Publication K-4 •October, 2006
How Safe Is Your Safelight?
> No safelight provides completely safe exposure for
an indefinite period of time.
> Safelight filters are designed for specific types of
paper and film.
> Safelight filters fade with use.
> Poor safelight conditions can produce a loss in
photographic quality before actual fogging is visible.
> Many photographic materials require handling in
TOTAL darkness.
Therefore, you should
Follow all safelight recommendations for your paper or film.
See product instructions for recommended safelight filter,
bulb wattage, and minimum safelight distance.
Test your safelight conditions regularly.
Replace your safelight filters when necessary.
In photography, the term “safelight” describes darkroom
illumination that does not cause a visible change to light-
sensitive material when it is correctly handled and processed.
The word “safe” is relative. Most sensitized materials will be
affected if you expose them to safelight illumination for an
extended period of time. Because photographic materials vary in
speed and sensitivity to different colors of light, the
recommended bulb wattages and colors of safelight filters also
vary. Safelight illumination will fog color films and papers; color
print and transparency materials; most panchromatic black-
and-white films (films that are sensitive to blue, green, and red
light); and high-speed infrared films. You must handle these
materials in total darkness.
Ideally, safelight filters should transmit only light that is
outside the color-sensitivity (wavelength) range of the
photographic materials they’re recommended for. Safelight
filters recommended by Kodak provide maximum transmission
of those colors that the paper or film emulsion has relatively low
sensitivity to. However, the color sensitivity of most emulsions
does not end abruptly at a particular wavelength in the
spectrum—most emulsions are somewhat sensitive to colors
outside the intended range. This means that most papers and
films have some sensitivity even to the colors of light
transmitted by the recommended safelight filters. Therefore,
always minimize the exposure of photographic materials to
safelight illumination.
A safelight has three basic parts:
1. The lamp housing. This holds the bulb and the filter, and
keeps the white light emitted by the bulb from escaping.
2. The safelight filter. This absorbs light of some colors and
transmits light of others to varying degrees.
3. The bulb. The recommended wattage is determined by the
sensitivity of a particular material, the transmission
characteristics of the filter, the type of illumination the
lamp housing provides—spot (direct) vs. general
(indirect)—and the distance between the safelight and the
area where you handle the material.
©Eastman Kodak Company, 2006.
“KODAK Safelight Lamps” contains descriptions of a number
of KODAK Safelight Lamps and appropriate uses for the different
types. The Safelight Recommendations table lists typical sensitized
products and the safelight filters recommended for use with them.
The table also shows the bulb-wattage recommendation for each
application. See the paper or film package for safelight
recommendations for specific materials. Be sure to follow the
recommendations for both the wattage of the bulb and the
minimum distance between the lamp and the photographic
The “safest” color safelight filter for a particular material is not
always the recommended one. For example, a red safelight filter
often has less effect on photographic papers than the amber filter
listed in the table. However, most workers find that they can judge
print density or perform other functions better under an amber light.
(So, although it is a slight compromise in protecting the paper from
fogging, an amber filter improves working conditions.)
The apparent color of a safelight filter is only a partial indication
of its transmission characteristics. Colored bulbs or other
improvised safelights may appear to be the right color, but they may
actually emit light (or other forms of radiant energy) that will fog a
photographic emulsion. KODAK Safelight Filters are made to
precise light-transmission and absorption standards that relate to
the spectral sensitivities of photographic materials.
Safelight filters gradually fade with use. This means that they
transmit more and more light of the colors that they absorb when
they are new. You should plan to periodically change safelight
filters. For example, if you use safelight lamps for 8 to 12 hours a
day, you may need to change the filters every three months.
Bulbs eventually blacken and produce less light. To keep the
illumination level consistent, periodically change bulbs. Noting the
replacement dates on a sticker on the safelight housing will help you
keep track of bulb and filter changes. We recommend that you
change bulbs before running safelight tests.
Because of their sensitivity to light of all colors, you must handle the
following types of films, plates, papers, and materials in total
Panchromatic black-and-white films and plates
Color camera films
Slide and print films (for making transparencies from color
Duplicating and internegative films
High-speed infrared films
Color reversal papers
Color negative papers and materials designed for Process RA-4
KODAK Safelight Filters are available in sizes to fit KODAK Safelight
Lamps. Their transmission characteristics make them suitable for
use with a number of photographic materials (see the Safelight
Recommendations table).
Blue-Sensitive and Orthochromatic Black-and-White Films. You
can handle these types of films under red safelights. The spectral
sensitivity and the speed of the particular film determine the
safelight filter that you need. See the Safelight Recommendations
Black-and-White Papers. Black-and-White papers are
developed in processors or by inspection trays. Safelight
illumination is generally brighter near the trays than it is
anywhere else in the darkroom. Be sure that this illumination is
safe for the total development time. Excessive exposure to
proper safelight illumination, or normal exposure to unsafe
illumination, will degrade the highlights and lower print contrast.
This occurs before actual fogging is visible in areas that receive
no white-light exposure, such as print borders. As a result, a
questionable safelight condition might not be detected for some
time. (See the “Test for Black-and-White Papers.”)
Safelight exposure can occur before and after the printing
exposure. A low-level overall exposure either before or after the
printing exposure is technically referred to as a “super-additive
exposure.” “Safe time” for safelight exposure is defined as any
exposure time less than or equal to one-half the time required
for a safelight to produce a detectable change in a particular
sensitized product. Virtually all exposures are cumulative and
can cause contrast and density changes. The tests "Test for
Black-and-White Papers" and "Tests for Other Photographic
Materials" will help you determine a safe time for your
Panchromatic papers are more sensitive to the safelight
illumination normally used with black-and-white papers. To help
protect these papers against image-quality change and safelight
fog, use them with special filters or small-wattage bulbs (see
the Safelight Recommendations table). Safelight specifications
are printed on the package. Recommendations for safelight
filters for specific Kodak photographic materials are based on
test procedures similar to those described in ANSI Standard
Color Materials. Handle color camera films, duplicating films,
internegative films, slide and print films (for making
transparencies from color negatives in total darkness.
Also handle papers and materials for Process RA-4 in total
However, if absolutely necessary, you can use a safelight
equipped with a KODAK 13 Safelight Filter (amber) and a 7 1/2-
watt bulb. Keep the safelight at least 4 feet (1.2 metres) from
the paper. Run test to determine that safelight use gives
acceptable results for your application. Using a safelight will
affect your results.
Safelight Recommendations
Frosted Bulb
Filter Color
For Use with These
(No closer
than 4 ft
[1.2 m])
Contact and enlarging
15-watt 25-watt
1 Red
Some blue-sensitive
materials, most
15-watt 25-watt
Slow orthochromatic
materials. High-
resolution plates.
15-watt 25-watt
Fast orthochromatic
materials. Some green-
sensitive x-ray films.
15-watt 25-watt
Some panchromatic
7B Green Infrared laser films. 7 1/2-watt
Color negative papers
and materials,
panchromatic black-
and-white papers.
15-watt 25-watt
13 Amber
Color negative papers,
panchromatic black-
and-white papers.
7 1/2-watt 15-watt
GBX-2 Red
Most blue- and most
medical x-ray films.
15-watt 25-watt
*The OC filter has been formulated so it can be used with photographic
materials in place of an OA filter.
In black-and-white printing rooms and other areas where general
safelighting is acceptable, position ceiling safelights so that the
illumination is evenly distributed over the entire area. You can then
place individual lamps where you need them most—at the
processing sink, for instance. Do not place direct illumination closer
than 4 feet (1.2 metres) from the work surfaces. Also avoid
situations where pools of relatively bright light appear against a
dark, unilluminated background. These conditions are difficult to
work in and can be fatiguing to workers’ eyes.
Consider safelight illumination before you paint a
darkroom. Paint ceilings flat white for use with indirect
safelights. The walls should be a light color—preferably a color
similar to that transmitted by the safelight filters. A neutral
color, such as light tan or buff, is suitable in most cases. Paint
the wall area immediately behind each enlarger a flat black to
avoid reflection of white light from the enlarger onto the paper.
Flat black paint is also recommended around light locks to
prevent unwanted light from entering darkrooms. An all-black
darkroom is best for preventing fog or super-additive exposure
in some applications, such as copying and duplicating.
KODAK Utility Safelight Lamps provide good indirect
illumination when they are hung with the filter side facing the
ceiling. In large rooms with white ceilings, place no more than
one lamp for every 64 square feet (6 square meters) of ceiling
area. For the work areas where you need more concentrated
light, hang KODAK Darkroom Lamps from the ceiling, or use
KODAK Adjustable Safelight Lamps with ceiling, wall, or shelf
mountings. You can use a number of these lamps (with the
correct filter and bulb) if they are at the proper distance from
the photographic material and are spaced at least 8 feet (2.5
metres) apart.
Don’t put a direct safelight where it will shine on an
enlarging easel and make dodging and cropping difficult.
Improperly placed safelights can also interfere with exposure
calculators, and will decrease the safe time during which you
can safely handle the paper in this location.
If your operation is large and you have a number of
darkrooms for the same application, be sure that the safelight
illumination is uniform from room to room. Similar wall paint
and spacing of the safelights will provide uniformity. Operators
can then work in any of the rooms under the same lighting
conditions, and their judgement of quality under similar safelight
conditions should remain consistent.
Many factors can cause unsafe illumination: an incorrect
safelight filter, a faded or cracked filter, incorrect bulb wattage
(too high), safelight location, or too many safelights. You can
also experience light fogging from other sources; such as light
escaping from an enlarger head, lighted dials on equipment
controls, or non-opaque darkroom construction materials. For
example, pinholes between the darkroom space and lighted
areas can admit visible light, or plywood that appears opaque
may admit infrared illumination. Even when you use the correct
safelight filter and bulb, and observe the recommended safelight
distance for the product, you should still test your darkroom
conditions to be certain they are safe for the length of time that
the photographic material will be under the safelight. Use the
safelight tests described in “Test for Black-and-White Papers,”
and the “Tests for Other Photographic Materials,” to determine
a safe time for your darkroom conditions, and limit your
safelight exposure to that time.
Excessive exposure to safelight illumination may show up
only in the image area of your print, because that area receives
additional exposure from the enlarger. This means that you may
not recognize a change in image quality caused by excessive
safelight exposure unless you perform a safelight test.
Safelight tests that involve partially covering a piece of
photographic material with an opaque object (such as a coin)
and then exposing the material to safelight illumination can be
misleading. They test only for fog—not for the added effects of
safelight and enlarger exposures.
Always keep safelight exposure to a minimum. Store paper in
lighttight containers, and make a habit of handling paper with the
emulsion side down (away from the safelights). Place your enlarger
so that the easel area receives very little safelight illumination.
When you develop prints, insert the paper into the developer with
the emulsion side down; turn the paper emulsion side up when
experience tells you that the image has become visible. Let the
results of your safelight test and your own practical experience
guide you in determining how much time you have in handling
photographic materials.
Test for Black-and-White Papers
Before starting the test—
Install a new bulb in each safelight housing, and verify that
you’ve selected the correct wattage for the paper you are
Inspect your darkroom for light leaks. Turn off the white lights.
If the room light is provided by fluorescent tubes, wait at least
5 minutes for the residual glow to dissipate. Then check to be
sure that no white light is entering the darkroom through
doorways, passthroughs, etc. (Remember, it takes at least 10
minutes for your eyes to become fully adjusted to the dark.)
Correct any light leaks. Make sure that no white light is
escaping from the enlarger or safelight housings.
After you have prepared the darkroom, test your safelight
conditions by following the steps below:
1. Set up the enlarger. Insert the negative carrier with no negative
in it into the enlarger. Set up the easel with a mask to expose
an area as shown in Figure 1.
2. Turn the white lights off and turn the safelights on. Determine
which paper-handling area receives the brightest illumination.
This will usually be the area where you process prints.
3. Turn the safelights off, and run a test to determine what
exposure is required to produce a light gray tone on
the photographic paper with standard processing. You will
probably have to set the lens to its smallest aperture and use a
very short exposure time. Place a sheet of the photographic
paper under the mask on the easel, and expose it. Process it in
total darkness. Compare the unexposed area to the exposed
area. The gray tone should have a reflection density of 0.25 to
0.50 (0.15 to 0.40 above the paper density) as measured with
a reflection densitometer. Or you can make a visual
comparison of the exposed area with the gray-scale steps in
KODAK Publication No. Q-16,
KODAK 24-Step Reflection
Density Guide
4. Make the first enlarger exposure.
the lights should be off.
For orientation, cut a corner from a fresh sheet of the
photographic paper, and position the paper under the mask
(see Figure 1). Expose the paper, using the time and aperture
you determined in step 3. Label this area “After” to indicate
safelight exposure that occurs
the enlarger exposure.
5. Make the safelight exposures. With all the lights still off, place
a large piece of cardboard on top of the developer tray or in the
area where safelight illumination is brightest. Place the
photographic paper on the cardboard. Using an opaque card,
cover about one fourth of the paper. Turn on the safelight, and
expose the uncovered part of the paper for 1 minute. Move the
card to cover half of the paper, and expose the other half for an
additional 2 minutes. Cover all but one fourth and expose it for
4 more minutes. The four parts of the paper will have received
0, 1, 3, and 7 minutes of safelight exposure. (See Figure 2.)
6. Make the second enlarger exposure. With the paper
oriented as in step 4 (Figure 1), position the marks to
expose the opposite side of the paper. Give this area an
exposure identical to the one given in step 4. Label this
area “Before” to indicate safelight exposure that occurs
before the enlarger exposure. (See Figure 3.)
7. Process the paper in total darkness.
8. Evaluate the test. The illustrations labeled “Test A,” “Test
B,” and “Test C” in Evaluation of Safelight Test for Black-
and-White Papers show three possible results.
Test A in Evaluation of Safelight Test for Black-and-White
Papers shows no added density on either side of the paper as a
result of safelight exposure. This condition represents a safe
time of at least 7 minutes.
Test B in Evaluation of Safelight Test for Black-and-White
Papers shows a potentially unsafe condition. The part of the paper
that received a 7-minute exposure to the safelight alone is fogged.
(Compare the density shown in the bottom fourth of the paper to
the center and the borders of the rest of the paper.) The paper also
shows signs of image change starting at 1 minute in the “Before”
area, and at 3 minutes in the “After” area. This means that you must
handle the paper very carefully before and after the enlarger
exposure. If your safelight filter is old, results like these could
indicate filter fading; replacing the filter should give you a longer
safe time. If the filter is new, you can extend the safe time by using a
lower-wattage bulb; moving the safelight lamp to a greater distance;
using only dim, indirect safelighting for handling; or developing the
paper for half the total time with the safelight off. Of course, you
could avoid the risk of fogging if you develop the paper without any
safelight illumination, or adhere strictly to the safe time indicated by
the test.
Safelight Test Procedure for Black-and-White Papers
to safelight
After After
No exposure
to safelight
3-min. total
7-min. total
to safelight
to safelight
Figure 1
First Enlarger Exposure
Figure 2
Safelight Exposure
Figure 3
Second Enlarger Exposure
A more typical result is shown in Test C in Evaluation of
Safelight Test for Black-and-White Papers. The paper is safe for
up to 7 minutes of safelight exposure before the enlarger
exposure, and up to 3 minutes of safelight exposure after the
enlarger exposure. The test indicates that conditions are safe if
you limit the total safelight exposure time to 3 minutes.
Some products are more sensitive to one sequence of
exposures than to another. You can compare products by using
this test or variations of it.
Tests for Other Photographic Materials
Blue-sensitive and orthochromatic sheet films are sometimes
loaded into holders and processed in trays under safelights. You
can devise a test for determining a safe time for these materials
that is similar to the “Test for Black-and-White Papers.”
However, instead of exposing the film with an enlarger to
provide the gray-tone exposure, expose the film in a camera.
Make a test object by mounting a KODAK Gray Card
(KODAK Publication No. R-27) vertically on a jet-black, non-
reflective background. Take a meter reading of the test object
(including the black borders around the gray card). Then set the
camera aperture and shutter speed to give about 1 stop less
exposure than the meter indicates. You are now ready to expose
two separate sheets of film.
Load two sheets of film into a film holder in total darkness. Make a
camera exposure of the test object with the first sheet of film. Label
this film “After” because safelight exposure will occur after camera
exposure. Next, expose sections of the sheet of film to the safelight
where you process the film. This is similar to the test for paper,
except that you should try a total of 0, 4, 7, and 13 minutes,
respectively. One quarter of the sheet receives no exposure. The
next quarter receives 4 minutes. A third quarter receives 7 minutes
(4 minutes + 3 minutes). The last quarter receives 13 minutes (4
minutes + 3 minutes + 6 minutes).
Then take the second sheet of film and expose sections of it to
the safelight where you load film into holders. Use the same
safelight exposure times that you used for the first sheet. Then
make a camera exposure of the test object, using the same aperture
and shutter speed as for the first sheet of film. Label it “Before.”
Process both sheets of film in total darkness. After normal
processing, a continuous-tone film should have a transmission
density of approximately 0.4 in the gray-card area. The black border
surrounding the gray card should not differ appreciably in density
form the gross fog level of the film*. If the density of the gray-card
area exceeds 0.4, or the density of the black border is much greater
than the gross fog level, safelight fog may have occurred. You can
evaluate your results by comparing them to the conditions
described in step 8 under “Test for Black-and-White Papers.”
You can also adapt this test for use with papers in rolls. Roll
papers that are printed in automatic or semiautomatic printers are
susceptible to safelight exposure when you load and unload the
printer, and when you load the paper into a processor. Adapt the
safelight test to these operations by carefully studying your paper-
handling procedures.
Evaluation of Safelight Test for Black-and-White Papers
Unsafe Condition
Safe Condition
Test A
Test B
Typical Condition
Test C
Kodak makes several types of safelight lamps to suit various
applications, as described below. General darkroom illumination
comes from ceiling safelights, such as the KODAK Utility
Safelight Lamp, Model D. Local darkroom illumination is
provided by safelight lamps that you can mount on a wall or
underneath a shelf, or screw into a standard light-bulb socket. A
single safelight lamp should be all that you need to illuminate a
particular work spot, such as the processing sink.
If you handle materials that have different safelight
requirements in your darkroom (e.g., conventional black-and-
white papers and panchromatic black-and-white papers), all
you need to do is change the safelight filters to suit the
materials. Changing filters in local safelights is fairly easy
because they are normally positioned at a convenient height.
Changing filters in ceiling safelights may be a nuisance or cause
delays in production. You might find it more convenient to have
two sets of safelights wired to separate switches so that you
can quickly change from one type of illumination to another.
Note: Avoid placing white-light switches where they might be
mistaken for safelight switches.
KODAK Darkroom Lamp (CAT No. 152 1178). This
safelight lamp screws into a standard light-bulb socket
to provide direct illumination over sinks and benches. It
accepts a 5 1/2-inch circular filter. As a rule, a 15-watt
bulb is used in this lamp, but you should use only a 7
1/2-watt bulb with some materials. The exceptions are listed in the
“Safelight Recommendations” table.
KODAK Utility Safelight Lamp, Model D
(CAT No. 141 2261). This lamp hangs from
chains attached to the ceiling and can give either
direct or indirect illumination. It uses a 10 x 12-
inch filter and a 7 1/2-, 15-, or 25-watt bulb. A
bracket (CAT No. 152 1194) is also available for
mounting the lamp on a wall or bench.
KODAK Adjustable Safelight Lamp, Model B
(CAT No. 141 2212). Similar in design and purpose
to the KODAK Darkroom Lamp, this safelight can be
mounted on a wall or beneath a shelf with the
bracket and screws provided with it. The lamp holds
a 5 1/2-inch circular filter and either a 7 1/2- or a 15-watt bulb, and
has a double-swivel shank.
A last reminder: No safelight is completely safe for an indefinite
time. Do not leave exposed or unexposed paper under safelight
illumination any longer than necessary. Use paper safes or lighttight
drawers in the enlarger benches to store sensitized materials.
Kodak has many publications to assist you with information on
Kodak products, equipment, and materials. Visit Or in the U.S. and Canada, call
1-800-621-FILM (3456).
The following publications are available from The Tiffen
Company at
KODAK 24-Step Reflection Density Guide
KODAK Gray Card
Kodak, Kodak Professional, Ektachrome, Ektacolor, and Kodak Professional are
trademarks of Eastman Kodak Company. Minor Revision 11/06
*The transmission density of a completely unexposed and normally
processed sample of the film.