PhD Thesis Evaluation Report
Name of Candidate: Denitza Andonova
Title of Thesis: Corporate strategies and Programs for Wellness of the
Employees - a Factor for the Improvement of the Organisational Efficiency
Supervisor: Prof. Tzvetan Davidkov, DSc
Reviewer: Prof. Elizabeta Vatchkova, DSc
The author has chosen to explore the impact of wellness of the employees in
contemporary companies on the organizational efficiency with particular focus
on a group of selected indicators. Under the conditions of deep changes, caused
by the Covid pandemic on the organization of work, models of communication
and physical and mental health of people the management of wellness acquired
a long term strategic importance. The topic has not been developed by
Bulgarian researchers and any new knowledge and contributions in the field are
necessary and useful.
Definition of the research problem, scope and goals
From the position of the above mentioned the research problem is topical and
important from both points of view theoretical and practical. It is clearly and
correctly defined. The object of the research, its goals and aims are formulated
and argumented. The introductory explanation of goals, methods and key
questions is sufficient, but it is necessary to formulate right at the beginning the
notion of “efficiency of organization” or to introduce some clear assumption
about it.
Review of relevant literature3636
The literature included in the list shows the author’s good selection skills.
The candidate utilizes successfully a wide range of contemporary key
publications of well-known and authoritative researchers. Her awareness is at
the level of the requirements for a doctoral degree. The number and the quality
of works in English are impressive, the common mistakes of dissertation
students to use text book sources, widely discussed opinions and well-known
facts are avoided. The author demonstrates good erudition and in-depth
knowledge of the scientific literature in the field of corporate wellness.
However, she misses some necessary summaries and statements of her own
position on the discussed notions and concepts.
Presentation, language and style
The overall appearance of the thesis is in general appropriate. It does not
contain grammatical or spelling errors, it is written in coherent, proper style, all
the citations are correct. References of concerned literature are sufficient and
cover the present state of knowledge. Andonova demonstrates good command
of the relevant literature and other sources. The work is well presented, clearly
written and illustrated with tables and diagrams.
Thesis structure and methods used
The dissertation contains an introduction, three chapters, conclusion,
bibliography and 4 appendices. The distribution of text in the three chapters is
disproportionate (100/28/22 pp).
The methods used in the thesis are in general adequate and justified. Taking the
thesis as a whole, the author demonstrates sufficiently the ability to choose
justified methods for reaching the research goals, although the format of the
questionnaire suffers from some disadvantages. The use of methods for
statistical analysis is relevant and the conclusions are correct.
Contribution to knowledge and practice
The contributions mentioned in the dissertation abstract have original character.
They are correctly ranged according to their importance, but should be divided
in two groups theoretical and practical. As theoretical impacts could be
classified the first, second and the third ones and as a practical the fourth and
the fifth.
To the future work the candidate should take into account the following:
1. Better and clearer definitions of the key terms and notions used;
2. Use of the system approach to the studied problem;
3. Balance of the text in the different components of the work;
4. Design the questionnaires according to the best practices and widely used
5. Refinement of the titles, making them more informative;
Dissertation abstract
The abstract is presented according to all the requirements for a doctoral
dissertation. The text is logically composed, clear, well-structured, and
reflects successfully the content of the whole work and its main results.
Overall result
The dissertation is an authentic work. It contains original research and
clear author’s position. The candidate is highly competent in the field of
corporate wellness, the language and style of the dissertation are adequate to the
requirements of a scientific research work.
Questions to the defendant:
1. What are the reasons for the lack of interest in the problems of
corporate wellness in Bulgaria? (pp 162-163);
2. It is stated (p 164) that employers pay greatest attention to the effect of
corporate wellness on the better performance, the increase of employer
brand value and the return on investments in the corporate wellness
programs. Is the candidate familiar with any publications on this
problem and what are the obstacles before its study?
3. Is there any known good practice in Bulgaria for the elaboration of
corporate strategies and programs for wellness of the employees and
from where human resources specialists can use practical experience?
4. Is the author interested in continuing the research in this field?
For the reasons under consideration named above I recommend the PhD
thesis of Denitza Andonova entitled: Corporate strategies and Programs for
Wellness of the Employees - a Factor for the Improvement of the Organisational
Efficiency” for acceptance.
The work meets the requirements of a doctoral degree and 3the candidate
deserves to be awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
Date: 17.08.2022
Place: Sofia