Texas Primary Care
Office Needs
As Required by the
Health Resources and Services
March 2021
Table of Contents
1. Overview ........................................................................................... 1
Texas Primary Care Office .................................................................... 1
Objectives of Needs Assessment ........................................................... 2
2. Texas Population ............................................................................... 3
Demographic Characteristics ................................................................. 4
Age and Gender ............................................................................. 4
Race/Ethnicity ................................................................................ 6
Foreign Born .................................................................................. 7
Language ...................................................................................... 8
Socioeconomic Characteristics ............................................................... 9
Income and Poverty ...................................................................... 10
Education .................................................................................... 12
Unemployment ............................................................................ 13
Uninsured ................................................................................... 14
3. Health Indicators ............................................................................. 16
Health Status ................................................................................... 16
Infant Mortality ................................................................................ 17
Low Birth Weight .............................................................................. 18
Diabetes and Hypertension ................................................................. 18
Obesity ........................................................................................... 20
Smoking .......................................................................................... 21
Teen Births ...................................................................................... 22
Mammography Screening ................................................................... 23
Immunizations ................................................................................. 24
Dental Care ..................................................................................... 25
Mental Health ................................................................................... 27
4. Texas Designation Areas ................................................................. 29
Health Professional Shortage Area Designations ..................................... 29
Primary Care Health Professional Shortage Areas ............................... 31
Dental Health Professional Shortage Areas ........................................ 32
Mental Health Care Health Professional Shortage Areas ...................... 33
Medically Underserved Areas and Medically Underserved Populations ........ 34
Medically Underserved Areas .......................................................... 35
Medically Underserved Populations .................................................. 36
5. Rural Health .................................................................................... 37
Health Outcomes in Rural Areas .......................................................... 37
Emergency Medical Services ........................................................... 37
Telehealth and Telemedicine .......................................................... 38
Challenges for Older Adults in Rural Areas ........................................ 38
Challenges for Low-Income and Uninsured Populations in Rural Areas ... 38
Hospital Closures and Nursing Facilities ................................................ 39
Providers ......................................................................................... 40
Older Providers ............................................................................ 40
Obstetric Services......................................................................... 40
6. Statewide and Regional Health Workforce Projections .................... 42
Primary Care Physicians ..................................................................... 42
Statewide .................................................................................... 42
Regional ..................................................................................... 43
All Dentists ...................................................................................... 43
Statewide .................................................................................... 43
Regional ..................................................................................... 44
General Dentists ............................................................................... 44
Statewide .................................................................................... 44
Regional ..................................................................................... 45
Dental Hygienists .............................................................................. 46
Statewide .................................................................................... 46
Regional ..................................................................................... 46
Psychiatrists ..................................................................................... 47
Statewide .................................................................................... 47
Regional ..................................................................................... 47
7. Primary Care Programs and Resources ............................................ 49
Primary Care in Texas........................................................................ 49
Community Health Centers ............................................................ 50
Rural Health Clinics ....................................................................... 51
Critical Access Hospitals ................................................................ 52
Conrad 30 J-1 Visa Waiver Program ..................................................... 53
National Health Service Corps ............................................................. 54
Nurse Corps ..................................................................................... 56
Joint Admission Medical Program ......................................................... 56
Physician Education Loan Repayment Program ....................................... 57
Loan Repayment Program for Mental Health Professionals ....................... 58
List of Acronyms .................................................................................. 59
References ........................................................................................... 61
1. Overview
Texas Primary Care Office
The purpose of the Texas Primary Care Office (PCO) Needs Assessment is to
identify communities with the greatest unmet health care needs, disparities, and
health workforce shortages across Texas, and identify key barriers to health care
access for Texas communities in terms of preventative and primary care. The
principal focus of the needs assessment is upon primary health care, mental health
care, and dental health care.
The Texas PCO Needs Assessment is organized into seven sections beginning with a
brief overview that discusses the background and objectives of this report. The
second section primarily examines demographic and socioeconomic characteristics
of the Texas population. The third section examines health indicators of the Texas
population, including factors such as infant mortality, obesity, and smoking. The
fourth section reviews federal health professional shortage area (HPSA), medically
underserved area (MUA), and medically underserved population (MUP) designations
in Texas. The fifth section discusses issues surrounding rural health, including
health outcomes, health disparities, and demographic differences. The sixth section
presents summarized statewide and regional results from supply and demand
projections for primary care physicians, all dentists, general dentists, dental
hygienists, and psychiatrists. The seventh section reviews programs and resources
in Texas relevant to preventative and primary care access and improvement, and
primary care educational opportunities and advanced medical training programs
available within the state.
In Texas, the need for improved access in the state can be demonstrated by the
257 primary care HPSAs, 149 dental HPSAs, and 251 mental health HPSAs
identified by the Health Resources and Services Administration as of November
2020. Additionally, as of November 2020, there were 179 MUAs and 19 MUPs in
Texas. The percentage of uninsured Texans was 19 percent in 2020, meaning
Texas still had the highest uninsured population in the nation.
The Health Resources and Services Administration Cooperative Agreement supports
Texas PCO activities that improve access to comprehensive quality health care
services in Texas. The National Health Service Corps (NHSC) and several state
programs address the maldistribution of health professionals. The state supports
this effort with state and privately funded loan repayment programs, as well as the
Texas Conrad 30 J-1 Visa Waiver program. Work in recruiting and retaining health
professionals is led by the Texas PCO and coordinated among several Texas
agencies. Also partnering in this effort are the Texas Association of Community
Health Centers, the State Office of Rural Health, and the Area Health Education
Centers. Other partners include, but are not limited to, certified rural health clinics
(RHCs), federally qualified health centers (FQHCs), state hospitals, state supported
living centers, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, the Texas Medical
Board, and multiple professional associations. These partnerships have improved
access to health care, reduced disparities, and developed and distributed members
of the health workforce to serve the underserved. As of November 2020, Texas had
just over 1,000 health professionals providing obligated service through the NHSC,
Nurse Corps, state and regional loan repayment programs, or the Conrad 30 J-1
Visa Waiver program.
The major program activities of the Texas PCO work together to improve access to
health care services. These activities include shortage designation coordination and
oversight, recruitment and retention, and administration of the Texas Conrad 30 J-1
Visa Waiver program.
Objectives of Needs Assessment
This statewide needs assessment outlines the mission of the Texas PCO to improve
the health of Texans who live in underserved areas by working to increase access to
primary care providers of medical, dental, and mental health services. In addition,
it describes the role that the Texas PCO has in measuring access to care, assisting
with retention, recruiting, and loan repayment activities, and administering the
Texas Conrad 30 J-1 Visa Waiver program. This report provides a snapshot of Texas
demographics, health status and risk indicators, health care shortages, and
medical, dental, and mental health care access issues. The report also helps to
identify priority geographic areas and populations for the Texas Department of
State Health Services to focus efforts on access to health care.
2. Texas Population
Texas is a vast state, with regional differences in geography, population size,
demographic characteristics, and socioeconomic characteristics. This section
provides a brief overview of these variations and relates them to the challenges
that exist for accessing health care services in Texas.
Texas is the second largest state in the United States in terms of land (behind
Alaska), covering an area of approximately 261,232 square miles and accounting
for 7.4 percent of the total land area nationwide.
There are 254 counties in
Texas, with 172 counties classified as rural and 82 counties classified as urban.
Based on population estimates, 89.3 percent of the Texas population resided in
urban counties as of January 2019.
The four largest metropolitan areas in Texas
are located around the cities of Dallas and Fort Worth, Houston, San Antonio, and
Austin, and these areas encompass multiple counties.
Given the immense size of
Texas, the distance that some individuals, especially those living in rural counties,
must travel to receive health care services can be a significant challenge to
accessing and receiving these services.
Additionally, Texas is the second largest state in the United States in terms of
population (behind California), with an estimated population of over 28.9 million as
of July 2019.
Texas is among the states with the highest percentage increase in
population growth since April 2010.
The population of Texas increased an
estimated 15.3 percent between April 2010 and July 2019. As of January 2019,
more than half of Texans resided in the North Texas (29.2 percent) and Gulf Coast
(26.4 percent) regions of the state.
According to the Texas Demographic Center,
the population of Texas is projected to exceed 37 million by 2035 and 47 million by
The map below of Texas’ eight public health regions includes the regional names
used in this report. To determine which region each Texas county is located, see
the following webpage on the Texas Department of State Health Services website:
Figure 1. Map of Texas Regions
Source: Texas Department of State Health Services.
Demographic Characteristics
Across the state of Texas, regional variations exist in age, gender, race/ethnicity,
nativity of residents, and language spoken at home. These differences in
racial/ethnic composition, along with the high percentage of foreign-born residents,
present certain cultural challenges when it comes to accessing health care services
in Texas.
Age and Gender
Texas had a younger median age (34.4 years) compared to the nation (37.9 years)
from 2014 to 2018.
Texas also had the third youngest population among the 50
states (behind Alaska and Utah). Over a quarter of the Texas population (26.2
percent) was under 18 years of age, with 7.2 percent being under five years of age.
Almost three-quarters of the Texas population (73.8 percent) was 18 years of age
and over, with 12.0 percent being 65 years of age and over.
The median age of the population in Texas differed by county.
For instance:
Llano County in the Central Texas region had the oldest median age (57.6
years), followed by Loving County in the West Texas region (55.4 years) and
Real County in the South Texas region (55.0 years).
Brazos County in the Central Texas region had the youngest median age
(26.2 years), followed by Gaines County in the West Texas region (27.9
years) and Kleberg County in the Rio Grande Valley region (28.0 years).
Figure 2. Median Age by County, Texas, 2014-2018
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2014-2018.
From 2014 to 2018, 50.3 percent of the Texas population was female and 49.7
percent was male.
Among adults aged 18 years and over, 50.8 percent were
female and 49.2 percent were male. Moreover, among adults aged 65 years and
over, 55.5 percent were female and 44.5 percent were male.
The gender distribution of the population in Texas differed by county.
Real County in the South Texas region had the highest percentage of the
population that was female (57.9 percent) and the lowest percentage that
was male (42.1 percent).
Concho County in the West Texas region had the highest percentage of the
population that was male (66.2 percent) and the lowest percentage that was
female (33.8 percent).
The age and gender distribution of the population in Texas differed by county.
Among adults aged 18 years and over, Real County in the South Texas
region had the highest percentage that were female (58.6 percent) and the
lowest percentage that were male (41.4 percent).
Garza County in the Panhandle region had the highest percentage of adults
aged 18 years and over that were male (66.9 percent) and the lowest
percentage that were female (33.1 percent).
Among adults aged 65 years and over, Kenedy County in the Rio Grande
Valley region had the highest percentage that were female (74.3 percent)
and the lowest percentage that were male (25.7 percent).
Loving County in the West Texas region had the highest percentage of adults
aged 65 years and over that were male (60.0 percent) and the lowest
percentage that were female (40.0 percent).
In 2018, the racial/ethnic composition of the Texas population was estimated to be
41.8 percent white, 39.3 percent Hispanic, 11.8 percent black, 4.8 percent Asian,
and 2.2 percent from other races/ethnicities.
When examining the racial/ethnic
composition of the Texas population by age, the percentage of the Texas population
that was white increased as age increased, whereas the percentage of the Texas
population that was Hispanic decreased as age increased.
The racial/ethnic composition of the population in Texas differed by county.
Clay County in the North Texas region had the highest percentage of the
population that was white (91.1 percent), followed by Armstrong County
(90.7 percent) and Roberts County (90.6 percent) in the Panhandle region.
Starr County in the Rio Grande Valley region had the highest percentage of
the population that was Hispanic (95.4 percent), followed by Maverick County
in the South Texas region (95.2 percent) and Webb County in the Rio Grande
Valley region (95.1 percent).
Jefferson County in the Gulf Coast region had the highest percentage of the
population that was black (33.1 percent), followed by Houston County (24.5
percent) and Bowie County (24.4 percent) in the East Texas region.
Fort Bend County in the Gulf Coast region had the highest percentage of the
population that was Asian (20.1 percent), followed by Collin County in the
North Texas region (14.3 percent) and Moore County in the Panhandle region
(9.6 percent).
Foreign Born
From 2014 to 2018, Texas had a higher percentage of foreign-born residents (17.0
percent) compared to the nation (13.5 percent).
Moreover, Texas ranked seventh
among the states with the highest percentage of foreign-born residents. The
majority of foreign-born residents in Texas (63.3 percent) were not citizens of the
United States. Most foreign-born residents in Texas were born in Latin America
(68.1 percent), followed by Asia (21.6 percent) and Africa (4.8 percent).
The nativity of residents in Texas differed by county.
For instance:
Presidio County in the West Texas region had the highest percentage of
foreign-born residents (40.9 percent), followed by Hudspeth County in the
West Texas region (36.8 percent) and Garza County in the Panhandle region
(35.2 percent).
Motley County in the Panhandle region had the lowest percentage of foreign-
born residents (0.0 percent), followed by Throckmorton County (0.4 percent)
and Stonewall County (0.6 percent) in the North Texas region.
Figure 3. Percentage of Foreign-Born Residents by County, Texas, 2014-2018
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2014-2018.
Texas had a higher percentage of individuals five years of age and over who spoke
a language other than English at home (35.5 percent) compared to the nation (21.5
percent) from 2014 to 2018.
Among the states, Texas had the second highest
percentage of individuals five years of age and over who spoke a language other
than English at home (behind California). The most common language other than
English spoken at home in Texas was Spanish (29.5 percent), followed by Asian and
Pacific Islander languages (2.9 percent) and other Indo-European languages (2.2
Speaking Spanish at home in Texas differed by county.
For instance:
Starr County in the Rio Grande Valley region had the highest percentage of
individuals five years of age and over who spoke Spanish at home (95.2
percent), followed by Maverick County in the South Texas region (91.8
percent) and Zapata County in the Rio Grande Valley region (90.0 percent).
Newton County in the East Texas region had the lowest percentage of
individuals five years of age and over who spoke Spanish at home (2.0
percent), followed by Baylor County in the North Texas region (2.3 percent)
and Marion County in the East Texas region (3.2 percent).
Figure 4. Percentage of Population Who Spoke Spanish at Home by County, Texas,
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2014-2018.
Socioeconomic Characteristics
Socioeconomic characteristics such as household income, rate of poverty, level of
education, rate of unemployment, and health insurance status present added
challenges for meeting the health needs of Texans. The high percentage of Texans
who lack health insurance, coupled with the high poverty rate and lower
educational attainment in the state, makes health care services in Texas more
difficult to obtain.
Income and Poverty
Texas had a slightly lower median household income ($59,570) compared to the
nation ($60,293) from 2014 to 2018.
Texas ranked 21
among the states with the
highest median household income. Among householders between 25 and 44 years
of age, Texas had a lower median household income ($63,253) compared to the
nation ($65,893). Texas also had a lower median household income among
householders between 45 and 64 years of age ($71,455) compared to the nation
($72,912). Texas and the nation had similar median household incomes for
householders between 15 and 24 years of age and householders 65 years of age
and over.
The median household income in Texas differed by county.
For instance:
Fort Bend County in the Gulf Coast region had the highest median household
income ($95,561), followed by Rockwall County ($94,767) and Collin County
($94,192) in the North Texas region.
Presidio County in the West Texas region had the lowest median household
income ($27,061), followed by Brooks County in the Rio Grande Valley region
($27,378) and Dimmit County in the South Texas region ($27,832).
Figure 5. Median Household Income by County, Texas, 2014-2018
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2014-2018.
From 2014 to 2018, Texas had a higher percentage of the population living below
the federal poverty level (15.5 percent) compared to the nation (14.1 percent).
When comparing poverty rates between states, Texas ranked 13
among the states
with the highest percentage of the population living below the federal poverty level.
Among individuals under 18 years of age, Texas had a higher percentage of the
population living below the federal poverty level (22.0 percent) compared to the
nation (19.5 percent). Likewise, Texas had a higher percentage of adults 65 years
of age and over living below the federal poverty level (10.7 percent) compared to
the nation (9.3 percent). Texas and the nation had similar rates of living below the
federal poverty level for adults between 18 and 64 years of age, 13.5 percent and
13.2 percent, respectively.
The poverty rate in Texas differed by county.
For instance:
Zapata County in the Rio Grande Valley region had the highest percentage of
the population living below the federal poverty level (39.5 percent), followed
by Brooks County (38.9 percent) and Starr County (35.3 percent) in the Rio
Grande Valley region.
Borden County in the West Texas region had the lowest percentage of the
population living below the federal poverty level (2.6 percent), followed by
Sterling County in the West Texas region (3.5 percent) and Kendall County in
the South Texas region (5.3 percent).
Figure 6. Percentage of Population Living Below Federal Poverty Level by County,
Texas, 2014-2018
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2014-2018.
Texas had a higher percentage of adults 25 years of age and over with less than a
high school education (16.8 percent) compared to the nation (12.3 percent) from
2014 to 2018.
Among the states, Texas had the second highest percentage of
adults 25 years of age and over with less than a high school education (behind
California). In addition, Texas had a lower percentage of adults 25 years of age and
over with a high school diploma or equivalent as their highest level of educational
attainment (25.0 percent) compared to the nation (27.1 percent). Texas also had a
lower percentage of adults 25 years of age and over with a bachelor's degree or
higher (29.3 percent) compared to the nation (31.5 percent).
The educational attainment of the population in Texas differed by county.
Kenedy County in the Rio Grande Valley region had the highest percentage of
adults 25 years of age and over with less than a high school education (66.3
percent), followed by Starr County in the Rio Grande Valley region (48.5
percent) and Presidio County in the West Texas region (47.6 percent).
Collin County in the North Texas region had the lowest percentage of adults
25 years of age and over with less than a high school education (6.3
percent), followed by Carson County in the Panhandle region (6.4 percent)
and Williamson County in the Central Texas region (6.8 percent).
Collin County in the North Texas region had the highest percentage of adults
25 years of age and over with a bachelor's degree or higher (51.7 percent),
followed by Travis County in the Central Texas region (48.6 percent) and Fort
Bend County in the Gulf Coast region (46.1 percent).
Loving County in the West Texas region had the lowest percentage of adults
25 years of age and over with a bachelor's degree or higher (0.0 percent),
followed by Kenedy County in the Rio Grande Valley region (6.8 percent) and
Hudspeth County in the West Texas region (6.9 percent).
From 2014 to 2018, Texas and the nation had similar rates of unemployment for
individuals 16 years of age and over, 5.4 percent and 5.9 percent, respectively.
Among adults between 25 and 64 years of age with less than a high school
education, Texas had a lower unemployment rate (6.0 percent) compared to the
nation (9.0 percent). Likewise, Texas had a lower unemployment rate among adults
between 25 and 64 years of age with a high school diploma or equivalent as their
highest level of educational attainment (5.4 percent) compared to the nation (6.3
percent). As was seen nationwide, the Texas unemployment rate decreased as
education level increased. The unemployment rate for both Texas and the nation
was 2.8 percent among adults between 25 and 64 years of age with a bachelor’s
degree or higher.
The unemployment rate in Texas differed by county.
For instance:
McMullen County in the Rio Grande Valley region had the highest
unemployment rate for individuals 16 years of age and over (17.9 percent),
followed by Dimmit County in the South Texas region (16.4 percent) and
Dickens County in the Panhandle region (15.5 percent).
Crockett County, Glasscock County, and Loving County in the West Texas
region and Kenedy County in the Rio Grande Valley region had the lowest
unemployment rates for individuals 16 years of age and over (0.0 percent).
Figure 7. Percentage of Population Unemployed by County, Texas, 2014-2018
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2014-2018.
Texas had a higher percentage of the civilian noninstitutionalized population without
health insurance (17.4 percent) compared to the nation (9.4 percent) from 2014 to
Moreover, Texas had the highest uninsured rate among the states. Among
individuals under 19 years of age, Texas had a higher uninsured rate (10.6 percent)
compared to the nation (5.2 percent). Texas also had a higher uninsured rate
among adults between 19 and 64 years of age (23.6 percent) compared to the
nation (13.2 percent). The uninsured rates for adults 65 years of age and older in
Texas and the nation were the most similar when compared to the age groups
listed above, 1.9 percent and 0.8 percent, respectively.
The uninsured rate in Texas differed by county.
For instance:
Starr County in the Rio Grande Valley region had the highest percentage of
the civilian noninstitutionalized population without health insurance (33.4
percent), followed by Gaines County (31.7 percent) and Menard County
(31.4 percent) in the West Texas region.
Borden County in the West Texas region had the lowest percentage of the
civilian noninstitutionalized population without health insurance (4.7
percent), followed by Kent County in the North Texas region (5.5 percent)
and Armstrong County in the Panhandle region (7.6 percent).
Figure 8. Percentage of Population Uninsured by County, Texas, 2014-2018
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2014-2018.
3. Health Indicators
Health Status
In 2017, the life expectancy for Texas residents at birth was 78.2 years, while life
expectancy for the United States population was 78.6 years.
A male infant born
in Texas in 2017 could expect to live 75.7 years, while a female infant could expect
to live 80.7 years. Overall life expectancy at birth for black Texas residents (74.5
years) was lower than that for Hispanic residents (79.4 years) and white/other
racial/ethnic residents (78.3 years). Within racial/ethnic groups, there were also
disparities by gender, as demonstrated in the figure below.
Figure 9. Life Expectancy by Race and Gender, Texas, 2017
Source: Texas Department of State Health Services, Vital Statistics, 2017.
When asked to assess their own health in the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance
System (BRFSS), 19.1 percent of Texans 18 years and over in 2018 reported that
their health in general was fair or poor.
This rate was slightly lower than that in
2017 (20.8 percent). In 2018, according to the National Survey of Children’s
Health, only 2.2 percent of children aged 0 to 17 years had fair or poor health in
The 2018 BRFSS results indicate that self-reported health status for Texas adults
varied by demographic and socioeconomic factors.
A higher proportion of females
(20.5 percent) reported having fair or poor health than males (17.7 percent). In
terms of race/ethnicity, 22.9 percent of Hispanics reported having fair or poor
health compared to 20.7 percent of blacks, 16.0 percent of other races/ethnicities,
and 15.9 percent of whites.
When evaluated by income level, a higher proportion of adults with an income of
less than $25,000 reported having fair or poor health compared to those with an
income of at least $50,000 (see figure below).
Perception of fair or poor health
was also associated with education level. For example, adults without a high school
diploma (39.9 percent) were more likely to report being in fair or poor health than
those who had a college degree (7.5 percent).
Figure 10. Percent Reporting Health as Fair or Poor by Income, Texas, 2018
Source: Texas Department of State Health Services, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2018.
Infant Mortality
Infant mortality is defined as a death occurring in the first year of life.
The infant
mortality rate is defined as the number of infant deaths under one year of age per
1,000 live births. It is an important health outcome that is often used as a measure
of the overall health of a given population. It also reflects the health status of
mothers and children and serves as an indication of underlying racial/ethnic,
socioeconomic, and geographic disparities.
The total number of infant deaths in Texas was 2,209 in 2017.
The infant
mortality rate in 2017 remained the same as in 2013 at 5.8 per 1,000 live births.
Texas’ infant mortality rate was at or below the national rate from 2009 to 2018.
Though the infant mortality rate remains low in Texas, the racial/ethnic disparity in
the rate has persisted.
Infant mortality remains a significant public health issue
for black families. The infant mortality rate for black mothers (11.0) was more than
two times higher than the rates for Hispanic mothers (5.4) and white mothers
(4.8). For non-Hispanic mothers from other races/ethnicities, the infant mortality
rate was 3.9 per 1,000 births.
Low Birth Weight
Low birth weight is an important marker for the well-being of infants and can be a
predictor of infant mortality.
In 2017, the rate of low birth weight in Texas was
8.4 percent.
In 2017, the leading cause of death for black infants in Texas was
short gestation and low birth weight, while the leading cause of death for white
infants and Hispanic infants was congenital malformation.
The percentage of
babies born weighing less than 2,500 grams has not profoundly changed in Texas
since 2009 (8.5 percent). Texas has been above the national rate and is currently
not meeting the Healthy People 2020 target of 7.8 percent of live births weighing
less than 2,500 grams.
As with infant mortality, black mothers in Texas had a disproportionally high
percentage of infants being born with low birth weight in 2017.
For example,
13.9 percent of infants born to black mothers had low birth weight compared with
7.9 percent of infants born to Hispanic mothers and 7.1 percent of infants born to
white mothers. The low birth weight rate was also higher among mothers in the
other racial/ethnic group (8.9 percent).
Diabetes and Hypertension
Diabetes has remained the seventh leading cause of death in Texas since 2014.
There were 5,991 deaths caused by diabetes in 2018.
According to 2018 Texas
BRFSS data, 12.6 percent of adults 18 years and older reported that they had been
told by a doctor, nurse, or other health professional that they had diabetes.
Results also indicate that 24.3 percent of adult Texans who did not earn a high
school diploma reported having been diagnosed with diabetes compared to 8.0
percent of those who were college graduates. A higher proportion of adults with an
income of less than $25,000 (17.9 percent) reported having been diagnosed with
diabetes than those with an income greater than or equal to $50,000 (7.9 percent).
In terms of geography, the proportion of diagnosed diabetes among adults was
higher in border counties (18.1 percent) than the rest of Texas (that is, non-border
counties: 13.7 percent).
There are 32 border counties in Texas, and these
counties are within 100 kilometers of the Texas-Mexico border. Overall, income
disparities for those with diagnosed diabetes making less than $25,000 were more
substantial in border counties than in non-border counties, as demonstrated in the
figure below.
Figure 11. Percent Reporting Diagnosed Diabetes by Income and County, Texas,
Source: Texas Department of State Health Services, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2018.
According to 2018 Texas BRFSS data, about one-third (34.5 percent) of adults 18
years and over reported that they had been told by a doctor, nurse, or other health
professional that they had high blood pressure.
The prevalence of diagnosed
hypertension was 37.8 percent among males compared to 31.6 percent among
females. Black adults (46.9 percent) had the highest proportion of diagnosed
hypertension, followed by white adults (41.7 percent), adults from other
races/ethnicities (28.7 percent), and Hispanic adults (23.3 percent).
Additionally, obesity is related to the prevalence of diagnosed hypertension (see
figure below).
The BRFSS has a body mass index (BMI) value that was calculated
from self-reported height and weight information in order to measure obesity and
overweight. In 2018, 43.6 percent of adult Texans who were obese (BMI>30) had
been diagnosed with hypertension compared to 32.9 percent of adults who were
overweight but not obese (BMI 25-29) and 18.8 percent of adults who were in the
normal weight range (BMI<25). The figure below also shows a similar increasing
relationship between BMI value and the prevalence of diagnosed diabetes; a higher
proportion of overweight or obese adults reported having diagnosed diabetes than
adults in the normal weight range.
Figure 12. Prevalence of Hypertension and Diabetes by BMI Category, Texas, 2018
Source: Texas Department of State Health Services, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2018.
Obesity is recognized as a risk factor for not only hypertension and type two
diabetes but also coronary heart disease, certain types of cancer, sleep apnea and
breathing problems, and gallbladder disease.
BMI is a practical measure of an
individual’s weight in relation to height.
The terms ‘overweight’ and ‘obese’ refer
to body weight that is greater than what is considered healthy for a certain height.
According to 2018 BRFSS data, 69.5 percent of Texas adults aged 18 years and
older were classified as overweight or obese.
In 2018, 34.8 percent of adults were
classified as overweight (BMI 25-29) and 34.8 percent were classified as obese
The BRFSS results indicate that there were differences in the
prevalence of obesity among different gender and racial/ethnic groups. Black
females (47.5 percent) had the highest proportion classified as obese, followed by
Hispanic females (40.5 percent), white females (30.1 percent), and females from
other races/ethnicities (18.4 percent).
In contrast, Hispanic males (39.8 percent)
had the highest proportion classified as obese, followed by white males (31.7
percent), black males (26.5 percent), and males from other races/ethnicities (14.8
percent). Among females, results by income indicate that those with an income of
less than $25,000 (45.7 percent) had the highest proportion classified as obese,
followed by those with an income between $25,000 and $49,999 (34.9 percent)
and those with an income of at least $50,000 (30.1 percent). Males had similar
proportions of obesity across income categories; 34.6 percent of those making less
than $25,000, 30.0 percent of those making between $25,000 and $49,000, and
35.4 percent of those making at least $50,000.
Childhood obesity is also a serious problem in the nation.
For children and
adolescents, obesity is defined as a BMI at or above the 95th percentile of the
gender-specific BMI-for-age growth charts from the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, and overweight is defined as a BMI between the 85th and 94th
According to Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) data, 16.9 percent
of Texas students in grades nine through 12 were obese in 2019.
Male students
(20.6 percent) were more likely to be obese than female students (13.0 percent).
The 2018 National Survey of Children’s Health results indicate that 15.0 percent of
children aged 10 to 17 years in Texas were obese, and an additional 18.1 percent
were overweight.
By age group, 18.8 percent of children aged 10 to 13 years
were obese compared to 9.9 percent of children aged 14 to 17 years.
Tobacco use increases the risk of several types of cancer, including cancers of the
throat, lung, mouth, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, kidney, bladder, and cervix,
and acute myeloid leukemia.
Smoking increases the risk of heart disease, heart
failure, and heart attack.
The 2018 BRFSS results indicate that 14.4 percent of Texas adults 18 years and
older were current smokers.
This rate was higher than the Healthy People 2020
target of 12.0 percent.
By age group, the proportion of current smokers was
highest among adults between 45 and 64 years of age (18.8 percent). Males (17.5
percent) were more likely to be current smokers than females (11.4 percent).
Based on the current smoker measure in the Texas YRBS, adolescent smoking in
Texas has been steadily decreasing.
The 2019 YRBS results indicate that 4.9
percent of Texas high school students smoked cigarettes on at least one day within
the 30 days prior to the survey. This was a decrease from the 2013 YRBS, which
was 14.1 percent. Twelfth graders (9.8 percent) were more likely than ninth
graders (2.7 percent) to report current cigarette smoking in 2019.
According to a review in the New England Journal of Medicine, vaping may be less
harmful than tobacco smoking, but both may cause detrimental health effects.
The amount of nicotine, flavorings, and added chemical agents vary greatly
between electronic nicotine delivery systems, and this product diversity makes it
difficult to evaluate the health effects of electronic nicotine delivery systems. While
electronic nicotine delivery system products have been advertised as a means to
quit traditional smoking, there are no devices approved by the Food and Drug
Administration for this purpose.
The 2017 results from the Texas YRBS indicate that 41.2 percent of high school
students reported having ever used an electronic vapor product, and that rose to
48.7 percent in 2019.
In 2017, 10.3 percent of high school students surveyed
reported using an electronic vapor product on at least one day within the 30 days
prior to the survey. In 2019, that number rose to 18.7 percent. In 2019, white
students (30.9 percent) were more likely to report using an electronic vapor
product on at least one day within the 30 days prior to the survey than Hispanic
students (14.5 percent), students from other races/ethnicities (14.3 percent), and
black students (9.8 percent). Among students who reported current electronic
vapor product usage and were under 18 years of age, 15.3 percent reported usually
getting their own electronic vapor products by buying them in a store or gas station
during the past 30 days.
Teen Births
Teen pregnancy and childbearing have both short- and long-term adverse effects
for teen parents, their children, and their community.
Children of teen mothers
face increased costs for health care, incarceration, and lost tax revenue. Teen
pregnancy and childbirth are also significant contributors to drop out rates among
high school girls. A study analyzing National Longitudinal Survey of Youth data
(1997 cohort) found that only one-half of teen mothers received a high school
diploma by 22 years of age compared to almost nine in 10 young women who did
not give birth as teens.
In 2017, a total of 26,954 babies were born to females aged 15 to 19 years in
Texas, yielding a live birth rate of 27.1 per 1,000 females in this age group.
rate was a record low for Texas since 2009 but was still substantially higher than
the corresponding 2017 teen birth rate in the nation (18.8 per 1,000
The figure below illustrates the teen pregnancy rate by county.
Figure 13. Teen Birth Rate by County of Residence, Texas, 2017
Source: Texas Department of State Health Services, Vital Statistics, 2017.
Mammography Screening
One important preventive health service that women receive is mammography
screening. Screening mammograms can be used to check for signs of breast cancer
in women who have no symptoms of the disease and to find microcalcifications
(small calcium deposits in breast soft tissue) that sometimes indicate the presence
of breast cancer.
Early detection of breast cancer with mammography screening
implies that treatment can be started earlier in the course of the disease, possibly
before it has spread. Mammography screening can help reduce the number of
deaths from breast cancer among women aged 40 to 74 years, especially for those
over the age of 50.
The 2018 Texas BRFSS results indicate that 31.4 percent of females aged 40 years
and older reported not having a mammogram in the past two years.
A higher
proportion of females from other races/ethnicities (59.4 percent) reported not
having a mammogram in the past two years compared to Hispanic females (33.7
percent), white females (29.9 percent), and black females (22.2 percent).
Uninsured females (47.2 percent) were more likely to report not having a
mammogram in the past two years compared to insured females (28.9 percent).
The influenza, or flu, vaccine protects against the influenza virus, a viral illness
which causes hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations and up to tens of thousands
of deaths each year.
Though the flu vaccine may not always prevent flu infection,
it may reduce the severity of illness and the risk of children dying from the flu. The
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends annual flu vaccines to
everyone six months and older. Adults 65 years and older are particularly
vulnerable to the flu, accounting for up to 85 percent of flu-related deaths and over
half of flu-related hospitalizations.
As such, it is important individuals in this age
group receive the flu vaccine annually.
For the 2018-2019 flu season, Texas had comparable flu vaccination rates
compared to the national average across all age groups.
The Texas vaccination
rate for all adults was 43.2 percent. However, Texas did see an increase in flu
vaccination coverage from the prior flu season across all age groups, with the
majority being a significant increase. Despite this increase, all age groups failed to
meet the Healthy People 2020 target of 70 percent, with vaccination coverage
estimates of 61.8 percent for children (six months to 17 years) and 43.2 percent for
adults (18 years and older).
Adults 65 years and older did have a much higher
vaccination rate than adults 18 to 64, 67.5 percent compared to 37.7 percent.
Dental Care
Oral health affects overall health and well-being throughout life.
Oral diseases and
infections are associated with various health problems, including heart disease,
stroke, diabetes, and negative pregnancy outcomes.
Regular dental care is essential to promote oral health and to prevent and treat
tooth decay and infection. Based on 2018 BRFSS data, 60.7 percent of adults aged
18 years and over in Texas reported that they had visited a dentist or dental clinic
for any reason within the past year, while 39.3 percent reported that they had
This measure is only a basic indicator of dental care utilization since it does
not capture any information on the type of care received, the total amount of care
received, or whether a treatment plan was completed. However, it is an informative
measure of whether an individual is accessing dental care or not.
A higher proportion of Hispanic adults (45.3 percent) reported not visiting a dentist
or dental clinic for any reason within the past year compared to black adults (39.6
percent), adults from other races/ethnicities (38.9 percent), and white adults (34.4
Lower income adults were much more likely than those with higher
income to report not visiting a dentist or dental clinic in the past year (see figure
below), indicating that financial barriers may keep many from receiving timely
dental care. Adults without a high school diploma (57.6 percent) were more likely
to report not visiting a dentist or dental clinic in the past year compared to college
graduates (24.1 percent).
Figure 14. Percent Reporting Not Visiting a Dentist or Dental Clinic in the Past Year
by Income, Texas, 2018
Source: Texas Department of State Health Services, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2018.
In terms of geography, adults in border counties (51.6 percent) were more likely
than those living in non-border counties (39.7 percent) to report not visiting a
dentist or dental clinic for any reason within the past year.
Similarly, non-
metropolitan counties (54.7 percent) were more likely than metropolitan counties
(39.0 percent) to report not visiting a dentist or dental clinic in the past year.
Based on data from the 2018 National Survey of Children’s Health, 85.9 percent of
children aged one to 17 years in Texas had no oral health problems in the past 12
According to responses from caregivers of children in this age group, 7.6
percent of Texas children had teeth that were in fair or poor condition, 17.4 percent
had teeth in good condition, and 75.0 percent had teeth in excellent or very good
condition. On the other hand, 26.7 percent of Texas children aged one to five years
had received no preventive dental care in the past 12 months compared to 18.1
percent of children aged six to 11 years and 23.2 percent of children aged 12 to 17
years. Lack of preventive dental care varied by health insurance status. Children
without current health insurance (47.8 percent) were more likely to have received
no preventive dental care in the past 12 months than those with either private
health insurance (19.6 percent) or public health insurance (16.2 percent).
According to data from the 2018-2019 Basic Screening Survey, 19.7 percent of
Texas children in kindergarten had untreated tooth decay.
Additionally, 17.5
percent of third grade students in the 2017-2018 survey had untreated dental
Mental Health
Mental illnesses, such as depression and anxiety, affect people’s ability to
participate in health-promoting behaviors.
Depression is not only associated with
substance use and the development of hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, and
stroke, but it is also a risk factor for suicide attempts.
When asked to assess their own mental health status, including stress, depression,
and problems with emotions, 20.4 percent of adult Texans surveyed in the 2018
BRFSS said that their mental health was not good for five or more days during the
past 30 days.
Self-reported poor mental health for five or more days was more
likely among females (22.8 percent) than males (17.9 percent). Black adults (22.4
percent) reported the highest proportion of poor mental health for five or more
days, followed by white adults (21.0 percent), Hispanic adults (19.3 percent), and
adults from other races/ethnicities (17.6 percent).
Results also indicate that 16.5 percent of adults in Texas had ever been diagnosed
as having a depressive disorder (including depression, major depression,
dysthymia, or minor depression) by a doctor, nurse, or other health professional.
The prevalence of diagnosed depressive disorders among females (21.9 percent)
was higher than the rate among males (11.0 percent). Both black and white adults
reported a similar prevalence of diagnosed depressive disorders (18.3 percent and
19.3 percent, respectively); these prevalence estimates were higher than those
reported for Hispanic adults (13.0 percent) and adults from other races/ethnicities
(12.8 percent). In addition, 3.3 percent of adults in Texas reported having ever
seriously considered attempting suicide during the past 12 months. Adults aged 18
to 29 years (7.4 percent) reported the highest proportion of having ever seriously
considered attempting suicide during the past 12 months, followed by adults aged
30 to 44 years (3.9 percent) and adults 65 years and older (1.0 percent). Results
by age were not available for adults between the ages of 45 and 64 years.
In Texas, suicide was the second leading cause of death for adolescents and young
adults aged 15 to 24 years in 2015.
According to 2019 Texas YRBS data, 18.9
percent of high school students reported that they had seriously considered
attempting suicide during the past 12 months, and 10.0 percent of students
reported making at least one suicide attempt during the past 12 months.
A higher
proportion of female students (12.4 percent) reported making at least one suicide
attempt during the past 12 months than male students (7.5 percent), and a higher
proportion of black students (12.3 percent) reported such than Hispanic students
(10.4 percent), white students (9.5 percent), and students from other
races/ethnicities (7.0 percent).
According to the 2018 and 2019 National Surveys on Drug Use and Health from the
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, an average of 8.9
percent of adults 18 years and older had used illicit drugs in the last month
compared to 7.1 percent of children aged 12 to 17 years.
An average of 6.5
percent of adults aged 18 years and older had substance abuse disorder, and 5.0
percent had alcohol use disorder. Of adults 18 years and older, 3.7 percent
reported the misuse of pain relievers in the previous year compared to 2.9 percent
of children aged 12 to 17 years. Of children aged 12 to 17 years, 7.1 percent
reported illicit drug use in the past month, and 4.6 percent reported binge alcohol
4. Texas Designation Areas
Development of shortage designations is a constant focus and priority of the Texas
PCO based upon the number of rural and underserved areas and populations
existing within the state. In the PCO’s mission to identify geographic areas or
population groups with the greatest unmet health care needs, disparities, and
health workforce shortages, shortage designations serve a critical role in the
prioritization of both federal and state resources to overcome Texas’ challenges in
improving primary care delivery.
Health Professional Shortage Area Designations
HPSAs are federal designations identified by the U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration. HPSA designations
identify and indicate geographic areas or population groups with a deficit in primary
care services within medical, dental, and mental health categories. HPSA
designations are used as an eligibility requirement for numerous federal programs
and resources available to primary care providers such as the Conrad 30 J-1 Visa
Waiver program and the NHSC scholarship and loan repayment programs. It is a
priority for Texas to make sure that HPSA designations are updated so that as
many resources and programs as possible are available to Texas providers, and are
regularly updated every four years as required. Defined primary care service areas
(census tracts or counties) can receive either a geographic or population group
HPSA designation.
For a service area to receive a geographic HPSA designation:
The defined geographic service area for health service delivery must be
considered rational;
The population to provider full-time equivalency ratio in the rational service
area must exceed the defined population to provider ratio (table on the
following page); and
Health care resources in contiguous areas of the rational service area must
be over-utilized, or exhibit excessive distance or inaccessibility.
In instances where a defined primary care service area does not meet shortage
criteria for geographic HPSA designation, a population group HPSA may be possible.
For a service area to receive a population group designation, a population (i.e., low-
income, migrant farm worker, etc.) within the service area must have barriers to
accessing primary care. Furthermore, the population group, access barriers, and
ratio of persons in the population group to the full-time equivalent (FTE) of
providers serving it must be defined. Barriers to accessing primary care can include
aspects such as health insurance coverage, poverty level, perceived affordability of
health care, office or appointment wait times, and travel time or distance to the
nearest primary care provider.
Table 1. Population to Provider Ratios for HPSA Designations
Geographic HPSA
Geographic High Needs and
Population Group HPSA
Primary Care
>= 3,500:1 physician
>= 3,000:1 physician
>= 5,000:1 dentist
>= 4,000:1 dentist
Mental Health
>= 6,000:1 core mental
health provider and
20,000:1 psychiatrist*
>= 4,500:1 core mental
health provider and 15,000:1
* Or a population to core mental health provider ratio >= 6,000:1 or a population to psychiatrist ratio of
** Or a population to core mental health provider ratio >= 6,000:1 or a population to psychiatrist ratio of
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Shortage
Designation Management System: Manual for Policies and Procedures, September 24, 2020.
As defined by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, primary care
and mental health designations may receive a score from 1 to 25.
designations can receive a score ranging from 1 to 26. A higher score is
synonymous with a greater shortage of providers for the geographic area or
population group and represents a higher priority for available primary care
programs and resources.
HPSAs are required to be updated once every four years and are permitted to be
designated in non-concurrent years by a state PCO. As a result, designation
statistics may not accurately reflect current health workforce shortages or
population health care needs which are continuously influenced by a number of
dynamic socio-demographic factors that may result in sudden changes in population
and demographics, and/or migration of health providers. However, HPSA scores
and statistics are important to note, as they still provide the most accurate four-
year time-series data available, gathered directly from health providers through
data collection activities by state PCOs. According to the Health Resources and
Services Administration within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
there were 7,226 designated primary care HPSAs, 6,492 designated dental HPSAs,
and 5,766 designated mental health HPSAs across the United States as of
November 2020.
Based upon the established population to provider ratios for each
discipline, approximately 15,039 primary care physicians, 10,783 dentists, and
6,559 psychiatrists would be needed to eliminate designations nationwide as of
November 2020.
Primary Care Health Professional Shortage Areas
As of November 2020, there were 257 primary care HPSAs in Texas, including 154
designations for geographic areas and 103 designations for population groups.
the state’s 254 counties, 136 counties (53.5 percent) had a geographic designation
and 99 counties (39.0 percent) had a population designation for primary care.
Figure 15. Primary Care HPSAs, Texas, November 2020
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Data
Warehouse, November 2020.
Dental Health Professional Shortage Areas
As of November 2020, there were 149 dental HPSAs in Texas, including 114
designations for geographic areas and 35 designations for population groups.
the state’s 254 counties, 108 counties (42.5 percent) had a geographic designation
and 33 counties (13.0 percent) had a population designation in the dental
Figure 16. Dental HPSAs, Texas, November 2020
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Data
Warehouse, November 2020.
Mental Health Care Health Professional Shortage Areas
As of November 2020, there were 251 mental health HPSAs in Texas, including 201
designations for geographic areas and 50 designations for population groups.
the state’s 254 counties, 204 counties (80.3 percent) had a geographic designation
and 44 counties (17.3 percent) had a population designation for mental health.
Figure 17. Mental Health HPSAs, Texas, November 2020
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Data
Warehouse, November 2020.
Medically Underserved Areas and Medically
Underserved Populations
In order to be designated, MUAs and MUPs must have an Index of Medical
Underservice score of less than 62.
The Index of Medical Underservice is
calculated based on the following:
Ratio of primary care providers per 1,000 population;
Percentage of the population at 100 percent of the federal poverty level;
Percentage of the population age 65 and over; and
Infant mortality rate.
Figure 18. MUAs and MUPs, Texas, November 2020
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Data
Warehouse, November 2020.
Medically Underserved Areas
MUAs have a shortage of primary care physicians in geographic areas such as a
Whole county;
Group of neighboring counties;
Group of census tracts; or
Group of county or civil divisions.
There were 179 MUAs in Texas as of November 2020.
Medically Underserved Populations
MUPs are specific sub-groups living in a defined area with a shortage of primary
care physicians.
Some examples of these sub-groups are:
Native American; and
Migrant farmworkers.
There were 19 MUPs in Texas as of November 2020.
5. Rural Health
This section discusses the health outcomes, health disparities, and demographic
differences throughout the state of Texas. Additionally, the unique challenges faced
by hospitals and health practices are discussed.
Health Outcomes in Rural Areas
Nationally, residents in rural areas have a lower life expectancy than residents in
urban areas.
Those in rural areas are more likely to smoke, less likely to exercise,
and have less nutritional diets than those in suburban areas.
These factors
contribute to higher mortality rates and higher rates of chronic diseases in rural
areas. Rural residents are more likely to have hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, and
high cholesterol than urban residents. Rural areas also have higher age-adjusted
mortality for heart disease, cancer, chronic respiratory disease, and stroke.
children are more likely to be obese than urban children.
In 2014, the age-
adjusted, all-cause mortality was 830.5 per 100,000 population in rural
communities and 703.5 in urban communities.
Rural residents were also more
likely to die due to unintentional injury, drug poisoning, and suicide than urban
Rural health in Texas faces both similar and unique challenges compared to rural
health nationally.
The rural populations of Texas are incredibly diverse; the rural
East Texas region is very different from the rural Rio Grande Valley region. For
example, the Texas-Mexico border area is predominantly Hispanic (88.4 percent)
compared with the rest of the state (35.5 percent).
There are colonias, which are
residential area[s] lacking some basic infrastructure like a drinking water supply,
sewage treatment, paved roads, adequate drainage, etc.
Adult residents of
colonias report worse physical health compared to adults nationally and Hispanic
adults as a whole.
Emergency Medical Services
Emergency medical services (EMS) face challenges in rural Texas.
requirements for EMS personnel increase and access to training in rural Texas
decreases, this exacerbates staffing issues in rural Texas. Rural EMS providers tend
to be staffed less than urban EMS. Additionally, a study found that rural EMS are
more likely to lose staff to burnout than urban EMS. The closure of rural hospitals
also puts strain on EMS by increasing drive times to facilities.
The Texas
Department of Transportation Safety Division through the Texas A&M Engineering
Extension Service provides funding for Texas Rural/Frontier EMS training; however,
funds are limited.
Telehealth and Telemedicine
The current coronavirus pandemic has resulted in the rapid expansion of telehealth
and telemedicine services. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has
expanded the number of services eligible for telehealth.
Additionally, Governor
Abbott issued emergency rules expanding telehealth and telemedicine.
A Texas
A&M University report identified telemedicine as a way for rural residents to access
subspecialist services and for expanding services offered by nurse practitioners and
physician assistants.
Broadband access is a barrier to receiving telehealth and
telemedicine in rural areas of Texas.
There are over 2 million households in Texas
without high-speed internet access.
Fiber infrastructure and broadband access
have been identified as a key concern among rural residents.
Challenges for Older Adults in Rural Areas
Nationally, the rural population is older than the urban population.
In 2015, the
median age was 51 years in rural areas and 45 in urban areas. Rural communities
also had a higher proportion of people aged 65 and older in 2016, as this age group
comprised 18.4 percent of the population in rural areas compared to 14.5 percent
in urban areas. According to the Texas Demographic Center, rural counties
experienced the greatest increases in median age from 2010 to 2018.
instance, 18 percent of rural counties saw an age increase of two to four years, and
16 percent saw an increase of more than four years. Metro counties saw an age
increase of two to four years in 13 percent of counties and more than four years in
only 2 percent of counties. Older adults are at higher risk of chronic disease, and
many manage two or more chronic conditions.
Because of this, older adults often
require more complex health care that may be more difficult to receive in rural
Challenges for Low-Income and Uninsured Populations in Rural
In 2018, Texas had the highest number of uninsured people in any state.
households also report a lower median income than urban households.
In 2016,
the median income was $46,000 for rural households and $62,000 for urban
households. Moreover, the poverty rate was 16.9 percent in rural areas and 13.6
percent in urban areas. In 2013, the food insecurity rate was 15.8 percent in rural
communities and 14.5 percent in urban communities. Low-income communities
have limited access to fresh foods and built environments that are not conducive to
physical activity.
Income and poverty have been established as being associated
with health and mortality.
In summation, people that live in rural areas tend to have poorer health outcomes
when compared to their urban counterparts. These issues are highlighted by the
lower incomes and lower insurance rates in rural areas. These issues make rural
health complex and highlight why the issues surrounding facilities and providers, as
discussed below, are particularly important.
Hospital Closures and Nursing Facilities
Access to quality health services was identified as the top priority in rural health
over the last decade.
Types of access that were identified as the most concerning
include emergency services, primary care, and insurance. Since 2010, 26 rural
hospitals have closed in Texas.
Hospital closures in rural areas negatively impact
access to care and potentially health outcomes as well.
Hospital closures lead to
loss of access to emergency care, making emergency medical transport even more
important. For patients that rely on hospitals for specialty care or referrals, they
lose that access as well. In particular, communities often lose access to obstetric
care, mental health care, and diagnostic testing when hospitals close. Communities
that lose hospitals have a difficult time recruiting employers and industries to the
Hospital closures can lead to increases in the amount of time patients must travel.
Longer travel times can lead to negative health outcomes, especially for conditions
like traumatic injuries and stroke.
There was a significant amount of nursing home closures between June 2015 and
June 2019.
According to a Leading Age report, there were 555 nursing home
closures nationwide during these years, including 65 in Texas. Moreover, 40
percent of the nursing home closures in Texas were in rural areas.
In 2018, Texas had the highest number of uninsured people in any state, and Texas
has not expanded Medicaid through the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
expansion and the ACA resulted in an increase in the number of insured people and,
therefore, a decrease in the amount that is provided by the federal government for
uncompensated care.
People of color are more likely to be low-income and
uninsured, so Medicaid expansion affects them more significantly.
the ACA expansion of Medicaid has been found to be associated with reduced
probabilities of hospital closures.
In particular, rural hospitals saw “significantly
improved total, operating, and Medicaid and uncompensated care margins related
to the ACA’s Medicaid expansion.”
Data from the Health Professions Resource Center at the Texas Department of
State Health Services indicate that there was a 41.9 percent difference between the
number of primary care physicians in metropolitan and non-metropolitan Texas
counties in 2019. The difference of all direct patient care physicians between
metropolitan and non-metropolitan counties was 77.8 percent. In 2019, there were
32 counties in Texas with no primary care physicians and 28 counties with no direct
patient care physicians.
Health care clinics may close due to physician retirement or because they, like
hospitals, are not financially solvent. Clinic closures in rural Texas can lead to
longer drives to access care and delaying care due to the distance.
A Texas
Observer article highlights this by describing how since the clinic in Cottle County
closed, one resident must drive 30 minutes to Childress County, the next closest
clinic. Residents in rural areas must make hard choices about whether or not to
move to obtain better access to care, especially as they age.
Older Providers
As illustrated by data from the Health Professions Resource Center, direct patient
care physicians in rural Texas areas tend to be older. In 2019, the average age of
direct patient care physicians was 50.7 years in metropolitan counties and 55.3
years in non-metropolitan counties.
As physicians in rural areas age and retire, they may leave practices that have to
close because there are no physicians in the area to continue the practice.
the nurse practitioner who ran the only health clinic in Memphis, Texas retired, the
clinic closed. Now residents must drive approximately 140 miles to receive care.
Obstetric Services
According to Health Professions Resource Center data, there was an 81.4 percent
difference between the number of obstetricians and gynecologists in metropolitan
and non-metropolitan Texas counties in 2019. Projections show that the shortage of
obstetricians and gynecologists is projected to continue through 2032 in seven of
the eight public health regions in Texas.
Nationally, the number of hospitals providing obstetric care in rural areas has
decreased over the last 20 years.
This can lead to increased travel time for
women in rural areas. A study that examined factors associated with rural obstetric
unit closures found that common risk factors included: low number of births,
private hospital ownership, low number of family physicians in county, and lower
income county.
As obstetric units close, women must drive farther distances to give birth.
may be dangerous for women with high-risk pregnancies or complications. Obstetric
unit closures in rural counties that are not adjacent to urban counties are
associated with higher rates of preterm births.
6. Statewide and Regional Health Workforce
The Texas Department of State Health Services contracted IHS Markit to produce
dental supply and demand projections from 2018 through 2030 and physician
supply and demand projections from 2018 through 2032. These projections are
based on the Health Workforce Model created by IHS Markit. The model includes
two parts: the Health Workforce Supply Model (HWSM) and the Healthcare Demand
Microsimulation Model (HDMM). The HWSM generates the supply projections and
the HDMM generates the demand projections. Both models use a microsimulation
approach for which the unit of analysis is the individual: in this case, providers for
the HWSM and patients for the HDMM. The HWSM reports supply data as a count of
the number of FTEs available to provide patient care. The HDMM models demand
for health care services and providers.
This section includes the summarized statewide and regional results from supply
and demand projections for primary care physicians, all dentists, general dentists,
dental hygienists, and psychiatrists. Primary care physicians include physicians
indicating a specialty in family medicine or practice, general practice, geriatrics,
internal medicine, obstetrics and/or gynecology, or pediatrics. General dentists
include dentists indicating a specialty in general, pediatric, or public health
Primary Care Physicians
In Texas, demand for primary care physicians is projected to exceed supply every
year between 2018 and 2032. The supply of primary care physicians is projected to
grow by 27.0 percent while demand is projected to grow by 33.2 percent,
increasing the shortage of primary care physicians by 59.7 percent from 4,661 FTEs
in 2018 to 7,442 FTEs in 2032.
Calculations in this section are based on unrounded FTE numbers.
Regionally, demand is projected to exceed supply for primary care physicians every
year between 2018 and 2032 in all of Texas’ eight public health regions. Results by
region are listed below.
In the Panhandle region, supply is projected to grow by 40.9 percent while demand
is projected to grow by 15.3 percent, decreasing the shortage of primary care
physicians from 215 FTEs in 2018 to 111 FTEs in 2032. The shortage of primary
care physicians in the North Texas region is projected to increase by 126.3 percent
from 1,060 FTEs in 2018 to 2,398 FTEs in 2032.
The shortage of primary care physicians in the East Texas region is projected to
decrease by 17.2 percent from 384 FTEs in 2018 to 318 FTEs in 2032. In the Gulf
Coast region, supply is projected to grow by 34.7 percent while demand is
projected to grow by 40.6 percent, increasing the shortage of primary care
physicians from 1,282 FTEs in 2018 to 2,115 FTEs in 2032.
In the Central Texas region, the shortage of primary care physicians is projected to
increase by 80.5 percent from 209 FTEs in 2018 to 377 FTEs in 2032. In the South
Texas region, supply is projected to grow by 23.3 percent while demand is
projected to grow by 32.7 percent, increasing the shortage of primary care
physicians from 411 FTEs in 2018 to 744 FTEs in 2032.
The shortage of primary care physicians in the West Texas region is projected to
increase by 4.5 percent from 394 FTEs in 2018 to 412 FTEs in 2032. In the Rio
Grande Valley region from 2018 to 2032, the supply of primary care physician FTEs
is projected to increase by just 3.0 percent while demand is projected to increase
by 15.7 percent. The shortage of primary care physicians in the Rio Grande Valley
region is projected to increase by 37.0 percent from 706 FTEs in 2018 to 967 FTEs
in 2032.
All Dentists
In Texas, demand for all dentists is projected to exceed supply every year between
2018 and 2030. The supply of all dentists is projected to grow by 23.5 percent
while demand is projected to grow by 20.7 percent, decreasing the shortage of all
dentists by 8.4 percent from 1,354 FTEs in 2018 to 1,240 FTEs in 2030.
Regionally, demand is projected to exceed supply for all dentists every year
between 2018 and 2030 in six of Texas’ eight public health regions. Results by
region are listed below.
In the Panhandle region, the shortage of all dentists is projected to decrease by
13.0 percent from 181 FTEs in 2018 to 157 FTEs in 2030. In the East Texas region
from 2018 to 2030, the supply of all dentist FTEs is projected to increase by 19.3
percent while demand is projected to increase by just 2.2 percent. While the supply
deficit is projected to decrease during these years, the East Texas region is still
projected to have a shortage of 347 all dentist FTEs in 2030.
The shortage of all dentists in the Central Texas region is projected to increase by
46.4 percent from 296 FTEs in 2018 to 433 FTEs in 2030. In the South Texas
region, supply and demand are projected to grow at similar rates, 20.8 percent and
21.8 percent, respectively, increasing the shortage of all dentists from 37 FTEs in
2018 to 59 FTEs in 2030.
In the West Texas region, supply is projected to grow by 22.7 percent while
demand is projected to grow by 17.4 percent, increasing the shortage of all dentists
from 263 FTEs in 2018 to 285 FTEs in 2030. In the Rio Grande Valley region, the
shortage of all dentists is projected to decrease by 10.3 percent from 376 FTEs in
2018 to 338 FTEs in 2030.
North Texas and the Gulf Coast are the only regions where the supply of all dentists
is projected to exceed demand every year between 2018 and 2030. In the North
Texas region, the surplus of all dentists is projected to increase by 108.5 percent
from 137 FTEs in 2018 to 285 FTEs in 2030. In the Gulf Coast region, the surplus of
all dentists is projected to increase by 3.0 percent from 91 FTEs in 2018 to 94 FTEs
in 2030.
General Dentists
In Texas, demand for general dentists is projected to exceed supply every year
between 2018 and 2030. The supply of general dentists is projected to grow by
23.2 percent while demand is projected to grow by 21.1 percent, decreasing the
shortage of general dentists by 2.3 percent from 1,049 FTEs in 2018 to 1,026 FTEs
in 2030.
Regionally, demand is projected to exceed supply for general dentists every year
between 2018 and 2030 in six of Texas’ eight public health regions. Results by
region are listed below.
In the Panhandle region, the shortage of general dentists is projected to decrease
by 12.5 percent from 148 FTEs in 2018 to 130 FTEs in 2030. In the East Texas
region from 2018 to 2030, the supply of general dentist FTEs is projected to
increase by 19.6 percent while demand is projected to increase by just 2.4 percent.
While the supply deficit is projected to decrease during these years, the East Texas
region is still projected to have a shortage of 310 general dentist FTEs in 2030.
The shortage of general dentists in the Central Texas region is projected to increase
by 51.6 percent from 250 FTEs in 2018 to 379 FTEs in 2030. In the South Texas
region, supply and demand are projected to grow at similar rates, 20.9 percent and
22.1 percent, respectively, increasing the shortage of general dentists from 34 FTEs
in 2018 to 57 FTEs in 2030.
In the West Texas region, supply is projected to grow by 22.6 percent while
demand is projected to grow by 17.6 percent, increasing the shortage of general
dentists from 239 FTEs in 2018 to 262 FTEs in 2030. In the Rio Grande Valley
region, the shortage of general dentists is projected to decrease by 10.8 percent
from 309 FTEs in 2018 to 276 FTEs in 2030.
North Texas and the Gulf Coast are the only regions where the supply of general
dentists is projected to exceed demand every year between 2018 and 2030. In the
North Texas region, the surplus of general dentists is projected to increase by 52.8
percent from 175 FTEs in 2018 to 268 FTEs in 2030. In the Gulf Coast region, the
surplus of general dentists is projected to decrease by 11.1 percent from 135 FTEs
in 2018 to 120 FTEs in 2030.
Dental Hygienists
In Texas, demand for dental hygienists is projected to exceed supply every year
between 2018 and 2030. The supply of dental hygienists is projected to grow by
17.4 percent while demand is projected to grow by 18.6 percent, increasing the
shortage of dental hygienists by 28.4 percent from 1,638 FTEs in 2018 to 2,103
FTEs in 2030.
Regionally, demand is projected to exceed supply for dental hygienists every year
between 2018 and 2030 in six of Texas’ eight public health regions. Results by
region are listed below.
In the North Texas region, the shortage of dental hygienists is projected to increase
by 51.1 percent from 254 FTEs in 2018 to 384 FTEs in 2030. In the Gulf Coast
region, supply is projected to grow by 15.6 percent while demand is projected to
grow by 23.7 percent, increasing the shortage of dental hygienists from 624 FTEs in
2018 to 1,033 FTEs in 2030.
The shortage of dental hygienists in the Central Texas region is projected to
increase by 116.4 percent from 110 FTEs in 2018 to 238 FTEs in 2030. In the South
Texas region, supply is projected to grow by 18.4 percent while demand is
projected to grow by 21.0 percent, increasing the shortage of dental hygienists
from 77 FTEs in 2018 to 129 FTEs in 2030.
In the West Texas region, the shortage of dental hygienists is projected to increase
by 9.7 percent from 152 FTEs in 2018 to 167 FTEs in 2030. In the Rio Grande
Valley region from 2018 to 2030, the supply of dental hygienist FTEs is projected to
increase by 23.1 percent while demand is projected to increase by 6.9 percent.
While the supply deficit is projected to decrease during these years, the Rio Grande
Valley region is still projected to have a shortage of 248 dental hygienist FTEs in
East Texas is the only region where the shortage of dental hygienists is projected to
improve to a surplus by 2030. It is projected that the shortage of 94 dental
hygienist FTEs in 2018 will improve to a surplus of 17 FTEs in 2030. The Panhandle
is the only region where the supply of dental hygienists is projected to exceed
demand every year between 2018 and 2030. The surplus of dental hygienists in the
Panhandle region is projected to increase from 4 FTEs in 2018 to 79 FTEs in 2030.
In Texas, demand for psychiatrists is projected to exceed supply every year
between 2018 and 2032. The supply of psychiatrists is projected to grow by 29.5
percent while demand is projected to grow by 19.4 percent, decreasing the
shortage of psychiatrists by 1.7 percent from 1,061 FTEs in 2018 to 1,043 FTEs in
Regionally, demand is projected to exceed supply for psychiatrists every year
between 2018 and 2032 in seven of Texas’ eight public health regions. Results by
region are listed below.
In the Panhandle region from 2018 to 2032, the supply of psychiatrist FTEs is
projected to increase by 46.1 percent while demand is projected to increase by just
3.8 percent. While the supply deficit is projected to decrease during these years,
the Panhandle region is still projected to have a shortage of 50 psychiatrist FTEs in
2032. The shortage of psychiatrists in the North Texas region is projected to
increase by 6.3 percent from 375 FTEs in 2018 to 399 FTEs in 2032.
East Texas is the only region where demand for psychiatrists is projected to
decrease from 2018 to 2032. While demand is projected to decrease during these
years, the East Texas region is still projected to have a shortage of 76 psychiatrist
FTEs in 2032. In the Gulf Coast region, supply is projected to grow by 31.3 percent
while demand is projected to grow by 24.7 percent, increasing the shortage of
psychiatrists from 229 FTEs in 2018 to 242 FTEs in 2032.
The shortage of psychiatrists in the South Texas region is projected to increase by
59.3 percent from 70 FTEs in 2018 to 112 FTEs in 2032. In the West Texas region,
supply is projected to grow by 43.5 percent while demand is projected to grow by
18.9 percent, decreasing the shortage of psychiatrists from 69 FTEs in 2018 to 65
FTEs in 2032. The shortage of psychiatrists in the Rio Grande Valley region is
projected to increase by 4.3 percent from 126 FTEs in 2018 to 132 FTEs in 2032.
Central Texas is the only region where the shortage of psychiatrists is projected to
improve to a surplus by 2032. In the Central Texas region, supply is projected to
grow by 45.1 percent while demand is projected to grow by 24.5 percent, leading
to the shortage of 36 psychiatrist FTEs in 2018 improving to a surplus of 32 FTEs in
7. Primary Care Programs and Resources
Primary Care in Texas
Primary care is important to overall health.
Primary care providers offer a
consistent source of care, early disease detection, and chronic disease
management. Primary care includes the following specialties: family medicine or
practice, general practice, geriatrics, internal medicine, obstetrics and/or
gynecology, and pediatrics. Additionally, primary care is associated with better
health outcomes. According to data from the Health Professions Resource Center at
the Texas Department of State Health Services, there were 22,124 primary care
physicians in 2019, which was a 14.8 percent increase from 2014. In 2019, there
were 32 counties in Texas with no primary care physicians. The figure below shows
the distribution of primary care physicians across Texas in 2019.
Figure 19. Primary Care Physicians, Texas, 2019
Source: Texas Department of State Health Services, Health Professions Resource Center, 2019.
Community Health Centers
There are a number of community health centers (CHCs) that provide affordable,
high-quality care in Texas. CHCs provide critical services in Texas, including chronic
condition management, preventative services, dental services, and behavioral
health services.
In 2018, CHCs served 503,601 children, 78,010 homeless
individuals, and 13,159 veterans. Those served were largely low-income, with 65
percent at or below 100 percent poverty and 91 percent at or below 200 percent
poverty, and 76 percent were of a racial/ethnic minority group. Additionally, 41
percent of patients were uninsured, and 28 percent were insured through Medicaid.
CHCs are FQHCs, though not all FQHCs are CHCs; additionally, there are FQHC
look-alikes. There were 72 FQHCs and one FQHC look-alike in Texas as of
November 2020.
These health centers cover 133 of 254 counties. FQHCs and
look-alikes receive access to:
FQHC Prospective Payment System reimbursement for services to Medicare
and Medicaid beneficiaries;
340B Drug Pricing Program discounts for pharmaceutical products;
Free vaccines for uninsured and underinsured children through the Vaccines
for Children Program; and
Assistance in the recruitment and retention of primary care providers through
the NHSC.
Figure 20. FQHCs, Texas, November 2020
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Data
Warehouse, November 2020.
Rural Health Clinics
RHCs must be in a non-urban area, as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau, and in a
HPSA or MUA that has been designated by the Health Resources and Services
Administration within the last four years.
RHCs are required to have a team that
includes non-physician providers such as nurse practitioners and physician
assistants. RHCs are also required to provide outpatient primary care services and
certain laboratory services on-site. As of January 2021, there were 309 RHCs in
Figure 21. RHCs, Texas, November 2020
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Data
Warehouse, November 2020.
Critical Access Hospitals
Critical access hospital is a designation for rural hospitals that meet the following
Have 25 or fewer acute care inpatient beds;
Be farther than 35 miles from another hospital;
Have an annual average stay length of 96 hours or less for acute care
patients; and
Provide emergency services 24 hours per day, seven days per week.
The critical access hospital designation was created to improve access to health
services and reduce the financial vulnerability of rural hospitals.
This designation
provides benefits, including cost-based reimbursement from Medicare, flexible
services and staffing, and access to the Flex Program’s educational resources,
technical assistance, and grants. As of July 2020, Texas had 87 critical access
Conrad 30 J-1 Visa Waiver Program
The Texas PCO at the Texas Department of State Health Services administers the
Texas Conrad 30 J-1 Visa Waiver and National Interest Waiver programs. The
Conrad 30 J-1 Visa Waiver program allows up to 30 physicians to be recommended
by the state to work in designated underserved areas and, in doing so, have the
home residency requirement waived.
A National Interest Waiver is similar and
allows for physicians that work in a designated underserved area for five years (in
most cases) to be eligible to apply for a green card.
Physicians must obtain a
statement from a federal agency or a state department of health that has
knowledge of their qualifications as a physician and that states their work is in the
public interest. This statement is known as an attestation.
Texas remains a popular state in which to do the Conrad 30 J-1 Visa Waiver
Prior to 2018, the program recommended applications on a first-come,
first-serve basis. In 2018, Texas moved to a prioritization system. The priority
window is the first two weeks of September. Applications must meet state and
federal requirements, and there is also a $3,000 fee required by the state.
applications received in this window are considered and ranked based on physician
specialty and underserved area designation. Primarily, primary care physicians
(internal medicine, family practice or medicine, general practice, pediatrics,
obstetrics and/or gynecology, and geriatrics) and mental health specialists are
highest priority. For more information on prioritization, see the Texas Conrad 30 J-1
Visa Waiver program website: www.dshs.texas.gov/chpr/j1info.shtm. After
verifying and processing the applications, the Texas PCO forwards the applications
to the U.S. Department of State. Texas has recommended 578 physicians through
the Conrad 30 J-1 Visa Waiver program since 2002 and issued over 400 National
Interest Waiver letters since 2000.
National Health Service Corps
The NHSC works to increase access to primary care by supporting eligible provider
types in high needs areas.
There are a number of NHSC programs, including the
scholarship program and multiple loan repayment programs, that provide services
at pre-approved NHSC sites in primary care, dental, and/or mental health HPSAs.
NHSC Scholarship Program
: Students receive full tuition, educational expenses,
and a monthly living stipend to pay for their professional school (graduate level). In
exchange, recipients work for two to four years at a high-needs NHSC approved
facility. If recipients have outstanding student loans after they complete their
scholarship, they can transition into the Loan Repayment Program and will not have
to compete with new loan repayment program applicants.
Students to Service Loan Repayment Program
: Certain students in their last year
of training receive loan repayment assistance for four years. In return, recipients
work for three years at an approved NHSC site with a HPSA score of 14 or above. If
recipients have outstanding student loans after they complete their scholarship,
they can transition into the Loan Repayment Program and will not have to compete
with new loan repayment program applicants.
Loan Repayment Program
: After training, providers in certain disciplines and
specialties can apply for student loan repayment assistance in return for working at
an approved NHSC site. There is an initial two-year service obligation that can be
renewed annually with continued eligible service. With continued eligible service,
providers can renew for however many years it takes to repay their student loans.
Substance Use Disorder Workforce Loan Repayment Program
: Providers in certain
disciplines and specialties who provide substance use disorder services at approved
NHSC substance use disorder sites can apply for student loan repayment
assistance. It is a three-year service obligation.
Rural Community Loan Repayment Program
: Providers in certain disciplines and
specialties who are working to combat the opioid epidemic at approved NHSC
substance use disorder sites located in a rural area can apply for student loan
repayment assistance.
It is a three-year service obligation.
There are 673 NHSC sites in Texas.
The types are listed in the table below.
Table 2. Number of NHSC Sites by Type, Texas
Site Type
Critical Access Hospital
Certified RHC
FQHC Look-Alike
Local Mental or Behavioral Health Authority
Substance Use Disorder Facility
Private Clinic
Public Health Clinic
Indian Health Service or Tribal Clinic
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Immigration and Customs Enforcement Medical Facility
State Prison
COVID-19 Temporary Sites
Total NHSC Sites
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Data
There are currently 327 providers in NHSC programs in Texas.
There are a total
of 47 physicians, 25 of which are primary care physicians. There are 27 physician
assistants, 78 nurse practitioners, 4 certified nurse midwives, 41 dentists, 13 dental
hygienists, 3 psychiatrists, 50 licensed professional counselors, 17 licensed clinical
social workers, 5 health service psychologists, 1 marriage and family therapist, 3
mental health physician assistants, 27 mental health nurse practitioners, 9
substance use disorder counselors, and 2 pharmacists.
Nurse Corps
Nurse Corps helps to build healthier communities in urban, rural, and frontier areas
by supporting nurses and nursing students committed to working in communities
with inadequate access to care at a critical shortage facility (CSF) located in a
primary care or mental health HPSA.
In the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program, students in accredited nursing programs
receive tuition, fees, and other educational costs.
In return, recipients work at a
CSF with a HPSA score of 14 or above.
In the Nurse Corps Loan Repayment Program, eligible nurses and nurse faculty
receive financial assistance to repay a portion of their qualifying educational loans
in exchange for full-time service either at a CSF or an eligible school of nursing.
There are currently 16 registered nurses and 25 advance practice nurses providing
services at CSFs through the Nurse Corps programs in Texas.
Joint Admission Medical Program
The Joint Admission Medical Program is funded through the Texas Higher Education
Coordinating Board and is administered by the Joint Admission Medical Program
This program provides services to support and encourage highly
qualified, economically disadvantaged students pursuing a medical education.
Participating students receive:
Undergraduate and graduate scholarships;
Summer stipends;
Placement into internship programs;
Placement into any required undergraduate mentoring program; and
Guaranteed admission to at least one participating medical school.
Students must meet eligibility requirements in order to be admitted into the Joint
Admission Medical Program and to continue participation in the program.
Currently, 11 Texas medical schools and 70 public and private four-year
undergraduate institutions participate in the program.
Physician Education Loan Repayment Program
The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board administers the Physician Education
Loan Repayment Program.
This program provides loan repayment funds up to
$180,000 over a period of four years to qualifying physicians.
To be eligible to
receive loan repayment assistance, a physician must have completed one, two,
three, or four consecutive service periods in a:
HPSA serving persons who are (1) enrolled in Medicaid and/or the Texas
Children’s Health Insurance Program, (2) uninsured, and (3) enrolled in
Medicare, except in the case of pediatricians;
Secure correctional facility operated by or under contract with the Texas
Juvenile Justice Department;
Secure correctional facility operated by or under contract with any division of
the Texas Department of Criminal Justice; or
Location other than a HPSA if the physician practices primary (outpatient)
care and during the service period has provided health care services to a
designated number of Medicaid or Texas Women's Health Program
Physicians who qualify based on practicing in a HPSA must agree to provide four
consecutive service periods in a HPSA.
Priority is given to primary care physicians
practicing in HPSAs.
Primary care physicians include physicians practicing family
medicine, family practice, general practice, obstetrics/gynecology, general internal
medicine, general pediatrics, combined internal medicine and pediatrics (medicine-
pediatrics) in an outpatient setting, psychiatry, or geriatrics.
With the exception
of psychiatrists and geriatricians, physicians must provide services in an outpatient
setting to be considered primary care.
Loan Repayment Program for Mental Health
The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board administers the Loan Repayment
Program for Mental Health Professionals.
This program was created to encourage
qualified mental health professionals to practice in a mental health HPSA and
provide mental health care services to recipients under the medical assistance
program authorized by the Texas Human Resources Code, Chapter 32, and to
enrollees under the child health plan program authorized by the Texas Health and
Safety Code, Chapter 62. To be eligible to receive annual loan repayment
assistance, a mental health professional must agree to provide five consecutive
years of eligible service in a mental health HPSA. Mental health professionals must
also agree to provide mental health services to:
Individuals enrolled in Medicaid and/or the Texas Children’s Health Insurance
Persons committed to a secure correctional facility operated by or under
contract with the Texas Juvenile Justice Department; or
Persons confined in a secure correctional facility operated by or under
contract with any division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
Eligible disciplines for this program are psychiatrists, psychologists, advanced
practice registered nurses who are board certified in psychiatric or mental health
nursing, licensed professional counselors, licensed clinical social workers, licensed
marriage and family therapists, and licensed chemical dependency counselors who
have received an associate’s degree related to chemical dependency counseling or
behavioral science.
The amount of assistance is dependent on the provider’s
Eligible mental health professionals may also receive matching federal
funds through the NHSC State Loan Repayment Program.
List of Acronyms
Full Name
Affordable Care Act
Body Mass Index
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
Community Health Center
Critical Shortage Facility
Emergency Medical Services
Federally Qualified Health Center
Full-Time Equivalent
Healthcare Demand Microsimulation Model
Health Professional Shortage Area
Health Workforce Supply Model
Medically Underserved Area
Medically Underserved Population
National Health Service Corps
Primary Care Office
Full Name
Rural Health Clinic
Youth Risk Behavior Survey
1. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. County Health Rankings & Roadmaps.
https://www.chr.byf1.dev/app/texas/2020/downloads. Accessed January 29,
2. U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau. QuickFacts: United
States: Land area in square miles, 2010.
https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/geo/chart/US/LND110210. Accessed
October 19, 2020.
3. U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau. QuickFacts: United
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https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/US/LND110210. Accessed
October 19, 2020.
4. Texas Department of State Health Services. Definitions of County Designations.
https://www.dshs.state.tx.us/chs/hprc/counties.shtm. Accessed October 19,
5. Texas Demographic Center. Texas Population Estimates Program: Total
Population By County, 2018.
https://demographics.texas.gov/Data/TPEPP/Estimates/. Accessed October 19,
6. Texas Demographic Center. Texas Population Estimates Program: Total
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https://demographics.texas.gov/Data/TPEPP/Estimates/. Accessed October 19,
7. U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau. QuickFacts: United
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https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/geo/chart/US/. Accessed October 21,
8. U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau. QuickFacts: United
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Accessed October 21, 2020.
9. Texas Demographic Center. Texas Population Projections Program: Sex and
Race/Ethnicity Total Population for 2010-2050 in 1 year increments (zipped
CSV file). https://demographics.texas.gov/Data/TPEPP/Projections/. Accessed
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10. U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau. American Community
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11. Texas Demographic Center. TDC Data Downloads: TDC Estimates Download
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12. U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau. American Community
Survey: ACS 5-Year Estimates Data Profiles, 2018: Selected Social
Characteristics In The United States. https://data.census.gov/cedsci/. Accessed
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13. U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau. American Community
Survey: ACS 5-Year Estimates Subject Tables, 2018: Median Income In The
Past 12 Months (In 2018 Inflation-Adjusted Dollars).
https://data.census.gov/cedsci/. Accessed October 27, 2020.
14. U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau. American Community
Survey: ACS 5-Year Estimates Subject Tables, 2018: Poverty Status In The
Past 12 Months. https://data.census.gov/cedsci/. Accessed October 28, 2020.
15. U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau. American Community
Survey: ACS 5-Year Estimates Subject Tables, 2018: Employment Status.
https://data.census.gov/cedsci/. Accessed October 26, 2020.
16. U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau. American Community
Survey: ACS 5-Year Estimates Subject Tables, 2018: Selected Characteristics
Of Health Insurance Coverage In The United States.
https://data.census.gov/cedsci/. Accessed October 27, 2020.
17. Texas Department of State Health Services, Vital Statistics. Data provided by
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18. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention. Mortality in the United States, 2017.
https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db328.htm. Published June 7,
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19. Texas Department of State Health Services. Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance
System (BRFSS). http://healthdata.dshs.texas.gov/dashboard/surveys-and-
profiles/behavioral-risk-factor-surveillance-system. Accessed October 28,
20. Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health. NSCH Interactive Data
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21. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control
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22. Texas Department of State Health Services, Vital Statistics. Annual Report,
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23. Texas Department of State Health Services. 2019 Healthy Texas Mothers &
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24. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control
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25. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control
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m. Published April 29, 2020. Accessed October 29, 2020.
26. Texas Department of State Health Services, Center for Health Statistics. Data
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27. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control
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29. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control
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30. Texas Department of State Health Services. Youth Risk Behavior Survey
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