U/OO/126071-24 | PP-24-0581 | March 2024 Ver. 1.0
| Cybersecurity Information
Cybersecurity &
Secure Data in the Cloud
Executive summary
As organizations move more of their data into cloud environments, the prevention of
unauthorized access to that data is extremely important. Data stored in the cloud can
take many forms depending on the needs of the organization. For these reasons,
organizations must understand the sensitivity of the data they store in the cloud, select
the appropriate storage services, and apply pragmatic security methods to properly
protect their data. The purpose of this cybersecurity information sheet is to provide an
overview of what cloud storage is and common practices for properly securing and
auditing cloud storage systems.
Cloud data types
The three main types of data storage that cloud service providers (CSP) offer are:
File, which stores data in a folder-based structure and allows for user access
via protocols like network file system or server message block protocols.
Object, which stores data objects in a key-value data store. Users can access
these objects by interacting with the Object storage application programming
Block, which is typically used by cloud compute resources that need large
amounts of hard drive space, ranging from Nonvolatile Memory Express
(NVME), Solid State Drive (SSD), and Hard Disk Drive (HDD) speeds and
sizes. [1], [2], [3]
File, Object, and Block storage systems are not only standalone systems, but also are
used as the building blocks for cloud-specific platform as a service (PaaS) and software
as a service (SaaS) offerings. PaaS instances are on-demand, comprehensive
platforms used for deploying custom software in the cloud. SaaS instances are ready-
to-use software, such as email, collaboration, or file sharing applications. Typically,
when provisioning PaaS and SaaS offerings, the storage system is not hidden within the
service, but instead is directly available and is managed alongside the PaaS or SaaS
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NSA & CISA | Secure Data in the Cloud
Securing Data
The following sections describe common practices for properly securing cloud storage
systems. They list several related MITRE ATT&CK
threat and
defensive techniques. These are meant as representative examples, but are not
intended to include all possible related techniques. [4], [5]
Encryption at rest and in transit is an imperative for sensitive data. All interactions with
cloud storage that include sensitive data should be encrypted using Commercial
National Security Algorithm (CNSA) Suite 1.0 approved encryption mechanisms at
minimum. CNSA Suite 2.0 standards should also be considered. [6] Sensitive data
should never be accessed over insecure channels. Connections via the web should be
encrypted with TLS1.2 or higher. Many individual storage offerings that CSPs provide
include easy to integrate server and client-side encryption methods.
Many CSPs offer their own standalone key management services (KMSs) as well as
provide integrations for data services with other KMSs. Depending on the
implementation of the KMS, the service can easily generate keys or allow customers to
bring their own. KMSs provide a secure storage solution for keys and the ability to rotate
them. Organizations should consider hardware security modules (HSM) when there is a
need for more security.
For more details on what to consider when choosing a key management solution and
how to securely manage key material for cloud environments, see the joint
Cybersecurity Information sheet (CSI): Use Secure Cloud Key Management Practices.
Data from Cloud Storage [T1530]
Credential Access, Discovery
Network Sniffing [T1040]
D3FEND Tactic
Platform Hardening
Disk Encryption [D3-DENCR]
Platform Hardening
File Encryption [D3-FE]
Network Isolation
Encrypted Tunnels [D3-ET]
Encrypt Sensitive Information [M1041]
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NSA & CISA | Secure Data in the Cloud
Data access policies
CSPs have designed access systems around the role-based access control (RBAC)
and attribute-based access control (ABAC) strategies. RBAC grants account
permissions based on a given role. These can be built-in roles that are set up by the
CSP or custom roles created by customers. ABAC assigns individual access attributes
to a given user or role to limit access to storage devices and limit an accounts ability to
provision resources.
Both user and system accounts should only be given the minimal level of access
needed to perform tasks by their cloud administrators. Overly permissive policies for
data access can have large repercussions for cloud security incidents. Plan to
implement roles and access in a scalable and easy-to-use way. Higher complexity
around the process of assigning proper permissions may result in overly permissive
access. Data access permissions should be granular, and the use of “wildcard”
permissions should be severely limited. Consider utilizing a data tagging system or
solution, where data is conditionally accessed via granular ABAC policies to protect
data. It is also important to separate accounts that grant access to resources from those
that manage them daily.
Most CSPs provide capabilities that can assist with the account permission auditing
process. Additionally, commercial products are available to identify insecure
permissions in cloud environments. These can help, especially in multi-cloud
Organizations should also consider data loss prevention (DLP) systems, which can
identify systems exposing data unnecessarily. DLP systems often offer both active and
passive monitoring of data and automatic detection and remediation processes. Some
CSPs offer features or policy systems that provide DLP capabilities. Organizations
should evaluate the sensitivity levels of their data and implement a series of controls or
policies to prevent accidental data spillage.
Data from Cloud Storage [T1530]
User Account Management [M1018]
Restrict File and Directory Permissions [M1022]
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NSA & CISA | Secure Data in the Cloud
D3FEND Tactic
Operational Activity Mapping
Access Modeling [D3-AM]
Platform Hardening
Local File Permissions [D3-LFP]
Limiting the attack surface
All cloud resources should be regularly audited by cloud administrators for improper
exposure. Data storage services should never be placed into publicly accessible
networks unless justified by a mission requirement that is periodically reassessed.
Having a clearly defined cloud architecture will limit the possibility of accidental public
Object storage is one of the most exploited data storage methods because of its
popularity and how easily it can be misconfigured. Applying proper access policies to
Object storage will prevent unintentional data exposure. For example, major CSPs have
access policies that can be deployed by cloud administrators enterprise wide to block
publicly accessible Object storage by default and allow it only by exception.
Cloud Storage Object Discovery [T1619]
D3FEND Tactic
Operational Activity Mapping
Access Modeling [D3-AM]
Network Mapping
Network Traffic Policy Mapping [D3-NTPM]
Platform Hardening
Local File Permissions [D3-LFP]
Network Isolation
Inbound Traffic Filtering [D3-ITF]
System recovery and backup
Regardless of size, all users of cloud environments supporting production systems must
implement a recovery and backup solution. Many CSPs now provide a backup service,
which can simplify the process and save backups as immutable. Immutability allows for
a high amount of protection against malicious activity and ransomware. As well as
implementing a recovery backup solution, it is important to properly identify all cloud
Data Loss Prevention [M1057]
Limit Access to Resource Over Network [M1035]
Restrict File and Directory Permissions [M1022]
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NSA & CISA | Secure Data in the Cloud
resources that need to be backed up, including resources that span multiple regions
and availability zones. Account access to backups should be continuously evaluated
and limited to administrators who directly maintain and test backups.
Data Encrypted for Impact [T1486]
Data Destruction [T1485]
D3FEND Tactic
Asset Inventory
Data Inventory [D3-DI]
Restore Object
Restore File [D3-RF]
Understanding CSP data procedures
CSPs have created complex platforms that are designed for ease of access and
convenience. However, cloud administrators often overlook policies for data storage
and retention. Soft deletion is a feature that enables a deleted object to be recoverable
for a certain period of time. NSA and CISA recommend organizations utilize soft delete
featureswhen possibleto prevent accidental data loss. If soft delete features are
enabled, it’s important to understand how this aligns with data retention policies.
Deallocation of resources, such as allowing customers to control what resources are
needed to run at specific times, is a signature feature of CSPs. The process of stopping
or deallocating resources typically does not mean that the data is deleted or
inaccessible. It is important to understand the specific resource that stores data and
whether the data is truly deleted rather than stopped or deallocated. Depending on the
data storage resources deployed, there may be a difference in the secure wiping of
processes and the deallocation of resources. Resources that are truly meant to be
deleted should go through the secure wipe or removal process outlined by the CSP. [7],
Organizations should also carefully review cloud service agreements to understand the
risk of data being stored outside of the United States. Depending on the agreement and
the laws of the country where the data is physically located, the data could be subject to
Data Backup [M1053]
Remote Data Storage [M1029]
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NSA & CISA | Secure Data in the Cloud
seizure requests by foreign governments. For data that must reside outside the United
States, customers can reduce risk by implementing solutions such as:
On-premises or external key management solutions,
Secure compute enclave environments, and
Other data protection tools.
Organizations should understand that on-premises encryption methods can be a limiting
factor to data processing in cloud environments especially when compared with secure
compute environments in the cloud.
Best practices
The following is a summary of best practices for securing data in the cloud:
1. Obtain and retain a good understanding of the cloud storage offerings and
choose storage types that make sense for the data being stored.
2. Use encryption for all data that is sensitive in nature. Manage these keys through
either a KMS or HSM.
3. Have an understandable process of assigning permissions to users and service
accounts. Always use the principal of least privilege when assigning permissions.
4. Properly audit and understand cloud data’s attack surface. Especially look for
those resources that are publicly exposed.
5. Use a backup solution and routinely test restoration of critical data and services.
6. Review individual cloud provider data retention policies with regards to deleting
data. Be sure that systems that carry sensitive data are properly being deleted.
Further guidance
Supplementary NSA guidance on ensuring network environments are secure and
defendable is available at NSA Cybersecurity Advisories & Guidance. Those of
particular relevance are:
Mitigating Cloud Vulnerabilities
Top 10 Mitigation Strategies
Identity and Access Management Recommended Best Practices for
U/OO/126071-24 | PP-24-0581 | March 2024 Ver. 1.0
NSA & CISA | Secure Data in the Cloud
Works cited
[1] Microsoft. What is Cloud Storage? 2024. https://azure.microsoft.com/en-in/resources/cloud-
[2] Amazon. What is Cloud Storage? 2024. https://aws.amazon.com/what-is/cloud-storage/
[3] Google. Product overview of Cloud Storage. 2024.
[4] The MITRE Corporation. MITRE ATT&CK. 2024. https://attack.mitre.org
[5] The MITRE Corporation. MITRE D3FEND. 2023. https://d3fend.mitre.org
[6] NSA. Announcing the Commercial National Security Algorithm Suite 2.0. 2022.
[7] Google. Data deletion on Google Cloud. 2023. https://cloud.google.com/docs/security/deletion
[8] Microsoft, Data-bearing device destruction. 2024. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-
Disclaimer of endorsement
The information and opinions contained in this document are provided "as is" and without any warranties or guarantees. Reference
herein to any specific commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not
constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government, and this guidance shall not be
used for advertising or product endorsement purposes.
ATT&CK and MITRE and are registered trademarks of The MITRE Corporation. D3FEND is a trademark of The MITRE Corporation.
This document was developed in furtherance of the authoring agencies’ cybersecurity missions, including their responsibilities to
identify and disseminate threats to National Security Systems, Department of Defense, and Defense Industrial Base information
systems, and to develop and issue cybersecurity specifications and mitigations.
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