Using google forms for in-class polling
Google forms can be used to create an in-class multiple-choice poll that can be reused
indefinitely or even for multiple classes. The approach described below will not provide a
record of who answered questions or record their answers. It replaces the typical pauses in a
lecture where I might stop to check for comprehension quickly. In an hour-long class, I typically
have 2-3 polls.
Setting up a polling form:
1) Go to google drive:
2) Click the new icon in the upper left corner
3) Click the Google Forms option. This will create a blank google form with a single mutliple
choice question by default.
4) Click on the text "Option 1" and change to A
5) Click on the text "Add option" and type B. Repeat this until you have the number of options
you plan on offering in your in-class polls.
6) The form will have a default name of "Untitled form" I usually change this to the course
name. Your from should now look something like this:
7) Click the send button in the upper right hand corner
8) In the popup window click the paperclip icon then check the shorten url box and then click
the copy button.
You can now include this link in your syllabus, zoom chat window, or emails to your students.
Anytime you present a poll slide to your students, they can go to this link and vote.
Using the form in classes:
Before lecture starts, I go to my google drive and click on the poll that I have created. When it
opens you will see that there are two tabs at the top (Questions and Responses). Click on the
responses tab. If there are any responses from previous uses you can click on the three stacked
circles on the upper right and then click on delete all responses.
I use the poll by going to a PowerPoint slide that contains a multiple-choice question for the
As students answer the questions the pie chart will update with their answers. I usually share
this screen once most student have answered and then we discuss their answers and clear up
any confusion.
Once we are ready to move on, I quickly click on the three dots in the upper right corner and
delete all answers so the form is ready to be used again.