Microsoft Excel 2010 - Level 2
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Border in a spreadsheet is a term that refers to lines placed around
the edges of cells or ranges. Borders can be used to provide
structure to a spreadsheet, to indicate where data should be
entered or just for decoration.
In this session you will:
gain an understanding of borders
learn how to apply a border to a cell
learn how to apply a border to a range
learn how to apply a bottom border
learn how to apply top and bottom borders
learn how to remove borders
gain an understanding of the More Borders option
learn how to create custom borders.
Microsoft Excel 2010 - Level 2
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Borders are lines that are placed around the
edges of individual cells or ranges. The lines may
be thin, thick, solid, dashed, black or coloured, or
even double lines. The reason for using borders
is that the lines can be used to group together data
or indicate totals, or to draw the user’s attention to
critical cells that may need special data entry. Here
are some examples.
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Try This Yourself:
Before starting this exercise
you MUST open the file E822
Applying Borders_1.xlsx...
Click on cell B29
Click on the Home tab and
click on the drop arrow for
Borders in the Font
group to display the available
Select Outside Borders to
apply the border
At the moment the border is
obscured by the cell pointer...
Click away from the cell to see
the effect more clearly
The border is now visible
For Your Reference
To apply a border to a cell:
1. Click in the cell
2. Click on the drop arrow for Borders in
the Font group on the Home tab
3. Click on the border option of your choice
Handy to Know…
By default, Borders is represented by
Bottom Border on the tool. However,
each time you apply a different border
format, the appearance of the button
changes to reflect the most recently used
format. You can then click directly on the
button to apply the format.
Individual cells can be formatted with their own
borders. This allows you to draw attention to
important cells in a worksheet that affect the
totals, such as tax rates or percentage increases.
By applying a border to a single cell, you help to
guide the user to the data so that they can change
it if necessary.
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Try This Yourself:
Continue using the previous
file with this exercise, or open
the file E822 Applying
Select the range A5:A11
Click on the drop arrow for
Borders and select
Outside Borders
Click away from the range to
see the border
An outline has been placed
around the cells...
Repeat steps 1 and 2 to apply
an outline border to each of
the following ranges in the
order that they are listed:
B5:B11, C5:C11, D5:D11,
E5:E11, F5:F11, G5:G11,
H5:H11, I5:I11, A5:I5,
A13:A19, B13:B19, C13:C19,
D13:D19, E13:E19, F13:F19,
G13:G19, H13:H19, I13:I19,
A13:I13, A19:I19
You can hold down and
select several of these ranges
at once before applying the
Click away from the last
selected range to see the
For Your Reference
To apply a border to a range:
1. Select the range
2. Click on the drop arrow for Borders in
the Font group on the Home tab
3. Click on the border option of your choice
Handy to Know…
You can copy a border between cells, for
example, from one table to another, using
Paste Special. Select the cells, click on
Copy , click on the first cell of the second
range and click on the drop arrow for Paste
. Select Paste Special, click on
Formats and then click on [OK].
You can apply a border to a range of cells. This
allows you to place an outline around them to
indicate that the cells are somehow related to
each other, or to place borders between cells to
indicate that they are in separate groups. Borders
can be used in ranges of cells to create a more
form-like appearance. The borders available for
single cells can also be applied to ranges.
Microsoft Excel 2010 - Level 2
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Try This Yourself:
Continue using the previous
file with this exercise, or open
the file E822 Applying
Select the range A23:I23
Click on the drop arrow for
Borders and select
Bottom Border
Click away from the range to
deselect it
For Your Reference
To apply a bottom border:
1. Select the cell or range
2. Click on the drop arrow for Borders in
the Font group and select Bottom Border
Handy to Know…
You can apply borders to each of the four
sides of a cell or range individually. These
borders are called Bottom Border, Top
Border, Left Border and Right Border
Bottom borders are applied across the bottom
edge of the currently selected cells. Bottom
borders are often used to mark the end of data,
the presence of totals or can be used to underline
headings as a form of graphical element. Bottom
borders can be applied to single cells, ranges or
several non-contiguous cells all at once.
Microsoft Excel 2010 - Level 2
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Try This Yourself:
Continue using the previous
file with this exercise, or open
the file E822 Applying
Select the range B21:I21
Click on the drop arrow for
Borders and select Top
and Bottom Border
Select the range B25:I25
Click on the drop arrow for
Borders and select Top
and Double Bottom Border
Click away from the range to
see the formatting
For Your Reference
To apply a top and bottom border:
1. Select the cell or range
2. Click on the drop arrow for Borders in
the Font group and select Top and Bottom
Handy to Know…
There are several top and bottom border
combinations to select from, including Top
and Bottom Border, Top and Thick
Bottom Border and Top and Double
Bottom Border.
One variation of borders is to apply top and
bottom borders. This places a line across the
top edge and the bottom edge of a cell or group
of cells. If more than one row is selected, the
borders will be placed along the top edge and the
bottom edge of the range, not on the top and
bottom edges of every cell in the range. Top and
bottom borders are often used for totals.
Microsoft Excel 2010 - Level 2
© Watsonia Publishing Page 63 Applying Borders
Try This Yourself:
Continue using the previous
file with this exercise, or open
the file E822 Applying
Select the range A23:I23
These cells have a single
bottom border...
Click on the drop arrow for
Borders and select No
Click away from the range to
see the result
For Your Reference
To remove borders:
1. Select the cells
2. Click on the drop arrow for Borders in
the Font group and select No Border
Handy to Know…
You can’t remove a border by applying
another default setting which includes
missing borders. You must apply No Border.
Not every border that you apply will look exactly
the way you expect it to. Sometimes, if too many
borders are used, they can make the
spreadsheet difficult to read. In other
circumstances you may find that you need to
remove borders from existing worksheets created
by other people. Borders can be removed by
applying no borders.
Microsoft Excel 2010 - Level 2
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The options available in the Borders tool
are just a range of presets that you can use to
apply borders quickly and easily. To have total
control over borders, such as the weight, pattern
and colour, you use the More Borders option on
the menu. This gives you access to the Format
Cells dialog box and all of the border controls.
They are listed and detailed below.
Border Options
Style controls the pattern of the line that is used for the border. The full list of
options is what you can see displayed and includes thick, thin, solid, dotted and
dashed lines.
Colour gives you access to the theme colours, the standard colour and the full
colour palette so that you can mix your own colours.
The preset options of None, Outline and Inside are provided to speed up the
process of creating a border. Inside is only available if more than one cell is
This shows you the borders as they are applied so that you can get an idea of
how the finished border will appear. This section includes eight preset buttons to
use: Top, Middle, Bottom, Diagonal Right, Left, Centre, Right and Diagonal
Left. You can also click in this preview area to apply a border. The key is to
select the style and colour settings before applying a border to the preview area.
Microsoft Excel 2010 - Level 2
© Watsonia Publishing Page 65 Applying Borders
Try This Yourself:
Before starting this exercise
you MUST open the file E822
Applying Borders_6.xlsx...
Click on B29 to select the cell
Click on the drop arrow for
Borders and select More
Borders to display the Format
Cells dialog box
Click on the thickest black line
under Style then click on the
drop arrow for Colour to
display the options
Click on Orange, Accent 6,
Darker 50% then click on the
top and bottom borders of the
preview cell to apply the new
Click twice on the left and
right borders of the preview
The first click will apply the
colour and the second click will
remove the border...
Click on [OK] to apply the
border settings then click away
from the cell to see the
You should have a thick dark
orange line across the top and
bottom of the cell
For Your Reference
To use the More Borders option:
1. Select the cell or range
2. Click on the drop arrow for Borders
and select More Borders
3. Select the settings then apply the border
4. Click on [OK]
Handy to Know…
By applying top and bottom borders to B29,
you automatically apply a border to the
adjacent cells. The cell above, B28, will have
a bottom border and the cell below, B30, a
top border.
The More Borders menu option displays the
Format Cells dialog box which can be used to
adjust the line pattern, colour and position of a
border. It includes a series of line patterns to
choose from, a set of colours and access to the
colour palette. Additionally, the Format Cells
dialog box offers preset buttons that can be used to
create custom borders.
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© Watsonia Publishing Page 66 Applying Borders