September 2012
The Nestlé
Human Resources Policy
September 2012
Issuing departement
Human Resources
Target audience 
Executive Board, Nestlé S.A.
All Nestlé Principles and Policies, Standards and
Guidelines can be found in the Centre online repository at:
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The Nestlé Human Resources Policy
At Nestlé, we recognize that our employees
are the key to our success and nothing can be
achieved without their engagement.
This document encompasses the guidelines
which constitute a solid basis for effective Human
Resources Management throughout the Nestlé
Group around the world. It explains to all Nestlé
employees the vision and mission of the Human
Resources function and illustrates every aspect of
the Nestlé employee lifecycle.
The Nestlé Management and Leadership
Principles inspire all the Nestlé employees in their
actions and in their dealings with others. The
Corporate Business Principles refer to all the basic
principles which Nestlé endorses and subscribes
to on a worldwide basis. Both these documents
are the pillars on which the present policy has
been built.
The implementation of this policy will be
inspired by sound judgement, compliance with
local market laws and common sense, taking into
account the specific context. Its spirit should be
respected under all circumstances and could be
summarised in one sentence: At Nestlé we put
people at the centre of everything we do.
Jean-Marc Duvoisin
Deputy Executive Vice President
The Nestlé Human Resources Policy
Line managers have the prime responsibility for
building and sustaining an environment where
people have a sense of personal commitment
to their work and give their best to ensure our
Company’s success. They care for and develop
the leaders of tomorrow.
Line managers decide on all people matters
under their influence, within the boundaries set
by the policies and principles, acting as the final
decision makers.
The Human Resources (HR) structure
enables and empowers them in establishing
business needs and their corresponding people
Therefore, the mission of HR managers and
their teams is to provide professional guidance
to line managers aiming to deliver superior
business results by optimising the performance
of our people, while ensuring exemplary working
With a ‘Nestlé in the Market’ (NiM) approach,
HR has adopted a streamlined approach to
ensuring functional leadership and the highest
level of focus, clarity, and efciency. Our structure
is based on three dedicated areas which provide
specialized services (Centres of Expertise),
deploy HR strategies within a specific business
(Business Partners) and perform transactional
activities (Employee Services).
A shared responsibility
The long-term success of the Company
depends on its capacity to attract, retain and
develop employees able to ensure ongoing
and sustainable growth. This is a primary
responsibility of all managers.
The Nestlé policy is to hire employees with
personal attitudes and professional skills enabling
them to develop a long-term relationship with the
Company. Therefore, special attention will be paid
to ensure there is a strong alignment between a
candidate’s values and the Nestlé culture.
Only relevant skills and experience and
adherence to the Nestlé principles will
be considered in employing a person. No
consideration will be given to a candidate’s origin,
nationality, religion, race, gender, disability, sexual
orientation or age.
Whilst adequate recruitment tools may
improve the hiring process, the decision to hire a
candidate remains in the hands of the responsible
manager, supported by the HR team.
Joining Nest
The Nestlé Human Resources Policy
Total rewards
Attracting new hires and keeping current
employees engaged is not only about
remuneration and benefits based on solid
performance. It is also about the hard earned
value and trust that our name brings to those
who work with us; the relationships with our line
managers and fellow workers; recognition and
experiences enjoyed while working for a diverse
global company; and possibilities to learn and
grow. These are as a whole, the Total Rewards we
Nestlé, therefore, focuses on Fixed Pay,
Variable Pay, Benefits, Personal Growth and
Development and Work Life Environment as the
key elements that define Total Rewards. In the
spirit of developing a high performance culture,
those elements need to correspond to what is
valued by employees in each and every market,
and which demonstrate how Nestlé is committed
to giving each employee the opportunity to grow,
evolve and contribute.
Nestlé Total Rewards programmes must be
established within the social and legal framework
of each country, and with respect to applicable
collective agreements.
It is the responsibility of each manager to
propose the remuneration of their employees
within the framework of Company policy.
Sufficient time should be spent with each
employee to explain her or his specific situation
in terms of remuneration and benefits, if needed
with the support of HR management, in order to
communicate properly, clearly and with sufcient
Corporate policy:
Nestlé Total Rewards Policy
We are committed to providing our employees all
over the world with good working conditions, a
safe and healthy work environment, and flexible
employment possibilities that support a better
balance of private and professional life consistent
with our ambition as a leading Nutrition, Health
and Wellness Company.
As such, we provide flexible working
conditions whenever possible and encourage our
employees to have outside interests especially
community involvement.
Those with line management responsibilities
are required to take personal ownership of safety
and health within their area of responsibility and
are encouraged to develop their capability in this
Nestlé’s commitment however goes beyond
its own employees. We care about all people
working inside or outside our premises under
contractual obligations with service providers
and we insist that they also take steps so that
adequate working conditions are made available
to them.
We believe that it is essential to build a
relationship based on trust and respect of
employees at all levels. We do not tolerate any
form of harassment or discrimination.
Therefore, managers are committed to build
and sustain, with their teams, an environment
of mutual trust. HR ensures that a respectful
dialogue is present and the voice of the
employees is heard.
Corporate policy:
Policy on Conditions of Work and Employment
Employment and working conditions
The Nestlé Human Resources Policy
Learning is part of the Company culture.
Employees at all levels are systematically
encouraged to consider how they upgrade their
knowledge and skills.
The Company determines training and deve-
lopment priorities. The responsibility for turning
these into actions is shared between employees,
line managers and the Human Resources.
Experience and on-the-job training are the
primary source of learning. Managers are
responsible for guiding and coaching employees
to succeed in their current positions.
Nestlé employees understand the importance
of continuous improvement, as well as sharing
knowledge and ideas freely with others. Practices
such as lateral professional development,
extension of responsibilities, and cross functional
teams are encouraged to acquire additional skills,
enrich job content and widen accountability.
Nestlé also offers a comprehensive range of
training activities and methodologies to support
everyone’s learning and growth. Attending
a programme should never be considered
as a reward but as a component of on-going
Additionally, corporate leadership programmes
help us develop and retain the best-qualified
management. Leaders have the opportunity
to attend either international training courses
at Rive-Reine, which build integrated business
understanding and solidify and reinforce Nestlé
values and principles, or programmes conducted
by our strategic learning partners.
Training and learning
At Nestlé, a high performance culture supported by
differentiated rewards and development is key to
the delivery of individual and business objectives.
This is driven by the alignment of clear and chal-
lenging responsibilities and ensuring that employ-
ees are aware of how their work impacts Nestlé.
The line manager and employee work together
to ensure that challenging objectives are set and
effectively evaluated throughout the year. This
further enables managers to acknowledge high
performance and reward employees accordingly,
while ensuring low performance is properly
managed with integrity.
Employees receive regular feedback on their
performance and career aspirations through
a variety of tools and processes such as the
Performance Evaluation process (PE), the
Progress and Development Guide (PDG) and
360° assessments. Each manager dedicates the
necessary time to the monitoring of objectives and
regular coaching of employees through the year.
Each employee, supported by the line manager,
is in charge of her or his own professional
development, whereby the employee is
encouraged to express career objectives and
expectations in an open dialogue. We aim to retain
and motivate employees by offering attractive but
realistic career moves allowing them to develop
their skills in the long-term.
Given the importance Nestlé puts on cultural
diversity, employees who are interested in inter-
national assignments can be given the opportunity
to work in different countries. The international
dimension of the Group is used as a competitive
advantage to retain and develop talented people.
At Nestlé, promotions are based on sustained
performance from a results and behaviour
standpoint, as well as future potential. The
Company undertakes an active and rigorous
succession planning process at all levels of the
organisation to ensure that there is a strong
pipeline of successors ready to meet future needs.
We are committed to ensuring sustainable
conditions for a gender balanced and diverse
company. As such, Nestlé has focused on remo-
ving barriers to career progression for women
and men by developing a more flexible work
environment, initiating mentoring schemes,
having flexible career paths and providing dual
career support.
HR management provides the support for
implementing the necessary tools, and partners
with line managers to prepare the resources
necessary for the continued development of
people and the Company.
Corporate policy:
Expatriation Policy
Talent, development
and performance management
The Nestlé Human Resources Policy
Since its founding, Nestlé has built a culture
based on values of trust, mutual respect and
dialogue. Nestlé management and employees all
over the world work daily to create and maintain
positive individual and collective relationships,
and are expected to do so as a core part of their
Nestlé not only upholds the freedom of
association of its employees and the effective
recognition of the right to collective bargaining,
but also ensures that direct and frequent
communication is established in the workplace.
While dialogue with trade unions is essential, it
does not replace the close relationship that our
management maintains with all employees.
In the spirit of continuous improvement, we
encourage two-way dialogue with our employees
that goes beyond the traditional aspects of
collective bargaining in order to share knowledge
and to jointly find opportunities related to
important matters such as Creating Shared Value,
the health and safety in the workplace and our
concern for the environment.
The Company and employee representatives
are expected to make all necessary efforts
to develop fair and constructive dialogues,
overcome the difficulties that they might
encounter, reach sustainable agreements and
implement them.
Corporate policy:
The Nestlé Employee Relations Policy
Employee relations
The Human Resources management described
in this document requires and supports an
organisation “on the move”.
Nestlé is committed to continue the journey
to establishing flat and flexible structures with
minimal levels of management and broad spans
of control, which enable people development,
increase efficiency, and ease implementation
of our “Nestlé Management and Leadership
Less hierarchical layers call for increased
cooperation between colleagues. This is what
will make the organisation more flexible and
more accountable. Indeed, it supports today’s
and tomorrow’s business requirements for an
agile and innovative company working with ever
competitive intensity.
These simple beliefs have inspired us to create
an environment that puts the emphasis not just on
individual responsibility and autonomy, but also
on a strong willingness to support others, to work
in multi-skilled teams, and to cooperate rather
than to compete internally.
A dynamic organisation creates a climate
of innovation and allows people to think from
different perspectives. At Nestlé we encourage
our people to take risks. Mistakes may be made
but there is always a willingness to correct and
learn from them.
We combine the scope and brand strength
of a global company with the creativity and
knowledge of a local business. As a result, people
can have far-reaching influence every day and
explore their full long-term potential, propelled by
continual support and a collaborative approach by
line managers and employees.
Corporate policy:
Nestlé on the Move
A flexible and dynamic organisation