Global microscope on the
microfi nance business environment
An index and study by the Economist Intelligence Unit
Supported by
Global microscope on the microfi nance
business environment 2010
© Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2010
About this report
This report outlines the fi ndings of the Economist Intelligence Unit’s in-depth analysis of the microfi nance
business environment in 54 countries. The index that underlies this report allows countries and regions
to be compared across three broad categories: regulatory framework, institutional development and
investment climate. The study uses a methodology which was originally developed for Latin America and
the Caribbean in 2007 and was employed for the fi rst time on a global basis in 2009. Most of the research
for this report was conducted prior to May 2010, although some later developments (up to July) were
included where they were particularly signifi cant. Future studies will build on this project by increasing
the number of interviews conducted, utilising new data, and refi ning the methodology. We welcome your
feedback. Please contact us at Microfi [email protected].
This work was supported by fi nancing from the Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF), a member of
the Inter-American Development Bank Group; CAF (the Andean Development Corporation) and the
Netherlands Technical Assistance Trust Fund at the International Finance Corporation (IFC).
The complete index, as well as detailed country analysis, can be viewed at
GlobalMicroscope,, and nance.
For further information, please contact:
The views and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the Economist Intelligence Unit and do not
necessarily reflect the official position of MIF, CAF, or IFC.
Economist Intelligence Unit
Vanesa Sanchez, Project Manager:
[email protected] / +44 20 7576 8301
Joanne McKenna, Press Offi cer:
[email protected] / +44 20 7576 8188
Multilateral Investment Fund
Inter-American Development Bank
Sergio Navajas, Senior Specialist:
[email protected] / +1 202 623 3268
Paola A. Pedroza, Special Consultant– Access to Finance
[email protected] / +1 202 623 3602
Paul Raymond Constance, Press Offi cer:
[email protected] / +1 202 623 2572
Dirección de Promoción de Pyme y Microempresas
Manuel Malaret, Manager:
[email protected] / +58 212 209 2060
Ixone Soroa, Executive:
[email protected] / +58 212 209 2289
microfi [email protected] / +58 212 209 2291
Nathalie Gerbasi, Press Offi cer:
[email protected] / +58 212 209 2315
Makanda Kioko, Programme Manager:
[email protected] / +1 202 473 4802
Renate Gamarra, Project Coordinator:
[email protected] / +1 202 473 5588
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© Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2010
Global microscope on the microfi nance
business environment 2010
About the Economist Intelligence Unit
The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) is the business information arm of The Economist Group, publisher
of The Economist. Through a global network of more than 650 analysts and contributors, we continuously
assess and forecast political, economic and business conditions in more than 200 countries. As the world’s
leading provider of country intelligence, we help executives, governments and institutions by providing
timely, reliable and impartial analysis on economic and development strategies. For more information,
About the Multilateral Investment Fund
The Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF), a member of the Inter-American Development Bank Group,
provides grants, investments and loans to promote private sector growth, particularly micro and small
businesses with high potential for poverty alleviation in Latin America and the Caribbean. For more
information, visit
About CAF
Established in 1970, CAF is a Latin American fi nancial institution created with the aim of promoting
sustainable development and regional integration. The institution promotes sustainable growth in Latin
America and the Caribbean by fi nancing projects in the public and private sectors, and by providing
technical cooperation and other specialised services. CAF consists of 18 Latin American, Caribbean,
and European governments as well as 14 private banks. It is a major source of multilateral fi nance and
knowledge generation in the region. For more information, visit
About IFC
IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, is the largest global development institution focused on the
private sector in developing countries. IFC creates opportunity for people to escape poverty and improve
their lives by providing fi nancing to help businesses employ more people and supply essential services,
by mobilising capital from others, and by delivering advisory services to ensure sustainable development.
In a time of global economic uncertainty, IFC’s new investments climbed to a record $18 billion in fi scal
2010. For more information, visit
Global microscope on the microfi nance
business environment 2010
© Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2010
Executive summary 4
Key fi ndings 6
Regional fi ndings 8
Country rankings 11
Overall microfi nance business 11
environment rankings
Rankings by category 12
Microscope indicators 15
Microfi nance country profi les 16
East and South Asia 17
Bangladesh 17
Cambodia 18
China 19
India 20
Indonesia 21
Mongolia 22
Nepal 22
Pakistan 23
Philippines 24
Sri Lanka 25
Thailand 27
Vietnam 28
Eastern Europe and Central Asia 29
Armenia 29
Azerbaijan 30
Bosnia 30
Georgia 31
Kyrgyz Republic 32
Tajikistan 32
Turkey 33
Latin America and the Caribbean 34
Argentina 34
Bolivia 35
Brazil 35
Chile 36
Colombia 37
Costa Rica 37
Dominican Republic 38
Ecuador 38
El Salvador 39
Guatemala 40
Haiti 40
Honduras 41
Jamaica 41
Mexico 42
Nicaragua 43
Panama 44
Paraguay 44
Peru 45
Trinidad and Tobago 46
Uruguay 46
Venezuela 47
In focus 48
The price of microfi nance in 48
Latin America and the Caribbean
Middle East and North Africa 50
Lebanon 50
Morocco 51
Yemen 51
Sub-Saharan Africa 53
Cameroon 53
Democratic Republic of Congo 53
Ghana 54
Kenya 55
Madagascar 56
Mozambique 56
Nigeria 57
Rwanda 58
Senegal 58
Tanzania 59
Uganda 60
In focus 61
Current issues in microfi nance 61
Principles for the effective 65
regulation and supervision of
microfi nance operations
Appendix 67
Methodology and sources 67
© Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2010
Global microscope on the microfi nance
business environment 2010
Microfi nance is entering a new and more dynamic phase. In July 2010 India’s SKS became only the second
microfi nance institution ever to launch an initial public offering (IPO). SKS is well known in India, where
it had almost 6 million active borrowers last year, but investors from several major US and European
banks also bought shares in the IPO. This speaks volumes about new attitudes towards microfi nance,
which is increasingly viewed by both providers and investors as a commercially viable industry. Nor is the
revolution in microfi nance confi ned to India. Thanks to innovations in mobile microfi nance, services like
Kenya’s M-PESA (with 10 million customers) are using the latest communications technology to bring
nance—and hope—to the world’s poorest countries.
Indeed, microfi nance is rapidly shifting from a niche product to a globally recognised form of fi nance.
Yet as microfi nance offerings become more sophisticated and diverse, regulatory and market gaps keep
the industry from operating as well as it should. This increases the need for a systematic way of tracking
and evaluating conditions for microfi nance.
The Global microscope on the microfi nance business environment 2010 provides a basis for
benchmarking the business conditions for privately provided microfi nance in countries around the world.
Commissioned and funded by MIF, CAF and IFC, the Global Microscope 2010 is the second annual effort to
evaluate and benchmark 54 developing countries. It is also the fourth yearly index to track conditions in
the 21 countries of the Latin American and Caribbean region.
The 2010 index covers the period from August 2009 through May 2010, and evaluates microfi nance
across three distinct categories: 1) the regulatory framework, including offi cial legal recognition, interest
rate restrictions, market distortions, capital requirements and regulatory capacity; 2) the general
investment climate for microfi nance providers, especially accounting standards, governance tendencies
and transparency requirements; and 3) the level of microfi nance institutional development, as measured
by market concentration, the range of services provided beyond credit and the quality of borrower
information. Although it is impossible to capture every dimension of the microfi nance environment, the
index highlights countries that have improved fi nancing options for the poor and those that still have
work to do.
Each year the Economist Intelligence Unit seeks to improve the methodology used to construct the
index. A larger and more diverse group of stakeholders was interviewed this year. An online survey was
conducted to solicit the views of an expanded community of microfi nance specialists and in-country
Executive summary
© Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2010
Global microscope on the microfi nance
business environment 2010
Executive summary
stakeholders. The Microscope research team also nearly doubled in size, and new institutions were invited
into the review process. New data and sources were also incorporated into the report.
Additional information on methodology and scoring is provided in the Microscope indicators section
and in the appendix.
© Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2010
Global microscope on the microfi nance
business environment 2010
For the second year running, Peru, the Philippines, and Bolivia top the Economist Intelligence Unit’s
Global Microscope index. Peru retained its position as the global leader, scoring 74.3 out of 100, similar
to last year’s score. The Philippines and Bolivia swapped positions and fi nished second and third,
respectively, this year. Two newcomers, Pakistan and Kenya, joined the top ten, displacing Nicaragua and
The three best-performing countries score especially well in two of the main index categories:
regulatory framework and institutional development. Peru is the only country that ranks in the top fi ve
for all three categories. The Philippines enjoys the best overall regulatory environment for microfi nance,
alongside Cambodia, which does not make the top ten overall, and Pakistan which does. As with the
highest-ranked countries, the remaining top-ten nations come from different regions and exhibit varied
macroeconomic and political characteristics. India, a large, fast-growing democracy, ranks eighth, just
below its neighbour, fi fth-ranked Pakistan, which is less stable politically and economically. Ecuador and
El Salvador, both with left-leaning governments, tie for sixth, ahead of ninth-placed Colombia, which has
worked hard to improve its business environment in the last decade. The two African countries in the top
ten, Ghana and Kenya, are among their region’s most stable economies. The countries that dropped from
the top ranks have either experienced notable deteriorations in investment and operating conditions for
microfi nance since 2009 (Nicaragua, as a result of the “No Pago” movement) or have simply not kept pace
New to the bottom rank (54th place), Venezuela fi nishes last in the 2010 index. It replaces Thailand,
in large part because of deteriorating investment and operating conditions for NGOs, but also because
of slight improvements in Thailand, whose microfi nance sector remains highly state-led. Microfi nance
in Venezuela suffers from a weak regulatory structure and low levels of market development. Although
ranked just above Venezuela, three countries in the bottom ten—Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica and
Turkey—also lack the appropriate level of regulatory support and have underdeveloped markets. They are,
however, unique in that relatively strong investment climates help to compensate for their weaknesses
Two countries, Azerbaijan and Nepal, left the bottom ranks this year. Azerbaijan now places 38th and
ties with China, thanks to improvements in its regulatory framework. Nepal benefi ted from a more hands-
off approach by the state and from new regulations that facilitate micro-deposit taking. Nepal is also in
the process of drafting its fi rst microfi nance law.
Key fi ndings
© Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2010
Global microscope on the microfi nance
business environment 2010
Key fi ndings
Changes since last year
Of the 54 countries included in the 2010 index, 29 improved their scores, 21 fell back, and four were
unchanged. Madagascar posted the biggest improvement, largely because of its increasingly favourable
regulatory framework, a wider range of microfi nance services and efforts to improve credit reporting.
Pakistan and Nepal had the second- and third-largest gains, helped by regulatory and market reforms.
A comprehensive list of changes for 2010 can be viewed by score and by category in the Excel model,
available free of charge at,, www. and nance.
Changes in methodology
As the Microscope index has evolved from a pilot project to a more established global study,
improvements in the data have been made and the number of interviews and contributing reviewers has
been increased. This has occasionally led to adjustments in country evaluations even if a net change was
not noted in a particular country since last year.
A specifi c case worth mentioning is the inclusion of updated competition data from MIX Market
and additional sources and microfi nance networks in Latin America and the Caribbean and Africa.
Improvements in the fi gures and in number of institutions reported since last year led to both positive and
negative changes for countries in this study.
Finally, Ethiopia was not included this year due to a lack of corroborating information. The study will
seek to re-incorporate Ethiopia in 2011.
A note on regional representation
This index builds on earlier studies of Latin America and the Caribbean; as a result, countries from that
region are somewhat over-represented in the study (21 of 54). Countries in other regions were selected
on the basis of the importance of their existing microfi nance sectors or the potential for future market
development. The study therefore provides differing levels of geographic coverage: 11 countries were
selected from Sub-Saharan Africa, fi ve from South Asia, seven from East Asia, three from the Middle East
and North Africa, and seven from Eastern Europe and Central Asia. These differences in coverage impact
regional conclusions and should be considered carefully when evaluating index results beyond individual
country scores.
© Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2010
Global microscope on the microfi nance
business environment 2010
East and South Asia
The Philippines and Pakistan fi ll the top regional ranks, scoring 64 points or more. They are followed
by India and Cambodia, whose scores are almost ten points apart. Despite the apparent room for
improvement (on a scoring scale of 0 to 100), these countries have frameworks in place that permit banks,
non-bank fi nancial institutions (which may or may not enjoy a specifi c microfi nance classifi cation),
NGOs and cooperatives to offer microfi nance services. These countries have also limited the extent and
impact of state involvement in the sector (if any). A minimum and necessary level of regulatory capacity
to oversee the active markets created by this approach has also been developed. One of the region’s
strongest gainers since last year, Nepal, has made moves in this direction.
The remaining eight countries score 40 points or less and struggle with regulatory conditions in
particular. Bangladesh, which enjoys an elevated public profi le for microfi nance (owing to the presence
of Grameen Bank), ranks a mere 33rd and scores lower than it did in 2009. Bangladesh has a moderately
restrictive regulatory framework that serves to constrain a majority of microfi nance institutions, and has a
fairly consolidated market. China and Mongolia also have restrictive frameworks, although market activity
is far less robust in these locations than in Bangladesh; as a result they rank several spots lower.
Countries such as Thailand, Vietnam, Sri Lanka and Indonesia wrestle with both regulatory restrictions
and signifi cant state intervention that impacts competition and market development. Indeed, Sri Lanka
experienced the biggest score decrease of all the Asian countries in the study. In other cases, such as
Indonesia, creative solutions are used to bypass these constraints and private providers have become
active in microfi nance. For the most part, though, government intervention through regulation and
lending programmes creates a strong crowding-out effect.
Eastern Europe and Central Asia
None of the Eastern European or Central Asian countries fi nished in the top ten. The region’s best
performer, the Kyrgyz Republic, places 12th globally despite experiencing a slight decline in its
overall score since last year. Turkey and Bosnia place in the top three worldwide for the quality of their
investment climate, and another two countries in the region place in the top ten for their legal and
regulatory frameworks (Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan). Despite noticeable regulatory capacity gaps
Regional fi ndings
© Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2010
Global microscope on the microfi nance
business environment 2010
Regional fi ndings
in Turkey and Bosnia, the majority of the countries in the region enjoy at least some (if not signifi cant)
specialised capacity for microfi nance oversight. To their credit, governments in Eastern Europe and
Central Asia generally do not engage in direct fi rst or second-tier microlending
; rather, their weakness
generally stems from a need to streamline regulations and change legal frameworks to allow or facilitate
NGO participation in the sector. Turkey is the region’s most extreme case: the legal framework and
regulatory environment actually serve as obstacles to the establishment of new microfi nance institutions.
Latin America and the Caribbean
As home to the overall best and worst performer in this year’s index, Latin America and the Caribbean has
the largest range of scores among the six regions—a trend that is also evident among the three category
Interestingly, only three out of 21 countries place in the top ten for their regulatory and legal
frameworks (Peru, Bolivia and Paraguay). Yet fi ve countries from the region place in the top ten overall
(Peru, Bolivia, El Salvador, Ecuador and Colombia). This can be explained by the fact that non-regulatory
measures, including market activity, services offered and credit bureau infrastructures, are relatively well-
established on a regional level. The relative dominance of Latin American countries in the institutional
development category—they hold eight of the top ten slots—reinforces this point.
Conversely, Latin America and the Caribbean house some of the most inactive markets. Countries
such as Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago and Jamaica score at the bottom of the index overall and for
at least two of the three categories. Nine countries exhibit high levels of market concentration and low
competition, and the majority (14 out of 21) only offer a modest range of services. Of all countries in
the region, Nicaragua lost the most points. This is mainly due to the negative effects of the “No Pago”
movement on the regulatory environment and fi nancing conditions for microfi nance institutions (MFIs).
Middle East and North Africa
The three Middle Eastern and North African countries examined in this study offer stark contrasts. The best
performer is Yemen, ranking 27th globally despite high levels of political instability and economic stress.
Yemen has developed and maintained a good regulatory framework for microfi nance and has worked to
strengthen regulatory capacity. The second-best performer regionally is Morocco. Although it has a highly
active microcredit market, the range of services microfi nance institutions are allowed to offer is restricted
and the market is dominated by a few large players. The country’s investment climate for microfi nance
remains among the best in the world, however. The lack of microfi nance-specifi c regulatory attention is
strongly felt in Lebanon, where the market remains underdeveloped, under regulated and is fragmented
along ethnic and political lines.
Sub-Saharan Africa
Ghana and Kenya, two of Sub-Saharan Africa’s strongest and most stable countries, are leaders on
a regional and global level, placing in the top ten overall. Uganda is close behind, ranking 11th. All
three countries have strong regulatory frameworks that allow all types of microfi nance institutions to
1. The Kyrgyz Republic is an
exception to this generalization,
as a state-funded microlender
began operations earlier this
© Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2010
Global microscope on the microfi nance
business environment 2010
Regional fi ndings
serve low-income populations. Clients in these three countries benefi t from active markets in which
institutions offer a wide range of services beyond microcredit; indeed, Kenya has a global reputation
for innovation and dynamism in microfi nance. The presence of savings and credit co-operatives in these
countries contributes in large part to service availability and variety, though these institutions, when left
unregulated, can also negatively infl uence governance and transparency standards.
All 11 Sub-Saharan African countries examined in this study have microfi nance-specifi c frameworks
and policies in place, regardless of their regional or global rank. Some countries have begun improving
their frameworks; Nigeria is reviewing existing policies to address rapid institutional growth, Kenya is re-
evaluating its framework governing institutional transformation, and Ghana has strengthened regulatory
requirements for microfi nance institutions. Some countries struggle with larger macroeconomic and
government effectiveness issues that undermine the microfi nance environment at a broader level
(including the Democratic Republic of Congo, which had the biggest score decrease, and Madagascar
which saw the most improvement). Others, such as Senegal and Cameroon, wrestle with the slow pace of
regulatory implementation for reforms passed in prior years. However the regulatory framework in the
region showed little evidence of deterioration over the past year. Ten of the 11 countries covered saw
their regulatory framework scores either increase or hold steady. The greatest room for improvement is
in credit bureau development, competition levels and investment climate. Nine of the 11 countries fall
in the bottom half globally for investment climate, and they struggle to ensure minimum transparency,
governance and accounting standards for microfi nance.
© Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2010
Global microscope on the microfi nance
business environment 2010
Country rankings
Rank Country Score Score
1 Peru 74.3 +0.5
2 Philippines 71.8 +3.3
3 Bolivia 69.6 -2.2
4 Ghana 64.9 +4.0
5 Pakistan 64.8 +8.3
=6 Ecuador 61.3 +1.7
=6 El Salvador 61.3 +3.8
8 India 59.1 -3.0
9 Colombia 56.8 -1.8
10 Kenya 55.0 -0.8
11 Uganda 53.9 -3.6
12 Kyrgyz Republic 53.0 -3.2
13 Nicaragua 52.3 -6.3
14 Chile 52.0 +4.0
15 Paraguay 52.0 +2.5
16 Cambodia 51.0 -3.2
17 Panama 50.8 -
18 Honduras 49.8 +0.5
19 Guatemala 49.5 -2.3
20 Dominican Republic 48.7 +1.7
21 Georgia 48.7 +3.7
22 Armenia 47.6 +3.7
23 Mexico 47.3 -
24 Tanzania 46.2 -2.2
25 Tajikistan 45.7 +5.3
26 Brazil 45.0 +1.0
27 Yemen 44.4 +2.3
Rank Country Score Score
28 Nigeria 44.2 +4.8
=29 Costa Rica 42.4 -
=29 Rwanda 42.4 +3.9
31 Madagascar 41.3 +9.0
32 Bosnia 40.4 -2.7
33 Bangladesh 39.5 -3.2
34 Mozambique 38.6 -1.7
35 Nepal 38.1 +8.1
36 Cameroon 37.3 +5.7
37 Argentina 36.7 +5.8
=38 Azerbaijan 35.9 +7.0
=38 China 35.9 +1.8
40 Haiti 35.7 +2.3
41 Indonesia 35.3 +0.2
42 Sri Lanka 34.2 -6.2
43 Senegal 32.5 -0.1
44 Mongolia 30.4 +0.4
45 Morocco 30.3 -
46 Uruguay 29.8 +1.5
47 Democratic Republic of Congo 27.8 -9.1
48 Turkey 27.4 -2.8
49 Lebanon 26.3 -3.0
50 Thailand 24.6 +3.3
51 Jamaica 23.3 -0.3
52 Vietnam 22.7 +1.2
53 Trinidad and Tobago 21.9 -1.0
54 Venezuela 21.6 -2.5
Overall microfi nance business
environment rankings
Weighted sum of category scores (0-100 where 100=most favourable)
© Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2010
Global microscope on the microfi nance
business environment 2010
Country rankings
Regulatory framework
Weighted 40% in the overall index
Rank Country Score Score
=1 Cambodia 87.5 -
=1 Pakistan 87.5 +12.5
=1 Philippines 87.5 -
4 Peru 81.3 -
=5 Bolivia 75.0 -6.3
=5 Ghana 75.0 -
=5 Kenya 75.0 -6.3
=5 Kyrgyz Republic 75.0 -6.3
=5 Uganda 75.0 -
=10 Paraguay 68.8 +6.3
=10 Tajikistan 68.8 -
=10 Tanzania 68.8 -
=10 Yemen 68.8 +6.3
=14 Ecuador 62.5 -6.3
=14 El Salvador 62.5 -
=14 India 62.5 -
=14 Nigeria 62.5 +6.3
=14 Rwanda 62.5 +6.3
=19 Cameroon 56.3 +6.3
=19 Colombia 56.3 -6.3
=19 Georgia 56.3 -
=19 Madagascar 56.3 +6.3
=19 Mexico 56.3 -
=19 Mozambique 56.3 -
=19 Panama 56.3 -
=26 Armenia 50.0 -
=26 Brazil 50.0 -
Rank Country Score Score
=26 Chile 50.0 -
=26 Dominican Republic 50.0 -
=26 Democratic Republic of Congo 50.0 -12.5
=26 Honduras 50.0 -
=32 Azerbaijan 43.8 +6.3
=32 Bangladesh 43.8 -
=32 Bosnia 43.8 -6.3
=32 China 43.8 -
=32 Costa Rica 43.8 -
=32 Guatemala 43.8 -6.3
=32 Haiti 43.8 -
=32 Indonesia 43.8 -
=32 Nicaragua 43.8 -12.5
=32 Senegal 43.8 -
=42 Lebanon 37.5 -
=42 Mongolia 37.5 -6.3
=42 Morocco 37.5 -
=42 Nepal 37.5 +6.3
=46 Argentina 31.3 +6.3
=46 Uruguay 31.3 -
=46 Vietnam 31.3 -
=49 Jamaica 25.0 -
=49 Sri Lanka 25.0 -6.3
=49 Turkey 25.0 -
=52 Thailand 18.8 +6.3
=52 Venezuela 18.8 -6.3
54 Trinidad and Tobago 12.5 -
Rankings by category
© Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2010
Global microscope on the microfi nance
business environment 2010
Country rankings
Investment climate
Weighted 20% in the overall index
Rank Country Score Score
1 Chile 76.7 +3.3
2 Turkey 70.6 +2.5
3 Bosnia 64.7 -0.8
4 Morocco 59.7 -
5 Peru 59.2 +2.8
=6 Brazil 58.3 +4.7
=6 Kenya 58.3 +8.3
=6 Panama 58.3 -
9 Costa Rica 58.1 -
10 Ghana 57.8 +3.3
11 Mexico 57.5 -
12 Colombia 55.0 +3.6
13 Armenia 54.7 +1.7
14 India 53.6 +1.7
15 Uruguay 53.3 +7.5
16 Uganda 52.9 -1.3
17 Trinidad and Tobago 51.1 -5.0
18 Philippines 50.6 -
19 Jamaica 50.0 -1.7
20 Pakistan 49.2 -
21 El Salvador 48.3 +2.5
=22 Bolivia 47.8 +1.7
=22 Georgia 47.8 +1.7
24 Mozambique 47.1 +8.2
25 Cambodia 46.4 +0.8
26 Mongolia 43.6 -2.0
=27 Bangladesh 43.3 +0.8
Rank Country Score Score
=27 Dominican Republic 43.3 +8.3
=27 Guatemala 43.3 +0.8
=27 Tanzania 43.3 +5.6
=31 Azerbaijan 42.2 +5.8
=31 China 42.2 +9.2
33 Senegal 41.7 -0.3
=34 Nicaragua 40.8 -6.7
=34 Tajikistan 40.8 +10
36 Lebanon 40.0 +1.7
37 Indonesia 39.2 +0.8
38 Paraguay 38.9 -
39 Sri Lanka 37.8 -1.7
40 Argentina 37.5 -
=41 Rwanda 37.2 +6.9
=41 Venezuela 37.2 -
43 Thailand 35.3 +4.2
44 Yemen 34.7 -0.8
45 Vietnam 34.4 +5.8
46 Honduras 32.2 +2.5
47 Nepal 31.9 +11.1
=48 Ecuador 31.7 +4.2
=48 Kyrgyz Republic 31.7 -3.3
50 Nigeria 29.2 -5.0
51 Madagascar 27.2 -0.8
52 Haiti 24.4 -5.0
53 Cameroon 23.9 -0.8
54 Democratic Republic of Congo 22.2 -3.6
© Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2010
Global microscope on the microfi nance
business environment 2010
Country rankings
Institutional development
Weighted 40% in the overall index
Rank Country Score Score
=1 Bolivia 75.0 -
=1 Ecuador 75.0 +8.3
=1 Peru 75.0 -
=4 El Salvador 66.7 +8.3
=4 Nicaragua 66.7 -
=4 Philippines 66.7 +8.3
=7 Colombia 58.3 -
=7 Ghana 58.3 +8.3
=7 Guatemala 58.3 -
=7 Honduras 58.3 -
=7 India 58.3 -8.3
=12 Dominican Republic 50.0 -
=12 Pakistan 50.0 +8.3
=14 Argentina 41.7 +8.3
=14 Armenia 41.7 +8.3
=14 Chile 41.7 +8.3
=14 Georgia 41.7 +8.3
=14 Kyrgyz Republic 41.7 -
=14 Nepal 41.7 +8.3
=14 Panama 41.7 -
=14 Paraguay 41.7 -
=14 Sri Lanka 41.7 -8.3
=23 Bangladesh 33.3 -8.3
=23 Brazil 33.3 -
=23 Costa Rica 33.3 -
=23 Haiti 33.3 +8.3
=23 Kenya 33.3 -
Rank Country Score Score
=23 Madagascar 33.3 +16.7
=23 Mexico 33.3 -
=23 Nigeria 33.3 +8.3
=23 Uganda 33.3 -8.3
=32 Azerbaijan 25.0 +8.3
=32 Bosnia 25.0 -
=32 Cameroon 25.0 +8.3
=32 China 25.0 -
=32 Indonesia 25.0 -
=32 Rwanda 25.0 -
=32 Tajikistan 25.0 +8.3
=32 Tanzania 25.0 -8.3
=32 Thailand 25.0 -
=32 Yemen 25.0 -
=42 Cambodia 16.7 -8.3
=42 Mongolia 16.7 +8.3
=42 Mozambique 16.7 -8.3
=42 Senegal 16.7 -
=42 Trinidad and Tobago 16.7 -
=42 Uruguay 16.7 -
=42 Venezuela 16.7 -
=49 Democratic Republic of Congo 8.3 -8.3
=49 Jamaica 8.3 -
=49 Lebanon 8.3 -8.3
=49 Morocco 8.3 -
=49 Turkey 8.3 -8.3
=49 Vietnam 8.3 -
Global microscope on the microfi nance
business environment 2010
© Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2010
Microscope indicators
The 13 indicators for this index, and the categories into which they are subdivided, are as follows:
Regulatory framework
1) Regulation of microcredit operations
2) Formation and operations of regulated/supervised specialised MFIs
3) Formation and operation of non-regulated MFIs
4) Regulatory and examination capacity
Investment climate
1) Political stability
2) Capital market stability
3) Judicial system
4) Accounting standards for microfi nance
5) Governance standards for microfi nance
6) MFI transparency
Institutional development
1) Range of services offered by MFIs
2) Credit bureaus for microfi nance
3) Level of competition in the microfi nance sector
Scoring methodology: Each of the 13 scoring criteria are scored from 0 to 4, where 4= best and 0 = worst.
Ten of the 13 indicators receive integer scores. The remaining three (Political stability, Capital market
stability, and Judicial system) are an average of several sub-indicators, thereby producing decimal scores
in some cases.
Once indicator scores have been assigned, these are aggregated to produce an overall scoring range
of 0 – 100, where 100= best. Overall scores and rankings were calculated by attributing a 40% weight to
Regulatory framework and Institutional development category scores and a 20% weight to the Investment
climate category score. For a detailed description of the scoring methodology, please refer to the
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Global microscope on the microfi nance
business environment 2010
The following section provides a brief profi le of the microfi nance business environment and indicates key
changes since last year for each of the 54 countries in this study. Countries are listed in alphabetical order
and are organised by region. Each country profi le is presented in two parts: the fi rst section contains a
brief background on a country’s microfi nance sector, and the second section outlines key developments
since last year. Please note that the information selected for the country profi les is meant to be a high-
level overview. It is not intended to provide a complete outline of the legal environment or represent a
comprehensive account of all recent activity. For more in-depth analysis and regulatory detail, please
visit the “country profi le” tab of the Excel model available free of charge at
GlobalMicroscope,, and nance.
Microfi nance country profi les
Global microscope on the microfi nance
business environment 2010
Microfi nance country profi les
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Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are regulated by the Microcredit Regulatory Authority (MRA),
whereas banks are regulated by Bangladesh Bank (the central bank). Grameen Bank, the country’s
largest microfi nance institution (MFI), is regulated by a separate law that established the Grameen
Bank Project as a specialised bank in 1983.
l Microfi nance is well-established and the market continues to grow, despite exceptionally high market
penetration. Although many MFIs operate in Bangladesh, the top ten account for 87% of total savings
and 81% of total loans.
l The lack of effective credit bureaus for microfi nance transactions, a ban on deposit-taking by MFIs
from non-members, and the current prohibition on the use of mobile technology by MFIs restricts the
expansion of microfi nance operations.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l Internal and external threats to the stability of the government and the political system have been
greatly reduced since civilian rule resumed in January 2009. The risk of ad hoc policy reversals or
populist interventions in the microfi nance sector is low.
l The Microcredit Regulatory Authority (MRA) has become more proactive in enforcing the national
policy framework passed in 2006 for NGO-MFIs. The MRA has made progress in developing licensing
standards for MFIs, has increased consultations with MF stakeholders and is gradually building its still-
minimal capacity (staffi ng is limited and the MRA has no offi ce outside the capital).
l As of June 2010 the MRA was preparing draft rules to enforce interest rate regulations and to restrict
NGO-MFIs’ ability to receive and mobilise compulsory deposits.
l High infl ation has eroded the disposable incomes of the poor and has led to a marginal decline in
repayments. This has increased pressure on the central bank and the MRA to reduce or restrain interest
rates in the sector.
l Both the MRA and MFIs are keen to see the creation of credit bureaus. The number of borrowers with
multiple loans has increased, as evidenced by a report from the Bangladesh Institute of Development
Studies which found that about 15% of microfi nance households had loans from multiple MFIs,
suggesting high indebtedness.
East and South Asia
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Microfi nance country profi les
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l Licensing, regulation, and supervision of microfi nance are conducted by the National Bank of
Cambodia (NBC, the central bank) under the Law on Banking and Financial Institutions (LBFI) of
1999. The regulatory framework permits limited liability companies (LLCs, including banks) to offer
microcredit services. So far, only one bank is active in microfi nance.
l A framework for upgrading from non-governmental organisation (NGO) status exists, and the NBC
actively encourages the transformation of microfi nance institutions (MFIs) into regulated institutions.
In accordance with the LBFI, MFIs meeting certain portfolio or borrower-size criteria are required to
become licensed as an LLC or a co-operative.
l The role of international NGOs in creating many of the leading MFIs, and the desire to attract foreign
investors, has led to relatively strong governance standards. Representatives of international
institutions sit on most MFI boards, and internal audit and control functions are well developed.
l The NBC has a strong commitment to transparency in the sector. It collects and publicises the interest
rates of all fi nancial institutions on a quarterly basis. The charging of fl at interest rates is outlawed, so
all microfi nance providers charge interest on the declining balance of the loan. Almost all the major
MFIs have received an external rating, as this is required by international investors.
l The onset of the global fi nancial and economic crisis revealed a severe over-indebtedness problem in
the Cambodian microfi nance sector. A plan to create a credit bureau exists, but it is not expected to be
operational before 2011.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l The NBC has eased the process for non-bank fi nancial institution-MFIs (NBFI-MFIs) to win permission
to take deposits. Four NBFI-MFIs already have licences, and others have submitted applications.
l There are no offi cial mobile money regulations in Cambodia. However, the fi rst mobile payments
programme in the country was launched in January 2009 by WING, a subsidiary of the Australia and
New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ). Expansion of this service is held back by the requirement to use
local currency, as Cambodia is highly dollarised. Institutions (including MFIs) generally lend in dollars
to avoid exchange-rate risk.
l A new NGO law is being drafted that could restrict for-profi t activities, such as microfi nance. However,
the details of the draft legislation have yet to be fi nalised and it remains to be seen how it will impact
on the MFI-NGO segment. At the same time, a draft law (the Financial Trust Law) has been prepared
and is currently in formal revision stages. If passed, the law would help MFIs clarify their ownership
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Microfi nance country profi les
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Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l Microfi nance is in its infancy in China and there is little competition among the main players, owing to
their small size and wide geographical distribution. Usually, not more than one microcredit company
(MCC) is active is any given county. Regulatory restrictions help to explain why most microfi nance
institutions (MFIs) remain relatively contained geographically. This is especially the case for sector
institutions such as village and township banks (VTBs).
l The regulatory capacity of the People’s Bank of China (PBC, the central bank) and China Banking
Regulatory Commission (CBRC) are relatively strong, so the institutions that fall under their authority
are well regulated. MCCs are supervised by provincial government fi nancial offi ces, whose capacity
is much weaker. Given the rapid expansion of MCCs in the last two years, this is a major concern,
although it is unlikely to imperil fi nancial sector stability, as they do not take deposits.
l The China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation (CFPA) enjoys a privileged position owing to its ties
with the state, and can lobby effectively within the regulatory system. CFPA is in theory a non-
governmental organisation (NGO), but it emerged from a poverty-alleviation programme. The state’s
past view of microfi nance as a poverty-alleviation tool has hindered the development of profi table
microfi nance, notably by distorting customer expectations.
l It is relatively diffi cult and unusual for lightly regulated institutions, such as the MCCs, to upgrade into
deposit-taking institutions like VTBs. It is more common to see regular banks moving into downscale
lending via VTBs.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l The CRBC does not appear to support a rapid expansion of VTBs; as of end-2009 there were around
150. Rural credit co-operatives (RCCs) were formerly ineffective as a vehicle for fi nancing small
loans in rural areas, partly owing to a very conservative approach to loan issuance and the diffi culty
of persuading loan offi cers to approve loans. Their provision of microcredit has, however, recently
l Although the China Credit Reference Centre (CRC, the central credit bureau) is reasonably
comprehensive, most MFIs do not yet participate in the system. The government has undertaken
consultations on a new law that would regulate credit bureaus (excluding the CRC).
l The Agricultural Bank of China (ABC) extended an Rmb200m (US$29.5m) loan to the CFPA in 2009.
This loan should help the CFPA increase the scale of its microfi nance operations signifi cantly.
l The services offered by MFIs depend on their legal status. MFIs that are regulated by the CBRC can
offer a wide variety of services, including deposit-taking and other banking services. However,
those not under the CBRC, such as MCCs and unregulated MFIs, are essentially limited to lending
and offering fi nancial consultation services. There are some tentative projects underway in the fi eld
of microinsurance, especially in poorer regions, but the insurance regulator, the China Insurance
Regulatory Commission, has not been enthusiastic in its promotion of this concept.
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business environment 2010
Microfi nance country profi les
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l The microfi nance sector has continued to grow rapidly and with it the need for better regulation. The
proposed Microfi nance Bill has been pending in Parliament since 2007, although it is expected to pass
in 2010. However, the bill does not cover non-bank fi nancial companies (NBFCs) and microfi nance
institutions (MFIs) registered as not-for-profi t companies, thereby ignoring over 80% of the
microfi nance sector.
l The Reserve Bank of India (RBI, the central bank) regulates two types of institutions that engage
in microfi nance activities: banks and NBFCs. There are also Self-Help Groups (SHGs) that operate
as informal credit and savings groupings of 5-30 poor individuals. Under the proposed bill, the
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) would be responsible for regulating,
registering and overseeing the microfi nance activity of SHGs and NGO-MFIs. A real possibility is a
regime with two regulators—RBI for NBFCs and banks and NABARD for SHGs and NGO-MFIs.
l Although they are the largest MFIs, NBFCs are not allowed to accept fi xed-term deposits without
special approval, which requires an investment grade rating from a credit rating agency. Both
regulatory approval and credit ratings have become increasingly diffi cult, if not impossible, to obtain.
NGO-MFIs are currently prohibited from accepting deposits; however, the Micro Financial Sector Bill
pending in parliament since 2007 could open up deposit-taking restrictions on NGO-MFIs.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l Under two separate circulars issued in 2009, domestic banks are required to lend 10% of their adjusted
net bank credit to weaker players, such as SHGs, or to MFIs that lend to SHGs.
l A Microfi nance Credit Information Bureau is being created; it will pool borrowers’ details from 34
participating NBFC-MFIs that are part of the Microfi nance Institutions Network (MFIN, a regulatory
organisation). Moreover, existing credit bureaus are actively involved in a collective effort to
standardise data collection from MFIs, as well as to settle on a common data format.
l The central bank has allowed 29 banks to operate mobile-based payment services. Some pilots have
involved MFIs, but there has been no widespread roll-out of the service.
l As of 1st July 2010, RBI lifted interest rate restrictions on small loans provided by commercial banks in
an effort to increase the level of competition in the microfi nance sector. Previously, interest rates for
all loans under Rs200,000 (around US$4,300) from commercial banks had to be set at a level equal to
or below the bank’s benchmark Prime Lending Rate.
Global microscope on the microfi nance
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Microfi nance country profi les
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Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l Commercial banks are the most important providers of microcredit in Indonesia, accounting for
around 90% of loans.
l The government-backed Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) is the largest single microfi nance provider
through its Unit Desa offi ces. It mainly operates on a commercial model, but is also responsible for
rolling out government fi nance schemes, which give them a competitive advantage over private
microfi nance institutions (MFIs).
l Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Indonesia are usually organised as foundations. However,
legally they must convert into a commercial bank, co-operative, or a Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR,
people’s credit bank) or a venture capital fi rm in order to provide microfi nance. The conversion process
into a bank is considered onerous, and few NGO-MFIs take this route. A number of prominent NGO-MFIs
have converted into venture capital fi rms.
l Commercial banks with microfi nance operations are regulated by the Bank of Indonesia (the central
bank). BPRs are also regulated by the central bank, and there is some discussion of adopting a ratings-
based approach to BPRs, rather than subjecting them to formal on- and off-site supervision. Non-bank
MFIs (NBFIs) lack clarity over their legal status and eligibility to mobilise deposits. Village credit
organisations are regulated by BRI branches, and co-operative MFIs are regulated by the Ministry of
Co-operatives, but in practice there is little effective oversight of either type.
l Governance standards in Indonesia are weak, and managerial quality at many BPRs, co-operatives,
and semiformal microfi nance providers is low. Regulators provide only limited technical assistance,
mostly focused on BPRs.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l The government launched a scheme in 2010 to encourage savings by offering savings accounts that
have no administration fees and require initial deposits of just Rp10,000 (US$1.1) at rural banks and
Rp20,000 at commercial banks. Only BRI will be operating this scheme.
l Plans to shift supervisory authority over commercial banks to a newly established fi nancial services
agency remain on indefi nite hold. The institution’s launch has been repeatedly delayed since 2004,
and the central bank is likely to remain the key banking regulator for the foreseeable future.
l Demand for microfi nance services far outstrips supply throughout the country. Several large
commercial banks besides BRI already offer microfi nance services. These are becoming more
expansion-minded and others are clearly poised to begin serving the sector.
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business environment 2010
Microfi nance country profi les
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l Commercial banks are the primary providers of formal microfi nance in Mongolia. These institutions
are governed by banking laws and are regulated by the Bank of Mongolia (the central bank). There are
only a handful of signifi cant, regulated non-bank fi nancial institutions (NBFIs), although some small-
scale microfi nance institutions (MFIs) operate outside of the law or on the basis of ad hoc agreements
with the government.
l Mongolia has a relatively developed microfi nance sector, with a high degree of outreach. However,
two commercial banks (Khan Bank and XacBank) dominate the market.
l Banks are permitted to take deposits, but NBFIs are not.
l Partly owing to the infl uence of foreign investors, accounting and governance standards in the
leading MFIs tend to be higher than the average for Mongolia’s fi nancial sector. However, many
NBFIs and savings and credit co-operatives (SACCOs) lack management experience and do not follow
international management practices.
l Mobile banking services (m-banking) exist and are used by both Khan Bank and XacBank, and licensed
NBFIs can also offer these services. However, there is no legal framework for overseeing agencies
involved in m-banking.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l A private credit bureau was legally incorporated in Mongolia in 2009 and preparations for full
operation are underway. It has 18 shareholders, including Khan Bank and XacBank.
l The Financial Regulatory Commission is now inspecting non-deposit-taking lenders, insurance
companies and SACCOs on a regular basis. However, lack of transparency remains a problem.
l The non-bank SACCOs experienced a serious downturn in 2008 when global commodity prices fell
sharply in response to the international fi nancial crisis. Two mid-sized banks have since gone into
receivership—although the country’s top banks (which account for the majority of fi nancial system
assets) look more stable.
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l The main formal providers are upscaled non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and regional rural
development banks (RRDBs); as of April 2010 there were 18 of these institutions in operation.
l RRDBs were formerly state-run, but four out of fi ve are now privately owned. The largest government
player is the Agricultural Development Bank, which provides wholesale funds to related standalone
co-operatives (Small Farmer Co-operatives).
l Private-sector institutions that were created by greenfi eld or upscaled NGOs are offi cially classifi ed as
microcredit development banks (MCDBs).
l Public and private institutions are regulated identically. Although there are no interest rate
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restrictions in Nepal, the role of government institutions has kept lending rates unsustainably low, at
l As of April 2010, 45 fi nancial intermediary NGOs (FINGOs) were in operation and are currently
registered with the Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB, the central bank). FINGOS and MCDBs can take deposits
from their members. FINGOs also have a limited banking licence, which allows them to borrow from
commercial banks for client-lending purposes. These borrowings usually fall under the mandatory
deprived-sector lending portfolio of commercial banks.
l Savings and credit co-operatives (SACCOs) are key microfi nance providers; several thousand are
estimated to exist, of which only 16 have a limited banking licence from the NRB. As of June 2009, 639
SACCOs were members of the Nepal Federation of Savings and Credit Co-operatives, covering 325,000
l Mobile banking is non-existent in Nepal at present. A handful of pilot projects have been implemented
and more banks have plans to start them. This is not, however, a priority for mobile service providers,
and there is no regulatory framework for this kind of service in the fi nancial sector or within
microfi nance specifi cally.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l Based on a central bank directive issued in August 2009, several banks and fi nancial services providers
have applied to open microfi nance institutions (MFIs) as subsidiary companies.
l In March 2010 the NRB opened the door for MCDBs to collect voluntary deposits from the public (in
addition to their members). This was meant to address resource constraints and competitive pressures
facing independent MFIs now that banks and other fi nancial institutions can invest in their own
subsidiary MFIs following the 2009 directive.
l The country is developing its fi rst microfi nance law. Currently, a draft of the Microfi nance Act includes
plans to establish a separate regulatory organisation to supervise microfi nance development banks
and fi nancial intermediary NGOs. Ongoing political instability, however, threatens the promulgation
of the Act.
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l All microfi nance providers are required to register either with the Security and Exchange Commission
of Pakistan (SECP), the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP, the central bank), or their respective provincial
authority. The SBP’s supervisory capacity is considered strong.
l In 2005 the SBP issued guidelines permitting non-governmental organisation-microfi nance
institutions (NGO-MFIs), rural support programmes (RSPs) and co-operatives to transform into formal
microfi nance banks (MFBs). Specialised MFBs are the most important service providers in Pakistan.
Five are active at a national level and two are active at the district level. Microfi nance banks face the
same prudential regulations as commercial banks and can offer the same range of services to their
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Global microscope on the microfi nance
business environment 2010
Microfi nance country profi les
l Provincial government-backed fi nancial institutions, such as the Bank of Khyber, and institutions
that were launched with an endowment from the government, such as the National Rural Support
Programme (NRSP), do not distort the market.
l At the end of 2009 there were 2.35m micro-savers in the country, more than the number of borrowers
(1.8m). However, many of those savers are part of borrower groups who are required to save to receive
a loan. In fact, 56% of the savers as a whole are members of the NRSP. The number of voluntary micro-
savers at MFBs numbered only 450,000 at the end of 2009.
l The range of products offered by MFBs remains focused on credit, based on group-lending
methodologies. Micro-insurance has begun to move beyond the traditional credit-life product offering
to health and hospitalisation insurance, as in the case of the NSRP. At the end of 2009 there were 3.3m
micro-insurance policy holders in Pakistan, nearly double the number of borrowers.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l In 2009 the central bank issued a number of new rules supporting microfi nance banks (MFBs), such
as lifting regulations that prevented them from accepting foreign currency loans from international
investors. The limits on borrowers’ annual income were revised upward from PRs150,000 (US$1,780)
to PRs300,000 for general loans, and PRs600,000 for housing loans. Also, the loan classifi cation
criteria for MFBs were aligned with international best practice and industry norms.
l The Pakistan Microfi nance Network (PMN), a sector association with 26 MFI members, plans to set up
a credit bureau. The bureau will be pilot-tested in the most populous district, Lahore, before being
rolled out nationwide in 2011.
l Islamic banking is expected to come to Pakistan’s microfi nance sector in 2010 with the opening of an
Islamic branch by the NGO-MFI, Asaha. Once the branch opens, Asaha plans on converting 27 existing
branches into a Sharia-compliant network.
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l Since the adoption of a National Strategy for Microfi nance in 1997, the government has promoted
a regulatory and policy framework that is conducive to microfi nance activity. The government has
encouraged the establishment of microfi nance banks (MFBs) and the commercialisation of the
microfi nance sector, and has specifi cally promoted the upgrading of non-governmental organisations
l Downscaling is also legal and fairly straightforward. However, commercial banks have withdrawn the
few attempts made to provide retail microfi nance services, preferring to act as wholesale funders to
the sector instead.
l There are no regulatory restrictions on the ability of microfi nance institutions (MFIs), whether banks
or NGO-MFIs, to accept debt investment from international investors in foreign currency. However,
rural banks are prevented from taking foreign equity investments.
l The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP, the central bank) requires all regulated MFIs to disclose
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effective interest rates and to be audited by an external auditor. However, NGO-MFIs, which are among
the largest providers in the country, are unregulated and thus not obligated to disclose information
under these provisions.
l Although still very much credit-oriented, MFIs in the Philippines are able to offer a variety of services,
and many do. Regulated MFIs can accept deposits, and those linked to the international payments
system can accept remittances.
l Clients in the Philippines have a wide choice of service providers, including local and national
institutions. There are a relatively small number of national microfi nance providers and many smaller
local ones. The top ten service providers account for just over half of all loans outstanding in the sector
and 66% of all clients.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l In 2010 BSP began allowing rural, co-operative, and thrift banks to sell authorised micro-insurance
products. These institutions can be licensed as micro-insurance agents, and can only sell policies up to
Php190,000 (around US$4,000) under certain provisions.
l In April 2010 the BSP issued a circular that set the rules for accrediting microfi nance rating agencies,
a move seen as encouraging local MFIs to be rated. Until recently, it was rare for microfi nance banks
(MFBs), rural banks, or thrift banks with microfi nance operations to become externally rated.
l In 2010 BSP issued rules on the extension of housing microfi nance and eased requirements for micro-
lending in agriculture.
l The Credit Information System Act signed into law in September 2008 requires all regulated entities
to submit positive and negative information to a new credit bureau under the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC). However, the establishment of the Central Credit Information Corporation (CCIC)
has not yet resulted in the operation of a functioning, active credit bureau, despite the fact that
implementing rules and regulations (IRR) were approved in May 2009. According to local press,
operations are now expected to begin in the third quarter of 2010.
l In 2009 the Bank of the Philippine Islands and one of the two main mobile telephone service
providers, Globe, formed a joint venture to launch mobile-oriented retail microfi nance.
Sri Lanka
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l There is no specifi c regulation governing the microfi nance sector, which has led to a variety of
different regulatory regimes and the lack of a level playing fi eld between microfi nance institutions
(MFIs). As a result, many non-governmental organisations (NGOs) operate in what amount to
regulatory “black holes”.
l The regulated microfi nance sector consists of rural development banks (RDBs) and similar specialist
banks; the Samurdhi Bank Societies (SBSs), co-operative rural banks (CRBs); the thrift and credit co-
operative societies (TCCSs) of the SANASA network; NGO-MFIs; and other fi nancial entities, including
commercial banks and fi nance companies.
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Microfi nance country profi les
l Interest rates are not circumscribed by regulation, but the market is heavily distorted by a high level
of state-led intervention. The government often regards microfi nance services as a welfare issue, and
sometimes applies political pressure to give free loans or cap interest rates. Some MFIs themselves
place greater focus on social welfare activities, leading to confl icts of interest that impede the
commercialisation of microcredit.
l Many MFIs offer broad product portfolios that generally consist of loans differing in name and tenure.
Licensed and specialised banks mobilise deposits, while NGO-MFIs impose compulsory savings
requirements on their loans. Government suspicions about the risks of MFIs expanding into new
services impede the diversifi cation of the sector.
l Financial institutions that lend to MFIs and to microfi nance clients consider their clients a
homogeneous demographic. This is not the case, however, and inadvertently directs services toward
institutions and clients with incomes well above the poverty line.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l The North and East of the island, which include some of the island’s poorest regions, provide an
opportunity for the expansion of microfi nance services.
l The National Development Trust Fund (NDTF) in 2009 imposed a cap of 15% on interest rates for on-
lending of its funds. At such a low rate, there is little commercial incentive for banks to expand into
l The electoral season in early 2010 (when presidential and parliamentary elections were held) may
have exerted pressure on MFIs to write off and extend loans at unprofi table rates. This has not been
confi rmed, however.
l NGO-MFIs are having a harder time obtaining capital, as donor funds associated with the 2004 Indian
Ocean tsunami recovery effort are running out.
l In March 2010 plans were announced to introduce a Microfi nance Act later in the year. No details have
been confi rmed, although early reports suggest that it will be substantially different than the previous
draft of a similar name.
l In 2009 the government launched the Vadakkin Vasantham special loan scheme for the Northern
province, which provides SLRs3bn (around US$26m) to fi nance loans to micro-, small and medium-
sized enterprises at a concessionary rate of 9%. The subsidised interest rate continues a government
trend of using subsidised lending for welfare purposes, which crowds out commercial microfi nance
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Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l Microfi nance in Thailand is generally a government-sponsored activity. Although there is a
commitment to the provision of microloans through local “village funds”, this has stifl ed the
development of private sector provision. The Bank of Thailand (BOT, the central bank) is keen on
making changes, and has unveiled a plan affording opportunities to new and qualifi ed microfi nance
service providers to enter the market.
l That said, the BOT has yet to prove that it has developed the specialised capacity to regulate or
supervise microfi nance institutions (MFIs).
l Under the Civil Procedure Code, an interest rate ceiling of 15% is in place for lending by unoffi cial
nancial institutions. In practice, lending rates by unoffi cial lenders are higher than this. The central
bank has set a ceiling of 28% for combined interest and charges on all personal consumer and credit
card loans; according to local commentators, this prevents some small-scale credit companies from
offering microcredit. Other loans, such as corporate loans, are not subject to caps on interest rates
l Large state-owned specialised fi nancial institutions dominate the microfi nance market. Since
competition is constrained by government players, there has been no adoption of international
accounting standards.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l Under the Financial Sector Master Plan (FSMP) Phase II for 2010-14, which was unveiled in late
2009, the authorities intend to relax some regulations to allow new domestic or foreign microfi nance
providers to set up operations. The new plan will also permit commercial banks to establish affi liate
companies to provide microfi nance and tie up with other operations (such as co-operatives) to provide
services. The BOT and Ministry of Finance intend to consider new licences on a case-by-case basis,
subject to applicants’ qualifi cations and the guidelines set.
l Although the FSMP Phase II plan has been unveiled, the practical implications of the new regulations
have not yet been detailed, and the stated plans have generally met with a negative response from
existing microfi nance providers.
l A state-owned specialised fi nancial institution, the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Co-
operatives (BAAC), is planning to launch a new Village Banking programme in 2010, with a loan fund
of Bt3bn (US$93m) and which will offer subsidised interest rates. The introduction of BAAC is expected
to further limit competition from small-scale private institutions.
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Microfi nance country profi les
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l The microfi nance sector in Vietnam is dominated by the Vietnam Bank for Social Policy (VBSP), which
disburses heavily subsided loans. There are other government programmes and institutions, which,
along with VBSP, comprise around 90% of microcredit in the country.
l The few private semi-formal microfi nance institutions (MFIs) that exist are geographically limited and
mainly offer services to members of the “mass organisations” with which they are affi liated. The only
sizeable semi-formal MFIs are Capital and Fund for Employment of the Poor (CEP, in Ho Chi Minh City),
and Tao Yeu May (TYM, in Hanoi). Given their different locations, they do not compete with each other,
although they both compete with the VBSP.
l The supervisory capacity of the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV, the central bank) for microfi nance is
considered weak. The SBV is thought to focus more on compliance than supervision of fi nancial
institutions, but the lack of progress in issuing licences to semi-formal MFIs is symptomatic of the
central bank’s inability to adequately assess regulatory compliance.
l The range of services offered by MFIs is limited. Although loans are widely available, other services,
such as risk-management products, are neglected. State-owned banks focus more on providing cheap
credit than mobilising savings, while the semi-formal MFIs are not allowed to take voluntary deposits.
l Accounting and governance standards are generally poor. In the microfi nance sector, state-owned
providers follow Vietnamese Accounting Standards, which fall short of international best practice. The
semi-formal MFIs have not adopted any international standards either, as they are prohibited from
accepting foreign investment.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l Although new regulations have been introduced that provide a legal foundation to formalise MFIs
and incorporate them into the fi nancial system, the SBV is still in the process of fi nalising legislation
that will guide regulatory implementation. The SBV has indicated that it will not be able to issue
any licences until 2011 at the earliest. Until then, semi-formal MFIs will continue to face a host of
operational diffi culties, such as the inability to mobilise deposits and access foreign funds.
l In late 2009 the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction announced
the provision of a US$1.5m grant aimed at assisting the government in formalising the provision of
microfi nance by private institutions under the new regulatory environment. Staff at MFIs receiving
support will receive training on compliance and international best practice.
l The SBV lifted restrictions on interest-rate setting for semi-formal MFIs effective March 2010. The cap
on rates for loans was previously 150% of the base rate of the SBV.
l A new decree on credit information was enacted in February 2010, creating the legal framework for the
establishment and operation of private credit bureaus (PCBs). Potential PCBs may become operational
in 2011. A public registry exists, but is not available to MFIs.
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Microfi nance country profi les
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Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l There is no law specifi c to microfi nance institutions (MFIs), although a 2002 law on credit
organisations defi nes several different types of non-banking fi nancial institution (NBFI) under which
microfi nance providers can legally operate. Universal Credit Organisations (UCOs), a type of NBFI,
have the largest share of the microfi nance sector.
l Laws passed in 2005 and 2007 require a non-profi t organisation wishing to partake in lending to
register as a credit organisation by taking on the legal form of a limited liability company (LLC), a joint
stock company (JSC) or a co-operative, and retaining 100% ownership.
l Only banks can offer a range of services beyond microcredit. Other MFIs are limited to microlending to
individuals and groups for business development and consumption.
l Governance standards have markedly improved since the passage of the 2005 and 2007 laws on credit
and fi nancial institutions. Both laws increased the involvement of the Central Bank of Armenia in
supervising MFIs. Previously, many were operating as foundations, and as such remained outside the
scope of fi nancial supervision. Also, the need for external funding has placed more pressure on MFIs to
increase transparency and improve reporting standards.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l Over the course of 2009 regulatory emphasis has been placed on consumer protection, consumer
rights, and improving guidelines on existing prudential regulations. Armenia is one of the fi rst
countries in the region to start working on a comprehensive consumer protection framework, and has
begun adopting measures to boost transparency.
l Recent proposed adjustments to consumer credit regulations aim to introduce the concept of
calculating interest rates so that they are effective rather than nominal.
l Since the passage of a 2008 law, both listed and unlisted companies must report in a manner
compliant with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). A majority of MFIs follow IFRS
after a January 2010 deadline that required all NBFIs (including UCOs, which make up much of the
market) to adopt these standards.
Eastern Europe and Central Asia
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Microfi nance country profi les
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l The microfi nance sector in Azerbaijan has grown rapidly in recent years, but has been hampered until
recently by a lack of legislation.
l Foreign non-governmental organisations (NGOs), some of which offer microfi nance services, have
been subject to increased regulatory harassment in recent years.
l Banks dominate the microfi nance sector. The largest, Access Bank, held almost 40% of the total
microcredit loan stock in early 2010.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l The passage of a new law on non-bank credit institutions (NBCIs) in late 2009 will go a long way
toward clarifying the legal and regulatory regime for microfi nance.
l Expansion in the microfi nance sector slowed in 2009 as the market became saturated and microfi nance
institutions (MFIs) concentrated on portfolio quality and risk management, in light of the global
nancial crisis.
l In early 2010 the public credit registry began collecting information from MFIs and providing them
with access to its database. This is likely to increase loan quality over time, although the credit bureau
currently covers only 7% of the adult population.
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l The country has a mature microfi nance sector, with high levels of penetration and many players.
l The regulatory environment is divided as a result of the different microfi nance regulations in the
Republika Srpska and Bosnia. Bosnian microfi nance institutions (MFIs) are generally classifi ed as non-
governmental organisations (NGOs). At the same time banks such as ProCredit Bank are very active in
microfi nance.
l Supervision is quite strong on paper, but capacity and enforcement do not yet match regulatory
l Some commentators say a substantial share of microfi nance loans in the past were used to fi nance
consumption, rather than business development, and over-indebtedness has become a key issue that
microfi nance institutions must address.
l Remittances play an important role in servicing existing debts.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l An increase in portfolio at risk (PAR) is the main issue facing the sector.
l Obtaining funds is becoming more diffi cult, although liquidity remains at reasonable levels.
l Growth in new loans has been slowed by the credit crisis, and regulatory oversight has intensifi ed.
l MFIs are experiencing a negative return on assets, having previously been among the most profi table
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in the region
l A pilot project is underway in Tuzla, fi nanced by the British Department for International Development
(DFID), that seeks to educate people about fi nancial management and the risks of indebtedness.
Known as the Client Debt Advice Centre, this new institution could help to mediate between creditors
and debtors.
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l Georgia’s commercial banking law does not specifi cally limit microcredit, but provisions on
uncollateralised lending are generally very stringent. Microfi nance organisations (MFOs) are
prohibited from accepting deposits.
l A law specifi c to microfi nance was passed in 2006, although it makes no provision for deposit-taking.
In accordance with the law, organisations can register with the National Bank of Georgia (the central
bank) to become MFOs. There is no interest rate ceiling, and the maximum amount extended by an
MFO to one borrower as a microloan cannot exceed Lari50,000 (US$27,000), which is well above the
average loan size.
l According to a joint MIX Market-CGAP study, MFOs lend to around half of the total borrowers in the
Georgian microfi nance market. Specialised microfi nance banks follow MFOs in terms of number of
borrowers, but have almost triple the loan portfolio.
l Supervision by the central bank is adequate and regulators understand the sector well. The central
bank requires reporting through monthly fi nancial statements.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l Growth in microcredit loans expanded at a double-digit pace in 2009. Microfi nance institutions (MFIs)
increased their regional reach and began to move into remote areas.
l Georgian regulators continued to mitigate fi nancial risks in the economy, and MFIs have been
pressured to increase their loan-loss provisions.
l Nonetheless, MFIs accounted for less than 5% of total banking assets in 2009 and are not considered
a systemic risk. Traditional banks continue to dominate the fi nancial sector and are the main focus of
nancial regulation.
l MFIs are gradually adding new services. Credo, a leading MFO, launched a pilot life insurance product
and a range of money payment systems throughout 2009. In February 2010 Bank Constanta added a
fund remittance system to its roster of services.
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Microfi nance country profi les
Kyrgyz Republic
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l The country is home to a large number of microfi nance institutions (MFIs)—more than 350 in 2009—
which suggests a highly competitive environment. However, many of these are small and localised in
their operations.
l The Kyrgyz Republic is considered to be a regional leader in microfi nance regulation. It passed a law on
MFIs in 2002 that permitted a tiered range of MFIs with varying regulatory and supervisory requirements.
l In view of the low entry barriers, many small MFIs are poorly managed.
l The limited number of MFIs that can take deposits restricts their ability to upgrade.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l As in all countries in the region, credit growth slowed sharply in 2009 in response to the global
nancial crisis and funding constraints.
l The total loan portfolio has continued to grow, but there are reports of a reduction in the customer
base as MFIs concentrate on credit quality to reduce loan losses.
l Increasing political authoritarianism led to concerns about the independence of the National Bank
of the Kyrgyz Republic (the central bank), which regulates MFIs. However, after the recent ouster of
the previous president, the trend towards political authoritarianism may change. Amendments to the
country’s microfi nance law that had not been signed by the previous president are currently being
discussed with the new interim government.
l The entry into the market of a new state-funded MFI—the AUB-AGRO Microcredit Company, which
plans to lend US$22.5m to the agricultural sector in 2010—may undermine some existing MFIs.
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l There are around 120 microfi nance institutions (MFIs) in Tajikistan, about one-quarter of which can
take deposits. However, most of them are small and lack the capacity to expand their credit portfolios
signifi cantly, which means that demand for microcredit still outweighs supply.
l Despite the high number of MFIs, the microfi nance market is dominated by banks, with the four largest
banks holding around 90% of the loan portfolio market share.
l MFIs have found it diffi cult to secure licences to accept deposits. However, the National Bank of
Tajikistan (the central bank) is apparently becoming more willing to issue these licences.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l The total loan portfolio has continued to grow, but there has been a drop in loan quality as remittance
infl ows from relatives working in Russia fell during the global recession in 2009. Commentators report
a drop in the number of customers served, suggesting that MFIs are concentrating on improving credit
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l A functioning private sector credit bureau is expected to be in place by the end of 2010, following
passage of legislation a year earlier.
l Legislative amendments in 2009 increased disclosure requirements in cases of confl icts of interest,
and increased director liability and shareholders rights, which will improve standards of transparency
within the sector.
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l Microfi nance remains under-represented within the fi nancial sector, with a large number of unserved
clients, especially in rural areas of Eastern Anatolia.
l As a middle-income country, Turkey has an advanced banking sector, which reduces the need for
microfi nance.
l The percentage of loan recovery is very high. The Turkish Grameen Microcredit Programme (TGMP), one
of the two largest microfi nance players (the other being Maya Bank), claims loan recovery levels of
100%. Portfolio-at-risk (PAR) levels are very low.
l Basic loans are the most common form of microfi nance; these usually start at US$75.
l Lending to individual clients dominates; lending to groups is much less common.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l Authorities are now looking at the microfi nance sector more seriously.
l Several large private banks are launching or are about to launch microcredit products (including HSBC
and Sekerbank).
l TGMP has expanded its geographic reach, covering most of Eastern and Central Turkey, including
cities in the West, such as Bursa. TGMP has 32 branches around the country, with more than 10,000
l Awareness of microfi nance is improving, but remains at a low level.
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Microfi nance country profi les
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l The microfi nance sector in Argentina is small. It is composed mainly of second-tier public institutions,
non-prudentially regulated entities (such as Sociedades Anónimas (SAs) that are associated with
banks) and non-governmental organisations (NGOs).
l Interest rates are not regulated directly, but microfi nance institutions (MFIs) must apply
administratively determined rates when lending government funds. They also face competition from
subsidised, fi rst-tier public lending.
l Sector supervision is weak and the legal and regulatory environment is underdeveloped. As a result,
standards of accountancy and governance remain poor.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l The December 2008 Central Bank circular on microfi nance, which allows banks to grant microfi nance
directly (rather than through SAs), is beginning to have a positive impact on the sector, and banks are
steadily increasing their presence.
l Two co-operatives were created in 2009, the fi rst to open under a 2007 law pertaining to such fi nancial
organisations. Their full market presence and role is still being established.
l Modest efforts by the Superintendency to begin regulating microfi nance have been impeded by
continued fragmentation of policy across several government institutions, as well as by the growing
politicisation of the Banco Central de la República Argentina (the central bank, under which the
Superintendency lies).
Latin America and the Caribbean
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Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l Bolivia maintains a strong and favourable microfi nance regulatory environment, notwithstanding
the loss of important personnel following the creation of the Autoridad de Supervisión del Sistema
Financiero (ASFI, Financial System Supervisory Authority), some loss in its autonomy vis-à-vis its
predecessor agency, and uncertainty about the effects of bringing non-governmental organisations
(NGOs) and closed co-operatives under regulation.
l The depth and range of microfi nance services continues to grow impressively, as market competition
remains strong.
l NGOs offer a wide variety of services and practice good governance and transparency, but their
accounting standards remain below international norms.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l The availability of cheap commercial bank on-lending and relative insulation from the international
nancial crisis have meant improved profi tability, falling interest rates, and continuing low rates of
arrears and defaults.
l The process of upgrading into formal, regulated institutional status for NGOs and closed co-operatives,
which are now regulated by the ASFI, is underway, with still-uncertain outcomes, timelines, and impacts.
l Consumer-protection regulation of fees and commissions continues to be strict, but no formal interest
rate caps have materialised. Moreover, concessional on-lending has not led to concessional fi rst-tier
competition from public entities as had been feared.
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l Although Brazil is making moves in the right direction, it still lacks a specifi c defi nition of microcredit
that would distinguish it from other lending portfolios, and does not have clear upgrading pathways
for non-regulated institutions.
l Most regulated institutions engaged in microfi nance are banks and co-operatives, however few of
these actually offer microcredit for productive use as this market segment is generally served by non-
regulated institutions.
l Co-operatives are growing faster than the fi nancial system as a whole, but a lack of distinction in their
portfolios between microfi nance, consumer fi nance, small business lending, and other forms of credit
makes it diffi cult to know if microcredit is growing.
l Competition from the state and interest-rate caps for loans that use public funding continue to be
l The regulatory capacity of the Banco Central do Brasil (BCB, the central bank) continues to expand
modestly in terms of staff training and co-ordination, but the required level of microfi nance
specialisation is still limited.
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Microfi nance country profi les
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l The BCB’s supervision of, and the transparency of, co-operative governance were strengthened by an
April 2009 law that expanded the terms of banks’ fi scal commissions and gave a fi scal oversight role to
co-operative federations for the fi rst time, including calling member assemblies when problems arise.
l The federal government has adopted “fi nancial inclusion” as a strategic priority for the BCB and
government as a whole, and the level of training in microfi nance and the degree of interdepartmental
co-ordination among Central Bank offi cials with such expertise has grown. These efforts come at a time
when the current government is emphasising microfi nance in its re-election campaign.
l Second-tier funding from various offi cial sources that passes through the Banco Nacional de
Desenvolvimiento Econômico e Social (BNDES, the national development bank) and the Labour
Ministry continues to grow. The Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas (SEBRAE,
the agency that promotes small business), has recently opened a microfi nance department to provide
second-tier lending.
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l The banking Superintendency does not treat microfi nance as a separate activity with different rules,
and does not have signifi cant specialised knowledge of the sector.
l While non-governmental organisations enjoy certain fi scal advantages compared with regulated
microfi nance institutions and do not face interest rate restrictions, they lack the capital and expertise
to upgrade to regulated status, and do not have strong incentives to do so. As a result, they mostly
remain small in size.
l Governance and accounting standards are above average; transparency has room for improvement.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l Commercial and state-owned banks are steadily increasing their presence in the microfi nance sector
through the opening of microfi nance units.
l A legislative proposal is pending that would allow for publication of disaggregated credit history, by
both the public and private bureaus.
l It is not clear that the change of governments and parties will make any signifi cant difference in
microfi nance regulation.
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Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l The microfi nance regulatory framework is still only modestly developed. Interest rates remain strictly
regulated and microfi nance is still treated like traditional banking in many ways. Technologies and
methods typically used in consumer-based commercial lending have been applied to microfi nance.
l The quality of credit bureaus and governance standards are areas of relative strength, although issues
of over-indebtedness and client default have been common during the past two years.
l Microfi nance institutions need to improve their accounting standards and levels of transparency.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l The government has not readjusted the micro-lending interest rate since 2007, despite provisions
requiring annual review. An adjustment would seem to be overdue, and some microfi nance players fi nd
the interest rate (and the usury cap) restrictive.
l Apparent gains in regulatory capacity for microfi nance have proved ephemeral in the face of
continuing turnover in leadership and technical staff in the Superintendency. This is refl ected by a
failure to ensure that institutions are genuinely conducting microcredit, and that they apply best
practice (such as home visits to assess creditworthiness and repayment).
l Banks and other fi nancial services players continue to establish microfi nance units, and some non-
governmental organisations seek to upgrade to fi nance companies.
Costa Rica
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l Although there are no meaningful interest rate restrictions, fi rst-tier state programmes offer
subsidised competition for microfi nance institutions (MFIs).
l Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) tend to be small and undercapitalised (except the two
largest), and they lack access to international assistance.
l NGOs lack suitable public second-tier funding (although talks are currently underway that would allow
greater access to funds as the 2008 Development Banking Law is implemented). Furthermore, NGOs
are subject to the same taxes as regulated institutions.
l Accounting, governance, and transparency standards are reasonably well developed and observed.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l Low microfi nance default rates have led some banks recently to downscale and expand their market
l Credit bureau coverage, for both private bureaus and the public registry, continues to grow, although
the quality of information remains uneven.
l Although the 2008 Development Banking Law gives the Superintendency the authority to supervise
and regulate microfi nance, it has so far shown little interest in exercising these powers.
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Microfi nance country profi les
Dominican Republic
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l The lack of a specifi c, comprehensive regulatory framework for microfi nance continues to be an
l The quality of general fi nancial supervision and oversight continues to be better than for microfi nance
specifi cally.
l Institutional development, as measured by governance, accounting, and transparency, is uneven,
particularly between regulated and non-regulated institutions.
l The quality and coverage of credit information for microfi nance transactions is one of the country’s
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l A new company law has improved corporate governance, with apparent, but still unconfi rmed, benefi ts
for regulated microfi nance.
l A December 2008 law—still awaiting implementation as of June 2010—would require 90% of
microfi nance lending by the Consejo Nacional de Promoción y Apoyo a la Micro, Pequeña y Mediana
Empresa (PROMIPYME, a public institution that engages in non-collateralised, unregulated lending
to “microenterprises” and “subsistence microenterprises”) to be fi rst-tier in nature. This could
strain the institution’s capacity, and if sole representation on its governing council is given to the
Council of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, could exclude and negatively impact the activities of
unregulated institutions.
l Competition continues to be distorted through government subsidies for fi rst-tier lending, the use of
political criteria in fi rst- and second-tier loans, and caps on interest rates for on-lending.
l Commercial banks have begun moving more aggressively into microcredit, increasingly competing
with established regulated and non-regulated microfi nance institutions.
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l The constitution of 2008 mandates the formation of separate superintendencies for the public,
private, and “social” fi nancial systems, but until such time as implementing regulations are
enacted, the previous system, with its single superintendency, remains in force, creating regulatory
l Interest rate restrictions have been tightened in recent years, with commissions outlawed and caps
set that pose a signifi cant obstacle to microfi nance institutions in terms of covering operating costs.
Several public programmes with high subsidies and non-market social criteria distort competition by
re-shaping borrower expectations.
l A signifi cant number of specialised microfi nance institutions continue to exist among all the major
formal categories (that is, banks, fi nance companies, credit unions).
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Key changes and impacts since last year:
l Non-governmental organisations face problems in terms of scale and capitalisation. There are also
increasing diffi culties in competing with banks and regulated institutions, as well as with public fi rst-
tier lenders, especially under current interest rate restrictions. The tax burden has also increased since
l A decline in the size of microfi nance portfolios and in the rates of fi nancial inclusion are evident; co-
operatives are the fastest-growing segment of a shrinking overall market.
l Under a new co-operatives law passed in late 2009, any co-operative that takes deposits, whatever
its size, is considered to practise fi nancial intermediation, and therefore is subject to prudential
regulation. (Around 50 are currently in this category). The law does not, however, treat them exactly
the same as banks, increasing their ability to operate in more leveraged fashion. Co-operatives not
taking deposits remain supervised, but not prudentially regulated, by the Ministry of Social Welfare.
El Salvador
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l While supervisory and examination capacity are moderate, the absence of negative government
interference has facilitated a fairly dynamic microfi nance sector.
l Credit bureau coverage of micro-lending transactions is a relative strength.
l Accounting, governance, and transparency standards of microfi nance institutions remain modest.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l Private credit bureau coverage continues to expand and has become near-universal, yet the quality
and sharing of data remain problematic.
l Broadly, there were no major changes in regulations (despite a new superintendent) and few changes
in the microfi nance business environment.
l There are now three private credit bureaus, one of which is specialised in microfi nance, a second
that has expanded into that area and a third, newly created one. They provide both positive and
negative information, although information-sharing across the divide of regulated and non-regulated
institutions is not good. There is also a public registry operated by the Superintendency, although
it tends not to cover transactions by and with small and micro-businesses, and non-regulated
institutions do not have access to it.
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Microfi nance country profi les
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l The regulatory framework remains limited and static, given the failure to pass a new microfi nance
law that has been under discussion for most of the past decade. Regulatory capacity and interest in
microfi nance on the part of the Superintendency is limited.
l Commercial banks continue to expand aggressively into microfi nance. Some non-governmental
organisation-microfi nance institutions (NGO-MFIs) have grown, while others have seen their
portfolios shrink.
l Although transparency standards remain fair, accounting and governance are weak.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l Banrural, a minority state-owned bank, has an important market presence. There is a widely held view
among competitors that the bank benefi ts from subsidies, although strong evidence to support this
is lacking, in part owing to low transparency surrounding its operations and the economy of scale
benefi ts that it enjoys. This makes it diffi cult to assess the stand-alone profi tability of its microfi nance
l NGOs’ tax liabilities and access to second-tier funding have been especially problematic. Some
stakeholders believe NGOs face signifi cant restrictions when offering microfi nance.
l Credit bureau coverage and the quality of information continue to improve, although the country’s
performance is still only modest in this area, given the weak integration of data across bureaus and the
lack of effective regulation of credit bureaus.
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l Microfi nance regulation is weak, and specialised supervisory capacity sorely lacking. However,
the government does not interfere with interest rate setting or sponsor fi rst-tier programmes that
compete with microfi nance institutions (MFIs).
l Accounting practices remain distant from international standards and governance standards are poor.
Transparency is rated average.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l MFI networks estimate that their member institutions’ portfolios have been put at risk by the recent
earthquake. The human and fi nancial toll on MFI clients, and on MFIs themselves, has been huge.
l One focus of reconstruction efforts is establishing a guarantee fund that—in the words of the
government’s March 2010 Action Plan—would enable banks to lend for “productive investments and
not to guarantee or write off doubtful credit as a result of the earthquake or other economic dangers”.
l The role of microfi nance in recovery is addressed in four points proposed by the government: a
guarantee fund; grants; recapitalisation of MFIs; and insurance for long-term risks to MFIs from
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natural disasters and other shocks. How these priorities are addressed, and what level of funding
commitments they receive from donors, will be decisive in determining the recovery role of MFIs and
the sustainability of these institutions.
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l The regulatory framework for microfi nance is partially developed, and includes a defi nition of the
activity and one type of specialised institution. Pathways to upgrade into specialised or regulated
institutional forms are still underdeveloped.
l There is a fairly broad range of institutional types in the microfi nance sector, both among regulated
institutions and across the regulated/non-regulated divide.
l There is ample room for improvement in the governance, accounting, and transparency standards of
microfi nance institutions.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l In the context of a change of government and a contested interim government, there were few major
changes in microfi nance regulation.
l A manual for microfi nance supervision was prepared under the previous government, and could
be a step forward. But turnover among technical staff following the recent political confl ict makes
implementation uncertain.
l Organismos Privados de Desarrollo Financiero (OPDFs, private fi nancial development organisations)
are non-bank fi nancial institutions that were created as regulated microfi nance vehicles, particularly
intended for upscaling non-governmental organisations. Not as many have been created as was
initially hoped, however. As of November 2009 there were fi ve OPDFs, three of which began operations
in 2008.
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l There is no clear microfi nance regulatory framework. The Bank of Jamaica (the central bank) has little
supervisory capacity, and very few institutions operate in the sector.
l A small number of non-regulated non-governmental organisations comprise the bulk of the sector,
along with credit unions, which have only recently come under regulatory scrutiny.
l Standards of transparency and governance among institutions active in microfi nance are poor.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l Jamaica’s rst regulated credit unions will reportedly begin operation by the third quarter of 2010,
although enabling legislation is still not in place.
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Microfi nance country profi les
l Improved nancial sector supervision has strengthened oversight of regulated institutions that offer
nancial services on a more general level. A supervisory framework for credit unions is still being
established and is expected to be more fully in place by late 2010.
l A private credit bureau has been in the process of forming since 2006. Operations are expected to
begin by mid-2010.
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l Supervisory and examination capacity remain limited for microfi nance institutions (MFIs). Despite
recent legislation targeting savings and credit organisations, Mexico still lacks clearly defi ned
microfi nance regulation.
l Transparency remains an issue, and the federal government lacks the capacity to enforce
accountability measures. Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are self-regulating and follow
various standards.
l Like banks, savings and loan co-operatives and Sociedades Financieras Populares (SOFIPOS, for-profi t
popular fi nancial partnerships) are allowed to accept deposits. Non-regulated institutions, such as
NGOs, cannot capture savings in any form.
l There is a private credit bureau that works with larger MFIs; smaller MFIs rely on their own joint
bureau, Círculo de Crédito. Many MFIs are reluctant to report information on their clients and such
reporting is not legally required, although second-tier funders make it a condition of on-lending. The
quality of credit information is much better in central than in southern Mexico (the two regions where
MFIs operate most frequently).
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l A 2009 modifi cation of a law on savings and credit aimed to create separate regulatory standards and
guidelines for co-operatives and SOFIPOS. About 800 co-operatives submitted the required paperwork
by the February 2010 deadline. Specifi c reforms and further deadlines were not defi ned for however,
leaving them in a regulatory limbo.
l A 2006 decree required that Sociedades Financieras de Objeto Limitado (SOFOLEs, fi nancial companies
with limited corporate purposes) be converted to Sociedades Financieras con Objetos Múltiples
(SOFOMEs, fi nancial companies with multiple corporate purposes that can either be regulated or
unregulated) by 2013. Credit unions and leasing companies have also been converting to SOFOME
l In addition to its requirements on co-operatives and SOFIPOS, new legislation in 2009 introduced
two new institutional forms, Sociedades Financieras Comunitarias (SOFINCO, community fi nance
companies) and Organismos de Integración Financiera Rural (OIFR, Rural Financial Integration
Institutions). These are intended to promote, respectively, the integration of existing rural institution
operations and the provision of fi nancial services.
Global microscope on the microfi nance
business environment 2010
Microfi nance country profi les
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Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l Microfi nance institutions have expanded rapidly in Nicaragua in recent years. The lack of interest
from the main banks in fi nancing small producers has created a large, unmet demand for rural credit
l The absence of an adequate legal framework for microfi nance continues to make it diffi cult for the
industry to fl ourish, as most institutions remain unregulated.
l A powerful debtors’ movement called the Movimiento No Pago (the Non-Payment Movement) has
garnered strong political support in the executive branch and in the legislature, re-shaping both
public policy and the attitudes of borrowers in ways that undermine microfi nance. A resulting
debt moratorium will now drastically reduce the extension of credit to new clients as microfi nance
institutions see their portfolio risk rise and their funding (which is mainly external) suspended or
l The microfi nance sector is competitive but highly fragmented, with a limited range of available
services. Transparency and accounting standards are reasonably good, but governance standards are
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l The new moratorium law for microfi nance debtors further threatens an already reeling microfi nance
sector—particularly its non-regulated non-governmental organisation (NGO) segment—given
artifi cially low caps on restructuring agreements. The moratorium also creates a moral-hazard effect
on the larger borrowing community.
l Hopes for revisions in the existing microfi nance law have been dashed in the wake of economic crisis
and the debtors’ movement. Also dashed are the hopes of NGOs that they would obtain a clear path to
becoming regulated fi nancial institutions capable of capturing deposits.
l NGOs are particularly affected by the decline in international funding that began in 2009 and
continues in 2010, owing to the debt moratorium. Between US$60m and US$90m of international
funding lines were not renewed last year, and another US$70m was at risk as of June 2010.
l Serious governance problems have come to light in some non-regulated microfi nance institutions,
and the sector in general has suffered under the weight of mounting arrears and defaults.
l Along with other micro-fi nance lenders, a commercial bank specialising in micro-lending, Banco
del Exito (Banex), has been undermined by a combination of the global economic downturn and the
impact of the Movimiento No Pago. In late May the institution announced that a group of international
creditors had agreed to accept shares in the bank in lieu of repayment of outstanding loans, as Banex
owed a total of US$85m to 28 different creditors in March. The proportion of its loans that had fallen
into arrears reached 25% of its total portfolio.
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Microfi nance country profi les
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l Panama lacks a compelling regulatory framework for microfi nance, although the country has made
some progress recently toward promoting microenterprise via banks and second-tier lending.
l The Superintendencia del Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas (the Superintendency of the Ministry of
Economy and Finance) lacks specifi c procedures and clear defi nitions for microfi nance. Microfi nance
institutions (MFIs) for the most part are treated the same as all other regulated fi nancial institutions.
l A banking licence specifi c to microfi nance would allow MFIs to upgrade to so-called special bank
status, with lower minimum capital requirements. However, the documentation and requirements to
upgrade are costly and burdensome; only a few MFIs operate in the sector and offer a limited range of
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l Funding for microfi nance institutions through second-tier government support is set to increase
owing to a 2009 law and a 2008 decree. The latter seems to have led some commercial banks to venture
into the sector, but only on a limited scale.
l The government now considers micro- and small-enterprises as banking clients if they receive credits
for commercial purposes up to US$200,000. This has opened a window for banks to give microloans.
l A long-established private credit bureau provides accurate, updated information that is both positive
and negative, and at low cost. A uniform credit scoring system has been rolled out over the past year,
and the bureau is used widely by a range of Panamanian institutions active in microfi nance (banks,
nance companies, co-operatives, and non-governmental organisations).
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l Non-regulated microfi nance institutions do not face restrictive interest rate caps or signifi cant
competition from subsidised fi rst-tier government lending.
l While accounting requirements are stricter for regulated MFIs than for unregulated ones, practices
among both types of providers vary widely and generally fall short of international standards.
Governance and transparency standards and practices are modest at best.
l The quality of information at credit bureaus continues to be a concern; it is neither well consolidated
nor very detailed.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l Pathways to upgrade from a non-governmental organisation or credit co-operative to a fi nance
company, and from a fi nance company to a bank, have become better defi ned. In recent years, it has
become more common for fi nance companies to upgrade to bank status.
l As of June 2010 two institutions were in the process of upgrading their operations. These moves
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Microfi nance country profi les
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refl ect efforts by the Banking Superintendency to modify existing rules with the support of the Banco
Central de Paraguay (the central bank).
l Separate pieces of legislation that would restrict the activities of credit bureaus and strengthen the
rights of debtors are pending and may pose problems going forward.
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l The Superintendency of Banking, Insurance, and Pension Funds (SBS) is the principal regulator for the
sector and enjoys a good reputation for the quality of its supervisory capacity. Regulations are in place
for microfi nance institutions (MFIs), such as loan-loss provisioning based on loan status (rather than
institution type); increasingly thorough on-site inspection procedures; and stringent requirements for
internal controls.
l Subsidised public retail fi nancial institutions offer no direct competition, except the Cajas
Municipales de Ahorro y Crédito (CMACs, municipal savings and loan banks, which operate according
to market criteria). Under the current government, some institutions, such as Agrobanco, have
offered concessional loan terms and interest rates, but these do not appear to have any signifi cant
distortionary impact.
l Entidades de Desarrollo para la Pequeña y Microempresa (EDPYMEs) were created as a specialised
vehicle for microfi nance and are regulated by the SBS. These non-deposit-taking institutions are
often owned by non-governmental organisations (NGOs); the diffi culty in raising capital, particularly
through deposit-taking, has been the one weakness of this otherwise potent MFI vehicle. Upgrading to
a fi nance company can allow institutions to offer a greater range of deposit-taking services and access
capital markets more easily, although these institutions still fall short of being able to offer checking
accounts, which is reserved for banks.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l The most notable changes to microfi nance regulations in Peru occurred in 2008, when a June 2008
decree expanded the services of EDPYMEs by allowing them (along with CMACs and CRACs) greater
access to capital markets. A few now offer insurance or fund transfers, although most remain limited to
credit services.
l The June 2008 decree also outlines which activities EDPYMEs, CMACs, and Cajas Rurales de Ahorro y
Crédito (CRACs, rural savings and loan banks) may undertake as a matter of course. Also, CMACs, which
are constituted at the municipal level, can now operate in other departments and provinces. These
changes refl ect a high level of regulatory capacity and fl exibility.
l As a result of the economic slowdown, banks’ lending portfolios have deteriorated, despite low
levels of non-performing loans. Nonetheless, banks are wary of lending to small and medium-sized
enterprises and will continue to remain cautious until they build up their capacity to assess credit
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Microfi nance country profi les
Trinidad and Tobago
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l The country lacks a regulatory framework for microfi nance, nor does it benefi t from a superintendency
with sector-specifi c supervisory and examination capacity.
l There are very few institutions engaged in microcredit, and virtually none engage in classic, non-
collateralised microcredit.
l Institutions operating in microfi nance suffer from signifi cant defi ciencies in accounting, transparency
and, above all, governance standards.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l The implementation of regulations that would determine the conditions under which credit unions will
become regulated entities is expected by the third quarter of 2010. However, it is doubtful that the
newly regulated credit unions will be allowed to engage formally in microcredit.
l Reverberations from the 2009 collapse of the nation’s largest fi nancial conglomerate, CL Financial,
have exposed serious weaknesses in fi nancial regulation and corporate governance in the broader
l In particular, the CL Financial debacle exposed weaknesses in the country’s fi nancial reporting
standards. International accounting fi rms have also reported diffi culties when trying to evaluate the
nances of audited entities.
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l The majority of microfi nance institutions (MFIs) in the country are non-governmental organisations
(NGOs), non-regulated co-operatives, or non-prudentially-regulated Sociedades Anónimas (SAs, non-
bank fi nancial institutions).
l Caps on interest rates for micro- and small-enterprise lending as a result of the country’s usury law
create distortions. First, the limits are calculated based on the average interest rate of the formally
regulated fi nancial system, which includes the interest rates of the Banco de la República Oriental del
Uruguay (BROU), a public bank. Moreover, interest rates for consumption loans are higher than those
for productive loans, creating an incentive system that favours consumer lending over loans to micro-
l It is virtually impossible for NGOs to accumulate capital and a large enough client base to upgrade into
an SA, although making the transition would provide NGOs with greater access to capital markets.
Only a few have taken this route, but most have a strong social orientation and are not interested in
becoming for-profi t institutions.
l Uruguay’s public registry remains effectively closed to non-regulated institutions. Since most MFIs
are non-regulated (except for SAs with regulated parent banks), this means much of the microfi nance
sector lacks credit bureau access.
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Key changes and impacts since last year:
l In 2008 the BROU announced the creation of República Microfi nanzas, a separate non-bank entity
specialising in microfi nance. Competing MFIs are concerned that República Microfi nanzas, once it
is operational, will crowd out the market through subsidised interest rates, though so far it seems
inclined to keep interest rates at market levels.
l Through an initiative called Programa de Microfi nanzas para el Desarrollo Productivo (the Program for
Productive Development through Microfi nance), the Banco Central de Uruguay (the central bank) is
revisiting provisions that limit interest rates under the usury law and the defi nition of microcredit.
l SAs formally report to the Auditoria Interna de la Nación (AIN, the National Internal Comptroller),
which is part of the Ministry of Education and Culture. The AIN has recently strengthened its oversight
and enforcement activities for non-regulated co-operatives and NGOs.
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l Government distortion of the competitive environment through interest rate restrictions and
subsidised public institutions continues.
l Microfi nance suffers amid a deteriorating overall macroeconomic and regulatory environment that
affects fi nance in general. This includes increases in arrears; declines in government consumption
subsidies that hurt the poor; bank nationalisations and seizures; and moves to extend state control
over the banking system and the bank regulator.
l There is no clear defi nition of microfi nance, nor are there specifi c supervision and risk-management
provisions that would permit a distinction between microfi nance, consumption, and small business
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l Some microfi nance-oriented banks have gone out of business or been taken over by the state in the
past year. In 2009 the government took over Banco Santander’s Venezuelan operations, although the
microfi nance unit remains in private hands.
l There are regulatory and legislative moves afoot to create a super agency to control the banking
system, threatening the Superintendency of Bank’s precarious independence from the national
treasury. Interest rate restrictions have also been tightened.
l The withholding tax on development banks (which in theory specialise in microfi nance) was removed.
l The offi cial credit registry may be reactivated; if this happens, it would represent a positive step
forward for the sector.
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In focus
The price of microfi nance in Latin America and the Caribbean
Interest rates are a highly debated topic in microfi nance. Discussions centre on what is considered “fair”
to charge microfi nance clients and to what extent microfi nance institutions (MFIs) should set rates
according to operational sustainability and profi tability needs. Determining a reasonable or sustainable
interest rate is also strongly infl uenced by a country’s broader fi nancing conditions and characteristics
(for example population density and the availability of cheap technology, which infl uence sector lending
costs). Comparing what MFIs charge in one country with another can bring clarity to the discussion, but
comprehensive and comparable cross-country data on interest rates is sparse. To close this gap, the
Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF), a member of the Inter-American Development Bank Group (IDB),
assembles a dataset on the cost of microfi nance loans and commercial bank loans in each country each
year. Since data on interest rates are not directly available, MIF calculates the gross portfolio yield for
MFIs and banks as a proxy for the implied, average interest rate charged on the loans. The calculated
difference between a country’s gross microcredit portfolio yield (the microfi nance ratio) and gross bank
portfolio yield (the bank ratio) offers a microfi nance premium indicator that can be compared across
countries. The microfi nance premium for 18 Latin American and Caribbean countries, as well as the
microfi nance and bank ratios of individual countries, are presented in the table below.
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In focus
Nominal fi nancial revenues/Average loan portfolio (as a proxy for interest rates)
(Selected countries circa 2009
Country Microfi nance Bank Microfi nance
ratio ratio premium
(a) (b) (a)-(b)
Argentina 60.8 18.6 42.3
Bolivia 20.2 14.9 5.3
Brazil 23.7 15.6 8.1
Chile 32.1 6.4 25.7
Colombia 30.7 12.4 18.3
Dominican Republic 33.1 19.0 14.1
Ecuador 20.4 12.8 7.6
El Salvador 22.9 11.1 11.8
Guatemala 25.3 17.3 8.0
Haiti 51.3 n.a. n.a.
Honduras 32.2 18.9 13.3
Mexico 74.2 21.0 53.2
Nicaragua 25.9 18.8 7.1
Panama 31.1 8.5 22.6
Paraguay 25.6 16.8 8.8
Peru 29.1 15.1 14.0
Uruguay 41.1 16.8 24.3
Venezuela 24.4 19.6 4.8
Regional weighted average
Sources: MFI data were collected from MIX Market, microfi nance networks, regulators, interviews and data questionnaires, and web sites. Data for MFIs
include both regulated and non-regulated institutions.
Bank data includes 375 banks. Data were collected from banking associations affi liated with the Latin American Banking Federation (FELABAN), the
FELABAN Financial Bulletin, the central bank of Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay, the Superintendency of Banks of the Dominican Republic and the
Superintendency of Banks of Panama.
(1) Ratios are weighted by total loan portfolio.
(2) Data are for December 2009. Where 2009 data were not available, December 2008 data have been used.
(3) This calculation includes all available data from MFIs whose microcredit portfolio represents more than 30% of their total loan portfolio
(349 institutions).
Additional information and data updates can be found at
This article was prepared by MIF.
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Microfi nance country profi les
Middle East and North Africa
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l Microfi nance is lightly regulated in Lebanon. All but one of the microfi nance institutions (MFIs)
operate as non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and have freedom to set the terms and interest
rates on their loans, although they are not able to take deposits.
l The mainstream MFI sector is dominated by two organisations that each have portfolios of around
US$10m: Ameen, which is registered as a fi nancial services company, and Al Majmoua, which is an
l Many other MFIs are extensions of political/sectarian movements, focusing their efforts on their
particular communities, and do not operate on a commercial basis.
l Lebanon is a regional centre for banking, and its local banks provide a wide range of services that are
broadly accessible, reducing the need for some aspects of microfi nance, such as deposit-taking. The
major mainstream MFIs partner with a number of local banks, which help process the disbursement
and repayment of loans.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l Lebanon was in a state of paralysis for much of 2009. The parliament that was elected in June was
not able to form a functioning government until November, and the new cabinet did not meet until
March 2010. This meant that no legislation was developed over the last year, and many ministries
were unable to develop new initiatives. It is, therefore, unsurprising that there were no offi cial
developments in the microfi nance sector.
l Although the Banque du Liban (the central bank) is independent and largely insulated from Lebanon’s
turbulent politics, it has not issued any new regulations or circulars regarding microfi nance.
l The public credit registry is growing gradually, and now covers 8.3% of the adult population, up from
6.8% in 2009.
l A new MFI, Emkan, has begun operations with a large capital base and offers interest rates subsidised
by the Hariri Foundation, a charity associated with the prime minister, Saad Hariri. This has served to
distort further the market for those MFIs that offer loans on commercial or cost-recovery terms.
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Microfi nance country profi les
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Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l The sector is dominated by a few large microfi nance institutions (MFIs), and this market concentration
has increased over the last year.
l Microcredit is the only fi nancial service currently offered by MFIs.
l There has been considerable growth recently in non-performing loans (NPLs) as MFIs have expanded
and engaged in excessive cross-lending. This is a signifi cant threat to the sector’s sustainability,
although it will be mitigated by the new credit bureau.
l The major MFIs (representing over 90% of the market) comply with good governance and accounting
practices and are fairly transparent.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l The Ministry of Finance is currently discussing ways of transforming MFIs from non-governmental
organisations (NGOs) into commercial, legal entities. This would allow formal fi nancial institutions to
enter the market through direct affi liates, which would benefi t from interest rate cap exemptions. It
might also allow institutions to offer deposits to microfi nance clients.
l In 2009, Zakoura, the second-largest MFI, faced major diffi culties arising from its high-risk portfolio
and was absorbed by FBP, previously the third-largest MFI.
l The overall number of borrowers fell in 2009, for the second consecutive year, owing largely to the
growth in NPLs. MFIs have also been exchanging information about those with poor payment records,
which has halved the number of common borrowers.
l A new credit bureau is now operational, and although MFIs reportedly submit information to the
bureau, transaction costs and other operational issues are still being addressed. According to one
commentator, the transaction cost was set at Dh5 (60 US cents), as opposed to Dh0.5-1, as had been
anticipated by MFIs.
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l Only 7% of Yemenis have a bank account. The latent demand for accessible fi nancial services would
seem to make the country an ideal market for microfi nance.
l The Social Fund for Development (SFD), an ostensibly independent body that relies on foreign donor
aid, has historically led efforts to promote microfi nance in the country, with assistance from the World
Bank and the UNDP.
l In 2009 the Central Bank of Yemen introduced the Microfi nance Law, which is intended to provide a
clear set of rules for regulated and formalised microfi nance institutions (MFIs).
l The rst MFI to be licensed under the new law is Al-Amal, which has expanded quickly since its
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Microfi nance country profi les
Key changes and impacts since last year
l The Microfi nance Law is now fully implemented, with a dedicated and trained team operating within
the Central Bank of Yemen.
l Al Kuraimi, a large exchange and money transfer company with branches and agents across the
country, has applied for a licence under the Microfi nance Law.
l A new electronic regulatory system has been introduced, which will allow both the banks and the
Central Bank to better keep track of their loans.
l The security situation, which has deteriorated as a result of a series of internal confl icts, has delayed
plans to merge the Aden and Abyan MFIs, since the SFD has struggled to fi nd a consultant willing to
work in the area.
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Microfi nance country profi les
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Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l The sector is fairly concentrated, with CamCCUL holding the largest share of the total loan portfolio.
However, a handful of other institutions also represent between 7% and 15% of the total loan
portfolio, and new market entrants (such as EB-ACCION) may help increase market dynamism.
l A law on microfi nance was passed in 2005, and was amended with further prudential requirements in
2007. However, supervision is still weak owing to a lack of capacity.
l Most microfi nance institutions (MFIs) fail to comply with reporting requirements of the Commission
Bancaire de l’Afrique Centrale (COBAC, the Central African Banking Commission), a regional body
that accredits MFIs. Few are familiar with prudential ratios or operating norms introduced by the
microfi nance law, and electronic reporting requirements are not enforced.
l The sector is seriously jeopardised by a lack of transparency and the absence of a credit bureau or any
process for exchanging information on those with poor payment records.
Key changes and impacts:
l The launch of a comprehensive microfi nance accounting framework by COBAC was delayed beyond the
planned date of June 2010. Most MFIs will need time, extensive training and capacity-building to fully
comply with the new accounting rules.
l COBAC has been discussing ways to hand over supervision of small MFIs to local divisions within
nance ministries in the six member countries in the Central African region.
l Some MFIs have met to discuss creating a private credit bureau to exchange borrower information.
Democratic Republic of Congo
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l The Banque Centrale du Congo (the central bank) regulates the fi nancial sector, including
microfi nance institutions (MFIs), under a 2002 law and a 2005 guidance directive. However, key MFI-
related legislation is pending, and a number of MFIs are waiting for the approval of operating licences.
l Microfi nance services are concentrated in urban areas, with little provision in remote rural locations.
Sub-Saharan Africa
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Microfi nance country profi les
l Co-operative and mutual organisations dominate the provision of microfi nance, but there are a few
large players, particularly ProCredit.
l The country is still re-establishing itself after a civil war that ended in 2003, and the skills needed to
develop the microfi nance sector are only being developed gradually.
l There is a need to improve accounting practice, governance, credit referencing and independent
ratings of MFIs.
Key changes and impacts since last year
l Sixteen new microfi nance programmes have been approved in the last year and nine more are subject
to further approval.
l Two new laws are planned and being debated in parliament: one to regulate governance and
accounting practice in MFIs, the other to enable mobile banking (m-banking) services.
l One of the largest MFIs, FINCA, has received approval to become a non-bank fi nancial institution
(NBFI), enabling it to take deposits.
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l The microfi nance sector in Ghana is vibrant and active, offering an increasing range of services. It
developed, however, in an ad hoc way and is highly decentralised.
l While the sector is currently self-regulated quite effectively, the apex bodies—the Cooperative Credit
Unions Association (CUA), the Co-operative Susu Collector’s Association (GCSCA), the Association of
Financial Non-governmental Organisations (ASSFIN) and the Co-operative Council (GCC)—are not well
l The Bank of Ghana (the central bank) does not have the resources to supervise the entire sector,
although it is directing substantial resources toward strengthening its regulatory capabilities.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l The 2008 Non-Banking Financial Institutions Act 774 (NBFI Act) has begun to be implemented. It
regulates all microfi nance activities and is intended to improve co-ordination in the sector.
l The new law expands the range of activities allowed to microfi nance institutions (MFIs) to encourage
innovation and development. It is too early to know how the sector will react, but positive changes are
l The global fi nancial crisis created a liquidity crunch for microfi nance operators and revealed problems
with capital adequacy, which prompted the central bank to increase dramatically the minimum capital
l There has been discussion about regulating the informal savings services provided by “Susu
Companies”, which sometimes lack the capacity to manage the deposits they take in. This sector has,
however, been tolerated and unregulated for decades.
l Under the 2008 NBFI Act, all non-deposit-taking fi nancial institutions must have GH¢1m
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(US$688,000) as minimum capital instead of the previous GH¢150,000 and GH¢4m for deposit-taking
from 2011, and GH¢7m from 2012 (up from GH¢1.5m). The new minimum capital requirements have
led to a round of consolidation discussions among MFIs, as many of them are under the minimum.
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l There is a strong regulatory environment for deposit-taking microfi nance institutions (MFIs).
However, most MFIs are still working to establish the required operational systems and controls and
comply with ownership and capital requirements established by the 2008 Microfi nance Regulations. As
of June 2010 only two MFIs had successfully qualifi ed to become regulated deposit-taking institutions.
The hundreds of smaller non-deposit-taking MFIs are not regulated or supervised under specifi c
microfi nance laws.
l The nancial sector and the microfi nance environment are concentrated. There is, however a robust
and steadily improving business environment, owing in part to the efforts of non-governmental
organisation (NGO)-MFIs to comply with Microfi nance Regulations (2008) and convert into deposit-
taking microfi nance institution (DTMs).
l Kenya continues to be a global leader in mobile banking (m-banking) thanks to the innovative M-PESA
service, close co-ordination with regulators, good customer service and provider transparency. All
major Kenyan mobile operators are now working to establish mobile banking platforms.
l Innovation around new delivery channels and especially mobile payments are ongoing in the
microfi nance sector.
Key changes and impacts since last year
l The Central Bank of Kenya licensed the fi rst credit bureau in early 2010 and now requires all Kenyan
banks to submit customer information to it. Consequently, two commercial banks with micro-lending
operations will report to the bureau. MFIs are not yet required to submit client information, but their
participation likely will be mandated during 2011.
l The rst DTM was licensed under the Microfi nance Act in May 2009 and the Kenya Women’s Financial
Trust (KWFT) received a licence in April 2010. Other MFIs are in the process of obtaining a DTM licence,
though it is unclear how long the process will take.
l As in other African countries, the microfi nance sector suffers from a lack of transparency on the all-in
cost of credit. Microfi nance interest rates are often quoted by the month, rather than annually, and
frequently include additional fees that mask the true and full cost of credit. On a positive note, Kenya
was the fi rst African country to participate in MF Transparency’s country survey in 2009. Pricing data
was collected from 21 MFIs and the total APR was found to range from 10% to 73%.
l The savings and credit co-operatives (SACCOs) segment has experienced rapid growth. The
corresponding increase in fraud prompted regulators to develop the supervisory regulations outlined
in the SACCO Society Act of 2008; this framework is expected to come into full force in late 2010.
In preparation, the government of Kenya also created the SACCO Regulatory Authority (SASRA) to
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business environment 2010
Microfi nance country profi les
supervise SACCOs with front-offi ce operations.
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l The microfi nance sector is spilt between the long-established informal co-operative and mutual sector
and the more recently established professional microfi nance institutions (MFIs).
l There is a sophisticated national strategy for microfi nance and a highly structured legal framework and
national promotion unit, which makes it easy to establish and upscale MFIs.
l Political instability has inhibited the expansion of MFIs as development aid has been suspended. Poor
accounting standards also constrain MFIs.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l MFIs had mixed fortunes in 2009, which was a turbulent year politically and economically. Some MFIs
experienced delayed loan repayments, while others grew steadily.
l A new credit information system has the potential to improve credit checking, though at present
efforts centre on commercial bank reporting and linking data from new and old systems.
l Larger nancial institutions offering microfi nance facilities are increasing the variety of products
provided to clients.
l There are early indications that efforts to improve the regulatory capacity of the Banque Centrale de
Madagascar (the central bank) are bearing fruit.
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l The microfi nance sector, along with the general fi nancial sector, is still very underdeveloped, with
almost 80% of the population unbanked. In addition, the fi nancial sector is still based on commercial
banking, and regulated microfi nance institutions (MFIs) only have a small share of the market.
l Mozambique’s economy is quite small and very poor, consisting of a handful of mega-projects (coal
and gas mines) and 30,000 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). As a result, MFIs tend to be
small, mission-driven organisations led by donor programmes, rather than commercial profi t seeking
l The Bank of Mozambique (the central bank) is conservative and is still contending with other
challenges, such as focusing on the use of local currency instead of the previous prevalence of foreign
currency. (Business transactions conducted in foreign currency now constitute around one-third of
the total, down from two-thirds in 2003).
l The nancial sector is highly concentrated and lacking in competition. This reduces deposit-
mobilisation and contributes to high borrowing costs.
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Microfi nance country profi les
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Key changes and impacts since last year:
l A new reporting framework for supervision of microfi nance will fi nally be announced in 2010, after
being developed by many international organisations over the past three years.
l Mobile banking is beginning to develop at a broader level, as the fi rst telecommunications provider
has been approved to partner with fi nancial institutions and offer services.
l IFRS has been adopted as the offi cial accounting reporting standard and is expected to be
implemented in MFIs by the end of 2010.
l A private credit registry is being developed with the International Finance Corporation, which is
expected to facilitate the development of the microfi nance sector.
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l There is an established regulatory framework for microfi nance banks (MFBs). Many MFBs, however, do
not comply with the regulations and the Central Bank of Nigeria lacks the capacity or sector expertise
to supervise the banks effectively and enforce regulation.
l Many MFBs are undercapitalised, owing in part to low capital requirements for local operations, and
have poor management and governance. The sector has grown very rapidly, with laws being passed
before appropriate regulatory capacity has been put in place. More than 900 MFBs were created in a
very short space of time during 2008 and 2009.
l Many of the microfi nance providers established as Unit Microfi nance Banks struggle to penetrate fully
urban markets and establish a strong base from which to expand to rural areas. Moreover, regulations
dictate that Unit Banks are only allowed to expand into more than one state after they own two-thirds
of market share in their original state. Many rural areas and states remain underserved.
l The lack of reliable identifi cation documents is a challenge for developing credit information
registries, as various forms of personal identifi cation exist. All forms have limited coverage and none is
fully reliable regarding name, date of birth and address.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l The rapid emergence of hundreds of credit institutions and the onset of the global fi nancial crisis
have led to fraudulent and opportunistic behaviour. This has caused a considerable decline in public
confi dence.
l The CBN has reconsidered its microfi nance policy in light of the failure of numerous MFBs. The revised
framework is expected to be developed by the end of 2010, and is likely to employ a three-tiered
structure: a national-level microfi nance licence; a state-level licence; and a rural licence.
l The operating costs of microfi nance institutions (MFIs) have risen, owing to infrastructure challenges
(lack of consistent access to water, electricity, and Internet connectivity) and high and rising capital
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Global microscope on the microfi nance
business environment 2010
Microfi nance country profi les
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l The regulatory and policy environment for microfi nance is very strong, but has outpaced the capacity
of microfi nance institutions (MFIs) to understand and comply. This is particularly true for accountancy
and governance standards.
l The majority of MFIs are located in urban centres, and competition in rural areas remains limited. The
government has prioritised access to fi nancial services to the rural community. This may lead to some
distortions in the short term, particularly owing to the large fl ows of donor subsidies directed at the
sector, but ultimately should benefi t the industry by increasing fi nancial literacy.
l Following the collapse of several MFIs in 2006 and in light of uncertainties regarding the tax regime, many
Rwandans distrust fi nancial institutions and are reluctant to bring savings into the regulated economy.
l Rwanda does not have a credit reference bureau (although there is a national credit registry within
the National Bank of Rwanda (the central bank), which is seldom used by MFIs). Procedures for
determining credit worthiness are generally informal.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l In May 2009 the central bank issued microfi nance regulation No. 02/2009. It has also formed a new
Directorate for Financial Stability with a microfi nance-specifi c department to supervise MFIs. The
directorate has hired and trained 20 inspectors.
l A new payments system law has been approved by parliament, and provides scope for mobile banking.
l The government has launched a new initiative, Umurenge SACCO, to ensure that every local district
has a savings and credit co-operative (SACCO) to hold deposits and provide micro-loans. Under the
programme, the government will fi nance a declining proportion of the operating costs of 416 new
SACCOs for a period of three years.
l Rwanda was the top reformer in the World Bank’s Doing Business 2010 report, moving from 143rd to
67th out of 183 countries. Among the reforms, investor protection improved substantially, from a
score of 2 to 6.3 out of 10.
l The Association of Microfi nance Institutions in Rwanda (AMIR) has received fi nancial support from
the government and several donors, and has launched a capacity-building campaign to improve the
governance and reporting capacity of smaller MFIs.
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l The microfi nance sector remains highly concentrated, with 85% of lending assets held by three major
networks. Senegal is also home to many small mutual organisations and non-regulated microfi nance
institutions (MFIs), which have limited growth potential.
l Senegal has laws regulating MFIs, but there is a lack of regulatory capacity. Although the banking
commission regulates the larger MFIs, the authorities have limited capacity to supervise the many
small MFIs.
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business environment 2010
Microfi nance country profi les
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l A recent change in the legal framework is expected to be conducive to the formation of commercial
MFIs and bank downscaling.
l Transaction costs are high, making it diffi cult to extend services on a large scale, especially to remote
and rural areas. Mobile banking presents an opportunity to reduce the costs of network expansion.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l The prospects of full implementation of the new MFI regulatory framework are being weakened by
delays in issuing new licensing instructions by the responsible regional body, the Banque Centrale
des États de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (BCEAO, the central bank for the West African region). As a result, new
microfi nance licences may be withheld.
l A new law requires unregulated microfi nance organisations—termed Groupements d’Épargne et de
Crédit (GECs)—to either convert into regulated MFIs or merge into existing networks within two years.
l The deadline for full compliance with new accounting standards has been too ambitious, especially for
those MFIs not affi liated with a major network (about 15% of the market as of June 2008).
l The government is actively investigating opportunities for mobile banking (m-banking) as a way of
expanding microfi nance to remote, rural areas.
l The authorities are also looking at ways of improving credit bureaus, although fees can reach as high
as 9% per transaction, and pilots have yet to achieve popular acceptance.
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l Tanzania has a very diverse market for microfi nance, involving commercial banks, community banks,
dedicated microfi nance institutions (MFIs), co-operatives and non-governmental organisations
l Although regulations covering the creation of deposit-taking microfi nance entities (DTMs) have been
in place since 2005, no NGO or co-operative MFIs have yet made this transition. This can be explained
in large part by the complex funding structure and high capital requirements.
l The microfi nance sector has begun to expand beyond lending and deposit-taking into insurance,
leasing and transfers. Mobile banking technology has also emerged.
l The reporting standards and general performance of savings and credit co-operatives (SACCOs)
remains under considerable scrutiny. The government launched The Co-operative Reform and
Modernisation Program 2005-15 to improve performance and accountability, although it is unclear
how successful this has been.
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l There has been an increase in the availability of insurance, leasing and transfer services. This includes
a substantial deal signed between the First MicroInsurance Agency and the Savings and the Credit Co-
operative Union League of Tanzania (SCCULT, a representative body for over 1,000 SACCOs and their
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business environment 2010
Microfi nance country profi les
l Tanzania has seen an increase in training and education about accounting and audit standards,
delivered through formal and informal groups of MFIs.
l Institutions in the sector, and microfi nance banks in particular, have taken steps to strengthen their
capital structures in the past year.
l A number of players from the telecommunications and fi nancial sectors have begun to develop and
offer mobile telephone banking services during the last year.
Key characteristics of the microfi nance business environment:
l The IMF rates Uganda’s fi nancial system as one of the most developed in the region. However, the
microfi nance sector is dominated by commercial banks, such as Centenary Bank and Equity Bank.
Dedicated microfi nance institutions (MFIs) are concentrated in urban and semi-urban centres,
charging relatively high interests rate and suffering from relatively low levels of effi ciency.
l Uganda’s tiered approach to microfi nance regulation and supervision has created fl exibility and a
solid framework for institutional development.
l That said, the regulatory requirements for institutional transformation are quite strict. As a result,
most MFIs choose to continue operating as non-governmental organisations (NGOs) or savings and
credit co-operatives (SACCOs) and are not permitted to take deposits.
l A shortage of qualifi ed and well-trained staff has weighed on non-bank microfi nance institutions;
MFIs with commercial bank and deposit-taking status tend to attract the most skilled microfi nance
Key changes and impacts since last year:
l MFIs are struggling to compete with established commercial banks that have recently begun scaling
down and attracting small savers.
l Uganda’s rst credit bureau has started operating, and is expected to have an impact on the
microfi nance sector. (Borrowers with multiple loans is a growing concern, and there is no uniform
client identifi cation system.) All regulated fi nancial institutions, including Microfi nance Deposit-
taking Institutions (MDIs), will be expected to report negative client information to the Credit
Reference Bureau.
l The acquisition of Uganda Microfi nance Limited by Equity Bank in late 2008 is likely to infl uence
the microfi nance market, which had been dominated by Centenary Bank. Equity Bank is expected to
introduce stronger competition and bring microfi nance best practices from Kenya.
l Microfi nance has recently begun to emerge in the northern part of the country, owing to improved
political stability following agreements with rebels.
l As in other East African countries, many reports of misconduct surfaced in the past year in the SACCO
segment, mostly arising from the global fi nancial crisis. There has been increased pressure on the
government to regulate this sector, which has now become a priority. The Ministry of Finance is
expected to develop a SACCO regulation framework soon.
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Current issues in microfi nance
The microfi nance market has grown enormously during the past decade. The sharp rise in lending has been
driven by a huge infl ux of external funding from donors and social investors, and by the commercialisation
of the market through initial public offerings (IPOs) from some of the larger microfi nance institutions
(MFIs). The impact of the increased availability of funding for MFIs has been a rapid growth in MFI
portfolios in terms of the number of borrowers reached and the quantity and value of loans disbursed.
The microfi nance market has been mostly isolated from the current fi nancial crisis, which has
profoundly affected mainstream fi nance globally. That said, the microfi nance market is experiencing
its own set of growing pains, driven in part by the breakneck speed at which it has been expanding.
Indeed, many commentators see a need for a system of checks and balances to curtail irresponsible
lending practices that have emerged in recent years. In the second half of 2009 the inability of some MFI
borrowers to meet repayments on their loans led to community revolts against MFI lenders in Nicaragua
and in the southern state of Karnataka, India. Several other countries continue to experience rising
numbers of portfolios-at-risk (PAR)—loans that are more than 30 days overdue—including Bosnia,
Morocco, and Pakistan, with PARs as high as 7% to 13% in some cases.
What is driving this rise in borrower defaults in a sector that traditionally has enjoyed the best
repayment rates in the credit industry? Evidence from the locations listed above, and from other parts
of the world, shows that some MFI customers are requesting and receiving more loans than before. This
trend has been fuelled by the increase in fi nancing available for MFIs to on-lend, coupled with lax credit-
management practices. Recent news coverage shows that some MFI customers were borrowing from
multiple sources simply because they could, as well as for consumption purposes. For instance, a 2009
sector report on microfi nance
shows that one-quarter of MFI clients in Karnataka’s Kolar district have as
many as fi ve loans, with three loans being the average.
An examination of the four countries currently
experiencing repayment crises showed that 20-40% of borrowers had loans from more than one MFI.
Anecdotally, this is confi rmed by interviews conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit, which show
that indebtedness is a growing problem, affecting locations throughout the developing world.
In focus
1. Chun, G., Rasmussen, S.
and Reille, X. (February 2010),
“Growth and Vulnerabilities in
Microfinance”, CGAP Focus Note,
No. 61.
2. Srinivasan, N. (October 2009),
Microfinance India: State of
the Sector Report 2009, SAGE
3. Cited in “Quest for fast growth
lands India’s microfinance
institutions in the soup”, The
Economic Times, March 8th 2010.
4. Chun et al. (2010).
Global microscope on the microfi nance
business environment 2010
In focus
© Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2010
Microfi nance credit reporting
Extreme responses, such as the revolts in Karnataka, the No Pago movement in Nicaragua, and regulatory
restrictions on MFI lending, do not address the underlying issues that create conditions for over-
indebtedness. In a market devoid of information-sharing, MFI lenders do not have the ability to identify
customers that borrow from multiple sources, nor do they have a view of the overall level of indebtedness
of their existing or potential clients. This information asymmetry characterises most principal-agent
relationships, and its effects are now being felt in the microfi nance sector. As long as the economy is
doing well and most people are gainfully employed, multiple borrowing is not a problem; loans are
generally paid on time, keeping non-payment rates low and microfi nance portfolios strong. But when a
business-sector slump leads to job losses and a decline in wages, borrowers often have little choice but
to default. The inability to identify and curb indebtedness increases the risk of non-repayments, non-
performing loans (NPLs) and deteriorating portfolios.
The fundamental case for credit reporting in microfi nance is to alleviate the credit risk arising from
information asymmetries. This is where credit bureaus come in. A credit bureau collects information
from lenders and available public sources on a borrower’s credit history. Information on individuals and
small fi rms is compiled into a comprehensive credit report that is then sold to creditors. Credit bureaus
typically support the retail lending business by providing objective information on the creditworthiness
of individual customers or small businesses. They allow lenders to make faster and more accurate
credit decisions, thereby lowering default rates by 30-40% and increasing lending volumes.
credit reporting for retail and small business lending has evolved over the past century, uptake in the
microfi nance sector has been relatively slow.
Experience from Ecuador shows that credit reporting allows MFIs to monitor the portfolios of existing
borrowers, assess their overall level of indebtedness, and make more informed lending decisions. This
may involve renewing a credit line, denying an existing borrower more credit, devising fl exible pricing
based on borrower credit histories and repayment characteristics, or developing fl exible product terms to
better suit the borrower’s capacity to repay. In India, for example, the largest MFIs participate in a credit
reporting system (under development) and use shared information to identify borrowers with multiple
loans, capping the maximum exposure per borrower at Rs50,000 (around US$1,000) at any given time.
Credit reporting can also have a disciplinary effect on borrowers.
One study showed that educating
borrowers of a major MFI in Guatemala about the existence and use of a credit bureau improved borrower
repayment rates.
Credit reporting clearly has benefi ts for MFI lenders, and could lead to cost savings and operational
effi ciencies that have been demonstrated at regular fi nancial institutions. Even so, implementing
microfi nance credit-reporting systems is challenging. Fundamentally, many MFIs are simply unaware
of the potential benefi ts of credit reporting and how it can support their operations. Moreover, many
MFI lenders are wary of “information-sharing mechanisms,” both within and outside of their niche.
In addition to issues of awareness and trust, several technical challenges impede the development of
microfi nance credit reporting. These include equipping MFIs with the right mix of technology and skills
to capture borrower data and transmit such data to a credit bureau, and training MFIs to use information
from the credit bureau in their lending processes.
5. Barron, J. M. and Staten,
M. (2003), “The Value of
Comprehensive Credit
Reports: Lessons from the U.S.
Experience”, in Credit Reporting
Systems and the International
Economy, MIT Press.
6. Ng, J. (April 2010),
“A Detailed overview of
Microfinance Institutions
Network (MFIN)”, Microfinance
Focus online. Available at:
7. Padilla, J. A., and Pagano,
M. (July 1999), Sharing Default
Information as a Borrower
Discipline Device, Centre for
Studies in Economics and
Finance, Working Paper no. 21.
8. De Janvry, A., McIntosh, C. and
Sadoulet, E. (June 2007), “The
Supply and Demand Side Impacts
of Credit Market Information”,
in Journal of Development
Economics, Volume 93, Issue 2.
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Global microscope on the microfi nance
business environment 2010
In focus
Yet another challenge lies in fi nding the right “price point” for MFI users of credit bureau products.
MFIs typically make smaller loans (by value) than traditional lenders, with greater repayment frequencies.
Standard credit bureau products are therefore neither suitable nor affordable for MFIs. The credit bureaus,
for their part, grapple with being able to offer MFI-tailored products at prices that would be sustainable
for the credit bureau’s own business model. These challenges notwithstanding, better integration of
microfi nance and credit reporting holds the promise of improving risk management and overall fi nancial
stability for MFIs.
Risk management and deposit mobilisation
While the microfi nance sector has side-stepped the major consequences of the global fi nancial crisis,
awareness of them has made risk management a priority for MFIs, donors and investors. As a result of its
past focus on aggressive growth and expanded outreach, the MFI sector is now faced with overstretched
and outdated systems, inadequate control mechanisms, and a lack of qualifi ed staff to manage complex
new lending products targeting individuals and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). MFIs and
donors recognise the need to design and implement risk management strategies to protect against large-
scale fi nancial losses, as well as the loss of reputation among clients, competitors, donors, and regulatory
agencies. This in fact is the board of directors’ fi duciary role: to provide oversight and investment advice
to management, in addition to recommending sound risk management practices.
Risk management traditionally has been structured around four types of risk: credit risk; liquidity
risk; market risk; and operating risk. For MFIs, however, there may be a need for an additional framework
that captures other factors. These include fostering a “risk culture”, in which MFI employees and
stakeholders understand the institution’s main sources of risk and the consequences of decisions for the
MFI’s risk profi le. It also involves ensuring that appropriate risk structures and policies are in place to
monitor the risks of the institution and designing and adhering to a risk-reporting schedule, including
the dissemination to management of documents that lay out the identifi cation of risks, as well as their
measurement and management on a continual basis. This last item deserves particular attention by MFIs,
considering that the lack of consistent and adequate risk management reporting may have aggravated the
problems that some MFIs experienced in 2009.
MFIs that are committed to regulatory improvements and the mobilisation of deposits face even
greater challenges. MFIs that wish to become licensed as regulated deposit-taking institutions must not
only meet capital, equity and fi nancial performance objectives, but must also comply with regulatory
requirements for management and governance capacity, development of robust infrastructure, including
appropriate data and information processing systems, and internal controls. In some countries MFIs are
required to invest in building a system to implement a deposit programme before they can obtain approval
to accept deposits, with no guarantees that the institution will receive the licence.
The role of governance in the evolution of a strong risk management function goes beyond better
policies and reporting; it also means developing staff who are well-trained in deposit products and services.
A strong knowledge of the distinctions between deposit mobilisation and credit, as well as the unique risks
associated with each, must begin with the board and management and be integrated at each staff level. The
ability to build a professional staff committed to serving the public is key to the success of an institution.
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Risk management in all its forms is becoming increasingly important in the microfi nance sector, both
for credit and savings products. As more and more MFIs mobilise deposits to provide a wider spectrum
of fi nancial products to their clients—while also diversifying their sources of funding—a well-tailored
and practical risk management system will be essential. Governance with credibility and integrity is the
cornerstone of building an institution capable of providing fi nancial access to the under-banked. It is
also essential to developing a pool of knowledgeable, highly trained personnel in deposit services. In the
end, institutions that strengthen risk management practices should fi nd it well worth the cost and effort,
as sound risk management will ultimately be rewarded by customers’ trust and by the confi dence of the
central bank.
This analysis was prepared by IFC and MEDA.
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In focus
Principles for the effective regulation and supervision of
microfi nance operations
Microfi nance has been one of the great business success stories of the last decade. But the sector’s
impressive growth and outreach has not been matched by a comprehensive supervisory and regulatory
structure that refl ects its unique characteristics and risks. To close this gap, the Association of Supervisors
of Banks of the Americas (ASBA) and the Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF)—with support from the
Swiss Trust Fund managed by the Inter-American Development Bank—engaged in a two-year consultation
in Latin America and the Caribbean to prepare practical guidelines for regulating and supervising
microfi nance.
These guidelines seek to complement the standards and laws under which a country’s fi nancial
institutions operate. Microfi nance institutions (MFIs) are subject to national standards and, in the
majority of cases, international standards that allow for sound management of the fi nancial system.
But international standards are not always applied with suffi cient rigour, and neither international nor
national standards always consider the special nature of microfi nance operations. There is, for example,
a need to broaden the application of the Basel Core Principles (BCP) to create a legal framework that
effectively regulates MFIs—but without imposing conditions that would impede their operations. Yet
guidelines must also build on existing standards because MFIs and traditional fi nancial providers have
a lot in common. With some adjustments, the majority of the Basel principles are applicable to the
microfi nance sector.
The need to regulate and supervise banks rigorously is rarely challenged; the same cannot be said of
the need to regulate MFIs. Although the majority of MFIs are not large enough to threaten a country’s
overall fi nancial stability, they play an important role in providing fi nancial services to underserved
populations with the potential to contribute to the economy. To do so effectively and appropriately,
however, MFIs must align their activities with BCP principles. Proper microfi nance regulation is also
important for protecting consumers (depositors and borrowers) and correcting market imperfections (by
increasing information to improve transparency and effi ciency). In sum, sound regulation helps ensure
that microfi nance clients are served by stable fi nancial institutions. Like all regulation, however, there is a
cost; to be worthwhile the benefi ts must outweigh those costs.
As microfi nance is intended for those who would not otherwise have access to fi nancial services
and involves small sums of money, it is easy to believe that the costs of regulation are too great. This
perception is mistaken. Without proper regulation, MFIs might be tempted to take excessive risks, leading
to, for example, over-indebted borrowers. Excessive debt creates losses that restrict the microcredit
supply and eliminates a signifi cant credit source for an important segment of the population, reducing
their ability to generate wealth. It also undermines a culture of timely payments, which supports the
sector’s profi tability and sustainability.
The guidelines developed by ASBA and MIF are based on the principle that countries should have
specialised expertise for monitoring microfi nance and that regulations should be tailored for that sector
and not merely copied from traditional banking regulation. The supervisor should have suffi cient sector
knowledge to evaluate the strength of an institution and its plans, establishing appropriate minimal
Global microscope on the microfi nance
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In focus
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capital standards. The supervisor must have a trained, specialised unit to ensure the regulatory framework
functions properly. There should be suffi cient resources to monitor over-indebtedness in the system, to
continuously analyse risks, to identify warning signs and to implement policies in a timely manner.
The regulatory framework should also incorporate risk management concepts, as these apply directly
to microfi nance. Strategic and reputational risk management is particularly important, since many
institutions begin as non-profi ts entities targeting a specifi c client segment and eventually enter new
market segments that they are less well equipped to serve. Credit risk management is essential because
most clients are not part of the formal economy, limiting the lender’s access to useful client information
and collateral. Operational risks must also be addressed to ensure proper lending methodologies are
employed that are not overly prone to human, procedural or external fl aws. Although market risk is less
of a factor, regulatory risk frameworks should also address foreign exchange risk and interest rate risk,
which stem from the unique fi nancing structures these institutions employ. MFIs should adhere to policies
that combat money- laundering and terrorism.
Finally, the guidelines suggest defi ning micro-loans (or microcredit) explicitly in regulations, so that
required client characteristics and the credit methodology utilised to service them are clearly defi ned.
For example, a long-known element of success is ensuring that credit methodologies involve personal
contact with clients. This should be standard practice. Policies for loan loss provisioning need to refl ect
the short loan terms and high repayment rates that characterise microcredit portfolios. Specifi c rules for
the treatment of interest rates, fees and penalties in case of arrears should also be included.
This article was adapted from a publication by MIF and ASBA. The full document can be accessed at
© Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2009
Appendix Global microscope on the microfi nance
business environment 2010
Methodology and sources
This index is the second year of a study that evaluates countries across regions despite poor data and
often incomplete information. Much effort has been made to combine available secondary sources and
primary legal texts with insights and information from sector stakeholders in each national context.
Interviews were conducted with microfi nance practitioners, experts, policymakers and consultants
around the world between March and June of 2010 to inform the analysis in this study. Experts’ interview
availability varied widely by region, and, in some cases, by country. A qualitative survey based on the
microscope criteria was also administered to microfi nance practitioners, consultants, and regulators
worldwide between March and April 2010. Two hundred and twenty six stakeholders responded to the
survey. The results were used to inform, challenge and confi rm scores and evaluations, as well as to
provide additional contacts for interviews.
The study criteria and methodology were developed in 2007 by the Economist Intelligence Unit
research team in close co-ordination with MIF and CAF. The real-world relevance of these indicators
was initially evaluated through in-depth interviews conducted with country experts and microfi nance
practitioners from the region. They have been further validated in 2007 and 2008 by their high, positive
correlation with microfi nance penetration fi gures. In 2009, these indicators were expanded to an
additional 34 countries around the globe in co-operation with IFC.
Based on consultations with senior MIF and CAF staff in 2007, the categories “Regulatory Framework”
and “Institutional Development” were each weighted 40% toward the 100 point score while “Investment
Climate” was weighted 20%. However, it is important to point out that, even with alternative weighting
schemes that assign more weight to the last category (such as weighting each of the 13 variables equally,
or weighting each of the three categories equally), the relative importance of the investment climate in
shaping overall microfi nance environments consistently emerged as secondary to that of the regulatory
framework and institutional development.
© Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2009
Appendix Global microscope on the microfi nance
business environment 2010
To score the indicators in this index, we gathered data from the following sources:
l Personal interviews with regional and country experts, as well as microfi nance practitioners and
l A global microfi nance survey for sector stakeholders based on the Microscope study
l Economist Intelligence Unit proprietary country rankings and reports, especially Country Finance,
Country Commerce and monthly Country Reports
l Scholarly studies
l Texts of laws, regulations and other legal documents
l Websites of government authorities and international organisations
l Websites of industry associations
l Local and international news media reports
A new goal for this year’s Microscope was to increase the number and scope of practitioners
interviewed. A large proportion of these were drawn from in-country sources, especially local
microfi nance institutions (MFIs), national microfi nance networks, and local offi ces of multilateral
organisations. These additional consultations have allowed for a more nuanced portrait of the business
environment for microfi nance than was previously possible. As a result, scores were re-evaluated and
changed for some countries, even in cases where there were no actual changes in formal laws and
For a full list of sources and interviewees, please refer to the full bibliography, available free of charge at,, and www.ifc.
org/microfi nance.
MIF staff provided the necessary data to measure the level of competition in Latin American and Caribbean
countries. They began with MIX Market data, but complemented it with country-specifi c sources to
improve data coverage and quality. This is used to calculate the Hirschmann-Herfi ndahl Index (HHI).
calculations are based on microfi nance portfolio size, rather than number of clients.
HHI data for the rest of the world also came from MIX Market. In some select cases, 2008 data were used
because 2009 data for these countries were not yet available. An extensive effort was made to assemble
the latest available data for 2009, however, and the data in the model represent the most current
information at the time of publication.
Scoring criteria
Indicators in the Microscope index are qualitative in nature, and scoring criteria for these are defi ned
through a set of questions. These questions seek to measure not only the laws and standards governing
the sector, but also their enforcement and practice. The criteria are open-ended, rather than formulaic or
prescriptive. Consequently, scores are best understood after reading indicator justifi cations in the Excel
model, as well as the scoring criteria.
1. The HHI is a specific
measurement of market
concentration, that is of the
extent to which a set of firms
accounts for a proportion of
output in a sector. The HHI is
used as one possible indicator
of market power or competition
among firms. It measures market
concentration by adding the
squares of the market shares of
all firms in the sector. Where,
for example, in a market five
companies each have a market
share of 20%, the HHI is 400 +
400 + 400 + 400 + 400 = 2,000.
The higher the HHI for a specific
market, the more output is
concentrated within a small
number of firms. In general
terms, with an HHI below 1,000
the market concentration can be
characterised as low, between
1,000 and 1,800 as moderate and
above 1,800 as high.
© Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2009
Appendix Global microscope on the microfi nance
business environment 2010
For purposes of this study, MFIs are defi ned narrowly as those that provide “microcredit”; that is, loans
to non-salaried workers that are typically less than or equal to 250% of gross national income per capita
(GNI per capita) in size. Microcredit operations are carried out by different types of institution, some
regulated by fi nancial authorities and some not.
The indicator scoring criteria for the Global Microscope are as follows:
Regulatory Framework
(1) Regulation of microcredit operations: “Are regulations conducive to microcredit provision by banks
and other established fi nancial institutions? For instance, are banks free to set market interest rates,
can they avoid excessive documentation and capital-adequacy ratios, and are they free from unfair
competition from subsidised public programmes and institutions?”
l Scoring: 0=No such regulations exist or regulations are prohibitive; 1=Regulations create serious
obstacles; 2=Regulations create at least two such obstacles for MFIs; 3=Regulations create minor
obstacles; 4=Regulations present no signifi cant obstacles
(2) Formation and operation of regulated/supervised specialised MFIs: “Is the legal framework conducive
to the formation and operation of ‘specialised MFIs,’ such as greenfi eld MFIs and upscaling NGOs
transforming themselves into MFIs? For example, are specialised MFIs free to set market interest rates,
can they avoid excessive documentation and capital-adequacy ratios, and are they free from unfair
competition from subsidised public programmes and institutions?”
l Scoring: 0=No such regulations exist; 1=Regulations exist, but multiple obstacles make formation
very diffi cult; 2=Regulations exist, although there are signifi cant obstacles; 3=Regulations exist with
relatively few obstacles; 4=Regulations facilitate formation
(3) Formation and operation of non-regulated and non-profi t microfi nance institutions (MFIs): “Is the
legal framework conducive to the formation and functioning of microcredit operations by unregulated
non-governmental organisations (NGOs)?”
l Scoring: 0=NGOs are barred; 1=NGOs face many obstacles; 2=NGOs face some obstacles; 3=NGOs face
only minor obstacles; 4=NGOs face no signifi cant obstacles
(4) Regulatory and examination capacity: “Do regulatory institutions possess a specialised capacity for
the examination and regulation of microfi nance provision?”
l Scoring: Open-ended, as specifi c markers are not obvious and emerge from the interviews
Investment Climate
(5) Political stability: “How important are the internal and external threats to the stability of the serving
government or the political system in general?”
l Scoring: The Economist Intelligence Unit’s Political stability rating is a category score in its Risk
Briefi ng. It is the average of fi ve individual scored indicators: Social unrest; Orderly transfers;
© Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2009
Appendix Global microscope on the microfi nance
business environment 2010
Opposition stance; Excessive executive authority; and International tensions. 0=Extreme instability;
1=Considerable instability; 2=Moderate instability; 3=Stable; 4=Very stable
(6) Capital market development: “Are local capital markets developed?”
l Scoring: This score is based on the average of fi ve scores in the Economist Intelligence Unit’s Risk
Briefi ng: Depth of fi nancing; Access to local markets; Marketable debt; Banking sector health;
and Stock market liquidity. 0=Capital markets are undeveloped; 1=Capital markets exist, but lack
depth and breadth; 2=Capital markets are lacking in either depth or breadth; 3=Capital markets are
moderately well developed; 4=Capital markets are deep and broad
(7) Judicial System: “Does the judicial system allow for speedy, effective, and consistent resolution of
l This score is based on the average of three scores in our Risk Briefi ng: Fairness of the judicial process;
Enforceability of contracts; and Speediness of the judicial process. 0=Judicial system is extremely
poor, corrupt or politicised; 1=Judicial system has several important faults; 2=Judicial system
has strengths and shortcomings; 3=Judicial system is basically sound; 4=Judicial system is solid,
incorruptible and free of political infl uence
(8) Accounting standards: “Are accounting standards in line with international norms (that is, US GAAP,
l Scoring: 0=There are no generally established accounting standards; 1=National standards exist,
but are weak and ineffective; 2=National standards are established, but fall short of international
best practices; 3=National standards are similar to or moving toward international standards;
4=International standards are followed
(9) Governance standards: “Do governance standards of accountability and independence exist for
corporations and institutions?”
l Scoring: 0=Standards do not exist; 1=Standards exist, but are weak; 2=Modest and unevenly effective
standards; 3=Signifi cant, if imperfect, standards exist in law and practice; 4=Standards of high
accountability and transparency are followed in law and practice
(10) MFI transparency: “Do microfi nance institutions routinely disclose their effective interest rates,
conduct external audits and receive external ratings?”
l Scoring: 0=MFIs rarely or never engage in such practices; 1=MFIs follow at best one such practice, and
with uneven results; 2=MFIs follow some of these practices, with modest results; 3=MFIs follow most of
these practices, with generally favourable results; 4= MFIs follow all these practices
© Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2009
Appendix Global microscope on the microfi nance
business environment 2010
Institutional Development
(11) Range of MFI Services: “Do MFIs offer a wide range of fi nancial services to low-income populations in
addition to microcredit (e.g., insurance, savings, transfer of remittances, etc?)
l Scoring: 0=MFIs do not generally offer additional services; 1=MFIs generally offer only limited services
beyond microcredit; 2=MFIs generally offer a modest range of services; 3=MFIs offer a wide range of
services; 4=MFIs offer a full, extensive range of services
(12) Credit bureaus: “Are there effective, reliable credit bureaus?” For instance, how comprehensive is
the information on prospective borrowers that they provide, how widely accessible is that information
(particularly in light of privacy restrictions), does it cover transactions with both regulated and non-
regulated fi nancial institutions, and does it provide more than just “negative” information about
prospective borrowers (that is, defaults and arrears)?
l Scoring: 0=Credit bureaus do not exist; 1=Credit bureaus are weak and unreliable in most of these
ways; 2=Credit bureaus are weak in some of these ways; 3=Credit bureaus are weak in one of these
ways; 4=Credit bureaus provide comprehensive information on the whole range of transactions and
also include positive information about borrowers (on-time payment history, etc)
(13) Level of competition: “How competitive is the MFI sector? Do micro-borrowers have a wide range of
institutions from which to choose?”
l Scoring: 0=There is little or no competition, with two or three institutions representing the majority
of the total market portfolio, and the HHI value is over 2,600 ; 1=There is limited competition, and the
HHI value is between 2,600 and 1,800; 2=There is a moderate level of competition among MFIs, and
the HHI index falls between 1,800 and 1,000; 3=There is substantial competition and the HHI falls
between 1,000 and 500; 4=There is a high degree of competition and the HHI value is 500 or lower
Whilst every effort has been made to verify the accuracy
of this information, neither the Economist Intelligence
Unit Ltd nor the sponsors of this report can accept any
responsibility for liability for reliance by any person
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