A product of the Shoreline Change Special Area Management Plan
Rhode Island
FEMA Flood Zones
& Flood Insurance
Coastal Storms Is Your
Property At Risk?
10 Questions Coastal
Residents Need to Ask
Rhode Island Coastal Property Guide 2014
The University of Rhode Island Coastal Resources Center/Rhode Island Sea Grant compiled this guidance document
for the Rhode Island Coastal Resources Council as a product of the Shoreline Change Special Area Management
Plan, or Beach SAMP.
This publication is sponsored by the R.I. Coastal Resources Management Council, the University of Rhode Island
Coastal Resources Center, Rhode Island Sea Grant, and the Rhode Island Bays, Rivers, and Watersheds
Coordination Team. All photos are the property of the R.I. Coastal Resources Management Council or URI Coastal
Resources Center/Rhode Island Sea Grant except where noted.
Grover J. Fugate, Executive Director of the R.I. Coastal Resources Management Council
Jennifer McCann, URI Coastal Resources Center & Rhode Island Sea Grant
Michelle Carnevale, URI Coastal Resources Center & Rhode Island Sea Grant
Jon C. Boothroyd, R.I. Geological Survey
Bryan A. Oakley, Eastern Connecticut State University
Helen Manning, URI CRC/RISG and Rhode Island Natural History Survey
Michelle Carnevale, URI Coastal Resources Center & Rhode Island Sea Grant
Pamela Rubinoff, URI Coastal Resources Center & Rhode Island Sea Grant
The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of the following individuals to the Rhode Island
Coastal Property Guide:
Janet Freedman and Jim Boyd, R.I. Coastal Resources Management Council
Jon C. Boothroyd, R.I. Geological Survey
Dennis H. Esposito, R.I. Sea Grant Legal Program, Roger Williams University School of Law
Monica Allard Cox, Rhode Island Sea Grant
Sue Kennedy, Amber Neville, and Teresa Crean, URI Coastal Resources Center & Rhode Island Sea Grant
Sarah Emily Scott, URI Coastal Resources Center
The R.I. CRMC is especially appreciative of the efforts of the individuals who served as Rhode Island
Coastal Property Guide reviewers, including:
Dennis Nixon, Director, Rhode Island Sea Grant
Malcolm Spaulding, Professor Emeritus, Ocean Engineering, University of Rhode Island
Alyce C. Kleczek, Bay Realty, Ltd.
Monica Staaf, Legal Counsel, Rhode Island Association of REALTORS, Inc.
Paul J. Brunetti Sr, President, Rhode Island Association of Home Inspectors
David E. Stewart, Broker Associate, William Raveis Real Estate
Jessica Stimson and Michelle Burnett, R.I. Emergency Management Agency
Rhode Island Coastal Resources Management Council
Oliver Stedman Government Center
4808 Tower Hill Road
Wakefield, RI 02879
Grover J. Fugate, Executive Director
Ms. Anne Maxwell Livingston, Chair
Mr. Paul E. Lemont, Vice Chairman
Mr. Raymond C. Coia
Mr. Donald T. Gomez
Mr. Tony Affigne
Mr. Michael Hudner
Mr. Jerry Sahagian
Ms. Joy E. Montanaro
Mr. Paul Baudette
Mr. Ron Gagnon, RIDEM
This publication has been prepared by the University of Rhode Island’s Coastal Resources Center and
Rhode Island Sea Grant for the R.I. Coastal Resources Management Council as a guidance resource. It is
not intended nor should be used to give any legal advice nor to supersede any state or federal statutory or
regulatory language or interpretation of such language. This document refers the reader to various
regulations and policies adopted by federal and state regulatory agencies; the reader is encouraged to
review the specific regulation and policy.
Rhode Island
Coastal Property Guide
Rhode Island’s coast
is a
vital part of the state’s identity, and draws
residents and visitors alike. However, with the
beauty of the waterfront come hazards that
threaten human activity and development along
the coast. Here’s what you need to know about
living or building along the water.
Rhode Island Coastal Property Guide
10 Questions Coastal Residents Should Ask About Coastal Property
Additional Information
Introduction ....................................................................................................... 2
Coastal Property Topics & Terms ..................................................................... 27
Resources & Links ........................................................................................... 28
What kinds of coastal features are on or near the property, and what kinds
of setbacks or regulations apply?
Are there restrictions on the property due to the adjacent CRMC water
Is the property in a flood zone according to FEMA maps?
If I am in a flood zone, do I have to obtain flood insurance?
How can I find out what my flood insurance premiums will be?
How will erosion and sea-level rise impact the property and surrounding
Can I install structures along the shore to protect the property and
buildings from erosion or flooding?
How will coastal storms and flooding affect the property and structures?
Will I be allowed to rebuild in the event of a flood or storm that partially or
completely destroys the building?
How do I determine if the buildings on the property meet the current
design and construction standards for the flood zone?
What kinds of septic systems are permitted in the coastal zone?
Can I repair or replace a damaged septic system?
Can I make the existing building more resilient? How do I build a new
resilient structure?
Rhode Island Coastal Property Guide
The Ocean State, with over 400 miles of coastline, is known for its beaches, bluffs, and scenic waterfronts. The water
is a big a part of Rhode Island as the land, attracting long- and short-term visitors, and offering opportunities for
recreation, industry, and simple enjoyment. As a result, the coastline is populated by businesses, important
infrastructure, and many residences and it’s these structures that are at risk when it comes to coastal hazards.
Being within a stone’s throw of the beach is a dream for many, but the realities of coastal living can be harsh. Coastal
buildings may be more vulnerable to severe storms, erosion, and coastal flooding. Additionally, there are special
policies and regulations that govern shoreline activities in order to preserve natural habitats, ensure public safety,
and protect resources. As such, coastal residents and property owners face unique challenges and considerations.
THE OCEAN ISN’T ALWAYS THE BEST NEIGHBOR With climate change causing
increased storminess, proximity to the water also means frequent exposure to coastal hazards, like storm events and
associated flooding. In addition, long-term changes like sea-level rise will continue to influence the coastal landscape
so that today’s property lines may be inundated during future high tides.
THE COASTAL ZONE The coastal zone in Rhode Island has special policies, regulations, and
requirements that differ from inland areas. The Rhode Island Coastal Resources Management Council
, or the
CRMC, is the managing agency for the state’s extensive shoreline, and has produced regulations
to govern building,
permitting, and policy in coastal areas.
THE BOTTOM LINE If you’re currently a coastal property owner, considering buying coastal real estate, or
if you live, work, or even play along Rhode Island’s shoreline, you should be aware of the conditions that shape the
coastal zone and the policies that protect it.
Coastal property owners should be aware of the hazards that impact the shoreline, including sea-
level rise, erosion, storm events, and flooding.
R.I. CRMC: www.crmc.ri.gov/
R.I. CRMC Regulations (R.I. Coastal Resources Management Program): www.crmc.ri.gov/regulations/RICRMP.pdf
Rhode Island Coastal Property Guide
1. What kinds of coastal features are on or near the property, and what kinds of setbacks or
regulations apply?
In addition to municipal zoning conditions, properties in coastal areas are subject to coastal zone management
classifications that may carry building and permitting ramifications. These classifications are based on both the water
the property abuts and characteristics of the shoreline on or near the property.
Coastal or shoreline features such as coastal barriers, dunes, and wetlands have specific regulations and protections
under the CRMC. These regulations include structural setbacks, buffers, and rules pertaining to construction and
renovating or remodeling older structures. Depending on the property’s proximity to coastal features, there may be
implications for new construction, home improvements, and structural alterations.
Examples of shoreline features in Rhode Island (clockwise from top left): coastal beach, coastal
dunes, coastal wetlands, and shoreline protection structures along a manmade shoreline.
CRMC Shoreline Feature Classifications
Areas of Historic/Archaeological Significance
Rocky Shores
Beaches and Dunes
Manmade Shorelines
Coastal Wetlands
Developed Barriers
Headlands, Bluffs and Cliffs
Moderately Developed Barriers
Tidal Waters
Undeveloped Barriers
Rhode Island Coastal Property Guide
For freshwater wetlands, the R.I. Department of Environmental Management has jurisdiction to determine whose
jurisdiction the property is under, you can check the CRMC/RIDEM Wetland Jurisdiction Maps
. For more information
about freshwater wetlands management, please see the DEM’s Wetlands FAQ
Why it matters: A CRMC permit is required for any construction or alteration activity on a shoreline feature or within
200 feet of a shoreline feature. Additionally, setbacks are required for all new structures along the shore. The
minimum setback from coastal features is 50 feet, but in areas with erosion, setbacks are determined using the rates
of change found on the shoreline change maps (see below).
Distances for setbacks are 30 times the calculated average annual erosion rate for less than four dwelling units, and
60 times the average annual rate for commercial, industrial, or more than four units. Note: Setbacks and buffers are
always measured from the most inland edge of the shoreline feature. If there is a coastal buffer zone
, an additional
25-foot setback is measured from the inland edge of the buffer zone.
For example, if the erosion rate is 2.5 feet per year, and you are planning to build a single-family home, the setback
from the inland edge of the coastal feature would be 75 feet (2.5 feet x 30 = 75 feet).
Setbacks that are larger than these requirements will provide the property with a greater level of protection against the
impacts of coastal erosion and other hazards.
To identify the shoreline features and find out more: The CRMC’s Guide to Coastal Shoreline Features
will help
you begin to identify the shoreline features on the property. Additionally, you can consult with CRMC staff for
shoreline feature verification and applicable setback requirements. For more information about setbacks and
shoreline features, please see Sections 140 and 210 of the CRMC regulations.
The CRMC’s shoreline change maps
depict past coastal erosion, and include the calculated rates of change used to
determine setbacks. When siting for coastal construction, the CRMC recommends that property owners exceed the
minimum setback requirements in order to better protect the structure, as shoreline change is an ongoing process
influenced by coastal storms.
Wetland Jurisdiction Maps: www.dem.ri.gov/maps/wetjuris.htm
R.I. DEM Wetlands FAQ: www.dem.ri.gov/programs/benviron/water/wetlands/pdfs/realtor.pdf
Coastal Buffer Zone: a land area adjacent to a coastal feature that is vegetated with native shoreline species and acts as a natural transition
zone between the coast and adjacent upland development.
Coastal Shoreline Features: www.crmc.ri.gov/guidesreports/CRMC_Coastal_Shoreline_Features.pdf
R.I. CRMC Regulations: www.crmc.ri.gov/regulations/RICRMP.pdf
R.I. CRMC Shoreline Change Maps: www.crmc.ri.gov/maps/maps_shorechange.html
Using the CRMC Shoreline Change Maps
The CRMC Shoreline Change Maps (see example on the following page) were created using aerial photography
and are intended to show past erosion and the shoreline rates of change that are applied to pertinent sections of
the Council’s regulatory programs to address issues including setbacks of activities from coastal features.
The colored lines along the coast represent past and more recent placements of the shoreline the blue line
represents the shoreline in 2004, while the red line demonstrates where the shoreline was in 1939. The white
numbers show total change in feet and meters in shoreline location between 1939 and 2004. Yellow numbers
show a rate of change in feet or meters in shoreline location between past and present.
Please note: Coastal erosion does not occur slowly over time at a constant rate, but is instead the result
of abrupt changes due to storms. For that reason, the rates provided within the Shoreline Change Maps
should be used with caution.
Rhode Island Coastal Property Guide
Rhode Island Coastal Property Guide
2. Are there restrictions on the property due to the adjacent CRMC water classification?
All coastal waters in Rhode Island are categorized into six water types according to the characteristics of the adjacent
shoreline, water use, and density of use. Conservation, recreation, transportation, and industrial activities all occur
along the shore, and influence the shoreline policies and regulations based on water types. The six water type
classifications, as designated by the CRMC, are:
Why it matters: Though all areas along classified waters are subject to coastal zone management, properties
located along certain water types may have more strict regulations for development. Some of the activities or
structures that are regulated in the coastal area include:
Filling, removal, and grading along the shoreline
Construction of residential or recreational structures, including docks
Construction of public infrastructure
Individual sewage disposal systems
Installation of shoreline protection structures
Beach nourishment (replenishment)
Prohibition of new construction on undeveloped barriers
Identify the adjacent water type and find out more: For each coastal municipality, maps of water types and other
shoreline classifications are available online
. Information about restricted activities, prohibited activities, and
permitting processes can be found in the CRMC regulations
Some coastal areas are governed by CRMC Special Area Management Plans, and as such, have area-specific
regulations. To determine if the property is included under a Special Area Management Plan, visit the CRMC SAMP
R.I. CRMC Water Use Maps: www.crmc.ri.gov/maps/maps_wateruse.html
R.I. CRMC Regulations: www.crmc.ri.gov/regulations/RICRMP.pdf
R.I. CRMC SAMPs: www.crmc.ri.gov/samps.html
CRMC Water Type Classifications
Type 1: Conservation Areas
Areas of natural habitat or scenic value of unique or unusual significance, or
areas that have been deemed unsuitable for structures due to their exposure
to severe wave action, flooding, and erosion.
Type 2: Low Intensity Use
Areas with high scenic value that support low-intensity recreational and
residential uses.
Type 3: High Intensity
Intensely utilized water where recreational boating activities dominate and
where the adjacent shorelines are developed as marinas, boatyards, and
associated water-enhanced and water-dependent businesses.
Type 4: Multipurpose Waters
Large expanses of open water in Narragansett Bay and Rhode Island and
Block Island sounds that support a variety of commercial and recreational
activities with adjacent shorelines that may be used to support water-
dependent commercial, industrial, and/or high-intensity recreational activities.
Type 5: Recreational and
Commercial Harbors
Areas adjacent to waterfront areas that support a variety of tourist,
recreational, and commercial activities.
Type 6: Industrial Waterfronts
and Commercial Navigation
Areas that are used to accommodate commercial and industrial water-
dependent and water-enhanced activities.
Rhode Island Coastal Property Guide
The CRMC Water Use map for the City of Newport, Rhode Island. The water use maps show the
six different water types, or classifications, as determined by CRMC along Rhode Island’s coast.
Maps for all of the coastal municipalities are at www.crmc.ri.gov/maps/maps_wateruse.html.
Rhode Island Coastal Property Guide
3. Is the property in a flood zone according to FEMA maps?
With the increased frequency and severity of storms and ongoing sea-level rise, coastal properties are often at higher
risk for damage caused by flooding events. As such, proximity to the coast can have a number of impacts on a
coastal property, from additional flood insurance premiums to special building requirements.
As part of the National Flood Insurance Program
, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, has
mapped risk zones for flood-prone areas, and these maps inform flood insurance rates as well as municipal and state
regulations. The most recent Flood Insurance Rate Maps, or FIRMs, can be found at the FEMA Map Service
Why it matters: If a structure is in a high-risk flood hazard zone (or a Special Flood Hazard Area) as determined by
FEMA, a buyer must obtain flood insurance in order to get a mortgage. For owners of existing structures within flood
zones, taking out a line of credit, obtaining a reverse mortgage, or acquiring any federally-attached loan will require
the borrower to purchase flood insurance. For property owners looking to build, any structure built in a SFHA will
require flood insurance if a mortgage is needed, and new construction will have to meet the latest building codes.
To find out if the property is in a flood zone: Consult the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) for the municipality.
These are located at the city or town hall, but can also be found online at the FEMA Map Service Center.
Additionally, FIRM information is available on the R.I. Emergency Management Agency (RIEMA) flood mapping
, and through the RIEMA Floodplain Mapping tool. The RIEMA Floodplain Mapping tool is intended to be used
for reference only, and will direct the user to the official FIRMs. The tool comes with a helpful tutorial
that explains
the maps, the different flood zones, and how to get more information about a specific property.
If the property is not currently in a flood zone, be sure to check the 0.2% risk area (or 500-year flood zone)
to see if
the property may be in the flood zone in the future. With rising sea levels, the 0.2% risk area may offer a more
accurate look at the future floodplain. Additionally, many lenders assess flood-risk for the life of the loan, and with
increasing sea-level rise and shoreline change, the long-term impacts on the property may come into play.
National Flood Insurance Program: www.fema.gov/national-flood-insurance-program
FEMA Map Service Center: msc.fema.gov/
For information about structural resiliency in relation to flooding, please see question 10.
RIEMA Floodplain mapping: www.riema.ri.gov/prevention/floods/flood_mapping.php
RIEMA Map Tool Tutorial: www.riema.ri.gov/prevention/floods/MapToolTutorial.pdf
FEMA Flood Zones: www.fema.gov/floodplain-management/flood-zones
FEMA Flood Zones
The FEMA flood zones are defined by the likelihood of flooding events caused by storms, specifically, the
probability of a certain flood’s occurrence in any given year. The varying flood zones represent areas inundated
by flooding events of differing magnitudes, and are the basis of the FEMA flood maps.
The base flood has about a 1% chance of being met or exceeded during any given year. Often referred to as the
100-year flood, this flooding event is anticipated to impact Special Flood Hazard Area zones A and V.
A 0.2% annual chance flood occurs when a storm of a magnitude so great that only 2 out 1,000 (or 1 out of 500)
floods will be of equal or greater size or intensity. This flood event is sometimes referred to as 500-year storm
event, and is represented by the 0.2% zone.
Rhode Island Coastal Property Guide
Consulting the Maps
Base floodthe flood having a 1% chance of being equaled in any
given year, also known as the “100-year-flood” this is used as a
national standard
Base flood elevation (BFE)the computed elevation for which
floodwater is anticipated to rise during base flood
Elevation certificate (EC)a FEMA document filled out by a
professional which verifies the elevation of the lowest floor of a
building (necessary for obtaining insurance and other information)
FIRMFlood Insurance Rate Map
Flood insurance premiumsthe relationship between the BFE
and a structure’s elevation determines the flood insurance premium
Floodplain the area inundated by the base flood
Flood Zones 0.2 Percent Annual Chance Flood Zone, A-zone,
AE-zone, AH-zone, AO-zone, VE-zone (see the flood zone
descriptions on the next page)
Lowest floorthe lowest enclosed area of the structure, including
the basement
Map panel corresponds to FIRMs, refers to specific sections of
the map
NFIP National Flood Insurance Program
SFHA Special Flood Hazard Area
Using the RIEMA Floodplain Mapping Tool
Please note that the RIEMA Floodplain Mapping tool is intended to be
used for reference only, and will direct the user to the official FIRMs.
The RIEMA mapping tool is based on the FEMA flood insurance
maps, and displays all of the FEMA flood zones. See the explanation
of the flood zones, from the RIEMA Map Tool Tutorial below.
After an address is entered, the mapping tool provides the FIRM Map
panel for the property, and, if the structure is within the SFHA, the
flood zone classification, and the BFE (right).
Rhode Island Coastal Property Guide
4. If I am in a flood zone, do I have to obtain flood insurance? How can I find out what my
flood insurance premiums will be?
Homeowner’s insurance does not cover damage caused by coastal flooding flood insurance in the coastal zone
must be purchased separately. As part of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)
, the federal government
offers flood insurance to homeowners everywhere, including those within the coastal floodplain.
Why it matters: If a structure is in a high-risk flood hazard zone as determined by FEMA, a buyer must obtain flood
insurance in order to get a mortgage. For existing structures or buildings within flood zones, an owner taking out a
line of credit, obtaining a reverse mortgage, or acquiring any federally-attached loan will need to purchase flood
insurance. Property owners intending to build in a flood zone will be required to purchase flood insurance if they are
obtaining a mortgage. Additionally, all new construction must meet the most recent building codes.
If a property is only partially in a flood zone, structures that are not within the flood zone do not require flood
To determine if your property is within a flood zone, and to obtain information about structures on the property, visit
the FEMA Map Service Center
or the RIEMA floodplain mapping page
Image from the RIEMA Floodplain Mapping Tool. The structure on the left would not have a
mandatory flood insurance requirement, while the structure to the right is entirely within the AE
Zone and would require a borrower to purchase flood insurance.
Getting a Flood Insurance Estimate
In order to get a flood insurance estimate, an owner must obtain an elevation certificate
for any post-FIRM structure
(a building constructed or substantially improved after the adoption of the first flood insurance rate maps). An
elevation certificate is an official FEMA document filled out by an authorized land surveyor, engineer, or architect
verifying the elevation of the lowest floor
of the structure. Elevation certificates are used to determine the
National Flood Insurance Program: www.fema.gov/national-flood-insurance-program
FEMA Map Service Center: msc.fema.gov/
RIEMA Floodplain mapping: www.riema.ri.gov/prevention/floods/flood_mapping.php
FEMA NFIP Elevation Certificate and Instructions: www.fema.gov/media-library-data/20130726-1437-20490-
The lowest floor of a structure is the lowest floor of the lowest enclosed area of a structure, including the structure’s basement. Areas that are
not fully enclosed or are flood-resistant (frequently areas used for storage, parking, or access) are not considered the lowest floor.
Rhode Island Coastal Property Guide
appropriate flood insurance premium rate for the building, and also attest to a community’s compliance with
floodplain management ordinances.
Once the elevation certificate is verified, an insurance company can provide estimates for future flood insurance
premium rates. Due to recent changes in the NFIP, relying on a property seller’s premiums and other insurance
information to estimate potential premium is not recommended.
Flood Insurance Claims & Past Damage
FEMA flood insurance claim information is not accessible to the public. However, FEMA provides statistics on claims
by state and municipality. The loss statistics for Rhode Island are located in FEMA's NFIP statistics report
If you are purchasing a property with existing buildings, ask the seller or real estate licensee about the property’s
history of flood damageit is the seller’s responsibility to disclose any known defects to prospective buyers
. You
can also contact the municipality’s building official to get information on any permits that were required or issued to
the previous owners documenting any repairs or renovations to the building.
NFIP Community Rating System
The Community Rating System (CRS)
is a voluntary program through which communities can earn discounts off
premiums for flood insurance policy holders by exceeding NFIP floodplain management requirements. If you are
purchasing flood insurance, visit the RIEMA Floodplain Management page
to see if your community participates in
the program. It is the responsibility of the property owner to notify his or her insurance agent of a community’s
participation in the program.
Find out more: For more information about the floodplain, flood insurance, and the Community Rating System, visit
the RIEMA’s Flood Insurance page
, consult the Floodplain Management in Rhode Island: 2007 Quick Guide
, or
contact your local NFIP Coordinator
. For additional insurance information, please see the R.I. Department of
Business Regulation Insurance Division’s Consumer Alert HURRICANE PREPARATION: Act Now to Make Filing a
Claim Easier After the Storm
R.I. NFIP Statistics: bsa.nfipstat.fema.gov/reports/1040.htm#44
R.I. Real Estate Sales Disclosures: webserver.rilin.state.ri.us/Statutes/TITLE5/5-20.8/INDEX.HTM
FEMA Community Rating System: www.fema.gov/national-flood-insurance-program-community-rating-system
RIEMA Floodplain Management: www.riema.ri.gov/prevention/floods/
RIEMA Flood Insurance Information: www.riema.ri.gov/prevention/floods/flood_insurance.php
Floodplain Management Guide: www.riema.ri.gov/prevention/floods/floods_documents/RIQG_DesktopPrint.pdf
Local NFIP Coordinators: www.riema.ri.gov/prevention/floods/localNFIP.php
R.I. Department of Business Regulation Insurance Division - Consumer Alert Hurricane Preparation:
Reducing Flood Insurance Premiums: Elevating Your Structure
Rhode Island State Building Code (see www.ribcc.ri.gov/
) mandates that new and substantially improved one and
two family residential buildings in coastal A and V zones be elevated at least one foot above the base flood
elevation. For structures in Coastal A zones, the lowest floor of the dwelling must be one foot above the BFE. For
structures in Coastal V zones, the lowest horizontal structural member must be one foot above the BFE.
Increasing the freeboard (the space between the BFE and the lowest enclosed floor or horizontal structural
member) by more than the required foot will help reduce flood insurance premiums, and may aid in protecting the
structure from flood-related damage. Elevating above the mandatory requirement may also prevent increased
flood insurance premiums in the future, should the floodplain shift due to shoreline change and sea-level rise.
For more information about elevating structures, increasing structural resiliency, and flood-proofing buildings,
please see Question 10: Can I make the existing building more resilient? How do I build a new resilient structure?
Rhode Island Coastal Property Guide
5. How will erosion and sea-level rise impact the property and surrounding area?
EROSION is the process by which wave action, wind, and storm surges remove sediment from beaches, dunes,
bluffs, and headlands. Once removed from the shore, the sediment can be carried away into the coastal lagoons,
deposited on the back of coastal barriers, or swept offshore; often, the sediment won’t return to the shoreline.
Extensive erosion in Matunuck, R.I. Tropical Storm Sandy caused severe erosion along the
southern Rhode Island coast in 2012.
Although shorelines go through natural periods of change, there has been a net loss of sediment over the past few
decades in Rhode Island and many municipalities have faced, or are currently facing erosion issues on both public
and private beaches. Notably, the most eroded portions of state’s coastline have lost over 250 feet of beach in just 50
SEA- LEVEL RISE: Since 1930, sea-level rise in Rhode Island has increased an average of 1 inch per
decade. However, the rate of sea-level rise has quickened and sea level along Rhode Island’s coast has risen 6
inches over the last 40 years. Accelerated sea-level rise is projected to continue into the next century.
What can we expect in the future?
Coastal erosion is primarily influenced by storm events along the shore. In the future, both sea levels and storm
intensity are expected to increase as a result of climate change. Therefore, coastal erosion will likely increase,
especially along areas of the Rhode Island coastline most exposed to wave action.
The CRMC projects that Rhode Island sea levels will rise between 3 and 5 feet by 2100 (Section 145 of the
CRMC Regulations, www.crmc.ri.gov/regulations/RICRMP.pdf). Accelerated sea-level rise creates concern for
coastal towns and cities with vulnerable infrastructure such as roads, utility lines, water supplies, sewage
treatment facilities, and public property along the shore. In addition, private coastal property will be subjected to
increased flooding or permanent inundation.
CRMC recommends that coastal municipalities recognize and plan for sea-level rise, as does the state. By 2016,
under the 2012 Comprehensive Planning Act, Rhode Island municipalities will have to address natural hazards,
including sea-level rise, where applicable, within their municipal comprehension plans.
Rhode Island Coastal Property Guide
Why it matters: Shoreline change not only impacts beaches and nearby structures, but also affects vital coastal
infrastructure, like the roads leading to shoreline properties. For shorefront real estate, it is important to consider how
erosion and sea-level rise currently influence the shoreline, and how long-term changes may affect the specific
property in the future, and over the course of the design-life of a coastal structure. When assessing the impacts of
erosion and sea-level rise on a property, be sure to look at how sewer lines, water lines, and access to a property
may be compromised over the long-term.
Find out more: The CRMC has created a series of shoreline change maps
that depict past coastal erosion. These
maps can help you gauge how much erosion a property may experience in the future. To get an idea of how sea-
level rise will impact the state, your community, and your property, use the Rhode Island Inundation Surfaces
interactive map
R.I. CRMC Shoreline Change Maps: www.crmc.ri.gov/maps/maps_shorechange.html
R.I. Inundation Surfaces (SLR viewer): www.arcgis.com/home/webmap/viewer.html?webmap=6b97585af3ee4b51af62a10953cd7dc0
Is the property in an area that has experienced significant erosion?
You can use the CRMC Shoreline Change Maps to find out. The maps demonstrate past erosion along Rhode
Island’s shoreline, and provide rates of erosional change along the coast. For information about how erosion rates
influence coastal setbacks, see Question 1: What kinds of coastal features are on or near the property, and what
kinds of setbacks or regulations apply?
Please note: Coastal erosion does not occur slowly and steadily over time at a constant rate, but is instead
the result of abrupt changes due to storms. For that reason, the rates provided on the CRMC Shoreline
Change Maps should be used with caution.
Rhode Island Coastal Property Guide
6. Can I install structures along the shore to protect the property and buildings from erosion
or flooding?
Examples of shoreline protection structures. Source: N.C. Division of Coastal Management
Shoreline protection structures are manmade formations like revetments or seawalls designed to protect landforms or
structures along the coast. Often, these structures are installed with the intention of preventing shoreline erosion, but
shoreline protection structures frequently contribute to increased erosion farther down the coast.
In Rhode Island, the CRMC regulates the installation and maintenance of shoreline protection structures, and
differentiates between existing structures and new structures, as well as hardened or natural structures.
Seawalls, groins, jetties, breakwaters, bulkheads, and revetments are examples of hardened shoreline protection
structures, meaning they do not utilize natural or “green” infrastructure to protect the shorefront from erosion. Instead,
these structures are composed of concrete, quarry stone, wood, or even the remnants of buildings destroyed by
extreme coastal weather.
Shoreline protection structures in Rhode Island: a seawall, a riprap revetment, and a bulkhead.
Rhode Island Coastal Property Guide
Why it matters: Frequently, hardened structures cause increased erosion in areas farther down the coast by
retaining erodible sediment behind the structure and sometimes interrupting alongshore transport of sediment to
those properties. This means that if an adjacent property owner has a seawall or revetment, the neighboring
property’s beachfront may be impacted in the future.
If there is an existing shoreline protection structure on the property, be advised that many existing older walls and
revetments were not designed to withstand the wave forces and storm surges that are produced by storm events.
Many of the revetments on properties in Rhode Island were installed prior to state regulations pertaining to shoreline
structures and were built haphazardly or too close to the structures they are intended to protect, which can
exacerbate damage to homes during storms. Even a properly designed shoreline protection structure may not protect
the property under all circumstances.
Find out more: For more information about shoreline protection structures, their installation, and maintenance, refer
to Section 300.7 of the CRMC regulations.
R.I. CRMC Regulations: www.crmc.ri.gov/regulations/RICRMP.pdf
CRMC Guidelines on Shoreline Protection Structures
Maintaining structures: Any alteration or maintenance to an existing shoreline protection structure requires a
CRMC permit. Engineers on CRMC’s staff will review the proposed structure to ensure that it is designed
correctly for its location.
New structures: Structural shoreline protection facilities are prohibited when they are implemented to regain
property lost through past erosion by storms. In Type 1 waters, and along undeveloped, moderately developed,
and developed barriers, CRMC does not permit new shoreline protection structures. Existing structures may be
maintained (but not enlarged or enhanced) with a CRMC permit.
Non-structural methods for controlling erosion such as planting vegetation or beach nourishment are encouraged
by the CRMC. New, hardened shoreline protection structures are only permitted when the property owner has
exhausted other, non-hardened methods of shoreline protection.
Rhode Island Coastal Property Guide
7. How will coastal storms and flooding affect the property and structures? Will I be allowed
to rebuild in the event of a flood or storm that partially or completely destroys the building?
In Rhode Island, tidal flooding, high winds, coastal flood events, hurricanes and other storms can impact property and
activity along the shoreline. Severe weather and associated inundation can cause extensive and expensive damage
to coastal properties, and, in extreme cases, may debilitate entire communities.
Storms & Flooding
Storms are a year-round concern for coastal residents, as tropical storms and hurricanes occur in late summer and
early fall while extratropical storms, including nor’easters, occur in mid- to late-fall, winter, and early to mid-spring.
Storms cause coastal erosion and other shoreline changes due to high winds, increased ocean water height, and
wave action along the coast. Several factors contribute to a storm’s magnitude and destructive power, including wind
speed, wind direction, wave action, and the status of the tide at the time of the storm’s passing.
The storm surge, which is an elevation of water beyond the typical tidal range that occurs during storms, can result
in flooding when storm winds push the elevated ocean water toward the coastline. The storm surge combined with
the normal tidal elevation is the storm tide, or the observed level of the ocean during a storm event. The storm surge
can cause extensive damage to coastal property and is a serious hazard during coastal storms and hurricanes.
During a storm event like a hurricane, a storm surge forms on top of normal tide levels. The
resulting storm tide can cause extensive coastal inundation if winds push the ocean water toward
the shoreline. Image source: www.nhc.noaa.gov/surge/
As a result of climate change, future storm events may produce stronger wave action, larger storm surges, and
extreme precipitation, resulting in greater flood impacts and increased coastal erosion. Moreover, climate change is
anticipated to cause increased frequency and intensity of storms.
Review the Rhode Island Hurricane Inundation Maps
to see how flooding caused by coastal storms and hurricanes
may impact the property and the nearby area. Even if the property isn’t in a flood zone, flooding in the surrounding
area may damage critical infrastructure or make evacuation routes inaccessible.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Hurricane Inundation Maps: www.riema.ri.gov/preparedness/evacuation/hurricane_inundation.php
Rhode Island Coastal Property Guide
Rhode Island’s Big One The 1938 Hurricane
Similarly to the way in which flood zones are defined by likelihood of a flood event’s occurrence, storms are
categorized by magnitude and probability of occurrence during a given time period. A ‘100-year storm event’ has
about a 1 in 100 probability of occurring during any given year. The Hurricane of 1938 meets the storm surge and
wave height criteria for a 100-year storm, and as such is the “storm of record” for Rhode Island.
The 1938 Hurricane was devastating for Rhode Island as a whole, and was especially destructive for coastal
communities along the south shore of the state. The hurricane was particularly impactful because forecasters
expected the storm to move away from the New England coast, and coastal residents were not adequately warned
about the impending disaster.
Corn Neck Road on Block Island, R.I. (left) was partially destroyed during Sandy, while many
private properties were damaged along the south coast of R.I. (right). Though Sandy caused
destruction due to high winds and flooding, the storm was not a worst-case scenario for R.I.
Below: Destruction in Oakland Beach, Warwick, R.I., following the 1938 Hurricane.
Photo: Judy Gray
Photo courtesy of the
Providence Journal
Rhode Island Coastal Property Guide
The 1938 event was a Category 3
Hurricane that coincided with a high tide, and passed just to the west of Rhode Island, causing the region to
experience wind speeds of the hurricane’s highest velocity. In contrast, Hurricane Sandy did not hit the state directly,
and was technically a Post-tropical Cyclone when it impacted Rhode Island.
1938 Hurricane
Hurricane Sandy (2012)
Sustained winds of 91 mph with gusts of 121 mph
(Block Island, RI)
Sustained winds of 100 mph with gusts of 125 mph
(Providence, RI)
Sustained winds of 64.4 mph, gusts of 80 - 86 mph
(Southern R.I. coast)
Sustained winds of 41.4 mph (Providence, RI)
Storm Surge
Newport storm surge height: 11.6 feet above mean
sea level, 9.5 feet higher than normal high tide
Providence storm surge height: 15.25 feet above
mean sea level, ~13.5 feet higher than normal high
South coast storm surge height: 4.4 feet above normal
high tide
Providence storm surge height: 9.4 feet above mean
sea level, 4.6 feet above normal high tide
262 direct deaths in Rhode Island
No direct deaths in Rhode Island
Beach communities along south coast devastated,
over 2,000 homes destroyed or damaged,
extensive flooding along coast
Estimated cost of damages (in R.I.): $100 million
(1938 USD); $1.6 billion (2013 USD)
Wind, storm surge and flooding caused damage to
public and private property, 624 homes destroyed or
damaged in Washington County
Estimated cost of damages (in R.I.): as yet
While Sandy caused significant damages in Rhode Island, the 1938 Hurricane eclipses the 2012 event in wind
speed, height of storm surge, and overall strength. Furthermore, coastal development has reclaimed much of the
land area impacted by the ’38 storm, so even more property, assets, and infrastructure will be at risk should a 100-
year-storm hit Rhode Island directly.
Hazard Preparedness & Hurricane Evacuation
A storm of the magnitude experienced in 1938 has about a 1 in 100 probability of occurring in a given year, meaning
that there is a 30% chance that a coastal structure will be impacted by at least one major storm event over the course
of a 30-year mortgage. However, there is always a risk that a significant storm or flooding event will occur, and coastal
residents especially should be prepared for a large-scale event.
HAVE A DISASTER PLAN The R.I. Emergency Management Agency recommends that all Rhode Island
residents prepare for disasters by reviewing evacuation zones and routes, instating evacuation plans, and having
disaster supply kits (RIEMA Evacuation Information
). Additionally, coastal residents should view the Rhode Island
Hurricane Inundation Maps
and the Rhode Island Hurricane Evacuation Maps
in order to anticipate storm-surge
related evacuations.
For information about planning for hurricanes and other hazards, consult your municipality’s hazard mitigation plan, the
CRMC Hurricane Preparedness Guide
, Storm Smart Rhode Island
, and the 2014 R.I. Hazard Mitigation Plan
‘The Great New England Hurricane of 1938’, NOAA National Weather Service (www.erh.noaa.gov/box/hurricane/hurricane1938.shtml),
Hurricane of ’38 wrought unparalleled destruction, death on unprepared R.I.’, Providence Journal (www.providencejournal.com/breaking-
news/content/20130920-hurricane-of-38-wrought-unparalleled-destruction-death-on-unprepared-r.i..ece), ‘Examining The Impacts of
Hurricane Sandy on Rhode Island: A serious wake-up call’ David R. Vallee (www.slideshare.net/riseagrant/examining-the-impacts-of-
hurricane-sandy-on-rhode-island-a-serious-wakeup-call), and ‘Tropical Cyclone Report - Hurricane Sandy’, NOAA National Weather Service
RIEMA Evacuation Information: www.riema.ri.gov/preparedness/evacuation/
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Hurricane Inundation Maps: www.riema.ri.gov/preparedness/evacuation/hurricane_inundation.php
R.I. Hurricane Evacuation Maps: www.riema.ri.gov/preparedness/evacuation/hurricane_evac.php#EvacMaps
CRMC Hurricane Preparedness Guide: www.crmc.ri.gov/coastalstorms/Hurricane_Prepare_RI.pdf
StormSmart Rhode Island: ri.stormsmart.org/
2014 R.I. Hazard Mitigation Plan: www.riema.ri.gov/prevention/mitigation/RI%20HMP_2014_FINAL.pdf
Rhode Island Coastal Property Guide
KNOW YOUR RISK Consult the flood zone maps, inundation maps, and wind zone map
for Rhode Island
to understand the property’s susceptibility to coastal storms. If there are existing buildings on the property, structures
should be assessed by an inspector or engineer to discover how well they will withstand storm events. For more
information about how a structure was built, and whether it has undergone any repairs in the aftermath of storms,
owners or potential buyers can contact the municipality’s building official to view permitting records.
MINIMIZE YOUR RISK Where possible, owners should retrofit or build structures to increase structural
resiliency in the face of wind and flood loads. Elevating structures and setting structures back from the coast are
recommended practices for minimizing risk. Remember: no method is 100% fail-safe when it comes to protecting
coastal property from storm-related damage, but certain measure can lower the structure’s vulnerability to storms.
DURING THE STORM In the event of severe coastal storms or a hurricane, heed the warnings of local or
state officials, and evacuate the area if necessary. Personal safety should be the primary concern of residents during
hazardous conditions.
AFTER THE STORM Coastal structures can sustain damage from high winds, flooding, and storm-carried
debris during a storm event. While homeowner’s insurance may cover wind damage, only flood insurance will cover
damage caused by flooding. Review your policies to understand what damage will be covered, and to what extent. For
more information about insurance and claims, see HURRICANE PREPARATION: Act Now to Make Filing a Claim
Easier After the Storm
R.I. Wind Zone Map see page 21 of this document: sos.ri.gov/documents/archives/regdocs/released/pdf/BCSC/5976.pdf
R.I. Department of Business Regulation Insurance Division - Consumer Alert Hurricane Preparation:
Will I be allowed to rebuild in the event of a flood or storm that partially or completely
destroys the building?
Repairs and renovations to structures in flood-prone areas are subject to special regulations under the National
Flood Insurance Program that require owners to bring structures into compliance with the latest codes for
construction in the floodplain. In the event that a structure within the floodplain sustains substantial damage, or
renovations qualify as substantial improvements, that structure must now meet the most recent requirements for
new construction in the floodplain.
Substantial damage means damage of any origin sustained by a structure whereby the cost of restoring the
structure to its before damaged condition would equal or exceed 50% of the market value of the structure
before the damage occurred.
Substantial improvement means any reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, or other improvement of a
structure, the cost of which equals or exceeds 50% of the market value of the structure before the “start of
construction” of the improvement. This term includes structures that have incurred “substantial damage,”
regardless of the actual repair work performed.
-NFIP Substantial Improvement/Substantial Damage: Requirements and Definitions (FEMA)
Similarly, all structures that are undergoing substantial improvement within CRMC’s jurisdiction must be brought
into compliance with the all CRMC regulations, in addition to requiring standard CRMC permits.
For more information, please see FEMA’s NFIP Substantial Improvement/Substantial Damage: Requirements
and Definitions (http://www.fema.gov/media-library-data/20130726-1733-25045-8643/p758_ch3_r2.pdf).
Rhode Island Coastal Property Guide
8. How do I determine if the buildings on the property meet the current design and
construction standards for the flood zone?
Many homes along the coast were built before the institution of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), and
therefore prior to a community’s first floodplain management code, ordinance, or standard. Since the adoption of the
earliest flood insurance rate maps (FIRMs) in the mid-1970s, provisions designed to increase the flood-resistance of
coastal structures have been strengthened within international, federal, and state building codes to meet the
requirements of the NFIP.
In addition to the setbacks discussed in relation to coastal features and buffer zones (see Question 1: What kinds of
coastal features are on or near the property, and what kinds of setbacks or regulations apply?), buildings in the
coastal zone are required to meet certain standards in regards to design, construction, and siting. For example, in
accordance with the NFIP, Rhode Island State Building Code
requires that new and substantially improved
structures in flood-prone areas be elevated at least one foot above the base flood elevation (BFE) for the area
, and
that all building components below BFE be constructed with flood-resistant materials.
Why it matters: If there is an older building on a coastal property, the structure may be more prone to damage from
coastal hazards as a result of being built to less stringent codes.
To begin to assess the property, consult the list of questions on the following page. For a more detailed assessment,
owners should engage an engineer or other building professional to evaluate the property to determine structural
Additionally, owners and potential buyers of coastal buildings can contact the municipality’s building official to get
information on any permits that were required or issued to the previous owners documenting any repairs or
renovations. These records can indicate how the structures were built, if they were ever updated, and measures were
taken to increase structural resiliency.
Find out more: For more information about building standards in the floodplain, please see Section 300.3, Part G -
Guidelines for Construction in Flood Hazard Zones in the CRMC regulations, and the resources listed in Question 10
of this document, Can I make the existing building more resilient? How do I build a new resilient structure? For
information about flood-resistant building features, refer to the Floodplain Management in Rhode Island: 2007 Quick
Rhode Island State Building Code documents: sos.ri.gov/library/buildingcodes/
To determine if a property is within a flood zone visit the RIEMA floodplain mapping page at
www.riema.ri.gov/prevention/floods/flood_mapping.php. There, you can find the base flood elevation (BFE) for the area if it is available.
Floodplain Management Guide www.riema.ri.gov/prevention/floods/floods_documents/RIQG_DesktopPrint.pdf
Rhode Island Coastal Property Guide
Assessing an existing building for risk initial questions to ask, and what to look for:
If you own or are planning to buy a coastal structure that was built prior to the municipality’s adoption and
enforcement of floodplain ordinances, the structure may be more vulnerable to coastal hazards than newer
structures. To begin a preliminary assessment of the property and structure, consult permitting documents at the
Building Official’s office or utilize the resources and maps cited in this document and obtain the answers to the
following questions.
For a more complete analysis of risk and susceptibilities to coastal hazards, engage an engineer or other building
professional to evaluate the property and structure.
Does the structure meet CRMC’s current setback requirements for the area? If not, in the event that the
structure requires substantial repairs or renovations, the structure will have to be relocated to meet CRMC
siting regulations.
Is the structure in a flood zone according to FEMA FIRMs? If so, what is the BFE for the area?
Is the lowest floor (the lowest floor of the lowest enclosed area, including the basement) of the building
above the base flood elevation, or BFE, for the area? If not, the lowest level may flood in a storm event.
If the structure is elevated, assess the quality of the piles and foundation. Are the pilings deep enough and
adequately braced? Does the foundation allow the unobstructed flow of floodwaters?
Is the structure on a concrete slab, and if so, how does its elevation compare to the BFE? Is the foundation
vulnerable to erosion or flooding?
Is the structure located on or near an eroding coastal feature? For example, if the structure is on a bluff,
though it may be out of the floodplain, coastal erosion could undermine the bluff resulting in eventual
Are the materials used in the foundation vulnerable to water-damage? Current provisions call for structural
elements below the BFE to be constructed out of flood-resistant materials.
Have storm resistance measures been included in the design and construction of the building? Resistance
measures may include flood vents below the BFE, hurricane clips, hurricane shutters, other protective
measures for windows, and sealing the roof to prevent leaks during storm events.
Are the structure’s mechanical and utility equipment housed above the BFE? Is the equipment on the water-
ward (more vulnerable) or the landward (less vulnerable) side of the building?
If present, are breakaway walls and similar structures unobstructed? Are any elements tethered to
breakaway walls? If breakaway walls are obstructed or have tethered elements, they will not function
properly in a flood event, and may cause more damage.
Are external elements such as the fuel tank sufficiently tied down or protected?
Are there nearby elements or objects that could become storm-driven debris? Debris may damage a
structure or property during flooding or high winds.
What are the nearby grade elevations, and how do they compare to the property’s elevations?
Understanding neighboring topography may help you identify which areas of the property are more
susceptible to flooding.
Is the structure close to other coastal buildings? If so, are these buildings elevated or at ground-level? If
nearby structures are swept from their foundations during storm events, the bulky debris can cause
significant damage to event the most well constructed coastal building.
Rhode Island Coastal Property Guide
9. What kinds of septic systems are permitted in the coastal zone? Can I repair or replace a
damaged septic system?
In addition to assessing buildings on the property for potential vulnerabilities to coastal hazards, it’s important to be
aware of the property’s septic system status. If the property is not connected to the municipality’s sewer system and
has an onsite wastewater treatment system, the system may be susceptible to damage from storms, flooding, or
erosion. In some instances, the system may need to be repaired, replaced, or upgraded in order to meet CRMC
Exposed septic system: Erosion can uncover and damage septic systems during severe coastal
CRMC Definition: Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS)
An onsite wastewater treatment system means any system of piping, tanks, dispersal areas, alternative toilets, or
other facilities designed to function as a unit to convey, store, treat or disperse wastewater by means other than
discharge into a public sewer system.
CRMC Regulation: OWTS
The construction, repair or alteration of all OWTS and components shall conform to the standards set forth in the
most recent Rules Establishing Minimum Standards relating to Location, Design, Construction and Maintenance
of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems promulgated by the Rhode Island Department of Environmental
Management (
Rhode Island Coastal Property Guide
Why it matters: Within the coastal zone, the CRMC requires that any septic system within fifty feet of the shoreline
be a zero-discharge system. Additionally, if the property has a cesspool within 200 feet of the shoreline, it must be
replaced with a new septic system or the property must be connected to the municipal sewer lines in accordance with
the DEM cesspool phase-out. A cesspool is any buried chamber that receives sewage from a building for disposal
into the ground. For more information, please visit the DEM page on cesspool phase-out
Below, purple shading indicates where the DEM’s cesspool phase-out program is in effect. See the DEM’s
Environmental Resource Map
to see other municipalities.
In the event that a septic system in the coastal zone needs to be repaired or replaced following a storm, the
homeowner must first obtain a permit from DEM and then submit that permit and relevant plans to the CRMC for
approval (for repairs in erosion areas, please see OWTS Guidance for Repairs in Critical Erosion Areas).
Find out more: For more information about septic system management in the coastal zone, please see Section
300.6 of the CRMC regulations
, CRMC’s OWTS page
, and the DEM’s Rules Establishing Minimum Standards
relating to Location, Design, Construction and Maintenance of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems
R.I. DEM Cesspool Phase-out: www.dem.ri.gov/programs/benviron/water/permits/isds/cessfaze.htm
R.I. DEM Environmental Resource Map: www.dem.ri.gov/maps/
R.I. CRMC Regulations: www.crmc.ri.gov/regulations/RICRMP.pdf
R.I. CRMC OWTS page: www.crmc.ri.gov/owt.html
R.I. DEM OWTS Rules: www.dem.ri.gov/pubs/regs/regs/water/owts09.pdf
Rhode Island Coastal Property Guide
10. Can I make the existing building more resilient? How do I build a new resilient
Retrofitting & Repairing an Existing Building
If the existing building is especially vulnerable to coastal hazards or does not meet the most recent standards for
building in the coastal zone (Question 8: How do I determine if the buildings on the property meet the current design
and construction standards for the flood zone?), it may be possible to retrofit the structure to increase resiliency. If a
structure requires repairs following a coastal storm or flood event, it is recommended that owners incorporate
resilience measures in the renovation process.
Elevatingraising the structure so that it is above the base flood elevation (BFE) for the area. State building
code requires new and substantially improved construction in the flood plain to be raised one foot above BFE,
but increasing the freeboard (the space between the BFE and the lowest floor of the structure) will help reduce
Retrofitting or reinforcing using methods such as hurricane shutters, flood vents, flood-resistant materials or
other techniques to protect the structure.
Retreat or relocationmoving the structure back from the shoreline. CRMC regulations require certain
setbacks based on erosion rates and coastal features exceeding these setbacks may reduce risk and prolong
the life of the structure.
Repairing previously damaged structuresif structures have been damaged due to coastal hazards,
repairing them quickly will prevent increased vulnerability in the face of the next coastal weather event.
Replacing or repairing the structure’s roof – a large portion of storm-related damage is associated with roof
failures. Replacing an older roof with a sealed, structurally sound roof could reduce potential storm-related
damage by half.
RECOMMENDATION FOR BUYERS: If you intend to update or otherwise alter an existing structure,
develop a plan to renovate or retrofit before buying. Weigh costs of improvements against flood insurance premiums,
risk, and vulnerability. Buyers can obtain elevation certificates based on a proposed project in order to get flood
insurance estimates for the renovated structure.
Elevated homes in Westerly, R.I. The green house (center) has been elevated to 5 feet above the
base flood elevation.
Rhode Island Coastal Property Guide
New Construction in the Coastal Zone
In addition to adhering to local building codes, new development in the coastal zone must meet specific criteria in
regards to flood resistant and load-bearing construction as per the CRMC and the NFIP. The loads that need to be
considered for coastal construction are wind loads, flood loads, breaking wave loads, and debris-impact loads.
Flood-provisions in the state’s building code address elevation regulations, siting practices, the use of flood-resistant
materials, and other design requirements for residential and commercial buildings in flood-prone areas. For
information about Rhode Island’s current building codes and standards, please visit the state’s Building Code
Commission website
R.I. Building Code Commission: www.ribcc.ri.gov/
Retrofitting Resource: IBHS FORTIFIED Program
The Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS) has created the FORTIFIED Program to help home-
and business-owners to retrofit existing structures or design new construction for resilience. The program “helps
any homeowner in a coastal area strengthen their home against the devastating power of tropical storms and
hurricanes” (FORTIFIED Home Hurricane Designation Pocket Guide). Although the program has not yet been
instituted in Rhode Island, resources at the IBHS FORTIFIED Program website (www.disastersafety.org/fortified-
main/fortified-home/) provide valuable information about retrofitting existing structures and constructing resilient
new buildings.
The CRMC recommends that property owners in the coastal zone retrofit or build structures to FORTIFIED Home
Hurricane Designation Silver standard. The Silver standard requirements include:
Sealed roof deck
High wind rated roof mounted vents
Gable wall vents protected against water intrusion
All door, window, and skylight openings protected with qualified impact-protection systems
Any attached structures connected by strapped beams or columns to prevent uplift
For more information about the FORTIFIED Home Hurricane Standards, consult the Technical Requirements
Summary for the Bronze, Silver, and Gold standards (http://www.disastersafety.org/wp-
Best Practices for New Construction
These recommendations are derived from the FEMA Coastal Construction Manual. Strong, resilient structures
will not only better withstand extreme weather, they may also help lower flood insurance premiums.
Before purchasing the property, or beginning to build, consider the siting conditions. Is the area densely
populated by older structures? Is the proposed structure close to an eroding coast? Are there older, failing
shoreline protection structures nearby? All of these conditions contribute to the vulnerability of a coastal
Exceed minimum regulations, such as setbacks, and elevation requirements.
The design of coastal buildings must consider coastal hazards and forces over the long-term.
Designs should aim to either resist or avoid hazards, forces, and loads. For example, buildings should resist
wind loads and avoid flood loads by elevating.
Keep in mind that the FEMA flood maps do not factor in sea-level rise and ongoing erosion.
Structural connections throughout the building should be strong, braced when possible, and resistant to
Make sure all enclosures (any space below the lowest floor that is enclosed by walls or partitions) are utilized
properly. Breakaway walls and similar facades will not function adequately if they are blocked.
Rhode Island Coastal Property Guide
Find out more: For more information about building in the SFHA, please see Section 300.3, Part G - Guidelines for
Construction in Flood Hazard Zones in the R.I. CRMC regulations.
For additional information about retrofitting, rebuilding, and constructing in the coastal zone, please consult the
following resources:
CRMC Rebuilding after the Hurricane
FEMA Coastal Construction Manual
FEMA Building Code Resources
o 2012 International Building CodeFlood Resistant Provisions
o Highlights of ASCE 24-05 Flood Resistant Design and Construction (2010)
FEMA Homeowner’s Guide to Retrofitting
o Chapter Five: Elevating Your Home
FEMA Wind Retrofit Guide for Residential Buildings
Floodplain Management in Rhode Island: 2007 Quick Guide
International Code Council: Hurricane Safety
o FORTIFIED Home 2012 Hurricane Standards
o Is your roof FORTIFIED?
R.I. Flood Awareness & Climate Change Task Force - Rebuilding After a Storm
CRMC Rebuilding after the Hurricane: www.crmc.ri.gov/coastalstorms/CRMC_RebuildAfterHurricane.pdf
FEMA Coastal Construction Manual: www.fema.gov/media-library-data/20130726-1510-20490-2899/fema55_voli_combined.pdf
FEMA Building Code Resources: www.fema.gov/building-code-resources
2012 IBC Flood Resistant Provisions: www.fema.gov/media-library-data/20130726-1816-25045-8053/2012_i_code_floodprovisions.pdf
Highlights of ASCE 24-05 Flood Resistant Design and Construction (2010): www.fema.gov/media-library-data/20130726-1643-20490-
FEMA Homeowner’s Guide to Retrofitting: www.fema.gov/media-library-data/20130726-1441-20490-4268/fema_p312_a.pdf
FEMA Elevating Your Home: www.fema.gov/pdf/rebuild/mat/sec5.pdf
FEMA Wind Retrofit Guide for Residential Buildings: www.fema.gov/media-library-data/20130726-1753-25045-
Floodplain Management Quick Guide: www.riema.ri.gov/prevention/floods/floods_documents/RIQG_DesktopPrint.pdf
ICC Hurricane Safety: www.iccsafe.org/safety/Pages/hurricane.aspx
IBHS FORTIFIED Program: www.disastersafety.org/fortified-main/fortified-home/
FORTIFIED Hurricane Standards: www.disastersafety.org/wp-content/uploads/fortified-home-hurricane-standards.pdf
FORTIFIED Roof Information: www.disastersafety.org/wp-content/uploads/FORTIFIED-re-roofing-hurricane_IBHS.pdf
R.I. FACCTF Rebuilding After a Storm: www.crmc.ri.gov/coastalstorms/PostStormRebuild.pdf
Rhode Island Coastal Property Guide
Coastal Property Topics & Terms
Building codes: The State of Rhode Island currently adheres to the latest edition of the International Building Code,
which includes provisions for construction in flood zones. Building to the latest standards is required for both new
construction and when a structure undergoes repairs or renovations that constitute more than 50% of the structure’s
previous market value.
Coastal features: From barriers to bluffs, the shoreline is comprised of an array of naturally occurring elements. The
presence of specific features on a coastal property determines certain setbacks and regulations.
Coastal hazards: A few of the hazards or processes that occur along Rhode Island’s coast include storms and
severe weather, storm-driven erosion, tidal flooding, and accelerated sea-level rise. These hazards may threaten
coastal property or activities in the coastal zone now or in the future.
Coastal Resources Management Council (CRMC): The CRMC is the managing agency for Rhode Island’s
shoreline, and has jurisdiction within 200 feet of any coastal feature. Coastal property owners must obtain permits
from the CRMC for various activities within this zone.
CRMC regulations: CRMC regulations and policy govern activity in the coastal zone based on area classifications
and activities. Coastal features inform construction setbacks and buffers, while an area’s water type determines the
size of buffer zones, whether or not property owners can install shoreline protection, and what activities may occur
within tidal waters.
CRMC water types: All waters along Rhode Island’s coast are classified according to the CRMC. The six water
types are determined by how the area is used, density of use, and presence of conservation considerations.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) floodplain mapping: As part of the National Flood Insurance
Program (NFIP), FEMA maps all risk zones, including the coastal floodplain. The resulting maps, Flood Insurance
Rate Maps (FIRMs), trigger developmental/building code revisions and may illustrate whether or not a property owner
has to purchase flood insurance for a structure.
FEMA Flood Hazard Zones: Flood zones are areas identified by FIRMs as being prone to flooding during storm
events of given strengths.
Increasing structural resilience: The practice of building or retrofitting properties so as to increase structural
integrity in the face of coastal hazards, including storms and associated winds and flooding (sometimes referred to as
“flood-proofing”). In some instances, resilience cannot be achieved, and other options, including relocation, must be
Renovating or repairing an existing building: Any addition to an existing structure within CRMC’s jurisdiction or in
a flood zone is required to meet current building standards. If the cost of renovations or repairs to an existing
structure equals or exceed 50% of the structure's market value, the entire building must be updated to meet current
standards, setbacks, and other CRMC regulations.
Septic systems (onsite wastewater treatment systems): If a coastal property is not connected to the municipality’s
sewage system and relies on a septic system, property owners must adhere to certain regulations when constructing,
repairing, or altering their septic systems in the coastal zone. The CRMC and the R.I. Department of Environmental
Management jointly regulate the installation and maintenance of septic systems in the coastal zone.
Shoreline protection structures: Shoreline protection structures are manmade formations such as revetments or
seawalls designed to protect landforms or structures along the coast. The CRMC regulates the installation and
maintenance of shoreline protection structures in Rhode Island.
Rhode Island Coastal Property Guide
Resources & Links
2012 IBC Flood Resistant Provisions:
2014 R.I. Hazard Mitigation Plan:
FEMA Building Code Resources:
FEMA Coastal Construction Manual:
FEMA Community Rating System:
FEMA Elevating Your Home:
FEMA Flood Zones:
FEMA Homeowner’s Guide to Retrofitting:
FEMA Map Service Center:
FEMA NFIP Elevation Certificate and Instructions:
FEMA Wind Retrofit Guide for Residential Buildings:
Floodplain Management Quick Guide:
Floodsmart.gov Glossary of Terms:
Highlights of ASCE 24-05 Flood Resistant Design and Construction (2010):
IBHS FORTIFIED Hurricane Standards:
IBHS FORTIFIED Roof Information:
ICC Hurricane Safety:
Rhode Island Coastal Property Guide
N.C. Division of Coastal Management, shoreline protection structures:
National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP):
NFIP Local Coordinators:
R.I. Building Code Commission:
R.I. Coastal Resources Management Council (CRMC):
R.I. CRMC Rebuilding after the Hurricane:
R.I. CRMC Coastal Barrier Resource System (CBRS) Maps:
R.I. CRMC Coastal Shoreline Features:
R.I. CRMC Hurricane Preparedness Guide:
R.I. CRMC On-site Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS) page:
R.I. CRMC Regulations (R.I. Coastal Resources Management Program):
R.I. CRMC Special Area Management Plans:
R.I. CRMC Shoreline Change Maps:
R.I. CRMC Water Use Maps:
R.I. DEM Cesspool Phase-out:
R.I. DEM Environmental Resource Map:
R.I. DEM OWTS Rules:
R.I. DEM Wetland Jurisdiction Maps:
R.I. DEM Wetlands FAQ:
R.I. Department of Business Regulation Insurance Division - Consumer Alert Hurricane Preparation:
Rhode Island Coastal Property Guide
R.I. Flood Awareness and Climate Change Taskforce (R.I. FACCT): Rebuilding After A Storm November 2009:
R.I. Hurricane Evacuation Maps:
R.I. Inundation Surfaces (Sea Level Rise viewer):
R.I. National Flood Insurance Program Statistics:
R.I. Real Estate Sales Disclosures:
Rhode Island State Building Code documents:
RIEMA Evacuation Information:
RIEMA Flood Insurance FAQ:
RIEMA Flood Insurance Information:
RIEMA Floodplain Management:
RIEMA Floodplain Mapping:
RIEMA Map Tool Tutorial:
StormSmart Rhode Island:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Hurricane Inundation Maps: