St. John Paul II
Catholic High School
A College Preparatory High School
2023-2024 Family Handbook
Office: (256) 430-1760
Fax: (256) 430-1766
School Website:
Parental/Student FACTS SIS (formerly RenWeb): https://chs-al.client.FACTS
Parents’ FACTS:
JPII Family Handbook
St. John Paul II Catholic High
St. John Paul II Catholic High School has met the requirements established by Cognia (formerly the
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools) for accreditation
and is a member of the National Catholic Educational Association.
Most Reverend Steven J. Raica, J.C.D.
Bishop, Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama
Mrs. Margaret Dubose, Superintendent
Catholic Schools, Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama
Board of Trustees
Ms. Virginia Leahy, Co-Chair Fr. Bryan Lowe, Co-Chair
Mr. William Boehme Ms. Anita Damian
Ms. Gayle Gilley Dr. Jason Greene
Dr. Gregory Gum Mrs. Michelle Jordan
Mr. Paul Tygielski Ms. Sharon White
Dr. Mary Ruth Yates
School Administration
Sr. Tonette Sperando, O.S.B., President
Dr. Jeremiah Russell, Headmaster
Mr. P. Lane Hill, Assistant Principal
Mr. Matt McManus, Athletic Director
Ms. Ashley Arominski, Campus Minister
JPII Honor Code
As members of a Christian community, we are held to high standards because we are not only a school,
but we are also a family and a community under the values and directives of Christ. Therefore, we are
faithful to our mission and community by not engaging in activities that violate community and the norms
of good Christian behavior. Accordingly, all members of the JPII Community will pledge and affirm to
uphold the Honor Code:
On my honor, as a Child of God and as a Member of the JPII Community, I will respect myself
and others. I will not lie, cheat, steal, deceive, disrespect, act with violence, nor aid another in
these actions. So help me God. Amen.
JPII Family Handbook
Faculty & Staff
Sr. Tonette Sperando, O.S.B. President
Dr. Jeremiah Russell Headmaster
Mr. Lane Hill Asst. Principal
Mr. Matt McManus Athletic Director
Ms. Ashley Arominski Campus Minister
Mr. Zack Jones
Ms. Kerri Kay (Dept. Chair)
Ms. Courtney Neil
Mr. Matthew Sasser
Fine Arts
Mrs. Mari Adams
Ms. Amanda Merring
Ms. Lindsay Nicholls
Mr. Matthew Sasser (Dept.
Guidance Department
Ms. Lori Cobb (Dept. Chair)
Ms. Kimberly LeChien
Mr. Hayden Hatfield
Ms. Sharon Wieter (Guidance
Admin. Asst.)
Ms. Megan Ehemann
Mr. Steve Bourque (Dept. Chair)
Ms. Morgan Kelly
Ms. Emma Lynch
Mr. David Mack
Health, Career, & Tech.
Mr. Aaron Christian
Mr. Paul Ciciarelli
Mr. Glenn Hagood (Dept. Chair)
Mr. Dylan Jedlovec ‘13
Ms. Kasey Thompson
Ms. Deborah Brenner
Mr. Johnny Burks
Mr. Brian Finzel (Dept. Chair)
Mr. Charles O’Melia
Ms. Catharine Scull
Foreign Language
Mr. William Kinslow
Ms. Gabriella Lemus
Ms. Susanne Schaefer (Dept.
Social Studies
Ms. Lorraine Anderson
Ms. Leta Hix (Dept. Chair)
Mr. Wes Robertson
Ms. Michelle Whetstone
Mr. Dylan Jedlovec ’13
Dr. Kenneth Muenstermann
Ms. Barbara Romei (Dept.
Ms. Margarete Smith
Mr. Matthew McManus
Ms. Becky Plott (M.S. Athletic
Ms. Jane Dodds (Athletics
Admin. Asst.)
Development Office
Mr. Vince Bellofatto
Ms. Jennifer Geiger
Ms. Denise Schovel
Mr. Ricky Martin (Manager)
Ms. Maria Perez
Support Staff
Ms. Tania Adamski (Cafeteria)
Ms. Holly Allen (Front Office)
Ms. Eileen Andrzejewski (Nurse)
Ms. Diane Olszewksi (Exec.
Admin. Asst.)
Ms. Gay Pittman (Bookkeeper)
JPII Family Handbook
Handbook Disclaimer
The contents of this handbook are based on the policies and procedures established by the Diocese of
Birmingham in Alabama, St. John Paul II Catholic High School Board of Trustees’ policies and the
school administration. The handbook is intended to serve as a guide to our programs and opportunities
as well as set forth expectations and agreements. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the contents.
Every effort is made to keep calendar dates and policies as listed. Several sections will require your
certification of receipt and review. Sign the copy provided for you in the handbook and return it to the
JPII front office no later than the Friday of the first full week of school.
The handbook will answer many questions you may have about your role in the academics, discipline,
school rules, athletics and various other topics associated with the school. No set rules or guidelines
can cover every conceivable situation that may arise at a school. The guidelines, rules and policies set
forth in this handbook are intended to apply under normal circumstances. Occasionally, there may be
situations that deviate from the normal rules and procedures set forth in this handbook. In those cases,
each situation will be handled in a manner deemed most appropriate by the school administration. This
handbook may be revised or updated periodically. Such changes become effective when published
either electronically or in print media. Final interpretation of policies and procedures is at the discretion
of the administration. All questions about any handbook policy or statement should be directed to the
appropriate administrator.
St. John Paul II Catholic High School admits students of any race, color, religion, nationality or ethnic
origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to
everyone at the school. It does not discriminate on any national, ethnic, or religious basis in the
administration of the school’s education policies, financial assistance programs, athletics, or any other
school administered activities.
Elastic Clause: Faculty and administration may take disciplinary action for any behavior that violates the spirit and
philosophy of JPII even though it is not specified in this Code of Conduct.
JPII Family Handbook
Table of Contents
School Policy 1-6
Our Catholic School Policy 1
Mission Statements 2
Spiritual Formation and Christian Service 3-5
Code of Conduct 6
Conduct Policies 7-13
Expectations and Responsibilities 7
Evaluations for Continued Attendance at JPII 7
Bullying/Cyberbullying/Hazing/Harassment/Threats/Social Media Posts 7-8
Cyber- or Electronically Based Inappropriateness 8
Classroom Conduct 8
Countercultural Youth Groups, Gangs, and Actions 8
Behavioral Infractions and Disciplinary Consequences
Level I and II 9-10
Level III and IV 10-12
Level V 12-13
School Day Schedules 13
Academics 13-22
Academic Assistance 13
Academic Honesty 13-14
Academic Monitoring 14
Academic Probation 15
AP Courses 15
Assignment Planning and Organization 15
Class Rank 15
Course Failure and Credit Recovery 16
Credit Advancement 16
Credit Policy 16
Dual Enrollment 16
Grades and Assessments 16
Grade Computation 17
Grading System and Grade Point Average (GPA) Calculation 17
Incomplete Grades 17
Grade Reporting and Report Cards 18
Graduation Policy 18
Graduation Requirements 18
Homework 19-20
Honor Roll 20
Missing Grades 20
Scheduling and Course Selection 20
Schedule Changes 21
Semester Exams 21
Senior Exam Exemptions 21-22
Standardized Achievement Testing and Aptitude Testing 22
Summer Reading Assignments 22
JPII Family Handbook
Support Services 22-23
School Counseling Department 22-23
Library/Media Center 23
Student Records 23
Student Health and Wellbeing 23-26
Introduction 23
Clinic 23
Illness or Injury During the School Day 24
Medication Administration Practices 24-25
Chronic Conditions 25
Communicable Diseases Policy 25
Excused Participation from Physical Education 26
Immunization Requirements 26
Pregnant and Married Students 26
Attendance 26-30
General Attendance Policies and Procedures 26
Absence Reporting 26
Return to School after Absence 27
Serious Illness 27
Other Absences 27
College Visit Absence 27
Absences Due to School Related Activities 28
Unexcused Absences 28
Absences and Course Credit 28
Early Checkout 28-29
Truancy 29
Make Up Work 29
Tardiness 29
Consequences for Unexcused Absences 29-30
Special Consideration 30
General School Policies 30-39
After School Supervision 30
Announcements 30
Assemblies 31
Buckley Amendment (Student Records) 31
Campus Usage Restricted Areas 31
Cell Phones and Electronic Devices 31-32
Change of Database Information 32
Communication 32
Continued Registration 32
Custody 32
Deliveries 33
Drills and Emergencies 33
Driver’s License 33
Field Trips 33
Flight Time (Lunch) 33
Fundraising 33
Graduation Ceremony 34
Gum 34
Gym Lockers/Weight Room 34
JPII Family Handbook
General School Policies (cont’d) 30-39
Hall Passes 34
House System 34-35
Insurance 35
Lost and Found 35
Parent-Teacher Conferences 35
School Closing and Delayed Start 35-36
Senior Activities 36
Senior Portraits 36
Senior Privilege 36-37
Study Hall 37
Textbooks 37
Transportation and Driving 37-38
Visitors 38
Volunteers 38-39
Work Permits 39
Technology 39-43
Student Access Agreement 39
Acceptable Use of Technology Policy 39
Plagiarism and Copyright Infringement 39
Privacy 39
Web Pages 39-40
Bring Your Own Device Acceptable Use Policy 41
Computer Access Control Individual’s Responsibility 41
Internet and Email Conditions of Use 41-42
Clear Desk and Clear Screen Policy 42
Transport and Storage of Devices 42
Substitute Teachers and Classroom Teachers 42
Mobile Storage Devices 43
Virus Protection 43
Acceptable Devices in the BYOD Program 43
Dress Code Policies 44-47
Enforcement of Dress Code 44
Regular School Day Uniform 45
Mass or other Liturgical Services Uniform 46
Physical Education Uniforms 46
Fashion Accessories and Grooming 46-47
Medical Excuse for Out-Of-Uniform 47
Spirit Wear Day Dress 47
Designated Out-Of-Uniform Days 47
Extracurricular Activities and Clubs 48
General Guidelines Clubs and Organizations 48
Athletics 48
Off-Campus and Special Events (Dances) 48
JPII Family Handbook
Financial Affairs 49-52
Finance Policy 49
Tuition and Fee Schedule 49
Other Fees 49
Tuition Payment 50
Tuition Assistance 50
Unpaid Financial Obligations 51
Returned Check Policy 51
Continued Enrollment 51
Textbook Usage Fees 51
Withdrawal Policy 51-52
Fundraising 52
Appendix A
Suspension and Expulsion Appeals Process (Diocesan School Board Policy 4700R) 53-54
Appendix B
Electronic Communication with Minors (Diocesan School Board Policy 4702) 55-56
Appendix C
Suspension and Expulsion Appeals Process (JPII) 57
Appendix D
Student Drug Testing Policy (JPII) 58-59
THE FOLLOWING FORMS (located at the end of this handbook) MUST BE COMPLETED,
COVID-19 Acknowledgment and Liability Waiver
Educational Contract
2023-2024 Family Handbook Acknowledgment
Social Media Parent Agreement
Photographic/Video Release
JPII Honor Code Acknowledgment
Family School Agreement (2023-2024) Diocese of Birmingham
Parents Permission and Indemnity
Rev. for SY 2023-2024 JPII Family Handbook Page 1
Our Catholic School Policy
St. John Paul II Catholic High School is a college preparatory secondary school sponsored by the Diocese
of Birmingham. The mission of the school is to bring forth Christ to the people in the school communities
students, faculty, staff, parents, alumni, and those in the surrounding area. We the administration,
faculty, and staff commit ourselves to the particular mission of the spiritual, intellectual, social, affective,
and physical development of our students.
We view education in terms of message, community, worship, and service. The students and faculty are
inspired to appreciate the faith in their life, to understand community in a global and local sense, to
experience personal and communal prayer, and to realize that service to others is basic to the gospel
message of Jesus. By these means, students and faculty will grow in their understanding and experience
as disciples of Jesus. In ministering to this community, the teacher has a responsibility to foster, by both
word and example, Christian values which mirror the belief in the special dignity given to each person by
Jesus Christ.
We view academic excellence as an achievable goal for all students as each one learns and grows according
to individual talents. We believe that the total education of each student necessitates the positive
collaboration of faculty and an active commitment to the development of partnerships with parents for
the student’s benefit. Ongoing evaluation of our program and progress helps to ensure that we are
properly responding to the genuine needs of our students.
We encourage the participation of each student in a well-developed program of faith formation,
academics, fine arts, athletics, and extracurricular activities. The entire school is committed to the
fostering of self-discipline and independence while maintaining the primary importance of providing an
environment in which all students can learn to become educated, contributing citizens of the world.
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Mission Statements
Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama
The mission of the Diocese of Birmingham Catholic School System is “Create a community of learners
who joyfully navigate faith and reason in order to propagate our Catholic beliefs. Ensure vibrant and
enduring communities of faith by:
Fostering a sense of belonging,
Providing a framework of operational support,
Helping to bring our community of learners closer to their God-given spiritual and academic
St. John Paul II Catholic High School
Inspired by our patron, St. John Paul II Catholic High School develops students in spirit, mind, and
body through a Christ-centered, college preparatory education. As a welcoming community of faith, we
encourage, challenge, and support our students to learn enthusiastically, lead honorably, and live
responsibly so they will improve themselves and society through their faith and vocation.
Faith and Service
We practice the teachings of the Catholic Church and call each member of
our community to a life of ministry and service.
Dignity and Diversity
We honor and respect individuals, embracing differences in a unified loving
Excellence and Quality
We promote the highest standards of achievement in our four pillars of
Academics, Arts, Athletics, and Spiritual formation.
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Spiritual Formation and Christian Service
The Religious Formation Program at St. John Paul II Catholic High School is designed to aid each
student in developing his/her individual faith within the support of a Christian community. Along with
religion courses, which cover the content of the Roman Catholic tradition, religious activities help
students grow spiritually as they participate in retreats, celebrate in prayer and liturgy, and perform
community service. Religion is not just a subject that students are required to take but is infused in all
that we do.
The school celebrates the Eucharist as a community each week. All students are expected to attend Mass
with reverence and respect. Students may participate in the liturgy as lectors, servers, ushers, musicians,
and other liturgical ministers.
The school offers a communal Penance service at least twice a year, typically during Advent and Lent.
To assist in the development of a Catholic faith community with Jesus as the model, St. John Paul II
Catholic High School students and faculty organize and direct the spiritual activities of the school
community. These activities include student retreats, liturgies, penance services, communal prayer,
personal conferences, adoration, and Christian service to the surrounding population.
After the example of our Lord, our community is held together with prayer. Therefore, as part of a
Catholic system of education, St. John Paul II Catholic High School students have the privilege of
praying together during the school day. Prayer is recited before morning announcements and before the
end of school each day as well as during school assemblies.
Our Lady of Hope Chapel is open to all for personal prayer and reflection. The Blessed Sacrament is
present and a respectful attitude is expected from those entering the chapel. No food, drink or gum are
allowed in the chapel.
Other spiritual activities include Stations of the Cross presented as “Way of the Cross” and Eucharistic
St. John Paul II Catholic High School conducts retreat experiences that are structured appropriately for
each grade level and are designed to help students deepen their relationship with Jesus, fellow students,
and themselves. Retreats are an integral part of the religious formation at JPII and therefore students
attendance is mandatory. Students who do not participate in their class retreat must have
approval from the Headmaster at least one (1) week in advance with a remediation plan for the
experience. Students who have an approved absence from any retreat will be given a make-up reflection
assignment. If a student has an unexcused absence on the retreat day or never completes the make-up
reflection assignment it will result in 5% off a student's quarter average.
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Service to God by serving others is at the heart of spiritual education at St. John Paul II Catholic High
School. Our service program is rooted in the Gospel call and reflects our Catholic identity. It is our goal
to assist each student in embracing the values of the common good which comes from serving others
and instilling the desire for a life-long commitment to service within the community.
100 hours of service are required to graduate from JPII
All students must complete their previous grade level hours by the end of fall break.
(Sophomores must have completed 25 hrs of service; juniors must have completed 50 hrs of
service; Seniors must have completed 75 hrs of service.) If this is not done, they will be required
to attend a quiet study hall in the library during lunch until they catch up on their hours.
In order to receive senior privilege, at least 75 hrs of service must be completed by the 1st day
of their senior year.
Seniors will have till the 2nd week of January to complete all 100 hours of service needed to
graduate if not done so already. If hours are not completed, it will result in loss of senior
privileges and/or delayed or denied graduation. See Senior Study Hall Privilege for additional
Transfer students are only required to complete 25 hrs of service per year they are a JPII
All hours must also be submitted in x2vol by students, verified by a non-profit by email, & then
approved by the Counseling Department. All service hours must be submitted in x2vol within a
month of the service date for the hours to be counted towards your community service.
Service opportunities are posted in x2vol for students.
Students are to choose a service site at a pre-approved, non-profit agency. Projects for
organizations that are not known non-profits must be pre-approved by the Counseling
Department before any work is begun.
JPII Sponsored Service (20 hrs in Total)
Service Day
Service Day is required for each grade level and goes towards the student’s community service
hours needed to graduate.
An Excused or Unexcused absence from Service Day will require a completion of the 5 service
hours on the students own time. Contact the Campus Minister in order to complete the Service
Day Absence Form. This form must be completed during the same quarter.
Service Saturdays
Service Saturdays are optional opportunities for all JPII students to serve the community
together. There are 4 Service Saturdays a semester estimating between 2-4 hours per Saturday.
Service Saturdays help students to accomplish their Individual Student Service.
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Individual Student Service (80 hrs in Total)
Service hours should support the Corporal Works of Mercy & must be a non-profit
organization outside of the JPII Community. If a student needs help finding service
opportunities, please look on x2vol or see our Counseling Department/Campus Minister for
Students are encouraged to choose service projects sponsored by pre-approved specified agencies, i.e.
registered non-profit agencies. Service hours prior to JPII enrollment date will not transfer. Projects for
organizations that are not known non-profits must be pre-approved by the Campus Minister before any
work is begun. Opportunities with individual agencies are posted in x2vol and Google Classroom.
Service hours are not considered complete until the appropriate information is provided in x2vol and
approved by the Campus Minister. Service hours require verification by an adult outside the household
by either a signed document on letterhead or email verification via x2vol.
Service hours that have not been completed by the end of the first semester of the senior year will result
in loss of senior privileges and/or delayed or denied graduation.
See Senior Study Hall Privilege for
additional details.
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Code of Conduct
In order to instill the spirit of trust that is necessary for honor to be maintained, it is essential that the
Honor Code be supported by all students, parents, faculty, staff, and administration. Thus, each group
in the school community holds a responsibility to ensure that a culture of integrity is upheld at all times.
The development of self-worth, respect for others, and responsibility for one’s actions cannot occur
without the individual’s acknowledgement that honor must be respected at all times. Respectable and
honorable conduct both on and off campus is expected from everyone at JPII. Students are encouraged
and expected to adopt an ethical attitude in all academic and personal undertakings, and to only claim
that which is rightfully theirs.
Failure to maintain these standards of honor will result in a breakdown of the spirit of community and
the spirit of trust. Students and parents acknowledge this expectation and pledge to uphold their honor.
As the primary educators of their children, parents/guardians freely make the choice of a Catholic
education for their sons/daughters. Registration in St. John Paul II Catholic High School is an agreement
by the parent/guardian to accept and abide by the rules and regulations of the institution and to support
its philosophy of education.
A cooperative relationship between the St. John Paul II Catholic High School personnel and a
parent/guardian is essential for the overall education of a student. It is critical that a cooperative
relationship be maintained through constructive dialogue with the parent/guardian.
If a parent/guardian refuses to abide by the rules and regulations of St. John Paul II Catholic High School
by word or action, is unsupportive of its goals, or otherwise fails to meet his/her obligations under St.
John Paul II Catholic High School or Diocesan policies, the administrator may require the
parent/guardian to withdraw his/her child or children from the school.
Additionally, parents/guardians will be held to the same standards of respect as students are in regards to
their interactions with administrators, teachers, staff, and students.
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Conduct Policies
We believe that a disciplined and structured atmosphere is necessary for students to achieve their
potential academically, physically, socially and spiritually. The purpose of discipline is to maintain a safe,
honest, and caring environment for students to thrive. Families with students at JPII are expected to be
committed to and supportive of our behavior philosophy.
Each JPII student and parent/guardian will be held to the following expectations:
Treat adults and peers with courtesy and respect.
Show respect for all people regardless of gender, ethnicity, culture, religion, sexual
orientation, and socio-economic background.
Show respect for the property of others.
Show respect for the environment by maintaining the cleanliness of the building
and surrounding campus.
Help maintain a positive atmosphere with appropriate behavior in the classroom, school
assemblies, meetings, and other small and large gatherings, both on and off campus.
Be responsible for honest/ethical behavior in all pursuits.
Promote the safety and well-being of all students.
Accept responsibility for all personal actions.
A stakeholder’s parent/guardian, student, family member, etc. conduct, away from school, at school-
related activities, and on social media (including networking sites, internet websites, and other published
media) reflects upon St. John Paul II Catholic High School and may affect the student’s standing as a
member of the school community. Behavior which in any way discredits the school or is threatening to
other students or employees will be addressed following established school policies.
The privilege to attend JPII is reviewed periodically, especially at the end of each semester. The evaluation
is based on a student’s academic performance and positive response to the behavioral goals and
expectations relative to the policies of the school. The criteria for evaluation are based on the following
Academic the student must do his/her best academically in order to succeed at JPII
Attendance the student may not have excessive absence or tardiness without medical documentation
Behavior the student should adhere to school policies
Attitude the student should exhibit cooperation and responsibility
Financial the student’s financial obligations have been met
JPII believes that all students and employees are entitled to work and study in a school environment that
is Christ-centered and free of harassment. Accordingly, all patterns of intimidation, threats, or bullying by
the JPII community are prohibited. Any student who engages in bullying and/or cyberbullying is subject
to appropriate discipline. Students who have been bullied/cyber-bullied should promptly report such
incidents to any faculty or staff member. Students, who know of someone in our community who is being
bullied or cyberbullied, should promptly report to a faculty or staff person.
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Anonymous or authored reports may be made by anyone in writing to administration. Complaints
of bullying or cyberbullying will be investigated promptly, and corrective action will be taken when
a complaint is verified. All forms of bullying are disruptive to the educational process and a
violation of our Honor Code. Consequences for this type of behavior include regular school
discipline and/or a referral to civil authorities.
Harassment occurs when an individual is intimidated, teased, bullied, threatened, or discriminated against
because of race, religion, age, gender, physical appearance, socioeconomic status, or sexual orientation.
Harassment creates an offensive, hostile, and intimidating environment. Examples of harassing behavior
include but are not limited to the following:
Verbal Harassment: Derogatory or demeaning comments, jokes, threatening or intimidating words
spoken to or about another person or group.
Physical Harassment: Unwanted physical contact, touch, blocking movements, assault, hazing or any
intimidating interference with normal activity or movement.
Visual or Cyber Harassment: Derogatory, demeaning or inflammatory drawings, written words,
cartoons, posters, gestures, or photographs produced or posted (which includes sexting).
Sexual Harassment: Unwelcome comments and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.
The use of email messages, text messages, blogs, websites, or other electronic or media-based
communications to make inflammatory or derogatory comments, and/or inappropriate descriptions or
pictures, regarding an administrator, a teacher, a staff member, a coach, a fellow student, or another
school/team is strictly prohibited. For the purposes of this policy, inappropriate comments/pictures/
descriptions regarding another person’s race, ethnic background, culture, religion, gender or sexual
orientation are considered inappropriate.
The school includes as a violation of its Honor Code any offensive, lewd, scandalous, inappropriate,
hostile, or intimidating communication or material that occurs via phones, email, voicemail, text messages,
video, social networks (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, KIK, TikTok, Twitter, and the like), or the Internet in general.
Students are expected to participate in classroom exercises, lessons, and discussions. Furthermore, they
are expected to contribute positively to the classroom learning environment and to facilitate classroom
management and discipline. This positive interaction and participation satisfy our call to family,
community, and participation. Teachers will handle minor discipline infractions with the full support of
the Administration. Any major offense or excessive minor offenses will be referred to the
Any non-school sponsored groups, who engage in unlawful, uncharitable, or anti-social behavior that
threatens the safety or welfare of others or disrupts the orderly operation of the school, are prohibited.
All antisocial affiliations, cliques, associations, paraphernalia, symbols, gestures, and activities, including
recruitment, presentation, initiation, or grooming, are also prohibited. Participation in such groups
jeopardizes a student’s continued enrollment at JPII.
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To ensure the well-being of our school community, inappropriate or unacceptable behavior will result
in disciplinary actions from the Administration. Inappropriate or unacceptable behavior infractions and
the corresponding consequences are shown in the following chart. Consequences may be adjusted
depending on the severity of the infraction. The Administration will determine the level of all offenses
and appropriate consequences for any behavior not addressed in this handbook. Repeated instances of
the same behavioral infractions suggest a student’s unwillingness to follow the rules and may result in
more serious consequences.
Level I and II
Level I & II offenses earn the student one (1) or more demerits and/or detention. Repeated violations
beyond the 3rd infraction will result in additional disciplinary actions. Any of the offenses listed below
may be classified as Level III or IV depending on the severity of the infraction.
Level I & II Offense
2nd infraction
Cell Phone, Unauthorized
Electronics Usage
Device confiscated
& held in office till
3:20 /1 Demerit
Cheating (Honor Code Violation)
Zero on assignment/
1 Demerit/Admin.
Disrespect/Verbal Harassment
(Any action or comment degrading the
dignity of a person)
1 Demerit
Dress Code Violations
1 Demerit
Inappropriate Language/Profanity
(taking the Lord’s name in vain,
swearing, etc.)
1 Demerit
Late to Class Unexcused/no
1 Demerit
Littering (dropping or scattering trash
on school property)
1 Demerit
1 Demerit
Minor Behavior Infraction (gum
chewing, eating or drinking in
classroom or hallway)
1 Demerit
Minor Classroom Disruption
(talking, note passing, etc.)
1 Demerit
Parking/Driving Violations
1 Demerit
1 Demerit/50%
credit for rewritten
) notified
Public Display of Affection
1 Demerit
* A student’s second infraction of blatant plagiarism, even if it spans academic years, will be referred to the
Assistant Principal and require an ensuing parent conference.
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Demerits are issued for minor behavioral infractions and serve as a warning that such behavior needs
to be corrected. Students who accumulate three (3) demerits in a quarter will receive weekday detention;
students who accumulate six (6) in a quarter will be placed in in-school suspension (ISS). Administrative
discretion will be used for more than six (6) demerits in one quarter.
Weekday Detentions
Weekday detentions address repeated minor infractions of school rules. Parents are notified via email
if a student receives detention. Weekday detention is held during lunch.
Students must arrive at the start of the lunch period.
Students who miss detention will be reassigned and issued 1 demerit.
No students will be admitted late.
Detention must be served when it is assigned. In extreme cases, detention may be reassigned if the
student has a verified professional appointment, illness or family emergency (Administration has
final approval for reassigning detention).
Students are not allowed to have cell phones during detention.
Level III and IV
Such infractions are of a serious nature, and such behavior will not be tolerated. Level III and IV
infractions result in demerits and disciplinary action including in-school suspension (ISS), out-of-school
suspension (OSS), disciplinary probation, restitution, and expulsion depending on the nature of the
Examples of Level III and IV Offenses
Fighting or posturing to fight
Insubordination (Willful failure to respond to or carry out a reasonable request by authorized school
Abusive Language
Signature forgery, fraud, or impersonation of another
Gambling of any kind
Obscenity/Sexual Harassment including verbal, written, picture, or via electronic device, offensive
gestures or touching (grounds for civil involvement)
Theft (taking and/or possession of another’s property; also grounds for civil involvement)
Vandalism (grounds for civil involvement)
Setting off the fire alarm (grounds for civil involvement)
Use of or possession of tobacco products (includes lighters, vapes, cigarette types)
Harassment, intimidation, or bullying (whether verbal, written, or transmitted electronically)
Threatening or violent statements (whether verbal, written, or transmitted electronically)
NOTE: Local law enforcement WILL be contacted if an illegal act has been committed on school grounds
or at a school function.
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Students who either fail to correct behavior problems or who seriously violate the Student Honor Code
will be suspended. Suspension may be in-school or out-of-school.
In-School Suspension (ISS)
Student reports to the assistant principal at the start of the school day and is placed in a designated
suspension room.
Student completes daily assignments given to them by their teachers as well as homework.
Student is dismissed at the end of the school day and must leave the campus immediately.
Students will not be allowed to use cell phones during ISS.
Students must work for the entire school day.
Out-of-School Suspension (OSS)
Students who are assigned an out-of-school suspension remain at home for the duration of the
Students are responsible for turning in all schoolwork and submitting assignments either
electronically or in person on the first school day they return.
Students lose credit for any minor assignment. Upon readmittance, major assignments (e.g.,
project/tests) are lowered one letter grade per day until work is submitted with students unable to
score higher than a B. If the assignment is submitted more than three days after readmittance, the
student loses credit. It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements with his/her teachers.
The Headmaster may assign additional work beyond classroom assignments that must be
completed for re-admittance to school.
Absence(s) from class are unexcused.
When a student is suspended either in-school or out-of-school:
Student is removed from regular classes by the Administration.
Student’s parent(s) or guardian(s) will be contacted and asked to meet with the Administration.
The length of suspension will depend on the seriousness of the offense.
Student is ineligible to participate in or attend any co-curricular and extracurricular activities on
day(s) of suspension.
Based on the infraction, the student may be readmitted on Disciplinary Probation for OSS. The
student will be placed on Disciplinary Probation if a second OSS occurs during an academic year.
Suspension may impact student’s ability to receive Tuition Assistance the following year.
Suspension may be appealed following the Diocesan process. A copy of the appeals process will be
provided to the parent and student when a suspension occurs.
General Probation
A student may be placed on probation for academic, attendance, or behavioral reasons. During the
probationary period, the student shall demonstrate significant and obvious improvement. The time span
of probation will be determined by the administration. At the end of the probation period, the student’s
performance will be evaluated and will result in one of the following actions: The student will be removed
from probation, the probation will be extended, or the student will be dismissed for insufficient
commitment to the terms of the contract.
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Disciplinary Probation
Students may be placed on probation at any time for violating school rules and policies. Terms of
probation vary by circumstances, but probation may include the following:
Student meets with Assistant Principal as needed.
Student’s behavior will be monitored and reviewed for progress.
If warranted by the Administration, outside counseling, evaluation, services, and/or drug
testing/monitoring may be added.
Disciplinary issues during the probationary period may be considered grounds for expulsion.
Level V
These are extremely serious infractions resulting in immediate expulsion. The school reserves the right to
expel, at any time, a student whose attitude or conduct is judged harmful to himself/herself and/or other
students, or who openly defies the school’s expectations. In each instance, the Headmaster’s final
disciplinary decision will be based on an investigation, evidence and consultation with the student and
Possession of a weapon of any type
Distribution or selling of, use of, or possession of alcohol or drugs (whether
illegal or prescription)
Possession of or selling stolen goods
NOTE: Local law enforcement will be contacted if an illegal act has been committed on school
grounds or at a school function.
When a student is dismissed, the following will occur:
Notification of the incident is made to the student's parent(s)/guardian(s) and counselor.
The dismissed student will clean out her/his locker, and return all library books, textbooks and
athletic uniforms. Students will be charged accordingly for any items not returned.
The dismissed student will not be allowed back on the school campus for any reason.
The dismissed student will not be allowed to attend any function that is the sole activity/event of
JPII whether on campus or away.
The student may appeal for readmission.
When it becomes necessary to suspend a student because of a disciplinary problem,
pattern, or need for investigation, the appropriate school authority will notify the student and
parents/guardians immediately by telephone. The appropriate authority will be the Assistant Principal or
the Headmaster, and they will determine the reentry needs relative to the situation. A question concerning
the decision to suspend must be made to the Headmaster within three (3) school days of the receipt of
written notification. At the Headmaster’s discretion, there may be a meeting with the student and his or
her parents/guardians. The Headmaster’s decision will be final.
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For grounds set forth in the JPII Family Handbook or a pattern of poor behavior, a
student may be expelled from school after the Headmaster has discussed the situation with the
parents/guardians and the student. At that time, the Headmaster may offer the family the opportunity to
withdraw the student or the Headmaster may decide that a unilateral expulsion is warranted. In the case
of the latter, a written notice of expulsion will be sent to the parents/guardians after the discussion.
Elastic Clause: Faculty and administration may take disciplinary action for any behavior which violates the spirit and
philosophy of JPII Catholic High School even if it is not specified in this Code of Conduct
School Day Schedules
St. John Paul II Catholic High School operates on an alternating block schedule. The A or B Day
schedule includes 4 “block” periods. An 8 period schedule is reserved for special circumstances.
The school year calendar is set to an A/B Day alternating schedule, if school is closed for any
reason during the school year, the missed day schedule will be moved to the following school day
(e.g. if Tuesday, Aug. 4 is a B Day and school is closed on Tuesday, Aug. 4, then Wednesday, Aug. 5
will be a B Day) and the alternating schedule resumes.
On days that include Mass or an assembly, class meeting times are adjusted to account for the time
spent in Mass or assembly.
Special schedule weeks are posted on the downloadable Google Calendar or on the school website’s
The program of studies at St. John Paul II Catholic High School is consistent with the philosophy and
objectives of the school and the recommended pre-college curriculum of the College Board. While a
definite attempt is made to provide courses which meet the needs and interests of all students, our
Headmaster’s academic focus is on college preparatory courses.
Teachers are generally available to students each day before and/or after school for extra help in class.
Many core subjects provide tutoring sessions after school on a weekly basis. Consult the calendar on the
school website for dates and times. Students are encouraged to take advantage of this assistance. Students
with great difficulty in a given subject area should seek the assistance of their School Counselor. Peer
tutoring will be provided as needed or professional services will be recommended.
Students are expected to demonstrate honesty and integrity while in attendance at St. John Paul II Catholic
High School. Each student is expected to do his or her own work. This includes test taking, homework,
class assignments and the original creation of essays, compositions, term papers and scientific research.
All work submitted by students should be a true reflection of their own effort and ability. Cheating and
plagiarism are very serious offenses against the school’s Honor Code and will not be tolerated. Academic
dishonesty includes attempting, assisting, and/or performing the following activities:
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Preparing to copy/cheat by having possession of another student’s work, test, notes, or papers
without the expressed approval of the teacher.
Using/allowing another to use someone else's work.
Communicating with another or not maintaining a quiet atmosphere during quizzes/tests, including
the use of photo, app, text, phone, or non-approved personal electronic device.
Not following commonly accepted test procedures or instructions announced by the teacher, (e.g.,
out of one’s seat, use a phone or any unauthorized technology for any reason).
Copying, or allowing another to have and/or copy previous homework, test information, reports.
Plagiarizing by using another person's ideas, text, words, artwork, or thoughts in whole or in part
without referencing and giving credit (this includes material from technology that is downloaded, cut
and pasted, and/or printed from the Internet or electronic resources). Previous student drafts
demonstrating the evolution of research and writing will help demonstrate that his/her work is
original, if an assignment appears to be a derivative of someone else’s work.
Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to:
Student demonstrates limited understanding of referencing conventions, including the correct
presentation of direct quotations
Student demonstrates limited understanding of how to acknowledge the sources of both direct
and indirect quotations
Student fails to recognize the distinction between material in the public domain which does not
require acknowledgement and that which does
Student demonstrates limited understanding that the imitation of an author’s language or style
constitutes plagiarism
Student fails to acknowledge small amounts of material (text, graph, computer code, images, etc.)
Student copies sections from other sources without citation
Student borrows the language and style of another author while knowing that it is incorrect to do
Students unauthorized use of AI to complete assignments or generate work.
Work contains unacknowledged material from someone else’s work, even if that author granted
permission to use the material
Work contains fabricated citations, entirely lacks citations, or lacks appropriate citation to a large
Academic Monitoring occurs for any of the following reasons:
A student receives two (2) or more “Ds” on a semester report card.
A student receives an “F” on a semester report card.
Previous standardized tests results and course grades.
The Assistant Principal and/or Headmaster determine it is in the best interest of the student.
A parent files a written request.
The student and his/her parent(s) will be notified that the student is on Academic Monitoring. A student
on Academic Monitoring must raise all grades to a “C-by the end of the subsequent semester. Failure
to do so will result in the student being placed on Academic Probation. Academic monitoring students
who are not completing assignments or progressing academically, may be required to attend a study hall
during lunch period.
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A student will be placed on Academic Probation for the following reason: The student was on Academic
Monitoring and did not raise his/her report card grade(s) to a “C-average by the end of the semester.
Parents will be notified by the Assistant Principal when a student is placed on Academic Probation. If a
student on Academic Probation does not raise his/her grade to a “C- average by the end of the
following semester, the student may not be asked to return to school.
St. John Paul II Catholic High School believes that probationary students should commit all of their
available time and effort to improving their academic standing. Students will not be allowed to take part
in activities such as senior privilege, house leadership, clubs, pep rallies/house games, and field trips.
During these activities, these students will be required to be at school to work on their academics.
Absences during these activities will require an excused absence. Probationary students will be assigned
to a study hall during lunch.
Students on Academic Probation will have their privileges removed for no less than one quarter. At the
end of the quarter, the student may request an academic review if their grades have improved to a 73 or
better. If the student has no grades below a 73 and has regularly completed assignments, they may have
their privileges restored. After privileges have been restored, the administration will review the student’s
grades and academic performance each quarter.
Advanced Placement (AP) courses are nationally standardized courses with an approved curriculum
designed to be college level coursework. Students must have the recommendation from appropriate
teachers to enroll in AP courses and be self-motivated with an exceptional level of responsibility.
Students should expect significant amounts of reading, writing, and problem solving in AP courses. It is
highly recommended that students taking AP classes select a study hall. Sophomores doubling in
mathematics are not allowed to take an AP class. Any rising junior wanting to take three (3) AP classes
needs the approval of the AP Coordinator and Headmaster and must have a study hall.
AP publishes a Bulletin for Students and Parents in the early spring. It is the responsibility of the student
and parent to read the Bulletin. The Bulletin is given to students in the classroom and sent via FACTS
SIS in early spring.
All students who enroll in an AP course are required to sit for the appropriate AP examination in May
of each year and pay the required testing fee. Dates and times are strictly adhered to as set by College
Board. The school will not administer alternate exams for non-school related event conflicts. Students
and parents should seek other testing sites by contacting AP Services/College Board.
An important component of the study skills aspect of the academic program is helping students develop
effective organizational techniques for managing assignments, projects and extracurricular activities.
Students are encouraged to use planners.
St. John Paul II Catholic High School does not provide class ranking.
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Students failing a required course will be given the option for credit recovery during the summer in order
to be re-enrolled for the fall. Students may only take two (2) courses per summer unless the Headmaster
has given prior approval. The credit recovery will be through an on-line course. The credit recovery must
be completed before the following school year begins. The original “F” will remain on the transcript and
will be factored into the GPA along with the grade from the class that was repeated. It is the student’s
responsibility to provide the school with an official transcript of all make-up work.
A student who has successfully completed credit recovery will be placed on Academic Monitoring (or
Academic Probation if already on Academic Monitoring). Students will be given the one-time option of
returning to school after credit recovery is completed. If the student requires credit recovery a second
time, the student will not be re-enrolled for the following school year.
After the completion of their sophomore year, students may take two courses for credit advancement
with prior administrative approval.
A full credit is awarded for the successful completion of a two-semester course. A half credit is given
for one semester courses. Students who fail one semester of a year-long course but have a passing yearly
average receive full credit for the class, and are not required to complete credit recovery.
St. John Paul II Catholic High School participates in the Dual Enrollment program at the University of
Alabama in Huntsville, Calhoun Community College, and University of Alabama Early College. Students
who enroll in this program must meet UAH/Calhoun Dual Enrollment eligibility requirements and have
permission from JPII Administration. Students register for classes through the Counseling Department.
Students should seek classes that least interfere with their JPII schedule. Senior Privilege will be a priority
for students taking these classes. Such courses appear on the student’s transcript designated as “UAH
or Calhoun” class.
While most colleges accept Dual Enrollment course credits, it is the student’s responsibility to petition
his/her college of choice to accept transfer credit for Dual Enrollment classes. Dual Enrollment courses
receive a 0.5 credit qualifier on the student’s GPA.
Grades are used as a means of measuring and reporting progress and achievement. Grades aid students
in determining their individual strengths and weaknesses; they may also be incentives for greater
academic growth.
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Quarterly grades are determined by a combination of points earned on major tests, quizzes, projects,
papers, homework, class work, and participation.
Final grades are calculated for a yearly course* as follows:
1st quarter grade 20%
2nd quarter grade 20%
1st Semester Exam 10%
3rd quarter grade 20%
4th quarter grade 20%
2nd Semester Exam 10%**
*Grades are calculated for semester courses at 40% 1st quarter/40% 2nd quarter/20% semester exam.
**AP courses without 2nd semester exams are calculated at 25% 3rd quarter/25% 4th quarter.
Grades on report cards are in numeric equivalencies. JPII calculates both an unweighted cumulative
GPA and a weighted cumulative GPA based on semester grades. A weight qualifier of 0.5 is added to all
courses for AP and dual enrollment courses. Transcripts will reflect only one GPA, either weighted or
unweighted based on the grade calculation. A student’s GPA does not appear on the report card but
is updated in a student’s Naviance account each semester. Any student/parent with questions or
concerns regarding transcripts should contact his/her school counselor. The GPA quality points
assigned are:
Below 60
An “I” is given when a student has not fulfilled course requirements for some unusual reason (e.g.,
personal illness). In such cases, the student has two (2) weeks to make up the missed work or the
Incomplete becomes a failing grade.
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St. John Paul II Catholic High School offers students and parents full access to the student’s grades
through FACTS SIS. Parents are given access to their child’s academic performance (grades, assignment
completion, attendance, comments from the teacher) in each of his/her classes. Students are encouraged
to monitor their own personal academic progress through FACTS SIS. (For more information on
FACTS SIS, see the section in General Policies.) Grades will be finalized no later than three (3) weeks
after each semester.
Report cards are available at the end of each quarter and are posted in FACTS SIS. A copy of the report
card will be sent via email to the email addresses provided in the FACTS SIS system of the student’s
Semester grades, seen on the second and fourth quarter report cards, are the final grades that are posted
on a student's permanent record.
Participation in the graduation ceremony is open to all those who have completed graduation
requirements, are in good standing with regard to behavior, and have satisfied all financial obligations to
the school.
Any student who fails to meet these criteria may not be allowed to participate in the graduation
ceremonies and related activities.
All students are expected to satisfactorily complete a strong academic program of 28.5 course credits.
The specific requirements are as follows:
Required Subjects
Mathematics (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II)
Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics required)
Social Studies
Foreign Language (2 consecutive years of the same
Fine Arts
Physical Education (additional elective required for
students waiving PE)
Career Preparedness A
Career Preparedness B
One hundred hours of Community Service
Total credits
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The JPII homework best practices and procedures were developed based on research and input from
students, parents and teachers.
JPII is a community in which the governing body, school leadership, and faculty, in partnership with the
students and their families, support the use of homework as an integral instructional strategy. Because
research has shown and our record can confirm that there is a positive correlation between homework
and student achievement, JPII assigns homework to:
Enhance student’s academic growth: expands knowledge of concepts, encourages
problem-solving, and develops creative ways of relating topics and ideas presented in class.
Prepare the student for subject lessons.
Reinforce concepts and objectives taught in the classroom (practice/review).
Develop independent time management, organization, collaboration, and study skills to foster
initiative, self-direction, confidence, and self- discipline.
Help students to become independent learners and critical thinkers.
Will vary depending on the student’s study habits, academic skills, personal goals, and course load
Will vary as rigorous courses may necessitate more homework
Assign relevant, challenging, meaningful, developmentally appropriate
homework that reinforces or extends classroom learning.
Protect family time by not assigning new homework over long holiday
periods (i.e. Fall Break, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring Break, and Easter).
Define homework and late work policy clearly in course syllabi.
Post homework on Google Classroom.
Give clear instructions, objectives, and assessment guidelines.
Allow reasonable time to complete assignments.
Give timely feedback and corrections on all assignments.
Vary homework to accommodate different learning styles.
Post grades in FACTS SIS in a timely manner.
Consult with counselors and parents about persistent problems with
homework (e.g. completion, timeliness, correctness …).
Coordinate and cooperate with tutors, counselors, and other specialists
concerning additional support a student might need.
Submit your own work. Copying work done by another student and
submitting it as one’s own, even with that student’s permission, constitutes
cheating and plagiarism.
Write down and revisit daily assignments: reading, review of notes and
handouts, exercises, study, projects, reports, presentations, and so on.
Check assignments on Google Classroom, especially when absent.
Ask questions about instructions, objectives, and assessment guidelines if
anything about an assignment is unclear.
Seek extra help and support as needed by seeing or emailing teachers and
by taking advantage of tutorial sessions and study halls.
Take home all textbooks, notes, study guides, and anything else that might
be necessary to complete assignments.
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Set aside a regular time to study at home, or simply manage time in a way
that balances homework with other activities and commitments.
Put away the cell phone and abstain from social media during homework.
Think actively and question frequently while doing homework as part of
the learning process.
Produce and take pride in quality work neat, complete, and in
accordance with directions and rubrics.
Complete assignments on time.
Take the initiative to discuss homework overload with teachers.
Recommendation: Conform to the alternating A-day/B-day schedule by
doing homework on the day that it is assigned.
Promote a positive attitude towards homework and effort in all courses.
Understand and reinforce efforts for the quality of the work.
Provide a quiet space, discourage use of cell phone and social media, and
restock supplies (e.g. copy paper, printer ink) to facilitate completion of
Monitor student’s assignments on Google Classroom and carefully read all
communication from the teacher before contacting him/her with
Verify completion of homework as needed.
Allow student to work independently; that is, be available for assistance
Respect the school day. At JPII, one block class carries the same
educational weight as two class periods. Taking students out of school for
family holidays and other events when classes are in session is not in the
students’ best academic interest. Students might be able to catch up on
assignments, but they will never recover what they missed in class.
Academic Honor Roll is based on semester grades.
1. A Honor Roll Each grade must be an A.
2. A/B Honor Roll Each grade must be a B or greater.
An “M” is given when a student has missed an assignment/test, but the work can still be completed for
a grade. If the assignment/test is not submitted by the teacher’s deadline, the M becomes a zero (0).
For all returning students, the selection of classes for the upcoming year will take place in the spring
semester. In order to register for classes for the upcoming year, all financial obligations to the school for
the current year must be met.
School counselors will meet with students and recommend courses based on academic performance,
graduation requirements, and personal interest. After counselors have met with students and courses
have been selected, students/parents complete the Course Registration Form and return it to the school.
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After schedules are issued a student who needs to change his/her schedule must:
Obtain a Change Schedule Request Form from the Counseling Office;
Pay a $50.00 course change fee for each course changed;
Any changes must be finalized by the Friday of the 1st full week of school.
Please remember that some changes may not be possible due to schedule and class size limitations.
Course changes are not considered for or against a particular teacher or to be with friends. Schedule
change requests for a senior privilege are only considered, though not guaranteed, in regards to dual
enrollment, after school employment, or special circumstances.
Students may not drop or add a course after the deadline without the approval of the faculty involved
and Administration. If a course addition is approved, the student must complete any class work that was
assigned prior to the addition.
Examinations are given at the end of the second and fourth quarters and are designed to test a student's
comprehensive and cumulative knowledge in a particular course. The midterm and final exam dates
are posted well in advance on the school calendar so that all students and families may plan
appropriately. Exams will not be rescheduled because of family vacation plans.
Students may not ask teachers to alter exam schedules.
If an exam is withheld due to outstanding financial obligations, the student will be informed
approximately one week before exams.
Students who take AP courses do not take final exams but take the AP exams as scheduled by the
College Board.
Absences due to illness or other emergency must be verified and exams made up according to a
schedule set by the administration.
Failure to take or make up an exam results in a grade of 0 on that exam. Any exception to the above
policies must be approved by the administration.
Exemptions for final exams are determined by individual class. Exemptions are only granted to seniors
under the following conditions:
Minimum average for the class must be at least 83 for the second semester.
No more than ten (10) unexcused check-in tardies per class for the year.
No more than ten (10) excused or unexcused absences per class for the year.
Required service hours must be completed by the end of first semester.
International/transfer students whose first year in attendance is as a senior should have 25 service
hours completed by the end of April.
Administration will provide faculty a list of students who did not meet the behavioral or service
requirements; individual class instructors will assess GPA, tardies, and absences in a class.
Students who receive three or more cumulative days of suspension, either in school and/or out of
school, will lose their exemption.
Note: First semester exams can be exempted for seniors if the class is an elective semester-only class,
Requirements: see above.
The Assistant Principal will review on a case-by-case basis those seniors affected by extreme absences
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due to illness or surgeries.
MAP Testing
PSAT 8/9
Aug / Jan / May
PSAT Preliminary Scholastic
Aptitude Test
SAT Scholastic Aptitude Test
ACT American College Test
arranged by the
The school has responsibility for the preparation and administration of these tests.
Students are strongly encouraged to begin taking both the SAT and the ACT by the spring of their junior
year at least. Links to registration information about the ACT or SAT can be found in the Parent/Student
Naviance account. For information regarding ACT/SAT preparation classes, contact the Counseling
Summer reading assignments are required of all students in preparation for each upcoming school year.
The assignments are published in the spring of each school year and are available on the school website
under the “Academics” tab and through Google Classroom.
Support Services
The Counseling Department implements a comprehensive guidance program aligned with the American
School Counselor Association National Model. The school counselor is a certified professional with
unique qualifications and skills to address the academic, personal/social, and career development needs
of all students.
The school counselor addresses these needs through:
1. Individual, small and large group formats.
2. Classroom sessions.
3. Consults and collaborates with parents/guardians, teachers, and staff.
4. Community resources referrals.
5. Facilitates the School Counseling Support Team (SCST) which provides academic support to
students that are struggling.
6. Provides College and Career Counseling.
a. Meets with student individually to discuss Career Paths.
b. Works with students in Career Prep A.
c. Hosts colleges to support and promote readiness for postsecondary goals.
d. Uses Naviance an online college and career readiness solution to connect academic
achievement to post-secondary goals.
i. This tool is used extensively throughout the college search and application
process at JPII.
ii. Request transcripts and letters of recommendations.
iii. Search scholarships and enrichment activities.
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iv. Students and parents receive registration information to create separate accounts
Contact the school counselor if you have any concerns about your student.
The library/media center provides opportunities for developing skills in research and independent
A level of quiet that is conducive to study is required of all students using the library.
Collaborative technology centers for small groups are available for use.
All students who use their laptops must adhere to the Technology Policy in this handbook.
Students must sign in and out at the circulation desk when coming from study hall.
Complete list of library rules is at the circulation desk.
A permanent academic record for current and former students is maintained in the Registrar’s Office.
Transcript request forms are available on the school website and from the Counseling Department. This
form must be signed by the student or parent if the student is under 18 years old for the release of any
transcript. Please allow three (3) business days for the availability of any transcript. Transcripts will be
released only to the student, the parent(s) of a student, a guardian of a student, or an individual acting as
a parent, in the absence of a parent or a guardian.
Current students must use Naviance to request official and unofficial transcripts. Students will sign a
“general release transcript form” allowing the counselor to send transcripts via Naviance. Initial college
transcripts will not be released until September 1. The student’s first final official transcript will be issued
at no charge; each additional official transcript will cost $5.00.
Official transcripts are sent within three school days to the designated school. Official transcripts for
pick up will be put into a securely sealed envelope. Unofficial transcripts may be issued to parents or
students and are available for pickup within three (3) days of the receipt of a signed request form.
Students enrolled in the Dual Enrollment Program must request a transcript directly from the
corresponding university.
All financial commitments must be paid in full before complete records are forwarded.
Student Health & Well-Being
Parents must complete and update their student’s emergency and medical information record with the
school for each student enrolled. This information should be entered in FACTS SIS through the “Family
Information” section. All medical conditions, medications used by students, and other pertinent
information should be entered.
A nurse is present in the clinic or on the school grounds every day. A student who feels ill may spend
up to half of one class period in the clinic/sick room, provided that the student has a pass from the
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Any student who becomes ill during the course of the school day should report to the school clinic.
(Student should let his/her teacher know that he is ill so that someone can escort him/her to the clinic
as necessary.)
The student calls his/her parents to let them know he/she is ill (make call in the front office).
Parent/guardian/designee comes to the office to pick up the student.
Students who are severely ill will not be allowed to drive themselves home.
A note must be sent for the absence upon return to school.
The nurse or office personnel will call the parent if the student is too ill to do so. Students with fevers
or communicable diseases will be sent home to reduce the risk of infection to others.
A student who experiences an injury must report it to his/her teacher and go to the clinic so that parents
may be called if needed. Parents will be notified of all but the most insignificant injuries. For minor
injuries, appropriate first aid will be administered. The school reserves the right to contact emergency
medical personnel in case of any injury which warrants such action. Parents will be notified immediately.
Medication is primarily the responsibility of the parent/guardian, and should be administered
before/after school if at all possible. In the event that a student needs medication during the school day,
the following must be met.
Over-the-Counter Medication (OTC)
The Authorization to Administer Medication form is required for school staff to administer OTC/
prescription medication to students. This form includes the following required information:
1. Student name
2. Student’s current medication profile
3. Student’s history of allergies
4. Parental consent
a. Drug name
b. Dose to be administered
c. Dosage frequency
OTC (i.e. Tylenol, Advil) medication is kept in the school office to address occasional
symptoms. OTC medications will only be administered according to manufacturer’s dosing
instructions and on an occasional basis provided that parent/guardian has given specific
“permission” to treat and select the desired medications as listed in FACTS SIS.
If a student requests an OTC medication, and no parent/guardian authorization has been
given in FACTS SIS, the school staff will notify parent/guardian to receive verbal permission
to administer med based on the current student complaint. If the parent/guardian cannot be
reached, school staff will not administer the OTC medication.
Parent/guardian may bring an OTC medication not listed in FACTS SIS for their student
(e.g. Midol, Aleve, Zyrtec, etc.) These must be in the original container and labelled with the
student’s name and the required dosage. Signed Medication Authorization form must
accompany such medications.
Emergency or Life-Sustaining Medications
No student is permitted to bring any medications into the school or carry medication on his/her person
while at school. (Exception: Emergency or Life-Sustaining medications prescribed and documented by
physician on a fully executed and current Authorization to Administer Medication form.)
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Prescription Drugs
School personnel will administer prescription medication provided that there is a signed Authorization to
Administer Medication form on file and that all other requirements as listed above have been met. This form
must be current, coinciding with the current prescription medication you are requesting school personnel
to administer. Parents of students, who require access to emergency medications such as Glucagon, Epi-
pen, or an asthma inhaler, must enter information regarding the student’s reason for needing such
medications into FACTS SIS and complete the authorization to dispense medication form. Form should
be submitted to the school office. It is advisable to give a “spare” of such medication to the nurse if the
student is not able to self-administer his/her supply.
(Examples: severe allergy, anaphylactic shock, diabetes, epilepsy, etc.) Parents/guardians of any student with chronic
medical conditions requiring specific treatments or possible emergency responses must inform the school
nurse of these conditions as well as enter pertinent data into the Student Medical Form in FACTS SIS.
The school must also be provided with a health care plan (e.g. allergy, diabetes, seizure, or asthma action
plan) that has been approved by a physician or other medical practitioner.
Parents/guardians are expected to provide and maintain all supplies necessary for care (e.g. snacks, insulin,
or epinephrine injectors.) The school clinic will alert administration and other personnel as well as those
involved with the student including, but not limited to: teacher(s), food service, and coaches so that they
may respond appropriately to any emergency situation.
To ensure the safety, health and welfare of the entire St. John Paul II Catholic High School community,
the school nurse will require or recommend appropriate forms of isolation and non-attendance in classes
or on the campus until the return guidelines listed below are met.
Exclusion Guidelines
Return to School Guidelines
Oral temperature of 100.4° or
Fever free for 24 hours (without fever reducing
Vomiting, nausea or diarrhea
Symptom free
Marked drowsiness or lethargy
Symptom free
Sore throat, acute cold or
persistent cough
Symptom free
Strep throat
24 hours of appropriate treatment and fever-free without
fever reducing medications
Inflammatory eye conditions
(e.g. pink eye)
24 hours after start of treatment or note from physician
indicating treatment is not necessary
Swollen glands around jaws, ears
or neck
Written physician’s release
Skin rashes or eruptions
Written physician’s release
Suspected scabies or impetigo
Written physician’s release
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On occasion, a request for one (1) excuse from active participation in P.E. due to injury will be honored
upon written request from the parent. However, attendance is still required. Prolonged permission for
non-participation from P.E. will be permitted only upon receipt of a doctor’s statement.
Alabama State Law (Act 1269) requires that children must be immunized against polio, diphtheria, tetanus,
pertussis, measles and rubella (unless otherwise exempted as provided by law, i.e., medical exemption, or religious
exemption following diocesan policy).
Any child reporting on the first day of school without an appropriate immunization certificate will not be
allowed to attend class. If you need your immunization record or Certificate of Immunization (COI),
please contact the provider or county health department who administered your vaccines, or ask your
current provider if they have access to Alabama's immunization registry, ImmPRINT, to locate your
If there is a problem obtaining immunization records or getting an appointment for immunizations, a
temporary form may be obtained for the local health department or private medical provider. This allows
the student thirty (30) days to obtain records and/or receive immunizations.
Pregnancy and marriage should not be considered reasons for automatic expulsion. A pregnant and/or
married student may be allowed to continue in attendance, or, whenever possible, arrangements may be
made to allow the student to receive the credits necessary for graduation. The Headmaster, with the
approval of the Director of Catholic Schools, will determine whether the student may continue to attend
regular classes or the manner of fulfilling graduation requirements.
Students at St. John Paul II Catholic High School are expected to be in school, on time every day that
school is in session. All school days, holidays and non-attendance days are clearly noted on the official
school calendar.
The Administration makes the final determination as to whether an absence is excused or unexcused. A
student is considered absent from a class if he/she misses more than half of any class period. A student
who misses more than two (2) class periods is considered absent on an A/B day, or more than four (4)
class periods on an eight-period day.
The parent/guardian is asked to notify the School Office, (256) 430-1760 and/or
[email protected] between 7:30 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. if a student will be absent on that day and
any subsequent days (in the case of continuous absences). You may leave a voice message on the main
line voicemail. Absences are recorded as “unexcused” until a signed, dated parental (hand written) or
medical note is received.
Calls prior to 7:30 a.m. may be left on the office voice mail.
If the office is not notified regarding an absence, a reasonable attempt will be made to contact
parent/guardian at home or work to confirm the reason for absence.
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Student must bring a medical note or a parent-signed note which includes:
1. Student name (first & last)
2. Date(s) of absence
3. Reason for absence
4. Parent signature & daytime phone number
If the note is not received within two (2) school days of return, the absence is “unexcused” and
make-up work will receive no credit.
Notes sent via email or written by the student are not accepted.
Absences are excused for the following reasons:
Illness (parent-signed note required)
Death or serious illness of immediate family member (parent, grandparent, sibling)
Medical, dental, or other professional appointment (note from professional office required)
Court/legal business (court documentation required)
Weather conditions preventing attendance
Other absences (see section below)
An extended illness is defined as three or more consecutive school days of absence. A doctor’s note is
required to excuse such absences.
In the event of a serious illness, please contact the student’s counselor regarding the situation. Teachers
will be informed about such situations so that a make-up work schedule can be planned. All information
is kept confidential.
For an absence that does not fit the excused criteria, requests must be submitted via email to the school
office in advance as noted below. Failure to follow the procedures will result in unexcused absence(s).
Non-family funeral If possible, request one (1) day prior to absence. Student is expected to return
to school immediately after the funeral.
Learner’s permit or driver’s license exam – No less than two (2) days prior to absence.
o Students should NOT plan to go to DMV if there is a quiz or test scheduled in any of their
classes. Work is due the day of the absence.
Vacation/travel Vacations and trips taken during school days are strongly discouraged. The school
calendar is issued in advance and families are expected to plan accordingly. If circumstances require
that a student be absent from school due to travel, the parent must send the request no less than
seven (7) days in advance. Requests are forwarded with student’s grade, attendance and behavior
records for consideration to administration. If approved, the family will be notified.
NOTE: Teachers are not obligated to provide special arrangements for any academic work missed due
to these types of absences.
Students must make arrangements with teachers to get assignments. It is preferable that work be
turned in before the absence, but all assignments are due the day of return. NO tests/quizzes will be
given in advance of absence.
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Junior and senior students are permitted to have excused absences for the purpose of visiting college
campuses. Juniors are allowed two (2) absences; seniors are allowed three (3). The appropriate form
(College Visit Absence Form) must be submitted to the Counseling Department at least two (2) days prior
to the absence to receive an excused absence. Consult the school counselor regarding absences for visits
to colleges 6 or more hours away from Huntsville.
Absences for students who participate in school sponsored or authorized activities are not counted in the
attendance record for a class. Students must submit all work for any class missed due to such activities in
accordance with the Make-up Work Policy.
Students must make arrangements with teachers to get assignments. It is preferable that work be
turned in before the absence, but all assignments are due the day of return. NO tests/quizzes will be
given in advance of absence.
Unexcused absences include but are not limited to:
Oversleeping, faulty alarm clock, etc.
Non-essential appointments (e.g. photography, shopping, etc.)
Staying home to study or complete a project
Travel absences that have not been approved in advance
Traffic delays
ALL absences (whether excused or not) are counted in a student’s attendance record. Attendance is
based on period (class) attendance rather than daily attendance. Students and parents are also
reminded that one absence on the modified block system schedule is equivalent to two (2) absences on a
non-block schedule.
Students who exceed ten (10) absences in any course in a semester may not receive credit for that course.
If a student has five (5) absences in any class, parent/guardian will be notified that the number of
absences has become excessive.
Additional parent contact will be made if a student has eight (8) absences in a class. This contact
may include: a letter, phone call or a meeting with a teacher, counselor or administrator.
After ten (10) class absences in one semester, the student will be placed on “Attendance Probation”
for the remainder of the year. Any subsequent absences will require medical verification to be
excused. A meeting will be set up with the parent/guardian, the student’s counselor, and the
Headmaster to discuss the situation.
If the absences are due to illness, a medical waiver may be issued to allow the student to receive
credit for the semester. This requires appropriate verification of chronic illness from a physician.
Parents are asked to schedule non-emergency medical, dental or other professional appointments during
non-school times. However, we do realize that appointments during school hours may be unavoidable.
Prior to 8:20 a.m., the student should bring a note to the school office containing:
Name of student (first & last)
Date & time of early checkout
Reason for early checkout
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Parent signature
Student should report to the school office at the appropriate time to sign out for the dismissal.
NOTE: A student who drives MUST have the above signed note to be dismissed for an appointment. If
the student returns the same day, he/she signs in at the front office and receives a pass to return to class.
The student must turn in the appropriate verification of any professional appointment for the time away
from class to be excused.
Students who leave school early may not participate in any extracurricular event unless a doctor’s (or
other professional) note is provided.
Truancy refers to those absences for which parental knowledge/permission was not granted. This is
considered a disciplinary infraction. If a student is truant, a parent conference is necessary and an
appropriate disciplinary action is taken.
The truancy policy may apply to students who are not where they are supposed to be during class time.
(Examples of this include visiting locker rooms or lockers, computer center, art classroom or any other
class without specific written permission.)
A student who has unplanned, excused absences is entitled to make up all work missed at full credit. It is
the sole responsibility of the student to retrieve assignments from Google Classroom or to contact
teachers for make-up work and assistance in understanding missed lessons. It is never the duty of the
teacher to seek out a student and remind him/her to obtain or complete make-up work. Work received
after the established deadlines receive no credit. If a student’s absence is unexcused, his work is still
due to the teacher in the time frame below, though no credit will be given. (Penalties for work not
turned in are up to the classroom teacher.)
Assignment Type
Time Frame
Homework, Class
Any work missed is due two (2) days after
the student returns to the missed class.
Short Term Project
Project due one (1)
week after assignment
The project is due two (2) days after the
student returns to the missed class.
Long Term Project
Project due three (3) or
more weeks after it is
The student must make arrangements to
turn in the project on the due date unless
the teacher has been contacted and other
arrangements made.
Any test or quiz
(NOT midterm or
final exam)
Daily make-up work time frame above
Any student who is not in his/her appropriate class by the 2nd bell (8:20 am) with all necessary class
materials is considered tardy and will only be admitted to class after first reporting to the front office to
receive an admit slip.
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If the student is late to class because he/she was detained by another teacher, that teacher will issue a
late note. If the student has no legitimate reason for being late, the tardy is unexcused and demerits will
be issued by the classroom teacher.
Tardiness to school is excused only for:
Illness (parent-signed note required)
Medical, dental, professional appointment (note from professional office required)
Court/legal business (court documentation required)
Weather conditions preventing attendance (parental note required)
While we understand that traffic, car trouble, ride-sharing and other situations may occasionally cause a
student to be late to school; these are not acceptable excuses for chronic tardiness. Oversleeping, faulty
alarm clocks or parents causing the student to be late are not considered excused.
Four (4) tardies in a quarter Weekday Detention
Eight (8) tardies in a quarter ISS
More than eight (8) tardies disciplinary action to be determined by Administration
Note classroom teacher may assign additional consequences for tardiness to class
Habitual lateness may also result in loss of parking privilege, loss of senior privilege, and/or
restriction of participation in extracurricular activities
1. Parent/Guardian Out of Town
If parents will be out of town or otherwise unavailable for their student, a note must be sent to the
Office at least three (3) days prior to departure. Information supplied prior to such an occurrence
should include the name and relationship of the person responsible during the parent's absence, as
well as the address and both home and work phone numbers for this individual. The beginning and
ending date of this arrangement should also be noted.
2. Mass and Other Religious Services
All students are expected to attend school masses and other services as a component of their
education. Parents may not excuse their students from these services. Habitual absence, even those
for appointments, from masses/services will result in a conference between the student, the student’s
parents/guardians, and the Administration.
3. Patterns of Absence
If a pattern of absences occurs, (e.g., absent each time a test is given), the parents will be notified of
the school's concern and will be asked to help rectify the problem.
General School Policies
There is no after school supervision for students not involved in a supervised activity (i.e., athletics,
clubs, theater, band, etc.). All students must be picked up by 3:40 p.m. each day.
Announcements are made once daily. Students are expected to listen quietly for the information being
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All students should conduct themselves in an orderly manner while attending all assemblies. No students
may excuse themselves from attending any assembly. Students are to proceed to an assembly with their
class, and they are to remain until dismissed.
JPII abides by the provisions of the Buckley Amendment with respect to the rights of non-custodial
parents. In the absence of a court order to the contrary, the school will provide the non-custodial parent
with access to the academic records and other school-related information regarding the child. If there is a
court order specifying that there is to be no information given to the non-custodial parent, it is the
responsibility of the custodial parent to provide the school with an official copy of the court order.
Areas of the school that are restricted are as follows:
The parking lots during school hours. Students must ask permission from an administrator to
go to their car during school hours.
All students must leave campus after dismissal unless involved in a supervised after school
Administrative offices, faculty lounge and workrooms.
Classrooms unless accompanied by a teacher.
Locker rooms & weight rooms unless supervised by a coach.
Students are not to use cell phones or other electronic devices, including but not limited to smart watches
or earbuds, anywhere in the school building between 8:20 a.m. and 3:20 p.m.
The only EXCEPTIONS to this policy for cell phone use include:
the school office
the classroom with special permission granted by the teacher for a legitimate educational
lunch period
There are no exceptions for other electronic devices, including earbuds.
Cell phones which are visible or audible to a faculty or staff member in class rooms without approval, the
hallways or any other areas not listed above will be confiscated. Students are responsible to turn off their
cell phones during the school day. Students who need to contact their parents regarding illness or an
emergency may use the phone in the school office. Forgetting books, lunches and so forth does not
constitute an emergency. Confiscated phones will be turned in to the school office and returned based
on the guidelines laid out in the section on Conduct. Arguing or failing to surrender a confiscated phone
to a faculty/staff member is considered an act of defiance/disrespect and the student will be subject to
further disciplinary action.
If a parent needs to reach their student, the parent should contact the school office and the student will
be notified as necessary. Messages will not be delivered to a student during instruction time except in
case of an emergency. Parents are asked NOT to text or call their student’s phone during the school
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Use of portable music devices and handheld video games (including those featured on a smartphone) is
prohibited during the school day. The school is not responsible for loss or damage to any such device
that a student brings to school. Headphones/earbuds (e.g., Airpods)/speakers are directly related to
listening to a device. They should be stored unless under the direct permission and supervision of a staff
Without teacher permission the use of any electronic device (e.g., cell phone, smart watch) during a test
for ANY reason will be considered and treated as cheating. (See Conduct policies.)
The use of the camera function of any electronic device is prohibited during the school day without
permission from a teacher or administrator. Students are prohibited from using cell phones or
communication devices to take photographs or record video at any time on school property. This
includes taking photographs or video recordings in classrooms, restrooms, locker room areas, etc.
In the event of any change in demographic information (e.g. address, email, phone number, emergency
contact person, custodial parent), the student’s data in FACTS SIS should be updated immediately.
Strong lines of communication are important to the success of our students and programs. From time to
time, difficulties arise which require additional communication with faculty and administration. Therefore,
the following hierarchy should be followed for addressing any concerns you may have regarding your
child’s success at school.
For classroom issues:
1. Teacher
2. Assistant Principal
3. Headmaster
4. President
For student activity issues:
1. Sponsor
2. Assistant Principal
3. Headmaster
4. President
For athletic issues:
1. Coach
2. Athletic Director
3. Headmaster
4. President
Appointments for conferences may be arranged by telephone call or email. If a return call is requested,
parents are asked to list telephone numbers and times available for contact. Visits or phone calls to the
classroom to discuss problems are not allowed during instruction time.
All current students are eligible to re-enroll for the following school year. However, continued enrollment
of the student is subject to the student observing all school rules as set out in the Family Handbook
including but not limited to general behavior, academic performance and attendance. Registration for
current JPII students for the next school year will automatically occur during the 2
When a student’s parents are divorced or separated, or when a student is in the custody or care of another
person, the school should be given a copy of the Court Order or agreement as is applicable to the custody
and visitation rights of the divorced or separated parents, or of the custodian. If there is no divorce decree,
separation decree, or official custody agreement (signed by the parents) on file, the school will then interact
with each parent equally.
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JPII does not accept student deliveries; this includes but is not limited to: balloons, flowers, packages,
miscellaneous items (e.g., books, homework, papers) or gifts of any kind. The cooperation of parents in
complying with our policy concerning the delivery of messages and miscellaneous items is anticipated. On
the rare occurrence that a student forgets his/her lunch, a parent may drop off food. Students are not
allowed to have food delivered to the school.
The school conducts regular inclement weather drills and other safety-related evacuations. Staff and
faculty are trained to respond appropriately in various emergency situations. NO student will be released
to leave school during a TORNADO WARNING.
Before a student can obtain their Alabama Driver’s permit, the State requires that he/she bring a
completed Proof of Enrollment form from the school. Contact the Front Office to request the form
for the student. Please allow 24 hours for preparation of the form. The document must contain an original
signature and the embossed school seal, so it cannot be emailed or faxed.
The school uses FACTS SIS, an internet-based student information system to manage attendance, grades,
schedules and other student data. Every parent and student are assigned a FACTS SIS ID and password
to access his/her information. If there are questions about the operations or use of this system, please
contact the FACTS SIS Administrator during normal school hours for assistance.
Field trips are considered an extension of the school day and the code of conduct will apply.
A student must give to the sponsoring teacher a permission form signed by a student’s parent(s) prior
to a student participating in each activity.
In the event private automobiles/vehicles of students, parents or other authorized adults are to be
utilized to transport students on field trips, the drivers and/or the vehicle owners must have a valid
driver’s license and sufficient liability, medical and uninsured motorist insurance coverage as defined
by the Diocesan Risk Manager.
Students may be denied participation in a field trip if they fail to meet academic or behavioral standards
in the class participating in the field trip.
In case of serious disruption by the student, the school reserves the right to have the student removed
from the group. The parent will be called and expected to make arrangements to pick the student up
Students who fail to submit the proper standard school form 24 hours in advance will not be allowed
to participate. Telephone calls will not be accepted in lieu of the proper forms.
“Flight Time” is a forty five minute break during the school day designed to provide students a venue to
have a mental break, take advantage of curricular and extracurricular opportunities (e.g., tutoring, clubs),
and eat lunch.
All students are to eat in the cafeteria during lunch. Students may buy their lunch or bring it; they
may not leave campus for lunch. It is each student’s responsibility to clear his/her place at the
table when finished.
Students may use their cell phone during this time.
Students may not leave the school building or be in the training room, weight room, gym, dressing
rooms, or band room.
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All fundraising must be sponsored by a faculty member/coach or a JPII staff member. For additional
information, refer to the Fundraising section in this handbook.
Graduation for the senior class will be held at the end of the school year. Seniors must meet all
requirements to participate in the graduation ceremony, including, but not limited to, attendance, service
hours, and financial obligations. Dress code guidelines (including hair style/color, jewelry, and makeup)
apply to graduation attire. Students may not wear sweatshirts, sweatpants, jeans, shorts, tennis shoes, or
any other such casual attire.
Chewing gum is not permitted.
Students are not permitted to be in locker rooms before or after school or during the school day without
permission and the supervision of a coach or staff member. Failure to follow these directives may result
in disciplinary action.
Students must have a hall pass to be outside of the classroom during class time.
In 2020, St. John Paul II Catholic High School launched the inaugural House System. At JPII, every
student, faculty, and staff member will belong to one of four houses. You will notice that each House is
represented by an important aspect of St. John Paul II’s life and mission. The goal of the House System
is to provide an opportunity for students and faculty to interact across grade levels in healthy competition
and support each other as they grow in their Catholic faith. Students will learn to work hard individually
for the good of their house, in addition to working in a team. The JPII House System encourages
teamwork, friendship, service, and leadership. Houses compete against each other in the areas of
academics, athletics, school spirit, and community service through quarterly House service projects and
1. Encourage our Catholic identity as St. John Paul II Catholic High School
2. Increase our community that is evident in faculty and student retention, current participation in
events, encourage admissions and alumni relations
3. Provide opportunities for student leadership through student created and led events
4. Increase student retention through all grades
St. John Paul II Catholic High School has established a House Leadership Council. This program will
challenge student leaders and their respective councils to take on the real responsibility of serving their
community and learning from the experience. Students holding House Leadership roles will sharpen and
develop their leadership skills through successful House events and projects that they head. They will
move past theoretical to practical strategies by navigating the hurdles and opportunities of developing,
planning, and executing schoolwide student activities. In this way we will amplify our sense of community
by bringing administration, faculty, staff, and students together with energy and focus to make each year
at JPII greater than the year before.
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The Leadership Council is designed to serve as the leading student body of the school and as a role model
for all future student leaders of JPII. The Leadership Council shall be composed of the following
members: both Rectors, the four House Presidents, the four House Vice-Presidents, the eight
underclassmen House Captains and the Campus Minister. The Rectors are to act as the head of the
Leadership Council, holding executive powers.
Student Leadership:
Campus Minister Headmaster appointed
2 Rectors Senior position
4 House Presidents Senior position
4 Vice Presidents Junior position
8 Captains underclassmen position
St. John Paul II Catholic High School does not have a student insurance program. It is the responsibility
of the parents to obtain insurance for their sons and daughters to cover the school day, athletics, and
extracurricular activities.
Every student is assigned a locker and combination. The lockers have self-contained locks and minimal
shelving. Students are accountable for the condition of the lockers and may not use wallpaper, paint, or
make modifications that will permanently damage or alter the lockers. Students are not to swap lockers,
share their combinations, leave their lockers unlocked, or jam the locks. The school does not assume
responsibility for items missing from lockers. Students should not bring large amounts of money or
valuable items to school. Lockers remain the property of the school and may be inspected at any time by
school officials. Students can bring backpacks to and from school, but they must be stored in their
lockers throughout the day.
Parents and students are encouraged to label clothing and other items. All lost and found articles should
be turned in and claimed in the Multipurpose Room. Money, electronic devices, or valuables should be
turned in to the main office. At the end of each month, all usable unclaimed items will be given to a
charitable organization.
If a parent would like a conference with a teacher, please coordinate directly with the teacher to schedule.
Other conferences during the school year are scheduled as necessary with the individual teacher.
In case of inclement weather, JPII will align with Huntsville City Schools in regard to school closing, late
openings or early dismissal. The school will send out a phone call or text message to families via FACTS
SIS Parent Alert system with pertinent information. Please keep tuned to your local radio or TV stations
for announcements as needed. Should it be necessary for the school to delay opening or close for other
reasons or in a different schedule than Huntsville City School, the school sends out a phone call or text message
via FACTS SIS Parent Alert system with pertinent information.
When school is closed for the day or when school closes early due to worsening weather conditions, the following
will apply: All extracurricular activities, interscholastic contests, team practices, field trips, after school
supervision, and non-school activities in the school building will be cancelled.
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When school opens one or two hours late due to inclement weather the following will apply: Extracurricular activities
will take place unless otherwise announced.
For students to participate in any senior activity, including the senior trip, prom, and graduation, the
following responsibilities must be met: no outstanding detentions, athletic uniforms/equipment returned
(as able), service hours completed, all tuition/fees paid, and academically on track for graduation.
Senior formal portraits for inclusion in the yearbook, the class composite, and other school publications
must be taken by the official school photographer. The official photographer is Lifetouch/Prestige
Portraits. Seniors are required to wear the appropriate attire for the portrait: tuxedo for boys, drape for
girls. All other dress code guidelines apply regarding jewelry, makeup, hair color/style, etc.
Seniors who have study hall during the first or last periods of the school day may apply for senior privilege.
This allows the student to arrive at the end of the first period or leave school at the beginning of the last
period. The student must submit the Application for Senior Privilege form to the school office before senior
privilege is granted. Students applying for Senior Privilege must have 75% of service hours
complete, verified and approved in X2Vol to receive Senior Privilege. Senior Privilege will begin as
indicated on the Application for Senior Privilege form. There will be no Senior Privilege on 8 period days.
The Assistant Principal will notify students if/when they are granted Senior Privilege.
Morning Study Hall Students must arrive and be seated in class BEFORE the tardy bell rings for 2nd
or 6th periods. Check-in through the front office. Student must be on time on Mass days.
Afternoon Study Hall Student must sign out with the front office before leaving the building.
If a morning Mass or an afternoon Mass or a special assembly/activity is held during the last period,
seniors are NOT allowed to check in/out of study hall using senior privilege.
Loss of Senior Privilege The following infractions will result in loss of these privileges:
Grade less than 73 in any class
(checked at interim, quarter, and
Loss of privilege until grade raised
4 tardies in a quarter
Loss of privilege for two weeks.
Disciplinary action resulting in
Loss of privilege for two weeks.
Service hours not completed by
end of 1
International/Transfer students whose
first year in attendance is as a senior
should have 25 service hours completed
by the end of April of the school term.
Loss of privilege until hours completed
Incomplete on report card
Loss of privilege until work completed
Failure to complete course
recovery from previous year
No privilege granted until all work
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NOTE: Senior privilege is NOT a guarantee and may be rescinded at any time by the school
Sophomores doubling in mathematics are required to take a study hall, and sophomores taking an AP
class are recommended to have a study hall. The Counseling Office reserves the right to offer any student
a study hall based on special circumstances. Study hall is a time to work on homework, special projects,
get extra help or use the library/media center as it is available. This period of time can be very helpful if
used correctly. Students are expected to come to study hall with all necessary materials and equipment and
are expected to study in silence. A pass will be necessary to leave the assigned study hall to work in any
other resource area. The study hall teacher will ascertain whether the library/media center is available
before students may go there. Students must have written permission from the appropriate teacher
to go to any other classroom during study hall.
All basic textbooks are loaned to students for their use during the school year. If a student loses a textbook,
he/she must pay for it before being issued another book. All textbooks are to be covered with paper book
covers. Book covers should not be taped directly to the book. Any student whose textbook is returned
at the end of the school year in an abused condition will be held liable for the financial cost of repairing
or replacing the textbook.
Motor Vehicle Regulations
Students driving to school or to on-campus events are subject to all rules and regulations governing
the conduct of drivers and the operation of a vehicle while at school. It is the responsibility of the
student driver to operate his/her vehicle in a safe and acceptable manner at all times including obeying
all traffic laws driving to and from school.
All drivers on campus must adhere to all traffic regulations and exit procedures as determined by the
Campus speed limit is 10 mph.
Persons dropping students at school in the mornings are asked not to park in the numbered spaces in
the student parking lot.
While driving on campus do not use phones or other electronic devices.
Parking Permits
Parking on school grounds is a privilege for those students possessing a valid driver’s license and
appropriate automobile insurance. The fillable-pdf Parking Permit Application form is on the school website
under the Families/Links & Forms tab.
Students who apply for and receive parking privileges are expected to know and follow the regulations for
driving and parking on campus. Violation of a regulation will result in disciplinary action and may include
loss of parking privileges.
All student vehicles parked on campus must be registered with the school office and the
appropriate permit must be displayed on the designated-vehicle location (rearview mirror or
window) at all times.
Vehicle must be parked in the center of the white lines so as not to impede vehicles parked on
either side.
Speed in excess of 10 mph, reckless driving, and horseplay is prohibited and will result in
disciplinary action.
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During school hours, students are not to park in ANY space other than the one assigned to them.
Vehicles may be searched at any time deemed necessary by the school administration.
Loitering in and around vehicles is prohibited.
Students are not permitted to go to their vehicles during the school day.
Students are to leave school grounds by 3:20 p.m., immediately after dismissal, unless involved in a
supervised after-school practice or activity.
The school is not responsible for theft or damage to a vehicle or its contents.
All visitors to the school must report to the main office to sign in and receive a visitor’s badge to wear
while on campus. The only student visitors allowed are those whose parents have initiated the admission
application process, i.e., filled out forms and requested a shadow visit. Former students, house guests,
students from other schools, etc. may not spend the day attending classes with JPII students, may not
come to lunch or bring lunch on campus, and may not roam school halls to visit former teachers during
school hours. Teachers are available during the academic day only by appointment and may not be
disturbed during school hours.
All volunteers at St. John Paul II Catholic High School are required by the Diocese of Birmingham in
Alabama to submit to a formal screening process which includes completing all of the following: a criminal
background check, Diocesan Alabama Volunteer Inquiry Release Form, Fair Credit Reporting Act Disclosure, and
Virtus on-line Youth Protection training. Any volunteer who drives for a school sponsored trip is required
to complete a Diocesan Driver Information form, have a valid driver’s license and adequate automobile
insurance. Forms are available on the school website under the Academics/Links & Forms tab, under
Parent Association Volunteer Packet. See the section on “Become a Volunteer at JPII” in this handbook
for detailed information.
Parents are strongly urged to volunteer a minimum of twenty (20) hours of service per year. These service
hours can add as much as $100,000.00 to the bottom line at JPII. This is a very significant amount that
can positively contribute to cost savings and ultimately lead to reducing the necessity of raising tuition and
other fees.
Become a Volunteer at JPII
Volunteers enhance the learning experience and Catholic faith of each student by sponsoring assistance
to coaches in athletic venues, raising funds, supporting school and family social interaction, and providing
subject matter expertise to the administration as needed.
To become a volunteer, the following is required (all forms are fillable pdf format):
1. To begin the volunteer application, please complete the Virtus On-line Youth Protection
Training Course
Beginning the on-line training will automatically generate the required background check.
Once completed, print out the Certification of Completion and bring or send it to the
school office.
3. Diocesan Driver Information form (Form DI-2)
and provide a copy of their driver’s license and current insurance policy to the school office.
All families, faculty, staff and administrators are strongly encouraged to give a minimum of twenty (20)
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hours of service to the school each year. Volunteers are encouraged to track their hours. The school will
keep records that demonstrate the faithful commitment of our volunteers.
The Alabama Child Labor Law has changed. Work permits are NO longer required; however employers
must obtain a certificate to employ minors under the age of 16/17. Minors aged 14 or 15 must obtain an
Eligibility to Work form which is completed by a school official. This form may be obtained from the
school office.
St. John Paul II Catholic High School's goal in providing technology access to teachers, staff members,
and students is to promote educational excellence at the school by facilitating resource sharing, innovation,
and communication. Technology is provided for educational and professional or career-development
activities. The following policy governs use of computers and the internet at St. John Paul II Catholic
High School.
St. John Paul II Catholic High School recognizes the need to educate young men and women in the ethical
and effective use of technology. Computers, software, printers, internet access, and technology support
services are available to students to support the accomplishment of educational goals. With this
opportunity comes responsibility. Students must know and agree to follow the school’s policy regarding
the use of technology.
Users will not plagiarize works that they find on the Internet and other electronic media. Plagiarism is
taking the ideas or writings of others and presenting them as if they were original to the user.
Users will respect the rights of copyright owners. Copyright infringement occurs when an individual
inappropriately reproduces a work that is protected by a copyright. If a work contains language that
specifies acceptable use of that work, the user should follow the expressed requirements.
Users will properly cite any images, documents or text from the Internet.
If users are unsure whether or not they may use a work, they should request permission from the
copyright owner or consult the faculty member in charge for guidance.
Computer systems and the information, including electronic files and e-mail contained on them, may be
reviewed by the administration as necessary.
St. John Paul II Catholic High School retains ownership of the name St. John Paul II Catholic High School
and its logo. Any unauthorized use, even on a personal web page, is prohibited.
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School web pages: The school is responsible for managing all school-related web pages. All official
material originating from the school will be consistent in style and content and approved through a
Student web pages: Students may create a web page as part of a class activity under the supervision of
their teacher. Material presented on a student class activity web page must meet the educational objectives
of the class activity. Students will be required to remove material that fails to meet established educational
objectives, the school’s mission or goals, or that is in violation of a provision of the school’s technology
use regulation or student disciplinary code.
Extracurricular websites or social media sites (e.g., Twitter, Instagram, etc.) must be approved by the
administration and must be used only for information related to the activity. The site will be monitored
by a faculty member and must follow all technology guidelines
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Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Program
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)
The Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Program Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP) covers the security and
use of all St. John Paul II Catholic High School’s (JPII) information, information technology (IT) systems,
and any other IT systems, including, but not limited to email, internet, voice and mobile IT equipment,
used by or connected to JPII in any manner. This policy applies to all JPII employees, students,
contractors, and agents (hereafter referred to as “individuals”).
This policy applies to all information, in whatever form, relating to JPII’s activities, and to all information
handled by JPII relating to other organizations with whom it deals. It also covers all IT and information
communications facilities operated by JPII on its behalf.
Access to the JPII IT systems is controlled by the use of user IDs and passwords. All user IDs and
passwords are to be uniquely assigned to named individuals and consequently, individuals are accountable
for all actions on the JPII IT systems.
Prohibited actions regarding computer access:
1. Allow anyone else to use their user ID and/or passwords on any JPII IT system
2. Leave their user accounts logged in at an unattended and unlocked device
3. Use someone else’s user ID and password to access JPII’s IT systems
4. Leave their password unprotected
5. Perform any unauthorized changes to JPII’s IT systems or information
6. Attempt to access data that they are not authorized to use or access
7. Exceed the limits of their authorization or specific educational needs to interrogate the system
or data
8. Connection of an unauthorized device to the JPII network or IT systems
9. Storage of JPII data on unauthorized media
10. Give or transfer JPII data or software to any person or organization outside JPII without the
authority of JPII
11. Disregarding instructions from JPII faculty or administration regarding computer access
Use of JPII internet and email is intended for educational use. Personal use is permitted where such use
does not affect the individual’s educational performance, is not detrimental to JPII in any way, is not in
breach of any term and condition of enrollment, and does not place the individual or JPII in breach of
statutory or other legal obligations.
All individuals are accountable for their actions on the internet and email systems
Prohibited actions regarding internet and email use:
1. Use the internet or email for the purposes of harassment or abuse
2. Use profanity, obscenities, or derogatory remarks in communications
3. Access, download, send, or receive any data (including images), which JPII considers
offensive in any way, including, but not limited to, sexually explicit, discriminatory,
defamatory, or libelous material
4. Use of the internet or email to make personal gains or conduct personal business
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5. Use the internet or email to gamble
6. Use the email systems in a way that could affect its reliability or effectiveness, for example
distributing chain letters or spam
7. Place any information on the Internet that relates to JPII, alter any information about it, or
express any opinion about JPII, unless they are specifically authorized to do this
8. Send unprotected, sensitive, or confidential information externally
9. Forward JPII email to personal (non-JPII) email accounts
10. Make official commitments through the internet or email on behalf of JPII unless authorized
to do so
11. Downloading of copyrighted material, including, but not limited to, music media files, film
and video files without appropriate approval
12. In any way infringe any copyright, database rights, trademarks, or other intellectual property
13. Connection of devices to the internet using non-standard connections
14. Sending “friend requests” or “following” faculty and/or staff on social media
15. Disregarding instructions from JPII faculty or administration regarding internet or email use
In order to reduce the risk of unauthorized access or loss of information, JPII enforces a clear desk
and screen policy as follows:
1. Computers must be logged off, locked, or protected with a screen locking mechanism controlled
by a password when unattended.
2. Care must be taken to not leave confidential material on printers or photocopiers.
3. Any instructions from JPII faculty or administration regarding clear desk and clear screen
must be followed.
It is expected that devices (laptops, tablets, etc.) will be carried between classrooms, offices, and
community spaces during the school day. In the hallways, all devices must be stored in a protective case,
protective sleeve, or hard-shell case. Students are not permitted to use devices in the hallways under any
circumstances. When devices are not in use or when students are in a classroom when devices are not
permitted, devices must be powered off and stored in a protective case, protective sleeve, or hard-shell
case either in the classroom or in the student’s locker. Students are required to have a protective case,
sleeve, or hard-shell case for their device. The case cannot be bigger than what is necessary to store the
device, power supply, and any necessary accessories (i.e. keyboard and mouse).
Students are never permitted to store or keep devices in a teacher’s classroom. Students must be in
possession of their device at all times, or it must be stored in the student’s assigned locker or closed and
locked classroom.
Students must follow all instructions from JPII faculty or administration regarding transport of devices
within the building and to/from the building.
It is the discretion of the substitute teacher to permit or prohibit the use of applications, software, and
internet sites in the absence of the classroom teacher. Additionally, each JPII teacher may permit or
prohibit the use of applications, software, and internet sites in their classroom. What is permitted in one
classroom may be prohibited in another based upon the teacher’s preference. Students must follow all
instructions from JPII faculty and administration regarding the use of applications, software, and internet
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Mobile storage devices, including, but not limited to, flash drives, CDs, DVDs, and removable hard drives
must be used only in situations when network connectivity is unavailable or there is no other method of
transferring data. Students must follow all instructions from JPII faculty or administration regarding the
use of mobile storage devices.
It is the responsibility of the individual to maintain his/her own virus protection software on all devices
connected to the JPII network. JPII is not responsible for providing virus protection to individuals, nor
is JPII liable for damages accrued to any device while connected to the JPII network.
Students must follow all instructions from JPII faculty or administration regarding the use of virus
protection software.
It is required that all students bring a personal device to school daily. During the course of the JPII
BYOD Program students may use laptops and tablets as acceptable devices. Cell phones, Smart phones,
Kindles, Nooks, eReaders, and hand-held gaming platforms are not acceptable devices.
Student devices must have the following and be brought to school with the student every day:
Minimum of 11 inch screen
Battery life of at least 3 hours
Working charger
Ability to connect wirelessly to the JPII student Wi-Fi and printers
Current, up-to-date, functioning anti-malware and antivirus software
Current, up-to-date, functioning Google Chrome web browser
Current, up-to-date, functioning Operating System
Protective case, protective sleeve, or hard-shell case
All items must be labeled with the student’s full name
Minimal Configurations for devices:
Windows Based minimums
MAC minimums
Processor Speed
2.0 GHz
Intel Core i5 ~OR~ Apple M1 or higher
Hard Drive
256 GB
128 GB
Operating System
Windows 10 or later
Apple OS X v 11.4 or later
*Please note* Chromebooks are no longer acceptable devices for use at JPII*
It is the responsibility of each individual to report suspected breaches of the BYOD AUP without delay.
All breaches of this policy will be investigated and every attempt to maintain the anonymity of the reporter
will be upheld. Where investigations reveal misconduct, disciplinary action may follow in line with St.
John Paul II Catholic High School's disciplinary procedures and policy as outlined in the Family
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Dress Code Policies
The dress code is intended to create a standard of dress that is neat, modest, attractive, and promotes a
visible sense of school unity and identity. We expect the cooperation of parents in ensuring their
students’ adherence to the dress code. In all cases, the administration has final determination of standards
of dress and appearance.
Every effort is made to consistently enforce the dress code.
Students/parents should not expect to have dress code demerits removed simply because the student
has consistently broken a rule and was not previously disciplined.
It is unacceptable to assume a demerit is not warranted simply because other students have
committed the same infraction and did not receive a demerit.
In addition, students/parents must find shoes that are in compliance with the dress code. With young
women’s shoes, in particular, it is not acceptable to suggest that retail stores do not carry the
appropriate footwear.
The collar size on young men’s uniform shirts must allow for the fastening of the top button.
Failure to follow the dress code policies will result in the student receiving a demerit. Repeated violations
will result in weekday detention.
Clothing in compliance with the JPII dress code must be purchased from Dennis Uniform Store either
at the local store or online. Online ordering: Our school’s code is BAPJPH
Huntsville Store location:
3058 Leeman Ferry Rd. Suite F
Huntsville, AL 35801
Phone: 256-883-7887
National Customer Service: 1-800-854-6951
ALL students will be required to wear uniforms with the St. John Paul II Catholic High School logo.
Uniforms containing Pope John Paul II Catholic High School emblems/logos are NOT within dress
code guidelines and should not be worn.
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Plain / Brown or
Worn at all times with pants or shorts.
Blouse (girls)
White ¾ sleeve
NO colored undergarments.
White or flesh-colored camisole.
Dress Shirt
White oxford cloth
button down long
or short sleeved
Tucked in at all times belt must be
Solid white undershirt/camisole if
Buttoned sleeves, top buttoned if
wearing a tie.
Fit at waist, not sagging or dragging.
Polo shirt
White, black, green
Buttoned, tucked in. Solid school color t-
shirt only underneath & sleeves no longer
than polo sleeves.
School Tie
Black & green
Solid black, brown,
grey, or white
Dress or casual shoes,
including tennis shoes
No glitter or
plaid inserts on deck
Should be at or below the ankle, closed
No backless or sandals.
Heel height not to exceed 1 inch.
No moccasins or slippers.
No Crocs.
No more than 2 inches above or below the
Skirts (girls)
Plaid or black
No more than 2 inches above or below the
NOT rolled at the waist.
No, but
may have
Solid White, Grey, or
No patterns. Ankle must be covered.
Sweater or
sweater vest
Pullover v neck for boys or girls.
Zip front for girls.
Tights (girls)
White or Black
Not sheer
No patterns or designs.
(Optional items)
(Optional item)
Black Fleece Jacket
(Optional item)
Letterman Jacket
NOT to be worn INTO MASS.
(Optional item)
Black Sport-Wick
Fleece Jacket
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BOYS Khaki slacks, belt, white button down shirt, uniform tie. NO SHORTS
GIRLS black/plaid skirt, uniform slacks, white oxford cloth shirt or blouse.
DRESS SHOES--brown, black, or tan leather or suede (no athletic-style) shoes that meet all other
general shoe policy requirements.
Optional items: black V-neck sweater, sweater vest, JPII varsity sweater or black blazer may be
worn by girls and boys. Also for girls black zip front sweater.
Required JPII PE clothing (as well as optional sweatpants & sweatshirts) is available from the Dennis
Uniform store.
Hair Grooming
Anything that draws undue attention to the student and/or serves as a distraction is NOT allowed.
Haircuts must be moderate. Hair should be clean and well-groomed at all times.
No unnatural color dyes no two-toned, extremely streaked, oddly bleached, colored, or
No haircuts of unusual design no grooved, lined, spiked, Mohawk, extreme bi-level or long
strands hanging from any part of the head. For boys, no man buns; no shaved heads on girls.
Boys’ hair must be above the collar, above the eyebrows, and off the ears.
Boys must be clean shaven (students who are not clean shaven will be sent to the office to shave).
Boys’ sideburns no longer than earlobes.
Head coverings and other considerations
No hats, scarves or sunglasses, stocking caps, sports headbands, bandanas, or scarves may be worn
during the school day. Girls may wear headbands.
Excessive accessories are not acceptable.
Should be in good taste, not antireligious and not detract from uniform
Earrings: limited to 2 per ear. Drop not to
exceed 1”. NO barbell earrings, chains, or
NO earrings.
NO body piercings other than ears allowed.
NO body piercings allowed.
Necklaces: single strand not to exceed
20”. No leather or jute or group
Necklaces: single strand not to exceed
20”. No leather or jute.
Make-up for girls must be appropriate and may not be distracting, excessive or extreme. Boys may not
wear make-up or nail polish.
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Students are not permitted to have tattoos that are visible when the uniform is worn.
A student must have a note from a physician or the school athletic trainer for any medical reason to
be out-of-uniform, shoes included. The note must contain the length of time the student will be out-of-
uniform. The student must wear the appropriate articles of the school uniform whenever possible.
Parental requests for being out-of-uniform for medical reasons and/or exceptions to the dress code are
handled by the Administration.
Spirit wear days (Fridays unless otherwise notified) are intended to celebrate and appreciate our school.
Spirit Wear* refers to the top portion of the student uniform. Pants and shoes remain in uniform code.
On spirit wear days, students may wear official St. John Paul II Catholic High School
athletic/event/activity shirts.
*Spirit wear must be made exclusively/intentionally for/by our school. Clothing from tournaments and
other activities must be approved by the administration.
Clothing must be neat and clean and with no holes or frays. Clothing which demonstrates affiliation,
involvement, or membership in groups or trends contrary to the values of the Catholic Church is
prohibited. Clothing which promotes negative values, including, but not limited to: use of alcohol,
tobacco, drugs, and/or violence, is also prohibited.
Dress worn on Out-of-Uniform Day must adhere to the following guidelines:
No mini-skirts/dresses only uniform skirt
No shorts except school uniform shorts (no athletic shorts)
No sweat pants, thermal underwear, pajamas or wind pants
No spandex, jeggings, or leggings.
No skin-tight apparel of any kind.
No see-through or lingerie-type apparel
No oversized/baggy slacks or jeans with holes.
No strapless tops, spaghetti straps or tank tops.
Midriffs may not be exposed. Shirts or tops that show the midriff when arms are raised above
the head are prohibited.
No inappropriate logos/writing, etc.
Modest neckline-buttons must be as high as on uniform shirts and buttoned
Closed toe footwear only, boot heels not to exceed 1 inch.
Socks or hosiery must be worn.
Head covers such as hats or caps are not permitted.*
*During special activities (i.e., Homecoming, Catholic Schools Week, etc.) the administration may waive
the restriction on head covers. Prior administration approval is required.
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Extracurricular Activities
Extracurricular activities should enhance the academic curriculum by providing all students opportunities
to demonstrate talents or explore interests that might not have a place in the regular classroom. Each
teacher who sponsors such an activity should set fees, requirements, and guidelines for participation.
Students participating in clubs must meet the same eligibility requirements as athletes, as outlined in this
Family Handbook. Some clubs may have dues associated with membership as assigned by the faculty
NOTE: Proposals for new clubs must be submitted in writing using the form on the school website.
These forms should be submitted to the front office for evaluation and submission to the Assistant
The athletic program is open to all students under the direction of the coaches and the Athletic Director.
Rules for eligibility and participation are outlined in the Student Athlete Handbook. The school is a
member of the Alabama High School Athletic Association and as such athletes must follow all rules of
the AHSAA regarding eligibility & participation. Any questions regarding the Athletic Program may be
directed to the Athletic Director.
Dances and other social functions provide excellent social opportunities for our students. To maintain
an atmosphere of Christian morals, the following regulations should guide behavior at such functions:
1. All school regulations must be observed.
2. JPII dances are open to JPII students only, unless otherwise designated. Should guests be
allowed; students must follow procedures specified by the dance or event sponsor/coordinator.
3. Students must remain in the areas designated for the dance, until they are ready to leave for the
evening. Students leaving a school-sponsored dance before the designated end will be required to
sign out before leaving and may not return.
4. Dances sponsored by JPII officially start and end at a designated time. Students must make
arrangements to be picked up no later than that time.
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Financial Affairs
Tuition, fees, and assessments are contracted financial obligations entered into by the parents/guardians
upon the registration of their students. When a student registers at JPII, we hold a place for that student.
We commit resources, plan staffing and design programs based on the number of registered students,
thus the school depends on the timely payment of ALL financial obligations for each student. These
obligations continue even if the school building is required to close under extenuating
circumstances (pandemic, weather event, etc.).
Enrollment Fee
Facilities Fee
Instructional Materials Fee
One-time Admission Fee
Senior Fee
High School Sports Fee*
Varies by sport
Middle School Sports Fee*
Varies by sport
Discounts offered:
Family Discount:
With second child: $1,000
With third child: $2,000
With fourth child: $3,000
With fifth child: $4,000
One Family Discount per family
Prompt Payment Discount:
(payment by check of FACTS)
Year Payment: $300
Semester Payment: $200
Discounts may not exceed total of tuition/fees
AP Exam Fee
Fee is per exam and is set by
the College Board
Covers the cost of the Exam
Parking Permit Fee
Assigned parking space & tag
Schedule Change Fee
Covers the cost of course changes
Official Transcript
$5 due when requested
Covers the cost of materials/postage
Course-specific fees as listed in the JPII Course Catalog should be on the course syllabus provided by
the appropriate teacher.
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JPII has partnered with FACTS Tuition Management Company to manage our tuition payment program.
All families must enroll in FACTS. Payment options are listed below. (Any payment arrangements
other than paying through FACTS must be set up through the Bookkeeper.)
FACTS accepts payments via ACH from checking or savings accounts. These draft plans are assessed a
yearly fee. FACTS will also arrange to draft credit cards though a convenience fee is charged for credit
card drafts. Tuition for the upcoming school year not paid through FACTS is due IN FULL by July 1.
JPII offers several payment options through FACTS:
Option 1: Single Payment: Payment for full year drafted in July
Option 2: Semester Payments: Equal payments drafted in July & December
Option 3: Eleven Monthly Payments: Equal payments drafted on the 5th, 15th, or 20th of the
month July May
To make modifications to a FACTS agreement during the school year, you must notify the business
office five business days in advance of the scheduled payment draft.
A limited amount of funding is available for tuition assistance for students. In order to be considered
for tuition assistance, a completed Financial Aid Application must be submitted via the FACTS
Management Grant & Aid Applicant website:
FACTS Grant & Aid verifies the financial aid application (all applicant information provided is
confidential and secure at FACTS MGMT).
o ALL Financial aid supporting documents MUST be submitted with the application for the application
to be complete.
A FACTS Grant & Aid recommendation is sent to the school for consideration.
A committee will review the FACTS recommendation
Individuals will be notified in writing of the JPII financial aid committee’s decision.
JPII-funded financial aid must be applied for annually. Funds available are limited and are needs-
There is a fee charged through FACTS Grant & Aid for the financial aid application.
Grant & Aid application and notification schedules are publicized each year on the JPII school website.
Eligibility is contingent upon satisfactory conduct as determined by the school and the maintenance of
a minimum GPA of 2.0. Parents receiving tuition assistance may not receive additional tuition discounts
or breaks.
Late applicants will be accepted throughout the year based on need; however, there is no guarantee that
there will be funds available.
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At any time if a family discovers that they may incur a delinquency with regard to tuition and other fees,
the family must contact the Business Office and/or the Headmaster immediately.
Any family whose account is unpaid for 2 months, is required to contact the Business Office to schedule
a meeting with the accountant and the Headmaster to discuss the family’s financial situate and terms of
If the terms of the tuition agreement are not met and any other incurred fees are delinquent and no
specific arrangements are made for payment the following will be withheld or denied until all financial
obligations have been satisfied.
Registration for the following school year
Report cards & diplomas
Access to FACTS SIS
Semester/final exams and AP exams
Participation in athletics and extracurricular activities
It is the expectation of JPII to have all tuition and fees paid in full no later than the last day of school in
A fee of $30.00 will be assessed for checks returned unpaid for any reason.
Registration begins in late January each year. Enrollment fee per student is non-refundable. Families
register online through their FACTS SIS accounts. Registration is not complete until all paperwork and
fees are received.
All textbooks returned in original condition, less normal wear and tear, will not incur a charge. Books
returned in damaged condition will incur a charge proportional to the damage.
Unreturned textbooks will incur a charge equal to the current replacement cost. Textbooks will be
evaluated in May, and parents will be informed of any fees due by invoice.
Parents of students who are withdrawing from JPII are expected to officially notify the school by
communicating with the Admissions office. No transcripts/records will be forwarded to any school until
all financial obligations have been met and any personal check payments have cleared the bank. For
immediate transcript release, balances greater than $100.00 must be paid by cash, money order or cashier’s
check. In addition, all textbooks, library books, athletic equipment and any other items belonging to JPII
must be returned or the cost of replacement will be assessed.
Students who withdraw as well as those who are dismissed or expelled from JPII during the school year
may be eligible for a partial refund of tuition. Course fees, any activity fees, and registration fees are
Rev. for SY 2023-2024 JPII Family Handbook Page 52
Refunds will be granted as follows:
In all cases if a student attends school for one (1) day of a month, then the full month’s tuition is due.
1. Tuition paid in full Tuition owed will be prorated by month, beginning in July, to the month
of withdrawal (in full month increments). Any unused tuition will be refunded.
2. Monthly Draft Tuition owed will be prorated by month, beginning in July, through the month
of withdrawal. The bank draft will end the month following the student’s withdrawal.
For refunding purposes, financial aid is considered to be credited on a monthly basis. Financial aid
will only be used to offset the cost of tuition of the last month enrolled.
All School Functions
This procedure/policy is applicable to all St. John Paul II Catholic High School (JPII) employees and
other stakeholders, who plan, initiate, implement, and otherwise participate in fundraising activities on
behalf of the school.
1. All fundraising activities must have the approval of the President or his/her designee.
Unauthorized fundraising is not permitted at St. John Paul II Catholic High School. If any
unauthorized fundraising occurs, all proceeds will go toward the annual fund.
2. Financial priorities should be in consultation with the mission, vision, and learning objectives of
JPII and in consultation with publicly available data of total spending per student.
3. It is expected that fundraising be attentive to the less fortunate by giving a tithe (10%) of the
proceeds to a charity approved by the President.
4. Fundraising goals set by individual teams, organizations and clubs WILL address the JPII mission
by demonstrating the relationship of the fundraising activity to the school’s mission, Gospel
values, vision and learning objectives.
5. Fundraising goals will be generated by the President, Headmaster, the Athletic Director and the
respective leaders of specific teams, organizations and clubs to address a gap between school-
budgeted funds and unbudgeted financial priorities deemed necessary to be competitive in
academics, arts, and athletics.
6. Fundraising goals must be categorized as unbudgeted operations (including special clothing,
uniforms, supplies, travel and equipment), or capital facility improvement.
7. Team fundraising goals will need to be carefully considered as it will be difficult to fundraise for
an unbudgeted requirement and for a facility improvement at the same time.
8. Long term goals can be developed to build capacity or make significant capital improvements consistent with the
long range development program of the school.
9. All purchases will be done by submitting a purchase requisition for approval. If the purchase
requisition is approved, an assigned school purchase order will be issued. Items and/or services
may NOT be purchased without a purchase order number. The bookkeeper will be responsible
for buying materials requested by school staff.
10. Petty cash can be used for purchases $25.00 and under and will be dispersed by the Bookkeeper.
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Weapons Diocese of Birmingham Catholic Schools Policy 4600
It is strictly forbidden for any student to possess a dangerous weapon on school premises, in a school-
owned vehicle, or during any school-sponsored trip or activity.
For the purpose of this policy, a “dangerous weapon” is any instrument or device designed
primarily for use in inflicting death or injury upon a human being, and which is capable of inflicting
death upon a human being when used in the manner for which it was designed. Additionally, any
instrument or device of any sort whatsoever which is actually used in such a manner as to indicate
that an individual intends to inflict death or serious injury upon the other, and which, when so
used, is capable of inflicting death upon a human being is a dangerous weapon. Dangerous
weapons include, but are not limited to, any pistol, revolver, or other firearm, dagger, razor,
stiletto, switchblade knife, butterfly knife, clubs, nunchakus, brass knuckles, stun guns, and Billy
clubs. Facsimiles of dangerous weapons used in a threatening fashion are subject to this policy.
Students found possessing a dangerous weapon will be subject to expulsion or suspension, for a period
of not less than one calendar year, according to Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama Catholic Schools
Suspension and Expulsion Appeals Process.
The Headmaster of the school may modify this expulsion or suspension for a period of not less than one
calendar year requirement on a case by case basis with the permission of the Director of Catholic Schools.
The Headmaster of the school should immediately notify the Director of Catholic Schools of any violation
of this policy.
Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco Diocesan Policy 4500.1
It is strictly forbidden for any student to use, possess, or distribute drugs and alcohol, including, but not
limited to, tobacco, cigar-type items, marijuana, stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, opiates, inhalants,
mind-altering substances, drug or smoking paraphernalia, or controlled substances as defined by federal
and/or state law, for which the students has no prescription(s) from a duly recognized medical authority
or use of another person’s prescription on school premises, in a school-owned vehicle, or during any
school sponsored trip or activity. Students found using or possessing alcohol or drugs or who arrive at
school or any school function under the influence of drugs or alcohol shall be subject to disciplinary action
as outlined by the school’s policies and regulations.
In an effort to maintain a safe school environment, administrators may authorize random searches (by
school personnel or local authorities) of students, their personal belongings, lockers, and personal vehicles.
The Administration may also authorize random medical evaluations at the school’s expense. If a school
official suspects that a student has violated the policy regarding the possession, use and distribution of
alcohol, drugs and tobacco or may be associated with anyone who has, the school Administrator will
respond appropriately. For suspected possession, use and/or distribution of a controlled substance, the
school has the legal responsibility to notify appropriate law enforcement personnel.
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School Administrators may:
Search a student’s locker, personal belongings and/or vehicle;
Require medical evaluation at a designated facility at the school’s expense;
Require additional medical evaluations at the parents’ expense if the initial one is positive;
Require individual and/or family counseling, as needed.
In order to protect each student as well as employees and the institution itself, each student enrolled in a
Diocese of Birmingham Catholic School is expected to treat the good name and reputation of each of the
above with dignity and respect. The same is expected of each parent/guardian of a student enrolled in
our schools. Public defamation of any student, employee, or Catholic school by a student or
parent/guardian is serious, whether this be done orally, in writing, via email, or on the web, and whether
it is done on a school computer or personal property and on school time or not. Therefore, any student
or parent/guardian found to be participating in any defamatory activity will be subject to
disciplinary/responsive action by the school. This could include expulsion of the student, whether the
action is by the student and/or his/her parent/guardian.
St. John Paul II Catholic School is committed to ensuring that faculty, staff and students have a working
and learning environment that is free from discriminatory intimidation, insult, ridicule or other forms of
harassment. Any harassment that is based on race, color, gender, national origin, age or disability is
unlawful under both federal and state law. Any student who believes he/she has been subjected to
unwelcome conduct (that which may be intimidating, harassing, hostile, abusive, or offensive) should
immediately report the incident to the school counselor, administrator, teacher or other staff member.
The administrator will promptly conduct an investigation of the complaint. To the fullest extent possible,
St. John Paul II Catholic High School will keep the complaint, the investigation of the complaint, and the
results of the investigation confidential.
Bullying Policy
The Diocese of Birmingham is committed to providing a safe and respectful environment in its schools.
Bullying, which involves an imbalance of power or strength, is repeated aggressive behavior that may
include physical, verbal, racial, sexual, or emotional intimidation. This includes cyber-bullying, which is
defined as destroying or smearing a person’s reputation through the use of internet connected or other
electronic devices. Any and all witnessed or reported incidents will be addressed. Students involved in
bullying or harassment shall be subject to disciplinary action as outlined by the local school’s handbook
or policy statement. (Diocesan School Board Policy 4701)
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Schools Policy 4702
Policy Adopted: October 2014
All Catholic school personnel who are employed by the Diocese of Birmingham or serve as volunteers
in our schools must follow the guidelines in the Diocese of Birmingham Policy for Electronic Communication with
1.0 For purposes of this policy, the following definitions apply:
1.1 School Social Media Website (here-in-after “School Media”) A social
network page, blog or internet website/tool created by an employee, cleric or
volunteer for which the purpose is to conduct official school business.
1.2 Personal Social Media Website (here-in-after “Personal Media”) A social
network page, blog or internet website/tool created by an employee, cleric or
volunteer for which the purpose is to share personal communication with family,
friends and/or associates.
1.3 Web-based Educational Applications Websites that facilitate interaction with
educational information specific to academic instruction such as YouTube,
Mathletics, Google Apps, Wikispaces and any other student/teacher sign on
1.4 Other Electronic Communication Electronic communication technologies that
are not defined as Social Media. Examples include: cell phones, landline
telephone, email, texting, video conferencing, etc.
2.0 When communicating with minors using School Media, Personal Media, Web Based
Educational Applications or Other Electronic Communication, it should be noted that:
2.1 The purpose of such communication is to provide information and/or
comments related to school work or event(s) and not for socialization or other
personal interaction.
2.2 Counseling of minors through such communication methods is not permitted.
2.3 Parents must be notified of the methods of communication that are used in
each school and must be granted access to participate in such communications.
Parents should have student access codes to all school-based accounts at any
2.4 School Media websites may not be used to communicate with minors below
the age of 19 unless parents have equal access. Personal Media websites must
not be used for official school communication. This includes but is not limited
to Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Vine, Google Circle, Linked In, and photo
sharing apps.
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2.5 Teachers may use “closed” web based educational applications with students.
A closed system cannot be accessed without being a member of a group and
usually requires ID entry that is validated by the server and the content filter.
Such use requires administrative approval and monitoring by two school
faculty members.
2.6 There must be at least two adults with administrative rights for each school
media account used for school communication.
2.7 If a school media site is to be used, the administrators must create a group that
both minors and adults can join and interact without allowing full access to one
another’s profile.
2.8 Personal media websites and other electronic communication may not be used
to communicate with an individual minor within one’s school. In unusual cases
where a response is needed, one must copy the response to another adult
within the school and maintain a copy of the message.
2.9 Acceptable hours of communication with minors via other electronic
communication shall be between 7:00am and 9:00pm. Communication outside
of these acceptable hours may be used only in emergency situations or to
communicate time sensitive information related to the school or a school
related event. Communications via other electronic communication should be
to a group rather than to individual minors, where practical.
2.10 The depiction of minors in photos or videos on school media sites may only
be used with parental permission.
2.11 The Diocese considers each and every Diocesan employee as a representative
of the Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama. Consequently, the Diocese expects
its employees to be cognizant of this most important responsibility and
conduct their lives, both professional and private, in accordance with the
teachings, beliefs and spirit of the Roman Catholic Church. Any information
on an employee’s social media website that causes embarrassment to the
Diocese must be avoided. Diocesan trademarks or logos can’t be used on
personal website.
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JPII Suspension and Expulsion Appeals Process
It is the expectation of the Diocesan Catholic Schools that students will develop a Catholic philosophy
of discipline and behave according to the policies, rules and regulations of the school. When these are
violated, the schools will impose reasonable disciplinary measures within the established authority of the
school so that students are treated with fairness and firmness. The classroom teacher is the primary
disciplinarian in the classroom. When it is deemed necessary for the classroom teacher to take
extraordinary disciplinary action, the behavior of the student and the recommended action will be
reviewed by the person responsible for student disciplinary records and knowledgeable of school policy
and implications. This person will probably be the Assistant Principal or Headmaster. After a thorough
investigation is conducted, and it is determined that more severe punishment is appropriate, such as
suspension or expulsion, the following procedures will apply.
When it becomes necessary to suspend a student because of a disciplinary problem or a violation of a
major school regulation, the appropriate school authority will notify the student and parents immediately
by telephone and in writing within three school days. The appropriate authority could be the Dean of
Students, Assistant Principal or the Headmaster. An appeal of the decision to suspend must be made to
the Headmaster within three school days of notification. The final decision will be made by the
For serious disciplinary reasons and/or violations of major school regulations a student may be expelled
from school after the Headmaster has met with the student and his/her parents. A written notice of
expulsion will be sent to the parents within three school days after this meeting. Expulsions may be
appealed to the Headmaster by the student and/or parents within three school days after the meeting
with the parents. If there is cause for further review, a written appeal may be made through the
Headmaster to a Review Committee of the local school board. The Committee will consider the
application of school policy as indicated in the school handbook and determine that the decision to
expel was not capricious or arbitrary. An Appeals Process Coordinator will be appointed by the
Superintendent to assist the students/parents in writing up the appeal and in documenting the findings
and actions of the school.
The Review Committee will meet within ten school days after notification and will make a
recommendation to the Superintendent within five school days. Neither side may be represented by
legal counsel.
Within five school days after receiving the recommendation, the Superintendent will communicate the
decision to the parents in writing. If the Superintendent does not agree with the Review Committee,
he/she will meet with the committee to resolve differences. The decision of the Committee is final.
Records are kept on all proceedings.
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Student Drug Testing Policy
As a way to convey our Church’s teaching on the dignity of the human person, foster a commitment to
a healthy lifestyle among our student body, and support the Diocesan Alcohol, Drug, and Tobacco
Policy (see p. 54), JPII has adopted the following policy and student drug testing program.
Policy: It is strictly forbidden for any student, enrolled at JPII, to use drugs, including but not limited
to, marijuana, stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, opiates, inhalants, mind-altering substances, or any
controlled substance as defined by federal and/or state law, for which the student has no prescription(s)
from a duly recognized medical authority.
Process: JPII strives to maintain a safe, healthy, and productive learning environment free of substance
abuse. By accepting admission to JPII, parents/guardians and students assume the responsibility for
cooperating with school officials regarding the drug testing program.
All students enrolled at JPII for the 2022-2023 academic year will be tested under this program in the
fall of 2022. Thereafter, students will be tested on a random basis throughout the school year or may be
tested when there is a reasonable suspicion that a student has violated the terms or conditions of this
policy. On a periodic basis and without prior notice, students will be selected to submit to testing. Since
this selection is random, some students may be selected more than once during a school year (no more
than three times), and other students may not be tested at all. A prior negative test result does not
exempt a student from future testing. All transfer students, when they enroll at JPII, will be required to
be tested within three months of enrollment.
On each testing day selected by the administration, students whose numbers are selected for testing will
be required to report to the place at the school designated for collection activities by the testing
facilitator. The facilitator will remove at least 3.9 centimeters (approximately one and one half inches)
of hair from the student. Hair can be collected from several locations on the head. Body hair from the
arm, leg, or chest in males may be used as an alternative to cranial hair. The sample will be placed into
a receptacle provided by the testing laboratory with the root end clearly marked. The student will initial
the storage receptacle. An adhesive, tamper proof strip will be placed over a second storage receptacle.
JPII will send the samples, by overnight delivery, to the testing laboratory at the end of the school day.
The testing laboratory shall conduct tests on the samples collected in accordance with federally
established procedures. The testing laboratory shall report any sample that is adulterated, contaminated,
unreadable, not authentic, or otherwise impossible to analyze properly to the Headmaster, or to such
other person as he designates, who shall meet with the student and/or the facilitator and ask for an
explanation. If a satisfactory explanation is provided, a new test may be performed at the discretion of
the Headmaster. If a satisfactory explanation is not provided, administration may recommend
rehabilitation and/or impose discipline in accordance with this program.
Consequences: If a student tests positive, the Headmaster shall meet with the student and his or her
parent, and shall inform them that a second test may be conducted at the student's expense. If the
student or his or her parent desires a second confirmatory test, he or she shall submit a written request
to the Headmaster for retest no later than five (5) days after being informed of the initial test results.
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If a student tests positive, they will serve an out-of-school suspension, the length of which will be
determined at the discretion of the administration. JPII requires any student with a substance abuse
problem to seek counseling or treatment. JPII will make available to students and parents information
concerning the availability of alcohol and abuse counseling and rehabilitation.
Participation in those programs will be at the parents' expense.
The student will be allowed to remain at JPII for a probationary period of ninety (90) days after being
notified that the test was positive. After the expiration of the ninety (90) day probationary period, the
student will be retested, at a date to be determined solely by the Headmaster. The same testing
procedures as the initial test procedure will be used for the retesting. If the student then tests positive,
he or she will be dismissed from JPII.
Rev. for SY 2023-2024 JPII Family Handbook
COVID-19 Acknowledgment and Liability Waiver
The novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has been declared a worldwide pandemic by the World Health
Organization. COVID-19 is extremely contagious. The school intends to follow federal, state and local
standards of conduct and has put in place reasonable preventative measures to reduce the spread of the virus.
However, even though such standards will be followed, and reasonable measures put into place, we cannot
guarantee that you or your child will not become infected with COVID-19. Further, attending school and
participating in activities associated with the school could increase your risk of you or your child contracting
the disease.
By permitting your child’s attendance at school and/or participating in school activities you acknowledge the
contagious nature of COVID-19 and that your child may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 and that such
exposure or infection may result in injury, illness, disability, or death. You acknowledge too that the risk of
becoming exposed to or infected by COVID-19 at school may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence
of yourself or others, including, but not limited to, school employees and volunteers.
Further, in an effort to reduce the risk to your child, you agree that you will take your child’s temperature daily
and will not take him or her to school should the temperature exceed 100 degrees. You agree that you will
instruct and continue to instruct your child about the hazards of the virus, social distancing protocols and proper
virus prevention hygiene practices.
You agree that you will continue to monitor your child’s health and
wellbeing, and will have him or her tested whenever it appears that he or she may have become infected with
COVID-19. Should that happen you agree that you will quarantine your child and notify the school officials.
You understand and agree that delivering your child to school is confirmation that you have followed federal,
state and local directives, instructions provided herein above and that you have answered the daily screening
questionnaire(s) truthfully.
With an understanding of the risks involved, I further agree on behalf of myself, my child(ren), my spouse, our
heirs, successors, and assigns, to release, indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the school, Diocese of
Birmingham in Alabama, their teachers, staff, administration, employees, agents and representatives
(“indemnitees”) associated with the school arising from or in connection with any negligent act or omission of
the indemnitees’ in relation to prevention of the spread of the COVID-19 virus only.
Student(s) Name(s) Signature
Parent/Guardian Date
Proper virus prevention hygiene includes regular and thorough washing of hands with anti-bacterial soap and hot water
for at least 20 seconds; regular use of alcohol-based hand sanitizer after touching surfaces within the school and in
situations where handwashing is not available; and refraining from touching the face area.
Rev. for SY 2023-2024 JPII Family Handbook
St. John Paul II Catholic High School
Educational Contract
2023-2024 Family Handbook Acknowledgment
We have read and understand the St. John Paul II Catholic High School
2023-2024 Family Handbook
and agree
to observe the policies and procedures it contains.
Parents and students are asked to make special note of the policies regarding:
Code of Conduct
Electronic Device Usage
Student Drug Testing
Technology Usage
Uniform Dress Code
Social Media Parent Agreement
As a parent/guardian, I recognize that the use of the Internet comes with a corresponding responsibility to use it
wisely, both for myself and my child. I also recognize that sending my child to a Catholic school is a privilege that
comes with a corresponding duty to act in a Christian way toward others. I therefore pledge to refrain from using
the internet in any way that might disparage the school’s administration, staff or coaches. If I have an issue with
school personnel, I will take my concerns directly to the school’s administration and not publicly broadcast vile,
hateful or disparaging remarks about the administration, staff or coaches. Publicly broadcasting any such remarks
is an indication of my intent to withdraw my child or children from the school and the Headmaster has my
permission to act accordingly.
Photography/Video Release
I (We) do hereby consent and authorize the release, publication, dissemination, distribution, use and/or
reproduction of any and all photographs taken of my (our) child during his/her enrollment at St. John Paul II
Catholic High School by an employee, agent, or representative of the Diocese of Birmingham/Office or Catholic
Education or independent contractor. This release and authorization acknowledges that all photographic proofs,
photographic negatives, positives, and prints shall constitute the property of the Diocese of Birmingham/Office
of Catholic Education and may be used by the Diocese of Birmingham/Office of Catholic Education for any
purpose determined at its discretion, including but not limited to development/fundraising and promotional
publications, without further notice or any compensations to me or my child.
I do not consent to have my child photographed (student’s photograph will not be included in any school
publications, including but not limited to, yearbook, athletic media guides, etc.). Student will be
photographed for school ID and student database usage.
I consent to have my child photographed.
**By signing below, the student(s) and parents/guardians agree(s) to abide by the JPII Honor Code.
Student(s) Printed Name(s)
Student(s) Signature(s)
Please Check One
Windows OS
Windows OS
Windows OS
Parent/Guardian Signature: Date:
Parent/Guardian Signature: Date:
Please sign and return to the front office
Rev. for SY 2023-2024 JPII Family Handbook
The purpose of Catholic education is the formation of young people who will be good citizens of this worldloving God and neighbor
and enriching society with the leaven of the Gospeland who will also be citizens of the world to come, thus fulfilling their destiny to
become saints. This is all done in an environment of academic excellence, where students learn how to become intentional, missionary
disciples of Jesus Christ, grow in virtue and holiness, share the Good News of Christ's love with others, and join in the Catholic
Christian community of the school. This Family-School Agreement is intended to further these purposes. Catholic schools in the Diocese
of Birmingham are open to all students; however, we are first and foremost Catholic.
When enrolling their child(ren) in a Catholic school in the Diocese of Birmingham, parent(s) or legal guardian(s)
(hereafter, “parents”) are asked to sign the Family-School Agreement. In signing the Family-School Agreement, it
is understood that:
a. All children are welcome in the Catholic schools in the Diocese of Birmingham. As part of enrollment,
parents must sign the Family-School Agreement.
b. Our schools exist to pass on the Catholic faith in its fullness to students and to form disciples of Jesus
Christ. Parents and schools are partners in this mission; parents are expected to cooperate fully in it and
shall supervise their children in accordance with this agreement.
c. As partners in this mission, students and their parents are all part of the school community. As such,
students and their parents agree to live their lives in a way that supports, rather than opposes, the mission
of the school.
The school joyfully exercises its responsibility to teach Catholic faith and morals in all fullness. Parents whose
religious practices and beliefs run counter to Churchteaching might experience conflicts as we maintain mission
integrity. Sincere questioning of the practicesand doctrinesof the Catholic faithwhether by students or their
parentsin order to more deeply understand them are welcome; but openly hostile or persistent defiance of
Catholic truths or morality are a violation of the Family-School Agreement and may result in denial of admission
or dismissal from the school.
As parents/guardians, we ask St. John Paul II Catholic High School to help us in educating and forming our
child(ren). We understand and agree that our child(ren) will be taught the teachings of the Catholic Church in their
fullness. Our intention is to respect and cooperate with school policies and with those providing a Catholic-based
education to our child(ren)the priests, principal, teachers, parishioners, and all school personnel. We pledge our
full cooperation with the school to prepare our child(ren) to be disciple(s) of Jesus Christ. We will make every effort
to supervise our child(ren)in accordance with this agreement.
Father/Legal Guardian Signature Date
Mother/Legal Guardian Signature Date
Name(s) of Child(ren)/Grades:
St. John Paul II Catholic High School accepts your request and commitment for a Catholic education and formation
for your child(ren). We acknowledge our obligation to assist you in your responsibility of educating your child(ren).
We will make our best effort to form your child(ren) as disciple(s) of Jesus Christ, according to the teachings of the
Catholic Church.
Principal’s Signature: Date
Rev. for SY 2023-2024 JPII Family Handbook
Diócesis de Birmingham en Alabama
2121 3rd Avenue North (35203)
Apartado postal 12047
Birmingham, Alabama 35202-2047
O: 205-838-8322 F: 205-836-1910
Acuerdo familia-escuela
El propósito de la educación católica es la formación de jóvenes que serán buenos ciudadanos de
este mundo, amando a Dios y al prójimo; enriqueciendo a la sociedad con la levadura del
Evangelio, y que también serán ciudadanos del mundo venidero, cumpliendo así su destino de
llegar a ser santos. Todo esto se hace en un ambiente de excelencia académica, donde los
estudiantes aprenden cómo convertirse intencionalmente en discípulos y misioneros de Jesucristo,
crecer en virtud y santidad, compartir las Buena Nueva del amor de Cristo con los demás y unirse a
la comunidad cristiana católica del colegio. Este Acuerdo entre la familia y la escuela está
destinado a promover estos propósitos. Las escuelas católicas de la Diócesis de Birmingham están
abiertas a todos los estudiantes; sin embargo, somos ante todo católicos.
Al inscribir a sus hijos en una escuela católica en la Diócesis de Birmingham, se les pide a los
padres o tutores legales (en adelante, "padres") que firmen el Acuerdo Familia-Escuela. Al firmar el
Acuerdo Familia-Escuela, se entiende que:
a. Todos los niños son bienvenidos en las escuelas católicas de la Diócesis de Birmingham.
Como parte de la inscripción, los padres deben firmar el Acuerdo entre la familia y la
b. Nuestras escuelas existen para transmitir la fe católica en su plenitud a los estudiantes y para
formar discípulos de Jesucristo. Los padres y las escuelas están juntos en esta misión; Se
espera que los padres cooperen plenamente y supervisen a sus hijos de acuerdo con este
c. Como aliados en esta misión, los estudiantes y sus padres son parte de la comunidad escolar.
Como tal, los estudiantes y sus padres acuerdan vivir sus vidas de una manera que apoye, en
lugar de oponerse, a la misión de la escuela.
La escuela ejerce con alegría su responsabilidad de enseñar la fe y la moral católicas en toda su
plenitud. Los padres cuyas prácticas y creencias religiosas van en contra de las enseñanzas de la
Iglesia pueden experimentar conflictos mientras mantenemos la integridad de la misión. Se agradece
el cuestionamiento sincero de las prácticas y doctrinas de la fe católica, ya sea por parte de los
estudiantes o de sus padres, con el fin de comprenderlas profundamente; pero el desafío
abiertamente hostil o persistente de las verdades católicas o la moralidad es una violación del
Acuerdo Familia-Escuela y puede resultar en la denegación de admisión o expulsión de la escuela.
Rev. for SY 2023-2024 JPII Family Handbook
Acuerdo Familia-Escuela 2023-2024
Diócesis de Birmingham
Como padres / tutores, le pedimos a [inserte el nombre de la escuela]
que nos ayude a educar y formar a nuestros hijos. Entendemos y
estamos de acuerdo en que a nuestros hijos se les enseñarán las enseñanzas de la Iglesia Católica en
su totalidad. Nuestra intención es respetar y cooperar con las políticas de la escuela y con aquellos
que brindan una educación católica a nuestros hijos: los sacerdotes, el director, los maestros, los
feligreses y todo el personal de la escuela. Prometemos nuestra total cooperación con la escuela para
preparar a nuestros hijos para que sean discípulos de Jesucristo. Haremos todo lo posible para
supervisar a nuestros hijos de acuerdo con este acuerdo.
Nombre del padre / tutor legal Firma:
_______________________________________ _____________________________
Nombre de la madre / tutor legal Firma:
_______________________________________ _____________________________
Nombre (s) del niño (s): Grado:
_______________________________________ _____________________________
_______________________________________ _____________________________
_______________________________________ _____________________________
_______________________________________ _____________________________
_________ [inserte el nombre de la escuela] __________ acepta su solicitud y compromiso de una
educación y formación católica para su (s) hijo (s). Reconocemos nuestra obligación de ayudarlo en
su responsabilidad de educar a sus hijos. Haremos nuestro mejor esfuerzo para formar a su (s) hijo
(s) como discípulos de Jesucristo, de acuerdo con las enseñanzas de la Iglesia Católica.
Firma del director: ______________________ Fecha: _______________________
Rev. for SY 2023-2024 JPII Family Handbook
We the undersigned, being the parents of , who is
years of age, and a student at St. John Paul II Catholic High School (hereinafter the School) hereby give our consent for
him/her to attend any field trips, sporting events, or other activities sponsored by the School, scheduled to take place during
the school year 20 20 , at locations other than the School campus itself. We consent to and authorize our child
being transported to and from each activity in (a) private vehicle driven by a parent, teacher, or other adult approved by the
School or (b) in a commercial bus or other public conveyance arranged for by the School.
In the event of injury during the activity, including transportation to and from the activity, we hereby give our consent for
any emergency medical care (including surgery) deemed medically necessary for the care of our child by a duly licensed
physician. This emergency medical care may be given under whatever conditions may exist, to preserve the life, limb, or
well-being of our child.
We have adequate medical and hospital insurance in case of injury to our child while being transported to and from or while
participating in the off-campus activity. The name of our medical/hospital insurance company is
Contract #
Telephone #
Further, in consideration of the owner or driver of the private vehicle transporting our child to or from the activity, and in
consideration of the School undertaking to provide for said activity for the benefit of the students, including our child, we
hereby agree to forever indemnify, hold-harmless and defend the owner and driver, Catholic
Parish, , its member, officers, and directors; and, St. John Paul II Catholic High School,
and its principal, teachers, employees, and agents from any and all claims, demands, actions and causes of action, arising out
of or pertaining to any bodily injury or death sustained by our child in an accident occurring during the course of the activity
authorized by the School including transportation to and from the activity, and including any emergency medical or surgical
treatment for our child, whether or not said claim demand, action or suit is based on, or alleged to be based on, in whole or in
part, the negligence, or other similar conduct of the owner and/or driver of said private vehicle. This indemnity applies, in
all events, to the extent that any such injury, damage, illness, or death to our child is not covered by applicable and enforceable
liability insurance available to us as parents. We assume all risks and hazards incidental to or attendant with our child’s
participation in said activity, and in each phase of it.
Witness our hands and seals, this the day of 20 .
WITNESSES: (can be neighbors, relatives, etc.)
Witness Signature Parent Signature
Witness Signature Parent Signature