JavaFX Scene Builder
Getting Started with JavaFX Scene Builder
Release 2.0
April 2014
This document gives an overview of the JavaFX Scene
Builder development tool and steps you through the creation
of the GUI layout used in a simple JavaFX issue-tracking
sample application.
JavaFX Scene Builder Getting Started with JavaFX Scene Builder Release 2.0
Copyright © 2012, 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Primary Author: Cindy Castillo
Contributor: Yves Joan
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Preface ................................................................................................................................................................. v
About This Tutorial..................................................................................................................................... v
Audience....................................................................................................................................................... v
Documentation Accessibility..................................................................................................................... v
Related Documents ..................................................................................................................................... v
Conventions ................................................................................................................................................. vi
What’s New ..................................................................................................................................................... vii
Part I JavaFX Scene Builder Overview
Intended Audience..................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Key Features ................................................................................................................................................ 1-1
Download Information ............................................................................................................................. 1-2
Additional Resources ................................................................................................................................ 1-2
Part II Building a JavaFX Application Using Scene Builder
2 Prepare for This Tutorial
3 Open the Sample FXML File
Use NetBeans IDE Projects Window ...................................................................................................... 3-1
Use JavaFX Scene Builder Open Command.......................................................................................... 3-3
4 Create the FXML File and the Base Panes
Use NetBeans IDE New Wizard .............................................................................................................. 4-1
Use JavaFX Scene Builder New Command ........................................................................................... 4-2
Set the Root Container, CSS, and Style Class....................................................................................... 4-3
Resize the Scene and the Scene Builder Window................................................................................ 4-5
Create the Base Panes ................................................................................................................................ 4-6
5 Bind the GUI to the Application Logic
6 Add the List and Table Views
Add a List View ......................................................................................................................................... 6-1
Add a Table View ....................................................................................................................................... 6-3
7 Create the Details Section
Add the GUI Components for the Details Section .............................................................................. 7-1
8 Add the Toolbar
9 Use a Style Sheet and Preview the UI
Preview the UI............................................................................................................................................. 9-1
Use a Style Sheet ....................................................................................................................................... 9-1
10 Compile and Run the Application
Use NetBeans IDE ................................................................................................................................... 10-1
Use the Apache Ant Utility.................................................................................................................... 10-2
This preface gives an overview about this tutorial and also describes the document
accessibility features and conventions used in this tutorial - Getting Started with JavaFX
Scene Builder.
About This Tutorial
This Getting Started tutorial is a compilation of two documents that were previously
delivered with the JavaFX Scene Builder 1.x documentation set: JavaFX Scene Builder
Overview and Getting Started with Scene Builder. The content has been updated with
information about the new features and enhancements made in the JavaFX Scene
Builder tool.
This document contains the following parts:
JavaFX Scene Builder Overview
Building a JavaFX Application Using Scene Builder
This document is intended for JavaFX developers.
Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at
Access to Oracle Support
Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For
information, visit or visit if you are
hearing impaired.
Related Documents
For more information, see the following documents in the JavaFX Scene Builder and
JavaFX documentation sets:
JavaFX Scene Builder Installation Guide
JavaFX Scene Builder Release Notes
JavaFX Scene Builder User Guide
Using JavaFX Scene Builder with Java IDEs
Mastering FXML
The following text conventions are used in this document:
Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated
with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for
which you supply particular values.
Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code
in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.
What’s New
The following list gives a summary of the features and usability improvements made
in the JavaFX Scene Builder 2.0 release. See Key Features and the JavaFX Scene Builder
User Guide for more information.
Ability to add custom GUI components to the Library has been added.
Support for new JavaFX 8 GUI components is now available.
Support of 3D objects is provided.
Support for Rich Text is available via the new container, TextFlow.
Improvements have been made to the Library, Hierarchy, Content, and Inspector
panels. Also, the Preview window has been enhanced so that its content is now
automatically refreshed as the current FXML document is being edited. See JavaFX
Scene Builder User Guide for more information.
The new JavaFX 8 Modena theme is now used for the JavaFX Scene Builder tool’s
look and feel.
JavaFX Scene Builder Kit API is now available, allowing the integration of Scene
Builder panels and functionalities directly into the GUI of a larger application, or a
Java IDE, such as NetBeans, IntelliJ, and Eclipse. See JavaFX Scene Builder Release
Notes for more information.
Part I
Part I JavaFX Scene Builder Overview
Part I contains the following chapter:
Overview 1-1
This chapter gives an overview of the JavaFX Scene Builder 2.0 development tool,
including information about key features, target audience, and download information.
JavaFX Scene Builder provides a visual layout environment that lets you quickly
design user interfaces (UI) for JavaFX applications without needing to write any code.
It allows simple drag-and-drop positioning of graphical user interface (GUI)
components onto a JavaFX scene. As you build the layout of your UI, the FXML code
for the layout is automatically generated. JavaFX Scene Builder provides a simple yet
intuitive interface that can help even nonprogrammers to quickly prototype interactive
applications that connect GUI components to the application logic.
Intended Audience
The target audience for JavaFX Scene Builder includes the following:
Java developers: They can quickly prototype the client application’s GUI layout
and develop the application logic separately.
Designers: They can quickly prototype the client application’s GUI layout without
requiring any application code to be written first. They can design and preview
the GUI layout and define its look and feel with style sheets.
Key Features
JavaFX Scene Builder includes the following key features:
A drag-and-drop WYSIWYG interface allows you to quickly create a GUI layout
without the need to write source code. You can add, combine, and edit JavaFX GUI
controls to your layout by using the library of GUI controls and the content panel.
Tight integration with the NetBeans IDE provides optimal development
Integration with any Java IDE is easy since it is a standalone development tool.
See Using JavaFX Scene Builder with Java IDEs for information on how to use
Scene Builder with NetBeans IDE, Eclipse, and IntelliJ IDEA.
Automatic FXML code generation occurs as you build and modify your GUI
layout. The generated FXML code is stored in a separate file from the application
logic source and style sheet files.
Live editing and preview features let you quickly visualize the GUI layout
changes that you make without the need to compile. These features help minimize
development time for your application. You can also assign Cascading Style Sheets
(CSS) to your GUI layout and preview the resulting look and feel that is applied.
Download Information
1-2 JavaFX Scene Builder Getting Started with JavaFX Scene Builder
Access to the complete JavaFX GUI controls library is provided. To see the full
list of supported JavaFX 8 GUI components, type FX8 in the Library panel’s Search
text field. The list includes the TreeTableView, DatePicker, and SwingNode
Ability to add custom GUI components to the Library is now available. The
Library of available GUI components can be extended by importing customized
GUI components from third party JAR files, FXML files, or adding them from the
Hierarchy or Content panels. See Scene Builder User Guide for more information.
3D support is provided. FXML documents containing 3D objects can now be
loaded and saved in the Scene Builder 2.0 tool. You can view and edit properties of
the 3D objects using the Inspector panel (Material and Mesh complex properties
are not yet supported). You can not, however, create new 3D objects using the
Scene Builder tool.
Support for Rich Text has been added. A new container, TextFlow, is now
available in the Library of GUI components. You can drag multiple text nodes and
other types of nodes, into the a TextFlow container. You can also directly
manipulate the text nodes to re-arrange them in the container. Inline and property
editing features are also available for each text node.
JavaFX Scene Builder Kit is provided with Scene Builder 2.0. The kit is an API
that allows the integration of Scene Builder panels and functionalities directly into
the GUI of a larger application, or a Java IDE, such as NetBeans, IntelliJ, and
Eclipse. See JavaFX Scene Builder Release Notes for more details.
CSS support enables flexible management of the look and feel of your
application’s UI.
Cross-platform support is provided on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X operating
Download Information
Use the following steps to get started using the JavaFX Scene Builder tool to build the
GUI layout for your JavaFX application.
1. Go to the Additional Resources section of the Java SE Downloads page at
.html to download the JavaFX Scene Builder installer. Use the JavaFX Scene
Builder Installation Guide to learn about the system requirements and installation
2. Read the JavaFX Scene Builder Release Notes to learn about known issues and
3. Use the JavaFX Scene Builder User Guide to learn more about the tool’s user
interface and Building a JavaFX Application Using Scene Builder to create a simple
issue tracking application.
4. Read Using JavaFX Scene Builder with Java IDEs to learn about how to use Scene
Builder with NetBeans IDE, Eclipse, and IntelliJ IDEA.
Additional Resources
To learn more about the JavaFX technology, see the JavaFX tutorials and articles at
Part II
Part II Building a JavaFX Application Using
Scene Builder
This chapter presents the step-by-step creation of a simple issue-tracking application
using the JavaFX Scene Builder tool. It shows you how to quickly build the user
interface (UI) for a JavaFX application, connect it to the Java source code, and handle
the interaction between the data and the user interface.
This document contains the following topics:
Prepare for This Tutorial
Open the Sample FXML File
Create the FXML File and the Base Panes
Bind the GUI to the Application Logic
Add the List and Table Views
Create the Details Section
Add the Toolbar
Use a Style Sheet and Preview the UI
Compile and Run the Application
Prepare for This Tutorial 2-1
Prepare for This Tutorial
This chapter provides information about requirements and recommendations to
prepare your development environment before you create the sample
IssueTrackingLite FXML layout that you will build in this tutorial using JavaFX Scene
As you build the layout, the FXML code for the designed GUI is automatically
generated. JavaFX Scene Builder provides a straightforward interface that can help
you quickly prototype interactive applications that connect GUI components to the
application logic. For the purpose of this tutorial, you will use a NetBeans project
to illustrate the integration between NetBeans IDE and
JavaFX Scene Builder. This tutorial also includes information that steps you through
the creation of the IssueTrackingLite FXML layout without the use of NetBeans IDE.
Use the following requirements and recommendations before continuing with this
1. (Required) Install all the required software before you use JavaFX Scene Builder.
See JavaFX Scene Builder Installation Guide for more details.
2. (Required) Download the JavaFX Scene Builder samples from the Additional
Resources section of the download page at
Extract the contents of the
file, which
includes the IssueTrackingLite sample folder. The
folder you
extract contains a completed version of the FXML layout that you will build using
this tutorial. The issue-tracking system enables you to query existing sample
project issues, modify them, or add new issue.
Note: JavaFX Scene Builder does not have dependency on any
particular IDE. However, since this tutorial was prepared using
NetBeans IDE, it is recommended that you use NetBeans IDE to
complete this tutorial. If Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA is your preferred IDE,
see Using JavaFX Scene Builder with Java IDEs for more information.
You can also use Scene Builder as a standalone tool to create your GUI
layout and edit the resulting FXML file using a text editor of your
choice. If you choose to work with this tutorial outside of any IDEs,
there are sections in this tutorial that highlight what you need to do to
use the Apache Ant utility to connect the layout that you build to the
sample application’s Java source code, apply the style sheet, and run
the sample application.
2-2 JavaFX Scene Builder Getting Started with JavaFX Scene Builder
(Recommended) Use JavaFX Scene Builder User Guide to familiarize yourself
with the JavaFX Scene Builder user interface that is shown in Figure 2–1.
4. (Recommended) Install NetBeans IDE 8, which is used in this tutorial to illustrate
the integration between NetBeans IDE and JavaFX Scene Builder. As mentioned in
the Note above, you can also create the IssueTrackingLite GUI layout using other
Java IDEs, such as Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA, or a standalone instance of Scene
5. (Recommended) Familiarize yourself with the JavaFX concepts by reading the
available documents on the JavaSE Client Technologies page at
. In
particular, learn about the FXML concepts by reading Using FXML to Create a
User Interface and get familiar with layouts using Working with Layouts in
Figure 2–1 Main Window for JavaFX Scene Builder
Open the Sample FXML File 3-1
Open the Sample FXML File
This chapter shows you how to open the
sample file in a
JavaFX Scene Builder window using the NetBeans IDE Open command or using the
Scene Builder Open command.
After you have familiarized yourself with the JavaFX concepts and the JavaFX Scene
Builder user interface, begin building an FXML layout using JavaFX Scene Builder.
Open the completed
file to see what the finished
IssueTrackingLite GUI layout looks like. Use one of the following methods:
Step through Use NetBeans IDE Projects Window to open the
sample NetBeans project and double-click the node for the IssueTrackingLite.fxml
file to invoke JavaFX Scene Builder.
Follow Use JavaFX Scene Builder Open Command to open the
sample file in a standalone Scene Builder tool.
The controller source file and the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) file used in this tutorial
are already provided with the IssueTrackingLite sample NetBeans project. These files
are in the same project folder that will contain the new FXML file.
Use NetBeans IDE Projects Window
Open the completed
sample layout file using NetBeans
IDE’s Projects window:
1. Start NetBeans IDE on your Windows platform by double-clicking the NetBeans
IDE 8.0 shortcut, or select Start, then All Programs, then NetBeans, and finally,
NetBeans IDE 8.0. On a Mac OS X platform, double-click the NetBeans IDE 8.0
application icon.
2. From the Menu bar, select File and then Open Project.
3. From the Open Project dialog box, go to the directory where you extracted the
sample file and open the IssueTrackingLite project.
4. In the Projects window, expand the IssueTrackingLite, Source Packages, and
issuetrackinglite nodes. Double-click the IssueTrackingLite.fxml node to open
the file in JavaFX Scene Builder.
Use NetBeans IDE Projects Window
3-2 JavaFX Scene Builder Getting Started with JavaFX Scene Builder
The main window for the JavaFX Scene Builder tool appears with the
file opened in the Content panel, as shown in
Figure 3–1.
Figure 3–1 Completed IssueTrackingLite.fxml Opened in JavaFX Scene Builder Window
Save the file with a different name so that you can create your own FXML layout
file. From the Menu bar, select File and then Save As. Enter
in the File Name text field and click Save.
Keep the JavaFX Scene Builder window for this file open so that you can use it to
compare with the version of the layout you are about to create.
6. In the Projects window of the IDE, right-click the node for the
IssueTrackingLite.fxml file and select Delete so that you can use the same file
name for the FXML layout you will build. On the Confirm Object Deletion dialog
box, click Yes.
Note: If the
file opens in the IDE source
editor instead of in a Scene Builder window, it may mean that the IDE
is not aware of your Scene Builder installation. To verify, select To ol s
from the NetBeans IDE main menu and then Options. In the Options
window, click the Java tab and then the JavaFX tab. The Scene Builder
Home directory would be listed if NetBeans is aware of your Scene
Builder installation. If it is not listed, see Prepare for This Tutorial
chapter for the requirements before continuing with this tutorial.
Use JavaFX Scene Builder Open Command
Open the Sample FXML File 3-3
Use JavaFX Scene Builder Open Command
Open the completed sample FXML file directly from a standalone JavaFX Scene
Builder window.
1. Start JavaFX Scene Builder on your Windows platform by double-clicking the
JavaFX Scene Builder 2.0 shortcut, or select Start, then All Programs, then JavaFX
Scene Builder, and finally, JavaFX Scene Builder 2.0. On a Mac OS X platform,
double-click the JavaFX Scene Builder 2.0 application icon.
2. From the Menu bar, select File and then Open.
3. From the Open FXML dialog box, go to the folder in which you extracted the
sample file and open the IssueTrackingLite, src, and
issuetrackinglite folders.
4. Double-click the IssueTrackingLite.fxml file.
file is opened in the Content panel, as shown in
Figure 3–1.
5. Save the file with a different name so that you can create your own FXML layout
file using the original file name that is recognized by the IssueTrackingLite
a. From the Menu bar, select File and then Save As.
b. Enter
in the File Name text field and click
Use JavaFX Scene Builder Open Command
3-4 JavaFX Scene Builder Getting Started with JavaFX Scene Builder
Create the FXML File and the Base Panes 4-1
Create the FXML File and the Base Panes
In this chapter, you create a new FXML layout file using either the NetBeans IDE New
command or the JavaFX Scene Builder New command. You then assign the cascading
style sheet (CSS) to use for the FXML layout and create the base panes to start the
application’s GUI design.
The FXML layout that you are about to build for the IssueTrackingLite application is
an interface that enables you to query existing project issues, modify them, or add new
issues. Build your own IssueTrackingLite user interface by doing the following:
1. Create the new FXML file by following the steps in either Use NetBeans IDE New
Wizard or Use JavaFX Scene Builder New Command.
2. Set the Root Container, CSS, and Style Class to use for the entire layout.
3. Create the Base Panes for the layout.
Use NetBeans IDE New Wizard
Create a new empty FXML file using the NetBeans IDE New wizard.
1. From the Projects window of the IDE, right-click the issuetrackinglite folder node
under Source Packages, select New, and then Other.
2. In the New File dialog box, select the JavaFX category and select the Empty FXML
file type, as shown in Figure 4–1. Click Next.
Figure 4–1 Choose Empty FXML File Type
Use JavaFX Scene Builder New Command
4-2 JavaFX Scene Builder Getting Started with JavaFX Scene Builder
In the New Empty FXML dialog box, enter
in the FXML
Name text field. Ensure that the Package text field has the value
. Click Finish
file is opened in the IDE source editor. This new
FXML file is in the same folder as the provided controller source code,
, that will connect with the user interface that
you build with this tutorial.
4. In the Projects window, double-click the IssueTrackingLite.fxml node to open the
file in the JavaFX Scene Builder tool.
The main window for the JavaFX Scene Builder tool appears with an FXML file
opened in the Content panel, as shown in Figure 4–2.
Figure 4–2 JavaFX Scene Builder Main Window at Startup from NetBeans IDE
In the Scene Builder Hierarchy panel, right-click the AnchorPane node and select
The IssueTrackingLite layout you build in this tutorial uses a different top
container which you will add in Set the Root Container, CSS, and Style Class.
6. Select File and then Save from the JavaFX Scene Builder Menu bar.
Use JavaFX Scene Builder New Command
If you chose not to use NetBeans IDE to complete this tutorial, use the following steps
to create a new empty FXML file using the Scene Builder New command.
From the Scene Builder Menu bar, select File and then New.
Set the Root Container, CSS, and Style Class
Create the FXML File and the Base Panes 4-3
A new JavaFX Scene Builder window appears with an empty FXML file opened in the
Content panel, as shown in Figure 4–2. The Content panel is initially empty.
Figure 4–3 JavaFX Scene Builder Main Window After New File Creation
Set the Root Container, CSS, and Style Class
Set the root container, stylesheet, and style class to use for the entire layout.
1. Drag a VBox container from the Library panel to the Content panel, as shown in
Figure 4–4.
Tip: From the Menu bar, select File and then Save command often.
Also, from the Menu bar, select Edit and then Undo to undo actions
when necessary while you build the IssueTrackingLite application.
Set the Root Container, CSS, and Style Class
4-4 JavaFX Scene Builder Getting Started with JavaFX Scene Builder
Figure 4–4 Add the Initial VBox Container
Set the CSS file to use for your new FXML layout.
a. In the Hierarchy section of the Document panel, ensure that the root VBox
container element is selected.
b. In the Properties section of the Inspector panel, go to the JavaFX CSS section
and locate the Stylesheets text field. Click the button with the plus sign (+)
c. In the Add Style Sheet dialog box, navigate to where you extracted the
sample file. Open the
folder and
select the IssueTrackingLite.css file. Click Open.
3. Set the Style Class.
a. Ensure that the root VBox container is still selected in the Hierarchy panel.
b. In the Properties section of the Inspector panel, locate the Style Class text field
and click the drop-down arrow. The list of style classes is retrieved from the
file. Select theme, as shown in Figure 4–5
Resize the Scene and the Scene Builder Window
Create the FXML File and the Base Panes 4-5
Figure 4–5 Set the Style Class for the Layout
Save the new FXML file before you continue with the rest of the tutorial.
a. From the main menu bar, select File and then Save, if you created the file via
the NetBeans IDE, or Save As, if you created the file via Scene Builder File >
New command.
b. In the Save As dialog window, navigate to where you extracted the
sample file. Expand the
, and
c. Enter
in the File name text field and click Save.
d. Select Yes when asked if you want to replace the existing
Resize the Scene and the Scene Builder Window
Resize the scene and the Scene Builder window so that you have a bigger working
1. Resize the scene’s width and height in the Content panel to get a larger working
a. In the Inspector panel, select the Layout section.
b. In the Size section, change the
Pref Width
property value to 800 and the
property value to 600.
c. Change the Min Width, Min Height, Max Width, and Max Height property
values to USE_COMPUTED_SIZE, as shown in Figure 4–6.
Create the Base Panes
4-6 JavaFX Scene Builder Getting Started with JavaFX Scene Builder
Figure 4–6 Resize the Scene
Resize the Scene Builder window so you are able to view the entire VBox
Create the Base Panes
Create the base layout panes to define the different sections of your GUI layout.
1. Open the Hierarchy section of the Document panel, if not already opened.
2. Add a SplitPane object.
a. From the Library panel, drag a SplitPane (empty) container to the Document
panel’s Hierarchy section and drop it inside the VBox element, as shown in
Figure 4–7.
Create the Base Panes
Create the FXML File and the Base Panes 4-7
Figure 4–7 Add Empty SplitPane to the VBox Container
b. Select the Split Pane in the Hierarchy panel and from the menu bar select
Modify and then Use Computed Sizes.
c. In the Inspector panel, select the Layout section. Set the Vgrow property value
3. Add another
element and modify its contents.
a. From the Library panel’s Containers section, drag a SplitPane (vertical)
element and drop it into the previously added SplitPane in the Hierarchy
panel, as shown in Figure 4–8.
Create the Base Panes
4-8 JavaFX Scene Builder Getting Started with JavaFX Scene Builder
Figure 4–8 Add Split Pane (Vertical) Element
Notice that after the SplitPane (Vertical) element is dropped, it is added to the
Document panel with its AnchorPane children.
b. From the menu bar, select Modify and then Use Computed Size.
Alternatively, you can press Ctrl+Shift+K.
c. In the Hierarchy panel, expand the second SplitPane container element you
just added to display its contents. Right-click the first AnchorPane node and
select Delete from the contextual menu.
d. Select the node for the remaining AnchorPane and from the main menu bar,
select Modify and then Use Computed Sizes.
Notice that in the Layout section of the Inspector panel, the Sizes properties
for the AnchorPane is updated to the value of
4. From the Menu bar, select File and then Save. Alternatively, you can press Ctrl-S
(for Windows or Linux platforms) or Cmd-S (for Mac OS platform).
Perform the Save action frequently to preserve your work.
Bind the GUI to the Application Logic 5-1
Bind the GUI to the Application Logic
This chapter describes the steps to bind the FXML layout you are building with JavaFX
Scene Builder to the source controller file that has been provided with the
IssueTrackingLite sample.
The controller source file,
, manages the events
and actions taken on each element you add to the FXML GUI layout that you are
building. Setting the controller class file name enables Scene Builder to provide you
with the names of the event handlers and instance variables that are declared in the
controller source file.
1. In the Document panel, select the Controller section.
2. Set the value in the Controller class text field to
by selecting it from the
drop-down list of available values.
Figure 5–1 Add Controller Class
5-2 JavaFX Scene Builder Getting Started with JavaFX Scene Builder
Add the List and Table Views 6-1
Add the List and Table Views
In this chapter, you will continue to use JavaFX Scene Builder to add the JavaFX GUI
controls that are used to list the projects and issues assigned to each project in the
IssueTrackingLite sample application.
Use the following sections to add List View and Table Views controls to your
IssueTrackingLite GUI layout.
Add a List View
Add the List View section, which will display the issue’s project information.
1. Select the Hierarchy section of the Document panel.
2. In the Library panel’s Search box, clear any existing value and enter
to locate
the view-styled GUI controls.
3. Drag a ListView control from the Library panel and drop into the first SplitPane
node in the Hierarchy panel, as shown in Figure 6–1.
Add a List View
6-2 JavaFX Scene Builder Getting Started with JavaFX Scene Builder
Figure 6–1 Add ListView Control to SplitPane
From the Menu bar, select Modify and then Use Computed Sizes or press
5. Click the Code section of the Inspector panel. In the fx:id field, select the choice
button and select list from the drop-down list, as illustrated in Figure 6–2.
Add a Table View
Add the List and Table Views 6-3
Figure 6–2 Set fx:id for ListView Control
Click the Layout section of the Inspector panel. Locate the Split Pane Constraints
subsection and uncheck the Resizable With Parent check box.
Add a Table View
The Table View control will be used to display the list of issues.
1. From the search results list in the Library panel, select Table View.
2. Drag and drop it in the Hierarchy panel, inside the second SplitPane element and
just above the AnchorPane, as shown in Figure 6–3.
Note: The
property value corresponds to the name of the
controller class’ instance variable in which the node will be inserted.
All the fx:id field values must be entered exactly as shown. If they are
improperly entered, the IssueTrackingLite sample application will not
work correctly.
Add a Table View
6-4 JavaFX Scene Builder Getting Started with JavaFX Scene Builder
Figure 6–3 Add the Table View Control
From the Menu bar, select Modify and then Use Computed Sizes.
4. Click the Code section of the Inspector panel, type “
" in the fx:id text field to filter
the list of available fx:id values, and select table.
5. Tune the positions of the vertical and horizontal splitters shown in the Content
a. Select the first Split Pane node in the Hierarchy panel. In the Content panel,
drag the vertical divider to the left until the dividerPosition percentage
displays about 25%, as illustrated in Figure 6–4. Alternatively, enter
the Divider Positions property text field in the Properties section of the
Inspector panel.
Add a Table View
Add the List and Table Views 6-5
Figure 6–4 Move Vertical Divider
Select the second SplitPane node in the Hierarchy panel. In the Content panel,
drag the horizontal divider up or down until the dividerPosition percentage
displays about 35%. Alternatively, in the Properties section of the Inspector
panel, enter
in the Divider Positions property text field.
6. Set the properties of the two columns in the table view.
a. In the Content panel, double-click the C1 column title and type
to replace
the default value, as shown in Figure 6–5.
Figure 6–5 Change TableColumn Title
In the Code section of the Inspector panel, select colName from the fx:id
field's drop-down list.
Add a Table View
6-6 JavaFX Scene Builder Getting Started with JavaFX Scene Builder
Back in the Hierarchy panel, double-click the C2 text in the row for the second
TableColumn component. Type in
to replace the default Text property
value of C2.
d. In the Code section of the Inspector panel, select colStatus from the fx:id
field's drop-down list.
7. Add another column to the table view.
a. In the Library panel’s Search box, clear any existing value and enter
b. Select the TableColumn control from the Library panel. Drag and drop it
anywhere inside the table view in the Content panel. The new
is added to the right of the Status column
c. Click the Properties section of the Inspector panel and set the Tex t property to
d. In the Code section of the Inspector panel, select colSynopsis from the fx:id
field's drop-down list of available instance variables.
8. From the Menu bar, select View and then Show Sample Data.
Notice that the list view and the table view elements in the Content panel are
populated with sample data. Select View and then Hide Sample Data from the
Menu bar to turn off the display of the sample data.
9. Save all the changes you have made.
Create the Details Section 7-1
Create the Details Section
This chapter describes how to add the JavaFX GUI components for the Details section
of the IssueTrackingLite GUI layout you are building with JavaFX Scene Builder. It also
describes how to manage the resizing of the components when the application’s
window is resized.
Use the following sections to set up the area where the issue’s details will be
Add the GUI Components for the Details Section
Add the GUI components to create the section that will display the details about the
issue that you are creating or modifying in the IssueTrackingLite application.
1. Click the menu button on the top right corner of the Hierarchy panel and select
Show fx:id, as shown in Figure 7–1. By default, the Show info mode is selected.
Notice that after you change the display mode to Show fx:id, the Hierarchy panel
now displays the fx:id values next to the elements that have the fx:id property
value assigned to them, as shown in Figure 7–2.
Figure 7–1 Show fx:id Display Mode
2. Set up the details section.
a. In the Hierarchy panel, select the node for the only AnchorPane element.
b. Double-click the right side of the row for the AnchorPane element to enter the
fx:id inline edit mode. Enter
in the inline text editor for the fx:id text
property, as shown in Figure 7–2. This editor is available because the current
display mode in the Hierarchy panel is set to Show fx:id. Alternatively, click
the Code section of the Inspector panel and select details from the drop-down
list of instance variables available for the fx:id field.
Add the GUI Components for the Details Section
7-2 JavaFX Scene Builder Getting Started with JavaFX Scene Builder
Figure 7–2 Use fx:id Inline Text Editor
Add a label.
a. In the Controls section of the Library panel, drag the Label element and drop
it on the upper left corner of the details area, as shown in Figure 7–3.
Figure 7–3 Add Label Element
In the Content panel, double-click the new Label element to enter into inline
edit mode. Enter
in the Text property field to replace the default
c. In the Code section of the Inspector panel, select displayedIssueLabel in the
fx:id field’s drop-down list of available instance variables.
d. In the Layout section of the Inspector panel, set the value of Min Width to
. This setting will keep the labels of the HBox element to be
Add the GUI Components for the Details Section
Create the Details Section 7-3
visible when the size of the application window is so reduced that not all of
the GUI elements can be displayed.
4. Add a Text Field control.
a. From the Library panel, drag a Text Field control and drop it to the right side
of the Label you just added.
b. Resize the Text Field element so that it occupies the remaining space to the
right, as shown in Figure 7–4.
Figure 7–4 Resize the TextField Element
Double-click the Text Field element in the Content panel to enter Edit mode.
in the editor box.
d. In the Code section of the Inspector panel, select synopsis from the
drop-down list of instance variables available for the fx:id field.
5. Group the Label element with the synopsis Text Field element.
a. In the Content panel, hold the Ctrl key (on Windows and Linux platforms) or
Cmd key (on Mac OS platform) to select the PROJECT/ID label and
SYNOPSIS textfield components.
b. From the Menu bar, select Arrange, then Wrap in, and then HBox from the
c. In the Properties section of the Inspector panel, select CENTER for the
Alignment property value of the HBox element.
d. Click the Layout section and set the Spacing property value to 10.
e. In the AnchorPane Constraints sub-section, click the left and right black
anchor lines. After you click the anchor lines, the black lines change into solid
red lines, which are circled in Figure 7–5. This action anchors the HBox
element’s right and left borders to its container and ensures that when the
window is resized, the HBox element is also resized.
Add the GUI Components for the Details Section
7-4 JavaFX Scene Builder Getting Started with JavaFX Scene Builder
Figure 7–5 Setting the Anchor Lines
f. In the Hierarchy panel, select the row for the TextField SYNOPSIS element
and locate the HBox Constraints sub-section. Set the Hgrow property to
This setting indicates that the Text Field: synopsis element will adjust
horizontally when its parent container increases.
6. Add a Label and a TextArea element in the details area.
a. From the Controls section of the Library panel, select Label. Drag and drop it
to the Content panel on the left side of the details section and below the row
occupied by the HBox you just added. Use the guidelines to position the Label
element in line with the HBox element’s left side.
b. Double-click Label to enter the edit mode. Enter
to replace the
default value.
c. Drag and drop a Text Area below the label that you just added.
d. In the Layout section of the Inspector panel, locate the Anchor Pane
Constraints sub-section and click the left, top, right, and bottom black anchor
e. In the Code section of the Inspector panel, select descriptionValue from the
drop-down list for the fx:id field.
f. In the Content panel, click and drag the lower right handle of the Text Area
element to increase its size and fill the remaining space in the details section,
as shown in Figure 7–6.
Add the GUI Components for the Details Section
Create the Details Section 7-5
Figure 7–6 Enlarge the Text Area
Add the GUI Components for the Details Section
7-6 JavaFX Scene Builder Getting Started with JavaFX Scene Builder
Add the Toolbar 8-1
Add the Toolbar
This chapter gives the steps to add a tool bar GUI control to the layout that you are
building with JavaFX Scene Builder.
Use the following steps to add a toolbar to the top portion of the IssueTrackingLite’s
GUI layout. It will contain an image file and three buttons.
1. In the Document panel, change the display setting by clicking the Hierarchy
display menu button on the top right corner and choosing Info, if it is not already
2. Drag an HBox container element from the Library panel to the Hierarchy section
of the Document panel and drop it under the row for the VBox element, as shown
in Figure 8–1.
8-2 JavaFX Scene Builder Getting Started with JavaFX Scene Builder
Figure 8–1 Add an HBox Control
Add three buttons to the toolbar.
a. From the Library panel, drag a Button element to the Hierarchy panel and
drop it in the HBox node that was just added.
b. In the Content panel, right-click the new Button and select Duplicate from the
contextual menu to add a second button.
c. Repeat the previous step to add the third button to the toolbar.
4. Edit the button details.
a. In the Content panel, double-click the leftmost button in the toolbar to get into
edit mode and enter
. Click the Code section of the Inspector panel, select
newIssue in the drop-down list for the fx:id property for the New button. In
the On Action field, select
from the drop-down list of event
handlers available in the controller source file. The leading # symbol tells your
application to look for the
method in the controller source
code. The method used must be public, return void, and take
parameter. Each time the New button is clicked, the public method
, which is defined in the controller source code,
will be executed.
b. Double-click the middle button to get into edit mode. Enter
in the edit
box. Click the Code section of the Inspector panel, and select saveIssue in the
drop-down list for the fx:id property for the middle button. In the On Action
field, set the value to
Add the Toolbar 8-3
Select the rightmost button in the toolbar. Click the Code section of the
Inspector panel, and select deleteIssue from the fx:id property’s drop-down
list. In the Properties section of the Inspector panel, enter
in the Text
field. In the On Action field, set the value to
5. Put the buttons in a container and adjust the spacing between them.
a. Hold down the Ctrl-key and select each of the three buttons. From the Menu
bar, select Arrange, Wrap in, and then HBox. The buttons are arranged in a
row with even spacing between them.
b. Select the Layout section of the Inspector panel and set the value for the
Spacing property to
. Notice that the buttons are adjusted to have more
spaces in between them.
6. Add an image to the toolbar.
a. From the Menu bar, select File, Import, and then Media. Select
IssueTrackingLite.png from the
folder. The
ImageView element is added at the bottom of the Hierarchy panel.
b. In the Hierarchy section of the Document panel, drag the ImageView element
so that it is the first element in the top HBox container, as shown in Figure 8–2.
Notice that in the Content panel, the image is moved to the left of the HBox
container for the three buttons.
Figure 8–2 Move the ImageView Element to the HBox Container
Modify the default values for some of the Layout properties for the first HBox
container, so that they match the property values circled in Figure 8–3.
a. In the Hierarchy panel, select the row for the top HBox container.
b. Click the Layout section of the Inspector panel and in the VBox Constraints
sub-section, set the
property value to
c. Change the default values for the Margin property to
, and
d. In the Size sub-section, change the prefWidth and prefHeight default values
8-4 JavaFX Scene Builder Getting Started with JavaFX Scene Builder
Figure 8–3 Modify the HBox Layout Default Properties
Modify some of the default property values for the second HBox.
a. In the Hierarchy panel, select the HBox element that contains the three
b. Select the Layout section of the Inspector panel and change the value of the
Hgrow property to
c. Select the Properties section of the Inspector panel and in the Node
sub-section, change Alignment property value to
. The HBox
with the three buttons are shifted to the right side of the Content panel.
9. Select File and then Save from the Menu bar to save your work.
Use a Style Sheet and Preview the UI 9-1
Use a Style Sheet and Preview the UI
This chapter describes how you can use the JavaFX Scene Builder to preview the
FXML layout that you just created and also how to apply a style sheet to customize the
look and feel of the IssueTrackingLite application.
Use the following sections to preview the GUI layout that you have created and then
change its look and feel by using a style sheet.
Preview the UI
Use the following steps to preview the GUI work that you have done so far:
1. From the Menu bar, select Preview, and then select Show Preview in Window.
2. Resize the window multiple times to ensure that the buttons in the toolbar and the
text area resize appropriately when the window is resized. You can also make
modification to the layout and the Preview window is updated
3. To stop viewing the preview, close the Preview window.
Use a Style Sheet
You can customize the look and feel of your GUI by applying style sheets. For this
tutorial, you use a style sheet file that has been provided with the IssueTrackingLite
1. Verify that the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) resource file that is bundled with the
IssueTrackingLite sample is already set. In the Hierarchy panel, select the root
VBox container. Click the Properties section of the Inspector panel. In the
Stylesheets text field of the JavaFX CSS subsection, notice that the
style sheet is already set, as shown in Figure 9–1. This is
the style sheet that was set when you created the FXML file.
Use a Style Sheet
9-2 JavaFX Scene Builder Getting Started with JavaFX Scene Builder
Figure 9–1 Adding a Style Sheet File
Use a style class for one of the elements in the Content panel.
a. In the Hierarchy panel, select the row for the ListView element.
b. Click the Properties section of the Inspector panel, and click the button with
the downward arrow in the Style Class list. Select darkList as shown in
Figure 9–2. Notice that the appearance of the ListView element in the Content
panel has changed to a dark grey color.
Figure 9–2 Adding a Style Class to the ListView Element
From the Menu bar, select File and then Save.
You just completed building the FXML layout for a JavaFX application using JavaFX
Scene Builder. Continue with the Compile and Run the Application to compile and run
the IssueTrackingLite application.
Compile and Run the Application 10-1
Compile and Run the Application
This chapter steps you through using NetBeans IDE or the Apache Ant utility to
compile and run the IssueTrackingLite application for which you build the FXML
layout using JavaFX Scene Builder.
Use either of the sections below to see the IssueTrackingLite application in action.
Use NetBeans IDE
Use NetBeans IDE to build and run the NetBeans project in which you saved the
IssueTracking.fxml file.
1. In the NetBeans IDE 8 window, right-click the IssueTrackingLite project node in
the Projects window and select Run. NetBeans IDE compiles the project and if no
errors are encountered, it displays an application similar to Figure 10–1. Click the
image to enlarge it.
Use the Apache Ant Utility
10-2 JavaFX Scene Builder Getting Started with JavaFX Scene Builder
Figure 10–1 Completed GUI Layout for Issue Tracking Sample
In the list view on the left, select Project1 and in the table view on the right, select
the row with the TT-2 in the Name column. Data is displayed in the details
section, as shown in Figure 10–1.
3. If you encounter any errors, look at the Output window and determine the
possible causes of the errors. Some troubleshooting ideas are as follows:
Check that all of the fx:id values were entered correctly. The fx:id values in the
FXML layout must match the values that the controller source classes expect.
Check that you entered the method name correctly in the Event binding
Use the Apache Ant Utility
If you choose not to run the application in NetBeans IDE, use the Apache Ant utility
(version 1.8 or later) to build and run the application on the command line. Enter a
command similar to the one in Example 10–1. Note that the examples shown use JDK
Example 10–1 Apache Ant Command to Run the Application
ant -f <JavaFX_App_Name>/build.xml <TARGET>
In the above example, the main values for <TARGET> are
, and
. For
example, to run the IssueTrackingLite application on the Windows or Mac OS
Use the Apache Ant Utility
Compile and Run the Application 10-3
platform, enter something similar to the command in Example 10–2. You can set
<TARGET> with the value of
to get a list of available targets.
Example 10–2 Using Apache Ant to Run IssueTrackingLite
ant -f IssueTrackingLite/build.xml run
Use the Apache Ant Utility
10-4 JavaFX Scene Builder Getting Started with JavaFX Scene Builder