Waiver Form
Saturday, Sept. 7, 2024
All net proceeds benefit the Sutton Legion Branch #356.
We thank you for your generous support!
Note: Riders must show a valid driver's licence with motorcycle endorsement
upon registration/check in. Riders will assume full responsibility for ensuring that
both they and their passenger wear approved helmets and any weather-
appropriate clothing (e.g. rain gear), and that their motorcycle is legally approved
for highway use.
I possess a valid motorcycle driver’s licence, a motorcycle legally approved for highway
use, an approved helmet and the necessary insurance required to participate. I assume
all risks and responsibilities associated with participating in the Georgina Charity
Motorcycle Ride and Poker Run.
I understand and am aware that there are inherent dangers and risks involved in riding
a motorcycle, particularly in a group setting such as the Georgina Charity Motorcycle
Ride and Poker Run. These dangers and risks include, but are not limited to, damage,
injury, serious injury, and/or death.
Fully understanding and appreciating these dangers and risks, I, the undersigned,
hereby waive, release and forever discharge all volunteers, members of the organizing
committee, sponsors, supporters, proceeds recipients, and others associated with the
organization and operation of the Georgina Charity Motorcycle Ride and Poker Run of
and from all manner of actions, causes of action, suits, debts, claims and demands
whatsoever arising from or in connection with the Georgina Charity Motorcycle Ride and
Poker Run and related events.
I assume full responsibility for any and all dangers and risks as referred to above that
may arise as a result of my and/or my passenger’s participation in and association with
the Georgina Charity Motorcycle Ride and Poker Run event.
I hereby consent to the use of photographs taken and audio/video recordings made
during my participation in the activities described above for news dissemination,
promotional and educational purposes.
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