Rhode Island’s
Residential Guide to Going Solar
TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................................................................................2
Acknowledgements ....................................................................................................................................................4
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................5
About This Guide ....................................................................................................................................................5
Why Go Solar? ........................................................................................................................................................5
About Office of Energy Resources ..........................................................................................................................6
Solar PV System Components ....................................................................................................................................6
What is Solar PV? ....................................................................................................................................................6
Solar PV Cells & Array .............................................................................................................................................6
Inverters .................................................................................................................................................................7
String Inverter vs. Micro-Inverter vs. Power Optimizers ....................................................................................7
External Shut-Off ....................................................................................................................................................8
Batteries .................................................................................................................................................................8
Interconnection Types ............................................................................................................................................8
Solar PV System Life ...........................................................................................................................................8
Energy Efficiency a Critical Step ...............................................................................................................................9
How Much Solar Do You Need? .......................................................................................................................... 11
Where Should I Put It? ......................................................................................................................................... 12
Orientation .......................................................................................................................................................... 13
Roof Condition ..................................................................................................................................................... 13
Cyclical Fluctuations ............................................................................................................................................ 13
Tilt ........................................................................................................................................................................ 14
Shading ................................................................................................................................................................ 14
Zoning .................................................................................................................................................................. 14
Property Taxes ..................................................................................................................................................... 14
Available Incentives ................................................................................................................................................. 15
Net Metering ....................................................................................................................................................... 15
Renewable Energy Fund ...................................................................................................................................... 15
Renewable Energy Growth Program ................................................................................................................... 15
Federal Tax Credit ................................................................................................................................................ 16
Rhode Island Sales Tax Exemption ...................................................................................................................... 16
Economics of Solar PV ............................................................................................................................................. 16
Avoided Electricity Costs ................................................................................................................................. 16
Home Value Appreciation ............................................................................................................................... 17
System Maintenance ....................................................................................................................................... 17
Buying or Leasing? ................................................................................................................................................... 18
Purchasing a Home Solar Power System ............................................................................................................. 18
Selecting an Installer ............................................................................................................................................... 19
Rhode Island Renewable Energy Professional Certificate ................................................................................... 20
Environmental Benefits of Solar PV ......................................................................................................................... 21
Post Installation ....................................................................................................................................................... 21
What happens after the PV system is installed? ................................................................................................. 21
Warranties ........................................................................................................................................................... 22
Talk to your friends and neighbors ...................................................................................................................... 22
Dispute Resolution .............................................................................................................................................. 23
Glossary ................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Additional Resources ............................................................................................................................................... 26
Rhode Island Solar Checklist for RI Homeowners ................................................................................................... 27
Interstate Renewable Energy Council’s Consumer Bill of Rights ............................................................................ 29
The Rhode Island Residential Guide to Going Solar was developed by the Rhode Island Office of Energy
Resources (OER). This guide was created to help Rhode Island residents considering an investment in solar PV
navigate the process of going solar.
Shauna Beland
Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources
Chief, Program Development
Renewables, Solar
Gregory Ohadoma
Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources
Policy Intern, Solar
Bryan Evans
Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources
Policy Intern, Solar
OER developed this guide based on similar guides on going solar. We would like to acknowledge those guides.
Massachusetts Residential Guide to Solar Power (MassCEC)
A Homeowner’s Guide to Solar Financing Leases, Loans, and PPAs (CESA)
A Guide to Community Solar: Utility, Private, and Non-profit Project Development (National
Renewable Energy Lab)
OER would also like to thank the Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA) for encouragement and support in the
development of this guide. Lastly, we would like to thank the Governor of the State of Rhode Island, Rhode
Island Attorney General, the Commissioner of the Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources, the Director of the
Rhode Island Department of Labor and Training, and the Commissioner of the Rhode Island Public Utilities
Commission and the Division of Public Utilities and Carriers for their commitment and dedication to transitioning
Rhode Island into a sustainable energy future.
*Photo credit for cover photo Newport Solar, Portsmouth
Our sun contains limitless amounts of clean, renewable energy that can be utilized for the production of
electricity without emissions of greenhouse gases and particles that pollute our environment. Solar
photovoltaic, also known as solar PV, systems are one way we are able to harness this energy and convert
sunlight directly into electricity, which can be used to power your home or small business. Solar energy will be
an essential part of our future as it will be critical in remediating economic, environmental, and social concerns
that arise from the production of fossil fuels. Residents who have already installed solar PV cite many reasons
for going solar including: financial benefits, concern about pollution and the environment, and a desire for
energy independence. Regardless of the reason, many homeowners find that installing a solar PV system is an
investment that converts free sunlight to electricity, reduces air pollution, reduces monthly electricity bills, and
contributes to the local economy by creating local jobs and supporting local businesses.
About This Guide
The purpose of this guide is to assist Rhode Island residents who are considering solar energy to generate
electricity in their homes. This guide will help determine whether a solar PV system is right for you. It reviews
solar PV technology, the installation process and provides resources on finding an installer as well as available
incentives. This guide focuses on solar systems interconnected to the utility distribution system. While this guide
is intended primarily for homeowners, many of the issues discussed apply to small scale installations in general
and may apply to businesses considering solar PV.
Why Go Solar?
In 2018, Rhode Island was the 8th most expensive state for electricity in the country.
In that year, natural gas
fueled over half of the electric power sector and nearly all in-state electricity generation
. Solar can help reduce
reliance on natural gas and cheapen the cost of electricity.
Rhode Islanders who have already installed solar PV systems are enjoying the benefits. A few of them have stated:
“I am really glad that we made the investment in the solar program. Our electric bills have been
dramatically lower, so it's been even better than we expected.”
“Working great, saving lots of money.”
Was able to achieve near carbon neutral position from solar with $0 out of pocket expense.”
Some of the regulations and incentives discussed in this guide may not apply to certain customers in the Block Island and
Pascoag Utility districts. Customers of those utilities should contact the utility directly for information on net-metering and
interconnection requirements related to small scale solar projects.
https://www.eia.gov/state/rankings/?sid=RI#series/31 - as of July 2018
U.S Energy Information Administration, 2017
About Office of Energy Resources
The Office of Energy Resources (OER) works closely with private and public stakeholders to increase the reliability
and security of our energy supply, reduce energy costs and mitigate against price volatility, and improve
environmental quality. Rhode Islanders spend over $3 billion per year on energy to light their homes, keep the
heat on, and fuel their vehicles. Fossil fuels such as natural gas, fuel oil, and gasoline supply the vast majority of
these energy needs. By recommending and implementing smart energy policies, such as those that promote
energy efficiency and renewable energy, OER helps reduce Rhode Island's dependence on these out-of-state
fuels, advancing our state as a national leader in the new clean energy economy.
Solar PV System Components
What is Solar PV?
Solar PV systems allow for sunlight to be converted directly into electrical energy that is used to power your
home or business in a more sustainable, economical way. You have probably seen PV systems in your
neighborhood on a rooftop. When the sun shines onto a solar panel, photons from sunlight are absorbed by the
cells in the panel, which creates an electric field across the layers of silicone atoms generating a flow of
electricity. Panels are wired together and connected to a home’s distribution network to provide electricity with
a clean, renewable source of energy.
Solar PV Cells & Array
A single PV device is known as a cell that consists of semiconductor materials that absorb the sunlight and
convert it into electricity. The more intense the sunlight striking the cell, the greater the amount of electricity
produced. An individual PV cell is usually small, typically producing about 1 or 2 watts of power. To boost the
power output of PV cells, they are connected together in chains to form larger units known as modules or
panels. Modules can be used individually, or several can be connected to form arrays. One or more arrays are
Home Appliances
Figure 1: The Flow of Electricity from Rooftop Solar
then connected to the electrical grid as part of a complete PV system. Due to this modular structure, PV systems
can be built to achieve the desired system, capacity or power producing capability.
Solar PV panels produce direct current (DC) power that must be converted to alternating current (AC) power
which is supplied by electric utilities in the United States to generate usable electricity. This is accomplished by
an inverter. Typically, the inverter is located near where the electric service from the local utility enters the
house (close to the electrical panel). Inverters are designed so that if power from the utility goes down, the solar
PV system will shut down as well. This is an important safety precaution for utility workers who often work on
power lines to restore power during an outage.
String Inverter vs. Micro-Inverter vs. Power Optimizers
There are three different inverter types commonly used by installers in Rhode Island:
String inverters convert direct current
(DC) to alternating current (AC) power
by arranging multiple solar panels into
groups connected by “strings.” Each
string of panels is connected to a single
Micro-inverters are installed on each
individual solar panel and convert direct
current (DC) to alternating current (AC)
power. One of the advantages with
micro-inverters is that they cancel out
the negative impacts from shading that
string inverters cannot do. Therefore,
one panel’s poor production does not
decrease the maximum production of
all the panels. Each individual panel is
able to be monitored for performance
measures. Micro-inverters tend to be
more expensive than string inverters,
but their costs are falling as they
become more popular.
Power optimizers are installed on each
individual solar panel similar to micro-
inverters. They allow PV panels to
maximize their power production,
therefore increasing the efficiency of
the system. Since they are installed
individually, they also reduce the
impacts from shading and can be
Figure 2: Types of Inverters
monitored to pinpoint any issues and correct them to obtain the optimal energy production from the system.
External Shut-Off
National Electric Code requires solar PV systems to have an external shut off, often called a “disconnect, so the
utility can shut down the system when workers are repairing nearby power lines or in other necessary
situations. This prevents possible injury to utility line workers who expect nearby electricity lines to be
deenergized during an outage. It is important to know where the external shut off is on your PV system and it
should be clearly labeled.
Most solar PV systems installed in Rhode Island do not have a battery. Batteries add to the cost of a system,
often by hundreds of dollars. Due to the benefits of net metering, owners of solar PV in Rhode Island do not
need a battery to balance their load (the process of matching generation to consumption). However, without a
battery backup, grid-tied solar PV systems will not operate when the power grid is down. New battery
technologies are emerging regularly which, as they are deployed across the country, will result in reduced costs.
Rhode Island regulations allow for a small battery to be installed on residential homes with a net metered solar
PV system less than 25kW. If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of solar and batteries, there
are some additional resources on this topic that can be found in the Appendix Additional Resources.
Solar PV can be wired in a home with an existing or future generator. It is important to make sure that your
generator is on a different circuit than the PV system. Make sure to inform your selected solar PV installer if you
have a generator or if you plan on purchasing a generator in the near term.
Interconnection Types
In Rhode Island, a residential solar customer has two options for incentives. The incentive programs are
discussed in more detail later in the guide. However, the incentive programs dictate the type of interconnection
configuration that must be used. Customers can choose from either a net metered system or a Renewable
Energy Growth program interconnection.
To utilize net metering, homeowners must have a special net meter installed, which spins backwards when the
solar PV system is producing more electricity than is being consumed on site. Net metering is a solar incentive
that allows consumers to “net out” charges on their electric bills by sending the excess power produced by their
solar panels back to the grid. When the homeowner’s electricity use is greater than the solar PV system’s
production, then the homeowner can obtain power bought from the grid.
The Renewable Energy Growth program interconnection is slightly different as a second “tenant” meter is
required to be installed. The second meter captures the production from the solar PV system. The two meters
are read together monthly, and the bill credits generated from the solar PV system are shown on the electric bill
in the form of a line item reduction. If excess production is generated, above what a homeowner uses in their
home during a month, National Grid provides Production Based Incentive (PBI) in the form of check
Solar PV System Life
Solar PV systems are passive, have no moving parts, and are designed to last at least 20 years. Many systems
installed in the New England region in the 1980s continue to produce power today. Solar panels are typically
guaranteed by manufacturer warranties for 20 or 25 years. While the life span of most string inverters is shorter
than the panel life, manufacturing improvements have extended the inverter life to 15 years or more for some
equipment with warranties averaging around 10 years. Installers may provide an extended warranty option for
string inverters. If you opt for a string inverter, make sure to ask your installer about both the manufacturer’s
warranty length and if they offer an extended inverter warranty.
Energy Efficiency a Critical Step
Energy efficiency is generally considered to be the “low hanging fruit” when it comes to making fiscally sound,
environmentally friendly choices about a home’s energy use, and it is the most cost-effective way to reduce a
home’s total electricity use and cost. The advantage of adopting energy efficiency measures is that some require
no change in behavior, meaning you could save energy without having to sacrifice comfort. For example, LED
light bulbs use 10% of the energy required to power an incandescent light bulb. Therefore, by changing your
light bulbs you can save energy, money and become one step closer to being more energy efficient.
By adding some measures that require changes in certain behaviors, further energy can be conserved in your
home. Some things your can do that can add up to significant savings on your electricity bill include turning off
lights, unplugging appliances that are not regularly used, and installing a programable thermostat. For more
energy saving measures, the US Department of Energy has a list of actions you can take.
Furthermore, by
reducing your overall energy usage, you can reduce the size of your solar PV system potentially saving you more
money on upfront costs.
Figure 3: A thermographic representation to detect air leaks and insulation gaps
Rhode Island is a nationally recognized leader in energy efficiency and has consistently ranked in the top three
most energy efficient states in the country.
Rhode Island offers a number of incentives and loan opportunities
through the state's energy efficiency programs for homes, businesses, and municipalities. The energy efficiency
programs are supported by a surcharge on electric and gas customers' bills and most of these programs are run
by National Grid. The Office of Energy Resources and the Energy Efficiency Resource Management Council
monitor and assist National Grid with the implementation and development of the annual energy efficiency
Saving energy through efficiency reduces the need to use non-renewable fuels, thereby preventing greenhouse
gas emissions. Rhode Island’s goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80% below 1990 levels by 2050. To
do so, Rhode Island prioritizes investments in energy efficiency measures (with no greenhouse gas emissions)
that cost less than purchasing additional energy supplies (that do emit greenhouse gases).
To schedule a no-cost home energy assessment
for your home please call 1-888-633-7947. An
energy auditor will come to your home, complete
an attic-to-basement evaluation, and provide a
custom home energy report outlining
recommended energy efficiency improvements.
They will even install a few no-cost energy saving
products. These may include ENERGY STAR
certified LED light bulbs, 7-day programmable
thermostats, faucet aerators or low-flow
showerheads. Based on your assessment, you may
be eligible for rebates, a 0% interest HEAT loan,
and thousands in savings towards a new
insulation installation.
Figure 4: The Energy Star Label Indicates Energy Efficient Appliances
How Much Solar Do You Need?
It is critical that you understand your electricity usage for a solar PV system to be appropriately sized. The PV
system size is the first factor in determining the cost of a solar generation system. Monthly utility bills include a
summary of how much power a homeowner has used each month for the past year. The installer will want a
copy of a recent bill to determine an appropriate system size based on the property sites characteristics, power
needs, and your budget.
Residential electric utility bills charge customers for actual consumption, measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh) of
electricity consumed. Although the average residential system size in Rhode Island is about 6 kW, the optimal
system size for you and your savings depends on several factors some of which include your 36-month prior
electricity usage, desired bill and energy offset, electricity rates, available space for the system, roof location and
orientation, and available financing options. These will have an impact on the size of the system you should
The average Rhode Island household can use between 6,833 to 11,388 kWh per year, though both higher and
lower levels of consumption are common. As a rule of thumb, you will need approximately 100 square feet of
roof space for each kW installed. For reference, 1 kW will produce about 1,500 to 1,800 kWh per year; however,
actual production may vary. Something to consider when sizing your system is whether you seek to offset your
entire electrical use or simply reduce it.
Figure 5: RGS Energy Solar Installation
Where Should I Put It?
For most homeowners in Rhode Island, rooftop installations are the most common, the easiest, and the most
practical way to use solar PV to power their homes. Rooftops provide a readily available location for solar PV
arrays and are unlikely to have competing uses. Roofs in New England are usually tilted to shed water and snow,
which helps keep solar PV modules clear from debris. Roof-mounted systems also allow for a simple
interconnection to a home’s existing wiring, and a roof’s elevation decreases the likelihood of shade falling on
the array. Rhode Island homeowners with open land on their property may choose to install a ground-mounted
solar PV system. The advantage of a ground-mounted system is that it can be oriented to the optimal south-
facing direction and at the ideal tilt to maximize electricity production, without the limitations of a roof’s
exposure or slant. However, ground-mounted systems typically have a higher cost than similar roof-mounted
systems due to the expense of the ground-based structure the panels are mounted to and the need for
underground trenching to accommodate the electrical wires which connect the PV system to the building with
the electrical meter. Also, ground-mounted systems have a higher potential for existing and future vegetation to
cast shadows on a system.
Figure 6: Newport Renewables Zero Energy Home, Jamestown
Solar panels achieve the maximum production possible when they are oriented as due south as possible. When
a direct southern exposure is not feasible because of the roof orientation or aesthetics, facing 45 degrees west
or east of true south reduces energy output by less than 5 percent. Facing 90 degrees from true south reduces
annual energy output by only 10-20 percent. Therefore, a roof that faces south, southeast or southwest is
feasible and a roof facing east or west may be acceptable, depending on your expectations for the system
It is important to note that a north facing system, or a system that is not ideally sited in a primarily southern
facing location, will not produce as much electricity as a system facing south. Make sure to carefully review the
production estimates provided to you by your selected installer.
Roof Condition
Since it is both time-consuming and costly to remove a system once it is in place, homeowners should evaluate
the structural condition of their roof and shingles before a system is installed to ensure that roof repairs or
replacement will not be necessary in the near future. Consider making any necessary roof repairs before a solar
PV system is put in place. Most installers recommend replacement if the roof has a remaining lifetime of eight
years or less.
Cyclical Fluctuations
As a result of the sun moving across the sky at varying heights from sunrise to sunset and from season to season,
the amount of electricity generated by a module varies during the daylight hours and over the course of the
year. Residential solar PV installations are typically stationary, meaning they do not follow the track of the sun
Figure 7: The Path of the Sun in New England
over the course of the day and are generally fixed. They are not adjusted to account for changes in sun angle
from season to season. Therefore, to maximize the production of electricity, the design of individual solar PV
systems must optimize module tilt, orientation, and shading.
A critical factor in performance is the tilt or slope since performance output rises with the increase of exposure
from direct sunlight. A recent study in 2018 revealed that the optimal fixed tilt for the United States is
approximately 28 to 32 degrees, but an exact tilt is not crucial.
A 15-degree variation to suit a roof’s pitch makes
almost no difference in power output. While it may not provide optimal capture of solar rays, most rooftop solar
panels are mounted parallel to the roof for the sake of simplicity and aesthetics.
Shading can severely affect the performance of a solar PV system therefore effecting the payback period of your
PV system. Depending on the type of system, shade on 25 percent of an array could result in a 50 percent or
greater drop in output. It is important to examine shading across the sun’s path not only in a day, but also over
a year since the angle of the sun is lower in winter. You should make sure your neighbor’s house and trees will
not shade your solar array in winter. Also, consider what might create shade in the future, such as growing trees
or new buildings. It is a good idea to ask your neighbors if they have future remodeling or landscaping plans that
could shade your solar panel location. Many solar professionals use a tool called a solar pathfinder to find
optimal placement at a location
. If seasonal shade is an issue, a microinverter system may be recommended by
your installer since only the shaded panels are affected.
If you are planning on going solar in a historic district, contact your community’s planning department. Solar
panels are considered a minor alteration to a home so it should be a simple process if the changes meet their
guidelines. Most Rhode Island communities do not have restrictions on residentially zoned properties for
rooftop solar PV projects.
Property Taxes
Homeowners with a solar PV system may be eligible for a property tax exemption on the value added by the
system. Homeowners are encouraged to discuss this with their installer and the local tax assessor’s office.
also recommended that homeowners speak with their property insurance company to inform them of the
existence of a solar PV system.
Available Incentives
Net Metering
Net-metering projects export electricity to the grid and generate net-metering credits that can be used to offset
your electricity bill. Most Rhode Island homes with solar systems are able to interconnect with the electrical
grid, allowing the homeowner to purchase power from the electric distribution company when the PV system is
not producing as much electricity as the homeowner is using. Utilities may require a special inspection prior to
interconnection to ensure that the solar electric system complies with established technical, performance, and
safety requirements.
Renewable Energy Fund
The Renewable Energy Fund (REF) administered by the Rhode Island Commerce Corporation is dedicated to
increasing the role of renewable energy throughout the state. The REF provides grants for renewable energy
projects with the potential to make electricity in a cleaner, more sustainable manner, while stimulating job
growth in the green technology and energy sectors of Rhode Island’s economy. Programmatic funds come from
the “system benefit charge” on electric bills, Alternative Compliance Payments, and the Regional Greenhouse
Gas Initiative.
Homeowners are eligible for the Small Scale solar program. This grant can be used with a net metered solar PV
system. Blocks of funding are available on a first come, first serve basis. Your selected solar installer will apply to
the REF on your behalf. After the solar PV system is installed, the grant will go directly to the installer after the
completion paperwork is processed and a quality assurance evaluation of the system is complete.
If using the REF Small Scale program, make sure the turnkey contract with your installer clearly shows how much
the grant is for and includes a clause with an option for cancellation in case the grant program becomes fully
subscribed. This is a popular program with a limited annual amount of funding.
Renewable Energy Growth Program
The Rhode Island Renewable Energy Growth Program (REG) is administered by National Grid, has a Small-Scale
program that is available to eligible homeowners. It allows customers to sell their generation output under long-
term tariffs at fixed prices. Payments are available for 15 or 20 years for residential customers, or 20 years for
non-residential customers. Depending on the term, project size, and other factors, National Grid will pay a fixed
kilowatt-hour rate for solar generation in a Performance Based Incentive (PBI).
This incentive is separate from net metering and cannot be used in addition with the Renewable Energy Fund
programs. Homeowners can choose one incentive, but not both. Your solar installer will select either a net
metered solar system or a REG project on the interconnection application with National Grid. Only National Grid
customers are eligible for this program.
It is important to note that National Grid will request a W-9 from a homeowner participating in the REG
program. There may be a tax liability associated with the income generated from the PBI payments. More
information about National Grid’s tax policy can be found in the Additional Resources Appendix.
Federal Tax Credit
The Federal solar tax credit or as some know it as the investment tax credit (ITC), allows you to deduct 30
percent of the cost of installing a solar energy system from your federal taxes. The ITC for residential and
commercial solar has generated annual solar installations by over 1,600 percent since the start of the federal
policy in 2006. The ITC can be leveraged with state incentives to decrease the cost of a solar energy system
installation. For example, if coupled with the REF grant, a homeowner could save anywhere from 50%-55% on
the original cost of a system.
The federal ITC which was created by the Energy Policy Act of 2005 has been extended for a multi-year
extension for residential and commercial projects completed by the end of 2023.
The tax credit is a dollar-for-
dollar reduction in the income taxes that a person or company claiming the credit would otherwise pay the
federal government. It is based on the amount of investment on a solar PV project. Both the residential and
commercial ITC are equal to 30 percent of the basis that is invested in eligible property which have commence
construction through 2019. The ITC then steps down to 26 percent for projects that begin construction in 2020
and 22 percent for projects that begin in 2021. After 2021, the residential credit will drop to zero while the
commercial and utility credit will drop to a permanent 10 percent.
Rhode Island Sales Tax Exemption
Equipment purchased for a residential solar electric system in Rhode Island is usually exempt from state sales
Make sure to discuss all incentives and potential tax liability associated with participation in various programs
with your tax advisor.
Economics of Solar PV
Even with the myriad of environmental benefits that solar creates, the economics are often the single most
important factor in the decision to go solar. Without the economic feasibility, solar PV would not be viable
option for most homeowners. Purchasing a solar PV system often requires upfront installation and equipment
costs, but there are significant economic benefits that are realized over time. The financial return on a solar PV
system in Rhode Island can be very favorable for homeowners with a suitable site. The average pay-back period
is between five to eight years. The PV systems will continue to produce financial returns long after the system is
paid off due to a significantly reduced electricity bill for the life of the system. The average life of a solar PV
system is around twenty-five years so many homeowners find that going solar is a smart investment for energy
savings and independence.
Avoided Electricity Costs
The most fundamental benefit a homeowner will receive from a solar PV system is the electricity generated
which directly displaces electricity that the homeowner would otherwise purchase from an electric distribution
utility. Fuel cost increases, rising demand for fuel or electricity, and fuel supply constraints can all cause the cost
of purchasing electricity from an electric distribution utility to increase. Purchasing a solar PV system is the
equivalent to paying for many years of electricity use in advance at a fixed and stable price. Homeowners can
get an accurate projection of the cost of power a solar PV system produces now and in the future because the
fuel price is stable (sunlight will always be free), the solar resource in Rhode Island (days of sunlight per year in a
given region) is generally predictable, and there is little system maintenance required.
Home Value Appreciation
Market conditions and the interests of particular buyers will ultimately determine the sale price of a home.
However, recent research suggests a solar electric system can increase a home’s market value if prospective
buyers understand the financial benefits that the system creates. A 2014 study by the Lawrence Berkley National
Lab, called Selling to the Sun,
found that prospective home buyers in California and other states in the U.S.
were willing to pay more for a property with a resident-owned solar electric system. The average premium
across various states, housing markets, electric markets, and home types was $4 per watt. This equated to a
premium of about $15,000 for a typical electric system.
System Maintenance
As is the case with any appliance, solar PV systems require some maintenance over their lifetime. This generally
includes making sure the solar panels are clean, ensuring the panels are receiving unobstructed sunlight, and
replacing the inverter generally once during the life of the solar PV system, which should be at least 20 years.
Installers should provide a minimum five-year labor warranty to protect the equipment against defective
workmanship, component breakdown, or significant degradation in electrical output. In addition, the solar PV
Figure 8: Trinity Solar, Cranston
equipment should have appropriate manufacturer’s warranties. See the "Quality Assurance" section of this guide
for more information on warranties.
Buying or Leasing?
Since a home solar power system can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $50,000, how you pay for it is a big deal!
There are many considerations and different costs and benefits of buying versus leasing a home solar system.
Local and state incentives and how they apply to a purchase versus leasing should be factored into your
decision. When purchasing a home solar system, you own it. The main expense is upfront, so you may need to
get a loan to finance it and you are responsible for its maintenance. Most residential solar PV projects in Rhode
Island are owned directly by the homeowner.
A big advantage of ownership is that once your electric bill savings recoup the initial cost, the remaining electric
bill savings are all “profit” (return on your investment). There also may be incentives for purchasing that are not
available when leasing.
When leasing a system installed on your home, the leasing company owns it. Typically, there is little or no
upfront cost and a homeowner could start saving some money right from the start as long as the energy
produced results in utility bill savings that are greater than the monthly lease payment.
Since the leasing company owns the solar system, the company gets whatever tax credits, rebates and other
incentives that are available. These financial benefits and other factors typically enable the company to set your
initial monthly payments lower than your initial utility bill savings and still make a profit.
The leasing company monitors and is responsible for maintaining and repairing the solar system. Some provide
the homeowner a means to monitor energy production, savings, and carbon emissions avoided, etc. Some
leasing companies sell their leases to third-party investment groups, so it is wise to ask who the future owner of
your solar system could be. Make sure to verify that they have the expertise and capacity to fulfill the
maintenance and other responsibilities under the lease agreement.
Purchasing a Home Solar Power System
Unlike leasing your solar power system, you can take advantage of Rhode Island’s available incentives and
programs that aim to reduce the cost of going solar if you purchase the system yourself. Be sure to examine the
limits and details of incentives. It can be helpful to consult your tax adviser to determine your capacity to use
tax credits, as well as whether or not you will owe taxes from receiving incentives.
If you plan to finance the purchase, there are several financing companies that can assist offer low-rate or zero-
down-payment incentive loans that can apply to home solar purchases. However, be sure to research the
financing company and the terms of the loan. Many solar installers partner with financing companies to offer a
complete package of incentives and financing. Your relationship with the financing company will continue long
after the solar installation is complete, so make sure you are comfortable with the amount of the loan and the
monthly payment.
Another financing option is a home equity loan or second mortgage. Such loans obligate your home as collateral,
but they have lower interest rates than other types of financing, and the interest may be tax deductible, further
reducing your finance cost. Federal Housing Agency, or FHA; Veterans Affairs, or VA; U.S. Department of
Agriculture, or USDA; and other lending agencies may offer specialized loan programs with favorable terms for
renewable energy.
Selecting an Installer
If you are buying a home solar PV system, you choose your installer. If you are leasing a solar PV system, the
third-party company might choose the installer. Either way, it is crucial to choose carefully as to ensure a quality
installation that will perform properly and not cause damage to your home or the equipment. Note that bids
and site assessments typically are free, so consider getting multiple quotes. Investigate every company you are
considering as there are several websites to read reviews. Some of these include solarreviews.com, Yelp, and
the Better Business Bureau. Keep in mind that extreme and outlying reviews may not be reliable. One of the
best ways to learn about a company to hear from other people who went solar with that installation company.
Ask for references and call them. Often people who have gone solar are willing to share their experience.
Figure 9: Sol Power, Wakefield
Look for reputable, professional PV system installers who have documented training and field experience
installing residential PV systems. Solar PV system installers who are certified by the North American Board of
Certified Energy Practitioners have passed a rigorous exam and demonstrated a high level of training and
Verify the license or credentials of the installer you are considering. Rhode Island requires that solar installation
companies have a General Contractor’s Registration
. In addition, electricians installing solar PV must have a
Rhode Island electrical license
. Check the Secretary of State’s office to ensure that they are registered to do
business in the state.
Rhode Island Renewable Energy Professional Certificate
The Renewable Energy Professional (REP) is a certificate created by the General Assembly in 2014. It updated
the electrical and plumbing licensing laws and created a new designation, the REP. The new rules create a
limited license that allows REP certificate holders to perform certain renewable energy system installation work
without holding an electrical or plumbing license. The Electrical Contractor's License already includes the work
allowed by the REP limited license. Only contractors or individuals without an electrical license are required to
obtain the REP limited license to perform ancillary non-electrical work on renewable energy systems. To learn
Figure 10: Newport Solar, Providence
who in the state holds a Rhode Island Renewable Energy Professional certificate and what the qualifications are
for installers to earn the certificate, please visit www.energy.ri.gov/renewable/REP
Contact at least three solar installers and set up a meeting and get written proposals from them, with clear
specifications, costs and estimated annual energy production (and how it was derived). Ask questions and get
details in writing. Ask for customer references and talk to them. Never let a vendor rush or pressure you into a
quick decision!
Environmental Benefits of Solar PV
Use of solar PV systems to generate electricity dramatically reduces the environmental impact of the myriad of
personal, industrial, and commercial processes which rely on electricity. Solar PV modules do not emit
greenhouse gases or other pollutants, and do not require intensive mining operations to provide fuel.
Compared to the mix of fossil fuel power sources typically used to produce power for New England consumers,
every 1,000 kWh generated by a solar PV system avoids sending 2.03 pounds of sulfur dioxide, 0.54 pounds of
nitrogen oxides, and 1,102 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. In addition, solar PV
systems reduce the production of particulates that contribute to respiratory problems and can prevent
unnecessary health care costs associated with those problems.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports that electricity generation is currently the largest
industrial source of air emissions in the United States. Fossil fuel-fired power plants are responsible for 40
percent of man-made carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, 23 percent of the nation’s nitrogen oxide (NOX)
emissions, and 67 percent of sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions. These emissions contribute to the formation of
smog and haze, and are associated with a wide range of health problems.
The Solar Energy Technologies Office quantified the environmental benefits of going solar and announced that
water consumption will drop in 36 states that will be equivalent to hydrating 1.3 million households, solar PV
can prevent $17 billion in health and environmental damages, can help mitigate climate change and can
increase the health amongst citizens.
Clean, renewable energy produced by a rooftop array on your home can
help preserve our natural resources and protect our environment from further damage.
Post Installation
What happens after the PV system is installed?
After your solar installer completes the installation there are a few next steps. First, the installer should test the
equipment to confirm that it is operating properly. You should also ensure that the installer provides copies of
any technical equipment manuals and warranties. In addition, you should be familiar with the components of
the installed system, most importantly the location of the external disconnect. You need to know how to shut
the system off in an emergency. In addition, you should learn how to read the information displayed on the
inverter and have contact information, including a phone number and email address, in case the system needs
service. Many installers will provide a copy of commissioning test results to the owner and register the
warranties, but if not ask for them to do so.
Many inverter manufacturers offer websites and phone applications to help customers monitor PV system
production. The software can provide alerts to homeowners if something goes wrong with an individual panel or
the entire system. Make sure to ask your installer if the inverter manufacturer offers system monitoring. Your
solar salesperson should be able to help you download and set up this software.
Next, the installer will schedule an inspection with the local electrical inspector to sign off on the installation and
provide signatures on the solar permit. Feel free to ask for a copy of the signed solar permit after this inspection.
Lastly, your utility will come out and interconnect the solar system. The interconnection of your system will
depend on which program you have chosen. A net meter will be installed if you have opted for a net metered
system. If you have chosen the REG program with National Grid, a second meter will be installed. After physical
interconnection, you will receive an email from the utility allowing you to turn your system on.
If you have opted for either a Renewable Energy Fund grant or a REG tariff, your project may be inspected by a
third party after interconnection. These inspections ensure that the investment made by ratepayers result in a
high quality and safe solar installation.
Your installer should provide copies of all warranties. Read them carefully and ask questions. Often this language
can be found in the contract you signed with your installer. Make sure that both equipment and workmanship
warranty language is mentioned. Solar panels typically come with a 20 to 25-year warranty however, their
productive lifespan can exceed that. Also, check the warranty information on the string inverters or
microinverters. String inverter warranties may be less than the warranty of the panels and may need to be
replaced during the lifetime use of the system. If you have a string inverter you may want to consider an
extended warranty if offered. Other system components such as disconnects, racking, and wires may come with
relatively short warranties or no warranties at all. Homeowners may want to purchase an extended warranty to
cover replacement or repair of these components or the risk that a panel manufacturer will have undergone
bankruptcy by the time a homeowner pursues a manufacturer’s warranty claim.
Workmanship warranties vary in length from between 3 to 15 years. These warranties cover the installation by
the solar company. At a minimum, you should have a three-year workmanship warranty as many of the issues
that could arise related to workmanship may occur during the first three years after installation. Roof leaks,
improper wiring, or a system failure are things that should be covered under a workmanship warranty.
Talk to your friends and neighbors
Solar is still a word-of-mouth industry. Because solar systems last so long, it is not a repeat customer business. If
you are happy with your solar installation consider posting a positive review of your experience, talking to your
neighbors, or offering to host an open house with a community or church group you may be affiliated with.
Dispute Resolution
Most home owners are very happy with their decision to go solar. Occasionally a homeowner may need to look
for resources to help resolve a complaint with their solar installer. There are several ways a complaint can be
resolved. First, you should identify whether the issue is with the installer or the utility. If the dispute is with your
installer, go back and read through the contract you signed with the company. Is the issue covered under the
workmanship warranty or otherwise mentioned?
Here are some helpful links and tips:
1. If the complaint is regarding the workmanship or quality of the work related directly to the structure
(non-electrical) you may be able to file a claim with the General Contractor’s Registration Board -
2. If the complaint is about anything else related to workmanship consider filing a claim with the Rhode
Island Attorney General’s office - http://www.riag.ri.gov/ConsumerProtection/About.php
3. If the complaint is related to National Grid, email the complaint to
and make sure to include your account number, address, and
the nature of the issue.
Alternating Current or AC
AC is the form of electricity that
is delivered to your home or
business by an electric utility.
Solar PV systems produce DC,
which must be converted to AC
by an inverter.
Any number of electrically
connected PV panels providing
a single electrical output.
Capacity Rating
The rating given to a PV system
by its manufacturer denoting
the load the system is able to
meet or supply when operating
at full capacity in direct sunlight
with no shade.
CEC-AC Rating
The calculation that provides a
total estimated energy output
of a solar generation system,
factoring in the efficiency of the
panels and inverter.
Conversion Efficiency
The amount of the sun’s energy
that a solar cell can convert into
electricity; the balance is lost as
heat or reflected light.
Direct Current or DC
Solar PV systems produce
electricity in DC, which is
defined as the continuous flow
of electricity through a
conductor. DC power is
converted to AC by an inverter
to power homes and
Greenhouse Gas or GHG
The gases responsible for
trapping heat from the sun
within Earth’s atmosphere (i.e.,
water vapor, carbon dioxide,
methane, ozone,
chlorofluorocarbons and
nitrogen oxides). GHGs are
released from many sources,
including industrial processes
such as power generation from
fossil fuels.
A network of power stations,
transmission circuits and
substations that conduct
electricity and provide it to
homes and businesses
Grid-Connected or Grid-Tied PV
A PV system in which the PV
array is wired into buildings or
residences that are connected
to the utility grid. This allows
customers to feed excess
electricity into and pull needed
electricity from the grid.
Interconnection Agreement
A legal document between the
customer and their electric
utility authorizing the
connection of the customer’s
solar generation system to the
utility’s grid. This agreement is
required prior to the utility
granting permission to operate.
A device that converts DC
electricity produced by a solar
generation system into AC
electricity that can be used in a
home or business. Some energy
is lost when this conversion
takes place (see CEC-AC rating).
Inverter Efficiency
The AC power output of the
inverter divided by the DC
power input. Inverter efficiency
is lowest when operating at low
loads; thus, it is important to
select inverters of the proper
size relative to the PV array.
Kilowatt or kW
A unit of electrical power equal
to 1,000 W, which constitutes
the basic unit of electrical
demand. The watt is a metric
measurement of power (not
energy) and is the rate (not the
duration) at which electricity is
used. 1,000 kW is equal to one
megawatt (MW).
Kilowatt-Hour or kWh
A unit of electrical energy,
equivalent to the use of one kW
of electricity for one full hour.
Utilities measure customers’
electric energy usage based on
kWh, and electricity rates are
most commonly expressed in
cents per kWh.
The amount of power
consumed by an electric
customer at a specific time.
Base load is the minimum
constant level of electricity
required by utility customers;
peak load is the amount of
electricity required at the time
of greatest demand.
Megawatt or MW
Unit of electric power equal to
1,000 kW or 1 million watts.
A device used to measure and
record the amount of electricity
used and/or generated by a
A module is the smallest
protected assembly of
interconnected PV cells.
Modules are rated typically
from 40 to 300 watts.
A term used to describe the
direction that a solar module
faces. The two components of
orientation are the tilt angle
(the angle of inclination a
module makes from the
horizontal) and the azimuth
(the compass angle that the
module faces, with north equal
to 0 degrees and south equal to
180 degrees).
Photovoltaic or PV
The technology that uses a
semiconductor (such as silicon)
to convert sunlight directly into
Renewable Energy Credits or
Also known as green
certificates, green tags or
tradable renewable certificates,
RECs represent the
environmental attributes of the
power produced from
renewable energy projects. By
installing a renewable energy
system (such as solar), you
become the owner of these
environmental attributes.
System Size
System size is the electricity
generating capacity of a given
photovoltaic system based on
CEC-AC rating standards. The
system size should be limited to
no greater than the amount of
total electricity consumed at a
site during the prior 12 months.
Time-of-Use or TOU Rates
An electricity pricing plan in
which the cost of electricity
varies depending on the time
period in which the energy is
consumed or produced. In a
TOU rate structure, higher
prices are charged during utility
peak-load times. Such rates can
provide an incentive for
consumers to curb power use
during peak times. Solar PV
panels tend to produce power
during peak times, so they have
higher value when used in
conjunction with TOU rates.
Tracker or Tracking Array
A number of PV modules
mounted such that they track
the movement of the sun
across the sky to maximize
energy production, either with
a single- axis or dual-axis
Watt or W
A unit of measurement of
electric power, named after
physics pioneer James Watt.
Additional Resources
Energy Efficiency Resources
Energy Efficiency Programs available to Rhode Island customers - http://www.energy.ri.gov/energy-
Renewable Energy Growth Program Links
REG Program Page - http://www.ngrid.com/REGrowth
REG Program Tax Policy -
Renewable Energy Fund Links
Renewable Energy Fund program page - https://commerceri.com/financing/renewable-energy-fund/
Investment Tax Credit Links
Solar Energy Industry Association ITC Factsheet - https://www.seia.org/sites/default/files/inline-files/SEIA-ITC-
Video Resources
Video “Rooftop Solar Financing 101” - https://www.cesa.org/projects/sustainable-
Video “Choosing a Solar Installer” - https://www.cesa.org/projects/sustainable-
Video “Will Solar Save You Money” - https://www.cesa.org/projects/sustainable-
Miscellaneous Resources
United Solar Neighbor’s Guide, “Battery Storage for Homeowners” - https://www.solarunitedneighbors.org/wp-
Clean Energy State’s Alliance - Homeowner’s Guide to Solar Financing - https://www.cesa.org/assets/2015-
EnergySage a solar marketplace website - https://www.energysage.com/
Rhode Island Solar Checklist for RI Homeowners
Interstate Renewable Energy Council’s Consumer Bill of Rights