Human Resources Policy
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Office of Administration
Paid Parental Leave
Workforce Support
Effective Date
February 15, 2024
All Prior Versions
Scheduled Review
February 2025
1. Purpose
To establish an enterprise-wide Paid Parental Leave benefit for
Commonwealth employees.
2. Scope
This Human Resources Policy (HRP) applies to all departments, offices,
boards, commissions, and councils under the Governor’s jurisdiction
for human resources management (agencies).
3. Background
This Administration is committed to supporting Commonwealth
employees and their working families. Paid Parental Leave enables
working families to care for and bond with their children without
risking financial insecurity, while increasing recruitment and retention
of highly skilled workers.
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4. Definitions
Child. A biological, adopted (including a Child placed for adoption with
an Eligible Employee pending a final adoption), or foster Child, under
18 years of age, of an Eligible Employee.
Eligible Employee. A full-time or part-time Permanent Employee who
has been continuously employed by the Commonwealth for the
immediate 12 months preceding the Qualifying Event and meets the
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) entitlement and eligibility
FMLA. The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, 29 U.S.C. §§ 2601
2654, as amended, is the federal law that requires qualifying
employers to provide at least 12 weeks of leave (with or without pay)
with benefits within a 12-month period for certain qualifying reasons, if
the employee was employed at least one year and worked at least
1,250 hours during the previous 12-month period. For permanent
part-time management employees and permanent part-time
employees represented by some unions, the hours worked
requirement to determine an employee’s FMLA eligibility is 900 hours.
Full-Time Employee. An employee who is expected to be in an active
pay status 75 or 80 hours every pay period, depending upon the pay
schedule, and all agency heads.
Paid Parental Leave. Eight (8) weeks of paid leave (300 hours for
employees with a standard work schedule of 37.5 hours per week and
320 hours for a standard work schedule of 40 hours per week)
provided to full-time Eligible Employees for a Qualifying Event. Part-
time Eligible Employees will receive leave prorated based on the
employee’s regular hours worked.
Part-Time Employee. An employee who is expected to be in an
active pay status fewer than 75 or 80 hours in a pay period, depending
upon the pay schedule.
Permanent Employee. An employee who is hired with the
expectation of being in an active pay status for more than 12
consecutive months or who is hired with the expectation of being in an
active pay status for 9 to 12 consecutive months inclusive and with the
expectation of working on an annually recurring basis. The use of this
term does not change or alter in any way the at-will employment
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relationship that may exist between the Commonwealth and its
Qualifying Event. Any of the following that occurs on or after
February 15, 2024, for an Eligible Employee:
Birth of a biological Child.
Adoption of a Child. Note: The adoption of a Child for whom the
Eligible Employee is already fostering or otherwise stands in loco
parentis to the Child is not a Qualifying Event. An Eligible
Employee stands in loco parentis where they maintain the day-
to-day responsibilities to care for, and financially support, the
Child. A biological or legal relationship is not necessary.
Initial placement for adoption of a Child pending final adoption.
Initial foster care placement of a Child that had not been
previously placed with the Eligible Employee.
5. Policy
The Secretary of Administration hereby directs Commonwealth
agencies to adhere to the following:
a. Eligible Employees, when able, shall provide notice of their intent
to use Paid Parental Leave at least 30 calendar days prior to the
anticipated date of a Qualifying Event. Failure to provide at least
30 calendar days’ notice may delay the start of the paid parental
absence. Paid Parental Leave shall be granted to Eligible
Employees upon written proof of a Qualifying Event.
b. Paid Parental Leave shall be used within 6 months (180 calendar
days) immediately following the Qualifying Event. The absence
must commence and end within this 6-month period.
i. Paid Parental Leave may be used intermittently but must
be used in full-day increments. In no situation shall an
employee use more than 8 weeks of paid leave (300 hours
for employees with a standard work schedule of 37.5 hours
per week and 320 hours for a standard work schedule of
40 hours per week) of Paid Parental Leave within a 12-
month period. If used intermittently, absences must be
prescheduled, and employees must obtain prior approval
from their supervisory chain-of-command. Paid Parental
Leave cannot be used for unscheduled absences (call-off,
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tardy, no show, etc.). Use of intermittent Paid Parental
Leave may be denied for legitimate operational reasons.
ii. Employees shall retain the option to use other parental
leave entitlements granted by law and/or applicable labor
iii. Any Paid Parental Leave not used within 6 months of the
Qualifying Event will be forfeited. Paid Parental Leave
cannot be converted to other paid leave, cannot be saved
for a future Qualifying Event, and is not payable upon
separation from employment.
c. Paid Parental Leave will run concurrently with and reduce the
Eligible Employee’s FMLA entitlement. In no event shall the use
of paid leave (annual/combined, sick, parental) extend the 12-
week FMLA entitlement or extended leave without pay
entitlements granted under applicable labor agreements.
d. Paid Parental Leave may not be used prior to the birth or
placement of the Child.
e. Paid Parental Leave shall be paid at the Eligible Employee’s
regular, straight time, rate of pay.
f. Paid Parental Leave used will not count for purposes of
calculating overtime. Employees on Paid Parental Leave will be
removed from overtime equalization units.
g. Eligible Employees shall not be permitted to return to work
during any work shift while on Paid Parental Leave.
h. When both parents are Eligible Employees, each may receive the
full Paid Parental Leave entitlement. Both parents may take the
leave simultaneously or at different times, provided that the
leave taken by each parent commences and is completed within
6 months (180 days) immediately following the Qualifying Event.
i. Placement of a Child with an Eligible Employee through a private
or court-approved Child custody agreement is not a Qualifying
j. Employees on an alternative work schedule (AWS) shall revert to
their standard shift, during the AWS cycle(s) in which Paid
Parental Leave is utilized.
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k. Paid Parental Leave may not be utilized for more than 1
Qualifying Event per Child, per Eligible Employee.
l. Eligible Employees who had a Qualifying Event occur prior to
February 15, 2024, would fall under the terms outlined in the
previous version of this policy, and may be eligible for up to 6
weeks of Paid Parental Leave.
m. The State Employees’ Retirement System has the authority and
sole discretion to determine whether Paid Parental Leave is
Nothing in this HRP shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect the
authority granted by law to an executive department, agency, or the
head thereof. This HRP is not intended to, and does not, create any
right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in
equity by any party against the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, its
departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents
or any other person.
Should you have any questions or require additional assistance related
to the implementation of this policy, please contact the Bureau of
Employee Benefits at 717.787.9872.
6. Effective Date
The Effective Date of this HRP is February 15, 2024.
7. Related References
Commonwealth policies, including Executive Orders, Management
Directives, IT Policies, and HRPs are published on the Office of
Administration’s public portal:
8. Publication Version Control
It is the user’s responsibility to utilize the latest version of this
publication, which appears on for Commonwealth
personnel and on the Office of Administration public portal: Questions
regarding this publication are to be directed to 717.787.9872.
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This chart contains a history of this publication’s revisions:
Version Date Purpose of Revision
Base Document
Updated to be accessible.
Updated the definition of Qualifying Events to include
placement for adoption; and exclude placement through
child custody agreements (5. Policy, i.).
Updated to provide eight (8) weeks of Paid Parental
Leave and establish additional Qualifying Event criteria.