Information and Software Technology 129 (2021) 106394
Available online 7 September 2020
0950-5849/© 2020 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Recommending tags for pull requests in GitHub
Jing Jiang
, Qiudi Wu
, Jin Cao
, Xin Xia
, Li Zhang
State Key Laboratory of Software Development Environment, Beihang University, Beijing, China
Information Technology, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Tag recommendation
Pull request
Open-source project
Context: In GitHub, contributors make code changes, then create and submit pull requests to projects. Tags are a
simple and effective way to attach additional information to pull requests and facilitate their organization.
However, little effort has been devoted to study pull requests tags in GitHub.
Objective: Our objective in this paper is to propose an approach which automatically recommends tags for pull
requests in GitHub.
Method: We make a survey on the usage of tags in pull requests. Survey results show that tags are useful for
developers to track, search or classify pull requests. But some respondents think that it is difcult to choose right
tags and keep consistency of tags. 60.61% of respondents think that a tag recommendation tool is useful. In order
to help developers choose tags, we propose a method FNNRec which uses feed-forward neural network to analyze
titles, description, le paths and contributors.
Results: We evaluate the effectiveness of FNNRec on 10 projects containing 68,497 tagged pull requests. The
experimental results show that on average, FNNRec outperforms approach TagDeepRec and TagMulRec by
62.985% and 24.953% in terms of F1 score@3, respectively.
Conclusion: FNNRec is useful to nd appropriate tags and improve tag setting process in GitHub.
1. Introduction
Various open-source software hosting sites, notably Github, provide
support for pull-based development and allow developers to make
contributions exibly and efciently [1]. In GitHub, contributors make
code changes, then create and submit pull requests to projects [2]. Then
members of the projects core team (from here on, integrators) inspect
pull requests, and decide whether to accept pull requests and merge
modied code [1]. A common way to facilitate the organization of pull
requests in projects is based on the use of tags
. According to pull re-
quests information, integrators assign tags to some pull requests from
tag library. Tags are a simple and effective way to attach additional
information (e.g., metadata) to pull requests [3]. However, tags are
sometimes neglected by integrators. For example, in our dataset which
contains 112,705 pull requests, 39.22% of pull requests do not have any
In this paper, we conduct a survey to understand usage of tags in
GitHub. Survey results show that tags are used to describe functions,
priorities, statuses and components, which helps developers to track,
search or classify pull requests. However, some respondents think that it
is difcult to choose right tags and keep consistency of tags. Meanwhile,
it is time-consuming to select tags from the tag library. In order to solve
these problems, we further ask respondentsattitude towards a tag
recommendation tool. 60.61% of respondents think that a tag recom-
mendation tool is useful. In previous work [4], developers also sug-
gested desired features of bots, such as automatically labeling issues.
Therefore, an automatic tag recommendation approach is required to
assign tags to pull requests.
There have been several studies [510] about tag recommendation in
software information sites, such as StackOverow and Freecode. Zhou
et al. proposed a new software object multi-classication method Tag-
MulRec which recommended tags for large-scale evolving software in-
formation sites [8]. However, previous works are mainly designed for
software information sites, and it remains unknown whether these ap-
proaches are effective to recommend tags in GitHub. Pull requests are
used to submit code, and have special information such as code le
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (J. Jiang), [email protected] (Q. Wu), [email protected] (J. Cao), [email protected] (X. Xia), lily@buaa. (L. Zhang).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Information and Software Technology
journal homepage:
Received 9 September 2019; Received in revised form 14 July 2020; Accepted 17 August 2020
Information and Software Technology 129 (2021) 106394
Respondents in our survey also mention that a recommendation tool
should consider text, code and history information. According to these
suggestions, we mainly consider attributes, including titles, description,
le paths and contributors. Each tag can be considered as a category,
and thus tag recommendation is mapped to a multi-label classication
problem, which classify pull requests to appropriate categories. The
feed-forward neural network is widely used in classication task, and it
does not rely on human-engineered features to make classication [11].
We propose a method FNNRec which uses Feed-forward Neural Network
to recommend tags for pull requests in GitHub projects.
In an effort to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, we
collected datasets from GitHub. In total, we analyze 10 projects and
68,497 tagged pull requests. TagDeepRec [10] and TagMulRec [8] are
originally designed to recommended tags for large-scale evolving soft-
ware information sites. In comparison, we adopt TagDeepRec and Tag-
MulRec to analyze pull requeststitles and descriptions, and recommend
tags for pull requests. We measure the performance of approaches in
terms of precisions, recalls and F1-scores. The experimental results show
that on average across 10 projects, FNNRec outperforms approaches
TagDeepRec [10] and TagMulRec [8] by 62.985% and 24.953% in terms
of F1 score@3, respectively.
The main contributions of this paper are as follows:
We make a survey on the usage of tags in pull requests. Survey results
show that tags are useful for developers to track, search or classify
pull requests. However, it is difcult to choose right tags and keep
consistency of tags. 60.61% of respondents think that a tag recom-
mendation tool is useful.
In order to recommend tags, we propose a method FNNRec which
uses feed-forward neural network to analyze titles, description, le
paths and contributors.
We evaluate FNNRec based on a broad range of datasets. Results
show that FNNRec outperforms approaches TagDeepRec [10] and
TagMulRec [8] by substantial margins.
The reminder of the paper is organized as follow. Section 2 presents
the process of setting tags, data collection and statistics. Section 3 pre-
sents our survey about the usage of tags in pull requests. Section 4
presents our tag recommendation approach FNNRec. Section 5 presents
an empirical evaluation of the approach. Section 6 discusses threats to
validity, and Section 7 discusses related works. Finally, Section 8 con-
cludes this paper.
2. Background and data collection
In this section, we begin by providing background information about
the process of setting tags in GitHub. Then, we introduce how our
datasets are collected, and report statistics of our datasets.
2.1. The process of setting tags
GitHub is a web-based hosting service for software development
repositories [12]. In GitHub, contributors make their code changes in-
dependent of one another. When a set of changes is ready, contributors
create and submit pull requests to projects. Titles and description are
written to introduce pull requests, and modied le paths are also
shown in pull requests [13]. According to pull requests information,
some integrators assign tags to some pull requests from tag library. In
GitHub, only integrators with write access can assign tags to pull re-
quests. If developers do not have write access, they cannot assign tags to
their own pull requests. However, tags are sometimes neglected by in-
tegrators. For example, in our dataset which contains 112,705 pull
requests, 39.22% of pull requests do not have any tags.
To illustrate the contribution process, Fig. 1 shows an example of a
pull request with number 21,481 in project ceph
. We only show part of
characters in developersnames, so as to protect developersprivacy. A
contributor ba*** modied code and submitted a pull request. The pull
requests title was common: silence compiler warning, and its body
was Fixes: Signed-off-by: Pa***
Do*** pd*** Then tags ``bugx
, ``common
, and ‘‘
needs review
were chosen from tag library, and assigned to this pull
2.2. Data collection and statistics
GitHub provides access to its internal data through an API. It allows
us to access rich collection of open-source software projects, and pro-
vides valuable opportunities for research. We gather information
through GitHub API and create datasets of projects.
In data collection, we choose popular projects, because they receive
many pull requests and provide enough information for experiments. We
obtain a list of projects from previous work [14], which made their
research projects public
. We sort their projects by the number of pull
requests, and obtain 100 projects with the highest number of pull
We collected pull requests of these 100 projects through GitHub API
in June 2017. We sent queries to GitHub API, received its replies, and
extracted data from project creation time to June, 2017. We collected
pull requestsidentiers, tags, contributors, the creation time, the close
time and paths of modied les. Contributors wrote titles and descrip-
tion to summarize the modication of a pull request, which were also
Some pull requests have tags, while others do not have tags. We
select projects with more than 3000 tagged pull requests, which provide
enough datasets for experiments. Next, we choose projects with greater
than or equal to 30 tags in their tag libraries. If projects have few
candidate tags, it is easy to manually assign tags to pull requests. Finally,
we obtain 10 projects which satisfy above requirements. Table 1 pre-
sents statistics of 10 projects. The columns correspond to project owner
(Owner) and name (Project), the number of pull requests (# Pull re-
quests), the number of tags in the tag library (# Tags in the tag library),
the number of pull requests with tags (# Tagged Pull requests), and the
average number of tags per pull request (Average # tags per pull
request). In total, our datasets include 68,497 tagged pull requests and
902 tags. 4 projects have more than 2 tags per pull request, while the
average number of tags is between 1 and 2 in 6 projects. Our datasets
and code are publicly available, and they can be downloaded from the
project homepage
3. Survey on tags
Previous work [3] quantitatively analyzed the use of tags in issues.
They found that using labels favored the resolution of issues. In GitHub,
developers write issue reports to identify bugs and document feature
requests, while developers submit pull requests when they want to
merge code changes into main repositories [15]. In this section, we
conduct a survey to understand tags in pull requests. More specically,
we design a survey to includes 6 questions.
1. What is the usage of tags? Would you please list some categories of tags?
2. What are benets of setting tags for the pull requests?
3. What are difculties in setting tags for pull requests?
J. Jiang et al.
Information and Software Technology 129 (2021) 106394
4. Will it be useful or useless if there is a tool to recommend tags for pull
5. If you choose useful in question 4, what features should be considered in
recommendation tool?
6. 6. If you choose useless in question 4, why is a label recommendation tool
Questions 1,2,3,5 and 6 are open-ended. We provide three choices
for question 4, including Useful, Uselessand Unsure. If respondents
choose Useful, we ask them question 5, and if respondents choose
’Useless, we ask them question 6.
According to Table 1, we randomly select 200 integrators who ever
set tags in these 10 projects and provide email addresses. We send them
emails with title Survey about tags for pull requests, and ask the above
questions. We receive responses from 33 developers.
Tag Usage. The rst question is about the usage of tags in pull re-
quests. Cabot et al. performed a clustering analysis to aggregate tags in
issues and identied 4 categories of issues, including priority,
’version, workowand architecture[3]. In GitHub, some issues may
discuss questions, which are solved by modied code submitted in pull
requests. Pull requeststags may be similar to issuestags. According to
categories in previous work [3], the rst author reads all replies and
builds categories for the usage of tags. The second author also refers to
categories in previous work [3], independently reads all 33 responses,
and sets up corresponding categories. Finally, two authors discuss their
results and agree on the nal set of categories. As shown in Table 2, we
dene 5 categories of usage of tags. Categories Give priority, Dene
status and Describe component correspond to categories priority,
’workowand architecturein previous work [3].
Some respondents mention several usages, and they are classied
into multiple categories. After completing the manual labeling process,
the two authors discuss their disagreements to reach a common decision.
Cohens kappa coefcient is a measure of the agreement between two
raters who determine the categories of subjects [16]. Cohens kappa
coefcient is between 0 and 1. 0 means agreement equivalent to chance,
and 1 means perfect agreement. We used Cohens kappa coefcient to
measure the agreement between two authors. Cohens kappa coefcient
is 0.92, which shows near-perfect agreement. Some responses are
initially classied as otherby an author, but they are nally classied
as Mark functionor Give priorityafter discussion. Table 2 shows the
usage of tags. From the table, we notice that:
1) The most common answer about usage of tags is that integrators use
them to mark functions of pull requests. For example, a respondent
mentions that Categorize if something is a bug or feature; related to
2) 33.33% of respondents reply that tags can give the priority of pull
requests (e.g., high-priority, important or urgent). For example,
some respondents mention Giving priority or ‘severity/
3) 8 respondents think that tags are used to dene current status of pull
requests. For example, a respondent says that: not ready - a pull
request is not ready for review. on hold- a pull request is blocked
due to other priorities. manual merge- caution or manual steps are
needed to merge this PR.
4) 21.21% of respondents mention the architectural components
affected by pull requests. For example, a respondent mention that
“Since Ruby on Rails is divided into components, there is a label for
each of these components
5) 7 respondents mention other reasons. For example, a response is
“Labels are used to group PR, so related contributor developer can
review his/her related tagged PR.
Fig. 1. An example of tags in a pull request.
Table 1
Basic Statistics of projects.
Owner Project # Pull
# Tags
# Tagged Average #
per pull
ceph ceph 14,549 47 11,363 2.208
tgstation tgstation 17,313 42 10,772 1.395
elasticsearch elasticsearch 11,076 331 9,135 3.566
owncloud core 11,701 107 7,863 1.891
symfony symfony 14,022 67 6,355 1.841
rails rails 18,168 32 6,088 1.208
angular angular.js 7,284 96 4,963 2.556
RIOT-OS RIOT 5,324 51 4,702 2.958
pydata pandas 6,259 94 4,028 1.927
bitcoin bitcoin 7,009 35 3,248 1.217
Total 112,705 902 68,497
Table 2
What is the usage of tags?.
Tag usage Respondents
Mark function 13 / 39.39%
Give priority 11 / 33.33%
Dene status 8 / 24.24%
Describe component 7 / 21.21%
Other 7 / 21.21%
J. Jiang et al.
Information and Software Technology 129 (2021) 106394
Benets of Tags. The second question is about benets of setting tags for
the pull requests. We follow the same process that we describe in
question 1. Table 3 displays benets of setting tags for pull requests.
From results, we can note
1) 12 respondents mention that setting tags is convenient for developers
to track pull requests. For instance, a respondent writes that keeping
track of state.
2) 12 respondents think that setting tags help developers search pull
requests. For example, a respondent mentions that They mostly help
to let users nd the pull requests they are most interested in.
3) 5 respondents point out that the benet of setting tags is to classify
pull requests. For instance, a respondent writes that Helps with
categorizing PRs
4) 6 respondents mention other benets. For example, a respondent
says that Helps developers effectively manage hundreds of issues
and pull requests.
Difculties on Tag Usage. Third, we want to explore difculties in
setting tags for pull requests. Table 4 shows difculties in setting tags.
From results, we can note
1) 8 respondents nd it difcult to choose appropriate tags. For
instance, a response is Sometimes it is unclear what labels are
appropriate for a particular pull request.An automatic tag recom-
mendation approach can help developers to nd appropriate tags.
2) 5 respondents says that they cannot create new tags when all current
tags are inappropriate for pull requests. For example, a respondent
says that Our main problem with labels are that developers without
push rights can not add labels. This is quite a problem.
3) 4 respondents says that the consistency of tags is hard to maintain.
For instance, a respondent says that The people that add labels must
be consistent with eash other and up-to-date with the current
labelling policy.
4) 3 respondents mention that selecting tags from tag library is time-
consuming. A respondent mentions that Volume of issues can be
time consuming to tag correctly.Therefore, a tag recommendation
approach is required to save developerstime of selecting tags.
5) 2 respondents says that it is difcult to update tags according to pull
requestsstatus changes.
6) 4 respondents mentioning other difculties. For example, a response
is Need to remember all labels.
7) 8 respondents do not ll in any information about difculties.
Usefulness of Tag Recommendation. In the fourth question, we ask
developers whether it is useful or useless if there is a tool to recommend
tags for pull requests, and plot their responses in Table 5. 60.61% of
respondents consider a recommendation tool as useful, while 27.27% of
respondents consider a recommendation tool as useless. 12.12% of re-
spondents are unsure. The majority of respondents think that a tag
recommendation tool is useful.
We take a further step and ask detailed reasons of their choices. More
specically, we ask developers two questions: If the recommendation
tool is useful, what features should be considered in recommendation
tool? If the recommendation tool is useless, why? 4 respondents explain
reasons why the recommendation tool is useless. They think that it is
difcult to recommend tags, and the logic to apply labels is too hard to
gure out. A recommendation tool is appreciated by 20 respondents.
Table 6 shows suggestions for implementing a recommendation tool.
From results, we can note that:
1) 5 respondents agree that a recommendation tool should consider pull
requests code. For instance, a respondent writes that Identifying
the components affected by the issue/PR. Another respondent
writes that Have the tool look at what parts of the program were
changed and what kind of changes and act accordingly, at least for
subsystem specic labels.
2) 3 respondents believe that text information should be considered in a
recommendation tool. For instance, a respondent mentions that ‘Go
through title/description to suggestion of possible tags. Another
respondent suggests that Keyword detection in pr description.
3) 3 respondents point out that the recommendation tool needs to use
the history information. For example, a respondent mentions that
“Being able to learn on its own based on corrected labels applied by
the project maintainers.
4) 3 respondents agree that this recommendation tool should be auto-
matic. For example, a respondent says that Should be as automated
as possible.
5) 6 respondents mention other features. For example, a respondent
says that It needs to be well-integrated into the GitHub user
Survey results show that tags are used to describe functions, prior-
ities, statuses and components, which helps developers to track, search
or classify pull requests. However, some respondents think that it is
difcult to choose right tags and keep consistency of tags. Meanwhile, it
is time-consuming to select tags from the tag library. In order to solve
these problems, we further ask respondentsattitude towards a tag
recommendation tool. The majority of respondents think that a tag
recommendation tool is useful, and this recommendation tool should
consider code, text and history information. According to survey results,
we design a tag recommendation method in Section 4.
Table 3
What are benets of setting tags for the pull requests?.
the benets of tags Respondents
Track pull requests 12 / 36.36%
Search pull requests 12 / 36.36%
Classify pull requests 5 / 15.15%
Other 6 / 18.18%
Table 4
What are difculties in setting tags for pull requests?.
Difculty Respondents
Choose appropriate tags 8 / 24.24%
Create new labels 5 / 15.15%
Set tags consistently 4 / 12.12%
Time-consuming 3 / 9.09%
Update tags 2 / 6.06%
Other 4 / 12.12%
No responses 8 / 24.24%
Table 5
Will it be useful or useless if there is a tool to
recommend tags for pull requests?.
Choice Respondents
Useful 20 / 60.61%
Useless 9 / 27.27%
Unsure 4 / 12.12%
Table 6
What features should be considered in recommen-
dation tool?.
Feature Respondents
Code 5 / 25%
Text 3 / 15%
History 3 / 15%
Automatic 3 / 15%
other 6 / 30%
J. Jiang et al.
Information and Software Technology 129 (2021) 106394
4. Tag recommendation approach
In this section, we describe our tag recommendation method FNNRec
which uses feed-forward neural network to analyze titles, description,
le paths and contributors. As shown in Fig. 2, the entire framework
contains two phases: a training phase and a recommendation phase. In
training phase, our goal is to build a feed-forward neural network from
historical information. In recommendation phase, the network is used to
recommend tags for pull requests.
In training phase, FNNRec rst collects various information from a
set of training pull requests with known tags. We extract titles and
description (Step 1), le paths (Step 2) and contributors (Step 3) of pull
requests from crawled information. We describe detailed denitions and
why we choose these elements in Section 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3. Since we
recommend tags for pull requests immediately after their submission,
we do not consider any information which are generated in code review
process, such as reviewers or commenters. According to pull requests
information and their tags, we build feed-forward neural network (Step
4). We do not consider pull requestscreation time, and pull requests are
treated as a set without consideration of the order in which they were
In recommendation phase, we use FNNRec to predict whether a tag is
likely to be assigned to a specic pull request. FNNRec rst extracts titles
and description (Step 5), le paths (Step 6) and contributors (Step 7).
Then, it processes above information into feed-forward neural network
built in the training phase (Step 8). This network will output probabil-
ities of tags, and tags with the highest probabilities are recommended
(Step 9).
We use the feed-forward neural network in tag recommendation
because it is widely used in classication tasks [17]. The feed-forward
neural network has an input layer, hidden layers and an output layer.
The advantage of feed forward model is that it is a simple form of the
neural network, and information is only processed in one direction from
the input layer to the output layer, without going backward or entering
any loops. The feed-forward neural network can classify nonlinear
separable patterns by nonlinear activation functions and approximates
an arbitrary continuous function. We compare the feed-forward neural
network with other machine learning algorithms or deep learning al-
gorithms in Section 5.7, and results show that feed-forward neural
network achieves the best performance.
4.1. Title and description (step 1)
The text information is often used in the developer recommendation
for bug resolution [1820]. When contributors submit pull requests,
they write titles and description to briey introduce code changes they
make. As described in Section 3, a respondent mentions that Go
through title/description to suggestion of possible tags. The intuition is
that similar pull requests are often described in a similar way, and they
may have similar tags. Therefore, we consider titles and description to
recommend tags. We extract words from titles and description. More
specically, we make tokenization, remove stop words and stem words,
then convert words into lowercase by natural language toolkit NLTK.
4.2. File path (step 2)
According to Table 6, 5 respondents think that a recommendation
tool should consider pull requestscode. For instance, a respondent
writes that Identifying the components affected by the issue/PR. File
paths may show components of modied code. Pull requests with code
in similar le paths may modify the same components, and they may be
assigned with the same tags. Therefore, le paths are analyzed to
recommend tags for pull requests. Previous works [21,22] also use le
paths to measure codes locations for reviewer recommendation. This is
because les in similar locations may have related functions, and need
code review from the same reviewers.
Following previous work [21], we use the separator /, and extract
words from le paths. We also take the pull request with number 21,481
in Fig. 1 as an example. This pull request has one modied le path,
namely src/common/Preforker.h. For this le path, we extract three
words from the path, including src, commonand Preforker.h.
Some pull request has several le paths, and we extract words from all
modied le paths.
4.3. Contributor (step 3)
In our survey, some respondents think that recommendation tool
needs to use the history information, and contributors are important
Fig. 2. Overall framework of FNNRec.
J. Jiang et al.
Information and Software Technology 129 (2021) 106394
history information of pull requests. Some open source projects have
much code, and contributors may be familiar with some parts of pro-
jects. Furthermore, contributors are not experts in all elds, and they
may have some interests in some specic elds. Contributors may sub-
mit several similar pull requests, which may be assigned with the same
tags. Contributors are extracted as words and used in tag
4.4. Feed-forward neural network (step 4)
The next step is to build feed-forward neural network in training
phase. We rst extract words from pull requeststitles, description, le
paths and contributors. We use words of all pull requests in training
datasets to construct a vocabulary. Then we build a word vector for each
pull request. The length of word vector is the number of words in the
vocabulary. Each element in word vector stands for the number of times
that the word appears in a pull requests title, description, le paths and
contributor. We remove words which appear less than 5 times in all pull
requests, so as to decrease the length of word vector and save the
training time.
Next, we build a tag vector for each pull request. The length of tag
vector is the number of tags in projects tag library. This tag library
includes all tags which are used in training datasets, and excludes new
tags which are never used in current training datasets. Each element in
tag vector is the probability that the tag is used in the pull request. If this
tag is assigned to the pull request, the probability is set as 1; otherwise,
the probability is set as 0.
Then we analyze training datasets, and build feed-forward neural
network. As shown in Fig. 2, pull requestsword vectors construct input
layers, and their tag vectors construct output layers. a
in Fig. 2 stands
for the number of times that the word appears in a pull requests title,
description, le paths and contributor. D is the length of word vector,
namely the number of words in the vocabulary. c
in Fig. 2 stands for
probability that the tag is used in the pull request. Q is the length of tag
vector, namely the number of tags in tag library. Pull requests in training
datasets are input to determine the best weights and build feed-forward
neural network. The number of hidden units M is set as D by default. We
discuss the setting of M in Section 5.6.
According to previous work [23], detailed training steps of
feed-forward neural network are described as follows:
(1) Training datasets are used to compute the value of a unit a
input layer, namely the number of times that corresponding word
appears in a pull requests title, description, le paths and
contributor. Then units in input layer are converted to units in
hidden layer by activation function conversion [24]. We use b
represent value of hidden unit s. The value of hidden unit is
calculated as follow:
= f
+ γ
where w
is the conversion weight from input unit h to hidden unit s,
and γ
is bias of the hidden unit s. f
is the activation function of
hidden layer [24].
(2) Units in hidden layer are converted to units in output layer by
another activation function conversion. We use b
to represent
value of hidden unit s, and use c
to represent predicted value of
output unit j, namely the predicted probability that the tag is used
in the pull request. The predicted value of output unit is calcu-
lated as follow:
= f
+ θ
Where v
is the conversion weight from hidden unit s to output unit j,
and θ
is bias of output unit j. f
is another activation function of
output layer [24].
(3) Output layer generates predicted values of output units. Training
datasets are used to determine actual values of output units. For
example, if a tag is actually used in a pull request, the actual value
of corresponding output unit is 1; otherwise, the actual value of
corresponding output unit is 0. The goal of training phase is to
reduce errors between predicted values and actual values of units
in output layer. We use Y(Y = (c
, c
, , c
)) to represent the
predicted values, and use
Y = (
, ,
)) to the represent
actual values. Then we dene loss function of the difference as
Y , Y
1 + e
1 c
1 + e
We use N to represent the scale of training datasets. Total loss for
training datasets is computed by tness function as follows:
Loss(W, V, Γ, Θ) =
, Y
W is the conversion weight from input layer to hidden layer, and Γ is
the bias matrix. V is the conversion weight from hidden layer to
output layer, and Θ is the bias matrix.
(4) The goal of training phase is to reduce errors between predicted
values and actual values of units in output layer. In order to
achieve this goal, the task is to nd the best W, V, Γ and Θ which
minimizes tness function in Eq. (4). The most popular approach
to minimize tness function is the back propagation algorithm.
Gradient descent is used to update weights W, V and biases Γ, Θ
by propagating errors of output layer successively back to hidden
layers. Details are described in previous work [11]. The best W, V,
Γ and Θ are used to determine feed-forward neural network,
which is used in recommendation phase.
4.5. Recommendation phase (step 5 to step 9)
Given a new pull request, we build its word vector based on its title
and description (Step 5), le paths (Step 6) and contributors (Step 7).
Then we use feed-forward neural network built in the training phase to
compute its tag vector, which describes probabilities that tags are
assigned to new pull request (Step 8). Tags with the highest probabilities
are recommended to the new pull request (Step 9).
5. Evaluation
In this section, we present results of our evaluation for proposed
approach. The aim of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of
FNNRec approach in providing tag recommendation solutions. We rst
present evaluation procedure, research questions and evaluation met-
rics. We then present our experiment results that answer these research
5.1. Evaluation procedure
In order to simulate the usage of methods in practice, we sort all
tagged pull requests in chronological order of their creation time. Since
feed-forward neural network [11] needs a certain amount of training
datesets, we collect the rst 2000 tagged pull requests as the rst
training set, and the 2,000-th pull requests creation time is set as T
Interval time M is used to measure the time length in a testing set. Then
we build training sets and testing sets. For the N
round, pull requests
created before (T
+ (N 1)*M) months are used to build a training
dataset, and pull requests created between (T
+ (N 1)*M) months and
J. Jiang et al.
Information and Software Technology 129 (2021) 106394
+ N*M) months are used to build a testing dataset. Interval time M is
set as 1 by default, and we discuss the setting of M in Section 5.6. For
example in the rst round, the training set is built by pull requests
created created before T
, and the testing set is built by pull requests
created between T
and T
+ 1 month. We use the similar way to build
other training sets and testing sets. We use the training set and the
testing set to compute the performance of FNNRec in each round, and
then compute average values of tagged pull requests. This setup ensures
that only past pull requests are used to make the recommendation, and
all pull requests in a training set are created before pull requests in a
testing dataset. In each round, we build a training dataset and a testing
dataset. Table 7 shows the number of rounds in projects, when we
consider the interval time as 1 month. 9 projects have at least 20 rounds.
5.2. Research questions
We are interested to answer following research questions:
RQ1: How effective is FNNRec in recommending tags? How does FNNRec
compare with TagDeepRec [10] and TagMulRec [8]?
In order to evaluate the efciency of our approach FNNRec, we
compare it with approaches TagDeepRec [10] and TagMulRec [8].
TagDeepRec [10] and TagMulRec [8] are designed to recommend tags
in question and answer websites, and their original inputs are the
description of questions. In order to recommend tags in GitHub, Tag-
DeepRec [10] and TagMulRec [8] use pull requests titles and de-
scriptions to replace the questions description. More specically,
TagDeepRec uses the word2vec model to vectorize pull requests titles
and descriptions and then builds a dictionary with words and their
corresponding vectors [10]. Then the corresponding vectors are fed into
the attention-based Bi-LSTM model to build the recommendation model.
TagMulRec [8] rst creates an index for pull requests titles and de-
scriptions and then constructs target candidate sets that include software
objects semantically similar to the given software object. Finally, Tag-
MulRec utilizes multi-classication algorithms to rank tags in the target
candidate set. The training and testing process of TagDeepRec [10] and
TagMulRec [8] are the same as FNNRec, which is described in Section
RQ2: What are benets of attribute combination in tag recommendation?
FNNRec combines titles, description, le paths and contributors to
recommend tags for pull requests. We wonder whether all these attri-
butes are necessary in tag recommendations. We compare FNNRec with
approaches based on parts of attributes.
RQ3: What are appropriate parameter settings?
FNNRec is a tag recommendation method based on feed-forward
neural network. The number of epochs describe the number of itera-
tions for weight computation. By default, we set the number of epochs as
40. We would like to investigate precisions, recalls and F1-scores for
various values of the number of epochs.
In Fig. 2, units in hidden layer are mainly used to connect units in
input layer and output layer. The number of hidden units is set as the
number input units by default. We would like to investigate how the
number of hidden units affect the performance of our approach.
As described in Section 5.1, we collect the rst 2000 tagged pull
requests as the rst training set. We wonder how this setting affects
approach performance. Furthermore, we add new pull requests to the
training set in each round, which provide dynamic training sets. We
wonder whether new pull requests in training set improves the perfor-
mance of tag recommendation.
In experiments, pull requests created before (T
+ (N 1)*M) months
are used to build a training dataset in the N
round, and pull requests
created between (T
+ (N 1)*M) months and (T
+ N*M) months are
used to build a testing dataset. Interval time M is used to measure the
time length in a testing set. When interval time M becomes larger, up-
date frequencies of additional training data becomes lower. Interval
time M is set as 1 by default. We wonder how the setting of interval time
affects tag recommendation.
RQ4: What is the benet of the feed-forward neural network in tag
FNNRec uses the feed-forward neural network to recommend tags.
We would like to investigate whether the feed-forward neural network
achieves better performance than some other machine learning algo-
rithms or deep learning algorithms. We recommend tags based on Extra
Tree, KNN, Random Forest, RNN and LSTM, respectively. Then we
compare the performance of different algorithms in recommending tags.
Extra Tree aggregates the results of multiple de-correlated decision
trees collected in a forest to output the classication result. KNN (K-
Nearest-Neighbors) categorizes an input by using its k nearest neigh-
bors. Random Forest is a machine-learning algorithm that aggregates the
predictions from many decision trees on different subsets of data. RNN
(Recurrent Neural Network) is a class of articial neural networks where
connections between units form a directed graph along a sequence.
LSTM (Long short-term memory) is capable of learning long term de-
pendencies in data.
5.3. Evaluation metrics
In order to evaluate FNNRec, we use metrics precision, recall and F1-
score. These metrics are commonly used in evaluation of tag recom-
mendation [5,8].
For a pull request pr, T
includes actual tags which are assigned to
this pull request. TL
include top K tags which are recommended for
pull request pr. we dene Recall@K
as the percentage of actual tags
who are actually recommended.
PR is testing set of pull requests and |PR| is the number of pull re-
quests in testing set. Recall@K is the average value of recalls of pull
requests in the testing dataset:
Recall@K =
We dene Precision@K
as the percentage of recommended tags
which are actually assigned to the pull request. Given a pull request pr,
the top K precision Precision@K
is dened as:
Precision@K is the average value of precisions of pull requests in the
testing dataset:
Precision@K =
F1 score@K is a summary metric that combines both precision and
recall to measure the performance of the recommendation approach.
This metric can evaluate if an increase in precision (recall) outweighs a
reduction in recall (precision). It is calculated as the harmonic mean of
Table 7
Number of rounds with the interval time as 1 month.
Project Number of rounds
ceph 25
tgstation 20
elasticsearch 27
core 27
symfony 21
rails 36
angular.js 33
pandas 20
bitcoin 11
J. Jiang et al.
Information and Software Technology 129 (2021) 106394
precision and recall:
F1-score@K = 2⋅
Precision@K + Recall@K
In order to compare two methods, we dene the gain to compare how
the method 1 outperforms the method 2. As described in initial study
[20], recall gain, precision gain and F1-score gain are dened as follows:
(Recall@K(1) Recall@K(2))
(Precision@K(1) Precision@K(2))
(F-score@K(1) F1-score@K(2))
where Recall@K(1), Precision@K(1) and F1 score@K(1) evaluates the
performance of method 1, and Recall@K(2), Precision@K(2) and F1
score@K(2) evaluates the performance of method 2. If the gain value is
above 0, it means method 1 has better accuracy than method 2, other-
wise method 2 has better recommendation results.
Further, we dene the following null hypotheses to assess the sta-
tistical validity of results. The alternative hypotheses can be easily
derived from the respective null hypotheses.
H-1: There is no statistically signicant difference between
Recall@K, Precision@K and F1 score@K values of FNNRec, TagDee-
pRec and TagMulRec.
We apply ANOVA test to assess whether the performance of all
groups (FNNRec, TagDeepRec and TagMulRec) is signicantly different,
and apply Holm-Bonferroni method to control for type I errors. In order
to analyze effect size, we also compute partial eta
is dened as the
ratio of variance accounted for by an effect and that effect plus its
associated error variance within an ANOVA study. According to previ-
ous work [25], we applied One Way ANOVA test to assess statistically
signicant difference with
= 0.05 between approaches in terms of
recalls, precisions and F1-scores. Test purpose is to assess whether the
distribution of one of samples is stochastically greater than the other.
5.4. RQ1: Approach comparison
In order to answer RQ1, we consult Tables 8 and 9 to show the
performance of FNNRec. On average, FNNRec achieves Precision@3,
Recall@3, F1 score@3, Precision@5, Recall@5 and F1 score@5 of
0.447, 0.726, 0.514, 0.317, 0.816 and 0.427. As shown in Table 1, the
average number of tags per pull request is less than 2 in 6 projects. The
average number of tags per pull request is between 2 and 3 in 3 projects.
Only project elasticsearch has 3.566 tags per pull request. In top-5
recommendation, FNNRec recommends 5 tags, and at most 2 tags are
correct in pull requests which have actually 1 or 2 tags. A few numbers of
actual tags causes that the recommendation cannot have high
In order to compare FNNRec with TagDeepRec [10] and TagMulRec
[8], we compute precision gains, recall gains and F1-score gains, assess
the statistically signicant difference between approaches, and describe
results in Table 811. On average across 10 projects, FNNRec out-
performs TagDeepRec by 59.446%, 66.083%, 62.985%, 44.73%,
48.104% and 46.414% in terms of Precision@3, Recall@3, F1 score@3,
Precision@5, Recall@5 and F1 score@5, respectively. Furthermore,
FNNRec outperforms TagMulRec by 26.903%, 22.185%, 24.953%,
21.672%, 17.793% and 20.65% in terms of Precision@3, Recall@3, F1
score@3, Precision@5, Recall@5 and F1 score@5, respectively. Clearly,
FNNRec outperforms TagDeepRec and TagMulRec across precisions,
recalls and F1-scores in all projects.
In Table 12, We apply the ANOVA test to assess whether the per-
formance of FNNRec, TagDeepRec and TagMulRec is signicantly
different, and apply Holm-Bonferroni correction for multiple compari-
sons. Results show that most of p-values are smaller than 0.05, and the
family-wise error rates are controlled at low-level alpha. In order to
analyze effect size, we also compute partial eta
which is dened as the
ratio of variance accounted for by an effect and that effect plus its
associated error variance within an ANOVA study. If partial eta is be-
tween 0.01 and 0.06, the effect size is small; If partial eta is between 0.06
and 0.14, the effect size is median; If partial eta is larger than 0.14, the
effect size is big. Table 13 shows that 64.167% of cases belong to the big
effect size, and 17.5% of cases belong to the median effect size.
Furthermore, Tables 10 and 11 shows that FNNRec records positive
gains with statistical signicance (with p-values < 0.05) in most of
cases. Therefore, we nd support to reject Hypothesis H-1 in favor of
In Tables 8 and 9, TagMulRec [8] performs better than TagDeepRec
[10]. TagDeepRec uses the word2vec model to vectorize pull requests
titles and descriptions. Word2vec model needs large training datasets,
but our datasets in Table 1 maybe not enough for the word2vec model.
TagMulRec [8] also performs better than TagDeepRec [10] in the site
Freecode which provides the smallest dataset in the previous work [10].
We take a further step and see some examples of tag recommenda-
tion. First, in a pull request with number 9200 in project angular.js
, the
actual tags include cla: no and type: docs. Our approach FNNRec
recommends tags cla: no, type: docsand cla: yes. Though tag cla:
no and tag cla: yes are mutually exclusive, FNNRec cannot identify
deep semantic relationships between tags, and recommends contradic-
tory tags. TagDeepRec [10] recommends tags type: docs, cla: yes
and type: bug, and the only correct tag is type: docs. TagMulRec [8]
recommends tags cla: yes, type: bugand frequency: moderate, and
all of these tags are incorrect. Second, in a pull request with number
9419 in project angular.js
, the actual tags include cla: yes, needs:
reviewand type: bug. Our approach FNNRec recommends tags cla:
yes, needs: reviewand component: forms, and the incorrect tag is
“component: forms. TagDeepRec [10] recommends the same tags as
actual tags and achieves the best performance. TagMulRec [8] recom-
mends tags cla: yes, cla: noand type: docs, and only the tag cla:
yesis correct.
5.5. RQ2: Benets of attribute combination
In order to answer RQ2, we use feed-forward neural network to
separately analyze titles and description, le paths and contributors for
tag recommendation. We compare performance based on different at-
tributes, and plot results in Table 14. Results show that tag
RQ1: FNNRec achieves statistically signicant higher precisions, recalls and F1-scores than TagDeepRec and TagMulRec.
J. Jiang et al.
Information and Software Technology 129 (2021) 106394
recommendation based on titles and description achieves better per-
formance than tag recommendation based on le paths or contributors.
Titles and description are the most important attributes in tag recom-
mendation, because titles and description introduce what changes are
made in pull requests and/or why they are needed [26]. Contributor is
the least important attribute, because the same developers may still
submit pull requests with different tags.
In Table 14, tag recommendation based on all attributes achieve F1
score@3 as 0.514, which is higher than a single attribute. The best
precisions, recalls and F1-scores are achieved when all attributes are
analyzed. Attribute combination is useful for tag recommendation.
Therefore, FNNRec combines titles and description, le paths and con-
tributors to recommend tags for pull requests.
5.6. RQ3: Parameter settings
FNNRec is a tag recommendation method based on the feed-forward
neural network. The number of epochs describes the number of itera-
tions for weight computation. We increase the number of training
epochs from 10 to 70 with an interval of 10, and evaluate the
Table 8
Precision@3 and recall@3 and F1-score@3 of Approaches TagDeepRec, TagMulRec and FNNRec.
Project Precision@3 Recall@3 F1-score@3
TagDe- TagMu- FNN- TagDe- TagMu- FNN- TagDe- TagMu- FNN-
epRec lRec Rec epRec lRec Rec epRec lRec Rec
ceph 0.302 0.442 0.529 0.359 0.616 0.753 0.316 0.495 0.597
tgstation 0.265 0.3 0.332 0.567 0.693 0.754 0.345 0.404 0.444
elasticsearch 0.236 0.328 0.473 0.166 0.315 0.446 0.185 0.303 0.434
core 0.315 0.342 0.374 0.639 0.689 0.726 0.398 0.431 0.465
symfony 0.388 0.385 0.496 0.61 0.615 0.727 0.447 0.447 0.558
rails 0.231 0.279 0.375 0.574 0.7 0.929 0.322 0.391 0.522
angular.js 0.39 0.386 0.48 0.648 0.68 0.725 0.434 0.443 0.51
RIOT 0.457 0.551 0.653 0.422 0.516 0.609 0.429 0.521 0.617
pandas 0.18 0.268 0.425 0.339 0.498 0.74 0.225 0.333 0.519
bitcoin 0.184 0.279 0.336 0.472 0.711 0.851 0.259 0.392 0.471
Average 0.295 0.356 0.447 0.48 0.603 0.726 0.336 0.416 0.514
Table 9
Precision@5 and recall@5 and F1-score@5 of Approaches TagDeepRec, TagMulRec and FNNRec.
Project Precision@5 Recall@5 F1-score@5
TagDe- TagMu- FNN- TagDe- TagMu- FNN- TagDe- TagMu- FNN-
epRec lRec Rec epRec lRec Rec epRec lRec Rec
ceph 0.237 0.33 0.373 0.47 0.756 0.853 0.304 0.443 0.5
tgstation 0.18 0.211 0.225 0.647 0.795 0.835 0.273 0.323 0.343
elasticsearch 0.208 0.269 0.365 0.249 0.415 0.557 0.216 0.311 0.421
core 0.214 0.234 0.262 0.7 0.753 0.814 0.311 0.338 0.376
symfony 0.273 0.265 0.362 0.69 0.679 0.862 0.372 0.363 0.487
rails 0.186 0.201 0.232 0.781 0.839 0.953 0.296 0.319 0.367
angular.js 0.28 0.288 0.339 0.732 0.743 0.788 0.362 0.371 0.421
RIOT 0.36 0.433 0.502 0.544 0.668 0.77 0.425 0.514 0.596
pandas 0.143 0.197 0.292 0.435 0.589 0.827 0.207 0.285 0.417
bitcoin 0.149 0.187 0.216 0.626 0.782 0.903 0.236 0.296 0.343
Average 0.223 0.261 0.317 0.587 0.702 0.816 0.3 0.356 0.427
Table 10
Gains and Statistical Results for top-3 recommendation (%).
Project Gain
% Gain
% Gain
F1 score@3
TagDe- TagMu- TagDe- TagMu- TagDe- TagMu-
epRec lRec epRec lRec epRec lRec
ceph 75.166 *** 19.683 *** 109.749 *** 22.24 *** 88.924 *** 20.606 ***
tgstation 25.283 *** 10.667 32.981 *** 8.802 28.696 *** 9.901
elasticsearch 100.424 *** 44.207 *** 168.675 *** 41.587 *** 134.595 *** 43.234 ***
core 18.73 *** 9.357 13.615 ** 5.37 16.834 *** 7.889
symfony 27.835 *** 28.831 *** 19.18 *** 18.211 *** 24.832 *** 24.832 ***
rails 62.338 *** 34.409 *** 61.847 *** 32.714 *** 62.112 *** 33.504 ***
angular.js 23.077 *** 24.352 *** 11.883 *** 6.618 17.512 *** 15.124 ***
RIOT 42.888 *** 18.512 *** 44.313 *** 18.023 *** 43.823 *** 18.426 ***
pandas 136.111 *** 58.582 *** 118.289 *** 48.594 *** 130.667 *** 55.856 ***
bitcoin 82.609 *** 20.43 *** 80.297 *** 19.691 *** 81.853 *** 20.153 ***
Average 59.446 26.903 66.083 22.185 62.985 24.953
***p < .001, **p < .01, *p < .05
RQ2:The combination of titles and description, le paths and contributors is effective for tag recommendation.
J. Jiang et al.
Information and Software Technology 129 (2021) 106394
performance of FNNRec. We describe precisions, recalls and F1-scores in
Table 15, respectively. Results show that FNNRec achieves the best F1-
scores with the number of epochs as 40 or 50. Since 40 epochs are
enough to achieve the best performance, we set the number of epochs as
40 by default.
Units in hidden layer are mainly used to connect units in input layer
and output layer. The number of hidden units can be set as a specic
percentage of the number of input units. In order to study impacts of the
number of hidden units, we increase the number of hidden units from
50% to 200% of the number of input units with an interval of 50%, and
evaluate performance of FNNRec. Table 16 show precisions, recalls and
F1-scores with different number of hidden units. Results show that there
is little variation among different numbers of hidden units. When the
number of hidden units is set as 100% of the number of input units, F1
score@3 and F1 score@5 are slightly better than those of other
numbers of hidden units. Therefore, we set the number of hidden units
Table 11
Gains and Statistical Results for top-5 recommendation (%).
Project Gain
% Gain
% Gain
F1 score@5
TagDe- TagMu- TagDe- TagMu- TagDe- TagMu-
epRec lRec epRec lRec epRec lRec
ceph 57.384 *** 13.03 *** 81.489 *** 12.831 *** 64.474*** 12.867 ***
tgstation 25*** 6.635 29.057 *** 5.031 *** 25.641 *** 6.192
elasticsearch 75.481 *** 35.688 *** 123.695 *** 34.217 *** 94.907 *** 35.37 ***
core 22.430 *** 11.966 16.286 *** 8.101 20.900 *** 11.243
symfony 32.601 *** 36.604 *** 24.928 *** 26.951 *** 30.914 *** 34.16 ***
rails 24.731 *** 15.423 *** 22.023 *** 13.588 *** 23.986 *** 15.047 ***
angular.js 21.071 *** 17.708 *** 7.650 6.057 16.298 *** 13.477 ***
RIOT 39.444 *** 15.935 *** 41.544 *** 15.269 *** 40.235 *** 15.953 ***
pandas 104.196 *** 48.223 *** 90.115 *** 40.407 *** 101.449 *** 46.316 ***
bitcoin 44.966 *** 15.508 ** 44.249 *** 15.473 *** 45.339 *** 15.878 **
Average 44.73 21.672 48.104 17.793 46.414 20.65
***p < 0.001, **p < 0.01, *p < 0.05
Table 12
P-values of variance analysis for FNNRec, TagDeepRec and TagMulRec.
Project Precision@3 Recall@3 F1-score@3 Precision@5 Recall@5 F1-score@5
ceph <0.05
tgstation <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05
elasticsearch <0.05
core <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05
symfony <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05
rails <0.05
angular.js <0.05 <0.05 <0.05
0.34 <0.05
RIOT <0.05
pandas <0.05
bitcoin <0.05
Signicant (corrected
< 0.05) with Holm-Bonferroni correction.
Table 13
Partial eta for top-3 and top-5 recommendation.
Project Precision@3 Recall@3 F1-score@3 Precision@5 Recall@5 F1-score@5
TagDe- TagMu- TagDe- TagMu- TagDe- TagMu- TagDe- TagMu- TagDe- TagMu- TagDe- TagMu-
epRec lRec epRec lRec epRec lRec epRec lRec epRec lRec epRec lRec
ceph 0.632 0.024 0.711 0.039 0.677 0.03 0.461 0.001 0.645 0.001 0.539 0.001
tgstation 0.1 0.006 0.201 0.001 0.156 0.004 0.141 0 0.203 0.004 0.163 0
elasticsearch 0.347 0.109 0.47 0.092 0.391 0.096 0.343 0.114 0.51 0.095 0.412 0.107
core 0.119 0.019 0.046 0.003 0.128 0.02 0.211 0.019 0.136 0.016 0.356 0.039
symfony 0.078 0.078 0.085 0.062 0.1 0.094 0.115 0.145 0.226 0.249 0.148 0.184
rails 0.674 0.438 0.74 0.435 0.725 0.481 0.39 0.148 0.457 0.142 0.451 0.18
angular.js 0.355 0.339 0.084 0.008 0.307 0.22 0.15 0.074 0.005 0 0.2 0.09
RIOT 0.577 0.216 0.526 0.128 0.567 0.181 0.624 0.257 0.666 0.215 0.665 0.282
pandas 0.803 0.65 0.538 0.284 0.732 0.546 0.855 0.658 0.597 0.323 0.825 0.637
bitcoin 0.929 0.342 0.917 0.354 0.931 0.376 0.85 0.246 0.89 0.448 0.874 0.316
Table 14
Precisions@K, Recalls@K and F1-scores@K (K=3,5) with different attributes.
Attribute Precision@3 Recall@3 F1-score@3 Precision@5 Recall@5 F1-score@5
Title & description 0.4 0.658 0.462 0.287 0.75 0.388
File path 0.371 0.613 0.429 0.27 0.706 0.366
Contributor 0.29 0.474 0.333 0.216 0.572 0.293
All 0.447 0.726 0.514 0.317 0.816 0.427
J. Jiang et al.
Information and Software Technology 129 (2021) 106394
as 100% of input units by default.
Since feed-forward neural network [11] needs a certain amount of
training datesets, we collect the rst 2000 tagged pull requests as the
rst training set. We want to explore the impact of minimal number of
tagged pull requests in the training set. We increase the value from 1000
to 3000 with an interval of 1000, and evaluate performance of FNNRec.
Table 17 shows precisions, recalls and F1-scores with different data
amount. Results show that as the minimal number of tagged pull re-
quests increases, precisions, recalls and F1-scores all increases. How-
ever, it costs longer time for projects to accumulate enough pull requests
for the rst training set. In practice, project owners consider their
requirement and decide minimal number of tagged pull requests.
As described in Section 5.1, we collect the rst 2000 tagged pull
requests as the rst training set, and add new pull requests to the
training set in each round, which provide dynamic training sets. We
wonder whether the addition of new pull requests in training set im-
proves the performance of tag recommendation. We study the perfor-
mance of tag recommendation based on the xed training set, namely
the rst 2000 tagged pull requests in the rst training set. The tag
recommendation based on xed or dynamic training set has the same
testing dataset in each round. Table 18 shows the average performance
values across all rounds based on different training datasets. The tag
recommendation based on xed training set achieves 0.428 and 0.359 in
terms of F1 score@3 and F1 score@5, which are worse than the tag
recommendation based on the dynamic training set. Therefore, the
addition of new pull requests to the training set improves tag
Interval time M is used to measure the time length in a testing set and
pull requests created before the testing set are used as training data. New
training data is added for updating the feed-forward neural network
every M months. Larger interval time M means lower update frequencies
of additional training data. Here, we investigate how the setting of in-
terval time affects tag recommendation. Table 19 shows the perfor-
mance of tag recommendation with different interval time M. When M is
set as 1, results show that FNNRec achieves the best performance.
Additional training data is added every 1 month, which may build a
better feed-forward neural network. As interval time M increases, the
performance of tag recommendation becomes worse. In this paper, in-
terval time M is set as 1 by default. In practice, project owners can
choose the suitable setting of interval time M for open source projects.
5.7. RQ4: Benets of the feed-forward neural network
FNNRec uses the feed-forward neural network to recommend tags. In
this subsection, we investigate the performance of different machine
learning algorithms or deep learning algorithms. We use different al-
gorithms to build a recommendation model, including Extra Tree, KNN,
Table 15
Precisions@K, Recalls@K and F1-scores@K (K=3,5) of FNNRec with different number of epochs.
Epoch Precision@3 Recall@3 F1-score@3 Precision@5 Recall@5 F1-score@5
10 0.342 0.579 0.4 0.237 0.648 0.326
20 0.406 0.677 0.472 0.289 0.76 0.392
30 0.436 0.712 0.502 0.31 0.803 0.418
40 0.447 0.726 0.514 0.317 0.816 0.427
50 0.448 0.724 0.514 0.318 0.814 0.427
60 0.401 0.655 0.462 0.288 0.749 0.389
70 0.399 0.651 0.459 0.286 0.744 0.387
Table 16
Precisions@K, Recalls@K and F1-scores@K (K=3,5) of FNNRec with different number of hidden units.
Hidden Unit Precision@3 Recall@3 F1-score@3 Precision@5 Recall@5 F1-score@5
50% 0.443 0.721 0.509 0.314 0.81 0.423
100% 0.447 0.726 0.514 0.317 0.816 0.427
150% 0.447 0.724 0.513 0.317 0.814 0.426
200% 0.448 0.724 0.514 0.316 0.813 0.426
Table 17
Precisions@K, Recalls@K and F1-scores@K (K=3,5) of FNNRec with different number of tagged pull requests in the rst training set.
Pull requests Precision@3 Recall@3 F1-score@3 Precision@5 Recall@5 F1-score@5
1000 0.434 0.722 0.503 0.306 0.81 0.416
2000 0.447 0.726 0.514 0.317 0.816 0.427
3000 0.452 0.732 0.519 0.321 0.822 0.432
Table 18
Precisions@K, Recalls@K and F1-scores@K (K=3,5) of FNNRec with different training datasets.
Training set Precision@3 Recall@3 F1-score@3 Precision@5 Recall@5 F1-score@5
Fixed training set 0.369 0.621 0.428 0.263 0.713 0.359
Dynamic training set 0.447 0.726 0.514 0.317 0.816 0.427
RQ3: FNNRec achieves the best precisions, recalls and F1-scores when the number of epochs is set as 40 or 50, and the number of hidden units is
set as 100% of the number of input units.
J. Jiang et al.
Information and Software Technology 129 (2021) 106394
Random Forest, RNN and LSTM. Table 20 shows precisions, recalls and
F1-scores of different machine learning algorithms or deep learning al-
gorithms. We notice that FNNRec based on FNN performs better than
approaches based on other algorithms. Therefore, we choose the feed-
forward neural network to recommend tags.
6. Threats to validity
Threats to external validity relate to generalizability of our study.
First, our experimental results are limited to 10 popular projects. We
nd that FNNRec achieves higher precision, Recall and F1 score values
than TagDeepRec and TagMulRec, which are based on 10 projects in our
datasets. We cannot claim that the same results would be achieved in
other projects. Our future work will focus on evaluation in other projects
to better generalize results of our method. We will conduct broader
experiments to validate whether FNNRec performs well in tag recom-
mendation. Second, our empirical ndings are based on open-source
software projects in GitHub, and it is unknown whether our results
can be generalized to other open-source software platforms. In the
future, we plan to study a similar set of research questions in other
platforms, and compare their results with our ndings in GitHub.
Construct validity threats are related to the degree to which the
construct being studied is affected by experiment settings. First, we use
precision, recall and F1-score, which are also used by previous works to
evaluate effectiveness of tag recommendation approaches [5,8].
Therefore, we believe there is little threat to construct validity. Second,
we dene some factors to quantitatively measure potential features
mentioned by respondents. There may be other measures. For example,
some respondents think that a recommendation tool should consider
pull requests code. In this work, we mainly analyze le paths of
modied code but do not analyze functions or classes in modied code.
In future work, we will try more factors to recommend tags for pull
requests, such as source code representation generated by AST-based
Neural Network [27]. Third, we send the survey to integrators
whoever set tags. This selection of integrators may favor developers with
a positive review toward tag recommendation, and may not reect as
well those who nd it useless. Furthermore, we provide three choices for
developers attitudes, including Useful, Useless and Unsure. A
choice on a Likert scale is better to get more of the range on attitudes.
Threats to conclusion validity is concerned with issues that affect the
ability to draw the correct conclusion. We conduct a survey to under-
stand tags in pull requests. Two authors manually read replies, build
categories, and classify responses into corresponding categories. The
category othermay include unclear responses. For example, a response
about the usage of tags is Labels are used to group PR, so related
contributor developer can review his/her related tagged PR.Since this
response does not describe groups of pull requests, we do not know
specic usages of tags in detail. In future work, we may try to send
emails to some respondents and ask for more details about their
7. Related work
Related work to this study could be divided into three main cate-
gories, including issue tag, tag recommendation, and reviewer
Issue tag. Some researchers studied tags used in issues of GitHub [3,
28,29]. Cabot et al. explored the use of labels to categorize issues in
GitHub [3]. Their results revealed using labels favored the resolution of
issues. Bissyande et al. found that two most common tags in issues were
bug and feature [28]. Izquierdo et al. presented a visualization tool to
help managers and developers to better understand how issue labels
were employed in their open-source software projects [29].
In GitHub, developers write issue reports to identify bugs and
document feature requests [28]. Developers submit pull requests when
they want to merge code changes into main repositories [2]. In this
paper, we mainly study tags in pull requests, rather than issue.
Tag recommendation. Initial studies [5,6,810,3032] designed
approaches to recommend tags in software information sites, such as
StackOverow and Freecode. Xia et al. proposed a method called
TAGCOMBINE to automatically recommend tags for software objects [5,
33]. Wang et al. proposed a tag recommendation method called EnTa-
gRec which was based on historical tag assignments to software objects
[6]. Results showed that EnTagRec made better tag recommendation
than TAGCOMBINE [5,33]. Zhou et al. proposed a new software object
multi-classication method TagMulRec which recommended tags for
large-scale evolving software information sites [8]. Liu et al. proposed
an automated scalable tag recommendation method FastTagRec using
Table 19
Precisions@K, Recalls@K and F1-scores@K (K=3,5) of FNNRec with different interval time.
Interval time Precision@3 Recall@3 F1-score@3 Precision@5 Recall@5 F1-score@5
1 0.447 0.726 0.514 0.317 0.816 0.427
5 0.431 0.701 0.495 0.306 0.791 0.412
10 0.417 0.679 0.48 0.297 0.771 0.402
15 0.403 0.663 0.466 0.287 0.753 0.390
Table 20
Precisions@K, Recalls@K and F1-scores@K (K=3,5) of different algorithms.
Algorithm Precision@3 Recall@3 F1-score@3 Precision@5 Recall@5 F1-score@5
Extra Tree 0.402 0.659 0.464 0.289 0.752 0.391
KNN 0.317 0.533 0.369 0.228 0.614 0.311
Random Forest 0.401 0.659 0.463 0.288 0.751 0.389
RNN 0.389 0.360 0.366 0.284 0.434 0.336
LSTM 0.301 0.492 0.346 0.228 0.604 0.309
FNN 0.447 0.726 0.514 0.317 0.816 0.427
RQ4: The tag recommendation achieves the best performance based on feed-forward neural network.
J. Jiang et al.
Information and Software Technology 129 (2021) 106394
neural network-based classication [9]. Li et al. designed a new tag
recommendation approach TagDeepRec using attention-based Bi-LSTM
[10]. Experiment analysis showed that TagMulRec outperformed
EnTagRec [6], and TagDeepRec outperformed FastTagRec [10]. Exper-
iment results show that in the recommendation of pull requests tags,
our approach FNNRec achieves higher precisions, recalls and F1-scores
than TagDeepRec and TagMulRec.
Previous work [34] proposed a graph-based approach to assign tags
for repositories in GitHub. This work recommended tags to annotate
repositories, and helped developers to efciently search repositories.
Different from this work, our approach FNNRec recommends tags for
pull requests in a project.
Reviewer recommendation. There have been a number of studies
on reviewer recommendation for pull requests in GitHub [21,3537].
Jiang et al. used support vector machines to analyze integrators pre-
vious decisions, and designed an approach CoreDevRec to recommend
integrators for pull requests [21]. Yu et al. built comment networks to
predict appropriate reviewers of incoming pull requests in GitHub [36,
Different from these works, we solve a different problem and design
an automatic approach to recommend tags, rather than reviewers.
8. Conclusion
In this paper, we rst make a survey on the usage of pull requests in
GitHub. Survey results show that tags are useful for developers to track,
search or classify pull requests. However, it is difcult to choose right
tags and keep consistency of tags. 60.61% of respondents think that a tag
recommendation tool is useful. In order to help developers choose tags,
we propose an approach FNNRec. Based on titles, description, le paths
and contributors, FNNRec uses feed-forward neural networks to
compute probabilities and recommends tags. We evaluate effectiveness
of FNNRec on 10 projects containing 68,497 pull requests. We compare
it to approaches TagDeepRec [10] and TagMulRec [8]. The experi-
mental results show that on average across 10 projects, FNNRec out-
performs approaches TagDeepRec [10] and TagMulRec [8] by 62.985%
and 24.953% in terms of F1 score@3, respectively. FNNRec achieves
better recommendation performance than TagDeepRec and TagMulRec.
Therefore, we believe that FNNRec is useful to nd appropriate tags and
improve tag setting process in GitHub.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Jing Jiang: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing - original
draft, Writing - review & editing. Qiudi Wu: Software, Validation,
Investigation. Jin Cao: Software, Investigation. Xin Xia: Methodology,
Writing - review & editing. Li Zhang: Conceptualization, Writing - re-
view & editing, Funding acquisition.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to inuence
the work reported in this paper.
This work is supported by the National Key Research and Develop-
ment Program of China No. 2018AAA0102304, the State Key Laboratory
of Software Development Environment under Grant No. SKLSDE-
2019ZX-05, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
under Grant No. YWF-20-BJ-J-1018 and the National Natural Science
Foundation of China under Grant No. 61732019.
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