Pelsi Santika
, Syafryadin
Pelsi Santika
, Syafryadin
Teacher Training and Education Faculty
*1, 2
University of Bengkulu
*1, 2
Received: Jan 9, 2023 Accepted: Jan 25, 2023 Published: March 11, 2023
This study aims to discover the figurative language and its meaning in the song
lyrics used in the "Midnights" album. The data included the lyrics of all songs (13
songs) from Taylor Swift's "Midnights" album. This study employed a descriptive
qualitative method as well as a content analysis design to describe types of
figurative language and its meaning in song lyrics. The findings revealed that
eight types of figurative language were used in the "Midnights" album's song
lyrics: personification, simile, metaphor, hyperbole, irony, litotes, metonymy, and
oxymoron. Personification with 12 data (12.5%), simile with 21 data (21.9%),
metaphor with 25 data (26.0%), hyperbole with 15 data (15.6%), irony with 2 data
(2.1%), litotes with 2 data (2.1%), metonymy with 17 data (17.7%), and
oxymoron with 2 data (2.1%).It was found that metaphor is the most frequent type
of figurative language used in the song lyrics of the "Midnights" album. It
indicated that Taylor Swift used a lot of metaphor to create her songs in the
Midnights album because figurative language can make a song more aesthetic,
artistic, and meaningful, as well as the song lyrics in the "Midnights" album can
be effective material for students to learn figurative language.
Keywords:Figurative language, Midnights, Song lyrics, Taylor Swift
Language is a medium of human communication and message
transmission. According to Fajrin (2021), language allows people to connect with
each other and express their thoughts and feelings. Language, whether spoken or
written, can be used to communicate or convey ideas. In various situations,
language can be implemented in literal and non-literal ways based on the use of its
language. Figurative language is a non-literal language that is crucial to use in
conveying the ideas in literary works. Purba et al. (2021) stated that figurative
language is applied in many forms of literary works, including poems, short
stories, song lyrics, and so on. Various authors used figurative language in their
literary works to create a special effect by making a creative comparison and to
draw the reader's imagination to interpret the meaning of the literary works.
Wiralodra English Journal (WEJ)
Vol 7 No 1 March 2023
Additionally, figurative language may be used to maximize a literary work's
beauty and meaning (Taufik & Cahyati, 2022).
The song lyrics are a short literary work written by a writer to convey a
simple message to the readers. Many songwriters write song lyrics using
figurative language to make the song lyrics more interesting, unique, and
aesthetic. It concerns that an author transfers his or her feelings through figurative
language in the song lyrics that may have various meanings depending on the
audience's thinking. They also produce a song to illustrate and present the
message of the regular lifestyle, such as in songs by Taylor Swift. Her songs are
literary works that describe feelings through beautiful lyrics and figures of speech
based on her life experiences.
In education, figurative language can be taught through song lyrics in high
school and university. It is very useful for the students in order to improve their
comprehension ability. An English lecturer can use songs as media because songs
are more commonly used as interesting material in order to make students learn
English and enjoy the lesson. In addition, using figurative language through songs
helps students understand the lesson by motivating them to study, enriching their
knowledge of language and culture, mentoring students to think critically, and
providing feedback to enhance students' comprehension skills (Fatimah et al.,
Previously, Nainggolan et al. (2021) conducted research about types of
figurative language in Joe Biden's victory speech. From 86 data, they found
metaphor, personification, hyperbole, simile, and litotes, of which metaphor
appeared frequently. Furthermore, Karimah et al. (2022) analyzed the figurative
language in "Tale-Tell Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe. The results presented 9 data
for four figurative languages: simile, metaphor, hyperbole, and personification.
The difference between the previous studies and this present study is the source
chosen by the writers. The previous studies used a speech and a short story, while
the present study chose all song lyrics in an album of "Midnights" by Taylor Swift
and interpreted their meaning, which has not been analyzed previously. Therefore,
the purpose of this study is to identify types of figurative language and its
meaning in the song lyrics of Taylor Swift's "Midnights" album.
Figurative language is one in which the meaning of words, phrases, or
utterances differs from their actual meaning. Figurative language affects language
that is expected to be followed or standard, and it has had a major influence on
how humans believe about something and their perceptions of the world (Amalia
et al., 2021).
In relation to the term definition, McKenzie (2016) viewed that figurative
language involves to the language which informs the ideas beyond the factual
meanings of the word, phrases or sentences. Figurative language imparts a
sensation of beauty while focusing on the importance of what is being conveyed.
In certain word, figurative language is indeed a various word or phrase with such
a hidden message.
Figurative language is achieved by using words that are out of context.
When a researcher employs literal language, he or she is conveying the actual
information as it is. In comparison, figurative language uses overstatements or
word replacements to communicate a particular linguistic meaning. Figurative
Pelsi Santika
, Syafryadin
language is used to describe something by contrasting it with something else. This
type of description is typically used to convey a sense of beauty and to emphasize
important elements (Karimah et al., 2022).
Leech (2013) divided figurative language into eight types: personification,
simile, metaphor, hyperbole, irony, litotes, metonymy, and oxymoron.
1. Personification is a figurative language style in which inanimate objects are
described as if they have human characteristics. It is inanimate objects that act
and behave like humans, or human manifestations. (Remakers & Melion,
2016:1) The functions of figurative language style in song lyrics with human
characteristics, including actions, emotions, and human manifestations. For
example, the wind whispered in my ears.
2. Simile is a direct comparison. It means that something is immediately stated to
be the same as something else. This necessitates efforts that explicitly
demonstrate the similarity, namely the words: like or as (Leech, 2013:156).For
example, her hair is as smooth as silk.
3. Metaphor is a shortened analogy that compares two things directly. Unlike
similes, metaphor does not use comparative words with like or as, so the first
point is directly related to the second subject (Stack, 2020:4). This metaphor
implies that something is the same or valuable as other things that are not the
same. For instance, his eyes are moonlight.
4. Hyperbole is a figurative language that demonstrates the point by using an
exaggerated statement (Ismail et al., 2020). For example, I traversed the
universe to meet him.
5. Irony is defined as a statement in which the speaker's assumed meaning
contrasts dramatically from the ostensibly expressed meaning (Harris, 2017).
For instance, this food is so delicious that I have a stomachache eating it.
6. Litotes is a figurative language used to describe statements that have been
shrunk from their original size (Leech,2013:168). It combines two negative
words to form a positive phrase. For example, the boy's behavior wasn't as
bad as it had been in the past.
7. Metonymy uses the name of something with the name of another that is
closely connected (Taufik & Cahyati, 2022). Its purpose is to connect a name
in people's heads with something else. For instance, I wanted to build a
bungalow in your life.
8. Oxymoron is the comparison of two expressions that are semantically
incompatible, so that the combination of words has reference to reality (Leech,
2013:140). For instance, his joke is seriously funny.
Figurative language can be used in a lot of literary works in order to make
literary works more beautiful, alive and attract the audience's interest. One of the
most common literary works that employs figurative language is song lyrics. A
song lyric is a literary work that is filled with a beautiful combination of lyrics
and melodies to create a piece of music that represents meaning and messages that
are either directly or indirectly expressed to art connoisseurs, especially those who
really appreciate music (Sarumaha et al., 2022).
Abdullah and Rahmawati (2018) stated that a song is a short literary work
or perhaps another collection of words written, produced, and designed to be
performed. Songwriters use creative abilities and figurative sense to compose
song lyrics. Song lyrics are someone's perceptions about something they have
seen, heard, or personally encountered.
Wiralodra English Journal (WEJ)
Vol 7 No 1 March 2023
Taylor Swift is a well-known American singer who writes and records
many songs. Taylor Swift (born December 13, 1989) is a well-known American
singer-songwriter who writes and records many songs about her life experiences.
She received numerous awards, including Grammys, American Music Awards,
Billboard Music Awards, and Guinness World Records. Her music has been
credited with inspiring a new generation of singer-songwriters. She had released
ten albums from 2006 until now (Wikipedia, 2022). "Midnights" is her newest or
tenth album and consists of 13 songs. Midnights is an album that tells the story of
Swift's life during a pivotal evening in her career, such as her insecurity expressed
in the lyrics of "Anti-Hero" as well as her relationship with her boyfriend in the
past and present.
This research used a descriptive qualitative method. Creswell (2014) said
that qualitative research is an investigation process in comprehending the
methodology that is different in observing social problems. Descriptive qualitative
research employs a case study method or approach (Sugiyono, 2017).The writer
identified a word, phrase, or sentence in each line of the song lyrics to get the data
completely. Applying content analysis design, the writer identified a word, phrase,
or sentence in each line of the song lyrics to get the data regarding various types
of figurative language and its meaning completely.
This research used the lyrics of all songs in the "Midnights" album by
Taylor Swift. The writer selected “Midnights” album among all of Swift's albums
because itis the newest album from Taylor Swift and it contains popular songs
that many people listen to, despite the fact that it was only released on October,
2022. This album is comprised of 13 songs, namely Lavender Haze; Maroon;
Anti-Hero; Snow on the Beach; You‟re You Own, Kid; Midnight Rain;
Question?; Vigilante Shit; Bejeweled; Labyrinth; Karma; Sweet Nothing; and
Mastermind. The writer adopted the theory from Leech (2013) in analyzing of
types of figurative language in the song lyrics of the "Midnights" album. Leech
(2013) has classified figurative languages into eight types. They are:
personification, simile, metaphor, hyperbole, irony, litotes, metonymy, and
In collecting data, the writer used documenting, in which she downloaded
and printed the song lyrics from the "Midnights" album that can be accessed on
the website This study
followed the framework from Miles et al. (2014)in analyzing the data, in which
there are four stages: data reduction, data display, drawing conclusion, and data
coding. Several steps were taken in this study, as follows: First, the writer read the
printout of each song's lyrics from the "Midnights" album and listened to each
official song on Taylor Swift's YouTube channel to ensure there were no mistakes
in the song lyrics. Second, the writer identified the data by repeatedly reading and
listening to the study's source. Then, the writer marked parts of the lyrics in the
printout that contain figurative language and categorized them into types of
figurative language based on Leech's theory (2013). After that, the writer
presented the findings in the table, giving a code for each data. Lastly, the writer
explained the findings, interpreted the meaning of the types of figurative language
used in the lyrics of 13 songs on "Midnights," and drew the conclusion.
Pelsi Santika
, Syafryadin
Table. 1 Types of Figurative Language in Song Lyrics of “Midnights Album
Types of Figurative Language
1. Personification
Personification is a type of metaphor in which inanimate objects are
decorated to act, and speak like humans.
Data 1
I feel the lavender haze creeping up on me
(Lavender Haze, line. 10)
In data 1, the author applied personification that gave life to an
inanimate thing (lavender haze) that could crawl on Swift's body. It indicated
that lavender haze could move like a human. This song's lyrics contained a
hidden meaning that could mean that lavender haze is love, and Swift felt that
she was in love with someone.
Data 2
The rust that grew between telephones (Maroon,
line. 18)
From data 2, the author used personification that could be seen in line 18
of the song lyrics for Maroon. She described an inanimate object (the rust) as
if it were alive (grew).This line could be referring to Swift's strong bond and
relationship with her ex when he was still her boyfriend.
Data 3
When my depression works the graveyard shift
(Anti-Hero, line. 3)
Data 3contained personification, in which the author used works to bring
an inanimate thing (my depression) to life. This data showed that Swift
mentioned when her depression appeared and disrupted her sleep, making it
difficult for her to get a good night's sleep.
Data 4
Sapphire tears on my face (Bejeweled, line. 42)
Data 4 contained personification, in which the author used an inanimate
object as if she had given it life. It demonstrated that sapphire could cry,
despite the fact that sapphire is a precious gemstone and not an animate object.
This data had connotative meaning, meaning that the sapphire could be shown
as Swift's tears that fall on her face.
Data 5
Karma takes all my friends to the summit (Karma,
line. 50)
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Vol 7 No 1 March 2023
The author used personification in data 5, she described karma as an
inanimate object that came to life by using the verb take. Swift assumed that
karma was a good thing and that karma could make people successful,
including her friends who do good and kind things.
Data 6
The dominoes cascaded in a line (Mastermind,
line. 10)
The author used personification in data 6 by using dominoes and giving
the verb cascaded as if the dominoes had human characteristics. The lyrics of
this song had the connotative meaning that the dominoes represented the
scheming that Swift's plan ran smoothly as she desired.
2. Simile
Simile is comparison figurative language that is used to describe a
situation by comparing it to something else by using like or as.
Data 7
Tale as old as time (Anti-Hero, line. 7)
In data 7 from Anti-Hero's song lyrics, the author talked about tale,”
which she compared to being as old as time. It was demonstrated that a tale
existed and that it grew old with time, just as everyone, including the author,
has their own old story.
Data 8
My smile is like I won a contest (Snow on the
Beach, line. 23)
Data 8 was taken from the song lyrics of "Snow on the Beach," which is
a story about falling in love. In this line, the author is described as saying that
her smile is the expression she uses when she wins a competition, and smile
means happy. It indicated that the author used simile (like) in illustrating her
smile when she is falling in love by using the phrase "I won a contest."
Data 9
I touch my phone as if it's your face (You‟re On
Your Own, Kid, line. 10)
According to data 9, the author used simile in these song lyrics. The
author compared her phone to a man's face, which could imply that she
handles her phone with care, just as she would a man she loves.
Data 10
It came like a postcard (Midnight Rain, line. 28)
From data 10, the author applied simile to the song lyrics of "Midnight
Rain," especially in line 28. She used a postcard as a comparison something
that she wanted to compare. In the song lyrics, it could be meant as memories
that Swift had with his boyfriend in the past, like a card that contained a
picture of them.
Data 11
Karma's on your scent like a bounty hunter
(Karma, line. 45)
Data 11 showed that the author added simile to her song lyrics. It could
be seen that the author used a bounty hunter to illustrate karma. Swift saw
karma in this data as a good action with a positive outcome for herself. This
data could have meant that karma was a bounty hunter that could chase
Pelsi Santika
, Syafryadin
someone based on the scent that stuck in their body and return the proper
action that people take in their lives, whether it was a good or bad thing.
Data 12
I spy with my little tired eye
Tiny as a firefly (Sweet Nothing, line. 1-2)
Data 12 contained simile, in which the author used a comparison of the
thing that she wanted to compare. In this data, Swift used a firefly to describe
her tired eye. A firefly is a small animal that is difficult to see, and this
comparison indicated that she needed a rest because she was really tired and
her eyes did not focus anymore.
Data 13
So I've been scheming like a criminal ever since
(Mastermind, line. 30)
Based on data 13, the author used simile in thirtieth line of Mastermind's
song lyrics. She assumed that she was a criminal when she started to make
plans. In general, a criminal is someone who does bad things that violate the
town or country's policy rules, and Swift is similar to a criminal in that she
would do anything, including manipulate a man, to get him.
3. Metaphor
Metaphor is used by authors to help them describe things more clearly
by comparing one thing to another thing by using is.
Data 14
Sometimes I feel like everybody is a sexy baby
And I'm a monster on the hill(Anti-Hero, line.19-
According to data 14, the song lyrics contained two metaphors: she as a
monster and the other as sexy babies. It was assumed that the author described
herself as a monster, whereas others were sexy babies. It meant that everybody
had a beautiful, sexy, and young appearance, while Swift assumed she was not
sexy or young enough to compete with them.
Data 15
Life is emotionally abusive (Snow On The Beach,
line. 5)
Based on data 15, the author used metaphor in her song lyrics for "Snow
on the Beach." She used "abusive" to illustrate life. In the dictionary,
"abusive" meant awfully distasteful and disrespectful. It might be related to
her experience when she met people in her life; she thought that life was
rough, wild, manipulative, and difficult.
Data 16
He was sunshine (Midnight Rain, line. 18)
In data 16, the author used metaphor (is) to illustrate the man that had
been her boyfriend in her song. Swift presented him as being like sunshine, in
which the man is friendly, humble, cheerful, making the days of the people
around him pleasant and providing happiness, comfort, and joy to them.
Data 17
But some guy said my aura’s moonstone
(Bejeweled, line. 44)
Wiralodra English Journal (WEJ)
Vol 7 No 1 March 2023
Data 17 of the song lyrics entitled "Bejeweled" showed that some people
compare Swift to moonstone. Moonstone is one of those expensive gemstones
that not everyone can afford. It assumed that Swift was described as a difficult
woman who would be difficult for people, especially men, to approach.
Data 18
'Cause karma is the thunder
Rattling your ground (Karma, line. 43-44)
According to data 18, the author applied metaphor in the song lyrics of
Karma, especially in lines 4344. She described karma as thunder with
meaning; karma was a good or bad action that had an effect on yourself, as
well as the fact that it could come from anything and anywhere.
Data 19
I'm only cryptic and Machiavellian 'cause I
care(Mastermind, line. 34)
In data 19, the author used metaphor by comparing herself to something
else. It implied that the true meaning of the song's lyrics was that she was a
manipulative woman who had and used any and all strategies to achieve and
obtain what she desired.
4. Hyperbole
Hyperbole is a figurative language that exaggerates and even contradicts
Data 20
I waited ages to see you there (You‟re On Your
Own, Kid, line. 16)
Data 20 used hyperbole in which the author used ages to describe how
long she waited for her friend. The lyrics of this song indicated that the author
in love with her best friend in long period and hoped that one day he would
realize it.
Data 21
A slow motion, love potion
Jumping off things in the ocean(Midnight Rain,
line. 15-16)
In data 21, the author used exaggerated words. She wrote that a love
potion could jump in the ocean, but that it was impossible while people
couldn't see love itself. This line of lyrics could imply that Swift's boyfriend
desired her love and wanted a strong relationship with her.
Data 22
‘Cause I don’t remember who I was before you
Painted all my nights
A color I have searched for since (Question, line.
Data 22 had the meaning that this was the author's first time finding
someone that she thought suitable and understood her well, but she described
it with overstatement, which could be seen when she used a sentence that she
did not remember herself before meeting a man and a color that she wanted to
find out (love).
Data 23
They say looks can kill and I might try (Vigilante
Shit, line. 4)
Pelsi Santika
, Syafryadin
Based on data 23, the author used hyperbole by using overstatement, in
which she mentioned that appearance could kill someone. However, the true
statement could be that someone's appearance could make people change their
attitude or personality toward someone else; it could be a compliment or a
mockery. It indicated that using hyperbole made the lyrics more dramatic.
Data 24
When I walk in the room
I can still make the whole place shimmer
(Bejeweled, line. 8-9)
Data 24 showed that the author used hyperbole in her song lyrics for
"Bejeweled." She presented the idea that when she walked around, all places
would glimmer because of her effect. This phrase had a deeper meaning than
the literal one, which was that her presence could draw people's attention
because she was encrusted with jewels.
Data 25
You would break your back to make me break a
smile (Labyrinth, line. 16)
The song lyrics in tab 25 contained hyperbole. The author described her
boyfriend breaking his back to make her smile. It was only an expression that
could say but hardly to do even Swift's boyfriend was really love her, but this
song lyrics assumed that her boyfriend would do anything that he could to
make Swift happy.
5. Irony
Irony is a figurative language that conveys messages that are
diametrically opposed to reality.
Data 26
Sometimes I feel like everybody is a sexy baby
And I'm a monster on the hill
Too big to hang out
Slowly lurching toward your favorite city
Pierced through the heart but never killed
Did you hear my covert narcissism
I disguise as altruism like some kind of
(Tale as old as time)
I wake up screaming from dreaming
One day I'll watch as you're leaving and life will
lose all its meaning
(For the last time) - (Anti-Hero, line.19-29)
Data 26 demonstrated irony in which the author stated that her
narcissism (someone who sets high standards for herself and believes she is
better than others), despite the fact that this lyric had the opposite meaning in
which she was an insecure woman who was afraid that her boyfriend, friends,
and other people in her life would abandon her, and she also tried her hardest
not to make any mistakes.
Data 27
I broke his heart ‘cause he was nice (Midnight
Rain, line. 17)
Wiralodra English Journal (WEJ)
Vol 7 No 1 March 2023
According to data 27, the seventeenth line of "Midnight Rain" contained
irony. It was ironic because it showed how Swift ended his relationship with
his ex-boyfriend because he was a good man. It implied that having a caring
partner would not guarantee a long-term relationship.
6. Litotes
Litotes is a type of figurative language in which something uses the
negative form to make it less than its true description.
Data 28
So make the friendship bracelets, take the moment
and taste it
You've got no reason to be afraid (You‟re On
Your Own, Kid, line. 44-45)
From data 28, the author used litotes to make the description less than
reality by using negative words in "You've got no reason to be afraid." The
phrase meant that you should be brave and strong, especially in building
relationships with others.
Data 29
So I told you none of it was accidental
(Mastermind, line. 35)
Based on data 29, the song lyrics of Mastermind, especially in line 35,
contained litotes, in which the author used the negative form that had a polite
meaning. Another interpretation of "none of it was accidental" was that all
events had happened as planned by the mastermind.
7. Metonymy
Metonymy is a figurative language in which the name of something is
used to subtly refer to something else with which it has a relationship.
Data 30
They’re bringing up my history (Lavender Haze,
line. 23)
Data 30 contained metonymy that was shown by using "history." History
can also be referred to as past. This data indicated that people around her
talked about her bad past to her boyfriend.
Data 31
I searched ‘aurora borealis green’ (Snow On The
Beach, line. 20)
In data 31, the author used metonymy by using "aurora borealis green."
It is also called "Northern lights" in the North pole while it is called "Southern
lights" or "Auroro Australis" in the South pole. Green is the most commonly
seen color. In relation to the song lyrics, in which this song told about love,
aurora could mean love because both finding aurora and true love were
Data 32
My boy was a montage (Midnight Rain, line. 14)
Data 32 contained metonymy, in which the author used a term in her
song lyrics. She used montage to describe her boyfriend, which could be
meant as a traditional man who wanted a serious relationship when he fell in
love with her.
Data 33
Driving in your Benz(Vigilante Shit, line. 18)
Pelsi Santika
, Syafryadin
Data 33 employed metonymy, in which the author described a vehicle by
its label rather than a broad term. In this data, the author used "Benz" (one
kind of car) rather than mention that it was a car, and people would know it.
Its meaning was clear: the woman had and drove a car (Benz).
Data 34
My pennies made your crown (Karma, line. 23)
The author employed metonymy in data 34, writing "pennies." Money
was another name for pennies. Therefore, it could mean that Swift gave her
money to someone to make him wealthy and powerful.
8. Oxymoron
Oxymoron is a figurative language that describes two opposite words in
one phrase or sentence.
Data 35
Slowly lurching toward your favorite city (Anti-
Hero, line. 22)
In data 20, the author used oxymoron, in which she presented two
contradictory words, "slowly" and "lurching," in one phrase. In the dictionary,
"lurching" is when someone makes a sudden movement, either sideways or
forward, and it is indicated that someone could not handle his or her stamina
when something was lurching. Related to the song lyrics, it could mean that
the author could not handle something that was around her.
Data 36
Good girl, sad boy (Question, line. 2)
Data 36 showed that the song lyrics of Question in the second line
contained oxymoron, in which the author used the opposite words "good" and
"sad." The author depicted a girl as good or happy and a boy as sad in their
daily lives.
Figurative language is used when words and phrases have different
meanings than their interpretation. According to the findings of the study, there
were eight types of figurative language in the lyrics of 13 songs of "Midnights"
album, namely personification (12 data), simile (21 data), metaphor (25 data),
hyperbole (15 data), irony (2 data), litotes (2 data), metonymy (17 data) and
oxymoron (2 data).
Personification is used to describe an inanimate object as if alive such as
The rust that grew between telephones (Maroon, line. 18).According to Tairako's
view (2018), personification is a type of figurative language style that depicts
inanimate objects as if they have human characteristics. In personification, it
indicated that a thing or an object can do the human usually.
Simile is used to compare something to another thing by using as or like
such as Tale as old as time (Anti-Hero, line. 7).It is indicated when the author
uses figurative language with obvious words and uses similes that have an explicit
meaning. Some equations include details about their nature, while others do not.
The reader is then expected to deduce the nature of the equation for himself or
herself (Natsir et al., 2022).
Metaphor is used to describe two different things by using is or something
similar to is, such as He was sunshine (Midnight Rain, line. 18).It is similar to
Wiralodra English Journal (WEJ)
Vol 7 No 1 March 2023
Valentino's view (2016) who stated that a metaphor is a comparison of two
dissimilar things. This metaphor implies that something is the same or valuable as
something that is not the same (Pradopo, 2012: 66).
Hyperbole occurs when an author uses words that are exaggerated in
comparison to reality such as I waited ages to see you there (You‟re On Your
Own, Kid, line. 16).Hyperbole can be used to create a humorous, sad, angry, or
convincing an impression(Taufik & Cahyati, 2022).
Irony is when the author makes a statement that is opposite from its true
meaning, such as Did you hear my covert narcissism(Anti-Hero, line.
24).Generally, irony refers to something by trying to reverse the context of what
happened (Tarigan, 2013); this figure of speech can also be said to conceal or hide
its true meaning. The sense of irony seems to be opposite to what is being said; it
is nuanced, but it may also try to give an unsubtle declaration of sense; this
figurative language is classified as humor or contradictory figures (Muhammad et
al., 2021). Irony gives a literary work more impactful meaning and pushes readers
to use their thoughts and ideas to acknowledge the text's underlying meanings
(Abdullah & Rahmawati).
Litotes is when the author uses a phrase or sentence to make the
expression seem less than it really is by using negative form such as I'm only
cryptic and Machiavellian 'cause I care (Mastermind, line. 34). This is supported
by Harris (2017), who stated that litotes illustrate the contradictory idea in the
author's mind by using understatement expressions rather than its reality. Litotes
is using ironic understatement to demonstrate an idea or expectation instead of
reducing its significance (Abdullah & Rahmawati, 2018).
Metonymy is when the author uses the words or name of something that
can be related to another thing, such as My pennies made your crown (Karma,
line. 23). As said by Glucksberg (2001: 6), metonymic statements can function as
comparisons when they concern transmission by reconciling or modeling the
abstract and the concrete.
Oxymoron occurs when an author uses two opposing words in the same
phrase or sentence, such as Slowly lurching toward your favorite city (Anti-Hero,
line. 22). Oxymoron is a figurative language that combines two contradictory
opinions that show up in a phrase or sentence, as well as unintentional errors that
expose an incompatibility. An adjective-noun combination of two words is the
most common form of oxymoron (Maulidia, 2022).
Furthermore, it was found that metaphor is the most dominant type of
figurative language used in the song lyrics of the "Midnights" album. It could be
seen in the song lyrics of "Karma" (8 data) and "Midnight Rain" (5 data), in which
the writer found a lot of metaphor. It is indicated that Taylor Swift uses a lot of
comparison in her song lyrics to describe something in relation to another thing.
The comparison that Swift used in her album could have an implicit meaning
based on people's interpretation. It is supported by Sumarsono (2012: 265-266),
who stated that the fundamental structure of metaphor is composed of only two
components: something being explained (compared) and something being
employed as a comparison. If indeed two things are close to each other, the
metaphor exists but lacks an expressive performance. In contrast, if the distance
between these two things is relatively wide, the more effective the metaphor
becomes. A metaphor is a message that is communicated indirectly by an author
or audience, and the representation or phrase employed by the author or audience
Pelsi Santika
, Syafryadin
to deliver information may not always define their denotative meaning (Sarwadi,
et al., 2015).
Overall, these findings showed that all types of figurative language
adopted from Leech's theory (2013) were covered in the album entitled
"Midnights." It is assumed that Taylor Swift used various figurative languages in
writing her songs in her newest album, "Midnights." It portrayed that using
figurative language makes a song more aesthetic, artistic, and meaningful. It
showed that the song lyrics in "Midnights" album can be an effective material for
students in learning the figurative language because these song lyrics had various
figurative languages. It is also to help students enrich their vocabulary, learn about
figurative language more deeply, understand it, and interpret the meaning based
on the context of the figurative language found in the song lyrics. It is supported
by Putri et al (2022), who stated that the importance of the song lyrics as authentic
materials in figurative language in conveying the feeling and meaning that need
higher level of comprehension. Therefore, it is significant for the students to study
figurative language and elaborate on its meaning through song lyrics.
The writer conducted this research to find out types of figurative language
used in the song lyrics of "Midnights" album from Taylor Swift. The writer found
that all types (eight types) of figurative languages identified by Leech‟s theory
(2013). They were personification, simile, metaphor, hyperbole, irony, litotes,
metonymy, and oxymoron. Personification with 12 data, simile with 21 data,
metaphor with 25 data, hyperbole with 15 data, irony with 2 data, litotes with 2
data, metonymy with 17 data, and oxymoron with 2 data. The percentage showed
that metaphor had 26.0%, simile had21.9%, metonymy had 17.7%, hyperbole had
15.6%, personification had 12.5%, irony had2.1%, litotes had2.1%, and oxymoron
also had2.1%.Based on the findings, it was found that metaphor is the most
prevalent type of figurative language used in the song lyrics of the "Midnights"
album. It indicated that Taylor Swift used a lot of metaphor to create the
"Midnights" album. It showed that using figurative language makes a song more
aesthetic, artistic, and meaningful. In relation to education, the song lyrics in the
"Midnights" album can be effective material for students to learn figurative
language because these song lyrics have various figurative languages. It is also to
enrich their vocabulary, to learn and understand figurative language more deeply,
and to interpret the meaning based on the context of the figurative language found
in the song lyrics. The writer expected that this research could be a reference for
the next researcher who wants to do research, especially in a similar study.
However, this research only focused on types of figurative language and its
meaning in song lyrics and it will be better for the next researcher to do research
in a wider area.
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