Kindergarten Social Studies Curriculum Map
Standards Quarter 1
I Can Statements
K.H.1.1 Explain how people change over time (self and others).
K.H.1.3 Explain the impact of how life events bring change (a new
sibling, moving to a new house, a new job, a new school, etc.)
K.H.1.1. I can understand how people change over time.
K.H.1.3 I can explain how new events bring change.
Civics and Government
K.C & G.1.1 Exemplify positive relationships through fair play and
K.C & G.1.2 Explain why citizens obey rules in the classroom,
school, home and neighborhood.
K.C.&G.1.1 I can show kindness and fairness when playing with my
K.C.&G.1.2 I can understand the importance of obeying rules.
Academic Vocabulary: change, appearance, courtesy, honesty,
fairness, citizen, rules, respect
Standards Quarter 2
I Can Statements
Economic and Financial Literacy
K E.1.1 Explain how families have needs and wants.
K.E.1.2 Explain how jobs help people meet their needs and wants.
K.E.1.1 I can understand the difference between needs and wants.
K.E.1.2 I can understand the purpose of a job.
Kindergarten Social Studies Curriculum Map
Geography & Environmental Literacy
K.G.1.1 Use maps to locate places in the classroom, school and
K.G.1.2 Use globes and maps to locate land and water features.
K.G.1.4 Identify locations in the classroom using positional words
(near/far, left/right, above/beneath, etc.).
K.G.2.2 Explain ways people use environmental resources to meet
basic needs and wants (shelter, food, clothing, etc.).
K.G.1.1 I can understand how to maps and tools to find things at
home, classroom and school.
K.G.1.2 I can understand how to use maps and globes to find land
and water.
K.G.1.4 I can use positional words and phrases to find things.
K.G.2.2 I can understand how the environment provides us with our
basic needs.
Academic Vocabulary: wants, needs, map, globe, under, above,
between, around, in front of, behind, shelter
Standards Quarter 3
I Can Statements
K.H.1.2 Explain how seasons change over time.
K.H.1.2 I can see how seasons change.
Geography & Environmental Literacy
K.G.2.1 Explain how people adapt to weather conditions.
K.G.2.1 I can understand how people prepare for different weather
Academic Vocabulary: Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall, change,
snow, rain, sun, fog, thunderstorm, tornado, hurricane, ice, season,
hail, windy, weather
Kindergarten Social Studies Curriculum Map
Standards Quarter 4
I Can Statements
Geography & Environmental Literacy
K.G.1.3 Identify physical features (mountains, hills, rivers, lakes,
roads, etc.)
K.G.1.3 I can describe landforms, rivers and lakes.
Academic Vocabulary: mountains, hills, rivers, lakes, oceans,
streams, pond
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