© 2009 IBM Corporation
IBMLink Replacement of ETR with
IBM Service Request (SR)
Christian Gilmore – STSM, Chief Architect for IBM Electronic Support
08 August 2011
2 Session 9520 - IBMLink Replacement of ETR with IBM Service Request (SR)
© 2011 IBM Corporation
IBM Electronic Support Overview
IBM Web Problem Reporting Strategy
IBM Web Problem Reporting Landscape
IBM Service Request (SR) Key Features
IBM Service Request (SR) Walk-Through
Key ETR Migration Concerns
Live Demonstration and Q&A
Further Information
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3 Session 9520 - IBMLink Replacement of ETR with IBM Service Request (SR)
© 2011 IBM Corporation
IBM Electronic Support Overview
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My Notifications
Call Home technology
IBM Service
Request (SR)
Over 28M visits per year
100% availability requirement
Worldwide, 9 languages
Covers all IBM products
Chat & Remote
Customer Asset Management (CAM)
Support Portal AdvisorSupport Portal Advisor
4 Session 9520 - IBMLink Replacement of ETR with IBM Service Request (SR)
© 2011 IBM Corporation
IBM Web Problem Reporting Strategy
IBM has embarked upon an initiative to dramatically improve our problem
reporting infrastructure
In the web space, our goal is to provide a single service request
management application that supports all of our customers through all of
our lines of business
Customer Value Objectives
Eliminate customer confusion over which web application to use
Combine best of breed use cases to improve ease-of-use
Increase satisfaction
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5 Session 9520 - IBMLink Replacement of ETR with IBM Service Request (SR)
© 2011 IBM Corporation
IBM Web Problem Reporting Landscape (circa 2007)
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Electronic Service Request
Software Service Request
Web Service Request
Electronic Service Call
Electronic Technical
Product Lifecycle
6 Session 9520 - IBMLink Replacement of ETR with IBM Service Request (SR)
© 2011 IBM Corporation
IBM Web Problem Reporting Landscape
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If I purchased as a stand-alone
product, I use ESR.
I have a problem with WebSphere.
Where do I go for online support?
7 Session 9520 - IBMLink Replacement of ETR with IBM Service Request (SR)
© 2011 IBM Corporation
IBM Web Problem Reporting Landscape
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If I purchased bundled with System p,
I use SSR.
I have a problem with WebSphere.
Where do I go for online support?
8 Session 9520 - IBMLink Replacement of ETR with IBM Service Request (SR)
© 2011 IBM Corporation
IBM Web Problem Reporting Landscape
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If I purchased bundled with System z,
I use ETR.
I have a problem with WebSphere.
Where do I go for online support?
9 Session 9520 - IBMLink Replacement of ETR with IBM Service Request (SR)
© 2011 IBM Corporation
IBM Web Problem Reporting Landscape
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IBM Service Request
With SR Release 1 in 2009, tool
choice simplification began.
10 Session 9520 - IBMLink Replacement of ETR with IBM Service Request (SR)
© 2011 IBM Corporation
IBM Web Problem Reporting Landscape
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IBM Service Request
With SR Release 2 in 2011, tool
choice simplification continues.
11 Session 9520 - IBMLink Replacement of ETR with IBM Service Request (SR)
© 2011 IBM Corporation
IBM Web Problem Reporting Landscape
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IBM Service Request
With SR Release 3 in 2013, tool
choice simplification completes.
12 Session 9520 - IBMLink Replacement of ETR with IBM Service Request (SR)
© 2011 IBM Corporation
IBM Service Request (SR) Key Features
File uploads – The ability to attach multiple files to the service request in-
View/manage all service requests – Service requests can be managed
regardless of channel of input or of open/closed status; service requests
archived up to one year are also available
Business partner integration – Collaborate on service requests with your
IBM-authorized business partners
Language options – Support for multiple languages based upon browser
Personalization options – Many functions can now be personalized
Continuous availability – Hosted in three centers, each with internal
redundancy, operating at 150% capacity
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13 Session 9520 - IBMLink Replacement of ETR with IBM Service Request (SR)
© 2011 IBM Corporation
IBM Service Request (SR) Walk-Through
Sign On & Home page
Reporting a problem
Searching for and updating service requests with SR
Managing service request ownership with SR
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14 Session 9520 - IBMLink Replacement of ETR with IBM Service Request (SR)
© 2011 IBM Corporation
Sign On with SR
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Access ETR via www.ibm.com/ibmlink
Once signed on, the ServiceLink homepage, which now has a link to IBM
Service Request (SR), renders.
Contact SR assistance
directly from ServiceLink
as needed.
SR link will replace ETR
link in main body when
migration period has
15 Session 9520 - IBMLink Replacement of ETR with IBM Service Request (SR)
© 2011 IBM Corporation
SR Home Page
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Begins the work flow
to open a service
Saved service requests
that have not yet been
Read and responsibility icons
show if a service request is
unread and if the user needs
to take action.
Blue dot / bold = unread
no icon/ not bold = read
Exclamation / bold = user
Exclamation / no bold = user
Find a specific service
request or search by a
Advanced search
provides additional
parameters for a search.
Quick access to saved
searches. Searches can
span multiple customer
Your open requests
managed through
One-click print and
e-mail functions are
16 Session 9520 - IBMLink Replacement of ETR with IBM Service Request (SR)
© 2011 IBM Corporation
Reporting a problem today
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Choose either “Report a defect” or “Ask a question”
Report a defect
Submit component ID or proceed through product tree to select
Validate personal information
Describe problem and provide additional information
Ask a question
Proceed through product tree to select product
Validate personal information
Ask question
17 Session 9520 - IBMLink Replacement of ETR with IBM Service Request (SR)
© 2011 IBM Corporation
Reporting a problem with SR – preferred product option
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The first tab shows a list of
preferred products and
components, allowing
quick access to commonly
used selections.
Products shown in bold & gray,
with associated components
indented below each product.
18 Session 9520 - IBMLink Replacement of ETR with IBM Service Request (SR)
© 2011 IBM Corporation
Reporting a problem with SR – entitled product option
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The second tab allows a
search for products and
components for that are
entitled to support.
Product names, component
names, and identifiers can be
entered here...
Both product and
component results appear
19 Session 9520 - IBMLink Replacement of ETR with IBM Service Request (SR)
© 2011 IBM Corporation
Reporting a problem with SR – entitled product option
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Type keyword...
10 products are found
with WebSphere Portal
in their descriptions.
27 components contain
WebSphere Portal in
their descriptions.
20 Session 9520 - IBMLink Replacement of ETR with IBM Service Request (SR)
© 2011 IBM Corporation
Reporting a problem with SR – entitled component ID option
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Alternately, enter a
component ID.
The resulting component
description and releases
are shown here.
21 Session 9520 - IBMLink Replacement of ETR with IBM Service Request (SR)
© 2011 IBM Corporation
Reporting a problem with SR – entitled component option
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Type keyword with optional
6 components are found.
Arrow determines
which panel is
22 Session 9520 - IBMLink Replacement of ETR with IBM Service Request (SR)
© 2011 IBM Corporation
Reporting a problem with SR – entitled component option
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Select one component
Choose product related
to selected component.
Continue once selections
are made.
Optionally, save as a
preferred product selection.
23 Session 9520 - IBMLink Replacement of ETR with IBM Service Request (SR)
© 2011 IBM Corporation
Reporting a problem with SR – agreement selection
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Prior selections are noted and
linked for alteration in this box.
Select customer number /
agreement type that most
appropriate to your
service request.
24 Session 9520 - IBMLink Replacement of ETR with IBM Service Request (SR)
© 2011 IBM Corporation
Reporting a problem with SR – personal information validation
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Contact methods are primarily
driven from the support
offering applicable to the
selected product.
Personal contact
information is available for
validation and alteration.
Additional contacts can
be added to the
notification list.
Progress can be saved as
a draft for later retrieval.
25 Session 9520 - IBMLink Replacement of ETR with IBM Service Request (SR)
© 2011 IBM Corporation
Reporting a problem with SR – problem description
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SR title and problem description.
Is the system down?
Prior selections are
noted and linked for
alteration in this box.
Quickly edit the
preferred contact
Is this a defect or a
question? Is premium
response requested?
Describe the impact this
problem is having to your
Optionally, include
a business partner
in managing this
service request.
26 Session 9520 - IBMLink Replacement of ETR with IBM Service Request (SR)
© 2011 IBM Corporation
Reporting a problem with SR – problem description
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Some products
require that
information be
Attach one or
more files.
Optionally, apply a local
tag or ID to this service
27 Session 9520 - IBMLink Replacement of ETR with IBM Service Request (SR)
© 2011 IBM Corporation
Reporting a problem with SR – problem description
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Some products
require that
information be
Additional information is
filled into the pop-up
28 Session 9520 - IBMLink Replacement of ETR with IBM Service Request (SR)
© 2011 IBM Corporation
Reporting a problem with SR – submission result
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Service request number
provided upon submission.
29 Session 9520 - IBMLink Replacement of ETR with IBM Service Request (SR)
© 2011 IBM Corporation
Searching for service requests with SR – advanced search
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Select one, many,
or all customer
Status-based filters
Severity filter
30 Session 9520 - IBMLink Replacement of ETR with IBM Service Request (SR)
© 2011 IBM Corporation
Searching for service requests with SR – search results
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Previously saved
searches are
Change criteria and
search again
Save the current search.
Active and archived search
results are shown here in
separate tabs.
31 Session 9520 - IBMLink Replacement of ETR with IBM Service Request (SR)
© 2011 IBM Corporation
Searching for service requests with SR – result customization
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32 Session 9520 - IBMLink Replacement of ETR with IBM Service Request (SR)
© 2011 IBM Corporation
Updating service requests with SR
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33 Session 9520 - IBMLink Replacement of ETR with IBM Service Request (SR)
© 2011 IBM Corporation
Managing service request ownership with SR
The user that creates a service request is the owner by default.
A user cannot give ownership of a service request to another user; a user
can only take ownership.
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34 Session 9520 - IBMLink Replacement of ETR with IBM Service Request (SR)
© 2011 IBM Corporation
Managing service request ownership with SR
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The contact information
cannot be updated since the
current user is not the owner
of this service request.
The user can take ownership
35 Session 9520 - IBMLink Replacement of ETR with IBM Service Request (SR)
© 2011 IBM Corporation
Key ETR Migration Concerns
“My” service requests
The method used by ETR is deprecated and nontransferable
Create or update a PMR within SR to associate to you
PMR abstracts / titles
ETR places this information into an internal only field
One-time process developed to migrate active PMR abstracts
Update a PMR within SR to add or alter the title
Product/component selection
“RESP” field migrated to an exclamation point in PMR search result table
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36 Session 9520 - IBMLink Replacement of ETR with IBM Service Request (SR)
© 2011 IBM Corporation
Live Demonstration and Q&A
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37 Session 9520 - IBMLink Replacement of ETR with IBM Service Request (SR)
© 2011 IBM Corporation
Further Information
IBM Service Request (SR)
SR Web Assistance
SR Support Team
ETR Migration Technical Note
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