Casualty Actuarial Society E-Forum, Winter 2014 1
Sustainable/Green Insurance Products
Rita Zona, Principal, Deloitte Consulting LLP
Kevin Roll, Specialist Leader, Deloitte Consulting LLP
Zora Law, Senior Consultant, Deloitte Consulting LLP
To achieve marketplace success, many insurers focus constantly on their growth, increasing their
market share and retaining better risks. Insurers should always look for new ways to differentiate
themselves from their competitors. Developing and offering new products related to potential
climate change and the corresponding sustainability/green movement can be the answer.
“Just as the industry has historically asserted its leadership to minimize risks from
building fires and earthquakes, insurers have a huge opportunity today to develop
creative loss-prevention solutions and products that will reduce climate change-
related losses for consumers, government, and themselves.”
– E. Mills, Ph.D., CERES “From Risk to Opportunity Insurer Responses to Climate Change”
Changes in climate put an emphasis on limited resources and volatility in weather patterns,
among other effects, which drive the need for sustainable products and behaviors. Our discussion of
the impact of climate change on underwriting is comprised of sustainable and green products
currently offered by insurers and reinsurers. Some products discussed were developed by insurers to
respond to the potential impacts of climate change and other products promote sustainability or
green behaviors which are, in turn, expected to help combat climate change. Our discussion is
organized into the following sections:
Defining Sustainable/Green Products
A Survey of Sustainable/Green Products Currently Offered
Direct Benefits of Offering Sustainable/Green Products
Future Trends for Sustainable/Green Products
Sustainable products are those products that provide environmental, social and economic
benefits while protecting public health and the environment over their whole life cycle, from the
extraction of raw materials used to produce the product until their final disposal.
Similarly, sustainable and green insurance products are those that cover the design, production
and use of these sustainable products, or the liability associated with their production and use. They
also indemnify against the environmental consequence of potential climate change decisions (or
Sustainable/Green Insurance Products
Casualty Actuarial Society E-Forum, Winter 2014 2
indecisions) made by executives in Directors & Officers coverage. Also broadly covered in this
definition of sustainable/green products would be policies where certain features promote
sustainable or green behavior.
Therefore, sustainable and green insurance products include a large spectrum of insurance
products which we will describe in more details in the next section.
Based on insurance company websites and papers research
, we are aware of the following
sustainable and green insurance products currently available in the market.
Personal Lines
1. Green Property Rebuilding
In general, after a covered loss, this type of coverage pays for the use of:
Environmentally friendly or more energy-efficient materials when making repairs
More energy efficient equipment or appliances.
For those policyholders who are already green, discounts are sometimes offered on their
insurance premiums.
2. Property Renewable Energy Reimbursement
This type of coverage protects a homeowner who uses an alternative-energy system in the case of
a power outage. It may provide indemnification for:
Loss of income generated from selling surplus energy to the local energy company
Extra costs to purchase replacement electricity
Utility or governmental fees for inspections, re-connections or permits when the
homeowner’s alternative energy system is brought back online.
3. Property Loss Mitigation Device Discount
Premium credits are offered to homeowners who install mitigation devices or choose storm-
resistant construction techniques in catastrophe-prone areas. An example is window shutters to
protect homes during severe storms.
4. Pay As You Drive/Low Mileage Discount
Pay-as-you-drive automobile insurance products inherently give incentives to drive less which
Sustainable/Green Insurance Products
Casualty Actuarial Society E-Forum, Winter 2014 3
leads to less pollution that may be contributing to global warming. These programs provide a
customer with personalized automobile insurance rates (and hence savings) based on how well and
how much they drive.
5. Fuel Efficient/Low Emission Vehicle Discount
Many insurers provide discounts for hybrid or electric passenger vehicles.
Commercial Lines
6. Upgrade to Green Commercial Fleets
This type of product offers an option to upgrade the company’s fleet to hybrid vehicles for new
vehicle replacement as part of an endorsement to the policy.
7. Insurance for Renewable Energy Projects
These products provide coverage for companies in the renewable industry (ex. solar, wind,
hydraulic…) to help them in managing risk, defending against lawsuits and protecting assets. These
insurance products and services are designed to cover all stages of a project from design to
8. Insurance for Renewable Energy Property, Equipment and Loss of Use
In order to keep up with the rapid technological change of the renewable energy field, this type
of policy provides replacement cost coverage for equipment with more efficient equivalents.
Equipment currently in operation, under construction or newly purchased can be added to the
policy. Green roofs are examples of what would be covered.
9. Insurance for Green Building
As part of this coverage, insurers offer help to customers to build sustainably by evaluating
designs and specifications for new structures and suggesting ways to ensure high-quality
construction and exceptional loss prevention. Similar to the Personal Lines green property policy,
these products also cover green materials and construction following a covered loss.
10. Energy Savings Insurance
Energy savings insurance policies can provide a backstop for energy savings guarantees given by
energy service companies. An insurer pays any shortfall in energy savings below a pre-agreed
baseline over the term of the policy, typically in the 5-10 year range.
11. Insurance for Carbon Capture & Storage/ Emission Reduction Projects
Insurance products and services are offered to organizations involved in the capture and storage
of large volumes of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. These emission reduction projects
Sustainable/Green Insurance Products
Casualty Actuarial Society E-Forum, Winter 2014 4
typically occur at large point-sources of these gases, such as power plants, before they can have a
harmful effect on the environment.
12. Green Building Coverage Against Adverse Publicity
This reputation coverage provides protection when a green building experiences adverse
publicity. Funds are made available to employ crisis management specialists to manage adverse
publicity; guide and counsel key company personnel; and provide other services to assist in restoring
a company’s reputation.
13. Perishable Food Reduction Products
These products encourage the use of devices that can be used to reduce the amount of produce
lost and improve the overall quality of produce during the distribution process from the grower to
the retailer. Technology devices continuously monitor the temperature and condition of produce as
it travels, estimating the remaining shelf life. This information is used to route products to maximize
quality, salability and reduce unnecessary perishable waste.
14. Global Weather Insurance
This product is used to bridge the gaps left by traditional insurance coverage within general
property damage policies. Insureds are covered against unpredictable weather conditions and climate
change. This may be beneficial for event promoters who want to hedge against a defined weather
variable such as rain/wind exceeding a defined threshold during the hours of coverage.
15. Political Risk Insurance for Carbon-Trading
Interested parties such as project sponsors, investors, and lenders are given financial protection
from risks arising from governmental interference, embargo, license cancellation, war and political
violence which could interrupt the production, certification and delivery of carbon credits.
Specialty Lines
Given the media attention to global warming and the potential for new lawsuits or governmental
actions against entities that may be potentially contributing to climate change, additional specialty
insurance products such as the following may be needed in the normal course of business:
16. Insurance for Pollution/Environmental Liability
This coverage has implications for a broad range of risks and industries. Examples include
commercial general liability, pollution legal liability, and environmental responsibilities stemming
from legislation and court rulings. Losses can arise from different hazards or activities and can have
impacts on large corporations to small subcontractors in construction.
Sustainable/Green Insurance Products
Casualty Actuarial Society E-Forum, Winter 2014 5
17. Directors & Officers Insurance
It has been noted that there is increasing litigation occurring against companies that are believed
to be contributing to climate change. Even a company’s inaction to disclose, assess or implement
adaptation strategies could leave the door open to future litigation. Some insurers now offer
directors and officers policies with optional global warming litigation protection.
Other specialty lines encouraging more green behavior include:
18. Architects & Engineering Professional Liability Insurance Discount for Building
Some insurers believe that there is a correlation between sustainable practices such as energy-
efficiency and a low-risk profile. Building commissioning is the process of verifying that all of the
subsystems (electrical, plumbing, HVAC,…) are working effectively, efficiently and as designed. Not
only is this good for the environment, it also reduces the likelihood of professional liability claims.
As such, architects and engineering firms implementing building commissioning as part of the
construction process are given insurance premium credits.
19. Professional Liability insurance for Raters and Home Energy Survey Professionals
Suitable insurance coverage is often lacking for many specialist professionals who provide
energy-efficiency services. Certain qualified raters and home energy survey professionals are offered
professional liability, general liability, and property coverage in order to protect themselves from
accidents and potential lawsuits that may occur as a result of business operation.
There are indirect benefits from insurance companies offering sustainable/green products such
as encouraging environmentally friendly behaviors or by providing risk protection for a new green
technology or project. The direct benefit to an insurer offering sustainable and green insurance
products is that they can create competitive advantages over their peers. Examples include:
Increased market share: For example, by providing discounts on hybrid/electric vehicles,
insurers can increase their penetration on this expanding sector of the automobile
insurance market.
Expansion into new/niche businesses: Given the government incentives, the renewable
energy sector is booming. Due to its innovative and technologically intensive nature,
insurance can likely play a big part in each of these projects. Insurers who get into this
sector earlier may be able to harvest the rewards of these new/niche businesses.
Sustainable/Green Insurance Products
Casualty Actuarial Society E-Forum, Winter 2014 6
“Positive” adverse selection: It may be argued that customers who are
environmental/sustainability-conscious are more mindful of the way they drive their
vehicles or the security and safety features they place in their homes, hence they represent
the better risks for insurability.
Building green brand name: An insurer who is proactive in offering innovative
sustainable/green products is seen as environmental-friendly, corporate responsible and
thinking ahead of others. This can certainly help in its brand building and marketing
The sustainable/green products and its associated need for green insurance products are growing
at a remarkable rate. Given the available government incentives and the cultural shift of a growing
environmentally-conscious population, the future market for green insurance markets are optimistic.
There are still a lot of coverage gaps insurers can make efforts on, as well as the advancing of green
technologies which provide enormous opportunities for those who are bold enough to take them.
Some potential sustainable/green products as suggested by CERES’ report “From Risk to
Opportunity Insurer Responses to Climate Change”
Warranty and Service contracts for green technology
Insurance in relation to carbon offsetting projects
Insurance in relation to carbon trading projects
Green crop insurance
Green insurance discount applying to workers compensation
Professional Liability for energy auditing professionals
Developing new sustainable/green products and mastering climate change and green
technologies do not happen in a day. Hence those insurers who are willing to invest earlier on will
likely reap a promising harvest. It takes time and experience to build up the expertise in this
innovative and ever-changing new field, and now should be the time to act before it becomes too
Rita Zona, Principal, Deloitte Consulting LLP
Sustainable/Green Insurance Products
Casualty Actuarial Society E-Forum, Winter 2014 7
Tel: +1 312 486 3527
Kevin Roll, Specialist Leader, Deloitte Consulting LLP
Tel: +1 312 486 2091
Zora Law, Senior Consultant, Deloitte Consulting LLP
Tel: + 1 213 996 6898
End Notes
E. Mills, Ph.D., CERES, “From Risk to Opportunity, Insurance Responses to Climate Change
The Hartford’s website
Fireman’s Fund Green Insurance Fact Sheet
Business Wire 2-26-2008
Chubb’s website
Progressive’s website
CNA’s website
The Hartford’s website
FM Global’s website
BEPA news 11-15-2011
ACE’s website
Business Wire 11-25-2008
Market Wire 8-9-2011
ACE’s website
Business Wire 6-17-2004
ACE’s website
AIG’s website
Liberty Mutual News Release 5-24-2010
ACE’s website
R. Brady & C. Dasher, “Building Commissioning as an Insurance Loss Prevention Strategy”
Home Energy Magazine 7-1-2006
E. Mills, Ph.D., CERES, “From Risk to Opportunity, Insurance Responses to Climate Change
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Sustainable/Green Insurance Products
Casualty Actuarial Society E-Forum, Winter 2014 8
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