“What was that site doing with my Facebook password?”
Designing Password-Reuse Notifications
Maximilian Golla
Ruhr University Bochum
Miranda Wei
University of Chicago
Juliette Hainline
University of Chicago
Lydia Filipe
University of Chicago
Markus Dürmuth
Ruhr University Bochum
Elissa Redmiles
University of Maryland
Blase Ur
University of Chicago
Password reuse is widespread, so a breach of one provider’s pass-
word database threatens accounts on other providers. When compa-
nies nd stolen credentials on the black market and notice potential
password reuse, they may require a password reset and send af-
fected users a notication. Through two user studies, we provide
insight into such notications. In Study 1, 180 respondents saw
one of six representative notications used by companies in situa-
tions potentially involving password reuse. Respondents answered
questions about their reactions and understanding of the situation.
Notications diered in the concern they elicited and intended
actions they inspired. Concerningly, less than a third of respon-
dents reported intentions to change any passwords. In Study 2, 588
respondents saw one of 15 variations on a model notication syn-
thesizing results from Study 1. While the variations’ impact diered
in small ways, respondents’ intended actions across all notications
would leave them vulnerable to future password-reuse attacks. We
discuss best practices for password-reuse notications and how
notications alone appear insucient in solving password reuse.
Security and privacy Usability in security and privacy;
Notications; Password Reuse; Data Breaches; Usable Security
ACM Reference Format:
Maximilian Golla, Miranda Wei, Juliette Hainline, Lydia Filipe, Markus
Dürmuth, Elissa Redmiles, and Blase Ur. 2018. “What was that site doing
with my Facebook password?” Designing Password-Reuse Notications.
In CCS ’18: 2018 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer & Communications
Security, Oct. 15–19, 2018, Toronto, ON, Canada. ACM, New York, NY, USA,
18 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3243734.3243767
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classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
for prot or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation
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For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
CCS ’18, October 15–19, 2018, Toronto, ON, Canada
© 2018 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-5693-0/18/10.
People reuse passwords [
]. An average user
may have hundreds of dierent online accounts [
], and
passwords are unlikely to be completely replaced anytime soon [
As password managers [
] and single sign-on systems [
have low adoption, password reuse is a common coping strategy.
Password reuse has major ramications for the security of online
accounts. A breach of one account provider’s password database
puts at risk accounts on other services where login credentials are
the same as, or even just similar to [
], the breached accounts.
Attackers that target large leaks of passwords stored using com-
putationally expensive hash functions (e. g., scrypt) exploit this
password reuse in oine guessing [
]. Attackers try to match iden-
tiers like usernames and email addresses to previously cracked
credentials. They then transform the already known passwords to
increase their likelihood of correctly guessing passwords [
Unfortunately, password breaches are common. The website
haveibeenpwned.com counts billions of compromised account cre-
dentials due to data breaches, including from high-prole services
like Yahoo!, LinkedIn, MySpace, and Dropbox [
]. Thomas et al.
estimated that 7–25 % of passwords traded on black-market forums
match high-value targets like Google accounts [57].
Account providers send a variety of notications about situa-
tions potentially caused by password reuse. We refer to all such
notications as password-reuse notications, regardless of whether
password reuse is explicitly mentioned. To protect their users, some
providers proactively monitor black-market sources for passwords
stolen from other sites, searching for matches in their own password
database [
]. Once aware of such situations, these providers send
notications to aected users, encouraging them to change their
password. Password-reuse notications also include notications
about suspicious login attempts, which may have been triggered
by a password-reuse attack, or notications requiring a password
reset after a data breach. In a recent example, Twitter asked users
to change not only their Twitter passwords, but also passwords on
services where they had reused their Twitter password [1].
Surprisingly little is known about how users interpret or re-
spond to password-reuse notications, and how the design of such
notications impacts users’ understanding and risk perception.
Current password-reuse notications vary widely, and despite the
frequency with which such notications are sent, no best practices
have been outlined. This paucity of knowledge contrasts with the
large and rich literature investigating the design of warnings and
notications about other security-critical tasks, including detecting
], TLS-protected browsing [
], malware [
and two-factor authentication (2FA) [
]. Many studies have aimed
to help users make better passwords [
] or measured the
prevalence of password reuse [
]. This paper is the rst
to explore how to inform users about situations caused by password
reuse and help them recover from the resultant consequences.
Password-reuse notications face the herculean task of help-
ing users understand and respond to a convoluted situation. Users
have posted on Twitter about their confusion about receiving such
notications. For example, one tweet about a notication asked,
“What was another site doing with my Facebook password in the
rst place?” This may be because understanding the risks of pass-
word reuse requires knowledge of how attackers leverage password
breaches to compromise accounts on other services. Password-reuse
notications must address this underlying complexity to convince
users to replace reused passwords across all sites with a new, unique
password for each account. We explain the complexity of these is-
sues from the perspective of a ctitious company, AcmeCo, which
we adopt for the remainder of this paper.
We conducted two complementary user studies about password-
reuse notications. First, we sought to understand how users un-
derstand and perceive existing notications. We collected 24 noti-
cations sent by real companies in situations that may have been
caused by password reuse. We chose six notications whose charac-
teristics were representative of the full 24. In Study 1, we conducted
a scenario-based online survey in which 180 Mechanical Turk work-
ers saw one of these six notications (Sec. 3). We asked respondents
why they might have received such a notication, the feelings the
notication elicits, and what actions they might take in response.
Respondents reported they would be alarmed and confused, and
that they would intend to take action in response to receiving these
notications (Sec. 4). Some notications were more eective than
others at encouraging a response. Ultimately, though, participants’
responses misattributed the potential root cause of receiving these
(real, previously deployed) notications. Only 20.6 % mentioned
the breach of another company’s password database as a potential
cause, and only 18.8 % mentioned password reuse as a factor.
Based on respondents’ perceptions and responses (Sec. 5), we
identied ve design goals for password-reuse notications that
integrated characteristics of notications that were eective in
Study 1 and improved upon characteristics that were less eective.
We then conducted a follow-up study to analyze a model noti-
cation we believed achieved all ve design goals (Sec. 6). This
notication explicitly describes password reuse and the breach of
another provider as the cause of the notication. Additionally, it
forces a password reset, encourages other benecial security ac-
tions, and is delivered through multiple mediums. Study 2 was again
a scenario-based survey in which 588 Mechanical Turk workers
saw one of 15 variants of this model notication.
While Study 2 respondents perceived our model notication as
ocial and urgent, they nonetheless misattributed the root cause
of the notication (Sec. 7). Many respondents did not perceive pass-
word reuse as a potential cause of the situation. Additionally, al-
though nearly all respondents stated intentions to change one or
more passwords, most reported plans to create these “new” pass-
words by reusing other passwords of theirs, leaving them vulnerable
to similar attacks in the future. From our collected results, we es-
tablish best practices for maximizing the eectiveness of password-
reuse notications. However, because password-reuse notications
may not be sucient on their own, we conclude with a discussion of
additional steps for holistically addressing password reuse (Sec. 9).
We summarize prior work on password reuse and warning design.
2.1 Passwords and Password Reuse
Passwords are the dominant method of user authentication for on-
line accounts due to their low cost, immediacy, convenience, and de-
ployability [
]. Although online account providers employ meth-
ods beyond passwords to improve security, such as 2FA [
] and
risk-based authentication [
], solutions such as password
managers face steep adoption barriers [
]. Accounts therefore
remain vulnerable to a number of password-related attacks [61].
Password reuse amplies the severity of all password attacks.
Once login credentials are compromised, all accounts with those
same credentials become vulnerable. Various studies over the years
have found that users reuse a majority of their passwords across
sites [
]. Users have dozens of accounts, but only a few passwords
that they cycle through [
]. Users reuse passwords
to minimize the burden of memorization [
], and they do so
especially often for accounts they consider lower value [
Even if users do not reuse passwords verbatim, they often modify
existing passwords when creating new ones [34, 44, 52].
We consider password breaches to be cases where a hacker ille-
gally obtains login credentials from a vulnerable system [
]. Once
an account is breached, any other accounts sharing the same creden-
tials become vulnerable [
]. Breaches are frequent, with over 4.5
billion credentials reported stolen in 2016 [
]. Leveraging stolen
credentials enables attackers to perform online guessing with some
success. Thomas et al. accumulated over 1.79 billion non-unique
usernames and passwords from credential leaks, nding that 7–25 %
of those credentials would enable attackers to log into a compro-
mised account holder’s Google account [
]. Credential-stung,
which automates logging into as many sites as possible with the
stolen login credentials, generates more than 90 % of login trac
on many of the world’s largest websites and mobile apps [
]. Once
accounts have been compromised, attackers may use them for spam,
nancial data, or distributing malware [43, 56].
2.2 Security Warnings and Notications
A large body of prior work has researched security warnings and
notications broadly. Some examples include encouraging users to
adopt 2FA [
] and detecting phishing [
]. In their study of 25
million Google Chrome and Firefox users, Akhawe et al. found that
user experience has a signicant impact on behavior and that users
often do look at warnings [
], contrary to other ndings that users
are susceptible to habituation and often ignore web warnings [
Despite extensive prior work measuring password reuse, very
few studies have examined password-reuse notications. Jenkins et
al. evaluated the ecacy of just-in-time fear appeals in warnings
“persuasive messages intended to better help someone be aware of
a threat and to persuade them to engage in protective action” — at
preventing users from reusing passwords, nding that such appeals
resulted in a signicant decrease in password reuse [
]. This sug-
gests that notications could encourage better password creation
and management strategies. There is a need, however, to isolate
what is eective or ineective about these notications. While Zou
et al. studied reactions to notications of the Equifax data breach,
their work did not examine password reuse [
]. Huh et al. studied
the notication LinkedIn sent users after their password database
was breached, nding that less than half of participants changed
their LinkedIn password upon receiving this notication [
]. While
they asked respondents to self-report their actual reactions to re-
ceiving a single notication in the wild, we comparatively evaluate
many dierent notications, isolating the factors that contribute to
particular reactions and understanding. Furthermore, while Huh
et al. studied a notication that LinkedIn sent their users encour-
aging them to change their LinkedIn passwords due to a breach
of LinkedIn, we focus on cases where cross-site password reuse
substantially complicates the situation. To our knowledge, prior
work has neither focused on notications about cross-site password
reuse nor compared such notications.
Study 1 explored current password-reuse notications. It investi-
gated user perceptions of, and reactions to, such notications. Both
Study 1 and Study 2 were approved by our IRB.
As both Study 1 and Study 2 rely on respondents’ self-reports of
their feelings and actions they would intend to take, percentages
reported below should not be taken as ground truth. Rather, we use
our survey ndings to inform the design of improved password-
reuse notications. While observing notication response in the
wild may produce more accurate absolute reports of behavioral
response, such observational studies fail to allow us to understand
why people may react in certain ways and improve those reactions.
Thus, similar to prior work on SSL warnings [
], we use Study 1 to
identify potential areas of improvement for current password-reuse
notications, developing a model notice that we evaluate in Study 2.
3.1 Recruitment and Survey Structure
We recruited participants on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk, requiring
that workers be 18 years or older, live in the US, and have a 95 %+
approval rate. We advertised our study as a survey about “online
account notications. To avoid recruitment biases, we did not
mention security or privacy. Study 1 was a scenario-based survey
expected to take 15 minutes. Respondents were compensated $2
Respondents were rst introduced to the survey scenario: “In
the following survey, you will be asked to imagine that your name
is Jo Doe. You have an online account with a major company called
AcmeCo and can access your account through both a website and
a mobile application. Imagine that this account is important to you
and that it is like other accounts you may have, such as for email,
Table 1: Prominent characteristics of the six Study 1 noti-
cations. The name of the condition identies the provider
that currently uses that text.
Google red bar
Google email
Explicitly Mentioned
Password reuse
Outside breach
Outside security incident
Suspicious activity
Review activity
Forced password reset
Recommended password reset
Delivery Method
banking, or social media.” Then, respondents were presented with
one of six password-reuse notications (Section 3.2).
Three sets of questions followed. The rst set measured respon-
dents’ overall understanding of the notication by asking what may
have caused it to be sent through two open-ended questions: “In
your own words, please describe what this notication is telling
you” and “In your own words, please describe all factors that may
have caused you to receive this notication.” The second set asked
respondents to list three feelings they might have and three ac-
tions they might take upon receiving the notication, and why. The
third set presented seven statements, in randomized order, about
perceptions of the eectiveness of the notication’s explanation
of the situation, its delivery method, and its apparent legitimacy.
Respondents gave a Likert-scale response and free-text justication
for each. Finally, respondents reported the following demographic
information: gender, age, highest degree attained, and technical
expertise. Appendix A.1 contains the full text of the survey.
3.2 Conditions
In Study 1 we evaluated six real notications used by online account
providers. To collect such notications, four members of the re-
search team searched for notications sent by major online account
providers after known data breaches that had been posted online or
on social media. We deemed a notication in scope if the potential
risk may have originated from password reuse. We veried all noti-
cations as legitimate (not phishing) by cross-referencing Twitter
accounts, company security blogs, and news articles.
We collected 24 real notications about password reuse. To se-
lect a set of representative notications, we used anity diagram-
ming [
] to categorize and group similar notications. Three mem-
bers of the research team created separate anity diagrams for
major types of variation in notications. We uncovered stark dier-
ences in the degree to which a cause was explained, what actions
were required or suggested, and how the notication was delivered.
From the 24 notications, we selected six that captured the range
of variation within and across these three dimensions. Table 1 sum-
marizes the notications, which we refer to with the name of the
provider who originally sent that notication. To avoid priming
Figure 1: A notication we tested, rebranded from LinkedIn.
respondents with biases they might have about the companies that
originally sent these notications, as well as to minimize potential
confounds from the visual layout of the notication, we visually
rebranded all notications to be from a hypothetical online ac-
count provider “AcmeCo.” Figure 1 depicts the rebranded LinkedIn
notication. The ve other notications are in Appendix B.1.
Prior to launching the study, we conducted cognitive interviews
to rene the survey wording iteratively and verify the intelligibility
of questions. A limitation of survey studies is that responses can
suer from self-report and social desirability biases that may aect
accuracy. Respondents’ reported reactions may dier from their
reactions had they received the notication in real life. In line
with survey best practices, we worked to minimize relevant biases
through the aforementioned pre-testing and by using softening
language to minimize social-desirability bias [
]. Despite potential
biases, related work has shown that while survey responses to
security messages may be biased, they correlate strongly with real-
world reactions [
]. Our results should thus be interpreted as
trends of user behavior rather than precise frequency estimates.
3.3 Analysis Methods and Metrics
We collected both quantitative and qualitative data. Our quantita-
tive analysis centered on the seven statements to which participants
responded on scales (four on Likert scales and three on other scales),
which we treated as ordinal. To evaluate whether responses diered
signicantly across notications while controlling for the eects of
demographic factors, we built ordinal logistic regression models.
In each model, the dependent variable was the set of Likert-scale
responses to a given statement. We used the following independent
variables: the notication the respondent saw; the respondent’s age;
the respondent’s gender; the respondent’s level of education; and
the respondent’s technical background. All independent variables
were treated as categorical; we selected the most prevalent cate-
gorical value as the baseline. We chose the LinkedIn notication
as the baseline category for the notication term as it was most
representative (as determined through anity diagramming) of the
24 messages we originally collected.
In particular, we built parsimonious regression models using
stepwise backward-elimination, minimizing AIC. All of these parsi-
monious nal models contained the notication term. To determine
whether this notication term was signicant, we compared these
nal models to their analogous null models (removing the notica-
tion term) to calculate an omnibus p-value, which we report as the
regression p-value. Furthermore, we report signicant individual
factors in the regression by providing that factor’s log-adjusted
regression coecient (e.g., odds ratio, denoted
) and p-value.
Our accompanying technical report
contains the full regression
tables. If this omnibus test was signicant, we performed pairwise
comparisons between notications using the Mann-Whitney U
test, for which we report the test statistic (
) and the p-value. We
α = .
05 for all tests and used the Holm method to correct for
multiple testing within a family of tests.
Finally, we analyzed responses to open-answer survey questions
via qualitative coding. A member of the research team read the
responses and performed a thematic analysis, iteratively updating
the codebook as necessary. The researcher then used axial coding
for consolidation and clarication, resulting in 11 themes for the
causes of receiving the presented notication. To focus on recurring
themes, we report codes that occurred for at least 10 % of responses.
We also performed a thematic analysis of respondents’ free-text
explanations in the third set of questions to more fully understand
why respondents answered the questions the way they did. This
process was largely the same as the one for the rst section of
questions, resulting in four or more codes for each question.
In addition, respondents provided in free text three feelings and
three intended actions in response to the notication. We cleaned
responses to condense tenses dierences and misspellings. As the
survey asked for these in any order, responses were not ranked
during analysis. We used the NRC Word-Emotion Association Lexi-
con [42] to group feelings as positive, neutral, or negative.
In Study 1, we found that the current password-reuse notications
we tested elicit worry and fear. While the notications do motivate
some respondents to report intending to change their passwords,
respondents do not report intending to change their passwords
in suciently security-enhancing ways. For example, many re-
spondents report planning to make small adjustments to existing
passwords, which will likely leave them susceptible to password-
reuse attacks. This lack of sucient action may be attributed in
part to notication confusion. A majority of respondents report
not understanding the notication, and their mental model may,
therefore, be insucient to elicit an appropriate response.
4.1 Respondents
180 people responded to our survey. Their ages ranged from 18 to
74 years, though most respondents were between 25 and 34 years
0% 5% 10%
Proportion of Responses
negative neutral positive
Figure 2: Sentiment analysis (using NRC EmoLex [42]) of re-
spondents’ reported feelings upon receiving a notication.
old. 44
4 % of our respondents were female, and a majority (62
8 %) of
respondents had a two-year or higher degree. 70
6 % of respondents
reported no experience (education or job) in a technical eld.
4.2 Notication Response
Figure 3 highlights respondents’ reactions to the notications.
Notications elicited negative responses.
Of the 540 feelings
reported by respondents, worried, afraid, and anxious were the main
responses to receiving a password-reuse notication. Figure 2 dis-
plays feelings reported by ten or more respondents. Fortunately,
some positive feelings, such as safe or relieved, were also common.
As the notications are communicating potential risks to accounts,
it makes sense that an overall negative sentiment dominated. How-
ever, a password-reuse notication should induce more positive
responses, as they are ultimately helping their users.
Notications were concerning.
Across notications, most re-
spondents (66.7 %) reported that they would feel extremely or mod-
erately concerned upon receiving the notication. R56 explained,
“The potential for losing an account and sensitive information is
something to be concerned about. Anyone who wouldn’t feel con-
cerned is either ignorant or lying.” Only 3.3 % reported no concern.
Respondents’ reported concern diered signicantly across noti-
cations (regression
p =
003). Respondents found the Facebook
OR =
p =
011) and the Google email notications (
OR =
p =
003) more concerning than the LinkedIn notication, the con-
trol in our regression. Respondents also reported a greater concern
about receiving the Facebook notication (
U =
p =
and the Google email notication (
U =
p =
011) than the
Instagram notication. 89.7 % reported the Facebook notication as
concerning, 83.9 % reported the Google email notication as con-
cerning, 54.9 % reported the LinkedIn notication as concerning,
and 53.1 % reported the Instagram notication as concerning.
Ignoring the notications would have consequences.
respondents disagreed or strongly disagreed that ignoring the
notication they received would not have consequences (77.1 %).
Responses diered signicantly across notications (regression
p = .
045). Respondents noted potential consequences that included
harm to their account “because hackers could steal my info” (R150),
as well as “being locked out of my accounts” (R84). However, a
sizable minority was unsure (16.7 %). These “unsure” respondents
wanted to get more information from AcmeCo, which shows the
importance of clear communication of the situation at hand in a
password-reuse notication. Finally, a few respondents were dis-
missive of any consequences: “Acme has so many accounts that the
chances that my account is hacked are pretty slim” (R81).
Facebook, Google email notications high-priority.
notications, responses about the priority of taking action diered
signicantly (regression
p = .
012). Compared to the LinkedIn noti-
cation, a signicantly larger fraction of respondents reported that
taking action in response to the Facebook (
OR =
p =
and Google email (
OR =
p =
022) notications would be a
high priority. Signicantly more respondents reported the same
for the Facebook notication relative to the Instagram notication
U =
p =
044). 100 % of respondents who received the
Facebook notication, 93.5 % of those who received the Google
email notication, 80.6 % of those who received the LinkedIn noti-
cation, and 71.0 % of those who received the Instagram notication
reported that taking action in response to their respective noti-
cations would be a high priority. We hypothesize respondents
perceived the Facebook and Google email notications to a be
higher priority because the Facebook notication prohibited users
from logging in, and Google’s email included a prominent red color.
Nearly all respondents indicated that taking action in re-
sponse to the notication was a priority.
Across all notica-
tions, 95.6 % of respondents indicated that taking action in response
to receiving the notication would be either a very high, high, or
a medium priority. In their free-response justications, 76.6 % of
respondents explained that they wanted to protect their personal
information or prevent unauthorized account access. 29.4 % of re-
sponses specied that the high priority was due to a lack of time:
“The quicker I act, the safer my account will be” (R54).
4.3 Understanding of the Notication
Few respondents recognized the notication’s real cause.
asked respondents to describe all factors that may have caused them
to receive that notication. Most respondents believed that the
notication was sent because of circumstances beyond their control.
R171 was typical in failing to account for password-reuse attacks
as a cause, stating, “The chances of someone guessing that I use the
same password are still incredibly low. Still, I would be worried that
the password might be too common. 60 % of respondents attributed
the notication to someone hacking their account or unsuccessfully
attempting to log in. While this makes sense, as some notications
convey that someone may have tried to log in to their account, this
is not the full truth: the login may have been attempted as part of a
password-reuse attack. Further, 21.1% of respondents believed that
it may have been sent in error, as a false alarm due to the real user
of the account using a new device, signing in from a new location,
or entering the incorrect password too many times. A minority
mentioned the potential real cause of the notication: either a data
breach (20.6 %) or password reuse by the account holder (18.8 %).
4.4 Intended Response to Notication
Most respondents do not intend to change their password.
While most respondents agreed that taking action was a priority,
Google email
Google red bar
0 20 40 60 80 100
Google email
Google red bar
0 20 40 60 80 100
Google email
Google red bar
0 20 40 60 80 100
Google email
Google red bar
0 20 40 60 80 100
Google email
Google red bar
0 20 40 60 80 100
Google email
Google red bar
0 20 40 60 80 100
Google email
Google red bar
0 20 40 60 80 100
Very high priority Not at all a priority
Medium priority
Extremely concerned Not at all con cerned
Somewhat co n cerned
Many times Never
A few times
Figure 3: Respondents reported their priority of taking action in response to the notication. Respondents also reported their
agreement of whether the notication was sent via the appropriate method, could be ignored without consequence, would be
sent by real companies, and explained how to resolve the situation. Finally, respondents reported the level of concern they
would expect to have upon receiving the notication, and whether they had received such notications before.
they disagreed on what to do and volunteered a wide variety of
examples. Respondents wrote that they would take actions such as
changing their password (29.3 % of respondents), investigating the
situation (18.6 %), and logging into their account (15.4 %) in response
to receiving the notication. While the self-reported intention to
change their password was the most common, it is nevertheless
extremely low as an absolute percentage. This is a cause for concern,
as securing an account through password changes should be a
priority for all users in situations of password reuse.
Overall, respondents found the notications informative.
A majority of respondents (62.8 %) either agreed or strongly agreed
that the notication they received explained how to resolve the
situation by giving specic, clear instructions (58.3 %). However,
26.7 % believed it did not do so, and 10.0 % of respondents indicated
that resolving the situation would require more background infor-
mation. As R137 explained, “I need more information as to what
happened before I just blindly change my password.
Notications with prominent explanations perceived as
most informative.
We observed signicant dierences across no-
tications in respondents’ perceptions of whether the notication
explained how to resolve the situation (regression
p <
001). The
agreement that the notication explained the situation diered
starkly across notications: LinkedIn (80.6 % of respondents agreed
or strongly agreed), Facebook (75.9 %), Netix (75.0 %), Instagram
(68.7 %), Google email (54.9 %), and Google red bar (21.6 %). Agree-
ment was higher for the LinkedIn notication than for the Google
email (
OR =
p <
001) and the Google red bar (
OR = .
p <
001) notications. Compared to the Google red bar noti-
cation, agreement was also signicantly higher for the Facebook
U =
p <
001), Google email (
U =
p =
011), Insta-
gram (
U =
p <
001), and Netix (
U =
p <
notications. The low reported percentages for the Google email
and Google red bar notications make sense because both noti-
cations had a link that had to be clicked for more information and
explanation. The other notications had more detail and instruc-
tions in the notication itself.
4.5 Reactions to Structure and Delivery
Most respondents agreed that the notication they received used the
appropriate method of contacting them (65.0 %), primarily because
it was easy, convenient, or fast (58.3 % of respondents). However,
some respondents would have preferred a more immediate method
(17.8 %) or multiple methods (11.6 %). Agreement about the method’s
appropriateness diered across notications (regression
p < .
Email perceived as the most legitimate delivery method.
The Google email, LinkedIn, and Netix notications, all sent by
email, were reported to be delivered with the most appropriate
method and to seem the most legitimate. This is perhaps due to
some respondents’ justication that email is ocial (10 %), and that
they may have seen similar email notications in the past. Respon-
dents were more likely to report that the LinkedIn notication was
appropriate than the Facebook (
OR =
p <
001), Google red
bar (
OR =
p <
001), and Instagram (
OR =
p <
010) no-
tications. For the LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and Google red
bar notications, respectively, 98.6 %, 62.5 %, 51.7 %, and 48.2 % of
respondents reported agreement that the notication they received
was delivered with the appropriate method. Fewer respondents
found the Facebook notication appropriate than the Google email
notication (U = 265, p = 0.049).
Respondents’ expectations regarding real companies sending the
notication also diered across conditions (regression
p = .
While 96.7 % of respondents who saw the LinkedIn notication re-
ported expecting real companies would send it, only 67.7 % reported
the same for the Instagram notication (OR = 0.2, p = 0.003).
Our notications were relevant to real situations.
most respondents agreed (86.7 %) that they would expect real com-
panies to send notications like these when necessary. Respondents
reported receiving notications similar to this one in the past: 52.1 %
of respondents indicated receiving a similar notication a few times,
and 9.5 % many times. Those who had received similar notications
explained that they were from sign-ins on other devices (20.0 %) or
nancial services (13.3 %).
Figure 4: Our model notication with the parts that varied
highlighted in color and further specie d in Table 2.
Password-reuse notications take on a challenging task as the situ-
ation at hand is the cumulative result of multiple parties’ actions.
Further, the level of risk to convey and the appropriate actions
to suggest or require are not always clear. While research has in-
vestigated best practices for other types of security notications
(cf. Section 2), we sought to create a framework for evaluating
password-reuse notications. Drawing on the Study 1 results, we
identied ve goals that eective notications should achieve su-
ciently: timeliness, legitimacy, action, background, and trust. We
used these goals as a framework to evaluate notications in Study 2.
First, notications should reach their intended audience in a
manner. A notication about a compromised password is
only useful if the user sees the notication to create a new one.
Second, notications should be perceived as
. Some
respondents in Study 1 were hesitant to trust our notications,
believing that they might be phishing. The presence of hyperlinks
was cited as an indicator of phishing, and a few respondents were
skeptical of any email that required password changes at all.
Third, a password-reuse notication should lead to
improve the security of the directly aected online account. Ideally,
this would include taking productive actions for other accounts
that may be at risk (i.e., those where similar passwords were used),
as well as advising against unproductive or unrelated actions.
Fourth, the
information provided by a notication
should be easily understood. In Study 1, 12.8 % of respondents were
confused by how one service “got” their passwords for another
service, which could potentially lead to confusion. Not all users will
understand the mechanisms behind password databases or cryp-
tographic hashes, but the root cause of the notication (password
reuse) must be clearly conveyed.
Table 2: Notication dimensions varied in Study 2.
Delivery Medium
model Delivered by email
inApp Mobile in-app
mobile Mobile push notication and in-app
model This incident was likely a data breach of a service
unrelated to AcmeCo, but because many people reuse
similar passwords on multiple sites, your AcmeCo login
information may have been aected.
usBreach This incident was likely a data breach of one of our
Account Activity
model While we have not detected any suspicious activity on
your AcmeCo account, ... as a precaution.
suspicious Because we have detected suspicious activity on your
AcmeCo account, .. .
model . . . you must create a new password . . .
recommend . . . we recommend that you create a new password.
Other Accounts
model Change all similar passwords on other accounts.
Extra Actions
To further improve your online security, we recommend:
Enabling AcmeCo’s Two-Factor Authentication.
Using a password manager.
Fifth and nally, notications should improve
providers and users. Account providers send notications to in-
crease the security of users’ accounts with that provider, as well
as potentially with other providers, too. Therefore, notications
should aim to engender users’ trust.
In Study 1, we found that the content of a password-reuse notica-
tion impacted respondents’ understanding of the situation at hand,
as well as whether they would intend to take action in response.
In Study 2, we sought to better isolate the factors of eective noti-
cations by exploring the impact of making small changes to the
content or delivery of these notications. Our design of Study 2
focuses on key results from Study 1, along with the goals outlined
in Section 5. We had six core research questions for Study 2.
First, we consider the delivery medium. The timeliness of a
notication is largely determined by how it is sent to the recipient.
Mobile push notications interrupt the current workow, whereas
emails or in-app notications require users to actively check those
sources. The delivery medium of the notication may also change
respondents’ perception of the legitimacy of the notication.
RQ 1A:
How does the delivery medium of a password-reuse noti-
cation aect its perceived eectiveness?
RQ 1B:
If you, an online account provider, are breached, how impor-
tant is the delivery medium in which you send your notication?
Next, we consider mentions of suspicious account activity and
the nature of the data breach. These details address the goal of pro-
viding adequate background for users to understand the situation.
RQ 2:
How does explicitly identifying the root causes of the incident
inuence the notication’s eectiveness?
RQ 3:
How does mentioning suspicious account activity inuence
the notication’s eectiveness?
Depending on the importance of the account and the incident,
notications should force a password reset.
RQ 4:
If a password change is only recommended, instead of re-
quired, will users report that they would change their passwords?
Finally, we consider various security suggestions beyond pass-
word changes. We hypothesize that these suggestions could im-
prove the user’s trust in the account provider by appearing to
demonstrate proactive approaches to security.
RQ 5A:
Is it important to explicitly recommend password changes
on other sites in a notication?
RQ 5B:
Is it important to explicitly recommend pro-security actions
(e.g., 2FA, adopting a password manager) in a notication?
RQ 5C:
If your service is breached, is it important to explicitly
recommend password changes on other sites and pro-security be-
haviors beyond changing your password?
RQ 6:
Will users report taking pro-security actions if they are not
explicitly mentioned in a password-reuse notication?
6.1 Study 2 Conditions
We began developing our Study 2 conditions by creating a model
notication (shown in Figure 4) that synthesized the individual as-
pects of notications that were most successful in Study 1, lling in
gaps relative to our aforementioned design goals. To disambiguate
the impact of each aspect of the model notication’s content and de-
livery, we created 14 additional variants of the model, each of which
diered in a targeted way. These variants, as detailed in Table 2,
reect changes in the delivery method, description of the secu-
rity incident, mention of account activity, suggested remediation,
reference to other accounts, and additional pro-security actions
mentioned. Each respondent was randomly assigned to see either
the model notication or one of these fourteen variants. When
presenting our results, we refer to these variants using multi-part
names based on the nomenclature dened in Table 2. Special at-
tention was given to increase the likelihood that our respondents
perceived the notication as legitimate, rather than as phishing.
Appendix B.2 contains additional images of the variants.
6.2 Study 2 Structure and Recruitment
We recruited respondents on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk, again
advertising a survey about online account notications with no
mention of security or privacy. Requirements for participation were
the same as for Study 1, and participation in both Study 1 and
Study 2 was prevented. The survey was again scenario-based, but
this survey was structured into ve sections and added additional
questions to explore topics raised during the analysis of Study 1.
Each respondent was compensated with $2.50 for completing the
survey. Respondents were introduced to the survey sce-
nario with the same text as Study 1 (cf. Section 3.1) and were then
presented with their assigned notication.
The rst section of survey questions measured respondents’
overall reported conceptions of the notication with questions
similar to Study 1, but with a key modication: respondents were
given eleven closed-answer choices of the causes of receiving the
notication. We chose to give closed-answer choices to measure
explicitly whether or not they expected some factor might have
caused the situation, rather than relying just on what they thought
to write. We based these choices on the responses to Study 1’s
open-ended version.
The second section asked whether respondents would intend to
change their passwords for AcmeCo, as well as for other accounts.
This section also contained follow-up questions about why they
would or would not intend to change their passwords, as well as
how they would create and memorize such passwords. The third
section asked them to report their security perceptions of, and
likelihood to take, ten actions beyond changing their password.
These actions were again closed-answer and were selected based
on free-text responses from Study 1.
The fourth section asked respondents about their perceptions
of the notication with questions based on the corresponding sec-
tion from Study 1 but modied to align with Study 2’s research
questions. The nal section solicited the following demographic
information: gender, age, highest educational degree attained, and
technical expertise. We also asked respondents to report any pre-
vious experiences being notied about data breaches and history
of having others gain unauthorized access to their online accounts.
Appendix A.2 contains the survey text. As in Study 1, responses
are reported behavioral intentions, rather than actual behavior. We
again mitigated biases with softening language and pre-testing.
6.3 Analysis Method and Metrics
We again use regression models in our analysis. We had both bi-
nary (whether respondents selected each of the eleven potential
causes, whether respondents reported intending to change any pass-
words or take the ten additional actions) and ordinal (responses
on scales regarding perceptions of the notication, as well as a
Likert-scale agreement with the security benet of the ten actions)
dependent variables. For binary dependent variables, we built lo-
gistic regression models. For ordinal dependent variables, we built
ordinal logistic regression models. The independent variables were
the notication, all covariates used in Study 1 (the respondent’s age
range, gender, education level, and technical background), whether
the respondent had ever been notied that their information was
exposed in a data breach and whether the respondent had experi-
enced unauthorized access to an online account. These nal two
variables are proxies for prior experience with breaches [
All independent variables were treated as categorical.
As in Study 1, we built parsimonious models through backward
elimination. The full regression tables are again contained in our
companion technical report. To determine whether the omnibus
notication term was signicant, we compared these nal models
to their analogous null models (removing the notication term) to
calculate an omnibus p-value, which we report as the regression
p-value. If the notication term was removed in backward elimina-
tion, we treated the notication as non-signicant. For signicant
individual factors, we report the odds ratio and p-value.
When the omnibus notication term was signicant, we made
18 comparisons between pairs of notications to investigate our
six research questions directly. For ordinal data, we used Mann-
Whitney U tests (reporting U and the p-value). For categorical data
more naturally expressed as a contingency table (e.g., whether and
how respondents intended to change their password), we performed
tests if all cell counts were greater than ve, and Fisher’s Exact
Test (denoted FET ) if they were not. We again set
α = .
05 and used
Holm correction within each family of tests.
Finally, in a process analogous to that for Study 1, we qualita-
tively coded free-response data.
Across all variants of the model notication, respondents reported
anticipating serious consequences to ignoring the notication and
reported believing that changing their password would benet
their account security. While a majority of respondents indicated
that they would intend to change their passwords, their intended
password creation strategies would continue to expose them to
password-reuse attacks. Unfortunately, many respondents did not
perceive password reuse to be the root cause of the situation.
We found that adding extra security suggestions increases per-
ceived risks, which may help the notication convey the seriousness
of the situation and the need to take action. Omitting information
about account activity or being vague about the origin of the secu-
rity incident, however, warps perceptions of the situation.
7.1 Respondents
There were 588 respondents in Study 2. Most respondents were be-
tween the ages of 25 and 34 (44.6 %), although 11.2 % were younger
and 44.1 % were older. 48.4 % of the respondents identied as fe-
male. Over half of our respondents had a two- or four-year degree,
and 10.8 % held higher degrees. A quarter of respondents reported
experience (education or job) in technical elds.
53.2 % of respondents in Study 2 indicated that they had been
aected by a prior data breach. Most respondents were notied via
email (55.9 %), although receiving physical mail (17.3 %) and reading
the news or browsing social media (18.2 %) were other common
notication methods. The most common data breach mentioned
by respondents was Equifax (12.1 % of respondents). Less than one-
third of respondents reported unauthorized access to an account.
Of the 188 respondents that reported someone had gained unau-
thorized access to one of their online accounts, 23 personally knew
the attacker, whereas 155 did not.
7.2 Perceived Causes of the Scenario
Many respondents did not perceive password reuse to be a
cause of the situation.
From among eleven potential causes of
receiving the notication, we asked respondents to choose all they
felt applied. Unfortunately, across all notications, a minority of
respondents chose “you reused the same or similar passwords for
multiple online accounts” as a potential cause even though many
variants of the notication mentioned password reuse. For exam-
ple, the model notication (control condition) explained that their
AcmeCo account login and password may have been compromised”
due to a data breach of a service unrelated to AcmeCo “because
many people reuse similar passwords on multiple sites.” Nonethe-
less, only 44.7 % of respondents who saw the model notication
chose password reuse as a cause of receiving the notication.
The rate of selecting password reuse as a cause varied by condi-
tion (regression
p < .
001). Among all variants, model-{suspicious}
(named using the keywords in Table 2) was most eective at con-
veying that password reuse was a potential cause. This variant
augmented the model notication by noting suspicious activity had
been detected on the account. Nonetheless, only 57.9 % of respon-
dents chose password reuse as a possible cause, which did not dier
signicantly from the control. Unsurprisingly, four variants that
mentioned that AcmeCo itself suered a breach had signicantly
lower rates of choosing password reuse as a cause: model-{usBreach}-
-{mobile} (2.4 %,
OR =
p <
001); model-{usBreach}-{inApp}
(2.4 %,
OR =
p =
001); model-{usBreach}-{noOthers} (10.0 %,
OR =
p =
001); and model-{usBreach}-{noOthers}-{noExtras}
(2.6 %, OR = 0.03, p = 0.001).
For model-{vagueCause}, 10.3 % of respondents chose password
reuse as a cause, which was also signicantly lower than the control
OR =
p =
003). This is notable because that notication
mentions a vaguely-worded “potential security incident” that may
have led to a credential compromise, typical of many widely de-
ployed notications even when password reuse is the culprit.
Respondents also rarely chose “you have a weak password for
your AcmeCo account” as a potential cause. Across conditions, only
15.0 % of respondents selected this option. This did vary signicantly
by condition (regression
p = .
011), though we only observed a
signicant dierence for the pair of conditions investigating the
impact of mentioning suspicious activity (RQ3). While 38.9 % of
respondents indicated a weak password as a potential cause for
model-{suspicious}, which mentioned suspicious activity, only 4.9 %
did so for model-{omitActivity}, which did not (FET, p = .009).
In contrast, across all notications, respondents most commonly
chose that “AcmeCo was hacked” (49.0 % of respondents) or that a
company unrelated to AcmeCo was hacked (41.7 %). Note, however,
that conditions varied in whether they reported that AcmeCo or
some other company was breached, so these frequencies and the sig-
nicant dierences between conditions (both regressions
p < .
are unsurprising. More surprisingly, across conditions respondents
selected three additional potential causes at higher rates than pass-
word reuse: “Someone hacked your AcmeCo account” (32.5 % of
respondents); “AcmeCo conducts regular security checks and this
is just a standard security notication” (28.2 %); “Someone is trying
to gain unauthorized access to your account by sending this email”
(27.4 %). These did not vary signicantly across conditions.
7.3 Creating New Passwords
Respondents rated whether fteen potential actions would improve
their account security. Six of these actions related to password
changes. In addition, respondents selected whether or not “if [they]
received this notication about an online account [they] had with
a real company” they would change their password for that com-
pany. For brevity, we refer to this below as changing their AcmeCo
password. We also asked them to report their likelihood to take ve
actions related to changing passwords, but for services other than
the one that sent them the notication.
Most respondents perceived unique passwords as good for
Overall, 86.0 % of respondents agreed that changing their
AcmeCo password to “a completely new password unrelated to the
old one” would improve their account security. Most cited a “better
safe than sorry” rationale for changing their password. For example,
Intention to Change Passwords
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Keep Same
Other Providers
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Important None
Figure 5: Respondents’ intentions for creating new pass-
words for their account on AcmeCo (who sent the notica-
tion) and on other providers. Respondents could change all
passwords, only passwords that were the same or similar,
only passwords for important accounts, or none at all.
Password-Change Strategy
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Other Providers
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Figure 6: Of respondents who intended to change passwords,
their stated strategies for doing so for their account on
AcmeCo and on other providers. They could generate a new
password with a password manager or browser, make a com-
pletely new password, modify the old password, reuse a pass-
word they already use, or apply some other strategy.
R55 wrote, “It would bring me peace of mind to know I had done
what I could to protect myself and my account. Yet, 34.6 % also
answered that changing their AcmeCo password to “a modica-
tion. . . of the old one” would improve their account security, while
26.0 % answered similarly about changing their AcmeCo password
“to a password I use for another online account.
To prevent password-reuse attacks, users should have a unique
password for each account, and 84.1 % of respondents agreed that
doing so would improve their account security. However, a concern-
ingly large fraction of respondents 50.2 % — agreed that changing
“all of my similar passwords on other online accounts to one new
password” would improve their security. Unfortunately, doing so
makes them susceptible to future password-reuse attacks. We did
not observe signicant dierences in responses across conditions
for any of these six actions related to password changes.
If they received our notication in real life, respondents
would change their password, but ineectively.
The vast ma-
jority of respondents — 90.3 % — reported they would change their
passwords if, in real life, they received the notication they saw (Fig-
ure 5). However, among these respondents, only 1.4 % of them said
they would change their password to something completely un-
related. Additionally, only 9.7 % of them said they would use a
password manager or their browser to generate the password.
The majority of respondents’ new passwords would continue
to expose their accounts to the same risks (Figure 6). Most respon-
dents — 59.0 % — reported intending to create their new AcmeCo
password by changing a few characters in the old password, while
11.4 % reported intending to simply reuse another password they
already used elsewhere. In reality, these strategies would not truly
resolve their problems and would continue to facilitate password-
reuse attacks. Attackers have adapted to users’ tendency to modify
passwords in small ways (e.g., common character substitutions,
insertions, and capitalizations) and apply such common transforma-
tions in password-reuse attacks [
]. Furthermore, self-reported
intentions typically overreport actual behavior [
], suggesting that
these results may already be overly optimistic.
Respondents’ stated likelihood to “leave [their AcmeCo] pass-
word as-is” varied by condition (regression
p = .
012). Respondents
who saw model-{noOthers}-{noExtras} were more likely to say they
would keep their current password than those who saw model
OR =
p = .
042) or model-{noOthers} (
W =
p = .
Respondents were also more likely to state the same if they had not
previously received a data-breach notication (
OR =
p = .
or if they had a background in technology (
OR =
p = .
038). We
hypothesize this last result may stem from overcondence.
Some perceptions of security also varied across demographic
factors. Female respondents were more likely to rate having unique
passwords for all accounts as secure (
OR =
p = .
012) and less
likely to rate keeping their current password as secure (
OR =
p = .
008). Respondents who had not previously received a data-
breach notication were more likely to rate modifying their old
password as secure (
OR =
p = .
017) and less likely to rate
changing it to something unrelated as secure (
OR =
p = .
Surprisingly, respondents with a background in technology were
also less likely to rate the latter as secure (OR = 0.6, p = .007).
Those who avoid password changes may do so due to sus-
picion of notications or invincibility beliefs.
Of the 52 re-
spondents (9 % of the total) who said they would not change their
password, 25 reported that it was because they would need to verify
that the notication was legitimate, rather than a phishing attack.
R534 elaborated that they would “wait and go to AcmeCo’s website
and see what was going on rst.” Eight others said they would not
change their password because of memorability concerns.
Seventeen respondents expressed various beliefs of invincibility:
eleven said they use unique passwords on every account and thus
would not worry about one password being compromised, while
six believed their passwords were strong enough to eliminate the
risk of compromise. As R2 wrote, “It is a very good password and I
doubt someone would waste the time trying to crack it.” While non-
experts have diculties judging password strength [60], Pearman
et al. observed in an in-situ study of 154 participants an average
password strength that could resist up to 10
guesses [
]. At the
same time, real-world oine guessing attacks are on the order of 10
to 10
guesses per day on a single GPU even against hash functions
like scrypt [
]. Others consider 10
guesses realistic in oine
attacks [
]. While rate-limiting and risk-based authentication slow
online guessing [21], password reuse remains a threat [38, 57].
Most respondents believed changing passwords for other
accounts with similar passwords would improve security, yet
they did not intend to do so.
Even though, as previously men-
tioned, 84.1 % of respondents agreed that using unique passwords
for each of their accounts would improve security, 35.2 % of respon-
dents reported that they did not intend to change passwords for
Taking Other Security Actions
Action improves se curity?
Intention to take action?
Related to current situation
Enable 2FA
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Use a password manager
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Update security questions
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Review recent activity
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Tangentially related
Update software more frequently
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Lock phone
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Lock computer
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Change password more frequently
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Use an identity theft protection service
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Agree Disagree
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Likely Unlikely
Figure 7: Respondents’ perceptions of whether actions would increase security, as well as their stated intention (across con-
ditions) of taking those actions upon receiving the notication. We group actions by whether they relate to password reuse.
any accounts other than AcmeCo. As Figure 5 shows, an additional
15.6 % only intended to do so for accounts where they used exactly
the same password, while 14.1 % only intended to change passwords
for important accounts. The largest portion of respondents would
not change their passwords on other accounts because they did
not perceive connections between the account addressed by the
notication and any other account. R69 explained, “Unless I heard
from a company that was hacked, I’m not concerned.” Furthermore,
respondents believed that if the account providers were unrelated,
then the risks to account security also must be unrelated. A few
respondents speculated that the threats were unrelated because “a
potential hacker likely doesn’t know my additional accounts exist”
(R23). Unfortunately, because reuse of both usernames and pass-
words across services is common [
], attackers know to try
the same or similar credentials across unrelated services.
In contrast, only 15.3 % of respondents reported intending to
change their passwords on all other accounts, while 19.7% reported
intending to change all passwords that were similar to the one
that was compromised. Unfortunately, even for respondents who
said they would intend to change other passwords, their intended
password-creation strategies would leave many at risk. The ma-
jority of respondents again intended to either modify (46.5 %) or
directly reuse (9.6 %) passwords they already used elsewhere, as
shown in Figure 6. On a more positive note, 38.8 % of respondents
reported intending to use a password manager or browser to gen-
erate these other passwords, which balances usability and security
for changing many passwords at once.
7.4 Taking Other Security-Related Actions
For nine additional actions unrelated to password changes, respon-
dents again rated their expectation of how these actions impact
security, as well as their likelihood to take these actions upon re-
ceiving the notication. Notications should encourage actions
that are both productive and relevant for addressing password reuse.
To account for these nuances, we included four actions that can
potentially address password reuse, as well as ve that are only
tangentially related to the situation, as shown in Figure 7.
Notications encourage 2FA adoption, yet are less eec-
tive at encouraging the use of password managers.
The noti-
cations had a divergent impact on two of the actions most relevant
to mitigating threats from password reuse: enabling 2FA and using
a password manager. While 83.3 % of respondents agreed that en-
abling 2FA would improve their security and 64.0 % rated it likely
that they would do so, only 44.3 % agreed that using a password
manager would improve their security, and only 37.3 % rated it
likely they would adopt one after receiving the notication.
In contrast, 78.8 % of respondents agreed changing their pass-
word more frequently would improve security, and 51.9 % rated it
likely they would do so. Furthermore, 80.9 % of respondents agreed
that reviewing the recent activity on their account would improve
security, and 89.5 % rated it likely they would do so.
Notication variants did not impact the likelihood of tak-
ing these actions.
Which notication respondents saw did not
signicantly impact their stated likelihood of taking any of these
nine actions. However, some demographic factors did. Respondents
with a background in technology expressed a higher likelihood of
using a password manager (
OR =
p = .
002), using an identity
theft protection service (
OR =
p = .
008), and changing the
way they lock their phone (
OR =
p = .
033) upon receiving
the notication. Finally, female respondents expressed being more
likely to review the activity on their account (OR = 1.5, p = . 022).
Notication variants minimally impacted security percep-
Respondents’ agreement that updating their account’s secu-
rity questions would improve security varied across notications
p = .
012), though we did not observe the notication to
signicantly impact perceptions of any of the other eight actions.
Compared to respondents who saw model, those who saw model-
{vagueCause} (
OR =
p = .
017) or model-{suspicious} (
OR =
p = .
004) were more likely to agree that updating their security
questions would improve security. We observed the same eect
for three notications that mentioned that AcmeCo itself had been
breached: model-{usBreach}-{mobile} (
OR =
p = .
002), model-
-{usBreach}-{inApp} (
OR =
p = .
035), and model-{usBreach}-
-{noOthers} (
OR =
p = .
026). Female respondents were more
likely to agree that it would improve security (
OR =
p = .
while those who had never received a data-breach notication were
less likely to do so (OR = 0.6, p = .009).
Demographic factors were correlated with variations in respon-
dents’ perceptions of how these actions impacted security. Female
respondents were more likely to agree that using an identity theft
protection service (
OR =
p = .
003), changing their password
more frequently (
OR =
p = .
001), and changing how they
lock their computer (
OR =
p = .
011) would improve secu-
rity. Respondents with a background in technology (
OR =
p < .
001) and those who had never received a data-breach noti-
cation (
OR =
p = .
015) were also less likely to agree with
this statement. Respondents with a background in technology were
also less likely to agree that changing their password in the future
improves security (
OR =
p = .
023), while those who had never
received a data-breach notication were less likely to agree that
updating software improves security (OR = 0. 7, p = . 043).
7.5 Perceptions of the Notication
Most respondents would act in response within 24 hours.
found that most respondents would anticipate seeing and acting
on the notication within a short period of time, despite our no-
tications varying in delivery method. 87.4 % reported that they
would see the notication within 24 hours and 84.5 % would intend
to take action within 24 hours; responses did not vary signicantly
across notications. Respondents strongly preferred that account
providers contact them via email (90.0 %), although SMS (43.9 %),
mobile app (32.5 %), and mobile push notication (29.1 %) were also
favorable options. Interestingly, this stated preference for email
notications conicts with some respondents’ hesitation to take
action because of phishing concerns (Section 7.3).
Respondents’ trust was lower when AcmeCo suered a
We found that the level of reported trust varied signi-
cantly across notication conditions (regression
p = .
004). Com-
pared to model, the reported trust of the provider was, perhaps
unsurprisingly, lower for model-{usBreach}-{inApp}, which stated
that AcmeCo itself was breached (
OR =
p = .
003). In their
free-response justication, 13.8 % respondents overall reported de-
creased trust because they believed it to be AcmeCo’s responsibility
to prevent such breaches. On the contrary, 8.3 % of respondents’
trust did not change, as “any company is bound to have security
breaches” (R196). However, across conditions, 45.2 % of respondents
increased trust in AcmeCo as a result of the notication, and 35.8 %
reported no change. This was because the notication conveyed a
prioritization of their safety (29.3 %) or proactive and transparent
policies (13.3 %). An additional 15.1 % of respondents believed that
such a notication was simply expected of a company.
Experience with technology and data breaches impacted
In our models, we also compared the responses of
respondents who had prior experience with data breaches to those
who had no such experiences. Respondents who had never been
notied about being in a breach reported that receiving the noti-
cation would lead to greater trust in AcmeCo compared to those
who had previously received a data-breach notication (
OR =
p = .
002). Respondents who had never received such a notication
were also more likely to agree that they would not know why they
received such a notication (
OR =
p = .
002), more likely to
perceive the notication as ocial (
OR =
p = .
009), and less
likely to expect companies to send notications like the one they
saw (
OR =
p = .
043). This may be because prior experience
gives respondents some expectations of provider behavior.
Respondents who reported a background in technology were
more likely to agree that they would not know why they received
such a notication (
OR =
p = .
008) and more likely to agree that
ignoring the notication would have no consequences (
OR =
p = .
006). They were also less likely to agree that they expected
companies to send such notications (
OR =
p = .
010), less
likely to agree that they would believe such a notication was
ocial (
OR =
p < .
001), and less likely to prioritize taking
action in response (
OR =
p = .
031). They were also less likely
to agree that the notication explained how to resolve the situation
OR =
p = .
007) and less likely to report that they would feel
grateful about receiving the notication (OR = 0.6, p < .001).
Like many survey studies, our results suer from self-report biases.
Respondents may have answered questions according to social
desirability: selecting the answer they believe they should select,
rather than their true answer [
]. To mitigate this bias, we did not
explain that this was a study about security, and we included soft-
ening language in sensitive questions to remind respondents that
people may have many dierent responses. That said, stated inten-
tions are typically an upper bound on actual behavior [
]. As many
respondents’ intended actions would still leave them vulnerable to
further attacks, reality may be even worse. This would be consis-
tent with other researchers’ nding that LinkedIn’s actual breach
notication was ineective at prompting password resets [29].
Finally, we report on a convenience sample of MTurk workers
receiving our hypothetical notications. Such a design is inher-
ently limited in its ecological validity. However, given that such
notications have rarely been studied, testing notications for the
rst time in the eld and potentially causing respondents to think
they had been breached would create too high of a potential risk
to human subjects. As in prior work on other types of notication
messages [
], we chose to conduct a formative, controlled study
to inform future research on password-reuse notications.
Figure 8: The notication we found to be the most eective,
relative to our notication goals, for respondents in Study 2.
We performed the rst systematic study of how users understand
and intend to respond to security notications about situations
related to password reuse. Through two complementary user stud-
ies, we identied best practices for the design of password-reuse
notications. Further, we identied where notications are destined
to fall short in helping users fully remediate password reuse issues.
Our formative study lays the groundwork for future eld studies.
We recommend future work that does not rely on self-reporting,
instead testing the best practices we developed for password-reuse
notications in more ecologically valid situations.
9.1 Best Practices
Our Study 1 results led us to identify ve key design goals for
password-reuse notications (Section 5). Some goals (e. g., timeli-
ness) are obvious from general guidelines about warning design,
but the importance of providing an adequate background, as well
as the subtle considerations around engendering trust, are more
specic to the domain of password reuse. Our model notication
in Study 2 performed the best according to these goals, suggesting
these best practices for designing password-reuse notications:
The notication should be very explicit about the root causes
of the situation, i. e., password reuse and a data breach.
Providers should force a password reset on their service.
The notication should strongly encourage changing similar
passwords on other accounts and thoroughly explain why
doing so staves o attacks.
The notication should explicitly encourage enabling 2FA
and using password managers.
Notications should be sent via both email and more imme-
diate channels (e.g., a blocking notication upon login).
Table 3: How 24 real-world password-reuse notications
compare to our Study 2 model notication’s best practices.
Notications are identied by their sender (and additional
details if we collected multiple from the same provider).
Delivered by email
password reuse
Forces password
Suggests changing
similar passwords
Suggests 2FA and
password manager
Digital Ocean
Facebook (Accessed)
Facebook (Conrm Identity)
Facebook (Logged In)
Google (2-Step)
Google (Someone Has. . . )
Google (Suspicious)
Pinterest (Read-Only)
Pinterest (Suspicious)
Therefore, we propose the wording of Figure 8 as a model no-
tication for situations related to password reuse. Unfortunately,
few real-world notications currently follow these best practices.
Table 3 compares the 24 real-world notications we collected in
Study 1 to the best practices we identied. None of these notica-
tions met all of the best practices we established. In short, there is
much room for improvement in widely deployed notications.
9.2 Addressing Persistent Misunderstandings
While the real notications we tested in Study 1 were successful
in arousing concern, many respondents were unaware of the correct
actions to take in response. The model notication we synthesized
for Study 2, and its variants were successful in spurring the vast
majority of respondents to report that they would change their
password on the site that sent them the notication. This apparent
success was tempered, however, by respondents reporting that their
new password would often be a minor variation on their previous
passwords, or even simply a password reused verbatim from another
account. Furthermore, many respondents reported that they would
leave their passwords unchanged on providers other than the one
that sent them the notication. Collectively, these decisions would
leave users vulnerable to future attacks leveraging password reuse.
The model notication had mixed success at encouraging re-
spondents to take two other actions that could potentially mitigate
password reuse. Users adopting 2FA erects another barrier for at-
tackers in exploiting reused credentials, and nearly two-thirds of
respondents reported being likely to do so after receiving the noti-
cations we tested. Users adopting a password manager and using
it to generate unique, strong passwords for each site is among the
small number of usable solutions to combat password reuse, yet
under 40 % of respondents reported being likely to do so. These
intentions did not vary signicantly whether or not the notication
explicitly encouraged respondents to take these actions. Future
work could investigate whether describing the exact situation the
given user is in even more explicitly, as well as why these particular
actions are crucial in mitigation, might be more successful.
Our work thus underscores that it is unreasonable to expect
users to maintain dozens of distinct and secure passwords simply
by telling them to do so. Although notications are a critical source
of information to incite positive change in users’ online security be-
haviors, they are only a band-aid on a gaping wound. In addition to
improving notications, we recommend devising ecosystem-level
strategies to combat password reuse. Individual account providers
cannot prevent password reuse across services without direct co-
operation with others [
]. As our respondents already expressed
much confusion about how providers “had this information in the
rst place, who they got it from and how they got it” (R159), other
actors may be better positioned to make a dierence.
Password managers and web browsers have a unique viewpoint
on the full spectrum of a user’s passwords that individual providers
do not. Specically, they have the opportunity to identify and pre-
vent password reuse when users create, change, or import pass-
words. Unfortunately, current implementations of many password
managers and browsers permit users to reuse passwords across
accounts, often not even warning those users about why this is
problematic. This behavior could be out of fear that users would
not use those password managers or browsers if they felt burdened
by onerous actions. Future work should thus investigate how pass-
word managers and browsers can be more explicit in preventing
password reuse while maintaining a positive user experience. The
current state of password reuse results from many actors’ decisions.
Remediation will require the contributions of many more.
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A.1 Study 1 Survey Instrument
Because the notications were delivered through dierent channels, we inserted wording appropri-
ate to the notication. For example, for LinkedIn, we used the following:
Prompt: Imagine that you receive, through email from AcmeCo,
VerbPrompt: receiving this notication through email from AcmeCo
NounPrompt: this notication through email from AcmeCo
PastTensePrompt: received this notication through email from AcmeCo
Introduction In the following survey, you will be asked to imagine that your name is Jo Doe. You
have an online account with a major company called AcmeCo and can access your account through
both a website and a mobile application. Imagine that this account is important to you, and that it
is like other accounts you may have, such as for email, banking, or social media. This survey should
take approximately 15 minutes to complete.
Prompt the following notication: (screenshot)
In your own words, please describe what this notication is telling you.
In your own words, please describe all of the factors that may have caused you to receive this noti-
Please list three feelings you might have after receiving this notication.
Please list three actions you might take after receiving this notication.
The rst feeling you listed was . Please explain why you might feel this way.
The second feeling you listed was . Please explain why you might feel this way.
The third feeling you listed was . Please explain why you might feel this way.
The rst action you listed was . Please explain why you might take this action.
The second action you listed was . Please explain why you might take this action.
The rst third you listed was . Please explain why you might take this action.
I feel that NounPrompt explained to me how to resolve the situation.
Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
Don’t know
Notications can be received in many dierent ways, such as through email, on a webpage, or in
a mobile app. Please select the answer choice that most closely matches how you feel about the
following statement:
I feel that NounPrompt uses the appropriate method of contacting me.
Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
Don’t know
I feel that ignoring NounPrompt would not have any consequences.
Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
Don’t know
For me, taking action in response to VerbPrompt would be a
Very high priority High priority Medium priority Low priority Not a priority
Don’t know
I would feel
about VerbPrompt.
Extremely concerned Moderately concerned Somewhat concerned Slightly concerned
Not at all concerned Don’t know
I would expect real companies to send notications like this one when necessary.
Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
Don’t know
I have received notications similar to this one in the past.
Never A few times Many times Don’t know
Briey describe the notications, if any, that you have received. Please include the context in which
you received the notications and who sent them.
A.2 Study 2 Survey Instrument
Introduction In the following survey, you will be asked to imagine that your name is Jo Doe. You
have an online account with a major company called AcmeCo and can access your account through
both a website and a mobile application. Imagine that this account is important to you, and that it
is like other accounts you may have, such as for email, banking, or social media. This survey should
take approximately 15 minutes to complete.
(Show notication and explain delivery method.)
Initial Questions
In your own words, please describe what this notication is telling you.
What may have caused you to receive this notication? Please check all that apply.
Someone hacked your AcmeCo account. AcmeCo noticed suspicious activity, such as logins from
an unexpected location, a new device being used, or multiple unsuccessful logins.
Your AcmeCo account has not been hacked. Instead, you simply logged in from a new location
or device, or accidentally entered the wrong password too many times.
AcmeCo was hacked.
A company unrelated to AcmeCo was hacked.
You reused the same or similar passwords for multiple online accounts.
Someone is trying to gain unauthorized access to your account by sending this email.
AcmeCo conducts regular security checks and this is just a standard security notication.
You have a weak password for your AcmeCo account.
AcmeCo sent this by mistake.
You went to a malicious website or downloaded malicious software.
AcmeCo requires you to regularly change your password (e. g., every 90 days).
Don’t know
Password Change Actions
If you received this notication about an online account you had with a real company, which of the
following best describes what you would do about passwords for that account?
I would keep my password the same. I would change my password. Don’t know
If "I would change my password" is selected.
What would you use for your new password on that account?
Something related to the old password, but a few characters dierent.
Something completely unrelated to the old password.
A password that I already use for other accounts.
A password generated by a password manager or browser.
If "I would change my password" is selected.
How would you try to remember your new password for that account? Select all that apply.
Write it down (e. g., in a diary, on a sticky note). Use a password manager. Just try to
remember it. Save it on my computer (e. g., in a document). Save it on my phone (e. g., in a
note). Other
If you received this notication about an online account you had with a real company, which of the
following best describes what you would do about passwords on other accounts? Please select all
that apply.
I would change all of my passwords I have on other accounts.
I would change my passwords only for other accounts where I use the same password.
I would change my passwords only for other accounts where I use similar passwords.
I would change my passwords only for really important accounts (e. g., bank account).
I would keep my passwords the same.
Don’t know.
If any of the rst four from above were selected.
What would you use for your new password(s) on those other accounts?
Something related to the old password, but a few characters dierent.
Something completely unrelated to the old password.
A password that I already use for other accounts.
A password generated by a password manager or browser.
If any of the rst four from above were selected.
How would you try to remember your new password(s) for those other accounts?
Select all that apply.
Write it down on paper (e. g., in a diary, on a sticky note).
Use a password manager.
Just try to remember it.
Save it on my computer (e. g., in a document).
Save it on my phone (e. g., in a note).
People have dierent reactions and responses to notications about their online accounts. If you
received this notication about an online account you had with a real company, how likely would
you be to take the following actions?
(Answer choices for each) Very Unlikely Unlikely Neither likely nor unlikely Likely
Very Likely Don’t Know
Enable Two-Factor Authentication.
Use a password manager.
Update my security questions.
Review my recent account activity.
Leave my password as-is.
Commit to change my password more frequently in the future.
Sign up for an account with a company oering identity theft protection.
Update the software my devices more regularly.
Add a/Change my current password, PIN, pattern, ngerprint, etc. to lock my phone.
Add a/Change my current password to lock my computer.
There are many dierent actions that people could take in response to notications about their
online accounts. Please select the answer choice that most closely matches how you feel about the
following statements:
If I received this notication about an online account I had with a real company, it would improve
my account security if I...
(Answer choices for each) Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree
Strongly disagree Don’t Know
... enabled Two-Factor Authentication.
... used a password manager.
... changed my password for this account to a new password that is a modication (chang-
ing a few characters) of the old one.
... changed my password for this account to a completely new password unrelated to the
old one.
... changed my password for this account to a password I use for another online account.
... used unique passwords for each of my online accounts.
... changed all of my similar passwords on other online accounts to one new password.
... updated my security questions.
... reviewed my recent activity.
... left my password as-is.
... committed to change my password more frequently in the future.
... signed up for an account with a company oering identity theft protection.
... updated the software on my devices more regularly.
... added a/changed my current password, PIN, pattern, ngerprint, etc. to lock my phone.
... added a/changed my current password to lock my computer.
Notications can be received in many dierent ways, such as through email, on a webpage, or in
a mobile app. Please select the answer choice that most closely matches how you feel about the
following statement: I feel that this notication uses the appropriate method of contacting me.
Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
Don’t know
If you were to receive a similar notication about an online account you had with a real company,
how would you want to be contacted? Please select all that apply.
Email Pop-up notication on mobile, such as if you received an SMS Text message Web-
site on desktop or mobile browser In the mobile app Phone call Physical mail Other
Given that I received NounPrompt, I would probably see this notication:
Within 3 hours Within 24 hours Within 3 days Within a week After a week
Never Don’t know
After receiving this notication, I would probably take action:
Within 3 hours Within 24 hours Within 3 days Within a week After a week
Never Don’t know
I would expect real companies to send notications like this one when necessary.
Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
Don’t know
If I received this notication about an online account I had with a real company, I would believe
that this was an ocial notication sent by that company.
Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
Don’t know
I feel that ignoring this notication would not have any consequences.
Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
Don’t know
For me, taking action in response to VerbPrompt would be a:
Very high priority High priority Medium priority Low priority Not a priority
Don’t know
If I received this notication about an online account I had with a real company, I would feel grate-
Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
Don’t know
This notication adequately explains what is going on with my online account.
Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
Don’t know
If I received this notication about an online account I had with a real company, I wouldn’t know
why I received this notication.
Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
Don’t know
I feel that NounPrompt explained to me how to resolve the situation.
Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
Don’t know
People may have many dierent responses to receiving notications about their online accounts.
Please select the answer choice that most closely matches how you feel about the following state-
ment: After receiving this notication, my trust in AcmeCo would:
Signicantly increase Increase Neither increase nor decrease Decrease Signicantly
decrease Don’t know
To your knowledge, has anyone ever gained unauthorized access to one of your online accounts?
Yes No Don’t know
If yes selected. Who do you think accessed your online account? Please select all that apply.
Someone you know personally Someone you don’t know personally Don’t know
If yes selected. Please describe what happened.
Do any of your accounts require you to change your password regularly (e. g., every 90 days)?
Yes No Don’t know
If yes selected. Please describe how you were informed of this regular password change policy
Have you ever been notied that your information was exposed in a data breach?
Yes No Don’t know
If yes selected. Please describe how you found out and what happened.
With what gender do you identify?
Male Female Non-binary Other Prefer not to say
What is your age?
18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75 or older Prefer not to say
What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed?
Some high school High school Some college Trade, technical, or vocational training
Associate’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Degree Professional degree Doctorate
Prefer not to say
Which of the following best describes your educational background or job eld?
I have an education in, or work in, the eld of computer science, computer engineering or IT.
I do not have an education in, nor do I work in, the eld of computer science, computer engi-
neering or IT.
Prefer not to say
(Optional) Do you have any nal thoughts or questions about today’s study?
B.1 Study 1 Notications
The six notications used for Study 1 are shown below. Notications
are identied by their original sender, although all notications
were rebranded as AcmeCo for the purposes of the survey.
Study 1 Facebook notication:
Study 1 Google email notication:
Hi Jo,
Someone just used your password to try to sign in to your
AcmeCo Account [email protected].
Sunday, November 12, 2017 9:41 AM (West Africa Time)
Lagos, Nigeria*
AcmeCo stopped this sign-in attempt, but you should review
your recently used devices:
Study 1 Google red bar notication:
Jo Doe
Warning: AcmeCo prevented a suspicious attempt to sign in to your account using your password.
Review Activity Now
Study 1 Instagram notication:
Study 1 LinkedIn notication:
9"41 AM, Today
Trash (2)
Sent Mail
Inbox (200)
© 2017 AcmeCo. AcmeCo and the AcmeCo logo are registered trademarks of AcmeCo.
Jo Doe
Hi Jo,
To make sure you continue having the best experience possible on
AcmeCo, we're regularly monitoring our site and the Internet to keep
your account safe.
We've recently noticed a potential risk to your AcmeCo account
coming from outside AcmeCo. Just to be safe, you'll need to reset
your password the next time you log in.
Here's how:
1. Go to the AcmeCo website.
2. Next to the password field, click the "Forgot your password"
link, and enter your email address.
3. You'll get an email from AcmeCo asking you to click a link that
will help you reset your password.
4. Once you've reset your password, a confirmation email will be
sent to the confirmed email addresses on your account.
Thanks for helping us keep your account safe,
The AcmeCo Team
Study 1 Netix notication:
9"41 AM, Today
Trash (2)
Sent Mail
Inbox (200)
© 2017 AcmeCo. AcmeCo and the AcmeCo logo are registered trademarks of AcmeCo.
Questions? Call 1-888-888-8888
Dear Jo,
We have detected a suspicious sign-in to your AcmeCo account. Your
AcmeCo account may have been compromised by a website or a
service not associated with AcmeCo. Just to be safe and prevent any
further unauthorized access of your account, we've reset your
Please visit the login page at https://www.acmeco.com/LoginHelp or
type www.acmeco.com into your browser, click on "sign in", and then
click "forgot your email or password." Follow the instructions to reset
your password. You will need to use your new password to sign in to
AcmeCo on your devices.
We recommend that you also change your password on any other
websites where you may have used the same password. We also
want to assure you that your payment information is secure and does
not need to be changed. We have more recommendations for how to
keep your AcmeCo account secure in our Help Center.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please visit the
Help Center at https://help.acmeco.com/help or call us at
-The AcmeCo Team
B.2 Study 2 Notications
Two of the three variants of the model notication’s delivery medium
— mobile and inApp — used for Study 2 are shown below. The third
variant email was provided in the body of the paper. The
text variations of the notications are shown in Figure 4 with the
corresponding changes in Table 2.
Study 2 model-{mobile} notication:
Thursday, February 8
9 41
Action required for account security.
Please create a new password.
slide to view
During routine checks, we learned of a potential
security incident in which your AcmeCo account
login and password may have been
compromised. This incident was likely a data
breach of a service unrelated to AcmeCo, but
because many people reuse similar passwords
on multiple sites, your AcmeCo login
information may have been affected. While we
have not detected any suspicious activity on
your AcmeCo account, you must create a new
password as a precaution.
Please create a new password
To further improve your online security, we
• Enabling AcmeCo’s Two-Factor Authentication.
• Changing all similar passwords on other
• Using a password manager.
Study 2 model-{inApp} notication:
During routine checks, we learned of a potential
security incident in which your AcmeCo account
login and password may have been
compromised. This incident was likely a data
breach of a service unrelated to AcmeCo, but
because many people reuse similar passwords
on multiple sites, your AcmeCo login
information may have been affected. While we
have not detected any suspicious activity on
your AcmeCo account, you must create a new
password as a precaution.
Please create a new password
To further improve your online security, we
• Enabling AcmeCo’s Two-Factor Authentication.
• Changing all similar passwords on other
• Using a password manager.