3 PE 695.458
Exploring the
opportunities and
challenges of new
technologies for EU
tax administration
and policy
Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies
Directorate-General for Internal Policies
Authors: Jeffrey OWENS, Ivan LAZAROV, and Nathalia OLIVEIRA COSTA
PE 695.458 - September 2021
Requested by the Economic and Monetary Affairs
subcommittee on tax matters (FISC)
IPOL | Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies
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This research paper explores the opportunities and challenges
faced by the EU from the rapid emergence of new technologies
such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Analytics
and Blockchain in the area of taxation .These technologies enable
a transformation of the way that tax administration interact with
taxpayers and can move tax compliance into real time. At the
same time they raise practical and legal challenges for both the
Member States and the European Union.
This document was provided by the Policy Department for
Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies at the request of
the Sub Committee on Tax Matters (FISC).
Exploring the
opportunities and
challenges of new
technologies for EU
tax administration
and policy
PE 695.458 6
This document was requested by the European Parliament's Economic and Monetary Affairs’ Sub
Committee on Tax Matters (FISC).
Jeffrey OWENS, Head of WU Global Tax Policy Center
Ivan LAZAROV, Senior Researcher at the WU Global Tax Policy Center
Nathalia OLIVEIRA COSTA, Research Associate at the WU Global Tax Policy Center
Original: EN
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Manuscript completed: September 2021
Date of publication: Month 2021
© European Union, 2021
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For citation purposes, the publication should be referenced as: Owens, J., Lazarov, I., Oliveira Costa, N.,
Exploring the Opportunities and Challenges of New Technologies for EU Tax Administration and Policy,
Publication for the committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs’ Sub Committee on Tax Matters
(FISC), Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies, European Parliament,
Luxembourg, 2021.
Exploring the opportunities and challenges of new technologies for EU tax administration and policy
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1. Fiscal autonomy of the Member States 14
2.2. The digital transformation of Member States 14
2.3. The need for EU coordination 17
2.4. Legal basis for EU action 18
2.5. The policy interest of Member States 18
1. Withholding taxes 20
3.2. Value Added Tax 21
3.3. Exchange of information 22
3.4. Dispute resolution 23
1. The legal basis, proportionality and subsidiarity 24
4.2. Protection of taxpayers’ rights 25
4.3. The obligations upon intermediaries and legal responsibility 25
1. Opportunities deriving from emerging technologies 28
5.2. Risks deriving from emerging technologies 32
1. How can Member States get from where they are to where they want to be in terms of
digitalisation? 36
6.2. What roles do the EU institutions have in the digitalisation efforts of Member States? 39
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Automatic exchange of information
Artificial intelligence
Anti-money laundering
Beneficial ownership
Central Bank Digital Currency
Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base
Court of Justice of the European Union
Directive on Administrative Cooperation
European Central Bank
Exchange of information
European Parliament
European Union
General Data Protection Regulation
Infrastructure as a service
Internet of things
Information technology
Keyless signature infrastructure
Know your customer
Machine learning
Multinational enterprise
Platform as a service
Software as a service
Spain's system on Immediate Supply of Information on VAT
Exploring the opportunities and challenges of new technologies for EU tax administration and policy
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Small and medium size enterprise
Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union
Value Added Tax
Withholding tax
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Figure 1: Radar for application of technologies 30
Figure 2: VAT treatment of virtual currencies in EU Member States 34
Figure 3: Different stages of a digital tax administration roadmap 37
Figure 4: Data quality is key 38
Table 1: Countries’ experiences 15
Table 2: Technologies and their practical applications for tax purposes 28
Table 3: Blockchain and the Distributed Ledger Technology 32
Table 4: Levels of digital maturity of tax administrations 36
Exploring the opportunities and challenges of new technologies for EU tax administration and policy
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A digital and sustainable transformation is one of EU’s top priorities. The European Commission, in its
action plan for fair and simple taxation supporting recovery strategy, recognizes the importance of
efficient taxation as the EU and global community seek to recover from the economic consequences
of the COVID-19 crisis. In a digitalized era, the drivers of the next stage of tax reforms will be based on
the need for sustainable and inclusive growth, and tax revenues to finance budget deficits.
Governments will also strive to ensure a level playing field between digital and non-digital companies
and that all companies paid tax in the place where value is created
The transformation in the tax area relates not only to exploring the opportunities of making the
national revenue collection more efficient but also to aligning the tax treatment in the internal market
with the one under the domestic markets of the Member States both with respect to the compliance
burden and the enforcement mechanisms available. To do so, there is a number of technologies that
have the potential of transforming the tax systems as we know them, some of which are already being
explored by the Member States, and might be at the centre of coordinated action by the EU. Among
these are the blockchain, the internet of things, artificial intelligence and data processing, as well as
cloud and quantum computing.
This research paper aims at:
demonstrating the negative impact on the internal market of unilateral actions by Member
States as regards the digitalisation of tax administrations and procedures;
outlining the potential areas where coordinated action at EU level seems desirable and feasible;
addressing some of the legal challenges that might arise from such coordinated action;
discussing the key emerging technologies that are already used by certain Member States and
that might be underpinning a coordinated EU approach;
exploring the necessary steps that domestic tax administrations should undergo for their
digital transformation and the role Union institutions might have in assisting them.
Key Findings
Due to the existing fiscal autonomy regarding the digitalisation of tax administrations, Member States
develop technological solutions unilaterally and in parallel to one another. These solutions perform
similar tasks but are not necessarily compatible across Member States. The lack of interoperability puts
cross-border taxpayers at a disadvantage since their tax liability cannot be subjected to an automated
assessment due to the lack of structured real-time data that is equivalent to the one collected
Hence, a certain level of intra-EU coordination with respect to the interoperability of the domestic
digitalisation efforts by the Member States is desirable especially in the context of achieving a single
digital market. The Member States would also have an interest in greater coordination due to the
expansion of their tax bases with taxes that rely upon accurate cross-border information in real time.
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Moreover, the fight against tax evasion and avoidance depends upon an ever-increasing cooperation
between the authorities of the Member States, with the ultimate goal of having no difference in the
information flows between purely domestic and intra-EU dimension.
In this sense, the coordination of the digitalisation efforts should result in a single EU-wide space for
sharing tax information where the internal market is having the characteristics of a domestic market.
The successful coordinated implementation of new technologies and automation of processes
depends upon two main factors: (i) the existence of standardized data and (ii) a sufficient level of
harmonisation of the underlying rules. Therefore, in the context of EU law, possible first areas of action
might be: withholding taxation and VAT as far as automation of processes is concerned; and exchange
of information and dispute resolution, as regards the creation of a communication channel for sharing
real-time standardized tax-relevant data.
A number of legal challenges arise in the context of a coordinated action at EU level with respect to
digitalisation. These challenges relate to: (i) the legal basis and the need to demonstrate obstacles to
cross-border mobility or appreciable distortions to competition in the absence of harmonisation; (ii)
the need to protect taxpayers’ rights, especially with respect to privacy of natural persons; (iii) the role
of intermediaries such as banks, digital platforms, or advisors in providing structured data that allow
for automatic calculation of tax liability.
The process of coordination might encompass a range of digitalisation possibilities for tax purposes,
from process optimization to identification of risks and automation of processes. Different tax
authorities are at different stages of their domestic digitalisation journey, but a number of technologies
are already being explored and implemented by governments. This is something that the common EU
approach might build upon.
Emerging technologies give rise to opportunities but also to some challenges. In particular,
cryptocurrencies are digital assets that are outside of government control to a certain extent, which
may result in the possibility of its use for criminal activities, exchange rate volatility, manipulation and
tax challenges. Addressing these concerns uniformly in all Member States would prevent jurisdiction
shopping and ensure level playing field in the EU.
At the start of the coordinated digitalisation process, the EU institutions and Member States should
focus on developing an EU-wide digital tax administration roadmap which could guide Member States’
tax administrations as they digitalise their tax administrations and which would take into account the
different stages of development in the 27 Member States. The EU can play a necessary modest role in
the digitalisation efforts of the Member States by: (i) taking coordinated action at EU level in terms of
ensuring the interoperability of the technological systems employed, especially with respect to the
standardization of data collection and sharing; (ii) providing a common infrastructure for the
automation of tax outcomes in harmonized areas; (iii) assisting the tax administration of the Member
States by issuing soft-law instruments and providing the necessary framework for training and
cooperation; (iv) providing regular updates to Member States on emerging technologies and their
potential use in the tax area.
The ultimate shared goal between the Union and its Member States would be the creation of a more
competitive digital internal market while fostering the revenue generating capabilities of the Member
States from cross-border activities.
Exploring the opportunities and challenges of new technologies for EU tax administration and policy
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A digital and sustainable transformation is one of EU’s top priorities
. The European Commission, in its
action plan for fair and simple taxation supporting recovery strategy
, recognizes the importance of
efficient taxation as the EU and global community seek to recover from the economic consequences
of the COVID-19 crisis. In its effort to step up the fight against tax fraud and base erosion, the
Commission highlights challenges arising from the digitalisation of the economy and emphasizes the
need to help tax administrations to keep pace with a continually evolving technologies.
The matter of digital transformation has also an internal market dimension. In the absence of a
coordinated action at EU level, the domestic digital transformation of tax procedures by the Member
States would eventually diverge leading to the creation of domestic technological systems that lack
cross-border interoperability. This would disadvantage taxpayers that operate cross-border, as they
would be unable to rely on the ease of compliance burden that automation of tax processes offers. It
would be also to the disadvantage of tax authorities as they would lack the same type of standardized
real time data in order to evaluate tax risks and assess tax liability that would be otherwise available
domestically. The latter would undermine the coordinated effort to combat tax evasion and avoidance.
However, adopting a coordinated approach is only possible when there is a common understanding
of new technologies. For instance, only after knowing that the successful deployment of Artificial
Intelligence for risk analysis is dependent upon standardized data, one can move towards measures
ensuring this standardization in a cross-border context. The same holds true for other technologies
such as the blockchain that allow for automating the tax consequences of cross-border transactions
only as long as sufficient coordination of the underlying substantive rules exists. Thus, developing a
common understanding of the technologies and the need for common action at EU level are
For this reason, this paper addresses both issues. First, it examines the status quo, demonstrating that
by relying solely on the fiscal autonomy of Member States when designing their digital tax procedures,
the cross-border situations are put at a disadvantage. This necessitates common action. Second, it
envisages this common action in several areas that seem as the natural starting point due to the already
existing harmonisation at EU level. Third, it looks at a number of the legal challenges that would arise,
should a coordinated approach be pursued by the Union institutions. Fourth, it discusses some of the
emerging technologies that might be the tools of such common measures, their relevance for tax
purposes, as well as their particular utility in EU context. Finally, it assesses the practical dimension of
digital transformation in the tax area by exploring the necessary steps that domestic tax
administrations must undergo and the role Union institutions might have in assisting them.
Council conclusions on shaping Europe's digital future, available at https://data.consilium.europa.eu/doc/document/ST-8711-2020-
INIT/en/pdf; European Parliament News, Digital transformation: importance, benefits and EU policy (2021), available at
policy .
Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament An Action Plan for fair and simple taxation supporting
the recovery strategy, COM(2020) 312 final, 15 July 2020
07/2020_tax_package_tax_action_plan_en.pdf .
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2.1. Fiscal autonomy of the Member States
The principle of national procedural autonomy determines that each Member State is at liberty to
design its own procedural rules, subject to the principles of equivalence (no less favorable treatment
than similar domestic situations) and effectiveness (gaining the benefit must not be impossible or
excessively difficult)
. This principle applies even if an area is covered by EU law rules
This is even more so whenever an area is not covered by secondary law rules. It is a conventional
wisdom stemming from the principle of conferral that, in the absence of harmonizing Union measures,
the Member States are at liberty to design and levy taxes as long as they do so in a non-discriminatory
The process of digital transformation relates predominantly to procedural rather than substantive
matters (i.e., how taxes are levied, instead of which taxes are levied). Hence, the initial starting point of
the analysis must be that, in principle, the matter of digital transformation falls within the sphere of
competence of the Member States and the principle of their fiscal autonomy
. In principle, the Union
has no competence to regulate domestic procedural matters
2.2. The digital transformation of Member States
Based on national procedural autonomy, countries have been implementing technology tools in
several ways and in different areas of tax, such as value added tax (VAT), wage taxes, transfer pricing
and customs. Table 1 illustrate some examples of countries’ experiences with the application of
technology for tax purposes. These examples are illustrative and not meant to be a comprehensive
comparative study, but serve the purpose of highlighting two points: (i) countries are looking at
possibilities for digitalizing their tax systems; and (ii) they do so unilaterally, in uncoordinated fashion,
and are naturally at different stage of development. This will have an impact on the need and nature
of coordinated action at the EU level.
DE: CJEU, 16 December 1976, Case C-33/76, Rewe-Zentralfinanz, EU:C:1976:188.
For example, the Parent-Subsidiary Directive (Council Directive 2011/96/EU of 30 November 2011) exempts qualifying dividends from
source taxation (substantive right derived from EU law by private parties), but each Member State can decide the procedural rules for
gaining access to this exemption.
See CJEU, 28 January 1986, Case 270/83, Commission v France (‘Avoir Fiscal’), EU:C:1986:37, para. 13.
See for example CJEU, 9 October 2014, C-326/12, van Caster, EU:C:2014:2269, para. 47.
The soft-law framework introduced by Article 197(2) TFEU underlines this conclusion: see S. Gaben, “Article 197” in The EU Treaties and
the Charter of Fundamental Rights: A Commentary [Kellerbauer/Klamert/Tomkin], OUP (2019), p. 1561.
In principle, Member States have fiscal autonomy regarding the digitaliza
tion of tax
administrations. This leads to the development in parallel of technological solutions that perform
similar tasks but are not necessarily interoperable. While such technological solutions have the
potential of easing the tax compliance burden greatly in domestic scenarios, the lack of
interoperability leads to putting cross-border transactions at a disadvantage. Thus, it is in the
interest of the internal market to move towards a coordinated approach. The Member States would
also have an interest in greater coordination due to the expansion of their tax bases with taxes that
rely upon accurate cross-border information in real time.
Exploring the opportunities and challenges of new technologies for EU tax administration and policy
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Table 1: Countries’ experiences
Country Main technology Use of technology
E-services (including pre-filled tax
returns); data mining and analysis.
he Italian tax administration is active in
tackling the challenges and risks of the digital
economy and takes a holi
stic and
comprehensive approach
The tax
administration’s institutional structure was
reorganized to centralize the responsibilities
related to the measures connected to the
digital economy.
The Italian tax adm
inistration uses data
mining to identify discrepancies between
data available to tax administration and tax
returns, tax payments or cross-border data
and information from AEOI. Based on this, the
authorities developed benchmarks on
industrial, commercial
and professional
activities, based on individual data to perform
Moreover, tax authorities rely on available
data to model relationships among
individuals and/or companies and apply
Social Network Analysis tools and techniques
to establish existing networks among parties.
The aim is to identify individuals or
companies involved in recurring high-risk
behaviors and build chains of transactions
based on e-invoice to detect recurring VAT
frauds patterns. In addition, automate
extraction of data
from the web (web
scraping and text mining) enhances available
data with “fresh” information and to
complement the available data sets.
Artificial intelligence; e-services
Spain implemented a real time VAT reporting
system Immediate Supply of Information on
For more information on the Italian tax administration digital transformation, see Fisco Oggi, L’Agenzia sempre più digital 1 diventa un
modello da seguire, available at
The legislations already implemented in Italy include MOSS (Mini One Stop Shop, effective as of 1 January 2015), Short term rentals
withholding and reporting obligations for intermediaries and digital platforms (Decree Law n. 50 of 2017, article 4 paragraphs 4, 5, 5-bis
and 6), Reporting obligations for e-commerce platforms (Law Decree 30 April 2019, n. 34, article 13, paragraph 1), Digital services tax (Law
n. 145 of 30 December 2018, article 1, paragraphs 35 to 50, modified by Law n. 160 of 27 December 2019, article 1, paragraph 678).
See the explanation provided by the official website of the Spanish tax authorities on New VAT management system based on
Immediate Supply of Information, available at
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VAT (SII). SII is a bookkeeping system
maintained in the electronic office of the
Spanish Tax Authorities, where billing records
must be forwarded to the Tax Agency
electronically. The result of SII has reduced
the administrative burden on ta
xpayers as
well as reduced mistakes as the systems can
cross check self-information with other third
In addition, Spain developed a Virtual
Assistance tool for VAT based on artificial
intelligence. Taxpayers can access the portal
and ask question
s in the chatbot about
information about registration and
rectification of invoices, obligations related to
foreign trade, chargeability, taxable amount,
tax rate, exemptions and deductions on real
estate transactions, etc. The AI tool provides a
us, logic response with the
necessary information and is available
instantly and 24/7.
Estonia launched digital services such as e-
Business and e-
Register by implementing
keyless signature infrastructure (KSI
Blockchain). The use of KSI Blockchain allows
the citizens and government to verify the
integrity of their records on government
Slovenia introduced eDavki, an electronic tax
management system that enables paperless
communication fulfilling tax obligations from
anywhere in the world.
Source: Authors’ own elaboration.
The above overview demonstrates that EU Member States develop different platforms for achieving
similar goals. This approach brings the risk of the majority of the platforms not being interoperable
from a technological perspective. The following section looks at the possibilities for EU institutions to
encourage a more coherent approach.
OECD (2020), Tax Administration 3.0: The Digital Transformation of Tax Administration, OECD, Paris.
Find more information on the platform developed at https://e-estonia.com/solutions/security-and-safety/ksi-blockchain/ .
Find more information on the possibilities provided by the e-services portal at the official governmental website:
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2.3. The need for EU coordination
The national procedural autonomy might be limited whenever the lack of procedural coordination has
an impact on the internal market. For instance, the cross-border procedural cooperation between the
tax authorities of Member States is subject to extensive harmonisation as otherwise the proper
functioning of the internal market would have been jeopardized
Until now, the harmonisation of administrative cooperation has been mostly focused on the need to
provide the tax authorities with accurate information for assessing the taxes due by taxpayers that have
activities in more than one Member State. This is the natural consequence of a tax system that relies
predominantly on self-reporting as a mean for calculating taxes due: tax authorities must have a way
to verify the accuracy of the self-reporting, independent of where the taxpayer is resident and her/his
assets are located. Thus, the administrative cooperation until now is predominantly focused on
The process of digitalisation of tax procedures adds a further layer of need for coordination. As will be
discussed in greater detail in section 5 below, employing new technologies in administering taxation
has a two-fold benefit: on the one hand it provides for an opportunity of better risk-analysis (the
enforcement element), while on the other it automates tax compliance making it easier and cheaper
for taxpayers and tax administrations (the service element).
The implementation of both the enforcement and the service elements of digitalisation ultimately
depend upon having high-quality structured data of taxable events in real time. The output of any
digital process is as good as the data input that it receives. Ensuring the consistency and quality of this
data input is easier in domestic situations and it is done by each Member State. However, as far as cross-
border situations are concerned, the quality and structure of data depends ultimately on the
interoperability of the different systems. The longer Member States develop separately and unilaterally
their domestic systems, the further apart the interoperability of these systems would be.
As a result, in the absence of a coordinated action at EU level, two parallel compliance systems exist:
one more efficient for purely domestic situations and a second, much more burdensome, for cross-
border situations. The data on taxable events occurring domestically would be available to tax
authorities in real time and in a structured manner, while the data on taxable events that occur across
the border would not. As a result of the difference in the tax compliance burden, taxpayers may be
dissuaded from conducting cross-border economic activity which has a negative impact on the internal
. This is especially relevant for individuals and SMEs.
At the same time, the different compliance burden does not result from discriminatory treatment by
any Member State but rather from the lack of coordination of the national approaches and the
disparities that stem therefrom. Therefore, it is not the fundamental freedoms (that function as non-
discrimination rules in the area of taxation) but harmonisation of the domestic approaches that can
provide remedy to this unequal treatment between domestic and cross-border situations.
Adopting a coordinated approach to digitalisation is a matter of improving the competitiveness of the
internal market. The main premise of the latter is that engaging in cross-border activities should not be
more burdensome than staying purely domestic. As was demonstrated above, many Member States
aim at delivering a more efficient, user-friendly and simplified tax system by relying on digital
See for instance Recital (1) to Council Directive 2011/16/EU of 15 February 2011 on administrative cooperation in the field of taxation and
repealing Directive 77/799/EEC, OJ L 64, 11.3.2011 or Council Directive 2010/24/EU of 16 March 2010 concerning mutual assistance for
the recovery of claims relating to taxes, duties and other measures OJ L 84, 31.3.2010.
The Court has already had the chance to rule on the fact that non-residents might be put at a disadvantage as regards the compliance
burden related to producing evidence: see CJEU, 30 January 2020, Case C-156/17, Köln-Aktienfonds Deka, EU:C:2020:51, para. 61.
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technologies. In the absence of coordinated action, however, such simplification is destined to remain
available only to purely domestic situations. Hence, the digitalisation of tax systems has a profound
internal market dimension.
2.4. Legal basis for EU action
In the absence of general competence of the Union to act in the area of tax law, all harmonizing
measures should be adopted on the internal market legal bases (Article 113 and Article 115 TFEU). That
being the case, any measure would eventually be aimed at pursuing not fiscal objectives per se (and
unlike the domestic tax measures) but the objective of removing obstacles to cross-border movement
or appreciable distortions to competition that arise from this movement
. As an area of shared
competence and in accordance with the principle of conferral, all the tax measures are constrained by
the principles of proportionality (they must not go beyond what is necessary to attain their objectives)
and subsidiarity (the Union must act only as long as the objective cannot be attained at national level
to a sufficient degree). This paper will examine in more details the legal challenges posed by this
approach below in section 4.
As long as the supporting elements to successful implementation of a coordinated digital
transformation are concerned the appropriate legal basis might be Article 197 TFEU
. Naturally, the
Commission may also adopt soft-law recommendations based on Article 292 TFEU or
2.5. The policy interest of Member States
It is in the nature of the legal bases in the area of taxation that successful harmonisation depends upon
aligning the interests of the Union and its internal market with the interests of each individual Member
. The question of the coordinated digitalisation of (certain) tax procedures is among these
matters where such alignment is feasible: it is to the best interest of both tax administrations and
taxpayers that the cross-border and domestic tax compliance burdens are sufficiently equivalent.
Digitalisation created new business models, which resulted in new tax challenges. In the last years, the
possibility of companies to scale without mass resulted in tax enforcement challenges. There are a
number of topics being discussed among the international tax community in order to address various
concepts that are currently outdated in light of the evolution into a digitalisharmonisation
ed economy. For example, the nexus rule of permanent establishment, traditionally linked to the
physical presence of a non-resident company in a country, faces the need of a revision as digital
progress allows businesses to operate in a jurisdiction through an online presence
There is a growing consensus that the current tax system, designed many decades ago, is not suited to
deal with the challenges presented by the digitalized economy. Stakeholders are currently addressing
these issues. The international community is witnessing the implementation in several countries of
new tax bases (e.g., digital services taxes, environmental taxes, upcoming fees and levies), tax base
As to the meaning of the wording “directly affect the establishment or functioning of the internal market” see the interpretation provided
by the CJEU, 5 October 2000, Case C-376/98, Tobacco Advertising I, EU:C:2000:544.
In its relevant part, Article 197(2) TFEU provides: The Union may support the efforts of Member States to improve their administrative
capacity to implement Union law. Such action may include facilitating the exchange of information and of civil servants as well as
supporting training schemes.
This is due to the required unanimity in the Council for bringing forward a successful action.
The EU, of course, has not been a by-stander in these debates: see for example, Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE laying down rules
relating to the corporate taxation of a significant digital presence, COM/2018/0147 final - 2018/072 (CNS).
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broadening measures
and new ways of applying old tax concepts (e.g., digital permanent
establishment concept). All of these culminates in the discussion currently held by the G20 and the
OECD on a comprehensive international tax reform
Additionally, the COVID crisis led to an unprecedented increase in income inequality in most European
countries. The discussion on inequality and its side effects, however, is not new. The historical
concentration of wealth by a small number of people has many adverse implications in the social and
political spheres, whether it is a disproportionate concentration of power in the hands of a small group
of people, leading to their capacity to influence public decisions, or the popular belief that this results
in a moral affront
Even though wealth taxes have long been levied around the globe, their relevance within modern
systems has been considered fairly limited. Historically, the application of taxation of wealth has been
linked to the increase of use of international tax planning tools
. This is especially true in an internal
market where the free movement of people is guaranteed. However, the recent developments on
international tax transparency and effective exchange of information, paired with renewed political
interest, brought taxes on net wealth, inheritance, real estate and capital gains to name a few back
to governments’ agendas. This culminates in a different challenge: while in the past, little information
was available to fight offshore non-compliance; nowadays governments have access to a range of
databases and the technology to process the high quantity of data. As explored in section 5, digital
tools have a key role to play in data analytics. Thus, the technology developments allow governments
to rethink their attitude when it comes to the policy choices and implementation of these taxes.
The abovementioned tax bases - on MNEs that operate digitally or on high net worth individuals - have
one thing in common: they depend upon accurate real time cross-border information. In this sense,
any expansion of the tax base of Member States would be conditional upon fostering international
Some examples include: Hungary introduced a one-off tax on banks and credit institutions and a special retail tax temporarily in 2020.
France introduced a temporary tax on private healthcare in 2021. Luxembourg introduced a 20% WHT on income derived from real estate
located in Luxembourg by certain Luxembourg investment funds. Sweden announced a new tax on the financial sector from 2021
onwards. See OECD (2021), Tax Policy Reforms 2021: Special Edition on Tax Policy During the COVID-19 Pandemic, OECD, Paris, p. 44
See the OECD Statement on a Two-Pillar Solution to Address the Tax Challenges Arising From the Digitalisation of the Economy, available
at https://www.oecd.org/tax/beps/statement-on-a-two-pillar-solution-to-address-the-tax-challenges-arising-from-the-digitalisation-of-
the-economy-july-2021.pdf .
R. S. Rudnick & R. K. Gordon, Taxation of Wealth in Tax Law Design and Drafting vol. 1, ch. 10, V. Thuronyi, ed., International Monetary
Fund 1996
M. Lang et al., Trends and Players in Tax Policy, ch. 1, General Report
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The digitalisation of tax administrations has been understood predominantly by governments in its
procedural aspects i.e., the measures impact mostly the tax procedure that puts the substantive rules
into action. However, a meaningful digitalisation of tax procedures requires also an intervention at the
level of substantive rules in order to ensure that these rules can be applied with a sufficient ease on a
binary basis i.e., the substantive conditions for gaining a tax advantage must be objective and
quantifiable so that they can be successfully subjected to automation (or at the very least rebuttable
presumptions must be relied on).
Keeping the aforesaid in mind, a few preliminary observations are worth noting. First, the different
substantive areas of tax law within the EU are subject to very different levels of harmonisation. While
VAT is subject to material level of harmonisation
, corporate taxation is scarcely harmonized
personal income tax that is not harmonized at all.
If the substantive rules of a particular area are not subject to harmonisation, then implementing an EU-
wide digital automation process seems unlikely due to the divergent rules that are hard to account for
under a common technological umbrella. In such cases, the coordinated action would likely remain
only at the level of exchange of structured data.
On the other hand, what is practically more desirable and legally possible is a deeper harmonized
action in a limited number of key areas, where the substantive rules have already been harmonized but
the national procedural autonomy produces sub-optimal results in the context of an internal market.
Having this in mind, the following potential areas appear suitable for initial coordinated-EU action in
the field of taxation.
3.1. Withholding taxes
The first potential area where the system would benefit from a coordinated EU action on the
digitalisation of tax procedures is the entitlement to reduced withholding tax (WHT) rates. Currently,
although the Parent-Subsidiary Directive, the Interest-Royalties Directive and Double Tax Treaties
essentially eliminate or greatly reduce WHT on qualifying dividends, interests and royalties, the
underlying domestic procedural rules in the Member States are generally burdensome and costly,
Council Directive 2006/112/EC of 28 November 2006 on the common system of value added tax, OJ L 347, 11.12.2006.
With the exception of qualifying withholding tax situations and the anti-avoidance. See: Council Directive 2011/96/EU of 30 November
2011 on the common system of taxation applicable in the case of parent companies and subsidiaries of different Member States, OJ L
345, 29.12.2011 [Parent-Subsidiary Directive]; Council Directive 2003/49/EC of 3 June 2003 on a common system of taxation applicable
to interest and royalty payments made between associated companies of different Member States, OJ L 157, 26.6.2003 [Interest-Royalties
Directive]; and Council Directive (EU) 2016/1164 of 12 July 2016 laying down rules against tax avoidance practices that directly affect the
functioning of the internal market OJ L 193, 19.7.2016.
The successful coordinated implementation of new technologies and automation of processes
depends upon two main factors: the existence of standardized data and a sufficient level of
harmonization of the underlying rules.
Therefore, in the context of EU law, possible first areas of action might be: withholding taxation
and VAT as far as automation of processes is concerned; and exchange of information and dispute
resolution, as regards the creation of a communication channel for real-time standardized tax-
relevant data.
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thereby undermining the internal capital market
. The situation is especially burdensome for small
investors where the compliance costs would often outweigh the reduction of the withholding tax
. An estimate calculated by the EU Commission suggests that the cost of WHT refund procedures
in the EU alone was EUR 8.4 billion per year, which refers to foregone tax relief, costs of reclaim
procedures and opportunity costs
It is for this reason that the European Commission has committed to launch a legislative initiative in
2022/2023 “for introducing a common, standardized, EU-wide system for withholding tax relief at source,
accompanied by an exchange of information and cooperation mechanism among tax administrations
When drafting this initiative, the European Commission should take into account already existing
technologies that might transform the intra-European withholding tax system
In this sense, the limited area of WHT is an appropriate starting point for coordinated technological
advancement of the tax administrations of the 27 Member States. As mentioned above, such step
would require not only the introduction of a common procedural framework and technical standards
but also a review of the underlying substantive tax rules related to the entitlement to reduced WHT
3.2. Value Added Tax
The area of VAT is a good opportunity for further harmonisation of technologies in the EU context, as
it has significant cross-border impact, and the Member States are already operating in a coordinated
fashion within the VAT area for a number of years.
Thus, it is no surprise, that the VAT is high on the Commission’s agenda in terms of digital reforms. The
planned update of the VAT rules in light of the digital economy, the Eurofisc 2.0, the single VAT
registration and expanding the One-Stop-Shop are a few examples in this regard
. The main objective
of these changes is to lower the VAT compliance burden on taxpayers that operate in multiple Member
States, and to improve the resilience of the system against abuse and fraud.
Achieving these goals requires a great degree of integration and interoperability of the technical
infrastructure behind the VAT systems of the Member States. Some of the technologies that might
underpin such a system, such as blockchain, were already discussed at length within the framework of
Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament Accelerating the Capital Markets Union: addressing national
barriers to capital flows, COM(2017) 147 final, pp. 10-11.
This is part of the more general issue of higher (in relative terms) compliance costs for SMEs: see Communication from the Commission
to European Parliament and the Council - An action plan for fair and simple taxation supporting the recovery strategy, p 6.
Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament Accelerating the Capital Markets Union: addressing national
barriers to capital flows, COM(2017) 147 final, p. 11.
Communication from the Commission to European Parliament and the Council - An action plan for fair and simple taxation supporting
the recovery strategy, p 10.
See for example the already completed pilot study on the possible utilization of the blockchain technology in the area of WHT:
One example in this respect would be the rules on beneficial ownership and anti-avoidance that are based on vague standards, varying
to a degree in the Member States based on their legal tradition. The need to apply such varying standards to a WHT relief entitlement
makes its automation a difficult task. A possible way forward in this regard might be the introduction of preliminary (and binary) criteria
that trigger a rebuttable presumption of abuse/lack of beneficial ownership status, thereby leaving only a limited proportion of red-
flagged taxpayers outside the scope of automatic WHT entitlement. A proposal in similar terms was made by
Pistone/Nogueira/Turina/Lazarov, Abuse through shell companies and structures in the EU internal market: Feedback to the EU
consultation, ITAXS (forthcoming). The current initiative of the EU Commission on the fight against shell arrangements might be a suitable
occasion in outlining such criteria. See the developments on the future proposal of such a directive here:
Annex to the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council an Action Plan For Fair And Simple
Taxation Supporting The Recovery Strategy, COM(2020) 312 Final.
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the VAT in the Digital Age conference organized by the European Commission
. However, when
implementing such technologies, one must be wary of the challenges that may arise. Section 4
discusses some of these challenges in more details.
3.3. Exchange of information
The current framework of exchange of information within the EU (including the newly proposed DAC
) is based upon the premise that all reporting obligations of private parties including of those that
act as intermediaries for the taxpayer (e.g., financial institutions, advisors, or digital platforms) are
fulfilled when the private party reports to its domestic tax administration. The domestic tax
administration in turn (usually under an automatic exchange of information regime) transmits that
information to the tax authorities of the country where a taxable event has allegedly occurred. The
main downside of this system design is that it prevents the possibility of real-time tax compliance in a
cross-border setting: information is exchanged between the Member States on a periodical basis for
instance quarterly
While the automatic exchange on a periodical basis poses no significant issues in a system of reporting
that is also periodical (i.e., the tax systems of today), it would be a significant hurdle in a digital tax
system where information flows real-time, leading to pre-filled tax returns and significantly lowers
compliance burden while ensuring greater resilience to fraud
Bearing this in mind, there are two possible courses of action for making the exchange of information
system more efficient in the future:
The first possibility is to introduce the digital infrastructure and legal framework that makes the
automatic exchange of information immediate upon receipt by the tax authorities of the
transmitting Member State
The second (and more ambitious) possibility is the introduction of a common technical
infrastructure that moves from a system of tax-administration-to-tax-administration
information exchange to a system of direct cross-border information sharing between private
parties and foreign tax administrations.
A permissioned blockchain system encompassing all 27 tax administrations and EU intermediaries
under a reporting obligation with respect to their clients would be a possible way forward in this
respect. To the extent such a system guarantees not only the real-time prevention of abuse and fraud
but also the automatic tax compliance in a cross-border setting, it would be a welcomed development
in terms of the facilitation of the internal market.
See https://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vat-digital-age_en
See Article 8ac(2) of Council Directive (EU) 2021/514 of 22 March 2021 amending Directive 2011/16/EU on administrative cooperation in
the field of taxation, OJ L 104, 25.3.2021.
See for example Article 8ab(2) para. 18 of Council Directive (EU) 2018/822 of 25 May 2018 amending Directive 2011/16/EU as regards
mandatory automatic exchange of information in the field of taxation in relation to reportable cross-border arrangements, OJ L 139,
Often fraud is possible because of timing differences and lack of information.
This should not face substantial issues as far as taxpayers’ rights are concerned due to the principle of mutual trust and automatic
recognition between the Member States. See for example (in the tax area) ES: CJEU, 20 January 2021, Case C-420/19, Heavyinstall,
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3.4. Dispute resolution
While the integration of the technical infrastructure of the Member States in the areas governed by EU
law would lead to a simplified compliance in a cross-border setting, instances would nevertheless
persists where cross-border disputes and double taxation would occur. However, even if not fully
eliminating disputes, the employment of standardized technology would greatly benefit the
possibilities for swift resolution. In the context of the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic leading to
an increase usage of digital interaction, the reliance on technologies for dispute resolution is already
being considered
, including exclusively in a digital environment
. There is no reason why tax MAP
and arbitration procedures should not follow, especially given the already existing uniform EU
framework under the Dispute Resolution Directive
that can benefit from a common technical
infrastructure guaranteeing thereby the efficiency of the procedure and adherence to the minimum
EU standards on the protection of taxpayers’ rights.
The resolution of any legal dispute (including in international tax) goes through two main phases: first
a factual one, where evidence is gather, and a second one legal where the established factual
circumstances are subsumed under a legal norm. While the employment of technology at its current
state would scarcely help when there is a disagreement between two jurisdictions as to the
interpretation of a provision (besides the fact that as mentioned earlier it might serve as a drive towards
simplifying the tax systems), it would greatly reduce the timing of the fact-gathering phase. This is so
because the blockchain technology in particular allows for a real time, time stamped, common
understanding of the truth.
See the UNCITRAL conference on Dispute Resolution in the Digital Economy,
accessible at https://uncitral.un.org/en/disputeresolutiondigitaleconomy
See for instance the new Swiss Arbitration Platform at https://www.swissarbitration.org/asa-launches-new-swiss-arbitration-platform/
Council Directive (EU) 2017/1852 of 10 October 2017 on tax dispute resolution mechanisms in the European Union, OJ L 265, 14.10.2017.
For the utility of blockchain in international tax dispute resolution see Christina Dimitropoulou, Sriram Govind, Laura Turcan, Applying
Modern, Disruptive Technologies to Improve the Effectiveness of Tax Treaty Dispute Resolution: Part 1 and Part 2, (2018), 46, Intertax.
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Implementing digital technologies to tax procedures and administrations comes with a set of
challenges. This section will highlight the general elements that need to be considered in the context
of implementing EU-wide digital tax administration reforms. The section is not meant to be an
exhaustive list of the issues that might arise or to address them at too much length, as the intricate
details would necessarily relate to the specificities of the area where the action is taken.
4.1. The legal basis, proportionality and subsidiarity
As outlined above, all EU (hard-law) actions related to the digitalisation of tax administrations and
procedures must be based on an appropriate legal basis (Articles 113-116 TFEU) and in accordance
with the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality. To the extent the actions taken by the Union
institutions are confined to the areas covered above (WHT, VAT, EoI, and dispute resolution), meeting
this legal standard should be generally possible. There are three reasons for that.
First, there is already sufficient data to support the impact assessments that would need to be
performed by the Commission in demonstrating obstacles to cross-border movement or appreciable
distortions to competition, necessitating common action
: e.g., both the inefficiencies in the cross-
border WHT regime and the VAT are well documented
Second, as far as the internal market legal basis is concerned, the Court has adopted an approach
whereby the Union institutions have a considerable margin of discretion, with the CJEU interfering only
when a measure is manifestly inappropriate
Third, in practical terms it seems unlikely that a measure in the above mentioned areas would be
challenged in light of its legal basis: unless Article 116 TFEU is relied upon, the Member States would
need to agree unanimously. It comes without saying that, to the extent that the Commission decides
to rely on Article 116 TFEU as indicated in its action plan
, the conditions for its application would also
need to be met and the possibility of facing a legal challenge becomes much greater
On the importance of these impact assessments when relying on the internal market legal bases see CJEU, 7 Sept. 2006, Case C-310/04,
Spain v. Council, EU:C:2006:521; UK: CJEU, 8 June 2010, Case C-58/08,Vodafone, EU:C:2010:321.
Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament Accelerating the Capital Markets Union: addressing national
barriers to capital flows, COM(2017) 147 final, pp. 10-11; VAT Gap: EU countries lost €140 billion in VAT revenues in 2018, with a potential
increase in 2020 due to coronavirus (accessible at https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_20_1579
PL: CJEU, 7 March 2017, Case C-390/15, RPO, EU:C:2017:174, para. 54.
Communication from the Commission to European Parliament and the Council - An action plan for fair and simple taxation supporting
the recovery strategy, p. 2.
See for an elaboration in this respect Englisch, Article 116 TFEUThe Nuclear Option for Qualified Majority Tax Harmonization?, EC tax
review 29.2 (2020). See Nouwen’s reaction to Englisch’s article in M. F. Nouwen, The Market Distortion Provisions of Articles 116-117 TFEU:
An Alternative Route to Qualified Majority Voting in Tax Matters?, (2021), 49, Intertax, Issue 1; M. Nouwen, Inside the EU Code of Conduct
A number of legal challenges arise in the context of coordinated action at EU level with respect to
digitalization. These challenges related to: (i) the legal basis and the need to demonstrate obstacles
to cross-border mobility or appreciable distortions to competition in the absence of harmonization;
(ii) the need to protect taxpayers’ rights, especially with respect to privacy of natural persons; (iii)
the role of intermediaries such as banks, trading platforms, or advisors in providing structured data
that allow for automatic calculation of tax liability and their legal responsibility should they fail to
provide information with sufficient accuracy.
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4.2. Protection of taxpayers’ rights
If the Union institutions enjoy a wide margin of discretion in balancing the internal market objective
against social, economic or political interests, they enjoy much narrower discretion whenever the
fundamental rights of private parties are concerned
. Thus, when designing secondary law, specific
attention should be given on establishing a sufficient protection of fundamental rights. As far as digital
tax processes and administrations are concerned, the following fundamental rights should be
First, the right to privacy has a specific manifestation in EU context, entailing among others the right
not to be subjected to automated decision-making, including profiling
. An exception to this right is
permissible only as far as it is provided by law and such law includes “suitable measures to safeguard
the data subject's rights and freedoms and legitimate interests
.” In other words, the outcome of an
automated system must not be definitive. For example, when applying smart contracts within a
blockchain system, the system would need to be designed in a way that allows the results to be
reviewed (upon request of the taxpayer within a reasonable time frame), including at a judicial level. In
addition, the right to privacy requires that any data sharing must take place on a need-to-know basis
and, therefore, excludes having personal data shared directly on a blockchain with multiple
Second, although the cross-border information exchange within the EU takes place on the basis of
mutual trust (i.e., all Member States are deemed to provide a sufficient minimum standard of
fundamental rights protection), this trust is nevertheless based on a rebuttable presumption. Thus, in
exceptional circumstances, where a Member State manifestly acts contrary to a minimum fundamental
rights standard, there is an “emergency brake” allowing other Member States to deny cooperation
when it would put the fundamental rights of taxpayers in jeopardy
. Hence, any digital system for real
time data sharing between tax authorities (and especially between private parties and foreign tax
authorities) must have a tool allowing for continuous monitoring of the fundamental rights protection
in the Member States in case of manifest inadequacies. This would allow for swift decisions on
temporary suspension of the cooperation with some Member States.
4.3. The obligations upon intermediaries and legal responsibility
One of the main venues for intra-EU coordination is the standardization of data and technical standards
for its processing. Thus, having a system in place that guarantees the data quality is of crucial
importance. Key players in such a system would be those businesses that act as intermediaries for
, have sufficient knowledge of their customers, and therefore might provide valuable data
input. EU law is already moving in that direction by obliging digital platforms to share data on their
clients for better assessing the income and VAT tax liability
. There are two sets of legal issues that arise
Group: 20 Years of Tackling Harmful Tax Competition, Doctoral Thesis submitted to the University of Amsterdam; I. Lazarov, Anti-Tax-
Avoidance in Corporate Taxation under EU Law: The Internal Market Narrative, IBFD Doctoral Series, section 3.2.2. (forthcoming).
47 IR: CJEU, 8 April 2014, Case C-293/12, Digital Rights Ireland, EU:C:2014:238, para. 47-48.
48 Article 22 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons
with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (GDPR).
Article 22(3) of the GDPR.
50 There are potential solutions to this problem whereby all personal data is stored off-chain, while the system relies on Zero-Knowledge
Proof for validating outcomes. See What happens when government, industry and investors seek common digital ground?, available at
https://assets.ey.com/content/dam/ey-sites/ey-com/en_gl/topics/tax/tax-pdfs/ey-withholding-tax-distributed-ledger-report.pdf p. 21.
51 IR: CJEU, 26 April 2018, Case C-34/17, Donnellan, EU:C:2018:282.
52 For example, these would be banks, advisors, digital platforms, etc.
53 Council Directive (EU) 2021/514 of 22 March 2021 amending Directive 2011/16/EU on administrative cooperation in the field of taxation,
ST/12908/2020/INIT, OJ L 104, 25.3.2021.
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with respect to the role of such intermediaries: (i) the limits to their obligations; and (ii) the legal
responsibility when data of poor quality is provided.
Regarding the limits to the obligations of intermediaries, legal professional privilege and the right
against self-incrimination (when the reportable actions amount to tax evasion) are relevant to consider.
Professional privilege is key to the efficiency of the system and there are two approaches possible. One
possibility is to move forward by adopting an approach similar to the one under DAC 6, whereby the
scope of the privilege depends on the domestic laws of the Member States
. The downside of this
approach is that it creates an uneven playing field within the EU, putting legal professionals from
Member States with broad legal professional privilege at an advantage compared to legal professionals
in Member States where the scope of privilege is narrow. The advantage of referring to the domestic
standard, however, is that the scope of legal professional privilege would not differ within a single
Member State depending on whether it is applied to a situation covered by EU law or not.
A second possibility would be to refer to a common EU-wide standard of legal professional privilege.
Such a standard has already been developed by the CJEU under the general principle of Union law
Hence, it is conceivable to adopt a measure of secondary law that codifies this standard for areas of
cross-border cooperation between the Member States. The benefit of the second approach is that it
would guarantee the equality between the Member States (no matter what their domestic stance on
legal professional privilege is), as well as equivalent data streams from the same type of intermediary,
no matter where in the Union it is established.
Another potential issue that arises regarding the data quality relates to the legal responsibility in case
the intermediary provides inaccurate information. This raises the question of the legal standard of care
that the intermediary should have exercised. In order to account for the differences between the
different business sectors and in order to not set the compliance burden too high, this might be the
required standard of care applicable to the activity in question (e.g. banking, accounting, financial
intermediary, etc.). If this standard is not met, resulting in sharing data of poor quality, the Member
States should in turn consider applying penalties that are effective, proportionate and dissuasive.
54 Article 8ab (5) of Council Directive (EU) 2018/822 of 25 May 2018 amending Directive 2011/16/EU as regards mandatory automatic
exchange of information in the field of taxation in relation to reportable cross-border arrangements.
55 CJEU, 18 May 1982, Case 155/79, AM & S Europe Limited v Commission, EU:C:1982:157; CJEU, 14 September 2010, Case C-550/07 P, Akzo
Nobel Chemicals and Akcros Chemicals v Commission, EU:C:2010:512.
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The first three sections of this paper focus on the need for common EU action, what the potential areas
for such action might be, and the legal challenges that arise. This section will explore the technologies
that might be at the centre of the coordinated EU approach. Understanding the nature and functioning
of these technologies will inform the framework that is necessary for their implementation in a
coordinated fashion. Moreover, the legacy already created at the level of the Member States in their
effort to digitalize tax processes must also be taken into account.
At the early stages of the digitalisation process, tax administrations generally focus on reducing costs
and improving tax collection. The steps include the digitalisation of paper-based and manual
processes, the incorporation of third party data and the use of enhanced analytical tools. Even though
these steps contribute to achieve common overarching goals of tax administrations, they face the
structural limitations of the current system, thereby limiting the possible outcomes that can be
The widespread digitalisation of society now offers new opportunities for EU institutions and tax
administrations to tackle some of these structural limitations and go several steps further. A deeper
transformation entails that the tax system will be embedded within taxpayers’ existing systems, digital
platforms will become agents of tax administration, processes will be increasingly operating in a real-
time fashion and the system will be more transparent and trustworthy.
Taking a prominent role in this process would be essential for the EU institutions as far as the internal
market is concerned. To the extent that the digitalisation of tax processes would make it possible for
tax compliance to become an integral real-time element of transactions, the interoperability of cross-
border systems would be key. Otherwise, the compliance in a cross-border setting would be by
definition more burdensome as it would need to rely on the ‘old’ compliance mechanisms. The section
above explored a range of specific areas of EU law that can be a natural starting point in the process of
transformation: where the compliance burden in the internal market matches the compliance burden
in a domestic market
OECD (2020), Tax Administration 3.0: The Digital Transformation of Tax Administration, OECD, Paris.
The convergence between the internal and the domestic markets is the ultimate goal of the European economic integration: CJEU: 5 May
1982, Case C-15/81, Schul, EU:C:1982:135, para. 33.
There is a range of digitalization possibilities for tax purposes, from process optimization, to
identification of risks and automation of processes. Different tax authorities are in different stages
of their domestic digitalization journey, but a number of technologies are already being explored
and implemented by governments.
Emerging technologies give rise to opportunities (e.g., possibility of providing better and more
efficient e-services, ability to analyse high amounts of data, improve risk management, automate
tax processes, etc.), but also to some challenges. In particular, cryptocurrencies are digital assets
that are outside of government control to a certain extent, which may result in the possibility of
its use for criminal activities, exchange rate volatility, manipulation and tax challenges.
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5.1. Opportunities deriving from emerging technologies
Regarding the emerging technology tools, an important aspect of digital transformation is how to
choose among different combination of technologies. A set of factors should be considered by tax
administrations, such as the already established processes, the quality of the data available, the
technical skills of the relevant staff and the potential use of each technology.
There is a range of digitalisation possibilities, from process optimization, to identification of risks and
automation of processes. While different tax authorities are in different stages of the digitalisation
journey, these are some of the current technologies being explored and applied by tax administrations:
Table 2: Technologies and their practical applications for tax purposes
Definition Practical application for tax purposes
Cloud computing is the shared use
of storage, computational capacity
and application software provided
externally and interconnected by
It allows for the remote delivery of
on-demand comp
uting services
over a network, usually on a pay-for-
use basis
The models of service
provision include Infrastructure as a
service (IaaS), Platform as a Service
(PaaS) and Software as a Service
Some examples of cloud service
providers are Oracle, SAP, Microsoft
Azure) and Google (Cloud
The cloud concept has the potential to reduce
the costs and increase the institutional agility
by allowing tax administrations to not depend
solely on IT equipment (e.g., specific
computers, data centres, etc.), since the cloud
does not depend on a specific physical
equipment and can be accessed from
different locations. This provides for the ability
to release computer resources that are no
longer being used and the availability of the
same information in different computers
From an EU perspective, the possibilities of
cloud computing would result in greatly
reducing the costs for each Member State as
there would be no need for substantial
hardware and software costs. A single system
might be developed and made available to
the Member States via the cloud.
Big data
and data
Big data involves the concept of
volume, variety, velocity, veracity
and value of data.
Data analytics allows for
autonomous examination of data or
content using sophisticated
techniques or tools to discover more
profound knowledge, make
forecasts, or generate
ax administrations have access to a large
amount of data collected through tax returns,
assessments, tax collection, automatic
exchange of information (AEOI), EU DAC,
external sources (utility contracts, bank
information, insurance contracts), etc.
Processing the immense amount of
information collected is a major challenge for
most jurisdictions. The approach taken by
some tax authorities focuses on a risk analysis
and selection of relevant information through
anced analytics techniques, such as
machine learning and AI. These techniques
allow for a faster and more accurate analysis.
AI is a key technology that allows for
the application of advanced analysis
and logic techniques, including
machine learning and natural
International Tax Review, Cloud computing and international tax issues, available at
Seco, Antonio (CIAT), Cloud Computing in Tax Administrations (i), 18 April 2018, available at https://www.ciat.org/cloud-computing-in-
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29 PE 695.458
language processing, to interpret
events and support automated
In that sense, an increased investment in tools
and skills, as well as the IT infrastructure of a
government is determinant. It is also
important to put together a tax team, which
includes professionals with different
backgrounds (such as IT professionals,
economists and statisticians). Other advanced
tools may be considered as well, such as
network analysis, text mining and web
From the perspective of the need for
coordination so that the internal market
reflects the characteristics of a domestic
market, the data exchanged via the DAC
system should be structured and with a similar
intensity as the one shared domestically.
Blockchain is a distributed ledger of
network nodes maintaining a list of
registries or transactions gathered
in data blocks. What the blockchain
does in practice is to allow for
establishing an immutable version
of the truth (based on a consensus)
in a network of participants without
the need for an intermediary (i.e.,
creating a distributed ledger).
Smart contracts in turn allow for the
consequences of an event that has
been recorded to automatically
In particular, this is one of the key
s that have the potential to
disrupt the way tax systems operate and is
already being implemented as a way of
modernizing the existing tax systems.
The technology has several potential
applications in tax and businesses in general,
eliminating the need for intermediaries and
allowing for real-time information sharing, tax
collection and more efficient administration
This is one of the key technologies in an EU
context since it requires a certain level of
of the underlying rules
nally (so that smart contracts can
operate) while allowing for sufficient
Internet of
things (IoT)
IoT refers to a category of devices
(i.e., objects, vehicles, and other
items) that contain electronic
sensors and software with online
connectivity, allowing the devices to
collect and exchange data. The
technology generates data for real-
time monitoring and measuring
(services carried out through apps).
The IoT is another key component in an EU
setting as it allows for connecting the physical
world (the ‘things’) with its virtual
representation on the blockchain thereby
ensuring that what is recorded as an event on
the blockchain corresponds with the objective
The importance of this for matters such as
intra-Community supply and
acquisition of
goods can hardly be overstated.
Quantum computers are
supercomputers that have the
capacity to rapidly process a high
amount of data that traditional
computers do not. Thus, quantum
Quantum computing can be applied in the
context of tax impact theory, a subject that
studies how changes imposed by
governments in tax systems affect taxpayers’
observations and responses. This study is
See Owens, J. and De Jong, J. 2017. Taxation on the Blockchain: Opportunities and Challenges. Tax Notes International. Volume 87,
Number 6.
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computers solve complex problems
quickly, regardless of the number of
variables involved.
As a highly theoretical and subject
study, not many technologies have
a role to play in this analysis.
Quantum computers, however,
have the potential to measure the
amount of “activity” a company
conducts in an individual Member
State and better inform the
implementation of the formula to
split the consolidated taxable
useful to address matters of fair taxation or
international tax issues. For example, tax
impact theory can better inform the decision-
making process related to EU initiatives such
as the Common Consolidated Corporate Tax
Base (CCCTB).
It is likely that quantum computers would also
play a role in the complex calculations
required for the attribution of profits under
the upcoming OECD Pillar 1.
Therefore, quantum computing can help
solve challenges arising in a domestic or cross
border scenario by modeling hypothesis or
performing a more robust tax impact analysis
before enacting legislation
Source: Authors’ own elaboration.
As seen above, digital tools can be applied in many ways: to deliver better and more efficient services
to taxpayer (the so-called “e-services”); to assist in analysing the high amounts of data collected by tax
authorities, i.e., through the application of data analytics technologies, and thereby improve risk
management; to nearly fully automate tax processes and make them more efficient; and to facilitate
the cooperation between different government bodies. The figure below demonstrates some relevant
tax areas for relying on digital technologies.
Figure 1: Radar for application of technologies
Source: Risse, Robert; Gries, Matthias, Der Einsatz von Blockchain-Technologie in der Steuer- und Zollfunktion, (2020)
See EY, How quantum computing will improve tax administration and compliance, available in https://www.ey.com/en_us/tax/how-
Exploring the opportunities and challenges of new technologies for EU tax administration and policy
31 PE 695.458
In relation to e-services, tax administrations have been investing time and resources in the past decades
towards the creation of digital applications with the aim to facilitate compliance and interaction with
taxpayers. The earliest examples of e-services are online service portals (e.g., for online tax return filings
and payments), which are now available to taxpayers in many EU countries. Other examples of e-
services include mobile apps and compliance communications tools. More recently, pre-filled tax
returns and electronic invoicing services (“e-invoicing”) were introduced in some jurisdictions.
Naturally, however, the pre-filling of tax returns depends upon having the data of transactions that is
necessary. While this data can be made relatively easily available in a domestic setting by having real-
time access to e-invoicing information, cross-border transactions would be outside the scope if the
systems of the Member States involved do not ‘talk’ to one another.
Technology can also be applied in the core tax functions of tax administrations, including taxpayer
registration (collection, recording and maintenance of basic identifying taxpayer information), filing
and processing of tax declarations and tax payments, audits, taxpayers objections and appeals,
enforcement measures, tax fraud investigations and debt management.
In fact, considering the rapid growth and relevance of digital platforms and e-commerce in Europe,
there is a paradigm shift in the role of digital platforms in the collection of VAT and income taxes on
online sales. The role of platforms should move from a voluntary intermediary regime to a full liability
regime, where digital platform providers would disclose information on all individual platform sellers
and withhold tax on payment to individual platform sellers
. The DAC 7 in the context of EU law is a
move precisely in that direction
Opportunities to use technology for transfer pricing purposes include detecting deviations from
expected prices, finding comparable transactions more efficiently, obtaining relevant information and
exchanging it with other countries, and resolving cross border disputes (i.e., joint audits, mutual
agreement procedures, advance pricing agreements more efficiently).
Moreover, technology can help facilitating cooperation between the different government bodies:
customs, tax, social security, financial intelligence units, ministry of justice, and ministry of finance. To
achieve a whole of government approach, the technical platforms used by these departments should
be interoperable internally, but also in a cross-border setting. Moreover, they should target
comprehensive intra-agency cooperation between tax authorities and financial intelligence units with
DAC 5 (on sharing of information between AML units and tax authorities)
already providing ‘fertile
soil’ for a more effective EU actions in combating money laundering, bribery, tax evasion, and other
financial crimes.
Lastly, technology offers the opportunity to create open and more comprehensive registries of the
ultimate physical owners of opaque offshore vehicles as trust, shell entities, foundations and holding
companies, thereby preventing such entities from exploiting tax benefits (e.g. reduced withholding tax
rates) and opportunities for fighting offshore non-compliance. Blockchain can help in moving towards
registries that are transparent and updated regularly and in which the data is verified nationally and is
made available at EU level to the authorities of other Member States in real time, thereby serving as an
See OECD (2019), The Role of Digital Platforms in the Collection of VAT/GST on online sales, OECD, Paris. Available at:
Council Directive (EU) 2021/514 of 22 March 2021 amending Directive 2011/16/EU on administrative cooperation in the field of taxation,
ST/12908/2020/INIT, OJ L 104, 25.3.2021.
Council Directive (EU) 2016/2258 of 6 December 2016 amending Directive 2011/16/EU as regards access to anti-money-laundering
information by tax authorities, OJ L 342, 16.12.2016.
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PE 695.458 32
EU-wide digital register. If other digital technologies are used instead, these may nevertheless offer
more opportunities than paper based systems to link up these registers in Member States.
The interoperability of the technologies employed by EU countries is therefore crucial to accurately
perform these tasks (some of which are mandated by EU law, e.g., exchange of information).
Table 3: Blockchain and the Distributed Ledger Technology
Source: Authors’ own elaboration.
Several technologies play a role in establishing the common technical infrastructure within the
EU in the tax areas discussed in the section above. However, special attention should be paid
to blockchain, a type of distributed ledger technology.
Figure 2: Distributed Ledger Technology
Source: Presentation of the World Bank Conference in March 2021
The concept of distributed ledger in which blockchain is based [see figure 2 above] has several
benefits in a cross-border scenario as it eliminates the need for a central authority. While in a
domestic tax setting such central authority is readily available (e.g., the tax administration), a
blockchain based system allows for smooth cooperation in the absence of a centralized
authority in a cross-border context. Hence, in a cross-border setting, blockchain acts as a self-
governing network of authorities and a secure communication channel between them.
Moreover, it is important to consider that the output of any technology, including blockchain,
is largely dependent on the quality of its input data. If the information initially fed into the
blockchain were factually wrong, then the results it produces would also be legally wrong. For
example, a blockchain system that calculates and automatically applies reduced WHT rates at
source would apply the wrong rate if it receives the wrong information on the tax residency of
the taxpayer (because for example a fraudulent Certificate of Residence was relied upon). The
role of intermediary that are acting under a Know Your Customer obligation, such as financial
and credit institutions, is therefore crucial. To the extent such intermediaries are parties to the
blockchain, they might be bound by law to supply accurate information.
Thus, a permissioned blockchain with controlled participation may improves the integrity of
the system, as it allows not only tax data, but also anti-money laundering and beneficial
ownership information to be shared in a secured environment. EU law harmonizes both and
establishes a connection between them under DAC 5.
Exploring the opportunities and challenges of new technologies for EU tax administration and policy
33 PE 695.458
5.2. Risks deriving from emerging technologies
New and emerging technologies bring opportunities for the transformation of tax processes that
would advance the internal market by making it more competitive and resilient to tax fraud and
avoidance. At the same time, the implementation of these technologies bring some challenges that
should be considered.
Particular attention should be given to the development of cryptocurrencies, i.e., virtual currencies
secured by cryptography. Most cryptocurrencies are based on a blockchain (decentralized) system and,
thus, are not issued or controlled by a centralizing authority. This intrinsic characteristic brings many
benefits (portability, transparency, less costs, etc.), but also some risks that are mostly associated with
the fact that these digital assets are outside of government control to a certain extent, which may result
in the possibility of its use for criminal activities, exchange rate volatility or manipulation
A key challenge relates to the tax treatment of virtual currencies. In many countries, guidance has not
yet been provided or it only covers a limited number of issues. Potential taxable events during the life
cycle of virtual currencies include (i) the moment of creation, (ii) the storage and transfer, and (iii) the
exchange of the crypto-asset. Some countries impose tax upon receipt of a cryptocurrency; others
focus on the event of disposal, while it is not common for storage to give rise to a taxable event
The characterization of the cryptocurrencies for tax purposes varies: while the majority of jurisdictions
treat them as property (which englobes intangible assets, commodities or financial instruments),
others take a different approach and consider virtual currencies as foreign fiat currencies
or as “digital
representation of value”
. Different tax treatments arise depending on how the asset is characterized
in a particular State. Below is a description of the VAT treatment of virtual currencies in EU Member
For more information, see Investopedia, Cryptocurrency, available at https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/cryptocurrency.asp
OECD (2020), Taxing Virtual Currencies: An Overview of Tax Treatments and Emerging Tax Policy Issues, OECD, Paris.
Few countries consider these virtual assets to be a type of currency for tax purposes (the decentralization, lack of backing, price volatility
and limited use as a means of exchange are the reasoning behind this approach).
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Figure 2: VAT treatment of virtual currencies in EU Member States
Source: OECD Secretariat, based on the Hedqvist decision and European Commission Value Added Tax Commission (2016),
Issues arising from recent judgement of the Court of Justice of the European Union, 135(1)(e) and (d) SUBJECT : CJEU
Case C-264/14 Hedqvist : Bitcoin, No. 892.
Notes: *The supply of the good or service remains taxable under normal VAT rules. The Figure should be read as considering
the VAT treatment of virtual currency in the case of (i) exchange for fiat currency, for other virtual currency or for
goods or services, (ii) mining resulting in transaction fees or reward in new tokens, and (iii) the related services
provided to the virtual currency holder such as wallets or intermediate services via exchange platforms.
Other emerging developments in the crypto-asset environment are worth noting. With the aim to
minimize volatility, stablecoins combine the features of both fiat and virtual currency by maintaining a
stable price based on a fiat currency, a commodity another virtual asset or an algorithm. Policy
challenges associated with stablecoins are high in the international agenda
. Similar challenges to
traditional cryptocurrencies arise: risk of money laundering, effect on the integrity of payment systems,
challenges related to tax compliance, legal and regulatory framework, among others. In particular, the
European Central Bank (ECB) considers that the asset management function of stablecoins poses
significant risks to financial stability
. The tax treatment of stablecoins is not clear and there is no
international consensus on whether they should be treated as classic virtual currencies (e.g.,
considered as asset and treated as property) or as a security or foreign currency
Moreover, cryptocurrencies can pose a threat to monetary policy and money issuance monopoly. For
this reason, central banks have been among the first public authorities to issue a statement on crypto-
assets and propose to define and regulate digital assets
The G7, Bank for International Settlements and the IMF are investigating the impact of global stablecoins. See G7 Working Group on
Stablecoins (2019), Investigating the impact of global stablecoins, October 2019, available athttps://www.bis.org/cpmi/publ/d187.pdf
European Central Bank (2020), A regulatory and financial stability perspective on global stablecoins, available at
OECD (2020), Taxing Virtual Currencies: An Overview of Tax Treatments and Emerging Tax Policy Issues, OECD, Paris.
Cambridge Center for Alternative Finance (2019), Global Cryptoasset Benchmarking Study, available at
Exploring the opportunities and challenges of new technologies for EU tax administration and policy
35 PE 695.458
A number of countries (e.g. China, Singapore, U.K.) are now considering issuing their own virtual
currencies (referred to as Central Bank Digital Currencies, or CBDC), which is a digital form of currency
that is issued by a central public authority and denominates in the currency of that country. CBDC
would co-exist with physical cash, and not necessarily replace it. Different CBDC designs are currently
being explored, but most projects are at early stages
The ECB launched a project in July 2021 to explore the possibility of issuing a digital euro
. The project
is in its first stages and the ECB is investigating how to design and distribute it to merchants and
citizens, as well as the impact it would have on the market and the changes to European legislation
that might be needed
. The FISC may at the same time wish to consider how a CBDC would impact on
the operations of EU tax systems.
OECD (2020), Taxing Virtual Currencies: An Overview of Tax Treatments and Emerging Tax Policy Issues, OECD, Paris.
European Central Bank, Eurosystem launches digital euro project, available at
See more information in European Central Bank, A digital Euro, available at
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6.1. How can Member States get from where they are to where they
want to be in terms of digitalisation?
EU tax administrations are at different stages in their digital development. This should be taken into
account when designing a common approach to digitalisation, especially with respect to its time frame:
it will need to account for those Member States that are relatively behind in their digital maturity.
Digital maturity refers to the sophistication of the technology being applied in a certain public body
(for example, the range of technologies used by tax administrations: from the implementation of a web
portal and online filing of tax returns to a more complex and advance implementation of systems such
as advanced analytics and blockchain-based applications). Several organizations came up with
benchmarks to assess the digital maturity level of different governments
According to one study
, the digital profiles of national tax administrations can be generally grouped
under six levels, as laid out below:
Table 4: Levels of digital maturity of tax administrations
Level 1 Level 2
Paradigm shift
Level 3 Level 4
Level 5 Level 6
“E-file” “E-
“E-match” “E-audit” “E-assess” “E-
Use of
form for
filing tax
required or
other income
accounting or
other source
data to
filings (e.g.,
invoices and
trial balances)
in a defined
and source
data (bank
Level-2 data
analysed by
entities and
checked to
filings in real
time to map
entities using
data to assess
tax without
the need for
tax forms;
allowed a
with citizens
See, for example, OECD (2016), Technologies for Better Tax Administration.
See EY, Tax Authorities are Going Digital (2017), available athttps://assets.ey.com/content/dam/ey-sites/ey-
com/en_gl/topics/digital/ey-tax-authorities-are-going-digital.pdf; EY, How Tax Administration is Going Digital (2019), available at
Even before starting the process of digitalization, Member States should focus on developing a
digital tax administration roadmap, having in mind the long-term goals of the domestic
administration and the digital internal market.
The Commission can assist the Member States in their digitalization efforts by: (i) taking coordinated
action at EU level in terms of interoperability of the systems; (ii) providing a common infrastructure
for the automation of tax outcomes in harmonized areas; (iii) assisting the tax administration of the
Member States by issuing soft-law instruments and providing the necessary framework for training
and cooperation; and (iv) acting as an EU-wide observatory of emerging technologies and their
potential use in the tax area.
Exploring the opportunities and challenges of new technologies for EU tax administration and policy
37 PE 695.458
data (e.g.,
payroll and
and matched
format to a
additions and
changes at
this level
and begins to
match data
across tax
types, and
in real time
with limited
time to
limited time
to audit
calculated tax
exchange of
between law
and tax
authorities in
Source: EY research
In order to ensure a successful digital transformation, one should take a strategic rather than
opportunistic approach. This means that even before beginning the process of digitalisation, the focus
should be on developing a digital tax administration roadmap, having in mind the long-term goals of
the administration. This is important in light of the cross-temporal interoperability of systems: while
the initial effort will likely be in a limited area, the underlying technology and infrastructure should
allow for scalability and comprehensive digital transformation in the future. Hence, when the EU
institutions design a common strategy in the narrow fields outlined in Section 3 above, this should be
done by keeping the longer-term goal of a digital internal market in mind.
When drafting a digital roadmap, Figure 3 describes several aspects that must be considered.
Figure 3: Different stages of a digital tax administration roadmap
Source: Authors’ own elaboration.
Stage 1: Understand the current status
In this stage, the focus should be on understanding what the challenges and limitations of the
established processes are, which of these processes are still meaningful in a digital environment, how
technology can be applied to address the existing challenges and how to engage stakeholders in the
discussion. In addition, regulations and procedures that were built up in an analogue age (and might
be dispensed in a digital age) must be reviewed.
Stage 2: Ensure data quality
In the next stage, ensuring the data quality is the key focus. Duplicated data should be avoided, as
well as inconsistent formats and incomplete information, the use of multiple units and languages,
and inaccurate data. If the data is poor or not comprehensive, the technology is unlikely to provide
usable outputs. This element is key in an EU context as it relates to the interoperability of systems
across the border. This interoperability eventually depends upon data standards coordination.
Stage 3: Digitalize existing processes
During this stage, the focus should be in getting processes digitalized. It is important to involve the
private sector (e.g., MNE, SME, technology companies, advisors) and ideally build upon their existing
systems in order to make the transition as smooth as possible.
Stage 4: Consider other determinent factors
Another important stage is ensuring that the human factor is considered with respect to the skills of
the existing staff and ensuring that management is aligned with the digitalization efforts. In fact,
often when digitalization processes fail is because the strategy was not successful in focusing on the
human element. Ideally, tax administration should have one person in charge of the digitalization
effort and a support team (HR, task compliance, etc.) under the manager. Moreover, legacy issues,
such as outdate cultural mindset, should be considered and addressed.
Stage 5: Engage taxpayers
A strategy to communicate and engage with taxpayers in the digital transformation process is
essential. A level of trust from taxpayers is required for the digitalization efforts to be effective.
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During the digitalisation process, tax administrations must ensure that:
senior management understands the importance of data driven approaches and regularly and
effectively communicates this to staff;
there is effective collaboration between data officers and enforcement / administrativ
a structured training program exists to supports skills building in the areas defined by the
competency profiles covering key job streams;
a change managment paradigm in in place
databases have been inventoried, fields described, data owners identified, etc.;
data quality is being regularly assessed and improved and there is a central repository with red
flags for subsequent improvement (in this regard, see Figure 4 below)
nalytics and visualization software is routinely used to analyze complaints, cases and
investigative performance;
the enforcement unit has effective partnership with frontline staff (i.e., tax administration and
procurement staff) necessary to understand their data, reflect red flags, etc.;
effective data sharing arrangements have been established with other agencies such as the
police, tax administration, procurement, financial-intelligence units, etc. and
information security strategy and control framework are in place and legal risks (e.g., those
related to GDPR) are well understood, and responsibilities are assigned and monitored.
Figure 4: Data quality is key
Source: Presentation of the World Bank Conference in March 2021
Thus, tax administrations will need to adapt to this new digitalized economy by restructuring their
organizations and the way they operate in order to keep up with the developments in the tax
landscape. With emerging technologies, a new potential to outsource much of routine compliance and
assessment burdens emerges. A number of tasks that were once fulfilled by the employees of tax
administrators (e.g., registration of taxpayers, tax assessments, verifications to tax collection and
assessment of dispute) will likely be included in a fully automated digital system in the future. In this
scenario, the role of tax authorities would no longer be as verifiers of the outcomes, but rather certifiers
of the digital systems that are put in place for the purposes of tax compliance.
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6.2. What roles do the EU institutions have in the digitalisation efforts of
Member States?
Undergoing each of the steps mentioned in Section 6.1 above would predominantly be an obligation
for the tax administrations of the Member States. Yet, the EU institutions can have a three-fold role in
light of the impact on the internal market, outlined above in section 2. First, they can set the area of
coordinated action at EU level in terms of interoperability of the systems as regards standardization of
data and its automatic real-time sharing in a cross-border context. Second, the EU might provide a
common infrastructure that ensures automation of tax outcomes in a limited number of areas that are
within the scope of already existing harmonisation withholding taxes and VAT. Finally, the Union
might assist the tax administration of the Member States by issuing soft-law instruments as well as by
providing the framework for training and cooperation necessary for being successful in the
digitalisation efforts.
The EU Commission could also play a useful role in monitoring the emergence of new technologies
and in assessing where they can be used in the tax area. The Commission could also assist the Member
States in capacity building and maybe provide the technical infrastructure for some of the measures
e.g., an agreed upon blockchain design, potentially in close cooperation with business. Hence, in
designing the intricate details of any technical measure (for example, in an implementing piece of
secondary legislation based upon a framework set by a Council directive), the Commission might find
itself in the position of having to set, alongside the legal standards, the technical standards that go with
the legal framework. The Commission might also have a role to play in helping the Member States in
preparing for these technical standards
n this sense, the future legislative process would be a process that simultaneously sets the necessary
technology that puts the newly adopted legislation in motion (for example, by relying on blockchain
and smart contracts). The technology (almost) becomes the law: therefore, the process of
“implementing” relates to having technical capacity as much as it relates to amending the domestic
legal framework.
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The EU and Member States must seek scenarios that integrate existing technology with the vision of
future in which digital compliance is designed as a natural part of business operations for both small
and large business, in a domestic and cross-border context. Blockchain, machine learning, IoT, big data
and AI are at the core of this transformation. These opportunities can be best realized by integrating
design compliance solutions into business existing processes and using new technologies to create
compliance proof systems within those areas where the EU law sets a common framework that can be
used as a basis. The EU Commission should take the lead to ensure the technical interoperability and
EU law compatibility of such a system.
To sum up, technologies - those which we know today and those which we have not even anticipated
- offer exciting opportunities for EU tax administrations and policy makers to provide a business friendly
environment which stimulates growth, increases revenue, reduces the deadweight loss associated with
tax and at the same time reduces inequalities in the distribution of income and wealth.
In order to achieve its policy objectives, the Union should make sure that the areas covered by EU
measures are not only harmonized from the point of view of substantive rules but also in terms of
technical infrastructure: e.g. digitalizing the VAT system will be difficult if the Union has no common
technical VAT infrastructure. The same would be true for more and more areas of taxation as the
economic integration of the internal market expands. Customs duties, withholding taxes, exchange of
information or dispute resolution are examples that already exists, but future carbon taxes, wealth
taxes, digital services taxes or rules on shell entities are other instances that are likely to occur. In this
sense, the EU could play a leading role in ensuring that the procedural and technical aspects of the
digitalisation of tax administrations are coordinated to avoid barriers to interoperability of national
technical platforms recognizing that greater coordination in these areas may also have unintended
spillover effects in areas where the Union has not exercised its competence.
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41 PE 695.458
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PE 695.458
This research paper explores the opportunities and challenges faced by the EU from the rapid
emergence of new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Analytics and
blockchain in the area of taxation. These technologies enable a transformation of the way that tax
administration interact with taxpayers and can move tax compliance into real time. At the same time
they raise practical and legal challenges for both the Member States and the European Union.
This document was provided by the Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life
Policies at the request of the Sub Committee on Tax Matters (FISC).