November 2017 Volume 4, Issue 2
Ms. Mary Barba, Assistant Director
Greetings STHS Wolves,
November is a perfect time to think of all the things in which we are thankful. I am thankful for our
wonderful school and our beautiful students. I am thankful for the endless dedication of faculty
and staff and the support each of you have given to the students and the school.
As we enter the holiday season, there is a chance that some of our students will be getting new
phones or other types of technology. Parental involvement is, and always will be, the first line of
defense when it comes to our children being responsible digital citizens, so I want to share with
you some sites that will give you tips on monitoring your child's social media accounts. Don't be
afraid to ask your children for their accounts and passwords so you can keep them safe.
Congratulations to STHS Senior, Joanna Schwarck, who has been named the Student Ambassador
for the Thomas C. McCormick Scholarship Fund, which is a Florida Non-Profit Organization named
after the late Mr. McCormick. Their mission is to provide scholarships to deserving students
to travel abroad, to Germany, Italy, and Costa Rica, to experience other cultures and enrich their
lives. The organization supports Education, Foreign Language, Culture Diversity and International
Diplomacy. Last summer, Joanna was the recipient of a scholarship that allowed her to travel as an
exchange student. She spent 4 weeks with a family in Duisdorf, Germany learning about their
culture, their country and so much more.
November 2017 Volume 4, Issue 2
I was thrilled to have the opportunity to meet the Thomas C. McCorkmick Chairman of the
Board, Nuccia McCormick, as well as the German American Friends Chairperson Karl-Heinz Thor
and his wife Annette Thor, all of who wish to meet more STHS students with the hope of going
I look forward to the continued success of our students and I wish you all a happy and healthy
November 2017 Volume 4, Issue 2
November 10
Veteran’s Day, No School
November 20
Interim Reports Issued
November 22 24
Thanksgiving Break, No School
November 28
First Quarter Report Cards Issued
Ms. Dahlia Orris, BRACE Advisor
Scholarship & Summer Programs
Hello from Broward Schools BRACE!
Along with hundreds of scholarships, you can
also find many exciting and affordable or free
summer programs on Naviance/Family
Simply log into your Naviance/Family
Connection account, click the "Colleges" tab and
then scroll down to "Enrichment."
Check out these great opportunities:
Bank of America Leaders and Achievers
Program, a paid summer internship within our
community for current juniors and seniors.
Bezos Scholars Program at the Aspen Institute, a
year-long leadership development program for
public high school juniors and educators. It
begins with a scholarship to attend the Aspen
Ideas Institute and continues through the
following school year when Bezos Scholar teams
return home to launch sustainable, local ideas
festivals that transform their school and
JJ Vance Memorial Summer Internship in
Biological and Computational Sciences at
University of Miami (application opens on 12/4)
There are hundreds of other terrific
opportunities, and they can all be found by
searching on Naviance/Family Connection!
All Broward students have access
to Naviance/Family Connection, a powerful
college and career planning and organizing tool
designed to inform students, parents, and
schools about:
Researching careers, colleges, and
Finding local and national scholarships
and enrichment programs
Exploring students’ career interests,
learning styles, personality types, and
multiple intelligences
Building resumes and holistic portfolios
for job and college applications
Setting goals and developing
personalized plans for success
Requesting and sending electronic
transcripts to colleges
Learning about success skills, financial
planning, self-discovery, and building
support network
Click here to find out how to log in to
your Naviance/Family Connection account. Only
students have access. Parent/Guardian contact
information as it appears in the district’s
emergency contact database is included in
students’ Naviance profiles. For information on
how to change the contact information, contact
your school’s Registrar.
Ms. Orris, our school’s BRACE College & Career
Advisor is a great resource for more information
November 2017 Volume 4, Issue 2
about planning your life after high school as well
as scholarships, financial aid, free summer
programs, and internships! Please introduce
yourself to Ms. Orris if you have any questions
about the information included in this
Ms. Felicia Rattray, Senior Counselor
Senior News
The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation is now
accepting applications for its $40,000 per year
College Scholarship! High-achieving high school
seniors with financial need have until November
to apply.
The Cooke Foundation it the nation’s largest
provider of scholarships to support the
education of exceptionally promising students
with financial need. In addition to the College
Scholarship, the foundation offers a unique pre-
college Young Scholars Program for students
starting in middle school. This is $40,000 per
year scholarship program supports high-
achieving, low-income students from 8
through 12
grade by providing intensive
advising and financial resources for tuition,
extracurricular pursuits, and summer
programming. Interested 7
grade students
should apply starting January 17, 2018.
Ms. Michele Rivera,
Digital Learning Specialist
Senior Exhibition Projects a PLAN,
Seniors are in the process of planning, gathering
and presenting an Exhibition that focuses on a
topic related to his/her technical program
reflecting extensive research and creativity
- Written component
- Visual component
- Presentation component
- Portfolio which can be utilized for
networking and future employment
To help jump-start the project, Mrs. Rivera,
the digital learning specialist, was invited to
Mrs. Payne’s 12
grade English class to provide
an overview of the research process and the
database resources available to support them.
The lesson began “with the end in mind
reviewing the project rubric, ensuring that
students were clear on the expectations and
criteria on which they will be evaluated.
Students were then provided a “road map”
leading them through each step of the state’s
research process model (F.I.N.D.S.). This
included exploration of the various online
databases, along with the tools available within
them, that would best support their research
and topic connections. Additional support
materials and resources (i.e. notetaking
templates and an evaluation checklist) were
November 2017 Volume 4, Issue 2
created and also made available to help guide
students along the way.
Students will discover that, while research is
sometimes a “messy” process, the perseverance
applied to showcase a deeper understanding of
their topic and its application to a field in which
they are excited about, will be well worth the
Important Information regarding
Office Mix changes ...
We’d like to let you know that we are retiring
the Office Mix Preview service on May 1,
2018 and need you to take action to save your
files. Please make sure to migrate all of your
content to a storage location of your choice
before the retirement date to avoid losing any
of your data. Over time, we will be adding the
best experiences of Office Mix across
PowerPoint, Stream, and Forms to make it even
easier for you to create and share interactive
online videos.
For more information, see the Innovative
Learning Department's info by clicking here &
(Go to APP of the Month link in the top Menu).
School Board of Broward Country
Digital Direct Student Library Card
Dear Parents/Guardians: Broward County Public
Schools and Broward County Library (BCL) have
partnered to offer your child access to
outstanding digital educational resources
through the BCL Digital Direct Student Library
Card. You may OPT-IN to the BCL Digital Direct
Student Library Card program by providing
permission to share select student records (first
name, last name, student ID number, school
grade level, name of most recent school
attended, email address if available) with the
Broward Public Library. Because of the Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
regulations, Broward County Public Schools is
only allowed to share your child’s records with
the Broward Public Library with your consent.
November 2017 Volume 4, Issue 2
BCL will not use the information for any other
purpose (including marketing) except to provide
the stated library services to the students. The
BCL Digital Direct Student Library Card is in
addition to, and separate from, any full service
BCL library card that a student may already have
or may obtain in the future. Please click here to
access the form.
November App of the Month
Microsoft’s Student Advantage Program
provides free downloads of the full version of
Microsoft Office (Microsoft Word, Excel,
PowerPoint, OneNote, Publisher, Access, etc.)
for all students in Broward County Public
Schools, for use on their personal and mobile
devices (Android and iOS).
The Student Advantage program helps ensure
students have access to the tools they need to
be successful in their education and are
prepared for the technology skills required in
the workforce.
Click the here to find out how to get Microsoft
Office Student Advantage!
Ms. Wendy Payne, Senior English
2021 Class Officers
Recently our class of 2021 cast their first votes.
Following are the results.
President Brittany Barnes
Vice President Angie Rivera
Treasurer Myah Charlton
Secretary Kiera Knight
Historian Karessa Windham
Class Color White
Please congratulate each as you see them and
thank them for their dedication.
November 2017 Volume 4, Issue 2
Nancy Barba, Mathematics & Personal
Financial Literacy Instructor
Financial Algebra
Pictured right to left
Laurie Rich Levinson, Lurelle Starling, Andrew
Gilowey, Stephanie Goode, Nancy Barba
STHS Personal Financial Literacy aka Financial
Algebra class is taught by Ms. Nancy Barba and
offers seniors enrolled in this class the
opportunity to learn the basics of money
management: budgeting, saving, debt, credit
scores, cover letter and resume writing, dress
for success, investing, car buying, housing,
insurance, giving and more. That knowledge lays
a foundation for students to build strong money
habits early on and avoid many of the mistakes
that lead to lifelong money struggles.
November is dedicated to learning about cars
and insurance. The Rick Case and Car Max
dealerships have presented all of the aspects
about buying new or used cars. Students in the
class used the Car Max website to select a car to
“buy” a car. On Wednesday, November 7,
Stephanie Goode (sales agent), Andrew Gilowey
(buyer) and Lurelle Starling (general manager)
shared valuable information about what you
need to do to purchase a car.
Visiting the class was Ms. Laurie Rich Levinson-
District 6 School Board member, Ms. Louise Ball-
Social Studies Curriculum Supervisor, and Ms.
Gloria Aguirre-Secondary Math Instructional
Mr. Robert Decker & Miss Z
MOS Certifications
November 2017 Volume 4, Issue 2
STHS is proud to be a showcase school for
Microsoft again this year. Our freshman
students took their first two attempts for
Microsoft Office Suite (MOS) certification exams
this semester. We are very proud of our 76
students, 95% have obtained Word, 71% have
earned PowerPoint, one student passed Excel
and all have been assisting with beta testing
2016 Outlook (only one student passed), within
Gmetrix & Certiport.
In addition to gaining MOS Certifications our
students have been engaged in the following
content; Global Business, building a Career
in the tech industry as well as taking the
MyersBriggs Type Indicator which is an
introspective self-report questionnaire with the
purpose of indicating differing psychological
preferences in how people perceive the world
around them and make decisions. This guides
students to studies and careers that match their
unique make-up.
Richard Vaughan, Sponsor
World AIDS Awareness Day
The Gay/Straight Alliance will be acknowledging
World AIDS Awareness Day on Friday, December
1st. We will be distributing educational materials
and red ribbon buttons to signify the day. There
will also be a short program to recognize
National Coming Out Day, which was in
Marisa Santana, Sponsor
Harvest Drive
On behalf of National Honor Society members
and myself, I would like to thank you all for your
support in this years Harvest Drive. This year we
collected 5,774 items, nearly six times the
amount from last year! I am so proud of all our
students this year and cannot wait for our next
class competition.
November 2017 Volume 4, Issue 2
Robert Decker, Sponsor
District Competition
It is with great pride to report that Sheridan, in
our inaugural year, took home many gold, silver,
and bronze medals in Broward County district
competition for Business Professionals of
America. The following students will be on their
way to Disney World in Orlando, Florida in
February to represent their school and their
county in state competition in their respective
competitive event:
Lucas Tocuyo
place Advanced Spreadsheet Applications
Lorena Manasturean
place Prepared Speech
Kaleigh Richardson
place Presentation Management
Hannah Serra
place Presentation Management
Ashley Rivera
place Human Resource Management
Ryan Rowe
place Prepared speech
Please congratulate these fine business
Sean McConnell, Senior Student
2017 District 7 Workshop
Our STHS Multimedia club encompasses all the
aspects that make communication clear and
entertaining. From writing, filming, to editing,
these skills intermingle and take a lot to master.
And all of these communication skills are put to
the test in the annual Florida Scholastic Press
Association (FSPA).
On November 4, 2017, I attended FSPA for the
first time at Nova University. This is the event
where thousands of passionate students in
multimedia clubs across Florida either compete
in competitions that go up to the National level
or attend useful workshops covering a variety of
aspects. Students compete in On-The-Spot
Contests either in writing or filming. Students
could be seen flying drones or even taking the
November 2017 Volume 4, Issue 2
world’s best selfie; the most engaging film wins.
One contest requires students to film an
engaging story, and another is taking the world’s
best selfie. That being said, the stakes are high
as time is limited and teamwork/efficiency is
crucial in their success. At FSPA, real life
scenarios are portrayed in the competitions, as
time is limited in the news room and work has to
be made on the spot.
For myself, I attended the workshops at FSPA
with the intent on becoming a better
communicator and designer. Every workshop I
attended was engaging and had qualified
individuals leading them. For example, in one, I
learned the strategies to becoming a better
interviewer in which at the end, students
needed to perform a mock interview. This was
perfect, since I was currently in the interviewing
process myself at STHS. While there were
countless workshops to attend, my selected
workshops consisted of strategies in story
writing, graphic designing, and newspaper
Overall, my experience at FSPA was quite
exceptional. I met new people and learned
about the work and passion that goes behind
these careers. The information I gained from this
event will be utilized in my school’s TV
Production program, and this competition made
me excited for what lies ahead in Sheridan’s
multimedia program.
David Rojas Tellez, Senior Student
2017 District 7 Workshop
FSPA was an eye opening experience in the
world of media production, with an emphasis on
news coverage. It broadened the horizons
of various mediums like Photoshop,
interviewing, video and sound editing in relation
to news coverage. Through workshops, guest
speakers and on-the-spot competitions,
attendees were able to learn about the world of
media production. Personally, I was interested in
the film production workshops that delved into
film making aspects, such as the use of music
and scores in movies. Not only did I learn about
my interests, I also learned about skills that
could easily translate into bettering our Media
Production Club at school.
Pictured: Sean M. & David T. engage in mock
November 2017 Volume 4, Issue 2
Susan Collins, Sponsor
Challenge Accepted
The staff has decided to challenge the
students in various events this year. Their
first competition was with the 2D 3D art club
in a game of Pictionary. Many laughs were had
by all, and although they were blindfolded for
many of their turns, they still kicked our butt!
The staff thought surely they would redeem
themselves in a Family Feud contest, but were
once again annihilated by the students.
The gauntlet has been thrown, and we will be
challenging the volleyball team to a match on
December 6th. Come out and cheer us on!
Zsalé Haghighat, Sponsor
Monthly Open Mic Opportunities
If you have interest in Spoken Word, please
show support to fellow poets at monthly
open mics.
The VoiceBox 7P
ArtServe, Fort Lauderdale
Sign up begins at 6:30P
Lyrical Lounge 7P
City of Sunrise Art Gallery
Sign up begins at 6:30P
Coach Julius, Sponsor
Flag Football STHS vs. McFatter
Congratulations to the Wolves Flag Football
team for their first victory over McFatter's
team, 13-6. The defense was spectacular
especially the coverage by Andre Johnson &
Rashyd Denis. The offense led by quarterback,
Brandon Cabrera was outstanding. He threw
two touchdown passes to our amazing wide
receivers, Dave Allen and Christian Fana. Way
to go Wolves!!