July 2022, IDC #US48061021e
IDC MarketScape
IDC MarketScape: U.S. Business Intelligence and Analytics
Platforms 2022 Vendor Assessment
Dan Vesset Ray Huo
IDC MarketScape U.S. Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms
Vendor Assessment
Source: IDC, 2022
©2022 IDC #US48061021e 2
Please see the Appendix for detailed methodology, market definition, and scoring criteria.
The content for this excerpt was taken directly from IDC MarketScape: U.S. Business Intelligence and
Analytics Platforms 2022 Vendor Assessment (Doc # US48061021). All or parts of the following
sections are included in this excerpt: IDC Opinion, IDC MarketScape Vendor Inclusion Criteria,
Essential Guidance, Vendor Summary Profile, Appendix and Learn More. Also included is Figure 1.
IDC's April 2022
U.S. Business Intelligence and Analytics Survey
of over 500 organizations yet again
highlighted the high level of executive support for investing in data-driven decision making across the
enterprise. Previous confirmation of the recognition of the need and willingness to invest in data-driven
decision making came from IDC's August 2021 study of enterprise intelligence.
These and other market research studies continue to define the value of a broad range of data,
analytics, artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning (ML), and related technologies one of which is
business intelligence and analytics (BIA) software. In 2021, the total market size of the BIA software
market, as defined for the purposes of this IDC MarketScape, topped $16 billion, with the United
States representing half of the total market.
This software spending was distributed among a number of BIA technology providers, ranging from
large, diversified IT vendors with broad portfolios to midsize specialist and start-ups. There is no
shortage of BIA software today to address organizations' needs for data analysis and exploration,
visualization, and storytelling. This IDC MarketScape includes select BIA software vendors that met
the criteria described in the section that follows. No attempt was made to provide an evaluation of an
exhaustive list of BIA vendors. Note that other IDC research in this market showcases some of the
latest innovative start-ups and growth rates and share of various BIA software vendors, as well as
latest BIA software capabilities organizations find most important and challenges with and benefits
derived using BIA software.
As organizations identify, evaluate, and select their BIA software, we encourage them to incorporate
this IDC MarketScape as one of the inputs in this process.
Any software vendor participating in this IDC MarketScape had to meet the following inclusion criteria:
Provides to the market standalone, packaged business intelligence and analytics software that
is used primarily for data exploration and analysis by business or data analysts via a no-code
user interface (UI)
Provides BIA software with functionality that includes self-service data analysis software used
for data exploration, ad hoc analysis, and insight identification (Some of the functionality may
be enabled by underlying AI or ML functionality, elsewhere referred to by IDC as AI-infused
©2022 IDC #US48061021e 3
Uses BIA software based on a no-code user interface with typical users including business
analysts, data analysts, and business function employees, rather than statisticians or data
Uses inclusion criteria that did not include BIA software deployment options (e.g., public cloud
or on premises) or pricing models (e.g., subscription versus perpetual license)
Meets the threshold of $50 million in BIA software revenue in the United States in 2021 based
on IDC's Semiannual Software Tracker
Has market presence and momentum based on IDC inquiry and other related primary
Exclusions for this IDC MarketScape include:
Software with functionality for developing, testing, and deploying statistical or ML models
(advanced analytics and machine learning workbenches) was excluded from this IDC
Software for production reporting or pixel-perfect reporting was excluded from this IDC
Software dedicated to data integration and data intelligence was excluded from this IDC
Business intelligence and analytics software is one of the most visible pieces of the technology stack
that enables data-driven or data-informed decision making and greater enterprise intelligence. While
data warehouses, data lakes, lake houses, and various data integration and data intelligence software
form the foundation of an organization's data and analytics technology architecture, it is BIA software
that data analysts, business analysts, and others in the organization interact with daily.
When evaluating and selecting appropriate BIA software consider the following:
Conduct an in-depth technical and vendor alignment assessment.
Technical evaluation should include all steps in the workflow of a typical user. These steps
should encompass data connectivity, data preparation, data analysis, and communicating to
others with data.
Ensure that BIA software includes a range of adjacent functionality, including support for
collaboration and automation of certain steps in the users' workflow using ML and/or rules.
Don't become distracted by jargon about AI. Develop a clear understanding of the vendor's
use of ML for automating steps of data analysis and use of AI for enhancing human-computer
interactions using natural language (NL) query and generation of explanatory narratives of
analysis results.
Expect growing demand for access to BIA software and evaluate scalability and performance
specifications keeping in mind expected data volumes and query concurrency.
Ensure data security, data privacy and protection, and data sovereignty management features
match your organization's requirements.
Request conversations with references to assess ongoing customer service and support from
the vendor.
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Discuss vendors' vision, plans, and foreseeable research and development investments to
ensure alignment with your organization's strategy for BIA and enterprise intelligence overall.
Explore the existing community of the BIA software vendor, including their other customers
and partners, and the level of support available from these community members.
Evaluate pricing models, options, and contract terms as part of overall price negotiation.
This section briefly explains IDC's key observations resulting in a vendor's position in the IDC
MarketScape. While every vendor is evaluated against each of the criteria outlined in the Appendix,
the description here provides a summary of each vendor's strengths and challenges. Note that vendors
are listed in alphabetical order by name.
Domo is positioned in the Leaders category in the 2022 IDC MarketScape for U.S. business
intelligence and analytics platforms.
Quick facts about Domo are as follows:
Company vision: Data apps to help you get your work done
BIA mission: Help everyone to take confident actions, with data at their fingertips.
Interesting fact: Domo's user conference is called Domopalooza and its employees refer to
themselves as Domosapiens.
Domo caters its platform to all types of users, including business analysts, data analysts, and IT
practitioners, but its primary success comes from addressing the needs of business users in areas like
marketing, product management, sales, and operations. Domo's cloud software platform is called The
Business Cloud that includes functionality for data preparation, analytics, and application
Domo's platform has a built-in high-speed MPP database engine that enables users to create a Domo
data warehouse. Its data ingestion and preparation functionality is infused with ML capabilities to
automatically profile data as it arrives. Because everything is being monitored in the Domo platform, it
can expose to user data lineage, user activity, and other metrics that promote greater trust in data and
Domo also provides integrated collaboration functionality that includes annotation, alerting, chat, and
highly transparent social/community engagement features.
Domo has multiple pricing options that include a combination of platform plus user access licenses
and/or pricing based on number of rows of data. There are also separately priced add-ons for
capabilities such as AutoML, and Sandbox.
Speed to deployment is one of Domo's strengths. Its data connectors, ETL, AI-infused
analytics, and app dev components have been shown to enable organizations to deploy BIA
solutions for internal decision support and external data monetization within days or weeks.
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Domo Sandbox is a recently released cloud-native development and testing environment that
enables business users and developers to collaborate on the development of BI applications
and data models.
Domo needs to continue to build out capabilities for deployment on all major cloud platforms
and to continue to build out native connectors to more databases to ensure its platform can
inherit source database security and privacy schemes.
Domo's pricing model does not differentiate between different types of users such as "read
only" users with power users or authors.
Consider Domo When
Consider Domo if your needs require an end-to-end cloud BIA platform that enables collaboration
between business and technical BI staff and supports ongoing expansion and scaling of analytics
capabilities from one initial business domain to others.
In addition, Domo Everywhere allows organizations to provide their partners and customers with
externally facing, self-service analytics that can be branded to match external parties' requirements.
Reading an IDC MarketScape Chart
For the purposes of this analysis, IDC divided potential key measures for success into two primary
categories: capabilities and strategies.
Positioning on the y-axis reflects the vendor's current capabilities and menu of services and how well
aligned the vendor is to customer needs. The capabilities category focuses on the capabilities of the
company and product today, here and now. Under this category, IDC analysts will look at how well a
vendor is building/delivering capabilities that enable it to execute its chosen strategy in the market.
Positioning on the x-axis, or strategies axis, indicates how well the vendor's future strategy aligns with
what customers will require in three to five years. The strategies category focuses on high-level
decisions and underlying assumptions about offerings, customer segments, and business and go-to-
market plans for the next three to five years.
The size of the individual vendor markers in the IDC MarketScape represents the market share of each
individual vendor within the specific market segment being assessed. For this IDC MarketScape,
vendor size was determined by data in IDC's Worldwide Semiannual Big Data and Analytics Software
IDC MarketScape Methodology
IDC MarketScape criteria selection, weightings, and vendor scores represent well-researched IDC
judgment about the market and specific vendors. IDC analysts tailor the range of standard
characteristics by which vendors are measured through structured discussions, surveys, and
interviews with market leaders, participants and end users. Market weightings are based on user
interviews, buyer surveys, and the input of IDC experts in each market. IDC analysts base individual
vendor scores, and ultimately vendor positions on the IDC MarketScape, on detailed surveys and
interviews with the vendors, publicly available information, and end-user experiences in an effort to
©2022 IDC #US48061021e 6
provide an accurate and consistent assessment of each vendor's characteristics, behavior, and
Market Definition
Business intelligence and analytics (BIA) software are tools and platforms for supporting the life cycle
of data analysis and decision support. Software products in this market support a broad range of
analytic techniques for descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive analytics. Some examples
of such data analysis are root-cause evaluation, key driver identification, trend analysis, and anomaly
Software in this category is most used by data and business analysts and information consumers,
rather than data scientists or application developers. Modern BIA software provides functionality to
address multiple steps in the workflow of its primary users. These steps include connecting to the data,
preparing the data for analysis, analyzing the data, and communicating the results of the analysis
using data visualization and storytelling. Some BIA software provides further capabilities to push
results of the analysis into downstream applications.
While the business intelligence software market also includes other functionality, such as production
reporting and embedding analytics into other enterprise applications, products specifically marketed
and used for these purposes were not included in this IDC MarketScape.
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Related Research
Worldwide Big Data and Analytics Software Forecast, 20222026
Worldwide Business Intelligence and Analytics 2021 Market Shares: Uncertainty Drives
Demand for Analytics
(IDC #US48083222, forthcoming)
Staying in the Flow with Embedded Analytics
(IDC #US49375922, June 2022)
Self-Service Analytics in the Age of Machine Learning
(IDC #US48733822, May 2022)
IDC Market Glance: Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Decisioning Software, 4Q21
#US48082921, December 2021)
Misalignment About Benefits of Data and Analytics Investments Can Hinder Decision Support
and Automation Initiatives
(IDC #US48363221, November 2021)
IDC TechBrief: AI-Infused Analytics
(IDC #US48288221, October 2021)
IDC Innovators: Business Intelligence and Decisioning Software Solutions, 2021
#US48290421, October 2021)
This IDC study provides an assessment of 16 business intelligence and analytics software platform
vendors. The evaluation is based on a comprehensive and rigorous framework that assesses vendors
relative to the criteria and one another. The study highlights the factors expected to be the most
influential for buyers as they seek new software to support data analysis to enable data-driven or data-
informed decision making. This assessment can be used to help define a short list of vendors.
"Demand for business intelligence and analytics software remains high, especially in the current time
of uncertainty that demand visibility into data and data-driven or data-informed decision making,"
added Dan Vesset, group vice president of Analytics and Information Management and head of IDC's
Global Future of Enterprise Intelligence practice. "There is significant room for improvement in the
penetration of BIA software within any given organization as well as in migrating to newest versions of
this software to take advantage of the latest scalability, performance, and AI/ML-based automation and
interactivity features," added Raymond Huo, senior analyst, IDC's Business Analytics and Decisions
Software practice.
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International Data Corporation (IDC) is the premier global provider of market intelligence, advisory
services, and events for the information technology, telecommunications and consumer technology
markets. IDC helps IT professionals, business executives, and the investment community make fact-
based decisions on technology purchases and business strategy. More than 1,100 IDC analysts
provide global, regional, and local expertise on technology and industry opportunities and trends in
over 110 countries worldwide. For 50 years, IDC has provided strategic insights to help our clients
achieve their key business objectives. IDC is a subsidiary of IDG, the world's leading technology
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