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Example 4 Table of t test results
Description Remarks and examples Reference Also see
In this example, we demonstrate how to use collect to store the results of mean-comparison
tests (t tests) for levels of a categorical variable in a collection and how to create a customized table
with these results.
Remarks and examples stata.com
Remarks are presented under the following headings:
Collecting statistics
Customizing the table
Collecting statistics
Below, we use data from the Second National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES
II) (McDowell et al. 1981). We wish to test whether the mean systolic blood pressure (bpsystol)
is the same across males and females in each category of race. To perform the test for each level of
race, we use the by prefix. We first create a new collection named ex4 and then use the collect
prefix to collect the results from each ttest command and store them in the new collection. All
results that ttest returns in r() will be collected, but only the ones we have specified will be
automatically included in our table.
. use https://www.stata-press.com/data/r18/nhanes2l
(Second National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey)
. collect create ex4
(current collection is ex4)
. quietly: collect r(N_1) r(mu_1) r(N_2) r(mu_2) r(p):
> by race, sort: ttest bpsystol, by(sex)
These results are stored in the current collection. We can then use collect layout to arrange
the items from the collection into a table. We place the levels of race on the rows and the results
(result) on the columns.
. collect layout (race) (result)
Collection: ex4
Rows: race
Columns: result
Table 1: 3 x 5
(output omitted )
The labels for these statistics are automatically included in the table, which makes it very wide.
Therefore, we omit the table preview from the output. In the following section, we will format the
table to make it ready for publication.
2 Example 4 Table of t test results
Customizing the table
To finalize our table from the previous section, we will want to label which statistics are for males
and females, shorten the labels for the statistics, and display the results with two digits to the right
of the decimal.
First, let’s work on the labels. The statistics are part of the dimension result. We list the labels
for the levels of this dimension:
. collect label list result
Collection: ex4
Dimension: result
Label: Result
Level labels:
N_1 Sample size n
N_2 Sample size n
df_t Degrees of freedom
level Confidence level
mu_1 x mean for population 1
mu_2 x mean for population 2
p Two-sided p-value
p_l Lower one-sided p-value
p_u Upper one-sided p-value
sd Combined std. dev.
sd_1 Standard deviation for first variable
sd_2 Standard deviation for second variable
se Std. error
t t statistic
We would like to remap the statistics for males to their own dimension and similarly for females.
This will allow us to categorize the results under the labels Males and Females. The levels N 1 and
mu 1 correspond to males, and the levels N 2 and mu 2 correspond to females. We also remap the
p-values to their own dimension called Difference.
. collect remap result[N_1 mu_1] = Males
(6 items remapped in collection ex4)
. collect remap result[N_2 mu_2] = Females
(6 items remapped in collection ex4)
. collect remap result[p] = Difference
(3 items remapped in collection ex4)
Then, we use collect style header to specify that we want to display the title for the specified
dimensions. These titles are suppressed by default. Then, we arrange our items once more with the
new dimension names. Again, we place the levels of race on the rows, but now we place the
dimensions Males, Females, and Difference on the columns.
. collect style header Males Females Difference, title(name)
. collect layout (race) (Males Females Difference)
Collection: ex4
Rows: race
Columns: Males Females Difference
Table 1: 3 x 5
Males Males Females Females Difference
N_1 mu_1 N_2 mu_2 p
White 4312 132.8476 4753 128.5264 1.78e-19
Black 500 133.69 586 133.8481 .9217363
Other 103 130.6699 97 126.7216 .3098674
Example 4 Table of t test results 3
Our table looks much better. Next, we will add labels to the statistics. The statistics are levels of
the new dimensions that we remapped them to. To modify labels for levels of a dimension, we use
collect label levels.
. collect label levels Males N_1 "N" mu_1 "Mean BP"
. collect label levels Females N_2 "N" mu_2 "Mean BP"
. collect label levels Difference p "p-value"
Previously, we saw the column headers Males and Females being repeated. We would like to
display these only once and center them horizontally. We can use collect style column to make
this change. We also set the columns to have the same width. Then, we center-align all the cells
in the table. With collect style cell, we can modify all cells in the table or specific cells. For
example, we wish to format the means and p-values to display two digits to the right of the decimal.
Therefore, we specify the levels of the dimensions we want to apply this format to. Then, we get a
preview of our table.
. collect style column, dups(center) width(equal)
. collect style cell, halign(center)
. collect style cell Males[mu_1] Females[mu_2] Difference[p], nformat(%5.2f)
. collect preview
Males Females Difference
N Mean BP N Mean BP p-value
White 4312 132.85 4753 128.53 0.00
Black 500 133.69 586 133.85 0.92
Other 103 130.67 97 126.72 0.31
Finally, we will modify the borders in the table by using collect style cell. First, we remove
the vertical border. Because we do not want any vertical borders, we do not list any levels of
the dimension border block when we specify the border(right, pattern(nil)) option. Our
next collect style cell command requires a bit more explanation. With it, we add a horizontal
border below Males to indicate that the first N and Mean BP are for males. To target this very
specific border, we specify cell type[column-header]#Males. Here cell type refers to cells
in different parts of the table. We want to make a change only in the column header. We also want
to make this change only for the Males dimension. By specifying the # between the tags, we direct
the change only at the dimension Male within the column headers. We can also target the border
under Females by specifying cell type[column-header]#Females. To this command, we add
the border(bottom, pattern(single)) option to place a single border on the bottom of these
4 Example 4 Table of t test results
. collect style cell border_block, border(right, pattern(nil))
. collect style cell cell_type[column-header]#Males
> cell_type[column-header]#Females, border(bottom, pattern(single))
. collect preview
Males Females Difference
N Mean BP N Mean BP p-value
White 4312 132.85 4753 128.53 0.00
Black 500 133.69 586 133.85 0.92
Other 103 130.67 97 126.72 0.31
After finalizing our table of results, we can export it to another format with collect export.
McDowell, A., A. Engel, J. T. Massey, and K. Maurer. 1981. Plan and operation of the Second National Health and
Nutrition Examination Survey, 1976–1980. Vital and Health Statistics 1(15): 1–144.
Also see
[TABLES] collect remap Remap tags in a collection
[TABLES] collect style column Collection styles for column headers
[TABLES] collect style header Collection styles for hiding and showing header components
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