other financial matters of the Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation (“ONHIRâ€).
Michael Ravnitzky 5/11/2022 ########## Processing Tasks A copy of the following written reports produced by contractor Grant Thornton for the Department under Contract No. GS00F143CA, Task Order No. 140D0418F038: Milestone 1C - Written Analysis of DOI acquisition process, produced approximately March/April 2019; Milestone 2B - Written Analysis of the organizational structure and staffing level of Departmental acquisition functions, produced approximately March/April 2019. This is a noncommercial individual request; I swear under penalty of perjury that this request is not for any commercial purpose.
Marie Logan 6/26/2020 ########## Processing Tasks Records related to DOI's determinations und er Public Law No. 114- 322, � 40 07(i) of the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act regarding the enlargement of Shasta Dam and Reservoir and all records related to the U.S. Department of Interior�s analysis of th e proposed raising of Sh asta Dam under the National Environmental Policy Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the Clean Water Act. The relevant time period of this request is May 1, 20 20 through th e date of the response.
Mr. Adam Federman 6/8/2020 7/6/2020 Clos ed Ex . 5 Par tial Gran t/Partial Denial 2/9/2021 (Director/Land Resources ) Requesting any and all correspondence or communication to/from USGS director James Reilly regarding a published USGS research paper titled, "Using Information From Global Climate Models to Inform Policymaking--The Role of the U.S. Geological Survey.".Including any and all correspondence or communication with the authors of the report as well as other DOI officials or outside entities. Date range for the request is August 1, 2019 to the date of publication, June 2, 2020.
Jeremy B orden 3/14/2023 ########## Processing Tasks
March 14, 20 23 U.S. Department of Interior Office of Wildland Fire Via FOIA Online Freedom of Information Act Request To Whom It May Co ncern: This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act. Per the statute, please provide responsive records within 20 bus iness days. The time period for this request is January 1, 2023 to present. Please provide all emails and correspondence to and fro m FAS Impact Fellow Shannon McGovern with the Office of Wildland Fire. This is n ot an “overly broadâ€
or “undu ly burdensomeâ€ request. Because I am seeking all emails from only one individual over a narrow time frame, I do not believe this should strain the Agency’s resources. Ho wever, I am willing to narrow this request if providing all emails as requested involves a massive number of total documents . I would ask the Agency to conduct an initial ass essment of the number of do cuments involve
Matt Gal lagher 10/28/2020 ########## Clos ed Other 11/3/2020
To Whom It May Concern: Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I hereby reques t the following records: Any and all documents from January 20, 2017 through and including October 26, 2020, identifying by name or position (a) any and all attorneys employed in the US Department of the Interior whose job description includes ethics or ethics oversight and (b) any and all ethics staff or others whose job description includes ethics or ethics oversight. This could include but not be limited to any staff directories ; job descriptions; organization charts; or other department listing identifying the number and identity of such persons on the relevant dates. The DOI's press secretary stated on 10/27/2020 via the official @DOIPressSec twitter account that "@interior increased the number of ethics staff by 250%" since the Obama administration. The requested documents will be made available to the genera
Lindsay Crudele 7/12/2023 Clos ed Duplicate Request 7/14/2023
Dear Ms. McHugh: This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act. I request that a copy of the following documents [or documents containing the following information] be provided to me: "Amount of rent proposed" data from 2023 Dune Shack RFP applications I am a member of the news media affiliated with the Boston Globe newspaper. I request that, if appropriate, fees be waived, as I believe this request is in the public interest. The requested documents will be made available to the general public free of charge, processed by a representative of the news media/press and the request is made in the process of news gathering and not for commercial usage. In the event that fees cannot be waived, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request be filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available. Thank you for your con
William J LeCompte 12/12/2022 ########## Clo sed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C), Ex. 7(D) P artial Gran t/Partial Denial 4/17/2023 A request for a complete and full copy o f the Teddy, Juliet and Wyatt Little Light missing person reports f rom Crow Agency, Montana. The original case file (3 large white binders) was last maintained at the District V Office, Billings, MT or may have been moved back to Crow Agency, MT. This is to assist the Amber Alert in Indian Country program with a case presentation set for March 2 023.
William Sennott 2/23/2023 4/6/2023 Processing Tasks Any communications (email, memos, etc.) between the Interior Department's Office of the Executive Secretariat and Regulatory Affairs (OES) and the Office of the D eputy Secretary / Office of the Secretary. The scope of this request can be limited to communications regarding Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) and Construction and Operations Plans (COP) for offshore wind developments. It can further be limited to the time frame between Jan. 1, 2020 - Feb. 1, 2023.
Ben Lef ebvr e 9/26/2017 ########## Clos ed No Records 9/26/2017 access to and copies of c ommunications b etween the DOI Secretary's office, the DOI Solicitor's of fice and/or the DOI Ethics offic e that contain mentions of Troy D owning. You may limit your search to communications sent after March 1, 201 7.
Mr. Cas e A Dam 8/4/2021 ########## Cl osed No Records 9/22/2021
Good Evening, I am requesting any and all records or documents that mention, reference or relate to Valley Engineers, Inc.'s contract with the DOI-Bureau of Reclamation and Valley Engineers, Inc.'s work in 1964 and 1965 installing approximately 60 miles worth of water, irrigation, and/or sewer pipe and the pumping and storage facilities located in or around Corning, California. My request for records include without limitation: engineering drawings, blueprints or design specifications related to this project; maps of the area identifying the project; contracts with Valley Engineers, Inc. for this project; any documents identifying or des cribing the type, manufacturers, suppliers or vendors of the pipe installed during this project; any and all correspondence between Valley Engineers, Inc. and the DOI mentioning, referencing or related to this project; documents identifying the names of any other contractors who we
Mr. St ephen W Demp sey 2/13/2023 ########## C los ed Full Grant 2/15/2023 Request all additional correspondence since that provided earlier as result of FOIA DOI-FWS-2023-000890. Request all correspondence between USFWS and NextEra Energy, La Casa Wind LLC, West Environmental & Statistical Consultants, Texas Parks & Wildlife Dept, Department of the Interior, plus maps, plans and drawings that have been provided, and meeting agendas, summaries and minutes of all video conferences, meetings, etc.
Kevin Bogardus 3/3/2023 4/3/2023 Clo sed Full Grant 3/23/2023
I request the following records from Feb. 1 to March 1, 2023: 1. I request all records concerning all logs of correspondence that record letters from members of Congress to your bureau/office. The logs should detail the correspondence’s control number, the date it was received, what congres sional office sent it and its subject. Please redact constituents’ names and other personal information detailed in these logs in order to expedite this request. 2. I request all documents related to your bureau/office’s employees ' ethics waivers in resolving financial conflicts of interest. These documents are maintained by federal agencies and are released to the public upon request under 18 U.S.C. 208. 3. I request all records concerning Freedom of Information Act request logs maintained by your bureau/office. The FOIA logs should detail the request’s control number, the date it was received, who made the
Kevin Bogardus 7/7/2023 8/7/2023 Final Preparation of Response Full Gran t
I request the following records from June 1 to July 1, 2023: 1. I request all records concerning all logs of correspondence that record letters from members of Congress to your bureau/office. The logs should detail the correspondence’s control number, the date it was received, what congressional office sent it and its subject. Please redact constituents’ names and other personal information detailed in thes e logs in order to expedite this request. 2. I request all documents related to your bureau/office’s employees' ethics waivers in res olving financial conflicts of interest. These documents are maintained by federal agencies and are released to the public upon request under 18 U.S.C. 208. 3. I request all records concerning Freedom of Information Act request logs maintained by your bureau/office. The FOIA logs should detail the request’s control number, the date it was received, who made the re
Dr. Sarah Shonka Mc Coy 2/15/2022 ########## C los ed Ex. 4, Ex. 6 Full Denial Based on Exemptions 2/22/2022
Tribes seeking to make per-capita payments must submit a revenue allocation plan (RAP) to the Department of the Interior for approval. I seek to obtain a list of all tribes that have submitted a RAP to DOI. I would also like details from the individual RAPs on how much money is disbursed to members. I will accept a subset of this data (e.g., the list of tribes submitting a RAP to DOI). Per the BIA website: per the BIA website - § 290.19 Where should the Indian tribe submit the tribal revenue allocation plan? You must submit your tribal revenue allocation plan to your respective Superintendent. The Superintendent will review the tribal revenue allocation plan to make sure it has been properly adopted in accordance with applicable tribal law. The Superintendent will then transmit the tribal revenue allocation plan promptly to the appropriate
Dr. Sierra D. Stoneberg Holt 9/21/2020 ########## Cl osed Full G rant ###########
Under the Bankhead-Jones Act, certain submarginal, or LU land was ob tained by the US government. This was transferred from the Department of Agriculture to the Department of the Interior November 6, 1958, EO 107 87. In Valley County, Montana, it stayed with with the Department of the Interior EXCEPT the submarginal lands on the Fort Peck Reservation. That was transferred to be held in trust for the Fort Peck tribes in 19 77, pursu ant to P.L. 94-1 14 (8 9 Stat. 577), dated Octob er 17, 1975 . I would like to know how many acres of land in VALLEY COUNTY to which this trans fer refers. Supposedly, the acreages were printed in the Federal Register, so that article from the Federal Register would answer my question, but I was not able to find the sp ecific article with only the above information. Alternately, a document showing the acreage of LU holdings of the DOI in Valley Coun ty before the transfer, anywh
Genn a Reed 11/9/2021 ########## Clos ed Full Grant ###########
Pursuant to the Freedom of Info rmation Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552, and on behalf of the Union of Co ncerned Scientists, I write to request access to the following records on Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) personnel and staffin g levels: Full BOEM staffing lists by quarter—inclu ding programs/regions, sub-p rograms/offices, name, pay plan, occupational series, grade or level, position title, and appointment type for each employee Date range: Quarterly from Apr. 1, 2021 to present (Q3 20 21 through Q1 2022 ) Full attrition lists of BOEM staff by quarter—inc luding programs/regions, sub- programs/offices, name whole, pay plan, occupational series, grade or level, position title, and appointment type for each departing employee Date Range: Quarterly from Apr. 1, 2021 to present (Q3 20 21 through Q1 2022 ) Please note: We have submitted FOIA requests for similar data in the past (DOI-BOEM-2 0
Ms. Crystal Cavalier 2/1/2021 ########## Processing Tasks
To Whom It May Concern, I am requesting all/any emails, texts, faxes, all correspondence between [email protected] (Office of the Secretary at DOI) and | Senior Human Resources Sp ecialist, Erica J. Williams. all/any emails, texts, faxes, all correspondence that mentions my name Crystal Ann Cavalier or Crystal A. Cavalier specifically at the Department of Interior. All/any emails, texts, faxes, all correspondence between Laura Davis at the Department of Interior that mentions my name, Crystal Ann Cavalier or Crystal A. Cavalier. All/any emails, texts, faxes, all correspondence from Jennif er Van der Heide that mentions my name Crystal Ann Cavalier or Crystal A. Cavalier. All/Any correspondence from Bryan Newland that mentions my name Crystal Ann Cavalier or Crystal A. Cavalier. I am interested in any emails between Maggie Thompson and anyone at DOI that mention my Crys tal A Cavalier, Crystal Ann Cavali
Aneela Mirchandani-Brister 5/10/2023 ########## Clo sed Full Gran t 7/17/2023 D ear Freedom of Information Officers, Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. § 5 52, and the implementing regulations of the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), 43 C.F.R. Part 2, I make the following request for records. Requested Records: I request that DOI produce the following records within 20 business days: All electronic communications (including email messages, complete email chains, email attachments, calendar invitations, calendar invitation attachments, and text messages) sent or received by: Secretary David Bernhardt, Assistant Secretary Doug Domenech, Counselor/Deputy Solicitor Hubbel Relat, Solicitor Daniel Jorjani That include any of the following terms: “Pipeline Advisorsâ€
, “Metric Mediaâ€, “Pipeline Mediaâ€, “Tim Du nnâ€, “Timothy D unnâ€, “C rownQuestâ€, “Brian Timponeâ€, “ Bradley Cameronâ€, “Christoph er Marstonâ
Emmerson Donnell 12/13/2021 C los ed Duplicate Request ########### Any text messages between Senator Patty Murray's office and ASIA Bryan Newland regarding the Nooksack Tribe and housing evictions, which were sent on or around December 10, 2021.
Mr. Eric Valdez 7/12/2023 Clo sed Improper FOIA Request for Other Reasons 7/14/2023 06/07/2023, Police Report #NP23206834
Michelle Morales 5/22/2023 ########## Cl os ed 6/7/2023
Susanne Rust 9/6/2018 ########## Clo sed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial Grant /Partial D enial 3/29/2019 Requested all correspondence regarding the drafting of the 2019-2024 Draft Proposed Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program: all emails, letters, notes and memos sent by or received by any DOI employee between Jan 1 2017 and Feb 8, 2018. Include emails and correspondence within the DOI, between the DOI and other government agencies between the DOI and any member of Congress, and between the DOI and non-government entities. In particular, specifically refers to California.
Jonathan Wood 2/27/2023 Clos ed Fee-Rela ted Reas on 5/19/2023
All emails reports records memos and ph otos written typed or emails related to or concerning Jonathan Woo d or Raptor Project address 4 9202 State Hwy 30 Roxbury NY raptorproject@gmail com 124 74 inclu sive of 2019 2023 to any and all ind ividuals parties or agencies in the U S from or to: USFWS employee Valerie Slocumb valerie slocumb@fws gov
Albertha Mitchell 12/9/2022 ########## Processing Tasks I am seeking the results of my application f or announcement no: ST-114 3506 3-22M R DOI SES CDP class 21 closin g date 5-31-20 22. After inquiring on 12/2/2022 , I was told my "rating panel score was not high enough to move to the interview stage". I would like to know my rating panel score in relation to scores that moved on to the interview stage. I also would like a copy of my sup ervisory evaluation, the score and what the maximum score was for supervisory evaluations (o r the highest score attained by those that moved on to the interview stage). Thank you for your reply.
Mrs. Erica Martinez 4/25/2023 ########## C los ed 4/26/2023
Emilio Reyes 5/2/2023 ########## C los ed 5/3/2023
Emilio Reyes 4/11/2023 ########## C los ed 4/12/2023
Emilio Reyes 11/4/2022 ########## C los ed No Records 12/8/2022 All documents in possession of the Bureau of Indian Affairs supporting that the Capitan Grande Indian Reservation was intended for the Indians of Capitan Grande, Los Conejos and the Mission San Diego Band (or Diegueno (San Diego Tribe).)
John French 10/17/2022 Clo sed Duplicate Request 11/1/2022 We are requesting all documents, forms, certifications and anything submitted by "Apostle Islands Rustic Makwa Den" to obtain a commercial use authorization permit to do guided commercial kayak tours in the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore for the year 2022. This is to include any and all relevant information submitted in the year 2021 or 2022 that pertains to obtaining or operating guided commercial kayak tours in the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore.
Anna East 5/16/2023 ########## C los ed Duplicate Request 5/16/2023 Under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), I would like to request a copy of a winning grant application from a city or a county for the most recent award cycle of the grant program listed below. If a successful city or county application is not available, please provide us with a copy of a winning grant application from a non-profit or other agency that has met or exceeded the standards and expectations of the program. Grant Program Title: Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership (ORLP) Program: Acquisition and Development Grants Agency: U.S. Department of Interior Funding Opportunity Number (FON): P22AS00645 Assistance Listing Number: 15.916
Mark Kau fman 1/14/2022 Cl osed Duplicate Request 1/14/2022 In reference to case: NPS-OPR-NP21256500 Thank You.
Kelly Holgate 1/26/2022 C los ed Duplicate Request 1/26/2022 We are formally requesting all certified payroll records for Cromedy Constructio n for the Fabrication of Indo or & Outdoor exhibits project located at the Valley Forge National Park, 1400 N Outer Line Drv, King of Prus sia, PA that had a target start date of December 1, 2018. We are requesting records from November of 201 8 to the current date of January 26 , 2022. We are also requesting any public c onstructio n logs that are associated with Cromedy Cons truction for this project.
Janell e O'D ea 4/27/2022 Clo sed Duplicate Request 4/27/2022
Dear records custodian, This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act. I request that a copy of th e following spreadsheet, or spreadsheets, or tables, containing the fo llowing information be provided to me: Data regarding traffic stops in G ateway Arch National Park, between January 2012, if available, through the present. If data is not available that far back, please provide the data covering dates from January 2017 through the present. If available, please provide the following fields: Date-year of traffic stop, date-month o f traffic stop, date-day of traff ic stop, time of traffic sto p, reason for traffic sto p, whether a citation was given or not, location of traffic sto p, badge number and name of officer making the stop, If this d ata is available to easily pull and provide for all national parks, and would not require a signific ant payment toward staff time, please provide that as well. Notice there are many “
Kevin Bogardus 2/3/2023 3/8/2023 Clo sed Full Grant 2/17/2023
I request the following records from Jan. 1 to Feb. 1, 2023: 1. I request all records concerning all logs of corres pondence that record letters from members of Congress to your bureau/office. The logs should detail the correspondence’s control number, the date it was received, what congressional office sent it and its subject. Please redact constituents’ names and other personal information detailed in these logs in order to expedite this request. 2. I request all documents related to your bureau/office’s employees' ethics waivers in resolving financial conflicts of interes t. These documents are maintained by federal agencies and are released to the public upon request under 18 U.S.C. 208. 3. I request all records concerning Freedom of Information Act request logs maintained by your bureau/office. The FOIA logs should detail the request’s control number, the date it was received, who made the re
Dr. James Stout 7/3/2023 Ass ignmen t D etermin atio n Hello, This is a request under the Freedom of information act. I am requesting records sufficient to show any body-worn camera video obtained by Parks Police officers responding to car vs bike crash on April 4th 2023 that resulted in the death of Ethan Boyes. I would like to inspect records sufficient to show any statements taken on the scene, and any surveillance video of the incident itself or of the subsequent proceedings. I am also requesting records sufficient to show the incident report. Should any portion of these records be non releasable, I would remind the agency of their obligation to redact that portion, rather than refusing to release the record in its entirety. Best Regards
Mr. Corey A Hutton 3/31/2022 Clos ed Duplicate Request 4/1/2022
This is a resubmission of request DOI-BIA-2021-006315 (a/k/a DOI-ASIA-2021-006315; originally submitted on 0 9/28/2021). I'm resubmitting in part to access the features available in FOIAonline for registered users. I've attached the previous determination I received from the Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs FOIA office that they do not have records responsive to this request. I request a document or documents substantially similar to the following past FOIA request (see FY 2014 FOIA Log from BIA-2014-00224, completed December 09, 2013; described as: "Copy of Section 17 corporations federally chartered under 25 USC 447, including corporation name and date of incorporation." I request the most recent version of the information responsive to this request, rather than the 2014 records as such. (However, the 2014 records are sufficient should th
David M H erres 4/7/2022 5/6/2022 Cl osed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C) P artial Gran t/Parti al Denial 5/26/2022
I am resubmitting a previous FOIA request (Tracking Number: DOI-NPS-202 1-005 077, Requester Name: Mr. David M Herres Date Submitted: 07/16/20 21) which was d enied under FOIA Exemption 7(A). I believe that this request now holds even more significance as a period of time has oc curred since the previous request along the clo sure of various OPR investigations which have led to the NPS providin g me a memorandum which outlines Chief Ranger Chris Valdez’s prop osal to remove me from the Federal Service. I am requesting the phone records, voic emails, text messages, physical mailings or packages and emails that occurred on or after May 1st, 20 21, between federal employees named: Chris Valdez and John Evans and a non-federal employee named Patience E. Melton. Chris Valdez is currently employed as the Chief Ranger of Bighorn Canyon Nation al Recreation Area; John Evans is a Special Agent
Michael Ravnitzky 9/15/2021 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 9/17/2021 I request a copy of all pro cessing notes, emails, tracking materials and also any records in the Interior Department FOIAonline system (to the extent accessible by Bu reau of Indian Education FOIA staff) relating to FOIA request DOI-BIE-2 021-0 0128 3. That request is in the FOIAonline system. You may limit this request to records d ating since December 1, 2020 until the present. This is an individu al noncommercial request. I swear under penalty of perjury that this request is not fo r any commercial purpose.
Walter E Stern 1/23/2017 ########## Clos ed Request Withdrawn 8/16/2022 1 The application for restoration of lands, and any attachments or exhibits, submitted by the Ute Indian Tribe of the Uintah and Ouray Reservation (Ute Indian Tribe) seeking to restore lands within the historic Uncompahgre Reservation to tribal ownership pursuant to Sec 3 of the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934; and 2 All docs describing comms between DOI officials and reps of the Ute Indian Tribe;and 3 All formal or informal agency decisions regarding the Ute Tribe's restoration application
Mark & Nan cy Han son 5/28/2020 ########## C los ed Full Grant 2/17/2022 MT/DAK: 1) records, General Land Offic e patents, documents, notes, su rveys, maps, deeds, easements and mineral reserv assocd with T145N, R10 2W, Sections 34 and 35 of th e 5th PM, ND. 2) record s pertain to original 10.92 acre island and accreted land, amounting to 67.2 acres. 3) records re the determination of how the original 10.92 acre island managed by DOI and then accreted land, amounting to 67.2 acres, now classifieds un der the management of the USDA
Mr. Roque Planas 8/17/2020 ########## Cl osed Request Withdrawn 8/30/2022 I hope you 're well. I'm writing to request records under the Freedom of Information Act. Please provide copies o f all written communications, includ ing but not limited to letters and emails, signed or sent by all Alaska field offic e employees, of the DOI’s Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Agency, from Aug. 1, 202 0 to the date of the search (Aug. 17, 20 20 or later), that contain the no n-case-sensitive keywords: "Arctic Nation al Wildlife Refuge," or "oil."
Gavin Bieber 4/30/2021 Clo sed Full Grant 7/13/2021 Safford AZ Field Office - I would like to request all environmental review documents (Biological Evaluation, Biological Assessments, Letter of Concurrence, Biological Opinion, etc.) the BLM prepared/received for the DOI-BLM-AZ-G010-2021-0015-CX project. I am particularly interested in anything related to the analysis of ground disturbing impacts from well construction within the Tanner Wash Area of Critical Environmental Concern on Peebles Navajo Cactus (Pediocactus peeblesianus var. peeblesianus).
Austin Markus James 8/23/2021 ########## Clos ed Partial G rant/Par tial Den ial 3/30/2022 I request that a copy of the following documents, or documents containing the following information, be provided to me: · All Applications, Reports, Correspondence, Agency Studies, Decision Records, any other material possessed by the agency related to the existing special use permit issued to Montana Trophy Outfitters, as referenced in the Project Description of NEPA Project DOI-BLM-MT-B070-2019-0005-CX requesting expansion of the permitted area. (
David A OLSON 5/31/2022 Clo sed Request Withdrawn 8/5/2022 I would like any "amphibious surveys" that were conducted by the Missoula Field Office that are associated decision DOI-BLM-MT-B010-2022-003-CX as made by Erin Carey, Field Manager, Missoula Field Office, as stated in the Description of the Proposed Action, page 3 (uploaded). I would also like all contents of the "Skimmerhorn Unauthorized Case File MTM-112098" discussed under the Compliance With NEPA section on Page 4. Links to download thes e documents is sufficient.
Judi Brawer 12/6/2022 1/9/2023 Cl osed Ex. 3, Ex. 5, Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C) P artial Gran t/Partial Denial 3/22/2023 •All records related to the Horizon American Saga Film Permit, DOI-BLM-UT-G020-20 22-0024-EA, including but not limited to the land use applicati on and permit, all records related to impacts or damage caused directly or proximately by permit-related activities at all filming and staging locations, roads, transportation, and travel routes, and adjacent areas, all inter- and intra-agency communications and communications with contractors and third parties, including but not limited to Horizon Series Inc.
Itai Vardi 8/2/2019 ########## C los ed Ex. 4, Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Part ial Gran t/Partial D enial 1/28/2022 All communications to and from (including CC's and BCC's) the following OREP BLM employees: 1) James Bennett, and 2) Jessica Stromberg, pertaining to the EIS for the offshore wind project by Vineyard Wind, from 3.1.2019 to the date of processing of this request. Such communications should come from BLM/DOI email accounts and/or any other email account used for work, and must include any attachments. Search terms may include but not limited to "Vineyard Wind" and "offshore wind" and "EIS".
James Ban ks 1/18/2018 ########## C los ed Other 7/19/2021 Relating to President Trump's recent "Presidential Proclamation Modifying the Bears Ears National Monument" issued on December 4, 2017, see Pres. Proc. No. 9681, Modifying the Bears Ears National Monument, 82 Fed. Reg. 58,081 (Dec. 4, 2017) (hereinafter "Revocation Proclamation") and...Ryan Zinke's "Final Report Summarizing Findings of the Review of Designations Under the Antiquities Act" which the DOI finally made public on December 5, 2017 (hereinafter "Final Report"). (continued below)
Jimmy Tobias 7/8/2020 8/4/2020 Clos ed Ex. 2, Ex. 5, Ex. 6 P artial Gran t/Parti al Denial 9/28/2021 Any email communications sent o r received by Douglas Domenech on his private email account that relate in any way to official Interior Department business. Attached is a copy of an email that Mr. Douglas D omenech appears to have received on both his offic ial DOI email account and a private account. This example indicates that Mr. Domenech is us ing a non-off icial email account to receive or send official Interior Department communications. This request seeks records produc ed since Jan 1, 201 8.
David Fredley 1/23/2020 ########## Clos ed Ex. 5 Part ial Grant /Partial D enial 3/6/2023 Copies of all documents relied on by the Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management in issuing his June 27, 2019 decision approving the assignment of 12 rights of way from Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, L.L.C to Kinetica Partners, LLC, including all correspondence, notes, and records pertaining to any discussions from January 2014 through August 2019 between the DOI and any representative or employee of Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, regarding the assignment of those rights of way.
Robert Rigonan 8/23/2019 ########## As si gnmen t Deter minat ion All agency records related to electric bicycle or electric mountain bicycle (e-bikes or eMTBs) use on federal lands managed by agencies within DOI including any and all agency records addressing travel management or other policies governing electric bicycle use on federal lands; any and all agency records documenting, or clarification of, recommendations for, or approval of electric bicycle use on federal lands; and any and all solicitor or legal opinions Jan 1. 2017-present
Chri s Saeger 8/30/2019 ########## Clo sed Other 8/2/2022 Cop ies of any emails or texts sent between William Perry Pendley, and any DOI or BLM email addressed and any officials in SOL s ince January 1, 2017 , related to Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Bears Ears National Monument, Dine Bikeyah, Natural Resources Defens e Council, or Grand Staircase-Escalante Partners. Keywords: "Grand Staircase" "GSE" "Bears Ears" "Din e Bikeyah" "Bikeyah" "Natural Resources Defens e Council" "NR DC" "Garfield" "Kane" "San Juan"
Ms. C ou rtney D egener 5/4/2021 6/2/2021 Clo sed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial G rant/P artial Den ial 6/28/2022 The records generated in connection to the December 21, 2020 Decision “Right-of-Ways CACA-59050 and CACA-059168 Issuedâ€ to Cadiz Real Estate LLC, reference numbers 2800/2880, CACA-059050, CACA-059168 (CAD090.31), and all supporti ng records including Categorical Exclusion DOI-BLM-CA-D090-2021-0005-CX. Timeframe to search: Jan. 1, 2020 to the decision date, December 21, 2020 Cadiz, Inc., is a commercial-use requester under applicable regulations.
Adam Aton 5/21/2020 ########## C los ed Ex. 5 Partial G rant/P artial Den ial 8/28/2020
(Director/Ecosystems/Natural Hazards) In the week of Sept 9 13 20 19 USGS Director James Reilly and DOI employee Liza John son gave presentations at the 42nd U S Coral Reef Task Force Meeting in Koror P alau R eilly's presentation was entitled "Understanding Ou r Coral Reefs: USGS Science Today and Tomorrow" and Johnso n's presentation co p resented with NOAA employee Jennifer Koss was entitled "U S Coral Reef Task Force Steering Committee Update"
Carlos Anchondo 7/7/2023 Assi gnmen t Det ermin ation I request a copy of any emails or letters sent between Mitchell Leverette and Matthew Eggerding ([email protected]) between June 7, 2023, and July 7 , 2023. I request a copy of any emails or letters sent from Matthew Eggerding (megge[email protected]) to MItchell Leverette between June 7, 2023, and July 7, 20 23. I request a copy of any emails or letters sent between Mitchell Leverette and Robert J Cooper of Mountain Valley Pipeline, LLC, between June 7, 2023 , and July 7, 202 3.
Scott Harper 6/20/2023 8/3/2023 C los ed Full Grant 7/11/2023 This request was also submitted to the GSA under a FIOA request. If this is in duplicate, please disregard. A copy of the application submitted by the City of Warwick for stewardship of the Conimicut Lighthouse in Rhode Island. This lighthouse was transferred under the National Historic Lighthouse Preservation Act of 2000(NHLPA) on September 29th, 2004. Additionally seeking copies of annual reports submitted by the City of Warwick to the Preservation Assistance Group for the National Park Service for the years 2020-2023. Additionally, copies of correspondence between the Preservation Assistance Group for the National Park Service to the City of Warwick concerning the Conimicut lighthouse. It is believed Bonnie Halda is the oversight manager for this lighthouse with the Preservation Assistance Group for the National Park Service.
Rachel Willams 1/3/2020 Clo sed Reco rds No t Reas onab ly D esc ribed 6/18/2020 Any and all correspondence between Kelly Loeffler and DOI and any and all correspondence between the following entities and DOI: "Intercontinental Exchange" and "Bakkt"
Tanya Kom 3/9/2023 4/7/2023 Clo sed Full Grant 4/13/2023 Request report f or stolen property on 2 /18/2023 property stolen was 2 sno wmobiles (1997 Yellow Ski Doo MXZ440 and 1998 Red Ski Doo Formula) and trailer, approximate value of $3500 . Red 1998 Ski D oo Formula was retrieved at Bj Martins residence. BJ Martin did complete a statement stating snowmobiles were sold to him by Milton K om Jr. Reporting officer was Austin Belgarde
Ms. Kailey A Delorme 6/26/2023 8/3/2023 Initial Evaluation Requesting a copy of a police report from 06/21/2023 at approximately 10:37 pm on Jack Rabbit Road involving my vehicle being hit from behind by Jon Laducer Jr. Jon Laducer left the scene of the accident before the cops showed you. The officers that reported to the accident were Andrew Saari and Trenton Gunville. If pictures and insurance information is allowed can you please include it in the report.
Jan Ex cell 1/24/2023 ########## Clo sed Full Gran t 4/18/2023 H ello, the 2023 Executive Board members, including myself, are needing to acquire a readable, clear copy of the Recreation & Public Purpose lease between BLM and P&M Trail Riders Inc regarding the property located at 11404 E Brown Rd in Mesa, AZ 85117. Please provide all documents pertaining to the lease agreement including but not limited to the original and any amendments or changes made up to the present day.
Annette Shaw 2/15/2023 ########## Cl osed Full G rant 3/28/2023 On or about 2/8/2023 a wild horse known as "Fletcher" on Mt. Charleston in Las Vegas, NV was killed. Friends of the Wild (horses and burros) non-profit is seeking details, reports, number of BLM employees dispatched to the situation, where he was killed, why was he killed and any other information pertaining to this horrific situation and why this wild horse known to and loved by the community where he lived was killed.
DOIOSMRE 2023 004287
Ms. Mary Cromer 5/1/2023 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 5/22/2023 The following data from Coal Reclamation Fee Reports submitted for all Kentucky mines for 1st Quarter 2023: (1) Part 1, 1 (permit numbers covered by certification) and (2) Part 2, 7-12. If any of the information request is determined to be subject to withholding under FOIA, please provide a description of the withheld information and the basis for the withholding. Please email if you have any questions about this request.
Cyndi Tuell 4/24/2023 ########## Res earc h Rec ords
Dear Mr. Davis, I am writing today to request records related to the livestock roundu p that took place within the San Pedro Riparian National Con servation Area (SPRNCA) on April 15 , 2023. We are seeking and all inter- and intra- agency communications related to the project. On behalf of Western Watersheds P roject and pursuant to th e Act (5 U.S.C. § 522), I am requesting: •Records docu menting the name of the owner of the livestock that were rounded up on April 15, 20 23. •Records documenting the brand and ear tags of the livestock that were rounded up o n April 15, 202 3. •All records related to the any and all fees, costs, or other expenses that th e Bureau of Land Management has or will charge the owner(s) of the livestock for the forage used or for th e damage caused while their cows were trespassing in the SPRNCA. •Records documenting how many times in the past two years the cows f
Jennifer A Dlouhy 4/10/2017 5/5/2017 Clo sed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial G rant/Par tial Den ial ########### -Any and all e-mails sent or received from Nov. 7, 2016 th rough April 10, 20 17 that are located on any DOI and/or ONRR s ervers to or from any temporary DOI/ONRR appointee, permanent political DOI/ONRR appointee or career DOI/ONRR employee related in whole or in part to the valuation rule. -Any and all Records of c ommunications fro m Nov. 7, 2016 through April 10, 2 017 related in whole or in part to the valuation rule between DOI/ONRR employees (career, Cont. below.
Kevin Bogardus 1/6/2023 2/7/2023 Clo sed Full Grant 1/27/2023
I request the following records from Dec. 1, 2022 to Jan. 1, 2023: 1. I request all records concerning all logs of correspondence that record letters from members of Congress to your bureau/office. The logs should detail the correspondence’s control number, the date it was received, what congressional office sent it and its subject. Please redact constituents’ names and other personal information detailed in these logs in order to expedite this request. 2. I request all documents related to your bureau/office’s employees' ethics waivers in resolving financial conflicts of interest. These documents are maintained by federal agencies and are released to the public upon request under 18 U.S.C. 208. 3. I request all records concerning Freedom of Information Act request logs maintained by your bureau/office. The FOIA logs should detail the request’s control number, the date it was received, who mad
Bethan ie Gen gler 7/12/2023 ########## As sign ment D etermi nati on
I am submitting an open records request pertaining to MToxin s Venom Lab located at 717 Oregon St, Oshkosh, WI 549 02, owned by Nathaniel Frank. The date range is from January 1, 2023 to July 12, 20 23. I am seeking records of animal inventory on hand as well as any USFWS enforcement action regarding Frank’s failure to turn over a deceased bald eagle to USFWS. I am requesting photos/videos in their original format. I am requesting all written exchanges of information between agency personnel and records that document similar oral exchanges pertaining to the su bject of the records specified abo ve including letters, faxes, emails, text messages, messages on instant messaging applications, and no tes of communication s. I am requesting all responsive records pertaining to the investigation into a dead bald eagle that was not turned over to USFWS offic ials. The office that created the records would be E
Isaac Allen 3/31/2022 ########## Ass ign ment D etermin atio n I am requesting access to and copies of any and all plans or designs f or a park-funded wastewater/septic repair at B Ranch in the Point Reyes National Seashore from 01/01/20 05 through 0 1/01/202 2.
Reina K aneko 7/6/2023 Clos ed Duplicate Request 7/14/2023 This request is th e same as the one for Tracking Number: DOI-USGS-2023 -0054 09. Attaching Form 10- 945 (C ertification-of-Identity-and -Consent). I would like to make a request for receiving a motor vehicle accident reports. AGENCY Selection Agency: US Department of Interior Subagency: National Park Service Subagency (secondary): NPS – Intermoun tain Region Details Date of incident: 06/29 /2023 7 :07PM CAD number: NP2318 6285 Specific Location: Grand Teton Nation al Park - Jenny Lake Visitor Center Parking Lot U.S. Park Ranger: Christian McLeod Snake River District Grand Teton National Park Cell: (307 ) 699- 0784 email: [email protected]
Nick Surgey 9/20/2017 ########## Initial Evaluation Records relating to all non-c ommercial air travel expenses incurred by DOI fo r travel by DOI staff and appointees sin ce January 20, 201 7.
Monika Anic 7/10/2020 8/6/2020 Clo sed Full Grant 5/4/2021 the Real Property Inventory for all active DOI leases completed under DOI's independent leasing authority. Please provide the document in excel spreadsheets.
May Yang 7/1/2022 8/1/2022 Clo sed Duplicate Request 10/6/2022 Days Ou t:55 Respon ding Agency: NATIONAL PARK SERVICES P RAR MANILA (I NTE Agency ID: 10.002 Transaction/Reference #: 1697747 914Ins urance Company: Report Type:Auto Accident Report/Case Number:220 2556 9 Date of Occurrence:20 /03/2022 1 2:00:00am Lo cation of Los s:CARLA BARTON PARKWAY Cross Street: City:BETHESDACou nty:MONTGOMERY State:MD Insured Driver:KhaledB Abb asi Driver 2: Driver 3: Last Note: Second Request Sent 07/06 /20221:42:18pm TAG #: VIN #:
May Yang 9/12/2022 ########## Clos ed Duplicate Request 9/15/2022 Respondin g Agency: U .S . PARK PDR AR MANILA (I NTE Agency ID: 10.002 Transaction/Reference #: 1814412 063H igh Monitored Report Type:Auto Accident Report/Case Numb er:0 71022 -33 D ate of Occurrence:7/10/2022 12:00:0 0AM Location of Loss:BW PARKWAY SO AND Cross Street: City:LAN DOVERCou nty:PRINCE G EORGState:MD Insu rance Company: ALLSTATE INSURANCE Insured Driver:M ax HPark Driver 2: Driver 3: Last Note: TAG #: VIN #:1C6HJTAG0ML6 23529
Ms. R eema Du nn 2/2/2021 ########## C los ed No Records 4/11/2022 All instant mes senger messages between Jonathan Paul Dunn and Faride Kraft aka Faride Komisar.
Peter B ooth 10/31/2022 Clos ed Duplicate Request ########### Monday, October 31, 20 22 Attn: Public Records Request Charis Wilson, PhD 12795 W. Alameda Parkway P.O. Box 25287 Denver, CO 802 25 30 3-969 -2959 To Whom It May Concern, The following request is being made in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act ( 5 U.S.C. § 552). I am requesting copies of th e following records. I: Requested Records I am requesting incoming-and-o utgoing email correspondence between Senator Marco Rubio’s Offic e and the Department Of Interior National Parks Service which should be narrowed to incoming and o utgoing mail from email accounts ending in the do main “@rubio.senate.govâ€
, from 09/21/20 22 to Present. Please limit searches usin g keywords including "Hu rricane Ianâ€, “Tropical Storm Ianâ€, “ Hurricaneâ€, “Stormâ€, “ Tropical Depressionâ€, and “Tropical Depression Nine". I realize that certain costs may be applicable t
Timothy Stelloh 9/6/2022 Clo sed Duplicate Request 9/8/2022 I'm seeking dates and locations for every fatal injury recorded within North Casc ades National Park Complex between 2007 and 20 21. For dates, please provide day/month/year; for locations, please provide which part of th e complex the injury occurred in -- No rth Cascades National Park, Lake Chelan National Recreation Area or Ross Lake National Recreation Area. This is a follow up to earlier request DOI-NPS-202 2-006 003, which d id not includ e an email address. Thank you.
CINDA HUGHES 5/26/2017 ########## Clo sed Ex. 6 Parti al Grant /Partial D enial 8/8/2017 SPRO - Requesting documents dating back to 2011 concerning the Kiowa Cons titution. Wants: DOI decis ions, analysis, advice and guidanc e given to Kiowa members or tribal reps; documents associated with the Kiowa Secretarial Election on the Constitution; letters; emails; any internal external correspondence, by member, reps and DOI staff ; memos; agendas of KBC meetings; records of meetings; DOI staff notes; records of DOI staff meetings.
Bruc e Pend ery 9/14/2017 ########## Initial Evaluation From 3/13/17 to date search begins: Requests copies of all correspondence and memoranda, including but not limited to electronic mail, hard copy mail, and telephone records, between BLM and DOI, between BLM and DOI employees, between BLM and DOI and other Executive Branch employees, and between BLM and DOI employees and non-federal entities related to the development and provision of the September 9 plans(s).
Dr. Jann a Baker Ro gers 2/19/2021 ########## Clo sed Full Grant 12/7/2021 This request is a partner request to DOI-NPS-20 21-0 01755 . Purpose of th is request: Examining national park attendance, Search and Rescue Calls, and Medical calls to assess for poss ible changes during the COVOID-1 9 pandemic in 20 20. I am writing to request numbers of Search and Rescue Calls and Medical/EMS calls from the National Park Service, by national total and by park region, from 2010 to 2018 ( I have already submitted the above-mentioned request for 2019- 2020 .) Also, I would like to request the number of Search and Rescue Calls and M edical/EMS calls in Shenandoah National Park from 20 10-21 8 (request for data from 20 19-2 020 was previous ly made, as above.) Thank you very much.
Mr. MANETIRO NY CLERVR AIN 10/4/2021 C los ed Improper FOIA Request for Other Reasons ########### DOI-SOL-2021-001963
Andrew Vanis 7/19/2023 As si gnmen t Det ermina tion Please provide, or instruct me how to request, the roster (name, position/title, the entity responsible for said persons) of the security, screening, and park personnel at the Liberty Bell exhibit on Friday May 12 2023 between the hours of 2:30 pm and 3:30 pm. In that list, please identify the 2 park officers that arrived during that time on request of the security person and the security person that made the request for them to come.
Brett K enney 2/10/2023 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 3/9/2023 1. Communications and other records relating to properties located in Wood Village, Oregon, including but not limited to any actual or prospective fee to trust application, gaming matter, and any related items. This request applies to records in your possession between August 3, 2022 and February 10, 2023. 2. The four most recent quarterly fee to trust reports prepared for the Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians. Thank you.
Aspen Durand 6/1/2023 ########## Initial Evaluation All records, from May 1, 2023 to the date this request is processed, relating to registrations of possession of prohibited species lion, tiger, leopard, cheetah, jaguar, or cougar or any hybrid of such species pursuant to 16 U.S.C.A. § 3372 (the Big Cat Public Safety Act), including but not limited to, all communications with registrants, internal agency communications, and communications between agency personnel and third parties relating to both the registration system and individual registrations.
Mr. John J. Jackson 6/23/2023 ########## Initial Evaluation This is a FOIA request for the negative enhancement finding associated with the denial of Trevor Ahlberg’s import permit application for a sport-hunted elephant trophy taken in Zimbabwe in 2015. The permit number associated with this denial is PER0034045. Mr. Ahlberg’s application was submitted on December 31, 2020 and was subsequently denied on April 13, 2023. Specifically, please provide either computer printouts or a digital copy of the negative enhancement for this application finding in full. An email copy will suffice.
Aspen Durand 7/7/2023 8/8/2023 Initial Evaluation All records, from June 1, 2023, to the date this request is processed, relating to registrations of possession of prohibited species lion, tiger, leopard, cheetah, jaguar, or cougar or any hybrid of such species pursuant to 16 U.S.C.A. § 3372 (the Big Cat Public Safety Act), including but not limited to, all communications with registrants, internal agency communications, and communications between agency personnel and third parties relating to both the registration system and individual registrations.
Kevin Bogardus 3/17/2023 5/1/2023 Clos ed No Records 4/3/2023 I request emails of the following ind ividuals at the Department of the Interior's Office of the Secretary that were sent to and from Jody Freedman from Jan. 20, 202 1 to March 17 , 2023: Deb H aaland Tommy Beaudreau Rachael Taylor Mili Gosar Kate Kelly Maggie Thompson Please cons ider emails containing one or more of the following search terms in the "To" o r "From" domains of the email as responsive records to my request: "Jody Freeman" OR "[email protected]"
DOIOSMRE 2023 004121
Audrey Redford 4/20/2023 6/2/2023 Clo sed Full Grant 6/21/2023 I am seeking records about Tennes see's coal mining program, which OSMRE oversees. Specifically, I am seeking the original bond amounts that were required for each coal mining permit when it was approved, and every subsequent change to this bond amount over time until the present. Ideally, this data would cover the 33-year period from 1990 to 2023, and be delivered in electronic spreadsheet form. Thank you!
Adam Fed erman 3/25/2021 ########## Ass ign ment D etermi natio n
On February 19, former Alaska Governor Frank Murkowski published an op-ed in the Anchorage Daily News in which he stated: "Alaskans can thank Trump for moving many of our projects along, including leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, leases opening parts of the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, approval of the Ambler Road, the Tongass Roadless Rule exemption, and support for the Izembek land exchange. I personally had the opportunity to provide background and counsel with some of the Interior personnel who were working tirelessly to get approval so that these vital projects could be passed into law before the change of administrations." This is a request for any and all correspondence between Frank Murkowski and DOI officials in Alaska, particularly within the BLM's Alaska State Office. Date range for the request is January 1, 2020 to January 20, 2021. Please search for emails, texts, o
Nancy Cerroni 3/31/2023 5/2/2023 Cl osed Part ial Gran t/Partial D enial 5/22/2023
I am requesting this information in respon se to the recent release of the Pryor Mountain Joint Herd Management Area and Wild Horse Gather Plan Preliminary Environmental Assessment: DOI-BL M-MT-C01 0-202 0-004 -EAI which includes an AML Re-Evaluation Report and Rangeland Health Assessment: 1) AIM Data, Vegetation Data, and Utilization Data collected for the years 20 07-20 21. *GPS coordin ates for each collection point *Date (month and year) of collection for each collection point *Name of the person who collected the data at each collection poin t 2) For each of the 40 AIM p oints used fo r Method 2 AML Re-Evaluation-Ap pendix C of the 20 20 PMWH R-JHMAP P reliminary Environment Assessment DOI-BLM- MT-C010- 2020 -004- EA *GPS coordinates for each collection po int *Data collected at all 40 Sites *Date (month and year) of collection for each co llection point *Name of th
Bonnie Pace 3/9/2023 4/7/2023 Ass ign ment D etermi natio n
To Whom It May Concern: Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request the following records: All documents and written and electronic commun ications, includin g attachments, that relate to the delisting of wolves in Montana by Montana Go venor Greg Gianforte from January 4, 202 1 to 3/10/20 23 and key words of "wolves" and/or "Gianfo rte" and/or "Montana". I am an independent reporter. The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes. In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inf orm me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not. Thank you in advance for you r anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 20 b
Bruc e Pend ery 2/26/2018 ########## C los ed Full Grant 6/30/2020 From 7/26/17: copies of all correspondence and memoranda (hereinafter referred to as �Correspondence�), including but not limited to electronic mail, hard copy mail, and telephone records, between BLM and DOI employees, between BLM and DOI and other Executive Branch employees, and between BLM and DOI employees and non-federal entities related to the provision of the July 26 Product. This request is limited to correspondence and memoranda that discuss, the BLM or the DOI.
Eric Frankowski 7/18/2022 ########## Clos ed No Records 7/27/2022
On April 3, 2017 , Peabody Western Coal Company sent a letter to the owners of Navajo Generating Station, which included the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, notif ying them of their "Respons ibility for the Funding and P ayment of Liabilities Under the CSA [Coal Supply Agreement] and Other Related Documents." The letter – specifically addressed to th e attention of the Regional Director, Bureau of Reclamation, Lower Colorado Region – references a study prepared by Golder Ass ociates (Golder Report) in Janu ary 2017 that calcu lates the "full interim true-up final reclamation cost" for Kayenta Mine. Due to the many oversight roles of various D OI agencies for both Navajo Generating Station and Kayenta coal mine, which supplied f uel for the power plant and is the subject of th e Golder Report, it is assumed that U.S. Bureau of Indian Aff airs, Navajo Region may maintain a copy of the report in its files. The Gold
Eric Frankowski 7/18/2022 ########## Assi gnmen t Det ermin ation
On April 3, 2017 , Peabody Western Coal Company sent a letter to the owners of Navajo Generating Station, which included the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, notif ying them of their "Respons ibility for the Funding and P ayment of Liabilities Under the CSA [Coal Supply Agreement] and Other Related Documents." The letter – specifically addressed to th e attention of the Regional Director, Bureau of Reclamation, Lower Colorado Region – references a study prepared by Golder Ass ociates (Golder Report) in Janu ary 2017 that calcu lates the "full interim true-up final reclamation cost" for Kayenta Mine. Due to the many oversight roles of various D OI agencies for both Navajo Generating Station and Kayenta coal mine, which supplied f uel for the power plant and is the subject of th e Golder Report, it is assumed that U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Arizona State Office, may maintain a copy of the report in its file
Mr. Michael Ayele (aka) W 10/19/2020 Clo sed Reco rds Not Reas onab ly D escr ibed ###########
What I am requesting for prompt disclos ure are (1) formal and informal ties existing between the DHS, the UMD, Michigan State University and Jo hn Jay College, City University of New York; (2) all balance sheets within the posses sion of the Un iversity of Maryland detailing sources of revenues and expenses of START since January 01s t 2011; (3 ) details of formal and inf ormal ties existing between the DHS, the DOI, the DOJ and the DC.Gov; (4) all your co mmunications in th e form of e-mails and postal corresp ondence with employees and legal representatives of the DHS, the DOI, the DOJ and the DC.Gov pertaining to the numerous incidents that have transpired at Lafayette Park following the tragic death of George Floyd; (5) all your communic ations in the form of e-mails and postal correspon dence with employees and legal representatives of the DHS, the DOI, the DOJ and th e DC.Gov about bann ing the use o
Mr. Michael Ayele (aka) W 10/19/2020 Clo sed Fee-R elated R easo n 5/28/2021
What I am requesting for prompt disclos ure are (1) formal and informal ties existing between the DHS, the UMD, Michigan State University and Jo hn Jay College, City University of New York; (2) all balance sheets within the posses sion of the Un iversity of Maryland detailing sources of revenues and expenses of START since January 01s t 2011; (3 ) details of formal and inf ormal ties existing between the DHS, the DOI, the DOJ and the DC.Gov; (4) all your co mmunications in th e form of e-mails and postal corresp ondence with employees and legal representatives of the DHS, the DOI, the DOJ and the DC.Gov pertaining to the numerous incidents that have transpired at Lafayette Park following the tragic death of George Floyd; (5) all your communic ations in the form of e-mails and postal correspon dence with employees and legal representatives of the DHS, the DOI, the DOJ and th e DC.Gov about bann ing the use o
Kathy R Neal 3/25/2021 ########## C los ed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(B), Ex. 7(C ), Ex. 7(D) Partial G rant/Par tial Den ial 8/25/2022
Re: Ric hard Clements v. Continental Resources, Inc. In the District Cou rt of Oklahoma County, State of Oklahoma; Case No. CJ-2019 -399 1 ONRR FOIA REQUEST Dear Sir/Ma'am: We represent Defendant Continental Resources, Inc., in th e above-referenced matter. Enclos ed please find the Petition filed in the Dis trict Court of Oklahoma Cou nty, State of Oklahoma on July 18, 2019 , against Continental Resources. Additio nally, enclosed please find the claim submitted by Richard Clements to the ONRR o n December 1, 2018. Pu rsuant to the Freedom of Information Act, we request a copy of any and all documents relating to this claim and reward request submitted by Rich ard Clements to the ONRR Enforcement Referral office on December 1, 2018. Specifically, I am requesting the following documents: 1.All communic ations between Richard Clements and federal agencies including, but not limited to the Office of
DOIOSMRE 2022 005078
Eric Frankowski 7/18/2022 ########## Clos ed No Records 7/26/2022
On April 3, 2017, Peabody Western Coal Company sent a letter to the owners of Navajo Generating Station, which included the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, notifying them of their "Responsibility for the Funding and Payment of Liabilities Under the CSA [Coal Supply Agreement] and Other Related Documents." The letter – specifically addressed to the attention of the Regional Director, Bureau of Reclamation, Lower Colorado Region – references a study prepared by Golder Associates (Golder Report) in January 2017 that calculates the "full interim true-up final reclamation cost" for Kayenta Mine. The Golder Report is critical for understanding the economics and status of reclamation at Kayenta Mine, the methodology used by Peabody to determine the validity of the standards of reclamation established by Peabody, and the extent to which standards used to calculate reclamation costs are being met by cu
Mr. Michael Ayele (aka) W 10/19/2020 ########## Cl osed No Records ###########
What I am requesting for prompt disclos ure are (1) formal and informal ties existing between the DHS, the UMD, Michigan State University and Jo hn Jay College, City University of New York; (2) all balance sheets within the posses sion of the Un iversity of Maryland detailing sources of revenues and expenses of START since January 01s t 2011; (3 ) details of formal and inf ormal ties existing between the DHS, the DOI, the DOJ and the DC.Gov; (4) all your co mmunications in th e form of e-mails and postal corresp ondence with employees and legal representatives of the DHS, the DOI, the DOJ and the DC.Gov pertaining to the numerous incidents that have transpired at Lafayette Park following the tragic death of George Floyd; (5) all your communic ations in the form of e-mails and postal correspon dence with employees and legal representatives of the DHS, the DOI, the DOJ and th e DC.Gov about bann ing the use o
Lexis Nexi s 4/22/2021 Clos ed Improper FOIA Request for Other Reasons 7/11/2023 Copy of case #PP20066772.
Kelley Dix 1/3/2022 Clo sed Duplicate Request 1/3/2022 Kate h armmo ed
lexis Nexis 3/2/2022 ########## Cl osed Duplicate Request 6/21/2022 Copy of USPP Report PP20027049
Cyndi Tuell 5/29/2018 ########## Initial Evaluation From 5/1/18 -5/29/18: all comments of any and all draft reviewers for any versions or iterations of the Environmental Impact Statement for the SPRNCA RMP proc ess; All emails, notes, memos, phone logs, letters, or any other communication in any fo rmat related to a letter sent by Dave Kreuper to the BLM; any communication related to a letter sent by a group of 21 s cientists to BL M; any..related to the new guidance from Sec. of DOI that changes the internal review process
Todd C Tucci 6/26/2018 ########## Cl os ed Request Withdrawn 7/24/2022 1. Any and all records generated, received, or related to the BLM Canyon Country Dis trict�s March 20 18 Competive Oil and Gas Lease Sale, any and all records relating to Environmental Assessment DOI-BL M-UT-Y010 -2017 -0240 -EA 2. records generated, received, or related to BLM�s Section 106 Consultation under the National Historic P reservation Act regarding BLM Canyon Country D istrict�s March 2 018 Comp etive Oil and Gas Lease Sale.
Bobby Magill 5/22/2020 7/2/2020 Clo sed Partial G rant/P artial Den ial 1/13/2021 NM 2020-0 27 Electronic copies of all documents pertaining to the Bureau of Land Management's May 2020 decision to extend the public comment period for the Farmington RMP Mancos-Gallup Amendment EIS (DOI-BLM-NM-F010-2017-0128-RMP-EIS) by 120 days. Documents include, but are not limited to, email correspondence, text messages and decision documents sent, received and/or signed by Tim Spisak, William Perry Pendley, Kate MacGregor, David Bernhardt or any official at the BLM New Mexico state office.
Ms. C ou rtney D egener 5/4/2021 6/2/2021 Initial Evaluation The records generated in connection to the December 21, 2020 Decision “Right-of-Ways CACA-59050 and CACA-059168 Issuedâ€ to Cadiz Real Estate LLC, reference numbers 2800/2880, CACA-059050, CACA-059168 (CAD090.31), and all supporting records including Categorical Exclusion DOI-BLM-CA-D090-2021-0005-CX. Timeframe to search: Jan. 1, 2020 to the decision date, December 21, 2020 Cadiz, Inc. qualifies as a commercial-use requester under applicable FOIA regulations.
Mr. John Robison 11/1/2021 ########## C los ed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 P artial Gr ant/Parti al Denial 3/11/2022 I would like electronic copies of all the sco ping comments on th e Lava Ridge Wind Energy project (Lava Ridge Wind Project (DOI-BLM-ID-T03 0 -202 1-00 15-EIS) received by the BLM to date. Scoping comments were to be submitted by Octo ber 25 to Kasey Prestwich, Project Manager, BLM Shos hone Field Office, [email protected] or sub mitted electronically to [email protected] A thumbdrive or an email to me with all of the comments would be fine. Let me know if you need any more information.
Patrick McKay 12/19/2022 2/9/2023 Clo sed Ex. 6 Parti al Grant /Partial D enial 3/13/2023 I request copies of all substantive public comments received during the comment period for the draft EA for the Labyrinth Rims Gemini Bridges Travel Management Project (DOI-BLM-UT-Y010-2020-0097-EA), which was held between September and October 2022. For each public comment, I request both the main comment documents and all attachments submitted with them, including maps, photographs, GIS data, and other supporting documents. I request that all documents be provided digitally.
Mich elle Bem 12/29/2022 ########## Cl os ed No Records 1/24/2023 Hello. May I please receive a detailed copy of the background ch eck results of myself that led to the rescind ment of my tentative offer for the position of P ark Ranger at the Bakersfield Field Office in California (job announcement number CADE-22 -115 41819 -TB). Greg Comella from the state office is the HR Specialist who info rmed me of this decision. I was given a vague explanation for the results and I would greatly appreciate a more thorough understanding of th e evaluation in order to seek out other employment opportunities for th e DOI BLM in the future.
Mr. Paul J Flatley 5/2/2023 6/1/2023 Clo sed Full Grant 5/15/2023 This FOIA request is for all e-mail communication between Matthew Janowiak and Kent L Hoffman DOI, Bureau of Land M anagement, BLM Utah State Office, between July 1, 202 1 and December 5th of 2 022 con taining the numbers and words: 14 008 Mo rning Gun Exploration ASLM list UTU956 79 UTU87 370 UTU0 919-0 21 until f urther notice Haaland Flatley Attachments to emails are not necessary unless they are under 3 MB in siz e. Thank you for your help, time, and consideration. Paul J. Flatley
Susanne Rust 10/24/2018 ########## Clo sed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial G rant/P artial Den ial 10/7/2020 Request all correspondence and reports from 1/1/17 to present re BOEM's plans to open California's coastline to offshore wind energy. I'd like all correspondence between D OI HQ and BOEM re offshore wind energy, and BOEM employees and non-government contacts. Please include in the search the following names and terms: Alla Weinstein, Trident Winds, California Coastal Commission, Jerry Brown, Morro Bay, Diablo Canyon, Santa Barbara, Coastal Development Permit, CDP, Principle P ower, Inc.
Ann Brown 8/20/2020 ########## C los ed Full Grant 12/7/2020 The Center requests the following from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (“FWSâ€), Northeast Region, Virginia Field Offi ce: From March 1, 2016 to the date FWS conducts this search, the records generated in connection with Section 7 Endangered Species Act1 consultation for the Commonwealth of Virginia’s (“Virginiaâ€) proposed cadmium aquatic life water quality standards. Please note: The Center requests that FWS does not consolidate this request with the Center’s August 17, 2020 request DOI-FWS-2020-002044. Please process these requests separately.
Ms. Nicole E Zampieri 10/5/2021 ########## Cl osed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C) P artial Gr ant/Parti al Denial 5/23/2022 In 2020 I was the complainant in an investigation into misconduct of a DOI employee Scott Allen Davis (DOB 9/7/1984). The inves tigation was conducted by the PRU (Personal Responsibility Unit). I would like a copy of the final report and any related documentation from this investigation. I previously put in the same request and it was denied because the investigation was still underway (request dated April 29, 2021 and assigned it control number FWS-2021-003583). I spoke with Kenneth Perry who confirmed today that the investigation has been completed.
Joe Bushyhead 1/3/2018 2/1/2018 Initial Evaluation
[Related to OS2017 01 221] Records in the possession or control of the Department of Interior Office of the Secretary (DOI OS) regarding discussions with plaintiffs in Kane County Utah (1) v United States Case Nos 2:08 cv 0031 5 CW (D Utah) & 13 4108 (10th Cir ) The litigation concerns the scope and nature of three adjudicated RS 2477 rights of way across federal land�the Skutumpah Road Park Wash/Swallow Park route and North Swag route (continued below)
Lynn Jones 9/28/2020 ########## Clos ed No Records 5/4/2021 From the DOI Interior Busin ess Center I would like the following Number of EPA employees on 100 percent telework from 2015 - 201 9 Number of EPA employees on 10 0 percent telework by race 2015 -20 19 Number of EPA part time employees 2015 - 2020 (current) Number of EPA part time employees by race 2015 - 2 020 (c urrent) Number of EPA phased retirement employees 2015 -2 020 (c urrent) Number of EPA phased retirement employees by race 2015 -20 20 (cu rrent)
Mr. Kevin H Bell 1/25/2022 ########## Processing Tasks 1.Any policies which have been changed in response to E.O. 14,003; 2.Any final analysis or memoranda issued within DOI concerning the effects of E.O. 14,003; 3.Any instruction, guidance, or orders issued to management officials within the Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, Nati onal Parks Service, U.S. Geological Survey, or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service concerning disciplinary actions or E.O. 14,003; and 4.Documents and communications related to any material described in Request #1-3.
Adam Fed erman 3/1/2022 ########## Processing Tasks On February 22, 2022 DOI submitted its response brief in litigation challenging the approval of the Ambler Road project in Alaska, requesting a remand in order to review parts of the environmental impact statement. This is a request for any and all correspondence, meeting notes, emails, briefing materials or memos regarding that decision. Search should include but not be limited to the following individuals: Laura Daniel-Davis, Rachael Taylor, Tracy Stone Manning, Nada Culver, and Tommy Beaudreau. Date range for the request is June 1, 2021 to February 22, 2022.
Ethan Schwartz 2/19/2020 ########## Resear ch R ecord s (Director/E&M) Scoped narrowed on 2/21 /20. 1) Commun ications sent or received by Jim Reilly and Judy Nowakowski and anyb ody filling the roles of director and d eputy director, including any correspo ndence received from DOI personnel, related to SO 3352 and as sessing resourc e potential of the 1002 area of ANWR. 2) Emails s ent from Jim Reilly and Judy Nowakowski and anyone filling roles o f director and deputy director to USG S employees working on USGS actions und er SO 3352 10 02 area of ANWR.
Lee M Red eye 11/25/2019 ########## Clo sed Full Grant 6/30/2020 EASTERN - 1. Correspon dence of David DeBruin, Co unsel, Cayuga Nation, dated November 4, 2019 , which is referred to in the November 14, 2019 letter from ASIA, to D DeBruin; 2. Decision of BIA, Eastern RD, Bruce Maytubb y, dated 12/16/201 6, cited as the "Maytubby D ecision" in th e November 14, 2019, letter from ASIA, TSweeney to D DeBruin, counsel, Cayuga Nation ; 3. All briefs and documents s ubmitted by all parties in the Cayuga proceedings which pro duced the December 15, 201 6, Maytubby Decisio n.
Mrs. Mary Plu mb 4/10/2023 ########## As sig nment Deter minat ion Copies of all forms of communications related to the announcement made at GLCA's 3/15/2023 annual executive safety meeting that the number of suicides dropped at GLCA's Horseshoe Bend Overlook after GLCA quit putting out news releases about them. This includes but is not limited to all forms of communications by and between NPS personnel at GLCA, GRCA (Angela Boyers), IMR, and WASO; and between those personnel and external partners at County Sheriff's Offices and city Police Departments. Please include all forms of communications, including but not limited to emails (with attachments), Teams system chats, voicemail messages, meeting records and notes, and private notes . If appropriate, please process this both as a FOIA request and if necessary as a Privacy Act request, as the records requested are about myself (Mary Plumb).
Jacob Fishbein 8/24/2022 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 9/1/2022 Seeking accident report from 9/27/2020 , filed by officer Raymond D rutis of the US Park Police in Shenand oah National Park on Skyline Drive in Luray, VA. Case incident report is #373 9 Driver of my vehicle was myself, Jacob Fishbein. Driver of oth er vehicle was Patrick Redmon.
Johnathan Hettinger 7/6/2021 ########## Clo sed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(A), Ex. 7(C), Ex. 7(E) Par tial Gran t/Partial Denial 1/19/2022
I would like to request: - Any and all documents, including police reports, related to the 101 sexual assault reports at Yellowstone National Park that were detailed in DOI-NPS-2021-003811. These are for incident numbers: 1) NP13028168 3) NP13033550 4) NP13046924 5) NP14001581 6) NP14046638 7) NP14050533 8) NP14061443 9) NP14094881 10) NP14132127 11) NP15046320 12) NP15046395 13) NP15061154 14) NP15079156 15) NP15099151 16) NP15103028 17) NP15112403 18) NP15114075 19) NP15145385 20) NP15147884 21) NP16011856 22) NP16054154 23) NP16060754 24) NP16068803 25) NP16105692 26) NP16118606 27) NP16127211 28) NP16127773 29) NP16136769 30) NP16159985 31) NP16168240 32) NP17073120 [Disp.] 33) NP17079446 34) NP17095701 35) NP17109896 36) NP17114628 37) NP17115355 38) NP17115710 39) NP17
Claudia Marquez 5/25/2023 Clo sed Request Withdrawn 5/31/2023
Our Client:Arleja Stephens Date of Incident:5/11/202 3 Location o f Incident:Rock Creek and Potomac P kwy NW & Ohio Dr SW Washington, DC 20004 Accident Case #:051 123- 60 Dear Sir or Madam: Our firm represents Arleja Stephens for injuries received in an accident which occurred on 5 /11/2023 at Rock Creek and Potomac Pkwy NW & Ohio Dr SW Wash ington, DC 20 004. It is my und erstanding that US Park Police respond ed to the scene and generated a Case #051123-6 0. We kindly request under the Freedom of Information Act that a copy of the following documents and /or media be provided to our office electronically: ANY AND ALL RECORDS – OMITTING NOTHING – pertaining to th e above incident involving our client, includin g but not limited to: 1.official finalized co py of the police accident or inc ident report (or the latest draft if not yet finalized), exchange of inf ormation form, fire/ems repor
mr Will Houston 12/20/2017 ########## Clo sed Full Gran t 3/26/2018 Communications between DOI and Trinity River Adaptive Management Working Group beginning May 2017 and ending December 20, 2017 regarding the review by DOI of this advisory committee.
Ann Brown 11/19/2021 ########## Cl os ed No Records ###########
The Center requests from the US Fis h and Wildlife Service (“FWSâ€): 1 From the date of publication in the federal register of the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for the Revised 2023 and Later Model Year Light Duty Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards1 to the date FWS conducts this search: the biological assessment(s) request(s) for information and/or correspondence with the US Environmental Protection Agency (“EPAâ€) pursuant to the Endangered Species Act2 (“ESAâ€) Section 7(c) in connection with this Rule; and 2 From the date of publication in the federal register of the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for the Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards for Model Years 2024 2026 Passenger Cars and Light Trucks3 to the date FWS conducts this search: the biological assessment(s) request(s) for information and/or corres pondence with the National Highway Traffic Safety Adm
Natash a Leger 7/14/2023 ########## Ass ign ment D etermi natio n Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 USC § 552, Citizens for a Healthy Community, a non-profit organization registered in the State of Colorado (Identification Number 20101062998) and a 501(c) (3) federal tax-exempt organization under the Internal Revenue Code, respectfully requests the following records from the Bureau of Land Management (“BLMâ
): 1) All communicati ons between the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the US Forest Service (USFS), Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (renamed the Colorado Energy and Carbon Management Commission, effective July 1, 2023), and Gunnison Energy regarding the North Fork Mancos Master Development Plan (NFMMDP) between January 1, 2021 and July 14, 2023 2) Bureau of Land Mgmt., Instruction Mem. 2005-247: Nat’l Envtl. Policy Act (NEPA) Compliance for Oil, Gas, & Geothermal Dev. (Sept. 30, 2005). 3) B
Mr. Roger A Drews 4/18/2023 ########## C los ed No Records 5/8/2023
OBJECTIVE: I am trying to obtain dollar amount information for extant and planned awards for fu nding and grants for the Twitchell Dam Reservoir project in Santa Maria California. SOURCES UTILIZED TO DATE (04/18/23): I have sourc ed the Dept. of Interior (Reclamation - Great California Basin) website and have not been able to find do llar amount of what funds/grants/monies th at have been provided OR will be provided for this project. I believe the funds were provided from the IRA (Inflation Reduction Act - (136 STAT. 181 8 PUBLIC LAW 1 17–16 9—AUG. 16 , 2022)  Western Sierra Resources Inc. and/or Santa Maria Valley Water Conservation District  Jan. 1 st 2022 - April 18th 2 023 Grants and / or funds awarded for the TWITCHELL DAM REMEDIATION PROJECT (Santa Maria Ca.) to: SANTA MARIA VALLEY WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT and / or WESTERN SIERRA RESOURCES INC. or IIJA under the B
Anna East 5/17/2023 ########## C los ed Other 6/1/2023 Under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), I would like to request a copy of the winning grant application detailed below: Grant Program Title: Historic Preservation Fund (HPF): Underrepresented Communities (URC) Grant Program Agency: U.S. Department of Interior Funding Opportunity Number (FON): P23AS00473 Assistance Listing Number: 15.904 Fiscal Year of Award: 2023 Applicant: African American Settlement Communities in Charleston County, S.C. Survey Award Amount: $75,000
Mr. Quinn McCord 5/30/2023 ########## As si gnmen t Deter minat ion I am requesting copies of any co mmunications to or f rom James "Jim" Bailey (Superintendent at the National Park Service) regarding any of the following topics, covering the period 9/1/202 2 through 5 /29/2023 . Topics: QTS Data Centers; QTS; data centers; Compass Datacenters; Compass; Prince William Digital Gateway; Prince William County Board of Supervisors; The Coalition to Protect P rince William County; National Parks Cons ervation Association; Manass as Battlefield Trust.
Mrs. Su e E. Cliff 3/22/2023 ########## Cl osed Full G rant 4/12/2023 1. I need a record that shows how much Montana area off-reservation trust land by acres was bought by the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa through the Cobell Land Buy-Back program. 2. I need a current (2023) record that shows the total number of Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa off-reservation acres and allotments managed by each of the following tribes: Fort Belknap, Fort Peck, and Northern Cheyenne. Thank You
Sergey Ariskin 5/24/2023 ########## As sig nmen t Deter minat ion Contract Award Date: May 17, 202 3 Contract Award Number: 140A2 323C0 007 Task/Delivery Order Number: Contractor Awarded Unique Entity ID: KFASMLNBDV5 8 Contractor Awarded Name: TRIBAL TECH LLC Contractor Awarded Address: ALEXANDRIA VA 2231 4-30 49 US Base and All Option s Value (Total Contract Value): $38,94 7,578.79 We request the complete bid package of TRIBAL TECH LLC including technic al approach and past experience
Mr. Nath an Boles 2/8/2023 ########## Cl osed Fee- Related Reas on 4/26/2023 I would like all personnel records from the National Parks Service that contain my full legal name (Nathan Boles), my preferred work name (Nate Boles), or are in reference to myself at Golden Gate National Recreation Area, whether or not they contain my full name, from May of 2022 to February of 2023 . I request all inter-park correspondents at Golden G ate National Recreation Area that contain any variant of my name or are in reference to my employment at the park during the above mentioned timeframe. Correspondents include but are not limited to: emails, microsoft teams transc ripts, meeting notes and transcripts, and all recorded conversations between parks employees regarding myself.
Steph en J Seg all 3/21/2023 ########## C los ed Ex. 6 Partial G rant/P artial Den ial 6/29/2023 All records, including but not limited to, "General Reports", Dispatch records, and Incident Reports, relating to incidents or falls reported at the concession, gift shop, or retail shop at Mount Rushmore National Memorial (3000 SD-244, Keystone, SD 57751) that occurred on April 30, 2021. Among the documents requested are all documents produced pursuant to Request DOI-NPS-2023-000634 that was submitted by Jason Smiley on Gunderson Palmer Nelson & Ashmore LLP on 11/03/2022.
Jared B ennet t 3/7/2023 4/4/2023 Clo sed No Records 7/5/2023 This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act. I request that you provide us copies of the records identified and described below – or of records containing the information identified and described below: - Records showing lottery entries for the "Mammoth Cave National Park presents Teddy Abrams and the Louisville Orchestra with special guest Yo-Yo Ma" performance from Jan 10- Feb 6 2023. Please include information about the entries including the state of origin. - Lottery results, including names of winners and the state of origin. - Documents related to the lottery process.
mr Kevin Bogardus 12/6/2019 1/7/2020 Cl osed Full G rant ########### In the Nov. 1 to Dec 1 time frame - All communications records co ncerning communications that mention "Trump," "Ivanka," "K ushner" and/or "Ob server" in the to/from field of your agency's correspo ndence log. A list of �special government employees� (SGEs) employed by DOI. Records concerning FOIA request logs maintained by DOI. All documents related to the DOI employees' ethics waivers. All records concerning all logs of correspon dence that record letters from members of Congress to the DOI.
Dell C ameron 1/25/2017 ########## Clo sed Oth er 3/22/2017 1)DOIs use of social media, including its official Twitter accounts (@DOIgov) 2)Communications by DOI employees with reporters or other members of the news media (via phone,email,press release,or any other method) 3)Dissemination of press releases to the public. 4)Publication of any agency DOI records, including reports or fact sheets 5)Release of DOI data through the federal government�s portal. Cont below.
Mich ael Car pent er 10/13/2016 ########## Clos ed Request Withdrawn 2/7/2017 I am requesting a copy of the report completed by DOI OLES in regards to my complaint filed against a BLM OPR Agent. The DOI case number is 383-O LES-2016.
Mr. MANETIRO NY CLERVR AIN 10/4/2021 C los ed Improper FOIA Request for Other Reasons 3/2/2022 DOI-OST-2021-001965RequestSimple01/20/2021N/AClosed DOI-OST-2021-001964RequestSimple01/20/2021N/AClosed
Mr. Brian Karger 5/24/2023 ########## As sig nment Deter minat ion
Hello we are requesting the following information. All dash camera and body camera video and audio from all law enforcement involved in the arrest of Marcia Ingalls on May 1st 20 23 at Lake Mead Boulder Beach campground at around 9 :30 pm. The Cad number that was given to us is CAD 23-32 15. We are also requesting the names and identification numb ers of all of the law enforcement involved. We are requesting all the video and audio footage from the stop and reason seen to cause the stop footage of the reason for getting pulled over. of the reason for the st op through all video and audio of Marcia being transported to the Henderso n Nevada Detention Center. Please feel free to contact us directly if you have anything you need from us. To clarify we are request ALL audio and video of the entire incident from s tart to finish of f rom ALL law enforcement involved. Thank you. Brian Karger & Marcia Ingall
Kevin Bogardus 7/10/2023 C los ed Full Grant 7/12/2023
I request the letter described in the following excerpt of the Government Accountability Office's decision titled "Department of the Interior, National Park Service — Availability of Appropriations for Nonmonetary Awards to Private Individuals," B- 3347 11, June 5, 20 23: "A certifying officer in the Department of th e Interior (Interior), National Park Service (Park Service), requested our decision un der 31 U.S.C. § 3529 on whether the Park Service retains authority to purchas e a nonmonetary award for a state government employee who contributed to Park Service programs." This letter is also described in Fo otnote 1 of this decision, which is excerpted below: "Letter from Comptroller, Interior Region 11, National Park Service, to General Counsel, GAO (Octob er 4, 2022) ( Request Letter)." Responsive records to my request are likely to be found in the National Park Service's Region 11 offic e, or NPS - Alaska Regio
Thomas Wh eeler 1/10/2023 ########## Cl osed Full G rant 3/28/2023 I would like a copy of the incidental take permit for a bald eagle nest tree issued by Daniel Blake, Chief Migratory Bird Program of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, on January 5, 2023 to Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) for a property in Potter Valley, Mendocino County, California. This permit accompanies environmental analysis found at Other individuals at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service with responsive documents are Heather Beeler, Eagle Permit Coordinator, Migratory Bird Program, R8.
Ricardo Givans 5/2/2022 ########## Cl osed Duplicate Request 6/23/2022 P P2 10 88 696 Req uest ing a c op y of t he po lic e repo r th e abov e case n umb er plea se It a em ergenc y.
May Yang 6/21/2022 ########## Clos ed Duplicate Request 6/21/2022 Transaction/Reference #: 161157766 2High Mo nitored Report Type:Auto Accident Report/Case Number:PP20 0270 49 Date of Occu rrence:4 /20/2020 12:00:00 AM Location of L oss:SOUTH BALTIMORE WASHINGTON PKWY Cros s Street: City:WASHING TON DCCoun ty:PRINCE G EORGState:MD Insuranc e Company: ALLSTATE INSURANCE Insured Driver:Brando nCuevas Driver 2: Driver 3: Last Note: Hmc: Called Us Park Pd . Per Hutcherson, Send Req Via Email. Sent To [email protected] (h errys01) 4/11 /2022 1 1:25:38AM TAG #: VIN #:19 XFB2F85 FE286456
Ms. Kar ma Brown 7/8/2022 Clo sed Duplicate Request 7/11/2022
As described in the attached letter, this is a request pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. § 552, and the Department of the Interior’s FOIA regulations, 43 C.F.R., pt. 2, for copies of all documents, whether maintained in hard copy or electronic format, pertaining to the Burnett Oil Company’s (Burnett) Plan of Operations (POP) application for drilling and production activities at the Nobles Grade and Tamiami Prospects within Big Cypress National Preserve (Preserve). We request any and all documents, correspondence, and/or communications relating to Burnett’s POP application, including, but not limited to: 1. Any draft or final NOI; 2. Any documents associated with the POP application in the Data Tracking System; 3. Any documents associated with the concurrence and clearance process for the NOI; 4. The Decision File for the POP application; 5. Any documents among and
May Yang 9/14/2022 C los ed Duplicate Request 9/15/2022 Transaction/Reference #: 18239 9216 3Not High M onitored Report Type:Auto Accident Report/Case Number:PP2 2061 846 Date of Oc currence:7/4/2022 1 2:00:00AM Location of Lo ss:GW PK WY TWO LANE DR Cross Street: City:ALEXANDRAICounty:L OUDOUNState:VA Insurance Company: USAA Insu red Driver:D onnieDavis D river 2: Driver 3: Last Note: No Association Performed. Sent To Print By Iserv (iserv) 9/13/20 221:3 8:16PM TAG #: 739BDVY VIN #:
May Yang 9/14/2022 C los ed Duplicate Request 9/15/2022 Transaction/Reference #: 18163 1686 3High Mon itored Report Type:Au to Accident Report/Case Number:062 122-1 24 Date of Occu rrence:6 /21/2022 12:00:00 AM Location of L oss:21 50 INDEPEND ENCE AVE SW Cross Street: City:WASHINGTONCounty:COLUMBIAState:DC Ins urance Company: PROGRESSIVE INSURANCE Insured Driver:Osei Enoch D river 2: Driver 3: Last Note: TAG #: VIN #:
Michelle Ghafar 5/5/2023 Initial Evaluation RE:Bu reau of Land Management, Bakersfield Field Office, Environmental Review and Decisions for App lications for Permits to D rill Oil and Gas Wells  Dear National BLM FOIA Officer: This is a request for inf ormation on behalf of Center for Biolo gical Diversity (“the Centerâ€
) pursuant to the Freed om of Information Act (“FOIAâ€), 5 U.S.C. § 552. We respectfully urge the Bureau of Land Management (“BLMâ€) to respond in the 20-day timeframe provided under 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(6)(A)(i) and 43 C.F.R. § 2.16(a). Because the Center is a non-profi t public interest organization, it requests that all copy and research fees be waived pursuant to 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(4)(A)(iii) and 43 C.F.R. § 2.45. A fee waiver is justified because requested informati on is likely to contribute signifi cantly to public understanding of BLM’s operations and activiti es, and the informati on is not primarily in the Center’s comm
Kevin Bogardus 8/15/2019 ########## Clos ed No Records 8/23/2019 DOI�s recommendations for each of DOI�s current advisory committees established by the president under section 9(a)(1) of FACA regarding whether the committee should be continued. DOI�s detailed plans for each advisory committee required by statute, for continuing or terminating such committee, including, as appropriate, recommended legislation for submission to the Congress.
Miran da G reen 12/15/2017 ########## Cl osed Ex. 6 P artial Gran t/Parti al Denial 6/7/2022 1) Settlements entered against DOI from NPS employees in the past 10 fiscal years 2) Settlements the DOI entered into with current and previous National Park Service employees in the past 10 fis cal years 3) A monetary amount and documentation o f how much money DOI has expend ed related to those settlements.
Miran da G reen 12/15/2017 ########## Cl osed Ex. 6 P artial Gran t/Parti al Denial 6/7/2022 1) Settlements entered against DOI from NPS employees in the past 10 fiscal years 2) Settlements the DOI entered into with current and previous National Park Service employees in the past 10 fis cal years 3) A monetary amount and documentation o f how much money DOI has expend ed related to those settlements.
kevin bogardus 10/6/2017 ########## Clo sed Full Grant ########### All records c oncerning all logs of co rrespondence that record letters from members of Congress to DOI; all documents related to the DOI employees' ethics waivers in resolving financial conflict s of interest; all records concerning FOIA request logs maintained by D OI; a list of SGEs employed by DOI; all communications records concerning co mmunications that mention " Trump," "Ivanka," "Kus hner" and/or "Observer" in the to/from field of your agency's correspond ence log from 9/1-10/1/17 .
Kevin Bogardus 11/3/2017 ########## Clos ed Full Grant ########### All records concerning all logs of correspondence that record letters from members of Con gress to DOI; all documents related to the DOI employees' ethics waivers in resolving financial con flicts of interest; all records con cerning FOIA request logs maintained by DOI; a list of SGEs employed by DOI; all communication s records con cerning communications th at mention "Trump," "Ivanka," "Kus hner" and/or "Obs erver" in the to/from field of your agency's correspon dence log from 10/1-1 1/1/17.
Kevin Bogardus 12/1/2017 ########## Clos ed Full Grant ########### All records concerning all logs of correspondence that record letters from members of Con gress to DOI; all documents related to the DOI employees' ethics waivers in resolving financial con flicts of interest; all records con cerning FOIA request logs maintained by DOI; a list of SGEs employed by DOI; all communication s records con cerning communications th at mention "Trump," "Ivanka," "Kus hner" and/or "Obs erver" in the to/from field of your agency's correspon dence log from 11/1-1 2/1/17.
Kevin Bogardus 3/5/2018 ########## C los ed Full Grant 3/30/2018 Records concerning all logs of correspondence that record letters from members of Congress to DOI; Records concerning FOIA request logs maintained by DOI; List of SGEs employed by DOI; Documents related to the Department of the Interior (DOI) employees' ethics waivers in resolving financial conflicts of interest; Communications records concerning communications that mention "Trump," "Ivanka," "Kushner" and/or "Observer" in the to/from field of your agency's correspondence log from 2/1/18-3/1/18.
mr Kevin Bogardus 11/1/2019 ########## Clo sed Full Gran t ########### From 10/1/19 - 11/1/19, All logs of corres pondence that record letters from members of Congress to the DOI, all documents related to the DOI ethics waivers in resolving financial conflicts, a list of �special government employees � (SGEs) employed by the DOI, all records concerning FOIA request logs maintained by the DOI, and all communications records concerning communications that mention "Trump," "Ivanka," "Kushner" and/or "Observer" in the to/from field of your agency's correspondence log.
Benjamin G Emmel 2/13/2017 Clo sed Oth er 2/27/2017 1. The catalogs of s ocial media accounts received by the DOI Office of Co mmunications and Of fice of the Chief Information Off icer. These records are described in the DOI Social Media Policy, Section 1, under the heading Official Us e of Social Media and Social Networking at DOI available at 2. The runnin g list of all official presences of third-party social media Web sites maintained by DOI and d escribed in the policy cited above. Cont below
mis Sue Ambros e 3/31/2017 ########## Clo sed Oth er 4/12/2017 DOI vis itor logs for February and M arch of 2 017.
American Oversight 10/29/2020 ########## Clo sed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial G rant/Part ial Deni al 9/19/2022 Please see attached (DOI-20-2683).
Mares a Jens on 1/22/2019 ########## C los ed Request Withdrawn 1/11/2023 Trus tees for Alaska request copies of sp ecified documents related to US. DOI Senior Advisor for Alaska Affairs Steve Wackowski and DO I Asst Sec for Land and Min erals Management Joe Balash
mr Boyd Perttu 3/6/2017 ########## C los ed Other 3/6/2017
(DOI/OS FOIA) Any/all contact information regarding purchase card holders assigned with purchasing telephone equipment and accessories such as; desk telephones headsets etc throughout the DOI offices
Tucker Johnson 3/10/2020 4/6/2020 Clo sed Ex. 5 Parti al Grant /Partial D enial 9/14/2020
Requests copies of public records in the custody of the U S Department of the Interior (�DOI�) as identified below Requests for D OI records are governed by FOIA regulations for the DOI 43 C F R su bpt A�L Pursuant to these regulations NPCA requests the written record of the calendar of Jeffrey Small Senior Advisor to the Secretary from Feb 13th throu gh Feb 2 8th 20 20
Sean J White Mountain 11/19/2020 ########## Clos ed ###########
Katie Strong 5/26/2021 ########## Cl osed 8/6/2021
Douglas Schneider 8/25/2022 9/4/2022 Clo sed ###########
Kevin Bogardus 5/6/2021 6/4/2021 Clo sed Oth er 5/12/2021
I request emails sent to and from the following individu al at the Department of the Interior's Office of the Secretary related to communications with the Biden-Harris Transition Team from Nov. 1, 202 0 to Jan. 20, 2 021: Scott de la Vega Please consider emails sent to and from on e or more of the following individuals who s erved on the Agency Review Team for DOI as part of the Biden-Harris Transition Team as respons ive records to my request: Kevin Washburn Bo b Anderson Bret Birdso ng Shannon Estenoz C hris Goranso n Janie Hipp Kate Kelly Elizabeth Klein Amanda Leiter Molly McUsic Clara Pratte Maggie Thomas Maggie Thompson Tanya Trujillo Please do not cons ider responsive records to this request as already publicly-released material, such as correspondence sent b y members of the general public, email newsletters, email news alerts, news clippings and press releases, unless this material was emailed
Mr. Christopher Bangs 6/1/2021 ########## Cl osed Ex. 4 Par tial Gran t/Partial Denial 8/13/2021
Hello, I am writing to submit a FOIA request for records about the agency’s contract with R H G Group Incorporated, with PIID 140G0119F0022. I originally submitted this request to the Department of Interior, which was assigned FOIA request number DOI-OS-2021-003881, and DOI advised that USGS likely has the records requested. For that contract, I request: •A copy of the contract between the agency and the contractor. •A copy of the Service Contract Act wage determination applicable to the employees on the project, including the applicable terms of any applicable collective bargaining agreement(s). •Records showing which Service Contract Act classification(s) employees on the project are classified as. •Records showing the number of employees employed by the contractor for the project, including if possible the number of employees in each classifi cation. •A copy of any collecti ve
William J LeCompte 11/17/2022 ########## Clo sed No Records 12/6/2022 A request fo r a complete and full copy of the Teddy, Juliet and Wyatt Little Light missin g person reports from Crow Agency, Montana. The original case file was last maintained by SA Garrick Declay, Missing & Murdered Unit, BIA Offic e of Justice Services, Billings, MT. This occurred on or around January through M ay 2009. This is to assist th e Amber Alert in Indian Country program with a case presentation set for March 202 3. Note: a separate FOIA request for the partner agency (FBI) will be done for their reports.
Patsy W auneka 6/22/2023 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 7/11/2023 I am requesting a copy of my mother’s Agriculture Land U se Permit with the Red Lake Chapter #18 area. Her Census # is 09 1,690 and her name is Nancy A. Wauneka. She passed on & expired on February 15, 2023 . I will send an attachment of her death certificate and Certificate of Indian Blood. Please, if you would send a copy of the Land Us e Permit and the Grazing Permit under her name. I am her daughter Patsy Wauneka.
Jiapeng He 12/2/2021 ########## Processing Tasks DOI Agency Financial Reports(Performance and Accountability Reports) for FY 2007, 2008, and 2009, because they are not avaialable online. Note 1: they may have the name of Performance and Accountability Report, because in 2006, it is named as Performance and Accountability Report, while in 2010, it is named as Agency Financial Report. I found 2006 and 2010 reports online.
Kevin Bell 10/3/2022 ########## Cl osed Ex. 4, Ex. 5, Ex. 6, Ex. 7(E), Ex. 7(F) P artial Gran t/Parti al Denial ########### Appendices 1 and 2 of Report 2019-ER-057 appearing at enumerated pages 14-18 of the report (and pages 17-21 of the pdf released by DOIOIG on March 1, 2022 at /oig-reports/DOI/Final-Report-FOIAAwareness.pdf) specify the methodology by which it relied on certain materials and case studies examined by DOIOIG in the preparation of that report, including witness interviews, evidence, records relating to certain FOIA requests, and DOI policies and procedures. This request seeks copies of all records relied upon by DOIOIG in preparation of the report, excluding certain categories . This request does NOT seek a) any published laws or regulations, b) records internal to DOIOIG such as consultations with the DOIOIG Office of General Counsel, or c) drafts of the report itself.
lexis Nexis 2/9/2021 ########## Cl osed Duplicate Request 2/24/2021 Requesting a copy of report #20-072829
Metropolitan Reporting Bureau 2/10/2021 ########## Cl osed Duplicate Request 2/24/2021 Metropolitan Reporting Bureau 8 Requesting a copy of report #20-017010 ***Second Request***
Michael Zielinksi 9/21/2021 Cl osed Improper FOIA Request for Other Reasons 9/21/2021 Any crimin al history information on Lache Andrea Williams
Austin R Evers 4/10/2017 C los ed Other 8/14/2018 1. Any memoranda, policies, rules, protocols, restrictions, directives, guidance, or other guidelines addressing the provision of information to representatives of the press or media by employees of DOI (including but not limited to responses to requests for information or other communication). This request includes any such directives or guidance issued internally by DOI or issued to DOI by the White House or any other office. Cont below.
John Sexton 6/29/2018 ########## Clo sed No Records 2/1/2019 I am requesting all of the DOIs 'Project Documentation' which is required of all Service First projects, regardless of whether or not they involve exchange of funds , for DOIs use of th e USDA Forest Services QPL with respect to wildland fire chemcials. At a minimum, please provide: - Documentation between DOI and the USDA Forest Service describing the general purpose of the project; (Con tinue Below)
Steven K NISP EL 7/5/2019 ########## C los ed Partial Gran t/Parti al Denial 3/25/2021 I have previously requested all corr, docs & emails pertaining to the propos ed disciplinary action against me pertaining to off c invs by BIA OJS HQ, Dis trict Ofcs, IA, Ofc of H CM & Int. Sol�s Ofc.Individu als include SAC Laura Naranjo, ASAC�s Clinton Fun k, jamie Kootswatewa & Selanhongva McDon ald, Special Agents Joseph Keel & Gregory Parnell & SPO Derek Martin. HR Spec Barry Farbro & Anne Mortinson. Unidentified so licitors from the DOI. In 12 /18 a proposed dis ciplinary action was served to me.
Andr ew DeSalv o 6/29/2020 ########## Assi gnmen t Det ermin ation NM 2 020-0 30 Land P arcels at Fort Wingate: BLM Withdrawl and Transfer Actions; Parcels for Reuse or Undergoing Cleanup, inc luding ESA, NEPA EIS, for 1.) Parcel 1 Historic Us e and Current Status Former launch areas; Ballistic Missile Test Site at the former Southern Property Transferred to DOI on June 20 , 2000 ACR ES 4,952. CITE Parcels for Reuse or Und ergoing Cleanup. Launch Complex 96 . Launch Complex 96 is a remote target launch facility located on Ft. Wingate near Gallup, NM.
mia sheppard 3/9/2022 ########## Cl osed Full G rant 4/28/2022 I submitted a request on 3/9/22 Tracking Number: DOI-BLM-202 2-00 2531 and forgot to includ e the time frame May 15 - July 15th for whitch I am seeking the data. So the request is : I would like the data on the number of commerical and non commerical permits issu ed on the John Day River, Segment 2 A and B for Clarno to 30 mile and 30 Mile to Cotton wood and for Segment 3 Twickingham to Clarno for 20 08, 200 9,2010 , 2011 , 2 012 from M ay 15- July 15 of each of thos e years .
Mr. David T. Stevenson 12/11/2020 ########## Clos ed Ex . 5 Part ial Gran t/Partial D enial 2/11/2021 The Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Vineyard Wind project in Doc ket BOEM-2020- 0005 was to be released today. I am aware project developer Orsted withdrew their Construction & Operations Plan to stop the release. I am requesting a copy of the most recent draft of th e proposed final EIS. If there were unresolved issues with the most recent draft please provide copies of any internal BOEM and D OI communications relating to the unreso lved issues. If the most recent draft had no unresolved issues the release of the draft is all I am requesting.
Adam Fed erman 11/26/2021 ########## Processing Tasks On Friday, November 26 D OI released its final report on the federal oil and gas leasing program. According to the document the report completes the review of the program called for in executive order 14008. This is a request for all versions and/or drafts o f the report up to and inclu ding the final version released on Friday, November 26. In addition I am requesting any and all correspond ence or communication between the Department of the Interior Office of the Secretary and the White House regarding the report on the federal oil and gas leasing program. Date range for the request is January 20, 2 021 to th e present.
Adam Fed erman 10/19/2020 ########## C los ed Ex. 5 Partial G rant/Par tial Den ial 7/15/2021 This is a request for any and all correspondence to/from USGS director James Reilly regarding a recently published USGS open file report titled, "Analyses on Subpopulation Abundance and Annual Number of Maternal Dens for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on Polar Bears (Ursus maritimus) in the Southern Beaufort Sea, Alaska." In particular I am requesting any and all correspondence between director Reilly and the following individuals: Gregg Renkes , Director of the Office of Policy Analysis at DOI Aurelia Skipwith, Director of the USFWS Date range for the request is January 1, 2019 to the present.
Adam Fed erman 12/22/2020 2/8/2021 Clo sed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial G rant/Part ial Deni al ###########
On December 21 USGS director James Reilly publish ed an op ed in the Wall Street Journal titled "USGS Gets P olitics Out of C limate Forecasts" https://wwwwsj com/articles/usgs gets politics out of climate forecasts 116085 93315 ?mod e2two This is a request for any and all correspond ence to/from James Reilly or his deputy Cyndi Lod ge regarding the op ed This sh ould includ e any and all correspondence with DOI's of fice of the secretary regarding the op ed and the drafting of the docu ment D ate range for request is November 1 2 020 to the present
American Oversight 10/30/2020 ########## Clo sed No Records 7/16/2021 Please see attached (DOI-BIE-20-2689).
American Oversight 10/30/2020 ########## Clo sed Full Grant 1/27/2021 Please see attached (DOI-BIE-20-2692).
American Oversight 5/6/2022 ########## Processing Tasks Pl ease s ee attac hed r eques t (D OI-2 2- 04 45 )
Ryan Brad el 3/20/2020 Cl osed Oth er 7/30/2020 21 Document requests related to DOI BPA D17PA00063.
Travis An natoyn 5/21/2018 ########## Cl osed Ex. 6 Par tial Gran t/Partial Denial 7/19/2018 Guidance from DOI to BSEE regarding FOIA requests
Elizabeth Nowicki 11/2/2016 ########## C los ed Full Grant 11/3/2016 SERO: Course materials f rom DOI SAI cours e
American Oversight 8/24/2020 ########## Clo sed No Records 5/26/2021 Please see attached (DOI-NPS-20-2170).
Elizabeth Nowicki 12/2/2016 Clo sed No t an Agen cy R ecor d 12/6/2016 Exempt Information- Request for personal information on a DOI Employee.
David P aul 4/21/2017 ########## C los ed Full Grant 5/12/2017 Raw data from the DOI Employee Commuter Survey
Mehreen Ras heed 12/8/2021 ########## Processing Tasks Plea se see t he att ached requ est ( DOI- 21 -17 65 ).
Patrick Lavin 6/5/2020 7/2/2020 Clo sed Ex. 5 Part ial Grant /Partial D enial 4/28/2021 Polar Bear scientific manuscript: Any correspondence within the Service, or btw the Service and other agencies or offices within DOI or parties outside of DOI... through February 18, 2020. (see request for details).
Mr. Bu tch Meriwet her 1/23/2023 Clos ed Improper FOIA Request for Other Reasons 1/24/2023
The following is a series of questions I request information for: Does th e Department of Interior or BLM have photos o f helicopters and/or fixed-wing aircraft being utilized durin g the roundups o f horses and b urros? If so, please provide me a few copies (JPEGS) of examples. How many wild horses does the 'BLM estimate are currently roaming, as of 2022 , in the Western U.S. (Please provide by specific regions and/or s tates)? How many wild burros does th e BLM estimate currently roaming, as of 2022, in th e Western U.S. (Please provide by specific regions and/or states)? What is th e estimated number of burros currently in the Black Mou ntains in Moh ave County, AZ? What is the estimated number of free-roaming wild horses currently in Mohave Coun ty, AZ? How many wild horses does the BLM estimate are currently roaming, as of 2023 , In the Western U.S. (Please provide by specific regions and/or state
DOI-BIA-2023-003914 Mrs . Dolores Y Walking Eagle 4/12/2023 As sign ment D etermi nati on I am modifying my earlier request DOI-BIA-2023-003787. I would like to obtain: 1. The Current Constitution being used by the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community 2. Amendment passed and accepted by the Dept. of the Interior, concerning the Enrollment procedures from 1994 to present. 3. Land assignment and description of land for Margaret Prescott (1845 - 1934) One of the original land owners. 4. LIST OF PEOPLE on Docket 363, the Mississippi Sioux Judgement, that was passed in October of 1985. I am on that list.
DOI-BOR-2023-001459 Mike K obey 12/21/2022 2/2/2023 Clo sed Ex. 6 Parti al Grant /Partial D enial 1/24/2023 1. Applicant withdraws FOIA request DOI-BOR-2023-001418. 2. Provide all 2022 Employee Performance Appraisal Plans with narrative for all Nebraska-Kansas Area Office employees. Omit ratings. Provide this information without delay waiting for redacted information included in this FOIA request. 3. Provide all 2022 Employee Performance Appraisal Plans with ratings included for all Nebraska-Kansas Area Office employees and redact all personally identifiable information. See attachment for documentation of identity.
Matthew P Buchannan 4/26/2021 ########## Clo sed No Records 7/1/2021 1 ) Complete list of current NPS Organizational Codes and the unit/division each code represents. 2) Any single document that shows the number of base positions funded at each NPS Unit using funds allocated through FIREPRO/FPA program analysis or its current successor AND/OR funds provided to NPS by DOI/OWF 3) Any single document showing a list of the current MABOs AND the individual units supported by EACH MABO. NOTE: The material provided under request 2021-0003116 related to the original request for MABO information was not responsive in that it did not provide a list of the units serviced by each of the MABOs. Therefore, this reques t clarifies/requests additional information regarding those MABOs.
PETER J B YRNE 6/4/2021 7/8/2021 Clo sed Full Grant 9/15/2021 All necrops ies of Tule Elk from Point Reyes National Seashore from January 1, 20 12 until D ecember 31, 2014.
Russ Kick 1/29/2018 ########## C los ed Other 8/12/2019 Request all official photographs showing Secretary Ryan Zinke taken in November and December 2017. By official, I mean any of the following: 1) photographs taken by any employee, official, or contractor of any component of DOI as part of their formal or informal duties; 2) photographs taken using DOI equipment; 3) photographs for which DOI funds were spent
mr Kevin Bogardus 8/15/2019 ########## Clo sed Oth er 9/18/2019 (Director/OEI) Request for DOI's/USGS recommendations for each of DOI�s/USGS current advisory committees established by the president under section 9(a)(1) of FACA regarding whether the committee should be continued. To include DOI�s/USGS detailed plans for each advisory committee required by statute, for continuing or terminating such committee, including, as appropriate, recommended legislation for submission to the Congress.
Ms. Lauren Mulhern 9/29/2021 ########## Clos ed Ex. 4, Ex. 6 Partial Grant/P artial D enial 4/29/2022 P lease s ee th e attac hed FO IA requ est .
Mr. Christo pher T Doggett 6/18/2021 ########## Cl osed Request Withdrawn 8/16/2021 Seeking any records of hearing tests or evaluations held by DOI BLM at the National Interagency Fire Center in Boise, Idaho and any records held by the DOI NP S in Wyoming & Colorado both under fire & aviation.
Noah T W icks 4/19/2023 6/8/2023 Processing Tasks Pleas e see a ttach ed d ocu ment
David Ab rams 1/21/2022 ########## C los ed All Reco rds Ref erred to Ano ther A gency 6/13/2023 USP P: On behalf of your client requesting records relating to November 17, 2021 , automobile accident. Including but no t limited to a list of names of USPP officers on du ty and who operated out of Dis trict IV, a list of the names of the officers who responded, and an unredacted cop y of CAD report 111 8720 21-24 . ( #310271 DOI OIG Referral 2022-0 0059 )
Ms. Eileen Sullivan 11/10/2020 ########## Clos ed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C) Partial Grant/P artial D enial 5/5/2021 Referral from DOI CBP-20 17-0 14610 (Please see referred 26 pg. doc for review). Seeking all emails sent to or from CBP employees in which the Internet domains tru,,, or are in the To, From, CC, BCC, sub ject, or body of the message, time frame of June 3, 2016 thro ugh December 5, 2016 .
Nico le No ren 6/21/2018 ########## Clo sed No Records 5/20/2020 ASIA-BIE I am requesting any and all correspondence between the Bureau of Indian Affairs (and/or Bureau of Indian Education) and the Office for Civil Rights regarding Cheyenne Eagle Butte School between the dates 01/01/2015 - 06/01/2015.
Nancy Lizza 7/31/2017 ########## Clos ed Not an Agenc y Rec ord 9/8/2017 No date range: annual DOI Purchase Card Holders list.
ms Ma rgaret To wns end 2/21/2018 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 6/14/2018 NV-2018-054 DOI/NDOW Oil and Gas Interactions
ms Ma rgaret To wns end 2/21/2018 ########## Clos ed Ex . 9 Par tial Gran t/Partial Denial 4/6/2018 NV-2018-033 DOI/NDOW Oil and Gas Interactions
Charlie Sp atz 5/18/2018 ########## C los ed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 P artial G rant/Part ial Deni al 6/22/2018 Emails between Cindy Schulz and DOI employees ending in
Nancy Lickenbaugh 6/3/2019 ########## Clo sed Full Gran t 8/31/2020 GETT-copy of NP-19058090 DOI 5/17/19
Kevin Bogardus 11/2/2018 ########## Clos ed No Records 11/5/2018 WASO-DIR: DOI employees Oct 20 18 ethics waivers
Sarah Emerson 6/27/2017 ########## Cl osed Ot her 5/17/2023 co py of DOI law enforcement and security's IMARS Info rmation Paper
Bethany Brumley 5/23/2019 ########## Cl osed Full G rant 5/23/2019 The DOI agency financial reports for FY 2008 and FY 2009.
American Oversight 11/13/2020 ########## Clo sed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(C) Part ial Gran t/Partial D enial 3/15/2022 Pleas e see th e attac hed F OIA Req ues t (D OI-2 0- 273 5) .
American Oversight 8/19/2021 ########## Clo sed Oth er 2/24/2022 Pl ease s ee the att ached FOIA r eques t (D OI- 21- 11 63 ).
American Oversight 8/19/2021 ########## Clo sed Oth er 8/23/2021 Pl ease s ee the att ached FOIA r eques t (D OI- 21- 11 68 ).
American Oversight 8/19/2021 ########## Clo sed Oth er 2/24/2022 Pl ease s ee the att ached FOIA r eques t (D OI- 21- 11 73 ).
Jeff Ruch 2/3/2021 ########## Clo sed Parti al Grant /Partial D enial 7/17/2023
See attached; original request DOI USGS 2021 000794
Ms. Mariah Thompson 6/6/2022 8/4/2022 Clos ed Full Grant 7/7/2022 I. Defined Terms. For purposes of th e Requests for Doc uments set forth below, the term— “BIAâ€
means Bureau of Indian Affairs, United States Department of the Interior; “BIA Eastern Oklahoma Regional Officeâ€ means the Eastern Oklahoma Regional Office of the Bureau of Indian Affairs located in Musko gee, Oklahoma, and any person employed by or stationed in that Office; “BIA Central Officeâ€ means the Central or Headquarters Office of the Bureau of Ind ian Affairs located in Washington, DC, and any perso n employed by or stationed in that Office; “Doc umentâ€ means any “recordâ€ as th at term is defined in 5 U.S.C. 552( f)(2); “Office of th e ASIAâ€ means the Office of the Ass istant Secretary – Indian Affairs in Washington, DC, and any perso n employed by or stationed in the Office of the Assis tant Secretary; “Tulsa Field Office of the Solicitorâ€ means the Field Office in the Sout
Benjamin J Hulac 6/19/2018 ########## Cl osed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial Grant/P artial D enial ########### Copies of all Strategic Sustainability Performance Plans (SSP Ps) written for the Department of the Interior (DOI) s ince Jan. 1, 2017 . Copies of all records created since Jan. 1, 20 17, in relation to SSPPs written for DOI.
Kevin Bogardus 1/5/2018 2/2/2018 Clo sed Full Grant 1/17/2018
All records concerning all logs of correspondence that record letters from members of Congress to DOI; all records concerning FOIA request logs maintained by DOI; a list of SGEs employed by DOI; all communications records concerning communications that mention "Trump" "Ivanka" "Kushner" and/or "Observer" in the to/from field of your agency's correspondence log from 12/1/171 /1/18
Kevin Bogardus 2/2/2018 3/2/2018 Clo sed Full Grant 2/16/2018 All records concerning all logs of correspondence that record letters from members of Congress to DOI; all records concerning FOIA request logs maintained by DOI; a list of SGEs employed by DOI; all communications records concerning communications that mention "Trump," "Ivanka," "Kushner" and/or "Observer" in the to/from field of your agency's correspondence log from 1/1/18-2/1/18.
Kevin Bogardus 4/6/2018 5/3/2018 Clo sed Full Grant 4/18/2018
All records concerning all logs of c orrespondence that record letters from members of Congress to DOI; all records concerning FOIA request logs maintained by D OI; a list of SGEs employed by DOI; all communications records concerning co mmunications that mention " Trump " "Ivanka " "Kus hner" and/or "Obs erver" in the to/from field of your agency's correspon dence log from 3/1/18 4/1/18
Kevin Bogardus 5/4/2018 6/4/2018 Clo sed Ex. 6 Parti al Grant /Partial D enial 5/17/2018
All records concerning all logs of c orrespondence that record letters from members of Congress to DOI; all records concerning FOIA request logs maintained by D OI; a list of SGEs employed by DOI; all communications records concerning co mmunications that mention " Trump " "Ivanka " "Kus hner" and/or "Obs erver" in the to/from field of your agency's correspon dence log from 4/1/18 5/1/18
Kevin Bogardus 6/1/2018 ########## C los ed Full Grant 6/12/2018
All records concerning all logs of c orrespondence that record letters from members of Congress to DOI; all records concerning FOIA request logs maintained by D OI; a list of SGEs employed by DOI; all communications records concerning co mmunications that mention " Trump " "Ivanka " "Kus hner" and/or "Obs erver" in the to/from field of your agency's correspon dence log from 5/1/18 1/1/18
Kevin Bogardus 8/3/2018 ########## C los ed Full Grant 8/27/2018
All records concerning all logs of c orrespondence that record letters from members of Congress to DOI; all records concerning FOIA request logs maintained by D OI; a list of SGEs employed by DOI; all communications records concerning co mmunications that mention " Trump " "Ivanka " "Kus hner" and/or "Obs erver" in the to/from field of your agency's correspon dence log from 7/1/18 8/1/18
Bradley P Moss 1/10/2018 2/8/2018 Clos ed Other 4/13/2020 This request seeks copies of Department of Interior ("DoI") records, including cross-references, memorializing the following: 1) Communications between DoI officials and Governor Scott (or appropriate officials for the State of Florida) - including verbal communications memorializing in writing - regarding the proposal to permit new offs hore drilling off the coast of Florida; and 2) Communications among DoI officials - including verbal communications (continued below)
Charlotte Grubb 3/19/2019 ########## Submitted All correspondence,including emails and attachments,created or received between Nov 1,2018 and the date that you process this request, between individuals relating to the sale or retirement of the Navajo Generating Station:Tim Petty DOI ASWS timothy_pe[email protected]; Leila Getto DOI Deputy Director, Scheduling and Advance;James Cason DOI Associate Deputy Secretary jame[email protected].gov; Cont below
Kevin Bogardus 5/2/2019 ########## C los ed Ex. 7(A), Ex. 7(C ) Full Denial Based on Exemptions 6/7/2019 Copies of all "materials" provided by the Department of the Interior Ethics Offic e to the DOI Chief of Staff, which have also been provided to th e DOI Inspector General, and are related to ethics allegations made against Doug Do menech, Benjamin Cassidy, Vincent DeVito, Timothy Williams, Lori Mashb urn and Todd Wynn in the Feb. 20, 2019 complaint filed by the Campaign Legal Center with the DOI IG.
DOIOSMRE 2017 001909
Jackie Pran ge 12/24/2016 ########## Clo sed All R ecor ds R eferred to An oth er Agen cy ###########
Requesting disclosure of records pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act and applicable Department of Interior (DOI) regulations at 43 CFR Requesting records in DOI's possession custody or control that are include or reflect communications between DOI staff in the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE) and any member of the "transition team(s) " includes but is not limited to the staff members described in the Presidential Transition Act of 1963
Mr. Chris Stan ley 6/26/2023 ########## Initial Evaluation FGI requests records from May 15, 2023, until the date the agency completes the search, of any communications (emails including attachments, calendar items, text messages, logs from virtual meeting platforms, and released materials) related to public webinars or any other events open to the public, employee-focused events online or in person, statements distributed to employees from agency leadership, and publicly released statements, videos, or social media posts that involved “Pride Month†or s imilar obs ervan ces. Pleas e see th e requ est let ter fo r add itio nal d etails .
Ann Brown 1/9/2023 ########## Cl osed No Records 3/2/2023 The Center requests from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (“FWSâ€) Southwest: Region 2, Mountain Prairie: Region 6, and Pacific Southwest: Region 8: From January 1, 2023 to the date FWS conducts this search, the biological opinions and letters of concurrence from FWS providing compliance with Secti on 7 of the Endangered Species Act2 for Bureau of Land Management’s (“BLMâ€) decisions authorizing the sale and issuance of acti ve (producing and non-producing) federal oil and gas leases within BLM’s Carlsbad, Oklahoma, Roswell, and Royal Gorge Field Offices.
DIane Inch 2/17/2023 ########## Clos ed Ex. 6, Ex. 7(A), Ex. 7(C ) Full Denial Based on Exemptions 4/12/2023 On February 13, 2 023 Wanda Wallace Wells threatened to kill me and burn down the Horizo n Clinic she was in. I am requesting the BIA police report as well as the FBI report from this day as well as information as to what was done to Wanda Wallace Wells. She continues to be driving around the community so I am concerned nothing has been don e. No one has followed up with me since that day. I contacted the local BIA police and was told they cannot provide me with any information.
Mr. Jeff P Ruch 4/20/2023 ########## Clos ed Full Denial Based on Exemptions 5/25/2023 In the March 10, 2023 edition of the Lawrence Journal-World there is an article about students from the Haskell Indian Nations University demanding the release of an investigatory report compiled by the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) in the latter half of 2022. The article recounts that this completed investigation concerned wide-ranging improprieties, ranging from sexual assaults on students to embezzlement and theft of university property. Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552, as amended, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) requests a copy of this report of investigation,
Jessica Hubbling 5/31/2023 ########## Initial Evaluation BLM C arlsbad Field Office (CFO). Geology Department. Ernest Hull, [email protected]. Mine Plan of O perations for the Intrepid East Mine Site. Prefer digital copy. This request was informally made on February 21, April 6, April 25, and M ay 18, 2023 . We are requesting expedited delivery of this doc ument. (We are not requesting expedited processing pursuant to 43 C.F.R. § 2.10 and § 2.20 . We are requesting speedy delivery to facilitate discuss ions with our Water Protection D ivision Director on J une 5.)
Grego ry LeD onn e 6/14/2023 ########## As sig nment Deter minat ion Pursuant to the FOIA, I request that a copy of the following documents covering the BLM Jarbidge Field Office, be provided to WWP: Copies of all documents with information regarding slickspot peppergrass (Lepidium papilliferum), including but not limited to monitoring data, assessments, inventories, critical habitat designation, vegetation treatment and restoration plans, communications, reports of grazing-caused damage to slickspot peppergrass, and reports of trespassing livestock within slickspot peppergrass exclosures, for the BLM Jarbidge Field Office, from January 1, 2022, until today (June 14, 2023).
George Moss Driscoll 5/19/2023 ########## Initial Evaluation This request is for any email, correspondence, or other electronic or written record, written by, sent to, or received by the following officials: 1) Alan Heck, acting area manager, KBAO; 2) David Felstul, Chief of Operations, KBAO; 3) Jeffrey Payne, deputy regional director; 4) Ernest Conant, regional director, between the dates of March 1, 2023, and present, containing the following words: "Interim Operations Plan", "IOP", "4139.2" (or equivalent, such as "4,139.2"), "September", "elevation", "Yurok", "Belchik", "Cordalis", "Montesi", "Simondet", and/or "requirement".
Pat Lavin 2/7/2023 ########## C los ed Full Grant 6/28/2023 We request a copy of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Biological Opinion (BiOp) prepared in connection with the proposed Willow Master Development Plan in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska. We do not seek the BiOp finalized for this project in October 2020, but rather a subsequent BiOp prepared after BLM developed a supplemental EIS in response to a court decision. So the BiOp we s eek would have been completed in 2022 or 2023. If it is not yet finished when this request is processed, then we request a copy when it is finished.
Thom S eal 5/3/2023 Clo sed Fee-R elated Reas on 6/12/2023
All documents in your po ssessio n or control, whether printed or electronic, or recorded in any form, inclu ding but not limited to, letters, complaints, citation s/warnings, correspondence, emails, notes, photograph s, diagrams, memorandums, and any BLM investigations o r actions if any, relating to: •Pu blic communication f rom or to the BLM, includin g FOIA requests regarding the unlocked gate on the 140-year-old private road adjacent to Standard Creek north of Prairie City, OR 97869 off County Road #58 , Sec 12, T12S, R33E from 5/3/2 021 to 5 /3/2023. •Commun ications from or to th e Grant County OR cou nty commission ers, either singular or plural, regarding the private gate on the road and the 140-year-old p rivate road itself, adjacent to Standard Creek, north of Prairie City, OR 97869 jus t off County Road #58 , T12S, R33E from 5/3/20 21 to 5/3/20 23. •Any vehicle traffic and/or travel on closed r
Brenton Carney 2/9/2023 Clos ed Improper FOIA Request for Other Reasons 2/24/2023 The BIA Police Report is B023034473 2/05/2023
Wendy Keefo ver 4/16/2021 Clos ed Duplicate Request 4/28/2021 Pleas e see at tach ed req uest
Ms. W endy Keefo ver 4/16/2021 Cl osed Duplicate Reques t 8/12/2021 Pleas e see at tach ed req uest
May Yang 6/29/2022 ########## Clos ed Duplicate Request 10/6/2022 Transaction/Reference #: 179944947 2High Mo nitored Report Type:Auto Accident Report/Case Number:021 72230 Date of Occurrence:2/17/20 22 12 :00:00AM Loc ation of Los s:BW PARKWAY/RT 50 GOING TWRDS DC Cro ss Street: City:WASHINGTONCounty:COL UMBIAState:DC Insurance Compan y: PROGRESSIVE INS Insured Driver:TeresaBrito Driver 2: Driver 3: Last Note: No Association Performed. Sent To Print By Iserv (iserv) 6/28/20225:00:09AM TAG #: VIN #:
Kevin Bogardus 6/5/2017 ########## C los ed No Records 7/31/2017 From May 1-June 1, 2017: all documents related to the Department of the Interior (DOI) employees' ethics waivers in resolving financial conflicts of interest.Please consider this request a separate request directed to each bureau under DOI.
Roy Van Buskirk 3/20/2017 C los ed Other 6/1/2017 Department of The Interior Broadband Services (DOI -BBS) dated 2/25/2016, Verizon Federal requests Level 3's response to 'DOI-OCIO Broadband Services Price Table' submitted on or about 8/8/2016.
Sue Ambrose 3/31/2017 ########## Clos ed Other 4/10/2017 DOI visitor logs for February and March of 2017. Seeking the same types of logs you have posted on your website through January 2017 that was posted here
Ellen Richmond 9/24/2017 Cl osed Rec ord s No t Reas on ably D esc ribed 1/16/2018 DOI records s tarting 1/23/17 throu gh the date of search, related to Daniel Jorjani, Principal Deputy Solicitor for D OI, all forms of communication s to or from Mr. Jorjani, all calendars, all deleted but recoverable communications.
Brock Lyle 5/4/2023 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 5/17/2023 I would like a copy of the report filed by Agent Madison Springer regarding my car hitting a pothole on Kelbaker Rd. in Mojave National Preserve on April 30, 2023, as well as any other reports or paperwork pertaining to that accident. I'd also like a copy of the Department's records on that specific pothole (Mile Marker 55, northbound, just past the first dirt road offshoot toward Granite Cove on the opposite side, approximate GPS coordinates: 34.742407, -115.659172), including its expansion beyond the shoulder and into the roadway, the Department's awareness of the expansion, and any efforts to repair or mark it with cones.
Ann Brown 5/5/2021 6/8/2021 Clo sed No Records 2/14/2022 As a follow-up request to the Center’s FOIA reques t: DOI-NPS-2021-002952 (Blue Ridge Parkway Deicing Consultation), the Center requests the following policy and maintenance records from the National Park Service (“NPSâ€), Blue Ridge Parkway: All final environmental impacts analyses in NPS’s possession produced pursuant to the Nati onal Environmental Policy Act1 (“NEPAâ€), National Historic Preservati on Act2 (“NHPAâ€), and/or Endangered Species Act3 (“ESAâ€) to determine the impacts of the de-icer listed in Priority No. 5, subparagraph i. of the “Blue Ridge Parkway’s Snow Removal Policyâ€ (Superintendent’s Order #46, Amendment #1, dated January 1, 2011 and signed by Philip A. Francis, Jr.), and of all de-icer(s) adopted by NPS Blue Ridge Parkway subsequent to the issuance of this policy.
Andrew Ramos-Flynn 8/11/2021 9/9/2021 Clo sed Oth er 8/16/2021 The most up-to-date organizational chart/structure for the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement Headquarters, including all sub-offices. A current list of all Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement Headquarters employees. Specifically, please provide the first and last name, title, office name, GS pay scale, phone number, and email address for each employee. I request this portion of documents be provided in a machine-readable format, such as CSV, and not PDF. Please note, I am willing to forgo contact information if required. This request is for a commercial organization, Leadership Connect.
Mr. Wen dell Matt 8/12/2020 ########## C los ed Full Grant 9/17/2020 I write to respectfully request a copy of the appraisal do cuments (completed on M ay 8, 2019) prepared for the acquisition of th e Brennan Holdings parcel 68 10-D- 1-A-1 as is mentioned on Page 3 of the following BLM St. George Field Office determination: + Determination of NEPA Adequacy (Tracking Number: DOI-BLM- UT-C030- 2019 -0032 -DNA) - Pro posed Action Title: Red Cliffs Brennan H oldings LLC NCA 2018 Acquisition - B LM Utah-St. George Field Office (Dixie Resource Area) - Case File/Project Number: UTU-93279
Marie Milliman 2/28/2022 7/1/2022 Clo sed Ex. 3 Parti al Grant/P artial D enial 10/5/2022 This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act. I am requesting that a copy of the following documents, or documents containing the following information, be provided to me as soon as possible: The complete approved gather contract, offer, acceptance, consideration, terms, including any attachments/attachments to the contract, including any amendments/amendments to the contract, monetization, including any directives that addresses public observation during capture and processing/sorting for the Pancake Complex gather that began on, or about January 11, 2022 to present day that was utilized/implemented/finalized/ to conduct the gather between the BLM/DOI and Cattoor Livestock Roundup Inc.
Cody Perry 8/8/2022 ########## C los ed Ex. 3 Partial G rant/P artial Den ial 11/8/2022 This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act. I request a copy of email communications and planning documents between BLM staff at the Utah Vernal Field Office regarding the Playa Sand Project (DOI-BLM-UT-G010-2021-0056-EA) be provided to me. Specifically email communications between BLM staff and the project applicant, Uinta Basin Sand llc. Additionally I request all planning documents that the Uinta Basin Sand has provided Vernal BLM staff, including but not limited to mining plans, geology reports, construction plans and site exploration requests.
Ms. Sh alini Ram achand ran 1/20/2023 ########## Cl osed Full G rant 3/14/2023 Permit records related to underground/underwater cables for telecommunications companies between 1900 and 1965, (companies index identified via FOIA Request # DOI-BOR-2022-002547) and refined via keywords: cables AND submarine lead cable AND (shore OR bank OR bridge) buried AND telephone AND cable underground AND telephone AND cable Please limit the results to the records or pages containing location information of the cables. In addition, if possible, exclude any information that would be subject to FOIA Exemptions and is non-related to the subject of the request, which is the location of the cables. Please also include a search for AT&T, in addition to the companies mentioned previously.
Mr. Richard Mills 2/22/2021 ########## Clos ed No Records 3/10/2021 02 .21.2021 Dear DOI, The USDOJ & OGIS To Date Have NOT Returned My DOJ Records No r Investigated. I Have Been Left On The Streets For 11 Yrs. And 4+ Months Due To Fed. Corruption. My On ce Promising Career In Finance Is Ruined And I'm Unemployed Since (200 8). I Asked The Local Philadelphia, PA USDOL Office For Help. NOT Very Helpful To Me. I Reported Human Trafficking Yet I am Still Left Waiting For Help? Can You Help Me? Sincerely, Richard Mills PA Crime Victim Claim# 20190064 8
Lauree V alverd e 8/27/2021 ########## Processing Tasks On 06 /15/2018 , DOI National Business Services awarded DOVEL TECHNOLOGIES, LLC contract 140 D0418 F0205 for GRANTS PROGRAM SOL UTIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SUPPOR T SERVICES off the CIO-SP3 SB contract vehicle HHSN3 1620 1200 167W. For con tract 140D0 418F0 205, I am making a FOIA request for a copy of the base contract inclu ding all sections, any SOW doc uments and assoc iated appendices or supp lemental documents. I would also like all contract modification do cuments. I also request copies o f any and all associated so licitation documents in cluding appendices, attachments, amendments and Q&A do cuments.â€
Jeremy B orden 9/29/2021 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 11/1/2021 FULL REQUEST ATTACHED. Freedom of Information Act Request: Meeting records request To Whom It May Con cern: This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act. Per the statute, please provide responsive records within 2 0 busin ess days. Please search the timeframe of January 1, 2017 to present for this request. Please provide all records inc luding but no t limited to emails and other communications, meeting notes and memos regarding a telephone call between Adam Laxalt and Secretary Ryan Zinke on March 29, 201 7. For reference please see the attached document DOI 2017 LAXALT MEETING.
Lauree V alverd e 8/12/2021 Clos ed Not a n Agen cy Rec ord 8/13/2021 O n 06/15/20 18, DOI National Bus iness Services awarded DOVEL TECHNOLOGIES, LLC contract 1 40D04 18F02 05 for GRAN TS PROGRAM SOLUTIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOG Y SUPPORT SERVICES off the CIO-SP3 SB co ntract vehicle HHSN316 2012 00167 W. For contract 140 D041 8F0205 , I am making a FOIA request for a copy of th e base contract including all sections , any SOW documents and as sociated appendices or s upplemental documents. I would also like all contract modif ication documents. I also request c opies of any and all asso ciated solicitation doc uments including app endices, attachments, amendments and Q&A documents.
Randall Ruaro 11/1/2018 ########## C los ed Ex . 6 Full Denial Based on Exemptions ########### Pages of the final DOI enrollment list of AK Natives eligible for participation in ANCSA as original sh areholders with the last name of "Zuboff" in Kootzn oowoo, Inc. (Village of Angoon), and th e last name of "Abbott" in the Klukwan, Inc., or the Gold belt Corp. (Juneau) for b oth. The requested pages and information could come from either the overall final enrollment list compiled by the DOI or the smaller list by the DOI of qualified enrollees provided to Sealaska Corp.
Cather ine Tray wick 12/16/2016 ########## Clo sed Ex. 5 Parti al Grant /Partial D enial 8/10/2022 [ A]ny and all communications (emails, letters, PowerPoint presentations, etc.) transmitted between DOI staff and the Trump transition and land ing teams from Sept. 16, 2016 , to Dec. 16, 201 6 ("the Records "). this requests includes all materials generated by DOI as well as all materials generated by the transition and/or landing team and sent to DOI. This request is ongoin g, seeking copies of (or access to ) all Records as they are filed with the Department of the Interior.
Donald Mitch ell 10/31/2016 Clos ed Request Withdrawn ########### Copy o f all documents and o ther records in the poss ession of, or u nder the control of, DOI that relate in any way to the decision of DO J, the Dept of Army, and DOI to issu e the statement. Those docs and other records inclu de both email and written communications between employees of both email and written communications b etween employees of DOJ and th e WH, between employees of DOI and employees of US Army Corps of Engineers, Cont below.
Sue Ambrose 6/19/2018 ########## Clos ed Ex . 6 Par tial Gran t/Partial Denial 2/7/2022 1) All records in th e possessio n of the DOI related to individuals who were recommended for appointment to the Cou ncil. By this I mean any emails or letters from people within the DOI, or outside it, referring or relating to suggestions about who D OI officials sh ould cons ider for nomination to th e Council. I am NOT asking in this request for th e formal nomination letters from Sec. Zinke to members. I already have these. Cont
Kevin Bogardus 12/11/2017 1/9/2018 Clo sed Full Grant 3/2/2020 A list of all social media accounts bloc ked by the all of the Department of the Interior's social media accounts, inc luding but no t limited to the Twitter accounts @Interior, @SecretaryZinke, @DOIDepSec, @DOIPressSec and all other social media accounts listed on DOI's website. Please consider records identifying soc ial media accounts blocked by DO I's archived social media accounts � also listed on DOI's website � as no t responsive records to my request.
Mr. J Breck Blalock 4/12/2023 ########## Ass ign ment D etermi natio n
I am requesting a copy of concessions contract NACC00386 CC between NPS and Guest Services Inc (GSI) for operation of the Washington Sailing Marina an NPS facility located in Alexandria Virginia and a part of the George Washington Memorial Parkway I would like a copy of the contract itself together with any amendments and documentation relating to extensions from the expiration of the contract in December 2010 through 2023 I also request corres pondence and/or documentation between GSI and NPS regarding NPS's satisfaction with GSI's performance of its duties under the contract including facilities maintenance sanitary pump out maintenance and dock maintenance Finally I request documentation regarding GSI's obligation to provide food services including its operation of the Indigo Landing Afterdeck Cafe and Triple Craft restaurants and maintenance of the structure housing those op
REID RO LSHO VEN 3/31/2020 Clo sed Improper FOIA Request for Other Reasons 5/1/2020 OJS- D1-LE NOT A FOIA. RELEASED BY DOI-10 PER SOL
Bryan Stark 7/20/2022 Clo sed Improper FOIA Request for Other Reasons 8/10/2022 SEE ATTACHED DOI-10 FOIA request for access -Privacy act
Leland Frays eth 3/10/2017 Clo sed Oth er 3/10/2017 Rep ort s, etc ., gener ated f or th e DOI r eferral of c ase H Q-1 7-0 08 5.
Ryan Brad el 3/16/2020 ########## C los ed No Records 4/7/2020 Documents regarding blanket purchasing order D17PA00063 between Monster and DOI
Ben Lef ebvr e 2/6/2018 3/8/2018 Clo sed All R ecord s R eferred to An oth er Agenc y 3/2/2018 communications between Casey Stemler and DOI Deputy Secretary, Dave Bernhardt
American Oversight 10/14/2020 ########## Clo sed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial G rant/Part ial Deni al 6/3/2021 Pleas e see at tach ed FOIA reques t (D OI- NPS -20 -2 52 0)
American Oversight 10/14/2020 ########## Clo sed Oth er 9/17/2021 Pl ease s ee attac hed FO IA requ est ( DO I-NP S-2 0- 251 9)
American Oversight 1/15/2021 Clos ed Recor ds N ot R easo nabl y Des crib ed 6/1/2021 P lease s ee the a ttach ed FO IA requ est ( DOI -NP S-2 1-0 07 0) .
Scott M acFarlan e 7/25/2017 ########## Sub mitted copies of all DOI "weekly reports" in 201 7 (thru present day)
Ronald Hunt 3/15/2019 ########## Cl osed Ex. 7(A ) Full Denial Based on Exemptions ########### Req ues t cop y of Inves tigat ive Rep ort D OI- 18 -HC I-0 34- BSEE.
Kuldip Kang 12/2/2019 ########## C los ed Full Grant 2/7/2020 A co py of DOI 46 2 report for FY2019 that was submitted to the EEOC in October 20 19.
Benjamin Hulac 1/16/2020 ########## Cl osed Ot her 4/7/2020 FOIA logs for DOI for the follo wing fiscal years: 2016, 20 18 and 20 19.
Kevin Bogardus 9/18/2017 ########## Clos ed No Records 9/20/2017 All recor ds o f D OI empl oyees ' waiver s to Pres iden t Trump 's ethic s pl edge.
Eli Beachy 4/14/2023 ########## Resear ch R ecord s Copies requested of the Annu al Expenditures report at the NPS facility of the Eisenhower Farm, Gettysburg, PA for the Fiscal Year 2010
mr Mark Tilden 4/17/2018 ########## Clos ed No Records 5/30/2018 DASM-FOIA: Request the DOI Indian Affairs' final response letter (including any attached or enclosed documents) for any FOIA request that the DOI- Indian Affairs received since January 1, 2017 that was related to the Pamunkey Indian Tribe.
Jaclyn H Prang e 12/28/2016 ########## Cl os ed Request Withdrawn 8/16/2022 Records in DOI�s possession, custody, or control that are, include, or reflect communications between DOI staff in the Bureau of Land Management and any member of the transition team(s) of President-elect Donald Trump and/or Vice-President-elect Mike Pence.
Margaret E Town send 4/18/2017 ########## Clos ed Other 4/19/2017 Requests all of the follo wing records that are maintained, possessed, contro lled, and/or generated by the U.S. Department of the Interior (�DOI�): all Notices of Intent to su e under any law received by DOI since April 1, 2016 to the date of this search. Cont below.
Natalie Sowinski 11/10/2020 ########## Clo sed No Records 12/7/2020 On behalf of the Emmett Environmental Law & Policy Clinic (“EELPCâ€
) at Harvard Law School, and pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (“FOIAâ€), 5 U.S.C. § 5 52, I submit this request. I reques t the following records (as that term is defined at 5 U.S.C. § 552(f)(2)): any comments the National Park Service (“NPSâ€) submitted to the Department of the Interior (“DOIâ€) regarding the proposed rule, Revised Definition of “Waters of the United Statesâ€ (“Revised Definition Ruleâ€) proposed by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Environmental Protecti on Agency, Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OW-2018-0149, 84 Fed. Reg. 4154 (Feb. 14, 2019). If it is your position that any records sought in this reques t are properly withheld under a FOIA exemption, 5 U.S.C. § 552(b), please provide an explanation, for each such record or porti on thereof, suffi cient to identify the record and the particul
Ms. Deborah Murray 4/17/2023 ########## Clo sed Full Grant 6/8/2023 Pl ease s ee attac hed l etter d ated 1 7 Ap ril 2 02 3
Hudson Munoz 9/28/2021 ########## Cl osed Ex. 5 P artial Gran t/Partial Denial 4/19/2022 Requesting all records as described by Jimmy Tobias in FOIA request DOI-OS-2021-003489 Related to written communications, including email attachments, sent or received by Shannon Estenoz that contain one or more of the following words or phrase: "grouse", "panther", "red wolf", "rusty patched", "smelt" and/or "Key deer". This request seeks records from January 21, 2021 to present.
John Lovaas 9/26/2017 ########## C los ed No Records 9/27/2017 [R]equesting, from Mr. Zinke, the following: 1. Sample size: how many employees DOI were surveiled or interviewed to determine their loyalty to the flag of the United States. 2. Sampling methods: what questions were given to DOI employees to determine their loyalty to the flag of the United States; if DOI employees were surveiled, what methods were used to collect, analyze, and interpret the surveillance data. CONTINUED BELOW....
Thomas L . Clarke 6/2/2023 ########## Processing Tasks See attac hed l etter. W e seek ro llin g releas e of resp ons ive mat erial as it i s id entif ied.
Mr. Anthony Broadman 2/8/2023 5/4/2023 Clo sed Partial G rant/P artial Den ial 4/25/2023 February 8, 20 23. Please send this reques t to: OFFICE OF INDIAN GAMING (OIG) 18 49 C Street, NW MS-365 7-MIB Washington , DC 202 40 fax: 202 .273.31 53 phon e: 202.219.4 066 and to : Sage Wagner Acting FOIA Coordinator Bureau of Indian Affairs Northwest Regional Office Division of Land Titles and Records 911 NE 11 th Ave, Portland, OR 9723 2 [email protected] Ph. 503-231 -6754 Subject Matters: • The Coquille Indian Tribe’s request (the “Fee to Trust Requestâ€
) that the United States accept title to approximately 2.42 acres of land and improvements (the “Subject Propertyâ€) located in the City of Medford, Oregon, adjacent to the northeastern boundary of Highway 99, between Charlotte Ann Lane and Lowry Lane. • The Coquille Indian Tribe’s request to the Office of Indian Gaming (“OIGâ€) for an opinion that, or OIG’s considerati on of whether, the Subject Property qu
Mr. Anthony Broadman 3/1/2023 ########## Clos ed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial Grant/P artial D enial 5/18/2023 M arch 1, 2023 . Please send this request to: OFFICE OF INDIAN GAMING (OIG ) 1849 C Street, NW MS-3657-M IB Washington, DC 2 0240 fax: 202.27 3.3153 phone: 202.2 19.406 6 and to: Sage Wagner Acting FOIA Coordinator Bureau of Indian Affairs Northwest Regional Offic e Division of Land Titles and Records 91 1 NE 11th Ave, Portland, OR 97 232 s Ph. 503-2 31-6 754 Sub ject Matters: • The Coquille Indian Tribe’s request (the “Fee to Trust Requestâ€
) that the United States accept title to approximately 2.42 acres of land and improvements (the “Subject Propertyâ€) located in the City of Medford, Oregon, adjacent to the northeastern boundary of Highway 99, between Charlotte Ann Lane and Lowry Lane. • The Coquille Indian Tribe’s request to the Office of Indian Gaming (“OIGâ€) for an opinion that, or OIG’s considerati on of whether, the Subject Property qua
Mr. Anthony Broadman 4/3/2023 ########## Clos ed Ex. 5, Ex. 6 Partial Grant/P artial D enial 5/18/2023 April 3 , 2023. Please send th is request to: OFFICE OF INDIAN GAMING (OIG) 1 849 C Street, NW MS-36 57-MIB Wash ington, DC 20 240 fax: 20 2.273.3 153 ph one: 202.21 9.4066 and to: Sage Wagner Acting FOIA Coordinator Bureau of Indian Affairs Northwest Regional Office Divis ion of Land Titles and Record s 911 NE 11th Ave, Portland, OR 972 32 [email protected] Ph. 503-23 1-67 54 Subject Matters: • The Coquille Indian Tribe’s request (the “Fee to Trust Requestâ€
) that the United States accept title to approximately 2.42 acres of land and improvements (the “Subject Propertyâ€) located in the City of Medford, Oregon, adjacent to the northeastern boundary of Highway 99, between Charlotte Ann Lane and Lowry Lane. • The Coquille Indian Tribe’s request to the Office of Indian Gaming (“OIGâ€) for an opinion that, or OIG’s considerati on of whether, the Subject Property qualifi
Mr. Anthony Broadman 5/2/2023 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 6/8/2023 May 2, 202 3. Please send this request to: OFFICE OF INDIAN GAMING (OIG) 184 9 C Street, NW MS-3657 -MIB Washington, D C 2024 0 fax: 202.27 3.315 3 phone: 202 .219.40 66 and to: Sage Wagner Acting FOIA Coordinator Bureau of Indian Affairs No rthwest Regional Office Division of Land Titles and Records 9 11 NE 11th Ave, Portland, OR 9 7232 [email protected] Ph. 503-231- 6754 Su bject Matters: • The Coquille Indian Tribe’s request (the “Fee to Trust Requestâ€
) that the United States accept title to approximately 2.42 acres of land and improvements (the “Subject Propertyâ€) located in the City of Medford, Oregon, adjacent to the northeastern boundary of Highway 99, between Charlotte Ann Lane and Lowry Lane. • The Coquille Indian Tribe’s request to the Office of Indian Gaming (“OIGâ€) for an opinion that, or OIG’s considerati on of whether, the Subject Property qualifi
Mr. Anthony Broadman 6/1/2023 ########## Initial Evaluation June 1, 202 3. Please send this request to: OFFICE OF INDIAN GAMING ( OIG) 1849 C Street, NW MS-3657- MIB Washington, DC 20240 fax: 202.27 3.3153 phone: 202 .219.406 6 and to: Sage Wagner Acting FOIA Coordinator Bureau of Indian Affairs North west Regional Office Division of L and Titles and Records 91 1 NE 11th Ave, Portland, OR 9 7232 [email protected]ov Ph. 503- 231-6 754 Sub ject Matters: • The Coquille Indian Tribe’s request (the “Fee to Trust Requestâ€
) that the United States accept title to approximately 2.42 acres of land and improvements (the “Subject Propertyâ€) located in the City of Medford, Oregon, adjacent to the northeastern boundary of Highway 99, between Charlotte Ann Lane and Lowry Lane. • The Coquille Indian Tribe’s request to the Office of Indian Gaming (“OIGâ€) for an opinion that, or OIG’s considerati on of whether, the Subject Property qualifi
Jonathan Ratner 10/9/2018 ########## C los ed Other 6/2/2021 CARE - Requesting LTGMP Documents
Mr. Janos Kollo nitsch 7/28/2022 ########## C los ed Duplicate Request 8/1/2022 I am requesting the Investigate Report; case number NOP-OPR-NP20152730
Chip Gray 8/3/2022 ########## Clo sed Duplicate Request 8/3/2022 We would like the bid tab o n the job that we were awarded.
Mr. Kevin H Bell 10/3/2022 ########## Clos ed Full Grant 11/9/2022 Materials relied upon by DOIOIG in preparing Report 2019-ER-057. Appendices 1 and 2 of Report 2019-ER-057 appearing at enumerated pages 14-18 of the report (and pages 17-21 of the pdf released by DOIOIG on March 1, 2022 at specify the methodology by which it relied on certain materials and case studies examined by DOIOIG in the preparation of that report, including witness interviews, evidence, records relating to certain FOIA requests, and DOI policies and procedures. This request seeks copies of all records relied upon by DOIOIG in preparation of the report, excluding certain categories. This request does NOT seek a) any published laws or regulations, b) records internal to DOIOIG such as consultations with the DOIOIG Office of General Counsel, or c) drafts of the report itself.
Ann Forest Burns 5/24/2016 ########## Clo sed Ex. 4, Ex. 5 Partial Grant /Partial D enial 1/13/2017 Reco rds from Jan. 1, 20 12 forward referring communications to or from any DOI appointee, or any career DOI employee based in the DMV regarding to any possible, tentative, draft, proposed, or final Western Oregon Resourc e Management Plan.
Kevin Bogardus 1/28/2019 C los ed Duplicate Request 3/1/2019 Request records identifying DOI employees who have been classified as "essential" and "excepted" in any and all versions of each DOI bureau's Operations in the Absence of Appropriations Contingency Plan related to the partial government shutdown that began December 22, 2018.
John Ferro 3/29/2017 ########## C los ed No Records 8/6/2018 Request cop ies of any documents received by DOI/FWS from the offic e of Florida Governor Rick Scott regarding the National Wildlife Refuge Fund. Please provide any documents that were received by DOI/FWS on or after Feb. 21, 2017
Austin Evers 12/3/2018
1/3/2019 Cl osed
Ex. 5, Ex. 6
Partial G rant/Part ial Deni al ###########
American Oversight requests that DOI produce the following within twenty business days: 1. Records sufficient to demonstrate total costs reimbursed or paid directly by DOI for any expenses associated with Deputy Secretary Bernhardt�s travel, (cont below)
7125789 40) NP17128447 41) NP17158713 [Disp.] 42) NP17176011 43) NP18018695 44) NP18055561 45) NP18074272 [Disp.] 46) NP18075028 47) NP18077575 48) NP18077772 49) NP18082960 50) NP18090949 51) NP18091333 52) NP18091476 [Disp.] 53) NP18097