2020- 2021 Student Handbook
St. John Paul II Catholic High School
5100 Terrebone Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32311
850.201.5744 | www.sjpiichs.org
It is the policy of the Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee to admit students of any race, disability, color, sex,
national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made
available to students at the school. They do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, disability, color, sex,
national and ethnic origin in administration of educational policies, and athletic and other school administered
Handbook Purpose
The policies outlined in the student handbook exist to foster a safe and productive learning
environment for all students and faculty. The Student Handbook contains important information
concerning specific rules, policies, and procedures related to the safety and operation of our school. In
order for the school to operate safely and efficiently, students and parents must be familiar with and
abide by the expectations, procedures and policies outlined in this handbook. Students and parents
must sign a Handbook Acknowledgement annually.
The school administration reserves the right to exercise discretion in making adjustments to school
policies. In appropriate circumstances, the Principal has the authority to take actions other than those
specified in the handbook. This handbook is not intended and should not be considered as an
instrument to create any additional rights for students or parents/guardians. This handbook is subject
to change at any time when determined to be necessary by the school administration. If changes are
made to the handbook, parents/guardians will be notified promptly. If you have questions about
anything contained in the Handbook, please contact the Principal.
St. John Paul II Catholic High School is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and the
Florida Catholic Conference. It is also a member of the National Association of Catholic Education
and the National Association of Secondary Schools.
Patron Saint
St. John Paul II encouraged all students to excel and strive to perfect the academic, artistic and
athletic talents given to them by God. He said, “Do not be afraid! Do not be satisfied with
mediocrity! Instead, put your boat out into the deep and lay down your nets for a catch.” This
statement is the driving force for our administration, faculty and students to intentionally move
boldly forward in the spirit.
Mission Statement
It is the mission of St. John Paul II Catholic High School to provide an affordable college preparatory
curriculum within a Christ-centered Catholic environment. This mission encompasses the education
of the whole person spirit, mind, and body within the tradition of the Catholic Church.
It is the commitment of all members of the St. John Paul II Catholic High School community to
provide a varied program of religious experiences grounded in Catholic faith and tradition.
Educational offerings will promote an academic understanding of our world and skills to develop a
personal code of moral and ethical conduct. This environment will provide social and cultural
opportunities that will lead to a greater embodiment for caring and giving within the community.
In order to achieve this mission and philosophy, the school subscribes to the following core values:
Catholic Community
The school seeks to teach and deepen the love of God and neighbor as revealed in Sacred Scripture.
Through both curriculum and community, students will be taught to live and articulate the teachings
of Catholicism. They will learn to respect the value of prayer and Christian service, to respect others
and to be Disciples of Christ at home, in school and in the community.
Human Dignity
The school will help students to appreciate and respect others in our world. They will understand that
God is the source of life from whom we come and to whom we will return.
Academic Excellence
The school will provide a well-rounded college preparatory curriculum. This will be accomplished
within a framework of moral, ethical and spiritual growth encouraging and promoting independent
thinking and problem solving.
Development of Vocations
The school will provide opportunities that support and nurture religious and secular vocations.
Through programs and in-depth presentations students will see all aspects of career choice
development open to them.
Belief Statements
1. Student development is rooted in a Christ-centered Catholic environment.
2. Each student is respected as an individual with unique intellectual, physical, social, emotional and
spiritual needs.
3. Each student is capable of learning according to his/her ability.
4. Students learn in different ways and are provided a variety of instructional methods.
5. Student achievement is evaluated using various means of assessment or assessment techniques.
6. Well-defined goals with high expectations for individual student achievement is the cornerstone of
the curriculum.
7. Respect for cultural, socio-economic and intellectual differences is encouraged within the school.
8. The responsibility for providing a supportive learning environment is shared among teachers,
staff, administrators, parents, students and the community.
9. Catholic education is available to students regardless of their family’s financial status.
10. All members of the school are committed to continuous improvement and have a willingness to
change in order to maintain the quality of the school.
Table of Contents
Academic Policies p.6
Graduation Requirements p. 8
Academic Integrity p. 10
Athletics Policy p. 13
Co-Curricular Activities and Policy p. 13
Attendance Policies p. 15
School Policies p. 15
Technology Policy p. 22
Spiritual Formation & Service Policy p. 23
Student Conduct Policies p. 25
Student Dress Code Policies p. 31
Acknowledgment and Receipt p. 33
Return to Campus Plan (COVID-19)
p. 34
/Signature Page
Academic Policies
Cumulative examinations are administered at the end of each semester. The following conditions
apply to the midterm and final examinations for each course:
Early exams will be administered in rare cases with prior approval by the administration.
Make-up exams will be administered ONLY with a note from the parent or doctor indicating
illness or other emergency. Students who are absent on exam days must make arrangements
immediately upon their return with the Principal and teacher.
Seniors will take a final examination or complete a final project in all their courses except AP
classes. It is the teacher’s discretion as to which assessment best fits the class.
Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors are required to take the final examination for all courses.
For AP courses, it is up to the teacher’s discretion whether or not to administer a final exam.
Schedule Changes
During the first two weeks of the academic year, a student may request a course change for a valid
reason and with the approval of the Principal. If the school places a student in an elective for
scheduling purposes, the student may request a course change for the second semester.
Schedule Requests
During the second semester of each year, students will submit course requests for the following school
year. Enrollment in any course is contingent upon the student's fulfillment of prerequisites,
departmental approval and the final authorization from the Principal. Students must meet
the honors criteria in order to be placed in an honors class. Students must also agree to and sign the
honors course contract.
Parents, teachers and the College Advisor are consulted during the registration process to ensure
appropriate course placement. Ordinarily, students are not permitted to change their course
selections after the registration process has concluded. Permission to change either the course
selection sheet or the student's schedule may be granted by the College Advisor in coordination with
the Principal.
AP and Dual Enrollment
St. John Paul II offers students the opportunity to enroll in courses which prepare them for the 2020-
21 Advanced Placement tests: Biology, Calculus AB, Chemistry, Computer Science Principles, English
Language and Composition, English Literature and Composition, Psychology, Statistics, U.S. History
and World History. AP course offerings are contingent upon demand. Qualified students may also
elect to participate in Tallahassee Community College Courses and Florida State University off-
campus Dual Enrollment programs.
St. John Paul II offers a 4-year college preparatory program. Our courses meet the requirements
outlined in Florida Statutes and are aligned vertically to ensure a logical progression. A student's
academic placement is determined by past academic performance, course preferences and
standardized test results and scheduling availability.
Grading Description
There are four (4) marking periods in the school calendar, with each quarter consisting of
approximately nine (9) weeks. Report cards are distributed at the end of each marking period. Two
quarters constitute a semester. The semester grade is calculated by combining the first quarter
numerical grade (40%), the second quarter numerical grade (40%) and the midterm/final exam
numerical grade (20%). Grade point averages are recalculated on a semester, not quarterly basis.
At least three (3) assessments are given each quarter. Quizzes are administered with enough
frequency to demonstrate appropriate progress. Homework assignments will be reasonable in their
demands; generally, an average of 15-20 minutes per evening of written and/or reading work per
subject is the norm. Honors and AP classes may require more time. Study and reading assignments
are assigned with regard to the student’s overall workload.
The following scale is used to assign grades:
The student has mastered, thoroughly, the fundamental data and principal concepts associated
with the subject and has demonstrated extraordinary insight and originality. The student
consistently applies his/her knowledge with precision, accuracy and creativity and exercises
virtually all skills developed through study of the discipline. The student manifests an
enthusiasm for knowledge that exceeds the prescribed limits of course work.
The student has mastered the fundamental data and principal concepts associated with the
subject. The student applies the knowledge with precision and accuracy and effectively
exercises most skills developed through study of the discipline.
The student has achieved the objectives of the course. He/she can generally recall and apply
fundamental data and principles and can exercise those major skills developed through study
of the discipline. The student is performing at an acceptable level.
The student has passed but has achieved few objectives of the course. He/she has mastered
little of the fundamental data and can recall and apply a minimal number of the principal
concepts associated with the subject. The student has demonstrated little ability to exercise the
skills required by the discipline.
The student has failed to achieve the objectives of the course or has 10+ absences within a
semester (attendance failure).
Graduation Requirements
To earn a high school diploma from St. John Paul II Catholic High School, students must complete
the following credit requirements a total of 25 credits starting with Class of 2022.
4 Credits of Theology (or 1 per year of attendance at SJPII)
4 Credits of English
4 Credits of Math including at least Algebra I, Geometry and Algebra II
4 Credits of Social Studies including World History, American History, American Government & Economics
3 Credits of Science which must include Biology and one other lab science (chemistry or physics)
2 Credits for two (2) consecutive years of the same Foreign Language
1 Credit of Physical Education/Health
1 Credit of Fine Arts
2 Credits of Electives
Credits are awarded on a semester basis with .5 credit earned for each successful course per semester
(except Dual Enrollment College classes which earn 1 credit per semester). Students must complete all
25 credits in the specified subject areas in order to participate in graduation ceremonies. If a senior
fails to meet the credit requirements for spring graduation participation, he/she may earn up to 2
credits in the summer following the senior year. If the student is successful in this attempt by July
31st, he/she may still receive a St. John Paul II high school diploma.
Graduation Policies
Students must have earned ALL credits and completed all required service hours prior to graduation
ceremonies in order to participate.
Senior Academic Recognition
While St. John Paul II no longer ranks our students, we do designate a valedictorian (1st),
salutatorian (2nd), as well as the 3rd, 4th and 5th ranking seniors according to cumulative weighted
gpa at the end of the 8th semester. Students who transfer to SJPII during senior year are not eligible
to be named one of the top 5 seniors.
Graduation Cords
Students may earn cords to wear at graduation for the following achievements:
Completion of 5 or more math classes
Completion of 4 or more sciences classes
Completion of 4 years of the same foreign language
Completion of 3 years of music/art classes
Completion of 75+ approved service hours prior to graduation
Grade Remediation
Students in grades 9-11 who must make up more than one full credit in summer school will not be
allowed to return to St. John Paul II Catholic High School for the next academic year. This one full
credit can be distributed in the following ways: 1.) a one semester failure in two different courses, or
2.) a failing grade both semesters in the same one credit course. Students who do not remedy a
semester failure during the summer on Florida Virtual Schools with a grade of C or higher will be
asked to withdraw from SJPII. Any student either earns a D or F or does not complete the course by
the assigned summer deadline will be asked to withdraw from SJPII.
A semester grade of F (59.4% and below) is a failure. A student who receives three or more Fs in any
semester will be asked to withdraw from SJPII.
*Seniors who fail a course in the second semester or who do not make up first semester failures
through their second semester performance will not be allowed to participate in the baccalaureate and
graduation ceremonies and will not receive a diploma until they have rectified their failures in
summer school. The deadline for grade replacement is July 31st of the graduation year.
Florida Virtual School (FLVS)
It is the strong belief of St. John Paul II Catholic High School that our small-sized classes and
experienced teaching staff offer an exceptional learning opportunity. To this end, once enrolled at St.
John Paul II high school, students are expected to take core academic credits in our high-
performing classrooms. Students are welcome to use Florida Virtual School (FLVS) for electives.
Students may pursue Dual Enrollment or FLVS courses only with prior Administration approval.
Note: SJPII may have different timeframes for completion than those of FLVS. Confirm with the
College Advisor what your required completion date is prior to beginning an FLVS class.
Students who wish to graduate with extra credits in particular subjects (e.g. mathematics) are
encouraged to take FLVS or Dual Enrollment classes once core SJPII credit requirements are fulfilled.
All semester failures (59% and below) must be made up and fully completed over the summer via
Florida Virtual School (FLVS) with a minimum grade of C prior to the first day of school. All students
need approval from Administration before registering for a FLVS course and must agree to our SJPII
FLVS policy.
Religious Studies & Services
The Mass, the Rosary, and prayer services, are scheduled once a week for the student body.
Appropriate music and readings are prepared by the teachers and the students. Opportunities to
celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation are provided during the school year. These religious
activities are considered an instrumental part of our Catholic School identity, and thus, students are
required to attend theology classes, mass and other mandated religious activities.
Nationally Norm-Referenced Testing
The following testing events are available for St. John Paul II’s students:
Fresh Freshmen and Sophomores
MAPS test
Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test 8/9 (PSAT)/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (10th
grade) (NMSQT)
Advanced Placement (AP)
MAPS test
National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT)
Advanced Placement (AP)
Advanced Placement (AP)
Academic Integrity Policies
Academic Honesty
Cheating of any kind on homework, papers, classwork or tests/assessments is both stealing and
misrepresentation. It is considered a very serious matter. Examples of academic dishonesty include,
but are not limited to:
Plagiarism: Using someone else’s work, words, or ideas as your own. Plagiarism is a form of
thievery and a serious offense. Students must make every effort to acknowledge sources of
information in both their oral and written work. To avoid plagiarism, students must correctly
cite material copied directly or paraphrased from other sources, including the Internet.
Cheating: Taking or giving any information or material that will be used to gain academic
credit. This includes the use of tools such as Google Translate and the app Photo Math.
Conspiracy: Working together with one or more persons to commit academic dishonesty. A
student who knowingly gives his or her own work to another student is as guilty of academic
dishonesty as the student who plagiarizes.
Collusion: Two or more students working together on an individual assignment. Students
who work together on an individual assignment will be considered “unauthorized
collaboration” and academic dishonesty. All assigned work is considered independent unless
specifically authorized by the teacher.
Misrepresentation: Any act or omission that is intended to deceive an instructor for
academic advantage. Misrepresentation includes lying to a teacher in an attempt to raise your
grade, or lying to a teacher when confronted with allegations of academic dishonesty.
Students who violate the Academic Honesty Policy may receive a zero for the assignment. A violation
may also result in disciplinary action or other consequences depending on the severity. Upon the third
violation, the student will be placed on Academic Probation and a note will be put on the student’s
transcript and reported on college admissions paperwork. Students who earned a mark on their
transcript may petition to have it expunged after twelve months of no further violations.
Academic Integrity Committee
An Academic Integrity Committee (AIC) assists faculty and administration in upholding academic
honesty standards at St. John Paul II. The AIC maintains records of violations of the Academic
Honesty Policy and may be called upon to investigate allegations of plagiarism or academic
When a teacher has a suspicion that plagiarism/academic dishonesty has occurred, she/he will
present the student with an Honor Policy incident report outlining the suspected violation and
proposed consequence.
o Admission of Fault: If the student admits fault, teacher and student will sign the
form and it will be forwarded to the AIC who will file the form and inform parents of the
o Disputing Fault: If the student does not admit fault, the incident will be referred to
the AIC, which will inform parents via email that the incident is under investigation. The
AIC will review evidence including relevant papers/submissions, student interview,
teacher interview, and other evidence as necessary. Students and parents will be
informed of conclusions and consequences once a decision has been made.
Academic Honesty Violations
All violations of the Academic Honesty Policy will be recorded internally by the AIC. The file will
remain with the student throughout their time at SJPII. Notations are only made on the student’s
permanent record upon the third violation. Please see the three-step process outlined below.
First Violation: will be recorded internally and the student will receive appropriate academic
Second Violation: will be recorded internally and the student will receive appropriate
academic consequences. Students and parents/guardians will meet with administration.
Third Violation: The incident will be recorded on the student’s transcript and reported on
college admissions paperwork. The student will be placed on Academic Probation. The student
will be rendered ineligible for National Honor Society; current NHS members will be removed
from the organization.
Freshmen and first-year Sophomore students will have this record expunged at the end of their first
academic year with the expectation that they have learned the importance of maintaining integrity.
Seniors who earned a mark on their transcript may petition to have it expunged after twelve months
of no further violations.
Grade Correction
If a student believes that a grade has been incorrectly listed on the report card, he/she should consult
with the teacher within three (3) school days after report cards have been distributed. The teacher will
verify the grade in his/her grade book and, if necessary, will file a written request for a grade change
with the College Advisor. All requests for grade changes (excluding incomplete grades) must be filed
within seven (7) school days after grade reports have been distributed to parents.
Grade of Incomplete
A grade of incomplete is assigned for an extended illness or serious extenuating circumstances. The
student has three weeks from the date of the end of the most recent marking period to make up the
work or fail that quarter. If extraordinary circumstances prevent the student from meeting this
deadline, the student should meet with the teacher regarding the Incomplete. Extended time form
must be signed and approved by the administration in order to receive any extended time on
assignments. Failure to do this or to make up the deficiency results in a failing grade for that quarter.
When the student has completed the requirements of the course, the teacher will submit the grade.
Academic Designations
Academic Warning
“Academic Warning” is a designation for students whose grades reflect two Ds, one or more Fs after a
quarters end.
An Academic Warning requires a student to:
Attend a meeting with his/her parent/guardian and Administration at the beginning of the
following quarter during which a customized academic success plan will be created
Fulfill the requirements agreed upon in the success plan
Academic Probation
“Academic Probation” is a designation for students whose cumulative GPA falls below a 2.0 at the end
of a semester. A student does not need to be on Academic Warning to be placed on Academic
Probation. During the probationary period, the student will not be allowed to participate as a player
or member of any sport, cheer, musical or club/teams for a period of time deemed appropriate by the
The final decision as to whether a student will be allowed to continue enrollment at St. John Paul II
Catholic High School after being placed on Academic Probation for two consecutive quarters will be
made on a case-by-case basis.
Middle School Classes for High School Credit
St. John Paul II recognizes the following middle school courses for high school credit:
Latin/Spanish/French I and II, Biology, Earth Science, Algebra I and Geometry. All other classes
taken in middle school for high school credit must be approved by the Principal prior to being
awarded St. John Paul II high school credit. If a student wishes to repeat a course taken in middle
school at St. John Paul II, the St. John Paul II grade and credit will be reported in lieu of the middle
school credit. Double credit is not possible.
Athletic Policies
St. John Paul II is a member of the Florida High School Athletic Association (FHSAA) and adheres to
all its policies as stated in the organization's Constitution, By-Laws and Rules and Regulations. These
principles are the guidelines used to formulate St. John Paul II’s specific policies, which are outlined
Students participating in athletics should ensure that their conduct brings credit to themselves, their
school and their sport. The penalty for the display of unsportsmanlike conduct will be left to the
discretion of the individual coach's pre-season policies or the Athletic Director. Additionally, student-
athletes must remember that they are students first and must be in good academic standing in order
to participate in athletics.
Physicals are required of all students/athletes before the first day of practice.
The following rules apply to student athletes:
a. Any student-athlete who misses the majority of the academic day (4 periods) or has missed the
entire school day may not participate in games or practices that day.
b. The student-athlete on probation is excluded from sports activities during the time of his/her
probation. The student on probation may not associate with the team as a team member during
practice or games.
c. All students-athletes must attend athletic study hall during their sports season.
d. Athletic teams are responsible for cleaning the gym (if used) and locker rooms once a week
while in season.
Co-Curricular Activities Policies
The nature, scope and purpose of the St. John Paul II student program is derived from our school
philosophy, which fosters a responsible use of personal freedom in all aspects of life. Recognizing the
diversity of intelligence, creativity and potential inherent in a student body, the school designs its
programs to meet the intellectual, spiritual, moral, emotional, social and physical needs of its
students. We, therefore, consider the co-curricular activities at the school to be a major component of
our total educational program. As such, we encourage all students to participate in co-curricular
activities according to their needs and abilities.
Student Clubs and Activities
Activities/clubs are available to students after school depending on the interests of faculty and
students. A list of current clubs and activities is maintained on our website.
If a club wishes to raise money through a dress down day, they must obtain permission from the
Principal, advertise the event and theme at least one week in advance, and be willing to arrive at
school by 7:30 a.m. to start collecting money at the school doors. Students arriving late to school will
pay the appropriate fee at the front office. Students may only participate in a dress down day if they
have no more than two uniform violations.
National Honor Society
The National Honor Society (NHS) of St. John Paul II serves to create enthusiasm for scholarship, the
stimulation of a desire to render service, the promotion of leadership and the development of
The National Honor Society is a nationwide organization inaugurated and approved in 1921 to
promote the above-mentioned ideals in the secondary school system. Candidates shall be considered
for election to membership each year by the advisor and a faculty committee. Judgment is based on
Academics, Service, Leadership and Character as described in a student’s NHS application and
The following are the general guidelines for consideration as a candidate for the National Honor
1. A student shall be considered academically qualified for NHS with an unweighted grade point
average of at least 3.5.
2. A student who has met the academic requirements is not automatically a member of the National
Honor Society. An academically qualified student will be invited to apply for membership.
3. It is expected that a candidate for NHS displays qualities of integrity, honesty, reliability and high
moral standards. Any student who violates St. John Paul II’s Code of Conduct or Academic
Integrity policies will not be considered for membership in the National Honor Society.
4. Appeals relating to the NHS selection process may be made in writing to the moderator(s).
5. Once admitted to the NHS, students must maintain a cumulative unweighted grade point average
of 3.5 and remain in good academic/disciplinary standing.
Policy for Participation in Co-Curricular Activities
Students must be present (at least 4 periods of class attended) during the school day to participate in
any co-curricular programs scheduled for that day (i.e., athletic contests, plays, proms, trips, concerts,
Attendance Policies & Procedures
Florida state law allows absences for illness and physician documented medical care (both for
physical and mental illness), death in the family, religious holidays, prearranged absences for
educational purposes/school sponsored activity pre-approved by the Principal, school athletic event
and/or financial and certain other special circumstances and insurmountable conditions. A student
with an excused absence is not subject to any disciplinary or academic penalties. To be considered
“excused” for these reasons, there must be prompt parental/guardian notice to the school via email to
[email protected] with the reason for absence/lateness. Florida Statute 1003.24 defines the
responsibility of parents for the attendance of their child at school and requires them to provide an
explanation for any absence from school. However, even excessive excused absences will prevent
students from earning class credit and receiving a passing grade.
Unexcused absences are absences which are not consistent with the legitimate purposes described
For each class in which the student has ten (10) or more absences in any semester (excused or
unexcused), a grade of “F” will be assigned and the student will be required to repeat the class. (Note:
school sponsored absences do not factor into the 10 absences.)
*Please note: students who experience ongoing medical (including COVID-19 concerns) or mental
conditions that contribute to 10+ absences will have regular meetings with Principal and College
Advisor in order to establish an academic recovery plan. The inability to make a timely return to
school will result in the need for modification to the student’s graduation timeline.
In accordance with the Florida law, St. John Paul II Catholic High School requires students to attend
school regularly to ensure continuity of instruction and classroom participation. Florida law requires
that schools document all days when a student is absent from school. As such, SJPIICHS will monitor
each student’s attendance and on-time arrival throughout the school year. Part of this monitoring
includes absence letters to alert parents of these absences.
*Parents/guardians are also asked to monitor their child’s attendance through the PowerSchool
*Students participating in E-Learning during COVID pandemic must be present for the duration of
each class period or they will be marked with an unexcused absence. E-Learning students are subject
to the same policies for attendance as brick and mortar students.
Note: Even if absences have been “excused,” letters will be sent home regarding any areas of concern,
if there are instances where parents/guardians are permitting excessive absenteeism or late arrivals,
or when the number of cumulative absences is high. A total of 10 absences per semester are
considered to be excessive whether excused or unexcused. This will result in the labeling of
your child as chronically absent as defined by the state. Excessive absences will result in a failed (F)
semester grade on a student’s report card/transcript.
Policy: Five unexcused or ten or more excused absences result in a mandatory parent meeting with
Administration where an intervention plan will be formulated. In accordance with Florida law,
continued absences may also be reported to the Florida Department of Children and Families as
educational neglect if the circumstances warrant it.
Unexcused Absence: On a day when an absence/tardy occurs for reasons other than those noted as
“excused,” the absence/lateness is recorded as “unexcused” and will go into the student's permanent
record. Please note that family vacations and other non-educational activities are not included in the
list of “excused” absences. Travel is considered an“unexcused” absence and should be planned as not
to not interfere with school attendance. Please consult the school calendar prior to making travel
We encourage you to schedule doctor and medical appointments outside of school hours whenever
Unexplained Absence: Parents/guardians must provide the school with a reason for a child’s absence
within 24 hours. If the child is not in school and the school office has not received parental/guardian
notification, this absence will be considered “unexplained” and will be marked as “unexcused” in the
child’s record and the guidelines above will be applied.
Lateness/Tardiness: Per the attendance policy, students earn an unexcused absence for every three
(3) unexcused tardies. If a student must report to school late, he/she must sign in late at the front
office upon arrival to school. Documentation for lateness must be turned in to the front office.
*Students participating in E-Learning during COVID-pandemic are subject to the same standards of
expected on time arrival to class.
Reporting Absence: It is a parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to notify the school in writing when a
student by emailing [email protected] by 8:00 a.m. A doctor's note may be required for illnesses,
accidents, and extended school absences of a medical nature in order to be considered excused.
Students are not permitted to self-report absences.
Reporting an Early Sign-out: Early sign-out from school is discouraged; however, we realize there are
times when this is unavoidable. Please notify the front office in advance to alert us of the need to sign
your student out early from school. Once confirmed, students will be given an early release pass that
will allow them to exit the campus.
Makeup work: It is the student’s responsibility to contact teachers to pursue makeup work on the
date of return. Students should regularly monitor Schoology to check assignments as well. For
excused absences, students will be permitted one day per excused absence to turn in makeup
work. After that, the work will be deemed late and scored with a zero. Students with unexcused
absences are not permitted to earn credit for makeup work. Students returning from an
absence must be prepared to participate in previously announced tests/quizzes/assignments
immediately upon return to school, unless other arrangements have been made with the teacher
prior to an excused planned absence or extended illness.
Early Dismissal Policy
Parents are asked to schedule non-emergency medical, dental or other professional appointments
during non-school times. However, appointments requiring an early release will follow this
The parent/guardian will sign-out a non-driving student.
Parents of driving students must contact the office via email (at[email protected])
indicating the name of the student and the date, time and reason for the early release. The
student will report to the office and sign out for the dismissal.
The absence from class will be marked as “unexcused” until appropriate documentation is
Note: Students who leave school early may not participate in any athletic or extracurricular activity
without appropriate documentation.
Tardy Policy
All students arriving late to school MUST provide the appropriate documentation in order to excuse a
tardy. The following events are excused and, with appropriate documentation, allow the student to
receive credit for make-up work:
Court/legal business (documentation required)
Illness (5 may be without documentation from physician; after 5 a physician’s note must be
Medical, dental, professional appointment (documentation required)
Weather conditions preventing timely arrival (note or email from parent/guardian)
Attendance on the day after a night event away from campus is required as long as the
student/athlete returns to campus no later than 12:30 a.m. If return by 12:30 a.m. is not
possible considering the ending time of the event (travel time plus no more than 1 hour for
dinner) the team must plan for lodging away from campus in advance.
Return times:
Before 11:00 p.m., report to school by 1st period the next day.
Return between 11-11:30 p.m., report to school before 2nd period.
Return between 11:30 p.m. - 12:00 a.m., report before 3rd period.
Return after 12:30 a.m., the student-athlete must be at school by 4th period if the team
does not lodge together out of town.
Students who are tardy to class without a signed excuse (provided by a faculty or staff member) will
receive an unexcused tardy. Three tardies will equate to one unexcused school absence.
Other School Policies
Accidents & Injuries
Accidents and/or injuries occurring during the school day or at a school function must be reported
immediately to the adult supervising the activity. All accidents and/or injuries occurring at or during
an athletic game or competition must be reported to the Athletic Director by the end of the event. This
can be done by telephone or email. The Athletic Director will immediately notify the Principal. An
Accident/Incident Report form must be completed for all accidents/injuries within 24 hours.
Change of Address
Any change of address, telephone number, email or parish during the school year should be reported
directly to the front office to keep records up to date.
Strong lines of communication are important to the success of our students. SJPII utilizes several
modes of communication to communicate with students and families including email, postal mail,
phone, social media, and group texts. Students are required to check their school email twice daily.
Parents and guardians are also asked to regularly monitor all communication from the school in order
to keep apprised of school happenings.
Situations will arise which necessitate additional communication with faculty and/or administration.
During the day, faculty is occupied with teaching and planning as well as other duties. The best way to
contact a teacher during the day is through email. If an emergency occurs, please contact the front
Please consult the communication hierarchy below for addressing any concerns and note: it is
preferred that students initially take the lead in self-advocacy in order to prepare them for
independent adult life.
Academic Issues Social or Relationship Issues
1. Teacher 1. Teacher
2. Counselor 2. Counselor/Dean/Chaplain
3. Principal 3. Principal
Athletic Issues Student Activity Issues
1. Coach 1. Activity Sponsor
2. Athletic Director 2. Director of Student Activities
3. Principal 3. Principal
Discipline Issues
1. Teacher
2. Dean of Students
3. Principal
Appointments for conferences with faculty and/or the Administration may be arranged by telephone
call or email. If a return call is requested, parents are asked to provide the preferred telephone
numbers and times available for contact. Visits or phone calls to the classroom to discuss issues are
not allowed during class time. With exceptions for emergencies, all school faculty and staff will
respond within 48 hours to emails and calls.
Corridors, Stairs and Lockers
Students will observe the following demands of courtesy and good order:
1. A specific locker is assigned to each student. Lockers may not be changed without permission.
Students must lock valuables in a locked locker. Lockers that are not cleaned out completely at
the end of the school year will be fined a $25 cleaning fee.
2. During Physical Education or after-school sports activities, students are expected to keep their
belongings in a locked locker.
St. John Paul II typically sponsors a Homecoming Dance in the fall, a Sadie Hawkins Dance in the
early spring, and the Junior-Senior Prom in late spring. Students from other schools may
attend dances as the guest of a SJPII student but must abide by the same rules as SJPII students. A
signed code of conduct will be required by both SJPII students and their guests.
Electronic Devices
Cell phones must be placed in the designated area at the beginning of class. Cell phones may only be
used during class time for educational purposes with the express permission of the teacher. Cell
phones may be used between classes, during lunch and during snack unless otherwise instructed by
the Administration. Students who violate our policy with their phone will have the device confiscated
until the Administration judges it reasonable to return. Apple/smart watches are not allowed to be
worn during assessments. Headphones are not permitted during class unless specifically authorized
by the teacher.
Faculty Lounge
The faculty lounge is off limits to all students at all times.
Safety Drills
Fire drills and other emergency preparedness drills will be conducted periodically, and students will
be instructed in the procedures used for all emergency situations.
Food and Drink in the Classrooms
No food or drink is allowed in classrooms with the exception of a personal water bottle.
Illness During School
If a student becomes ill at school, the front office will call the parent/guardian. The student will
remain in the office until the parent/guardian or their designee arrives to take them home.
St. John Paul II coordinates ordering lunch for students from various vendors. Students must sign up
for each day’s lunch via Schoology before 9:15 a.m. and must pay for their lunch upon
delivery. Students may eat lunch in the gymnasium, Student Union or outside on the lawn
area. Students may not leave campus during lunchtime. Students needing to retrieve items from
their car during lunch must first go to the front office for a pass. Students may not order from any
restaurant/food delivery service.
Students are asked to take pride in the appearance of the school and to properly dispose of all refuse.
Students will be notified when there are 5 minutes left before the end of lunch, and will be responsible
for throwing away trash, sweeping, and wiping down tables.
Rights to School Records
St. John Paul II abides by the provisions of applicable law with respect to the rights of non-custodial
parents. In the absence of a court order to the contrary and upon request, the school will provide the
non-custodial parent with access to the student’s essential academic records.
If there is a court order specifying the rights and responsibilities of individual parents, it is the
responsibility of the custodial parent to provide the school with an official copy of the court order. The
custodial parent may wish to supply the Principal with the “custody section” of the divorce decree if it
contains information which may be useful to the school in fulfilling its obligations.
SJPII follows the policies regarding school records as outlined in the Family Educational Rights and
Privacy Act (FERPA).
School Closing or Delay
In case of inclement weather, St. John Paul II aligns with Leon County Schools in regard to school
closings, late openings or early dismissal. The school will send an email to families with pertinent
information, and closings will be posted on the school’s website.
When school is closed for the day or when school closes early due to worsening weather conditions, all
extracurricular activities, interscholastic contests, team practices, field trips, after school supervision,
and non-school activities in the school building will be cancelled.
When school opens late due to inclement weather, extracurricular activities will take place unless
otherwise announced.
School Grounds
During the school day, students may not leave and return to campus. The only exceptions are listed
Court/legal business (documentation required)
Medical, dental, professional appointment (documentation required)
For liability purposes, driving students may not leave campus to retrieve forgotten items, even with
parental permission.
St. John Paul II is smoke-free at all times. All activities, on and off campus, are smoke-free, including
the vapor from e-cigarettes.
Student Parking
Seniors, juniors and sophomores may park their cars on school grounds ONLY in designated student
parking areas. Students who wish to purchase a parking pass for $15.00 must complete the required
registration process with the business manager in the main office. Parking decals must be affixed in
the designated place. Students who park without the approved permit are subject to disciplinary
action. Violations of traffic safety regulations will result in loss of parking privileges. Irresponsible
driving or unauthorized leaving of campus by car will result in a loss of driving privileges for a
specified time. All vehicles and personnel entering or leaving the school premises are subject to
search. Golf carts are only allowed to be driven and parked on campus for students who are of the age
of 16 years.
Outside Credits
Upon entering St. John Paul II, students will have courses re-evaluated and grades will be converted
so they correspond with our grading policy. The evaluation of the transcripts will be in keeping with
the latest policy of the accrediting association (SACS) to which St. John Paul II belongs.
In order to award historical credits, SJPII must receive an official transcript directly from the
previous school. It is the Principal’s discretion whether to award credit for courses outside the
CPalms system. Students may be required to pass a state End of Course (EOC) exam or SJPII Final
Exam to demonstrate proficiency prior to receiving St. John Paul II high school credit for courses
taken in a homeschool environment. Grades from homeschooled students must be from a registered
homeschool program.
If a student decides to withdraw from SJPIICHS, parents must notify the school and make
arrangements for a conference with the Principal. If students transfer to another school, they may not
return to St. John Paul II for the duration of that school year. No transcripts/records shall be
forwarded to the new school until the Transfer Clearance Form has been signed by all parties and all
outstanding financial obligations met.
Technology Use
St. John Paul II reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. These terms and
conditions shall be governed by the applicable policies of St. John Paul II.
1. Privileges: The use of the St. John Paul II network is a privilege, not a right. Inappropriate use
will result in the cancellation of those privileges. Based upon the guidelines established in this
document, and any subsequent modifications hereto, St. John Paul II’s system administrator will
determine appropriate use for our system. St. John Paul II reserves the right to terminate,
suspend or otherwise limit network access at any time as required. Such decisions of the school
are final. St. John Paul II reserves the right to inspect or review accounts and files.
2. Acceptable Use: The use of a student account must be consistent with the educational and
operational policies and procedures of St. John Paul II. The use of other organizations' networks or
computing resources is subject to the rules and limitations of those organizations or networks.
Transmission of ANY material in violation of any U.S. or state statute or regulation is strictly
prohibited. This includes but is not limited to: copyrighted or trade secret material and threatening
solicitations. Political lobbying is also prohibited. Inappropriate use will be reported to the
responsible authorities.
3. Etiquette: Students are expected to comply with the generally accepted rules of the school
when communicating on the network. These include, but are not limited to the following:
Comply with all school rules regarding behavior and personal conduct. Be polite.
Use appropriate language. No swearing or use of inappropriate language.
Do not use the system for frivolous, harassing or inconsiderate purposes, including cyber
Do not send inappropriate photos or graphics of any kind
Do not reveal your personal address or phone number(s).
Electronic mail (if in use) is not guaranteed to be private. System administrators have access to
all mail and reserve the right to monitor it.
Be mindful that you are representing not only yourself, but St. John Paul II as well when using
social networking sites. Understand that faculty reserve the right to monitor these sites and
take disciplinary action if material is inappropriate.
Being identified on the Internet on a site that depicts activities that are illegal or depict gross
misconduct is a violation of this policy.
4. Disciplinary Action: Failure to comply with the rules of this Acceptable Use Policy may result in
disciplinary action. St. John Paul II has a zero-tolerance policy for cyber crimes/cyber bullying.
5. Responsibility: St. John Paul II cannot be held responsible for any lost resources or damages
incurred through the use of this account.
6. Security: Users of the system agree not to attempt to violate ours or any system security or
intentionally interfere with system performance, or access to another person's account, files or
password. Individuals may be denied access to the system based upon security violations of other
computer systems.
7. Fee Services: Students may not use the St. John Paul II Network to access any content which
charges a fee for such service or access. Students failing to comply are liable for any and all charges.
Email Address
All students are assigned a SJPII email address and are required to use and check this email account
for all school-related activities. Official communications from the administration, faculty and staff
are sent only to the assigned SJPII email account.
1:1 Device Program
All students participate in a 1:1 device program designed to improve technological skills and provide
enhanced learning tools. Students and parents must sign the Acceptable Use Policy prior to students
being issued a device. The school reserves the right to examine and monitor the use of all technology
on campus.
Student grades and attendance details are viewable on the Power School web-based site and mobile
app. Parents and students are encouraged to check this site daily to monitor academic progress.
Class communication occurs primarily through Schoology, our Learning Management
System. Students are automatically set up to access their classes for assignments, activities,
calendars, collaborative communication and other resources. Parents may request access to
All visitors to the school must check in at the main office upon arrival. Students are not permitted to
admit visitors into the school or to have guests during the school day.
The St. John Paul II website (sjpiichs.org) is an important means of communication. The school
calendar and curriculum guide can be accessed on the website.
Spiritual Formation & Service Hours
Service Hours
The mission of St. John Paul II Catholic High School includes the formation of our students in mind,
body, and spirit. The service hours that our students complete in each of their four years of high
school is an integral part of this formation. The program’s purpose is to enable students to see that
service is part of our responsibility as global citizens and our calling as Christians. The rewards for the
student are many: a better understanding of the challenges faced by the elderly, disabled, and
impoverished; a deeper empathy for the vulnerable members of our society; and the development of
interpersonal skills applicable to any student’s future career path. A key goal of the program is to
broaden the student’s concerns beyond the self and begin forming him/her as an agent for good in
his/her community. Part of the growth experience includes students identifying projects or
organizations of interest and self-advocating to get involved and make an impact.
Students are free to choose the organizations and causes they wish to serve with or even create their
own community service project. The intention of the service-learning program is to engage in service
to the community outside of SJPII utilizing your emerging talents and professional skills as the
foundation for this interaction.
It is important to make the distinction between community service and volunteering. Community
service is defined as work which directly benefits a nonprofit organization which is often benefiting a
marginalized population of our society.
Service Hour Policies
Students may not miss classroom time for a service event.
All service hours must be recorded electronically by the student on the x2Vol website. No paper
submissions will be accepted.
A student cannot earn community service hours for service to anyone in his/her family.
Helping family members is expected.
Performing in dance/music recitals does not count as service or volunteering in most cases. It
is imperative to check with the College Advisor or Campus Ministry Director prior to
recording service hours of this nature. Participation in performances (dance, theater, music)
will count as service hours only if the production is created specifically to address identified
community service needs. For hours to count, the student and/or organization cannot
receive financial benefit from the production.
Unless specified by the College Advisor or Campus Ministry Director, one hour of service
equals one hour of credit. No student or project supervisor may decide that a project
deserves extra hours credited. To maintain fairness and consistency for all, additional credit
hours are determined only by the College Advisor or Campus Ministry Director, and are
granted only in very rare instances.
Travel time is not credited for service hours.
Deadlines will not be extended. Reporting of hours is solely the student’s responsibility. Hours
completed but not turned in by the proper date will not be counted.
Service Hour Requirements
Prior to graduation, students must complete a minimum of 50 service hours within the
community (12.5 hours per academic year). Hours earned during Catholic Schools Week
count toward a student’s annual service hour requirement.
In order to be a candidate for student government, a student must exceed minimum service
hour requirements.
Part of the theology class semester grade will factor in a student’s completion of service hours.
The letter grade will be dropped by one if a student does not meet the minimum service hour
Parent Service Requirement
Service is at the heart of St. John Paul II Catholic High School and without the valuable contributions
families have made throughout the years, our school would not have achieved the same level of
success. When families pitch in around campus, it allows our teachers to focus on what they do best,
which is teach your children. With this in mind, each family is required to perform a minimum of 25
service hours per academic year at the school. By signing the Handbook Agreement at the beginning
of the school year, parents indicate their agreement with this policy. Parent service hours are tracked
by the PTA. You must record Service Hours through the PTO provided link in order to get credit for
hours worked.
In lieu of performing a minimum of 25 service hours, parents/guardians may opt to instead
contribute a minimum of $300 to the school. Service hours are always the preferred option.
There are many opportunities to serve. Contact the PTA to get involved.
Families who have not met their 25-hour commitment will be billed through FACTS at $12 per hour
not completed. Any hours completed after the end of the school year can be applied to the following
school year.
Student Conduct
Code of Conduct
We believe that a disciplined and structured atmosphere is necessary for students to achieve their
potential academically, physically, socially and spiritually. A healthy, positive, and productive learning
environment requires a high degree of order and structure. The rules and policies of St. John Paul II
exist to develop and foster the healthiest, most positive, and most productive learning environment
for everyone involved. The purpose of discipline is to maintain a safe, honest, and caring environment
to help the students succeed and excel. We believe that every person at St. John Paul II Catholic High
School has the right to an environment that upholds and protects the integrity, dignity, and safety of
the whole person: mind, body, and spirit. Families with students at St. John Paul II are expected to be
committed to and supportive of our behavior philosophy.
Each student will be held to the following expectations at school, at any school function, and on social
Treat everyone with respect, dignity, and courtesy at all times.
Show respect for all people regardless of sex, race, ethnicity, culture, language, religion, and socio-
economic background.
Show respect for the property of others.
Show respect for the environment by maintaining the cleanliness and integrity of the buildings
and surrounding campus.
Behave in a moral and ethical manner in all that they say and do.
Help maintain a healthy, positive learning atmosphere in the classroom and throughout the school
with appropriate behavior.
Be responsible for moral, ethical, and honest behavior in academic pursuits.
Promote the safety and well-being of all students, faculty, staff, and school personnel.
Accept responsibility for all personal actions
Teachers will handle minor discipline infractions with the full support of the Administration. Any
major offense or excessive minor offenses will be referred to the Dean of Students and
Disciplinary Consequences
To ensure the well-being of our school community, inappropriate or unacceptable behavior will result
in disciplinary actions from the Administration. Inappropriate or unacceptable behavior infractions
and the corresponding consequences are shown in the following chart. Consequences may be adjusted
depending on the severity of the infraction.
The Administration will determine appropriate consequences for any behavior not addressed in this
handbook. Repeated instances of the same behavioral infractions suggest a student’s unwillingness to
follow the rules and may result in more serious consequences. Parents will be notified of all
detentions and suspensions.
Progressive Disciplinary Program
3-3:50 p.m.
Loss of NUD
3-3:50 p.m.
3-3:50 p.m.
3-3:50 p.m.
*At the parent conference, a plan will be established for disciplinary actions and consequences for
subsequent violations.
Minor Behavioral Violations
Teachers will remind students of rules and policies and give verbal warnings within their classrooms
for minor violations, extending grace when possible. If violations continue, the teacher will contact
the Dean of Students. This will be considered the first official violation and an Official Warning will be
sent to the student and parent/guardian. Any subsequent behavior violations will result in progressive
disciplinary actions following the chart above.
Minor behavior violations include, but are not limited to:
Excessive talking in class
Disruptive behavior
Failure to have required materials
Rude/discourteous/disrespectful behavior
Inappropriate language
Non-sanctioned electronic device use
Unauthorized phone usage in class
Failure to comply with instructions or directions
Major Behavior Violations
More serious behavior violations result in immediate disciplinary actions as deemed appropriate by
Administration including In-School Suspension, Out-of-School Suspension, or Expulsion. Students
found guilty of any of these violations may be placed on Disciplinary Probation. A parent conference
may be required.
Major behavior violations include, but are not limited to:
Sexual harassment
Inflammatory language, gestures, or actions
Cheating/academic dishonesty (includes copying/sharing homework)
Destruction/defacing/damaging school property or personal property
Falsified parent signature or falsifying parent/guardian communications
Any behavior that might endanger oneself or others
Violent behavior
Skipping class
Use or possession of tobacco, including vapes/e-cigarettes on school grounds or at school events
Lewd or lascivious behavior
Violation of the Internet Acceptable Policy
Serious Behaviors
The following behaviors will result in an immediate suspension and may result in immediate
expulsion. Students found guilty of any of these violations will be placed on Disciplinary Probation.
Seriously immoral conduct (speech, writing or action) on or off campus during or outside of
school hours
Possessing, selling, transferring or being under the influence of any alcoholic beverage or drug
(as defined in Drug Policy) on campus or at any school function or activity.
Serious vandalism on school grounds, including tampering with locks or locked doors
Theft of any school or personal property
Tampering with fire alarms or fire extinguishing equipment
Scandalous conduct on or off campus during or outside of school hours
Lunch Detention
Lunch detention is assigned for the second (2nd) consequence for minor infractions and uniform
violations as detailed in the above chart. A student who fails to serve a lunch detention will
automatically receive an afternoon detention.
Students must arrive within 5 minutes of the end of the period before lunch
Students who are late to lunch detention will receive a 2nd lunch detention.
Students may not talk, sleep or use electronic devices. Those students who do so will receive an
additional lunch detention to be served the following day.
Detention must be served the day it is assigned. In some cases, detention may be reassigned if
the student has a verified professional appointment, illness or family emergency
(Administration has discretion and final approval for reassigning detention).
Students may eat lunch in lunch detention. If they have purchased lunch, they must arrange for
a friend to pick up their lunch and bring it to the lunch detention room.
After School Detention
After School detention is assigned as the third (3rd) consequence for minor infractions and unexcused
tardies as detailed in the above chart. After School detention is scheduled once a week from 3:00 p.m.
to 3:50 p.m. A student who fails to serve an after-school detention will automatically receive a
Saturday detention.
Students who are late to detention will receive a 2nd after school detention.
Students may not talk, sleep or use electronic devices.
Detention must be served when it is assigned. In some cases, detention may be reassigned if
the student has a verified professional appointment, illness or family emergency
Attending a sports team practice or game, club meeting or activity, or any other extracurricular
activity, etc. does not excuse a student from an after-school detention (Administration has
discretion and final approval for reassigning detention).
Saturday Detention
Saturday detention may be assigned for accumulated behavior violations as detailed in the above
chart. Saturday detentions will be scheduled as needed. Saturday Detention will be held from 9:00
a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on the day scheduled. A student who fails to report for a Saturday detention will
automatically receive an in-school suspension, and may be assigned to serve an additional Saturday
detention. Verifiable illness or family emergency are the only excused reasons for missing Saturday
Students who are more than 5 minutes late to detention will receive a 2nd Saturday detention.
Students should wear work clothing and will assist with cleaning tasks in the buildings and on
the campus.
Students may not use electronic devices.
In-School Suspension
In-School Suspension occurs during the regular school day from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Students report to the main office at 8:00 a.m. and will complete assigned classwork,
homework, quizzes and/or tests.
Students may not talk, sleep or use electronic devices.
Students are ineligible to participate in or attend any athletic or co-curricular activities on the
day(s) of suspension.
Students will receive credit for major projects, tests or quizzes but will not receive credit for
minor assignments.
Out-of-School Suspension
Students who are assigned out-of-school suspension remain at home for the duration of the
suspension. The length of the suspension will depend on the seriousness of the offense and may
become part of the student’s permanent record.
Students are responsible for turning in all schoolwork and submitting assignments either
electronically or in person on the first school day they return.
Absence(s) from class are unexcused and no credit will be given for graded school work.
Students are ineligible to participate in or attend any athletic or co-curricular activities on the
day(s) of suspension.
Disciplinary Probation
Disciplinary Probation occurs when a student receives suspension as a consequence for his/her
behavior. Suspensions received as the result of an accumulation of minor violations may not require
Disciplinary Probation-this will be determined by Administration. The two types of suspension are
described above. At the beginning of the probationary period, the student will sign a Disciplinary
Probation Agreement outlining the terms and expectations. Parents/Guardians will also be required
to sign the Disciplinary Probation Agreement. During the probationary period, the student may not be
allowed to attend any extra-curricular school functions (e.g. sports, dances) and may not be allowed to
participate as a player or member of any sport, cheer, or club/teams for a period of time deemed
appropriate by the Dean of Students and the Principal. The student’s record will be reviewed
periodically by the Dean. Failure to fulfill the terms and conditions of the Probation may result in a
prolonged probationary period or, in some cases, expulsion.
Off Campus Conduct
The mission of Saint John Paul II Catholic High School extends beyond academic and co-curricular
programs to include the spiritual, moral, and ethical formation of students. SJPII students are
therefore held accountable for off campus conduct and behavior that, in the judgment of school
administration, negatively impacts the school community, is a distraction to a safe and positive
learning environment, involves the safety and well-being of other students, or threatens the positive
reputation of the school. The Dean of Students in consultation with the Principal will determine
appropriate disciplinary action.
Examples of off campus conduct that may be addressed by the school include but are not limited to:
Words or actions threatening the safety, home, or property of another student or staff member
Harassing or offensive emails, text messages, letters or notes, or phone calls
Offensive internet postings including words, images, and or videos
Vandalism to the home or property of a student or staff member
Unsafe driving
Rude, obnoxious, or disrespectful behavior
Alcohol or drug-related incidents
Any arrests or incidents involving law enforcement
Students of St. John Paul II Catholic High School are expected to exhibit kindness, honesty and
respect toward one another, toward visitors and toward those in authority at all times.
The Administration reserves the right to waive and/or deviate from any or all disciplinary regulations
for just cause at his or her discretion.
Incidents involving theft will be reported to the local police for their investigation as recommended by
the Principal.
Drug Policy
We believe that creating and maintaining an environment that protects the health and well-being of
our students is a vital part of our mission. Drugs, alcohol, and tobacco products are harmful to the
physical, mental, emotional, academic, and spiritual development and health of students. For this
reason, we take the use, possession, and distribution of any and all controlled substances very
In recent years “vaping” has become a pervasive problem among young people in society and in
schools. Vaping is addictive and harmful to those who do it, and to those around them. For these
reasons, we include “vaping”, as well as the use of any tobacco products in our drug policy.
The school administration has the right to search and examine students and all items brought on to
school grounds or to school events without prior warning.
Controlled Substances are defined in Chapter 893 of the Florida Statutes. They include but are not
limited to: marijuana, heroin and anabolic steroids. The term controlled substance shall also include
alcohol and all tobacco/nicotine products.
Under the influence: A student is judged to be under the influence whenever he/she exhibits
physical or psychological symptoms (including but not limited to unsteady walk, dilated pupils,
slurred speech, erratic or uncharacteristic emotional reactions) which are commonly associated with
the use of controlled substances. Indications on a breathalyzer or other detection device may also
indicate inappropriate alcohol use.
Possession is defined as knowingly or purposely obtaining or possessing, actively or constructively*,
a controlled substance or drug and “vaping” paraphernalia:
a) on or off school property;
b) on the person;
c) in an accessory (including but not limited to purse, book bag, gym bag, or backpack);
d) in a locker or desk and
e) in a privately or school-owned vehicle.
*Constructive possession refers to a student who intends or has the capacity to exercise control
over the drug/paraphernalia even if he/she does not have physical possession of the item. For
example, a student who hides drugs on school property or asks a classmate to hold drugs for
him/her, constructively possesses the drugs.
Distribution is defined as sharing, selling or dispensing a controlled substance:
a) on or off school property;
b) with or without receiving payment and
c) to individuals enrolled or not enrolled in the school.
Possession with Intent to Distribute applies regardless of whether or not a student intended:
a) to receive payment;
b) to distribute a controlled substance to an individual enrolled or not enrolled in the school
c) and to distribute a controlled substance on or off school property.
1) A student shall be considered in violation of school policy if he/she is observed:
a) to be under the influence;
b) in possession
c) engaged in distribution, or
d) to be in possession of a controlled substance.
2) Such a student shall be subject to the following provisions and to the general discipline policy
stated in this Handbook.
a) When a student is identified as being “under the influence” or “in possession” of a controlled
substance, the Principal will refer the matter to local law enforcement officials.
b) When a student is identified as “distributingor “in possession with intent to distribute” a
controlled substance, the Principal MUST refer the matter to local law enforcement officials.
3) A student suspected of violating the policy governing controlled substances will immediately be
placed under suspension for an indefinite period. The student and parents/guardians shall be
given reasonable opportunity to respond to the allegation as quickly as possible.
4) If the Principal determines that there was no violation of policy, the student will be permitted to
return to school. If there was a violation of school policy, the Principal may discipline the student
according to the general discipline policy stated in the Handbook up to and including expulsion.
5) The Principal may require that the student participate in an appropriate treatment or counseling
program as a condition of the student’s eventual return to school.
6) When the violation of this policy involves “distribution” or “possession with intent to distribute,”
the discipline imposed will normally be expulsion.
Dress Code
General appearance of students should be neat, clean and appropriate for school attendance
activities. Any student who comes to school without the proper attire will serve a lunch
detention. After four detentions, the student will be referred to the Principal.
Pants and shorts must be worn with a belt.
Skinny or form-fitting pants are not acceptable. Cargo pants are not allowed.
Students may wear socks of their choosing as long as they do not have inappropriate words or
Students may wear shoes of their choosing as long as they meet safety requirements. Backless
shoes (mules or Birkenstocks), flip flops, Crocs, slippers, moccasins, or boots are not acceptable.
Hoodies (even those with a school logo) may not be worn in Mass. Only hoodies with the school
logo are allowed for other times.
Outerwear, defined as jackets, sweaters, and sweatshirts, must be SOLID navy or gray with the
SPJII logo and must fit properly. Team outerwear with the SPJII logo is acceptable as well on
game days only. Questions about outerwear may be directed to the Dean of Students.
ALL uniforms MUST be purchased from our approved supplier: Lands’ End
All uniforms must be purchased through Lands’ End.
o 9th & 10th Graders*: Light gray polo
o 11th & 12th Graders*: Navy polo
The official uniform for boys consists of the following:
Khaki pants and shorts with pockets and belt loops. Skinny pants or shorts are not
acceptable. Shorts must be no shorter than 3.5” (height of a credit card) from the knee.
Polo shirts must have the official school logo. Long or short sleeve shirts are both appropriate.
Plain tee-shirts may be worn under school shirts, but they must match the color of the uniform
The official uniform for girls consists of the following:
Navy plaid pleated skirt. The skirt must be no shorter than 3.5” (height of a credit card) from the
knee in both the front and back.
Khaki pants, capri pants and shorts with pockets and belt loops. Skinny pants are not
acceptable. Shorts must be no shorter than 3.5” (height of a credit card) above the knee.
Polo shirts must have the official school logo. Long or short sleeve shirts are both appropriate.
Sports Attire
Sports attire including outerwear may only be worn on Game Days and with permission of the
Administration for particular occasions.
Non-Uniform Days (“NUD”)
Several clubs sponsor “NUD” as fundraisers, as well as regularly scheduled days by the
Administration. Students may wear casual clothes, but appropriate attire is expected at all times.
The following clothing is not permitted:
immodest and/or inappropriate clothing
low-cut blouses or shirts or shirts with bare midriffs
short skirts or short shorts (length must be no shorter than 3.5" above the knee)
low-rise pants
ripped jeans
skinny or form-fitting pants (including spandex and jeggings)
strapless or spaghetti strap tops
slides or flip-flops
leggings with mesh
half shirts
ripped or torn shirts
Students inappropriately attired will be sent to the office for parental intervention. Additionally,
students who do not dress according to the designation theme of the "NUD" will be sent to the office
for parental intervention.
Clubs wishing to schedule a "NUD" must obtain permission from the Principal, advertise the event
and theme at least two weeks in advance, and be willing to arrive at school by 7:30 a.m. to start
collecting money at the school doors.
Female students, both St. John Paul II students and guests must abide by the following dress
guidelines: no low-cut or plunging neckline, no low-cut dress backs (the back of the dress may not be
lower than 3.5” the waist), no cut-outs or transparent panels are permitted. Modest strapless dresses
are allowed. The length of the dress should be no shorter than 3.5” from the top of the knee, and
dresses may not be tight or form fitting.
St. John Paul II Catholic High School
2020 - 2021 Student Handbook Acknowledgement
I acknowledge receipt of the Student Handbook containing the policies, rules, and regulations for St.
John Paul II. I understand and agree that the policies contained in this handbook are binding for
students and parents alike. I understand that the Administration of the school will have the authority
set forth in this document.
I understand that the policies, rules, and regulations contained in this handbook are established for
the welfare and benefit of all students. I understand my responsibility to support the school in the
policies it has established and to see to it that my daughter/son adheres to the rules and regulations
set forth herein.
Name of student_________________________________________________________
Signature of student______________________________ Date ___________________
Name of parent/guardian ___________________________________________________
Signature of parent/guardian ________________________ Date ___________________
Please sign Google Document by Monday, August 24, 2020.
St. John Paul II Catholic High School
Return to Campus Plan
Revised 7/21/20
It is the mission of St. John Paul II Catholic High School to provide an affordable college
preparatory curriculum within a Christ-centered Catholic environment.!This mission
encompasses the education of the whole person – spirit, mind, and body – within the tradition
of the Catholic Church.
We have created this plan to aid in navigating the reestablishment of our school where
employees, students, and families feel safe and to reduce the impact of COVID-19 conditions
upon returning to our schools. The guidelines referenced in this plan are based on guidance
from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Department of Health (DOH),
and World Health Organization (WHO). We continue to look at best practices in education
while listening to the recommendations being made by the Department of Education (DOE),
Office of Early Learning (OEL), the National Catholic Education Association (NCEA), and the
Florida Catholic Conference School Executive Committee (FCCSEC) and Accreditation
Committee (FCCA). Regular updates will be made to this plan based on information
provided by all the organizations mentioned above, and applicable federal, state and local
Our priorities are:
1. Safety: Mitigating and slowing the growth of COVID-19 in the context of a
return to work and schools. Understanding that there is inherent risk in
returning from social distancing while in a pandemic, we also understand that
we are part of a societal decision that accepts balancing COVID-19 risk against
the need for life to continue.
A. Hygiene: Within classrooms, we will emphasize strong hygienic practice.
B. Distance options: We will offer the option of distant learning, using live
synchronous learning. This will be available for those students/families who
currently feel uncomfortable returning to brick and mortar classes, our
vulnerable students with underlying health conditions or with vulnerable
family members, and is also available for students who must self quarantine.
Students will be required to attend live sessions on time and keep up with class
work load.
2. Presence: Keeping school open daily. We do not want to burden parents with
challenging schedules that require them to stay home and out of work - we
want our students at school with cohorts for the full day.
3. Growth: Despite limitations, we want our children to continue their academic
progress at grade level in their faith and in all core academic standards.
This document will be updated regularly. The school principal will share the updated
document on the school website and distribute the updated version to parents via the school
information system.
Table of Contents:
Arrival & Dismissal Procedures 4
Well Defined Entrance Protocols 4
Social Distancing Measures 4
Mass 5
Extracurriculars 5
Large Gatherings 5
Safety Protocols 5
Training 6
Distance Learning 6
Returning to Campus Health Protocol 7
Closing 7
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
a. Students may not arrive before 7:30 AM.
b. All students will be required to wear masks once on campus.
c. Students must enter in one of three designated areas where student’s
temperature will be taken and recorded before entering the building. Students
will answer daily COVID-19 screening questionnaire.
d. After temperature check, students will report to their homeroom.
e. Dismissal will be from the student’s 7th period one class at a time. More
information will be forthcoming before school starts.
Well-Defined Entrance Protocols
a. Teachers will sign in at the beginning of the day where their temperature will be
taken and documented. Teachers with a temperature above 100.4 will be sent
home and a sub teacher will take their class.
b. Students will enter in one of three designated areas where temperature will be
taken and documented. Students with a temperature above 100.4 will have
their parents notified and sent home. Students who may drive themselves
home will do so with parent’s permission. Other students may wait in the
designated isolation room until they are picked up by parent/guardian.
c. Parents/volunteers/visitors must make an appointment to visit the front office
in advance. All visitors will be required to wear a mask, have their temperature
checked and take the COVID-19 screening questionnaire. They may be asked to
sign a waiver. Parents picking up sick children will be met at the gate.
Social Distancing Measures
a. In the Classroom students will be required to wear masks at all times and use
their 3 sided plexiglass desk barriers purchased by the school. These will be left
in their at school and used only by that student. Desks/chairs are being
distanced approximately 3 to 6 feet apart (where possible) in every classroom.
Teachers are to maintain social distancing and are required to wear masks at all
times when in the presence of students or other faculty/staff.
b. Outside the Classroom, students are required to transition from class to class
observing one way travel by following the designated arrow decals. Lockers
will not be used, and students will need to carry all of their books and supplies
to each class.
c. Lunches will be eaten in homerooms to ensure appropriate social
distancing while eating in the same small group of students daily. Homerooms
will rotate to outdoor eating areas in order to have occasional outside time.
Snack cart and lunch cart will not be available and food deliveries are not
allowed. We will not be using local food vendors for lunch until further notice.
Students must bring their own lunch.
a. Students will continue to attend Mass weekly. Currently, we cannot attend mass
as a whole school due to social distancing limitations in the chapel.
Underclassmen and Upperclassmen will have separate mass times.
b. Mask will be worn with the exception of Holy Communion. Social distancing
within the chapel will be observed.
c. Music will be limited.
a. Extracurriculars will be analyzed and evaluated by administration to determine
the feasibility of the activities.
b. Field Trips are not allowed until further notice.
c. Decisions!concerning!athletics will be made upon FHSAA guidance and other
medical professional!consultation.! At present!no decisions!concerning!fall
sports have been made.
Large Gatherings
a. Large assemblies will not be possible. This affects student assemblies, back to
school events and PTO meetings.
b. All necessary meetings will be held via zoom.
Safety Protocols
a. Plexiglass partitions will be installed throughout the classrooms and school.
b. Hand sanitizers are throughout the entire school campus.
c. Touch-less water bottle fillers will be installed in all buildings.
d. Infrared thermometers will be used.
e. New software will be used to track and communicate temperatures and
COVID-19 screening questionnaire to parents.
f. Additional sanitizing responsibilities will be implemented by maintenance and
custodian staff.
e. Teachers and students will sanitize between classes.
g. There will be thorough cleanings at the end of each day.
i. A vaporizing disinfectant machine will be used to rapidly sanitize certain areas.
j. Isolation rooms will be used for students who exhibit symptoms of COVID-19.
a. Protocol and safety training will be given to all Faculty/Staff/Custodians in
early August before school starts and continue throughout the school year as
Distance Learning
a. Students who opt for distance learning or need to quarantine for an extended
amount of time will be able to continue learning through live steamed
synchronized learning.
b. Students must be in uniform, on time and on screen the entirety of the class in
order to be marked present.
c. Students will be responsible for submitting assignments on time.
d. Certain assessments may need to be administered on campus after school
e. Students quarantining may return to brick and mortar classes with written
medical approval.
f. Students may move from distance learning to brick and mortar. Parents must
provide SJPII a 2 week notice, in writing, prior to the student returning to brick
and mortar classes.
Returning to Campus Student/Faculty/Staff Health Protocol
In the event that a student/faculty/staff tests positive for or is exposed to COVID-19
In the event that a student/faculty/staff tests positive for COVID-19 or is exposed to
someone who tests positive of COVID- 19, the school will report the situation to the Leon
County Health Dept. We will follow their recommendations for return to school.
We recognize that these!are uncertain times and that there can be no guarantees when it
comes to this virus.! This plan has been crafted carefully to provide some protection but
individual diligence!is the best protection of all.! It will take every person: students, faculty,
staff and parents to successfully implement this plan and to allow for a semi- normal school
year.! Conditions are rapidly changing as is expert medical opinions as how best to deal with
COVID-19.! We will continue to diligently monitor the available sources and be ready to
modify this plan as need arises.!
We, the St. John Paul II! family, are in this together.! Together we will educate our students in
a safe, loving, Christ centered school environment this year.
God Bless.!