International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 4
ISSN: 2222-6990
Teaching Recorder B-flat Note: An Overview in Primary
School Music Standard Curriculum
Asri Che Mat
Faculty of Music and Performing Arts, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
35900 Tanjung Malim, Perak Darul Ridzuan
DOI: 10.6007/IJARBSS/v7-i4/2906 URL:
Nowadays, there is a need to explore the knowledge and skills among primary school Music
Education Teachers to teach playing recorder in B-flat note. According to the National
Education Philosophy and the Primary School Standard Curriculum, education is embodied to
produce students that can play music instrument. Three experienced teachers who teach
Music Education for Stage 2 will be selected as the subject of this study. The aim of this study is
to identify the activities and skills among experienced music teachers of selected primary
schools on how they teach playing B-flat note recorder in Tambun, Ipoh. Researcher also wants
to explore the activities performed by the teachers in the classroom to improve playing
recorder among students. The findings are based on observations, interviews and document
analysis. This study can help in improving the quality of teaching and provide a guide for the
teachers in designing activities and teaching strategies on how to play recorder especially B-flat
Keywords: Teaching, Primary School, Music, Recorder, B-Flat Note.
1.1 Introduction
Primary School Music Education Syllabus provide students the opportunity to learn how to play
recorder beginning at standard four (Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia: 2010).In primary
school standard curricular, recorder is used to give real experience for the students to play
music instrument practically as part of their music activities during music lesson. At the same
time it also can help them to understand music theory, notation and musical language (Prem,
2013). According Nor Sohaila (2015), proper posture will help students to play recorder
comfortably. Students have to sit or stand upright and hold recorder 45 degrees from the their
body. Left hand finger is placed at the holes in the base and right hand fingers at the holes in
the end of the recorder. Balanced recorder is when a recorder is placed at the lower lip and the
thumb of the right hand. The lowers note that can be played through recorder is down C note
and it is able to play more than two octaves pic (American Recorder Society, 2017). A part of
recorder fingering is shown in the figure below.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 4
ISSN: 2222-6990
1.2 Problem Statement
Base on early survey, it was found that the teachers have a problem to teach students how to
play recorder fingering B-flat note correctly. This is because teachers are lack of materials and
experience to solve the problem. According to the report of Practicum Music Education 2016,
students have a problem to play B-flat note using recorder. This is because the fingering for this
note is more difficult and differs compare to another notes. This causes teachers facing
difficulties to teach students how to play the songs which have B-flat note (Mubin, 2016)
Recorder B-flat note fingering shown in the figure below.
Most of the children's songs seldom used D minor or F Major scale, which contains B-flat
note. Most of the songs usually are using C Major or A minor scale which is using B note
(Newman, 2006). Teachers also have a problem to teach left-handed students to play recorder.
Students need special teaching sessions and teachers also need special methods to teach them
how to play recorder compared to other friends who are right-handed (Griggs: 2015).
Meanwhile, Sloboda (2009) states that limited time makes it difficult for teachers to achieve
teaching objectives.
In study done by Kamariah (2015) found that students showed great interest and always
focused on learning how play recorder. However, students failed to play recorder in the right
way. For example, if they play new songs, they will play it in the same way. At the end of the
lesson, the students failed to play recorder in the right way. As a result, this situation shows
that they are not mastering the recorder fingering skil yet. To overcome this problem, Blood
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 4
ISSN: 2222-6990
(2014) suggested that teachers guide the students to play recorder using B note and B-flat note
alternately from a slow to a faster tempo.
Literature Reviews
2.1 Importance of Music Education
Music education is a compulsory subject in Primary School Standard Curriculum (KSSR).
Activities include singing, singing and percussion, singing and movement, notation and playing
recorder (Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, 2010). Music is the language of the nation.
Through music people can unite, creating happy, sad or excitement. Music can make a person
become more creative and happy (Negrin, 2012). Laura (2013) stated that music education is
not only aimed to make students as an expert in music such as singing, playing a musical
instrument and composing but also improve language skills, improve intelligence, makes your
mind work harder and give the students an opportunity to socialize.
2.2 Recorder
Recorder is first known in the 16th century and getting more popular in 17th and 18th century.
It is called as Inggeris Flute. Famous composers such as Bach, Telemann and Handel produced
great composition using recorder. However, this instrument has been slowly forgotten in 19th
and 20th century (Phypers, 2016). Soprano recorder commonly played in school. It is small and
suitable for children. There are two types of fingering system known as German system and
English or Baroque system. Most schools start teaching recorder when pupils are ten years old
(Dubble, 2013). Mardaud (2014) stated that the recorder is not easily damaged, do not require
intensive care, cheap and easy to carry. Recorder can play various notes and a chromatic scale.
This instrument does not require high skills to play compared with other blowing instruments
such as the clarinet, trumpet, trombone and tuba. Recorder is not only favored by children, but
also by secondary school students, high school students and adults (Sri Hartuti, 2015).
2.3 Method of Teaching Recorder
To help teachers guide their students to play better in recorder B-flat note fingering, Kamariah
(2015) used two methods of teaching. The two methods are drilling and mastery learning. She
also provides some exercise that are suitable for her students.
To help left-handed students play recorder with the right hand as the other students do,
Griggs (2015) proposed five methods or techniques of training activities that can be use. The
five methods or techniques are:
a) Practicing patience to become a proficient,
b) Training fingering and playing recorder every day.
c) Play a in slow tempo.
d) Play a song that they are used to hear.
e) Using a structured set of exercises recommended by the expert.
Meanwhile, Pitts (2016) suggested the teachers to use same type, quality and brand of
the recorder for every pupil to avoid any disproportionate tuning. Allocate about 20 to 30
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 4
ISSN: 2222-6990
minutes per lesson. To start the session, students are allowed to write alphabet with a pencil on
the notation, but this method is not highly recommended. Teacher can guide students to play
easy songs like 'Mary Had A Little Lamp' and 'Little Fly' because it use only three notes.
Recorder not a decadent musical instrument. It is can be a good presentation if it is composed
properly (Shannon, 2004).
The study will be conducted qualitatively. Researcher will use interviews, observation, and
document analysis as the methods to obtain the data. Three level 2 music teachers from three
primary schools will be selected as the samples.
It is hoped that the study which is going to be conducted will help the Music Teacher in
designing methods of teaching playing recorder B-flat note in the future.
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Dubble, M. (2013). The first recorder book (2nd ed.). La Noue Davenport: Magnamusic Editions.
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Negrin, D. (2012). The importance of music in your life. Retrieved April 10, 2017, from
Newman L. E. (2006). The recorder fun book for young students. Califonia: Pacific Palisades.
Nor Sohaila Abdul Hamid. (2015). Teknik bermain rekoder. Retrieved April 6, 2017, from
Phypers, J. (2016). The amizing recorder. Retrieved August 4, 2017, from
Pitts, J. (2016). Top tips for starting a beginner recorder group. Retrieved April 9, 2017, from
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 4
ISSN: 2222-6990
Prem Ramz. (2013). Rekoder. Retrieved April 6, 2017, from
Shannon, G. (2004). New Music For Recorder. Retrieved April 9, 2017, from
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