This Draft Lease is provided for the convenience and information of
bidders, so that potential bidders will be fully informed of all terms, rights and
obligations under the lease. It substantially represents all applicable terms,
rights and obligations of the parties. However, the Department of Wildlife and
Fisheries expressly reserves the right to alter the language of the lease prior to
execution thereof.
This contract of lease is entered into on this _______ day of _____________, 2021 by and
FISHERIES, herein represented by its Secretary, Jack Montoucet, and hereinafter referred
to as LESSOR; and
herein represented by __________________________________, its Managing Partner, and
hereinafter referred to as LESSEE, and who also appears in his individual capacity as solidary
guarantor under this lease, and does expressly obligate himself individually, in solido, with
LESSEE to all indebtednesses and obligations of LESSEE hereunder.
This lease will become binding on LESSOR only after execution by LESSOR and delivery
to LESSEE. Deposit of LESSEEs first rental payment into any account of LESSOR does not
constitute acceptance of this lease by LESSOR.
Pursuant to LSA R.S. 41:1211, et seq., R.S. 56:30.3 and R.S. 56:799.1, et seq., and upon
the terms, conditions and considerations hereinafter set forth, LESSOR does hereby lease and let
unto LESSEE, without any warranty of title whatsoever express or implied, the following
described property owned by the State of Louisiana and situated in the Parish of Vermilion, State
of Louisiana, on the White Lake Wetlands Conservation Area (“the property”), to wit:
See Exhibit “A” attached
The property is offered “AS IS”. There shall be no diminution of rental for any reason, including
but not limited to, the reduction of acreage due to subsidence, erosion, or flooding.
This lease is made and executed by LESSOR to LESSEE for the limited purposes of:
Waterfowl and other game bird hunting, deer hunting, rabbit hunting,
recreational reptile and amphibian harvest, alligator trapping and one
campsite location to be determined by LDWF. Should LESSEE desire
additional usage of the property, LESSEE will be required to submit a
written request to White Lake Wetlands Conservation Area Manager and a
written response will be issued either granting or denying the request.
LESSOR reserves the full use and enjoyment of the property, both surface and subsurface,
for any and all purposes except those particular uses granted hereinabove to LESSEE. LESSOR’s
reservation includes, but is not limited to the following rights:
1. LESSOR reserves all rights of whatever nature and kind in and to all minerals on
or under the property. These rights include, but are not limited to, all operations which are
necessary, useful or convenient for the exploration, exploitation, drilling, mining, production,
development, storage and transportation of all oil, gas, sulphur and other minerals, on or under the
property or any other lands under the control of LESSOR.
2. LESSOR reserves all rights of whatever nature and kind in and to all other surface
or subsurface uses of the property. These rights include, but are not limited to, all operations which
are necessary, useful or convenient for the exploration, exploitation, mining, production and
development of all sand, gravel or shell deposits; issuance of servitudes and rights-of-way; and
issuance of permits and leases.
3. LESSOR reserves all rights of whatever nature and kind in and to all timber and
forest products on the property. These rights include, but are not limited to management and/or
removal of timber and forest products.
4. LESSOR may exercise the rights reserved herein including all access necessary for
the exercise of these rights, without LESSEEs consent, so long as those rights granted do not
prohibit LESSEEs use of the property. LESSOR agrees to exercise its rights reserved herein so
as not to disturb LESSEEs use of the property, except as necessary for research, management,
maintenance or emergency situations. LESSEE hereby expressly agrees and declares that LESSOR
shall not be liable to LESSEE for damages resulting from the exercise of any rights reserved herein.
1. This lease shall commence on February 1, 2021. The term of this lease shall end
on January 31, 2031.
2. As consideration for LESSEEs rights under this lease, the parties acknowledge that
LESSEE has paid Dollars ($ ), representing one hundred
percent (100%) of the annual rental payment for the lease period of February 1, 2021 to January
31, 2022. Beginning March 1, 2022 and by or before March 1
of each succeeding year, LESSEE
agrees to pay an annual advance rental of Dollars ($___________)
which will cover the period from February 1
through January 31
of each year. (Example: The
March 1, 2022 payment will cover the rental period from February 1, 2022 to January 31, 2023.)
Further consideration for this lease, in addition to the rent, shall be the mutual covenants between
LESSOR and LESSEE herein contained.
3. Any rental payment of rent accruing under the provisions of this lease which shall
not be paid when due shall bear interest at the rate of twelve percent (12 %) per annum, or the
maximum rate of interest permitted by Louisiana law, whichever is the lesser amount, beginning
thirty (30) days from the date when the rental payment was due by the terms of this lease, until the
amount is paid by the LESSEE.
4. LESSOR shall adjust the rental to reflect the percentage of increase or decrease in
the cost of living index as established by the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and
Clerical Workers published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor or
any revision or equivalent of any such index published by the U.S. Government which has occurred
from date of this instrument to the date of adjustment; provided however, that in no event shall
consideration of such renewal be less than the consideration paid herein for the original term. The
initial CPI adjustment shall be due on March 1, 2021, and shall be calculated using the cumulative
CPI adjustments from each year from December 2015 to December 2020. Thereafter, the CPI will
be adjusted every five (5) years, and shall be cumulative.
5. In addition to the above rental, LESSEE agrees to pay LESSOR forty percent
(40 %) of the gross proceeds from the sale of any wild alligators harvested from the property. Said
alligator payment will be made annually within five days from the sale of said alligators and must
be accompanied by copies of receipts from the sale of pelts and/or alligators.
6. All payments shall be mailed to Louisiana Department of Wildlife and
Fisheries, Attn: Fiscal Revenue Section, 2
Floor, Post Office Box 98000, Baton Rouge, LA
70898-9000. If LESSEE fails to pay any rental or other payment due within 30 days of the due
date, LESSOR may terminate this lease immediately and repossess the property without notice or
action at law, and may sue for and recover all rentals or other payments then accrued and other
rentals or other payments to accrue during the term hereof, or may take any other action for relief
either at law or in equity, including, but not limited to, seizure and sale of LESSEE’s property on
the property as provided by Louisiana law.
1. Prior to any and all construction, operation or maintenance activities on the
property, LESSEE agrees to contact the LDWF’s White Lake Wetlands Conservation Area
(hereinafter, “WLWCA”) property manager for the purpose of coordinating the planned activities.
All activities conducted on the property shall be subject to the rules and regulations of WLWCA.
LESSEE shall provide written requests for all hunting blind installations, controlled burns and any
operations that affect water flow in canals or vehicle traffic on levees/roads. Activities must receive
written approval from the WLWCA Manager before LESSEE may proceed.
2. This lease is granted subject to all existing surface leases, mineral leases, servitudes,
rights-of-way, permits or any other contracts of record affecting the property.
3. LESSEE shall remediate to the extent LESSOR determines to be practical all
adverse environmental impacts occasioned by LESSEE’s activities under this agreement.
4. LESSEE agrees to comply with all federal, state and local statutes, rules,
regulations and ordinances relating to hunting, fishing, trapping, environmental, sewer, sanitation,
fire, safety and any other regulated activities and provide our office with proof of compliance.
5. LESSEE agrees to comply with all requirements of any levee board flood control
servitude existing on the property.
6. LESSEE accepts possession of the leased premises as being in good order and
repair. LESSEE shall occupy the leased premises at its own risk, and LESSOR shall not be liable
to LESSEE, LESSEEs employees, agents, invitees, licensees, or any other person, for any damage
to person or property caused by any act, omission or neglect by LESSEE, LESSEEs successors
or assigns, or by reason of any defect in the leased premises, whether apparent or latent.
7. LESSEE agrees to use the property as a good and careful administrator. This
includes maintaining the property in a neat, clean and orderly manner at all times. No hazardous
waste materials shall be released, placed, or stored by LESSEE on or under the property.
8. The parties hereto recognize that it might hereafter become necessary or desirable
to widen, deepen or make some other work of public improvement on land or on the streams or
water bottoms over and through which the property under this agreement is located, and LESSEE
accepts this lease under the express condition and with the distinct understanding that, if any such
work by the United States, the State of Louisiana, or any agency, board, commission, department
or political subdivision of either, makes it necessary to alter or relocate any constructions thereon,
the entire cost of such alteration or relocation shall be borne by the LESSEE, this responsibility on
the part of the LESSEE being part of the consideration for which this grant is made. This provision,
however, shall not prejudice the LESSEE’s right to receive indemnification and/or relocation costs
from the United States, the State of Louisiana or any agency, board, commission, department or
political subdivision of either in the event that there is an appropriation for payment of such costs.
9. Should an Agent or Attorney be employed to give special attention to the
enforcement or protection of any claim of LESSOR arising from this lease, LESSEE shall pay as
fees and compensation to such Agent or Attorney such sum as will constitute a reasonable fee
including all court costs, together with all other costs, charges and expenses or reimbursement for
actual costs occasioned by LESSOR, at LESSOR’s discretion.
10. LESSEE shall use due care to avoid damage to the leased premises or anything
related thereto, including timber, crops, wildlife, game, fish, and other plant and animal life, except
as may be contemplated by this lease. LESSEE shall maintain, repair and restore at its own expense
all canals, ditches, dams, levees, roads, bridges, fences and other structures on the leased premises
which may be worn or damaged by LESSEE’s use or possession hereunder. LESSEE shall be
responsible for any and all damages to the leased premises or anything related thereto which may
result from LESSEEs use or possession hereunder. LESSEE shall not conduct any activities
which require a Corp of Engineers wetland permit without advance written notice to, and express
written permission from, LESSOR. In such event, LESSEE shall cooperate with LESSOR to
obtain the necessary permits prior to the commencement of such activities.
a. In the event LESSEE does not repair any and all damages to the
leased premises due to LESSEEs use or possession, LESSOR will
make all necessary repairs to the leased premises. LESSOR will
present LESSEE with a written demand for payment of all fees and
costs associated with the repairs to the leased premises. LESSEE
shall have 15 (fifteen) days upon receipt of the demand to submit
payment in full to LESSOR for reimbursement of the fees and costs
of the repairs. If payment is not received by LESSOR from LESSEE
within the fifteen (15) day period then LESSOR, in its sole
discretion, shall have the right to terminate this lease.
b. In the event that damage to the leased premises occurs, LESSEE
shall, upon noticing such damage, immediately commence efforts to
remedy such damage. In the event that LESSOR becomes aware of
any damage prior to the commencement of LESSEE’s remedial
efforts, LESSOR shall give LESSEE written notice of the damages
and an account of what needs to be repaired. LESSEE shall then
commence good faith repairs as soon as practicable, but not to
exceed a period of seven (7) days from LESSEE’s receipt of the
written notice. In the event LESSEE does not timely repair any and
all damages to the leased premises due to LESSEEs use or
possession, LESSOR will make all necessary repairs to the leased
premises. LESSOR will present LESSEE with a written demand for
payment of all fees and costs associated with the repairs to the leased
premises. LESSEE shall have 15 (fifteen) days upon receipt of the
demand to submit payment in full to LESSOR for reimbursement of
the fees and costs of the repairs. If payment is not received by
LESSOR from LESSEE within the fifteen (15) day period then
LESSOR, in its sole discretion, shall have the right to terminate this
11. LESSEE may clear all underbrush from the property but no trees over 6 inches in
diameter may be cut on the property without prior approval of LESSOR.
12. LESSEE will be allowed to hunt no more than eight (8) waterfowl blinds each day
on the leased acreage with no more than four (4) hunters per blind. LESSEE shall not conduct or
allow waterfowl hunting after 12:00 noon each day on the leased acreage. All waterfowl hunting
shall be conducted from established waterfowl blind locations. No hunting from levees or boats
will be allowed. LESSOR reserves the right to make the final and future decisions concerning
blind location and installation on the leased acreage.
a. LESSEE shall have no more than sixteen (16) waterfowl blinds
installed on the Property at all times.
b. Upon written request by LESSEE and approval by WLWCA
Manager, layout/field blinds may be used during a Conservation
Order for Light Geese with no more than thirty-two (32) hunters per
day. Only snow, blue, and Ross’s geese may be harvested during the
Conservation Order.
13. LESSEE shall, at its own risk and expense, cause the property to be properly and
adequately policed for the purpose of protecting waterfowl thereon from molestation, injury or
destruction, except as contemplated by this lease, and for the purpose of preventing violations of
the law being committed upon the property; and if LESSEE shall fail to do so, then LESSOR may
cancel this lease on fifteen (15) days written notice to LESSEE; or LESSOR, at its election, may
provide policing as in its judgment shall be necessary for such purposes, and shall charge to and
collect from LESSEE the reasonable cost thereof. LESSOR shall have the continuing right to
provide for such additional policing of the property, or any part or parts thereof as LESSOR may
desire. LESSEE shall grant access to LESSOR’s agents and employees for any purpose required
14. The hunting rights granted hereunder are exclusively for the benefit of LESSEE,
his LESSOR-approved annual sub-LESSEE, and their guests and invitees. LESSEE shall not
allow or conduct commercial or “for profit” hunting on the leased premises, as determined solely
15. The possession of the property by LESSEE hereunder, and any previous possession
of LESSEE, is considered to be that of LESSOR or LESSOR’s predecessors or successors in title,
LESSEE claiming no interest in the leased premises by reason of any previous possession of
LESSEE or any other person. LESSEE agrees to notify LESSOR immediately in the event of
damages to or encroachment upon the property.
16. LESSEE hereby agrees to request and receive LESSOR’s written consent before
using any unmanned aircraft system(s) or drone(s) (hereinafter, unmanned aircraft systems and
drones are collectively referred to as “drones”) on the Property. LESSEE acknowledges and agrees
that, in order to be considered for approval of operating a drone(s) on the Property, the drone(s)
must be registered in accordance with any applicable state law and regulations pertinent to the
requested usage (e.g., La. R.S. 3:41 et seq.), and the operator of the drone(s) must first be in
possession of any valid and applicable license pertaining to the operation of unmanned aircraft
system(s) or drone(s) in the state of Louisiana. Throughout its approved usage of drones on the
Property, LESSEE further agrees to remain in compliance with any and all applicable state and
federal laws and regulations regarding such usage.
1. In the event that LESSEE and the most recent LESSEE of record on the leased
property (hereinafter “previous LESSEE”) are not the same person or entity, then, in that event,
the previous LESSEE shall have ninety (90) days from the effective date of the succeeding lease
to remove structures or pumps from the leased property. In lieu of this option, LESSEE herein
may negotiate with the previous LESSEE for a purchase of the said structures and pumps. In the
event that the previous LESSEE does not remove his structures and pumps and does not negotiate
to sell such structures and pumps to LESSEE, then in that event LESSOR shall be deemed to be
the owner of said structures and pumps, and LESSEE hereby agrees to, by ninety (90) days from
the date of execution of the lease:
a. On behalf of LESSOR, at LESSOR’s sole option, remove said
structures and pumps from the leased property at LESSEEs cost; or
b. Purchase said structures and pumps from LESSOR at fair market
1. There shall be no permanent residences on the property.
2. LESSEE shall not make any improvements, additions, alterations, constructions or
reconstructions of any nature whatsoever to the property, including constructing or placing any
structures, without prior written permission from LESSOR. LESSEE shall provide LESSOR
evidence that any improvements meet all applicable codes and standards.
3. LESSEE shall not obligate the LESSOR or create any liability on LESSOR’s part
for materials used in the construction and maintenance of additions of improvements, or contract
for any labor in connection therewith, if such actions constitute or create a lien on the property,
and LESSEE shall hold LESSOR harmless from any and all costs and expenses, including
reasonable attorney fees, arising from or associated with any such actions by the LESSEE.
4. LESSEE shall be deemed to be the owner of any structure(s) and pumps placed or
constructed on the property. Additionally, the parties agree and stipulate that any other thing or
materials placed on the property by LESSEE which becomes immovable by nature, use, and/or
destination, shall become part of the property and shall not be removed therefrom without the prior
written consent of LESSOR.
5. In the event that LESSEE does not become the LESSEE under succeeding leases
of the property, then, in that event, LESSEE shall have ninety (90) days from the date of execution
of the succeeding lease to remove any structures or pumps from the leased property. In lieu of this
option, LESSEE herein may negotiate with the succeeding LESSEE for a purchase of the said
structures and pumps. In the event that the LESSEE does not remove his structures and pumps,
and does not negotiate to sell such structures and pumps to the succeeding LESSEE, then in that
event LESSOR shall be deemed to be the owner of said structures and pumps, and shall have the
right to remove the said structures and pumps at LESSEEs total cost.
It is contracted and agreed that the LESSEE herein must submit to the LESSOR herein
within thirty (30) days from the signing of this lease, and on an annual basis, a CERTIFICATE OF
INSURANCE from a good and solvent insurance company, naming the State of Louisiana,
Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries and the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries
Commission herein as INSUREDS in the sum of ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00),
General Comprehensive Liability Insurance, insuring LESSOR against claims for bodily injury
and property damage, said insurance to cover the entire term of this lease.
This agreement shall be binding upon LESSOR and LESSEE, their respective successors
and assigns. This lease may not be subleased or otherwise transferred in whole or in part without
the prior written permission of LESSOR. Should LESSOR approve the subletting of the leased
premises, LESSOR will provide LESSEE with an approved SUBLESSEE AGREEMENT that will
be executed by LESSOR, LESSEE and SUBLESSEE. All subleases shall be for a period of one
LESSEE accepts the property in its present condition, and LESSOR shall not be
responsible for damage of any kind to any person or property arising out of or resulting from
LESSEEs use of the property. It is agreed and understood that LESSOR shall be fully protected
during the terms of this agreement and LESSEE hereby agrees to protect, defend, indemnify, save,
and hold harmless the LDWF, the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission (“LWFC”), and
the State of Louisiana, their officers, agents, servants, representatives, and employees, including
volunteers, from and against any and all claims, demands, expenses and liability arising out of this
agreement or injury, death, damage, loss, or destruction of any property, which may occur or is in
any way related to any alleged act or omission of LESSEE, its agents, servants, and employees,
and any other person on the property with or without the permission of LESSEE, and any and all
costs, expense and/or attorney fees incurred by LESSEE or LESSOR as a result of any claims,
demands, and/or causes of action, including those claims, demands, and/or causes of action arising
out of the alleged negligence or breach of duty of the LDWF, the LWFC, or the State of Louisiana
or their officers, agents, servants, representatives, and employees and which arise as a result of this
agreement or which may occur as a result of or which are in any manner related to any alleged act
or omission of LESSEE, its agents, servants, and employees, and any other person on the property
with the permission of LESSEE, its agents, servants, and employees, and any other person on the
property with the permission of LESSEE. LESSEE shall not be liable to any person on the property
without LESSEEs permission, for injury, death, damage, loss, or destruction of any property
unless caused by LESSEEs negligence. LESSEE agrees to investigate, handle, respond to, provide
defense for and defend any such claims, demands, or suits at its sole expense and agrees to bear
all other costs and expenses related thereto, including judgments, settlements, costs, attorney fees,
and expenses of defense, even if such claims, demands, and/or causes of action are groundless,
false, or fraudulent.
1. Should LESSEE violate or fail to perform any of the provisions or conditions of
this lease, express or implied, then LESSOR may cancel this lease if within fifteen (15) days of
receipt of written notice to such effect from LESSOR, LESSEE fails to remedy the violation or
failure to the satisfaction of LESSOR. In the event a lawsuit is filed pursuant to the foregoing
provisions, LESSEE shall pay all costs and expenses related thereto, including reasonable
attorney’s fees. LESSEE will remain responsible/liable for any personal property or equipment
covered by this lease, remaining on the site after said lease has been suspended.
2. Should LESSEE be found by a tribunal of competent jurisdiction to have used the
property or any portion thereof in any manner which violates any state or federal statute, rule or
regulation, and for which violation a fine of TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($10,000) or greater
or a prison sentence is assessed, this lease will automatically terminate without further action on
the part of LESSOR. LESSOR reserves the right to review any fish or wildlife violations that
occur on the property, and at its sole option, terminate this lease for same.
3. Non-use of the rights granted hereunder for a continuous period of one (1) year
shall, at the option of LESSOR, operate as an abandonment by the LESSEE of this agreement. In
this instance, this lease and all rights granted hereunder shall terminate, except when existing
causes of force majeure actually prevent the use of the lease and satisfactory evidence thereof is
submitted to the Secretary of LDWF.
4. There shall be no right of return of all or part of the consideration paid should this
lease be terminated for any reason except as provided in Paragraph 7 below.
5. In the event of cancellation or termination for any reason, LESSEE or its successors
hereby agree to remove at their sole risk, cost and expense, any or all structures or pumps and to
restore the property to its original condition within ninety (90) days of notice of the lease
termination. In the event LESSEE fails to remove all structures or pumps within ninety (90) days
of lease termination, then LESSOR will acquire ownership of the said structures and pumps and
owes nothing to the LESSEE. Should LESSOR undertake the removal of any or all of said
structures or pumps, and restoration of the property by reason of LESSEEs or its assigns’ failure
or refusal to do so, then LESSEE and its assigns expressly consent and agree to reimburse LESSOR
for the full cost incurred for such removal and restoration.
6. There shall be no tacit or implied reconduction or renewal of this lease under any
circumstances, including any continued occupancy by the LESSEE after the expiration of the
expressed term, and LESSEE shall have no claim whatsoever, whether legal, equitable, moral or
otherwise, to obtain a renewal of this lease or further grant of leasehold rights. This lease shall
automatically terminate if LESSEE ceases to exist or becomes the subject of a petition in
7. It is understood and agreed that should it be determined that the property leased
herein is required for a public purpose by LESSOR, LESSEE shall be so notified by writing and
this lease, or a portion thereof, shall be cancelled and terminated and the property surrendered
ninety (90) days from the date of receipt of said notice, in which case LESSEE shall receive a
refund of rent proportional to the loss of lease acreage.
8. The above enumerated rights to terminate this lease are in addition to LESSOR’s
right to terminate this lease for failure to make timely payment of rentals or other payments due.
The granting of this lease shall not be a bar or defense to the right of the LESSOR or the
State of Louisiana and its agencies, boards and commissions to take any and all action necessary
to seek abatement of LESSEEs construction or operations that unreasonably or unlawfully
interfere with or disturb the existing ecological regimen, including, but not limited to, fishing,
hunting, and trapping, and to seek legal recourse for any and all damage to the existing ecological
regimen arising out of LESSEEs activities.
The failure of either party to this lease to insist on the performance of any of the terms and
conditions of this lease, or the waiver of any breach of any of the terms and conditions of this lease,
shall not be construed as thereafter waiving any such terms and conditions, but such terms and
conditions shall continue and remain in full force and effect as if no such forbearance or waiver
had occurred. The invalidity of any portion of this lease will not and shall not be deemed to affect
the validity of any other provision. In the event any provision of this lease is held to be invalid,
the parties agree that the remaining provisions shall be deemed to be in full force and effect as if
they had been executed by both parties subsequent to the expungement of the invalid provision.
This lease constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and any prior understanding
or representation of any kind preceding the date of this lease shall not be binding on either party
except to the extent incorporated in this lease. Any modification of this lease or additional
obligation assumed by either party in connection with this lease shall be binding only if in writing
signed by each party or an authorized representative of each party. The parties to this lease
understand and agree that the provisions herein shall, between them, have the effect of law; but in
reference to matters not provided herein, this lease shall be governed by the laws of the State of
The venue for any claims or actions arising out of this lease, as well as any claims or actions
arising out of the awarding of this lease, shall be in the Nineteenth Judicial District Court, East
Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana.
All notices required to be provided under this lease shall be as follows:
LESSOR: Jack Montoucet, Secretary (or successor)
Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
P.O. Box 98000
Baton Rouge, LA 70898-9000
Any notice provided for in this lease shall be in writing and be deemed sufficiently given
when sent by certified or registered mail sent to the respective address of each party as set forth
herein. Each party may change its address under this Agreement by giving the other party thirty
(30) days advance written notice.
The terms, covenants, and conditions of this lease shall bind and inure to the benefit of the
parties, their successors and assigns.
The Remainder Left Blank Intentionally
(Signatures to follow on the next two pages)
THUS DONE, EXECUTED AND SIGNED, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in triplicate, on
the dates below subscribed.
_______________________________ _______________________________
Print Name: Jack Montoucet, Secretary
Print Name:
BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally came and appeared,
, being first duly sworn, did depose and say that the within foregoing
instrument was signed by Jack Montoucet, Secretary of the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries,
on behalf of the LESSOR, in affiant’s presence and in the presence of the other subscribing
Signature of Affiant:
Print Name:
SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me this day of ,
20____, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Print Name: ___________________________
Notary ID: ___________________________
My Commission Expires: ________________
THUS DONE, EXECUTED AND SIGNED, in ____________, ____________, in
triplicate, on the dates below subscribed.
Print Name: [name]
Managing Partner
Print Name:
STATE OF _______________________________
PARISH OR COUNTY OF: ________________
BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally came and appeared,
, being first duly sworn, did depose and say that the within foregoing
instrument was signed by, ___________________, LESSEE, in affiant’s presence and in the
presence of the other subscribing witness.
Signature of Affiant:
Print Name:
SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me this day of ,
20____, in ________________, _____________________..
Print Name: ___________________________
Notary ID: ___________________________
My Commission Expires: ________________
Waterfowl and other game bird hunting, deer hunting, rabbit hunting, recreational reptile
and amphibian harvest, alligator trapping and one campsite location to be determined by
the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (“LDWF”).
Vermilion Parish, LA
Township 14 South Range 1 West
Section 1:
(1) All acreage lying south of agricultural protection levee.
(2) A tract herein identified as “Parcel 2” located within the NE/4 of SE/4 of Section 1
and defined by the following coordinates as its corners and more specifically
described as follows:
From a point approximately 2,850 feet north of the southeast corner of Township 14
South, Range 1 West, Section 1 to a buried survey marker along the eastern boundary
of Section 1 is the northeast corner of Parcel 2 (N29° 51.279’/W-092° 24.660’) which
shall be called the point of beginning. From the point of beginning to the west
approximately 1,050 feet, to the northwest corner of Parcel 2 (N29° 51.279’/W-092°
24.857’) then south approximately 565 feet to the southwest corner of Parcel 2 (N29°
51.190’/W-092° 24.857’) then east approximately 1,050 feet to the southeast corner
of Parcel 2 (N29° 51.190’/W-092° 24.660’) then north to the point of beginning.
(3) A tract herein identified as “Parcel 3” located within the E/16 of SE/4 of Section 1
defined by the following coordinates as its corners and more specifically described as
From the southeast corner of Parcel 2 above (N29° 51.190’/W-092° 24.660’) which is
the northeast corner of Parcel 3 (N29° 51.190’/W-092° 24.660’) and which shall be
called the point of beginning, to the west approximately 85 feet to the northwest
corner of Parcel 3 (N29° 51.190’/W-092° 24.678’) then south approximately 1,275
feet to the southwest corner of Parcel 3 (N29° 50.980’/W-092° 24.678’) then to the
east approximately 85 feet to the southeast corner of Parcel 3 (N29° 50.980’/W-092°
24.660’) then north to point of beginning.
Section 2: All acreage lying south of agricultural protection levee.
Sections 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 & 29: Entire Sections
Sections 30 & 31: All acreage lying north of White Lake shoreline
Sections 32 & 33: Entire Sections
Sections 34, 35 & 36: All acreage lying north of White Lake shoreline
Township 15 South Range 1 West
Sections 3, 4, 5 & 6: All acreage lying north of White Lake shoreline
Total lease acreage is approximately 18,545.00 acres and is situated in Vermilion Parish,
and herein identified as Tract I.