Setting your users up
for success in Atlassian
Cloud products
Table of contents
Ch 1 Introduction
Ch 2 Accessing your Atlassian Cloud site
Ch 3 An overview of key differences in Jira Software Cloud
Ch 4 An overview of key differences in Jira Service Management Cloud
Ch 5 An overview of key differences in Confluence Cloud
Ch 6 Supporting your users
Ch 7 Conclusion
Ch 8 Additional resources and support
At Atlssin, we often sy tht cloud mirtions re  tem sport. It tkes
 powerhouse roup of people to execute  lre-scle trnsformtion like
 mirtion. And, if we extend the tem sport metphor, the finl phse
of  mirtion - ettin your users productive on  new pltform - is the
fourth qurter. Tht’s where tems with endurnce nd preprtion emere
But, musterin the determintion you need to execute  ret doption
prorm cn be chllenin nd it cn be temptin to ssume your users will
fiure it out orniclly. To relize the full ROI of your move to Atlssin Cloud,
you need to focus time nd enery on ensurin your tems embrce new wys
of workin cross the Atlssin Cloud pltform.
Mny of your users hve likely been usin Atlssin Server or Dt Center
products for yers, which mens mkin the switch to Cloud cn require
djustin. This uide is desined to help dmins, like you, understnd the
key differences your users will experience in Cloud. While this uide is not
exhustive of every difference in the user interfce, it hihlihts the most
sinificnt differences tht  user will encounter when loin in the first time.
Throuhout this uide, we’ll link out to other helpful resources, includin ones
you cn shre directly with your users, with the hope tht you cn minimize
disruption, deflect questions from your support queues, nd et your tems
productive on Atlssin Cloud products s quickly s possible.
NOTE: You cn copy nd pste from this uide to crete customized trinin
mterils. If you do, we recommend substitutin screenshots from your
orniztion’s instnces so they re fmilir to your users. The screenshots
in this uide re tken from  eneric Confluence 7.13, Jir Softwre 8.19, nd
Jir Service Mnement 4.21 instnce.
TIP: If you’re lookin for mjor functionl differences nd product-specific
comprisons for dministrtors, red this pe for  summry.
Accessing your
Atlassian Cloud site
For dmins: To help redirect people from your self-mned instnce
to your new Cloud site URL, pply  site-wide bnner in the self-
mned versions of Jir Softwre nd/or Confluence nd/or dd n
nnouncement in Jir Service Mnement.
For users: If users hve bookmrked their pes, remind them to
updte their bookmrks with the new cloud links.
Accessing your Atlassian Cloud site
All users will hve  new Cloud site URL to ccess their Atlssin products.
Unlike in Server where there re different bse URLs for ech product, in Cloud,
the URL bse is the sme cross products with n dded suffix:
· Confluence: https://yourdomin.tlssi
· Jir Softwre nd Jir Service Mnement: https://yourdomin.tlssin.
What about mobile access?
The mobile pps for Jir Softwre/Jir Service Mnement Cloud nd
Confluence Cloud re different. If your tems re usin the Server nd Dt
Center mobile pps for these products, they’ll need to instll new pps:
· Jir Cloud (for Jir Softwre, Jir Service Mnement, nd Jir Work
· Confluence Cloud
MAM for Atlssin mobile pps is vilble with n Atlssin Access or Cloud
Enterprise subscription, nd MDM is vilble with ll Cloud plns.
An overview of key differences
in Jira Software Cloud
An overview of key differences in
Jira Software
General user interface and navigation
In enerl, the Cloud interfce looks more modern thn its Server or Dt
Center counterprt. Plus, the Cloud pltform ws desined to be even more
intuitive for users of ll types - not just developers - so we’ve found some
of these chnes to the core experiences re esier for users to nvite
Both Cloud nd Server/Dt Center hve similr sidebrs nd horizontl lobl
nvition. You’ll see the sme min nvition br cross ll Jir Cloud
products, includin Softwre, Service Mnement, nd Work Mnement.
This ives you quick ccess to the projects, filters, nd dshbords you use
most rerdless of the project type. It lso lets you crete issues, serch, nd
ccess help notifictions nd lobl Jir settins.
Use the dirm below to fmilirize yourself with the nvition br for ll
Jir Cloud products:
1. Product switcher: Switch to other Atlssin Cloud products, like Bitbucket
Cloud nd Confluence Cloud, nd ccess Atlssin Strt to see recent
projects cross ll Cloud products.
2. Jir loo nd product nme: Keep trck of which Atlssin product you’re
in s you switch between products. Use this loo to nvite bck to your
homepe from ny pe.
3. Your work: Get n overview of the thins you cre most bout in Jir
products. Find issues, projects, bords, nd queues you’ve visited, work
ssined to you, nd your strred items.
4. Projects, Filters, nd Dshbords: Find nd resume work on the thins you
use most. Your strred items pper t the top of ech menu, followed by
your recently visited items.
5. People: See the people nd tems you work with, nd crete new tems.
6. Plns: See nd mne your Advnced Rodmp plns (Premium and
Enterprise users only).
7. Apps: See nd mne pps instlled on your Jir site.
8. Crete: Crete issues.
9. Serch: Find issues, projects, bords, queues, filters, nd people.
10. Notifictions, Help, Jir Personl settins, nd your Profile nd settins:
See wht’s hppenin in Jir, et help, nd customize Jir’s settins (Jira
admins only) nd your personl settins.
For more detils, see the Jir Cloud nvition pe.
Where did the issues dropdown go?
You’ll most likely notice tht Cloud doesn’t hve n issues dropdown. Insted,
your recent ctivity will pper in the new Your work menu item on the top
left, which includes issues. Filters re now  seprte menu item nd issues
cn be reched vi the serch br.
Key changes to board view
The project bord nd bcklo view is very similr in both versions for
Scrum/Knbn projects. In Cloud, there’s  5,000 issue limit per bord,
nd you cn view sprint insihts to sty on top of proress mde nd
deliver with confidence.
Server/Data Center - Kanban view
Key changes to issue view
Jir Softwre Cloud hs  new issue view tht roups key ctions nd
informtion in  more loicl wy, mkin it esier for you to scn nd updte
your issues. It usully ppers s  2-column lyout on bords nd s  sinle
column in the bcklo but is responsive to the size of your window.
1. Quick-dd buttons: Add ttchments nd subtsks; link to issues, ny
URL, nd content from Atlssin Mrketplce pps.
2. Trnsition issues: Get from to-do to done, nd ny sttus or workflow
step in between. Additionl issue ctions (if your dmin hs confiured
them) re displyed next to the sttus. Lern more bout trnsitionin n
3. Wtch, Vote, nd More ctions: Wtch the issue , vote , ive
feedbck, nd perform other ctions like move nd clone vi the
More ctions ··· menu.
4. Flexible lyout: Fields cn be plced where they work best for you.
Admins cn confiure lmost every field to be on either the left or riht
side of the issue view. On the riht hnd side, you cn pin your most
importnt nd frequently used fields to the top, includin the ones under
the Show more link.
5. More fields: Select Show more fields to view ll issue fields.
6. Confiure issue lyout: Move, hide, nd chne fields in the issue view.
Lern more bout confiurin the issue view’s field lyout.
7. Docked comment br: Alwys there, so you cn quickly dd  comment no
mtter how fr you’ve scrolled.
8. Attchments: Switch between the strip nd list view for ttchments, or
downlod them ll t once to work with them on your device.
9. Field tbs: If your issue lyout hs field tbs confiured, tb throuh them
riht from the front of the issue view.
New ways to manage projects
While Server nd Dt Center projects re mned t the compny level,
in Cloud, you hve the option to hve tem-mned projects or compny-
mned projects. The core functionlity of these project types is the sme,
but it cn be helpful to know which type of project your tem is workin in
if you’re lookin for certin confiurtions.
Tem-mned projects offer  powerful yet simpler confiurtion tht’s
independent of other projects on the cloud instnce. Anyone on the tem
cn crete  tem-mned project nd serve s the project dmin. Project
dmins dminister nd hve totl control over the confiurtion of their tem-
mned projects. This includes confiurin workflows, custom fields, issue
types, permissions, nd more without hvin to contct the Jir product or site
dmin. With compny-mned projects, the Jir product dmin is responsible
for mkin these types of confiurtion chnes.
TIP: Tem-mned projects re enbled by defult in Cloud but Jir
dmins cn disble them or control who’s llowed to crete tem-
mned projects vi Jir Settins > System > Globl Permissions.
Team-managed project Company-managed project
Default Defult project type Cn be enbled by Admin
Simplified configuration
that’s independent of
other projects. Settings and
changes in team-managed
projects can be made by the
project admin and are con-
tained; they won’t impact
other projects on the same
Expert configuration
with greater complexity
and flexibility, but also
the ability to standardize
workflows across projects.
When a Jira admin changes
a scheme or screen, every
company-managed project
using that configuration
changes accordingly.
1. Set up and maintained by
anyone on the team (project
2. Settings don’t impact other
3. Easy setup for issue types
and custom fields
4. Multiple workflows for all
issue types
5. Access level permissions
1. Set up and maintained by
your Jira admins
2. Standardized configuration
shared across projects
3. Complete control over issue
types and custom fields
4. Customizable workflows,
statuses and issue transitions
5. Detailed permission
Features Essential features
A modern Jira Software
experience for teams who don’t
need advanced features.
1. Basic Roadmaps
2. Only show your project’s
issues on your board
3. Standard filters
4. Single active sprint
5. Essential agile reporting
Advanced features
All the power and features
that Jira Software is known
1. Advanced Roadmaps
(Premium and Enterprise only)
2. Pull in issues from other
projects on your board
3. Custom quick filters
4. Parallel sprints
5. Comprehensive agile
When to use
· Your team wants easier
project configuration to get
started quickly.
· You’re an autonomous team
who wants a self-contained
space to manage your team’s
· You want to standardize
configuration, including is-
sue types and custom field
creation, across multiple
projects or share workflows
in your organization.
· You require advanced fea-
tures that aren’t available in
team-managed projects.
Popular new features in Jira Software Cloud
One of the most common resons customers cite when decidin to move
to Cloud is to hve ccess to the ltest nd retest fetures in Atlssin
products. We’re continuously relesin new vlue nd innovtion for you nd
your tems, nd you cn see  curted list of some of our most populr new
Jir Softwre Cloud fetures in the section below.
1. Automation
Jir Softwre Cloud’s ntive utomtion enine hs powerful fetures which
re exclusive to Cloud nd not vilble for Server or Dt Center, even with 
purchse of the self-mned pp, nmely:
· Crete vrible ction
· Lookup issues ction
· Sum, min, mx, vere, nd conditionl smrt vlues
· The bility to run rules s nother user
· Unique triers
In Jir Softwre Cloud, dvnced triers nd utomtion functionlity re
included out-of-the-box. Lern more bout utomtin your processes nd
2. Advanced Roadmaps (included with Cloud Premium and
Enterprise plans)
Advnced Rodmps, which you my hve been usin s n pp with your
Server/Dt Center instnce, is vilble out-of-the-box with ll Cloud
Premium nd Enterprise plns with  few minor interfce differences between
the cloud nd self-mned version (s of Advnced Rodmps v.3.29).
Note: As of February 2022, Advanced Roadmaps is only available for company-
managed projects. However, Advanced Roadmaps for team-managed projects
will be available soon.
Note: Plans can include issues from all project types - Jira Software, Service
Management, and Work Management.
The Cloud version of Advnced Rodmps doesn’t include the bility to crete
Prorms, i.e. roup of plns, which is vilble on Dt Center. However, in
most cses,  Prorm cn be duplicted usin  Pln. You cn lern more
bout how to et strted with Advnced Rodmps here.
3. Basic roadmaps
For ll plns in Cloud, you cn use the project-specific rodmp. The rodmp
is where you cn crete, mne nd visulize your tem’s epics. Rodmps
re useful for plnnin lre pieces of work severl months in dvnce nd
plnnin lre roups of stories cross different sprints. While Advnced
Rodmps provides bility for cross-project rodmps, bsic rodmps re for
sinle projects.
4. Project templates
Cloud offers  wider vriety of redy-to-use project templtes for mny
use cses nd vrious tems. Jir Softwre Cloud ships with 23 new Work
Mnement templtes included out of the box.
5. DevOps Insights
If your dmin hs interted your CI/CD pipeline with Jir, you cn tke
dvnte of DevOps Insiht, which includes cycle time nd deployment
frequency reports nd insihts tht cn be used to nlyze risk nd mesure
how often you re shippin vlue to your customers.
6. Better integrations
With Jir Softwre Cloud, intertin with other Atlssin products
like Confluence, nd third prty tools like MS Tems nd Slck nd your
development tools is esier thn ever.
An overview of key differences in
Jira Service Management
An overview of key differences in
Jira Service Management
New project types
In ddition to the usul IT service mnement nd Customer service
mnement templtes, Jir Service Mnement Cloud lso hs project
templtes for HR, Lel, nd Fcility tems tht re not vilble in Jir
Service Mnement Server/Dt Center.
1. Quick-dd buttons: Crete subtsks (company-managed projects), or
child issues (team-managed projects); link issues, dd web or Confluence
links, or dd content from Atlssin Mrketplce pps.
2. Bck to queues: Go bck to your queues with  sinle click.
3. Wtch nd more Actions: Wtch the issue , vote , or perform other
ctions (for exmple, move, clone, or delete the issue).
4. Issue sttus: Select the sttus, then choose  trnsition or sttus to move
the issue to. Lern more bout workflows.
5. Context fields: These cn include SLAs, request prticipnts, nd other
informtion to help describe the issue. Under context fields, select Show
more fields (or More fields in tem-mned projects) to revel empty
fields tht ren’t lwys shown on the issue view.
Changes to the issue view
The new Jir issue view experience outlined bove in the Jir Softwre section
ws rolled out cross ll Jir products, includin Jir Service Mnement.
6. Comment br: To dd  comment, select Add internl note to post 
comment tht only your tem cn see (hihlihted in yellow), or Reply
to customer to include the person tht rised the request. Select the
Attchments pperclip icon to dd n ttchment. The editor converts
thins like links, code, nd mrkdown on-the-fly, so you cn pste in your
content nd let the editor do the work. Lern more bout mrkdown.
7. Description fields: (company-managed projects only): Description fields
re multi-line fields tht your tem cn fill out to dd more informtion to
the issue.
8. Customer request informtion: Informtion entered by customers when
they rise  request is ornized in one plce. If the customer rised the
request from the portl, select View request in portl to see it in the
portl. Select Hide detils to collpse this pnel.
Queues and the new agent experience
With the new ent experience, service tems re now ble to trie
issues more effectively, scn request detils t  lnce, nd deliver speedy
responses to customers.
Note: For performance optimization, there’s a limit of 50 queues per project
in Cloud.
1. Replyin to your customers is esy
2. Queues cn be better customized to your tems’ needs
3. Triin is fster with queue ctions
4. Aents cn quickly nvite to fvorites
Red more detils for ech of the improvements here.
Differences in the Help Center and Portal
In Jir Service Mnement Cloud, there re more brndin nd customiztion
cpbilities, includin the bility to edit the loin screen messe nd Help
Center lyout. You cn lso customize the columns in your customers’
Request lists so customers cn quickly filter nd find the requests they’re
lookin for nd see sttus updtes.
Help channels
Just like in Server nd Dt Center, requests in cloud cn be creted vi the
Help Center, emil, nd APIs.
In Jir Service Mnement Cloud, you cn embed the portl widet on ny
pe of your site/pp to collect requests from your customers. See how the
widet works in prctice.
NOTE: Atlssin Cloud products come with n internl SMTP server
confiured to send notifictions. The internl SMTP server is not
confiurble, but you cn confiure Jir Service Mnement Cloud
to send emils on behlf of your domin. For more informtion on
how to use  custom ‘Project Emil Address’ with your domin, red
this support rticle.
Incident management functionality
Opsenie fetures such s lerts, on-cll schedules, incident commnd center,
post mortems, nd hertbets re bundled in Jir Service Mnement Cloud.
Change management features
Chne mnement in the cloud hs dditionl fetures which cn help
tems better pln, schedule, nd deploy chnes to production. Chne
clendrs nd chne mnement utomtion with connected CI/CD tools
ensure tht nothin flls throuh the crcks.
An overview of key differences
in Confluence Cloud
An overview of key differences in
Confluence Cloud
Home page
Both Cloud nd Server/Dt Center hve  common ccess point to the
home pe: the Confluence loo t the top left. Most elements of the Cloud
home pe re lso on the Server/Dt Center home pe nd reltively
strihtforwrd to find. However, the home pe itself hs  very different
ppernce nd lyout s you cn see below.
1. Product switcher: Switch to other Atlssin Cloud products, like Bitbucket
Cloud nd Confluence Cloud, nd ccess Atlssin Strt to see recent
projects cross ll Cloud products.
2. Confluence loo, Home: Nvite bck to your homepe from ny pe.
3. Recent: Find nd resume work on the thins you use most. Find or serch
for pes you’ve visited, worked on, drfted, or strred in recent dys nd
4. Spces: Get n overview of the thins you cre most bout in Confluence.
Your strred spces pper t the top, followed by your recently visited
5. People: See the people nd tems you work with, nd crete new tems.
6. Apps: See nd mne pps instlled on your Confluence site. Note:
Calendars and Analytics (Premium and Enterprise only) in your previous
navigation bar are now located in this menu.
7. Templtes: Access the librry of templtes vilble for you to use in ech
of the spces you’ve strred or recently visited. Note: If you don’t see this
option, look under the More tab.
8. Crete: Crete pes.
9. Serch: Find pes, spces, people, or use the dvnced serch filters. You
cn serch nythin visible to you in Confluence nd results from ll Cloud
products will be included.
10. Notifictions, Help, nd your Profile nd Settins: See wht’s new, et
help, ccess your tsks, mne your wtched spces nd pes, nd
customize your settins (ex. Autowtch pes).
General interface
Both versions hve sidebr nvition for pes in spces. Some elements re in
different prts of the pe. One key difference is tht Spce Tools moved to the
top of the left nvition nd is now clled Spce Settins in Confluence Cloud.
This is one of the biest user experience differences between Cloud nd
Server/Dt Center nd one tht drsticlly improves the user experience in
Confluence. While Server/Dt Center’s editor hs remined unchned for
multiple yers, the new Cloud editor hs introduced sinificnt chnes with
 lot of new templtes nd new wys for pe formttin.
One of the first key differences between the editor in Confluence Cloud nd
Server/Dt Center is relted to mcros. In Cloud, we’ve built in dditionl
functionlity into the editor so tht mcros re no loner needed for thins
like text linment nd strikethrouh formttin. Cloud lso offers live
mcros, so the editin experience in Cloud is consistent with the viewin
experience. It is worth notin tht to improve performnce, Cloud does not
support user mcros nd some mcros were intentionlly excluded from the
new editor. Lern more bout Cloud mcros vs. Server/Dt Center mcros.
Cloud autocomplete
Server/Data Center
autocomplete character
Tables / |
Links / [
Images / !
Macros / {
Headings # h1.
Lists (unordered) * *
Lists (ordered) 1. #
Autocomplete keyboard shortcuts in editor
One of the biest chnes for power users re the utocomplete shortcuts
used in the editor. Those ccustomed to the Server/Dt Center editor my be
very fmilir with the { wiki mrkup nottion. In Cloud, you’ll switch to usin
the / utocomplete slsh commnd which is  sinle commnd to dd mcros
nd tools.
Other editor changes and updates
· Inline comments: Whether editin  pe or viewin it, quickly dd
comments to pes by:
· Anchor links: Anchor links re utomticlly creted in Cloud for hedins.
Non-hedin links still need to be specified by the Anchor mcro.
· Addin Attchments: In Cloud, users cn’t ntively link to or render
ttchments from other pes. This is sinificnt to inform users of,
s they my be used to settin up ime or file “librries” tht cn be
referred to from other pes. The workround is to copy nd pste the
ttchment link directly.
· Editin tbles: Tbles in Cloud re edited nd mned differently. In
enerl, it should be  more intuitive experience but my need  little
ettin used to.
· Hihlihtin the text you wnt to comment on.
· Selectin the Comment button tht ppers bove the hihlihted text.
· Enterin your comment nd selectin Sve (Ctrl+S or +S).
TIP: Shre the Quick strt uide for Confluence Cloud in the Cloud
doption toolkit with your users so they hve esy ccess to the
shortcuts bove.
Inline view
Stylish hyperlinks. The Smrt Links inline view mkes your links “pop” on the
pe. You’ll see the loo from the source of tht link, so you quickly hve more
informtion bout the type of content. When insertin  link to other Atlssin
products, you’ll et even more detils, like the sttus of  Jir ticket.
Card view
Smrt Links crd view provides even richer detil. You cn see  smll preview
of the content, plus dditionl informtion bout it. You’ll lso strt to see
ctions dded to crds over time.
Smart Links
Smrt Links revel importnt context bout links within  Confluence pe (or
Jir issue) without levin tht pe. When you pste  link in the editor, it will
trnsform into  Smrt Link. We support Smrt Links for Atlssin products
nd mny other third prty products. There re  few different wys to view
smrt links:
Red more on Smrt Links here.
Confluence Cloud serch hs better results with relevnce nd improved
experience, which mkes it esier for users to find wht they re lookin for.
Embed view
Wht if you never hve to brek the flow of work (or leve  Confluence pe)
to interct with content tht lives outside of Confluence? Well, Smrt Link
embed views help you with tht!
Red nd edit  Goole Drive document, mnipulte your Fim file nd more,
ll within  Confluence pe.
Supporting your users
Supporting your users
In the first two weeks followin the lunch of Atlssin Cloud, you my notice
 dip in productivity mon users s they djust. Help keep productivity hih
by preprin dditionl support you cn offer durin tht time. For exmple,
you miht wnt to consider:
· Cretin  Help Center: Post-mirtion, users need to know where to rise
bus, sk questions nd shre feedbck. You cn quickly set up  tem-
mned Jir Service Mnement project with  knowlede bse in
Confluence for your “how to” mterils. Alterntively, crete  ‘mirtion’
request type in your service desk system of choice to receive nd process
this type of request nd rchive the project/request type when the users
hve settled comfortbly in the cloud.
· Hostin drop-in trinin sessions: Chmpions, product dmins, nd
temmtes who were involved in UAT, cn schedule open drop in sessions
(vi Zoom/MS Tems) for  few hours every dy in the first week fter the
mirtion hs tken plce. Users cn join on d hoc bsis to sk questions
or rise urent issues. These sessions cn help minimize the number of
support tickets rised.
· Stffin Rpid Response chnnels: Cretin dedicted chnnels in Slck,
MS Tems, or ny cht pltform your users communicte in internlly cn
come in hndy. Ornizin  roster of Support ents nd Chmpions who
cn reply to questions posted in the chnnel on-the-o is dvised.
· Administerin surveys: Surveys re  powerful tool to cpture nd
rete tem sentiments, which cn help bubble up improvement
opportunities nd/or success stories nd be used to report to the
ledership tem. Simple surveys distributed mon users t vrious
intervls cn revel chnes in sentiment nd proression over time.
· Hostin drop-in trinin sessions: Chmpions, product dmins, nd
temmtes who were involved in UAT, cn schedule open drop in sessions
(vi Zoom/MS Tems) for  few hours every dy in the first week fter the
mirtion hs tken plce. Users cn join on d hoc bsis to sk questions
or rise urent issues. These sessions cn help minimize the number of
support tickets rised.
· Stffin Rpid Response chnnels: Cretin dedicted chnnels in Slck,
MS Tems, or ny cht pltform your users communicte in internlly cn
come in hndy. Ornizin  roster of Support ents nd Chmpions who
cn reply to questions posted in the chnnel on-the-o is dvised.
· Administerin surveys: Surveys re  powerful tool to cpture nd
rete tem sentiments, which cn help bubble up improvement
opportunities nd/or success stories nd be used to report to the
ledership tem. Simple surveys distributed mon users t vrious
intervls cn revel chnes in sentiment nd proression over time.
TIP: Becuse ll self-mned instnces re unique - version specific
nd customized with the help of Atlssin Mrketplce pps - we
recommend tht ll differences nd ps discovered by testers
durin Cloud UAT testin re noted down in n FAQ pe which
cn be shred with users or esily referred to post mirtion when
similr questions come up.
While we hope this uide hs provided you with  helpful overview of the key
chnes you nd your users cn expect when trnsitionin to Atlssin Cloud,
there’s no sinle resource to rely on when it comes to ettin users strted
with  new tool nd ensurin lstin doption. To be successful, it will tke 
combintion of the riht mterils (includin this uide, the resources linked
throuhout, nd mterils you crete on your own) shred with the riht
udience, t the riht time, nd in the riht wy. If you need more support
thinkin throuh your chne mnement pln, we recommend you red the
Atlssin’s uide to doption nd chne mnement in the Cloud doption
toolkit or rechin out to our support tem.
Additional resources and support
Additional resources and support
We re committed to your success with Atlssin nd wnt to help you
unlesh the potentil of every tem cross your orniztion. Now tht you’ve
ined  deeper understndin of wht your users cn expect in Cloud, you
my find you need dditionl ssistnce or wnt to consult n Atlssin
expert. Check out some of our dditionl resources to help you durin the
rollout process nd beyond:
Cloud adoption toolkit
Downlod the full Cloud doption toolkit to in ccess to the quick strt
uides for Confluence Cloud, Jir Softwre Cloud, nd Jir Service Mnement
Cloud,  full uide to doption nd chne mnement, nd communiction
templtes to send to your users.
Atlassian University
Visit Atlssin University for ccess to free nd pid courses tht will help
you nd your users et the most out of your Atlssin products. A ret plce
to strt is with our free Jir Fundmentls nd Confluence Fundmentls
courses. We’ve lso curted  list of courses specificlly for nyone new to
Atlssin Cloud.
Product guides, tutorials, and demos
Visit our website for product-specific uides nd tutorils tht brek down
how to use Atlssin product in smll, diestible chunks. These resources re
ret reference mterils for your users or for those who ren’t redy to enroll
in  full course. Get strted with Jir Softwre, Confluence, nd Jir Service
Mnement. And, check out our weekly nd monthly demos to see our
products in ction nd sk our product experts questions.
Atlassian Community
To find nswers, support, nd inspirtion from other Atlssin users usin
products t scle, join relevnt community roups such s the Enterprise
roup, Jir Cloud dmins roup, or Confluence Cloud dmin roups.
©2022 Atlssin. All Rihts Reserved. ENTMIG-141-02/22
Customer Success Manager
As n Enterprise customer, you my hve ccess to  dedicted Customer
Success Mner to help you with user onbordin nd product doption nd
keep you up to speed on ll the ltest product updtes. To lern more bout
this benefit, plese rech out to your Atlssin representtive.
Wnt to sty up to dte with the ltest in Atlssin Cloud?
Sin up for weekly emil updtes for ll Atlssin Cloud products on the
Atlssin blo by clickin the Wtch icon to subscribe when loed in.
This is  helpful resource to know wht new fetures re comin soon nd
wht’s been relesed ech week so you cn shre with your tem.