Microfinance in Africa: Experience and
Lessons from Selected African Countries
Anupam Basu
Rodolphe Blavy
Murat Yulek
© 2004 International Monetary Fund WP/04/174
IMF Working Paper
African Department
Microfinance in Africa: Experience and Lessons from Selected African Countries
Prepared by Anupam Basu, Rodolphe Blavy, and Murat Yulek
September 2004
This Working Paper should not be reported as representing the views of the IMF.
The views expressed in this Working Paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent
those of the IMF or IMF policy. Working Papers describe research in progress by the author(s) and are
published to elicit comments and to further debate.
Based on the experience of selected countries, this paper offers a critical presentation of the
development of the microfinance sector in Africa. The paper supports the view that
microfinance institutions, especially those engaged in full financial intermediation,
complement effectively the banking sector in extending financial services and successfully
draw on the rich experience of community-based development and preexisting informal
methods of financial intermediation in Africa. Growing linkages between microfinance
institutions and the banking system and the dissemination of good practices by
nongovernment organizations contribute to the sound development of the sector, supported
by regulation and supervision by local authorities.
JEL Classification Numbers: E26, G21, G28, L31, O16
Keywords: Microfinance, microcredit, bank regulation, Africa, savings
Author(s) E-Mail Address: [email protected]
The authors would like to thank Enrica Detragiache, Lennart Erickson, Michael Hadjimichael,
David Hauner, Christian Josz, Ekue Kpodar, Edouard Maciejewski, Jon Shields, Francisco
Vazquez, and Robert York for helpful comments.
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Contents Page
I. Introduction ............................................................................................................................3
II. Deposit Collection and Credit Extension in the Microfinance Sector ..................................3
A. The Community-Based Approach in MFI Development..........................................4
B. Formalizing Informal Methods of Financial Intermediation.....................................7
C. Looking for Financial Sustainability.........................................................................8
III. Links Between the Operations of MFIs and Banks, Donors and NGOs ...........................11
A. Developing Complementarities Between MFIs and Banks ....................................11
B. The Roles of Donors and NGOs .............................................................................12
IV. The Role of Governments..................................................................................................14
A. Objectives and Coverage of the Regulatory Framework........................................16
B. Minimum Regulatory Requirements and Supervision Practices.............................19
C. Accompanying Measures ........................................................................................19
V. Conclusions.........................................................................................................................20
Box 1. Saving Mobilization by Microfinance Institutions in Selected Countries ....................5
Box 2. Building on Informal Sector Savings and Credit Mechanisms: The Example
of Ghana Susu System ..................................................................................................9
Box 3. The Roles of Donors and NGOs in Credit-Only Schemes ..........................................13
Box 4. Restarting on a Sound Base: Restructuring and Addressing Regulatory Failures ......15
Box 5. Laws, Regulations and Supervisory Authority for MFIs in Selected Countries.........17
Box 6. Prudential Requirements for Microfinance Institutions in Benin, Ghana, Guinea,
and Tanzania ...............................................................................................................20
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Small enterprises and most of the poor population in sub-Saharan Africa have very limited
access to deposit and credit facilities and other financial services provided by formal
financial institutions. For example, in Ghana and Tanzania, only about 5–6 percent of the
population has access to the banking sector. This lack of access to financial services from the
formal financial system is quite striking, when one considers that in many African countries
the poor represent the largest share of the population and that the informal sector is an
important part of the economy.
To meet unsatisfied demand for financial services, a variety of microfinance institutions
(MFIs) has emerged over time in Africa. Some of these institutions concentrate only on
providing credit, others are engaged in providing both deposit and credit facilities, and some
are involved only in deposit collection. Throughout the paper, the term “microfinance
institutions” is used as commonly defined, that is, to designate financial institutions dedicated
to assisting small enterprises, the poor, and households who have no access to the more
institutionalized financial system, in mobilizing savings, and obtaining access to financial
services. Institutions offering microfinance services are very diverse, including commercial
banks, state-owned development banks, and postal offices.
This paper intends to identify a number of stylized facts and trends from the experience of
four selected African countries: Benin, Ghana, Guinea, and Tanzania. While quantitative data
is very limited, tentative conclusions are provided based on a qualitative assessment of recent
developments in the surveyed countries, supported by background material and studies
undertaken by the IMF and the World Bank. The main contribution of the paper is to
compare experiences across Africa, and identify patterns that may guide public policy in the
In Section II, we explore the main contributors to the expansion of MFIs in Africa. We focus
particularly on the instruments used to overcome the obstacles that have prevented banks
from expanding their outreach to the poor, the rural sector, and small and medium-sized
enterprises. In Section III, we look at the extent to which the operations of MFIs can be
viewed as complementary to those of banks, and how the existing links and the potential
synergy between their operations benefit the economy. In Section IV, we review the roles
that national governments have played in promoting microfinance and discuss policy issues
relating to the licensing and prudential regulation of MFIs. Finally, in the concluding section
we summarize the main conclusions.
The importance of deposit collection in the development of microfinance services has arisen
from the fact that the poor value both deposit and lending services. Surveys have shown that
small entrepreneurs seeking micro financing for their projects constitute a relatively smaller
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subset of the poor population than the segment interested in accessing deposit services.
poor value the availability of liquid and secure financial vehicles for savings for a variety of
reasons. First, such savings help poor farmers to smooth their consumption expenditures
between lean and peak harvesting seasons, and provide a cushion against income fluctuations
caused by exogenous shocks. Second, savings could be used to pay for inputs needed at the
start of production processes, and self-finance future investments or leverage supplementary
financing for them. Third, saving deposits also provide a convenient vehicle for setting aside
money for such costly future events as weddings, children’s education, and funerals.
While poor households may save in the absence of deposit services, for example in cash
hoards, by acquiring assets such as gold, or by stockpiling relatively non-perishable
commodities between harvests,
saving services offered by MFIs have the advantage of
security and liquidity that makes them popular among the poor, especially in rural areas.
Hence, deposit collection has played a central role in the development of the microfinance
sector in many African countries. Hirschland (2003) identifies the four major criteria valued
by households concerned with savings mobilization as access, security, liquidity, and returns.
As described in Box 1, the expansion of MFI services and outreach has been supported by a
parallel expansion in deposit collection. To achieve such performance, MFIs have provided
the means for overcoming three main barriers to the use of the deposit facilities commonly
offered by banks (as identified by the World Bank, 1997): (i) high opening and minimum
account balances, (ii) high travel time and transport costs involved in making deposits and
withdrawals at the bank branch, and (iii) lack of familiarity with bank branch operations and
A. The Community-Based Approach in MFI Development
An approach commonly followed in African countries has been to rely on local communities
to support the development of MFIs, outside the formal banking sector.
As MFIs operating
outside the formal banking sector had to find their own sources of funds, the
The Bank of Tanzania (undated) reports the results of a survey conducted in 1997, which
showed that 80 percent of the households were willing and able to save if appropriate
products and saving mechanisms were there. Ledgerwood (1999) discusses evidence on the
willingness of the poor to pay for saving services in India. Rutherford (1999) and Wright
(2000) also discuss in detail the importance of saving services for the poor.
Chao-Béroff (2003) notes for example that in West Africa, rural populations continue to
prefer in-kind savings as they seem “more liquid, cheaper to maintain, and even sometimes
more profitable (i.e., in the case of livestock reproduction)” (p.16).
As presented by Bennett (1998), this approach is described as the “parallel model”, as
opposed to the “linking model” that “integrates disadvantaged clients into the formal
financial system through building up self reliant groups that can reduce the costs and risks to
banks in dealing with small savers and borrowers” (Bennett, 1998, p. 109).
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Box 1. Saving Mobilization by Microfinance Institutions in Selected Countries
The experiences of Benin, Guinea, Tanzania and Ghana show that microfinance institutions have been
successful in mobilizing deposits, while the outreach of the banking sector remains limited. In Benin and
Guinea, the figures below indicate that the rapid increase in MFIs’ membership and loan activities was
supported by a continued increase in deposits.
Benin: Membership, Deposits and Loans of MFIs, 1997 - 2003
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Deposits (in billions of CFA francs, left scale) Credits (in billions of CFA francs, left scale)
Membership (right scale)
Guinea: Membership, Deposits and Loans of MFIs, 1997 - 2003
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Deposits (in billions of CFA francs, left scale) Credits (in billions of CFA francs, left scale)
Membership (right scale)
In Benin, the outreach of the banking sector is very limited with a small number of bank branches (35
branches nationwide for a total population of 7 million) that mostly concentrate around the capital city.
Against this backdrop, formal saving and loan cooperatives (SLCs), the only MFIs that collect savings,
thanks to their extensive domestic branch network, have been able to mobilize a significant amount of
savings. Deposits at the SLCs reached the equivalent of 10 percent of non-central government commercial
bank deposits at end-2003.
In Guinea, the reach of the banking sector is constrained by the limited number of deposit money banks,
and credit is concentrated on the largest domestic companies. MFIs are starting to fill in this gap, and
deposits increased substantially between 1997 and 2003, although they remain a small proportion of
commercial bank deposits (1.5 percent).
In Ghana, the microfinance sector has a strong savings orientation and a much greater role of licensed
institutions relative to nongovernmental organization (NGOs) than in many countries. Banking institutions,
in particular the Rural and Community Banks (RCBs), and nonbank institutions, the Savings and Loans
Companies (S&Ls), account for most microfinance activities in the country. RCBs are relatively small,
especially in terms of loan size but, with 115 institutions operating at end–2001, the total number of
recorded depositors in all RCBs is 1.2 million with about 150,000 borrowers. In the nonbank sector, eight
S&Ls had over 160,000 depositors and 10,000 borrowers by 2002, and offer savings and credit products
similar to RCBs. In 2002, private deposits with MFIs amounted to about 6 percent of commercial bank
In Tanzania, the banking system has a very limited penetration. Only about six percent of the population
has a bank account (4 percent in rural areas). MFIs have a total of about 2 million deposit accounts (6
percent of population). They hold about 60 percent and 11 percent of total commercial bank deposits and
credits, respectively (2002). The primary sources of microfinance services are about 650 savings and credit
cooperatives (SACCOs) with a total of 130,000 members (0.4 percent of the population) and NGOs relying
on foreign donor assistance. There are three commercial (or deposit-money) banks—the National
Microfinance Bank (NMB), Cooperative and Rural Development Bank (CRDB) Ltd, and Akiba
Commercial Bank (ACB)—which are relatively new entrants in the microfinance sector. In addition, there
are a few regional and rural banks engaged in deposit-based microfinance operations, but these have been
limited in scope because these banks have lacked a branch network. Among nonbank financial institutions,
the Tanzania Postal Bank (TPB) has used its country-wide network of post-offices to promote and mobilize
savings, provide transfer and remittance services, and a loan guarantee service to small borrowers to cover a
part of the necessary security requirement of their loans.
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development of innovative saving vehicles was important and supported by participatory
efforts in local communities to form cooperatives. Consequently, traditional community-
based cooperative groups such as local clubs and village associations have played a central
role in the savings mobilization effort and the expansion of other microfinance services in
The development of cooperative banking and savings and credit associations is a good
example of a community-based cooperative approach. In Benin, the large network of MFIs is
dominated by saving and loan cooperatives and mutuals (SLCs). In Ghana, Rural and
Community Banks (RCBs), which are unit banks owned by members of the community
(through purchases of shares), account for the largest share of microfinance services, while
the Savings and Loans companies (S&Ls) are the second largest type of MFIs. Modern
cooperative societies have also started expanding services to non-members, in order to
overcome the resource constraint to their development. More generally, many institutions
have relied extensively on establishing participatory cooperative groups.
The efforts of MFIs to work through group-schemes have the potential of yielding a wide
range of benefits, leveraging the importance of local communities in Africa into schemes that
have proven successful in other regions, the most notable of which have been developed by
the Grameen Bank.
At the level of the clients, group savings schemes are advantageous as individuals
mobilize their savings jointly, and can use joint savings as security against loans.
The aggregation of individual savings may allow group members to constitute
larger collaterals and enhance their access to credit services.
At the level of the institutions, on the saving side, the use of groups and
community-based organizations provides scope for generating substantial
economies of scale for the collecting institution. These schemes can facilitate the
development of institutions that can operate on a full-intermediation basis, rather
than specializing either in collecting savings or lending. Since most credit-only
institutions eventually reach a point where they are constrained on the resource side,
deposit mobilization provides a sustainable basis for expanding lending operations.
MFIs have the potential for eventually graduating to a less constrained market-
based approach to the management of both sides of the balance sheet. They could
promote more efficient intermediation.
At the macroeconomic level, deposit collecting institutions can help to increase
domestic financial savings mobilization by tapping the resources of the poor who
are otherwise isolated from the formal financial system.
Finally, by providing financial services on both the deposit and lending sides, MFIs
that serve groups and communities could empower underprivileged social
constituencies to contribute more effectively to economic development and poverty
reduction. While MFIs have commonly focused on women, they may also benefit
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other social groups.
One could argue that MFIs could serve as appropriate vehicles
for targeting such groups.
In Africa, both group and individual savings and credit programs are used by cooperatives
and associations. “Village Banking,” an adaptation of the Grameen Bank model first
introduced to Africa by K-REP (Kenya), provides a good illustration of the use of group
solidarity and of the linkage between saving and credit instruments. In this model, operated
for example in Tanzania by Catholic Relief Services and the SNV/Netherlands Development
Programme, both share capital and savings deposits are mobilized from members (sometimes
with a match from donors). Loans are made to groups of ten members, but benefiting only
half of them at a time and reaching the second half only after repayment of the initial loans.
Also, a number of other institutions in Ghana are seeking to expand their activities and
progress towards sustainability by pursuing a variety of approaches:
In a group savings with credit scheme, a group of members mobilize and pool their
savings jointly to qualify for a loan and may then use group savings as security
against loans.
In a group and individual savings with credit scheme, group and individual savings
accounts coexist, both of which can be used as collateral. Group savings provide an
additional security to back an individual loan. Loan repayments are made
individually but handled through the group account. In such schemes, the institution
minimizes its risk by basing its loan on a high collateral, and involving group
solidarity. In Ghana, examples of MFIs using this scheme are Nsoatreman,
Bosomtwe, and Lower Pra RBs.
With individual savings with group lending, the group handles the collection of
individual savings, receives the loan for distribution to members, and bears group
responsibility for recovery. A number of MFIs use this scheme, including in Ghana,
Brakwa, Nsoatreman, Bulsa Community Bank, Women’s World Banking Ghana,
and Lower Pra.
Finally, the individual approach to both savings and credit may prevail if
individuals have established a credible credit history, or in cases where the group
approach is not appropriate.
B. Formalizing Informal Methods of Financial Intermediation
Traditional informal systems for the collection of savings and for lending have provided
substantial insight for the operations of licensed MFIs in African countries. The use of
informal traditional methodologies by licensed MFIs has been instrumental in mobilizing
savings from lower-income households and giving them access to financial services that are
In Guinea, the Agence Autonome d’Assistance intégrée aux Entreprises (3AE) provides
finance to small businesses run by handicapped poor. First Allied S&L in Ghana works with
occupation-based groups such as butchers, kente weavers, carpenters, and other associations.
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similar to those provided by the formally regulated financial system. In particular, licensed
MFIs have benefited from interacting with informal players in two ways:
First, savings mobilization methods developed by informal savings collectors have
been widely replicated. One example is how the susu collector function was
expanded in Ghana by licensed MFIs with “Mobile Banking” services, with officers
visiting rural markets on specific days (Box 2).
Second, informal institutions have been integrated into the saving and lending
operations of licensed MFIs. Informal savings collectors that place their deposits
with the larger MFIs, may be considered a part of the saving mobilization effort of
the latter; notably, they provide an additional layer in the structure of the
microfinance system. This is the case for example in Ghana, with licensed MFIs
working with Susu clubs (Box 2).
C. Looking for Financial Sustainability
The technologies described above, based on the formalization of informal techniques and on
group-based instruments, have been used to promote financial sustainability of MFIs. They
have the advantage of addressing a number of problems faced by financial institutions when
operating with the poor or with the informal sector, for example, asymmetry of information,
lack of collateral, and difficult enforcement of legal rights.
The linking of savings and credit programs is often used as a way to overcome the problems
caused by asymmetry of information between lenders and borrowers, and by the borrowers’
lack of collateral, although this limits the flexibility in allocating loanable funds. In
particular, the weakest performers could drag down the performance of the entire group.
However, by making the group responsible for loan recovery and repayment, peer pressure
acts as a substitute for collateral. MFIs can then save on transaction costs and increase the
repayment rate. Hence, group-based microfinance techniques may also be viewed as a
response to portfolio performance problems experienced with individual loans. At the same
time individual lending technologies have also been successfully adapted to the microfinance
context. In Ghana for example, the RCBs had initially focused on standard commercial loans
to individuals and experienced a high volume of non-performing loans, but they later
improved performance by adjusting the terms of the loans, generally to short-term (4-6
months), and by requiring weekly repayments, and retaining a compulsory up-front savings
of 20 percent as a security.
Group lending with joint liability tends to encourage self-selection and group formation
among good credit risks, addressing partially the problem of imperfect information faced by
the lender, and thereby lowering the overall risk of the group lending scheme. This is because
the risk of a potential default by any one individual is borne by the whole membership. A
number of limits/risks may exist in group lending schemes with joint liabilities, where the
behavior of one individual may affect the repayment of the group as a whole:
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Box 2. Building on Informal Sector Savings and Credit Mechanisms: The Example of the
Ghana Susu System
The informal credit sector has been very active in Ghana and covers a range of activities known as susu,
including individual savings collectors, rotating savings and credit associations (ROSCAs), and savings
and credit “clubs” run by an operator. These institutions provide a rich source of experience for the
development of microfinance services—focusing mostly on savings products. The following four
different types of susu institutions have influenced the operations of MFIs:
Susu collectors offer a saving vehicle by collecting daily amounts voluntarily saved by their
clients, which they returned at the end of the month, minus one day’s amount as a commission.
The susu collector function was expanded by licensed MFIs with “Mobile Banking” services
working as a collector going locally to mobilize savings and offering additional services, such
as promised loans (proposed for example by Nsoetreman Rural Bank and First Allied S&L),
and life insurance benefits (introduced briefly by the State Insurance Corporation in the 1980s).
Susu associations are either (i) rotating (ROSCAs), that is, they collect savings from their
members and allocate them to each member in turn, or (ii) accumulating, which allow regular
contributions to be accumulated, to cover the lump sum costs of such special future events as
Susu clubs combined the above two systems, operated by a single agent. Members commit to
save a pre-defined amount over the medium-term (50- to 100-week cycles) and pay
commissions on each payment and fees when they are advanced the targeted amount before the
end of the cycle.
Susu companies are more recent (late 1980s) and registered. In addition to savings collected
using traditional susu collectors, they provide loans after a minimum saving period.
MFIs have used Susu associations, clubs, and companies to expand their services. In these schemes, Susu
club operators are clients of licensed financial institutions, attracted by safe instruments where they can
place mobilized savings, and by lending facilities that they can use to offer more advances to their own
clients. On the credit side, licensed MFIs may capitalize on local informal agents’ intimate knowledge of
their clients. A pilot program supported by RCBs and S&Ls provides funds to susu collectors who then
on-lend to their own-clients. These interactions have resulted in greater effectiveness in reaching lower-
income brackets and women. In Ghana, the two groups of clients account for between 65 to 80 percent
of the clients of those susu schemes.
First, under a group lending scheme, the burden of risk borne by an individual
member of the group is higher than it would have been under a limited liability
scheme. Thus for a group lending-scheme to be the preferred alternative to a limited
liability scheme, the gains from lower overall risk under the former would have to
outweigh the default risk that borrowers pass on to the nonborrowers of the group
lending scheme.
The second risk is a contagion effect whereby a default by one borrower affects the
credit rating of the group as a whole and causes it to default.
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The third risk is a coordination failure problem as individual borrowers have an
incentive to default when they expect other individual members of the group to fail.
This may prompt a default of the group even when all its members are solvent.
Some mechanisms have been designed to reduce the risk that individual behavior may
impose on the group as a whole. Sequential lending, when loans are provided sequentially to
different sub-groups of borrowers participating in a given group lending scheme, is one
example, that reduces contagion and coordination failure risks.
Also, self-selection leads to
the formation of groups of relatively safe borrowers, hence limiting the transfer of risk from
the group to the individual borrower. One concern is that group lending schemes have been
argued to be overly conservative in risk-taking, selecting only the safest projects.
The obvious critical issue is whether MFIs have achieved financial sustainability, at least in
the sense of achieving “break-even” in their current operations, if not also in fully covering
their investment costs. There is little hard data available for African MFIs to answer this
question, and one has only partial data at best. There is some evidence that MFIs are able to
improve their financial performance, if they have autonomy over their management
decisions; are allowed to set their lending and deposit rates to maintain a spread consistent
with profitability; are vigilant in their efforts to avoid or reduce the incidence of
nonperforming loans; and focus on addressing their capacity and skills supply constraints.
In Benin, following the financial rehabilitation programs of 1989-93 and that
launched in 1999 (described below in Box 4), many SLCs were able to substantially
expand their deposits and loan portfolios, recover their nonperforming loans, and
achieve break-even or positive net profits in their current operations.
In Ghana, the performance in the rural microfinance (RMF) sector is reported to
have improved in recent years. The combination of (i) a more commercial
approach, (ii) a restructuring of the sector through re-capitalization and capacity-
building, and (iii) strengthened regulation contributed to reduce drastically the
proportion of distressed RCBs. At the level of S&Ls and credit unions, weak
financial performance, mostly due to a welfare focus and policies of low interest
rates, was reportedly improved through a greater commercial focus supported by
better management and financial reporting. From 1996 to 2001, the proportion of
“unsatisfactory” credit unions declined from 70 percent to 60 percent and that of
those in the worst categories from 42 percent to 15 percent.
In Guinea, the four existing MFIs are reported to have strengthened their financial
performance over the period 1997–2003. They achieved this by lowering the share
of non-performing loans (NPLs) in their total credit and raising their lending rates,
Contagion of a default arises when the group defaults following a downgrade of its rating
due to a default by a single sub-group. Coordination failure arises when each sub-group of
borrowers defaults expecting others to default, even when all group members are solvent.
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and improved their prospect of achieving a more sustainable financial position. The
share of NPLs in the four MFIs was considerably lower than that of the commercial
banks, and with the aim of achieving financial sustainability, the MFIs maintained a
wider interest rate spread than that prevailing in the banking sector.
A. Developing Complementarities between MFIs and Banks
The African experience suggests that MFIs have built on pre-existing informal sector
mechanisms (among the many examples are susus and tontines) to create viable channels for
capital infusions from formal sector banks, donors, and governments.
As a result, deposit-
taking MFIs, informal microfinance institutions, and credit-only MFIs have all developed
increasingly close ties with full-fledged commercial banks and other non-bank financial
institutions in the formal sector (Box 4). Banks and MFIs complement each other well by
servicing substantially different client bases. Banks lend and collect deposits mostly from a
limited formal private sector and to the government, while MFIs service poor and rural
households, and small entrepreneurs often in the informal sector.
With the increasingly closer linkages between commercial banks and MFIs, the prospects for
enhancing financial deepening have improved. Both commercial banks and MFIs benefit
from a closer relationship. MFIs may increase their effectiveness in having access to
financial services that facilitate their liquidity management, while banks expand their client
base by working with MFIs. We review below the nature and implications of such
interactions, supported by evidence from the experience of our selected countries.
MFIs reap benefits as clients—depositors and borrowers—of commercial banks.
First, as observed in Guinea and Benin, commercial banks typically manage MFIs’
deposit accounts, and sometimes, provide them with liquidity management services,
for example emergency credit lines to cover cash shortfalls, hence reducing the
risks associated with irregular cash flows. Second, extended credit facilities also
allow MFIs to expand their services. In Guinea, while MFIs are currently using
liquidity management services provided by commercial banks—including one of
them having access to an emergency credit line—banks have been cautious in
extending credit lines, given the risk that the failure of MFIs spills over to
commercial banks. Conversely, these risks are to some extent mitigated by the
additional benefits of interaction between MFIs and the banks, which include (a) the
opportunity given to banks to expand their portfolio of clients beyond a usually
highly concentrated clientele, and (b) the monitoring of MFI clients by commercial
banks. The experience of Guinea supports this conclusion, although the interactions
between MFIs and banks are in an early phase.
This argument was developed more formally by de Aghion and Morduch, 2003.
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MFIs and commercial banks work together in providing financial services. In a
number of African countries, banks and MFIs have successfully cooperated in
extending their outreach and achieving economies of scale. Branch network sharing
is seen as effective in servicing a larger client base while containing costs. In
Guinea, banks are looking at possibilities to use the network of MFIs to expand
credit to large rural clients. In Tanzania, the example of the CRDB developing
banking relationships with savings and credit cooperatives to channel funds for
micro-lending is illustrative. Cooperation also entails channeling credit from banks
and MFIs to clients with obvious business synergies. The NMB of Tanzania is
developing relations between credit to its large corporate clients and credit to
micro-enterprises that supply inputs and distribute the products of the former. The
NMB lends to micro-enterprises to finance their purchases and inventories, and
provides large corporate clients with collection and payment services to and from
The links between MFIs and banks provide a platform for strengthening the links
between the formal and informal sectors of the economy. While small entrepreneurs
with no credit history are usually excluded from commercial bank credit, they
constitute a profitable business segment for MFIs. Those entrepreneurs could
eventually graduate from micro-credit to conventional bank loans, either by
developing successfully into sizeable businesses or by building reputation through
repeated borrowing and establishing a strong record of loan repayment, even though
barriers to entry into the conventional banking sector for small entrepreneurs would
still limit the possibilities of graduation to the conventional banking sector.
With MFIs linking up with banks, the supply of loanable funds to previously underserved
areas of the economy and the number of small borrowers with access to credit are likely to
increase. Some might argue that this would lend to increased competition and better terms for
loans to small borrowers. Unfortunately, however, this may not necessarily happen. The
expansion of credit to new borrowers may entail increases in default risk, loan administration
and monitoring costs, strategic collusion among informal lenders (to avoid a costly price
war), and contamination of the pool of borrowers for lenders who are poor at screening out
the risky ones. All these potential risks suggest that the cost of borrowing may not fall, at
least in the early stages of growth in the microfinance sector. This being said, the cost of
credit provided by formal MFIs is generally much less than that provided by informal lenders
(such as money lenders).
B. The Roles of Donors and NGOs
Donors and NGOs have generally provided support through two main channels: domestic
NGOs or donor-managed microfinance projects, and microfinance institutions that function
more or less like leasing companies (receiving wholesale external resources and lending to
clients). These are mainly “credit-only” schemes that receive wholesale funds from external
sources, often donors, instead of collecting deposits, and the lending methods (successfully
introduced by NGOs) are often based on the group solidarity” method (Box 3). Policy
makers may be tempted to emphasize the lending function in the microfinance sector
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Box 3. The Roles of Donors and NGOs in Credit-Only Schemes
In many countries, credit-only schemes have been developed by NGOs, often with donor support.
In Guinea, there are two well-known institutions that are wholly donor-financed, micro-lending entities
operating solely in the urban sector: the Programme Intégré pour le Développement de l’Entreprise
(PRIDE/Finance) and the Agence Autonome d’Assistance Intégrée aux Entreprises (3AE).
PRIDE/Finance lends to small businesses, and its affiliate PRIDE/Formation provides training facilities
independently to small businesses. 3AE, which is supported by the European Union, the United Nations
Development Program, and International Labor Organization, lends primarily to small businesses run by
women and projects for the benefit of the handicapped.
In Benin, there are nine associations involved in microfinance activities, two of which —PADME
(Support Project for the Development of Microenterprises) and PAPME (Support Project for Small- and
Medium-sized Entreprises)—constitute a significant part of the total MFI credits. Associations currently
do not collect deposits and consequently, receive their funding from the domestic banking system or
through external donors
Initially established as government projects; and supported by a World Bank
credit, both institutions were converted into private voluntary associations in 1997. They serve mainly
urban areas and their clientele consists of small enterprises and entrepreneurs. As credit-only institutions,
the sources of their funds are donor institutions including the World Bank. Under a recent private sector
development project (1999), the World Bank provides both institutions credits to onlend to clients and
grants to finance technical assistance, training and operating costs. Both institutions have sound financial
situation, with high loan repayment rates and consequently low levels of nonperforming loans.
In Ghana, NGOs, focusing mostly on poverty, have a deep penetration to poor clients, but microfinance
is in most cases only one of their many activities and their total outreach is limited, to about 60,000
clients. Further, NGOs are not licensed to take deposits from the public and have to rely on donor funds
for microcredit. NGOs, despite their limited reach, brought internationally tested methodologies to
Ghana, for example, the concept of group solidarity
more heavily than deposit mobilization, as they may assume that increases in lending would
promote investment and hence enhance economic growth. The difficulties and costs of
achieving the geographical outreach and managing numerous small depositors also work in
favor of credit-only institutions. Deposit collection entails a different technology than
lending, and if the main social benefit from microfinance is seen as the lending function,
policy makers may be biased toward credit-only institutions.
Direct support from NGOs in lending schemes has received some criticism because of their
potential adverse effects on the operation of MFIs. NGO support could weaken financial
discipline in MFIs, and dependence on donor money rather than deposit mobilization could
constrain growth and sustainability. Donor-directed lending may also crowd out
commercially viable projects that would not qualify for donor funds. While increased lending
may take place, this may not be directed towards the needs of the economy. This does not
invalidate the benefits of donor funding of MFIs, but points to a need to weigh the options
carefully. At the same time, NGO-based MFIs are limited in their outreach by their
dependence on external sources of donor funds, and also by their need to allocate their
limited resources to a wide range of activities outside the microfinance sector. NGOs have
proven particularly efficient in working with community-based organizations, in regions
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where licensed MFIs are scarce
and their reach is generally limited to specific locations.
Donor interest in supporting MFIs may partly address the resource problem, but does so only
temporarily and to a limited extent.
While donors could support MFIs’ lending operations with resources, they could also
encourage efforts to build the resource base through domestic saving mobilization.
Emphasizing full intermediation does not necessarily preclude donor involvement in assisting
the MFIs with capacity building (in both physical, and human resources), which will remain
essential. The experience of countries in SSA suggests that NGOs and donors can play an
important role in the dissemination of best practices tested internationally and regionally and
remain important in building borrowers’ entrepreneurial skills and capacity to graduate to the
formal banking sector. In some situations, NGOs have been engaged in building local
capacity through the creation of institutions specifically dedicated to training (Box 3).
In many cases, NGOs and donors have tended to focus on social programs and services for
which they have particular expertise, including programs aimed at reducing poverty. NGOs
have in some cases also focused on providing welfare and socially-oriented microfinance,
when the push toward financial sustainability was seen to induce a reorientation of MFI focus
from the very poor to the lower-middle and middle classes. While NGOs may continue to
play an important role in providing social services to the very poor and the more remote
areas, it is debatable whether this is more efficient in promoting poverty reduction than direct
subsidization of social services (such as primary education and basic health care).
In several African countries—for example, Ghana, Guinea, Tanzania and Uganda—
governments have in the past relied on state-owned banks to extend rural credit and
microfinance services. In most cases, these banks have incurred large losses and have had to
be restructured, recapitalized, privatized or liquidated. This experience of failed state-owned
banks has led African governments to focus on financially viable approaches to providing
microfinance and on developing regulatory and supervision frameworks that are well adapted
to supporting such an effort.
In Ghana notably, NGOs have worked extensively in the northern part of the country,
where licensed MFIs are scarce.
In Tanzania, NGOs and donors are heavily involved with all layers of the microfinance
system, from regulators to rural MFIs, in staff capacity building and technology transfer. To
mention only one of many examples, the Department of International Development (DfID)
works and provides funds for capacity building to the Microfinance Capacity Building
Programme for Africa (AFCAP), and to Microsave Africa—a joint initiative with UNDP to
provide technical assistance to organizations to strengthen the development of saving
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Regulatory systems in the countries reviewed have evolved through a cycle of easy entry,
weak performance, and finally tightening up of regulation and restructuring. This evolution
generated adaptive licensing and regulatory frameworks that proved conductive to the
development of the sector, but exemplified the risks associated with lax regulation of
microfinance activities. In all four countries reviewed, the failure of major institutions led to
major restructurings. The success of those restructurings was allowed by the simultaneous
strengthening of the regulatory environment and of the supervisory capacity to avoid moral
hazard problems. Box 4 presents the experience of the four African countries reviewed.
Box 4. Restarting on a Sound Base: Restructuring and Addressing Regulatory Failures
As in the case of banking sector restructuring, microfinance sector restructuring should address future
moral hazard problems while reviving or liquidating the failed institutions. This requires prompt
regulatory and/or supervisory upgrading. The involvement of donors may be crucial both to alleviate
financial burden on the government and to provide technical assistance at the institutional and
supervisory levels. The experiences of Benin, Ghana, Guinea, and Tanzania are illustrative.
In Benin, the loan portfolio of the largest microfinance institution deteriorated significantly in 1998. The
institution responded by stopping new credit extension and got engaged in a comprehensive
rehabilitation process with technical assistance from a donor. The program aimed at (i) reducing
nonperforming loans; (ii) temporary blocking of new credit extension; (iii) improvement of internal
control and procedures; and (iv) restructuring the network through changing the status of some of the
SLCs and putting some under tutelage. The results of the rehabilitation have so far been encouraging
although the rehabilitation activity, including restructuring, is programmed to continue until 2004. The
total deposits and credit expanded rapidly, progress was made in recovering nonperforming loans, and
positive net profits were recorded in 2002. As a microfinance law was enacted at the end of 1997,
supported with application decrees and central bank instructions setting prudential rules and reporting
requirements in 1998, the authorities’ response was concentrated on strengthening their supervision
capacity with the assistance of donors.
In Ghana, the World Bank assisted in the recapitalization and capacity building of rural credit banks at
the outset of 1990s. Coupled with strengthened supervision and stricter reserve requirements by the
central bank, this assistance provided positive results. The number of rural credit banks classified as
having satisfactory financial situation increased from 23 out of 123 in 1992 to 61 out of 128 in 1996.
In Guinea, donors were involved in the operational and financial audit of the largest microfinance
institution after its failure. The audit identified severe liquidity problems and losses due to bad portfolio
quality, mismanagement and capacity problems, and weaknesses in regulatory and supervisory
environment. Immediately after the liquidation decision was taken, the central bank issued instructions
to strengthen the regulatory environment and a microfinance law is currently being prepared.
In Tanzania, a special effort was made to ensure that the banks involved in the microfinance sector that
were restructured and recapitalized complied with the licensing and regulatory requirements before
being permitted to restart their operations. The largest microfinance-oriented commercial bank emerged
from the restructuring and recapitalization of the state-owned bank, and it is being prepared for
privatization. The privately-owned bank CRDB was also restructured and recapitalized before it entered
the microfinance sector and began lending to downstream cooperatives for on lending to small
businesses and rural producers.
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Along with the growth of the microfinance sector, governments have played a lead role in
putting in place the supporting regulatory frameworks. Approaches to designing regulation
differ widely both conceptually and in practice. In this section, we discuss issues related to
the regulatory framework in the light of the experience of the four countries covered in this
A. Objectives and Coverage of the Regulatory Framework
Overall, the rationale for microfinance regulation is to create a healthy environment for
microfinance activities while not stifling the growth of the sector by imposing undue
requirements. The experiences of the four countries reviewed here suggest that the
frameworks for licensing, regulating and prudential supervision need to be well adapted and
flexibility designed to reflect the specific characteristics and the stage of evolution of the
microfinance sector in a given country. The peculiarities of the microfinance sector
necessitate either a dedicated law for the sector, or that the peculiarities be addressed
adequately under other legislation that can be applied to regulate the sector. For example, in
Benin there is a dedicated microfinance law, and in Guinea such a law is currently being
finalized. On the other hand, in Ghana and Tanzania, the microfinance sector is regulated
under commercial banking laws, and separate laws for cooperatives and non-bank financial
institutions. Box 5 reviews regulation and supervision practices in all four surveyed
Given differences in types of formal microfinance institutions, particularly when there are
separate deposit-collecting institutions and credit-only institutions, adaptive and flexible
microfinance regulation has proven to be effective. In the case of Benin, the microfinance
law provides the framework for regulating deposit-collecting institutions while the credit-
only institutions are regulated mostly through individually signed framework agreements
with the Ministry of Finance. In Guinea, the prudential regulations vary with the type of the
institution, classified into three categories: MFIs that collect deposits and lend only to
members, those that collect deposits and lend to non-members, and those that undertake
mainly donor financed lending operations. In Ghana and Tanzania, three-tiered systems of
regulation and supervision have emerged, where the most formal institutions are regulated as
banks, and the semi-formal institutions as nonbank financial institutions, while the informal
institutions remain unregulated. Box 5 provides more details on laws and regulations in the
four countries selected in this study.
Size and linkages with other microfinance institutions or commercial banks which may
increase systemic risks is a key consideration in the design of prudential legislation, given the
wide variety of microfinance institutions. At the higher end of the range of microfinance
institutions, there are large deposit collecting institutions with linkages to commercial banks,
and at the lower end, there are very small institutions with characteristics similar to informal
sector activities. Due to the high unit cost of supervising and monitoring microfinance
institutions and the limited supervisory resources, there is a clear need to prioritize the tasks
at hand, with the larger institutions and/or more risk-prone MFIs receiving
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Box 5. Laws, Regulations and Supervisory Authority for MFIs in Selected Countries
Laws, regulations and supervisory authority for MFIs vary widely in Africa. In some countries, there
is a dedicated microfinance law while, in others, the formal microfinance sector is subject to
provisions of commercial banking law, cooperative law and/or nonbank institutions law. Lower level
regulation is carried out by the central bank and/or the Ministry of Finance. Supervisory authority also
differs; in some countries central banks and/or the Ministry of Finance are solely responsible while in
others, ministries in charge of cooperatives are involved.
In Benin, along with other West Africa Monetary Union (WAEMU) countries, there is a dedicated
microfinance law, which covers saving and loan cooperatives (SLCs). SLC activities are regulated by
the PARMEC law, adopted in August 1997. The authority to grant licenses to new SLCs is vested in
the Ministry of Finance and the regulations specify well-defined procedures and requirements for
applications to establish new SLCs. The regulations of microfinance activities of associations (and all
microfinance institutions other than SLCs) and their prudential rules are governed by the ministerial
decree and the framework agreements (convention-cadre) signed with the Ministry of Finance at the
time of inception of their activities. The supervision and monitoring of microfinance institutions is
conducted by the Microfinance Unit (MU) of the Ministry of Economy and Finance with cooperation
from the regional central bank (BCEAO). While the inspection activity, both on-site and off-site, of
the MU has intensified over the years, the unit is constrained by limited resources. The MU
inspections center around a number of criteria to assess the situation of the MFIs, including
governance, physical security and internal control, accounting, financial management, compliance
with prudential ratios, and credit management.
In Ghana, activities of rural credit banks (RCBs) are regulated under the Commercial Bank Act with
some specific provisions such as different minimum capital requirements and limitations on their
activities such as foreign exchange operations. S&Ls, on the other hand, are regulated under the
Nonbank Financial Institutions Law, again with certain specific restrictions. In addition, a new law is
under preparation for credit unions. The current regulatory framework provides a strong licensing
system for the formal sector, formal registration for the semi-formal sector, and relative laisser-faire
for informal institutions. For supervisory purposes, given the high costs of supervising a large number
of RMFs and the limited supervision capacity of the Bank of Ghana, the central bank’s response has
been to use regulatory requirements to offset the limits of prudential supervision, including through
appropriate high reserve requirement for RCBs, minimum capital requirements for NBFIs, and self-
regulation of credit unions by their apex body.
In Guinea, microfinance activities are regulated by central bank instructions at present, while a
microfinance law is being prepared. Licensing and supervision are being conducted by the central
bank. The regulation is adapted to three main types of institutions: credit only MFIs, MFIs that collect
deposits and lend to members only, and MFIs that collect deposits and lend with no membership
restriction. To ensure compliance with the prudential regulations, the central bank relies on off-site
and on-site audits of MFIs. However, this supervision effort is impeded by institutional capacity
constraints. The MFIs have experienced difficulties in compiling the necessary information and data,
and the central bank has lacked sufficient trained staff to carry out the supervision. To address these
constraints, the Guinean authorities could benefit from donor support to develop reliable information
and data base, the necessary skilled staff, and an appropriate reporting and monitoring system to
strengthen the prudential supervision of the microfinance sector.
In Tanzania, formal microfinance institutions are subject to the provisions of the banking regulatio
and supervision while semi-formal institutions are subject to the Cooperative Societies Act and are
supervised by Ministry Cooperatives. The licensed, regulated and supervised institutions are all the
banks and nonbank financial institutions. Although the other institutional providers of microfinance
the SACCOs and NGOs—are registered under the Companies Act and had entered the sector before
the recent entry of banks, they are currently not subject to prudential regulations.
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greater attention from regulators and supervisors. The current practice varies widely although
this principle is commonly applied. In Benin, the prudential aspects of the microfinance
regulation covers all major microfinance institutions, although the prudential rules are less
demanding than those on the commercial banks. In Ghana, out of the two main categories of
microfinance institutions, rural credit banks are subject to prudential rules under the
commercial banking law while saving and credit cooperatives are subject to those under the
non-bank financial institutions law.
The stages through which microfinance institutions evolve during their life cycles, which
extend from informal initiatives (such as susus in Tanzania or “banquiers ambulants” in
Benin) to mature and formalized microfinance institutions are also important in the design of
regulatory frameworks. Regulation should provide clear guidelines for “semi-formalizing”
(becoming registered but not subject to supervision) the relatively larger informal
institutions, and for fully formalizing semiformal institutions (becoming registered and
subject to supervision) after satisfying certain criteria (as in the case of Benin). The
authorities in Tanzania and Ghana have developed a different two-pronged approach. The
first approach is to permit the nonregulated institutions to become licensed and prudentially
regulated. To this end, the Tanzanian authorities have adopted a tiered structure of entry
requirements, which require lower amounts of minimum capitalization for nonbank financial
institutions than for banks. The second approach is to encourage the already licensed and
regulated banks to develop and expand their microfinance operations.
Finally, in some countries, the microfinance institutions have found it useful to set up an
apex or umbrella institution for the microfinance sector to coordinate and supervise their
activities. Thus, in Benin, the Federation of Rural Savings and Loan Cooperatives
(Fédération des Caisses d’Epargne et du Crédit Agricole Mutuel – FECECAM) was
established in 1993, as an umbrella organization for SLCs. The FECECAM organization
currently includes four levels. At the village level, the Village Saving and Credit
Cooperatives are associated with the cooperatives at the town/city level. These are called
Local Saving and Credit Cooperatives, with each covering between 20 to 30 villages, and
organized under regional level unions, themselves members of the FECECAM. FECECAM
includes also a technical secretariat in charge of overseeing implementation of the
federation’s policies, and providing technical support to the SLC regional unions.
FECECAM coordinates and supervises the activities of the member SLCs, provides
refinancing and a placement widow for excess liquidity, allows “deficit” SLCs—which are
mainly in the very remote areas—to survive through special credit lines and financial
contributions, offers technical support and training and serves as a lobbying unit vis-à-vis the
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B. Minimum Regulatory Requirements and Supervision Practices
The principal regulatory requirements are licensing, information transmission requirements,
and prudential norms. These should be used in line with the objectives of the regulatory
design discussed above. Reviewing the experience of four countries shows a similar gradual
approach to licensing requirements: newer and smaller institutions are encouraged to apply
for licensing without much regulatory requirement while larger institutions are regulated and
supervised more closely and strictly.
The scope and intensity of supervision practices applied to MFIs have varied across
countries, as described in Box 4. In Benin, there are several on-site inspections during the
year, which assess the financial performance of the institution and its practices in several
other areas, notably with regard to governance, accounting, financial and credit management,
and compliance with prudential ratios. By contrast, in Guinea, although the central bank
relies on off-site and on-site audits, the supervision effort has been impeded by institutional
capacity constraints, especially lack of qualified staff. In Ghana, given the high costs of
supervising, a large number of MFIs and the limited supervision capacity, the Bank of Ghana
has relied more on strict regulatory requirements than on actual supervision.
The experience of the four countries suggests that a minimum set of prudential rules for
larger institutions include capital requirements (minimum capital limit, minimum retained
earnings, or capital adequacy ratios), risk concentration limits (on single borrowers), liquidity
limits, and well-defined provisioning requirements (Box 6).
C. Accompanying Measures
The capacity of MFIs has an important bearing on the compliance with regulatory
requirements. It is therefore important to put in place appropriate measures in the following
capacity building at the institutional level including in bookkeeping and reporting
standards, strengthening of internal controls and credit decision mechanisms, and
improving technology and human resources;
similar capacity constraints should be addressed on the supervision side, ensuring
competence and effectiveness and focus (given the high unit costs of supervision)
of supervising staff;
development of the borrower database infrastructure through improved data
compilation at an institutional or sectoral level and establishment of credit bureaus;
finally, the general judicial environment also has an important bearing on the
development of the sector. The enforcement of microfinance regulations and
general business related laws is crucial for the development of a formal
microfinance sector as it is for the rest of the financial sector in general.
The first two are areas where a coordinated effort by governments and donors can be helpful.
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Box 6. Prudential requirements for microfinance institutions in Benin, Ghana,
Guinea, and Tanzania
Benin Ghana 1/ Guinea Tanzania 2/
Minimum capital
Reserve requirement
Capital Adequacy ratio
Limit on total risks
Limit on loans to a single borrower
Limit on insider loans
Limit on total large loans
Limit on liquidity ratios
Limit on coverage of non-short term
liabilities by non-short term assets
Ceiling on non-secured loans
Ceiling on fixed assets
Ceiling non-microfinance activity
Provisioning requirements
1/ In Ghana, these prudential rules apply to microfinance institutions subject to commercial
banking laws.
2/ In Tanzania, the prudential rules apply to commercial and microfinance banks (including unit rural
banks) registered under the commercial banking law. Saving and credit unions are effectively not
regulated or supervised.
In sub-Saharan Africa, there is ample evidence that the poor, particularly those in the rural
sector, value both deposit and credit facilities. The existence and growth of cooperative
banking and combined savings and credit institutions in the microfinance sector in sub-
Saharan Africa reflects the growing demand for both savings and credit facilities.
There are strong linkages between formal and informal microfinance institutions (MFIs). The
formal institutions have, in some cases, drawn on the savings mobilization methods earlier
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developed by traditional informal MFIs. In some cases, the former have also become bankers
to the latter.
The group-based savings cum credit institutions that are prevalent in Africa, like elsewhere,
rely on peer pressure and joint liability (rather than collateral) to ensure loan repayment. In
the case of loans to individuals, MFIs tend to rely on short maturity for repayment, high
frequency of payments, and, at times, a compulsory security deposit to encourage timely loan
There is some evidence in Africa that MFIs, which engage in both savings mobilization and
credit extension, have faired better financially than those specializing either in deposit
collection or in lending. Those engaged in full intermediation tend to grow when they are
able to expand their resource base through deposit collection. MFI operations that depend
exclusively on funds from donors or the government, are generally constrained by a limited
resource base. Equally important, the performance of MFIs depends critically upon having
autonomy in management decisionmaking, including the setting of deposit and lending rates
with an appropriate profit-making spread; being vigilant to avoid nonperforming loans; and
building institutional capacity, addressing skill shortages.
Growing linkages between MFIs and the banking system in Africa appear to be mutually
beneficial. MFIs rely on banks for a variety of services, including deposit facilities, liquidity
management services, and, in some cases, emergency credit lines to cover cash shortfalls. For
banks, the benefits are the opportunity to expand their client base through MFIs, and to
expand their operations through the network of MFIs (including in the rural sector). The
linkages between MFIs and banks also help to strengthen the linkages more broadly between
the economic activities in the formal and informal sectors of the economy, and provide
opportunities for small entrepreneurs to graduate from micro credit to conventional bank
Donors and NGOs have played an important supportive role in the development of MFIs in
sub-Saharan Africa. Most importantly they have helped to disseminate best practices tested
internationally and regionally, build local capacity, and develop the entrepreneurial skills of
borrowers. The impact of NGOs directly involved in lending schemes has been more mixed,
mainly because of the potential adverse effects that subsidized lending by NGOs may have
on the operations of MFIs.
Finally, governments in sub-Saharan Africa play a key role in promoting the microfinance
sector by putting in place the necessary laws, regulations, and institutions for the licensing,
prudential regulation, and effective supervision of the sector. Official practices in each of
these areas vary widely across countries, reflecting the stage of evolution in the country’s
microfinance sector, institutional capacity, and skilled personnel constraints, and differences
in official approaches ranging between intensive regulation and a more “laissez-faire”
approach. In general, regulatory requirements and prudential norms applied to MFIs need to
be well adapted and flexibly designed to reflect the specific characteristics and stage of
evolution of the MFIs in a given country. It appears that these requirements and norms for
MFIs are financially less demanding than those applied to commercial banks; and newer and
- 22 -
smaller MFIs have been subjected to less exacting licensing and regulatory requirements, and
less closely supervised than the commercial banks and larger nonbank financial institutions.
However, the growing linkages between MFIs and banks and the potential systemic effects of
distress in any segment suggest that the licensing, regulation, and close prudential
supervision of MFIs will become increasingly important.
The main constraints to developing the regulatory and prudential supervision framework are
threefold. A first set of capacity constraints relate to the lack of bookkeeping and reporting
standards, internal controls, and credit decision mechanisms at the level of the MFIs. A
second set of capacity constraints are at the level of the institutions entrusted with
supervision authority, mainly due to shortage of skilled and trained staff. Finally, the
information or database on borrowers, their credit history, and repayment records has not
kept pace with the growth of the microfinance sector.
- 23 -
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