Student & Parent Handbook
2020-2021 | Updated Summer 2020
School Mission Statement:
Saint John Paul II Academy, located in Boca Raton, Florida, is a Catholic co-educational college
preparatory school in the Diocese of Palm Beach following the tradition of Saint John Baptist De
La Salle and the Brothers of the Christian Schools.
Saint John Paul II Academy provides a rigorous academic curriculum designed to prepare
students for success in college and in life.
Our faith-based learning community fosters excellence in all programs and enables the spiritual,
academic, artistic, and physical development of each student. Dedicated faculty and staff instill
the Gospel values of tolerance, concern for the poor, justice, peace, and responsibility while
welcoming students of all beliefs and backgrounds.
Table of Contents
Welcome to Saint John Paul II Academy 7
Parents as Primary Educators – Our Partnership Expectation 7
Our Lasallian Heritage-1679 to present day 7
About Saint John Paul II Academy 8
Our Core Values 10
Our Philosophy 10
Our Vision 10
The Graduate at Graduation 11
Organization & Administration of Saint John Paul II Academy 12
Saint John Paul II Academy Corporate Board 12
School Administration 12
Office/Program Directors 12
Communication 13
Telephone 13
Faculty/Staff Email Addresses 13
School Closing/Emergency Information 13
Communication between the School & Family 14
Renweb/FACTS 15
Name & Address Changes 15
Communication between the Family & Student while at School 15
Family Directory 15
School Hours 15
Transportation Arrangements 16
Visitors 16
Shadowing 16
Financial Information 17
Fees & Charges 18
Payment Options 19
Tuition Refunds 19
Fee Information & Request for Reimbursement 20
Non-Sufficient Funds Payments 20
School Clinic 20
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Student Injury 20
Medical Guidelines 21
EpiPen Deployment 21
Contagious Disease 22
Immunizations 22
Fire & Emergency Drills 22
Academic Expectations & Policies 22
Graduation Requirements 24
Semester Examinations 25
Semester Exemptions 25
Testing Schedule 26
Standardized Testing 26
Homework 27
Textbooks 27
Transfer Student GPA 28
Dual Enrollment Courses 28
Advanced Placement Program 29
Grade Reporting 29
Grading 29
Issues of Academic Integrity 30
iPad Initiative 32
iPad Loan Guidelines & Policies 32
Student Responsibilities: 32
Lost, Damaged or Stolen iPad: 33
Consequences and Due Process 34
Guidance Services 34
Academic Records 35
Drop/Add Period & Schedule Changes 35
Learning Resource Assistance 35
College 101 36
College Visits or Campus Interviews for Seniors 36
Scholarship Opportunities 36
Transcripts (College) 36
Private Tutoring 36
Extra Assistance 37
Summer Dual Enrollment Opportunities 37
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Florida Bright Futures 38
Student Leadership and Recognition 39
National Honor Society 39
Honor Roll 39
Mu Alpha Theta 39
Valedictorian/Salutatorian 40
Student Council 40
Senior Awards 40
Extra-curricular Activities 40
Activities/Clubs 41
Dances 42
Field Trips 43
Posters/Fliers 43
Fundraising 43
Yearbook Portraits 43
Dress Code 44
Formal Uniform Attire 44
Dennis Uniforms 44
Uniform Specifics 45
Non-Uniform Days 45
Personal Grooming 46
Student Identification Cards 46
Student Attendance – Absence & Tardiness 46
Early Dismissal 48
Tardiness 48
Truancy 49
Leaving Class 49
Passes 49
Student Disciplinary Policies & Guidelines 49
Detention 50
Suspension 50
Expulsion 51
Disciplinary Probation 51
Bullying 51
Definition 52
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Scope 52
Reporting Complaints 52
Disciplinary Action 52
False Reporting 52
Harassment 53
Personal Electronic Devices 53
Food/Drink/Gum 53
Social Networking 54
Public Displays of Affection 54
Sexual Misconduct 54
Threat of Violence 54
Weapons 55
See Something Say Something Policy 55
Campus Ministry 55
What is Christian Service? 57
Policies and Guidelines 57
Christian Service Reflection Paper 59
Grading/Performance 59
Deadlines 59
Community Service 100+ Hours Award 59
Penalties For Not Meeting Deadlines 59
Liturgies 60
Liturgical Celebrations & Assemblies 60
Parent In Partnership – Parent Service 60
Athletics 61
Athletic Code of Conduct 61
Athletic Facilities 63
Campus Facilities 63
Campus Store 63
Library/Media Center 63
Dining Hall 64
Lockers 64
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Parking 64
Lost & Found 65
Child Protective Investigations 65
Testimony in Divorce Proceedings 66
Video Surveillance on Campus 66
Search & Seizure 66
Drug, Alcohol & Tobacco Policy 67
Saint John Paul II Academy Substance Abuse & Testing Policy 68
Tobacco Policy Focus 69
Student & Campus Safety Policy Focus – Use And/Or Possession On Campus Or At School
Events 71
Technology Acceptable Use & iPad Policy 73
Use of Photographic & Video Images 74
Supervision and Monitoring 74
Unacceptable Use of Technology 74
Saint John Paul II Academy Acceptable Use Guidelines 75
Agreement 76
Student Computer/Internet Access 76
Personal Safety 76
Email 76
Inappropriate Behavior and Language 77
Illegal Activities 77
System Security 78
Gaming 78
Audio & Video 78
Network Responsibility & Resource Limits 79
Web Sites 79
Limitation of Liability: 79
Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy as To Students 80
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Welcome to Saint John Paul II Academy
An interesting and challenging experience awaits you as a member of the t Saint John Paul II
Academy community. To answer some of your questions concerning school policies, the school
has prepared this Student & Parent Handbook. Please read it thoroughly and retain it for future
reference and accountability. The policies stated in this Handbook are only guidelines and are
subject to change at the sole discretion of the school, as are all other policies, procedures, or
programs of the school. From time to time, you may receive updated information concerning
changes in policy. However, the School has the right to add, delete or revise any school policy or
procedure with or without notice. This handbook is not a contract, express or implied, and none
of the policies or provisions should be construed as such. If you have any questions about the
school’s policies, please ask one of our staff members for assistance.
Parents as Primary Educators – Our Partnership Expectation
We recognize that the primary educators of the children entrusted to our care are the
parents/guardians. The school exists to help parents to fulfill their role in the formation and
education of their children. The more that the parents/guardians can be involved in the school
and in their children’s studies, the greater the probability of success in this mission. SJPII makes
every effort to keep the parents/guardians informed and to provide opportunities for involvement
and interaction. SJPII encourages parents to accept the professional advice of administrators,
teachers, and counselors with regard to course selection and schedules. Parents and students are
expected to comply with school rules and policies, and to accept and support the authority of
school officials, whether it be at school events, on or off school campus, or on social media or
other public forums. Just as a parent can withdraw a child from the school if desired, the school
has the right to dismiss a student if it determines at its discretion that the parent or student
partnership with the school is irretrievably broken
Our Lasallian Heritage-1679 to present day
Saint John Baptist de La Salle (1651-1719) opened his first school in Reims, his birthplace in
northeastern France, in 1679. He was convinced that without Christian schools some poor
children would be lost both to the Church and to civil society. His initial efforts led him to
organize the teachers whose services he had secured into a religious community called the
Brothers of the Christian Schools, also known as the De La Salle Christian Brothers. De La Salle
inspired these teachers with the following principle: "You are under the obligation to instruct the
poor. You should therefore have a great tenderness towards them and supply their spiritual needs
to the best of your ability, looking upon these children as members of Jesus Christ and as his
much loved ones" (Meditation for the feast of St. Nicholas). Over a period of thirty years, he
opened schools in several French cities and towns and worked with numerous teachers and
students from various socioeconomic levels. By the time of his death he had founded different
types of educational institutions: primary schools, teacher training centers, boarding schools, and
homes for delinquents.
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Alert to the needs of his time, he was an innovator in the development of teacher training
programs and in curricular and pedagogical practices. Teachers ranked with servants in
seventeenth century France. De La Salle, however, recognized that teachers stand in a
providential and grace-filled relationship to children. Because of the special dignity of this calling,
he provided teachers with extensive pedagogical preparation and ongoing supervision. In
consultation with his teachers, de La Salle designed a curriculum and wrote practical and effective
textbooks infused with gospel values. De La Salle was one of the early Catholic proponents of
universal education. Although de La Salle's schools were primarily for the poor, they attracted
children from families of differing economic backgrounds. However, he tolerated nothing of the
social segregation that was the practice of the day. He prescribed uniform management
procedures for the classroom instruction of students from different social and academic levels.
De La Salle regarded a school as a community of believers working cooperatively to achieve a
shared vision. De La Salle envisioned teachers as ministers of grace who exercise their vocation
daily by instructing youth in the principles of the gospel as well as in the various academic and
vocational subjects. His teachers thus helped young people to commit themselves to the teachings
of the gospel, to develop loyalty to the Catholic Church, and to prepare themselves for productive
De La Salle's educational ideas are embodied in several major works, including the Rule of the
Brothers of the Christian Schools, Meditations for the Time of Retreat, and The Conduct of the
Christian Schools, as well as in the textbooks he wrote for students. His contributions to Catholic
education led Pope Pius XII in 1950 to proclaim him the Patron of Teachers.
Today, over 1,000,000 students in more than 80 countries throughout the world receive their
education in Lasallian schools that differ greatly in terms of clientele, curriculum, and
methodology as well as in social and cultural conditions. Each of these institutions is unified in
the Lasallian heritage.
About Saint John Paul II Academy
When the doors to Saint John Paul II Academy first opened in 1980, the Boca Raton area was part
of the Archdiocese of Miami. Archbishop Edward McCarthy of Miami invited the Carmelite
fathers to staff the high school, then known as Pope John Paul II High School. Funding for this
new school came primarily from the combined efforts of fourteen parishes located in north
Broward and south Palm Beach counties.
Sisters from the Adrian Dominican community began their lengthy affiliation with the School in
1982. They helped educate the school's first graduates, members of the Class of 1983. Since that
time, more than 5,600 young men and women have graduated from Pope John Paul II High
School, now Saint John Paul II Academy. Most have continued their studies at the collegiate level
and beyond and even the religious life. Today, SJPII alumni are recognized as leaders in their
parishes, communities, families and chosen careers.
In 1984, the Diocese of Palm Beach was established and this new diocese included our School. Our
history has indeed been blessed with the traditions and teachings of both the Carmelite and
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Dominican communities and while the Carmelite community departed from the School in 2007
we have benefited from the caring and dedicated lay members of the school’s faculty, staff and
Over the years, the school attracted a very talented and dedicated group of educators. They have
been trained at innumerable colleges and universities throughout this country and abroad with
many earning masters and doctorate degrees.
In early 2012 a comprehensive study of the School was completed. One of the major
recommendations to come from that report was that the School adopt a new educational and
spiritual charism to reflect the departure of both the Carmelite Fathers and the Adrian Dominican
In 2012, Brother Daniel Aubin FSC was named the interim President of the School. Within this
context and with the concurrent appointment of a Principal who had an educational background
that included the Lasallian Brothers, the School, with the blessing of both the Superintendent of
Schools for the Palm Beach Diocese and the Bishop of the Diocese, the Most Reverend Gerald
Barbarito, we ventured through the process of becoming a Lasallian sponsored school connecting
us with the Brothers of the Christian Schools and its founder, Saint John Baptist De La Salle. In
the Spring of 2013, Bishop Barbarito appointed Brother Daniel as the President of Pope John Paul
II High School.
To coincide with the elevation of John Paul II to sainthood, the School undertook an initiative to
rename, rebrand, and reimagine itself with the goal of being the premier secondary school, public
or private, in our service area. Our new name, Saint John Paul II Academy, represents not only
John Paul II’s elevation to sainthood but also a recommitment from the Academy to be the best
that it can be. With this change the colors of the Academy changed as well, with the use of three
colors that reflect three of the passions of the life of Saint John Paul II – black commemorates his
years as a priest, gold commemorates his years as Bishop of Rome (Pope), and blue represents
the special devotion held by John Paul II for the Blessed Mother.
This year, approximately 430 students will attend Saint John Paul II Academy. The diverse and
talented student population comes from 30 different zip code areas in Palm Beach and Broward
counties. All students experience a rigorous college preparatory program of studies offered in a
faith filled environment. An extensive co-curricular program and mandatory service learning
experiences enhance the education of the whole student.
Throughout these years, the school has pursued a noble mission. SJPII educators partner with
parents, the first teachers of their children, to share values, doctrine and knowledge. Working
together, we develop spiritual, physical and moral gifts through academic excellence while
preparing today's students for their tomorrows.
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Our Core Values
Our Philosophy
Saint John Paul II Academy fulfills its mission to form students in the Catholic faith using the
Gospel as its guide. The life of the school is centered on the teaching of Christ and the essential
elements of Lasallian educational practice.
Informed by Saint John Baptist De La Salle, the Brothers of the Christian Schools and lay
colleagues at Saint John Paul II Academy provide a diverse community of young men and women
with a broad and balanced human and Christian education through programs that promote
leadership, achievement, and service within school, church, and community.
Saint John Paul II Academy is a community that promotes a zeal for learning and a respect for
individuality. The faculty holds students to high standards of intellectual and moral
development, encouraging them to reach their potential and preparing them to face the
challenges of the modern world. Campus ministry programs and service opportunities help
students develop relationships with God, family, and community.
The Saint John Paul II Academy family guides students to grow in mind, body, and spirit,
encouraging them to become good citizens of the world and ambassadors of Christ and the
Kingdom of God. Through caring relationships, students are called to live Lasallian values,
develop their full potential, respect all life, and pursue action that brings spiritual, academic, and
personal goals to fruition.
Our Vision
The Vision of Saint John Paul II Academy is to be an educational leader inspired by the moral and
spiritual teachings of Saint John Baptist De La Salle. This is accomplished by:
Promoting a spiritual environment that acknowledges the diversity of different religious
traditions and the responsibility to use these values as a basis for service to others and the
betterment of society.
Committing programs and resources for service of the poor.
Encouraging and recognizing excellence in its students and faculty.
Providing an atmosphere conducive to learning and creativity for students and faculty.
Creating a caring, Lasallian community environment that includes students, parents,
teachers, administrators, staff and alumni.
Providing a spirit of collaboration among administration, staff, teachers, parents and
Valuing the uniqueness of each student and making every effort to meet his or her needs.
Developing young men and women who demonstrate the highest standard of educational,
moral and spiritual preparation who are ready to embark on the challenges of today’s
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Promoting the image of the school in a manner that exemplifies the values that are
emphasized and taught therein.
Helping all members of the SJPII Community to deepen not only their relationship with
the Lord but also their participation in their local church.
Establishing and maintaining a leadership position in the integration of technology to
enhance student achievement.
The Graduate at Graduation
Guided by the Philosophy and Mission of Saint John Paul II Academy, graduates will be:
Academic Achievers who
Exhibit knowledge and skills necessary for college.
Research, evaluate, organize, analyze, and synthesize information effectively.
Think critically and creatively utilizing problem-solving skills.
Demonstrate a well-rounded appreciation for those activities beyond academics
including the arts and athletics.
Spiritually Aware Individuals who
Demonstrate knowledge and appreciation of Catholic faith and traditions.
Participate actively in their faith community.
Continually develop a personal prayer life and intensify their relationship with
Respect diversity of religion and culture.
Make moral, ethical, and healthy choices in daily living.
Serve others, especially the poor and marginalized.
Globally Responsible Leaders who
Demonstrate effective decision-making skills.
Model personal integrity, responsibility, and ethical behavior.
Create and sustain respectful relationships.
Exhibit concern and respect for the environment.
Embrace diversity and foster concern for the poor, social justice, and peace.
Effective Communicators who
Work collaboratively.
Demonstrate excellent reading and writing skills.
Articulate ideas clearly and creatively.
Use information technology effectively and ethically.
Understand and appreciate divergent points of view.
Lifelong Learners who
Demonstrate openness to growth.
Take responsibility for their own actions.
Critically assess the values of contemporary culture in the light of the Gospel.
Live a healthy lifestyle to maximize their full potential.
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Organization & Administration of Saint John Paul II
Saint John Paul II Academy Corporate Board
Most Reverend Gerald M. Barbarito, D.D., J.C.L., President and Treasurer
Very Reverend Charles Notabartolo, Vice President
Very Reverend Albert A. Dello Russo (Chancellor)
Brother Daniel Aubin, FSC, (School President), Assistant Treasurer
Mr. Gary Gelo (Superintendent of Schools), Secretary
Mr. Vito Gendusa (Chief Financial Officer)
Mr. John Clarke (Assistant Superintendent of Schools)
Mr. Edward B. Bernot, Principal of Saint John Paul II Academy
School Administration
Brother Daniel Aubin, FSC, President
Mr. Edward B. Bernot, Principal
Mr. Lucas Preble, Assistant Principal for Student Life
Ms. Marian Demarest, Assistant Principal for Academic Life
Office/Program Directors
Ms. Ann Marie Chiste, Finance
Mrs. Barbara Harbin, Admissions and Advancement
Mrs. Lisa Olearczyk, Director of Development & Alumni Affairs
Mr. Shea Ciarletta, Director of Institutional Advancement
Ms. Deborah Stevenson, Computer Services
Mr. Rudy Garbalosa, Computer Services
Mr. Richard Mitchell, Buildings & Grounds Maintenance
Mr. Scott Williams, Director of Athletics
Mr. Michael Scaramuzzo, Campus Ministry
Mr. Jeff Atkins, Learning Specialist
Mr. Peter D'Alonzo, Director of Guidance
Ms. Lauren Yoder, Guidance (A-J)
Ms. Paula Joan, Guidance (K-Z)
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When calling Saint John Paul II Academy, the caller will be connected to the automated
attendant. Callers should be attentive to the instructions so that they may reach the desired
individual. You will need to listen to your options when leaving a voicemail message for a
particular teacher. Directory information is also available on Some of the most
directly accessed telephone numbers are listed below.
561.314.2128 Admissions
561.314.2125 Assistant Principals
561.314.2125 Athletics
561.314.2130 Campus Ministry
561.314.2132 Development/Alumni
561.314.2111 Finance
561.314.2119 Guidance
561.314.2100 Main Office
561.314.2149 Maintenance
561.314.2117 Media Center/ Library
561.314.2100 President/Principal
561.314.2129 Registrar/Attendance/Clinic
561.314.2123 Technology
Faculty/Staff Email Addresses
We encourage parents to contact faculty and staff via email as staff members are asked to read
their email daily. Email is an effective way for parents to make contact with teachers and staff.
Each teacher’s email address begins with the teacher’s first initial, followed by the last name, then, For example, you can reach Mr. John Brown as follows: [email protected]
School Closing/Emergency Information
In the event of severe weather or other emergency conditions, the school will implement an
appropriate response to the situation. Should an emergency dictate the closing of the school, that
information will be communicated via Renweb/FACTS by voice and/or text. The most accurate
information will normally be available on the school’s website at We will also
endeavor to update Instagram (@eaglesnest_sjp), Twitter (@SJPIIEagles) and Facebook
( We cannot guarantee the availability of information on
radio and television stations, though we will notify local media.
For situations that result in the closing of school before the beginning of the day, alert calls are
normally made beginning at 6:00 AM. Automated alert telephone calls concerning a potential
closing decision are normally made beginning no earlier than 6:00 AM and no later than 10:00
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PM. A general rule is that if the Palm Beach County Schools are closed, Saint John Paul II
Academy will also be closed. However, our reopening will be at the discretion of the school.
Communication between the School & Family
Given SJPII’s recognition of the critical role that parents/guardians have in the success of their
children, the school makes considerable efforts to maintain contact with the family.
Email updates are normally pushed to parents on a weekly basis. This provides information on
major events, upcoming dates, and other happenings. All parents are required to have a valid
email address on file (in our student information system) to both receive the eNewsletter and
other information as well as to access information related to student performance. The school
strongly encourages parents to use a private (Gmail, Outlook Live, etc.) email address rather than
a work account given the challenges of workplace firewalls and filters and the inherent lack of
privacy that may be experienced on a corporate or other work account.
Parents are encouraged to make use of the school’s website for updated calendar information,
athletic information, and news.
Teachers will make efforts to contact parents about their children’s progress. While such contacts
might occur at any time during the year, the school provides weekly access to students’ grades
through Renweb/FACTS. Parents/guardians are encouraged to check Renweb/FACTS on a
regular basis.
Parents with concerns are encouraged to contact teachers. Note that email is normally a
preferable way to make initial contact with a teacher given teacher’s do not always have
immediate access to a school telephone.
Communications between the school and home are useless if mail or email does not reach the
parents/guardians because of incorrect address information or mail interception.
Parents/Guardians must keep the school informed of any changes of addresses or phone numbers.
They also should phone the school if they have reason to think that email is not reaching them.
Parents may update their contact information on Renweb/FACTS.
The school may use text messages and automated telephone calls to alert parents/guardians of
important information related to the school’s operations, and activities.
Parents/guardians acknowledge and consent to the receipt of these messages when providing
their telephone numbers. Periodically, the school may require that parents or guardians make
electronic acknowledgments confirming the receipt and/or acceptance of various policies,
procedures, notices, releases or updates. Any time a parent/guardian makes an electronic
acknowledgment by clicking “submit” or “accept” on an electronic document, that individual is
agreeing that he/she has read, understood, and agrees to be bound by the contents of the
electronic document. Electronic acknowledgments and signatures are valid and binding and may
serve as consent to the contents of any electronic communication. Parents and guardians are
responsible for reviewing the contents of any electronic document prior to making any electronic
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Renweb/FACTS/ParentsWeb is the Student Information System utilized at SJPII. Parents and
students have access to grade updates, report cards, assignments, and other resources. The
Renweb/FACTS Home app (for Android and iOS) is provided for SJPII families at no additional
All student and parent access require an active and valid email account. For students this will be
their school-issued ( email account. For parents, this requires that each parent
have a unique email account that is on file with the School. Signup information is emailed to
parents in August.
Name & Address Changes
All address and telephone number changes should be made as soon as possible. Basic information
must be submitted at the beginning of the year upon enrollment.
Authorized parents/guardians may also update basic information on ParentsWeb using their
validated login credentials (subject to School review).
Communication between the Family & Student while at School
It is the expectation of the school that students refrain from using their personal electronic
devices while on campus (see full policy below). Parents are discouraged from contacting students
via their personal devices during class time (7:45 and 2:35). The front office may be contacted at
any time to request the student be called down to the front office for a phone call etc. The school
reserves the right to wait to call the student down to the front until the break in classes so as to
limit class interruptions should the reason not be an emergency. Parents wishing to retrieve
students early from class for any reason will be asked to wait for the end of the current class
period so as to limit classroom interruptions.
Family Directory
The School does not publish a printed directory of students and families.
The School provides an online directory for students and families through Renweb/FACTS. By
default (at the beginning of each academic year) all families/students will be designated as ‘opted
out’ of publishing this information. Parents will be able to change this status after August first in
any given year. General access to the directory will be activated after mid-September. Note that
access to the Directory is given only to authorized users of Renweb/FACTS – parents, guardians,
faculty/staff, and students. It is not accessible to the general public.
School Hours
Students are allowed to remain on campus after school hours only when they are participating in
a school-sponsored activity. They are expected to leave the grounds within thirty minutes after
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dismissal and it is the parents’ or guardians’ responsibility to ensure that this rule is obeyed.
Supervision will not be provided after this thirty minute period.
Students remaining on campus
after that time do so at their own risk. Students may not be in any athletic facility after school
unless they are participating in a sponsored activity or are present to watch a scheduled game or
Transportation Arrangements
Parents hereby acknowledge and agree that the school does not provide or arrange for student
transportation to or from school, except as specifically set forth in writing by the school. Student
transportation to and from school each day is a parental responsibility. The school does not
authorize or endorse any private transportation arrangements. In limited and documented
circumstances, a parent may engage a commercial transportation company to transport a student
from school; however, any such engagement requires the written authorization of the school and
the execution of school documents allowing for such an arrangement. This includes students
using a ride-share service on occasion.
All visitors must check in at the Gate Entrance and then check in at the Reception Desk in the
Carmelite Hall. Students are not permitted to bring visitors to school. Upon arrival to campus, all
personnel will receive a security badge from the guard house and be directed to the front office.
A student who wishes to invite another student to shadow them must receive permission from the
school office at least two days before the intended visit. The approved visitor must be dressed
appropriately for school, (not in jeans), and must receive a visitor’s pass from the Office. Visitors
will not be allowed to shadow a SJPII student within two days of a vacation or the week before
exams. Shadowing is only permitted for students who are considering attending SJPII. All those
wishing to shadow must make the request through the Director of Admissions.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students over 18
years of age ("eligible students") certain rights with respect to the student's education records.
These rights are:
1. The right to inspect and review the student's education records within 45 days of the day
the School receives a request for access. Parents or eligible students should complete the
Request for Release of Student Records and submit it to the School principal [or
appropriate school official] identifying the record(s) they wish to inspect. The School
official will make arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student of the
time and place where the records may be inspected.
2. The right to request the amendment of the student's education records that the parent or
eligible student believes are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the
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student's privacy rights under FERPA. Parents or eligible students who wish to ask the
School to amend a record should write the School principal [or appropriate school
official], clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it
should be changed. If the School decides not to amend the record as requested by the
parent or eligible student, the School will notify the parent or eligible student of the
decision and advise them of their right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment.
Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the parent or
eligible student when notified of the right to a hearing.
3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the
student's education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure
without consent. One exception, which permits disclosure without consent, is disclosure
to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person
employed by the School as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff
member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel); a person
or company with whom the School has contracted as its agent to provide a service instead
of using its own employees or officials (such as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant,
or therapist); or a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary
or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks.
A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an
education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility. Upon request,
the School discloses education records without consent to officials of another school
district in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.
4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged
failures by the School to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address
of the Office that administers FERPA is:
Family Policy Compliance Office. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue SW
Washington, DC 20202-5920
Undocumented Students
A student’s enrollment and/or graduation from school does not confer a legal status nor does it
serve to regularize an undocumented student. Although the Diocese of Palm Beach may assist
with the completion of an I-20 form, the school does not guarantee or confer any privileges or
rights available to documented legal residents. Parents should consult with immigration legal
counsel if they have any questions as to immigration status.
Financial Information
The satisfaction of all financial obligations to the school, including tuition and fees, constitutes a
material condition for continued enrollment in the school. The school may not recognize
student’s grades for quarterly, semester, or final examinations if the parents or legal guardians fail
to meet any financial obligation to the school. In addition, the school may withhold the issuance
of transcripts or any other student records and/or disallow participation in or access to school
activities, and/or dismiss the student if any financial obligations are not met.
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In the event of a natural disaster, disease outbreak, or any other circumstances which in the
judgment of the school administration make it infeasible, unsafe or otherwise imprudent to
continue campus-based education, school educational programs shall resume as soon as practical
by way of distance learning and/or other methods adopted by the school administration and
faculty. Due to the school’s continuing financial obligations related to its operations, there will be
no suspension, reduction, or refund of tuition in these circumstances.
The finance office reserves the right to place accounts on Renweb/FACTS hold for delinquencies
and also for failure to endorse third party funding payments on a timely basis.
In the event of any unexpected financial difficulties, families are encouraged to be in touch with
the Finance Office. The Finance Office team will assist in resolving problems in a professional and
confidential manner.
The School’s financial assistance committee determines financial assistance and each situation is
kept confidential. Financial Assistance is limited, so please apply as soon as possible.
Saint John Paul II Academy depends upon the prompt payment of tuition in order to operate.
The actual cost per student each year exceeds the tuition and fee charged. No direct subsidy is
provided by the local churches to help us close the gap between tuition and cost, thus the school
must make up the difference between the tuition charged and that cost in order to meet operating
expenses. This difference is made up through a variety of fundraising endeavors and generous
donations. We urge full cooperation by all members of the Saint John Paul II Academy
community in these endeavors.
Fees & Charges
Standard Tuition Rate (non-catholic) — $13,850.00
Parish Member Tuition Rate for First Child — $13,100.00
Parish Discount — In order to encourage greater participation at the parish level in Palm Beach
and neighboring Broward County, families who received the authorization from their pastor are
provided a parish discount of $750 from the Standard Tuition Rate. A form must be signed by the
pastor and kept on file at Saint John Paul II Academy. This discount must be re-established each
Sibling Discount —In order to encourage and assist families with the enrollment of siblings, all
siblings beyond the first child will receive a discount of $400 from of their normal tuition rate
(Standard or Parish)
Fee Schedule and Payment Due Dates
International Student Tuition & Fees — Contact our Admissions Office
Incoming Freshman & Transfer Student Registration and Activity Fee— $825 Due at
Annual Re-enrollment Fee for Underclassmen—$400 Due March 15, 2020
$200 re-enrollment late fee will be applied starting March 16th
$400 re-enrollment late fee will be applied starting April 16th
Annual Technology & Content Fee— $600 Due July 1, 2020
Annual Activity Fee (Seniors) — $425 Due July 1, 2020
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Annual Activity Fee (Freshman, Sophomores, Juniors) — $625 Due July 1, 2020
Graduation Fee for Seniors —$475 Due July 1, 2019
Student Parking Fee (Annual) — $150 Due upon reservation of parking spot
Students may not park on campus unless they have purchased a parking pass
Before the re-enrollment fee can be paid, all financial obligations from previous year must be met.
Should re-enrollment occur and the account become delinquent, the re-enrollment fee will be
first applied to the delinquent tuition balance.
Payment Options
Option 1 (one payment) —Full payment of tuition and fees (Re Enrollment Fee due March 15,
2020) Due July 1, 2020 (A discount of $200 will apply if full payment is made on or before July 15,
2020. Certain exclusions may apply in cases of third party funding) Please contact Finance
department with questions.
Option 2 (two payments) — Payment of 50% tuition (All fees payable per above fee schedule) Due
July 1, 2020. The remaining balance of tuition is due December 1, 2020
Option 3 (monthly payment) — Automatic monthly withdrawal payment of all tuition (all fees
payable per above fee schedule). Ten monthly payments through the FACTS Management
Program beginning July 1 2020 and ending in April 2021. (
Parents will receive reminder emails, but regardless of whether one is received or not, the tuition
and fees are due as noted above.
Tuition Refunds
The School’s expenses are incurred on an annual basis; therefore, the School is obligated to meet
costs it cannot cancel because of student withdrawals. Any refund of tuition is based on the full
amount of tuition due for the year. A student who voluntarily withdraws from school will receive
a refund of tuition paid except the nonrefundable deposit and fees on the following basis:
If a student withdraws from school, a 10% processing fee will be charged on the remaining
Requests for tuition reimbursement must be made in writing to the school and decisions
are made on a case by case basis.
There is no tuition reimbursement if the student withdraws in the last quarter of the
academic year.
Fees are not refundable.
The following schedule applies to tuition amounts due in the event of a student
Withdrawal after July 1 – 10% of the tuition due
Withdrawal after August 1 – 20% of the tuition due
Withdrawal after September 1 – 30% of the tuition due
Withdrawal after October 1 – 40% of the tuition due
Withdrawal after November 1 – 50% of the tuition due
Withdrawal after December 1 – 60% of the tuition due
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Withdrawal after January 1 – 70% of the tuition due
Withdrawal after February 1 – 80% of the tuition due
Withdrawal after March 1 – 90% of the tuition due
Withdrawal after April 1 – 100% of the tuition due
A family choosing to withdraw their child from the school must complete a withdrawal
checklist (available from the Guidance Office). No official school records will be sent if
outstanding financial obligations exist and the checklist has not been completed.
If a student is expelled or required to withdraw or if technology has not been returned,
there is no refund of tuition.
Financial aid and scholarship awards are not considered as payment for tuition owed
when a student withdraws.
Fee Information & Request for Reimbursement
Incoming freshmen and transfer students are required to pay the $825 registration fee and annual
activity fee at the time of registration. The remaining fees are due as noted above. All fees are
nonrefundable. If a student withdraws from school during the school year, they will be assessed a
withdrawal fee on the remaining tuition due for that year as outlined in the Student Handbook.
Requests for tuition reimbursement must be made in writing to the school’s President.
Non-Sufficient Funds Payments
A $50.00 charge will be assessed for any checks made payable to the School that are returned by
our bank for insufficient funds.
School Clinic
The School Clinic is not operated by a nurse.
Procedures in Cases of Illness during School
If a student feels sick during the day, the student should ask the teacher for permission to go to
the Main Office/clinic. If it is determined that the student needs to leave school, the
parent/guardian or emergency contact will be notified by the school to pick up the student or to
give permission for the student to return home alone. If the school is unable to make this
contact, the student will not be permitted to leave. It is imperative that all phone numbers of
parents, guardians, and emergency contact people be kept current.
Student Injury
All student injuries that occur on school property or at a school-sponsored event off campus must
be reported to an appropriate administrative office. Any student or member of the SJPII faculty or
staff injured in the course of participating in a school sponsored sport/activity either on or off
campus is required to file an accident report. Forms are available in the Clinic, Athletic Office or
from the Guidance Office. Anyone who requires a Notification of Injury form to be completed for
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insurance purposes may contact the Assistant Principal for Student Life at 561.314.2100. All
accident reports will be forwarded to our insurance carriers.
Medical Guidelines
Except as authorized by the school, students are not permitted to carry or distribute any
prescription or non-prescription drugs or treatments, including aspirin, on the school grounds or
at any school function. The administering of medicine to a student outside the doctor’s office or a
health institution is a parental responsibility and should only be delegated to school personnel
when necessary and authorized by the school. Parents should ask their physicians if it is possible
to prescribe medication so it can be administered at home. Only when necessary will the school
allow the administration of medication on campus, and only under the following guidelines:
1. An authorization form must be completed and submitted by a parent or legal guardian of
the student. The name of the medication and dosage should be indicated on the form.
2. Medications to be dispensed at school should be labeled with the child’s name and the
exact dosage. The name and telephone number of the physician should also be on the label.
3. While the school may monitor a student taking the medication, the school will not remind
students to come and take their medication.
Exceptions to this policy may be made for the use, supply and administration of an epinephrine
auto-injection (Epipen), or as otherwise authorized in writing by the school. In particular
circumstances, the school may agree to administer medication or otherwise provide health care
interventions that go beyond a minor adjustment for a particular student. In those cases, Parents
hereby release the school, the Diocese, and their corporate members, officers, employees,
affiliates, and agents from any claims or liabilities that allegedly arise from or are related to the
provision of those health care interventions that are beyond minor adjustments. Attendance at
school and participation in school activities pose some risks including the transmission of
COVID-19. Although the school has taken various measures to reduce the risks of transmission,
the possibility of infection from COVID-19 or other communicable diseases is nonetheless
present. Parents expressly assume such risks by allowing their children to attend school and
participate in school activities and/or by coming onto the school campus and attending school
activities themselves.
EpiPen Deployment
Saint John Paul II Academy maintains a supply of epinephrine auto-injectors for use in the event a
student is having an anaphylactic reaction. Designated staff members have been trained to
administer injections if a student is having an anaphylactic reaction.
If a student must carry an epinephrine auto-injector for personal use because of the severity of his
or her allergies, a doctor’s note must be kept on file in the Main Office and an alert will be placed
on the student’s electronic record.
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Contagious Disease
Saint John Paul II Academy respects the dignity of all students. Any student who has a contagious
or life threatening disease will be treated with compassion and dignity. All applicable state health
regulations will be enforced.
The Diocese of Palm Beach requires that, prior to attendance in school, each student present or
have on file with the school a certificate of immunization for the prevention of those
communicable diseases for which immunization is required by the Department of Health. A
completed Florida Certificate of Immunization (Form DH 680) is required to document the
administration of prescribed immunization doses. An exemption from immunization
requirements is permissible only with a physician’s certification as to the need for either a
temporary or permanent medical exemption. An exemption from immunization requirements is
not permissible for religious, philosophical, personal, or other reasons.
Fire & Emergency Drills
Whenever the fire signal sounds, all classes proceed immediately in SILENCE in orderly lines
along the route designated for each room and the building. When the return signal is given,
students are to return to the building in SILENCE. The first student through the door should hold
the door until all have passed. Any student who acts inappropriately will be reported to the
Assistant Principal for Student Life. Use of all electronic devices, including cell phones and
iPads/tablets, is prohibited during any emergency drill, including lockdown, fire, weather, and
other scenarios.
Academic Expectations & Policies
Basic Academic Requirements & Expectations
A minimum of twenty-eight (28) units of academic work is required for graduation from Saint
John Paul II Academy. Each academic year is made up of two semesters. Students earn 1/2 credit
(0.5) for each successfully completed semester, for a minimum of seven (7) units per year. The
minimum passing grade is 60 for each individual course. However, the overall minimum
cumulative grade point average for high school graduation is a 2.0 (70).
Honors, Advanced Placement, and Dual Enrollment courses are weighted in computing the Grade
Point Average. A student’s class rank is determined by their weighted cumulative GPA in
comparison to that of their classmates. Students taking Honors, Advanced Placement, or Dual
Enrollment courses may have the same mark as that of students taking the regular college
preparatory course; although their marks may be the same, the weighted grades will result in a
higher GPA.
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If, in any semester, there is an academic deficiency (failing mark) and the student does not earn
the 0.5 credit, it will be necessary for the student to earn the required semester credit in an
accredited summer school program or the Florida Virtual School. The guidance counselor must
approve the program in advance. Before beginning the next academic year at SJPII, students
entering sophomore, junior or senior year, must repeat and pass that course in an accredited
Students who are currently in their senior year must repeat and pass the failed course in an
accredited school program in order to graduate from Saint John Paul II Academy. The new grade
earned in the repeated course will be averaged into the cumulative GPA. Students receiving a D
or D+ in a course for a semester may repeat the course in an accredited program. The repeated
course is given credit and both marks are averaged into the GPA. Only one credit may be earned
for the course.
In addition to noting semester failures on second and fourth quarter report cards, failure notices
of academic deficiency are mailed by certified letter to parents/guardians from the Guidance
Office at the end of every semester. Students who fail more than two semester courses may be
asked to withdraw from Saint John Paul II Academy at the end of the academic year.
Student eligibility for interscholastic athletics will be determined by semester, according to State
of Florida (FHSAA) Guidelines. Students must maintain a cumulative unweighted GPA of 2.0 on a
4.0 scale. Plus (+) grades are not accepted by the FHSAA. For example, a B+ is considered a B.
With the permission of the Principal, SJPII students may enroll in additional non-dual enrollment
courses for credit. These courses will not appear on the student’s transcript. The grade for the
courses will not be used in calculating the GPA or in determining honor roll status and class rank.
In addition, the course will not fulfill the Graduation Unit requirement of Saint John Paul II
Students also have the option of taking accelerated semester courses during the summer at Saint
John Paul II Academy. Students successfully completing these courses will have the option of
taking a study hall class for a semester. All courses taken at Saint John Paul II Academy will be
averaged into a student’s GPA and class rank.
Parents and students are asked to be aware that state universities in Florida require two
consecutive years of a Foreign Language for admission. Ninth grade students entering Saint John
Paul II Academy with a high school credit in Foreign Language or a passing score on the Language
Level Placement test will be placed in the second level of that language. These students will be
required to take the third level of that language in order to complete two years of the same
foreign language at Saint John Paul II Academy.
State universities in Florida require at least 18 units of “college prep” high school work in the five
core course areas listed below:
ENGLISH (4 units, 3 with substantial writing)
MATHEMATICS (4 units, Algebra I and above)
NATURAL SCIENCES (3 units with lab)
MODERN LANGUAGE (2 consecutive units in the same language)
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Counselors will report to colleges any significant change in a student’s academic status,
qualifications, or personal conduct record that may take place between the time of
recommendation/application and graduation.
Parents are advised to make the Guidance Department aware of any learning issues a student may
have. Saint John Paul II Academy does not provide or implement a special education program for
those students with learning disabilities. We are not equipped to offer an individualized learning
program or private tutoring. We do attempt to offer limited assistance to students with minor
learning challenges through our Intensive Language Arts I course, offered at the 9th grade level.
An academic support specialist is available to offer further assistance. Student and parent
cooperation are essential to any successful learning experience. Teachers offer extra help after
school from Monday through Friday. Extra help is also available from the peer tutors of the
National Honor Society, the Spanish National Honor Society and the Mu Alpha Theta League
after school. We will make every attempt to work with students to the best of our ability.
Graduation Requirements
In acquiring the Twenty-eight (28) credits required for graduation from SJPII, students must earn
all of the following credits:
Theology - 4.0 Credits
English - 4.0 Credits
Mathematics - 4.0 Credits
Science - 3.0 Credits – 1.0 of which must be in Biology I (4.0 strongly recommended)
Social Studies - 4.0 Credits
Modern Language - 2.0 Credits (3.0 strongly recommended)
HOPE (P.E. with Integration of Health - 1.0 Credit
Fine/Performing Arts - 1.0 Credit
Electives - 5.0 Credits
Additionally, the following requirements should be noted:
25 Christian Service Hours are required during each year a student is enrolled at SJPII.
The minimum UNWEIGHTED GPA required for graduation is a 2.0 on a 4.0 scale in the 24
credits of the State of Florida required courses.
All students are required to participate in the Christian Service Program (see Campus Ministry
section below). The necessary service hours must be completed before seniors may participate in
the Baccalaureate Liturgy, Commencement Ceremonies and/or receive a Saint John Paul II
Academy Diploma.
Students will not receive their diploma, nor be considered officially graduated, until all make-up
credits are complete and documented, even though they may be allowed to participate in
graduation ceremonies.
Please note that the grade transcripts of entering transfer students are evaluated at the time of
their enrollment to ascertain their graduation status.
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A course designated in the Florida Course Code Directory as grade 9 through 12 which is taken
below 9th grade may not be used to satisfy SJPII graduation requirements. Such courses may be
utilized for Florida Bright Futures program requirements, NCAA Clearinghouse requirements,
admission to state colleges, and State of Florida eligibility and graduation requirements. However,
approved high school credit for mathematics, language and any other academic subject area
earned prior to the commencement of high school will be part of a freshman’s official transcript
and cumulative grade point average.
Students who need to make up more than one credit to fulfill the academic requirements of
graduation may NOT participate in graduation ceremonies.
Participation in Baccalaureate and Graduation exercises is required of all graduating seniors.
Prom, Baccalaureate, Commencement, and related graduation social activities (such as grad bash,
senior BBQ and senior privileges) are considered a privilege. Disruptive behavior, failure to meet
graduation academic requirements, disregard of school rules/policies, and failure to meet
financial obligations may result in the denial of student participation in one or more
graduation-related activities.
The student’s records, report cards or graduation diploma will NOT be released until all financial
obligations to the school are fulfilled. Participation in graduation may be denied and the student
may be asked to withdraw.
Semester Examinations
Exams are a very important part of the academic process. Students are expected to be present for
their scheduled examinations. Students will be excused from the scheduled exam time only for
serious illness verified by a physician’s note or a death in the immediate family.
A student’s grade is calculated using the 40/40/20 policy where 80% of a semester grade is
established over 4 quarters and 20% is established from midterm/final exams.
If a student requests an early or late semester examination, the new date will be arranged at a fee
of $50.00 per examination with parental note. A request for rescheduling exams may be made only
through the Assistant Principal for Academic Life.
Students are required to take the midterm and final exams. The course will be viewed as
“incomplete” until the exam has been completed; therefore, no credit is awarded for the semester
if the semester exam has not been taken.
Semester Exemptions
Seniors may have the privilege of being exempt from Fall and Spring semester exams only if they
fulfill the following criteria:
Maintain an “A” average in each quarter.
Be absent or tardy for NO MORE than five class periods in the course for that semester.
Earn the recommendation of the teacher.
Please note that all class absences, whether excused or unexcused, count toward the senior exam
exemption policy. The only exceptions are a death in the family or school-related absences (such
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as Athletics, Kairos, Field Trips, & required College interviews with prior approval and
documentation from Guidance, etc.).
It is the students’ responsibility to address any perceived inaccuracy in attendance in a timely
manner; these issues will not be revisited for correction weeks and months after the initial date in
Furthermore, a teacher may require that all students take the final exam.
Saint John Paul II Academy reserves the right to amend the examinations exemptions at the
Principals digression.
Testing Schedule
There is an established policy for student tests during the week so that students are not
overburdened with too many tests on one day. A quiz can be given at any time; a quiz is defined as
assessment that takes 20 minutes or less and requires substantially less study time than a full period
Testing days are as follows:
First Semester
Second Semester
Because holidays usually occur on Mondays, this is not
ordinarily a testing day. However, if a holiday occurs on another
day, subjects assigned to that day may be tested on Monday.
History & Modern Language
Theology & Math
Theology & Math
English & Science
English & Science
History & Modern Language
Fine Arts, Computer Science
Physical Education, Business
Teachers may occasionally request to require a test on a Monday or Friday. All requests by a
teacher must be made in writing to (and approved by) the Assistant Principal for Academic Life.
Standardized Testing
The SAT is normally offered on campus in November and May. The ACT is normally offered on
campus in February. These schedules are determined by the specific testing program and not
SJPII. Standardized test scores may be used for placement in advanced courses.
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Saint John Paul II Academy requires the following testing:
PSAT/9 Freshman
PSAT/10 Sophomores
*dates can be found on the school website or
AP Examinations - Advanced Placement Tests for enrolled students take place in early
May. Students enrolled in Advanced Placement classes are required to take the Advanced
Placement Test, unless otherwise specified by the Principal. Other students not enrolled
in an Advanced Placement class must get permission from the Guidance Director to take
an Advanced Placement Test at Saint John Paul II Academy.
College Level Entry Placement Test (PERT) is offered locally at the campus of Palm Beach
State College. Contact 561.868.3019.
Homework is indispensable for classroom learning. Home assignments provide for an application
of previously learned material. Under no circumstances should students share their assignments.
Copying homework will fall under the academic integrity violation. Please check the course
outline given at the beginning of a semester for further details on individual department or
teacher requirements for homework. Teachers may be contacted through email if you have any
further concerns or questions. Students are to be prepared for classes each day. This will require
considerable homework as well as proper use of their time during and after the school day.
Homework is an integral component of the student grade and is key to understanding concepts.
In this regard, it is to be noted that homework does not only mean written work or reading.
Assignments may include some written work or reading, but the larger part of the assignment
should be the study and review of the material covered in class that day, the preparation of
assignments for the next class, and the preparation of long-term assignments.
A part of homework responsibility is for a student to charge the school-issued iPad and to ensure
that the iPad is kept in good ready to use condition.
Students who are employed must recognize that while working teaches responsibility, a college
preparatory school is demanding. Saint John Paul II Academy recommends that the student and
his/her parents consider the number of hours and the times worked and evaluate them carefully
when considering the demands of a college preparatory program.
The vast majority of student textbooks will be provided in digital form and will be available on the
school issued iPad. For electronic textbooks, the titles required by a student at the beginning of
the year will be provided through an appropriate delivery platform on the iPad. Changes in
student enrollment after the first day of classes that require a change of textbook will not be
accommodated – the electronic textbook and/or other course material expense will be the
responsibility of the parent and student for courses added as a result of a student/parent-initiated
schedule change.
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Print textbooks (where required) for select courses at SJPII are provided, on a loan basis, to
students as a part of the tuition and fees paid. Textbooks are issued to students at the beginning
of the school year (or upon enrollment for mid year transfer students) and textbooks are coded so
that specific textbooks are the responsibility of a specific student.
If a student loses a textbook during the school year, he or she must report that loss immediately
to the appropriate teacher and the Assistant Principal for Academic Life. The student and parent
will be invoiced for and must pay the replacement cost before a replacement is issued.
Students are required to return their ‘loaned’ textbooks at designated times at the end of the year.
Severely damaged or lost textbooks are the financial responsibility of the student and his/her
family. The replacement cost must be paid before a textbook is reissued to a student. Similarly,
grades and other academic records will be withheld if a student fails to return a textbook at the
designated times at the end of the year.
Transfer Student GPA
Saint John Paul II Academy gives credit for all courses completed and passed at the previous
certified school. The transfer student’s class rank will be determined at the end of the first full
semester they complete at Saint John Paul II Academy. Honors standing at a prior school may not
correspond to honors standing at Saint John Paul II Academy. Grades, credits, and GPA are
reported in the transcript along with the grade scale and weighting of the previous school.
International transcripts are interpreted on an individual basis and are subject to a transcript or
translation evaluation fee.
Dual Enrollment Courses
The Dual Enrollment program provides an opportunity for students to earn high school and
college credit simultaneously through Saint Thomas University. To be eligible to participate in
the Dual Enrollment program, students must demonstrate college readiness in the areas of
English, math and reading based on scores received from SAT/ACT/PERT/ACCUPLACER.
The anticipated courses for this year are subject to change by Saint Thomas University:
Microcomputer Applications
Introduction to Web Design
History of Christian Thought
Catholic Social Teaching
World Religion
Christian Community
Sacred Scripture
There are tuition costs (not included in the regular SJPII tuition/fee schedule) for these courses.
For Saint Thomas University, payment is due on a semester basis on dates stipulated by the
Guidance Department. Students will not receive credit for the course until the tuition costs are
paid, which may affect a student’s eligibility to graduate. STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR
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Advanced Placement Program
SJPII is pleased to be able to provide students access to courses designed and provided in
accordance with the guidelines of the College Board. Students who enroll in an AP course will be
required to take the AP exam. Students will be billed for their AP testing fee in advance of testing.
All payments must be received before the beginning of testing (normally NO LATER than the
beginning of April).
Students are required to sit for this exam. The AP courses will be incomplete until the students
have taken the exam; therefore, students who do not complete the end of the year AP course
exam will not receive credit for the course.
Grade Reporting
A quarterly report card reflecting academic performance and attendance is ELECTRONICALLY
issued to all students at the end of each of the four academic quarters. Report cards will be
distributed approximately one week after the close of each quarter or semester.
Grade information is updated continuously and generally available through ParentsWeb to
students and parents/guardians in possession of valid login credentials. Midway through each
quarter, all parents will be notified of updated academic performance information availability
through ParentsWeb. Students and parents/guardians are urged to cooperate with any
recommendations made by teachers.
The School’s Grading Scale and Quality Point values are provided in the following table:
Letter Grade
College Prep
Honors, Advanced Placement,
Dual Enrollment
5.0 6.0
4.5 5.5
4.0 5.0
3.5 4.5
3.0 4.0
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1.5 1.5
1.0 1.0
0.0 0.0
A grade of “Incomplete” is a requirement given in cases where students have not been able to
complete a course for the quarter or the semester because of illness or other extraordinary
circumstances. A student has two weeks to make up the work for a passing grade. Otherwise the
“Incomplete” will convert into a failing grade.
No student may be promoted to the next grade with an unreconciled/unaddressed failure.
One or two failures can be made up for credit in an accredited summer school or with another
program approved by the Assistant Principal for Academics. Such students are placed on
academic probation for the coming school year. A student who fails a particular subject in two
consecutive years, will have their academic record reviewed and may be subject to dismissal.
Students with three or more semester failures may be required to withdraw from SJPII.
Academic Probation
Academic Probation signifies that the student’s enrollment / graduation from SJPII may be in
jeopardy. A student will be placed on Academic Probation following any quarter in which the
student receives 1.99 or below (weighted GPA) or has one or more failures and or three or more
D’s. This probation will last for a minimum of one quarter. At the end of each quarter, a poor
academic performance by a student on academic probation could result in the student being
asked to withdraw.
Issues of Academic Integrity
Cheating and Plagiarism are serious and egregious infractions to the expected conduct of a Saint
John Paul II Academy Student. We believe that issues of academic integrity detract from the
students' learning, their personal character formation and overall success. Saint John Paul II
Academy recognizes two levels of academic integrity issues, depending upon the scope of the
Minor infraction is defined as the copying of quizzes or homework assignments (either
from another student’s submission or from source material such as a textbook or internet
sites) or the failure to properly document research materials using accepted (and
reviewed) bibliographic standards.
Major infraction is committed when a student plagiarizes material for a term paper, test,
essay or electronic presentation. When a student presents materials without properly
citing the sources and passes the material off as their own.
Saint John Paul II Academy recognizes that plagiarism can oftentimes include two parties (i.e. an
individual who gives their work to be copied and the individual who passes off another’s work as
their own).
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Any teacher who suspects a student/group of students of academic integrity violations will
normally follow these steps:
Meet with the student(s) privately and alert them that plagiarism is suspected
In some cases, a student may not be aware that he or she has committed plagiarism, so it
is imperative that the faculty member first inquire with the student about the work in
question and inform them about plagiarism and the penalties involved. Even when the
intention to plagiarize is not present, the corrections to the submitted work and student
work ethic need to be made
Notify the Assistant Principal for Academic Life.
The AP for Academic Life will review the evidence, consult with the teacher’s findings and
issue a report to the Assistant Principal for Student Life who will in turn issue the
appropriate disciplinary sanctions and notify parent/guardians
Generally, the sanctions to be issued for academic integrity violations will follow this rubric,
however the school reserves the right to amend these sanctions as necessary:
Minor infraction (First Instance) the student will receive a zero (“0”) grade for the assignment and
be given detention. The teacher will notify the Assistant Principal of Academic Life and Assistant
Principal for Student Life that a minor infraction of academic integrity has occurred, and an
incident report will be placed in the student's behavioral file.
Minor infraction (Second Instance) the student will receive a zero (“0”) grade for the assignment
and be given detention. The teacher will notify the Assistant Principal of Academic Life and
Assistant Principal for Student Life that a second minor infraction of academic integrity has
occurred and a parent conference will be scheduled. The student will be placed on probation for
the remainder of the semester. An incident report will be placed in the student's behavioral file
Additional incidents of Minor infraction may result in additional disciplinary sanctions including
detention, suspension, mandatory withdrawal, and/or expulsion.
Major Infraction (First Instance) the student must complete a three-page report on what
plagiarism is, how they committed it, and how they will avoid plagiarism in the future. The
student will also be given the opportunity to redo the assignment with the understanding that
they can only earn up to a 75. Both assignments are due within one week of the incident. The
teacher will notify the Assistant Principal of Academic Life and the Assistant Principal of Student
Life that a Major infraction has occurred, and the student’s parent(s) will be contacted and alerted
of the incident and sanctions. A brief account of the incident will be recorded on the student’s
behavioral record. Major infractions of Academic Integrity will be reported to the SJPII Chapter
of the National Honor Society. If a student is not a member, this infraction may be cause to deny
membership. If a student is already a member, he/she may face probation or permanent removal
from the NHS.
Students who assist in major infractions will be required to submit a three page paper on
plagiarism as well.
Major Infraction (Second Instance) will automatically receive a zero (“0”) for the assignment with
no possibility of recuperation and the student will be subject to possible in house suspension,
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mandatory withdrawal, or expulsion. The teacher will notify the Assistant Principal of Academic
Life and the Assistant Principal of Student Life that a Major infraction has occurred, and the
student’s parent(s) will be contacted and alerted of the incident and sanctions. If they are
retained, a brief account of the incident will be recorded on the student’s behavioral file.
Major infraction (Third Instance) will result in dismissal from the school. The student will be
given the opportunity to voluntarily withdraw from Saint John Paul II Academy. Should the
student and his/her parents choose not to take advantage of that opportunity; the student will be
subject to expulsion.
iPad Initiative
Saint John Paul II Academy utilizes school-owned iPad for instructional purposes for all students.
Providing students with an individual iPad in a 1-to-1 environment allows for an opportunity to
enhance each student’s overall learning experience. Utilizing the iPads at Saint John Paul II
Academy gives students the access to learn anywhere, anytime – both in classrooms and at home.
This 1-to-1 personalized learning also narrows the digital divide between students and promotes
responsible use of today’s ever-changing technologies. This is an initiative that develops core
digital learning skills and integration of technology.
Our textbooks and reading materials are available in digital format. Books that are provided
digitally are not provided in print form. Content is provided through multiple digital platforms
and delivered on the iPad.
iPad Loan Guidelines & Policies
The iPads are provided to students for their use but they remain the property of Saint John Paul II
Academy. Students and their parents assume full liability for the device and are responsible for
the full purchase/insurance cost of the device should it be damaged, destroyed, or lost.
Use of the iPad requires the use of the SJPII wireless network – parents and students are reminded
to review our technology, acceptable use, and iPad policies.
All iPads are subject to the same responsible use guidelines as all other Saint John Paul II
Academy electronic devices. All files, documents, and books installed on a school-owned iPad by
Saint John Paul II Academy remain the property of the School. The School reserves the right to
monitor any student’s iPad to ensure compliance with the Acceptable Use Policy. Apps purchased
by a student using that student’s Apple ID or other credential may be installed. However,
students and parents are advised that the app itself should be backed up in the student iCloud or
Google account or be ‘re-downloadable’ in the event of a change of device.
Student Responsibilities:
The iPad, content on the iPad and condition of the iPad are the responsibility of the student.
Misuse of the iPad will result in disciplinary sanctions. Students are expected to meet the
following criteria:
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1. The iPad is required to be at School every day, fully charged. Students who fail to bring a
completely charged iPad to school will be considered unprepared.
2. If an iPad is left at home or is not charged, the student remains responsible for completing
all coursework as if they had used the iPad. Repeat offenses will be referred to the
Assistant Principal.
3. Students may only use the iPad in class upon the instruction of the teacher.
4. Students are required to use protective covers/cases for their iPads. One is provided.
5. The iPad screen is made of glass and therefore is subject to cracking and breaking if
misused. Never drop the iPad nor place heavy objects (books, laptops, etc.) on top of the
6. Only a soft cloth or laptop screen cleaning solution is to be used to clean the iPad’s screen.
7. To extend battery life, students should always turn off and secure their iPad after work is
8. Do not subject the iPad to extreme heat or cold (do not store in vehicles for extended
periods of time).
9. Malfunctions or technical issues are not acceptable excuses for failing to complete an
10. Syncing the iPad to iTunes on a home computer (Windows or Mac) should be done
regularly. Doing so will safeguard all files, documents, and apps.
11. Items deleted from the iPad cannot be ‘undeleted’, so backing up work is very important.
12. Preloaded apps may not be deleted and they must be updated periodically.
13. Memory space is limited. Academic content takes precedence over personal files and apps.
In the case of memory space conflict, personal files/apps must be removed at the student’s
14. Non-educational content is for personal use only and should not be shared in any manner,
audio or visual, with other students.
15. Non-educational games and apps are prohibited during class time.
16. The volume is to remain on mute unless headphones are attached and/or permission is
obtained from the teacher.
17. Students may not use the recording capabilities, audio or video, of the iPad to record
individuals or class lectures without all parties’ expressed written consent.
18. Using tethering or the cellular capabilities of the iPad to circumvent the access control
systems in place is prohibited.
19. The whereabouts of the iPad should be known at all times. It is the student’s responsibility
to keep the iPad safe and secure.
20. iPads assigned to other students are not to be tampered with in any manner.
21. If an iPad is found unattended, it should be given to the nearest faculty/staff member.
Lost, Damaged or Stolen iPad:
If the iPad is lost, stolen, or damaged, the Technology Office must be notified immediately. The
School can attempt to track iPads that are believed to be stolen through Find My iPad, which the
student is required to have installed upon receiving the iPad. Lost iPads that cannot be recovered
are capable of being remotely wiped. The student is responsible for the cost for replacing an iPad
that is lost, stolen, or damaged.
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Consequences and Due Process
A student’s use of the network and Internet is a privilege, not a right. Violations of the Saint John
Paul II Academy Acceptable Use Policy will be referred to the Office of the Assistant Principal for
Student Life. Consequences for Acceptable Use Policy violations will be left to the discretion of
the Assistant Principal, using the guidelines below:
1.The Assistant Principal will provide written notification to parents of any violation of the
agreement and the nature of the violation. Upon request, parents may view any materials or
printouts related to the violation, although the Assistant Principal’s Office reserves the right to
send material home without the request of the parents as well. The purpose of parental review is
intended to be a tool to inform parents and to assist them in the guidance of their child, not as an
appeal process.
2.Violations of the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension or mandatory withdrawal.
3.A user may not intercept transmitted information on the network without prior written
authorization from an appropriate systems administrator. This violation is a serious invasion of
another user’s privacy.
4.Users should also be aware that unauthorized users of the system, or authorized users suspected
of violating system integrity, are not afforded this same protection from invasion of their privacy.
This means that the school can and will read transmissions under these circumstances to
maintain the integrity and security of the computer resources for all authorized users.
Guidance Services
Two full time professional counselors staff the Guidance Office. Its function is to assist students
with academic counseling, personal counseling, college advisement, career guidance, special
testing, and classroom accommodations. The counselors are concerned with the personal growth
and development of each student. They are also available for parent and/or teacher conferences.
These counselors are trained to help with personal, school, and college/career decisions.
Counselors have a group of students, divided alphabetically by last name, with whom they work
with through all four years of high school. The counselors also use class time to give information
and answer questions about topics of general importance to everyone. Counselors regularly
schedule times to meet with their students and may do so with the parent or individually.
Students may also request an appointment by stopping by the Guidance Office. The office itself
has many resources for student use, such as college catalogs, videos, and computers for
scholarship, college, and career searches. The Department has a web section online at with helpful information.
All issues discussed with a counselor are confidential, except where there is an immediate danger
to someone’s life or health. The counselor will ensure that students are informed of
confidentiality and reporting responsibilities when a situation of concern arises. Guidance
counselors are here to listen and to help students to be successful at Saint John Paul II Academy
and in life.
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Academic Records
All records are supervised and maintained through the Guidance Office. A student’s permanent
record includes the academic transcript of semester grades and credits, standardized testing
records, absences and ‘tardies’. Students and parents/guardians may request to review the
student’s records through the Guidance Counselor in accordance with the Family Educational
Rights and Privacy Act. Academic transcripts and health records for students transferring from
SJPII will be forwarded to the new high school program upon completion of a “Notice of
Withdrawal” form, or upon request by the new school, as long as financial obligations are met.
The Guidance Department will comply with legal subpoenas that request student records. For the
student’s protection, a copy of the court order or divorce decree specifically stating
custody/parental rights will be needed to release or not release records to noncustodial parents.
Drop/Add Period & Schedule Changes
The deadline to make a schedule change for a school year is May 20th (before the actual end of
the previous academic year). A $75.00 fee will be collected for all student/family-initiated
schedule changes requested after this date. The fee is waived for changes initiated by a teacher,
guidance counselor, or administrative staff member. No schedule change request will be granted
without both a parent and teacher signature.
Academic schedules are processed in the fall and spring. Due to curriculum, scheduling and
staffing considerations, students may have a different teacher the second semester. These
considerations dictate that students and parents may not request to be in an individual teacher’s
Specific changes will be made only if it is possible considering class sizes, times, etc. Once
changes are made they are permanent.
Learning Resource Assistance
Students can be screened for learning differences and referred to a psychologist for more
evaluation if necessary. Students may also receive classroom accommodations for documented
learning differences with the permission of the Learning Support Specialist.
College Selection & Application Services
College Fair
An annual College Fair is sponsored in October to provide students with the opportunity to meet
with and receive information from the representatives from many colleges throughout the
country. College representatives also visit the campus throughout the year, to learn more about
the colleges that will visit SJPII, please contact the guidance department.
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College 101
College 101 is a series of programs planned and executed by our Guidance team that provides
learning opportunities for students and parents on a range of topics ranging from the application
process through financial aid planning. Programs take place at various times during the year and
are advertised in advance.
College Visits or Campus Interviews for Seniors
While such appointments are still considered absences from school, college initiated and
Guidance Department endorsed visits may be considered as an excused absence without penalty
against exam exemptions by completing the appropriate steps:
1. See Guidance for the "College Visit Form" prior to the college visit
2. Have your school counselor sign the form
3. Bring the form on the college visit and have an admissions representative sign it
4. Have a parent sign the form and return it to your counselor when you return to school
College Visits must be pre-approved by your counselor and must be documented by officials at
the visited college on the appropriate form and submitted within three days of the visit in order to
be considered excused absences. Failure to follow these steps will result in an unexcused absence.
Students are limited to 5 excused days for college visits per year.
Scholarship Opportunities
Nominations for Pathfinder Awards and other college scholarships are coordinated by the
Guidance Department in conjunction with faculty recommendations. Information on college
scholarships, including the Florida merit based “Bright Futures” Program, can be found in the
Guidance Office. Summaries of available senior scholarships are distributed and announced.
Transcripts (College)
The official transcript will be sent to colleges upon the written request of the student. The cost of
the first five transcripts for college admissions is included in your activity fee. There will be a $3.00
processing fee for each additional transcript. Most state universities require that the SAT and ACT
scores be sent electronically from those services. No transcripts will be issued if monies are still
owed to the Finance Office.
Private Tutoring
Except as specifically noted in this Handbook, the school does not sponsor, oversee, or otherwise
provide private tutoring, coaching, therapy or other similar private lessons or services. Parents
who engage school staff members for the provision of these services do so at their own risk and
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expense and are hereby advised that such services are outside the scope of the staff member’s
employment with the school.
The School may, from time to time, lease space to tutoring services for the purpose of a variety of
programs including but not limited to specialized test preparation for testing programs such as
Extra Assistance
Teachers are normally available from 2:35 – 3:15 PM to assist students who seek help with their
studies on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Students who are struggling or who are
receiving failing grades should avail themselves of this valuable service. Students should check
with teachers prior to this time to determine the availability of the teacher; at times, a teacher
might have other commitments.
Students are encouraged to seek extra help from subject teachers who are usually available upon
request. Students encountering difficulty in any subject are encouraged to seek assistance before
they reach a point where it will become extremely difficult for them to pass. Students should also
see teachers to make up work missed in class or to gain deeper insight into the subject.
If a student is experiencing difficulty in a subject, he or she should first approach the teacher for
extra help, then the Guidance Counselor or the Assistant Principal for Academic Life who will
arrange with the moderator of the National Honor Society for special tutorial help from a member
of the NHS (preference is given to Freshmen). If the difficulty persists, the student is responsible
for consulting with the guidance counselor for determining a plan of action.
Summer Dual Enrollment Opportunities
Dual enrollment allows high school students an opportunity to enroll in postsecondary courses
and receive both high school and postsecondary credit. Saint John Paul II Academy students have
the opportunity to take up to two dual enrollment courses (a maximum of 8 college credits) at an
accredited college or university during the summer with the approval of the Assistant Principal
for Academic Life and the student’s counselor.
The dual enrollment course(s) cannot be taken online. Students may not normally enroll in a
course to take the place of a course offered at SJPII or to meet SJPII’s graduation requirements.
In order to participate in these courses, students must have:
•A minimum 3.0 high school unweighted grade point average (GPA).
•Met the minimum dual enrollment requirements of the college or university.
•Permission from the parent/guardian, high school principal or designee, and counselor.
•Met with the College Dual Enrollment Coordinator at the campus he/she plans to attend and
provided all required documentation to the SJPII counselor.
•An understanding that the amount of work necessary to succeed in dual enrollment courses will
be greater than in high school courses.
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•Understand that grades received in any dual enrollment course will be on their SJPII transcript
and college transcript.
Students are able to take dual enrollment courses at all universities associated with the State
University System. Courses at community colleges, private universities, and out of state
universities will be reviewed (and potentially approved) on an individual basis.
Any dual enrollment courses taken during the summer will be factored into a student’s GPA.
Beginning with the summer of 2017, approved summer dual Enrollment courses will be factored
into a student’s class rank.
Dual enrollment grades will remain on a student’s college transcript. Therefore, it is important to
do well in all college coursework as students will receive a college transcript and grade point
average. These grades will carry into a student’s post-secondary academic record.
Florida Bright Futures
Please note that all Bright Futures information is subject to change without notice based on
executive, legislative, regulatory or other action by the state of Florida.
Please visit: or call 1.888.827.2004 for the most current
information. For current year award amounts visit .
The college scholarship program for State of Florida residents who are accepted by and enrolled in
an eligible Florida public or independent post-secondary educational institution (vocational/
technical schools, community colleges and universities) for at least six credit hours per semester is
subject to funding by the state. Please note that Bright Futures ‘recomputes’ a student’s Grade
Point Average (GPA) based on 16 core academic credits. Two additional academic electives may
be included to increase the grade point average. This GPA is based upon the (SUS) State
University System’s calculations of grade point averages.
All those interested in financial aid should complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid
(FAFSA) on January 1 or soon thereafter in the student’s senior year. Also note that the student
must apply for Bright Futures by their date of graduation. Financial aid deadlines are different
from admissions deadlines. Contact the colleges of interest for details on their priority filing date.
Please be aware that Bright Futures does not pay for any summer classes.
Bright Futures and State University System (SUS) course weighting is as follows:
College Placement Weighting For
SUS & Bright Futures Programs
.50 Credit
1.00 Credit
.50 Credit
1.00 Credit
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Student Leadership and Recognition
National Honor Society
Selection to join the National Honor Society is a privilege bestowed upon students by the Faculty
of Saint John Paul II Academy and is not considered a right inherent to any student. Students in
the tenth and eleventh grade may be invited to join the Saint John Paul II Chapter of the National
Honor Society based on their demonstration of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character.
During the second semester, the Faculty Council, consisting of five faculty members appointed by
the Principal, will determine by majority vote which students will be selected from those
sophomores and juniors who are eligible scholastically. A student must maintain a 3.5 cumulative
GPA to be scholastically eligible for membership in the National Honor Society. Only students
that have attended Saint John Paul II Academy for the equivalent of one semester or more will be
considered for membership. Any appeals of the Faculty Council’s decisions must be registered
with the Faculty Adviser.
Active members of other chapters of the National Honor Society who transfer to this school will
be automatically accepted as members in the Saint John Paul II Chapter after providing proof of
membership status. Transfer members must meet the new chapter’s standards within one
semester in order to retain membership.
Members who fall below the standards that were the basis for their selection or fail to actively
participate in the chapter meetings and projects will be warned or placed on probation. If not
corrected in the designated amount of time, the Faculty Council will determine if the member
should be dismissed. In extreme cases, immediate dismissal from the NHS may be warranted In
all cases of pending dismissal, a member has a right to a hearing before the Faculty Council. A
member who has been dismissed may appeal the decision to the Principal.
Honor Roll
To secure a place on the quarterly Honors listing, a student must meet the following criteria
during that quarter:
PRINCIPAL’S LIST - Grade of “A” in all subjects
FIRST HONORS - 3.5 GPA or above, no grade lower than “B”
SECOND HONOR - 3.0 GPA or above, no grade lower than “B
Mu Alpha Theta
Eligibility for membership in the Saint John Paul II Academy Chapter of the Mu Alpha Theta
(Mathematics Honors Society) is open to any student in grades 9 - 12 who have completed two
years of mathematics for high school credit. The student must also be enrolled in an advanced
mathematics course.
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Students apply to become members at the beginning of the school year, and are expected to
complete membership requirements before being inducted. Minimum membership requirement
1. Attaining/maintaining a minimum of 3.0 GPA in all mathematics courses on a 4.0 grading
2. Participating in all mathematics competitions
3. Attending all meetings
4. Participating in all volunteer opportunities
The Valedictorian and Salutatorian are established at SJPII on the basis of cumulative WEIGHTED
Grade Point Average (at the end of the third quarter of the senior year with the recommendation
of the Principal). In the event of a tie in the Weighted GPA the School will break the tie with the
UNWEIGHTED cumulative GPA. If there is still a tie, the School reserves the right, at its sole
discretion, to either break the tie using other criteria or to recognize multiple
To be eligible for the Valedictorian and Salutatorian recognition, the student must have attended
Saint John Paul II Academy for three years, be a current member in good standing of the National
Honor Society, and have a disciplinary record free of suspensions or other major disciplinary
Student Council
Consistent with the qualities of leadership and service as expressed in the Saint John Paul II
Academy mission statement, the student body is encouraged to take an active role in school
policy making and organizing events and programs that engender mature camaraderie and
cooperative interaction between the student body and faculty. The vehicle through which this is
accomplished is the Student Council.
Senior Awards
Any senior who has been suspended in the course of his/her senior year may not be eligible for
any academic or non-academic awards
Extra-curricular Activities
Students who engage in extracurricular activities and clubs generally attain a greater degree of
achievement and belonging than those who do not participate. Therefore, students at SJPII are
encouraged to examine their academic schedules and consider how they can become involved in
the activities program. It is the parents’ responsibility to ensure that their student is picked up on
time at the conclusion of all activities.
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SJPII believes that every student should be involved in a school-sponsored club or activity. Every
student is encouraged to participate in at least one activity. Students will be notified as to what
activities/clubs are available for a given school year.
Saint John Paul II Academy recognizes the importance of extracurricular activities in a
well-rounded high school program. SJPII provides the opportunity for students to participate in a
variety of athletic programs, service organizations, and special interest clubs.
Please note the following:
Parents acknowledge that participation in these sports, activities, or clubs may be inherently
dangerous and, the school cannot ensure the safety of all students involved in its activities and
Prior to participation in any sport, each student must complete the Parent Consent and Release of
Liability form as well as those required by the FHSAA. For the current year these forms include
EL2, EL3, EL3CH, & EL3CH. Students must also submit a physician’s certificate to the effect that
the student is physically fit for participation in the sport. Participation includes pre-season
conditioning, open gym, tryouts and practice. Parents, by executing this acknowledgement of
receipt of this Handbook, HEREBY RELEASE the school, the Diocese of Palm Beach, and their
corporate members, officers, employees, and agents, from any claims or liabilities that allegedly
arise from or are related to participation in any sports, leagues, clubs or activities.
The school is not responsible for student participation in any sports, leagues or clubs not in this
handbook. Parents hereby acknowledge that students who participate in any such program or
activity do so at their own risk. Parents further acknowledge that the school does not control or
sanction any such program or activity and that it shall not be held liable for any injuries or
damages sustained by students or others arising from participation in such program or activities.
Copies of these forms are available on the website as well as from the Main Office.
Eligibility Requirements
The State of Florida requires “…a cumulative grade point average of at least an unweighted 2.0 be
maintained by each student athlete in order to be eligible to compete in interscholastic athletic
competition.” SJPII adheres to this policy for participation in both athletics and extracurricular
activities. Some organizations may impose additional requirements to maintain membership.
Attendance at evening or weekend activities is not affected by these eligibility rules. All ineligible
students may be required to attend special study halls until or unless they become eligible again.
Membership in clubs is open to any interested student who is in good standing. The requirements
for membership in a club are determined by individual club moderators. At the time of the
preparation of this Handbook, the clubs are:
Art Club
Best Buddies Chapter
Model UN
Mu Alpha Theta
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Music Ensemble
National Honor Society
Respect Life Club
Science Club
Spanish Club
Spirit Club
Student Government
Students Against Destructive Decisions
Thespian Troupe
Digital Photography and Video Club
Lasallian Youth
All school-sponsored dances require students and approved guests to dress properly and
modestly. Dances open to guests will require guest registration and approval from the Assistant
Principal for Student Life’s Office one week prior to the scheduled event. The names of guests at
SJPII dances will be available at the check-in table at the dance. Students and approved guests are
expected to abide by all SJPII Academy rules, regulations, and policies.
Students and guests attending school dances will be tested for alcohol use before being admitted.
A zero tolerance policy will be in effect. Students or guests testing positive for alcohol or
suspected of using any illegal substance will be denied access to the dance, may be subject to legal
action, and their parent/guardian will be contacted immediately.
By signing the acknowledgement form, I hereby consent to participation by my son/daughter in
Saint John Paul II Academy events that extend to or beyond 11:00 pm. I am aware of State Statue
322.16 (2) or (3). Furthermore, I understand that it is my responsibility as a parent or legal
guardian to supervise my son/daughters compliance with State Law 322.16 (2) or (3).
The following is a section of the 2005 Florida Statutes 322.16:
(2) A person who holds a driver's license and who is under 17 years of age, when operating a motor
vehicle after 11:00 PM and before 6:00 AM, must be accompanied by a driver who holds a valid
license to operate the type of vehicle being operated and is at least 21 years of age unless that
person is driving directly to or from work.
(3) A person who holds a driver's license who is 17 years of age, when operating a motor vehicle
after 1:00 AM. and before 5:00 AM, must be accompanied by a driver who holds a valid license to
operate the type of vehicle being operated, and is at least 21 years of age unless that person is
driving directly to or from work.
Various school events at Saint John Paul II Academy sometimes end at or after 11:00 PM. This
consent form is required of any student under the age of 18.
The lock-in/lock-out designation is the duration of the time those in attendance must remain in
the designated area of the dance itself. will occur one half hour after the announced start
of the dance. Failure to comply with established times for dances, may result in disciplinary
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action. All dances end no later than 11:00 P.M. Students must enter the dance upon arrival.
Students who fail to comply with these regulations will be sent home. It is the responsibility of the
parent/guardian to ensure that their student is picked up on time at the conclusion of all dances.
Field Trips
Official parental permission forms for field trips must be completed and turned in to the
appropriate teacher before a trip. NO student will be permitted to attend any trip without a
signed permission form. Field trips are part of the official school day and the Saint John Paul II
Academy Code of Conduct applies. In consultation with the administration, appropriate dress will
be determined.
Plans for field and class trips must be submitted to the Assistant Principal for Student Life for
proper approval and authorization. The sponsor of the activity shall include in the plan a
provision for an adequate number of chaperones and an alphabetized list of students attending
the field trip. Participation in field trips is a privilege and students must secure their teachers’
approval and the Assistant Principal for Student Life’s approval for all trips. Any student with
excessive absences or who are not in good academic and behavioral standing will not be
permitted to attend field trips that are held during school hours. Student athletes are expected to
fulfill their athletic obligation before attending extracurricular field trips. The rules of the school
apply for all participating in the activity, including the dress code, unless otherwise stated. The
sponsoring organization of the activity will be charged with cleanup and with the cost of damage
to school property or vehicles that may occur. Ordinarily, field trips will not be scheduled during
the months of August, December or May.
Posters used to advertise games, clubs, elections, dances, etc. should be neatly crafted, be in good
taste, and have some artistic merit. Before a poster is displayed, it must have the approval of the
appropriate activity moderator and the Assistant Principal for Student Life who will check it for
the features named above. All posters will be no larger than 3’ by 3’ and displayed only in the
stairwells or in individual classrooms with permission. Posters may be hung only with tape
approved/provided by the school. Posters must be removed immediately after the activity has
taken place.
No student may solicit funds in the School’s name unless such solicitation has been authorized (in
advance, and in writing) by the Principal or President.
Yearbook Portraits
All students enrolled at Saint John Paul II Academy are required to sit for a school photograph to
be included in the yearbook. Students are expected to be well groomed and in compliance with
the school’s dress and appearance policies at the time of the individual sitting. Students who fail
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to comply with the school’s appearance requirements will be required to have the photograph
retaken at the expense of the individual and within the timeframe designated by the school.
All Seniors must have their photograph included in the yearbook. Seniors who choose to not have
their portrait taken or who have their portrait taken while their appearance is inappropriate may,
at the discretion of the School, be excluded from participation in the Commencement Exercises.
Dress Code
The purpose of the dress code is to encourage neatness and a sense of appropriate attire in each
student and to be a symbol to the local community. Therefore, each student is expected to
observe dress regulations on arrival at school, during the school day and on leaving the school at
the conclusion of the day. The uniform code is also to be observed on all school-sponsored field
trips, unless other instructions are provided.
Formal Uniform Attire
On special occasions such as All-School Mass days, formal uniform dress may be required.
Uniform pants are required to be worn on formal uniform days. No shorts are to be worn on
these days. Young men are expected to wear white or French blue oxford shirt (long or short
sleeve) along with a SJPII school tie. Young women may wear a French blue or white dress oxford
blouse. Only the approved outerwear may be worn on formal attire days; black fleece sweaters or
the school store grey quarter zip pullover.
Dennis Uniforms
Uniform shirts, shorts, blouses, sweaters, and slacks must be purchased from the SJPII branded
collection of uniforms at Dennis Uniforms. All uniform items must contain the SJPII branding
that is embroidered on/applied to items purchased through Dennis Uniforms.
Only uniform items from Dennis Uniforms are permitted. For any concerns about fit or
extenuating circumstances regarding the uniform, a notice in writing to the Assistant Principal for
Student Life must be made by the parents requesting an exemption.
All Land’s End uniforms will be grandfathered in on the condition that they are presentable and
in good condition. Tattered uniforms or those deemed to be unacceptable will be issued a
uniform infraction.
General Uniform Guidelines
Uniforms are to be worn as purchased and intended. Collars must be down, pants and shorts
must be worn at the waist, buttons are to be buttoned, shoes are to be laced and worn properly,
and belts through the belt loops. Shorts must be no shorter than three inches above the knee
where the knee is defined as the top of the student’s kneecap. Uniforms must fit as intended (i.e.
may not be raggedy or torn and should not be altered or shortened). Failure to comply with
uniform guidelines may result in loss of privileges for period of time or further disciplinary
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Uniform Specifics
SJPII Uniform white, blue, black, or yellow short-sleeved polo
SJPII Uniform white, blue, black, or yellow long-sleeved polo
SJPII Uniform white or blue, (long or short sleeve) oxford
Only solid plain t-shirts with sleeves that are not visible and do not hang below the
uniform shirt are permitted under the uniform shirt.
As a student privilege, approved CURRENT Sports/Spirit/Class shirts may be worn only on
As a senior privilege, the approved SENIOR (CLASS OF 2021) GOLF/POLO SHIRT may be
substituted for the regular SJPII polo on regular dress days
SJPII Uniform khaki pants (suitably fitted/neatly hemmed) or SJPII Uniform khaki walking
shorts worn at or no more than three inches above the knee (suitably fitted/neatly
Appropriate black/brown/cordovan belt with attire that has belt loops. No oversized/large
belt buckles are permitted.
The only shoes that are permitted are black, brown, or tan dress shoes or white or black
athletic shoes. Shoes are not to be considered to be distracting or otherwise inappropriate
by the School. All shoes must be neat and clean, worn properly, and have a fully closed toe
and a fully closed heel.
Flip-flops, sandals, or similar footwear may never be worn during school hours. Any
student wearing flip-flop or slide type footwear will have to contact a parent in order to
provide appropriate footwear. If appropriate footwear cannot be obtained, the student
may be sent home after parent notification.
Shoes with damaged heels that do not fit snugly against the foot are not to be worn. In
the event of a foot injury, the option of wearing footwear other than that which is
permitted as a part of the daily uniform may only be possible with permission from the
Assistant Principal for Student Life. The Assistant Principal for Student Life expects the
presentation of a current doctor’s note when considering such requests. In making
arrangements for an injured student, keep in mind that under no circumstances may
“flip-flops” or other footwear lacking a closed heel or secure heel strap be worn to class
during the school day.
A ‘dress code compliant’ SJPII jacket/fleece may be worn, if desired, over a uniform shirt.
These are SJPII logo items and available from DENNIS School Uniforms. SJPII Athletic
Team jackets that have been approved by the Assistant Principal for Student Life, available
through certain athletic teams, may be allowed for team members.
Sweatshirts, with or without hoods, are not permitted at any time as a part of the regular
or formal dress code.
Non-Uniform Days
On non-uniform days and costume days, dress is expected to be modest and appropriate and in
compliance with announced guidelines.
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Personal Grooming
It is expected that students reflect personal habits that reflect pride in themselves and attention
to/consideration of those around them. Therefore, the School encourages students to maintain
adequate standards of personal hygiene and grooming. Visible piercings/jewelry are not permitted
except for a maximum of no more than two appropriate earrings per ear. No visible tattoos are
In terms of hair styles, please note the following:
Students must keep their hair neat and clean.
No hairstyles that involve design or architecture are permitted.
Natural hair colors are the only ones permitted. No ornamental staining, streaking, or
unnatural colors are acceptable.
Ornamental hairstyles such as mohawks, mullets, engraving/messaging, etc are not
A young man’s hairstyle must be neatly groomed and no longer than the bottom of the
shirt collar. Ponytails are not permitted.
Young men are not permitted to use hair bands, ties, clips, or other items to constrain
longer hair than permitted
Any hairstyle or ornamentation that is distracting or inappropriate in the judgment of the
Administration is prohibited.
Young men must be clean shaven with no beards, goatees, moustaches, etc. Sideburns
must be trimmed and be no lower than the middle of the student’s ear.
Student Identification Cards
In the interest of security for all involved ID cards will be issued to students and staff by the
School. They may also be used for admission to dances and other school-sponsored activities.
Students and staff are expected to wear (lanyard will be provided) their ID cards at all times.
There is no charge for a temporary or annual Student ID card. A replacement ID card will cost
$5.00. Please see the Assistant Principal for Student Life for ID card issues.
Student Attendance – Absence & Tardiness
In order for a student to grow academically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually he/she should
make every effort to attend school every day. Regular attendance is essential. If a student is to
make satisfactory progress and receive credit for his/her year’s work, parents must be sure that
their children are absent only when absolutely necessary. Excessive absenteeism can result in a
failing grade. Our policy serves to set guidelines and expectations for attendance along with
consequences for poor attendance.
calling 561.314.2129. Email messages from parents reporting absences are not accepted. For each
day that a student is absent, a parent/guardian must call the school office before 9:00 AM unless
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alternate plans are made in anticipation of an extended absence. Failure to do the above will
result in the absence recorded as unexcused and count against the students attendance record.
An absence will be considered to be an Excused Absence by the School if the parent has reported
the absence WITHIN ONE SCHOOL DAY OF THE ABSENCE and it is an allowable absence for
one of the reasons listed below.
Student illness - if a student is continually sick and/or repeatedly absent from school,
he/she must be under supervision of a physician in order to receive an excuse from
Death in the family
Other individual student absences beyond the control of the parent or student, as
determined and approved by the Assistant Principal for Student Life (Must be reported in
within a day of absence to be excused)
Please do not plan vacation during school time. College visits should not be planned during
school time. In certain circumstances where time away from school cannot be avoided, there will
be consideration given on an individual basis by the Assistant Principal for Student Life. Any
request for such consideration must be made well in advance. Failure to follow this procedure
may result in the days absent being designated as unexcused absences subject to academic and
disciplinary consequences. Absences for school related functions will be recorded as School
Activity Absences and will not count in calculating a student’s total number of absences.
A maximum of 7 Excused Absences in any given semester will be permissible; any further
absences will result in disciplinary action.
Please note that when students are absent from school, they are ineligible to attend or participate
in extracurricular activities or official school functions on that day. This includes clubs, plays,
meetings, athletic practices or contests, and any official Saint John Paul II Academy event. A
student must be on campus and in the homeroom prior to the end of the hour and may not leave
school before the end of the school day to be eligible to participate in any school activities that
day (i.e. athletic/co-curricular or other). Exceptions are made exclusively at the discretion of the
administration. Participation in school-sponsored field trips and school-related events will not be
considered absences for the purposes of this rule. If a student is absent on any given day, he/she
cannot attend or participate in any after school function that day without the express consent of
the Assistant Principal for Student Life.
As class participation is an important aspect of curriculum delivery in a traditional classroom,
attendance will be a factor in demonstrating mastery.
If a student is marked as unexcused absence 10 or more days in a given semester, or 10 or more
class periods in a given subject during a given semester, that student’s record will be reviewed and
a determination will be made as to whether or not said student will be allowed to continue
his/her education at Saint John Paul II Academy.
A letter from the Assistant Principal for Student life will be mailed home once a student has
reached 8 school day absences in a given semester. Extended absences documented by a doctor’s
note will not factor into this policy. A student who misses more than 20 days in a school year may
be dismissed from the school. In extraordinary circumstances, the Principal may choose to retain
the student.
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Whenever a student is absent he/she should check Renweb/FACTS and/or ParentsWeb for
homework and assignments. The student should contact the teacher by email if necessary. On
the day of the student’s return after an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to see his/her
teachers to arrange make-up work and to complete that work as soon as possible. Students with
prolonged illness will arrange for the completion of make-up work with their Guidance
Counselor, teachers and the Assistant Principal for Academic Life. Teachers are not obligated to
give make-up work to students with unexcused absences.
For excused absences, students have (2) days for each day they are absent to make up class work,
homework, quizzes, and tests. A student with an excused absence(s) should make the necessary
arrangements with his or her respective teachers regarding the day and time for the makeup quiz
or test. The student must make up the quiz or test on the day and time approved by the teacher.
Failure to do so will result in a zero grade for that test. Class work due on the day(s) of unexcused
absences will receive no credit. The Assistant Principal for Academic Life is the final arbiter in
determining credit for makeup work.
Students who wish to attend a funeral will, on the morning of the funeral, present a note of
permission signed by their parent or guardian to the Attendance Office. The note should also
state the anticipated time of return to school
Any pre-assigned work (i.e. tests, quizzes, projects, research papers) a student may miss due to
absence (excused or otherwise), are due the day the student returns to class.
Early Dismissal
If a parent feels there is an urgent need for a student to be excused before the end of the school
day, the student must bring a note to the Attendance Office in general with a days’ notice from
the day of early dismissal (no request will be accepted after 10am for the day the release is
requested). We reserve the right to deny this privilege if we deem the reason to be insufficient.
Parents are advised to schedule doctor and dentist appointments outside of the school day. A
student will only be allowed 2 early dismissals per quarter unless there is an emergency.
Disciplinary action may be taken if the number of early dismissals exceeds this limit.
Students arriving late for school must report directly to the Attendance Office (Clinic) in the Main
Office. Failure to report to the Attendance Office may result in disciplinary consequences.
Students who arrive late to school due to a medical appointment will be admitted to class without
penalty, provided they present a note from the doctor/dentist upon arrival at school. The note
from the doctor/dentist should include date and time of the appointment. It is strongly suggested
that these appointments be scheduled after school hours.
When parents know that their child will be arriving late on a given day, they should give their
child a note for the Attendance Office, along with a phone call confirming the fact. If a student
arrives after 7:45 AM without a signed doctor/parent note, the student’s parent/guardian will be
contacted. The school reserves the right to determine whether a tardy will be excused or
unexcused. Tardy demerits will be issued for not arriving at school or class on time. Any class
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period ‘lateness’ will be recorded in ParentsWeb by the classroom teacher. Note that even if a
student is admitted to class without penalty, the event will be registered as a ‘lateness’ for the
purpose of attendance count and exam exemption
Students who accumulate excessive lateness to school or class may receive formal disciplinary
action including but not limited to the following (on a per semester basis, with or without parent
5 Tardies –(1) Hour Detention
10 Tardies –(3) Hour Detention and parent contact which may result in an Attendance
15 Tardies –In School Suspension –Parent conference with possible request for withdraw
and/or expulsion
School truancy is defined as any unauthorized absence from a scheduled school day or from any
required school exercise or activity. Class truancy is defined as any unauthorized absence from a
regularly scheduled class, or from a major portion thereof. Truant students are subject to multiple
detentions and/or suspension.
Leaving Class
Students are not permitted to leave a classroom during the class period. Visits to other teachers or
offices, access to lockers, and bathroom necessities should be taken care of before school, between
classes, or after school.
When a student leaves a classroom or other assigned area—Media Center, Dining Hall, gym,
office—the student is required to initiate an ehallpass that is approved by the releasing adult
supervisor. On arriving at the destination, the student will ask the person in charge of the new
area to confirm arrival on the ehallpass. Leaving an assigned area without an ehallpass may result
in disciplinary action.
Student Disciplinary Policies & Guidelines
Saint John Paul II Academy has developed a discipline code based on a philosophy of mutual
respect, understanding, and the need to maintain a safe and orderly environment that reflects our
Mission. If students respect each other, authority, and property, the discipline code will have
minimal if any impact on them. It is also understood that this idea of respect goes both ways; the
school will always strive to treat each student with a level of respect and understanding that
should be accorded to those created in the image of Christ. Our code is focused on directing and
guiding the students, as well as teaching self-discipline and personal responsibility. Learning to
take ownership of poor decisions and facing consequences are reinforced with genuine care,
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empathy, and encouragement. Our goal is to continue building and reinforcing these values in
our everyday dealing with the SJPII family.
Students are expected to behave in a manner consistent with the Mission, Philosophy and Spirit
of the School and the teachings of the Catholic faith. Because the School cannot anticipate all
conduct that violates this policy, it reserves the right to take any form of disciplinary action,
including expulsion, against any behavior that may violate this policy, even if not specifically
stated in this handbook.
Students should understand that it is a privilege to attend Saint John Paul II Academy. Students
who abuse this privilege, inside or outside of school, inhibit the ability of others to enjoy the
benefits of SJPII, and therefore, students who, by their actions reflect poorly upon SJPII, inside or
outside of school, will be subject to our discipline code.
Students are assigned the sanction of detention for infractions to the rules described in this
student handbook and those outlined by teachers in the classroom. Detention is held Tuesday,
Wednesday and Friday after school, beginning at 2:40 PM for forty-five minutes. The student may
serve the detention after school on the day of the infraction or on the next day that detention is
held. All uniform infractions will result in a Friday afternoon detention.
If a student fails to serve the initial detention assigned he/she will be assigned an additional one
hour detention. Failure to serve detentions and serious violations of the code of conduct will
result in Saturday detentions which will be accompanied by a monetary fine.
Note that any detention takes precedence over athletic practices, extracurricular activities, jobs,
etc. “I forgot” is not an acceptable excuse for missing detention.
Students will receive a demerit slip from their teacher for any infraction; that slip will be followed
up by an email that will be sent to both the parents and the student describing the incident,
infraction and disciplinary sanction. It is the student’s responsibility to read the emails for
information about detentions and expectations.
There is a cumulative effect for students who accumulate a significant number of detentions. A
conference between the parent, Assistant Principal for Student Life and Principal may be deemed
mandatory should excessive detentions be reached with the student.
Students will be suspended for repeated misbehavior or for a serious infraction, such as fighting,
aggressive words, skipping class or actions designed to provoke a fight. Students may be assigned
an out of school suspension. Ordinarily, suspension lasts from one to three days. During
suspension, students may not attend class or any school functions (games, dances, etc.). Students
with out of school suspension may not be on the campus during this time. Student’s assigned in
school suspension must leave the school grounds at the end of the school day. Parents/guardians
of a student who has been suspended will be required to meet with the Assistant Principal for
Student Life.
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Any student who has paid for a school sponsored field trip and cannot attend because the student
has been suspended, will not receive a refund for that trip.
For each day that a student is suspended he or she will accrue an additional responsibility for one
hour of detention to be served, presuming that the student is allowed to resume attendance at the
Expulsion from Saint John Paul II Academy may occur when a student breaks school policy.
Expulsion may also be earned if a student is guilty of an action considered so grave that said
action warrants expulsion. Expulsion may be accompanied by police action. Students who have
been asked to leave the school are not invited to attend any school functions or be on school
property without prior permission of the administration. Among the serious actions that may lead
to immediate expulsion are the following:
Significant disrespect to a member of the faculty or administration
Theft (including theft due to academic dishonesty)
Violation of the school’s alcohol, tobacco, or drug policies, including any sale, possession,
or distribution of alcohol, tobacco or drugs on school property
Bringing a weapon onto school property
Public disgrace to the school
Serious and malicious defacement of school property
Serious breach of personal conduct
Any kind of bullying, including verbal, physical, internet, or sexual harassment
Persistent/excessive absence and tardiness
Persistent and significant accumulation of demerits/detentions in any given year or over
the course of multiple years.
Disciplinary Probation
Students will be placed on disciplinary probation for repeated or serious violations of the Saint
John Paul II Academy Code of Conduct. Once placed on disciplinary probation, any subsequent
referral for a similar or other offence may result in suspension or expulsion. In general, Saint John
Paul II will consider a 3rd suspension as grounds for dismissal.
The School is committed to promoting a safe, healthy, caring, and respectful learning
environment for all of its students. As such, bullying is strictly prohibited and will not be
tolerated. Therefore, this policy prohibits any unwelcome verbal or written conduct or gestures
directed at a student by another student that has the effect of:
physically, emotionally, or mentally harming a student;
damaging, extorting or taking a student’s personal property;
placing a student in reasonable fear of emotional or mental harm;
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placing a student in reasonable fear of damage to or loss of personal property; or
creating an intimidating or hostile environment that substantially interferes with a
student's educational opportunities or the Catholic mission of the school.
Bullying is the willful and repeated harm inflicted upon another individual which may involve but
is not limited to: teasing, name-calling, slurs, rumors, jokes, false accusations, intimidation,
stalking, innuendos, demeaning comments, pranks, social isolation, gestures, cyber-bullying or
other verbal or written conduct. Cyber-bullying includes the following misuses of digital
technology: teasing, intimidating, or making false accusations about another student by way of
any technological tool, such as sending or posting inappropriate email messages, instant
messages, text messages, digital images or website postings (including blogs and social network
sites). Bullying reflects a pattern of behavior, not a single isolated incident.
This definition includes students who either directly engages in an act of bullying or who, by their
behavior, support another student’s act of bullying.
This policy prohibits bullying that occurs either: on school premises before, during, or after school
hours; on any bus or vehicle as part of any school activity; or during any school function,
extracurricular activity or other school sponsored event or activity.
Reporting Complaints
Each student and parent has a duty to report any bullying to the school immediately. If a student
experiences (or a parent witnesses or learns of) any incident of bullying, the incident must be
promptly reported to the Assistant Principal for Student Life. The Assistant Principal will provide
the student/parent with the Bullying Complaint Report Form that must be completed, dated and
signed by the complaining party so that the school may initiate further inquiry, when appropriate.
Disciplinary Action
Any student found to have violated this policy may be subject to appropriate disciplinary action,
which may include: temporary removal from the classroom, loss of privileges, detention,
counseling, parent conference, suspension, expulsion, and/or notification to appropriate
authorities. The disciplinary action may be unique to the individual incident and may vary in
method and severity based on the Principal’s discretion.
False Reporting
False reports or accusations of bullying also constitutes a violation of this policy and may subject
the offending party to appropriate remedial action which may include, but is not limited to, the
assessment of costs incurred by the School in its investigation and review of any reports deemed
to have been made in bad faith.
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The School is committed to providing an environment that is free of discrimination and
harassment. In keeping with this commitment, the school will not tolerate harassment or
discrimination on the basis of a person’s protected status, such as gender, color, race, ancestry,
national origin, age, physical disability, mental condition, marital status, veteran status,
citizenship status. All employees, faculty members and students are protected under this policy.
In addition, this policy applies to all conduct occurring on school grounds, at assignments outside
the school, or at school-sponsored events. All students are responsible for helping to assure that
any harassment or discrimination is reported. If a student witnesses or learns of any conduct that
violates this policy, the student must immediately report the incident to his/her Principal (or one
of the Assistant Principals). If, however, the Principal is the individual who is believed to have
engaged in the inappropriate conduct, the student should notify the President or the
Superintendent of Schools of the Diocese of Palm Beach. If an investigation reveals that
inappropriate conduct has occurred, the school will take corrective action based on the
Personal Electronic Devices
Students are not allowed to have their cell phones or other personal electronic devices turned on,
(except during their lunch period) from their arrival in the morning until dismissal. This
prohibition includes bathrooms and locker rooms.
All teachers will require students to place personal devices in a ‘phone hotel’ during class periods.
No device, either personal or School-owned, may be used to take pictures, audio, or video at any
time without the express permission of all present. Similarly, no recording or photography is ever
allowed in areas where there is a higher expectation of privacy, including locker rooms and
Headphones are not permitted to be worn in the hallway, homeroom, and class or at any
community type of setting within school (with the exception of lunch). This can be a safety
violation and also does not support the school community we are trying to build.
For those who violate the policy, faculty and staff have been advised to confiscate the device, issue
a detention and give the phone to the Assistant Principal for Student Life or other administrator.
If the student violates this rule a second time, a parent must personally retrieve the phone from
the Assistant Principal for Student Life.
Parent communication needs to go through the front office during the school day. Parents are
encouraged to only text or respond to students texts during the lunch hour.
Students may not eat or drink in any building other than the dining hall. Students may not eat or
drink in the buildings, hallways, or classrooms (during school hours) unless there is medical
documentation to require this accommodation. Gum is not permitted.
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Social Networking
Participation in online sites or blogs such as, but not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
Snapchat, Kik, and similar social networking sites, may result in disciplinary actions up to and
including dismissal if the content of the student’s posts includes defamatory comments regarding
the School, the staff, or other students, or if the blog demonstrates a general disregard for the
established rules, policies, and Mission of the School.
Public Displays of Affection
Saint John Paul II Academy promotes friendship, charity, kindness, love and respect for oneself
and others. However, inappropriate displays of affection, such as kissing or embracing which
connote more than simple friendship, are not permitted in school, at school dances, or at any
school event. Those who violate these rules may be subject to disciplinary measures, including
detention, suspension or expulsion. The School reserves the right to determine what is or is not
The electronic transmission or receipt from one minor to another of any photograph or video that
depicts nudity may constitute illegal sexting. Students engaged in sexting will be subject to
serious disciplinary consequences which may include expulsion from school. In addition, the
school administration may report instances of sexting to the Florida Department of Children and
Families or local law enforcement for appropriate investigation as to violations of law.
Sexual Misconduct
Saint John Paul II Academy follows state and diocesan regulations and procedures concerning the
reporting of such abuse. The policies and procedures for the Diocese of Palm Beach can be found
on the Diocesan web site at .
In the case of a student’s pregnancy at Saint John Paul II Academy, the following will apply:
In the case of the young woman, efforts to have her complete her education at Saint John Paul II
Academy will be made. Guidance and counseling will be made available. In the case of the young
man, guidance and counseling will be made available.
Either individual may be referred to an appropriate agency in order to receive further counseling
as deemed necessary.
Threat of Violence
The disciplinary consequences for a student whose verbal or written comments, including email
messages, that threaten serious bodily harm to another student or member of the faculty or staff
or destruction of property, may include, but not be limited to:
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1. Immediate suspension from the school;
2. Treatment or consultation by a psychologist or psychiatrist at the parents’ expense and/or
by the school counselor, both of whom may be asked to submit a written evaluation.
a. If it is determined that the student was serious about the threat and has the
capacity to carry it out, the student may be expelled from the school.
b. If it is determined that the student did not seriously intend to do harm to others,
the student may be allowed to return to the school at the discretion of the
3. If allowed to return to school, the student may be placed on probation with an indication
that, should a similar threat occur, the student will be expelled from school.
4. The school will inform the Diocesan Schools Office of these cases. The school may submit
an informational report to the police.
5. The school reserves the right to require a student’s withdrawal or, barring that, their
dismissal as a result of a violation of this policy.
Weapons are not permitted anywhere on school grounds. Anyone who brings a weapon on
school grounds, who is in possession of a weapon, or who threatens others with a weapon may be
expelled from the school. Any item used to threaten or cause bodily harm may be considered a
See Something Say Something Policy
Saint John Paul II Academy is committed to providing a safe environment for students and staff.
Students are encouraged to come forward if they suspect something may not be right. If parents
or students know or believe another person to be acting suspicious or in an unhealthy manner,
they are encouraged to report said behavior to the administration.
Campus Ministry
The Campus Ministry program at Saint John Paul II Academy seeks to respond to the spiritual
needs of the students, families, administration, faculty and staff. In conjunction with the Theology
Department, Campus Ministry accepts students where they are on their faith journey. Experiences
are designed to deepen and foster an individual’s relationship with the Lord and promote a sense
of Christian community.
In order to facilitate more of a response and participation in the Campus Ministry program, Br.
Daniel Aubin, FSC formed a new Campus Ministry team beginning in the 2018-2019 school year.
The focus of the team has narrowed and beginning this year will be split into two equal parts,
Mission and Ministry, and Christian Life and Service.
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The Campus Minister for Mission and Ministry is responsible for overseeing this facet of the
Campus Ministry Department. The main objectives of this component of the department are:
To instill a sense of mission and animate both students and faculty according to the Institute of
the Brothers of the Christian Schools.
To help students become aware of the Gospel experience in their lives and thus, build a
community of faith.
To facilitate prayer and worship in different liturgical settings.
These objectives are met by the Director of Mission and Ministry by the implementation of the
following methods:
Spiritual Development Program
Underclass Retreat Days
Communal Prayer: Masses, Prayer Services, Daily Prayer
Pastoral Counseling
Student Involvement
Underclass Retreat Teams
Ministry of the Word-Music-Eucharist
Trips in Association for Mission
The Campus Minster of Christian Life and Service is responsible for overseeing this facet of the
Campus Ministry Department. The main objectives of this component of the department are:
1. To instill a sense of concern for others at the school and in the community by which we
are called to serve.
2. To help students become aware of the Gospel experience in their lives and thus, build a
community of servant-leadership.
These objectives are met by the Director of Christian Service by the implementation of the
following methods:
Spiritual Development Program
Senior Kairos Retreat
Christian Service Program
Student Involvement
Senior Kairos Retreat
Mission Trips
Christian Service
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Retreat days are an important part of our Department of Campus Ministry. They provide students
with the opportunity to experience a sense of Christian community that is essential for religious
education to take place. Attendance on the retreat days is required for freshmen, sophomores and
juniors. Any underclassman not present on the Retreat Day will be required to attend single or
multiple makeup sessions led by the Campus Minister for Mission and Ministry. These retreats
are listed in the online school calendar.
The Kairos Retreat Program for Seniors is a voluntary, but strongly encouraged, four (4) day
retreat. More information is provided on our website at In response to the
Lasallian Mission Assessment Visiting Team, beginning in the 2019-2020 school year all students
must attend a retreat in order to advance to the following year. Even if seniors opt out of
attending the Kairos retreat, a retreat requirement must be met. Seniors not attending Kairos
must see the Campus Minister for Mission and Ministry to meet this requirement.
The Christian Service program at Saint John Paul II Academy is animated by the verse from
Scripture: “Each one of you has received a special grace. So like all good stewards, responsible for
all these different graces of God, put yourself at the service of others.” 1 Peter 4:1
What is Christian Service?
In support of the Mission of Saint John Paul II Academy, the Christian Service program is
designed to bring students , through experience and reflection, to a mature understanding of their
personal responsibility to those most in need. Christian Service is any act of giving assistance or
advantage to another.
Policies and Guidelines
Service is using our God-given gifts and talents to help another person. Service is freely given.
Under no circumstance should a student be compensated in any way (financial, etc.) for their
service. If a student is unsure as to whether a certain project may be considered appropriate for
the Saint John Paul II Academy Community Service Ministry Program, they should obtain
approval from the Campus Minister of Christian Life and Service prior to beginning the project.
Acceptable service projects must be done with nonprofit community organizations, service
groups, churches or schools. Working for businesses, profitable organizations or other
individuals (babysitting, neighbors, friends, etc.) is ordinarily not considered acceptable service.
Students can visit our school website ( for a listing of possible service opportunities
or contact the Campus Minister of Christian Life and Service.
One can also consult the “Christian Service FAQs” located on the school website for more
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A minimum of twenty-five (25) hours of community service must be completed per year to satisfy
the requirements needed for graduation from Saint John Paul II Academy. At least six (6) of the
twenty-five (25) hours accrued must be of direct service to the poor and marginalized. A common
answering of what this new requirement entails is located in the “Christian Service FAQs” on the
school website. Students who complete 100 hours or more of Christian service in a particular year
will be recognized at the Academic Awards Program at the end of that year.
A “Student Record of Christian Service Hours” form must be completed for each service project.
This form is available on our school website and in the Office of Campus Ministry as well as at the
front desk. Students should keep a personal copy of these forms in addition to turning them into
Campus Ministry. Students and parents may track their community service hours on
Only hours earned after June 1, 2019 through Friday March 20, 2020 (that were not counted for the
previous year’s requirement) will count toward the current year’s Christian service requirement
and towards the semester awards.
It is solely the responsibility of the individual student to have all required forms, reports, and
evaluations properly and thoroughly completed and submitted to the Campus Minister of
Christian Life and Service and to verify that the community service hours are properly credited to
Students are responsible to the service organization for any work related to the community
service chosen and must conduct themselves in a professional manner when dealing with the
organizations (i.e., participate in all required training, give the organization at least 24 hours
advance notice of absences, schedule a time to make up any missed commitments with the site
supervisor, etc.)
Wherever and whenever community service is rendered, students represent themselves, their
families, and Saint John Paul II Academy. It is important that students enhance their own
reputations as well as that of their family and their school. Proper language, appearance, and
attitude are imperative.
Saint John Paul II Academy, its staff and volunteers, and the community service organizations,
and its staff and volunteers will not be held responsible in the event of an accident or injury.
Transportation to the service organization is not provided by Saint John Paul II Academy. Each
student is responsible for transportation to and from the service organization.
Students must attend all scheduled conferences and meetings required by the Campus Minister of
Christian Life and Service or the Service Organization’s Site Supervisor and notify them if an
unavoidable conflict arises.
Community service activities are not school activities and Saint John Paul II Academy does not
mandate or direct any specific location or locations in the community where these services are to
be performed. Students are free to select the location where they wish to perform community
service so long as the location and the activity meet the requirements of the school. Saint John
Paul II Academy does not operate or control the locations where students choose to perform
community service and consequently the school, its agents, and affiliates do not assume
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responsibility for any injuries, damages, or losses incurred in the course of performing these
services in the community. Students perform these services at their own risk.
Christian Service Reflection Paper
In addition to the twenty-five hour Christian service requirement, freshman are required to meet
with either the Campus Minister of Christian Life & Service or the Campus Minister for Mission
and Ministry to discuss their service hours and their progress towards meeting the twenty-five
hour requirement. The meetings will also be a time for the campus ministry team to check in
with, encourage, and animate students into Lasallian ambassadors both on and off campus. The
purpose of these meetings is to give evidence of personal growth or insight resulting from a
Christian service experience. This growth can occur on a human level (in compassion,
understanding, self-sacrifice, self-knowledge, gratitude, etc.) or on a spiritual level (in faith, hope,
or charity).
Sophomore, Juniors and Seniors are required to submit a reflection to their theology teacher in
the spring reflecting on service. This will be articulated in the beginning of the year with a
document describing the requirements. These papers are due to the respective Theology teachers
by April 17th 2020 and will be counted towards the semester grade.
At the end of the Fall semester, each student must have completed at least 15 hours to continue
on to the Spring semester. At the end of the Spring semester, each student must have completed
a total of at least 25 hours to continue on to the next academic year. Completion of at least 25
hours annually is required in order to remain a student at Saint John Paul II Academy and to
receive a diploma from Saint John Paul II Academy.
Fall Semester: Service forms verifying at least 15 hours of Christian Service are due no later than
Friday, December 13th, 2019.
Spring Semester: Service forms verifying an annual total of at least 25 hours of Christian Service
for 2019-2020 are due no later than Friday, March 20th 2020.
Community Service 100+ Hours Award
Students who wish to receive this annual award must have all paperwork submitted to Campus
Ministry by April 3, 2020.
Penalties For Not Meeting Deadlines
Fall Semester: Detention will be assigned routinely until all hours are completed and
documentation submitted.
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Spring Semester: Students will serve a 2-hour detention on a date to be determined. Students will
not be allowed to attend prom without having completed their service hours and reflection
paragraph. Additional penalties, disciplinary action, and/or additional hours, will be applied as
needed. In addition, no senior may attend Grad Bash without completing the Community Service
requirement. Should a senior continue to fail to meet the requirement, he or she may lose the
privilege of attending Commencement. If all service requirements are not completed at the end of
any given year, the student may not be promoted to the next grade (or graduate) and the student
may be withdrawn from Saint John Paul II Academy.
Liturgies are an integral part of the Christian community life at Saint John Paul II Academy.
Attendance is mandatory for all students. Reverent and respectful behavior is essential. Although
we do not compel students to profess any religious ideology, it is expected that all students,
regardless of their beliefs, will participate in the religious services and are expected to conduct
themselves respectfully and reverently during daily prayer, liturgy and any religious service.
Liturgical Celebrations & Assemblies
The celebration of Mass is considered an integral part of the educational experience at Saint John
Paul II Academy. When the Eucharist is celebrated with the entire school community or with a
class, students will ordinarily be seated by homeroom. All students and faculty are expected to
attend and to participate actively and respectfully in such celebrations. Formal uniform attire is
required on days when students attend Mass at school. The School requests that planned
absences for such events as medical appointments be made on days other than those on which
Mass is scheduled. Student ‘cuts’ from liturgical events (and other school wide assemblies) will
be grounds for possible suspension. Behavior contrary to the teachings of the Church at liturgy
will result in a student being subject to removal from enrollment at the School.
A written parent or doctor’s note (not call or email) will be required for any student who is absent
on, departs early, or arrives late on a scheduled Liturgy day. In this event a written note from the
parent/guardian must be submitted 24 hours in advance for an early dismissal.
School and Community Resources
The School is obliged to comply with the Division of Children and Families or law enforcement
mandated requests to interview students. Counselors can be a source of information about
community counseling resources. Contacts are available for a consulting school psychologist, test
preparation, and tutoring services.
Parent In Partnership – Parent Service
The Parent In Partnership Program is a unique approach to the cooperative effort of parents,
students, faculty and administration as a way of building community in the fellowship of the Holy
Spirit. Parents are encouraged to become involved in the life of Saint John Paul II Academy,
according to their talents and interests.
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This program is pertinent to SJPII in keeping the cost of education to a minimum. The cost to
educate a student at SJPII is approximately $18,000 per year, and as many of you are aware there is
a gap between the cost to educate a student and the actual tuition collected. Each family with a
student at SJPII will be required to commit to ten (10) hours of service. Opportunities for
involvement will be available in many areas of school life, including social activities, fundraisers,
sports activities, clerical help and special events sponsored by the Development Office. This
service may also be fulfilled through a monetary or in-kind donation of $20 per hour.
SJPII currently recognizes the following athletic programs:
Baseball (Boys)
Basketball (Boys/Girls)
Bowling (Boys/Girls)
Cheerleading (Girls)
Cross Country (Boys/Girls)
Football (Boys)
Golf (Boys/Girls)
Lacrosse (Boys/Girls)
Soccer (Boys/Girls)
Softball (Girls)
Swimming (Boys/Girls)
Tennis (Boys/Girls)
Track (Boys/Girls)
Volleyball (Girls)
Athletic Code of Conduct
Saint John Paul II Academy supports the guidelines regarding sportsmanship. At SJPII, the rules
of sportsmanship apply to players, coaches, student fans, parents and guests.
The Players’ role is as follows:
To understand and follow the creed: coaches coach; players play, and officials officiate.
To refrain from questioning or showing extreme disgust over officials’ judgment calls.
To refrain from bad mouthing, baiting, name calling, etc., that is directed towards
To show respect for authority, including coaches and officials.
To play the game fairly and within the limits of the rules.
To refrain from fighting, pushing, kicking, etc., with opponents.
To accept victory or defeat with poise and class.
The Fans’ role is as follows:
Active participation on the part of our student body and fans at athletic contests is
encouraged. Positive support is a key ingredient in the overall athletic experience.
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Affirmative school spirit is a means of drawing faculty, students, parents, friends, and
athletes together.
Cheer enthusiastically and refrain from making antagonistic remarks about our
Realize that officials are human and that as such they will occasionally miss a call.
Do not direct verbal comments at officials. The coach has the responsibility of
questioning calls in the proper manner presenting any difficulties to the SJPII Athletic
Please note that fans that do not follow these sportsmanship principles may be asked to leave the
game and may be banned from future games.
The entire student body and the SJPII community are proud of our students and their sports
achievements. Any behavior by students, coaches, or supporters that might tarnish the school’s
reputation is to be avoided. It is expected that students, coaches, and supporters will always
conduct themselves with exemplary sportsmanship.
It is our intention to create an enjoyable environment for all student athletes, coaches, spectators
and officials. All people involved in athletics are expected to act with good sportsmanship, class,
dignity, pride, and respect at all times. Their actions should reflect positively upon the School.
Student athletes will compete with enthusiasm, a good competitive spirit, and pride for
themselves and Saint John Paul II Academy.
Coaches will lead, direct, and encourage their student athletes and teams to perform to the best of
their abilities.
Spectators will support Saint John Paul II Academy student athletes in a positive manner at all
Officials referee the game. These are the only people who make the calls during a sporting event.
Please respect each of the previously mentioned roles. It is our expectation that we all allow
student athletes to compete, coaches to coach, spectators to cheer and officials to officiate.
Above and beyond any disciplinary action taken by Saint John Paul II Academy, the Florida High
School Athletic Association (FHSAA) has the authority to impose consequences against the school
program and/or individuals involved in any inappropriate behaviors within the realm of athletics.
School-Sponsored Events
Saint John Paul II Academy does not sponsor, oversee, or in any way control parties or social
functions at private residences. School sanctioned events, including all field trips or excursions,
are specifically identified in this Handbook or are identified in the school calendar and/or written
notices generated and distributed by the school.
Students engaged in conduct that is contrary to the mission and philosophy of the school may be
subject to disciplinary action regardless of whether the conduct occurred at a school-sponsored
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Athletic Facilities
The SJPII campus is proud of its Gym, Fields, weight rooms, and Locker rooms. These areas may
be accessible to all students at any time provided there is direct supervision by an authorized
faculty/staff member. Students found accessing athletic facilities without authorization will be
subject to disciplinary sanctions.
Campus Facilities
Campus Store
The Campus Store is located next to the Media Center and is open Monday through Friday from
2:35 PM to 3:45 PM. The Campus Store is stocked with snacks and beverages. The Athletic
Booster Club will also be selling spirit wear clothing and other SJPII Eagle items in the Campus
Store. The spirit shop that is listed on the athletics website is not an official retailer of the schools
uniforms, spirit wear etc.
Library/Media Center
The LMC supports the academic curriculum, student learning and teaching by providing quality
resource materials and technology tools. Students and teachers are encouraged to take advantage
of the valuable print and electronic resources available in the Media Center and to enjoy the
books and magazines available for recreational reading interests and enjoyment. Media center
personnel are available to assist students and teachers with their information needs.
The Media Center is open Monday – Friday from 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM. On early release days, the
Media Center will close at noon. A Media Specialist is available to assist students and teachers.
All library materials are available for circulation. The borrowing period for books is two weeks;
books then may be renewed once. Current magazines and reference materials may be borrowed
overnight. However, fines of 10 cents per day will begin when books are 10 days overdue and
continue to accumulate until the books are returned. Fines for reference books will be 50 cents
per day. The student is responsible for the full cost for damaged or lost materials. Unpaid fines
may result in a report card hold.
During the school day, students must obtain a pass from the teacher and upon entering
the Center. Computers are available only for academic use during the school day. No games of any
kind or nonacademic uses of computers will be permitted. Media Center staff will monitor
student use of computers. Students must sign and comply with the terms of the SJPII Academy
Internet/Network Access Agreement.
In order to create an environment that is conducive to learning, all school policies and procedures
will be enforced in the Media Center. Cell phone use and food/drinks are prohibited.
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Dining Hall
All students are expected to show good manners, courtesy and consideration of others in the
Dining Hall. Containers are provided for the disposal of trash and all students are required to
dispose of the trash from the top of their table and the area surrounding it before the lunch
period is over, or immediately upon the request of the moderator. Students are not to leave the
dining area during the lunch period without a written pass to some other area of the school.
Students are not permitted to leave the school grounds during the lunch period. No food or
beverage is to be taken out of the designated dining area at any time.
No food or drink is to be delivered to students by outside vendors (i.e. no services like ubereats,
door dash or similar delivery services will be accepted on campus.)
It is expected that students at Saint John Paul II Academy will make every attempt to keep the
dining facility neat and clean. It is a high priority that all students respect the rights of others.
Students who purposely litter the dining area or refuse to clean up after themselves will be
assigned detention as appropriate for failure to adhere to these guidelines.
Each student is assigned a locker and is given a lock from the school. Locks and lockers may not
be exchanged between students. Lockers must remain locked at all times. Students should never
store the property of another individual in their lockers. Students are advised not to leave their
property unattended, but to place their belongings in their lockers during the school day and after
school. The school is not responsible for anything placed in unlocked lockers. Since lockers are
the property of the school, members of the administration or their appointee may search any
locker at their discretion. Students with unlocked lockers may receive disciplinary action.
Because students’ lockers are located inside classrooms, their appearance will reflect on the pride
and the respect students have in their school. To maintain an appealing appearance, stickers or
other items are not to be attached to the outside of lockers. Fines or the cost of refurbishing a
defaced or damaged locker will be assessed. Inappropriate items, symbols or signs are not to be
displayed in lockers. At the end of the school year, students are expected to thoroughly clean and
remove any items from inside their lockers.
Parking spots are available at a cost of $150.00 and are assigned on a first come, first served basis.
The fee for the parking permit is not refundable. Appropriate respectful behavior that promotes a
safe, orderly environment is expected at all times when in the parking area. Please remember that
the parking lot is the location on campus where serious injury can occur. Therefore, following the
guidelines outlined in this area is imperative.
In the interest of safety for all concerned, the following rules/guidelines are provided:
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Students who drive to school and use the school parking lot will register their vehicle and
request a permit identifying the vehicle as belonging to a member of the school
community. The permit must be displayed at all times and must correspond with the
numbered spot in which the vehicle is parked. Failure to display the assigned permit may
result in the vehicle being booted or towed. Permits are non-transferable.
The speed limit is 5 mph on school property. This limit applies to all drivers at all times.
Failure to comply with posted speed limits will result in the loss of parking privileges for
After school hours, students may drive through school property only when attending a
school activity or when on campus for official purposes. Loitering in the parking areas is
not permitted.
A student may not go to the parking area at any time when school is in session unless
urgent circumstances exist. Students found in the parking area without permission are
subject to suspension.
All autos are subject to search.
A failure to cooperate with the parking lot supervisor, an administrator, or other authority
figure while in the parking lot, or regarding issues of driving/parking, will result in the
suspension or revocation of the privilege to drive or park on campus.
Parking on the SJPII campus is at the risk of the driver.
Students responsible for causing damage to vehicles are expected to fulfill all obligations
with those whose vehicle[s] may have been damaged. Additional disciplinary
consequences may result.
Lost & Found
If a member of the school community should find a lost article on the campus, he or she is
expected to turn that into the Lost and Found department in the Main Office before the end of
the day on which the article has been found. Students may also check the Main Office or the
Athletic Office for lost items. Items may be examined and claimed each day, before or after
school. To expedite identification of lost articles, students should mark clearly all personal
belongings—books, clothing, etc. The school is not financially or legally responsible for articles
lost or stolen at school. Expensive items, such as jewelry, should always be left at home. Students
should not have large amounts of money in their possession. Items in lost & found will be donated
after 30 days of being unclaimed.
Child Protective Investigations
Florida law provides that any person who knows or has reasonable cause to suspect that a child is
abused by a parent, legal custodian, caregiver or other person responsible for the child’s welfare
must report such knowledge to the Department of Children and Families (DCF). The school will
cooperate with all child protective investigations by DCF or the local law enforcement agency.
Reports should be made to Florida’s Department of Children and Families by calling the Abuse
Hotline at: 1.800.96.ABUSE (1.800.962.2873).
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Child protective investigations by DCF or local law enforcement agencies sometimes include
interviews of students at school and may occur without advance notice. When it is reasonably
possible, the school will seek to notify the parents that their child has been asked to participate in
a child protective investigation. The school may also request the presence of a school staff
member during investigative interviews on school property. However, please note that, under
Florida law, DCF and local law enforcement have the discretion to conduct unannounced
interviews and to disallow school staff member’s presence during these interviews.
Testimony in Divorce Proceedings
The Catholic Church recognizes marriage as a Sacrament. In the Union of Christian spouses, the
sacrament of Matrimony celebrates the relationship of Christ to the Church. Therefore, the
school strongly supports the sacrament of matrimony as the foundation of family life and of the
domestic Church. In recognition of the importance of the matrimonial sacrament to the Catholic
faith, parents agree not to compel the attendance, testimony, or deposition of any school or
church employee in any divorce, custody, or other legal proceedings that may in any way involve
the dissolution of marriage or the determination of parental/custody rights.
In the event that a parent or legal guardian breaches this policy, any school or church personnel
who are required to attend legal proceedings may be represented by an attorney. In addition, any
and all legal fees and costs incurred by the school will be charged and become the responsibility
of the parent or legal guardian.
Video Surveillance on Campus
Security cameras are located throughout the campus to assist in the safety and security of the
property and of all members of the school community. However, the video surveillance has
limitations and is not expected to cover all areas of the campus. Surveillance video may be turned
over to law enforcement officials for assistance in an investigation.
Search & Seizure
The School may conduct random searches of School property (including of vehicles parked on the
property). The School may conduct random searches of the School by local law enforcement or
private canine units. Note that any items uncovered by a law enforcement officer will result in
criminal action (at the discretion of the law enforcement official(s).
The school reserves the right to search the purses, backpacks of the students, their lockers, their
automobiles and other personal effects when a reasonable cause exists regarding contraband, or a
threat exists to the general welfare of the school. The school will decide the determination of the
reasonableness of the cause, under the foregoing circumstances. The school reserves the right to
use any or all detection methods available. A student’s failure to comply with a search will result
in immediate notification of his/her parents, and if necessary, the appropriate civil authorities.
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The Principal and his/her designee has access to any lockers, handbags, electronic devices, cell
phones, book bags, desks, cars or any other object that is brought onto the campus of the School
or any school sponsored event, and may remove or confiscate any object which is illegal or
contrary to school policy.
Drug, Alcohol & Tobacco Policy
Saint John Paul II Academy does not allow student use or possession of tobacco products.
Students are not permitted to smoke, chew, or otherwise use tobacco or tobacco products at any
time on campus. For the purposes of this policy, electronic cigarettes, hookahs, electronic vapor
devices, and other similar items are prohibited.
It is a violation of Florida law for any minor to knowingly possess any tobacco product, nicotine
product, or nicotine dispensing device. In addition, the use of tobacco products, electronic
cigarettes, and vaping carry known health risks that can be very serious. The use of any tobacco
products, electronic cigarettes, and/or vaping in any form is prohibited on school property and at
any school events. Violation of this policy will result in disciplinary consequences which may
include expulsion from school.
The use or possession of illegal drugs or illegal mood-altering substances, alcoholic beverages,
drug-related paraphernalia, or the abuse of prescription or over-the-counter drugs by any student
on school property or while attending or participating in any school-sponsored activity or at any
time the student is wearing a school uniform is forbidden. Transgression of this rule will result in
disciplinary action, which may include expulsion from the school, even for a first offense. Any
student selling drugs on school property or at school functions may be immediately expelled. The
school is committed to a drug-free environment. This commitment may, under some
circumstances, prompt a need for testing of students for evidence of substance abuse. If a student
exhibits the symptoms, or is suspected of substance abuse, the school may require that the
student undergo substance abuse testing at the parents’ expense. If the results of the test suggest
abuse (and the substance was not used on or brought to campus or a school related activity), the
school will normally use this information to help the student seek assistance. Refusal to
participate in such a test may result in expulsion from the school .At times; the school may choose
to conduct random drug testing of the student body at the parents’ expense. While this measure
may not often be implemented, given the seriousness of substance abuse, the administration may
consider it an effective and justifiable way of combating the problem. A school may conduct
random searches as set forth in this handbook. The School is committed to an environment that
is free of illicit substances. To that end, a major revision to previous drug, alcohol, and tobacco
policies has been undertaken – that policy is printed in full in a section near the end of this
Please refer to the Saint John Paul II Academy Substance Abuse & Testing Policy for details of the
School’s approach to substance abuse and possession.
The School specifically reserves the right to modify or supplement this policy at any time.
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Saint John Paul II Academy Substance Abuse & Testing
The School believes that students learn best when they are not suffering from the direct or
indirect influence of drug and/or alcohol abuse. The policies outlined in this section have, at
their core, the desire to assist our students to make the best decisions possible during their time
at Saint John Paul II Academy. It is our hope that our policies foster a lifelong understanding of
the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse.
We understand that developmental issues may, on occasion, impede adolescents from making
sound decisions. We also understand that public debate on these issues may give rise to
assertions that certain substances are acceptable. Given these realities in the lives of the
adolescents entrusted by their parents and guardians to our care, we have created a collection of
three policy statements concerning the use of tobacco, drugs, and alcohol.
The first statement of policy addresses the School’s response to tobacco use.
The second statement of policy (identified as Health & Wellness) is designed to foster a
community of substance-free learners who are well on their way to understanding how to make
appropriate decisions concerning the use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs.
The third statement of policy (Student & Campus Safety) is designed to intervene in the life of a
student who chooses to bring drugs and/or alcohol onto campus or who chooses to attend an on-
or off-campus SJPII event under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol.
The following basic set of beliefs guide this policy statement:
1. We believe that students learn best when they are not suffering from the direct influence
of drug and/or alcohol abuse.
2. We believe that responsible alcohol use is a privilege and not a right, and that the only
appropriate time to consume alcohol begins at the age of 21.
3. We believe that the use of illicit drugs is never acceptable and that adolescents do not
have the privilege to engage in illicit drug and/or alcohol use.
4. We believe that the use of illicit drugs, even controlled substances that may be legal in
some states, is not acceptable for students at Saint John Paul II Academy.
5. We believe that it is never appropriate for students to possess illegal/illicit drugs and/or
6. We believe that it is never appropriate for parents to turn a blind eye towards alcohol
consumption in their homes and that those who do so may be at risk of both violating the
laws of the State of Florida and of subjecting themselves to potential civil liability.
7. We believe that possession/use of illegal/illicit drugs and/or alcohol by adolescents is not
only illegal but that it can lead to serious legal issues impacting their futures and that it
can negatively impact their academic and developmental progress.
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Tobacco Policy Focus
Tobacco is considered to be a substance that is within the scope of our substance abuse policies.
Tobacco in all of its forms is a controlled substance for minors. Tobacco is prohibited to students
on campus and at school-related functions. Violators of this policy may receive penalties
including demerits, detentions, and a requirement to pay a fine of $50.00 for the first offense.
Subsequent offenses may result in additional demerits, detentions, fines, and more serious
disciplinary consequences. Those who engage in subsequent/multiple offenses of this policy may
also face penalties up to and including suspension and/or expulsion.
For the purposes of this policy, electronic cigarettes, hookah pens, and similar vaporizing devices
are considered to be ‘tobacco’ items under this policy regardless of whether or not they contain
Health & Wellness Policy Focus - Routine Random Mandatory Substance Testing
Students must be empowered to make responsible choices concerning the role of alcohol and
drugs in their lives. However, we also know that peer pressure and other influences may impair a
student’s ability to make a responsible choice. To this end, all students at Saint John Paul II
Academy are subject to random drug/alcohol testing throughout their career at SJPII.
Information gathered will be shared with parents/guardians and will be used to assist students in
making responsible choices.
Positive results of testing under this Health & Wellness Policy will not lead to automatic
disciplinary action, though multiple positive results will have disciplinary consequences.
In general, the process will operate in the following manner:
Several times each year and without prior announcement, SJPII will randomly choose a
group of students who will be required to submit to drug/alcohol testing.
The School will use a small, cosmetically insignificant hair sample to determine whether
or not drugs or alcohol have been used.
A student who refuses to cooperate with the testing program will be subject to suspension
and/or expulsion.
The School has contracted with Psychemedics, a testing company, to analyze and report
the results of the hair samples.
Testing will begin as early as August (with the opening of athletic practices) and continue
throughout the school year.
All samples will be sent to Psychemedics for analysis.
All results will be sent to the Assistant Principal for Student Life.
For those students whose results are negative, a ‘Letter of Negative Result’ will be sent
home to parents with the date of testing being indicated.
For those students with a positive result for alcohol and/or drug use, the student and
his/her parents/guardians will be required to meet with the student’s Guidance Counselor
and the Assistant Principal for Student Life. The following guidelines will be adhered to:
1. First Positive
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a. Students whose test result yield a positive for some drug/alcohol use will do the
i. Students and parents will be given the information from the analysis report
in a meeting with the Guidance Counselor and Assistant Principal for
Student Life.
ii. As this is a first positive under the Health & Wellness Guidelines, there will
be no disciplinary consequences nor will there be any restriction on
co-curricular participation.
iii. The primary purpose of this meeting is to encourage the family to seek
additional assistance from a medical professional or drug abuse specialist.
iv. If requested, SJPII will provide the names of drug and alcohol programs
should the family desire those names. SJPII does not endorse any therapist
or program over another.
b. Students with a ‘First Positive’ will be tested again between 90 and 120 days after
the first test.
i. If the ‘First Positive’ retest yields a negative result, the student will be
placed back into the random pool of test participants.
ii. If the ‘First Positive’ retest yields a positive result, the student will be
subject to the guidelines in the ‘Second Positive’ category.
2. Second Positive
a. If, after the first positive, test results are again positive for some drug and/or
alcohol use, it will be considered a ‘Second Positive’ result.
i. Upon notification of the second positive result, the Assistant Principal for
Student Life will confer with the Principal to determine whether or not the
student may continue at Saint John Paul II Academy.
ii. At the sole discretion of the Principal (in consultation with the Assistant
Principal for Student Life) it may be determined that it is
impossible/inappropriate for the student to remain at Saint John Paul II
Academy. Parents will be given a limited time to withdraw the student
from SJPII. Should they not do so, the student is subject to immediate
expulsion without further notice or process.
iii. It may be determined that a student with a ‘Second Positive’ may remain at
Saint John Paul II Academy. The following conditions will apply:
b. A student who falls into the ‘Second Positive’ category is automatically ineligible to
participate in athletic and other co curricular activities. The student will be
ineligible for all cocurricular activities until he/she is tested with a negative result.
A return to a co curricular activity under these conditions, after the tryout period,
is only permitted with the approval of the coach/moderator of the sport or activity.
c. Students who demonstrate a ‘Second Positive’ and who are allowed to remain at
SJPII must have their child undergo evaluation by a licensed
therapist/psychologist/psychiatrist/ addiction specialist and share the written
results of that evaluation with their child’s Guidance Counselor and the Assistant
Principal for Student Life. Parents and the student must follow the
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recommendations of that evaluation and share documentation of completion of
the course of therapy/treatment that they have selected. Failure to do so will
jeopardize that student’s continued attendance at SJPII.
d. Students with a ‘Second Positive’ will be tested again between 90 and 120 days of
the previous test. The full cost of this test will be invoiced to the parents.
e. If the ‘Second Positive’ retest results are negative, the student will be released from
all further therapeutic expectations (unless the parents choose to continue
therapy) and will be tested again in 45 days. The full cost of this test will be
invoiced to the parents.
f. If the 45 day retest result is negative, the student will be placed back into the
random pool of test participants and any restrictions on co curricular participation
will be lifted.
g. If the 45 day retest result is positive, the student will be subject to the guidelines in
the ‘Third Positive’ category.
3. Third Positive
a. If after the second positive the test results are again positive for some drug/alcohol
use or if a student who was in the ‘Second Positive’ category tests positive, the
student’s result is considered to be a ‘Third Positive.’
b. A third positive will move the conversation from a ‘Health & Wellness’ focus to a
‘Student & Campus Safety’ focus (it will be treated as a ‘Second Offense’).
c. The School will have no choice but to presume that, even after an extended period
of support, the family and student are not making a good faith effort to improve
the situation.
d. A Third Positive will indicate to the School unwillingness on the part of the family
and/or student to seek the help needed to remain substance free.
e. A Third Positive will lead to a mandatory withdrawal or expulsion from Saint John
Paul II Academy.
Student & Campus Safety Policy Focus – Use And/Or Possession
On Campus Or At School Events
In all areas of student behavior management, it is incumbent on a Catholic, Lasallian school to
seek the formation of the young people in our care. In many matters of discipline, detention,
probation, and even suspension periods are necessary. However, when the use of drugs and/or
alcohol occurs before, during, and after school events (including the normal day, during a
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school-sponsored trip/retreat/social events, etc), the severity of the use of illegal substances
increases exponentially.
It is important to note that the sale or distribution of drugs or drug paraphernalia at Saint John
Paul II Academy or at SJPII-sponsored events held off campus will result in immediate dismissal.
Similarly, the possession of drugs or drug paraphernalia at Saint John Paul II Academy or at
SJPII-sponsored events held off campus may result in either immediate dismissal or suspension
(at the School’s discretion).
If drugs, drug paraphernalia, and/or alcohol is/are found in the possession of a student at Saint
John Paul II Academy, on our campus, or at an off-campus event/activity sponsored by Saint John
Paul II Academy, the student may be subject to immediate dismissal from the School. Students
and parents should be aware that law enforcement intervention may be requested by the School
in such circumstances.
This behavior is destructive to all involved and destroys the trust required to build the Lasallian
community. There is no place at Saint John Paul II Academy for those who actively seek to
diminish our community.
The School reserves the right to randomly test for alcohol and/or drug use at School-sponsored
events both on and off campus. The School also reserves the right to test for alcohol and/or drug
use should a student appear to be under the influence of an illicit substance.
Saint John Paul II Academy reserves the right to summon emergency medical personnel and/or
law enforcement to transport intoxicated or drug-impaired individuals to either an emergency
medical facility or a law enforcement facility.
Any costs associated with such emergency response are the responsibility of the family.
Should a student be found or suspected to be under the influence in school or at a
School-sponsored activity (whether on or off campus), the guidelines of the ‘Health and Wellness
Focus’ will not be utilized. However, the following will occur:
For the FIRST offense
1. A student will be suspended from school, his/her parents will be notified, and the
suspension will remain in effect until a meeting with the Assistant Principal for Student Life
is held to discuss the student’s continued attendance at SJPII.
2. The student may be required to withdraw from SJPII. In the absence of a voluntary
withdrawal the School reserves the right to immediately expel the student without further
notice or process.
3. If the student is allowed to remain in attendance at SJPII the following minimum
disciplinary sanctions will apply:
a. The student will serve a minimum of 15 after school detentions.
b. The student will be placed on General Probation.
c. The student will be suspended from all co-curricular and athletic activities for a
minimum of 15 school days.
d. The student will be required to undergo a drug/alcohol assessment
4. The student and parent will share the written results of the assessment with the Assistant
Principal for Student Life.
5. The student and parent will agree to follow the recommendations of the assessment.
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6. Failure to engage in the assessment and/or to follow its recommendations will result in
7. The student will be required to meet any other requirements established by the School
8. All testing and counseling sessions shall be the financial responsibility of the student’s
9. Subsequent violation of this policy during a student’s career at SJPII (including a positive
result on a random test) will result in mandatory withdraw or, barring that, immediate
expulsion without further notice or process.
For the SECOND offense
1. The student will be required to withdraw from Saint John Paul II Academy.
2. In the absence of a withdrawal, the School reserves the right, at the sole discretion of the
Principal, to expel the student without further notice or process.
Technology Acceptable Use & iPad Policy
Technology & Information Resources – Diocesan Policy
The school may provide its administrators, faculty and students with access to computers and
various information technology resources including email and Internet access in order to enhance
the teaching and learning environment of the school and to improve the school’s operations.
Students must use these resources in a responsible, ethical, and legal manner in accordance with
the mission of the school and Catholic teachings. Therefore, students must abide by the following
general rules of conduct:
1. Respect and protect the privacy of others:
2. Use only assigned accounts and passwords;
3. Do not share assigned accounts or passwords with others;
4. Do not view, use or copy passwords, data or networks to which you are not authorized;
5. Do not share or distribute private information about yourself or others.
6. Respect and protect the integrity, availability, and security of all electronic resources:
7. Observe all network security practices;
8. Report security risks or violations to the school principal or tech office;
9. Do not vandalize, destroy or damage data, networks, hardware, computer systems or other
10. Do not disrupt the operation of the network or create or place a virus on the network;
11. Conserve and protect these resources for other students and Internet users.
12. Respect and protect the intellectual property of others:
13. Do not infringe on copyright laws including downloading or copying music, games or
14. Do not plagiarize.
15. Do not install unlicensed or unapproved software;
16. Respect the principles of the Catholic school:
17. Use technology only in ways that are kind and respectful;
18. Report threatening or discomforting materials to the Assistant Principal for Student Life
and/or the technology staff;
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19. Do not access, transmit, copy or create materials that violate the school’s code of conduct
(such as indecent, threatening, rude, discriminatory or harassing materials or messages);
20. Do not access, transmit, copy or create materials that are illegal (such as obscene, stolen,
or illegally copied materials or messages);
21. Do not use the resources to further any other acts that are criminal or violate the school’s
code of conduct;
22. Do not use the resources for noneducational purposes such as visiting chat rooms, social
websites or networks including but not limited to Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, or
23. Do not send spam, chain letters or other mass unsolicited mailings;
24. Do not buy, sell, advertise, or otherwise conduct business or political campaigning
without prior written approval from the school’s principal.
25. Do not engage in any form of cyberbullying.
Use of Photographic & Video Images
The school reserves the right to use student or parent photos in any school or Diocesan
publication including but not limited to print publications, videos, or websites including
Facebook, Twitter and other social media websites. Any parent who does not want his or her
child’s picture or video to be used accordingly must notify the School in writing prior to August 31
of a given school year.
Supervision and Monitoring
The School and its authorized personnel may monitor the use of information technology
resources to help ensure that users are secure and in conformity with this policy. The School
reserves the right to examine, use, and disclose any data found on the school’s information
networks or on any technological devices used by students on campus in order to further any
administrative concern. It may also use this information in disciplinary actions and may furnish
evidence to law enforcement.
Unacceptable Use of Technology
The School expects students to use information technology (including, but not limited to, the
Internet, email, instant messaging and text messaging) in a responsible and ethical fashion in
compliance with all applicable laws and with Christian moral principles, both in and out of the
school setting. Accordingly, students may not post, place, upload, share, or communicate any
images, photographs, statements or inferences relating to or including profanity, vulgarity,
indecency, illegal use of drugs, illegal use of alcohol or other illegal or illicit activities.
Additionally, students may not use information technology for the purpose of defaming,
threatening, teasing or harassing any other student, staff member, parent, faculty member, or
other person. This includes, but is not limited to, communications on social networks such as
Instagram and Snapchat. In addition, this rule applies to communications both during the school
year and while students are on vacation or summer breaks. Students are responsible for all
materials and communications made on personal websites and social networks and the materials
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and communications should be consistent with Christian moral principles, including any
materials or communications posted on their sites by other individuals. Moreover, any
unauthorized use of the school’s name (or common names associated with the school) or any
likeness or image of the school or its employees or agents is strictly prohibited.
Many technological devices used at the School have the capacity to generate audio recordings,
video recordings, photographs, and other similar reproductions of images, likenesses, and/or
sounds. The use of any such recordings and reproductions is governed by school policy.
Parental/guardian execution of this Handbook constitutes an express consent and waiver as to
any such recordings and reproductions incidental to the use of any technological devices on
school property or at school events.
Consequences for Violations of these rules may result in disciplinary action, including the loss of a
student’s privilege to use the school’s information technology resources and any additional
consequences at the principal’s discretion including expulsion.
The School’s Technology Use Policy provides additional guidelines and restrictions on the use of
technology at Saint John Paul II Academy.
Saint John Paul II Academy Acceptable Use Guidelines
The Saint John Paul II Academy information network has been established to support academic
endeavors within the school by offering worldwide access to educational and career development
resources and providing opportunities to research information and for communication. To set the
tone for computing and use of computing resources, our premise is that each network account
holder will respect the right of all users and fair use by all so as to guarantee equal access by all
users. Network account holders are students, faculty, staff, and administrators within the Saint
John Paul II Academy community only.
The Saint John Paul II Academy network has not been established as a public access service or a
public forum and therefore does not intend to create a First Amendment forum for free
expression purposes. All technology use shall be consistent with the educational goals and
objectives defined by Saint John Paul II Academy. Saint John Paul II Academy has the right to
place reasonable restrictions on material accessed or posted through the system.
Saint John Paul II reserves the right to monitor, inspect, copy, review, and store at any time and
without prior notice any and all devices owned by the School as well as usage of the computer
network and Internet access and all information transmitted or received in connection with such
usage. All such information shall be the property of Saint John Paul II Academy and no user shall
have any expectation of privacy regarding such materials.
Saint John Paul II Academy’s Acceptable Use Policy is mandated to protect the rights, privileges
and responsibilities of the Saint John Paul II Academy community. We expect users to act in an
ethical and legal manner and remember that when utilizing the Saint John Paul II Academy
Network the student represents the school’s mission and purpose. All students must take
responsibility for appropriate and lawful use of this resource.
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Students and their parents agree to all facets of the Acceptable Use Policy and of this
supplemental policy by their enrollment at the School. In exchange for the use of the Saint John
Paul II Academy network and its resources, whether at school or away from school, the student
understands and agrees to the following responsibilities and privileges:
Student Computer/Internet Access
1. All users will have access to Internet information resources through the student wireless
network and computer labs.
2. All users will have access to those networked applications purchased and installed by the
school and will abide by their licensing guidelines.
3. Limited, responsible use of e-mail for personal communication is acceptable.
4. It should be understood that all data sent over the Saint John Paul II Academy Network
and communication system is the property of Saint John Paul II Academy. To properly
maintain and manage this property, Saint John Paul II Academy administrators reserve the
right to examine all data stored or transmitted by these systems.
Personal Safety
1. A user will not post personal contact information about himself or other people. Personal
contact information includes home address, telephone number, school address, work
address, parents’ names, or other information that someone may use to locate that
2. The user will not share his/her passwords or access credentials with others.
3. Users will not agree to meet with someone they have encountered online.
4. Users will promptly disclose to their teacher or a system administrator any message they
receive that is inappropriate or that makes him/her uncomfortable.
1. Students are assigned a School email account that also provides them access to the Google
Docs suite of applications. The student email address (one that ends with will be used for School related work only.
2. The use of email during class is prohibited unless authorized by faculty or administration
on a case by case basis.
3. Students should always use appropriate language in their email messages.
4. Email services provided by the school are to be used only for the exchange of appropriate
5. No inappropriate email will be tolerated, including derogatory, obscene, or harassing
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6. Email messages of an abusive or harassing nature will be regarded as a violation and will
be subject to a disciplinary response, which may result in expulsion.
7. Chain letters of any kind and spam are prohibited. Chain letters are defined as any email
message asking someone to pass information or messages on to other individuals or
groups via email.
8. Students are prohibited from accessing any other student’s SJPII email account.
9. Appropriate email etiquette should be observed. In general, only messages that one would
communicate to the recipient in person should be written.
10. School email addresses are not to be given to ANY websites, companies, or other third
parties without explicit permission.
Inappropriate Behavior and Language
1. Pictures or videos which include the presence of weapons, pornographic materials,
inappropriate language, alcohol, drug, gang-related symbols or pictures will result in
disciplinary actions.
2. Restrictions against inappropriate language apply to public messages, private messages
and material posted on web pages or social networking sites.
3. Users will not use obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, sexually explicit, rude, inflammatory,
threatening, or disrespectful language.
4. Users will not post information that could prove damaging or disruptive.
5. Users will not engage in personal attacks, including prejudicial or discriminatory
6. Users will not make comments that could be misconstrued, as electronic text allows no
context clues to convey shades of irony, sarcasm, or harmless humor.
7. Impersonation, pseudonyms, and anonymity are not acceptable on the Saint John Paul II
Academy Network.
8. Users will not harass another person. Harassment is defined as persistently acting in a
manner which distresses or annoys another person. If a user is told by a person to stop
sending him/her messages, they must stop.
9. Users will not knowingly or recklessly post false or defamatory information about an
individual or organization.
10. Users will not access material that is profane, sexually explicit, or obscene (pornography),
that advocates illegal acts, or that advocates violence or discrimination (hate speech)
toward other people.
11. If users mistakenly access inappropriate information, they should immediately tell the
teacher or administrator in charge of the location. This will protect against a claim that
they have intentionally violated this policy.
12. Users will not run programs that attempt to interrupt network or system operations.
Illegal Activities
1. Users will not attempt to gain unauthorized access or exceed your authorized access,
which includes attempting to log in through another person’s account or accessing
another person’s files.
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2. A user will not make deliberate attempts to disrupt the school network or destroy data by
spreading computer viruses or through any other action.
3. A user will not use Saint John Paul II Academy computers, the Saint John Paul II Academy
network or their iPad to engage in any illegal act.
System Security
1. Users are accountable for your individual account and should take all responsible
precautions to prevent others from being able to use their account. Under no conditions
should anyone provide their password/credentials to another person or use another
person’s account.
2. A user will immediately notify a teacher or the system administrator if a possible security
problem has been identified.
3. Network administrators may review files and communications to maintain system
4. Any laptop or other mobile device connected to the Saint John Paul II Academy network
must be approved through the tech office. Any iPad or other tablet must be operating
under SJPII approved security at all times. Failure to do so will result in a referral to the
Assistant Principal for potential disciplinary action.
5. Users will not attempt to secure or access a higher level of privilege on network systems.
1. The viewing and/or playing of electronic games is not permitted during school hours,
except as part of an assigned, in-class activity or as directed by faculty or administration.
2. The School reserves the right to remove any game from a school iPad that is considered
inappropriate or impedes the educational purpose of the iPad program
3. No games that are played over the school network are allowed.
4. Games that include violence, adult content, inappropriate language, and weapons are not
to be installed or played on the iPad.
5. Screensavers and wallpapers that include gaming components are not allowed.
Audio & Video
1. iPad audio should be turned off or on silent unless required for the activity being
2. Listening to music either aloud or with earphones is not permitted on campus unless
required for the activity being conducted. Faculty and staff may relax this policy at their
3. When sound is needed, headphones must be used.
4. The use of iPads to watch movies and other streaming video, unless assigned by a teacher,
is not permitted during the school day.
5. Any audio or video recording may be done only with the prior permission of all parties
being recorded.
6. Sharing of music (including iTunes music sharing) over the school network is strictly
prohibited and is subject to disciplinary action.
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Network Responsibility & Resource Limits
1. Users will utilize the Saint John Paul II Academy Network solely for educational and
career development, to research information or for the purposes of communication.
2. The use of proxy servers to bypass security settings is strictly prohibited.
3. File sharing is the public or private sharing of iPad data or space. Any program that creates
a point-to-point connection between two or more computing devices for the purpose of
sharing data is considered file sharing.
4. Users will not print paper copies when “print preview” on a display would suffice.
5. Users will not exceed established network storage space, time or other allocations.
6. Activities that users will not engage in (without permission) are the following:
a. Downloading games, music, recreational pictures, etcetera on school owned lab
machines or loaner iPads.
b. Sending bulk e-mails or mass e-mails
c. Game playing on library and lab computers.
d. Using bulletin boards or chat rooms
e. Posting or perusing personal ads
f. Using access for commercial purposes: buying, bidding or selling over the Internet
g. Using the Saint John Paul II Academy name or logo unless authorized by the
President or his/her designee
h. Using access for non-school related subscriptions to news groups, bulletin boards,
or similar services
i. Using unauthorized software, music or movie applications not owned or approved
by Saint John Paul II Academy
j. Making use of access for any purpose that is inconsistent with school policies,
guidelines, or codes of conduct.
k. Non-educational game playing during class periods.
Web Sites
1. Users will not include any reference to students, faculty, staff, or administrators, including
names or pictures without the individual’s permission.
2. If a personal or class web page is created for an assignment, a notice must be included to
inform the public that the opinions expressed on the page are those of the creator(s) of the
web page, not Saint John Paul II Academy. A statement on the page must also
acknowledge the author(s) of the page.
Limitation of Liability:
1. Saint John Paul II Academy makes no guarantee that the functions or the services
provided by or through the network will be error-free or without defect. Though access to
inappropriate material via the Saint John Paul II Academy network is actively discouraged
through both hardware and software tools, it is impossible to control access to a global
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2. Saint John Paul II Academy will not be held responsible for a student’s misuse of access
privileges or exposure to inappropriate material. The School will not be responsible for
financial obligations arising through unauthorized use of the network or network
resources. The parents of the student may be held financially responsible for any harm to
the network as a result of intentional misuse or negligence.
3. This document is subject to change. It is the student’s responsibility to remain aware of
the regulations contained herein.
Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy as To Students
The Academy has an open admission policy. No person, on the grounds of race, color, disability
or national origin, is excluded or otherwise subjected to discrimination in the receiving of
services. Nor does the school discriminate in hiring, promotion, discharge, pay, fringe benefits,
job training, classification, referral and other aspects of employment on the basis of race, color,
disability, age, gender, or national origin.
Saint John Paul II Academy does not discriminate against students with learning differences or
disabilities, if the school can make reasonable accommodations for the student. Rising seniors
from the local Palm Beach and Broward County areas are not normally accepted for admission
into the twelfth grade though parents and students can request an exception to this policy.
Students and Parent Handbook Acceptance and compliance agreement
Parents/Guardians, by executing the acknowledgement of receipt of this Handbook, HEREBY
AGREE to receive and be bound by electronic acknowledgments.
Parents, by executing the acknowledgment of receipt of this Handbook HEREBY RELEASE the
school, the Diocese of Palm Beach, and their corporate members, officers, employees, affiliates,
and agents from any claims or liabilities that allegedly arise from or are related to the provision of
private tutoring, coaching, therapy or other similar private lessons or services, regardless of where
they may occur.
Parents, by executing this acknowledgement of receipt of this Handbook, HEREBY RELEASE the
school, the Diocese of Palm Beach, and their corporate members, officers, employees, and agents,
from any claims or liabilities that allegedly arise from or are related to the use of student or parent
By executing this acknowledgement of receipt of this Handbook, Parents hereby CONSENT,
authorize and grant permission to the school, the Diocese of Palm Beach, and their agents,
employees or duly authorized representatives to photograph or videotape students and parents
and CONSENT to their publication for any purpose deemed proper by the school, including but
not limited to, use on the internet.
Parents, by executing the acknowledgment of receipt of this Handbook, HEREBY RELEASE the
school, the Diocese of Palm Beach, and their corporate members, officers, employees, affiliates,
and agents, from any claims or liabilities that allegedly arise from or are related to attendance at
parties or social functions at private residences or from participation/attendance at events not
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identified in the school calendar or in written notices from the school, including field trips or
Students are not to knowingly degrade or disrupt online services or equipment as such activity is
considered a crime under state and federal law (Florida IPad Crimes Act, Chapter 815, Florida
Statutes). This includes tampering with iPad hardware or software, vandalizing data, invoking
iPad viruses, attempting to gain access to restricted or unauthorized network services, or violating
copyright laws.
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