World Language Curriculum I Can Statements Advanced Level
Advanced Low
Advanced Mid
Advanced High
I can communicate with a fair amount of
fluency and spontaneity on familiar
topics, even in complicated situations. I
can link ideas in extended discussions. I
can participate actively in most informal
and a few formal conversations.
I can express myself with fluency and
flexibility on a range of familiar and some
new topics, including concrete social,
academic, and professional topics. I can
take an active role in most formal and
informal discussions. I can express and
defend my viewpoint or recommendations
on a variety of topics.
I can express myself with fluency,
flexibility, and precision on concrete and
some abstract topics. I can adapt my
language in most situations.
I can express my ideas and opinions
when engaged in lengthy conversation.
I can express my ideas and opinions
about family and home, such as sibling
rivalries and ideal location for a house.
I can express my ideas and opinions
about school or work, such as
interesting educators I’ve known or
colleagues who are helpful.
I can express my ideas and opinions
about current events or public interest
topics, such as healthcare or recycling
I can talk about my hobbies and
interests, such as my favorite exercises,
nutritious alternatives to fast food, or
surfing the Web.
I can talk about an issue of public
concern at a formal gathering, such as
general trends in the housing market or
the economy.
I can speak fluently, accurately, and
effectively about a wide variety of events
that occur in the present, past, and
I can give a clear and detailed story
about childhood memories, such as
what happened during vacations or
memorable events.
I can give clear descriptions about
cultural events.
I can talk about present challenges in
my school or work life, such as paying
for classes or dealing with difficult
I can discuss future plans, such as
where I want to settle down or what I
will be doing in the next few years.
I can convey finer shades of meaning
with relative ease by using a wide range
of expressions to qualify statements.
I can convey degrees of support of or
disagreement with another’s point of
view, such as I can agree with you on
most of your points, and I can explain
the areas where I disagree.
I can convey degrees of sympathy or
I can convey degrees of anger or
I can convey degrees of approval or
Interpersonal Communication Advanced Level
Page 2
Advanced Low
Advanced Mid
Advanced High
I can engage comfortably in extended
conversations and discussions on a wide
variety of topics related to my daily life.
I can discuss work-related topics, such
as personnel and sick leave policies.
I can discuss academic topics about
which I am learning.
I can converse about my leisure
activities and hobbies.
I can converse about a current issue at
a formal gathering, such as leash laws,
school dress codes, drinking age, or
speed limits.
I can support my opinions clearly and
I can explain advantages and
disadvantages of various courses of
action, such as whether to rent or buy a
place to live.
I can participate in technical discussions
in my field.
I can participate in a book discussion.
I can discuss complex information in
debates or meetings.
I can put forth and react to others’
complex ideas during a business
I can put forth and react to others
complex ideas during a discussion to
solve a community issue.
I can participate actively and react to
others appropriately in academic
debates, providing some facts and
rationale to back up my statements.
I can participate actively in a friendly
political debate.
I can communicate even when
unpredictable situations arise in a
familiar context.
I can explain myself further when
someone unfamiliar with the topic
doesn’t understand what I mean.
I can handle a situation related to travel,
such as missing a plane or train.
I can explain myself to friends who
disagree with me.
I can explain why I unexpectedly was
late to class or absent from work.
I can use a variety of idiomatic and
culturally authentic expressions
I can use expressions and
colloquialisms related to insults and
I can use expressions and
colloquialisms related to emotions and
I can use expressions and
colloquialisms to describe attributes.
I can use expressions and
colloquialisms to exaggerate.
I can exchange complex information
about academic and professional tasks.
I can exchange complex information
about my academic major, such as why
I chose the field, course requirements,
projects, internship opportunities, and
new advances in my field.
I can exchange complex information
about my work responsibilities, such as
the hiring process, my work schedule,
the nature of my tasks, how I interface
with other employees, opportunities for
advancement, and new directions in my
I can exchange complex professional or
academic information to engage in
collaborative work with my counterparts
in different regions or countries.
Interpersonal Communication Advanced Level
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Advanced Low
Advanced Mid
Advanced High
I can conduct or participate in interviews.
I can interview for a job or service
opportunity related to my field of
I can participate in an interview about
my hobbies and interests.
I can ask questions and probe for
details when interviewing others for a
job or service opportunity related to my
field of expertise.
I can ask questions or probe for details
when interviewing others about their
hobbies or interests even when they are
unrelated to my own.
I can exchange general information on
many matters outside my fields of
I can exchange general information
about my community, such as
demographic information and points of
I can exchange general information
about leisure and travel, such as the
world’s most visited sites or most
beautiful places to visit.
I can exchange general information
about social and environmental issues,
such as the influence of mass media on
society or government policies.
I can exchange general information
about political and business issues,
such as types of government or
I can provide structured arguments and
develop and support hypotheses,
working around occasional difficulties.
I can give a supported argument about
work-related processes that would
benefit me and my employer.
I can give a supported argument about
the need for alternative energy sources.
I can give a supported argument about
my political views.
I can give a supported argument about
cultural influences on society.
I can handle a complication or
unexpected turn of events.
I can return or exchange a purchase
when a vendor makes a mistake or
when parts are missing.
I can clear up a major work place
misunderstanding in a culturally
appropriate manner.
I can rearrange my itinerary, such as
flights, pick-up times, and appointments
when I experience travel delays.
I can exchange detailed information on
matters within and beyond my fields of
I can exchange detailed information
about my home, work, and leisure life.
I can exchange detailed information on
how one’s worldview influences one’s
adaptation to a new culture.
I can exchange detailed information
about humanity’s influence on the
I can exchange detailed information on
technological advances.