World Language Curriculum I Can Statements Advanced Level
Advanced Low
Advanced Mid
Advanced High
I can deliver a clear, organized
presentation appropriate to my audience
on a variety of topics.
I can deliver a clearly articulated
presentation on personal, academic, or
professional topics.
I can deliver a clear and fluid
presentation and appropriately respond
to the audience.
I can deliver a short presentation on
many social, academic, or work topics
with appropriate complexity for my
I can explain the purpose of a work or
school assignment.
I can explain why I believe something I
studied is important.
I can describe with ease and detail topics
related to home, school, work, leisure
activities and personal and professional
I can describe the work and value
related to my profession.
I can present a full account of my
activities on a recent trip.
I can describe in detail an art work I
created for a class.
I can communicate with great accuracy,
clarity, and precision on many concrete
and abstract topics.
I can speak with confidence about the
details and value of an experiment I
have performed.
I can present a detailed, supported
argument about the need for alternative
energy sources or other environmental
I can clearly present a particular political
I can present an accurate and precise
narrative or description about cultural
influences on society.
I can sustain an argument about the
environment and support my opinion
with details.
I can explain my viewpoint on an issue of
interest, giving advantages and
disadvantages of various options.
I can describe why I am for or against a
particular political issue.
I can play devil’s advocate and support
an idea I oppose during a debate.
I can narrate with ease and detail events
of current, public, or personal interest.
I can recount the details of a historical
battle or event.
I can narrate in detail the action of my
favorite film or book.
I can present and defend a viewpoint on
an academic or professional issue.
I can deliver a detailed and well-
organized presentation about a topic
that I have studied, such as modern art
or immigration.
Presentational Speaking Advanced Level
Page 2
Advanced Low
Advanced Mid
Advanced High
I can explain my viewpoint on an issue of
interest, giving advantages and
disadvantages of various options.
(continued from previous page)
I can give a presentation promoting an
event or product.
I can explain how my views of others
cultures have changed.
I can narrate with ease and detail events
of current, public, or personal interest.
(continued from previous page)
I can describe in detail an event that
took place as part of our city celebration
or other celebration.
I can tell children a scary story.
I can present and defend a viewpoint on
an academic or professional issue.
(continued from previous page)
I can present complex information about
my work responsibilities, such as the
hiring process, the nature of my tasks,
how I interface with other employees,
opportunities for advancement, and new
directions in my field.
I can defend an action taken by
someone, such as an elected official, a
well-meaning youth, or policeman.
I can speak at length about a point of
view using statistics, examples, and
I speak using different time frames and
appropriate mood with good control.
I narrate an event as it happens, such
as action in a sporting event or a
fashion show.
I can present to my classmates on a
historical event or environmental issue.
I can present a summary of an action
plan or annual report for a community
organization or work group.
I can communicate my ideas on a variety
of topics with accuracy, clarity, and
I can present on many concrete and
some abstract topics with fluency and
I can describe detailed steps I took in
an experiment.
I can give an accurate description of
something I witnessed.
I can clearly communicate new ideas
that I have about a work project.
I can consistently adapt a presentation to
a variety of audiences.
I can adapt a presentation on why
language learning is important to
different audiences, such as
professionals and the general public.
I can switch from informal to formal
speech when speaking to a mixed
I can use technical language or jargon
targeted to a particular audience.
I can simplify my speech for younger or
less informed audiences.
I can adapt my presentation to a specific
I can explain to children in the target
country why we celebrate Halloween or
other holiday.
I can speak clearly and fluidly with
consistent control of time frames and
I can relate a dream I had and the real
and imagined emotion experience.
I can use paraphrasing, circumlocution
and illustration to make myself more
clearly understood.
I can provide examples of civil liberties
when I give a presentation about
democracy in America or other topic of
interest to me.
Presentational Speaking Advanced Level
Page 3
Advanced Low
Advanced Mid
Advanced High
I can adapt my presentation to a specific
audience. (continued from previous page)
I can deliver a presentation on a
particular topic, such as party platforms,
local economic development, or security
issues, to colleagues, politicians, or
government officials.
I can explain challenges to my
colleagues in school or work place,
such as dealing with difficult people or
seeking financial aid.
I can narrate a story adjusting
complexity appropriate to members of
the audience.
I can change the tone of my
presentation to fit the situation, such as
light or serious.
I can speak clearly and fluidly with
consistent control of time frames and
mood. (continued from previous page)
I can defend a viewpoint on an
academic or professional issue.
I can give clear descriptions about
cultural events that are about to happen
or have happened in my city, state, or
I can present an action plan or annual
report for a community organization or
work group.
I can adapt my presentation to meet
unexpected needs.
I can rephrase or explain things in a
similar way when I notice my audience
does not understand me.
I can explain something using a simple
I can adapt a presentation on a
professional topic to a general
audience’s level of understanding.
I can use language that fully reflects the
nuances of the target culture.
I can present clearly and fluidly, with
consistent control of time frame and
I can incorporate many idiomatic and
culturally authentic expressions in my
I can use examples that are well
recognized in the target culture to
enrich my presentation.
I can align my language and gestures to
reflect cultural tradition and respect for
cultural perspectives.
I can incorporate some appropriate
idiomatic and culturally authentic
expression in my presentation with ease.
I can easily express my viewpoints
using expression appropriate for the
target language and culture.