International Journal of Modern Studies in Mechanical Engineering (IJMSME)
Volume 6, Issue 2, 2020, PP 28-38
ISSN 2454-9711 (Online)
International Journal of Modern Studies in Mechanical Engineering (IJMSME) Page | 28
Mechanical Properties of Materials: Definition, Testing and
S. Senthil Murugan
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College (Autonomous), Sivakasi, India
The mechanical properties are those which affect the mechanical strength and ability of a material to
be molded in suitable shape. Some of the typical mechanical properties show huge applications in
space and automobile industries. These properties are associated with the capability of the materials to
resist mechanical forces and load and they are measured in terms of the behavior of the material when
subjected to a force. Mechanical properties may be determined to provide either design data for the
engineer or as a check on the standard of raw materials [1]. Mechanical properties may be changed by
heat treatment process and the working temperature. Mostly, the strength, toughness and hardness of
materials are to be measured after the metal forming process [2]. The main objective of the paper is to
give the overview of the importance of mechanical properties of the materials, testing. This paper,
includes the concepts of strength, plasticity, malleability, stiffness, elasticity, brittleness, ductility,
toughness, resilience, fatigue, creep and shown how improper understanding of properties can lead to
have confusion. The engineering concepts of mechanical properties dominate the teaching in the
technological universities over natural sciences.
2.1. Strength and Stress-Strain Curve
Strength of the materials refers to the ability of a material to resist the externally applied forces
without breaking or yielding. The maximum stress is that any material withstands before destructive is
called its ultimate strength (D). Figure 1 shows the stress and strain relationship. Stress and strain
curve of the material obtained during tensile test describe its ductility and yield strength [3].
According to figure 1, upto the elastic limit, the elasticity of material, that means the material would
return to its original dimension, would be maintained, over it the plasticity would follow. Once the
material exceeds the ultimate stress point (D), necking starts to have on the specimen [4]. The strain
hardening is kept between yield points to ultimate tensile strength. A material obeys hooks law upto
proportional limit accurately. The stress and strain curve is used to obtain Young‘s modulus of
materials by comparing stress and strain value upto elastic limit. In the figure, A-B range is measured
as elastic limit. The Ability of materials to sustain loads without undue failure or distortion is known
as strength and it is known that the ability of a material to provide an equal reaction to an applied
Abstract: Mechanical properties of the metals are associated with the ability of the material to resist
mechanical forces and load. But basically, those properties are associated with stress and strain. The
mechanical properties of a material indicate how it responds under specific stresses, which helps to
determine its suitability for different applications. In this paper, the definition and applications are explained
in an easy way and gives the overview of the importance of such properties. Every design engineers must
know how to select the apt materials for their design applications and it is necessary to understand the
mechanical properties of the material to select the material for the engineering applications.
Keywords: Strength, hardness, mechanical property, toughness, elasticity, cryo-treatment.
*Corresponding Author: S. Senthil Murugan, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mepco Schlenk
Engineering College (Autonomous), Sivakasi, India
Mechanical Properties of Materials: Definition, Testing and Application
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force (tensile, compression, shear) without rupture. Simply, the strength is a maximum resistance by
the material to the deformation. Similarly, tenacity is the ability of a material to resist rupture due to a
tensile force.
Figure1. Stress- strain relationship curve
2.2. Stiffness
It is the ability of a material to resist deformation under stress. Modulus of elasticity is the measure of
stiffness. Material which suffers slight deformation under load has a high degree of stiffness or
rigidity. Steel beam is stiffer or more rigid than aluminium beam. Finally, it means that the ability of
material to resist elastic deflection is known as stiffness.
2.3. Elasticity
It is the property of materials to regain its original shape after deformation when the external forces
are removed. Example is the extension or compression of a spring. This property is desirable for
materials used in tools and machines. Steel is more elastic than rubber. Elasticity is a tensile property
of the material. Proportional limit and elastic limit indicate elasticity. It is also known as Non-
permanent deformation. It consists of two sub properties within this elastic region. They are
proportional limit and elastic limit. Proportional limit is the maximum stress under which a material
will maintain a perfectly uniform rate of strain to stress. Proportional limit applications are precision
instruments, springs etc... The greatest stress that a material can endure without taking up some
permanent set is called elastic limit. Beyond the elastic limit, material does not regain its original form
and permanent set occurs.
2.4. Plasticity
It is the ability of material to undergo some degree of permanent deformation without rupture or
failure [12]. That means, this is the property of a material to deform permanently under the
application of a load. Plastic deformation will take place only after the elastic range has been
exceeded by the process of slipping when the shear stress on the slip plane reaches a critical value.
Displacement caused by slipping is permanent and the crystal planes do not return to their original
positions even after the removal of the stresses. Applications are forming, shaping, extruding, hot &
cold working process, forging, ornamental work, stamping, rolling, drawing, pressing, etc..
Aluminium is a good plasticity material.
2.5. Ductility
It is the property of a material which enables it to draw out into thin wire with the application of a
tensile force. Ductile material must be both strong and plastic. Ductile materials are gold (most ductile
material), mild steel, copper, aluminium, nickel, zinc, tin. Ductility usually measured by the terms,
percentage elongation and percentage reduction in area. Ductility is thought of as a tensile quality.
Ductile material combines the properties of plasticity and tensile strength. It is also mentioned as a
capacity of a material to undergo deformation under tension without rupture or the ability of a
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material to withstand cold deformation without fracture. Ductility of a material is to stretch under the
application of tensile load and retain the deformed shape on the removal of the load. If subjected to a
shock load the material would yield and become deformed. Ductile material can be worked into a
shape without loss of strength. All materials which are formed by drawing are required to be ductile,
e.g.- drawing into wire form.
2.6. Brittleness
Breaking of a material with little permanent distortion simply states the property of brittleness. Brittle
materials when subjected to tensile loads snap off without giving any sensible elongation [5]. Usually
the tensile strength of brittle materials is only a fraction of their compressive strength. Examples of
brittle materials are glass, bricks, cast iron etc… It is also a tendency of a material to fracture when
subjected to shock loading or a blow. Material that shatters is also a brittle material.
2.7. Malleability
It is the ability of materials to be rolled, flattened or hammered into thin sheets without cracking by
hot or cold working. Malleable material should be plastic but it is not essential to be strong and
malleability is considered as a compressive quality. Examples for malleability Al, Cu, Sn, Pb, soft
steel, wrought iron. This is the property of a material to deform permanently under the application of a
compressive load. A material which is forged to its final shape is required to be malleable. Forging,
Rolling processes are malleability.
2.8. Toughness and Testing
It is the ability of a material to withstand bending without fracture due to high impact loads.
Toughness of material decreases when it is heated [16]. It is also measured by the amount of energy
that a unit volume of the material has absorbed after being stressed up to failure point and is the area
under stress strain curve. For example, if a load is suddenly applied to a piece of mild steel and then to
a piece of glass, the mild steel will absorb much more energy before failure occurs. Thus mild steel is
said to be much tougher than a glass. This property is desirable in parts subjected to shock and impact
loads. Notch toughness is the measure of the metal‘s resistance to brittle fracture in presence of flaw
or notch and fast loading conditions [17]. Examples are Mn-steel, wrought iron, MS, etcit can be
also defined as property of absorbing energy before fracture. To the opposite of brittleness, the ability
of a material is to resist fracture under shock loading. Basically, two main impact tests for measuring
the toughness of material in Joule are available namely Izod and Charpy test. Figure 2 shows the three
types of Notches used for fracture study. U type notch specimens can also be used for testing. In case
of ductile materials, when the material is stressed, it plastically deforms by absorbing high energy and
then the material fractures. But in the case of brittle materials, the cohesive strength of the material
exceeds before getting plastically deformed and hence absorbs less energy before getting fractured.
There are factors responsible for brittle behaviour; they are notch, low temperature, thickness and
microstructure. When temperature falling, the failure mode of certain materials changes from ductile
to brittle. For FCC materials, if the temperature increases, the energy absorbed also slightly increases.
The factors responsible for the Charpy impact test are ductility, yield strength, notch, temperature, and
fracture mechanism. Figure 3, shows the working procedure of impact testing. The pivoting arm is
raised to a specific height, which is the potential energy and then this arm gets released. The arm
swings down hitting a notched sample, available on the specimen holding vise, and breaking the
specimen. The energy absorbed by the sample is measured from the height the arm swings to after
hitting the sample. The fracture energy (Joule) is determined from the swing-up angle of the hammer
and its swing-down angle. A notched sample is generally used to determine impact energy and notch
sensitivity. Some of the standards are followed worldwide for the test they are ASTM D6110, ASTM
E23, and ASTM D256 etc..., Figure 4 depicts the difference between Izod and Charpy test. In Charpy
test (figure 4 a), a test specimen having a V-shaped notch (figure 5) is placed on the holder in such
position that the notched section is in the center of the holder and the specimen is broken by striking
the back of the notched section with the hammer. The Charpy impact value (kJ/m
) is calculated by
dividing the fracture energy by the cross-section area of the specimen. If a test specimen having a V-
shaped notch is fixed vertically, and the specimen is broken by striking it from the same side as that of
the notch by the use of the hammer, this is called Izod test (figure 4 b). The Izod impact energy value
(J/m,) is calculated by dividing the fracture energy by the width of the specimen.
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Figure2. Different types of Notches (a, b, c)
Figure3. Working principle of impact testing
Figure4. Impact loading and specimen difference for Charpy and Izod impact test
Figure5. Standard specimen for Charpy V-notch test
2.9. Resilience
The property of a material to absorb energy and to resist shock and impact loads are known as
resilience. Generally, it is mentioned by the amount of energy absorbed per unit volume within elastic
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limit. This is essential for spring materials. Two kind of resilience are available. Proof resilience:
Maximum energy which can be stored in a body up to elastic limit is called the proof resilience. But
the Proof resilience per unit volume is called modulus of resilience.
2.10. Creep
When a part is subjected to a constant stress at high temperature for a long period of time, it will
undergo a slow and permanent deformation called creep. Property is considered in designing IC
engines, boilers, turbines. Simplest type of creep deformation- viscous flow Plastics, rubber and
amorphous materials are very temperature sensitive to creep. Stress for a specified rate of strain at a
constant temperature is called creep strength. When a material sustains steady loads for long periods
of time, the material may continue to deform until they may tend to fracture under the same load. This
is called creep. If a load is applied and left on the sample for months or years, the sample will slowly
extend. In metals with high melting temperatures, creep becomes a problem at higher temperatures.
e.g.- gas turbines that operate at the highest temperature. ASTM E139 is the standard specimen test
procedure for creep strength. Creep and Stress Rupture Testing are designed to analyze the amount of
stress a material can safely withstand until failure and elongation. These are important indications for
products in the aerospace, automotive, power generation, medical, oil & gas and many other
industries. The three stages of classical creep curve is shown in figure 6. The primary Creep starts at a
rapid rate and slows with time. But the secondary creep has a relatively uniform rate. While in the
third stage, in the Tertiary Creep, creep rate has been accelerated and terminates when the material
breaks or ruptures. It is associated with both necking and formation of grain boundary voids.
Figure6. Classical Creep Curve
2.11. Fatigue
It is a failure of materials under cyclic loads. When a part is subjected to a repeated or fluctuating
stresses, the fracture takes place under a stress whose maximum value is less than the tensile strength
of the material. For instance, the components of high speed aero and turbine engine are of this type.
This is the property of a material to withstand continuously varying and alternating loads. If a part is
loaded once to a stress near the yield stress, it will not break. However, if it is loaded repeatedly to
this level, it will eventually break. This failure is called fatigue. Fatigue is an important goal in the
design of moving machinery [18]. Basically three stages of fatigue processes are i) Initial fatigue
damage which leads to crack nucleation and crack initiation. Stage ii) Progressive cyclic growth of a
crack, this is the crack propagation stage, until the remaining un-cracked cross section of a part
becomes too weak to withstand the loads applied. iii) Final stage is the sudden fracture.
2.12. Hardness
Property of a material to resist penetration by another material is known as hardness. It embraces
many different properties such as resistance to wear, scratching, deformation etc.. Hardness of
materials can be meant like resistance to abrasion, deformation or indentation. There are many
hardness measurement methods available namely, Moh‘s scale, Vicker‘s hardness, Rockwell
hardness, Knoop test, and Brinell hardness. Usually, hardness of material is measured by the depth or
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area of an indentation left by an indenter with a specific force applied for a specific time [19]. Three
kind of forces for hardness measurement available, with that force it is classified as macro hardness
(force >30 N), small hardness (force 3-30 N) and micro hardness (<0.5N). In, Brinell hardness test
(BHN), an iron ball of tempered steel or carbide steel with a known diameter is pressed vertically with
a test force F on the testing surface of specimen [19, 20]. Test force is exerted during a defined time
called dwell time. Brinell hardness (figure 7 a) is calculated by the pressure diameter and the test
force. The Brinell hardness measurement is used for the soft metals and medium hard metals. In
Vickers hardness test (HV), indenting the test material with a diamond indenter, in the form of a right
pyramid with a square base and an angle of 136° between opposite faces subjected to a load of
different kgf for 10 to 15 seconds. After removal of the load, two diagonals of the indentation left
(figure 7 b) on the surface of material are measured using a microscope and their average is
calculated. Vickers hardness is the quotient obtained by dividing the kgf load by the square mm area
of indentation. Knoop Hardness Test employed on miniature material feature that cannot be put on
test by other methods. It uses a testing load of 1 Kg or less. Just like the Brinell hardness test, the
Knoop is performed by applying force to an indenter in a rhombus-shape over a period of time.
Meticulous measurement of the impression is done, and is employed alongside test load for
calculation of value on the scale. Rockwell Hardness test consists of indenting the test material with a
diamond cone or hardened steel ball indenter. The standard for this test is ASTM E18. For B, C, A
(hard and very hard materials) and N versions (for thin walls) a diamond ball is used. For B and F
version or T (for thin walls) steel ball is used. The permanent increase in depth of penetration,
resulting from the application and removal of the additional major load is used to calculate the
Rockwell hardness number. The abbreviations used for Rockwell hardness measurement are HRC,
HRA, HR30N, etc.. The ASTM standards for hardness test are Brinell (ASTM E10), Knoop (ASTM
E92, ASTM E384) and Vickers (ASTM E92, ASTM E384).
Brinell hardness (BHN) calculation is given in equation 1, 2
Load on ball
BHN = (1)
Area of indentation
BHN = (2)
nD (D-(D
where, P- Applied load (kgf), D- Diameter of the indentor ball (mm), d- Diameter of the impression
Moh‘s scale of hardness measurement is given in table 1. The measurement can be calculated by the
element and the acting of load as shown in table 1. Diamond is the hardest material; it can be
penetrated or cut by another diamond.
Table1. Moh’s scale of Hardness (Scale value in number)
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Figure7. Hardness measurement principle (a- Brinell, b- Vicker)
2.13. Machinability
Machinability is defined as the ease with which a material can be machined such as drill, lathe work,
cutting etc…. Machinability of metal is indicated by percentage (%) that is known as machinability
index [15]. Standard metal used for the 100% machinability rating is the free-cutting steel. Materials
with good machinability may be cut with relatively little power and low cost. Alloys containing more
than 10% Si are the most difficult to machine because hard particles of free silicon cause rapid tool
wear. Machinability can be improved by cold working. ASTM E618, while developed primarily to
evaluate the machinability of steels, appears to be equally applicable to non-ferrous alloys [21]. Table
2 shows the machinability of different materials, the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) tested
machinability and compared the values with B1112 [22].
Table2. Machinability index for various materials
Sl no.
Machinability index
Mg alloy
C 45 steel
C 20 steel
Cast iron
Al 6063, 6061
The mechanical properties of materials are fundamentally important in terms of materials science
[6]. Every mechanical property has specific applications in designing components in manufacturing
industries [7, 14], automobile, forging, power plant, aerospace etc…Some of the applications and its
properties are given in table 3.
Table3. Properties and applications
Proportional limit
Precision instruments, springs
forming, forging, shaping, extruding, hot & cold working, ornamental
work, stamping, rolling, drawing, pressing
Desirable for materials used in tools and machines.
rolling, hammering
Desirable for shock & impact loads.
in designing IC engines, boilers, turbines
resistance to wear, scratching, deformation
high speed aero and turbine engine
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Figure 8 list out the materials and their useful properties for industrial applications. In this table the
data are given in descending order regarding their property susceptibility. In ductility point of view,
gold has maximum value and lead has least value.
Figure8. Metals and alloys comparison on properties
The strongest structural component in cast iron is Pearlite, its ultimate tensile strength (UTS) is 640
MPa, similarly for ferrite is 400 MPa at 2% Si and for Cementite is 20 Mpa, Pearlite refining is a
method to increase the strength of cast iron. Graphite in cast iron has strong effect on the principle
properties of cast iron especially on the strength and ductility [9]. Graphite inclusions act as stress
concentrators. Graphite in cast iron decreases the UTS, yield strength, ductility, elongation, elastic
modulus, impact strength. Alloying elements Al, C, Si, Ti, Ni, Cu, P are favorable for graphitization.
Alloying elements such as S, Cr, V, Mg, Mn, inhibit the process. Silicon favors graphitization by
lowering the solubility of carbon in liquid and the solid solution lowers C
= 4.26- 0.3 Si, C
= C+ 0.3
Si. Increase of the C
value increases the concentration of graphite and decreases the Pearlite.
Decrease of the concentrations of carbon, silicon raise the cast iron strength by decreasing the ferrite,
and diminishes the graphite inclusion. Content of C, Si can be lowered only to a definite limit beyond
which free Cementite appear and decrease the mechanical properties, increase the hardness and
worsen the metal workability. Mn & S inhibits graphitization in cast iron, 1.5% Mn positive effect on
the mechanical properties of cast iron. Increasing concentration of Phosphorous first improves the
mechanical properties and then, in high concentrations decreases the strength due to the formation of
the Phosphide. Compacted graphite iron (CG) with ferritic matrix exhibits good impact property of
33J. But the impact energy of the pearlitic CG iron is lower than ferritic [10]. Table 4 shows the
physical properties of cast iron [23].
Table4. Properties of Cast iron
Sl. no
Melting point, °C
Brinell hardness
Tensile strength , N/mm
Density, g/cm
Youngs modulus E , N/mm
Modulus of rigidity, N/mm
Thermal conductivity, K cal/s cm °C
Coefficient of linear expansion, µm/m°C
Poisson‘s ratio
Charpy impact Joule
40 (max)
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5.1. Applications of Cast Iron (CI)
The cast iron widely popular in engineering machine manufacturing. The CI is classified into 5
different categories. The applications of CI types are given in table 5.
Table5. Cast iron types and their applications
Cast iron type
Gray cast iron
It is to resist wear even when lubrication supply is limited (e.g. upper cylinder
wall in engine blocks). It is used for making engine blocks, manifolds, cylinder
heads, gear blanks, gas burners, etc
White cast iron
It is used to make mill linings, shot-blasting nozzles, railroad brake shoes, slurry
pump housings, rolling mill rolls, crushers, slurry pump housings.
Ductile iron
It can be used to make steering knuckles, plow shares, crankshafts, heavy duty
gears, automotive and truck suspension components, hydraulic components, and
automobile door hinges.
Malleable iron
Different grades of malleable iron correspond to different microcrystalline
structures. Specific attributes that make malleable iron attractive are its ability to
retain and store lubricants, the non-abrasive wear particles, and the porous surface
which traps other abrasive debris. Malleable iron is used for heavy duty bearing
surfaces, chains, sprockets, connecting rods, drive train and axle components,
railroad rolling stock, and farm and construction machinery. Malleable iron is
used for heavy-duty bearing surfaces such as drive train and axle components.
Compacted graphite
iron applications
Compacted graphite iron is beginning to make its presence known in commercial
applications. The combination of the properties of gray iron and white iron create
a high strength and high thermal conductivity productsuitable for diesel engine
blocks and frames, cylinder liners, brake discs for trains, exhaust manifolds, and
gear plates in high pressure pumps.
LPSC (Bang) and IISc, Bangalore, India developed a facility for studying the effects of Cryo-
treatment on the dimensional stability of diaphragms of pressure sensors. Experiments consisted of
subjecting the samples to low temperatures (upto 98 K) for prolonged periods. They studied the
hardness, tensile strength, residual stress & material crystal structure, before and after the cryo
treatment on the samples. Whenever material is subjected to manufacturing operations like melting,
forming, machining etc.. It undergoes stress. As the level of stress increases, the density of defects
increases, cracks develop in materials and failure takes place. For space scientists this could spell
disaster. Hence the need for developing technologies that helps improve stability. The technology is
gaining respect as a technique for increasing the durability and dimensional stability of materials and
helped significantly improve wear-resistance of materials through cryogenic treatment.
The properties of materials can be compared among them to understand the need of engineers for
developing machine components. Table 6 compares the properties of metals.
Table6. Mechanical properties value comparison
Elastic Modulus (GPa)
Shear Modulus (GPa)
Poisson's Ratio
Aluminum Alloy
70 - 79
26 - 30
96 - 110
36 - 41
96 - 120
36 - 44
300 - 400
18 - 30
0.1 - 0.2
110 - 120
40 - 47
0.33 - 0.36
Copper Alloy
Iron (Cast)
83 - 170
32 - 69
0.2 - 0.3
Iron (Wrought)
Magnesium Alloy
Nylon; Polyamide
2.1 - 2.8
190 - 210
75 - 80
0.27 - 0.3
40 - 40
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This paper discusses the different classifications of mechanical properties and their application with
their testing procedure. It is mandatory to know them to convert the concept design into a product in
an industry since the success of the material selection is completely depending on how an engineer
selects a material for their designing products. The new technology developed in India for property
improvement is also quoted here. The mechanical properties of CI and their applications are also
given here. The standards for the various mechanical testing are also given here. Titanic ship
drowning into sea is also due to one of the reasons of materials properties failure. In the development
of new materials, we need to learn a lot more from what exists in nature.
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Mr.S.Senthil Murugan, hails from the state of Tamilnadu, India. He was born in
the year of 1984. He completed both UG and PG degree in mechanical
engineering and in 2005, 2012 respectively. He is pursuing Ph.D degree in the
field of welding engineering at National institute of technology (NIT),
Thiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu, India.
He has around 10 years of teaching experience and 4 years of industrial
experience. He has undergone faculty summer fellowship at IIT, Delhi during
May-July 2016 and now working as assistant professor (senior grade) in
Department of mechanical engineering, Mepco Schlenk engineering college,
Sivakasi, Tamilnadu. His area of interest are welding,, environmental safety, composites and
manufacturing engineering.
Mr. Murugan published more than 70 research articles in conferences and journals. He was awarded
sivler faculty for INFOSYS campus connect programme in the years 2018, 2019. He is also the
members of institute of engineers India (MIE), Indian institute of metals (MIIM), professional
member in society of mechanical engineers Hong Kong, etc…
Citation: S. Senthil Murugan, (2020)”Mechanical Properties of Materials: Definition, Testing and
Application, International Journal of Modern Studies in Mechanical Engineering, 6(2), pp. 28-38. DOI:
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