2024 H-E-B Quest for Texas Best Contest
Official Rules
NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. By entering, all Entrants acknowledge agreement
to these Official Rules. Please read them carefully.
1. Eligibility. The 2024 H-E-B Quest for Texas Best Contest (the “Contest”) is open to (i) legal
residents of Texas who, at time of entry, are at least 18 years of age, and to (ii) legally organized
business entities which, at time of entry, are validly authorized to do business in Texas and have
business operations in Texas. To enter, an entrant must be able to satisfy the Product Eligibility
Requirements described below.
2. Persons and Entities not Eligible. Employees of H-E-B, LP (“H-E-B” or “Sponsor”), its
parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, advertising, and promotion agencies; the immediate
families (spouses, parents, children and siblings and their respective spouses) of such persons;
and those living in the same household (whether related or not) of such persons are not eligible
to participate. Business entities are not eligible to participate if any individual made ineligible by
the preceding sentence is a “Principal Person” in such business entity. (For purposes of these
Official Rules, and subject to Sponsor’s determination as set forth herein, a “Principal Person” is
a director, officer, or greater than five percent (5%) equity owner in such business entity; a person
with the power to direct the management and policies of the business entity; or an employee of
the business entity with executive or managerial authority over the business entity or some
relevant portion thereof.) Persons and/or entities who won a Grand through Third prize in a prior
H-E-B Quest for Texas Best Contest are not eligible to enter.
3. How to Enter. Entries will be accepted beginning 12:00:01 a.m. Central Standard Time
(“CT”) on February 21, 2024, and ending at 4:59:59 p.m. CT on or about April 4, 2024 (the
“Contest Period”). For any Entry, the “Entrant” shall be the person or entity on whose behalf the
Entry is submitted. In the event that the Entrant is an entity, the Entrant must also designate an
“Entrant Contact” in the Online Entry Form who is knowledgeable about the Eligible Products;
authorized to make and receive all communications related to the Contest; and authorized to
make all of Entrant's decisions related to the Contest.
a. The Entrant must complete the Online Entry Form at www.HEB.com/Quest and
provide all information requested in that form.
b. In the Online Entry Form, the Entrant must nominate at least one but no more
than three Eligible Products (as defined below).
c. The Entrant must create a video of no more than two (2) minutes in length
describing and depicting the nominated Eligible Product(s) and featuring the Entrant or Entrant
Contact (the “Video Submission”). The Video Submission may also describe the Entrant, the
Entrant’s business, or the Entrant’s background; or provide other relevant information about the
Entrant and the Eligible Product(s). The Video Submissions must be uploaded to
www.YouTube.com as “private” or “unlisted” videos accessible to Sponsor. Entrant shall include
a URL link for the Entrant’s Video Submission in the Online Entry Form as directed. Video
Submissions must be functional, technically compatible with YouTube’s rules and requirements,
and compliant with YouTube’s Community Guidelines available for Entrants to read at
http://www.YouTube.com/t/Community_Guidelines and YouTube’s Terms of Service available
for Entrants to read at http://www.YouTube.com/static?gl=US&template=terms.
d. The “Entry” shall constitute and include all information submitted by Entrant to
Sponsor in connection with the Contest, whether via the Online Entry Form, the Video
Submission, any judging process, the Finals Event, or otherwise.
e. Sponsor reserves the right to disqualify any Entry that it determines in its sole
discretion to be materially incomplete, inaccurate, or ineligible. Sponsor reserves the right to
extend or modify the entry deadline in its sole discretion.
4. Product Eligibility Requirements. Entrant may nominate certain food, beverage, or
general merchandise products as defined below and in the Online Entry Form. Only Eligible
Products may be nominated. An “Eligible Product” is a product that (i) is produced,
manufactured, grown, or harvested substantially in Texas; (ii) can be supplied by the Entrant for
sale in H-E-B stores throughout the State of Texas; (iii) is suitable for human consumption or use
and complies with all federal, state, or local laws and regulations applicable to products of its
kind, including (without limitation) labeling requirements, health and safety requirements,
consumer protection laws, and manufacturing license requirements; (iv) can be sold at retail
without infringing, misappropriating, diluting, or otherwise violating, directly or indirectly, the
patent, trade secret, copyright, trademark, right of publicity, or any other rights of any third party,
and without violating any judicial or administrative order; (v) can be sold at retail without any
license or permit other than those customarily held by H-E-B stores; (vi) fits one of the food,
beverage, or general merchandise categories specified for selection in the Online Entry Form;
and (vii) is otherwise suitable for sale in retail grocery stores.
5. Judging. Judging will take place in three rounds. In Round 1, all eligible Entries will be
reviewed by one or more panels of judges selected by H-E-B using such criteria as they may deem
appropriate, including (without limitation) an assessment of each Eligible Product's attributes,
customer appeal, value, uniqueness, market potential, and differentiation from products already
available at most H-E-B stores. A limited number of Eligible Products will be selected to proceed
to Round 2. In Round 2, individual Entrants or Entrant Contacts will be interviewed by H-E-B
judges at H-E-B offices in San Antonio or other location selected by H-E-B, at times selected by
H-E-B, and invited to demonstrate those products selected for advancement. The Round 2
interviews will focus on further assessment of the Entrant and the Eligible Products as to such
criteria as the judges may deem appropriate, including (without limitation) the qualities,
marketability, and readiness for production of the Eligible Products; the Entrant's commercial
preparedness and suitability as a potential retail supplier; and overall compliance with the Official
Rules. Up to ten (10) Entrants will be selected to advance to Round 3 as Finalists. Sponsor reserves
the right in its sole discretion to schedule Round 2 interviews to be conducted remotely
(including, without limitation, by telephone or video conference).
6. Finals Event and Judging. Each Finalist will be invited to attend the Finals Event in Dallas,
Texas on or about August 6 through 7, 2024. During the Finals event, each Finalist (or Entrant
Contact) will present one Eligible Product to a panel of judges selected by H-E-B. Presentations
will be required to comply with any rules, including time limits and other matters, that may be
distributed to Finalists at or before the Finals event. Even if the Finalist's Entry comprised multiple
products, the Finalist (or Entrant Contact) may only present at the Finals the Eligible Product that
was selected by H-E-B for advancement to the Finals. The Finals judges will rank their top four
favorite Finalists using such criteria as they or H-E-B may deem appropriate, which may (but need
not) include any criteria described above. The highest-ranked Finalist shall be the Grand Prize
Winner, and the next three highest ranking Finalists shall be the First Prize, Second Prize, and
Third Prize Winners, respectively. Finalists will receive two (2) nights hotel accommodations for
one (1) person. All other expenses of attending the Finals event, including accommodations for
other persons, transportation, food, taxes, and gratuities, will be the responsibility of each
Finalist. Sponsor reserves the right in its sole discretion to postpone, modify, relocate, or cancel
the Finals Event, or to hold the Finals Event through remote communications, on notice to the
Finalists. Should Sponsor determine in its sole discretion that the Finals Event will not be
conducted as an in-person event, Sponsor shall have no obligation to provide hotel
accommodations to Finalists.
7. Winners and Prizes. ONE (1) GRAND PRIZE: $25,000 cash and a Pitch Opportunity
(defined below). ONE (1) FIRST PRIZE: $20,000 cash. ONE (1) SECOND PRIZE: $15,000 cash. ONE
(1) THIRD PRIZE: $10,000 cash. ALL PRIZES: Any costs of Entry or of prize receipt, including all
applicable taxes (not limited to federal, state, local and/or income) and fees, and any expenses
not otherwise described in these Official Rules are the sole responsibility of the Entrants or
winners, respectively. Winners will be required to provide their Social Security number or tax ID
for tax reporting purposes, and consent to Sponsor filing an IRS Form 1099 or similar document
with the Internal Revenue Service or other applicable tax authorities for the fair market value of
a prize awarded and accepted or other applicable standards. By accepting prizes, winners consent
to reporting of prize values to tax authorities as prize income. Prizes (or any portion of prizes) are
non-transferable, non-substitutable, and may not be redeemed for cash. All prizes will be
awarded provided a sufficient quantity of qualifying entries is received, and prizes are claimed
properly in accordance with these rules. Decisions of H-E-B and the judges in all matters relating
to the Contest (including, without limitation, decisions as to Contest procedures, the selection of
winners, and eligibility determinations) are final and binding. Prizes are awarded based on
judging method described herein, not by chance, but subject to the judging method, the odds of
winning a prize depend on the number of eligible entries received.
8. Pitch Opportunity. At the conclusion of the Finals event, the Grand Prize Winner (through
its Entrant Contact, if applicable) will enter into a negotiation period of up to thirty (30) days with
Sponsor (which period may be extended by mutual consent) to discuss mutually agreeable terms
for potential sales of the Grand Prize Winner's winning product in H-E-B stores (the “Pitch
Opportunity”). Neither Sponsor nor the Grand Prize Winner shall be obligated to enter into any
contract or other sales arrangement. If Sponsor and the Grand Prize Winner do not mutually
agree on terms of sale within the negotiation period, neither shall owe the other any further
obligation to continue negotiating or to deal with one another thereafter, and the Grand Prize
Winner will not be entitled to any additional compensation. NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING TO
9. Notifications. Entrants selected as potential participants in Round 2 or Round 3 will be
notified by email, phone, or mail (as selected at Sponsor's discretion) directed to the contact
information provided in the Entry. Notices of advancement will be given on or about May 10,
2024 (as to Round 2), and on or about the week of June10, 2024 (as to Round 3). Entrants
selected to advance to Round 2 or Round 3 may be required to execute and return a Release of
Liability and Publicity and Affidavit of Eligibility. Entrants may also be required to submit
information supplementing their Entry, including information verifying that eligibility
requirements have been satisfied and that they own all required rights in the matter comprising
the Entry. Any requested documents or information must be returned to Sponsor and must be
complete to the satisfaction of the Sponsor within the time provided or the Entrant may be
disqualified and alternate participants selected. If any notification to an Entrant is returned as
undeliverable, if Sponsor is unable to confirm contact with an Entrant after the number of
attempts deemed reasonable by the Sponsor in its sole discretion, or if Entrant is unable to attend
the Round 2 interview or Finals event at the time/location designated by Sponsor, the Entrant
may be disqualified. Sponsor reserves the right to extend or modify this schedule in its sole
10. Entrant Representations and Warranties. By entering, each Entrant agrees, represents,
and warrants that (i) Entrant owns or has a valid license to use all intellectual property rights in
and to the nominated Eligible Products, including (without limitation) any patent rights, trade
secret rights, copyrights, and trademark rights in and to the products, any rights of publicity
exploited in the products or packaging, their labels, and their manufacturing processes; (ii)
neither submission of the Entry nor the sale of Entrant's Eligible Products in H-E-B stores would
infringe, misappropriate, dilute, or otherwise violate the rights of any other person or entity,
including (without limitation) the intellectual property rights of any other person or entity; (iii)
the Entrant is, or can readily become, capable of producing its nominated Eligible Products in
sufficient quantities to supply stores operated by H-E-B throughout the State of Texas; (iv) the
products nominated by Entrant satisfy the requirements to be Eligible Products defined herein;
and (v) the Entrant is eligible to participate and the Entry complies with these Official Rules.
Sponsor relies on these agreements, representations, and warranties in considering each Entry.
DEFEND, INDEMNIFY, AND HOLD HARMLESS Sponsor; its parent companies, subsidiaries, and
affiliates; their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, advertising and promotional
agencies; and YouTube (Google LLC) (together, the “Releasees”), from and against: any and all
suits, claims, demands, liability, loss, damage, harm, injury, cost or expense (including reasonable
attorney's fees) (together, a “Loss”), whether made in contract, tort, negligence, strict liability,
or otherwise, which may occur arising out of or relating to Entrant's participation in the Contest;
the preparation of any Entry (including any allegation that an Entry violates the intellectual
property rights or other rights of a third party); the use by any Releasee of the Entry or any matter
comprising the Entry; or Entrant's acceptance, possession, or use/misuse of any prize. THIS
12. License and Release of Intellectual Property Rights and Business/Product Concept
Claims. By entering, Entrant acknowledges and agrees that Releasees may publish the Entrant's
Entry without further compensation or consent, licenses (non-exclusively) the Releasees to do
so, and agrees to confirm this grant and license in writing upon request. Entrant agrees that this
grant and license is perpetual, worldwide, assignable, divisible, and applicable as to any published
or publishable form or media (including without limitation still, motion, print, radio, television,
or film or Internet or other digital medium), without any condition precedent such as prior
approval of published materials. Entrant further agrees that that the Releasees or their assigns
may (now, previously, or in the future), manufacture, design, purchase, sell, or offer for sale
products that are similar to, identical to, or based on matter comprising an Entry without any
compensation or any obligation to the Entrant, and may produce and distribute any derivative
works based on matter comprising an Entry without any compensation or any obligation to the
Entrant. By entering, Entrant releases the Releasees from any claim, cause of action, remedy,
damages, or compensation arising out of any manufacture, design, purchase, display, copy, offer
for sale, or sale of products that are similar or identical to the Entrant's nominated products, or
that contain characteristics, features, descriptions, or labeling similar or identical to the Entrant's
nominated products, regardless of whether those products are manufactured, designed, bought,
or sold by a Releasee or by a third party. Entrant further agrees that the Entry is submitted
voluntarily; without any intention, request, or obligation that the Releasees maintain the Entry
or any information disclosed in connection with the Entry secret or confidential; without any
intention to establish a relationship of a trust, confidential, special, or fiduciary nature; and
without any expectation that the use of the Entry, products identical to or similar to the Entry, or
ideas embodied in the Entry would entitle the Entrant to compensation or damages.
13. Publicity. By entering, Entrants agree that they will not conduct or participate in publicity
(including media appearances, public appearances, press releases, commercial promotions, or
social media usage) relating to the Contest or utilize the marks and intellectual property of
Sponsor except in accordance with those policies and guidelines established by Sponsor and
provided to the Entrant. If selected to participate in Rounds 2 or 3, Entrants grant an irrevocable
license and permission to Sponsor to use Entrants' names, likenesses, and biographical
information (or, if the Entrant is an entity, such information as to both the entity and its
principals) for promotional or advertising purposes in all media worldwide, without notice or
further compensation. All Entries are subject to H-E-B’s Privacy Policy available at for Entrants to
read at www.HEB.com/Privacy, except to the extent modified in these Official Rules or any
subsequent agreement.
14. Other Conditions. Sponsor is not responsible for: (i) electronic or digital entries or
notifications that are lost, late, stolen, incomplete, illegible, damaged, garbled, destroyed,
misdirected, filtered, or captured; (ii) any problems or technical malfunctions, errors, omissions,
interruptions, deletions, defects, delays in operation of transmission, communication failures,
destruction or unauthorized access to, or alteration of, entries; (iii) failed or unavailable
hardware, network, software or telephone transmissions, damage to entrants' or any person's
computer and/or its contents, or causes beyond Sponsor's reasonable control that disrupt the
administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of the Contest; (iv) any entries
submitted in a manner that is not expressly allowed under these rules; (v) incorrect or inaccurate
entry information whether caused by entrants or by any of the equipment or programming
associated with or utilized in the Contest; (vi) any typographical or other error in the printing or
advertising of the offer, administration or execution of the Contest, or in the announcement of
prizes/prize winners; or (vii) malfunctions or interference resulting from illicit, malicious or
injurious code (including but not limited to viruses, worms, and denial of service attacks). If for
any reason the Contest cannot be executed as planned, including but not limited to transmission
failure, infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical
failures, force majeure (including natural disasters, acts of God, acts of war, epidemics or
pandemics, or any manner of civil disorder) or any other causes beyond the control of Sponsor
that corrupt or affect the security, administration, fairness, integrity, promotional purposes, or
proper conduct of the Contest, or if the Contest is compromised or becomes technically
corrupted in any way, electronically or otherwise, Sponsor reserves the right to cancel, modify or
terminate the Contest and reserves the right, but not the obligation, to select winners from
among all non-suspect entries received as of the date/time of such termination/cancellation or
modification or to award substitute prizes in quantities and values that differ from those set forth
above. Sponsor retains sole discretion to determine whether an Entrant or potential Entrant is
eligible to participate in the Contest, and reserves the right to admit or refuse an Entrant based
on Sponsor’s assessment in its sole discretion of whether an excluded individual is or is not a
Principal Person of the Entrant; of whether the Entrant’s eligibility may or may not affect the
fairness and integrity of the Contest; or based on such other factors as Sponsor may deem
appropriate. Sponsor reserves the right (but not the obligation), at its sole discretion, to disqualify
any Entrant who (i) tampers with or attempts to tamper with the entry process; (ii) misstates or
fails to complete any information required in the Online Entry Form; (iii) makes any material
misrepresentation or omission to Sponsor in the course of participating in the Contest; (iv)
violates any of the Official Rules or any written agreement with the Sponsor; or (v) becomes
ineligible during the course of the Contest. Sponsor reserves the right to seek prosecution of, and
damages from, any person who deliberately damages any website or otherwise corrupt or
undermine the legitimate operation of the Contest to the fullest extent permitted by law.
15. Disputes. By entering, each Entrant agrees that (i) the Contest will be governed by the
laws of the State of Texas without regard to the conflict of laws principles thereof; and (ii) the
exclusive venue/forum for any and all disputes related to or arising out of the Contest shall be
state or federal courts situated in Bexar County, Texas. Entrant further agrees that in no event
will any Releasee be liable for any special, consequential, punitive, or exemplary damages in any
such dispute. To the extent that any portion of these Official Rules may be deemed by a court of
competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable, that provision shall be severed and the remainder
shall be given effect in a manner consistent with the intent of the Official Rules.
16. Winner's List. For the names of the winners and/or a copy of the Official Rules, visit
www.HEB.com/Quest. The winners' names will be posted within thirty (30) days after the
conclusion of the Finals Event, following the verification of all winners and the awarding of all
17. Sponsor. The Contest is sponsored by H-E-B, LP, 646 South Flores, San Antonio, Texas
YouTube and YouTube® are the trademarks and service marks of Google LLC. YouTube and
Google LLC are not Sponsors of and are not affiliated with the Contest.