2022 Lakeview Hospital CHNA Implementation Plan
Community Health
Needs Assessment
Implementation Plan
Board review: April 27, 2022
2022 Lakeview Hospital CHNA Implementation Plan
HealthPartners 2022 CHNA
Implementation Plan
The purpose of this Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA)
Implementation Plan is to describe how Lakeview Hospital plans to
address each of the 5 needs areas identified through the 2021 CHNA
process. The needs areas identified in the most recent CHNA are
shown on the graphic to the right, and include the following:
Mental Health and Well-being
Access to Health
Access to Care
Nutrition and Physical Activity
Substance Use
Woven throughout each of these Needs Areas are two cross-cutting
contextual factors: structural racism and the COVID-19 pandemic.
Over the next three years (2022-2024), our hospital intends to
address all five top significant health needs areas in some way. Below
we outline strategies and actions set by Lakeview Hospital to address
each needs area, hospital resources that will be committed, partners
and anticipated impact towards each goal.
Mental Health
& Well-being
Access to
Nutrition &
Physical Activity
Structural Racism
Access to Care
2022 Lakeview Hospital CHNA Implementation Plan
Goal: Improve Mental Health & Well-being
Mental Health and Well-being is the interconnection between mental illness and the associated stigma, social connectedness,
resiliency, and overall mental, social, and emotional well-being.
Anticipated Impact
Hospital Resources
Make It OK
Community campaign to reduce the stigma of
mental health and illness through:
Website and social media
Toolkits and resources
Community outreach and Ambassador
Community collaborations
Increased awareness and
knowledge of mental health
and illness stigma in
communities, schools,
employers, community
agencies, faith communities
and through other partners.
Expanded engagement and
reach in those more reluctant
to seek care, vulnerable
communities and
communities of color
Reduction in stigmatized
attitudes and actions, to
create more caring
Staff for program support and
subject matter expertise,
steering committee participation,
program evaluation and
partnership development
HealthPartners supports
makeitok.org development and
Support from the Lakeview
Health Foundation
and partners with more than 30
Steering Committee members and
partners including the National Alliance
for Mental Illness (NAMI), hospitals and
health care, East Metro Mental Health
Roundtable, Teen Leadership Council,
local public health, community agencies,
mental health providers, employers and
Washington County Public Health. The
ongoing partner list can be found at
Mental Health Community Collaborations
Actively participate in community
collaborations to make equitable progress
with mental health and well-being.
Strengthen and support
community partnerships and
collective action
Collaborate to make equitable
progress toward improving
community mental health and
Participate in and support
collective efforts
Washington County CONNECT
Washington County Public Health
and Environment
The WellSpring Project
Center for Community Health
National Alliance for Mental Illness
Faith communities
Community Health Action Team
2022 Lakeview Hospital CHNA Implementation Plan
Little Moments Count
Community coalition to help parents and the
community understand the importance of
talking, playing, reading and singing early and
often with children.
Increase positive interactions
and experiences in early
Positively impact health and
well-being outcomes later in
Staff for program support,
subject matter expertise, steering
committee and partnership
HealthPartners supports
Littlemomentscount.org website
development and maintenance
organizations working to help increase
parent and community interaction with
babies and children including. See
partner list at
Behavioral Health Services
Integration of behavioral health into primary
care, hospital inpatient and outpatient care,
including assessment and intervention models.
Improved experiences and
reduced barriers for patients
Simplified and alignment of
triage, intake, and scheduling
across the care system.
Improved provider
communication, care
management and coordination
Expanded access to mental
health services
Core internal work
Staff, systems and support
County Health Departments
Wisconsin Hospital Association
Mental Health Service Providers
Behavioral Health Crisis Services - Crisis
Immediate Access (CIA)
Behavioral health telemedicine outpatient
service, providing immediate mental health
and crisis assessment via tele-video for all
HealthPartners patients.
Improved access to mental
health care
Expanded access to mental
health services
Deferral of hospital ED crisis
Staff for program coordination,
support and care delivery;
subject matter expertise
Clinic and ambulatory care staff
Participate in and support
collective efforts
County Health Departments
Wisconsin Hospital Association
Mental Health Service Providers
Emergency Behavioral Health
Tele-video Services Collaboration
Public-private partnership between area
health systems and counties to provide
behavioral health assessment and referral for
Emergency Department patients.
Simplified and improved
experiences and reduced
barriers for patients
Staff for program coordination,
support and care delivery;
subject matter expertise
Participate in and support
collective efforts
Support from the Lakeview
Health Foundation
Wisconsin Department of Health
Services (DHS)
Lakeview Hospital
Hudson Hospital
Westfields Hospital
Amery Hospital
Western Wisconsin Health
St. Croix Regional Medical Center
Osceola Medical Center
River Falls Area Hospital
Polk County Public Health
2022 Lakeview Hospital CHNA Implementation Plan
Local law enforcement
Faith Community Nursing
Faith Community Nurses provide whole-
person care with a focus on the intentional
care of the spirit within individuals, families,
and their communities by serving local
congregations. Faith Community Nurses
support clients’ mental health and wellbeing
by providing or promoting support groups,
dementia and memory screenings, individual
and group education, and connecting clients to
medical care and community resources
Support and improve mental
health and well-being for
community members
Staff and systems to support
Support from Lakeview Health
9 faith communities in the St. Croix
Valley including: Trinity Lutheran, St.
Paul Lutheran Church, First
Presbyterian, Rockpoint, Church of
St. Michael, Our Savior’s Lutheran
Church, St. Andrew’s Lutheran
Faith community nurse network
Community agencies
Be Well-An employee well-being program for
HealthPartners staff colleague well-being
including mental health, well-being and
resiliency programs and services.
Improved emotional well-being
and resiliency of hospital and
clinic staff
Maintain strong health care
Hospital coordinates, promotes,
connects staff with programs and
resources and provides
incentives for participation
Employee Assistance Program
Be Well program partners
Local agencies
2022 Lakeview Hospital CHNA Implementation Plan
Goal: Improve Access to Health
Access to Health refers to the social and environmental conditions and unmet social needs that directly and indirectly affect
people’s health and well-being such as housing, income, food security, transportation, employment, education, clean and
sustainable environment, and more.
Anticipated Impact
Hospital Resources
Social Drivers of Health screening and referral
A system-wide approach to addressing social
determinants of health through screening,
systems, community partnerships and referral
Patientssocial needs are
identified and addressed
Community partners and
resources are engaged and
Core internal work
Staff, systems and support
Partners include:
Community agencies (Hunger
Solutions, STEP, local food shelves)
NowPow/Unite Us
Collaborative initiative to transform food
shelves by making healthy, culturally specific
foods accessible and appealing
Increased nutritional quality of
food available to clients
Increased availability of
culturally specific foods
Equitable and client-focused
atmosphere at food shelves
Staff for program support and
implementation; subject matter
Participate in and support
collective efforts
Resources for food shelf
Support from the Lakeview Health
Partners include:
Valley Outreach
The Food Group
University of Minnesota
Hunger Solutions Minnesota
Other partners and participating
food shelves at
HealthPartners supports and promotes
sustainability through the lens of the triple
bottom-line of people, planet, and prosperity.
Where environmental health is in balance with
both human and economic health and well-
being for all members of our community.
Impacts will include improved
air and water quality, more
predictable temperatures, and
improved quality of life.
Led by our Sustainability team
Supported by hospital green
Lakeview Hospital operates and
supports local farmer’s market
Partners include:
Local public health
Grassroots organizations
Farmers, farmer’s markets,
recyclers and others
Community Health Collaborations
Actively participate in community
collaborations to make equitable progress
with social drivers of health including food
Strengthen and support
community partnerships and
collective action
Collaborate to make equitable
progress toward improving
Staff, partner, participate and
support collective efforts
Volunteer support from hospital
and clinic employees.
Support from the Lakeview Health
Partners include:
Teen Leadership Council
Center for Community Health
Washington County Public Health &
2022 Lakeview Hospital CHNA Implementation Plan
community social drivers of
Increase community access to
food and other basic needs
Valley Outreach partnership
Washington County Community
Leadership Team (SHIP)
Washington County public health and
community services
Community Health Action Team (CHAT)
Local Chambers of Commerce
Local school districts
Transportation options
Collaborations to explore ways to increase
access to transportation options and provide
the best, most safe, appropriate and member-
focused experience for older adults, people
with disabilities and those lacking reliable
Community members will be
aware of and better connected
to reliable transportation
Increased awareness of
medical transportation options
Participate in and support
collective efforts
Support from the Lakeview
Health Foundation
Partners include:
Community Thread
Washington County One-Stop
Stillwater Bus Loop Advisory
HealthPartners Transportation
member services
Community agencies
Local public health
Faith Community Nursing
The St. Croix Valley Faith Community Nurses
provide whole-person care with a focus on the
intentional care of the spirit within individuals,
families, and their communities by serving
local congregations. Faith Community Nurses
support clients through assessment and
referral to community resources including
transportation, food shelves, meal delivery,
technology assistance, prescription assistance,
and more.
Support and improve health
and well-being for community
Social needs are identified and
people connected to
community resources
Staff for program coordination,
support and care delivery
With support from Lakeview
Health Foundation
Partners include:
9 faith communities in the St. Croix
Valley including: Trinity Lutheran,
St. Paul Lutheran Church, First
Presbyterian, Rockpoint, Church of
St. Michael, Our Savior’s Lutheran
Church, St. Andrew’s Lutheran
Community agencies including food
shelves, social services, and local
county resources
Faith community nurse network
2022 Lakeview Hospital CHNA Implementation Plan
Goal: Improve Access to Care
Access to Care means having equitable access to appropriate, convenient, affordable and culturally responsive, trauma
informed health care. This includes factors such as proximity to care, diversity training for staff, diverse backgrounds of
providers, cost of care, insurance coverage, medical transportation, and care coordination within the health care system.
Anticipated Impact
Hospital Resources
Build an anti-racist culture through training,
employee engagement and equitable policies
and practices
Deepen our workforce’s
collective understanding of
bias, racism and cultural
humility as we build trust with
Diversity and Inclusion teams,
human resources and hospital
Staff, systems and support; core
internal work
Valley Health Equity Committee
Partners include:
Penumbra Theater
Center for Economic Inclusion
Local public health
Community agencies
Address disparities in care
Accelerate and expand our efforts to eliminate
disparities in chronic conditions, preventive
screenings, maternal and infant care and
childhood immunizations and others. This work
is done with a focus on health equity,
identifying patient disparities including factors
such as race, socioeconomics, gender and other
Improved access to care
Reduced disparities in care
Staff, systems and support; core
internal work
Performance Improvement
Valley Health Equity Committee
Partners include:
Community agencies
Integrated Care for High-Risk
Pregnancies Initiative
Minnesota Council of Health Plans
Local public health
Clinical Performance Improvement
Improve Coordination of Care within our system
and outside partners to improve care efficiency
and quality
Improved access to care
Improved Care Coordination
and Quality Outcomes
Staff systems and support; core
internal work
Performance improvement
Partners include
Community Paramedics
Transitional Care Units
Healthcare Plans
Homecare and Hospice
Leverage Technology for Seamless Care
Expand the use of technology (telemedicine,
emails, text messages, MyChart messages, etc.)
Increased access to care
Internal resources and systems
Partners include:
2022 Lakeview Hospital CHNA Implementation Plan
to engage patients between visits and promote
healthy behaviors
Prescription Assistance Program
The Prescription Assistance Program (PAP)
facilitates access to essential medications for
free or at greatly reduced costs to low-income,
uninsured and/or underinsured patients. This
free, comprehensive service assists patients
with qualification identification and enrollment
in established pharmaceutical prescription
assistance programs and/or with copayment
assistance, as available.
Most recently we have decided to include
durable medical equipment as well.
Improved access to care
More patients are able to
maintain their prescribed
medication regimens, which
improves their overall health
Patients are better equipped
to manage and balance their
overall health and finances
Staff coordinator
Support from Lakeview Health
Partners include:
Pharmaceutical companies
Community agencies
Access to Care Community Collaborations
Actively participate in community
collaborations to make equitable progress with
access to care.
Strengthen and support
community partnerships and
collective action
Collaborate to make equitable
progress toward improving
access to care
Participate in and support
collective efforts
Hospital support of local agencies
Patient Advisory Council
Partners include:
Patient Advisory Councils
Local public health and community
Community agencies
Community Health Workers
Community Health Action Team
Community Health Education
Community health education classes and
opportunities are offered to in the St. Croix
Valley at low-cost or without charge.
Community members will
learn about health and
wellbeing and various medical
conditions, learn skills to
support their health and
wellbeing, and learn about
services at our hospitals and
Staff for program coordination
Health professional subject matter
experts in chronic disease
prevention and management, joint
health, sleep, mental health,
pulmonary health and health
Partners include:
Health care providers
Topic-specific instructors
Community agencies
Diabetes Education
High quality diabetes education program for
patients and families, including standardized
processes and educational materials. Diabetes
Prevention classes.
Improve quality of life and
reduce complications from
Improve access to diabetes
Core internal work
Staff for program coordination,
support and care delivery; subject
matter expertise
Partners include:
Community agencies
Centers for Disease Control
2022 Lakeview Hospital CHNA Implementation Plan
Lakeview Health Foundation
support for patient grant program
Injury Prevention & Community Outreach
Outreach and education to prevent and reduce
injuries including:
o Child passenger safety & car seat service
o Pedestrian and bicycle safety
o Helmet safety
o Water safety
o First aid, CPR, and Stop the Bleed
Prevent and reduce injury
Increase and/or improve
community awareness and
knowledge of injury reduction
and prevention
Staff for program coordination,
support and implementation;
subject matter expertise
Participate in and support
collective efforts
Partners include:
Local public health
Local fire or police departments
Local safety councils
Local parks and recreation
Local schools
Emergency Medical Services
Safety planning and standby for events;
education and awareness
Reduce response time to
Improve community
knowledge and awareness of
distracted driving and driving
under the influence
Staff for program support and
subject matter expertise
Participate in and support
collective efforts
Partners include:
Local public health and community
Local fire or police departments
Local schools
Workforce Recruitment and Retention
Focused effort to increase awareness and
engagement in health care employment
opportunities, with a focus on entry-level and
technical positions and reaching diverse talent.
This strategy includes:
Training and internship opportunities in
hospitals and clinics
Scholarships for training and tuition
assistance for career advancement
Collaboration with health care and
Increased visibility of employment
opportunities in diverse populations
Enhanced onboarding processes,
preceptors and relationship-building
Increased awareness of health
care jobs and training
opportunities to diverse
Reduced financial barriers to
training and career
Increased retention of talent
Hospital and clinic leadership
Human resources leaders
Valley Health Equity Committee
Support from Lakeview Health
Partners include:
Specific software (CIRCA)
recruiting job board focused on
diverse applicants
Consortium of regional hospitals,
clinics, technical schools and high
Patient Emergency Fund
Provide emergency financial assistance for
patients based on need for prescription costs,
Reduced barriers to
accessing care
Staff support to help patients
navigate financial assistance
Support from the Lakeview Health
Partners include:
Community agencies
2022 Lakeview Hospital CHNA Implementation Plan
medical equipment, transportation cost and
other essential needs.
Community Paramedicine
Follow-up home visits for post-hospital
discharge for congestive heart failure
Reduce readmissions
Keeping people in their home,
out of the hospital
Core internal work
Staff for program coordination,
support and implementation;
subject matter expertise
Participate in and support
collective efforts
Partners include:
Community agencies
Local law enforcement and fire
Local fire departments
Faith Community Nursing
The St. Croix Valley Faith Community Nurses
provide whole-person care with a focus on the
intentional care of the spirit within individuals,
families, and their communities by serving local
congregations. Faith community nurses provide
health screenings, connect community
members to clinical care and add health
Support and improve health
and well-being for community
Health care issues identified
through screening and
referral to resources
Staff for program management,
supervision, coordination, support
and care delivery
With support from Lakeview
Health Foundation
Partners include:
9 faith communities in the St.
Croix Valley including: Trinity
Lutheran, St. Paul Lutheran
Church, First Presbyterian,
Rockpoint, Church of St. Michael,
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, St.
Andrew’s Lutheran
Foot care nurses
Community agencies
Homecare & hospice
Children’s Health Initiative
HealthPartners is working to improve the health
and well-being of children and their families by
concentrating on: Promoting early brain
development, providing family centered care
and strengthening our communities. Areas of
focus include:
Healthy Beginnings: Promote drug, alcohol
and tobacco-free pregnancies by
universally screening all pregnant women
and offering non-judgmental support;
identify other needs (socioeconomic, etc)
Little Moments Count
Breastfeeding promotion and support
Postpartum depression screening
Improve the health of children
in early childhood
Improve the health of
mothers during and after
pregnancy and delivery
Staff, systems and support
Partners include:
Integrated Care for High-Risk
Pregnancies Initiative
Ramsey County WIC and SNAP
Minnesota Breastfeeding Coalition
Reach Out and Read
Little Moments Count
CollegeBound St. Paul
Heart of the Customer
Teen Leadership Council
Local county public health and
community services
Senior Care Service Line
Reduce readmissions
Core internal work
Partners include:
Community agencies
2022 Lakeview Hospital CHNA Implementation Plan
Home-based medicine by physician or advanced
practice provider for adults experiencing
difficulty navigating the traditional care model.
Keeping people in their home,
out of the hospital
Improved experiences and
reduced barriers for patients
Staff for program coordination,
support and care delivery; subject
matter expertise
Homecare, Palliative Care & Hospice
Provides in-home care to seriously ill patients,
and supports them and their caregivers.
Reduce readmissions
Keeping people in their
home, out of the hospital
Improved experiences and
reduced barriers for patients
Core internal work
Staff for program coordination,
support and implementation;
subject matter expertise
Partners include:
Clinics, skilled nursing facilities,
assisted living
Provides hospital-level care for acutely ill
patients in their home in lieu of emergency
room transfer or hospitalization.
Reduce readmissions
Keeping people in their home,
out of the hospital
Improved experiences and
reduced barriers for patients
Core internal work
Staff for program coordination,
support and implementation;
subject matter expertise
Partners include:
Community agencies
Local fire departments
Community Falls Prevention Programs
Stepping On, Tai Qi Quan and Moving for Better
Balance are evidence-based programs to reduce
falls and improve wellbeing for older adults.
Reduced incidence of falls in
our community
Older adults are healthier and
more independent
Hospital rehab and faith
community nursing staff
Program promotion
Community partnership
Partners include:
Community agencies
Courage Kenny Stillwater
Faith Community nursing
Health and Wellbeing Programs for Older
Education for older adults to learn about their
chronic condition, and how an active lifestyle
can help with management of their chronic
conditions (Walk with Ease, Living Well with
Chronic Conditions)
Older adults are healthier and
more independent
Chronic disease self-
management improves
Staff for program coordination,
support and implementation;
subject matter expertise
Partners include:
Faith Community Nursing
Minnesota Area Agency on Aging
2022 Lakeview Hospital CHNA Implementation Plan
Goal: Improve Nutrition & Physical Activity
Nutrition & Physical Activity means equitable access to nutrition, physical activity and healthy supportive environments
for families and communities.
Anticipated Impact
Hospital Resources
Community-wide initiative to support eating
better, moving more and feeling good.
Resources include:
School Challenge and teacher resources
Classes for cooking and sports nutrition
Community options for physical activity
Family magazines, online resources and
Increased awareness about
resources for eating better,
moving more and feeling good
Improved attitudes and
behaviors around eating,
physical activity and mental
Staff for program development
and subject matter expertise,
steering committee, program
evaluation and partnership
Development and maintenance of
powerup4kids.org and program
Support from the Lakeview Health
Partners include:
School districts including:
Stillwater, Mahtomedi
Youth leaders
School Age Care programs
Community agencies and food
Local public health
Faith communities
YMCA Adventure Lab and Unlock It
Community Health Action Team
Nutrition & Physical Activity Collaborations
Actively participate in community
collaborations to make equitable progress
with nutrition and physical activity.
Strengthen and support
community partnerships and
collective action
Collaborate to make equitable
progress toward improving
nutrition and physical activity
Foster, initiate, partner in and
support efforts
Provide subject matter expertise
Connect to care providers
Partners include:
Local public health
Community agencies
Local Farmer’s markets
Local Schools
YMCA Adventure Lab and Unlock It
Washington County Community
Leadership Team (SHIP)
Community Health Action Team
Local Chambers of Commerce
Be Well
Employee well-being program. Support and
empower colleagues with resources for
Improved support for better
colleague nutrition, physical
activity and well-being
Hospital coordinates, promotes,
connects staff with programs and
Partners include:
Employee Assistance Program
Be Well program partners
2022 Lakeview Hospital CHNA Implementation Plan
improved nutrition, physical activity and
overall well-being
Provide healthy food options at
hospital locations
resources and provides incentives
for participation
Local agencies
Community Health Education
Community health education classes and
podcasts on nutrition, healthy cooking and a
variety of ways to increase physical activity are
offered to in the St. Croix Valley at low-cost or
without charge.
Community members will learn
about strategies to improve
health and wellbeing, nutrition
and physical activity
Staff for program coordination,
promotion and delivery
Health professional subject matter
experts in chronic disease
prevention, nutrition, fitness,
walking, cooking, childhood
feeding and breastfeeding.
Partners include:
Health care providers
Topic-specific instructors
Community agencies
HealthPartners Teen Leadership Council
Program that inspires and develops youth as
community health leaders through leadership
development, understanding community
health principles, teen consultation with
partners, volunteerism and action projects.
Development of youth
community health leaders
Teens grow in leadership skills,
agency, and positive self-
identity, and impact their
communities through
volunteerism and sharing their
Hospital staff facilitates program
Hospital staff promotes and
Supported by Lakeview Health
Partners include:
School districts
Youth organizations
Local public health
Health care providers
UW Extension service
2022 Lakeview Hospital CHNA Implementation Plan
Goal: Reduce Substance Use
Substance Use covers substance abuse and addiction, which are the use of substances including alcohol, tobacco and
e-cigarettes, prescription drugs, opioids and other drugs in a manner that is harmful to health and well-being and
causes problems or distress that affect daily life.
Anticipated Impact
Hospital Resources
Medication Take Back
Drop boxes locations at hospitals to collect
prescription medication and opioids in a
secure manner
Prevent prescription drugs to
prevent accidental poisoning or
Prevent medications from
entering the water and drinking
Hospital pharmacies
With support from the Lakeview
Health Foundation
Partners include:
Local law enforcement
Local public health
Opioid Prescription Monitoring
Continue to implement collaborative practice
agreements offering chronic pain management
alternatives, pain clinic referrals and partner
with medication therapy management
pharmacists to wean and taper patients off
addictive pain medications.
Continue to monitor amount and frequency of
opioid prescriptions.
Increased access to treatment
options that are more effective
for chronic pain than opioid
Increased access to specialized
pain clinics that focus on the
physical, emotional, lack of
sleep, physical activity, social
factors and addiction
Support for taping off addictive
pain medications
Pharmacy and clinical staff and
Partners include:
Public Health Agencies
Make It OK for Substance Use Disorder
Training and resources to reduce the stigma of
mental health and substance use disorder
through community outreach and health care
provider training
Increased awareness and
knowledge of substance use
Reduction in stigmatized
attitudes and actions, to reduce
reluctance to seek care and
assessment for substance use
Staff for program support and
subject matter expertise, steering
committee participation,
program evaluation and
partnership development
With support from the Lakeview
Health Foundation
The Make It Ok initiative collaborates
and partners with more than 30
Steering Committee members and
partners including the National
Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI),
hospitals and health care, local public
health, mental health and substance
use disorder providers. The ongoing
partner list can be found at
2022 Lakeview Hospital CHNA Implementation Plan
Substance Use Community Collaborations
Actively participate in community
collaborations to make equitable progress
with prevention and treatment of substance
use and abuse including alcohol, drugs,
tobacco and nicotine.
Strengthen and support
community partnerships and
collective action
Collaborate to make equitable
progress toward improving
substance use
Participate in and support
collective efforts to reduce
substance use
Partners include:
Local Public Health
Washington County CONNECT
Freedom from Smoking®
Evidence-based, adult smoking cessation
Support patients in overcoming
tobacco addiction
Staff coordinate and facilitate
Partners include:
American Lung Association
2022 Lakeview Hospital CHNA Implementation Plan
Contact Information
For more information or questions about this report, please contact Lakeview Hospital:
Lakeview Hospital
Community Health Department (Mailstop 19101A)
5803 Neal Ave North
Oak Park Heights, MN 55082
Lakeview Hospital
(651) 439-5330