Hidden information on discarded house cards
All players’ discarded house cards are always open information.
A player’s house card discard pile can be reviewed by any other
player at any time, including during all steps of combat.
Order tokens in areas without units
At the end of the “Combat Cleanup” step of combat, all order
tokens in areas that do not have units are removed.
Tides of Battle cards
Below is a detailed list of the steps of combat (originally
found on page 17 of the base game rules) when Tides of
Battle cards are being used:
1) Call for Support
2) Calculate Initial Combat Strength
3) Choose and Reveal House Cards
a) Each player chooses their house cards.
b) Each player simultaneously reveals their house cards;
some text abilities may occur at this time.
c) Draw Tides of Battle cards.
4) Use Valyrian Steel Blade
a) (Optional) Use Valyrian Steel Blade to discard the
Tides of Battle card and draw a new one.
b) Reveal Tides of Battle cards.
c) (Optional) If not already used, use Valyrian Steel
Blade to add +1 strength.
5) Calculate Final Combat Strength
6) Combat Resolution
a) Determine the victor.
b) Take casualties from sword icons and text abilities.
c) Take casualties from skull icons on Tides of Battle
d) Resolve retreats and routing.
e) Combat clean up.
Gifting Power Tokens (Mother of Dragons expansion)
During a combat, powers tokens can only be gifted during
the “Call for Support” step. ey cannot be gifted during any
of the other steps of combat.
is document contains errata and answers to frequently
asked questions for A Game of rones: e Boardgame 2nd
Edition as well as the A Dance With Dragons, A Feast For
Crows, and Mother of Dragons expansions. Additions or
changes from the latest version are in blue.
is section contains changes to the games printed components.
Unless otherwise stated, these refer to the base game material.
e Messenger Raven Token
Under “e Messenger Raven Token” on page 11 of the
rulebook, it should read, “e player holding the Messenger
Raven token may perform one of the following actions at the end
of the Reveal Orders step of the Planning Phase.
e tiebreaker priority at the end of round 10 (previously
listed in the third paragraph under “Winning the Game” on
page 16 of the rulebook), is now as follows:
1) Most total land areas controlled
2) Highest position on Supply track
3) Highest position on Iron rone track
Lannister Player Screen
e setup section for House Lannister should now say:
ɇ 1 Ship in e Golden Sound
ɇ 1 Ship in the port at Lannisport
ɇ 1 Knight and 1 Footman in Lannisport
ɇ 1 Footman in Stoney Sept
Resolving the order of Wildling card penalties
When resolving the penalties for losing to a wildling attack,
the “Lowest Bidder” always resolves their penalty first,
followed by “Everyone Else” in turn order.
Reshuing the Tides of Battle deck
Immediately before the “Choose and Reveal House Cards
step of each combat, all Tides of Battle cards are reshuffled
together to form a new deck.
Winter Is Coming” Westeros card
e text ability on this card should read: “Immediately shuffle
this deck and discard pile (including this card). en, draw and
resolve a new card.
Victarion Greyjoy house card
e text ability of this card should read: “If you are attacking,
all of your participating ships (including supporting Greyjoy
ships) add an additional +1 combat strength.
Kevan Lannister house card
e text ability of this card should read: “If you are attacking,
all of your participating footmen (including supporting
Lannister footmen) add an additional +1 combat strength.
Ser Addam Marbrand house card
(A Dance With Dragons
e text ability of this card should read: “If you are attacking,
all of your participating knights (including supporting Lannister
knights) add an additional +1 combat strength.
Paxter Redwyne house card
(A Dance With Dragons expansion)
e text ability of this card should read: “If the embattled
area is a sea area, all of your participating ships (including
supporting Tyrell ships) add an additional +1 combat strength.
Xaro Xhoan Daxos house card
(Mother of Dragons expansion)
e text ability of this card should read: “If you have more ships
in the embattled area than your opponent, each of your ships in
the embattled area add an additional +1 combat strength.
Rakharo house card
(Mother of Dragons expansion)
e text ability of this card should read: “If the embattled
area is a land area that does not contain a stonghold or a castle,
each of your knights in the embattled area add an additional
+2 combat strength.
House Cards
Q: When resolving a house card’s text ability that reads “after
combat...,” when is that card resolved?
A: As the last thing at the end of the “Combat Clean Up
step of Combat Resolution (after played house cards are
discarded to their respective discard piles).
Q: When resolving a house card’s text ability that reads
“immediately...,” when is that card resolved?
A: After any “ignore” or “cancel” text abilities are resolved,
but before any other text abilities are resolved.
Q: When resolving a house card’s text ability that requires a
player to be supported (or not be supported), does this support
have to come from only that player’s own units?
A: No, the support can come from either that player’s own
units or those of another House that has chosen to support
him (or both).
Q: Can the text ability on the Robb Stark house card be
resolved if the player wins combat as the defender?
A: Yes. Robb’s card is resolved as follows:
When the Stark player wins the combat as the defender,
the losing attacker needs to retreat. Normally the attacker’s
retreat options are limited to only the area from which they
marched from. However, Robb’s card allows the defending
Stark player to choose any one of the following areas:
ɇ e area the attacker marched from
ɇ One area adjacent to the embattled area that is either
controlled by no one or is controlled by the attacker
ɇ One area connected to the embattled area via the
attacking player’s ships that is either controlled by no
one or is controlled by the attacker
e Stark player cannot choose the second or third option
if that option would cause the attacker to exceed their
supply. Because the first option (retreating to the area they
marched from) cannot cause the attacker to exceed supply,
it is always an available choice.
Q: If House Stark plays their Roose Bolton house card (and
loses) against House Baratheon’s Patchface house card, in which
order are the two text abilities resolved? Does Baratheon get to
discard one of Stark’s house cards after they have already drawn
back their full hand?
A: Roose’s text ability is resolved first, followed by
Patchface’s. e Stark player would first draw all their cards
back to their hand, and then the Baratheon player would
look through their newly drawn hand to choose one to
Q: What happens when Patchface is played against the last
house card from an opponent’s hand?
A: Patchface’s text ability is resolved after the opponent
retrieves their house cards from the discard pile. As such,
Patchface would discard one those retrieved house cards.
Q: If an effect (such as the text ability on the Patchface house
card) forces a player to discard their last house card, would they
then retrieve their entire hand of house cards?
A: e card discarded via the effect would be considered
the last card played and so would remain in the discard pile;
the other six cards would go back to the player’s hand.
Q: Can a player use Renly Baratheon to upgrade one of their
routed footman?
A: Yes. But the new unit remains routed until the end of
the round.
Q: Sallador Saan’s text ability reduces the combat strength of all
non-Baratheon ships to 0. Does this also nullify the combat strength
generated through order tokens (such as +1 support order)?
A: No.
Q: If House Greyjoy plays his Victarion Greyjoy house card
against House Baratheon’s Sallador Saan house card, are the
participating Greyjoy ships still reduced to 0 combat strength?
A: Since both text abilities occur in the same timing
window, the resolution is affected by the turn order. If the
Greyjoy player was first in turn order, Salladhor would
resolve after Victarion, reducing the Greyjoy ships to 0
Q: When resolving Tyrion Lannister’s house card to return a
card back to the Greyjoy player’s hand, can the Greyjoy player
choose Aeron Damphair and use his text ability to replay the
returned card?
A: Yes.
Q: Is it possible for a player’s turn be ‘skipped’ if the Doran
Martell house card moves their token to the last position of the
Iron rone track?
A: Yes, it is possible for a House’s turn to be skipped after
the resolution of Doran’s text ability. e turn order of the
Iron rone track is always followed exactly as it appears;
the “1” position goes first, followed by the “2” position,
followed by position “3”, etc. It is the position on the track
that determines the current player, regardless of which
Houses have taken their turn.
For example, if the current player is in position “5” but is
then moved to the end of the track (position “6”) as a result
of Doran’ text ability, they would also be the next player,
because position “6” is always after position “5” no matter
which Houses were occupying those slots previously. In the
same way, the player whose House had previously been in
position “6” (and is now in position “5”) must wait through
another cycle of turns before resolving their next order.
Q: Does the player being affected by Doran Martell’s house
card (moving them to the last position of the King’s Court track)
lose any special order tokens that are already on the board?
A: No.
Q: If a player acquires a dominance token from the text ability
of Doran Martell’s house card (or other similar non-standard
effects), does that token retain its current state?
A: Yes. If the token was already used this round (flipped to
its faded side), it remains used for the player who acquired
it until it is flipped back at the end of the Action Phase.
Q: If after playing the Loras Tyrell house card, a player wins a
combat as the attacker against a player that played the Arianne
Martell house card as the defender, can the Tyrell March order
still be moved into the empty space?
A: Technically speaking, yes. However, the Tyrell March
order token is removed at the end of the “Combat Cleanup
step”, so it is effectively unusable.
Q: If Mace Tyrell’s text ability destroys the last remaining
defending unit, does the combat still continue?
A: Yes.
Q: If the Tyrell player chooses to use the Queen of orns
house card to remove a Support order from an adjacent area
providing support to a combat, are the units in that adjacent
area still counted when determining final combat strength?
A: No, Tyrell’s opponent does not add the strength of
the supporting units in the area from where the Support
order was removed. As per page 20 of the rulebook: “Some
house card text abilities may cause a player’s initial combat
strength to be recalculated.”
Combat and Unit Movement
Q: Can siege engines be chosen to satisfy the necessary
number of casualties suffered as the loser in a combat?
A: No. Siege engines are destroyed automatically as a
result of losing combat in addition to all other casualties
Q: After winning a combat, if a player would suffer casualties
that would eliminate all of their units in the embattled area,
does the loser of the combat still have to retreat?
A: Yes.
Q: Does marching a player’s units into an area containing only
an enemy power token (and no enemy units) result in a combat?
A: No.
Q: Does marching a player’s units into an area containing
only enemy routed units result in a combat?
A: Yes.
Q: Can routed units provide support?
A: All routed units (whether attacker, defender, or
supporter) are ineligible to contribute their combat strength
to the combat. ey are treated as an unmodifiable “0”
combat strength. However, they are still participating in
the combat for the sake of card text abilities such as Renly
Baratheon’s. Non-routed units sharing an area with routed
units may still contribute support as normal.
Q: When does the winner of a combat exert control over the
embattled area?
A: Control over an area does not change hands until all
stages of combat are completed. In the case of a completely
emptied area, at no point during the combat would the
area be controlled by the attacker (and so would not count
toward their victory condition).
Q: When a player resolves a March order, if they split the
march into two areas, a combat and a non-combat, can the non-
combat move break supply for a moment while the combat move
reaches its destination?
A: No. Before starting a combat, all other non-combat
movement from the area that is assigned the March order
must be completed simultaneously without exceeding supply.
Q: When a player retreats from a combat as the defender, can
they retreat to any friendly area?
A: No. e area must also be either adjacent or connected
via ship transport.
Q: When a player resolves a March order, if they march all of
their units out of another player’s home area and do not leave
behind a power token to establish control, where must they
retreat if they were to lose the ensuing combat?
A: ey would have no legal target for retreat and would
thus be destroyed.
Q: Can ship transport be used to provide support to an area
that is not adjacent to the area with the Support order?
A: No.
Q: In what order do players declare, accept, and decline support?
A: In turn order, each House with one or more Support
orders adjacent to the embattled area (including the
defender and attacker) must do one of the following:
ɇ Declare which of their supporting areas they will offer
to attacker
ɇ Declare which of their supporting areas they will offer
to defender
ɇ Refrain from supporting either side
e player receiving the support must accept or decline
each declaration as it is given. Note: A player cannot support
against themselves.
Q: If a player has more than one Support order adjacent to the
embattled area, do they declare which House all of their orders
support at once? Can they choose to split their support, offering
support to separate opponents?
A: When it is a player’s turn to declare support (according
to their position in turn order), they must declare one House
that all of their Support orders will be supporting. ey
cannot support two opposing Houses in the same combat.
Q: Is it possible to have negative initial combat strength or
negative final combat strength?
A: While it is possible for a player to have negative initial
combat strength, any final combat strength lower than 0 is
increased to 0.
Westeros and Wildling Cards
Q: When the “Winter is Coming” Westeros card is resolved,
does that card also get shuffled back into the deck?
A: Yes.
Q: Can a wildling icon revealed by a “Winter Is Coming”
Westeros card trigger a wildling attack?
A: Yes. Unlike most other Westeros cards, the “Winter Is
Coming” card is intended to be resolved immediately upon
being drawn, not during “Step 4. Resolve Westeros Cards.
Q: Does the second option on the “Dark Wings, Dark Words”
Westeros card allow ships in port to collect one power token?
A: Yes. is portion of the card operates exactly like the
Game of rones” Westeros card, so the “Trade with the
Free Cities” rule is still in effect (page 25 of the base game
Q: If the Wildling reat token is on the “0” space of the
Wildling track and a “Wildlings Attack” Westeros card is drawn,
is it resolved as normal? Is there still the possibility of defeat?
A: e “Wildlings Attack” card is resolved regardless of
the position of the Wildling reat token. Players still go
through the process of bidding power tokens against the
wildlings, but in this case, they are guaranteed victory.
Q: When resolving the penalty on “e Horde Descends”
Westeros card, can the two units that the lowest bidder must
destroy be from different areas?
A: No. All units that are destroyed must come from one
area with a castle/stronghold.
Q: When resolving the penalty on the “Preemptive Raid”
wildling card, can the lowest bidder choose one of the effects if
they cannot fully fulfill it?
A: Yes. For example, a player can choose option B even if
they are already on the bottom of all influence tracks.
Q: When resolving the penalty on the “Massing on the
Milkwater” wildling card, if the lowest bidder only has two cards
in their hand and both are the same strength, when and how
should they retrieve their hand of discarded cards?
A: e lowest bidder first chooses and discards one card.
en, they discard their last card, leaving it in the discard
pile while they retrieve their other six (including the card
they chose to discard first).
Q: Is there a difference between a “connected sea area” and an
“adjacent sea area”?
A: No. e terms are interchangeable.
Q: If a player marches all their land units out of an area (but
not their home area) that is connected to a Port with their ships,
and in doing so chooses not to leave behind a power token, what
happens to that player’s ships in the Port?
A: Ships left in a Port that is connected to an uncontrolled
land area are immediately destroyed. If the land area
connected to the Port is an enemy home area, those ships
instead may immediately be replaced with ships of that
enemy’s House (as per the rules under “Taking Control of
Enemy Ports” on page 25).
Q: Can a player’s ships retreat into a Port that is connected to
a non-friendly land area?
A: No. A player must control the connected land area to
move ships (including retreating) into a Port.
Q: When mustering ships from an area containing a Port, the
rules state: “...the player may muster ship units directly in the
Port itself or in the adjacent sea area.” In the case of mustering
from a Stronghold, does the “or” in this sentence imply that a
player can only do one or the other, but not both?
A: No. A player may spend their mustering points to
muster ships in separate areas, such as one in the adjacent
sea area and another in the connected Port.
Power and Bidding
Q: At what point during bidding should players announce their
available power tokens?
A: At the beginning of each bid, before temporarily pulling
their power tokens behind their screens, all players must
announce how many available power tokens they have.
Q: If a Consolidate Power order on a sea area is raided, does
the raiding player pillage?
A: Yes.
Q: Can a player choose to remove one of their own power
tokens from the board?
A: No. Players cannot choose to retrieve power tokens that
were previously placed on the board to establish control.
Q: What occurs if a player has no castles or strongholds left
and no units left to order? Are they eliminated from the game?
A: No, that player is not eliminated from the game and
continues playing with what little resources they have left.
Q: Can a player use the Special Consolidate Power order token
to muster troops into an area without castles or strongholds?
A: No.
A Dance With Dragons expansion
Q: What is the maximum strength provided by the Mance
Rayder house card text ability?
A: Ten. Since the Wildling reat token cannot reach
the “12” position during the Action Phase, Mance cannot
provide 12 strength.
Q: When resolving the text ability on the Rodrick the Reader
house card, can the player also look through the chosen Westeros
deck’s discard pile as well?
A: No. e “deck” consists of only the cards that are still
facedown and have not yet been used. ose that have been
used are considered the “discard pile.”
A Feast For Crows expansion
Q: When resolving the “Ironborn Raid” Westeros card, do the
special objectives also count when determining “at least 2 scored
objective cards”?
A: No.
Q: Is Winterfell counted when determining the five strongholds
and castles needed to score the Stark special objective?
A: Yes.
Q: Does the “Crossing Guard” Objective card require
controlling two areas joined by a bridge or four areas joined by
two separate bridges?
A: Only one pair of areas is needed, for a total of two areas.
Q: When resolving the “Mercantile Ventures” Objective card, does
a player need to have ships in the Ports in order to control them?
A: No. A player simply needs to have control of the
connected land area.
Q: When playing A Feast for Crows, what are the tiebreakers
at the end of Round 10?
A: If at the end of Round 10 no player has 7 victory
points, the player with the most victory points who is in the
highest position on the Iron rone is the winner.
Mother of Dragons expansion
Q: When playing the Mother of Dragons expansion with three
or four players, is the King’s Court overlay used?
A: No. e King’s Court overlay is not used when playing
with vassals, regardless of the number of players.
Q: If the Essos map, and thus the Iron Bank, is not being used
during the game, can the Iron Bank sea orders still be played?
A: Yes. ey function as blank (no effect) sea order tokens.
Q: When a non-vassal player’s combat card refers to “your
opponent,” does it refer to the vassal they are combating or the
commander of that vassal?
A: “Your opponent” references the vassal itself. e vassal’s
commander is merely playing on behalf of the vassal for
certain parts of its turn or combat (the only exception being
the use of the Valyrian Steel Blade).
Q: When resolving Robert Arryn’s house card against a vassal,
are any of the vassal house cards removed from the game?
A: No. Vassals do not have a discard pile, so they would
not have any available targets.
Q: If a player is to command more than one vassal, are those
vassals selected at the same time?
A: Yes. When it is a commander’s turn to select a vassal,
they select a vassal (or pass) for each of the vassal markers
they have.
Q: Are vassals part of the “turn order”?
A: Yes.
Q: Does the “Storm of Swords” Westeros card forbid placing or
executing a vassal’s “Defense/Muster” order token?
A: Yes. e “Defense/Muster” is a type of Defense order
so it would not be playable. Note: is token is not a
Consolidate Power order token.
Q: Does the vassal “Defense/Muster” order token get removed
if it is used as a Defense order?
A: No. Like Defense orders, these tokens are not removed
after they are used for defense. ey can be used again later
for defense and/or as a Muster order during the “Resolving
Consolidate Power Orders” step.
Q: Can a commander initiate an attack against one of their
own vassals or vice versa?
A: No.
Q: Can a commander support an attack against one of their
own vassals or vice versa?
A: No. A commander cannot support an attack made
against one their vassals. Similarly, a vassal cannot support
an attack made against its commander or another of its
commander’s vassals.
Q: Can one of a commander’s vassals attack or raid another of
that commander’s vassals?
A: No. A commander cannot attack or raid their own
vassals, nor can one of their vassals attack or raid that
commander or any other of that commander’s other vassals.
Q: Can effects such as “e King Beyond the Wall” wildling
card or Doran Martell’s house card ability cause the Targaryen
player to move out of the last place on the influence tracks?
A: No. Any effect that would shift the Targaryen player
to a higher position on the track is ignored. Any effect that
would shift a player to the lowest position of an influence
track places the token in the “7” position instead.
Q: When the Targaryen player resolves Viserys Targaryen’s
house card to discard their Khal Drogo house card, is Drogo
removed from the game?
A: No. A house card’s text ability is only in effect if it is
played as the chosen house card during a combat.
Q: Can loyalty tokens be placed on or moved into sea areas?
A: No. Loyalty tokens can exist on land areas only.
Q: When a loyalty token is placed into or moved into an area
that the Targaryen player controls, does the Targaryen player
immediately gain and score it?
A: Yes.
Q: If the Targaryen player does not pay the interest for one of
their loans, can the holder of the Valyrian Steel Blade choose to
kill a dragon?
A: Yes.
Q: Since House Targaryen does not have any siege engine
units, what happens when an effect allows them to gain one
(such as the “Siege Engineers” loan)?
A: e Targaryen player ignores that part of the effect.
ey cannot gain or muster siege engines, even when an
effect says that they should.
Q: When resolving a bid on an influence track, does the
Targaryen player distribute their bid power before or after the
holder of the Iron rone token breaks any ties?
A: e Targaryen player distributes their power
immediately after revealing it, thus before the Iron rone
holder can choose how ties are broken.
Q: When the Targaryen player resolves a March order, if they
move into an area that has a loyalty token and another House’s
units, do they acquire the loyalty token immediately?
A: No. e Targaryen player must control that area,
meaning they must win the combat and have at least one
surviving unit present. For example, the text ability of
Arriane Martell’s house card would prevent the Targaryen
player from acquiring a loyalty token in the embattled area.
Q: Can an Iron Bank sea order token in a Port be resolved
when there are enemy ships in the adjacent sea area?
A: Yes.
Q: When purchasing a loan, can a portion of the effect be
intentionally ignored?
A: No. A player must fulfill as much of the loan as
possible. ey cannot choose to ignore part of the loan if
they are able to fulfill it.
Q: Does a player have to be able to fulfill the entire effect of a
loan to purchase it?
A: No. A player can purchase any loan regardless of its
effect (assuming they can afford the initial power cost). Any
portion of the effect that cannot be fulfilled is ignored.
Q: If a player does not have the stated units on an Iron Bank
loan (such as the Targaryen player not having siege engines), can
the player still purchase the loan and enact the card effect?
A: Yes. ey receive all of the units they are able to,
ignoring the others.
Q: When resolving the “Pyromancer” loan card to degrade
the castle on Braavos, is the effect of the Braavos Neutral Force
token (-1 cost on loans) removed from the game?
A: No. e token’s effect is associated with the Braavos
area, not the castle within it.
Q: When resolving the “Pyromancer” loan card to degrade a
castle in an area with a Port, does the port cease to function?
A: No.
Q: Can a player place their vassal’s +3 Defense order token if
the “Storm of Swords” Westeros card’s effect is in play?
A: No.
Q: Does the “Feast for Crows” Westeros card forbid placing or
executing an Iron Bank order token?
A: No. e Iron Bank order token is not a type of
Consolidate Power order token (even though it is resolved
within the same timing window) and so would not be
Q: When resolving the “Fire Made Flesh” Westeros card, can
the Targaryen player choose any number of dragon strength
tokens to move to the dragon strength box?
A: No. Only one token can be moved.
Q: When resolving the “Playing With Fire” Westeros card, can
the Targaryen player choose a player who has no available units?
A: No.
Q: When resolving the Westeros card “Fire Made Flesh,” can
the Targaryen player choose to perform neither of the options?
A: Yes. e execution of each effect is optional.
Q: When resolving the “Word Spreads Quickly” and “Scattering
Dissent” Westeros cards, can a player choose not to move a
loyalty token?
A: No. Each player, including the Targaryen player, must
choose one token to move.
Q: When resolving the “Word Spreads Quickly” and “Scattering
Dissent” Westeros cards, can the same loyalty token be moved
more than once?
A: Yes, including back and forth between the same areas.
Q: Can a player refuse power tokens that are gifted to them by
another player?
A: Yes.