School Counselors
Transition Coordinators
Planning for Life
After High School
to Employment
A Handbook for:
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Tony Evers, PhD, State Superintendent
Message from
State Superintendent
of Public Instruction
Tony Evers, PhD
Opening Doors to Employment
All students deserve to graduate from high school
feeling hopeful about their future and ready
for further educational opportunities and the
workforce. It is our mission to prepare Wisconsin’s
students to become contributing members of their
communities and the world by connecting youth to
the resources necessary for a successful transition.
For students with disabilities, this can be accomplished with comprehensive
advance planning for life after high school. The purpose of this handbook,
Opening Doors to Employment, is to assist youth and their families to
navigate through this planning process.
This handbook has been created to provide guidance to you, your parents,
school counselors, and others on your Individualized Education Program
(IEP) team in developing your employment goals. Employment is not a
privilege but a right for all youth who have a desire to work. As you prepare
academically for your future, it is critical to plan vocationally as well.
This handbook provides valuable information on career exploration, job
preparation, job search strategies, as well as many other useful resources
about employment. It is a tool for your success.
Remember, you have many people who will support you in your planning,
but, in the end, you will make the decisions. Being well informed and well
prepared will help ensure you have a happy and successful life after high
Good luck as you continue to plan your future!
Tony Evers, PhD
State Superintendent
Overview of Transition to Employment 6
Timeline for Planning 7
Deciding on Employment Options 8
Funding and Resources to Help You Find and Keep Employment 9
Types of Employment - Questions to Ask 12
After High School, the Rules Change 13
Planning and Preparing 14
Questions Students Should Ask their IEP Team Members or Support Network 15
What Will Get Me In? Take Stock in Your Skills 17
Communication Skills 17
Number Skills 19
People Skills 20
Social Skills 20
Technical Skills 21
Business Skills 21
Management and Self-Management 22
The Need for Employability Skills 24
Tips for Your Job Search 25
Tips about Technology 26
Tips on Applying for a Job 27
Personal Data Card 29
Sample Employment Application 30
Tips for Interviewing 32
Ten Golden Rules to Keeping a Job 33
My Career Plan 34
Accommodations and Assistive Technology on the Job 35
Resources for Employment-related Assistive Technology 36
Employment-related Websites and Resources 37
Appendix 39
Career Clusters and Pathways List 39
Career Clusters Framework 40
Questions to Ask Supported Employment Providers 42
Work Placements and Least Restrictive Environment 43
Glossary of Abbreviations and Terms 44
Table of Contents
Overview of Transition
To Employment
Students may go in many dierent directions after graduating from
high school. Some students choose to go right into the workforce.
Others may choose to go on to postsecondary education to enhance
their knowledge and skills as required for their career choices (see
Opening Doors to Postsecondary Education and Training). Some
students will go into the military. Students with disabilities have all
these options too.
This handbook deals with the rst option, employment. Employment
includes many kinds of choices from jobs to careers, with or without
support of outside agencies.
This handbook is designed as a guide to help students with disabilities
take another step in preparing for “life after high school.” The
activities in this handbook should be completed with your parent/
guardian, teacher, or school counselor.
While high school is an exciting time, what you do after high school
can be just as exciting with some careful and thoughtful planning. In
order to carefully plan for what will happen after you graduate, you
will need to:
Know your interests.
Know your strengths.
Know the areas you need to work on.
Know the things that work for you and the things that do not work
for you.
Know what kinds of support you might need and who could
provide that support.
Try dierent types of jobs that might lead to a career.
Find out what knowledge and skills are needed for careers you are
interested in.
Although eighth, ninth, and tenth grades may seem early to be
thinking about life after you leave high school, it is important to begin
planning for your life after graduation. You may want to continue
your education (see Opening Doors to Postsecondary Education) or enter
the workforce. Both of these options require career exploration and
research. Most schools oer classes on career and technical education
and opportunities for work experiences. Make sure you are included.
Primary Authors:
Mary Ann Beckman, Ph.D.
Director of Special Education
Arrowhead Union High School District
Laura Owens, Ph.D.
University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
Department of Exceptional Education
2012 Update Workgroup:
Barbara Barnes, Milwaukee Public
Schools; Mary Ann Beckman, Arrow-
head Union High School District; Molly
Cooney, Waisman Center; Wendi Daw-
son, DPI; Meredith Dressel, DVR; Al-
lison Gordon, DVR; Tammy Hofmeister,
DHS; Sarah Lincoln, DHS; Linda Mai-
trejean, WSTI; Lisa Mills, DHS; Nancy
Molfenter, In Control Wisconsin; Colleen
Mulder, WSPEI; Laura Owens, UW-Mil-
waukee; Mary Skadahl, WSPEI; Carole
Stuebe, Portal, Inc; Kim Swenson, WSTI;
Raquel Thorsen, Oak Creek-Franklin
School District; Sue Volz Nett, Madison
Metropolitan School District; Matthew
Zellmer, Wisconsin FACETS
DPI Representatives:
Carolyn Stanford Taylor
Assistant State Superintendent
Stephanie Petska, Director
Special Education
Wendi Dawson, Transition Consultant
Sara Baird, Career Pathways Consultant
Timeline for Planning
Awareness of Employment (Grades K-5)
Discuss what work is and what jobs you know about.
Participate in career days at school.
Take part in household chores (e.g., sorting laundry,
setting the table, cleaning your room, etc.).
Take part in neighborhood jobs (e.g., delivering the paper,
mowing the lawn, shoveling snow, etc.).
Make decisions and choices about things at home (e.g.,
what to wear to school) and at school (e.g., what books to
borrow from the library).
Learn basic academic skills (e.g., reading, math, and
Share hopes and dreams for the future (e.g., what types of
jobs you like).
Practice explaining what help you need to get your work
Build self-condence and self-esteem.
Work as a team and share responsibilities.
Explore Employment Options (Grades 6-8)
Volunteer for school jobs (e.g., oce monitor, guidance
assistant, mail attendant).
Volunteer in the community (e.g., neighborhood groups,
religious groups).
Job shadow (observe employment environments and
tasks) with parents/family/friends.
• Create a ‘MiLOCKER’ at www.wicareerpathways.org.
Learn about variety of careers through Career Center/
Library/Internet to nd job/career options.
Tour businesses to see what kind of work they do and
what jobs they oer.
Talk to adults about what they do for work.
Identify interests and skills.
Build on your academic skills (include writing and other
communication skills).
Learn about and be able to explain what
accommodations/modications you need.
Begin career portfolio (include updated resume, job
applications, letters of reference, career research ndings,
mock or practice interview results). For example, create
‘MiLOCKER’ on www.wicareerpathways.org.
Continue to build self-condence and self-esteem.
Develop problem solving and critical thinking abilities.
Planning and Preparing for Employment
(Grades 9-10)
Continue taking courses in your area of need (e.g., if
you are not good in math, continue taking math classes
beyond the requirements).
Practice completing job applications (online and on
Practice taking online screening tests.
Find out about jobs and learn more about specic career
Meet volunteer mentors from a wide range of careers.
Research further education and training for specic
Identify people/classes that will help you with your
career goal.
Take classes that relate to your career goal.
Make copies of work-related documents (social security
card, birth certicate, work permit).
Contact the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) at
least two years prior to leaving school.
Complete work experiences based on interests.
Participate in any career exploration/preparation classes
oered by your high school.
Learn about resources and make connections with
community agencies.
Complete interest inventories and self-directed searches
at your high school or on the Internet.
Use resources and tools to explore career clusters,
pathways, and careers on www.wicareerpathways.org.
Continue to update your career portfolio.
Exploring Employment/Career Options
(Grades 11-12)
Re-examine your needs, preferences, interests, and skills
with regard to careers based on your work experiences.
Learn about education and/or training requirements in
your career area of interest.
Use www.wicareerpathways.org ‘learn more’ websites, My
Next Move and Wisconsin Worknet, to research labor
market information and job outlooks.
Develop transportation strategies (e.g., drivers license,
independent travel skills training, public or para transit
with or without attendant).
If appropriate, apply for Social Security Income.
Participate in a work-based learning program with your
high school (e.g., internships, work experience programs,
skill standard certicate programs, service learning,
apprenticeship programs).
Participate in paid work experiences in the community
(ask each employer for a letter of reference describing
your skills and attitude on the job).
Continue to update your career portfolio.
For more information on Least Restrictive
Environment (LRE) and transition work placements,
see Appendix,
page 43.
Remember, school is your time to try many dierent types
of jobs. You do not have to choose a job that you will stay in
for life. You may have many dierent jobs, or you may have
many jobs that are alike and will lead to a career. High school
is your time to plan and explore.
The goal for all special education students is that you will
graduate prepared to get and keep a job and enjoy all the
benets of inclusive, integrated employment. That means
working part time or full time in the general workforce,
earning at least minimum wage, on the payroll of a business
in your community.
Every community, regardless of size, has a variety of
businesses that have many dierent types of jobs and
business needs. The key is knowing your interests and skills,
and then identifying the businesses in your community where
those interests and skills would be most valued. Success in
employment is about using your abilities. By focusing on
this, you will be able to identify which employers to contact.
Your rst business contact may be done by asking for a tour
(sometimes called an informational interview). You may also
ask a business if you can job shadow an existing employee
to learn more about specic jobs in that company. After you
get more information about a business, you may ask for an
internship opportunity. Doing all this groundwork will enable
you to make a good employment choice for yourself and will
also show the company what you’ve got to oer before you
ask or apply for a permanent job.
There are dierent types of employment options. You should
talk with your parent(s)/guardian(s), teachers, and school
counselors to nd out which is the best choice for you.
Competitive Employment is work performed in the
most integrated setting possible. (Integrated means most
individuals at the worksite do not have a disability.)
Workers must be paid at or above the minimum wage, and
individuals with disabilities must receive the wage and
benet levels of other individuals performing similar work
for the same employer.
Supported Employment is an employment program for
anyone who might need additional support to learn and
maintain a job. DVR can assist by helping the student job
seeker to identify potential jobs and career paths with
job exploration, job placement, providing support on the
job, and providing a transition to other agencies that can
oer long term support with successful community-based
A student may nd a job while in school, be provided
support services to keep the job for several months with
DVR assistance, and then be transitioned to a long term
support agency. Each of these partners works with the
student to help them make choices about their employment.
Some options for long term support are Family Care, IRIS
(Include, Respect, I Self-Direct), Community Integration
Program, Community Options Program, Children’s
Long-term Support Medicaid Waivers, and mental health
programs. For assistance with interviewing providers of
supported employment, refer to page 42 in the Appendix.
Customized Employment involves an adult service agency
or job developer working with you and a business to create
a position that meets the needs of the business and ts
your specic interests, skills, and conditions. Customized
employment is also a form of competitive employment
because you work in an integrated setting and you earn
at least minimum wage and receive benets. If you need
support to maintain your customized job, this is available
through supported employment.
Self-Employment is owning, managing, and/or operating
your own business to earn money. Often adult service
providers can help with this option. Self-employment oers
many benets for individuals with disabilities:
- The freedom, exibility, and independence that comes from
working for yourself.
- The opportunity to work in a disability-friendly
- The ability to reduce the need for transportation.
- The ability to accommodate changing functional levels.
- The ability to create an accessible work environment.
For more information on self-employment, visit:
Deciding on Employment Options
Help You Find and Keep Employment
In addition to assistance you receive through your school and as part of your IEP services, the following agencies and programs
are available to assist individuals with disabilities in seeking and maintaining integrated community employment.
Divisions of Vocational Rehabilitation
Funding and Resources to
The Wisconsin Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) is
a federal/state program designed to assist individuals with
disabilities to obtain, maintain, or improve employment. As
part of this program, DVR provides assistance to high school
students who are in the transition process as well as technical
assistance to students, parent(s)/guardian(s), and teachers.
DVR can provide other services to students who are eligible
for DVR services and not subject to a waiting list for these
services. Some of these services include:
• Employment guidance and counseling,
Assistance in nding and/or keeping a job,
Assistive technology, and
• Training.
DVR usually serves individuals with the most signicant
disabilities rst. DVR services involve short-term
employment/vocational assistance to get you into a job and
stabilize you in that job. Individualized placement services
can be arranged to assist you in seeking employment.
DVR may also assist in providing accommodations to assist
you in preparing for employment and to facilitate your
performance on the job. An online application for services is
available at: https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/DVRApply/Presentation/
For more information on the DVR, go to:
Ticket to Work
If you choose not to apply to DVR, or if DVR places you on a
waiting list, consider using the Ticket to Work program to get
vocational rehabilitation, training, assistance in nding a job,
and other ongoing support and services.
Ticket to Work oers Social Security Administration (SSA)
disability beneciaries greater choice in obtaining the
support and services they need to help them go to work and
achieve their employment goals.
If you receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)
or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benets based on
disability or blindness and you would like to work or
increase your current earnings, you can get help from the
Ticket program. Services are provided by Employment
Networks (ENs), which are private organizations or
government agencies that have agreed to work with the SSA.
Not all employment service providers are ENs. For a list of
ENs in Wisconsin, go to:
You can choose an agency that oers the services you believe
will best help you to meet your employment goals. For more
information about Ticket to Work, go to:
The SSA has also published a yer on the Ticket to Work
program: http://www.ssa.gov/pubs/10061.html#a0=0.
Social Security Work Incentives
Individuals receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
and/or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) may be
able to pay for their employment services and supports
through these work incentive options:
Plan for Achieving Self-Support (PASS)
Impairment Related Work Expense (IRWE)
For more information about PASS and IRWE and people
who can assist you with accessing these work incentives, see
the links below.
If you think you might want to use a work incentive to help
you pay for employment supports or needs, you should
make an appointment with a work incentives benets
specialist in your area. Your local job center, Aging and
Disability Resource Center (ADRC), or DVR oce can help
you locate a work incentives benets specialist.
You can also go right to an employment service provider
in your area and ask if they can help you access these work
incentives to pay for their services. For a list of employment
service providers, go to:
Private Pay
Some families put money aside for vocational services
instead of, or in addition to, a college fund. Individuals can
then choose the employment service provider they wish
to hire to help them nd and maintain employment in the
community. For a list of employment service providers, go
Job Centers
Your local Job Center can assist you in nding job openings
and funding for work experience programs. To nd your
local Job Center, go to:
Medicaid Long-Term Support System
If you have a signicant disability, you may be eligible
for long-term support services, which include supports to
help you maintain employment after you nd a job and are
settled into it.
Because Wisconsin is in the process of changing over to a
new long-term support system model, what is available to
you will depend on which county you live in. Some counties
still have long waiting lists while other counties have
reached the point where there is no waiting for services. An
important rst step is to nd out what long-term support
program your county oers. To nd out about services in
your county, go to:
Funding and Resources to
Help You Find and Keep Employment
Funding and Resources to
Help You Find and Keep Employment
If you live in a county that oers Family Care and IRIS, you
will rst need to apply and be determined eligible. To do
this, contact your local Aging and Disability Resource Center
(ADRC) for an eligibility screen. To nd your local ADRC, go to:
Once your eligibility is determined, the ADRC sta will
explain your long-term care options and advise you if there is
a waiting period prior to enrollment.
If your county oers the Community Integration Program
(CIP), the Community Options Program (COP) or county-
funded services, you will need to contact the county long-term
support department to nd out how you can apply and when
services would be available to you if you are determined
eligible. To nd the phone number for your county long-term
support department, go to:
Even if your county has a waiting list, it is very important for
you to apply now and get your name added to the waiting list.
If you don’t do this now, your wait for services will be much
Unlike the K-12 public school system where you are entitled to
special education services, the adult service system is based on
specic criteria determining eligibility for services.
As you enter the adult service system, it’s important that you
are well-informed and prepared to advocate for what you
need to reach your employment and other life goals! Attend
transition nights at your local school. Contact and apply early
to the programs listed above and get familiar with the adult
service providers in your area.
Questions to Ask Community or
Supported Employment Providers
What are the eligibility requirements for services and how
do I apply for services?
Are there ways your agency can work with my school to
ensure a smooth transition to employment?
If I need job accommodations or assistive technology, do
you provide these services?
How many sta work in your agency? How many job
seekers does each sta member support?
How long does it generally take to assist someone in
getting a job? Is there a limit on how long I can use your
Does your agency provide support before 9:00 a.m. and
after 5:00 p.m.? On weekends?
How would your agency determine what a good job is for
Does your agency look at advancement in jobs beyond
entry-level work?
May I see a list of businesses where you have helped people
get jobs?
How would you obtain input and maintain communication
with me and my family members?
How would you support me after I have found a job? What
are my options if a job doesn’t work out?
Can I talk with some individuals with disabilities who have
used your services?
Do you have a website, brochure, or other literature?
(For full list of questions, see Appendix - page 42.)
Questions to Ask Yourself if You Are
Interested in Self-Employment
Am I a self-starter?
Am I self-reliant?
How well do I get along with a variety of personalities?
How good am I at making decisions?
What are my strengths and weaknesses?
Do I have the physical and emotional stamina to run a
How well do I plan and organize?
How well do I nd ways to solve problems?
Do I have experience in this type of business?
Is my attitude and drive strong enough to maintain
How will the business aect my family?
Who can help me with my business plan?
What business would I like to start and why?
What type of special training do I need for this type of
What type of education do I need for this business?
How much do I know about this type of business?
Will I need to hire other people to help make my business
Types of Employment – Questions to Ask
Adapted from U.S. Department of Labor, Oce of Disability
Employment Services, “Small Business and Self-Employment
for People with Disabilities” and “Self-Employment: Steps for
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors,” Nancy Arnold, Tom Seekins,
Roger Shelley, David Hammis, Carleen Anderson, and Randall
Brown, 1998
After High School, the Rules Change
Aer High School, the Rules Change
Laws and Responsibilities
e following chart describes general dierences in various areas between public high school and
employment in the adult service world.
High School Adult Service System
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
(IDEA); free and appropriate public education
School services are an entitlement (from age 3-
21 or until regular high school diploma
requirements are met).
Schools assist in connecting the student with
the community support agencies if this
transition need is identied in the IEP.
School attendance is mandatory.
School districts are required to identify
students with disabilities through free
evaluation assessment and the individualized
education program (IEP) process.
Students receive special education and related
services to address needs based on identied
Services include individually designed
instruction, modications, and
accommodations based on an IEP.
Progress toward IEP goals is monitored and
communicated to the parent(s)/guardian(s)
and/or student.
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Adult services are based on eligibility which
may be dierent for each agency.
Consumers must request services needed and
identify what agencies would best meet their
Consumers apply for services and may be
eligible to use an adult service agency to
support them in their employment goals.
Consumers are responsible for disclosing and
providing current (within the last three years)
documentation of a disability.
Consumers apply for services needed through
various adult services agencies. ey must be
self-advocates (see Opening Doors to Self-
Determination Skills).
Services are individually designed through
Individual Plans for Employment or a similar
individualized plan developed with the
Progress toward employment goals are
monitored by the consumer and adult service
provider. Self-advocacy is a must (see Opening
Doors to Self-Determination Skills).
Planning and Preparing:
Deciding to Enter the Workforce
Where do you begin? The key to successful transition to
employment is early planning. It is important for you
to have high expectations and goals for yourself in
elementary, middle, and high school.
Skill development and practice are also important (for
example, time management, communication, mobility,
self-advocacy skills).
Ask yourself:
Do my abilities match my interests?
What job-related experience do I have?
What do I like and dislike about school, work, and
jobs I have had at home or in school?
What volunteer work have I done?
Where can I get letters of reference for my
Do I have the right skills and education for the job I
Jobs and Skills that Lead to a Career
A job is something that you are involved in so you can
earn money, usually during high school years. Jobs give
you a chance to learn basic employment-related skills
(for example, being on time, listening to supervisors,
learning work-appropriate behavior and expectations,
and working as a team) that will help you be more
successful in your future career.
A career is an occupation or a profession that is
considered to be a person’s lifework. Your career
should match the areas of interest you identify as you
prepare through classes, work experience, volunteer
positions, and often times training beyond high school.
Developing a career does not happen overnight – it is a
process. For example, your rst job will not be working
as a chef, but the types of jobs you choose will help you
learn the skills needed to have a career as a chef.
Selecting a career requires a lot of thought about what
you might want to be doing in ve or ten years, what
skills and education you will need, and how you will
work to achieve your career goals.
For example:
If you are interested in working with machines and have
a career goal to be a mechanic someday, a position as a
stocker at your local grocery store would be a job. Your
job is helping you earn money, but does not match your
employment goals/interests leading to a career.
If you are interested in working with animals and
would like to be a veterinary assistant, a position at
a local pet store during high school would be a job
leading to a career. This position is helping you learn
skills and take necessary steps toward your employment
Just for fun…
What is your Employment Goal?
List three jobs that would lead you to a career in this
1. _______________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________
Questions Students Should Ask Their
IEP Team Members or Support Network
The following are questions, recommended skills, and steps needed in planning for employment after high school.
Check them o as you address each area.
Did you Know???
The single best predictor of employment success after high school is participating in work experiences in school.
Self Advocacy Skills
_____ Find ways to explain your disability. (How
does your disability aect you at home? On
a job?)
_____ Communicate your strengths related to job
_____ Communicate areas in which you need to
improve related to job skills.
_____ Explain the best way for you to learn new
_____ Explain what accommodations or extra
help you need to be successful (these are
called “reasonable accommodations”).
_____ Explain your legal rights (IDEA, ADA,
Section 504).
_____ Be involved in your IEP meetings and
share your interests and ideas about
employment goals. Make sure transition
plans are documented in your IEP.
_____ Complete a career interest inventory with
your school counselor or teacher.
_____ Identify what career clusters/pathways you
are interested in.
_____ Find out what knowledge and skills are
needed for the careers in your interest
_____ Job shadow in businesses.
_____ Tour businesses.
_____ Interview employers.
_____ Interview a person who has the job/career
you are interested in.
_____ Identify and list jobs that would lead to
your career interest. You may have more
than one career or interest area, and that is
okay. Find information about each of your
interest areas to determine the best career
_____ Take classes related to your career goal.
_____ Participate in work experiences through
_____ Visit or write to the local technical college
or university and get information about
your career choice.
_____ Visit or call adult service agencies to nd
out what they can oer to assist you.
Questions Students Should Ask Their IEP Team
Members or Support Network
_____ Participate in at least one work experience
by eighth grade based on your interests.
_____ Participate in at least one work experience
each semester during high school based on
your interests. (Note: your work experience
should be in dierent work environments
with dierent work tasks to help you
identify what type of career you really
want after high school.)
_____ Get a letter of reference/recommendation
from your work experience employer.
_____ Update your career portfolio and resume.
“Through job shadowing and high
school work experiences, I learned
such things as dealing with anger. I
learned social skills and how to be a
good worker.”
-- 12th grade student with
emotional behavioral disability
Remember to get letters of recommendation
from teachers, work experience supervisor, and
Participate in many different work experiences to find
out what your interests really are.
Keep a work experience log to record dates of experi-
ence, supervisor’s name, company name, job duties.
Develop a list of questions you would want to ask an
employer about the jobs available and skills needed.
Don’t forget to update your career portfolio each
What will get me in?
Take stock in your skills!
Look at the list of skills critical in the development of
any job/career. With your parent or teacher, check the
box that best describes your ability in that area. You may
not need all these skills for your career choice. Work
with your teacher or parent to help you think about the
skills you have and the skills you may need.
What will get me in?
Take stock in your skills!
You may not need all these skills for your career choice. Work with your teacher or parent to help you think about
the skills you have and the skills you may need.
What will get me in?
Take stock in your skills!
What will get me in?
Take stock in your skills!
What will get me in?
Take stock in your skills!
What will get me in?
Take stock in your skills!
Seeking help when needed
What will get me in?
Take stock in your skills!
It is also important to know what skills you need to work on. List three career skills you need to develop
or improve upon. Identify who can help you with those.
The Need for Employability Skills
Employability skills are those that apply across a variety
of jobs and life contexts. They are also known as key
skills, core skills, workplace skills, essential skills,
key competencies, necessary skills, and transferrable
skills. Regardless of what they are called, essentially
employability skills are those basic skills necessary
for getting, keeping, and doing well on a job. They are
generic in nature and cut across jobs, industry types, and
occupational levels.
In order to be a productive citizen in the world of work,
family, or community involvement, mastery of basic
employability skills is essential for all students. The
Employability Skills Certicate Program is designed to
address the skills and behaviors that are critical in the
21st century.
The intent of DPI’s Employability Skills Certicate Program
is to recognize a student’s mastery of employability
skills valued by employers, help students explore
a career interest, and provide a state credential of
student mastery of employability skills. Integrated in
this strategy, this program provides state guidelines to
help local districts oer school-supervised work-based
learning programs.
The Employability Skills Certicate Program assesses
students in the following areas:
1) Develops positive relationships with others
2) Communicates eectively with others
3) Collaborates with others
4) Maintains composure under pressure
5) Demonstrates integrity
6) Performs quality work
7) Provides quality goods and services (internal and
8) Shows initiative and self-direction
9) Adapts to change
10) Demonstrates safety and security regulations and
11) Applies job-related technology, information, and
12) Fullls training or certication requirements for
13) Sets personal goals for improvement
For more information on the Employability Skills
Certicate Program please visit:
http://cte.dpi.wi.gov/cte_esintro or consult with your
district Career and Technical Education contact.
Tips for your Job Search
Use personal contacts to nd out about possible job
opportunities. This practice is called “networking.”
Personal contacts could be friends, family, former
co-workers or employers, members of your religious
organization, or local community members such as
doctors, physical therapists, counselors, members of
professional organizations or social clubs, etc.
Use a direct approach by going from one employer to
another. You may need to visit or telephone many places
of employment about present or future job openings.
Use the local Aging and Disability Resource Center
(ADRC), public library, Job Service or the Internet
(local libraries will have computers to access the
Internet) to get employment information in your area.
Independent Living Centers or adult service agencies
may provide employment leads and job club services to
individuals with disabilities.
Classied ads found from your local newspaper, local
bulletin boards, or local magazines may be useful.
Use computerized listings of job banks from various
Go to your local Job Center or Job Service to nd
listings of businesses hiring.
Local university or technical college may have job
Volunteer activities can sometimes lead to paid
employment and can provide good work experience to
include on a resume.
Temporary stang agencies may lead to permanent
employment and can provide good work experience to
include on a resume.
Attend job fairs in your area where businesses gather to
meet potential candidates.
These are just a few strategies that may help you nd a job, but
there are many more. Talk with your parent(s)/guardian(s),
teachers, and school counselors about more ideas.
After looking at current skills and
being involved with business tours,
job shadowing activities, and work
experiences, “One thing comes to mind
when you are talking about people in a
business. That is that there is no ‘I’ in
team. A team is what you need to have a
successful business. You must work with
people even though you may not like them
all the time.”
-- 11th grade student with a learning disability
Talk with your teacher/school counselor to find out
what courses you can take to work on the skills you
need for your career choice.
Talk with your teacher/school counselor to find out
what you can do in school and at home to work on
the skills you need for your career choice.
Use your own personal network – what employers
do you and your family know who could help you
Look for jobs available in your area (see website
Tips about Technology
Cell Phones: After you have applied for a job, the
prospective employer may need to reach you for
an interview to clarify some of the information you
provided or to oer you a job. Because the employer
may call you, it is important to have a professional
greeting on your home or cell phone. The greeting
should be spoken clearly. It should include your name, a
request for the caller to leave a message, and a statement
that you will return their call promptly. You should not
have music playing as part of your greeting. Employers
may nd a long message annoying or inconvenient. They
may feel your choice of music or an informally worded
greeting is oensive or unprofessional, and may decide
you are not the right person for the job.
E-mail: Some employers prefer to contact prospective
employees through e-mail. An employer may ask you
to provide your e-mail address as a means to contact
you. Your e-mail address must also be professional.
You should avoid a nickname or phrase that could be
misunderstood or leave the employer with a negative
Social Media: You must also be cautious and mindful
when using social media, such as “Facebook.”
Remember that messages and photos posted on
“Facebook” or other sites can be viewed by many people,
including employers. Be prudent with your language
and messages when you post online. Consider how your
pictures may be perceived by an employer. You may
need to remove pictures that have been posted of you if
they don’t show you acting in a mature or professional
Tips on Applying for a Job
Personal Information
City, State, Zip Code
Phone Number
Eligibility to work in the United States
Felony convictions
If under age, work permit
Schools/Colleges Attended
Graduation Dates(s)
If you have had a serious run-in with the law, find
out what you need to report on a job application.
You may want to ask someone for help in
completing the online application.
If there is a test, you may need to also ask for help.
When you apply for a job, you are often asked to
complete an application for employment. You may
be asked to complete a paper application, even if
you have already submitted a resume and cover
It is important for your job application to be
complete, correct (no errors), and neat (no cross
outs). Here is the information you will need to
complete an application for employment as well as
tips and suggestions for writing applications that
make a great impression.
Before you start looking for a job, it is important to
take time to decide what you want to do. Even if you
do not have any paid work experience, there are many
possible jobs out there for you. For example, if you
love animals, check with local veterinarian oces to
see if they are hiring, or if they have some volunteer
opportunities. If you’d prefer working with children,
check with your local YMCA (many have after-school
child care programs and summer camps) or child care
centers. Fast food restaurants and retail stores often hire
employees without experience and are willing to train
new employees.
Online Applications
Many businesses now have applications online. Here are
some tips for applying online.
Use a subject line. The subject line you use will depend
upon the job you are applying for. If the job posting
has a code or job title associated with it, place it in the
subject line. If you are e-mailing a business to nd out
if they have any job openings, put “job openings” in the
subject line.
Follow the instructions provided with the job posting.
A lot of job postings give you specic directions for
applying online. They do so to streamline the application
process, so help them out and show you are capable of
following instructions.
Include a cover letter in the message. This is your
chance to get the employer’s attention. Address it to the
appropriate person. Introduce yourself and highlight
how your skills are exactly what they are looking for.
Include your resume in the e-mail instead of as
an attachment. Some systems automatically reject
attachments so it is generally a good idea to include
your resume in the body of your e-mail.
Format your resume appropriately. Take some time to
make sure your resume is formatted correctly within
the e-mail. A resume that is not formatted correctly, or
unreadable, will most likely be deleted.
Position Applied For Information
Title of the job; hours/days available to work
When you can start work
Employment Information
Names, addresses, phone numbers of previous
Supervisor’s name
Dates of employment
Reason for Leaving
List three references - names, job title or relationship,
addresses, phone numbers
Resume (if you have one)
Tips for Applying for a Job (cont’d)
Use a data card (see next page) to make sure you have all the information you need for your application.
Don’t leave anything blank. If you don’t know the details, bring the application home and return it when it’s
Write clearly and neatly, using black or blue ink.
Check for spelling and grammar. Proofread your job application before turning it in.
List your most recent job first.
List your most recent education first. Include vocational schools and training programs as well as college and
high school.
References don’t necessarily have to be professional. If you have volunteered, you can use members of the orga-
nizations you have helped or if you are a student, use your teachers. Always ask for permission before using
someone as a reference.
Don’t forget to sign your application!
Personal Data Card
Birthdate _________________________________
Sample Employment Application
Sample Employment Application (cont’d)
Tips for Interviewing
Attitude is the most important aspect of interviewing.
Practice your rm handshake. You can show your
positive attitude in the way you present yourself. Tell
the interviewing team when, where, and how you have
put forth extra eort above and beyond the call of duty.
Dress for success. Wear clean clothes and shoes. Have
well-groomed hair, clean/trimmed nails, minimal
cologne or perfume, empty pockets (no bulges or noisy
change), no chewing gum, no visible body piercing
(remove them before interview), and no visible tattoos
(cover them with clothing or a bandaid).
Nonverbal communication. Maintain eye contact. If
you look away while listening, it shows lack of interest
and a short attention span. If you look away while
speaking, it shows lack of condence in what you are
saying and may send the subtle message that you are
lying. If you nd it hard to keep eye contact, look at
their nose! Be aware of your facial expressions, such
as wrinkling your nose or furrowing your eyebrows.
Posture shows your condence. Stand tall, walk tall,
and most of all, sit tall. Recognize the boundaries of
personal space.
Turn o your cell phone! Better yet, leave your cell
phone at home or in the car.
Be prepared to talk about your experiences and why
you are the best candidate for the job. Why should the
employer hire you over someone else? Talk about your
experiences (paid employment, volunteer work) and
why you would be the best person for the job.
Decide if you want to disclose your disability. This is
your choice only. By law, employers are not allowed to
ask if you have a disability. If you do disclose, be able to
explain your disability in relation to the job duties. Also
be ready to explain any accommodations you would
need to be successful on the job.
Have a mock interview with your teacher, parent,
or employer to get tips on how you can do a better
Make a list of questions to ask the employer
during the interview to show your interest.
The decision to disclose your disability and
when to do so may be the single most important
consideration in your job search. This is a personal
decision that has to be made for each job lead you
pursue and will be based on the nature of your
disability and your knowledge of the prospective
Check out the publication, The 411 on Disability
Disclosure: A Workbook for Youth with Disabilities,
Did you Know???
You can find out about the labor market in your
area by searching the Internet. Ask your teacher or
school counselor to help you find the information
for your area.
Ten Golden Rules to Keeping a Job
1. Be on time. If you are going to be late, call and let your
supervisor know when you will be in and why you
will be late. When you get to work, apologize for being
late and oer to stay later to complete your work.
2. Have good attendance. Do not call in sick often. Try
to come to work whenever you are scheduled. If you
are sick, make sure you call your employer early so a
replacement can be called, if needed. Remember, it’s
your job so you need to call and/or communicate with
your employer. (Your parent(s)/guardian(s) should not
call for you.)
3. Be neat and tidy. Shower or take a bath before going to
work. Make sure to wash your hair and use deodorant.
Make sure your clothes are clean.
4. Complete your work every day. Finish your job every
day. Do not leave things until the next day. If you
cannot nish your work, make sure your supervisor
knows. Take the initiative to do extra work when your
job is done.
5. Be a good communicator. Make sure you are clear
in what you say. Listen to what you are being told. If
someone corrects you on the job, say thank you.
6. Follow the rules of the workplace. Make sure you
review your handbook and know the rules for calling
in sick, taking tips from customers, or coming in late.
Know what your supervisor expects from you.
7. Be a good team player and be nice to others. Work
well with others. Be cooperative and help others when
they need help. Co-workers will want to help and
work with you if you are nice to them. For example,
nd out when their birthday is and wish them a happy
birthday on that day. You need to get along even if you
don’t like your co-workers.
8. Ask for help. If you do not understand part of your
job or cannot complete your job, ask your supervisor
or co-worker for help.
After a semester of work experience in a
retail store, “I wasn’t good around people
and look at me now, I work well with
-- 11th grade student with learning and
emotional behavioral disabilities
9. Diversity is good. Be understanding of dierences in
other people; co-workers, supervisors, and customers.
10. Work hard and get ahead. Do your job and volunteer
to complete assignments your supervisor needs help
with. Being a self-starter and following these Ten
Golden Rules will help you get ahead.
My Career Plan
(use separate sheet of paper)
within 1 mile from my home
within 10 miles from my home
within 25 miles from my home
Accommodations and Assistive
Technology on the Job
What is a job accommodation?
Job accommodations allow a person with a disability to
perform the dierent tasks of a job. Accommodations
may include changes to the work area, specialized
equipment, or changes in how the job is completed.
This accommodation process is referred to as assistive
technology (AT).
What accommodations are employers
required to provide?
Federal and Wisconsin laws require that employers make
accommodations for employees with disabilities so they
can complete a job. Most employers are also required to
provide accommodations to workers so they can perform
essential functions (main duties) of the job. Examples of
accommodations that may be provided include:
A computer which provides a voice reading of the
computer screen so a blind person can also “read”
what is on the computer monitor.
Raising the workstation to accommodate a wheelchair.
An ergonomic chair increasing the comfort of a worker
with a back injury.
An alternate keyboard to reduce stress causing carpal
tunnel syndrome.
Allowing a person to use personal accommodations,
such as a seeing eye dog, while on the job.
Making a restroom wheelchair accessible for a worker
who uses a wheelchair.
Accommodations are also required to allow a person
with a disability equal access to the process of applying
for work. This could include:
Allowing you to take an application home to complete
so you have more time or can get help in writing out
your responses.
A sign language interpreter during a job interview.
If you are a person with a learning disability, having a
pre-employment test read to you.
How can you decide if you need an
employment accommodation?
If you can do all the essential functions (main
requirements) of a job, with or without an
accommodation, you are considered a qualied
applicant or employee. If you need an accommodation
to perform some of these essential functions, most
employers would have a responsibility to provide
that accommodation. The best method to determine
what this accommodation should be is to work with
your employer to determine what functions need to be
accommodated and how this may occur.
Accommodations can take many forms. A change in
schedule, modifying how you do the job, or assistance
from another employee would also be possible
accommodations along with specialized equipment and
How do you decide on needed AT?
The solution to remove barriers is determined by the
employer. Hopefully, the employee and possibly an AT
Specialist would be involved in the process. The solution
may increase the functional capacity of the worker,
modify equipment and environment, or alter the activity
being performed.
The majority of workers with disabilities do not need
accommodations to perform their jobs, and for those
who do, the cost is usually minimal. According to the Job
Accommodation Network (JAN), a service from the U.S.
Department of Labor’s Oce of Disability Employment
Policy, two-thirds of accommodations cost less than
$500, with many costing nothing at all. Moreover, tax
incentives are available to help employers cover the costs
of accommodations, as well as modications required
to make their businesses accessible to persons with
disabilities. http://www.dol.gov/odep/pubs/fact/ada.htm
Information and Technical Assistance
for your Assistive Technology Needs
If an assessment is needed to determine what
accommodation would be best for you, an Assistive
Technologist can assist in making this determination
decision. The Assistive Technology Practitioner can also
assist in setting up the accommodation and providing
training for the employee and employer to use it. For
a list of certied Assistive Technology Practitioners, by
state, go to: http://www.resna.org.
Assistive Technology Resources
Abledata. The premier source for information on
assistive technology, sponsored by the National
Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, U.S.
Department of Education.
AT Resource Center. Inclusive information on assistive
technology in Wisconsin.
The Boulevard. A resource directory of products and
services for the disabled and healthcare professionals.
Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (CDHH).
UniversaLink’s Communication Technology Specialists
have an in-depth knowledge of the latest equipment and
CESA Assistive Technology Lending Library. Contact
the CESA in your area to inquire about AT services and
Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology
Society of North America (RESNA). Examine
publications, a job bank, and conference details from
Trace Center. The Trace Center provides companies
with information on how to make their products more
accessible and usable by people with disabilities.
Wisconsin Technology (WisTech). WisTech provides
information on over 17,000 products and services:
selecting, funding, installing, and using assistive
WisLoan. WisLoan is an alternative loan program to
purchase assistive technology, adaptive equipment or
make accessible modications to their homes.
Resources for Employment-Related
Assistive Technology
Employment–Related Websites and Resources
411 on Disability Disclosure. A workbook for youth
with disabilities.
America’s Job Bank. http://www.jobbankinfo.org/
Association of People Supporting EmploymentFirst
(APSE). This is a membership organization originally
formed in 1988 as the Association for Persons in
Supported Employment to improve and expand
integrated employment opportunities, services, and
outcomes for persons experiencing disabilities.
Career Builder. http://www.careerbuilder.com/
Career Cruising. http://www.careercruising.org/
CareerConnect, the American Foundation for the
Blind (CAFB). CareerConnect takes you through
the process of examining what you have to oer an
employer and exploring careers, oers tips on nding
a job, getting hired and making that job work for you,
and gives you information on technology to assist you
in your job. You can even build your resume online in
My CareerConnect and search for a volunteer mentor to
oer some guidance as you go through your exploration
and search.
Disability Info. This site is sponsored by several
agencies and departments and provides one-stop access
to information resources important to the disabled.
This includes employment, education, housing,
transportation, health, income support, civil rights, and
much more. It is easy to use and well organized and
each area includes several resources designed to help
Employment Guide.
Entry Point! This program of the American Association
for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) oers students
with disabilities outstanding internship opportunities
in science, engineering, mathematics, computer science,
and some elds of business. Application and program
information is available on the site.
Great Lakes ADA and Accessible IT Center.
Job Accommodation Network (JAN). JAN is a
free consulting service designed to increase the
employability of people with disabilities by 1) providing
individualized worksite accommodations solutions, 2)
providing technical assistance regarding the Americans
with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other disability
related legislation, and 3) educating callers about self-
employment options.
Job Center of Wisconsin.
Monster. Jobs database.
My Next Move.
National Business and Disability Council (NBDC).
The NBDC is the leading national corporate resource
on all issues related to the successful employment
and integration of individuals with disabilities into
America’s workforce. They oer a job lead database and
a free resume database open to all college graduates
with disabilities.
National Dissemination Center for Children with
For information on students in transition from high school.
For information for employers, families and communities.
National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance
Center (NSTTAC).
Opening Doors to Adult Services.
Opening Doors to Postsecondary Education and
Opening Doors to Self-Determination Skills.
Skills to Pay the Bills. “Soft Skills to Pay the Bills—
Mastering Soft Skills for Workplace Success” is a
curriculum developed by the U.S. Department of Labor’s
Oce of Disability Employment Policy focused on
teaching “soft” or workforce readiness skills to youth,
including youth with disabilities.
Transition Action Guide (TAG).
Transition Resource Directory. In the state of Wisconsin,
each area has a Point of Entry Manual for transition
which will help you nd adult service agencies to help
you in your job search.
Transition Services.
U.S. Department of Labor.
Wisconsin Career Pathways Website. A cross-functional
interagency team, consisting of representatives from
multiple agencies and educational organizations, was
formed to plan for the development of this web-based
Career Pathways resource.
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Postsecondary Transition Plan.
Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development.
Wisconsin Governors Committee on Employment of
People with Disabilities. The Governor’s Committee
was established to improve employment opportunities
for people with disabilities. The group’s mission was
broadened in 1976 to cover many aspects of disability
in Wisconsin, and the group became the Governor’s
Committee for People with Disabilities (GCPD). Unlike
other disability councils in state government, the focus of
the Governor’s Committee includes all disabilities.
Wisconsin Job Center.
Wisconsin Statewide Transition Initiative.
WSTI Transition Services Guide.
Wisconsin Work-based Learning Programs: Linking
Students to 21st Century Careers.
PTP Career Clusters
and Pathways List
The following are the options
ed in the drop down
menus when creating a
Postsecondary Goal in the area of
The selections are based on the
in Career Pathways
modeled after 16 n
ational career
clusters developed by the States’
Career Clusters Initiative (SCCI).
* For the career level click on
the pathw
ays that are linked to
Agriculture, Food & Natural
Resources - View Knowledge and
Agribusiness Systems
Animal Systems
Environmental Service Systems
Food Products and Processing
Natural Resources Systems
Plant Systems
Power, Structural and Technical
Architecture & Construction -
View Knowledge and Skills
Arts, Audio/Video Technology
& Communications - View
Knowledge and Skills
Audio and Video Technology
and Film
Journalism and Broadcasting
Performing Arts
Printing Technology
Visual Arts
Business Management &
Administration - View
Knowledge and Skills
Administrative Support
Business Information
General Management
Human Resources Management
Operations Management
Education & Training - View
Knowledge and Skills
Administration and
Administrative Support
Professional Support Services
Finance - View Knowledge and
Banking Services
Business Finance
Securities and Investments
Government & Public
Administration - View
Knowledge and Skills
Foreign Service
National Security
Public Management and
Revenue and Taxation
Health Science - View Knowledge
and Skills
Biotechnology Research and
Diagnostic Services
Health Informatics
Support Services
Therapeutic Services
Hospitality & Tourism - View
Knowledge and Skills
Recreation, Amusements and
Restaurants and Food/Beverage
Travel and Tourism
Human Services - View
Knowledge and Skills
Consumer Services
Counseling and Mental Health
Early Childhood Development
and Services
Family and Community Services
Personal Care Services
Information Technology - View
Knowledge and Skills
Information Support and
Network Systems
Programming and Software
Web and Digital
Law, Public Safety, Corrections
& Security - View Knowledge
and Skills
Correction Services
Emergency and Fire
Management Services
Law Enforcement Services
Legal Services
Security and Protective Services
Manufacturing - View
Knowledge and Skills
Health, Safety and
Environmental Assurance
Logistics and Inventory Control
Maintenance, Installation and
Manufacturing Production
Process Development
Quality Assurance
Marketing - View Knowledge and
Marketing Communications
Marketing Management
Marketing Research
Professional Sales
Science, Technology,
Engineering & Mathematics -
View Knowledge and Skills
Engineering and Technology
Science and Math
Transportation, Distribution &
Logistics - View Knowledge and
Facility and Mobile Equipment
Health, Safety and
Environmental Management
Logistics Planning and
Management Services
Sales and Service
Transportation Operations
Transportation Systems/
Infrastructure Planning,
Management and Regulation
Warehousing and Distribution
Center Operations
Career Clusters Framework
Career Cluster:
Career Pathway:
Maintenance, Installation, and Repair
Career Clusters are broad occupational groupings based
on a set of common knowledge and skills required for
a broad group of careers. Wisconsin has adopted the
National 16 Career Clusters that also serve as a tool for
organizing curriculum and instruction. Career clusters
provide opportunities for all students regardless of their
career goals and interests. They are a tool for a seamless
educational system that blends rigorous academic/
technical preparation, provides career development,
oers options for students to experience all aspects of a
business or industry, and facilitates/assists students and
educators with ongoing transitions.
Career Pathways are a sub-grouping of careers used as
an organizing tool for curriculum design and instruction.
Similar to career clusters, career pathways are grouped
based on their requirements for a set of core and similar
knowledge and skills for career success. Each pathway
highlights a specic part of each cluster. An easy
example of this can be seen in the Agriculture, Food and
Natural Resources cluster. Seven dierent pathways,
from Animal to Plant Systems highlight the variety of
interests that each cluster holds for students.
A Program of Study is a specic career pathway,
dened by a local school/district partnership, which
is a sequence of instruction based on recommended
standards and knowledge and skills, consisting of
coursework, co-curricular activities, worksite learning,
service learning and other learning experiences including
Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO). The
sequence of instruction provides preparation for a career.
An Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) includes a
program of study and learning that represents a uid,
living, breathing, mapped academic plan reecting a
student’s unique set of interests, needs, learning goals,
and graduation requirements. Students receiving special
education services currently have a Postsecondary
Transition Plan (PTP). For more information, see:
Career Cluserts
Career Pathways
Programs of Study
Learning Plan
Career Pathways are critical to 21st Century schools
and learners. Each pathway is grounded in a set of four
guiding principles:
1. Career Pathways prepare students for postsecondary
education and careers. A Pathway is always about
both objectives; it’s never a choice between one or
the other. The probability of making a living wage
in today’s economy without some form of post-
secondary education is already low and will only
diminish. Increasingly, career success depends on post-
secondary education and gaining and regaining formal
credentials—a certicate, associate’s degree, bachelor’s
degree, or higher level of achievement. Gone are the
days when high schools could be content to prepare
some students for college and others for work.
2. Career Pathways connect academics to real-world
applications. Each Pathway integrates challenging
academics with a demanding career and technical
educational curriculum. Pathways alter how core
academic subjects are taught; they do not lower
expectations about what is taught. Through the
Pathways approach, students are expected to achieve
at high levels in mathematics, science, English, social
studies, and world languages. Students master these
subjects through the power of real-world application—
their learning is challenged by authentic problems
and situations that are part of the modern workplace.
Students also have the opportunity to be part of work-
based learning and youth apprenticeship, both of which
lead to industry-based credentials.
3. Career Pathways lead to the full range of
postsecondary opportunities. Pathways prepare
students for all the avenues they might pursue following
high school graduation—two- and four-year college,
certication programs, apprenticeships, formal job
training, and military service. Each Pathway represents
a broad industry theme that can appeal to and engage a
student regardless of prior academic achievement and
post-secondary aspirations. Pathways can eliminate
current practices that sort and track high school students
in ways that limit options after high school. With
careful attention, pathways can ensure that all students
from all backgrounds and experiences can succeed
in the future workforce. Core skills to be addressed
through Pathways include cultural understanding
and competence, global and diversity awareness, and
fairness/inclusiveness skills for students. A stronger
workforce and a vibrant economy are based on diverse
contributions and perspectives, and social justice for all
in our communities.
4. Career Pathways improve student achievement.
Pathways and Programs of Study are based on
accountability. They are designed to produce higher
levels of achievement in a number of measurable
arenas, including academic and technical scores,
high school completion, postsecondary transitions
to career and education, and attainment of a formal
postsecondary credential. They also contribute, in
ways that most conventional academic and career
and technical education curricula do not, to increase
student prociency in vital areas such as creativity
and innovation; critical thinking and problem solving;
communication; collaboration; diversity competence;
creativity and problem solving; and media and
information literacy. Finally, Pathways make an
immediate dierence—helping young people gain
higher earnings right after high school and giving
students a leg up in the labor market while pursuing
postsecondary education.
19. Does your agency provide benets counseling (if I receive supplemental security income [SSI] or social
security disability benets [SSD]? http://www.social-security-disability-claims.org/
Work Placements and
Least Restrictive Environment
Recently the U.S. Department of Education Oce of
Special Education Programs (OSEP) issued a guidance
letter related to postsecondary transition planning
for students with disabilities (http://www2.ed.gov/
2q2012.pdf). Such letters constitute informal guidance
and are not legally binding, representing instead an
interpretation by OSEP of the IDEA in the context of
the specic facts presented. The Department of Public
Instruction recommends all local educational agencies
(LEAs) carefully review their current postsecondary
transition planning practices in light of OSEPs guidance.
Following is a summary of the signicant aspects of
OSEP’s guidance.
Are Work Placements Required?
Work placement may be an appropriate transition
service, depending on the individual needs of a student,
but is not a required component of all IEPs that address
transition services.
Work Placements Must be in the Least
Restrictive Environment (LRE)
When an IEP team determines work placement is
an appropriate transition service for a student, the
particular work placement should be based on LRE
principles contained in 34 CFR §§300.114-300.118.
Integrated employment settings should be considered
before a student is placed in segregated employment.
The IEP team must consider whether supplementary
aids and services could be provided that would enable
the student to participate in integrated employment
satisfactorily. Only if the IEP team determines the
student cannot be satisfactorily educated in an integrated
employment setting, even with the provision of
appropriate supplementary aids and services, should the
IEP team consider segregated employment.
Work Placement Assessment
Assessment of the students needs, strengths, preferences,
and interests in various work placements may be an
appropriate component of age-appropriate transition
assessment, but is not a required component of all IEPs
that address transition services.
Notice of Placement
Initiating or changing a student’s work placement when
it is part of the student’s IEP requires prior written
notice as outlined in 34 CFR §300.503. In Wisconsin
this generally includes providing the parent a notice
of placement (P-1 or P-2), and a copy of the student’s
updated IEP.
Reporting Work Placement
Educational time spent in an age-appropriate
community-based work placement that includes
individuals with and without disabilities should be
counted as time inside the regular classroom when
calculating the percentage of time spent inside the
regular classroom. This is true regardless of whether
special education support is provided to the student in
this setting. For specic guidance on accurate reporting
for IDEA, go to: http://dpi.wi.gov/lbstat/dataenvir.html.
Monitoring of LRE in Work Placements
DPI is required to carry out activities to ensure the LRE
requirements in 34 CRF 300.114 are implemented by each
public agency. If there is evidence that a school district is
making placements that are inconsistent with LRE, DPI
will conduct a review, and if a violation is found, DPI
will require the LEA to carry out necessary corrective
Glossary of Abbreviations and Terms
504. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a
national law that protects qualied individuals from
discrimination based on their disability.
ADA. Americans with Disabilities Act.
ADRC - Aging & Disability Resource Center. ADRCs
serve as single points of entry into the long-term
supports and services system for older adults and people
with disabilities. Sometimes referred to as “one-stop
shops” or “no wrong door” systems, ADRCs address
many of the frustrations consumers and their families
experience when trying to nd needed information,
services, and supports.
AT - Assistive Technology Device. This is any item,
piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired
commercially o the shelf, modied, or customized, that
is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional
capabilities of an individual with a disability.
CAP - Client Assistance Program. This program assists
applicants and clients of DVR to resolve disputes over
services and responds to questions on what DVR can or
cannot do.
CESA. Cooperative Educational Service Agency.
CIP - Community Integration Program. CIP is a
Medicaid Home and Community-based Waiver for
adults with developmental disabilities.
CLTS Waivers. Children’s Long Term Support Waivers
are three Medicaid Home and Community-based
Waivers serving children under age 22 who have
physical disabilities, developmental disabilities, and
“severe emotional disturbances” and need long-term
supports. Supports and services are provided in the
child’s home and community.
Consent. This is permission by a parent or legal
guardian, in writing, to share condential information
described on the consent form to the person/agency
identied on the consent form.
COP - Community Options Program. This program
helps people get the long-term support they need to
remain in their own homes and communities.
County. There are 72 counties in Wisconsin.
DHS. Department of Health Services.
DPI. Department of Public Instruction.
DVR. Division of Vocational Rehabilitation.
DWD. Department of Workforce Development.
EN - Employment Network. The Employment Network
is made up of organizations that can help you nd and
keep a job. The network also provides other employment
support services at no cost to you.
Employment Planning Consultation. These are
technical services which DVR provides to school districts
to assist students who have not yet applied for DVR
services, including information related to disabilities,
employment, postsecondary education, assistive
technology, accommodations, community resources,
labor market, etc.
FACETS. Wisconsin Family Assistance Center for
Education, Training, and Support is a statewide non-
prot organization, with its main oce in Milwaukee.
FAPE - Free Appropriate Public Education. This law
falls under the Individuals with Disabilities Education
Act (IDEA) and also the Rehabilitation Act. A Free
Appropriate Public Education means that a child with
a disability will receive the same education as a child
without a disability or handicap.
IDEA. Individuals with Disability Education Act.
IEP. Individualized Education Program.
ILP. Individualized Learning Plan.
Independent Living Plan. This plan is required by DHS
for youth placed in out-of-home care beyond age 15.
The plan addresses life skills development, goals, and
transition to independent living.
IPE - Individualized Plan for Employment. This plan
outlines how DVR-eligible consumers will achieve their
work goals and what services will be provided. It is the
roadmap to their vocational rehabilitation.
IRIS. Within the DVR, this is the term used for their
case management system, Integrated Rehabilitation
Information System.
IRIS. Within DHS, “Include, Respect, I Self-Direct.”
ISP. Individual Service Plan for CIP/COP/County
services/CLTS Waivers.
PASS - Plan to Achieve Self-Support. PASS is an SSI
provision to help individuals with disabilities return to
work. PASS lets disabled individuals set aside money
and/or things they own to pay for items or services
needed to achieve specic work goals.
PATH. Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope.
Rehabilitation Act. This act grants DVR the authority
to provide vocational rehabilitation services to eligible
individuals with disabilities to achieve their employment
goals. This includes transition services for eligible
students with disabilities.
SDS. Self-Directed Support.
SSA. Social Security Administration.
SSC. A Support and Service Coordinator is the person
assigned to assist youth receiving CLTS Waiver services
through case management, service planning, referrals,
advocacy, and other waiver-related activities.
SSDI. Social Security Disability Income.
SSI. Supplemental Security Income.
SSP. Support and Services Plan for IRIS.
TAG. The Transition Action Guide is a technical
assistance guide developed to assist in the improvement
of communication, coordination, and services for
students with disabilities transitioning from school to
Transition. A coordinated set of activities focused on
improving the academic and functional achievement
of a student with a disability to facilitate the student’s
movement from school to post-school activities,
including: post-secondary education, vocational
education, integrated employment (including supported
employment), continuing and adult education,
adult services, independent living, and community
WPHSOS. Wisconsin Post-High School Outcomes
Survey is a discretionary grant funded by the Wisconsin
Department of Public Instruction.
WSPEI. Wisconsin Statewide Parent Education Initiative
is a discretionary grant funded by the Wisconsin
Department of Public Instruction.
WSTI. Wisconsin Statewide Transition Initiative is a
discretionary grant funded by the Wisconsin Department
of Public Instruction.
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Bulletin No. 14005
© June 2013 Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race,
color, religion, creed, age, national origin, ancestry, pregnancy, marital status
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Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Tony Evers, PhD, State Superintendent