Regulatory Compliance and Data Governance For Google Docs
Compliance regulations such as SOX, HIPAA, FISMA and internal audits performed
as part of a risk assessment, are stressful events to any
IT organization. When It comes to understanding the
relevance of these regulations on sensitive data, it can
be boiled down to a simple notion: Proving the IT
organization has visibility AND control into the data
environment that ensures that only the right people
have access to sensitive data stored on Google Docs.
Gaining this type of visibility requires assessing the IT organization’s capability of
answering a few key questions:
What data do I have?
Who has access to what?
What is accessible to whom?
How did access rights to sensitive data change at different points in time?
What do privileged users do with data?
Compliance Regulations And Google Docs
In the following whitepaper, we’ll review some of the most commonly applied
compliance regulations and will show how companies can
enjoy the cost savings and collaboration benefits of Google
Docs while maintaining compliance with regulatory
requirements and internal data governance best practices.
We will specifically discuss HIPAA, FERPA, FISMA, PCI DSS, PCI Compensating
Controls, and Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX). For each regulation, we will discuss the
challenges facing companies storing data in the cloud, and how CloudLock can help.
Compliance and Data Governance for Google Docs
Table of Contents
Google Docs HIPAA
Google Docs FERPA
Google Docs FISMA
Google Docs PCI DSS
Google Docs PCI
Google Docs
Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX)
About CloudLock
HIPAA Compliance For Google Docs
Google Docs HIPAA Compliance
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was passed into law in
August 1996, placing new requirements on thousands of U.S. organizations involved with
the provision of health care. The purpose of HIPAA regulations is to protect health
information that identifies an individual and is maintained or exchanged electronically.
HIPAA consists of the following 2 rules:
Security Rule specifies a series of administrative, physical, and technical
safeguards for covered entities to use in order to assure the confidentiality,
integrity, and availability of electronic protected health information.
Privacy Rule - addresses the use and disclosure of individuals’ health
information. It permits the disclosure of personal health information needed for
patient care and other important purposes.
Organizations that must comply with HIPAA:
Health Plans individual and group plans that provide or pay the cost of
medical care (e.g. HMOs, group health plans etc.)
Health Care Providers every health care provider, regardless of size, who
electronically transmits health information in connection with certain transactions
(e.g., institutional providers such as hospitals and non-institutional providers such
as physicians, dentists and other practitioners)
All Health Care Clearinghouses (billing services, repricing companies,
community health management information systems, and value-added networks
and switches if these entities perform clearinghouse functions).
All HIPAA compliant organizations must take steps to prevent inappropriate access to
EPHI (Electronic Protected Health Information) by putting into place both proactive and
reactive controls over IT systems. This also applied to document stored in the cloud,
including data stored in Google Apps.
“CloudLock for Google
Docs not only puts our
cloud data governance
on-par with that of our
on-premise data; it
actually puts us in a
better place.
Having the capabilities to
quickly identify data
exposures and fix them
immediately are the
kinds of key IT controls
every organization
Hilary Croach,
Bay Cove Human
Google Docs HIPAA Compliance
HIPAA Compliance in Google Apps and CloudLock
CloudLock can help organizations meet the following HIPAA requirements:
HIPAA Requirements
Action Required
CloudLock Feature
Security Management
Review permission
settings and correct
access rights
CloudLock for Google Apps provides domain
administrators full visibility into all document access
rights and exposure levels.
Alerts on new exposures and permission changes
are generated on a daily basis
Workforce Security
Ensure that only
authorized workforce
members have access to
Electronic Protected
Health Information
Audit documents and users to ensure that
permission rights and sharing settings comply with
the regulatory requirements
Information Access
Implement policies and
procedures for accessing
Electronic Protected
Health Information
Receive alerts on new exposures and permissions
changes and make sure they comply with the
Access Control
Allow access only to the
authorized workforce
Domain administrators can review and fix document
access rights to enforce the correct access
controls. Permissions can be changed by admins
who are not collaborators on the documents.
Audit Controls
Record and examine
activities for Electronic
Protected Health
CloudLock provides tamper-proof audit logs with all
admin activities and changes for audit purposes.
The audit log contains all the activities performed
by the admin(s) or the end users who are
authorized to use CloudLock
Record all activities
Full document history includes all the permission
changes in any given document.
All the admin activities are automatically recorded
in the audit log
HIPAA Compliance For Google Docs
Google Docs FERPA Compliance
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a Federal law that protects the
privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under
an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.
The act has 2 main aspects, ensuring that students can access their educational records while
maintaining the privacy of those records:
Providing students with access to their educational data parents or eligible
students have the right to inspect and review the student’s education records
maintained by the school.
Privacy policy schools must have written permission from the parent or eligible
student (with certain exceptions) in order to release any information from a student’s
education record.
With the transition of many schools and universities to Google Apps and the adoption of
Google Docs, student educational records are now being stored in the cloud. The same
FERPA guidelines apply both on-premise and in the cloud, and require the IT staff of these
institutions to maintain adequate access controls to ensure that student records are not
Meeting FERPA Requirements In Google Docs with CloudLock:
FERPA Requirement
Action Required
CloudLock Feature
Privacy Policy - student
educational records
should not be public and
can be released only with
Review permission
settings and correct
access rights
CloudLock provides a full audit of all
documents in the domain and their access
rights. Domain administrators can notify
document owners of document exposure or
excessive permissions. They can also correct
and change the access rights (even on
documents they are not collaborating on).
CloudLockʼs ongoing monitoring and alerting
capabilities automatically notify on any
changes to access rights and let IT ensure
that documents do not become exposed
FERPA Compliance For Google Docs
“Now that I have
CloudLock for Google
Apps, I can delegate
tasks to the security
team and designated
data owners, and can
make sure that we are in
control of our data - both
for meeting data privacy
regulations and following
data governance best
Brian Bolt,
Systems Engineering
Team Lead,
Boise State University
For an example of a
company using Google
Docs while complying
with FERPA, see “Boise
State University selects
CloudLock for Google
Apps to comply with
FERPA and other data
privacy regulations.
Google Docs FISMA Compliance
The Federal Information Security Management Act is a United States federal
law enacted in 2002 and imposes a mandatory set of processes that must be followed for
all information systems used or operated by a US Government agency or by a contractor
or other organization on behalf of a US Government agency.
The act recognizes the importance of information security and requires each federal
agency to develop, document and implement programs that ensure integrity,
confidentiality and availability of information and information systems. The act applies to
the information and information systems that support the operations and assets of the
agency, including those provided or managed by another agencies or contractors.
Whether documents are stored on-premise or in Google Docs, they require the same level
of protection and control. Federal agencies must not only focus on security but they also
need to demonstrate that they are compliant with both agency and congressional
FISMA compliance requires ongoing evaluation and remediation of risks, including
ongoing reporting and monitoring of the documents stored in the Google Docs. To verify
and monitor compliance for documents stored in the cloud, IT must have the right tools in
place. They must do so for all the documents in the domain (including the documents they
are not collaborating on).
FISMA Compliance For Google Docs
FISMA Compliance For Google Docs
Google Docs FISMA Compliance
CloudLock can help organizations meet the following FISMA requirements:
FISMA Requirements
Action Required
CloudLock Feature
Categorize information and
information systems
according to risk level
NIST SP 800-60 and FIPS
PUB 199
Preserving authorized
restrictions on
information access and
disclosure, including
means for protecting
personal privacy and
proprietary information.
Guarding against
improper information
modification or
destruction, and includes
ensuring information non-
repudiation and
CloudLock provides a complete access management
system with reporting on user access rights for each
document in the domain. This is supported by an
automatic discovery of all the documents and the users in
the Google Apps domain. With CloudLock, IT has
visibility and control of access rights on all documents in
the domain (even those they are not collaborating on).
CloudLockʼs dashboard provides document classification
by access and exposure levels, providing a quick drill-
through to view documents and collaborators.
Security controls and risk
NIST SP 800-53 and FIPS
Assess security to identify
risks and to evaluate
existing controls.
Organizations must meet
minimum security
requirements by selecting
the appropriate security
controls and assurance
A risk assessment is
done by identifying
potential threats and
vulnerabilities and
mapping implemented
controls to individual
CloudLock enables IT admins to audit access rights to all
documents in the domain.
With CloudLock, IT can enforce access controls by
changing/ fixing permissions on documents thus reducing
the security risks by assigning the proper access rights.
All changes are tracked in a tamper proof audit log.
Continuous monitoring
Monitor security controls
CloudLock provides IT with an ongoing monitoring and
alerting for all documents in the domain. Changes on
access rights and new exposures are sent in a daily
report. This ensures that documents do not become
exposed mistakenly and give IT continuous and effective
monitoring of existing and newly created documents.
PCI DSS Compliance For Google Docs
Google Docs PCI DSS Compliance
PCI compliance rules require organizations that handle bank cards to comply with security standards and
follow certain leveled requirements to protect the private information of bank card holders during any
transaction. The Payment Card Industry regulation also requires certified auditing procedures.
The standard was developed and backed by the major five payment brands (Master Card, Visa, American
Express, Discover and JCB), and provides 12 high level requirements for securing cardholder data. The
goal is to establish, maintain and guarantee that cardholder information remains secure. All merchants and
service providers who store, process and transmit credit card information must comply with PCI.
PCI requires that organizations secure all information related to cardholders regardless of the location of
the data. This means that IT is challenged with implementing the appropriate measures and controls to
ensure that proper access controls are implemented and audited on an ongoing basis.
PCI Requirements
Action Required
CloudLock Feature
Requirement #7 - Restrict
access to cardholder data
by a business on a need-
to-know basis!
Proper access controls
should be put in place for
all relevant data stored in
Google Docs!
CloudLock for Google Apps provides IT with
visibility and control of access rights to all
documents in the domain (even those they are not
collaborating on). CloudLock also gives IT the
ability to enforce access controls by changing and
fixing permissions on these documents. All changes
are tracked in a tamper proof audit log!
Requirement #8.5 - Identify
dormant user access rights!
Remove dormant users
from the domain while
maintaining the
documents they own!
Reassign document ownership in bulk from users
that have left the company. This CloudLock feature
allows easy transfer of document ownership. Once
the document ownership is transferred, users can
be removed from the domain
Requirement #11.5 - Audit
and alert on access rights
Ongoing verification and
control of access rights!
CloudLock provides ongoing monitoring and
alerting of any change to access rights. Each
document contains a full history of all permissions
changes. All the permissions changes performed by
IT admins are also logged.!
PCI Compensating Controls
For Google Docs
Google Docs PCI Compensating Controls
For organizations that are unable to comply with the PCI DSS requirements as they are
written, the PCI Security Standards Council (SSC) has provided a way to meet these
requirements through the documentation of compensating controls.
Compensating controls may be considered for most PCI DSS requirements when an
entity cannot meet a technical specification of a requirement but has sufficiently mitigated
the associated risk. According to CS Magazine forty-one percent of merchants are
relying on compensating controls to meet PCI DSS requirements
With compensating controls, it’s important to have a clear understanding of the specific
PCI requirement and its intent. This helps organizations recognize how the requirement
affects them so they can work towards minimizing risks, and is considered to be a viable
path to compliance.
PCI compensating controls require a significant amount of examination and process.
When properly designed and maintained, these controls become another way for
organizations to achieve and maintain PCI compliance.
Criteria for compensating controls
As defined by PCI DSS, for a compensating control to be valid, it must satisfy the
following criteria:
1. Meet the intent and rigor of the original PCI DSS requirement.
2. Provide a similar level of defense as the original PCI DSS requirement, such
that the compensating control sufficiently offsets the risk that the original
PCI DSS requirement was designed to defend against.
3. Be “above and beyond” other PCI DSS requirements (not simply in
compliance with other PCI DSS requirements).
4. Be commensurate with the additional risk imposed by not adhering to the
PCI DSS requirement.
PCI Compensating Controls
For Google Docs
Compensating controls can be used for almost all the PCI requirements. A proper implementation of
compensating controls consist of the following steps:
Information Required
List the constraints that preclude compliance with the original PCI
Understand the objectives of the original controls and identify the objectives
met by implementing the Compensating Controls
Identify any additional risks associated by not implementing the original PCI
Define the relevant compensating control and explain how it addresses the
objectives and the increased risk (if any) of not implementing the original
PCI requirements
Validate that the compensating controls were implemented and tested
Define the process to maintain the compensating controls over time
Compensating controls are temporary solutions for compliance gaps that should be assessed annually to
ensure that they meet the four criteria listed above. They may help companies lower the bar of compliance
in the short term. These however, are not shortcuts to compliance and in many cases they are harder to
implement and cost more money in the long run than actually addressing the compliance requirement
Compliance With PCI Compensating Controls For Google Docs
For organizations that choose to implement compensating controls for PCI compliance with Google Docs,
CloudLock can help by providing IT:
Visibility and control of access rights for all documents in the domain (even those they are not
collaborating on).
The ability to enforce access controls by changing and fixing permissions on all documents in the
domain. All changes are tracked in a tamper proof audit log.
The ability to reassign document ownership in bulk from users that have left the company. Once
the document’s ownership is transferred, users can be removed from the domain.
Ongoing monitoring and alerting of any change to access rights with a full history of all
permissions changes for all documents in the domain. All permissions changes performed by IT
admins are also logged
Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Compliance
For Google Docs
Google Docs SOX Compliance
The SarbanesOxley Act of 2002 also known as the ‘Public Company Accounting Reform
and Investor Protection Act’ and ‘Corporate and Auditing Accountability and Responsibility
Act’ applies to all us public companies (large and small), public accounting firms and firms
providing auditing services.
The bill was enacted as a reaction to a number of major corporate and accounting
scandals(including those affecting Enron and Tyco International). Although SOX does
not apply to privately held companies, those considering or planning for an IPO must
demonstrate SOX compliance readiness.
The following 2 sections of SOX have a compliance impact on IT:
SarbanesOxley Section 302: Disclosure controls requires that the
company’s principal officers (typically the Chief Executive Officer and Chief
Financial Officer) certify and approve the integrity of their company financial
reports quarterly. Internal access controls should be developed, implemented and
reviewed periodically.
SarbanesOxley Section 404: Assessment of internal controls requires
management and external auditors to report on internal controls. Access controls
should be maintained, reviewed and reported periodically.
With the transition to the cloud and companies storing documents in the Google Docs, the
same internal data control requirements must be followed in a cloud file system. IT
therefore is tasked with implementing technical controls and continuous access auditing to
assure the reliability of data related to financial transactions in Google Docs.
Effective implementation of SOX control processes requires making them repeatable.
Automation reduces the amount of resources required to maintain on-going SOX
compliance and can provide a positive return on investment.
Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Compliance
For Google Docs
SOX Compliance in Google Apps and CloudLock
CloudLock for Google Apps can be used as an effective tool to facilitate SOX compliance with Google Docs. It
provides a comprehensive system to meet the requirements of SOX sections 302 and 404 for documents stored in
Google Docs.
Action Required
CloudLock Feature
Section 302 -
Disclosure Controls
Report on access controls and
asses risk. To comply with
SOX, management must have
a clear understanding of who
owns and who is authorized to
access financial documents.
CloudLock provides a complete access management
system with reporting on user access rights for each
document in the domain. This is supported by automatic
discovery of all the documents and users in the domain and
classification of documents by access and exposure levels.
CloudLock supports review and approval processes to
make sure only authorized users can access sensitive
financial documents.
Section 302 -
Disclosure Controls
Audit and report on all access
rights and changes in access
permissions to regulated data
stored in Google docs. SOX
requires organizations to
provide ongoing evidence that
they are compliant.
CloudLock provides ongoing monitoring of all the
documents in the domain. A daily change report for each
document details changes in ownership, collaborators and
Section 404 -
Assessment of
Internal Controls
Implement access controls to
limit user rights based on a
need-to-know basis. Identify
users with excessive rights to
protect financial data from
unauthorized activities.
CloudLock provides IT with the visibility and control to all
the documents in the Google Apps domain without the need
to be shared on these documents. IT can easily secure
access rights to financial documents according to company
policy, and can transfer document ownership in bulk without
manually logging into accounts.
Section 404 -
Assessment of
Internal Controls
All activities should be
reported for auditing and to
support forensic investigation.
A complete change report is available for every document.
Alerts and email notifications are generated for permission
changes and new exposures. All admin activities and
changes are reported in a tamper-proof audit trail.
Section 404 -
Assessment of
Internal Controls
Separation of duties and
enable for auditor
Sox auditors can be delegated access to CloudLock to
review the access rights to all financial documents. This is
done without making them domain administrators or
collaborators on these documents.
Section 404 -
Assessment of
Internal Controls
Organizations must be able to
prove that they have accurate
and reliable compliance
behavior at all times.
CloudLock Vault is a secure, authenticated & tamper-proof
digital data vault built on top of Google Docs. Once
documents are stored in the vault, they cannot be deleted
or modified.
About CloudLock
For further information
about the company and
CloudLock for Google
Apps, call (781) 996-4332
or visit
Regulatory Compliance and Auditing:
Data Governance For Google Docs
Whether companies need to prove regulatory
compliance (HIPAA, FISMA, SOX, PCI DSS, etc.) or
need to follow internal data governance procedures,
CloudLock is the only enterprise data protection application for Google Docs. To
implement data governance and compliance initiatives in Google Docs, companies
need the ability to answer:
What data do I have?
Who has access to what?
What is accessible to whom?
How did access rights to sensitive data change at different points in time?
What do privileged users do with data?
Secure Your Google Docs While Saving Time
With CloudLock, you can put Google Docs security on autopilot with scheduled scans,
alerts, change history and a full audit trail. Use CloudLock’s end-user enablement
feature to delegate sharing responsibility to data owners and get automated emails
when sensitive data permissions change.
About CloudLock
Headquartered in Waltham, Mass., CloudLock is the cloud data protection company
that enables control of data while gaining the collaboration and cost savings benefits
of the cloud. Unlike expensive custom solutions, CloudLock’s enterprise-class
products are directly integrated with cloud application providers and are immediately
available at a fraction of the cost. For further information about the company and
CloudLock for Google Apps, call (781) 996-4332 or visit
About CloudLock