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Through the so called "Decreto Cura Italia" (the "Covid
the Italian Government has recently enacted a set of
measures to address the impact of the Coronavirus outbreak
on the Italian economy. These measures became effective on
publication of the Covid Decree in the Italian Official Gazette
on 17 March 2020 and need to be enshrined into law by the
Parliament within 60 days. The measures included in the Covid
Decree aim at providing temporary aid to families, companies
and enterpreneurs dealing with the isolation and disruption
caused by the spreading of the pandemic. Core measures to
mitigate the consequences of the turmoil include payment
holidays under loan agreements.
The Covid Decree applies to the entire Italian territory and
clearly aims at alleviating the consequences of the heavy
lockdown measures that have been adopted by the Italian
Government, that have become more and more restrictive in
proportion to the worsening of the health situation in Italy
Law Decree of 17 March 2020, no. 18 (Misure di potenziamento del Servizio sanitario nazionale e di sostegno
economico per famiglie, lavoratori e imprese connesse all'emergenza epidemiologica da COVID-19) published in the
Official Gazette of 17 March 2020 no. 70).
The Italian Government has issued several decrees dealing with the outbreak of the Coronavirus, including Law
Decree no. 6 of 23 February 2020, Law Decree no. 9 of 2 March 2020 and Decrees of the President of the Council of
Ministers dated 23 February 2020, 1 March 2020, 4 March 2020, 8 March 2020, 9 March 2020 and 11 March 2020.
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Measures for Italian first-home owners
The new measures approved (also) through the Covid Decree
allow eligible debtors under a mortgage loan agreement
executed for the purpose of purchasing a "first home" real
estate property ("prima casa" or "unità immobiliare da adibire
ad abitazione principale")
to suspend payment of any principal
and interest instalments for no more than 2 times during the life
of the relevant mortgage loan, provided that the suspension
can have an aggregate maximum duration of 18 months (the
. If the Suspension applies, the mortgage loan
is consequently extended for the same period of time and, once
the 18-month period ends, any outstanding instalments must
be paid by the borrower according to the original conditions of
the mortgage loan agreement.
The Covid Decree provides for a 9-month temporary regime
(the "Temporary Regime"), expanding the existing legal
framework that already deals with payment suspensions in
certain circumstances. Pursuant to the Temporary Regime the
Suspension can be requested upon occurrence of certain
adverse events (after the loan is advanced and no later than 3
years from the date of request) affecting the borrower including,
in addition to the termination of employment relationships,
borrower's death or recognition of disability or civil invalidity
(already existing under the previous legislation)
, the following:
the suspension from work or reduction of working hours for
a period of at least 30 days even where the issuance of
measures of income support is pending;
the fall in the turnover (calo del fatturato) of self-employed
individuals with a VAT code number and independent
The payment holiday is not applicable to any loans that (i) at the time of the request have been delinquent for more
than 90 consecutive days, or have been accelerated (decadenza dal beneficio del termine) or terminated (risoluzione)
or where the mortgaged asset was subject to enforcement procedures started by third parties; (ii) benefit from public
subsidies (agevolazioni pubbliche) and (iii) are insured for the same events covered by the Suspension.
The right to request the payment Suspension has been implemented by the "2008 Budget Law" (Italian Law number
244 of 24 December 2007, as amended in respect of this subject matter by Law no. 92 of 28 June 2012).
With the exclusion of termination by mutual agreement, termination for age limits with entitlement to old-age or
retirement pension, disciplinary dismissal, resignation not linked to a cause and, with respect to relationships pursuant
to art. 409, section 3 of the Italian code of civil procedure (i.e. self-employed persons under a collaboration contract
(agents, trade representatives etc.)) excluding also the withdrawal by the employer with cause and the withdrawal by
the collaborator not linked to a cause. Civil invalidity must be not lower than 80%.
Event introduced by Law Decree no. 9 of 2 March 2020.
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contractors (lavoratori autonomi and liberi professionisti)
during a quarter falling after (or within the shorter term
between the date of request and) 21 February 2020. The
borrower must self-certify that such downturn is higher than
33% of the revenues in the last quarter of the year 2019 and
suffered as a consequence of the shutdown or restriction of
the borrower's business activity in connection with the
provisions issued by the authorities under the Coronavirus
The costs of the Suspension are partially borne by a fund
(Fondo di solidarietà, the "Fund")
. The Temporary Regime
specifies that the Fund should cover compensatory interests up
to 50% of interests accrued on the loan during the Suspension.
Borrowers must satisfy certain requirements to request the
Suspension and contextually benefit from the aid of the Fund.
In particular, the borrower at the time of request must be the
owner of the real estate property financed through the
mortgage loan agreement and the relevant loan must be for an
amount not exceeding €250,000 and that has been in
amortisation for at least 1 year. The Covid Decree disapplied
other existing requirements, including those relating to the
borrower's income threshold, also with respect to the possible
access to the aid provided by the Fund
. Upon meeting the
requirements, the bank should give effect to the Suspension
within 30 business days from the date on which CONSAP
(Concessionaria Servizi Assicurativi S.p.A.), as the managing
company of the Fund, notifies the borrower that the aid of the
Fund is granted or, in the case of loans subject to securitisation
or covered bond transactions, within 45 business days.
Once the Temporary Regime set by the Covid Decree ceases
to be effective, the set of rules under the previously existing
legislative framework will remain applicable.
Before issuance of the Covid Decree, the existing legal framework established that the Fund covers the borrowing
costs for an amount equal to the interests accrued on the loan amount outstanding during the Suspension, calculated
by using the reference interest rate applied to the mortgage loan, net of the margin applicable to the reference rate
(spread), which will be borne by the debtor together with the principal component when the Suspension expires.
These requirements have been set by the decree issued by the Ministry of Finance no. 132 of 21 June 2010, as
amended by the Decree of the Ministry of Finance no. 37 of 22 February 2013, which requires that the borrower
acceding to the aid of the Fund has an income status indicator (indicatore della situazione economica equivalente
(ISEE)) not exceeding €30,000.
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Measures for Italian SMEs
The Covid Decree also contains large-scale moratoria to
support micro-enterprises and small and medium-sized
enterprises (jointly, "SMEs"), so identified in accordance with
the definition set by the European Union
. Such measures
apply to all type of loans, excluding non-performing loans
(esposizioni creditizie deteriorate) by: (i) freezing the lenders'
right to revoke credit facilities; and (ii) suspending by operation
of law the payment of all mortgage loans and other financings
repaid by way of instalments, in each case until 30 September
These measures operate only if the borrower self-certifies that
it has suffered a temporary lack of liquidity (carenze di liquidità)
as a direct consequence of the Coronavirus outbreak.
More precisely, the measures apply to the following loan
revocable credit facilities (aperture di credito a revoca) and
loans granted against credit advances (anticipi su crediti)
existing as at 29 February 2020: any amounts granted
(whether utilized or not) may not be revoked, in whole or in
part, until 30 September 2020;
loans not subject to instalment amortisation plans (prestiti
non rateali) falling due before 30 September 2020: these
loans and any accessory rights relating thereto are extended
by operation of law until 30 September 2020 at the same
conditions originally agreed and without further formalities;
SMEs are defined in the EU recommendation 2003/361. The main factors determining if an enterprise is an SME
are (i) staff headcount and (ii) either turnover or balance sheet total:
Company category
Staff headcount
Balance sheet total
< 250
≤ € 50 m
≤ € 43 m
< 50
≤ € 10 m
≤ € 10 m
< 10
≤ € 2 m
≤ € 2 m
These ceilings apply to the figures for individual companies only. A company part of a larger group may need to
include staff headcount/turnover/balance sheet data from that group too. For the relevant details please see:
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mortgage loans (mutui) or loans subject to instalment
amortisation plans (finanziamenti a rimborso rateale): the
repayment of the loan (both for principal and interests) and
leasing instalments falling due before 30 September 2020 is
suspended by operation of law until 30 September 2020.
The amortisation plan relating to the suspended instalments
(together with any accessory rights relating thereto) is
consistently extended without further formalities in a manner
which ensures that no higher charges are borne by the
lender or the borrower. SMEs have also the right to request
the suspension limited to the sole principal component of the
A public guarantee scheme applies upon lenders' request
through an institutional guarantee fund (Fondo di garanzia a
favore delle piccole e medie imprese), which may guarantee,
among other things, up to 33% the amounts of the instalments
due under the loans and other financings subject to
amortization and the leasing instalments to which the moratoria
applies. Such guarantee is issued by the dedicated fund free of
charge and covers both principal and interest payments.
Before the approval of the Covid Decree, the Italian Banking
Association (Associazione Bancaria Italiana, "ABI") already
promoted the conclusion and extension of a banking
convention (the "ABI Convention")
with the Italian SMEs
providing, among other things, the possibility to request (i) a
suspension of payments (principal instalments only) for a
period of up to 12 months; or (ii) the extension of the duration
up to 100% of the residual term of the loan, in each case
subject to the possible increase of the rate of interest and
request of additional security interests or guarantees by the
lender. This measure does not apply automatically and is
based on the own decision of the lending bank, subject to its
credit procedures and policies. To benefit from this payment
holiday, certain requirements must be satisfied:
On 6 March 2020, ABI and the major associations representing the Italian SMEs have entered into an addendum
extending the terms of the agreement dated 15 November 2018 named "Accordo per il Credito 2019".
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the loan must not be classified as non performing;
all other instalments must have (i) been timely paid or (ii) in
case of late (or partial) payments, not been outstanding for
more than 90 days from the date of the request;
SMEs must have not benefited from the suspension or
extension of the duration in the 24 month period prior to the
request, except for the easing of terms generally applying
by operation of law;
if the loan is secured, the extension of the loan is conditional
to the extension of the guarantee or security interest.
The suspension of the payment of principal instalments is
applicable to medium and long-term loans, leasing financings,
mortgage current account transactions, provided that the loan
is amortising and is subject to a reimbursement plan (principal
and interest). If the suspension applies, the amortization plan
is extended for a period equal to the holiday granted while
interest is paid on the payment dates originally agreed. The
rate of interest can be increased to cover any additional
financing costs borne by the bank, up to maximum 60 bps.
The extension of the duration is applicable to loans (mutui),
short term financings and agricultural credit agreements
pursuant to article 43 of the Italian Banking Act. Under this
option the loan can be extended for a maximum period equal
to 100% of the residual term of the amortization plan. For short
term financings and agricultural credit, the term is 270 days and
120 days, respectively. In this case too, the rate of interest can
be increased by the bank to cover any additional financing
costs: in such event, the amount of the instalment calculated
pursuant to the new rate of interest must be substantially lower
than the original amount agreed.
Loans existing as at 31 January 2020 that are subject to the
ABI Convention will benefit from the public guarantee issued
by the guarantee fund in favour of Italian SMEs (Fondo di
garanzia a favore delle piccole e medie imprese). The
guarantee should cover the amount of the suspended or
extended loans up to 80% of the amount granted by the
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The request for this type of moratoria can be
submitted to banks which acceded to the ABI Convention up
until 31 December 2020 and for loans existing as at 31 January
2020. Banks should respond within 30 business days from the
date of a request.
For sake of clarity, we note that the moratoria provisions under
the Covid Decree and ABI Convention, although addressing
similar needs in the context of the crisis caused by the outbreak
of the Coronavirus, remain two distinct set of measures
available to Italian SMEs.
The approval of the Covid Decree opens the way to possible
further measures by the Italian government in response to the
Coronavirus outbreak. Discussions are understood to be
undergoing within Italian institutions on the possible
prorogation of the national lockdown; opposition parties and
certain professional associations have commented that the
Covid Decree is not sufficient to address the distress calls
coming from the Italian production and professional sectors.
There are also suggestions that the scope of payment holidays
applied to Italian borrowers might possibly be widened in the
future, if the crisis persists.
As a result, there has been increased concern on the negative
effects that the moratoria for Italian loan debtors might have on
Italian securitisations and covered bond programmes.
As described in the introduction to this briefing, the main
measures approved with respect to mortgage loans are grafted
on the existing legislative framework, which already recognised
a right of suspension of mortgage loan payments. The Covid
Decree widens (at least for individual mortgage borrowers) the
scope of existing payment holidays, but it does not appear at
this stage to be causing significant disruption. It is notable that
prospectuses of securitisations relating to RMBS assets
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already addressed, in most cases, the risks relating to these
kind of provisions. Additionally, related mitigants already exist
in the Italian market. As per a recent article by S&P
, Italian
securitisations provide for a wide use of structural credit
enhancements by way of cash reserves, as well as liquidity
facilities that can be activated in order to meet Issuers' payment
obligations under the notes in the event of shortfalls caused by
reduced or limited collections during a certain period of time.
The existing mitigants and possibly the composition of the
collateral portfolios should in principle be able to address such
reduced collections, subject of course to the actual structure of
the transaction and a case by case analisys.
The same could apply with respect to securitisations and
covered bond programmes involving collateral comprised of
Italian SME loans. Although the measures under the Covid
Decree are newly introduced and operate by statement of law,
several moratoria (as e.g. the ABI Convention mentioned in the
previous paragraph) have already been in place since 2008
and were applicable on a voluntary basis among the parties.
This also means, that servicers have been granted through
time more flexible powers in order to deal with these kind of
suspensions, extensions and, in general, with the
renegotiations of the securitised portfolios.
The moratoria are subject to eligibility criteria and to a request
by the eligible borrower. As a consequence, the extension of
the impacts on the existing portfolios might be lower than
expected. Finally, the costs of the suspensions are partially
covered within certain limits by some institutional funds created
for such purpose, like the solidarity Fund for individual
mortgage borrowers, and the guarantee fund, for the moratoria
applicable to Italian SMEs, which means that, hopefully, the
economic impact on the issuers should be less invasive. Italy
has been the first to issue an emergency legislation including
payment holiday measures since the outbreak of the
Coronavirus. However, similar measures are under discussion
or being approved by other European countries affected by the
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For details on the impact of the Coronavirus on European
Residential Mortgage Securitisation Markets, please see:
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Tanja Svetina
T +39 02 8063 4375
M +39 347 8090025
E tanja.svetina
Gianmarco Gulli
Senior Associate
T +39 02 8063 4501
M +39 338 5757864
E gianmarco.gulli
This publication does not necessarily deal with
every important topic or cover every aspect of
the topics with which it deals. It is not
designed to provide legal or other advice.
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