L. Sweeney, Simple Demographics Often Identify People Uniquely. Carnegie Mellon University, Data
Privacy Working Paper 3. Pittsburgh 2000.
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Simple Demographics Often Identify People Uniquely
Latanya Sweeney
Carnegie Mellon University
This work was funded in part by H. John Heinz III School of Public Policy and
Management at Carnegie Mellon University and by a grant from the U.S. Bureau
of Census.
Copyright © 2000 by Latanya Sweeney. All rights reserved.
L. Sweeney, Simple Demographics Often Identify People Uniquely. Carnegie Mellon University, Data
Privacy Working Paper 3. Pittsburgh 2000.
Sweeney Page 2
1. Abstract
In this document, I report on experiments I conducted using 1990 U.S. Census summary
data to determine how many individuals within geographically situated populations had
combinations of demographic values that occurred infrequently. It was found that combinations
of few characteristics often combine in populations to uniquely or nearly uniquely identify some
individuals. Clearly, data released containing such information about these individuals should not
be considered anonymous. Yet, health and other person-specific data are publicly available in this
form. Here are some surprising results using only three fields of information, even though typical
data releases contain many more fields. It was found that 87% (216 million of 248 million) of the
population in the United States had reported characteristics that likely made them unique based
only on {5-digit ZIP, gender, date of birth}. About half of the U.S. population (132 million of 248
million or 53%) are likely to be uniquely identified by only {place, gender, date of birth}, where
place is basically the city, town, or municipality in which the person resides. And even at the
county level, {county, gender, date of birth} are likely to uniquely identify 18% of the U.S.
population. In general, few characteristics are needed to uniquely identify a person.
2. Introduction
Data holders often collect person-specific data and then release derivatives of collected
data on a public or semi-public basis after removing all explicit identifiers, such as name, address
and phone number. Evidence is provided in this document that this practice of de-identifying data
and of ad hoc generalization are not sufficient to render data anonymous because combinations of
attributes often combine uniquely to re-identify individuals.
2.1. Linking to re-identify de-identified data
In this subsection, I will demonstrate how linking can be used to re-identify de-identified
data. The National Association of Health Data Organizations (NAHDO) reported that 44 states
have legislative mandates to collect hospital level data and that 17 states have started collecting
ambulatory care data from hospitals, physicians offices, clinics, and so forth [1]. These data
collections often include the patient’s ZIP code, birth date, gender, and ethnicity but no explicit
identifiers like name or address. The leftmost circle in Figure 1 contains some of the data
elements collected and shared.
For twenty dollars I purchased the voter registration list for Cambridge Massachusetts
and received the information on two diskettes [2]. The rightmost circle in Figure 1 shows that
these data included the name, address, ZIP code, birth date, and gender of each voter. This
information can be linked using ZIP, birth date and gender to the medical information, thereby
linking diagnosis, procedures, and medications to particularly named individuals. The question
that remains of course is how unique would such linking be.
In general I can say that the greater the number and detail of attributes reported about an
entity, the more likely that those attributes combine uniquely to identify the entity. For example,
in the voter list, there were 2 possible values for gender and 5 possible five-digit ZIP codes; birth
dates were within a range of 365 days for 100 years. This gives 365,000 unique values, but there
were only 54,805 voters.
L. Sweeney, Simple Demographics Often Identify People Uniquely. Carnegie Mellon University, Data
Privacy Working Paper 3. Pittsburgh 2000.
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Visit date
Total charge
Date last
Medical Data Voter List
Figure 1 Linking to re-identify data
2.2. Publicly and semi-publicly available health data
As mentioned in the previous subsection, most states (44 of 50 or 88%) collect hospital
discharge data [3]. Many of these states have subsequently distributed copies of these data to
researchers, sold copies to industry and made versions publicly available. While there are many
possible sources of patient-specific data, these represent a class of data collections that are often
publicly and semi-publicly available.
# Field description Size
3 SEX 1
Field description Size
39 PAYER ID 1 9
40 TYPE CODE 1 1
41 PAYER ID 2 9
42 TYPE CODE 2 1
43 PAYER ID 3 9
44 TYPE CODE 3 1
46 Patient Origin COUNTY 3
47 Patient Origin PLANNING AREA 3
48 Patient Origin HSA 2
Figure 2 IHCCCC Research Health Data
The Illinois Health Care Cost Containment Council (IHCCCC) is the organization in the
State of Illinois that collects and disseminates health care cost data on hospital visits in Illinois.
IHCCCC reports more than 97% compliance by Illinois hospitals in providing the information
L. Sweeney, Simple Demographics Often Identify People Uniquely. Carnegie Mellon University, Data
Privacy Working Paper 3. Pittsburgh 2000.
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[4]. Figure 2 contains a sample of the kinds of fields of information that are not only collected,
but also disseminated.
Of the states mentioned in the NAHDO report, 22 of these states contribute to a national
database called the State Inpatient Database (SID) sponsored by the Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality (AHRQ). A copy of each patient’s hospital visit in these states is sent to
AHRQ for inclusion in SID. Some of the fields provided in SID are listed in Figure 3 along with
the compliance of the 13 states that contributed to SID’s 1997 data [5].
Field Comments #states %states
Patient Age years 13 100%
Patient Date of birth month, year 5 38%
Patient Gender 13 100%
Patient Racial background 11 85%
Patient ZIP 5-digit 9 69%
Patient ID encrypted (or scrambled) 3 23%
Admission date month, year 8 62%
Admission day of week 12 92%
Admission source emergency, court/law, etc 13 100%
Birth weight for newborns 5 38%
Discharge date month, year 7 54%
Length of stay 13 100%
Discharge status routine, death, nursing home, etc 13 100%
Diagnosis Codes ICD9, from 10 to30 13 100%
Procedure Codes from 6 to 21 13 100%
Hospital ID AHA# 12 92%
Hospital county 12 92%
Primary payer Medicare, insurance, self-pay, etc 13 100%
Charges from 1 to 63 categories 11 85%
Figure 3 Some data elements for AHRQ’s State Inpatient Database (13 participating states)
State Month and Year of Birth date Age
Arizona Yes Yes
California Yes
Colorado Yes
Florida Yes
Iowa Yes Yes
Massachusetts Yes
Maryland Yes
New Jersey Yes
New York Yes Yes
Oregon Yes Yes
South Carolina Yes
Washington Yes
Wisconsin Yes Yes
Figure 4 Age information provided by states to SID
Figure 4 lists the states reported in Figure 3 that provide the month and year of birth and
the age for each patient.
L. Sweeney, Simple Demographics Often Identify People Uniquely. Carnegie Mellon University, Data
Privacy Working Paper 3. Pittsburgh 2000.
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The remainder of this document provides experimental results from summary data that
show how demographics often combine to make individuals unique or almost unique in data like
2.3. A single attribute
The frequency with which a single characteristic occurs in a population can help identify
individuals based on unusual or outlying information. Consider a frequency distribution of birth
years found in the list of registered voters. It is not surprising to see fewer people present with
earlier birth years. Clearly, a person born in 1900 is unusual and by implication less anonymous
in data.
2.4. More than one attribute
What may be more surprising is that combinations of characteristics can combine to
occur even less frequently than the characteristics appear alone.
Figure 5 Data that looks anonymous
Consider Figure 5. If the three records shown were part of a large and diverse database of
information about Illinois residents, then it may appear reasonable to assume that these three
records would be anonymous. However, the 1990 federal census [6] reports that the ZIP (postal
code) 60602 consisted primarily of a retirement community in the Near West Side of Chicago and
therefore, there were very few people (less than 12) of an age under 65 living there. The ZIP code
60140 is the postal code for Hampshire, Illinois in Dekalb county and reportedly there were only
two black women who resided in that town. Likewise, 62052 had only four Asian families. In
each of these cases, the uniqueness of the combinations of characteristics found could help re-
identify these individuals.
Race Birth Gender ZIP Problem
Black 09/20/65 m 02141 short of breath
Black 02/14/65 m 02141 chest pain
Black 10/23/65 f 02138 hypertension
Black 08/24/65 f 02138 hypertension
Black 11/07/64 f 02138 obesity
Black 12/01/64 f 02138 chest pain
White 10/23/64 m 02138 chest pain
White 03/15/65 f 02139 hypertension
White 08/13/64 m 02139 obesity
White 05/05/64 m 02139 short of breath
White 02/13/67 m 02138 chest pain
White 03/21/67 m 02138 chest pain
Figure 6 De-identified data
L. Sweeney, Simple Demographics Often Identify People Uniquely. Carnegie Mellon University, Data
Privacy Working Paper 3. Pittsburgh 2000.
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As another example, Figure 6 contains de-identified data. Each row contains information
about a distinct person, so information about 12 people is reported. The table contains the
following fields of information {Race/Ethnicity, Date of Birth, Gender, ZIP, Medical Problem}.
In Figure 6, there is information about an equal number of African Americans (listed as
Black) as there are Caucasian Americans (listed as White) and an equal number of men (listed as
m) as there are women (listed as f), but in combination, there appears only one Caucasian female.
2.5. Learned from the examples
These examples demonstrate that in general, the frequency distributions of combinations
of characteristics have to be examined in combination with respect to the entire population in
order to determine unusual values and cannot be generally predicted from the distributions of the
characteristics individually. Of course, obvious predictions can be made from extreme
distributions --such as values that do not appear in the data will not appear in combination either.
3. Background of definitions and terms
Definition (informal). Person-specific data Collections of information whose
granularity of details are specific to an individual are termed person-specific data. More
generally, in entity-specific data, the granularity of details is specific to an entity.
Example. Person-specific data
Figure 5 and Figure 6 provide examples of person-specific data. Each row of these tables
contains information related to one person.
The idea of anonymous data is a simple one. The term "anonymous" means that the data
cannot be linked or manipulated to confidently identify the individual who is the subject of the
Definition (informal). Anonymous data Anonymous data implies that the data cannot
be manipulated or linked to confidently identify the entity that is the subject of the data.
Most people understand that there exist explicit identifiers, such as name and address,
which can provide a direct means to communicate with the person. I term these explicit
identifiers; see the informal definition below.
Definition (informal). Explicit identifier An explicit identifier is a set of data elements,
such as {name, address} or {name, phone number}, for which there exists a direct
communication method, such as email, telephone, postal mail, etc., where with no
additional information, the designated person could be directly and uniquely contacted.
A common incorrect belief is that removing all explicit identifiers such as name, address
and phone number from the data renders the result anonymous. I refer to this instead as de-
identified data; see the informal definition below.
L. Sweeney, Simple Demographics Often Identify People Uniquely. Carnegie Mellon University, Data
Privacy Working Paper 3. Pittsburgh 2000.
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Definition (informal). De-identified data De-identified data result when all explicit
identifiers, such as name, address, or phone number are removed, generalized or replaced
with a made-up alternative.
Example. De-identified data
Figure 5 and Figure 6 provide examples of de-identified person-specific data. There are
no explicit identifiers in these data.
Because a combination of characteristics can combine uniquely for an individual, it can
provide a means of recognizing a person and therefore serve as an identifier. In the literature,
such combinations were nominally introduced as quasi-identifiers [7] and identificates [3-58]
with no supporting evidence provided as to how identifying specific combinations might be.
Extending beyond the literature and its casual use in the literature, I term such a combination a
quasi-identifier and informally define it below. I then examine specific quasi-identifiers found
within publicly and semi-publicly available data and compute their general ability to uniquely
associate with particular persons in the U.S. population.
Definition (informal). Quasi-identifier A quasi-identifier is a set of data elements in
entity-specific data that in combination associates uniquely or almost uniquely to an
entity and therefore can serve as a means of directly or indirectly recognizing the specific
entity that is the subject of the data.
Example. Quasi-identifier
A quasi-identifier whose values are unique for all the records in Figure 6 is {ZIP, gender,
In the next section, I will show that {ZIP, gender, Birth} is a unique quasi-identifier for
most people in the U.S. population.
The term table is really quite simple and is synonymous with the casual use of the term
data collection. It refers to data that are conceptually organized as a 2-dimensional array of rows
(or records) and columns (or fields). A database is considered to be a set of one or more tables.
Definition (informal). Table, tuple and attribute A table conceptually organizes data
as a 2-dimensional array of rows (or records) and columns (or fields). Each row (or
record) is termed a tuple. A tuple contains a relationship among the set of values
associated with an entity. Tuples within a table are not necessarily unique. Each column
(also known as a field or data element) is called an attribute and denotes a field or
semantic category of information that is a set of possible values; therefore, an attribute is
also a domain. Attributes within a table are unique. So by observing a table, each row is
an ordered n-tuple of values <d
, d
, …, d
> such that each value d
is in the domain of
the j-th column, for j=1, 2, …, n where n is the number of columns.
In mathematical set theory, a relation corresponds with this tabular presentation; the only
difference is the absence of column names. Ullman provides a detailed discussion of relational
database concepts [9].
L. Sweeney, Simple Demographics Often Identify People Uniquely. Carnegie Mellon University, Data
Privacy Working Paper 3. Pittsburgh 2000.
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Examples of tables
Figure 5 provides an example of a person-specific table with attributes {ZIP, Birth,
Gender, Race}. Each tuple concerns information about a single person. Figure 6 provides
an example of a person-specific table with attributes {Race, Birth, Gender, ZIP,
Unfortunately, the terminology with respect to data collections is not the same across
communities and diverse communities have an interest in this work. In order to accommodate
these different vocabularies, I provide the following thesaurus of interchangeable terms. In
general, data collection, data set and table refer to the same representation of information though
a data collection may have more than one table. The terms record, row and tuple all refer to same
kind of information. Finally, the terms data element, field, column and attribute refer to the same
kind of information. For brevity, from this point forward, I will use the more formal database
terms of table, tuple and attribute. I do allow the tuples of a table to appear in a “sorted” order on
occasion and such cases pose a slight deviation from its more formal meaning. These uses are
explicitly noted.
4. Methods
4.1. Census Tables
Information from the 1990 US Census made available on the Web [10] and on CDROM
[11] and from the U.S. Postal Service [12] was loaded into Microsoft Access and the following
tables produced and used with Microsoft Excel.
1. ZIP census table
provides 1990 federal census information summarized by
each ZIP (postal code) in the United States.
2. Place census table
provides 1990 federal census information summarized by
place name (town, city, municipality, or postal facility name).
3. County census table
provides 1990 federal census information summarized
by US counties.
Figure 7 contains a list of attributes (or data elements) for each of these tables. The name
and description of each attribute is listed and a “yes” appears in the column that associates the
attribute to the ZIP, Place or County table in which the attribute appears. Information for all 50
states and the District of Columbia were provided. For example, values associated with the
attribute Tot_pop in the ZIP table are the total numbers of individuals reported as living in each
corresponding ZIP. Each tuple (or row) in the table corresponds to a unique ZIP.
Given a particular geographical specification such as ZIP, place or county, the number of
people reported as residing in the noted geographical area is reported by age subdivision in the
ZIP, Place and County tables. The age subdivisions are: under 12 years of age (denoted as
Aunder12), between 12 and 18 years of age (denoted as A12to18), between 19 and 24 years of
age (denoted as A19to24), between 25 and 34 years of age (denoted as A25to34), between 35 and
44 years of age (denoted as A35to44), between 45 and 54 years of age (denoted as A45to54),
L. Sweeney, Simple Demographics Often Identify People Uniquely. Carnegie Mellon University, Data
Privacy Working Paper 3. Pittsburgh 2000.
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between 55 and 64 years of age (denoted as A55to64) or more than 65 years of age (denoted as
Field Description ZIP PLACE COUNTY
StateID State Code yes yes yes
ZIP 5-digit ZIP yes
Place Name of Incorporated Place
CoName County Name
Tot_Pop Total Population yes yes yes
AUnder12 Population Under Age 12 Years yes yes yes
A12to18 Population Age 12-18 Years yes yes yes
A19to24 Population Age 19-24 Years yes yes yes
A25to34 Population Age 25-34 Years yes yes yes
A35to44 Population Age 35-44 Years yes yes yes
A45to54 Population Age 45-54 Years yes yes yes
A55to64 Population Age 55-64 Years yes yes yes
A65Plus Population Age 65 Years and up yes yes yes
Figure 7 1990 Census attributes in ZIP, Place, County tables
4.2. ZIPNameGIS Table
ZIP information provided from the U.S. Postal Service included place, which is a name
of a town, city, municipality or postal facility uniquely assigned to a ZIP code. This information
was loaded directly to provide the ZIPNameGIS table. The attributes (or data elements) for the
ZIPNameGIS table are {StateID, ZIP, State, POName, longitude, latitude, population}.
The Place table was constructed by linking the ZIP table to the ZIPNameGIS table on
ZIP. Results were then grouped by POName (respecting state designations) so that population
information from multiple ZIP codes were grouped together by the city or town in which the ZIP
code referred. Finally, the Place table was generated by collapsing these groupings into single
entries that contained the sum of the population values reported for all ZIP codes corresponding
to the same place.
During the process, 3 ZIP codes were found to cross state lines and therefore, be listed in
two states. To avoid this duplication, the following assignments were made: (1) ZIP code 32530
refers to Pinetta in both Florida and Georgia. The Georgia entry was removed from Place; (2)
ZIP code 42223 refers to Fort Campbell in both Kentucky and Tennessee. The Tennessee entry
was removed from Place; and, (3) ZIP code 63673 refers to Saint Mary in both Illinois and
Missouri. The Missouri entry was removed from Place.
4.2.1. Schemas of shared data
Figure 2 and Figure 3 contain descriptions of publicly and semi-publicly available
hospital discharge data. Below are some quasi-identifiers found in those data that also appear in
the census data. The experiments reported in this document estimate the uniqueness of values
associated with these quasi-identifiers given the occurrences reported in the census data.
1. Illinois Research Health Data.
The Illinois Research Health Data (R
) is described in Figure 2. Among the attributes
listed there, I consider QI
= {date of birth, gender, 5-digit ZIP} to be a quasi-identifier within
L. Sweeney, Simple Demographics Often Identify People Uniquely. Carnegie Mellon University, Data
Privacy Working Paper 3. Pittsburgh 2000.
Sweeney Page 10
2. AHRQ’s State Inpatient Database
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s State Inpatient Database (R
) is
described in part in Figure 3. Among the attributes listed there, I consider QI
= {month and
year of birth, gender, 5-digit ZIP} to be a quasi-identifier within data released by some states and
I consider QI
= {age, gender, 5-digit ZIP} to be a quasi-identifier within data released by
other states.
4.3. Design and procedures
The experiments reported in the next section can be generally described in terms of
values attributes can assume. Let T(A
) be an entity-specific table and let Q
be a quasi-
identifier of T. Q
is represented as a finite set of attributes {A
} {A
}. I write |A
| to
represent the finite number of values A
can assume. So, the number of distinct possible values
that be assigned to Q
, written |Q
|, is: |Q
| = |A
| * |A
| * … * |A
| .
Given Q
={date of birth, gender}, then |Q
| = 365 * 76 * 2 = 55,480 because there are
365 days in a year, an expected lifetime of 76 years, and 2 genders.
In this document, I am concerned with a person-specific table T(A
) that
includes a geographic attribute Z. Values assigned to a geographic attribute are specific to the
residences of people. Examples of geographic attributes include 5-digit ZIP codes, names of cities
and towns, and names of counties in which people reside. Let U be the universe of all people and
the person-specific table Geo[z
, A
, …, A
) contain all or almost all of the people of U having
. I say Geo
is a population register for z
. And, T[A
] is a pseudo-random sample
drawn from Geo[z
, A
, …, A
]. Unique and unusual combinations of characteristics found in Geo
with respect to z
can be no less unique or unusual when recorded in T. Therefore, the probability
distribution of combinations of characteristics found in Geo limits the values those combinations
of characteristics can assume in T. Determining unique and unusual combinations of
characteristics within a residential domain is a counting problem.
Theorem. Generalized Dirichlet drawer principle [13]
(also known as the Generalized pigeonhole principle)
If N objects are distributed in k boxes, then there is at least one box containing at least N
/ k objects.
Suppose that none of the boxes contain more than N / k -1 objects. Then, the total
number of objects is at most: k *( N / k -1) < k *( ((N / k) + 1) -1) = N
This has the inequality N / k < (N / k) + 1
This is a contradiction because there are a total of N objects.
Given a random sample of 500 people, there are at least 500 / 365 = 2 people with the
same birthday because there are 365 possible birthdays.
L. Sweeney, Simple Demographics Often Identify People Uniquely. Carnegie Mellon University, Data
Privacy Working Paper 3. Pittsburgh 2000.
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Let z
be a 5-digit ZIP code. I write population(z
) to denote the number of people who
reside in z
and population(z
) |Geo
|. If population(Z
) > |Q
|, then by the generalized
pigeonhole principle, a tuple tR
[date of birth, gender, z
] would not uniquely correspond to
one person. In these cases, I say t[A
, …, date of birth, gender, z
…, An] is not likely to be
uniquely identifiable. On the other hand, if population(z
) |Q
| then by the generalized
pigeonhole principle, a tuple tR
[date of birth, gender, z
] would likely relate to only one
person. In these cases, I say t[A
, …, date of birth, gender, z
…, An] is likely to be uniquely
identifiable. This is the general approach to the experiments reported in the next section though
each differs in terms of attribute specification.
4.3.1. Subdivision analyses
The analyses of the identifiability of geographically situated populations are based on
age-based divisions within a geographic attribute. Let age subdivision a be either Aunder12,
A12to18, A19to24, A25to34, A35to44, A45to54, A55to64, or A65Plus. The quasi-identifier Q
the same attributes as Q
but values which date of birth can assume are limited by a. That is,
| is the number of possible distinct values that can be assigned to Q
. I say |Q
| is the threshold
for Q
with respect to age subdivision a.
Given Q
={date of birth, gender} and age subdivision a = A19to24, then |Q
| = 365 * 2
* 6 = 4380 because there are 365 birthdays, 2 genders and 6 years between the ages of 19
to 24, inclusive.
Number of subjects uniquely identified in a subdivision of a geographical area
Given a value for a geographic attribute, written z
, and an age subdivision a, I write
, a) as the number of people residing in z
with an age within a. The number of
people considered uniquely identified by a and Z
, written ID
, is determined by the rule:
if population(z
, a) |Q
|, then ID
= population(z
, a)
else ID
= 0.
By extension, the percentage of people residing in z
considered uniquely identified
(written ID
) with respect to the set of age subdivisions is computed as:
4.3.2. Statistics on geographical areas
Statistics are reported on geographic regions. Given a geographic attribute Z, let Region
= {z
| z
Z } and AgeDivs = {Aunder12, A12to18, A19to24, A25to34, A35to44, A45to54,
A55to64, A65Plus}. That is, Region
is a set of values that can be assigned to the geographic
L. Sweeney, Simple Demographics Often Identify People Uniquely. Carnegie Mellon University, Data
Privacy Working Paper 3. Pittsburgh 2000.
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attribute Z and AgeDivs is a set of age subdivisions. Region
is partitioned into NotIDSet and
IDSet based on age subdivision aAgeDivs such that:
= {(z
a) | z
and population(z
, a) > |Q
| }
= {(z
a) | z
and population(z
, a) |Q
| }
The population of NotIDSet
is not considered uniquely identifiable by values of Q
The population of IDSet
is considered uniquely identifiable by values of Q
. In the
experiments, the following statistics are reported.
Maximum subpopulation(NotIDSet
) = max(population(z
, a), …, population(z
, a) ),
where (z
Maximum subpopulation(IDSet
) = max(population(z
, a), …, population(z
, a) ),
where (z
Minimum subpopulation(NotIDSet
) = min(population(z
, a), …, population(z
, a) ),
where (z
Minimum subpopulation(IDSet
) = min(population(z
, a), …, population(z
, a) ),
where (z
NOTIDSetNotIDSet =areasalgeographicofNumber
IDSetIDSet =areasalgeographicofNumber
L. Sweeney, Simple Demographics Often Identify People Uniquely. Carnegie Mellon University, Data
Privacy Working Paper 3. Pittsburgh 2000.
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State AUnder12
45to54 A55to64
AL 4,040,587 699,554 425,425 369,639 652,466 585,299 422,565 363,033 522,606
AK 544,698 123,789 53,662 46,478 111,790 101,699 55,887 29,236 22,157
AZ 3,665,228 678,439 352,557 333,055 639,702 530,192 354,711 299,372 477,200
AR 2,350,725 410,665 246,486 197,424 361,268 328,397 244,096 212,573 349,816
CA 29,755,274 5,436,303 2,722,076 2,904,739 5,738,645 4,645,553 2,955,455 2,231,171 3,121,332
CO 3,293,771 599,278 305,595 282,268 617,333 570,797 340,276 249,924 328,300
CT 3,287,116 517,724 275,158 295,271 588,185 509,760 360,488 294,866 445,664
DE 666,168 113,963 58,980 64,726 119,782 100,110 68,367 59,570 80,670
DC 606,900 80,760 45,404 71,605 122,777 94,984 62,648 51,050 77,672
FL 12,686,788 1,931,088 1,041,486 1,010,156 2,102,614 1,778,994 1,283,728 1,235,820 2,302,902
GA 6,478,847 1,171,969 659,386 623,625 1,182,367 1,014,579 678,987 495,259 652,675
HI 1,108,229
195,278 98,594 104,537 203,466 178,406 109,493 93,778 124,677
ID 1,006,749 207,979 115,708 81,770 154,087 149,338 98,910 77,819 121,138
IL 11,429,942 2,012,780 1,102,499 1,021,458 2,003,217 1,702,509 1,179,345 974,035 1,434,099
IN 5,543,954 975,582 568,654 510,374 919,924 819,577 572,585 481,329 695,929
IA 2,776,442 487,879 271,630 240,359 430,947 397,287 272,959 249,594 425,787
KS 2,474,885 457,755 236,911 216,092 416,003 363,571 234,451 208,146 341,956
KY 3,673,969 626,236 383,356 337,585 610,721 549,204 380,791 320,712 465,364
LA 4,219,973 836,481 458,677 387,821 710,773 606,119 412,186 340,483 467,433
ME 1,226,626 210,082 117,015 104,754 205,713 194,139 123,745 108,198 162,980
MD 4,771,143 812,147 409,957 431,840 901,956 774,414 528,246 395,946 516,637
MA 6,011,978 933,306 506,033 613,116 1,104,645 914,852 605,951 514,398 819,677
MI 9,295,222 1,671,777 930,841 850,016
1,583,364 1,408,199 950,316 793,711 1,106,998
MN 4,370,288 815,963 409,705 377,084 783,562 666,480 428,315 343,315 545,864
MS 2,573,216 495,074 298,599 240,546 403,754 351,197 249,684 213,117 321,245
Figure 8 Population by state and age group, part 1
State AUnder12
45to54 A55to64
MO 5,113,266 897,590 490,067 436,468 855,640 734,252 524,756 457,095 717,398
MT 799,065 150,406 83,457 57,351 123,913 128,067 81,522 67,930 106,419
NE 1,577,600 294,659 156,790 130,613 259,709 229,478 148,720 134,711 222,920
NV 1,201,833 208,695 100,891 102,609 223,599 192,324 138,893 107,621 127,201
NH 1,109,252 195,970 98,977 100,411 205,815 183,649 111,387 88,059 124,984
NJ 7,730,188 1,217,936 681,960 664,059 1,366,267 1,200,167 850,983 718,589 1,030,227
NM 1,515,069 307,898 160,598 123,983 259,975 229,577 149,712 120,808 162,518
NY 17,990,026 2,891,618 1,615,696 1,664,461 3,148,965 2,720,452 1,944,539 1,642,487 2,361,808
NC 6,628,637 1,074,691 637,603 662,849 1,152,229 1,008,277 705,099 585,832 802,057
ND 637,713 119,767 65,036 57,151 104,833 90,808 56,215 53,132 90,771
OH 10,846,581 1,899,661 1,064,732 957,750 1,805,063 1,619,291 1,115,355 978,701 1,406,028
OK 3,145,585
563,941 318,809 267,411 514,663 452,308 326,770 278,089 423,594
OR 2,842,321 495,834 265,630 225,488 455,371 476,343 297,101 235,423 391,131
PA 11,881,643 1,892,957 1,074,128 1,041,626 1,918,168 1,739,212 1,224,867 1,160,974 1,829,711
RI 1,003,211 155,439 86,271 102,680 174,149 146,571 97,958 89,156 150,987
SC 3,486,703 616,373 363,140 339,600 596,534 526,103 357,747 291,077 396,129
SD 695,133 137,110 71,070 56,976 109,919 96,063 61,962 59,623 102,410
TN 4,896,046 812,832 484,155 452,701 823,042 740,485 530,654 433,773 618,404
TX 16,984,748 3,320,887 1,776,426 1,578,004 3,118,515 2,548,657 1,649,538 1,284,825 1,707,896
UT 1,722,850 430,959 226,933 167,637 275,853 224,715 139,656 107,405 149,692
VT 562,758 99,365 53,099 53,049 95,880 92,804 57,274 45,118 66,169
VA 6,184,493 1,030,088 564,690 616,835 1,147,609 991,563 670,457 500,955 662,296
WA 4,866,692 878,141 444,693 417,468
861,441 804,413 504,238 380,725 575,573
WV 1,792,969 279,885 192,881 148,808 262,961 270,784 191,957 176,960 268,733
WI 4,891,452 887,426 472,270 437,743 825,056 726,753 478,819 412,492 650,893
WY 453,588 92,123 49,716 33,980 75,462 74,182 45,541 35,539 47,045
USA 248,418,140 43,454,102 23,694,112 22,614,049 43,429,692 37,582,954 25,435,905 21,083,554 31,123,772
Figure 9 Population by state and age group, part 2
Different experiments have different age and geographic attributes. See Figure 11 for a
list of all 13 experiments identified as A through M. So, Q
and Z
, as used above, are
representative of several quasi-identifiers that have varying specifications. In experiment B
through experiment E, Z
{ZIP codes in USA in which people reside}. In experiment F through
experiment I, Z
{Cities, municipalities, towns and recognized post office names in the USA}.
Finally, in experiment J through experiment M, Z
{Counties in the USA}. Similarly, in
experiments B, F, and J, Q
= {date of birth, gender}. In experiments C, G and K, Q
{month and year of birth, gender}. In experiments D, H and L, Q
= {year of birth, gender}.
Finally, in experiments E, I and M, Q
= {2 year age subdivision, gender}.
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Privacy Working Paper 3. Pittsburgh 2000.
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For completeness, Figure 8 and Figure 9 report the total population per state of each age
group. These values are used to compute percentages throughout this document unless otherwise
4.4. Special data elements
This section compares age and year of birth values, as well as, 5-digit ZIP codes, places
and counties.
4.4.1. Age versus Year of Birth
Values for an age attribute do not necessarily translate to known values for a year of birth
attribute. There are two cases to consider. If there exists a date to which values for age can be
referenced, then corresponding values for year of birth can be confidently computed. For
example, in SID, states calculate the patient's age in years at the time of admission [14]. Because
both the computed age and the date of admission are released, the patient's year of birth can be
confidently determined. In experiment D, H and L, I examine age as providing a distinct year of
birth, and so QI
= {age, gender, 5-digit ZIP} can be considered as QI
= {year of birth,
gender, 5-digit ZIP}.
On the other hand, if values for date of admission were not released, values for age would
be calendar year specific. In such cases, data are collected with respect to a particular calendar
year (that is known) but not a particular day within that year. As a result, each value for age
corresponds to two possible values for each person's year of birth. During any given calendar
year, a person reports two ages. The first age occurs before the person's birthday and the second
occurs on and after the person's birthday. Because each person's birthday can appear at any time
during the calendar year (in contrast to societies in which everyone's "birthday", in terms of
determining age, occurs on the same day), two values can be inferred for year of birth from a
recorded value for age. In the experiment E, I and M, I examine {2 yr age subdivision, gender, 5-
digit ZIP} in which the birth year is within a known 2-year range.
4.4.2. Comparison of 5-digit ZIP codes, Places and Counties
Figure 10 shows a comparison of 5-digit ZIP codes, places and counties in the United
States. There are a total of 29,343 ZIP codes, 25,688 places and 3,141 counties. The state having
the largest number of counties was Texas (with 254). The District of Columbia had the fewest
number of counties (with 1). The average number of counties per state was 62 and the standard
deviation was 47.
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Privacy Working Paper 3. Pittsburgh 2000.
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Number Number Number Number Number
State 5-digit ZIPs Places Counties State digit ZIPs Places Counties
AL 567 511 67 MO 993 899 115
AK 195 183 25 MT 315 309 57
AZ 270 178 15 NE 572 518 93
AR 578 563 75 NV 104 66 17
CA 1,515 1,071 58 NH 218 212 10
CO 414 330 63 NJ 540 490 21
CT 263 224 8 NM 276 258 33
DE 53 46 3 NY 1,594 1,369 62
DC 24 2 1 NC 705 624 100
FL 804 463 67 ND 387 384 53
GA 636 561 159 OH 1,007 854 88
HI 80 70 5 OK 586 511 77
ID 244 233 44 OR 384 344 36
IL 1,236 1,147 102 PA 1,458 1,369 67
IN 675 597 92 RI 69 52 5
IA 922 889 99 SC 350 313 46
KS 713 646 105 SD 383 377 66
KY 810 772 120 TN 583 505 95
LA 469 408 64 TX 1,672 1,234 254
ME 410 408 16 UT 205 181 29
MD 419 378 24 VT 243 243 14
MA 473 404 14 VA 820 729 136
MI 875 768 83 WA 484 397 39
MN 877 809 87 WV 655 646 55
MS 363 342 82 WI 714 666 72
WY 141 135 23
USA 29,343 25,688 3,141
max 1,672 1,369 254
min 24 2 1
avg 575 504 62
stdev 401 337 47
Figure 10 Number of 5-digit ZIP codes, Places and Counties by State
5. Results
In the previous sections, I defined terminology and introduced the materials that will be
used. In this section, I report on experiments I conducted to estimate the number of unique
occurrences for various combinations of demographic attributes that are typically released in
publicly and semi-publicly available data.
Experiment A: Uniqueness of {ZIP, gender, date of birth} assume uniform age distribution
Experiment B: Uniqueness of {ZIP, gender, date of birth} based on actual age distribution
Experiment C: Uniqueness of {ZIP, gender, month and year of birth}
Experiment D: Uniqueness of {ZIP, gender, age}
Experiment E: Uniqueness of {ZIP, gender, 2yr age range}
Experiment F: Uniqueness of {place/city, gender, date of birth}
Experiment G: Uniqueness of {place/city, gender, month and year of birth}
Experiment H: Uniqueness of {place/city, gender, age}
Experiment I: Uniqueness of {place/city, gender, 2yr age range}
Experiment J: Uniqueness of {county, gender, date of birth}
Experiment K: Uniqueness of {county, gender, month and year of birth}
Experiment L: Uniqueness of {county, gender, age}
Experiment M: Uniqueness of {county, gender, 2yr age range}
Figure 11 List of 13 experiments
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Privacy Working Paper 3. Pittsburgh 2000.
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A total of 13 experiments were conducted [15]. These are identified below. Only
experiment B, C, D, F and J are briefly reported in this document. Figure 32 contains a summary
of results from all 13 experiments.
5.1. Experiment B: Uniqueness of {ZIP, gender, date of birth}
Recall, Illinois Research Health Data named ROD provides an example of shared data
that contains demographic attributes; in particular, QI
= {date of birth, gender, 5-digit ZIP}.
This experiment shows that medical conditions included in these data can be attributed uniquely
to one person in most cases.
5.1.1. Experiment B Design
Step 1. Use ZIP table for each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Step 2.
Figure 12 contains the thresholds for Q={gender, date of birth} specific to each age subdivision.
Step 3.
Report statistical measurements computed from the table in step 1 using the thresholds
determined in step 2. Figure 13 and Figure 14 report the results.
Q = {gender, date of birth}
| = 2 * 365 * 12 = 8,760
| = 2 * 365 * 7 = 5,110
| = 2 * 365 * 6 = 4,380
| = 2 * 365 * 10 = 7,300
| = 2 * 365 * 10 = 7,300
| = 2 * 365 * 10 = 7,300
| = 2 * 365 * 10 = 7,300
| = 2 * 365 * 12 = 8,760
Figure 12 Number of possible values for each age subdivision {gender, date of birth}
5.1.2. Experiment B Results
Figure 13 and Figure 14 show the results from applying the 3 steps of experiment B to
each state, the District of Columbia and the entire United States. The percentages computed for
each locale appear in the column named “RANGE %ID_pop.” The last row in Figure 14 reports
the results of applying the 3 steps of experiment B to all ZIP codes in the United States. As
shown, 87.1% of the population of the United States is likely to be uniquely identified by values
of {gender, date of birth, ZIP} when age subdivisions are considered.
During the analysis of experiment B, many interesting ZIP codes were found. Here are a
few. The ZIP code 11794 in the State of New York is small and extremely homogenous. 4666 of
its total population of 5418 (or 86%) are in the age subdivision of 19 to 24. This is the home of
the State University of New York at Sony Brook. The ZIP code 10475 in the State of New York
reportedly has a larger population of 37077, but people are distributed somewhat evenly across
the age subdivisions making the population in each range less than its corresponding threshold.
The ZIP code 01701 in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts reportedly has a population of
65,001, which is the largest population for a ZIP code in the state. In experiment A, any person
residing in that ZIP code would NOT have been considered likely to be uniquely identified by
{gender, date of birth, ZIP}; however, only the subpopulation between the ages of 19 and 44 in
L. Sweeney, Simple Demographics Often Identify People Uniquely. Carnegie Mellon University, Data
Privacy Working Paper 3. Pittsburgh 2000.
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that ZIP code is large enough not to be considered uniquely identified by {gender, date of birth,
ZIP}. Persons residing in that ZIP code, who are not in that age subdivision, are less common and
considered likely to be uniquely identified by {gender, date of birth, ZIP} even though the
population in the entire ZIP code is the largest in the state.
State #ZIPs Population %population
AUnder12 A12to18 A19to24 A25to34 A35to44 A45to54 A55to64 A65Plus
AL 567 4,040,587 99% 100.0% 100.0% 89.7% 98.7% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
AK 195 544,698 100% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
AZ 270 3,665,228 82% 82.3% 90.1% 67.4% 64.3% 88.8% 100.0% 100.0% 80.7%
AR 578 2,350,725 98% 97.8% 100.0% 87.1% 95.3% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
CA 1,515 29,755,274 71% 62.4% 73.1% 54.9% 47.2% 70.0% 96.8% 99.6% 96.8%
CO 414 3,293,771 92% 89.7% 96.2% 85.0% 81.1% 92.1% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
CT 263 3,287,116 91% 94.3% 98.1% 76.1% 76.2% 88.9% 100.0% 100.0% 97.8%
DE 53 666,168 91% 100.0% 100.0% 72.0% 66.7% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
DC 24 606,900 64% 62.0% 74.9% 32.5% 47.6% 55.3% 100.0% 84.9% 85.1%
FL 804 12,686,788 91% 93.9% 95.8% 87.5% 85.2% 94.3% 98.6% 99.2% 83.6%
GA 636 6,478,847 90% 90.4% 93.5% 80.4% 77.8% 87.6% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
HI 80 1,108,229 74% 62.5% 94.4% 56.7% 55.9% 71.9% 100.0% 100.0% 83.7%
ID 244 1,006,749 99% 100.0% 100.0% 85.6% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
IL 1,236 11,429,942 75% 73.0% 76.4% 59.2% 60.1% 73.9% 90.3% 93.9% 86.7%
IN 675 5,543,954 94% 94.3% 95.2% 80.4% 85.4% 94.7% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
IA 922 2,776,442 98% 100.0% 100.0% 78.9% 98.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
KS 713 2,474,885 98% 100.0% 100.0% 83.1% 94.1% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
KY 810 3,673,969 98% 100.0% 100.0% 85.7% 97.5% 98.6% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
LA 469 4,219,973 91% 89.8% 91.7% 80.4% 83.6% 93.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
ME 410 1,226,626 98% 100.0% 100.0% 86.3% 96.3% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
MD 419 4,771,143 83% 84.8% 94.1% 79.2% 63.7% 80.2% 93.8% 100.0% 88.7%
MA 473 6,011,978 91% 95.7% 97.9% 73.5% 74.8% 92.8% 100.0% 100.0% 98.8%
MI 875 9,295,222 85% 80.5% 84.7% 72.5% 74.5% 83.2% 98.2% 99.1% 98.3%
MN 877 4,370,288 95% 96.2% 100.0% 81.8% 87.7% 97.4% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
MS 363 2,573,216 98% 98.2% 98.1% 88.3% 100.0% 97.8% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Figure 13 Uniqueness of {ZIP, Gender, Date of birth} respecting age distribution, part 1
State #ZIPs Population %population
AUnder12 A12to18 A19to24 A25to34 A35to44 A45to54 A55to64 A65Plus
MO 993 5,113,266 94% 94.4% 98.8% 86.9% 86.8% 92.1% 100.0% 100.0% 97.3%
MT 315 799,065 98% 100.0% 100.0% 78.9% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
NE 572 1,577,600 99% 100.0% 100.0% 90.2% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
NV 104 1,201,833 86% 79.5% 94.3% 79.5% 66.9% 88.3% 94.6% 100.0% 100.0%
NH 218 1,109,252 97% 100.0% 100.0% 94.1% 88.5% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
NJ 540 7,730,188 92% 92.6% 93.1% 88.0% 79.8% 92.9% 99.1% 100.0% 94.1%
NM 276 1,515,069 88% 86.1% 89.0% 88.6% 71.6% 82.4% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
NY 1,594 17,990,026 76% 74.3% 77.3% 64.1% 60.0% 72.1% 88.3% 93.4% 85.5%
NC 705 6,628,637 94% 98.1% 96.4% 77.5% 86.4% 96.5% 98.8% 100.0% 100.0%
ND 387 637,713 96% 100.0% 100.0% 68.5% 91.9% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
OH 1,007 10,846,581 92% 92.2% 94.7% 82.4% 82.5% 93.6% 100.0% 100.0% 98.5%
OK 586 3,145,585 97% 96.7% 100.0% 85.2% 93.5% 96.7% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
OR 384 2,842,321 97% 100.0% 100.0% 89.5% 90.6% 93.1% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
PA 1,458 11,881,643 91% 90.5% 94.0% 80.1% 82.2% 90.3% 99.3% 99.4% 94.3%
RI 69 1,003,211 92% 94.4% 100.0% 71.1% 84.2% 94.9% 100.0% 100.0% 94.2%
SC 350 3,486,703 91% 90.0% 95.1% 74.8% 79.5% 95.0% 97.9% 100.0% 100.0%
SD 383 695,133 96% 92.7% 100.0% 81.4% 91.6% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
TN 583 4,896,046 93% 93.7% 94.8% 80.5% 87.1% 93.5% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
TX 1,672 16,984,748 88% 85.0% 89.1% 78.8% 76.5% 90.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
UT 205 1,722,850 87% 75.8% 80.0% 78.0% 90.2% 92.6% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
VT 243 562,758 98% 100.0% 100.0% 80.1% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
VA 820 6,184,493 87% 88.2% 91.6% 71.9% 75.5% 82.7% 97.8% 100.0% 100.0%
WA 484 4,866,692 92% 94.6% 100.0% 82.8% 82.5% 87.2% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
WV 655 1,792,969 97% 96.7% 96.4% 90.2% 95.7% 96.4% 100.0% 100.0% 96.5%
WI 714 4,891,452 92% 88.9% 97.7% 77.6% 86.4% 92.6% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
WY 141 453,588 98% 100.0% 100.0% 79.2% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
USA 29,343 248,418,140 87% 85.8% 90.2% 75.0% 75.1% 87.0% 97.8% 99.0% 95.3%
Figure 14 Uniqueness of {ZIP, Gender, Date of birth} respecting age distribution, part 2
Figure 15 plots the percentage of the population considered identifiable in each ZIP code
in the United States based on experiment B’s criteria. The horizontal axis represents the
L. Sweeney, Simple Demographics Often Identify People Uniquely. Carnegie Mellon University, Data
Privacy Working Paper 3. Pittsburgh 2000.
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population that resides in the ZIP code. The vertical axis represents the percentage of the
population considered uniquely identified by values of Q={date of birth, gender, 5-digit ZIP} for
a particular ZIP code. The criteria for computing the percentage of the population considered
identifiable in experiment B is based on binary decisions, where each decision considers whether
a sufficient number of people in a particular age subdivision reside in a particular ZIP code. If so,
that sub-population is not considered identifiable; otherwise, its entire sub-population is
considered identifiable.
Figure 15 Percentage of Population Identifiable Based on Age subdivisions in ZIP Population
Most ZIP codes (27697 of 29212 or 95%) in the United States that have people listed as
residing within them do not have enough people in any age subdivision to consider any such sub-
population as identifiable. This is evidenced in Figure 15 by the appearance of dots where the
%pop identifiable is 1. The largest population having %pop identifiable = 1 consists of 48,549
total people. There are very few ZIP codes (15 of 29212) in Figure 15 having sufficient numbers
of people in each age subdivision that each such sub-population is not considered uniquely
identifiable. This is evidenced in Figure 15 by the appearance of dots where the %pop identifiable
is 0. The largest population having %pop identifiable = 0 has 99,995 people and the smallest has
The ZIP code having the largest population, ZIP 60623 with 112,167 people, has a
percentage of its population considered identifiable in Figure 15 as being only 11%. It is not 0%
because there are insufficient numbers of people above the age of 55 living there despite the large
number of people residing in the ZIP code. The point representing this ZIP code in Figure 15 is
the rightmost point shown.
The lowest leftmost point shown in Figure 15 corresponds to ZIP 11794, which was
discussed earlier. It has a total population of 5418 people and consists primarily of people
between the ages of 19 and 24 (4666 of 5418 or 86%). Despite having a small population, the
people residing there are very homogenous in terms of age and so the percentage of its population
L. Sweeney, Simple Demographics Often Identify People Uniquely. Carnegie Mellon University, Data
Privacy Working Paper 3. Pittsburgh 2000.
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considered identifiable based on experiment B’s criteria is only 13%. It is clear from these
examples that population size alone is not an absolute predictor of the identifiability of the people
residing within. Care must be taken to model the population as precisely as possible to insure
privacy protection.
Figure 16 Percentage of Age-based Populations Identifiable within ZIP Population, Part 1
Recall the computation of the percentage of the population considered uniquely identified
by values of Q={date of birth, gender, 5-digit ZIP} for a particular ZIP code in experiment B is
based on a composite of binary decisions. Each binary decision concerns the number of people
residing within a specific ZIP code in a particular age subdivision. Figure 16 and Figure 17 show
plots of the percentage of sub-populations considered identifiable in each ZIP code in the United
States based on experiment B’s criteria. The horizontal axis represents the population that resides
in the ZIP code. The vertical axis represents the percentage of the population considered uniquely
identified by values of Q={date of birth, gender, 5-digit ZIP} for a particular ZIP code and a
particular age subdivision. If a sufficient number of people within an age subdivision are reported
as residing in a particular ZIP code, then that sub-population is considered identifiable; otherwise,
the entire sub-population is not considered identifiable.
Figure 18 provides statistical highlights from the plots in Figure 16 and Figure 17. The
topmost table provides statistics on ZIP codes in which the number of people within the noted age
subdivision is less than or equal to the threshold for that subdivision. In these cases, the sub-
population within the ZIP code is considered uniquely identifiable; that is, %pop_Identifiable = 1
for that age subdivision and ZIP code. The bottom table provides statistics in cases where
%pop_Identifiable < 1. In these ZIP codes, the number of people within the noted age subdivision
L. Sweeney, Simple Demographics Often Identify People Uniquely. Carnegie Mellon University, Data
Privacy Working Paper 3. Pittsburgh 2000.
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is greater than the threshold for that subdivision; therefore, this subdivision is not considered
uniquely identifiable.
Figure 17 Percentage of Age-based Populations Identifiable within ZIP Population, Part 2
Sub-population considered uniquely identifiable (
<= threshold, IDSet
AUnder12 A12to18
45to54 A55to64 A65Plus
Max ZIP population
107197 107197 66722 60388 62031 99420 112167 112167
Min ZIP population 11111111
Average ZIP population
7615 7873 7332 6911 7596 8358 8442 8311
standard deviation
19452 10915 10070 9227 10393 11938 12165 11956
Number of ZIP codes
28675 28860 28352 28105 28665 29148 29187 29081
Percentage ZIP codes
98.2% 98.8% 97.1% 96.2% 98.1% 99.8% 99.9% 99.6%
Sub-population NOT considered uniquely identifiable (
> threshold, NotIDSet
AUnder12 A12to18
45to54 A55to64 A65Plus
Max ZIP population
112167 112167 112167 112167 112167 112167 107197 107197
Min ZIP population 28294 35092 5418 20211 30577 34860 60388 12890
Average ZIP population
55958 60254 47153 48944 56072 74798 80513 51313
standard deviation
12770 13036 17178 12681 13157 15961 12304 20367
Number of ZIP codes
537 352 860 1107 547 64 25 131
Percentage ZIP codes
1.8% 1.2% 2.9% 3.8% 1.9% 0.2% 0.1% 0.4%
Figure 18 Statistical highlights from Figure 16 and Figure 17
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Privacy Working Paper 3. Pittsburgh 2000.
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5.2. Experiment C: Uniqueness of {ZIP, gender, month and year of birth}
This experiment (referred to as experiment C) is motivated by the Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality’s State Inpatient Database (R
), which is described in part in Figure 3.
Among the attributes listed there, I consider QI
= {month and year of birth, gender, 5-digit
ZIP} to be a quasi-identifier within data released by some states. This experiment attempts to
characterize the identifiability of QI
5.2.1. Experiment C Design
Step 1. Use ZIP table for each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Step 2.
Figure 19 contains the thresholds for Q={gender, month and year of birth} specific to each age
subdivision. Step 3.
Report statistical measurements computed from the table in step 1 using the
thresholds determined in step 2. Figure 20 and Figure 21 report the results.
Q3 = {gender, month and year of birth}
| = 2 * 12 * 12 = 288
| = 2 * 12 * 7 = 168
| = 2 * 12 * 6 = 144
| = 2 * 12 * 10 = 240
| = 2 * 12 * 10 = 240
| = 2 * 12 * 10 = 240
| = 2 * 12 * 10 = 240
| = 2 * 12 * 12 = 288
Figure 19 Number of possible values for each age subdivision for {gender, month and year of birth}
5.2.2. Experiment C Results
Figure 20 and Figure 21 show the results of applying the 3 steps of experiment C to each
state, the District of Columbia (as just reported) and the entire United States. The percentage of
people residing in each locale likely to be uniquely identifiable based on {gender, month and year
of birth, ZIP} appear in the column named “MonYr %ID_pop.” For example, 18.1% of the
population of Iowa (see Figure 20) and 26.5% of the population of North Dakota (see Figure 21)
are likely to be uniquely identifiable based on {gender, month and year of birth, ZIP}.
The next to last row in Figure 21 labeled "USA" reports the results of applying the 3
steps of experiment C to all ZIP codes in the United States. As shown, 3.7% of the population of
the United States is likely to be uniquely identified by values of {gender, month and year of birth,
ZIP}. The last row in Figure 21 labeled "%ID_pop" displays the percentage of people in each age
subdivision who are likely to be uniquely identified by values of {gender, month and year of
birth, ZIP}. For example, it reports that 5% of the population of persons residing in the United
States between the ages of 45 and 54 are likely to be uniquely identifiable based on {gender,
month and year of birth, ZIP}.
Figure 22 plots the percentage of the population considered identifiable in each ZIP code
in the United States based on experiment C’s criteria. The horizontal axis represents the
population that resides in the ZIP code. The vertical axis represents the percentage of the
L. Sweeney, Simple Demographics Often Identify People Uniquely. Carnegie Mellon University, Data
Privacy Working Paper 3. Pittsburgh 2000.
Sweeney Page 22
population considered uniquely identified by values of QI
= {month and year of birth, gender,
5-digit ZIP} for a particular ZIP code. This is the same as the approach used in experiment B.
State %ID_pop AUnder12 A12to18
45to54 A55to64
AL 3.8% 22,253 11,325 10,982 18,197 19,285 22,443 24,806 24,254
AK 10.7% 12,416 6,542 4,826 9,045 7,633 6,253 5,522 6,063
AZ 1.4% 6,804 3,888 4,386 6,786 5,968 7,091 7,095 8,120
AR 11.4% 41,221 23,185 20,274 34,340 35,164 35,248 35,440 42,675
CA 0.8% 33,588 19,440 16,982 27,467 26,335 31,331 33,500 34,743
CO 3.7% 18,174 10,214 8,764 14,721 14,523 16,946 17,965 21,333
CT 1.2% 5,203 2,845 3,097 4,102 3,675 5,104 7,135 7,514
DE 0.9% 867 557 257 653 652 960 715 1,627
DC 0.2% 275 72 26 180 95 66 57 404
FL 0.6% 10,862 6,777 6,548 8,311 9,208 11,647 11,760 13,330
GA 2.7% 19,935 11,272 11,318 18,321 22,193 26,345 31,161 34,905
HI 1.6% 1,767 1,242 1,602 1,911 1,795 2,797 3,645 3,469
ID 8.9% 11,922 7,146 6,950 11,657 11,988
12,404 12,220 15,587
IL 4.4% 75,604 42,727 40,364 62,012 63,393 68,919 70,997 77,971
IN 4.0% 28,592 16,297 17,739 25,328 25,849 33,632 34,730 36,884
IA 18.1% 82,724 44,905 34,644 70,040 64,634 65,878 65,808 72,916
KS 12.1% 46,345 25,207 20,797 36,178 38,319 40,822 41,630 49,544
KY 8.3% 48,404 24,728 23,501 37,727 39,465 41,358 43,680 46,346
LA 2.8% 15,800 8,567 8,553 13,180 13,922 17,090 18,399 22,675
ME 15.5% 29,727 16,098 14,462 23,099 23,470 26,896 26,041 30,713
MD 2.1% 14,087 7,843 8,086 11,105 11,093 13,739 16,099 20,297
MA 1.1% 8,446 5,949 5,540 6,291 6,191 10,006 12,702 12,847
MI 2.4% 27,008 16,914 18,153 22,223 25,106 33,248 37,570 40,591
MN 9.0% 59,128 34,860 28,225 49,369 52,048 54,780 53,583 60,926
MS 4.4% 12,939 7,915 8,487 12,557 14,378 17,937 18,845 20,676
Figure 20 Uniqueness of {ZIP, Gender, Month and year of birth} respecting age distribution, part 1
Of the ZIP codes reported in Figure 22, about half (13,871 of 29,212 or 47%) have
sufficient numbers of people in each age subdivision so that values of QI
= {month and year
of birth, gender, 5-digit ZIP} are not likely to be uniquely identifying; in these cases, %pop
identifiable = 0. Values of QI
for about one third (9103 of 29212 or 31%) of the ZIP codes are
considered uniquely identifying in all age subdivisions; in these cases, %pop identifiable = 1. The
remaining ZIP codes (6238 of 29212 or 21%) have sub-populations in which values of QI
uniquely identifiable for some age subdivisions but not for others.
Figure 23 provides statistical highlights from the plot in Figure 22. The topmost table
provides statistics on ZIP codes in which the number of people within the noted age subdivision
is less than or equal to the threshold for that subdivision. In these cases, the sub-population within
the ZIP code is considered uniquely identifiable; that is, %pop_Identifiable = 1 for that age
subdivision and ZIP code. The bottom table provides statistics in cases where %pop_Identifiable
< 1. In these ZIP codes, the number of people within the noted age subdivision is greater than the
threshold for that subdivision; therefore, this subdivision is not considered uniquely identifiable.
The method for computing these statistics was described earlier in the Methods section (on page
L. Sweeney, Simple Demographics Often Identify People Uniquely. Carnegie Mellon University, Data
Privacy Working Paper 3. Pittsburgh 2000.
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State %ID_pop AUnder12 A12to18
45to54 A55to64
MO 8.2% 65,966 37,847 31,629 52,566 53,596 57,098 56,566 65,194
MT 15.5% 18,771 11,741 7,717 16,581 16,326 16,280 16,432 19,924
NE 18.2% 46,646 27,556 17,763 38,678 40,574 34,699 37,697 43,232
NV 2.0% 4,320 2,035 1,983 3,341 2,977 2,516 2,705 4,256
NH 7.5% 11,934 7,545 6,001 8,773 7,859 12,067 13,156 15,851
NJ 0.6% 6,760 4,693 3,510 3,811 4,642 5,846 8,238 8,142
NM 5.2% 11,169 6,307 5,208 10,048 10,235 10,844 11,340 14,141
NY 2.3% 54,792 33,243 31,443 45,160 49,560 61,882 68,223 76,979
NC 2.4% 22,064 11,906 10,595 17,177 16,987 23,559 27,726 31,714
ND 26.5% 28,362 16,090 9,492 22,535 22,563 20,666 22,226 27,314
OH 2.2% 28,645 14,449 18,930 24,301 24,283 37,395 43,814 47,838
OK 7.1% 32,749 20,178 16,901 26,174 29,484 29,507 32,320 35,238
OR 4.2% 18,614 9,286 8,839 15,741 14,495
15,766 15,778 19,684
PA 3.5% 58,144 32,516 32,758 47,305 45,996 62,507 66,894 75,584
RI 0.9% 1,085 642 500 764 1,417 1,025 1,487 1,996
SC 2.3% 9,342 5,171 5,813 8,643 8,309 12,372 13,670 16,738
SD 25.9% 27,699 17,147 11,054 25,496 24,375 22,171 23,721 28,405
TN 3.4% 24,172 12,553 13,053 18,105 19,074 22,832 25,898 30,553
TX 2.3% 51,615 29,794 30,883 45,082 50,060 58,173 62,784 68,838
UT 3.4% 8,496 4,844 4,042 7,026 7,447 8,832 8,293 10,307
VT 21.9% 19,797 11,196 8,334 16,536 17,312 16,075 16,093 18,066
VA 4.4% 41,345 23,241 20,634 30,706 33,035 35,263 40,117 47,007
WA 2.6% 18,736 11,083 9,104 14,925 15,043 17,563 19,665 21,650
WV 15.5% 43,535 25,866 21,381 36,753 37,676 34,584 35,731 42,582
WI 5.4% 32,406 21,664 21,855 31,257 30,297 40,576 43,567 44,714
WY 10.1% 8,492
3,943 2,743 6,058 5,943 6,251 5,893 6,684
USA 3.7%
1,329,747 759,051 676,728 1,098,342 1,125,947 1,269,289 1,351,139 1,529,041
%ID_pop 3.1% 3.2% 3.0% 2.5% 3.0% 5.0% 6.4% 4.9%
Figure 21 Uniqueness of {ZIP, Gender, Month and year of birth} respecting age distribution, part 2
Figure 22 Percentage of Population Identifiable Based on Uniform Distribution of Ages in ZIP
The values reported as ZIP populations in Figure 22 are not the total number of people
within the reported age subdivision residing in those ZIP codes but are just the numbers of people
L. Sweeney, Simple Demographics Often Identify People Uniquely. Carnegie Mellon University, Data
Privacy Working Paper 3. Pittsburgh 2000.
Sweeney Page 24
residing in the ZIP code. For example, consider the values appearing in the "Aunder12" column
in Figure 22. They report information about children under the age of 12 residing in 10,852 ZIP
codes in the United States that had insufficient numbers of children to render corresponding
values of QI
= {month and year of birth, gender, 5-digit ZIP} uniquely identifiable. Of these
ZIP codes, the largest number of children of under the age of 12, residing in a ZIP code was 287.
Some ZIP codes, who had people residing within them, had no children in this age. The average
number of children in these ZIP codes was 123 with a standard deviation of 80.
Sub-population considered uniquely identifiable (<= threshold, IDSet)
45to54 A55to64 A65Plus
Max ZIP sub-population
287 167 143 239 239 239 239 287
Min ZIP sub-population
Average ZIP sub-population
standard deviation
80 47 40 66 66 66 66 80
Number of ZIP codes
10852 10725 12760 10883 11045 13202 14220 12905
Percentage ZIP codes
37.1% 36.7% 43.7% 37.3% 37.8% 45.2% 48.7% 44.2%
Sub-population NOT considered uniquely identifiable (
> threshold, NotIDSet
45to54 A55to64 A65Plus
Max ZIP sub-population
26914 15352 27123 24587 19543 15544 12205 25799
Min ZIP sub-population
288 168 144 240 240 240 240 288
Average ZIP sub-population
2294 1241 1333 2309 2007 1509 1316 1815
standard deviation
2530 1327 1690 2632 2096 1419 1174 1860
Number of ZIP codes
18360 18487 16452 18329 18167 16010 14992 16307
Percentage ZIP codes
62.9% 63.3% 56.3% 62.7% 62.2% 54.8% 51.3% 55.8%
Figure 23 Statistical highlights from Figure 20 and Figure 21
5.3. Experiment D: Uniqueness of {ZIP, gender, age}
In this experiment, I examine the identifiability of {year of birth, gender, 5-digit ZIP} in
the United States. Progressing through the results from the last three experiments, values referring
to age became less specific and as expected, the values became less uniquely identifying. What
may be surprising however is that these values remained uniquely identifying for some people.
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s State Inpatient Database (SID; see
Figure 3) motivated this experiment as well as experiment C. In addition to QI
used in
experiment C, SID also includes QI
= {age, gender, 5-digit ZIP} for some states in those data.
Recall in section 4.4.1, I examine age as providing a distinct year of birth, and so QI
= {age,
gender, 5-digit ZIP} can be considered as QI
= {year of birth, gender, 5-digit ZIP}.
5.3.1. Experiment D Design
Step 1. Use ZIP table for each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Step 2.
Figure 24 contains the thresholds for Q={gender, date of birth} specific to each age subdivision.
Step 3.
Report statistical measurements computed from the table in step 1 using the thresholds
determined in step 2. Figure 25 and Figure 26 report the results.
L. Sweeney, Simple Demographics Often Identify People Uniquely. Carnegie Mellon University, Data
Privacy Working Paper 3. Pittsburgh 2000.
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Q4 = {gender, year of birth}
| = 2 * 12 = 24
| = 2 * 7 = 14
| = 2 * 6 = 12
| = 2 * 10 = 20
| = 2 * 10 = 20
| = 2 * 10 = 20
| = 2 * 10 = 20
| = 2 * 12 = 24
Figure 24 Number of possible values for each age subdivision for {gender, year of birth}
5.3.2. Experiment D Results
Figure 25 and Figure 26 show the results of applying the 3 steps of experiment D to each
state, the District of Columbia (as just reported) and the entire United States. The percentage of
people residing in each locale likely to be uniquely identifiable based on {gender, year of birth,
ZIP} appears in the column named “BirthYr %ID_pop” and the number of people represented by
the percentage appears in the column named "BirthYr #ID_pop". For example, 0.89% (or 5703
people) of the population of Iowa (see Figure 26) are likely to be uniquely identifiable by values
of {gender, year of birth, ZIP}.
State %ID_pop Total AUnder12 A12to18
45to54 A55to64
AL 0.02% 918 105 53 89 97 112 125 158 179
AK 0.70% 3,809 227 223 227 223 315 631 804 1,159
AZ 0.02% 638 68 31 23 53 98 98 96 171
AR 0.09% 2,121 452 138 264 208 248 312 349 150
CA 0.01% 4,229 541 319 362 461 336 540 678 992
CO 0.08% 2,752 287 224 346 336 201 447 426 485
CT 0.01% 474 69 55 36 52 30 108 63 61
DE 0.02% 158 18 13 21 28 36 5 10 27
DC 0.01% 46 6 - - - - - 16 24
FL 0.00% 512 76 63 9 5 43 90 121 105
GA 0.01% 780 83 29 91 101 56 120 182 118
HI 0.01% 165 28 11 9 33 42 12 20 10
ID 0.19% 1,943 259 148 205 255 258 310 248 260
IL 0.01% 1,401 167 111 148 141 123 246 255 210
IN 0.01% 746 82 27 54 88 84 89 131 191
IA 0.11% 3,106 278 305 647 182 249 583 535 327
KS 0.22% 5,482 575 446 924 571 594 1,017 750 605
KY 0.13% 4,722 671 309 280 528 448 697 966 823
LA 0.02% 870 118 48 75 118 84 135 169 123
ME 0.19% 2,296 293 217 190 287 228 280 331 470
MD 0.03% 1,275 152 119 96 156 179 187 194 192
MA 0.01% 499 83 50 51 35 25 58 100 97
MI 0.01% 920 124
133 134 151 71 133 120 54
MN 0.06% 2,709 365 214 439 421 265 326 335 344
MS 0.02% 462 54 23 21 39 26 57 136 106
Figure 25 Uniqueness of {ZIP, Gender, Year of birth} respecting age distribution, part 1
The next to last row in Figure 26 labeled "USA" reports the results of applying the 3
steps of experiment D to all ZIP codes in the United States. As shown, 0.04% (or 105,016 people)
of the population of the United States is likely to be uniquely identified by values of {gender,
year of birth, ZIP}. The last row in Figure 26 labeled "%ID_pop" displays the percentage of
people in each age subdivision who are likely to be uniquely identified by values of {gender, year
of birth, ZIP}. For example, it reports that 0.08% of the population of persons residing in the
L. Sweeney, Simple Demographics Often Identify People Uniquely. Carnegie Mellon University, Data
Privacy Working Paper 3. Pittsburgh 2000.
Sweeney Page 26
United States between the ages of 55 and 64 are likely to be uniquely identified by values of
{gender, year of birth, ZIP}.
State %ID_pop Total AUnder12 A12to18
45to54 A55to64
MO 0.07% 3,403 451 320 402 312 371 549 531 467
MT 0.43% 3,465 399 263 405 433 362 534 492 577
NE 0.23% 3,560 241 241 717 325 387 676 455 518
NV 0.04% 439 77 35 39 47 47 62 57 75
NH 0.07% 777 154 62 106 56 81 111 100 107
NJ 0.01% 728 125 62 41 61 51 96 114 178
NM 0.22% 3,302 343 276 237 395 350 569 644 488
NY 0.03% 5,460 714 469 533 720 445 804 818 957
NC 0.02% 1,032 133 94 74 134 103 177 168 149
ND 0.89% 5,703 586 476 832 675 639 932 787 776
OH 0.00% 377 34 25 30 37 33 38 96 84
OK 0.06% 1,963
220 135 248 219 274 336 237 294
OR 0.07% 1,900 369 140 172 258 124 214 315 308
PA 0.03% 3,099 501 201 324 413 348 429 440 443
RI 0.01% 92 - - - 9 10 30 19 24
SC 0.01% 443 87 16 41 66 63 85 45 40
SD 0.63% 4,408 489 291 607 544 516 632 597 732
TN 0.02% 836 201 14 125 70 53 165 128 80
TX 0.03% 5,483 815 383 443 641 661 717 794 1,029
UT 0.08% 1,323 78 59 146 189 151 230 230 240
VT 0.20% 1,117 76 63 171 54 81 166 150 356
VA 0.06% 3,754 572 286 350 423 445 483 638 557
WA 0.03% 1,227
164 85 145 138 122 142 220 211
WV 0.30% 5,360 746 316 433 614 605 874 869 903
WI 0.02% 881 80 101 135 130 79 103 103 150
WY 0.41% 1,851 213 157 232 165 195 361 223 305
USA 0.04%
105,016 13,049 7,879 11,729 11,697 10,747 16,121 16,463 17,331
%ID_pop 0.03% 0.03% 0.05% 0.03% 0.03% 0.06% 0.08% 0.06%
Figure 26 Uniqueness of {ZIP, Gender, Year of birth} respecting age distribution, part 2
Most ZIP codes (25,705 of 29,212 or 88%) have sufficient numbers of people in each age
subdivision so that values of QI
= {year of birth, gender, 5-digit ZIP} are not likely to be
uniquely identifying; in these cases, %pop identifiable = 0. Values of QI
for about one third
(353 of 29212 or 1%) of the ZIP codes are considered uniquely identifying in all age
subdivisions; in these cases, %pop identifiable = 1. The remaining ZIP codes (3154 of 29212 or
11%) have sub-populations in which values of QI
are uniquely identifiable for some age
subdivisions but not for all.
Figure 27 provides statistical highlights. The topmost table provides statistics on ZIP
codes in which the number of people within the noted age subdivision is less than or equal to the
threshold for that subdivision. In these cases, the sub-population within the ZIP code is
considered uniquely identifiable; that is, %pop_Identifiable = 1 for that age subdivision and ZIP
code. The bottom table provides statistics in cases where %pop_Identifiable < 1. In these ZIP
codes, the number of people within the noted age subdivision is greater than the threshold for that
subdivision; therefore, this subdivision is not considered uniquely identifiable.
L. Sweeney, Simple Demographics Often Identify People Uniquely. Carnegie Mellon University, Data
Privacy Working Paper 3. Pittsburgh 2000.
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Sub-population considered uniquely identifiable (<= threshold, IDSet)
45to54 A55to64 A65Plus
Max ZIP sub-population
24 14 12 20 20 20 20 24
Min ZIP sub-population
Average ZIP sub-population
11 6 5 10 9 10 9 11
standard deviation
Number of ZIP codes
1200 1342 2309 1210 1150 1651 1798 1584
Percentage ZIP codes
4.1% 4.6% 7.9% 4.1% 3.9% 5.7% 6.2% 5.4%
Sub-population NOT considered uniquely identifiable (
> threshold, NotIDSet
45to54 A55to64 A65Plus
Max ZIP sub-population
26914 15352 27123 24587 19543 15544 12205 25799
Min ZIP sub-population
25 15 13 21 21 21 21 25
Average ZIP sub-population
1551 850 840 1551 1339 922 768 1126
standard deviation
2291 1212 1460 2372 1914 1284 1057 1652
Number of ZIP codes
28012 27870 26903 28002 28062 27561 27414 27628
Percentage ZIP codes
95.9% 95.4% 92.1% 95.9% 96.1% 94.3% 93.8% 94.6%
Figure 27 Statistical highlights from Figure 25 and Figure 26
5.4. Experiment F: Uniqueness of {place/city, gender, date of birth}
This experiment examines the identifiability of {date of birth, gender, place}. While the
number of places is expected to be less than the number of ZIP codes, the difference is not as
dramatic as one would expect.
State %ID_pop AUnder12 A12to18
45to54 A55to64 A65Plus
AL 74.31% 510,294 316,271 246,921 455,646 425,871 340,085 290,787 416,713
AK 67.62% 86,943 36,668 30,801 72,365 66,328 34,744 18,336 22,157
AZ 30.18% 207,821 117,371 79,857 154,789 150,173 121,318 116,660 158,254
AR 85.73% 355,634 221,013 144,471 278,355 286,099 217,119 197,637 314,833
CA 35.99% 1,705,016 1,032,675 785,915 1,266,384 1,411,260 1,494,618 1,350,466 1,663,710
CO 40.41% 221,248 124,459 100,826 189,908 196,192 164,375 145,456 188,554
CT 66.44% 355,973 208,871 144,966 296,959 320,087 299,897 249,481 307,714
DE 68.04% 78,966 40,675 32,116 63,018 69,766 49,625 52,013 67,054
DC 0.00% - - 26 - - - - -
FL 44.12% 866,146 523,124 416,970 743,419 783,719 697,379 690,365 875,685
GA 62.62% 737,096 425,884 331,861 601,348 569,614 501,763 393,910 495,444
HI 49.94% 89,975 69,406 41,139 80,566 82,216 68,636 55,413 66,056
ID 76.93% 147,599 93,691 50,482 116,729
113,067 83,114 66,524 103,285
IL 60.16% 1,205,138 698,921 490,199 976,815 965,017 842,088 731,266 966,748
IN 63.45% 610,004 362,468 272,124 485,926 499,979 431,504 366,413 488,978
IA 77.50% 375,417 218,025 141,276 310,173 302,724 238,696 219,669 345,691
KS 66.77% 295,043 167,547 111,512 236,104 229,189 182,750 160,132 270,086
KY 78.76% 513,045 319,232 234,139 451,331 419,197 325,073 277,950 369,257
LA 58.86% 474,999 271,968 196,903 380,395 336,651 278,656 233,811 310,514
ME 94.22% 201,167 117,015 82,913 184,342 184,857 123,745 108,198 153,502
MD 63.22% 542,516 299,174 256,363 432,696 456,506 379,792 307,456 341,639
MA 73.33% 738,432 409,915 351,483 610,144 673,586 526,058 440,426 658,804
MI 56.68% 912,385 535,570 393,345 760,515 737,677 656,494 551,937 720,202
MN 71.55% 582,951 327,576 213,712 462,644 439,233 358,955 299,529 442,243
MS 81.12% 386,515 232,392 164,750 307,447 278,994 231,718 197,189 288,516
Figure 28 Uniqueness of {Place, Gender, Date of birth} respecting age distribution, part 1
Step 1.
Use ZIP table for each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Step 2.
Figure 12 contains the thresholds for Q={gender, date of birth} specific to each age subdivision.
Step 3.
Report statistical measurements computed from the table in step 1 using the thresholds
L. Sweeney, Simple Demographics Often Identify People Uniquely. Carnegie Mellon University, Data
Privacy Working Paper 3. Pittsburgh 2000.
Sweeney Page 28
determined in step 2. Figure 28 and Figure 29 report the results of applying the 3 steps of
experiment F to each state, the District of Columbia and the entire United States.
The percentage of people residing in each locale likely to be uniquely identifiable by
values of {gender, date of birth, place} appear in the column named “DOB %ID_pop.” For
example, 94.22% of the population of Maine (see Figure 28) and 74.99% of the population of
Pennsylvania (see Figure 29) are likely to be uniquely identifiable by values of {gender, date of
birth, place}. Vermont had the largest percentage of its population identifiable (98.12%). The
District of Columbia had 0% identified. The state having the smallest percentage was Nevada
with 26.48%. The average was 64.54% and the standard deviation was 17.88%.
State %ID_pop AUnder12 A12to18
45to54 A55to64 A65Plus
MO 65.98% 575,534 345,340 253,443 490,825 454,370 395,626 347,346 509,243
MT 78.05% 111,323 63,624 30,390 86,536 94,856 73,526 67,930 95,497
NE 60.86% 173,370 100,557 63,607 137,330 136,238 98,945 92,145 157,885
NV 26.48% 48,890 29,379 17,274 44,040 48,251 49,077 36,910 44,428
NH 83.26% 164,556 84,043 75,108 158,945 156,196 94,268 79,579 110,913
NJ 75.46% 916,586 513,909 459,760 887,738 910,504 705,604 615,918 823,232
NM 58.82% 185,741 103,241 70,980 125,794 127,320 94,373 78,403 105,250
NY 50.89% 1,510,307 893,370 734,124 1,331,293 1,394,790 1,103,058 955,471 1,231,836
NC 66.99% 748,655 434,802 352,507 670,230 637,726 523,682 455,492 617,381
ND 89.24% 108,831 59,803 33,455 83,627 83,251 56,215 53,132 90,771
OH 65.65% 1,218,515 726,779 536,583 1,009,900 1,059,754 865,805 737,419 965,782
OK 64.24% 349,375 209,852 141,980 280,350 266,557 233,933 212,063 326,461
OR 64.29% 318,531 186,694 120,253 251,227 266,919
224,214 180,088 279,439
PA 74.99% 1,427,475 829,811 674,412 1,324,556 1,288,682 1,002,535 960,527 1,401,861
RI 55.57% 83,379 52,128 46,137 74,615 83,775 73,597 65,732 78,157
SC 67.65% 404,179 259,598 178,853 347,400 357,955 263,798 240,827 306,073
SD 81.02% 108,221 62,338 36,113 80,508 80,733 53,059 51,721 90,508
TN 64.98% 529,152 319,932 243,251 474,021 459,452 388,946 320,903 433,014
TX 44.27% 1,410,090 792,176 561,715 1,100,437 1,053,590 840,761 735,749 1,025,466
UT 56.43% 208,964 117,137 81,156 132,730 134,699 106,448 84,198 106,867
VT 98.12% 99,365 53,099 42,494 95,880 92,804 57,274 45,118 66,169
VA 58.50% 588,706 358,361 294,519 565,454 531,480 468,056 357,966 453,394
WA 53.56% 458,232 257,086 168,811 372,536 382,178 319,725 272,740 375,511
WV 90.95% 260,338 178,947 125,468 232,443 242,711 184,384 169,168 237,233
WI 68.27% 584,155 333,763 235,969 497,263 483,528 372,939 334,139 497,585
WY 79.05% 67,039
36,679 20,714 52,859 53,145 45,541 35,539 47,045
24,859,832 14,572,359 10,914,146 20,826,555 20,879,466 17,343,591 15,107,247 20,512,640
%ID_pop 57.2% 61.5% 48.3% 48.0% 55.6% 68.2% 71.7% 65.9%
Figure 29 Uniqueness of {Place, Gender, Date of birth} respecting age distribution, part 2
The next to last row in Figure 29 labeled "USA" reports the results of applying the 3
steps of experiment F to all places in the United States. As shown, 58.38% of the population of
the United States is likely to be uniquely identified by values of {gender, date of birth, place}.
The last row in Figure 29 labeled "%ID_pop" displays the percentage of people in each age
subdivision who are likely to be uniquely identified by values of {gender, date of birth, place}.
For example, it reports that 71.7% of the population of persons residing in the United States
between the ages of 55 and 64 are likely to be uniquely identifiable based on {gender, date of
birth, place}.
The place having the largest population was Chicago, Illinois, with 2,451,767 people.
The place having the smallest population was Crooked Creek, Alaska that reports only one person
of age 65 or more resides there. The average population for a place is 9,710 and the standard
deviation is 44,149. There are a total of 25,585 places.
L. Sweeney, Simple Demographics Often Identify People Uniquely. Carnegie Mellon University, Data
Privacy Working Paper 3. Pittsburgh 2000.
Sweeney Page 29
5.5. Experiment J: Uniqueness of {county, gender, date of birth}
This experiment examines the identifiability of {date of birth, gender, county}. Recall,
there are a total of 29,343 ZIP codes, 25,688 places and 3,141 counties.
Step 1.
Use ZIP table for each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Step 2.
Figure 12 contains the thresholds for Q={gender, date of birth} specific to each age subdivision.
Step 3.
Report statistical measurements computed from the table in step 1 using the thresholds
determined in step 2. Figure 30 and Figure 31 report the results of applying the 3 steps of
experiment J to each state, the District of Columbia and the entire United States.
The percentage of people residing in each locale likely to be uniquely identifiable by
values of {gender, date of birth, county} appear in the column named “DOB %ID_pop.” For
example, 58% of the population of Mississippi (see Figure 30) and 52% of the population of
Nebraska (see Figure 31) are likely to be uniquely identifiable by values of {gender, date of birth,
county}. Wyoming had the largest percentage of its population identifiable (75%). Connecticut,
Delaware, the District of Columbia and New Jersey had 0% identified. The average was 28% and
the standard deviation was 22%.
The next to last row in Figure 31 labeled "USA" reports the results of applying the 3
steps of experiment J to all counties in the United States. As shown, 18.1% of the population of
the United States is likely to be uniquely identified by values of {gender, date of birth, county}.
The last row in Figure 31 labeled "%ID_pop" displays the percentage of people in each age
subdivision who are likely to be uniquely identified by values of {gender, date of birth, county}.
For example, it reports that 25.84% of the population of persons residing in the United States
between the ages of 55 and 64 are likely to be uniquely identifiable based on {gender, date of
birth, county}.
State %ID_pop Total AUnder12
45to54 A55to64
AL 31% 1,239,261 203,418 119,887 100,859 147,718 149,568 145,639 165,943 206,229
AK 43% 231,537 39,695 25,282 18,424 47,769 29,382 31,533 17,293 22,159
AZ 5% 168,352 23,995 13,659 8,351 15,873 23,248 23,557 26,589 33,080
AR 55% 1,286,703 204,611 126,862 85,675 165,982 171,952 153,203 149,635 228,783
CA 2% 482,182 74,362 42,716 33,536 62,826 50,565 61,321 70,890 85,966
CO 16% 530,181 94,650 50,001 38,332 85,809 86,915 60,219 46,794 67,461
CT 0% - - - - - - - - -
DE 0% - - - - - - - - -
DC 0% - - - - - - - - -
FL 5% 680,438 109,084 74,526 59,719 96,106 93,589 80,169 64,489 102,756
GA 36% 2,335,158 385,475 236,121 182,875
311,416 297,509 294,860 257,992 368,910
HI 2% 24,302 - 4,985 3,356 - 20 5,039 4,127 6,775
ID 50% 504,176 84,045 54,338 27,716 64,270 70,098 61,874 63,762 78,073
IL 15% 1,733,651 294,307 164,151 119,585 237,212 225,134 210,334 189,098 293,830
IN 33% 1,805,518 310,118 183,259 129,393 268,623 228,630 204,738 205,590 275,167
IA 57% 1,574,848 267,585 153,138 102,462 208,798 216,811 168,181 161,950 295,923
KS 45% 1,117,968 187,792 105,602 71,548 150,530 142,864 128,522 120,241 210,869
KY 55% 2,015,672 339,649 199,166 162,837 287,814 264,521 239,055 215,956 306,674
LA 26% 1,103,759 166,000 99,616 76,791 129,159 151,255 132,897 154,279 193,762
ME 24% 289,549 45,914 25,233 25,821 33,214 34,481 37,839 34,151 52,896
MD 6% 288,043 36,084 19,602 20,508 36,667 32,605 29,983 51,224 61,370
MA 1% 30,080 2,997 1,179 914 2,739
3,651 8,515 7,345 2,740
MI 14% 1,270,356 187,954 101,271 84,202 147,645 144,700 167,106 186,504 250,974
MN 35% 1,545,738 264,233 169,559 98,392 209,122 217,857 169,995 152,615 263,965
MS 58% 1,503,027 258,287 160,447 109,981 202,539 185,987 179,021 161,836 244,929
Figure 30 Uniqueness of {County, Gender, Date of birth} respecting age distribution, part 1
The county having the largest population was Los Angeles County in California, with
8,863,164 people. The county having the smallest population was Yellowstone County in
L. Sweeney, Simple Demographics Often Identify People Uniquely. Carnegie Mellon University, Data
Privacy Working Paper 3. Pittsburgh 2000.
Sweeney Page 30
Montana where only 52 people reside. The average population for a county is 79,182 and the
standard deviation is 263,813. There are a total of 3,141 counties.
State %ID_pop Total AUnder12
45to54 A55to64
MO 35% 1,777,250 299,822 177,231 117,495 235,542 226,741 199,449 201,418 319,552
MT 58% 461,847 79,868 50,920 26,385 52,524 57,155 54,121 58,303 82,571
NE 52% 827,590 148,680 81,858 48,439 114,003 115,534 80,505 86,132 152,439
NV 17% 205,707 39,060 19,336 13,922 34,721 32,791 23,853 18,433 23,591
NH 14% 158,917 18,460 14,248 10,218 17,034 17,684 29,898 27,505 23,870
NJ 0% 13,203 - 0 - - - 7,089 6,114 -
NM 31% 466,942 55,935 41,285 37,298 48,782 59,912 68,042 65,578 90,110
NY 4% 714,072 86,136 44,198 48,241 39,884 79,329 130,425 139,808 146,051
NC 26% 1,718,318 242,446 149,044 126,104 202,459 209,646 232,090 249,455 307,074
ND 63% 401,471 65,977 37,393 19,272 49,281 47,612 47,773 53,295 80,868
OH 14% 1,536,542 244,518 135,966 102,380 185,611 200,338 199,829 190,210 277,690
OK 44% 1,395,889
214,447 135,344 106,030 180,771 170,655 171,464 164,825 252,353
OR 16% 468,933 58,089 37,189 25,490 51,118 50,034 77,348 76,465 93,200
PA 7% 868,774 143,074 81,634 65,841 120,867 115,691 110,104 109,679 121,884
RI 4% 36,592 7,442 4,146 - - 7,157 5,220 4,929 7,698
SC 23% 792,897 115,127 71,978 53,250 100,618 97,592 104,465 111,669 138,198
SD 73% 506,465 96,431 52,085 32,146 70,960 65,236 51,201 50,256 88,150
TN 37% 1,832,875 296,158 180,822 134,829 239,766 227,196 226,279 223,498 304,327
TX 19% 3,185,236 555,868 314,582 220,496 408,489 396,535 357,970 372,889 558,407
UT 17% 296,513 58,729 33,397 21,901 43,107 40,697 30,917 26,743 41,022
VT 59% 329,450 48,194 35,514 24,136 42,551 42,821 44,422 36,277 55,535
VA 35% 2,186,920 327,643 195,729 180,037 286,163 280,550 300,469 262,255 354,074
WA 11% 523,874
66,444 57,010 36,219 58,899 62,605 75,825 83,264 83,608
WV 59% 1,059,753 168,623 100,661 72,214 144,775 151,174 140,705 128,935 152,666
WI 25% 1,211,247 190,779 110,977 71,189 162,807 159,047 141,883 157,036 217,529
WY 75% 338,752 57,064 36,055 20,545 52,035 52,251 38,218 35,539 47,045
45,076,528 7,265,269 4,329,202 3,175,354 5,854,598 5,787,325 5,543,164 5,448,813 7,672,803
%ID_pop 16.72% 18.27% 14.04% 13.48% 15.40% 21.79% 25.84% 24.65%
Figure 31 Uniqueness of {County, Gender, Date of birth} respecting age distribution, part 2
6. Discussion
Figure 32 contains a summary of the results reported in the previous section. A
description of each reported percentage is provided in the following paragraphs. These
percentages demonstrate how combinations of characteristics can combine to narrow the number
of possible people under consideration as the subject of de-identified person-specific data.
18.1 0.04 0.00004 0.00000*
58.4 3.6 0.04 0.01
87.1 3.7 0.04 0.01
DOB Mon/Year BirthYear 2yr Age
Figure 32 Percentage of US population identified with gender as geography and age vary
Experiment B reported that 87.1% (216 million of 248 million) of the population in the
United States had characteristics that were likely made them unique based only on {5-digit ZIP,
gender, date of birth}. Experiment C reported that 3.7% of the population in the United States
had characteristics that were likely made them unique based only on {5-digit ZIP, gender, Month
and year of birth}. Experiment D reported that 0.04% of the population in the United States had
characteristics that were likely made them unique based only on {5-digit ZIP, gender, Year of
birth}. Experiment E reported that 0.01% of the population in the United States had
characteristics that were likely made them unique based only on {5-digit ZIP, gender, 2year age
L. Sweeney, Simple Demographics Often Identify People Uniquely. Carnegie Mellon University, Data
Privacy Working Paper 3. Pittsburgh 2000.
Sweeney Page 31
Experiment F reported that 58.4% of the population in the United States had
characteristics that were likely made them unique based only on {Place, gender, date of birth}.
Experiment G reported that 3.6% of the population in the United States had characteristics that
were likely made them unique based only on {Place, gender, Month and year of birth}.
Experiment H reported that 0.04% of the population in the United States had characteristics that
were likely made them unique based only on {Place, gender, Year of birth}. Experiment I
reported that 0.01% of the population in the United States had characteristics that were likely
made them unique based only on {Place, gender, 2year age range}.
Experiment J reported that 18.1% of the population in the United States had
characteristics that were likely made them unique based only on {County, gender, date of birth}.
Experiment K reported that 0.04% of the population in the United States had characteristics that
were likely made them unique based only on {County, gender, Month and year of birth}.
Experiment L reported that 0.00004% of the population in the United States had characteristics
that were likely made them unique based only on {County, gender, Year of birth}. Experiment M
reported that 0.00000% of the population in the United States had characteristics that were likely
made them unique based only on {County, gender, 2year age range}, but despite it being a very
small number, it is not 0.
As the number of possible values a quasi-identifier can assume decreases, the percentage
of the population in the United States who had characteristics that were likely unique based on
those values decreases. This is evidenced by each row in Figure 32. Moving from left to right
within each row of Figure 32, the numbers of possible combinations decrease and the
corresponding percentages decrease. Aggregating the geographical specification to county
resulted in far fewer possible combinations than available with place or ZIP codes. This is
evidenced within each column in Figure 32. Notice however that the differences between the
number of places and the number of ZIP codes are not as dramatic, and as a result, neither are the
corresponding percentages.
6.1. Predicting the number of people that can be identified in a release
It was already shown that de-identified releases of person-specific data that contain no
explicit identifiers such as name, address or phone number, is not necessarily anonymous [16].
The maximum number of patients who could be identified in a public or semi-public release of
health data is the number of patients who were hospitalized and whose information is therefore
included in the data. Many possible combinations of attributes can combine to form a quasi-
identifier useful for linking the de-identified data to explicitly identified data. The number of
hospitalizations reported in the IHCCCC's R
data (see Figure 2) in one year is estimated to be 1
million based on the average statistic that 1:12 people are hospitalized each year.
However, the actual number of patients that could be re-identified in publicly and semi-
publicly released health data is not necessarily every patient and the actual number is likely to
differ among releases due to varying quasi-identifiers available. The results from the experiments
reported in this document can help predict a minimum level of identifiability based on a
combination of three demographics.
In Loving County, Texas, 6 of 107 people are likely to be uniquely identified by values of {gender, 2yr
age range, county}. All of these 6 people are between the ages of 12 and 18 years.
L. Sweeney, Simple Demographics Often Identify People Uniquely. Carnegie Mellon University, Data
Privacy Working Paper 3. Pittsburgh 2000.
Sweeney Page 32
6.1.1. Illinois Research Health Data
As shown in Figure 2, R
includes the full date of birth, gender, and the patient’s 5-digit
residential ZIP. Figure 13 reports that 75.3% of the population of Illinois is likely to be uniquely
identified by {5-digit ZIP, gender, date of birth}. That corresponds to 753,000 patients being
identified per year in R
6.1.2. AHRQ’s State Inpatient Database
As shown in Figure 3, SID includes the month and year of birth, gender, and the patient’s
5-digit residential ZIP for some states. Figure 33 estimates that 112,595 patients per year are
likely to be uniquely identified by {ZIP, Gender, Month and year of birth} in SID. The five states
known to report the month and year of the birth date of each patient to SID were introduced in
Error! Reference source not found.. The populations for each of these states according to the
1990 Census data [17] were reported in Figure 8 and Figure 9. It is estimated that 1:12 people are
hospitalized each year. These values are summarized in Figure 33.
State Population Hospitalized Unique PopID
AZ 3,665,228 305,436 1.4% 4,276
IA 2,776,442 231,370 18.1% 41,878
NY 17,990,026 1,499,169 2.3% 34,481
OR 2,842,321 236,860 4.2% 9,948
WI 4,891,452 407,621 5.4% 22,012
Total per year 112,595
Figure 33 Estimated Uniqueness of {ZIP, Gender, Month and year of birth} in SID
State Population Hospitalized Unique PopID
AZ 3,665,228 305,436 0.02% 61
CA 29,755,274 2,479,606 0.01% 248
CO 3,293,771 274,481 0.08% 220
FL 12,686,788 1,057,232 0.00% 42
IA 2,776,442 231,370 0.11% 255
MA 6,011,978 500,998 0.01% 50
MD 4,771,143 397,595 0.03% 119
NJ 7,730,188 644,182 0.01% 64
NY 17,990,026 1,499,169 0.03% 450
OR 2,842,321 236,860 0.07% 166
SC 3,486,703 290,559 0.01% 29
WA 4,866,692 405,558 0.03% 122
WI 4,891,452 407,621 0.02% 82
Total per year 1,907
Figure 34 Estimated Uniqueness of {ZIP, Gender, Year of birth} in SID
As shown in Figure 3, SID includes the year of birth (by way of age[18]), gender, and the
patient’s 5-digit residential ZIP for some states. Figure 34 estimates that 1,907 patients per year
are likely to be uniquely identified by {ZIP, Gender, Year of birth} in SID. The 13 states known
to report the year of the birth date of each patient to SID were introduced in Error! Reference
source not found.. The populations for each of these states according to the 1990 Census data
[19] were reported in Figure 8 and Figure 9. It is estimated that 1:12 people are hospitalized each
year. These values are summarized in Figure 34.
L. Sweeney, Simple Demographics Often Identify People Uniquely. Carnegie Mellon University, Data
Privacy Working Paper 3. Pittsburgh 2000.
Sweeney Page 33
There are many ways to misunderstand these values. These values are not to be
considered an estimate of the uniqueness of R
or SID. There may exist other quasi-identifiers
that may consist of more and different attributes that can link to other available data and thereby
render the released health data even more identifiable. Such quasi-identifiers may use the hospital
identifying number or discharge status or payment information. The estimates reported in this
document are just approximations based on the demographic quasi identifiers stated. Therefore,
these estimates should be viewed as a minimal estimate of the identifiability of these data.
Clearly, these data are not anonymous.
6.2. Unique and unusual information found in data
A significant problem with producing anonymous data concerns unique and unusual
information appearing within the data themselves. Instances of uniquely occurring characteristics
found within the original data can be used by a reporter, private investigator and others to
discredit the anonymity of the released data even when these instances are not unique in the
general population. Unusual cases are often unusual in other sources of data as well making them
easier to identify.
Importantly, close examination of the particulars of a database provides the best basis for
determining uniquely identifying information and quasi-identifiers. In this document, I have
examined outside information without examining the values of the released data themselves. The
analysis is based on the fact that a combination of characteristics that makes one unique in a
geographic population, for example, results in uniqueness in all other data that includes that
geographic specification. An examination of the data however can reveal other kinds of unusual
information that can be found in other sources of data making more patients easier to identify.
In an interview, for example, a janitor may recall an Asian patient whose last name was
Chan and who worked as a stockbroker because the patient gave the janitor some good investing
tips. Any single uniquely occurring value or group of values can be used to identify an
individual. Remember that the unique characteristic may not be known beforehand. It could be
based on diagnosis, treatment, birth year, visit date, or some other little detail or combination of
details available to the memory of a patient or a doctor, or knowledge about the database from
some other source.
As another example, consider the medical records of a pediatric hospital in which only
one patient is older than 45 years of age. Suppose a de-identified version of the hospital’s records
is to be released for public-use that includes age and city of residence but not birth date or zip
code. Many may believe the resulting data would be anonymous because there are thousands of
people of age 45 living in that city. However, the rare occurrence of a 45 year-old pediatric
patient at that facility can become a focal point for anyone seeking to discredit the anonymity of
the data. Nurses, clerks and other hospital personnel will often remember unusual cases and in
interviews may provide additional details that help identify the patient.
6.3. Future Work
Below are proposed projects of varying degrees of difficulties and skill requirements that
extend this work.
L. Sweeney, Simple Demographics Often Identify People Uniquely. Carnegie Mellon University, Data
Privacy Working Paper 3. Pittsburgh 2000.
Sweeney Page 34
In this document, I have demonstrated how combinations of characteristics can combine
to narrow the number of possible people under consideration. However, knowing that there exist
a one or a few people that share particular characteristics and explicitly identifying those people
are not exactly the same. These combinations of characteristics must be linked to explicitly
identified information to reveal the identities of the individuals. Further demonstrate the
identifiability of these data by providing population registers to which the data could be linked to
re-identify the noted individuals.
In an earlier document [20], privacy risk measures were computed on the data sets R
and SID based on the assumption that the entire populations within those data were identifiable.
While that may be correct, use the findings reported in this document, which are based only on
basic demographic attributes and do not include other attributes within those data that could be
used for re-identification, and re-compute the measures of risk for those collections. Make an
argument as to why these re-computed risk measurements should be considered "minimal" risk
7. References
1 National Association of Health Data Organizations, NAHDO Inventory of State-wide Hospital
Discharge Data Activities (Falls Church: National Association of Health Data Organizations, May
2 Cambridge Voters List Database. City of Cambridge, Massachusetts. Cambridge: February 1997.
3 Supra note 1 NAHDO.
4 State of Illinois Health Care Cost Containment Council, Data release overview. (Springfield: State of
Illinois Health Care Cost Containment Council, March 1998).
5 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project: Central
Distributor (April, 2000) available at http://www.ahcpr.gov/data/hcup/hcup-pkt.htm.
6 1990 U.S. Census Data, Database C90STF3B. U.S. Bureau of the Census. Available at
http://venus.census.gov and http://www.census.gov. Washington: 1993.
7 T. Dalenius. Finding a needle in a haystack – or identifying anonymous census record. Journal of
Official Statistics, 2(3):329-336, 1986.
8 G. Smith. Modeling security-relevant data semantics. In Proceedings of the 1990 IEEE Symposium on
Research in Security and Privacy, May 1990.
9 J. Ullman. Principles of Database and Knowledge Base Systems. Computer Science Press, Rockville,
MD. 1988.
10 Supra note 6 U.S. Bureau of the Census.
11 “Census Counts 90,” U.S. Bureau of the Census. (Available on CDROM.) Washington: 1993.
12 "1996 National Five-Digit ZIP Code and Post Office Directory," U.S. Postal Service. Washington:
1996. Also available at http://www.usps.gov.
13 Brualdi, R.A., Introductory Combinatorics, North-Holland, New York, 1977.
14 Supra note 5 AHRQ.
15 L. Sweeney. Inferences from unusual values in statistical data. Carnegie Mellon Data Privacy Center
Working Paper 3.
16 L. Sweeney. Weaving technology and policy together to maintain confidentiality. Journal of Law,
Medicine and Ethics, 25(2-3):98-110, 1997.
17 Supra note 6 and note 11 U.S. Census.
18 Supra section 4.4.1 Age versus Year of Birth
19 Supra note 6 and note 11 U.S. Census.
20 L. Sweeney. Towards all the data on all the people. Formal publication forthcoming. Earlier version
available as Carnegie Mellon Data Privacy Center Working Paper 2.