Staff-Managed Problem Behavior Form Overview
What is it?
The Staff-Managed Problem Behavioral Form is a Google Form that can be used by Multi-Tiered System
of Supports (MTSS) school leadership teams and administrators to track incidents of minor problem
behavior across all school environments. The Tennessee Multi-Tiered System of Supports Center (TN-
MTSS Center) Staff-Managed Problem Behavior Form is one option for collecting student behavioral
data that School Leadership Teams can use to support students and teachers in efforts to improve
student behavior. Reach out to TN-MTSS Center at tnmtsscenter@vanderbilt.edu
for technical
Who is involved?
MTSS School Leadership Teams: Collect and analyze data that summarizes behavioral data by
location, time of day, behavior, monthly trends, referring staff, grade, action taken, others
involved, possible motivation, and action taken (staff response). Teams can then summarize
behavioral data to inform their discussions.
School staff members: Complete the Staff-Managed Problem Behavior Form when minor
problem behaviors occur, as defined by your school’s discipline flow chart or school or district
policy, in order to track student behavior and support students prior to formal office discipline
When should it occur?
Entry of student behavioral data is ongoing, and occurs daily as needed. When minor inappropriate
behaviors occur, a school staff member should complete the Staff-Managed Problem Behavior Form.
The MTSS School Leadership Team should review student behavioral data monthly to inform school-
wide decision making and drive continuous improvement. Please routinely share summaries of school-
wide behavioral data with your faculty.
How are data used?
To inform school-wide decisions regarding student behavior and MTSS nonacademic supports
implementation action planning
To screen for behavior problems and/or monitor students’ behavioral progress
To track inappropriate behavior
To evaluate the overall effectiveness of MTSS implementation.
Staff-Managed Problem Behavior Form
TN-MTSS Center developed this form as a no-cost option for schools to enter and summarize student
behavioral data. Please reach out to TN-MTSS Center for further information on how to use the Staff-
Managed Problem Behavior Form.
Instructions for MTSS School Leadership Team………………………………………………………………………..Page 2
Using the SMPB Form to summarize school-wide behavioral data…………………………………………….Page 5
Instructions for using the Awesome Tables Add-On………………………………….….…………………………..Page 6
Instructions for School Staff……………………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 8
Instructions for creating iPhone/iPad shortcut………………………………………………………………………….Page 10
Instructions for creating Android shortcut………………………………………………………………………………..Page 11
Instructions for MTSS School Leadership Team
The Staff-Managed Problem Behavior (SMPB) Form was designed by Tennessee Multi-Tiered System of
Supports Center for use with Google Forms. The SMPB Form was developed to allow schools to enter
and summarize school-wide student behavioral data over time in an effort to document minor
behavioral infractions and reduce the use of formal Office Discipline Referrals (ODRs). Please contact TN-
MTSS Center for information on how to use the Staff-Managed Problem Behavior Form appropriately.
1. Access the SMPB Form through the following link. The SMPB form will copy to the Google
account currently open in your browser. Please make sure this is a protected and Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) compliant account. TN-MTSS Center suggests using
a school administrator’s official school Google account, as the data gathered with the SMPB
form will sync to the google account used in this step (i.e., the Google account used to Copy the
tool). The data recorded with this form will be stored in Google drive. Consult with your school-
level and district-level supervisors before using the SMPB form. TN-MTSS Center advises against
using a personal Google account for storing school-related data. Please check with your
building-level and district-level supervisors regarding questions related to storing data online
such as through your school’s Google drive. Use the following hyperlink to create a copy of the
TN-MTSS Center Staff-Managed Problem Behavior Form
. In order customize the SMPB form for
use with your school, TN-MTSS Center strongly suggests collaborating with your school
personnel who are experienced Google Form users.
2. Access the SMPB Form. Then select “Make a Copy”. The SMPB form will automatically copy to
the Google account currently active in your open browser.
Select the “palette icon” to customize the
theme, change colors, and/or upload an
image into the header of your Google Form.
3. The “Copy of Staff-Managed Problem Behavior Form” will appear in “edit mode” in a new tab
in your browser. From this screen you can edit and customize the form.
4. There are two additional ways to access the form.
a. Select Google Apps and scroll down from your Google home page to access Google
b. Or access your “My Drive”, then select the Copy of Staff-Managed Problem Behavior
5. Once the form has been copied to a protected Google drive, such as a school FERPAcompliant
Google account, it is ready to send out to staff via Email. Please check with your school-level
and district-level supervisors prior to using this form with student data. Data used with the
Staff-managed Problem Behavior Form will be automatically saved to Google drive. A school
team can consider editing the form prior to sending out for staff use. You can edit the form by
clicking on an item and either editing text or deleting an item by clicking the X”. For example,
team members from a K-6 school might want to delete grade levels 7-12 from the dropdown list
6. Once edits have been made, use the SENDbutton located on the top right corner of the form
to share form with your staff by email. This will allow your staff members to use the form but
will not give staff access to data or form editing capabilities. Select “Send Via link” then “Copy
and paste into the body of a list serve email.
7. When emailing the link to your staff, please include the following instructions
: “Staff-Managed
Problem Behavior Form School Staff User Guide”. See page 8.
Using the Staff-Managed Problem Behavior Form
A school team might also want to replace the
“Referring Staff Name” text entry box with a
dropdown list of staff names.
to Summarize School-wide Data
1. Once responses have been recorded, select the “responses” tab via the Google Form edit page
to access data summary pie charts and bar graphs (see image below).
If names are not entered consistently (for
example, due to misspellings or spaces
inserted after text) data will appear to
represent different persons.
Staff-Managed Problem Behavior Form
School Staff User Guide
1. The Staff-Managed Problem Behavior Form (SMPB) form can be completed via computer or
mobile device. See page 10 and 11 for instructions on how to create a SMPB form shortcut on
your smart phone desktop.
2. Access the SMPB form via your FERPA-compliant school/work email and using the link sent to
you by your school administrator. DO NOT use the SMPB form with your personal Google
3. Open the form, then press and hold left mouse button to capture and drag the “lock icon” next
to the url, and drag it to your desktop to create a shortcut. Then you will be able to access the
SMPB form conveniently from your desktop. See page 7 for instructions on how to create a
SMPB form shortcut on your smart phone.
4. The SMPB form is designed to be used in a time-efficient manner. Please complete each item
with sufficient detail to document minor problem behaviors. Thoroughly complete the form by
entering information into text boxes and making selections from dropdown menus. Information
requested includes:
a. Student name
i. When entering student names be consistent. If names are misspelled the
data will appear to represent different persons.
b. Student ID (if available)
c. Student Grade Level
d. Problem Behavior
e. Month
f. Day
g. Time of Incident
h. Referring Staff Name (First Last)
i. Location
j. Others Involved (select all that apply)
k. Possible Motivation (function of behavior)
l. Action Taken (select all that apply)
m. Select minor (staff-managed) or major (ODR)
Staff-Managed Problem Behavior Form
Instructions for creating a smartphone or mobile device shortcut
iPhone Instructions:
1. Access the SMPB Form via offical FERPA-compliant school/work email from your iPhone. DO
NOT open the SMPB form from your personal g-mail account.
2. Select to “FILL OUT THE FORM”.
3. Then select to “SEND” the form to your desktop.
4. Select “ADD TO HOMESCREEN” then select “ADD”. The shortcut will appear on your iPhone
Desktop as a google form icon.
Android Instructions:
1. Access the SMPB Form via official FERPA-compliant school/work email from your iPhone. DO NOT
open the SMPB form from your personal g-mail account.
2. Select to “FILL OUT THE FORM”.
3. Then select the “vertical ellipsis icon in the upper right corner to access more options and create
a “Desktop Site.
4. Then “Add to Home screen”.
Staff-Managed Problem Behavior Form. TN-MTSS Center developed this form as a no-cost option for
schools to enter and summarize student behavioral data. Please contact Tennessee Multi-Tiered System
of Supports Center for information on how to use the Staff-Managed Problem Behavior Form.
TN-MTSS Center can be contacted at our email address: tnmtsscenter@vanderbilt.edu.