Common Carrier
Baggage Insurance
Citi Commercial Cards
Government Services
For the CITI
Travel Card and the CITI
Card for Government Employees
Please contact the CITI Customer Service
Center at 1-800-790-7206 for information
regarding the maximum benefit amount
that applies to your account.
The Plan
Eligibility & Coverage.
As an eligible CITI
Travel Card
One Card accountholder,
the company will cover you and
your dependents for permanently
lost, stolen or damaged articles
while checked with or carried
on a common carrier, when
the entire common carrier fare
is charged to your CITI Travel
Card or CITI One Card account.
Dependents are your spouse and
unmarried dependent child(ren)
under age 19 (23 if a full-time
student) traveling on a common
carrier ticket purchased with the
cardholder’s CITI Travel Card or
CITI One Card account. Common
carrier means any scheduled
airline, land or water conveyance
licensed for the transportation of
passengers for hire.
This coverage is not available to
Purchase Card and CITI
Fleet Card accountholders.
Coverage for checked baggage
and carried-on items is up to
$1,500, which is the maximum
benefit amount per occurrence
per covered person. If an item
is permanently lost, damaged
or stolen, it will be repaired
or replaced at no additional
charge, or the cardholder will be
reimbursed up to the maximum
benefit amount per item and the
maximum benefit amount per
occurrence for all eligible items
at the insurer’s option.
When the item insured under
Common Carrier coverage
consists of items in a pair or sets,
the coverage will not pay more
than the cost of any particular
part or parts which may be
damaged or stolen, unless the
items are unusable individually
and/or cannot be replaced
individually. If the item is fine arts
or antiques, and consists of an
article or articles in a pair, set or
collection, the coverage will not
pay more than the cost of any
particular part or parts that may
be damaged or stolen regardless
of any special value which such
article or articles may have as
part of such pair, set or collection.
This coverage is excess or
secondary to the Common
Carrier’s liability. Common Carrier
Baggage coverage will, after all
indemnity from the Common
Carrier has been exhausted, be
responsible only for the amount
not covered by such other
indemnity. Coverage is limited
to the maximum benefit amount
per occurrence, regardless of
the number of articles involved.
Coverage is not available in
states where prohibited.
The Cost.
This program is available to you
at no extra charge as an eligible
CITI Travel Card or CITI One Card
Common Carrier Baggage
coverage does not cover: A.
loss on any conveyance which is
hired or used for sport, contest
or recreational activity, or is
operated or maintained for the
purpose of sport, gamesmanship,
contest, sightseeing, observatory
and/or recreational activity,
regardless of whether such
conveyance is licensed; B. loss
caused by or resulting from
breakage or fragile articles; C.
loss as a result of the cardholder’s
negligent acts or omissions;
D. automobiles, automobile
equipment, boats or other
vehicles or conveyances, trailers,
motors, bicycles (except when
checked as baggage with the
Common Carrier); E. household
effects and furnishings,
antiques and collector’s items; F.
eyeglasses, sunglasses, contact
lenses, artificial teeth, dental
bridges, hearing aids, prosthetic
limbs, prescribed medication;
G. keys, credit cards, traveler’s
checks, tickets of any kind,
negotiable instruments, bullion,
rare or precious coins, cash or
its equivalent; H. professional
or occupational equipment
or property whether or not
electronic business equipment,
telephones, computer hardware
or software; I. plants, animals;
J. consumables; K. perishables;
or L. theft or damage of jewelry,
cameras and video recording
equipment, computers and any
accessories contained in baggage
is not covered unless carried
by hand under the personal
supervision of the cardholder
or the cardholder’s traveling
companion previously known to
the cardholder.
There is no coverage for theft or
damage caused by fraud, abuse,
vermin, alteration (including
cutting, sawing, shaping), war
or hostilities of any kind (for
example, invasion, rebellion or
insurrection), confiscation by any
government, public authority
or customs official, items of
contraband, losses arising from
illegal activities or acts, normal
wear and tear, radioactive
contamination, acts of God
(including but not limited to
flood, hurricane or earthquake),
mysterious disappearance
(mysterious disappearance
means the vanishing of an item in
an unexplained manner marked
by the absence of evidence of
the wrongful act of another) or
inherent product defect.
General Information.
This program description is an
important document; however,
it is not a policy or contract of
insurance. All information in this
program description is subject
to the terms and conditions of
Virginia Surety Master Policy
Number ECC-005 which is in
the possession of World Access
Service Corporation, the Program
Administrator. For general
information or to file a claim
under this program, call toll-free
1-800-586-8458. If calling from
outside the U.S., call collect at
(804) 673-1673.
How to File a Claim
1. If a covered item is permanently
lost, damaged or stolen, the
cardholder must notify the
Common Carrier and complete
their claim procedures. The
cardholder must also inform the
Program Administrator within
45 days of the date that the loss,
theft or damage occurred. If the
cardholder fails to immediately
report the loss, theft or damage
to the Common Carrier or give
notice within 45 days from
the date that the loss, theft or
damage occurred, denial of the
claim may result.
2. When notified, the Program
Administrator will set up a claim
file and send the cardholder a
claim form. The cardholder must
complete the claim form, attach
all requested documentation (for
example, the disposition of the
Common Carrier claim, record of
charge, receipt and a copy of the
police report, if applicable), and
return the completed form as soon
as possible, but no later than 90
days from the date of the theft or
damage. In the event that certain
documents are not available
when the claim form is returned
(for example, payments made
by other insurance policies), the
claim file will remain open for 6
months from the date of purchase.
Common Carrier coverage will
not pay any claim that is not
completely substantiated in the
manner requested within this 6
month period. The cardholder may
be required to send the damaged
item, at the cardholder’s expense,
to an address provided by the
Program Administrator. When a
claim is paid, the cardholder may
be required to assign their rights
to recover the amount of the loss
from the party responsible for the
theft or damage to the Program
Administrator (as appointed by
Virginia Surety Company, Inc.) to
the extent of the loss reimbursed
under this coverage.
Effective Date.
This insurance is effective
November 29, 1998. Citibank,
N.A. can cancel or non-renew
this insurance for all cardholders,
and if we do, we will notify you at
least 60 days in advance. If the
insurer non-renews coverage, we
will notify you within 60 to 120
days of expiration of the policy.
Such notices need not be given if
substantially similar replacement
coverage takes effect without
interruption. This benefit does
not apply if your CITI Travel
Card or CITI One Card charge
privileges have in any way been
suspended, or if your account
has been canceled. Benefits will
still apply to travel commenced
prior to the date of such policy
expiration provided all other
terms of coverage are met. No
insurance benefits will apply in
the event of fraud.
Coverage to an eligible
cardholder shall be void if,
whether before or after a loss,
the eligible cardholder has
concealed or misrepresented any
material fact or circumstance
concerning the insurance,
the subject or interest of this
insurance, or commits false
swearing in connection with any
of the foregoing.
No assignment of benefits.
No person or entity other than
the cardholder shall have any
legal right, remedy, or claim
for insurance proceeds and/or
damages under it or arising out of
this coverage. All rights or benefits
provided to cardholders under
the Common Carrier Baggage
program may not be assigned
without the prior written consent
of the Program Administrator. Any
assignment or transfer without
the prior written consent of the
Program Administrator shall be
null and void.
No action at law or in equity shall
be brought to recover under
the Master Policy prior to the
expiration of 60 days after written
proof of loss has been furnished in
accordance with requirements of
the Master Policy.
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