Maryland State Board of Law Examiners
Judiciary A-POD, 580 Taylor Avenue, Annapolis, MD 21401
Phone 410-260-3640
Is this an original or updated Bar Application? Original Update
1(a). Applicant's full legal name:
Question 1 - Personal Identifying Information
1(b). Applicant's gender:
1(c). Applicant's Social Security number (last 4):
1(d). Have you ever used or been known by any other name?
(If so, state in full each name used or by which you, at any time, have been known, and the reasons for each such name. If your name has ever been
legally changed, list each former name and when and how the change was made. If the name currently used was adopted incident to any marriage,
divorce or other legal proceeding, attach a certified copy of the marriage certificate, divorce decree, or other Order effecting the name change.)
Female Male
Pursuant to Md. Code Ann., Family Law, §10-119.3(d), the State Board of Law Examiners ("SBLE'') will disclose your name, SSN and address to the
Child Support Enforcement Administration upon its request, to assist it in enforcing compliance with child support orders. SBLE will provide your
name, SSN and address to the Client Protection Fund of the Bar of Maryland when you are recommended to the Supreme Court of Maryland for
admission to the Maryland Bar. Pursuant to Md. Code Ann. Bus. Occ. & Prof., §l0-3l3, the Client Protection Fund will disclose this information to
the State Department of Assessments and Taxation to assist it in identifying new businesses within the State and to the Comptroller to assist it in
determining whether lawyers have paid undisputed taxes and unemployment insurance contributions payable to the Comptroller or to the Secretary
of Labor, Licensing and Regulation. The Supreme Court of Maryland, SBLE, and the Court's Character Committees will use the SSN for positive
identification of Bar applicants in the course of the character & fitness process. For security purposes, applicant's SSN may be viewed on the eBar
"My Status" page.)
Zip Code:State:
1(e). Applicant's mailing address for Bar admissions correspondence:
(Bar examination seating assignments and official notification of Bar examination results are sent by U.S. Mail, first-class postage prepaid. You must
provide in this space a reliable address for receipt of written Bar admissions correspondence. You MUST keep your mailing address up to date on a
continuous basis in order to ensure that you receive your Bar examination seating assignment and your official Bar examination results. In addition,
the Circuit assignment for your required in-person character interview will be made based upon your mailing address at the time you file.)
1(f). Applicant's daytime telephone number:
(You must provide a telephone number where you can be contacted throughout the Bar admissions process by SBLE, the Character Committee, and
the Clerk's Office of the Supreme Court of Maryland during the Maryland Judiciary's normal business hours (M-F 8:30am to 4:30pm). You MUST
keep your daytime telephone number up to date on a continuous basis in order to ensure that the Court, SBLE, and the Character
Committee can contact you if necessary. SBLE recommends that applicants provide their mobile telephone number for purposes of Bar admissions
1(g). Applicant's email address:
(You must provide an email address where you can be contacted throughout the Bar admissions process by SBLE, the Character Committee, and
the Clerk's Office of the Supreme Court of Maryland. You MUST keep your email address up to date on a continuous basis in order to ensure that
the Court, SBLE, and the Character Committee may contact you, if necessary. SBLE recommends that you provide a personal email address rather
than a school or work email address, as those addresses are often subject to change or cancellation on short notice. In particular, you will receive
information on the mandatory Rule 19-210 Orientation Program via email ONLY.)
1(h). Do you have a valid driver's license issued by a U.S. jurisdiction?
Applicant's driver's license number: State:
Have your driving privileges in any U.S. jurisdiction ever been suspended or revoked?
(If your driving privileges have ever been suspended or revoked for any reason in any jurisdiction (including prior to the three (3) year window
described above), a certified copy of your complete driving history from the motor vehicle authority in each jurisdiction where your driving
privileges were ever suspended or revoked.)
Yes No
Yes No
(Attach a complete, certified driving history from the motor vehicle authority in each jurisdiction where you h ve held a driver's license in the past
three (3) years. The certified driving record is required even if you have no moving violations in your entire driving history.
1(i). Applicant's NCBE Number:
(You must obtain an NCBE identification number to be entered into your Bar Application. SBLE will use your NCBE number as a unique identifier
for you with regard to scoring of your Multistate Bar Exam results. If you have taken the Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam (MPRE), you
already have an NCBE number. To register for or to retrieve your NCBE number, visit
Question 2 - Date and Place of Birth/Citizenship
2(a). Applicant's Date of Birth:
2(b). Applicant's Place of Birth:
2(c). Are you a citizen of the United States?
If you are not a U.S. Citizen, what is your immigration status?
(If you are not a U.S Citizen, attach a copy of the document(s) authorizing your presence in the United States.Undocumented immigration status, by
itself, does not preclude admission to the Bar, provided that the applicant otherwise establishes good moral character and fitness for admission. See
Maryland Rule 19-204.)
Yes No
Question 3 - Residential History
3. The following constitutes every residence, address, and place where I have lived for a period of one month or
greater within the past five (5) years, listed in reverse chronological order:
You must list a "To" date for each residence. Use "present" for your current residence. You must disclose any period of homelessness lasting one
month or greater.
From (MM/YYYY): To:
Reason for leaving:
From (MM/YYYY): To:
Reason for leaving:
From (MM/YYYY): To:
Reason for leaving:
From (MM/YYYY): To:
Reason for leaving:
From (MM/YYYY): To:
Reason for leaving:
For each college/university listed from which you received an undergraduate degree prior to attending law
school, you must cause your school to send directly to SBLE an official transcript reflecting the award of
that degree. SBLE must receive your official undergraduate transcript(s) BEFORE or
CONTEMPORANEOUSLY WITH your Character Questionnaire, which will not be accepted for filing
without documentation of your pre-legal (college) education. If you attended law school without first
obtaining a Bachelor's degree or equivalent, you must cause your law school dean, registrar, or admissions
official to send directly to SBLE a letter or other documentation certifying that your law school admission
satisfied the conditions set forth in Standard 502 of the then-current ABA Standards and Rules of Procedure
for Approval of Law Schools.
Question 4 - Educational History
Undergraduate College or University
Applicant's name used at school:
School Name:
School Address:
Contact Person or Department:
Contact Email Address:
Dates attended - From (MM/YYYY): To (MM/YYYY) :
(For each institution listed, you MUST ascertain and provide the name of a person or department where SBLE can contact
the school to obtain the required reference letter regarding student discipline and other character & fitness information,
along with a contact email address for that person or department. Failure to do so may cause delays in the return of
certifications and may delay completion of your investigation.)
Received Degree: If so, what degree?
Date of degree or expected degree: (MM/YYYY):
Graduate School (other than law school):4(b).
Law School:4(c).
School Name:
School Address:
By signing your Character Questionnaire, you are certifying that you have received your juris doctorate (JD)
degree from an American Bar Association (ABA) approved law school (ABA-JD) or that you will receive
your ABA-JD or become unqualifiedly eligible to receive your ABA-JD no later than one day preceding the
first day of the UBE you took or intend to take. For applicants taking the UBE in Maryland, if your law
school graduation post-dates the date you will file your Bar Application, state "Expected" for "Received
Degree?", list your anticipated graduation date and anticipated degree. Maryland Rule 19-206 requires you
to provide an official transcript documenting the actual award of your ABA-JD degree no later than
September 1 following a July Bar Exam or March 15 following a February Bar Exam. For UBE Transfer
applicants, Maryland Rule 19-207 requires you to submit a law school transcript showing the date of your
JD prior to filing the Notice of Intent to Transfer a Qualifying UBE Score.
Applicants without a conferred or expected JD degree from an ABA-approved law school must follow the
instructions on SBLE's website for obtaining a waiver of the standard educational requirement, if eligible.
(Md. Rule 19-201(b);
Applicant's name used at school:
Contact Person or Department:
Contact Email Address:
Dates attended - From (MM/YYYY): To (MM/YYYY) :
(For each institution listed, you MUST ascertain and provide the name of a person or department where SBLE can contact
the school to obtain the required reference letter regarding student discipline and other character & fitness information,
along with a contact email address for that person or department. Failure to do so may cause delays in the return of
certifications and may delay completion of your investigation.)
Received Degree: If so, what degree?
Date of degree or expected degree: (MM/YYYY):
4(d). Have you ever been expelled, suspended, reprimanded, or otherwise formally disciplined by any school,
college or university?
If "Yes," identify in the space provided the school, college or university; state the cause, circumstances, date and outcome of each such occurrence.
If your explanation exceeds 200 characters, attach a signed separate statement containing the requested information.
4(e). Have you ever been investigated or charged for any reason by any school, college, or university with
regard to any conduct, which investigation or charge was resolved without formal discipline, including by
voluntary permanent resignation or temporary leave of absence from the institution, participation in a
diversionary program, or other informal disposition?
Yes No
If "Yes," identify in the space provided the school, college or university; state the cause, circumstances, date and outcome of each such occurrence.
If your explanation exceeds 200 characters, attach a signed separate statement containing the requested information.
5(a). Have you previously applied for admission to the Bar of Maryland?
Yes No
If your answer is "Yes," and your prior application for admission to the Maryland Bar was denied or withdrawn, or if your application terminated
pursuant to Md. Rule 19-214(b) [Maryland Rule 19-211], state in the field provided the circumstances under which your prior application
terminated. If your explanation exceeds 200 characters, attach a separate signed statement containing the requested information.
If you are updating your Character Questionnaire after having been unsuccessful on one or more bar examinations in Maryland, but have not been
denied admission or withdrawn your bar application, answer, "No."
Question 5 - Previous Bar Applications and Admissions
Yes No
If "Yes," enter details below for each jurisdiction where you are now or were previously admitted.
5(b)(i). Are you now or have you ever been admitted to the Bar of another U.S. state or jurisdiction?
If you are admitted in good standing to practice law in another U.S. jurisdiction, attach to your Bar application a current, original Certificate of
Good Standing issued by the highest court in each such jurisdiction.
If you were previously admitted in another jurisdiction, but are not currently in good standing for any reason NOT related to attorney discipline,
attach a separate signed statement stating the date and circumstances under which you ceased to be in good standing.
5(b)(ii). Have you ever previously applied for admission to the Bar of any other U.S. state or jurisdiction, or
registered for the bar examination of another U.S. state or jurisdiction, or registered for any character
investigation process as a prerequisite to applying for admission to the bar of another U.S. state or
jurisdiction where that application or registration did not result in your admission to the Bar of that U.S. state
or jurisdiction?
Yes No
5(c). Have you ever been investigated and/or disciplined for any alleged violation of any applicable ethical
standard by the attorney or judicial disciplinary authority of any jurisdiction?
Yes No
If "Yes," identify int the space provided each jurisdiction in which you were investigated and/or disciplined, and explaining the circumstances of
each such investigation and/or disciplinary action. If your explanation exceeds 200 characters, attach a separate signed statement containing your
explanation. Attach to your application a certified copy of any written disciplinary decision or record of any oral disciplinary decision issued by the
relevant disciplinary authority.
If "Yes," attach a signed separate statement identifing each jurisdiction where you applied and describing the circumstances under which you
applied or registered, but did not become admitted to the Bar of that jurisdiction.
If "Yes," state the date and place of registration:
6(c) If required to do so by law, have you registered with the Selective Service? Yes No
Not Required
If "Yes," state in the space provided the date of the action; the nature of the charge; the disposition of the charge and the location and designation
of the court, tribunal, or military establishment where such proceedings took place. If your statement exceeds 300 characters, attach a signed
separate statement containing these facts.
If "Yes," and you have been discharged from service, attach a photocopy of an official copy of your DD214 or other document(s) evidencing your
6(b). Have you ever been a defendant in any court martial? Yes No
6(a). Have you ever served in the armed forces of the United States of America? Yes No
If "Yes," and currently in active or reserve duty status, identify the branch of service, your current rank, and your current posting. Do so by separate
signed attachment to this Application. Attach a photocopy of your current PCS Order.
Question 6 - United States Military Service
If you were required to register with the Selective Service, but did not do so, provide in the space below your explanation for your failure to register.
If you answered that you were not required to register with the Selective Service, provide in the space below the basis on which you contend you are
not required to register. If your explanation exceeds 200 characters, attach a separate, signed statement containing the requested information.
Question 7 - Credit History
7(a). Attach a current credit report.
(You MUST attach to your Character Questionnaire a complete current credit report issued by, or by
any of the three major credit reporting agencies - Equifax, Experian, Transunion. SBLE may reject credit reports from other sources
at its sole discretion. "Current" means the required credit report was issued within three (3) months prior to the date of submission of
your Character Questionnaire. Credit reports have numbered pages; the applicant must submit all pages of the credit report to SBLE.)
7(b). I presently owe money to the following creditors not appearing on the credit report attached in response to
Question 7(a)
Creditor Name :
Account Number :
Date Incurred:
Original Amount of Debt:
Current Balance:
DAYS, to the following:
("Delinquent" means that you failed to make a required payment when due.)
7(d)(i). Have you paid all undisputed taxes that you are obligated to pay to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service
and to the tax collection authorities of all U.S. jurisdictions?
If "Yes," attach a separate signed statement identifying the date of and describing each such dispute.
Yes No
7(d)(ii). Are you currently involved in any ongoing dispute(s) over any obligation to pay taxes to the U.S.
Internal Revenue Service and/or to the tax collection authorities of all U.S. jurisdictions?
Question 8 - Civil Actions and Proceedings
("Party means that you were the Plaintiff, Petitioner, Respondent, or Defendant, or the subject of a civil action such as a guardianship.)
8(a). The following is a complete list of all civil actions, including suits in equity, actions at law, divorce,
annulment and other family law actions, administrative proceedings, suits in bankruptcy and other statutory
proceedings, civil citations, matters in probate, lunacy, guardianship and every other judicial proceeding of
every nature and kind except criminal matters disclosed in response to Question 9, below, to which I am or ever
have been a party. When listing any divorce or annulment action, include in your brief description the grounds
for divorce or annulment.
8(b). I have attached to my Character Questionnaire certified copies of any judgments rendered in the actions
listed in the response to this question, whether favorable or adverse to you and whether satisfied or unsatisfied.
If any judgment is adverse to you and is currently unsatisfied, set forth in the space provided below the name
and address of the judgment holder, and your explanation as to why the judgment remains unpaid. If your
explanation exceeds 200 characters, attach a separate signed statement containing the requested information.
8(c). Court-ordered support payments
8(c)(i). State whether you are presently obligated to pay court-ordered spousal support
Yes No
If "Yes," state the monthly payment amount and state whether you are currently in compliance with the support order. (Attach a certified copy of the
support order.)
Yes N/ANo
8(c)(ii). State whether you are now in arrears on payment of any court-ordered spousal support not listed in
response to Question 8(c)(1), above, as "current" support?
If "Yes," state in the space below the amount of the arrearage, whether the arrearage remains unpaid, and your plan for paying off the arrearage. If
your explanation exceeds 500 characters, attach a signed separate statement containing the requested information. If any Court has entered a
separate order addressing any spousal support arrearage, attach a certified copy of that order.
8(c)(iii) State whether you are presently obligated to pay court-ordered child support:
If "Yes," state the monthly payment amount and state whether you are currently in compliance with the support order. (Attach a certified copy of the
support order.)
Yes No
8(c)(iv) State whether you are now in arrears on the payment of any court-ordered child support not listed in
response to Question 8(c)(iii) as current child support?
Yes No
If "Yes," state in the space below the amount of the arrearage, whether the arrearage remains unpaid, and your plan for paying off the arrearage. If
your explanation exceeds 500 characters, attach a signed separate statement containing the requested information. (If any Court has entered a
separate order addressing any child support arrearage, attach a certified copy of that order.)
8(d) State whether any court has ever ruled or determined that you acted in bad faith or without substantial
justification in filing or maintaining any civil case or action, or in filing or serving any pleading or discovery in
any civil acase or action?
If "Yes," attach a signed separate statement setting forth the circumstances of that ruling or determination and attach a certified copy of the order,
opinion or other document containing that ruling or determination. If the ruling or determination was oral, attach a certified copy of the transcribed
record of that ruling or determination.
9(a). The following is a complete list of all criminal proceedings (by case number, filing date, court name
and location, offense charged, nature and circumstances of the offense, and disposition), arrests and
summonses, including all traffic citations for moving violations to which I am or ever have been a party.
Question 9 - Criminal Actions
("Party" means you were the criminal defendant, respondent, or arrestee. Do not list cases where you were the victim of a crime. Do not list
parking violations UNLESS your failure to pay parking violations resulted in suspension or revocation of your driving privileges or vehicle
registration. You need not list offenses where you were charged and/or adjudicated under laws governing juvenile criminal causes. You need not
list arrests and/or court proceedings the records of which were expunged pursuant to Maryland law. (Please note that expungement of criminal
records is NOT automatic in Maryland.) (Md. Code Ann., Crim. Proc., §10-109.) You MUST list arrests and/or court proceeding expunged in
states other than Maryland.)
9(b). I have attached to my Character Questionnaire certified copies of all charging documents,
judgment/disposition documents and docket entries in each proceeding identified above; except that you
need not attach documents related to motor vehicle offenses where a court appearance was not required. For
any arrest or proceeding where you have NOT attached required documents, describe below your efforts to
obtain documents related to that arrest or proceeding, and/or the reason why documents are not attached. If
your explanation exceeds 200 characters, attach a separate signed statement containing the requested
(You need not attach documents related to a traffic ticket where your appearance was optional, even if you appeared to contest the ticket. If the
court appearance was mandatory, you must attach all related documents.)
NoYes N/A
10(a). Do you now hold or have you ever held or applied for any professional license other than a license to
practice law (e.g. medicine, accounting, real estate, engineering, etc.)?
Yes No
Question 10 - Other Professional Licenses
10(b). If your answer to 10(a) is "Yes," are you now or were you ever subject to any disciplinary complaint or
proceeding, or denied a license, by any licensing authority in connection with any professional license you hold
or held or applied for?
Yes No
If your answer to Question 10(b) is "Yes," attach a separate signed statement describing the nature and disposition of such complaint,
or denial of license application.
Question 11 - Discipline by Labor Union, Trade or Professional Organization
If your answer to Question 10(a) is "Yes," attach a separate signed statement identifying the professional field(s) for each such license,
the issuing body for each such license, the date when each such license was obtained, whether each such license is current/active, and
if not current, the date and circumstances under which each such license ceased to be current/active.
11. Are you now, or have you ever been subject to any disciplinary complaint or proceeding in connection with
your membership in any labor union or any trade or professional organization?
Yes No
If your answer to Question 11 is "Yes," attach a separate signed statement describing the nature and disposition of such proceeding or
Question 12 - Surety and Fidelity Bonds
12(a). Has any surety, on any bond on which you were the principal, been required to pay any money on your
(A surety bond is a contract for indemnification against failure to perform a duty.)
If "Yes," state below the nature of office or position for which you were bonded, the amount of the bond, the name and address of the surety
company, the amount paid and the circumstances leading to the payment. If your explanation exceeds 200 characters, attach a separate signed
statement containing your explanation.
12(b). Have you ever been refused a fidelity or other bond?
(A fidelity bond is a contractor indemnification against breach of personal honesty by one in apposition of trust.)
Question 13 - Employment/Unemployment
13(a). The following constitutes every position of full or part-time employment, including unpaid work, which
I have held during the last five (5) years, listed in reverse chronological order:
(List all paid employment whether full time or part time. List all regular and substantial unpaid work such as unpaid internships or externships. List
law school clinic experiences where you worked in an office outside the law school and/or had a supervisor other than a law school professor. List
all regular and substantial volunteer/charitable work where you held a schedule and were supervised. Do not list unpaid/volunteer work that was
occasional, irregular or unsupervised. For each employer listed, you MUST identify a supervisor, co-worker or other individual that is authorized to
verify your employment on behalf of the employer and provide an email address where that individual can be contacted.)
(If you list any period of self-employment, you must complete and submit a separate "Self-Employment Certification Form.")
If "Yes," state below the circumstances under which you were refused a fidelity or bond. If your explanation exceeds 200 characters, attach a
separate signed statement containing your explanation.
Yes No
Dates of Employment: From (MM/YYYY) to (MM/YYYY)
(You must list a "To" date for each period of employment. For your current employment, use today's date as the "to date.")
Name of Employer:
Employer's Address:
Employer's Telephone Number:
Supervisor or authorized co-worker for verification of employment:
Supervisor or authorized co-worker's email address:
Reason for leaving:
Position held:
Was/is this a period of self-employment :
Is this employer out of business :
Yes No
Yes No
Dates of Employment: From (MM/YYYY) to (MM/YYYY)
(You must list a "To" date for each period of employment. For your current employment, use today's date as the "to date.")
Name of Employer:
Employer's Address:
Employer's Telephone Number:
Supervisor or authorized co-worker for verification of employment:
Supervisor or authorized co-worker's email address:
Reason for leaving:
Position held:
Was/is this a period of self-employment :
Is this employer out of business :
Yes No
Yes No
Dates of Employment: From (MM/YYYY) to (MM/YYYY)
(You must list a "To" date for each period of employment. For your current employment, use today's date as the "to date.")
Name of Employer:
Employer's Address:
Employer's Telephone Number:
Supervisor or authorized co-worker for verification of employment:
Supervisor or authorized co-worker's email address:
Reason for leaving:
Position held:
Was/is this a period of self-employment :
Is this employer out of business :
Yes No
Yes No
Dates of Employment: From (MM/YYYY) to (MM/YYYY)
(You must list a "To" date for each period of employment. For your current employment, use today's date as the "to date.")
Name of Employer:
Employer's Address:
Employer's Telephone Number:
Supervisor or authorized co-worker for verification of employment:
Supervisor or authorized co-worker's email address:
Reason for leaving:
Position held:
Was/is this a period of self-employment :
Is this employer out of business :
Yes No
Yes No
Dates of Employment: From (MM/YYYY) to (MM/YYYY)
(You must list a "To" date for each period of employment. For your current employment, use today's date as the "to date.")
Name of Employer:
Employer's Address:
Employer's Telephone Number:
Supervisor or authorized co-worker for verification of employment:
Supervisor or authorized co-worker's email address:
Reason for leaving:
Position held:
Was/is this a period of self-employment :
Is this employer out of business :
Yes No
Yes No
Dates of Employment: From (MM/YYYY) to (MM/YYYY)
(You must list a "To" date for each period of employment. For your current employment, use today's date as the "to date.")
Name of Employer:
Employer's Address:
Employer's Telephone Number:
Supervisor or authorized co-worker for verification of employment:
Supervisor or authorized co-worker's email address:
Reason for leaving:
Position held:
Was/is this a period of self-employment :
Is this employer out of business :
Yes No
Yes No
13(b). Have you ever been terminated, suspended, discharged or permitted to resign in lieu of termination
from any employment?
If "Yes," state below the circumstances under which you were discharged or permitted to resign in lieu of termination. If your explanation exceeds
200 characters, attach a separate signed statement containing your explanation.
Yes No
13(c). Account for each period of unemployment lasting three (3) months or more occurring during the last
five (5) years.
(For these periods, list the dates of unemployment, identify the employer immediately prior to the period of unemployment, and describe the
circumstances leading to your unemployment and your activities during the period in the text field. If your description of activities exceeds 200
characters, attach a separate statement containing those details.)
(You need not list here any period where you were unemployed but were engaged in full time schooling.)
Question 15 - Personal References
15. The following three (3) persons, none of whom is related to me or to one another by blood or marriage and
none of whom is a fellow law student or is listed in this application as an educational or employment reference
contact person, have each known me for at least five (5) years:
Question 14 - Other Conduct
14. Has there been any other unfavorable conduct or incidents in your life, whether at school (college, graduate
school or law school), at work, at home, in business, or otherwise, which may reasonably call into question
your character or fitness to practice law, that were not specifically called for in response to the previous
questions contained in this questionnaire or not previously disclosed in your answers?
If "Yes," in the space below, provide the full details of the incident or occurrence. If your explanation exceeds 200 characters, attach a separate
signed statement containing the requested information.
(You are not required to disclose in response to this question any criminal matter adjudicated under law governing juvenile causes, or any arrest or
criminal proceeding expunged pursuant to Maryland law.)
Full Name:
Street Address:
Zip Code:
Email Address:
Full Name:
Street Address:
Zip Code:
Email Address:
Full Name:
Street Address:
Zip Code:
Email Address:
(You are responsible for ensuring that your personal references respond to SBLE's requests for reference letters. Personal
references are not required to be located in the United States, but must be capable of responding in a timely manner and must be
capable of responding in English. Notify your personal references to expect to be contacted by email or U.S. Mail within
approximately 15 to 45 days after you file your Character Questionnaire. Your Character Questinonaire will not be considered
complete, nor will the Character Committee schedule your required interview until all three (3) of your personal references
respond to the request for Reference Letter.)
16(c). Eligibility for Admission - I hereby affirm that I have received a qualifying legal degree as set forth in
Maryland Rules 19-201(a)(2) or 19-201(b), or that I will receive my qualifying legal degree or become
unqualifiedly eligible to receive my qualifying legal degree no later than one day preceding the first day of the
bar examination I intend to take in Maryland or prior to filing a Notice of Intent to Tranfer a Qualifying UBE
Score to Maryland. I further acknowledge and affirm my duty under Maryland Rules 19-206 and/or 19-207 to
provide satisfactory proof of my qualifying legal degree as required by those Rules.
16(b). Burden of Proof - I hereby acknowledge and affirm that at all times during the Bar admission process, I
bear the burden of proving to the Character Committee, the State Board of Law Examiners, and the Supreme
Court of Maryland my good moral character and fitness for the practice of law. I further acknowledge and affirm
that my failure or refusal to answer fully and candidly any question set forth in this Character Questionnaire or
any relevant question asked by a member of the Character Committee, the Board, or the Court is sufficient cause
for finding that I have not met this burden. (Maryland Rule 19-204.)
16(e). Copy of Application - I hereby affirm that I have made and retained a copy of this entire Bar application
for my records and for use in the event that any part of the original is lost or destroyed during the character
investigation process.
16(a). Duty of Full, Candid Disclosure and Applicant's Continuing Duty to Submit Written Notice of Changes to
Information Sought by the Application - I understand that the required disclosures in this Character
Questionnaire are of a continuing nature. I hereby acknowledge and affirm my duty to respond fully and candidly
to each question or required disclosure and to ensure that my responses remain accurate and current at all times,
by updating, supplementing and/amending my answers, if necessary, until I am formally admitted to the Bar of
the State of Maryland.
Question 16 - Affirmations
I solemnly affirm under the penalties of perjury and upon personal knowledge that the contents of the
forgoing paper are true.
Signature of Applicant Date
16(f). Consent to Electronic Notification - I hereby affirm my consent and agreement to receive electronically
all communications and notices from the State Board of Law Examiners and/or the Character Committee(s)
related to my bar application and/or character and fitness investigation. I understand that the State Board of Law
Examiners may deliver electronic communications to me by making such communications available on the "My
Status" page of my eBar account, or by delivering such communications to my email address then on file in the
eBar system.
16(d). Rules of Professional Conduct - I hereby certify that I have read the Maryland Attorney’s Rules of
Professional Conduct and the Maryland Code of Judicial Conduct and that, prior to taking the oath of admission
as a Maryland attorney, I will devote the necessary time toward acquainting myself with these standards and
(Name of Applicant)
I hereby authorize all such persons set forth above to answer any inquiries and questions submitted to them by a Character
Committee, the State Board of Law Examiners, the Supreme Court of Maryland or their authorized representatives, and to
appear before any and all of these bodies and to give full and complete testimony concerning the undersigned including
any information furnished by the undersigned.
I hereby relinquish any and all rights to said reports, including, but not limited to, employment, personnel and/or
scholastic records, or any other information incident in any way to the cooperation of any entity with the Character
Committees, the State Board of Law Examiners, the Supreme Court of Maryland or their authorized representatives, and
fully understand that I am not entitled to have disclosed to me the contents of any of the foregoing, except as provided for
in Maryland Rule 19-105.
I solemnly affirm under the penalties of perjury and upon personal knowledge that the contents of the
forgoing paper are true.
Signature of Applicant
I, , having filed with the Maryland State Board of Law Examiners a Character
Questionnaire, and fully recognizing the responsibility to the Public, the Bench, and the Bar of the State, lodged with the
duly appointed Character Committees and the State Board of Law Examiners by the Supreme Court of Maryland under
the applicable State statutes and Rules of Court to determine that only those of good moral character, fitness and ability
are admitted the Bar in Maryland, hereby authorize and request every police department, employer, school official, and
every other person, firm, officer, corporation, association, organization, or institution, pubilc or private, having control of
any documents, records, or other information pertaining to me that is relevant to my good moral character and fitness to
perform the responsibilities of an attorney, to furnish the originals or copies of any such documents, records or other
information to the Character Committee, the State Board of Law Examiners, or any of their representatives, and to permit
any of all of the said bodies, or any of their representatives, to inspect and make copies of any such documents, records,
and other information including but not limited to employment, personnel or scholastic records.
(Applicant's Alternate Name(s), if applicable)
I hereby release and exonerate every employer, school official, and every other person, firm, officer, organization, or
institution that shall act in good faith with the authorization and release provided herein, from any and all liability of every
nature and kind growing out of or in any way pertaining to the furnishing or inspection of such documents, records and
other information or the investigation made by said Character Committees, the State Board of Law Examiners, the
Supreme Court of Maryland, or their authorized representatives. I further waive, absolutely and forever, any privilege not
protected by the Constitutions of the United States of America or the State of Maryland that I may have regarding
information bearing on my good moral character and fitness to perform the responsibilities of an attorney under applicable
Maryland law. I hereby authorize the State Board of Law Examiners and the Supreme Court of Maryland, with respect to
any and all information received with this authorization and release, pursuant to Maryland Rule 19-105, to forward said
information to any other admitting authority where I have applied or may later apply for admission to the practice of law.
Further pursuant to Maryland Rule 19-105, I understand that the State Board of Law Examiners may release certain
identifying information about me (including, but not limited to, my name, address, telephone number, email address,
Social Security Number, date of birth, date of application, date of examination(s)), and exam results to the Supreme Court
of Maryland, the Client Protection Fund of the Bar of Maryland, and the National Conference of Bar Examiners, my law
school, and/or any authorized agent of those bodies. I further understand that each academic and employment certification
and personal reference form appended to this Character Questionnaire will be sent to the entity or individual listed
Applicants SSN (last 4)
(INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT: SBLE will use this form to record the receipt of responses from each personal reference, school, and
employer for whom you prepared a verification form. eBar will populate the form automatically with the information you entered in your
application. Review the entries on this form and confirm that you have entered in eBar details for all of your schools and employers and your
three (3) personal references. Cross-check to confirm that eBar has generated a Certification/Reference Letter for each school, employer and
personal reference listed on this form. File this form with your Character Questionnaire.)
(DO NOT mail your reference forms to the respective recipients. File all the reference forms with your Character Questionnaire. SBLE will
forward each reference form directly to the recipients you name in your application.)
Applicant's Name: NCBE Number:
Personal References Date of 1st Req. Date of 2nd Req. Date of 3rd Req.
Date Response
Date of 1st Req. Date of 2nd Req. Date of 3rd Req.
Date Response
Date of 1st Req. Date of 2nd Req. Date of 3rd Req.
Date Response
Dates of Attendance:
Applicant's Name
School Name
SSN (last 4 digits)
Applicant's DOB
I. Attendance and Degree
1. Did the applicant attend the institution named above during the dates of attendance listed above?
2. Did the applicant graduate from the school/college/university named above?
If "No," list corrected dates of attendance, if any: ___________________________________
If "Yes" or "Expected," list the degree awarded or expected and the date or expected date of the degree: ____________
1. Was the applicant/student ever placed on probation, suspended, expelled, asked to withdraw or resign, or otherwise
formally disciplined by the school/college/university?
II. Disciplinary Record/Character & Fitness:
I HEREBY CERTIFY that I conducted a review of the applicant/student’s record and that the information provided herein is
true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.
Signature of Official: Date
Printed Name Affix school's seal or stamp here:
Title of Official
Yes No
2. Was the applicant ever charged with a violation of any honor code while a student at the school/college/university?
("Honor code" means any ethical code, code of conduct, or code or rules governing the student's academic and/or personal
behavior in the school's community, whether admnistered by the school or any student body.)
3. Is the applicant/student in default on any financial obligation to the school/college/university or on
any student loan?
Yes No
4. Has the school/college/university determined that the applicant/student ever filed false honor code
charges or complaints against fellow students, faculty or staff, or other members of the
school/college/university community?
Yes No
5. Do the records of the school/college/university reflect that the applicant/student was arrested or otherwise charged
(formally or informally) with a violation of the law during the period of attendance?
Yes No
6. Did the applicant have a pattern of unexcused absences while attending the school/college/university?
Yes No
7. Did the applicant ever request a leave of absence from the school/college/university?
Yes No
8. Has the applicant exhibited behavior or conduct that raises significant concerns about his or her character or fitness for
admission to practice law?
Yes No
9. Is there any other adverse information in the applicant/student's file regarding his or her character or fitness for
admission to practice law?
Yes No
Dates of Attendance:
Applicant's Name
School Name
SSN (last 4 digits)
Applicant's DOB
I. Attendance and Degree
1. Did the applicant attend the institution named above during the dates of attendance listed above?
2. Did the applicant graduate from the school/college/university named above?
If "No," list corrected dates of attendance, if any: ___________________________________
If "Yes" or "Expected," list the degree awarded or expected and the date or expected date of the degree: ____________
1. Was the applicant/student ever placed on probation, suspended, expelled, asked to withdraw or resign, or otherwise
formally disciplined by the school/college/university?
II. Disciplinary Record/Character & Fitness:
I HEREBY CERTIFY that I conducted a review of the applicant/student’s record and that the information provided herein is
true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.
Signature of Official: Date
Printed Name Affix school's seal or stamp here:
Title of Official
Yes No
2. Was the applicant ever charged with a violation of any honor code while a student at the school/college/university?
("Honor code" means any ethical code, code of conduct, or code or rules governing the student's academic and/or personal
behavior in the school's community, whether admnistered by the school or any student body.)
3. Is the applicant/student in default on any financial obligation to the school/college/university or on
any student loan?
Yes No
4. Has the school/college/university determined that the applicant/student ever filed false honor code
charges or complaints against fellow students, faculty or staff, or other members of the
school/college/university community?
Yes No
5. Do the records of the school/college/university reflect that the applicant/student was arrested or otherwise charged
(formally or informally) with a violation of the law during the period of attendance?
Yes No
6. Did the applicant have a pattern of unexcused absences while attending the school/college/university?
Yes No
7. Did the applicant ever request a leave of absence from the school/college/university?
Yes No
8. Has the applicant exhibited behavior or conduct that raises significant concerns about his or her character or fitness for
admission to practice law?
Yes No
9. Is there any other adverse information in the applicant/student's file regarding his or her character or fitness for
admission to practice law?
Yes No
Applicant's Name Applicant’s SSN (last 4)
Employer Name
Dates of Employment
I: Employment Dates
Did the employer employ the applicant during the dates of employment listed above?
If "No," list corrected dates of employment, if any:
(The following questions are to be answered upon the personal knowledge of the certifying individual and/or after a review of the
applicant's personnel file/disciplinary records maintained by the employer. If the answer to any question is "YES," please attach to
this certification copies of all relevant documents in the applicant/employee's file.)
1. Was the applicant ever placed on probation, suspended, terminated/fired, asked to resign, or
otherwise formally disciplined by the employer?
2. Did the applicant have a pattern of unexcused absences during the period of employment?
3. Did the applicant ever request a leave of absence during the period of employment?
4. Did the applicant exhibit any conduct or behavior that adversely affected his or her job
5. Has the applicant exhibited any behavior or conduct that raises significant concerns in your mind
about his or her character or fitness for admission to practice law?
6. Is there any other adverse information in the applicant’s file regarding his or her character or fitness
for the practice of law?
7. Would you re-hire the applicant if given the opportunity?
If the applicant was terminated, please state the reason for the termination:
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the information provided herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge,
information and belief.
Signature of Supervisor/Certifying Individual
Print Name
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
II: Disciplinary Record
Yes No
Applicant's DOB
Postion Held
Instructions to verifying reference: The applicant identified below has reported a period of employment at an entity that is
now out of business and has identified you as a verifying reference for that period of employment. Please complete the
Certification below and return this form by email (preferred) or regular mail to the sender identified in the cover email or
Signature of Verifying Reference Date
Area Code and Daytime Telephone Number
Maryland State Board of Law Examiners
Email address:
Applicant Name:
Applicant’s SSN Last 4:
Name of Firm/Company where applicant reports prior employment:
Reported dates of employment:
(I have attached further reference information pertaining to this applicant. )NoYes
(full name and position/title)
(name of company or firm)
I FURTHER CERTIFY that is/was employed from
(MM/YYYY or "Present")
(applicant’s position and firm/company name)
during which time I interacted with the applicant as a
Nature of relationship (supervisor/co-worker/client/customer, etc.)
My observations regarding the applicant’s moral character, integrity and fitness for the practice of law
are as follows:
1. My name is:
Print or Type Name
2. I have known the applicant, , for years.
3. Please describe the capacity or circumstances under which you have come to know the applicant, and the
opportunities you have had to observe the applicant. (For example, as a neighbor, family friend, or co-worker).
4. Please state whether the applicant, to your knowledge, has ever been involved in any incident or
circumstances that might reflect unfavorably on his or her moral character.
6. If your answer to Question 4 or Question 5 is "Yes," please describe the unfavorable incident or
circumstances and any reservations you might have regarding the applicant's character or fitness for admission
to the Maryland bar.
5. Based on what you know of the applicant’s past conduct, current moral character, legal ability, honesty,
integrity, and fitness, do you have any reservations about recommending the applicant for admission to practice
law as a member of the Bar of the State of Maryland?
You are encouraged to share any further comments on the applicant's character and fitness for admission to the
Bar, whether positive or negative.
Signature of Reference Date
Area Code and Telephone Number
Yes No
Maryland State Board of Law Examiners
1. My name is:
Print or Type Name
2. I have known the applicant, , for years.
3. Please describe the capacity or circumstances under which you have come to know the applicant, and the
opportunities you have had to observe the applicant. (For example, as a neighbor, family friend, or co-worker).
4. Please state whether the applicant, to your knowledge, has ever been involved in any incident or
circumstances that might reflect unfavorably on his or her moral character.
6. If your answer to Question 4 or Question 5 is "Yes," please describe the unfavorable incident or
circumstances and any reservations you might have regarding the applicant's character or fitness for admission
to the Maryland bar.
5. Based on what you know of the applicant’s past conduct, current moral character, legal ability, honesty,
integrity, and fitness, do you have any reservations about recommending the applicant for admission to practice
law as a member of the Bar of the State of Maryland?
You are encouraged to share any further comments on the applicant's character and fitness for admission to the
Bar, whether positive or negative.
Signature of Reference Date
Area Code and Telephone Number
Yes No
Maryland State Board of Law Examiners
1. My name is:
Print or Type Name
2. I have known the applicant, , for years.
3. Please describe the capacity or circumstances under which you have come to know the applicant, and the
opportunities you have had to observe the applicant. (For example, as a neighbor, family friend, or co-worker).
4. Please state whether the applicant, to your knowledge, has ever been involved in any incident or
circumstances that might reflect unfavorably on his or her moral character.
6. If your answer to Question 4 or Question 5 is "Yes," please describe the unfavorable incident or
circumstances and any reservations you might have regarding the applicant's character or fitness for admission
to the Maryland bar.
5. Based on what you know of the applicant’s past conduct, current moral character, legal ability, honesty,
integrity, and fitness, do you have any reservations about recommending the applicant for admission to practice
law as a member of the Bar of the State of Maryland?
You are encouraged to share any further comments on the applicant's character and fitness for admission to the
Bar, whether positive or negative.
Signature of Reference Date
Area Code and Telephone Number
Yes No
Maryland State Board of Law Examiners
Applicant Name
Street Address
City, State, ZIP Code Maryland Bar
(MARYLAND RULE 19-203(d).)
Certification as to College Education - School Name:
Certification as to Graduate School Education - School Name:
Certification as to Law School Education - School Name:
Certification(s) as to Employment - Employer Names:
Letters from Personal References - Reference Names:
You must schedule and complete the required in-person interview. The Character Committee cannot recommend
your admission to the Bar of Maryland before completing the required personal interview. The interview cannot
be scheduled until your application is complete.
[Place Committee Return Address Label Here]
Email Address
Applicant Name
Street Address
City, State, ZIP Code
Letters from Personal References - Reference Names:
Certification as to College Education - School Name:
[Place Committee Return Address Label Here]
Certification(s) as to Employment - Employer Names:
You must schedule and complete the required in-person interview. The Character Committee cannot recommend
your admission to the Bar of Maryland before completing the required personal interview. The interview cannot be
scheduled until your application is complete.
Certification as to Law School Education - School Name:
Certification as to Graduate School Education - School Name:
Email address
Re: NCBE Number
Kindly make report of your investigation below together with your recommendation and return to the
Chair/Secretary of the Character Committee as soon as possible.
Signature of Investigator Date
(To be completed by Chair or Secretary of Character Committee)
The Character Committee for the _______ Appellate Circuit recommends that the above-named
applicant for admission to the Bar of Maryland be ______ admitted or _______ denied admission to the Bar of
DateSignature of Committee Chair
(Note: If the recommendation is against admission, attach the Committee’s report showing the date of the Committee meeting/hearing,
the facts up on which the adverse recommendation is based, and the Committee's reasons for its adverse recommendation.)
Date of Personal Interview with Applicant: _________________
The results of my investigation and my recommendation are as follows (write or attach report):
(To be completed by Character Committee investigator)
Printed/typed Name of Investigator