International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 03 | Mar 2021 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 427
G. Senthil Kumar
, Mariya Sunil Joshi.A
Raveendar. V
Assistant Professor, Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Panimalar Institute of Technology
Abstract: Nowadays, Machineries development is
very fast growing for fast work convenient
environment. Proper mixing of raw materials is
important task in any construction, for that use latest
equipment which are mechanically and hydraulically
combined operated mostly. Design of hydraulic
cylinder and analysis is one of them which are operated
by two prime movers one prime movers is use of
hydraulic system operation for operating the hoper and
other for operating drum for proper mixing of concrete.
The work presented here in is mainly divided into the
three chapters. The first chapter introduces the
concrete benching mixing machine with problem
formulation and provides motivation for the project.
The second chapter presents the current state of
mixing machine research as presented in the form of
scientific literature review.
Key Words: : Hydraulic Cylinder, Hydraulic Actuator,
Hydraulic Barrel, Cast iron Barrel , Cast iron Actuator,
Cast iron Cylinder.
A hydraulic cylinder is a complicated mechanical system
that are used to provide linear force action and motion.
Hydraulic cylinders are powered from externally
pressurized hydraulic fluid. They are commonly used in
equipment’s and machinery. It consists mainly of cylinder
barrel, piston and cylinder rod. The piston reciprocates
producing linear force with compression and tension
forces perfectly align in the rod’s axial direction.
The aim of this study is to analysis one such implement
mechanism to find out the maximum tensile load that
comes on the piston-rod joint and required preload for no
joint separation. The calculated tensile and pretension
loads are applied on synthesized piston-rod concepts that
are considered for analysis in order to find out the most
suitable joint and suitable materials with good properties
with low cost which would withstand the worst case
hydraulic cylinder bottoming-up created by the implement
1.1 Uses of Hydraulic Cylinder:
Hydraulic Cylinder ‘s are used in various applications. They
are often seen at work in both industrial and (including
hydraulic presses, cranes , forges, and packaging materials,
and mobile applications (such as agricultural machines ,
construction vehicles and marine equipment). They’re
essential to the operation of excavators, loaders , ballers,
telehandlers, man-lifts, drill -rigs, and dump trucks, not to
mention operating booms, arms , lifts, platforms, and
buckets. Hydraulic cylinders are the most effective and
efficient method of pushing , pulling, lifting and lowering.
1.2 Objectives of Hydraulic Cylinder:
To analyze various material and select suitable one
for the hydraulic cylinder in JCB.
To reduce the cost of the cylinder to affordable price.
To make cylinder to withstand high stress and strain.
To increase the overall strength and power.
To withstand the maximum equivalent stress.
To reduce the principle elastic strain acting upon the
1.3 Hydraulic Cylinder using Ductile Cast Iron: -
Cast iron has many advantages that make it ideal for
hydraulics and pneumatics. The self-lubricating properties
of continuous cast iron help create cylinders that can stand
up to years of reciprocation. Cast iron is an ideal material
for use in fluid power applications that demand high
volumes of cycles.
Beyond its favorable frictional characteristics, continuous
cast iron is metallurgically superior. A cylinder machined
from continuous cast iron will be more durable than sand
cast or steel components due to the fact that continuous
cast iron solidifies at a much more uniform rate.
U.G Students, Dept Of Mechanical Engineering, Panimalar Institute of Technology
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 03 | Mar 2021 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 428
2. Material Selection:
Based on the availability, cost and mechanical properties, I
decided to make the Hydraulic Cylinder using Ductile Cast
Iron as per the material I mention below.
Material Selected: Ductile Cast Iron
Performance Index
For the tube design, the best materials should be one with
a good strength, light weight and modest cost. So the
following properties of each materials will be analyzed
against material properties which needed to be maximized
and minimized.
Tensile Strength
Carbon = 3.2 3.60%
Silicon = 2.2 2.8%
Manganese = 0.1 0.2%
Magnesium = 0.03 0.04%
Phosphorus = 0.005 0.04%
Sulfur = 0.005 0.02%
Copper = <0.40%
Iron = balance
(a). To minimize the weight, for a strength design.
performance index = Tensile Strength
For, Stainless steel 304 = 520/8 = 65
For, Ductile Cast iron 60-4018 = 414/7.05 = 58
(b). To minimize cost for a strength design.
Performance Index = Tensile Strength (Mpa)/Cost
per kg (Rs)
For, stainless steel 304 = 520/195 = 2.66
For, Ductile Cast Iron 60-4018 = 414/65 = 7
Indian Mart = 2800/piece
Quality Hydraulic = 2350/piece
Exporters India = 2600/piece
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 03 | Mar 2021 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 429
Fig.1: Fluent Analysis
Fig.2. Microstructure of Ductile Cast Iron
Ductile cast iron has high wear resistance.
It’s better for machining like drilling, welding.
Low in Cost.
Low in maintenance cost.
It’s Hard and brittle.
More fusible than stainless steel.
From the design and analysis of double acting hydraulic
cylinder. It is clearly visible that ductile cast iron 60-4018
is better material that stainless steel 304 for the usage in
Cost is the main deciding factor among other factors
which differs the both materials effectively.
By comparing both materials properties, advantages
and cost, we recommend ductile cost iron 60-4018 instead
of stainless steel 304 in JCB.
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Mr. Raveendar is pursing B.E
Mechanical Engineering In
Panimalar Institute Of Technology.
Mr. Mariya Sunil Joshi. A is pusring
B.E Mechanical Engineering in
Panimalar Institute Of Technology
Mr.Narendran.K is pursing B.E
Mechanical Engineering in
Panimalar Institute Of Technolgy.