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Infants grow significantly in the first year of their lives
requiring parents to keep up with their constantly changing
needs (1). The literature on parentsuse of online resources
suggests mobile applications or apps” are commonly used
by parents to resolve their everyday parenting concerns
(2-4). Parents use apps for things like retrieving information
on parenting topics, getting support from friends, family,
and other parents, and tracking their babiesgrowth on a
daily basis (5-7).
The proliferation of low-quality and irrelevant apps
creates barriers for parents in effectively accessing parenting
material. Taki and colleagues (8) performed a systematic
analysis of infant feeding apps and reported 91% were of
poor quality due to issues with user interface design (e.g.,
navigation) and content (e.g., readability). Many evidence-
based apps are invisible to users because they are lumped
in with poor quality apps. By 2018, 84,000 publishers had
Original Article
Co-designing an e-resource to support’ search for mobile apps
Anila Virani^, Linda Duffett-Leger, Nicole Letourneau
Faculty of Nursing, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada
Contributions: (I) Conception and design: All authors; (II) Administrative support: All authors; (III) Provision of study materials or patients: All
authors; (IV) Collection and assembly of data: A Virani; (V) Data analysis and interpretation: A Virani, L Duffett-Leger; (VI) Manuscript writing: All
authors; (VII) Final approval of manuscript: All authors.
Correspondence to: Anila Virani, RN, BScN, MN, PhD. Faculty of Nursing, University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, AB T2N 1N4,
Calgary, Canada. Email:
Contemporary parents use mobile applications or “apps” to resolve their day-to-day parenting
concerns. However, research suggests an abundance of low-quality apps makes the app searching process
arduous for parents, therefore, there is a need to develop a resource that supports parents’ search for apps.
The study aimed at engaging parents in co-developing a parenting app directory and co-
designing Webpages to feature the directory. Four focus group discussions were conducted with 18 rst-
time Canadian parents to develop the parenting app directory. Participatory design was used to co-create
Webpage prototypes (landing or main Webpage and the app description page) with 3 rst-time Canadian
Twelve apps that met the eligibility criteria were included in the parenting app directory. Parents
supported the idea of creating an app directory and recommended sharing the link in perinatal classes.
During design sessions, parents stressed the importance of an organized user interface, providing less but
the best choices to ease the search process for apps, reducing the number of clicks to save time, and mobile
optimization of the Website to accommodate different screen sizes.
Contemporary parents’ use of apps is growing significantly; therefore, clinicians should
support parents’ search for quality apps and guide them accordingly. Parents can provide insight into design
principles that can be used in developing appealing parenting app resources. Parents should be involved in
designing future resources as they can signicantly contribute to ensuring a resource is useful.
Mobile applications; parenting apps; participatory design; webpage prototypes; user interface design
Received: 29 October 2020. Accepted: 19 April 2021; Published: 21 May 2021.
doi: 10.21037/ht-20-29
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^ ORCID: 0000-0001-8751-0756.
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released 325,000 apps on the marketplace which indicates
the increased number of choices available to users thus
worsening the search for evidence-based apps which
are comparatively very few and require more time and
resources to develop (9,10). Some researchers have reported
content credibility and security concerns as barriers to app
utilization (3,11,12). Many parents, however, overlook the
credibility of the content and security of the personal data
concerns due to the benets gained from using certain app
features such as customization of data (13-15).
The importance of an organized and functional user
interface cannot be denied in the effective utilization of
apps. Users generally evaluate apps on utility, functionality,
and security standards and if these requirements are not
met, they move on to the next app. Apps with poor first
impressions, poor design, lack of interactive features,
glitches, unnecessary personal information requests, and
malware alerts lose users quickly, receive low star ratings,
and poor user reviews, negatively affecting their search
ranking in the app store (16). Evidenced-based apps are
scientically robust; however, many lack parents-preferred
user interface elements and therefore, receive less attention
and low star ratings on the app store. For example, Virani
et al. (17) reported an evidence-based app had the lowest
number of downloads, overall lowest MARS (Mobile App
Rating Scale) score, and the lowest score on the MARS
engagement subscale compared to other 15 apps that
were included in the review. Hingle et al. (18) also found
that evidence-based apps frequently lacked visual appeal,
interactive features, and intuitive user interfaces.
Users learn to locate apps through trial and error
methods. Todays parents have limited time to scroll through
hundreds of pages or apps, rather, they typically select from
the initial few search options. Poor searching skills (e.g.,
inappropriate search terms, unfamiliarity with advanced
search functions) often lead to irrelevant results that fail to
meet parentsneeds and quality expectations. Many parents
feel trapped in cycles of app searching, installing, trialing,
uninstalling, and starting over (19-21). Thus, there is a need
for a solution that provides parents easy and efcient access
to quality apps in a way that is preferred by parents.
While evidence-based apps have been developed to
better meet the needs of parents, these apps are difficult
for parents to locate due to their low visibility among the
plethora of parenting apps. Further, evidence suggests
that co-designing with the target population leads to more
relevant and useable technologies compared to products
developed on their behalf (22,23). Therefore, the purpose of
this study was twofold: (I) to engage parents in developing
a parenting app directory that contains the list and brief
information about quality parenting apps to support their
search for apps; and (II) to involve parents in designing
a user interface of Webpages featuring a parenting app
The rapid rate at which apps develop, update, and
disseminate requires constant maintenance of the existing
apps, and the addition of new apps to the directory. It is
difficult for the student investigator (primary author) to
keep up with this challenge and sustain the intervention;
therefore, the researchers partnered with an existing
parenting Website that provides resources to parents/
caregivers of children from birth to 8 years. The Website
hereafter refers to as the host Website. The participants
were asked to design only two Webpages; a landing page
and an app description page using the basic layout, color,
and design of the host Website. Participants were also
engaged in developing links supporting feedback on existing
apps and the addition of new apps in the future. The nal
prototypes were supposed to be part of the hosting Website
but, due to unforeseen circumstances, this plan was not
Derived from participatory action research, participatory
design approaches to software design involve users
throughout the design process from identifying needs to
developing and testing the design product. The democracy
and empowerment of users of technology are the core
principles of participatory design (22,24). Appropriate
democratic participation empowers users by involving
them in technology-related decisions that affect their
lives in some way. Final design decisions are based on
consensual agreements between researchers and users. The
participatory design creates a sense of ownership among
users and empowers them as key stakeholders (23,25). To
involve participants throughout the process the project
was divided into three phases: app review, focus group
discussions, and Webpages prototyping. To address this
aim, the study had the following objectives: (I) to gain an
insight into available parenting apps and their quality by
performing an app review on the Google Play Store; (II)
to explore parents’ perceptions of available parenting apps
and involve them in the development of a parenting app
directory through focus group discussions; (III) to engage
parents in designing Webpages prototypes to feature the
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parenting app directory.
Sample and setting
The study was conducted in accordance with the
Declaration of Helsinki (as revised in 2013). The study
was approved by Conjoint Health Research Ethics Board
(CHREB ID: REB17-2077) and informed consent was
taken from all the participants.
App review
The authors conducted an app review to gain insight into
current trends of parenting apps and their quality. The
authors found 4,300 apps on their initial search using
18 search terms: mum, mom, mommy, mama, mother,
father, dad, daddy, papa, newborn, baby, infant, kid, child,
children, family, parent, and parenting. Most apps were
of poor quality due to inadequate information/features,
lack of credible information/sources, navigation issues,
and excessive advertisements. Detailed ndings of the app
review have previously been published (17). Some of the
apps from the review were used in the next phase to explore
participants’ perceptions of available parenting apps.
Focus group discussions
The parenting app directory was developed in four focus
group discussions with a total of 18 first-time Canadian
parents of infants (birth-12 months) who owned a
smartphone and have used at least one parenting apps in
the past 6 months. The majority of the participants were
female (n=15) and between 3140 years of age (n=14).
Most parents were married (n=17), born in Canada (n=12),
and on maternity leave (n=14) at the time of focus group
discussions. Parents were recruited via placing posters and
distributing study cards in community health centers, public
libraries, and in perinatal classes. A Facebook page was also
created to recruit parents. The focus groups were conducted
in public library meeting rooms in Calgary, Canada. Each
focus group lasted approximately 2 hours and explored
parents’ search for apps, their preferences, their desired
features in apps. While the detailed ndings of focus group
discussions are shared somewhere else (21), ndings that are
pertinent to the development of the parenting app directory
are described in this paper.
The apps for the directory were selected via two
strategies: First, during focus group discussions, parents
mentioned a few apps that they liked to use. The authors
evaluated those apps on MARS (Mobile App Rating Scale),
developed by a multidisciplinary team to appraise app
quality (26). Apps that scored 3 and above were added to the
directory. Second, during focus group discussions in one of
the activities, the moderator provided app cards (cards with
the name and icon of the app, and its purpose) and asked
parents to review one or two apps based on their interest.
After reviewing apps for 1015 minutes, each participant
individually shared their feedback to the group and further
discussed each app with other participants including likes/
dislikes, pros/cons, and reason for inclusion or exclusion of
the particular app in the directory. The discussion ended
with the mutually agreed decision that whether the app
should be part of the directory or not. Apps that received
participants’ agreement for inclusion were further evaluated
on the MARS scale by researchers and only included in
the directory if they received a 3/5 or above score on the
Design sessions
The primary author and 3 parents (2 fathers and 1 mother)
co-created the user interfaces for two Webpages in a
series of three sessions. The prototype designing sessions
were conducted online using SMART kapp™ technology.
The SMART kapp™ technology is consists of a SMART
kapp™ digital whiteboard and a SMART kapp™ app,
that allows real-time sharing and editing of the drafts
created by the moderator on the whiteboard. For details
about this technology please visit https://www.smarttech.
com/. Prior to the designing session, the moderator sent
a link to download The SMART kapp™ app, a link for
the designing space (Figure 1), and examples of a few app
directories. On the day of the designing session, participants
were connected using the SMART kapp™ technology.
The moderator incorporated participantsfeedback on the
SMART kapp™ digital whiteboard which participants could
see on their SMART kapp™ app in real-time.
The design sessions were video recorded and analyzed
using agile development methodology after each session
by the researchers to incorporate parentssuggestions.
Agile development methodology is a pragmatic approach
to design that is rapid, exible, iterative, and heavily relies
on integrating usersfeedback (27). After finalizing the
whiteboard prototyping drafts, the moderator developed
the interactive prototype in Wix, a free Website builder,
and sent the link via email to participants for review. The
prototypes were further modified based on participants
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The results section is divided into 2 parts: parenting app
directory and user interface designing.
Parenting app directory
The focus group discussions revealed 34 apps and 18
parents reviewed a total of 20 apps during focus group
discussions. After removing duplicates (n=14), 12 apps
were selected for the app directory by using the following
criteria. Apps were considered ineligible if they were paid
(n=4); mostly used in pregnancy (n=4); needed a device to
operate (n=2); targeting sick kids (n=1); non-parenting apps
(n=5); voted out by participants (n=10) and; scored less
than 3 on MARS (n=7). Apps were divided into categories
as suggested by participants to ease the searching process.
The list of eligible apps, their categories, MARS scores, and
purposes are presented in Table 1.
To explore the viability of creating a parenting app
directory to support parentssearch for apps, at the end of
the focus group discussions, participants were asked to share
their feedback. All participants agreed that the parenting
app directory will support parents in nding quality apps.
One mother (age 39 years) said: I like the idea because I
usually Google top apps for whatever and I get the list of 10
things and go through it… It’s basically just centralizing it…
and I think one thing for me is that it will give you the things to
search for, so it might actually help to look up things.”
While reviewing apps during the focus group discussions
many parents were excited and surprised to learn about
the different types of apps to assist them with their day-to-
day parenting concerns, such as sign language app. They
felt the Website would be a good resource for parents to
learn about new apps. One mother (age 29 years) shared her
feeling while reviewing a breastfeeding information app, I
wish I had that [info for nursing mum app] when I rst started
doing breastfeeding. Most of the information is for the rst life
months when you need it the most.” One father (age 35 years)
shared his thoughts about a tracking app, That (tracking
app) looks useful, and if we did know about that we would have
probably used it.” Another mother (age 29 years) commented
while presenting an app review to the group on a sign
language app, “I had never thought (about a sign language app)
and I’m happy that I did try one.”
Parents suggested that the parenting app directory link
Figure 1 Designing space.
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should be promoted in prenatal classes to make parents
aware of these online resources in advance. As one mother
(age 29 years) said, If the Website link is given in the…
parenting prep classes, then they (to be parents) will have time to
look through those before the baby is born.”
User interface designing
During focus group discussions and design sessions,
parents provided several suggestions to design a usable user
interface for the Webpages. See Table 2 for the suggestions
and supporting quotations from participants. Participants
co-created two Webpages prototypes: a landing page for the
list of apps included in the directory and the app description
page for each app.
Landing webpage prototype
The landing page features the app directory and provides
a list of apps. See Figure 2 for the landing Webpage
prototype. Parents suggested categorizing apps and placing
three apps in one row to permit a glance of the available
apps in a specific category. The directory has two active
links. The rst link takes users to an app comparison chart
for each category. The comparison chart allows parents
to compare app features in a category and select an app
based on their preferences. As one mother (age 32 years)
said: I really like the comparison idea. It is definitely handy
to see everything in comparison like that.” See Figure 3 for a
comparison chart. The second link is labeled as read more”
which takes parents to the app description page and allows
parents to learn more about the app. One mother (age
32 years) commented on the importance of having a short
app description accompanied by a read morelink, said: The
number of apps I have seen I kinda guess what this app is, but I
am not sure exactly what it is for? So, a shorter description with a
link to read more will help.”
As mentioned earlier the resource will also involve
parents in commenting on existing apps and the addition of
new apps. To engage parents, two links, comment board
and ‘recommend an appcan be added to the host Website’s
Quick Links section. The comment board allows parents to
comment on the app’s current status and view other parents’
feedback on apps. The recommend an app’ link permits
parents to suggest apps that they would like to share with
other parents. However, when parents suggest an app,
they will receive a message Thank you for recommending an
Table 1 List of parenting apps included in the directory
Apps Category MARS score Purpose
BabyTime Tracker 4.5 It tracks infants’ activities and also provides lullabies and white
Baby + – Your Baby Tracker Tracker 4.4 It tracks infants’ activities and also offers lullabies, white noises,
and a baby book.
CANImmunize Tracker 3.8 It records, tracks and provides information on immunizations.
Baby and Child First Aid Information 4.5 It provides information on emergency and first-aid and also
records medications, allergies, emergency, and doctors’ contacts.
Info for Nursing Mum Information 4.4 It mostly provides information on breastfeeding.
BabyCenter Information 4.4 It provides information on a wide range of parenting topics and
also offers a baby book and parenting forums.
WebMD Baby Information 4.4 It provides information on health-related matters and also offers a
baby book and a basic tracker.
Babybrains Information 4.0 It provides information on brain development activities.
Don’t Cry My Baby (lullaby) Sleeping-aid 4.5 It provides white noises and lullabies.
Baby Sleep - White Noise App Sleeping-aid 4.3 It provides white noises and lullabies.
ASL Dictionary for Baby Lite Miscellaneous 4.4 It supports teaching and learning of sign language.
Baby Weaning and Recipes Miscellaneous 4.3 It provides recipes and information on baby weaning.
MARS, mobile app rating scale.
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app. Our team will evaluate the app and it will be posted on the
directory if it meets the quality standards.” This additional step
will ensure that only quality apps are added to the directory.
As one father (age 33 years) stated: People can submit all
kinds of app... and every time someone sends an app, you have to
make sure that it is relevant, reviewed and placed in the right
category. It has information that is reputable.”
Participants also suggested that it would be nice to have
a link for interested parents who would like to know the
process of app selection. To accommodate this request ‘how
we assess appscan be added to the Quick Linksection to
let interested parents learn about the app selection process
for the directory.
App description webpage prototype
The app description page is specific to each app and
describes the app briefly to assist parents in selecting
apps based on their preferences. See Figure 4 for the app
description page. Participants suggested an organized
interface with less repetition from the app store description
page. Parents felt that the availability of the app in multiple
languages was important information that is often not
showcased and should be available next to the app icon
on the app description page. As one father (age 35 years)
stated: English is her (my wife’s) second language, or for
people who have recently moved here, their English might
not be as good. Everything in the app store is in English,
and it would be nice to know if it is available in additional
languages like French or German.”
The app rating was another important piece of
information that parents used to decide whether an app
is worth trying before going through the details. One
mother (age 32 years) said: I would like to see, app rating
without having to click on the app store.” Participants felt that
a link from the app store description page to download
would be sufficient for interested parents to get detailed
information about the app from the app store. Participants
recommended a pros and cons chart for each app that would
permit parents to have a quick glance at apps’ potentials
and facilitate their decision to download. One father (age
33 years) commented: “If you have 20 apps and you don’t want
to download all of them to try and see which one is good. These
pros and cons can help you decide whether to download it or not.”
Participants also suggested adding the review details at the
bottom including app ratings, date of review, and link to any
research studies or expert review if available. For example,
one father (age 33 years) said: “I like the review details in the
end, it tells me that the app is updated and someone is responsible
Table 2 Parents’ suggestions for designing a usable user interface and supporting quotations
Suggestions Participant’s words
Apps should be presented in categories to ease
the search process.
“I think the categories would work well that would be the best (mother, age 32 years).
There should be a maximum of three best
apps in one category; too many apps with
similar features in one category were deemed
“I would recommend you to include two to three apps that have the best ratings (mother,
age 36 years).
“They gonna be lost if you put 50 or 60 apps on that main page (mother, age 37 years).
Use of an organized interface; busy and chaotic
Webpages were considered “annoying and took
longer to find desired parenting material.
“I just find if there is too much on there and I have to search through a bunch of things
to find what I'm looking for then I just get frustrated (mother, age 33 years).
Mobile optimization of the Website as parents
used smartphones more than any other device
due to its smaller size.
“If the website is mobile optimized then three [apps] in a row is fine. If not, then it will
be very difficult and a long row to see on a small screen You know 80% of your traffic
comes from mobile so make sure it is mobile optimized (father, age 35 years).
Avoid repetition of the content on the
Webpages; fewer words and use of images
were recommended to convey the message.
“You can check app-specific comments on the app store. No need to duplicate that
here (father, age 33 years).
“I just don’t want you to duplicate what’s on the app store (father, age 35 years).
Reduce the number of clicks; more clicks waste
time and deters parents from using the resource
One father commented on other fathers’ disagreement on adding another click: “I
agree, there will too many clicks and it will be confusing (father, age 35 years).
“If I am on the computer, I don’t mind the clicks but if I am on the phone, I definitely
want less clicks (mother, age 32 years).
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for the update.”
This study engaged Canadian parents of infants in
developing a parenting app directory and in designing
Webpages that featured the directory to ease their search
for apps. It is well established that there is an abundance
of online parenting material and it is difficult for parents
to find quality resources (8,17,28). The developed app
directory centralizes the apps on one Webpage thus
creating a one-stop-shop for parents looking for quality
parenting apps. Slomian et al. (29) utilized a similar idea and
centralized Websites in the French language for mothers of
children under 1 year of age. They found that the Website
was a useful solution in addressing mothersinformation
needs, especially during the postpartum period.
Changes in current trends of dual-parent working
families have affected parents’ time availability. Time
constraints force parents to make quick decisions in selecting
and using an online resource. Ryan et al. (30) found 42% of
the parents never accessed a Website developed to support
them with ADHD, reporting lack of time as a major barrier.
Similarly, in this study parents frequently mentioned time
constraints in accessing and evaluating online material and
recommended time-saving interface elements such as an
organized homepage, categorization of the content, less text,
synopsis accompanied with ‘read more’ link for interested
users, and mobile-optimized Website. Andrew et al. (31)
indicated time-saving design is on the rise due to a gradual
shortening attention span in humans. One of the most
important features of the time-saving design is a homepage
that is content-oriented, context-specific and highlights
only the most relevant information thus minimizing users’
time spent on other distracting features and guide users to
subsequent Webpages based on their preferences.
First-time parents who are already overwhelmed with
the responsibilities of an infant nd it further overwhelming
to select a quality resource from the infinite app choices
available to them. Laja (32) stated in this world of
Figure 2 Main or landing webpage.
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unlimited choices, designers need to eliminate options for
users. A huge number of choices distract users and they
end up choosing nothing. In this study parents also felt
overwhelmed with the abundance of app choices in one
category and recommended to include only three top apps
in a category.
The participatory design provides the opportunity to
engage users in designing a resource that works for them.
Technology products that are designed in partnership with
end-users meet their expectations and increase the uptake of
the developed resource. Abbass-Dick et al. (33) designed and
evaluated an eHealth breastfeeding resource with Canadian
Indigenous mothers using participatory design. They found
that involving mothers in co-creating the resource resulted
in a culturally relevant Website that met their needs and
was appreciated by the participants. Similarly, in this study
using a participatory design approach, parents participated
in selecting the apps for the directory and suggested the
user interface elements that are relevant to busy and
overwhelmed parents and can simplify their search for apps.
Implication for practice
The growing trend of parents’ use of apps and the
proliferation of poor quality and irrelevant apps presented a
timely opportunity to design an online resource for parents
supporting their search for apps. Clinicians need to support
technologically savvy parents in a way that they like to
receive information rather than the way health professionals
used to deliver information.
Danbjørg et al. (34) designed an app for postnatal parents
and indicated parents were comfortable with app use and
found it easy to use compared to other methods such as
consulting nurses over the phone. However, nurses reported
feeling incompetent while interacting with parents using
the app due to unfamiliarity with digital modes of delivering
information. Researchers and clinicians’ participation in
evaluating and suggesting apps can support parents’ use of
quality resources.
Co-creating resources with end-users not only provide
insight into issues that users are facing but also provides
ideas of dealing with the issue in a way that is appealing to
users. Research methods such as participatory design can be
used in exploring the target population’s specic concerns
and developing an online resource that suits their needs
and meets their expectations. Researchers should consider
involving parents throughout the process from identifying
their needs to evaluating the end-product. Davis et al. (28)
also recommended that nurses should actively participate
in involving parents and other multidisciplinary teams in
developing evidence-based resources that are acceptable to
Figure 3 App comaprssion chart. The information presented here is not factual.
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Figure 4 App description page.
Users may not be theoretically equipped with design
knowledge but they can provide insight into design principles
that may be used in developing an appealing resource for
the target populations. For example, in this study parents
indicated that infant care responsibilities account for a huge
amount of their time and suggested using time-saving user
interface design elements to ease the search process for
parents. Researchers can use this as a guide in developing
future online resources targeted to parents and incorporate
design elements that are relevant to parents.
The study has a few limitations that need to be considered
while interpreting findings. The high representative
sample of mothers may not have very well captured fathers’
perception in this study. However, involving fathers in
research is a challenging task that has been mentioned by
several researchers (35-37). In the future, a parenting app
study that would involve a greater number of fathers may
provide a different insight into the matter. As the directory
was supposed to be part of the host Website to sustain the
intervention, participants were given a designing space with
predefined basic layout that restricted their feedback on
certain design elements such as color, images, and so on.
Future studies that incorporate parentspreferences of the
basic layout will add signicantly to the body of parenting
user interface design literature.
Todays parents are driven by the need for time and access
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to resources that are convenient, efficient, and freely
available. In this study, parents co-created a user interface
with researchers to feature the app directory to support
their search for apps. Parents consistently advocated for
time-saving design features, such as a less cluttered and
easier to navigate user interface that provides less but the
best choices in a particular parenting app category, to
incorporate the resource in their busy lives. Current trends
depicting a constant increase in accessing apps to resolve
parenting concerns, demand clinicians’ and researchers’
participation in supporting parents’ search for quality online
resources. Involving parents in research and gaining their
perspectives on developing online resources will result in
well-targeted technology products and will increase uptake
amongst parents. Technology that is developed with users
has a more powerful impact than those developed on behalf
of them. This study provided insight into parents’ preferred
user interface features that can be used in designing future
online resources.
The authors would like to acknowledge Dr. Eleni Stroulia,
Professor, Faculty of Science, University of Alberta, for her
contribution to the conception and design of the project as
one of the supervisory committee members.
Funding: None.
Data Sharing Statement: Available at http://dx.doi.
Conicts of Interest: All authors have completed the ICMJE
uniform disclosure form (available at http://dx.doi.
org/10.21037/ht-20-29). The authors have no conflicts of
interest to declare.
Ethical Statement: The authors are accountable for all
aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related
to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are
appropriately investigated and resolved. The study was
conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki
(as revised in 2013). The study was approved by Conjoint
Health Research Ethics Board (CHREB ID: REB17-2077)
and informed consent was taken from all the participants.
Open Access Statement: This is an Open Access article
distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International
License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), which permits the non-
commercial replication and distribution of the article with
the strict proviso that no changes or edits are made and the
original work is properly cited (including links to both the
formal publication through the relevant DOI and the license).
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Cite this article as: Virani A, Duffett-Leger L, Letourneau N.
Co-designing an e-resource to support’ search for mobile apps.
Health Technol 2021;5:10.