E. C. Myer Elementar y School
230 Millbrook Ave.
Hurley, New York 12443
Phone: 845-943-3917
Fax: 845-331-1520
E.C. Myer Elementary School Vision Statement:
“Personal Effort in Everything”
E.C. Myer Elementary Mission Statement:
“To inspire, educate, and encourage all students to learn at their highest potential
to prepare for the future.
E.C. Myer Elementary School Pledge:
“I promise to be responsible, respectful, and to give my best in all that I do.
I can do anything I work for!
E.C. Myer Elementary Faculty and Staff
Allen, Wendy
Occupational Therapist
Hoyes, Sarah
Teaching Assistant
Ashcroft, Shannon
Speech Therapist
Hurley, Erika
Teaching Assistant
Barnhart, Andrea
District Testing
Jankowski, Ashley
Teacher Gr. 3
Barringer, Cathy
Teaching Assistant
Karabec, Lorine
Office Manager
Teacher - Kindergarten
Koch, Anna
Teacher Gr. 2
Bier, Allison
Teacher Gr. 4
Krauss, Amy
Teacher Gr. 1
Bily, Anna
Teaching Assistant
Lammers, Diane
Teacher Gr. 2/3/4
Allen, Wendy
Occupational Therapist
Landerway, Meghan
Teacher Gr. 3
Black, Beth
Teacher Gr. 2
Larios, Alexandra
Teaching Assistant
Boek, Allison
Speech Therapist
Lentzos-Scott, Georgia
Teacher - Art
Bongi, Angelica
Library Typist
Longendyke, Jeanette
School Nurse
Bradford, Rebecca
Teaching Assistant
Lucchese, Marcel
Teacher PE
Brochu, Joseph
Malloy, Jennifer
Teacher- Gr. K/1
Camara, Melanie
Library Media Specialist
Manning, Lee Ann
Teaching Assistant
Campbell, Amanda
Social Worker
Maxim, Gail
Food Service
Carpino, Jennifer
Teacher- RTI Math
Mendelsohn, Adrienne
Teaching Assistant
Carroll, Brandon
Teacher - Instrumental
Meyer, Jennifer
Teaching Assistant
Costello, Mario
Meyer, Doreen
Covino, Lauren
School Social Worker
Moniz, Erika
Teaching Assistant
Decker, Kimberly
Teaching Assistant
Moon, Kelly
Teaching Assistant
Désarmé, Anyssa
Teacher- Gr. 2/3
Murtagh, Lauren
Teacher Gr. 4
Dexter, Kelsey
Teacher Gr. 4
Nelson, Erin
Dockery, Amelia
Food Service
Parese, Crystal
Teacher Gr. 3/4
Dyshuk, Bart
Teacher RTI Reading
Passante, Frank
Teacher- PE
Farhat, May
Teaching Assistant
Fatum, Anita
Greeter Monitor
Propeack, Stephanie
Teaching Assistant
Feller, Debra
Teacher Gr. 1
Proper, Virginia
Teaching Assistant
Finch, Kathie
Teaching Assistant
Raskoskie, Tiffany
Fontana, Antonella
School Psychologist
Rhinehart, Angela
Teacher -
Gabriel, Elizabeth
Teacher Gr. 2/3
Spoth, Constance
Library Media Specialist
Guardino, Kelly
Teaching Assistant
Tucker, Brittney
Hefele, Jacob
Teacher Music/Strings
Weaver, John
Hetherington, Kathy
Wolf, Christine
Physical Therapist
Hobson, Melanie
Teaching Assistant
*Email addresses of each faculty/staff member follow the convention below:
(first initial)(last name)@kingstoncityschools.org
Student Day: 8:45 a.m. 3:00 p.m.
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. 3:30 p.m.
(Sept. June)
Important Contacts
Main Office: 943-3917
School Nurse: 943-3486
Social Worker: 943-3496
School Psychologist: 943-3489
A thorough understanding of the routines at school can help students, parents, and staff to avoid
unnecessary interruptions, delays, and frustrations. These policies and procedures will be enforced
so that the school day is free from disruption and students are not distracted from learning.
8:25am- Breakfast (Red Door)
8:45am- Arrival Begins
8:55am- Arrival Ends
9am- Morning Announcements
3pm- Dismissal Begins
Students who are driven to school or who walk to school should plan to arrive at 8:45am.
Students who arrive earlier than 8:45am will be required to wait in line with a guardian. Please
note that there is NO supervision prior to 8:45 a.m. (except students eating breakfast
from 8:25-8:45 a.m. in the cafeteria). The only exceptions to these times are for students
participating in special activities supervised by staff members such as KALP (enrichment programs),
P.E. Intramurals, or before care options (as applicable).
Bus students will be dismissed from the buses at 8:45 a.m. Only bus students
participating in the breakfast program will be allowed to exit the bus if it
arrives prior to 8:45 a.m. Please see the map on page 10 for more
Parents are welcome to escort their child to school. However, for safety reasons we ask that you say
good-bye to them at the door. If you need to enter the building for any reason, please ring the bell
near the main entrance door 1 located on the Millbrook Ave. side of the building (near flagpole and
under covered porch). Always bring government issued ID, as we may have staff covering the office
who do not yet know you. KCSD reserves the right to limit visitors during public health emergencies.
Please note that school doors remain locked. Listed below is an excerpt from Board of Education
Policy regarding visitors to school:
“All visitors must report immediately to the office or reception area upon entering a school
building. All visitors who stay are expected to sign a ledger and wear appropriately the
designation as a visitor.”
Promptness to school is very important. If a child arrives after 8:55 a.m., please ring
the bell and a staff member will accompany your child to the office and sign the
student in. Students will receive a pass and proceed to their classroom. Please note
that punctuality ensures your child participates in morning routines such
as morning work, announcements, morning meeting and organizing for the
day, which are essential to fostering a feeling of connectedness to our school community.
Each student is required by law to be in regular attendance at school and in class.
It is very important for children to be in school every day. Absence is one of the frequent causes of
low grades and failure in school subjects. Attendance records are kept and recorded from the time of
entrance in kindergarten until graduation from high school.
It is understandable that, on certain occasions, children cannot be in school. According to Board of
Education Policy, the following reasons are accepted as legal excuses for absence:
1. death in the family
2. religious observance
3. a required court appearance
4. personal illness
5. school-approved educational trip
6. impassible roads or weather
7. quarantine
8. prior approval by administration (Principal) for family vacation
9. emergency doctor or dental appointments
10.“Take your child to work day”
*Please note that on days your child is absent, they may not participate in school-sponsored activities that day.
On the day the child returns to school, he/she should bring a written excuse, signed by his/her parent
or guardian, to the teacher. The excuse should include the date(s) of the absence, the reason for the
absence, child’s name and grade. You may also email an excuse to our office manager, Mrs. Lorine
Karabec at: lkarabec@kingstoncityschools.org.
New York State law requires that a written note explaining the reason for an absence
must be sent to the school immediately following the absence. Telephone contact informing
us of the absence does not replace the need for a written excuse.
Students are not permitted to leave the school grounds at any time without a written request from
their parent/guardian. The written request must state the time and the reason for the early
dismissal. Students leaving early must be picked up in the school office or will be escorted to their
guardian. No student will be permitted to leave the school without adult supervision, and anyone
who picks up a child may be asked to show their ID to verify their identity. Please note that
individuals picking up a student must be listed as contacts on the student’s demographic form.
In accordance with the New York State Law and the Missing Children’s Act, parents have the right to
ask for notification if their child is not in attendance.
Please note: If a student on special permission shows a pattern of frequent absences, tardiness or
inappropriate behavior, the principal of the school the child is attending may revoke the student's
privilege to attend the school. A decision by the principal will be made on a quarterly basis and the
student will return to the school in the attendance area in which the student resides.
Student birthdays are recognized during the morning announcements and according to the practices
of individual classroom teachers. Since the school practices food celebrations one day per
month, please do not send food to school for your child’s birthday unless it is on the day that your
child’s classroom teacher designates for monthly food celebrations. Non-food alternatives are
encouraged. Please note: birthday party invitations may not be distributed in school unless
every child in the classroom receives an invitation. Classroom teachers will communicate with
parents the specific practices of their classroom as well.
E.C. Myer staff members educate students to be tolerant of others and their differences and engage
in bullying awareness dialogue throughout the school year. Teachers facilitate “Morning
Meetings/Circles” to discuss socialization and peer interaction skills. In addition, character education
themes are infused into daily instruction, shared during daily announcements, and staff members
engage the students in dialogue during recess to support socialization and positive peer interaction
skills. If your child comes home upset or concerned about negative experiences in school, please
contact your child’s teacher or the principal. Please understand that parents and staff members must
work as a team to ensure that all students feel comfortable and safe and that students learn from
their experiences and are responsible for their role or actions.
We encourage all students to identify at least one “Go To” person who they can speak to if they have
concerns or need assistance. This should be any adult they are comfortable speaking to in the school
Listed below is an excerpt from Board of Education Policy regarding Bullying/Harassment:
“The school setting provides an opportunity to teach children, and emphasize among staff, that
cooperation with, and respect for others, is a key district value. A program geared to prevention
is designed to not only decrease incidents of bullying, but to help students build more supportive
relationships with one another by integrating the bullying prevention program into classroom
Myer DASA (Dignity for All Students) Coordinator
Lauren Ireland, school social worker
(845) 943- 3496
The Kingston School District offers a breakfast and lunch program to all students. Menu items can be
found on the school lunch menu sent home monthly and embedded in our weekly newsletter.
Eligibility for free enrollment into after care programs may depend on completion of a free/reduced
lunch application and all families who believe they may be eligible are encouraged to complete this
application. It can be found online by visiting: https://www.kingstoncityschools.org/domain/58
Students may also bring their own lunch and/or purchase milk (75¢). Please note that if your child
has a negative balance on their account, they may not be permitted to purchase snack food, extra
servings of food, and may only choose from the “cold” lunch option such as a cheese sandwich or
peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Please check your child’s breakfast-lunch account status online at
myschoolbucks.com. If you are experiencing financial hardship and the cost of the school
breakfast and lunch program is prohibitive or a challenge, please contact the school.
Good table manners must be observed. Students are expected to clean up after themselves. For
health and safety reasons (spreading of germs/food allergies), students should not share food during
breakfast and lunch.
The recess-lunch period is 60 minutes long; 20 minutes for lunch, and 40 minutes for recess. On days
when there is a 2-hour delay or inclement weather, recess will be 20 minutes long. During lunch, the
students are encouraged to focus on eating their food, as the lunch period cannot be extended. If
you have any concerns about your child not eating their lunch or if they express concerns that they
do not have enough time to eat, please contact your child’s teacher and arrangements can be made
to rectify the situation. The cafeteria staff works diligently to provide your child with a clean, safe,
positive lunch environment.
Myer is an allergy aware school. There may be tables in the cafeteria that are designated as
prohibiting certain foods. All students are welcome to sit at these tables, however strict restrictions
on allowed foods at these tables are enforced for our children’s safety.
Recess is an important portion of the school day in which your child can release energy, engage in
creative, self-motivated play, and practice social-skills with their grade-level peers. Since it is difficult
to predict the weather, students should come to school each day prepared to go outside for recess.
During inclement weather or extreme cold, children will have recess indoors or spend a brief period
of time getting fresh air outdoors (for example, if it is very cold outside,
below 20 degrees, the children may only go outside for an abbreviated
recess time and finish recess indoors). For safety reasons, children who
wear loose fitting or exposed footwear (sandals, flip flops) may be
excluded from playing certain recess activities such as tag or kickball.
Student behavior in the cafeteria will be reinforced according to our PBIS
Matrix, which can be found on page 17 of this handbook.
E.C. Myer classroom teachers designate one day per month for classroom celebrations that may
involve food. Such celebrations may recognize students who celebrate birthdays that month and/or
recognize holidays. If parents contribute food or refreshments for such celebrations, please consider
healthy alternatives to the traditional “celebration” foods. Some classrooms may have specific
restrictions on food items due to student food allergies. Classroom teachers will communicate more
detailed information as well.
Child abuse and/or neglect is a serious problem and the laws of the State of New York require that
school personnel report any suspicion of abuse or neglect. Abuse or neglect can be physical, mental,
medical, or emotional. Any citizen can report a suspicion of neglect or abuse by calling this toll-free
number: 1-800-342-3720. Please note that school personnel are mandated reporters and, by law,
will report any suspicion of possible abuse/neglect. Listed below is an excerpt from Board of
Education Policy regarding Child Abuse/Neglect reporting:
“School officials, who have reasonable cause to know or suspect that a child has been subjected to abuse or maltreatment,
must immediately report this to the New York State Central Register for Child Abuse and Maltreatment (Central Register),
as required by law. No conditions may be imposed which limit their responsibility to report.”
Grade 4 students are encouraged to participate in Chorus, Band, and/or Orchestra. During the spring
semester of third grade, students are introduced to the various instrument choices available during
an assembly and can submit a form indicating their instrument preferences for either Band or Strings.
Instruments are assigned based on availability and level of interest. Students can participate in both
Chorus and either Band or Orchestra. In grade 4, student participants attend Chorus, Band, and/or
Orchestra based on the six-day letter cycle. Lessons and chorus practice are scheduled during the
school day, and sometimes Band and/or Orchestra practices may be scheduled before or after school.
Please understand that due to the small size of our student population, Band and Orchestra students
may perform in concerts and/or practices with students from other schools. Such practices and
concerts may also take place at a different elementary school. The Band and Orchestra teachers
provide parents with dates and specific details throughout the year. A winter concert is scheduled for
December or January for the Chorus students, and a spring concert is scheduled for all three groups,
usually in May or June. Students who participate in one or more of the music groups above attend
lessons during the instructional school day and are responsible for making up any work missed.
Concert Etiquette: As respectful audience members, please turn off your cell phones and any
hand-held video games. In addition, refrain from disturbing other audience members by talking
during the performance or blocking others view by standing in the aisle. Audience members are given
an opportunity to take pictures during a designated time. The music teacher will explain the dismissal
procedures for after the concert.
The Kingston City School District follows a developed Literacy/Reading/Writing and Math curriculum,
based on the NYS learning standards, that is unique and specific for our students. All instruction is
specific to the needs of each child, and the teachers use formative assessments and daily
observation as tools to monitor student growth or areas in need of intervention.
For Literacy/Reading/Writing instruction, elementary teachers practice daily Guided Reading in which
students work in small groups and work with the teacher using text that is at their instructional
level. Learning Centers/Stations are parallel learning experiences to Guided Reading instruction and
embeds cohesive writing instruction. Our math curricula includes explicit instruction on identified
foundational skills to assist with critical thinking and multi-step mathematical instruction that includes
real-world connections for our students. The science standards include a student inquiry-based
approach to instruction that allows students to learn through exploration and assists in the
development of critical thinking skills. Social Studies follows the NYS framework and focuses on
content that includes the study of self and others; local, country, and worldwide communities; and
local history and government.
Custody arrangements will be honored by the school with the receipt of current Family Court custody
papers. In addition, it is very important that the school is notified and court paperwork is submitted if
there are any restraining orders that impact your child. It is recommended that you contact the Main
Office every school year to check the status of your child’s custody paperwork.
Afternoon bus dismissal begins at 3:00 p.m. We ask that parents not request their child be
dismissed earlier than regular dismissal unless it is crucial. In these cases, students should
be picked up no later than 2:30pm. Students leaving school before dismissal must be
signed out. You are not permitted to withdraw students directly from the classrooms or
from outdoor spaces. If parents or guardians are picking child(ren) up at dismissal, they should
line up along the sidewalk and check in with a staff member and show ID if requested. To ensure a
smooth dismissal, there are separate car/walker and bus dismissal zones. See map below:
It is important that all guardians follow the dismissal procedures to ensure an orderly, safe dismissal
for our students. Listed below is an excerpt from Board of Education Policy regarding student
dismissal procedures:
“No student may be released from school to anyone other than the parent, guardian or child protective services
personnel and law enforcement officers pursuant to law, unless the individual's name seeking release of the
student appears on a list provided by the parent or guardian. A student may be released to either parent unless
a custodial parent supplies the Superintendent of Schools with a certified copy of a court order or divorce
decree to the contrary.”
No changes in transportation (place, method of transport, change in bus, etc.) will be
made without a note or email from the child’s parent/guardian. If a change in bus
transportation is being requested due to a change in babysitting, the school district requires an
Alternative Bus Stop Request Form be completed. This can be found by visiting:
There may be occasions during the year when it is necessary to close the school
early due to poor weather conditions, unsafe conditions in the building or other
unforeseen hazards. School closings will be announced by text alerts and will be
posted on the district website: www.kingstoncityschools.org.
Sign up for text/email alerts at:
It is very important that parents make arrangements for supervision of child(ren) in such events.
Discuss these arrangements with your child(ren) so they know what is expected of them once they
leave the school building. All children should know their dismissal plan if school closes early. Parents
can also sign-up for automatic text and/or e-mail notifications from the school district at the link
above. Please contact the Main Office if you are not receiving these alerts.
It is extremely important that the school be able to contact a parent/guardian, babysitter, or neighbor
in the event of an emergency. It is essential that parents notify the school whenever there is a
change of home address/telephone number, work address/telephone number and/or custody status
of your child. An emergency can occur at any time and we need to have current information. In
addition, it is imperative that any individual who arrives to pick up your child arrive with identification
and is listed in your child’s emergency contacts list. Please contact our office manager, Mrs. Lorine
Karabec, to ensure all individuals you wish are listed as emergency contacts of your child.
Please be advised that if the school is evacuated for an emergency, students and staff will relocate to
the Hurley Reformed Church, on Main Street (near Stewart’s).
Field trips are an important part of our educational process. For a child to participate in a field trip
during the school day, a signed permission slip is necessary. A student who is assigned In-School
Suspension or Out-of-School Suspension on the day that their class is attending a field trip will not be
permitted to participate and should still attend school. All chaperones must be Board approved by
having completed a Tier 2 Volunteer Application Form. Please note that non-school age siblings or
siblings from other schools are not permitted to attend school field trips.
*All chaperones must be Board of Education approved school volunteers.
Link to Volunteer Application:
Please note the following if you are interested in chaperoning a field trip:
Sometimes a teacher may ask a parent to serve as a chaperone for their particular child if they
have a significant medical or health issue or have behavior difficulties.
All chaperones must complete volunteer applications and are subject to Board of Education
Sometimes there are more parents interested in chaperoning than is needed for a particular
field trip. In such circumstances, the classroom teacher will try to accommodate those
chaperones who responded in a timely fashion and/or alternate chaperone assignments so
that as many parents as possible have an opportunity to serve as a chaperone during the
school year.
Chaperones are discouraged from signing their child out of school from the field trip site unless
they have prior approval from the teacher sponsoring the trip.
Chaperones should ride the school bus to the field trip site unless given special permission by
the teacher sponsoring the trip.
The teacher(s) will assign small groups or individual students to each chaperone to ensure
proper supervision.
Many field trips have limited space availability or limited need for chaperones to attend due to
ticket requirements or the location being an alternative educational setting.
We appreciate your willingness to help!
If students become ill or have an accident during the day, they should report to the Nurse’s Office.
All school injuries must be reported to the school nurse. Except in emergency situations, students
must receive permission from a staff member before going to the nurse.
A child who is ill cannot be expected to work at his or her level of ability. Students who are ill should
not come to school. If a child has a fever, he/she should not return to school until his or her
temperature has been normal for twenty-four hours without the use of fever reducing agents.
Remaining at home when ill enables the child to recover more quickly and lessens the spread of
illness throughout the school community. However, a sick child does not always run a fever. If a
child has vomited during the night or early morning hours, he/she should remain home. Obvious
signs such as coughing a great deal, runny nose, or sore throat are reasonable symptoms of illness
requiring rest.
If a student becomes ill during the school day, parents/guardians will be contacted. In this case,
please make arrangements to have your child picked up from school as soon as possible. Before the
child is released from school, they must be signed out in the main office.
According to New York State law, students are not permitted to take any medication during school
hours unless the following requirements are met:
A written request from the physician indicating the name of the medication, the dosage to be
given and the time it is to be administered
A written note from the parent/guardian giving school personnel permission to administer the
medication as prescribed (including over the counter medications)
Medication must be delivered to the school by the parent/guardian and it must be in the original
and unopened container in which it was purchased. If prescription medication, it must be in the
prescription bottle if over the counter medication, it must be in its original container.
All medication prescription orders must be updated by your child’s doctor every school year.
Allergy Awareness:
E.C. Myer Elementary School is an
Aergy Aware School
. We are committed to providing safe
environment at Myer School for all students and staff.
People can be allergic to many different things, and we ask for
awareness and respect.
Some of our
school community members may be allergic to foods, medications, skin care products, insect bites or
animals. To keep our school community safe, we ask that you follow a few simple guidelines:
discourage food sharing, encourage hand washing after eating or handling food, and respect the
designated Allergy Safe Zones.
Please contact the nurse with nurse to develop a plan of care if your child has allergy concerns.
Homework is considered a logical extension of the school day. Since homework will provide the
practice to reinforce learning, it becomes an important aspect of school. Students are expected to
have their homework assignments completed daily. If homework expectations are a challenge for
your child, please contact the classroom teacher.
Parents requesting homework for absent children should contact the school prior to 9:30 a.m. on the
date of their child’s absence. Work can be picked up in the office after 3:15 p.m. or can be sent
home with another student.
Information is regularly posted on our E.C. Myer Elementary School Website. The website is a good
source for school event info, calendars, P.T.A. newsletters, Weekly Newsletters, a link to our Myer
Facebook Page, parent/student information, etc.
School Website: www.kingstoncityschools.org/myer
Every student starts the new school year with a clean slate. If an overdue book is not returned after
30 days, a letter will go home with a request to replace that title with a hardcover copy. If the title in
question is out of print, the family will be asked to purchase a book from the library’s wish list.
There is a Buzzer System for the Main Entrance (near flagpole/circular driveway/under covered
porch) for the security of our students and staff. All doors remain locked. To enter the building
during the day, you will need to press the button (buzzer) on the small viewing camera located on the
right-hand side of the front door entrance on the Millbrook Ave. side. Please remember if you are
bringing your child to school after 8:55 a.m., you will need to ring the buzzer at this
To avoid interrupting classes, messages to students should be limited to emergencies. If it becomes
necessary to leave a message for your child, the office staff will relay such messages.
We ask that students limit their use of the telephone to emergencies only. Scheduled after school
activities and social visits should be discussed in advance to eliminate unnecessary calls.
The E. C. Myer Main Office sends out a weekly “Myer Family Memo” that lists important dates such as
PTA events, state testing dates, theme days and other reminders. Every weekly memo will be sent
out to families via text/email blast and will be accessible on the Myer Facebook Page.
Announcements begin at 9:00 a.m. Please encourage your child to listen to these
announcements, as there is important information to help them throughout the day.
Throughout the school year, students may be asked to participate in the AM
The school conducts an Open House/Back to School Night early in the school year. This evening is
intended to be an opportunity for parents/guardians to meet teachers as well as learn about the
grade-level curriculum. This evening may be held in person or virtually. No individual conferences
regarding students are conducted during Open House.
We have a speech/language therapist who works with students individually or in small groups to
correct language difficulties.
A literacy and math interventionist may be assigned to work with small groups of children to provide
extra instruction in reading skills, math skills, and strategies. Services include Leveled Literacy
Intervention, Orton Gillingham (Multi-Sensory Approach) for targeted small group reading, and small
group math instruction. Quarterly reports are shared with families to share students’ progress toward
A school psychologist works with students in three main areas:
1. Consulting with parents and teachers about academic, behavior, and emotional issues
2. Evaluating students with possible learning differences that may require additional
3. Counseling students already in a special education program because counseling is part
of the student’s individualized education plan
This is a social-skills and/or self-esteem building experience with a trained teaching assistant for
children in grades K-4. Students work in small groups or individually.
Services are coordinated with the classroom teacher and other support staff based on need and level
of intensity of support and provided to give extra help to these students. ELA (English Language Arts)
and Math AIS teaching assistants work with classroom teachers and RTI specialists to support
reading, writing, and math instruction.
KALP programs are offered to identified students as enrichment opportunities. Students are
identified to participate in KALP through assessments such as CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test) given
to all students (once) in grades 1, 2, and 4. Please note that your child will only take any of the
above assessments one time, not every school year. Additional assessment tools include district
grade level assessments and State assessments in ELA, Math and Science.
The Kingston School District offers a variety of programs throughout the year allowing talented
students to participate in different programs geared toward specific areas of giftedness. E.C. Myer
Elementary works in partnership with other Kingston elementary schools to facilitate KALP programs.
Therefore, some programs may be based at another elementary school. Out of financial necessity or
other constraints, program attendance must be limited to the maximum number determined by the
building KALP Representative, the districts KALP Facilitator, or other sponsoring agency such as Ulster
County BOCES. The program attendance will only include students selected for the particular
program by the building KALP Representative using the Kingston School District KALP Identification
Matrix and teacher recommendation. For more information about the Identification Matrix, please
contact the building KALP Representative (A. Rhinehart, 2017-2018).
MTSS Team (Multi-Tiered System of Supports Team)
A Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is a framework to ensure successful education outcomes
for ALL students by using a data-based problem-solving process to provide and evaluate the
effectiveness of multiple tiers of integrated academic (RtI), behavior and social-emotional (PBIS)
instruction/intervention supports matched to student need in alignment with educational standards.
Its purpose is to use data to set and monitor progress toward goals in order to accelerate the
performance of all students to achieve and/or exceed proficiency. MTSS meetings are generally
scheduled several days per month, from 8:25-8:45 a.m. The classroom teacher will contact the
parent(s) if an MTSS meeting is planned. Parents are not required to attend the first meeting for their
child. The classroom teacher will maintain communication regarding the goals, strategies, and the
progress of the student. If there is a snow day or 2-hour delay on a scheduled MTSS meeting date,
the meeting will be held at another scheduled date
stands for
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support
. This program is used in all schools in
the Kingston City School District. Each school has unique character education practices based on the
specific needs or strengths of each school community. At E.C. Myer Elementary, our PBIS program
focuses on recognizing students for portraying character education traits listed in the PBIS Matrix (p.
17). Students may earn a Myer Eagle to be announced during morning announcements and proudly
displayed on the school tree bulletin board near the Main Office.
“I SOAR because I am: Safe, Organized, Accountable, and Respectful. Below you will find the PBIS
Behavioral Expectations Matrix. It is also posted on our school website and can be found in the
menu dropdown under “Our School”. We encourage you to review these tenets with your child to
support their understanding.
Children participate in physical education classes 3 times, every 6-day cycle (A-F days). Our goal is to
provide students with opportunities to learn fitness/health concepts while participating in enjoyable
activities that enhance physical fitness and personal health.
Intramurals: Intramurals for 3
and 4
grade students are offered on a voluntary basis throughout
the year. Permission slips will be sent home and must be signed and returned for your child to
participate. Since these activities are held before school, it is the responsibility of the
parent/guardian to provide transportation to or from school. If school is on a two-hour delay,
intramurals that morning are cancelled.
Dress: Regular tied/Velcro sneakers are required for safe participation. Comfortable athletic clothes
allow student to move easily and safely. Flip flops are not safe footwear for physical education class.
Medical Excuses: Please be advised that a doctors note is required for any child who is removed
from participating in P.E. for more than one session by their parent. Please contact the Health Office
(943-3486) if you have any health-related concerns that may inhibit your child’s participation in
physical education.
Primary grades (K-2) Curriculum: focuses on basic physical fitness, movement education
concepts, perceptual motor concepts & skills (locomotor/non-locomotor skills, manipulative, rhythm &
dance, cooperative activities).
Intermediate grades (3-4) Curriculum: focuses on physical fitness, cooperative activities,
lead-up sport activities/sports, rhythm & dance.
The E.C. Myer PTA sponsors and facilitates special events for the students and fundraising programs
to support school field trips, assemblies, and events such as the annual field day. PTA meetings are
usually scheduled the third Thursday of the month at 6:00 pm and will be conducted in the library
and/or virtually. Due to busy schedules, if you cannot attend the monthly meetings, you can still be
an active member, participant, and volunteer through e-mail communication and/or virtual meetings.
The monthly agendas will be shared via email by the PTA.
Report cards are distributed four times each year at approximately ten-week intervals. All report
cards for grades K-4 are sent home with the students or mailed. Report cards are distributed in
November, February, April and June. Parents should retain the report card and return the envelope
after signing it. Report cards are based on New York State Common Core Standards
and similar to NYS assessments, report card components are rated on a scale of 1, 2,
3 and 4. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s report card,
please contact your child’s teacher.
In addition to academics and social well-being, the most important part of school is ensuring that
staff and students have a safe, peaceful, nurturing school environment. To ensure that staff and
students understand safety protocol during emergency situations, mandated safety drills are
scheduled throughout the school year. In addition, classroom teachers review safety practices with
their students on a regular basis. Drills conducted are in accordance with NYS Regulations and Board
Policy. *Please note that for safety and security reasons, off-site evacuation drills are not announced
until all students and staff have safely returned to the building.
Most of the rules for bus conduct are common sense and good manners. Listed below are the more
important rules for safe bus rides. Please review them with your children.
Use your inside voice and kind words/actions
Stay in your seat facing forward, and stay out of the aisle
Keep hands and feet to yourself
No eating or drinking
Listen to bus driver and follow directions
Look & listen for your bus stop
Keep track of your belongings and backpack/lunch box closed
Accept responsibility for behavior
Report problems to an adult
Watch for traffic when entering/exiting
Parents/guardians of students who habitually violate these guidelines or pose a safety concern will be
notified, and their student may lose bus privileges according to district policy. In these cases,
parents/guardians will be responsible for getting their children to and from school.
Students who come to school on a bus are expected to return home by bus unless a written note
from a parent or guardian is received. Students who regularly ride a bus may, upon the written
request of a parent or guardian, ride an alternate bus.
The students will participate in PBIS bus lessons during the year.
The school district factors in “snow” days into the annual calendar. Many factors are considered
regarding delayed opening or closing school. If school is closed due to a “snow” day, all activities and
events planned for that day at Myer Elementary are also cancelled. If the opening of school is
delayed 2 hours, the doors to the school open to students at 10:45 a.m., and since the lunch periods
start soon after, breakfast is not served on such days. A 2-hr delay or closing text is sent the morning
of such events and is also posted to the district’s Facebook page. The most convenient way to check
the status of school when there is inclement weather is to check the district home page.
The district distributes an annual calendar in the fall which lists the “formula” for adding or taking
away days for that given school year. This is located on p. 2 of the KCSD Master Calendar.
It is the responsibility of all students to take proper care of all materials and equipment
in the school building or on school property. Student property and school property may
be searched by the building principal if there is reasonable individualized suspicion that
the search will result in evidence that the student violated the law of District Code of
Conduct (Policy 5330). Families of students who vandalize or lose school property of
any kind will be required to pay for loss or damage. The school may lend a Chromebook for student
use. This technology is only intended for academic use and should be treated with care and returned
in the same condition it was the day it was distributed.
Students’ rules of conduct are enforced so that the school day is free from disruption and students
are not disturbed in their academic pursuits. The Kingston School District Code of Conduct guides all
areas of discipline. This policy clearly outlines student misbehaviors and resultant consequences and
corresponds with our PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) Plan.
Each classroom teacher uses a behavior management system designed to create the best classroom
educational climate for all students. Students are encouraged to follow the school character
education promise: “I promise to be responsible, respectful, and to give my best in all that I do. I can
do anything I work for! Character education themes are infused into daily teaching. Teachers
conduct daily “Morning Meetings/Circles” to discuss the PBIS Matrix, socialization, and positive
peer-interaction skills.
Basic rules to follow to ensure a safe and effective environment include:
Respect others and their property.
Walk, don’t run while indoors.
Pass through the hallways quietly.
Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
Follow directions.
Always clean up after yourself.
Be kind
Members of the educational community are expected to be clean and well-groomed in their
appearance. They represent our District and community, but more importantly, each represents
himself or herself as an individual. Teachers, district personnel, and parents should exemplify and
reinforce acceptable student dress and help students develop an understanding of appropriate
appearance in the school-setting. The Dress Code set forth in Board of Education Policy #5340
is to be followed in school and on school grounds during regular school hours and at on and off-site
school functions. The principal or his/her designee may waive application of parts of the Dress
Standard for special events. Any form of dress which is contrary to good health or safety, or which is
distracting or disruptive to the learning process will not be permitted. Specifically, clothing that has
slogans, messages or advertisements displayed on them must be appropriate for elementary-age
children. Proper footwear is expected. Students are discouraged from wearing flip flops for health
and safety concerns.
Please label all personal items such as backpacks, lunch boxes, art smocks, etc. that are brought
from home. Sweatshirts, coats, hats etc. should also be labeled to ensure that the
item can be returned in a timely fashion. Toys/games and trading cards should
not be brought to school unless specifically requested by a teacher.
Electronic devices (cell phones, smart watches, handheld games, iPods,
ear buds, etc.) are prohibited in school since they are expensive and could
be broken, lost, or stolen and can distract students from learning.
The Lost and Found is located in the cafeteria. Please encourage your child to check the Lost and
Found on a regular basis for missing items. Parents are also encouraged to contact us if their child is
missing any items. Arrangements may be made for parents to come after hours to check Lost and
Student school records are confidential. Information contained in a student’s school record will be
disclosed only as permitted by law and school district policy.
From time-to-time parents/guardians will visit the school for various reasons. Visitors should park on
the Millbrook Ave. side of the building. If you wish to visit any of your child’s teachers, please be
sure to make arrangements in advance. Upon a visitor ringing the buzzer (flagpole side under
covered porch) the Office Manager will ask you to identify yourself and will contact the teacher or
staff member to see if they are available to meet or if the visit has been planned and approved in
During American Education Week in November, a classroom visitation day is usually scheduled for
parents to observe in their children’s classes. A schedule will be sent out in advance.
Other persons or groups wishing to visit the school must contact the building principal
and obtain approval prior to the visit.
All visitors must park on the Millbrook Ave. side, ring the buzzer, and must obtain a visitors pass if
permitted into the building. Visitors within the building must display their visitors pass at all times.
When the visit is concluded, the visitor must sign out. These policies are strictly enforced.
Each year, days are set aside for parent/teacher conferences. The purpose of a conference is to
establish and maintain a good working relationship between school and home. Parent/teacher
conferences are encouraged and can be arranged at the request of the parent or the teacher
whenever a question or concern arises. Conferences should always be prearranged by appointment.
Conference dates will be announced as they come up.
Any parent or legal guardian who would like to chaperone a field trip or assist with a school event
(when permissible) such as picture day, the book fair, Trunk or Treat, etc. must complete a district
volunteer application form. All volunteers must be approved annually by the Board of Education.
Chaperones at Myer are Tier 2 Volunteers. Applications can be found on the district website at:
https://www.kingstoncityschools.org/volunteer. Please call our office manager, Lorine Karabec, at
943-3917 or email her ( lkarabec@kingstoncityschools.org ) to inquire if you are unsure whether you
are a current BOE Approved Volunteer.
The annual school budget and board member selection voting takes place in May. The poll area may
be located in the music room or gymnasium. The building is open from 7:00 a.m. through 9:00 p.m.
on voting day. Designated parking spaces are located near the entrance on the Schoolhouse Lane
side of the building. These spaces are close to the polling area, convenient, and handicap accessible.
The flagpole area/circular driveway will be roped off throughout the school day to ensure student
safety and easy access for buses.
Our Myer Community is so very fortunate to have such supportive and collaborative families. We
prioritize building and maintaining positive trusting relationships between school and home. When all
members of a school community work together, our students are the beneficiaries of happy and
healthy connections to school that successful futures are made of.
Thank you for being our Myer Family!